Pride and Glory (2008)

We follow!
Come on kid, you can!
The flags in
I see
Come on, you can!
Hi guys
I thought you were not
Sorry ... I had to do
Oh God, I hemano looks like you are?
If we
That's Daddy
Throw the ball!
Ytira ... I boIa very Iejos
And calm down, we
Remember, there is no time for that
It is a draft of 40
Okay? So do
I want everyone to be here, right now
For eljodido world
I hope I make fast
If so, we maIditos champions
Fucking love you guys, give me the bar
Do it!
It is time to change!
And it seems that could not be with the ball
I love you daddy!
Now you owe me 50 grand
Going to come?.
No, you go
What happens?
What is your location?
Train 13
Four boys fell
Yes, where are these guys?
Sure in this way,
eI is maIdito Sergeant
No, it 's going with me
Yes, my brother is there
Io is only thing you
call when you know more
Lou what we?
There is a guy who fell
Not saw happen?.
This extra work? -No
I want to notify all
Does all this cool
AvisaIes these maIditos now!
This is really a damn
- Do we know?
- We do not know, nor hell, sir
All they know is that
There was a firearm 84
... shot two minutes later again
- How will Ie?
- Even resiste
Has lost a lot of blood
How have you been?
- Apart from this curse
How you doing?
We have to get out of here
I want a hamburger
LIevemoslo hospital, ok?.
Her out of here!
Move out of here!
Who is it?
Oh God, okay? "I know
- We found all this ...
- What the hell is going on here?
Saiga here!
I want him to the hospital,
personally, "Yes sir
And I want someone ... -Jill
DiabIos ... what?
I have to find out who did or
For what purpose
There was a stage and
an officer is in emergencies
I want a man 's best available
This situation must be quickly
Anyone seeking
But blame will do nothing
We lost 3 officers, Francis
It's not your fault
Ios caring for children at night
You can not control the cholera
The rest do not miss
How are they?
Let me out!
I see you, damn you!
I see the damn!
I see his face!
Thank you
Go thing eh!
That's good that came
It was no money this time pe-Si
They say it makes you more
Strong forces into shutters
Nobody knows that
What was your training in IIuvia?
With a lIamada
No, definitely not.
Do not think it's time
to go back to the LCIA
And stop feeling hurt same porti
I feel my dad Iastima
What s life?
Wife, children?
You must unite
- Please, stop yelling ok?.
You were to leave this
The first to go
Estube far too long, Dad
Estube in the damn ambulance
hoping that all is well
Died watching his rsotro
You are very Iisto to
knowing it, wasting your time
But for you, is real
It does not bother me
As you
Look Dad, it was a night
shit, I want to change these clothes ...
And Iavarme
Not me back RayBan
You are my son, you want them or not
I say what I want
And here I Iuego
I go and finish
I want you to join forces to shutters
I want these forces to enter the test
After making a
favor and run from here
A man killed a
commander of your brother
You can do here, and
show all your promise
Because nobody cares
that I've left
Raymond So, do me a
and for the past oIvida
OIvida my behavior
and all that shit
This is now,
oIvida dei past that shit
You know you get in these streets and low
Yes, Dad works in the streets
Ok and then join
everything looks ofrencen
When patients are not improta
We can not save
So careful
Do not sit on your hands again
Yes, I'm getting used
Do we have? The trash-Francis
It out of the field
So they found the boy there
Yes, a little step when he left
Not called 911 not?
Then the fire department?
Yes, why?
Not, I can not discover
Had been shot near
That release, who is not
may simply disappear
Is charged
We must soprenderlo
What do you mean?.
Someone golep
The fell under the stairs
Came up here to see
And I crossed caIIe
Ytena a waiting car
Could be cuaIquiera
Whoever has been no rush
No, this is not beneficial
What happens?
Are you?
Is yours?
Where saIe?
What I do not touch it ...
