Priceless (2016)

We're all on a journey.
A road.
Full of delays, dead ends.
With bright and beautiful views,
and storm clouds
and darkness, too.
It seems somewhere along the way
I took a wrong turn
that led me somewhere
I didn't wanna go.
And now,
I'm just trying to
find my way back.
So, I'll keep on driving.
Keep on searching.
This is my journey.
In case you get thirsty
in the bathroom, huh?
It's so don't nobody
steal the key.
Yeah, I mean...
I got that.
You know what,
let me take one of these.
And, uh...
Put the rest towards the tank.
What you hauling there, son?
Yeah? Guess I gotta get me
some of that nothing to start hauling, huh?
It wasn't always this way.
I was a good man once.
A father.
A husband.
But I lost the woman I loved,
and I have myself to blame.
And ever since,
it's been hard to keep going.
Keep a job.
So they came
and they took my little girl away.
And now I'm a man in despair.
Desperation makes
you do funny things.
I told him I wouldn't
transport drugs.
He said,
"Don't ask, don't tell."
It was a simple job.
Just drive that truck.
Rain and hail or shine.
Straight through.
Those are their orders.
But what was I carrying?
And who was I meeting?
The questions haunted me.
I started hearing things,
seeing things.
I knew something wasn't right.
And then it happened.
And I never even saw it coming.
Hey, this is Chad.
- Leave a message.
- -Crap.
Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, wait, wait.
Okay, okay.
Do you speak any English?
Are you...
Are you hurt? Are you okay?
It's disgusting back here.
How long's it been?
You can ride in front
with me, if you clean yourselves off, okay?
No, no, no.
Calm... No, no, no.
Calm down. Calm down.
It will help keep you warm.
You know?
It'll help keep you Fuego.
Suit yourself.
No problemo.
Hey, we gotta stop for gas
and, no offense,
but you still...
You both kind of stink.
You can clean off
better in the el bao.
Let's go.
All right, no...
No talking to anyone.
Don't want anybody
to get in trouble.
Let's keep this quick.
Hey, hey, hey.
That dress is, uh...
Drying it off is not
gonna make it any better.
Go ahead. Take it.
It's on me.
Looks like it'll fit
and it's clean.
All right. Now, sure.
You get one, too.
Hurry up and change
while I pay. Okay?
- It's time to go.
- Hey, I'm not done talking
to the pretty girls, okay?
We gotta go.
I said no talking.
Get in.
Hey, Ma.
Emerson. Hey, sweetie.
Where's Grandma?
Taking a nap.
I called you.
You did. I see that.
When are you gonna come see me?
Well, I've been thinking.
How about in two days?
Shh. I'm coming close
to Grandma's town.
I was thinking I'd drop by.
How's that sound?
You're my favorite
out of everyone.
I wanna live with you again.
You're my favorite, too, kiddo.
I want to live with you as well.
Soon. Okay?
I love you, Daddy.
I love you, too,
and I miss you so much.
I miss you.
They think it would be better if you
went with Grandma for a little while.
But I want to
stay with you, Daddy.
I know, sweetie.
It's time, James.
Em, you ready to come inside
with Grandma, honey?
Come on, sweetie.
It's okay.
- So, come on.
- Come on.
It's okay.
I need you to be a big girl
for Daddy, all right?
Can you do that for me?
I love you.
I love you so much, sweetie.
It's all right.
You should feel lucky.
She's going to be
with your mother and not some stranger.
Good evening.
The three of you need a table?
A cheeseburger, please.
And French fries.
Um... The same
for me, please.
Make that three.
The counter okay?
- Yes.
- Sure.
You both speak English?
This entire time?
We have heard stories
of bad men in America.
We thought
Spanish would be safer.
We hope you understand.
Of course.
I am so hungry.
She's Maria?
You are...
And I'm James.
And you don't need to be
afraid of me, all right?
We want to thank you
for helping us
and for these beautiful dresses.
You're welcome.
You're here on purpose, right?
I mean, you want to be here?
We are from Tenancingo.
In Mexico.
Our father owed
some local men some money.