Listen, it's what we have
Cover the scene, and double d
Desis people, six names
The others will be close
So another diganlo
instead, they need information
Anything? I
matter how strong they are
Come, and I get things in reverse
Some speak Spanish?
Inside for entresviata
Hey do not forget that catching it. This well -
This estajodido all the time
OK, I'll watch that
All this
Because if you continue like that, spend
Christmas' s central ...
It's just a kid, and i do not understand
I know
Just I need to point to
right direction, please
Really need your
help ... 5 minutes alone are
TranquiIizate, we
the parties ... damn
He speaks English ok?.
It's easy
Remember last night?
I caIIe who crossed?
With guns? EI-If he had weapons.
How was it? He was tight -
I also
When you hear the shot, where were you,
at the door, I shop at your daddy?
Dress the street?
When the gun stopped ringing, you hear
something or someone saIir building?
And entered a car?
He did? Aja -
I want you to listen well, it seemed
that man was wounded?
Was bleeding from a leg
On one leg
That to
Well, I'm looking for the ...
so I'll show you some pictures
Just a couple of photos of
People, if you see the kid you saw
I could say?. If
Is? -No
What's that?
And this?
Is the man you saw?
EI coIor remember the car?
It was white
Sure that
It followed a car amariIIo
- Well, you're good at this eh
Recuersdas if you had two doors or 4?
You have a great memory
Something else?
You could see something else?
Lucia scared
Who?, Who looked scared?
The man, who was driving
Lucia very frightened
We have?
It's a damn taxi
Of someone who
pickup. Leave it Jummi
That is not luck maIdita Cady
We must not allow that
You have to leave
It's a good job here
You have to find
Jimi and kill this guy ...
Hey, great haganme
please you all ...
Do not say anything that is not even ...
is a loss paIabras
One dead, another
Period, there is no way back
If it is a way to leave him alone
We find this qu
Quick, get the car!
We need to send
this right now, Jimmi!
LIamo a ambuIancia?. Not
What about Sam? -What 's there?
Someone has eI exchange-How
do not know if he was already in town?
Why IT must Esar here
washing fruits to live
Pretend this
You have to have courage
to end this
We found this piece of shit
Give me a potato
Ok already finished, we had to do
Oe, give me money for this mamcita
Thank you
Hey, who is this?
Have you heard anything about me?
That dei car
He has been indicted
Lupa is. LUPA
I have problems, do not ask ..
Lupa SamueI
He has tattoos aIgunos
What you say?
Yes, I thought
Ok avisame
If ... Merry christmas
Looking for something?
I was not sure, appears passed
I made a last-minute buying
And qusie pass dartelo
Thank you
Gonna go to your mom?
No, come here
My sister is in Ia
city children
The strange daIes my greetings ok?.
Ytu going to your parents?
No, each going alone this year
It is better
How is she?
How long has been holding up?
This good guess
Not Much
For the last few days
If you hear
How close are you and Larry were
Dlo feel green ray
Was not coming
We can not keep doing this
What? Because it is tomorrow
Christmas and leave a regaIo
Why? Because you are my wife
I can not let a regaIo
by Christmas, it's bad?
We tried and tried ray
And still going through the same thing
Come porfavor
That is not true
You know I miss you a lot
I know
I feel the same way Ray
But I'm doing what I do
It's what you need to do, for my
Merry Christmas ok?.
IguaI for you
All estajodido
We are doing this shit at Christmas
Shut up already, forgotten
Shutters are things beyond the controI
police are losing credibility
Now who is going to trust?.
Something better?.
Who knows
What remains inside
under closed doors
Ambulance arrived at the damn time
He was so
I will leave here nojodas,
I do not want to be in jail
If you break something estamosjodidos
To hell with it
Ok we
Come to visit
Give me a couple of biIIetes
Do not know who I am?
Angel, the police did not know? -No
Did not know angel?
Fucking liar!
ArrodiIIate maIdicin!
Angel was here
You were the fan?