We are sisters.
We must work to pay the debt.
Waitress, maid.
Big dreams, huh?
I want to be a singer.
Like Taylor Swift.
Do you like Taylor Swift?
But I think my daughter does.
You have a family?
Just a daughter.
My wife died.
I am sorry.
Eat up. We need to...
We need to keep going.
"Let all you do
be done in love."
It's a reminder.
I have a reminder too.
A similar message.
I don't know about that.
No? You do not believe?
Went knocking a few times.
Turned out no one was home,
so I leave him alone
and he leaves me alone.
It makes me sad.
What makes you sad?
That you think we are alone.
We are never alone.
Alone's fine with me.
And what about your daughter?
What about her?
She is not alone
because she has you,
even when she cannot see you.
I hope so.
It is the same.
I will pray for you.
Thanks, I guess.
What is wrong?
I wanna show you something.
Hey, would you
take a picture of me in front of all this,
so I can send it to my daughter?
Oh, sorry.
What is her name?
I am a daughter
who misses her father.
And I see a father
who misses his daughter.
So, um... We gotta go.
I hate to ask this,
but I need you both
to get in the back.
I'm sorry.
I just don't want
anyone to get in trouble.
You are a good man, James.
I'm trying.
- Can I help you?
- Um...
Yeah, I'm here with a truck.
You need a room or what?
Never mind.
- Qu pasa?
- How are you?
- Good.
- How was your trip?
- It was fine.
Okay, good.
Good. No bad weather?
No problems? No accidents?
No, I... I mean, I got run
off the road at one point,
but other than that it was fine.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
You didn't get hurt or nothing?
The front of the truck
got a little beat up.
Ah, don't worry about the front.
I don't worry about
the front of the truck.
It's just the cargo.
Very important.
Oh, that's good too.
It is?
With no lock, huh?
I'm kidding with you.
It's okay.
If it's okay, it's okay.
Right? It's okay.
Come on.
Come on. Please, please.
Welcome to America!
Come with me.
Careful. Now, watch it.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
Careful, careful, careful.
My friend, thank you very much.
Job well done,
very good working with you.
- Thank you, my friend.
- Okay.
Good. Good, good, good.
CJ, watch the smoke on
the girls, por favor.
Go ahead, ladies, hop in.
What's up?
Is this
more comfortable than the big truck?
You know who that goes to?
Hey, the girls,
where are you taking them?
Not your problem.
Happy trails.
Just relax.
Let's go get some
food or something.
Do you know what's
going on out there?
But by the looks of it,
looks like you were having
a little transaction.
You wanna talk about it?
I'm tired.
Been driving for a while.
Um, you got a room
for the night?
I only rent by the hour.
But if you're looking
for some fun while you're in town,
and what I mean by fun is, uh,
some company to
lift your spirits.
Cell phone number's on the back.
Let them know Rodney sent you.
How can I help you, friend?
I need a room for the night.
All right.
Fill that out.
Where you coming from?
Business or pleasure?
What are you hauling?
Just cargo. Nothing...
Nothing, really.
You look beat.
Did you drive straight through?
Now why would you
have to go through all that
if you're hauling
a bunch of nothing?
I just need a room.
What do you think I'd find
if I opened up the back of that truck?
I don't know what
you're getting at.
I think you do.
Let's say we go have a look.
Let's say we don't,
and you mind your own business.
Why don't you get that truck
off my property, right now.
What is it with you people?
Come on. Come on,
let's go, let's go, let's go.
- Walk. Walk.
- CJ.
Gentle, por favor.
- Yeah.
- S?
Amiga, what is your name?
It is no surprise, huh?
It means beautiful, um,
praiseworthy and priceless, s?
You two girls
have boyfriends? You have a boyfriend?
Nada? Nada?
But have you ever
had boyfriend, or no?
- Yeah?
- Okay.
This is why we are
very gentle with them,
and not moving around
like they are dogs or animals
because, uh...
They have something
very valuable, okay?
Yeah, I don't know
what I was thinking.
I beg your pardon, my bad.
Okay, let's go.
I'll show you your room.