Yes, but I do not know where
Well do not! "I say where
This is linked
Not where they lived.
- Where is it? - I know!
Gonna die for that shit, you are ready?
I will count to 3
and dosparar in the head
Where the hell is ... 1
I swear to God or do not know!
Where is it?
No, I know where his' s!
Edy not know where this!
If the know, back!
Edy, stop that!
Tejod man!
See? Rise
You know brother uh?
Damn you dire that morning nursery
And I want to determine where this
We remain friends?
Not remain so? -SaIgamos here
Tomorrow I will come back ok?.
We Tya
The police never dies
I was correct hacerIo
Not doing that well
The court could IIevarte
How you doing?
Good going
Are you okay?
The opportunity to go uItima
to bed. -No way
What are you going to do.
LIII, come to help mom
making Christmas cookies
We estrelIas, man
snow santa claus
- If you're lost,
- I won
And you sir regard, no more of this
Francis give me the shot
Already had enough
My dear
What have you done?
Open it and you hear
It's so briIIante
BriIIa much
What does it mean?
Means finding the eternal love
Merry Christmas!
Look who's here!
I have some for you regaIos
Hi Dad
Hi Mom
There will not be even
Look who arrived
Mama can I open the presents now?
They have to help me with gifts
Beautiful lights
Look at the regaIos
Well guys
How you doing? I'm good, you know
The dress?
If this morning
Y? Same-...
There are a few things hidden
I told you we should ocuItar
There is one word
You have to trust you
Just give me a couple of days
Yvamos to find a way
Come, enjoy Christmas
Last but not last eI
We Mashed potatoes
Already three years ago that I was
How you doing?
Well, you know
Somo team despite
the circumstances
So are good?
Yes, I do not want these guys are bad
I went to see her mother for a couple of days
It's a good boy-Si
It's like biking
you never forget
Make the old feIiz
It is best that I can darIe
It is on that guy
What's that?
Is for you
Io is the same with children,
I saw him as a child
He was a thinker
Solve problems
And that is what makes trouble resueIve
And always was rare
He always was the leader
People listen to francis
It's his personality
Is highly respected
You know
And this Iuego there for my baby
And it has always been that way
She can smile andalusia
world, and is now making
They are my children
They are the world's best
Io is much that we are mother and I, uh
Bar sat a large
These good old
You also
Io is that we have
Number nuo was shot
in the head by the window
Number two, was also
shot in the head
And the number 3, a pair of bears
days, Ie shot in the head
And we do not know what to do
MIRR is cursed by the window
She does not understand anything
I want you to know
And do we have?
This very scared
I must have something
She does not know
What to say?
Anything to help
Follow this
You'll lose
We may charge you for possession
. EI service close to you
It's what you want to go?
It's what you want?
What is it?
What is this?
What happened?
The did this? You did this?
He put a gun to your head?
What happened?
Look at somebody else?
I want to help
You have to give me something
You gotta give me some info
Sandy helped escape Io
Who is sandy?.
The friend of angeI
A poIica
Talk to us ?
Hey look
You a cop?
These I lying?
LIevar your daughter away from you
Not understanding what he says
That you die, do me a favor
She stay with this until well
I need you back in the house
When he speaks
Ok?. Thank you
What kind of man shoots 4
But nothing back wing life
What kind of man,
have the courage to do
Wire that his rest in peace
How you doing?
You did good
You think? If
Want some coffee?
I gotta go home and watch out for children
A Iargo been a day
I wanted to tell a few things
Ok what's happening?
You and know something of jimi
the guys in the building?
No, they were trapped
Surely you do not
yaws have any that day?
Because I think it was so
Only if I'm interested
estubieron in any kind of theft
DiabIos to say?
We think it would kill
my own men?
Just listen!
An off-cel
depas that you use these
Someone llamjusto
before the entry
Check the Iamada 911
It's the same number
And you know who came? From tony aIian
And listen to something so brookIyn
You have played football?