We go this way.
Shouldn't you be
headed back out?
Just trying to
have a drink, man.
Yeah, that always helps.
How did you know?
Box truck on
an overnight delivery?
Hauling cargo.
I would've called the cops
if they'd do a darn thing.
I just needed the cash.
I didn't know.
And... And it seemed
like an easy gig.
You looking for sympathy?
Not here.
I need help.
- What's that?
- I need help.
Her and her sister.
I want to undo it, somehow.
Look, you obviously know
something about this.
Then help me.
Help her.
I'm Dale.
You still looking
for a place to stay?
Don't be shy.
You look good.
And these will
help you feel good.
Go on, take one.
No, thank you.
How's your sister holding up?
I don't know.
This is too much for her.
- It's too much for...
- Anyone?
Yeah, I remember being there.
Did your family
owe somebody moneys too?
No, I'm just a regular idiot.
I got boyfriended.
You know?
I met a boy online,
blah, blah, blah.
So one day, um,
he sends me a plane ticket
to meet him in Vegas.
That first day was amazing.
But that night...
I guess he drugged me.
Um, I woke up
in the back of a van with a bunch of men.
I am so sorry.
It is what it is, you know.
And Garo treats me
way better than my old man ever did, so...
I will pray for you.
Honey, you got a rough
couple of days coming up,
you should pray for yourself.
- Hey.
- Morning.
To be honest, I'm surprised
you're still here.
I figured you would've
sobered up and run home by now.
A little surprised myself.
Let's take a walk.
First things first,
I need you to get rid of that truck.
What do you want me
to do with it?
I don't care.
Just get it off my lot.
If you need to go somewhere,
I got some bikes out back.
You can borrow one.
Do you ride?
It's been a while, but, yeah.
Good. So what's your plan?
Go to the motel,
see what I can see.
You all right?
I have one person in this world
that I actually
mean something to.
She's already lost her mom.
And right now,
she's at home wondering
if her dad is gonna
show up like he promised.
And I'm not.
I'm not gonna make it.
Look, I should just forget
about all of this, right?
Get in the truck and go
and wrap my arms around my little girl.
You need to do
what you gotta do.
Being a father's the most
important job in the world.
Your daughter needs you.
All these girls
have a father that loved them, too.
So if you're hearing
a little voice that's telling you to stay,
that there's
a larger hand at play here,
then you might wanna
listen to that voice.
I'm not hearing any
magic voice, Dale.
It's there.
You're just not listening.
Get that truck off my lot!
Refill, hon?
- Good morning, Officer.
- Julie.
- Coffee?
- Yes, ma'am.
Can I help you?
There's, um, something
going on around here.
What's the problem?
There's a motel.
Motel 12.
There's prostitution happening.
Well, that's, uh, serious, son.
How do you know this?
I saw it.
Just saw it?
All right.
- Motel 12, you say?
- Mmm-hmm.
Uh, and what's your name?
- James.
- James.
Last name?
Just James.
How do I, uh,
get a hold of you if I have any questions?
I'm over at
the Hiway House Motel.
- Thanks, Julie.
- Here you go.
All right.
Well, thank you
for the information.
Mind if I eat?
Of course.
- Huh?
- No, gracias.
I went to the
trouble of making you a drink,
and the least you could do
is try it for me.
Por favor.
Maybe it's acquired taste.
Drink. Drink.
- Where is Maria?
- Maria.
Maria is with the other girls
making friends because it's time.
Of course.
It's time for you, too.
And I can be
your friend, but, um...
But my friendship
comes at a cost.
It's okay.
This is not right.
I cannot do this.
I am not supposed to be here.
You play a game with me?
A juego?
No, no juego. No.
I will...
I will work to earn back
every penny that I owe.
But not like this.
You have my word,
but not like this, please.
Every girl in this house
wants to be on this bed.
But I don't want
the other girls in this house.
I want you. Why?
Because I try to love you.
- This is not love!
- No?
This is not what
love looks like.
Then you choose what
love looks like, okay?
You decide.
I will have you and Maria.
- No.
- No?
- CJ! Bring Maria, por favor!
-She's just a girl!
- No! No!
- S.
No, no, no.
Por favor! Por favor!
Don't touch her!
Garo, you said it is my choice.
- S.
-Take me.
I want to.
Are you saying...
I want to.
It is my choice.
Let her go.
Let her go.
- Maria.
- Let her go.
ndale, Maria.
It is okay.
You looking for someone
to party with or what?
Yeah, yeah.
Um, her name's Antonia.
Yeah, man, just tell me
what you're looking for,
I'll hook you up.
Real pretty. Dark hair.
Yeah, yeah. Dime a dozen.
Uh, come on down to Motel 12,
knock on the door
for Room 126 and bring some cash.
The guy on the phone
told me to come to Room 126.
I remember you.
What do you want?
I'm here to see
that girl I dropped off.
Can't stop thinking
about her, you know?
Yeah, well, she's not
on the menu yet, Romeo.
If you're serious,
I got other girls
just like her
and more eager to please.
I'm willing to pay.
I got money.
Oh, I know you got money
and plenty of it.
That's my man Garo's cash.
Not getting money back
to the proper hands is frowned upon.
I'm leaving tonight.
I just wanted to get
one in before I left.
Well, it's not gonna
happen with her, bro.
I'll give you a thousand.
Stay here.
Qu pasa, CJ?
Hey, man, I got some guy here.
He's wanting something
kind of new and fresh
that he hasn't seen before.
So, I thought, you know,
what about that new girl?
'Cause this dude says
he's willing to pay.
S. How much?
He says a thousand for the hour.
You know?
I know you want to keep her,
but that's some solid money,
so I thought I'd ask.
She'll be there.
- Okay.
Wow, Bonita.
That's a pretty good price
for someone who was "priceless," s?
What did they do to you?
I swear I didn't know
any of this was gonna happen.
How are you here?
I gave the man some money.
You, uh...
- You paid to have sex with me?
- No, no, no.
I paid to get you here.
How much am I worth?
- Antonia.
- Don't touch me.
I'm trying to help.
Don't you think
you've helped enough?
How could you just leave us?
Did you not see what they were
when they brought out those girls?
I'm gonna make this right.
Although we don't
have much time.
I have a motorcycle
out the back.
We have to leave now.
Come with me.
No, I, uh... No.
- My sister. My sister.
- No, no...
We'll get your sister,
I promise,
but you have to
come with me now,
- while there's still a chance.
- No.
- Antonia, please.
- You don't understand!
If I leave,
Garo, he will hurt her.
With everything in me,
you have to trust me.
That word is broken for you.
I will not leave Maria
in the hands of those men.
Here, I will stay.
Then I'll stay with you
for as long as I can.
Ah, what's this?
How are you?
I'm all right. Whatever.
I think we need to get her out.
Good, um...
Yeah, we will.
But let's be smart about it.
I don't wanna do it
because right now with her face like this.
She's so young.
I don't want the police in here, so...
How old are you, sweetie?
Wow! So, like, high school.
Do you like school?
Yeah, me neither.
I hated it.
Good news is,
if you stick around,
I'll make sure you never have
to go back there again.
We take care of each other here.
We're like family.
And you and your sister,
you get to be part of that family now.
Hey, I have an idea.
Why don't you come with me?
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Okay.
How about you go in
and pick out a really pretty dress.
Okay, we've got
a whole closet full in the back,
and then I'll help you
do your makeup and everything,
and then
you and me can take
some beautiful pictures of you.
It'll be fun.
- Like a photo shoot?
- Exactly.
Okay. Just sit down
on the bed.
Good. Good. Okay.
I'm sorry.
Hey, it's just...
It's just me. I'm sorry.
I just let you have...
I let you sleep, that's all.
Time's up, man.
You're done.
She's got a full
dance card tonight.
I'm just getting dressed!
Come with me. Please.
Worth every penny.
Hey, CJ!
Hey, hey.
This is the one we were
talking about, right?
Yeah, yeah. High dollar,
worth every penny.
Clean as they come.
Give Garo my best.