So if you want to put the
things like that, is a good time
Do not try to get Ia against wall
I'm helping, I try to help
Want to help me, maIdicin?
Find that aqueI
Hey, it's what I do, listen ...
Talk to the woman told me eI
one of which is helping police
Police said it was
Said ... police
He said some sandy
AIgun have called poIica sandy?
Nicknames, nothing?
I have in my team ok Sandys
I do not go, but
This will take time conectartodo
That is trying to protect
epero your people ...
They were friends ... jack .. billi,
rum ... all are dead
Dequ I protect them?
I try to protect
The pregntas coming, you
to learn to handle
Do me a faor and encuentraIos
Anybody here?
My copy
Have a carpet
You have to polish before putting
Is that
I was kind of things
Close the door
These happy to see me Dad?
A happy child escoses
EI have the same glass?
Better prepare a coffee
Oh heavens
Thus this
I am your brother Ilam
I wanted something?
This in sueIo eI
He said that permission for a while
Some of their guys were operating
I hope you are well
I want something for my Iimpie
A file
No files puiste Ios
I do not even
But some have Ios
You have to do something
It will not be shared
Best empeuiza to find, because
your brother is concerned
Why is that?
I asked the sam
I have this sam
He said he was a policeman, who IIam
I say that surprised you?
I am not surprised
Sit for a moment
to see that we
Come on, it is always my,
I know that position get?
In 8 years you have
never had anything stable
Before that he was not going to make sure future
I'm not looking for attention from anyone
That does not matter
Everything that makes a
police, not well Raymonde
What do you do?
I want to tell you Raymond?
Si-Concentate and finds
who killed those kids
And if you find anything else,
come to me, and I drive
If you say so
I say
I even still here?
Do not go up
Hey sandy
What to do here?
Come here
Chey guys continue
What happens?
I will ask this once
If you lie, you better desaparescas
Chief, what you are talking about?
This girl from the Bronx, is andrea vera =?
She estubo with
Police said a IIam
He said that this poIica,
was the name of sandy
Yes, really
Said that up?
Perhaps Ios killed?. I did not
Knew since we were children
You are a piece of shit
I told them that they came
And they were, there was no time
Lojuro by tumab my mother,
I did not know which end well
What diabIos think?
Not going to kill
Jimmi said what?
He wanted everyone to be dead
I am saying that these
jimi did this for money?
That deal was eI
I am saying that 's eas
team is to traffickers
Qujimi had a group of people?
Is that what you
do in the street? If
And you say that was not on purpose
Even IIamaron a ambuIancia
Do not you call me?
Do not come to my sandy?.
I am your boss maIdito
Do not know what to die
And I thought I knew
Everyone knew
Hey, get out of here!
Saiga here
I have your card
If you look around here, you dentendr
That is unfair
Not to mention more
What happens, something strange
Four children
You have ice on your boots
Okte give something to eat
Sorry darling
Who will it be?
Go open
Good afternoon, Ms. Ahola, estajimmi?
Who is it? I am an old friend of the
EI is a friend? Hey, I served
Jimmi come here, I served
It is an old friend
See you back
What bbe?
NNadie already come
It is a working guy dei
And why here?
I have to desacerme
I love you daddy
I will give you your money
Jimi llamron my times today you di
I thought that saIia holiday
Already vueIvo
Then you had been
Not many cops
they visit, asshole
What you have in mind?
Then you call
This disconnect
Sure that has vigiIado
Not so to speak,
I garbled if you're not police or
If you think shit, you're going to impress
in front of my children or Espasa
Best Shut
You risk maIdito
These sleeping?
While these are still fucking breathing
Well, I give you money back and so?
Fuck my kids and my
Also, it is culm problem?
You've seen the TV?. Do you see?
This fast anything lately,
but I do not care
I just want to know
I made you something?
MaIdito I gave you your money?
What to say?
You need to chill
Listen motherfucker, listen
What to say? If this just died
Yvienes to decirmeIo,
against my fucking family
If you say to my wife a paIabra
or children again, I kill you curse
SaI my house!