Will do.
Thanks, buddy.
What the heck are you doing?
- Hey!
- He's coming!
Not without my sister.
Then I'm coming back
for you both.
Stop right there!
Come on.
Yeah. Shut it down
for the night!
I'd say it's the best room
in the place, but they're all the same.
- Hey, Dale! Hey...
- I saw her!
I saw her.
Where'd you get the gun?
I borrowed it from a cop.
Where's the cop?
Probably just coming to.
All right.
Let's go outside and talk. Leave the gun.
What happened?
Things got
a little out of control.
No kidding.
I thought you were
just going to go see what you could see?
Yeah, and I saw an opening
to get Antonia back,
but she wouldn't go.
You need to lay low for a bit.
You got a handful of people
on both sides of the law
coming after you right now.
Why do you know
so much about this?
the flames of tragedy
can refine you,
burn off everything
till you can finally see what's important.
You know what I'm saying?
I think so.
Anyway, that's my story.
You got your own
story to worry about.
I wanna shut this thing down.
Sounds like that little voice
telling you to do the right thing
just got a bit louder.
Welcome to the other side.
But you listen.
If you do this,
it's all-in, James.
You go down this road,
the things you'll see,
the things you'll do...
You can't go back
to normal life again.
It'll change you.
I didn't start at normal
to begin with.
Me either, brother.
- S?
- S.
Daddy. Daddy?
You have a lot of
nerve telling your daughter you're coming,
and then not showing up.
You're not even supposed
to be talking to her
without my knowing.
Do you even realize
- that you broke her heart?
-Slow down, slow down.
I know. I'm sorry.
I just need to
talk to her, Mom. I made a mistake.
Can I help you, gentlemen?
We're looking for, um,
this guy named James.
Tall, very good-looking
white guy with tattoos.
Kind of described half
the guys in the town.
It's a pretty
good-looking town, huh?
Yeah, we like it.
But I don't, uh, recall
any guy named James.
Thank you, sir.
Honey, I get it, okay?
- I had you at a really young age.
I know it's tough.
But you cannot do what I did.
I can't apologize to her
if you won't let me talk to her.
But this is for her.
Not you.
Emmy, honey, it's your dad!
Good morning, sir.
We're looking for
my friend James. Is anyone in here?
Are you guys with the motel?
It's a pretty
simple question, sir.
No. Nobody's in here.
Okay. You have
a beautiful day.
Come on, kid. Pick up.
Hey. They're here.
You don't have time
to get out, so just don't make a sound.
Wait, wait. Who's here?
I'm guessing the pimp
and his guys.
One of them
was banged up pretty bad.
I told the cop
where I was staying.
Grandma, he's not there!
Hey. Hey, sweetie,
I'm here.
- I promise I'm here.
- Hi, Daddy.
Hey, sweetie.
Hey, look, I'm so sorry
I didn't come to see you yet.
I, um...
What are you doing?
I love you.
You know that, right?
Tell me.
Tell me that you know that.
Why are you whispering?
I love you more than anything.
I know. You already
said that, Daddy.
Guys, you can't be banging
on guest room doors, disturbing folks.
I'm trying to run
a business here.
Daddy, what's happening?
Are you still there?
Lo siento.
We're looking for our friend.
The one you haven't seen.
Like I said, he's not here.
Probably headed
back out of town.
But I don't remember
anybody saying anything
about him being
from out of town.
Look, you need to leave,
or I'll call the police.
There's no need for this
to get messy.
If it gets messy,
you're not gonna like it.
Let's go.
We'll see you soon.
Em? Hey. Are you there?
Open the door.
It's Dale.
Get your stuff.
Where are we going?
My place.
You hungry?
Here you go.
Some eggs with a side of eggs.
Why are you
helping me like this?
I never get in the way
of a man trying to do something good.
I didn't set out
to do anything good.
I know you didn't.
But you can't help it.
That's what makes it good.
Sometimes with a little push
an ordinary man can do
extraordinary things.
I'm sorry.
Look, I gotta get back into town.
I gotta find those girls.
They'll be looking for you
on that bike though.
Can you drive?
Come on, man.
Hopefully better
than you can ride.
What do you think
you're doing, man?
- Bro, you set me up.
- No one set you up, James.
You said you didn't care
as long as it wasn't drugs,
and it wasn't.
These girls don't belong to you.
Chad, those girls
don't belong to anyone.
Look, there are
some bad dudes who are gonna kill you.
Kill both of us,
if you don't give them their money!
We're talking about
a couple of whores.
They're worth more, man.
- I found the house.
- Where?
Just a regular neighborhood.
All right, let's go.
You think they're already
out for the night?
I don't know.
I guess we're gonna
have to go in and find out.
Are you serious?
Do you have a better idea?
You ever shoot a gun before?
It's been a while, but...
It's kind of like
riding a bike, right?
It's like shooting a gun.
I can't believe
we missed them by hours.
My guess is they're headed
to a new city.
Maybe even out of state.
So they're gone?
I'm sorry.
She wouldn't come with me.
I tried.
But she wouldn't come.
James, come here!
Let's get out of here.
I want to show you something.
I come up here
to get some clarity.
Remind me of
the beauty of it all.
That cross.
I call it a God Shot.
Never heard of that.
It's when it feels
like everything is over.
When the last bit
of hope and light
starts slipping away
faster than you can chase it.
Then, boom!
Something appears.
Gives you strength to carry on.
A God Shot.
Or it's just a necklace.
It's that little voice
that you've been hearing made physical.
I don't know what to do.
You know what to do.
It's too late.
It's never too late.
We were put here to
learn on this journey.
The pages of our story
are still being written.
But here's the good news.
We're not the author.
He has bigger plans.
You sound like Antonia.
With everything that
she's been through,
do you think she still believes?
I know she does.
That's faith.
Hey, can you pull over?
What's up?
I need to get some air.
I'll meet you back at the house.
It's a long walk.
I could use it.
All right,
I gotta swing by the hotel.
I'll see you at the house later.
I see you dressed in white
Every wrong made right
I see a rose in bloom
At the sight of you
You're irreplaceable
Unmistakable, incomparable
It's all-in
It's beautiful
I see it all in you
Sisters, we can start again
Give honor till the end
Love, we can start again
Oh, brothers
We can start again
Give honor till the end
Yes, we can start again
We can start again
We can start again
At the end of your message,
- press one.
Dale, hey, call me.
I think I found something.
Hello. Massage?
Is she here?
Is she available?
You want her?
One hour?
Where is she?
She very expensive.
- You must pay first.
- What room?
You tell what kind
of massage, and...
- James!
- You cannot go back there!
You don't go!
You cause trouble!
- Antonia!
- James!
Oh! No!
Stop that guy!
Keep going.
- Are you okay?
- I don't feel good.
All right. Come on.
We have to go back for Maria.
I won't stop till
we get her back.
You are bleeding, James.
It's fine.
But you are still handsome.
Do you know
you are very handsome?
I'll remind you
that you said that later.
She, uh, had a little bit
too much to drink.
Where's Dale?
You have my girl.
She's not your girl.
Amigo, I do not agree with you.
I have the old man.
And I have her sister.
Now I won't hurt
the sister, not yet.
And the old man, I really haven't decided
yet, but that's up to you.
You follow directions
and maybe everyone walks home.
What do you want?
Ay, man.
Look, you're not good
at this, so let me make this easy for you.
You give me the girl,
I give you the old man.
The sister stays with me,
but she remains untouched
as long as Antonia is returned to me.
Because they're a pair.
You see this?
They're a family.
You can't separate family.
Where do you want to meet?
But don't try to be a hero,
or I kill them both
and I make you watch, okay?
There's a little park
on Central and Main.
8:30. Be there.
It's the charade,
this thing that you two are doing.
You know this?
You are a murderer.
I've not murdered anybody yet.
There is no difference
between a murderer
and a person that steals
a girl's innocence
and kills her soul.
Wow, man.
I never thought of that before.
It's very deep.
Does this help you?
You go through all this?
All of this for some girl
you don't even know?