Lojodiste jimi
I shit on your fucking language
Get this damn language of my house
Cespero your family is well
Edy? Here I am baby
If you wait ok
Ok and I
HoIajoe happens?
Where are all called to sand
It was Christmas and
where this is not sandy
I am in the city
You can see that estajodido
That will not
Nobody will talk
Where is it?
He will avolver y. ..
Where is Cdime
I will tell you where
I tell you bitch
Who speaks English?
Shut your fucking mouths
Now tell me?
You have a few days
The removal of the body
Look at the baby's face
Fuck you can kiss my ass eI
I go there?.
Tell me more!
DiIe where this!
This new on the streets of
york, now down to drink
Let porfavor
Mejorte you, when you return
I see you here to kill your son
Before it is worse
I'll tell you later
Hey Friend
No, no
Come on, let alone
I did nothing
Where you going?
Leave me alone
Back here
They flee from me?
Who impersonate and joke because it's better if I put my
Which pocket?
The other
Sell this shit
An old friend came to see you?
Do not seen in a long and
time, you expected?
I just want to talk a little, ok?.
Are you okay?
I'm tranquiIo
No lights, I am calm.
What to expect, I was scared
What is that? Damelo
What do you want my =
Ya know, like the old days
I'll give you good things
Why? I want a favor
If questions poIicas
I do not know shit
Perhaps you know nothing? No shit
I say everything, do not know anything about them
Tell me more, or taste
dei Saturday before dicks
Just give me my shit
Take mine
Leave it
Stop pisarIo
What do you want? You have to tell me something
Nothing? No, no
I am blind
A little more. Come
What do you think?
Where is this good?
Give me something
I'm on my way to aIla
I know, but lojod
See you there when IIegue
On the avenue, I am shooting
I need reinforcements
I will
Who the hell is it?
Okay, I'm Ray
Ray, I have
DiabIos what's going on?
What-What are we doing here?
What ... -What do you mean
Come on, enough!
DiabIos what happens?
Already sueItalo
Get your hands off that aces-Ray
Do not be a imbciI
Already temrino
The still alive
We better
How it works
Fucking motherfucker
Motherfucker diabIos what you thought?
I've lost head?
Te ami Ray
You know that we are famiIia
But do not do it better
Veanmos passing
His pin resistance, will be worse
And fired
I've lost head
Police're like us
You are a fucking police
Get your hands sueltenme!
You know what the hell did to racheI?
He talked? -No
Mira Ray
What diabIos doing here? Go and hablale
And calm down, this camos aresoIver
Hear what I said?
Jimmi I ran
I remove my own shot armay
DiabIos what is happening here?
DiabIos know what?
Not that Ray saa
The do not know that you know of sandy =
I go to you and ask for sandy
So I asked nickname
Tell me I'm not lying
Necesitba find myself
Come on, trying to help dij
Perhaps you have no idea what
they did under your roof?
Do not you care? -I do the best I can
I have to help my
wife, who is dying
Is that things are out of
but I will control them ok?.
But you and I must
Ray calm things
We need to handle
that nobody else leaves injured
Think I will go and make the
nothing happens? That's not going to happen
And I do not want to hear that crap again
This is not the department
For my
My command
All this falls on my shit Ray
And I want to its knees?
Want to pray?
That will satisfy your
sense of right or wrong?
We have to fix it here Ray
I know this is fucking
But I need you
This is not between you and me
Since children always
wanted to be policemen
How the hell we end up like this?
Ray do you do?
I do not know
This is close
You've spent a lot
Just wanted to do something
What happens?
Is everything all right?
Not this
What happens?
Just Hablame
You can not say only that
Bad amy
There were 4 policemen
And do not handle it as
I am very scared
You know how ... do the right thing
No, no arruinartodo
HacerIo function
You're a good man, Francis
I do not like ... you stay well
I hope you
My children
I need you
For you to be that man
You know what I mean
We support
We have identified a possible 3
And one has been found shot
He crossed
Hey carl?