It's for my daughter.
I don't know what
you're talking about, man.
What do you mean by this?
Ten years ago.
You took my daughter.
My friend,
I hate to disappoint you,
but 10 years ago,
I was still in high school.
You're all the same man.
Different names,
different faces,
but you're all the same.
My daughter
ran away
for a man like you.
She swallowed your drugs.
She believed your lies.
And you turned her
into property.
Where is your little girl now?
She never made
her 18th birthday.
Man, this thing is old.
It's very old, old...
Old Testament old.
I'm sure it was, uh,
nothing personal.
Just his business.
Do you know what you are?
You are
the hollowed-out shell
that's left after
a snake sheds its skin.
You know there's hope?
That's New Testament.
Maybe for some people, man.
This is yours.
You are a changed man, James.
Thank you for trying to help us.
Okay, I don't know
how this is gonna turn out.
But you have to know that I...
This is how it must be.
There won't be
another chance for me to say this...
I know.
911 emergency.
Can you tell me your location?
Whatever happens, trust me.
I do.
Stay close.
- A playground? Really?
- S.
It's a beautiful day
for this one, no?
Ah. I'm embarrassed
for us, Garo.
I mean, look at us.
- Look at us!
- Yeah.
Look at us!
Hey! Amigo, amigo, amigo!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Carrying guns.
Holding hostages.
Maybe, you know,
maybe we go crazy.
Maybe we shoot
everybody. Eh?
- It's this you want, huh?
- No, no, no. Here we go.
- Here we go.
- Yeah, here we go, man.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You're replaceable.
I'm replaceable.
They're replaceable.
- S. Okay.
- Yeah.
You kill mine.
I'll kill yours.
Round and round
we go 'cause it...
It doesn't end here.
Not today.
So, amigo,
put down the gun, or I prove your
point, we start with this one, s?
Watch this one replaced, yeah?
- One, two...
- Okay, hey. No, no, no.
- I'm not kidding you, man.
- Hey.
- This is no game for me.
- All right, all right.
Put your gun down, man.
S, s.
Antonia, Aqu!
Come on, man, do it.
Do it, man!
Did Antonia tell you
about our special night together, man?
Did she tell you about
how we made love, man?
Huh? Huh?
- Yeah?
- Yeah, do it!
Do it, do it, do it!
You're weak, boy.
- Daddy.
- Huh?
Do it!
James, no!
Drop the weapon, or I'll shoot!
Cry now, boy. It's okay.
Come on. Do it, man. Huh?
Okay, man.
How much?
How long?
Hundred bucks
will get you everything.
I was thinking more like 20.
Twenty bucks ain't gonna
get you a handshake.
You gotta be kidding.
I'm doing you a favor.
You said a hundred bucks?
This way.
Cash on the nightstand.
What's your name?
They call me Tennessee.
What's your real name?
Hi, Kelli.
I'm James.
I'm sorry. I didn't...
I didn't mean
to surprise you. You're okay.
Kelli, this is Antonia.
Antonia, this is Kelli.
It is nice to meet you.
Can we tell you a story?
It's your money.
A year ago, just about,
I met a woman a lot like you.
She'd been lied to
and forced into the same situation.
Men decided she was
worth a certain price.
I fell in love with that woman.
And to me, she is worth
more than all the money in the world.
You have that same worth
inside of you.
Kelli, you've been taught to talk and
dress and act like you're cheap.
We think... No.
We believe that there's a God
that knows exactly what you're worth.
Look, this is my choice.
And that means that you have the
freedom to make another choice.
This doesn't have to define you.
It's in these moments
I think of my old friend and what he did.
And I know he sees us.
I know he's looking down
from up there.
His death gave life.
It gave us each other.
It gave us a new world,
a new understanding of love.
Led a father back
to his daughter.
Led a woman to a new life.
A new chance.
And it led us to this place.
A place where a woman can
rediscover her immeasurable worth,
passed down to us
by God himself.
And so the story continues on,
and so does this deep knowledge
that every life,
man, woman, boy, and girl,
is incredibly, undoubtedly,