LIaman on line 1-Who is it?
Do not take any of my calls
I gotta go
Who is it?
But slowly
Ok but I need a name
Do not fuck with me, is what
I ask only that. -Don 't do
I will be direct
Nobody knows me and you
Vas agrabarIo?
I do not want the record
Just talk, do not
necessitates, say what you want
Do not arruino not?
Joderme and can not do shit? -Tu
I call me, but I am not poIica writer
I came here
I did what my
I have to say
I got to this saIir
We are all dirty
Venidkos our souls to a crime
All the men killed by drugs
We suspect
Y. ..
We were doomed to die
They had? Wahsington -
We were told that we stop
I said, without bombres! -Sorry
I can now continue
There is nothing more
I will burn
Coy-No burning
We can fix it ok?.
We're going to call my editor
All querran sabertu history
You told me you were not police
No respect?
I also
I thought we were honest
But it was another color
To hide
The pride he fell in eI
The damn gIoria
They know nothing of it
It was a good man
It cale
Do you?
I am going to see
Estajodidamente dead
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a lament
and a great sense of remorse
We are now
The officer santieago Rubin
From the station washington
Takes his own life
The officer santiago, so
the other 4 poIicas
Formed a group
That have been investigated from the inside
Where the hell estubiste?
We who had
Ok tonight
Meet me there
DiabIos what's going on?
I can not speak, I gotta go
What's going on?
How old are you?
You know what you doing?
It was enough
Dad, come on, after all these years
Never did anything?
No, because I always knew things shutters
And just take a check
I gave my city
Do not take any money
Do not take any cenavo
What to do?
I gotta go, I feel
Francis let sit
We can be friends, "I can not hacerIo
I gotta go
Rioja ahr my way ok?.
Want to go?
Who are you?
I am not God presones
You know me, "Callate!
I concoes tedy
Do not know the cap maIdita
What do diabIos
following, you want?
Write a story
I have two virgin
First, a detective
capturing traffickers
Who kill in defense
own-what else?
One witness in the corruption case
Muet mysteriously in prison
EIIos Which are you?
Whatever you sell more newspapers?
That was before Ray Ilegaras
In both these cases?
He was tortured and executed
You know it well, and even so it will?
If you keep pressing to find out
I try to help
Be ready
I can write a story
But I want to know the true
Estubiste If there is
your chance to say
I do not want to waste my time with you
ProQuad may voIar Care
But I will not write stuff
That type, because you want
crucify the police
Because it is protected
and I hide truth
I do not speak the truth
You have no idea what it takes
have to do what we do
If there estubieras ...
- For what it is -
Put your face in a pistoIa
Only boys are
They do not want to do
Is that witnesses are eIiminados
You have no principles or blood
They are aware, do not do it
If you do not know, this
clean, two years ago ok?.
Case closed
Wasting your time, but not
I like to think a lot of that
Where is he?
I've lost head?
These are my problems malditos
You wonder what you've said about me?
I told him what it was I had to say
I want the truth maIdita
The truth about the money we had?
The dirty cops who presides your
You know what is happening
Not that hell
I wanted the job terminarjimi
Worse you have already crossed I damn line
The dead are not paid
The crime is done and finished
And so cut evidence ais
Let me tell aIgojimmi
With this, these very wrong
We got into this
You were a damn for us brother
My sister is your wife,
my family yours
And so you pay
You save is Ia law Friend
So? And as
Ray is a hero maIdito eI
You understand all bad,
and I swear by God ... -What?
DiabIos what you do.
You are going to burn my house?
You pay for that?
All you have to do is to give your testimony and
say what we said to the damn story
All we adormirtranquilos
You think it's that simple
and sleep well at night
What we have done is not well
Portuguese sister tell margaret
it is corrupt, fuck
You know how these animals live?
Les vendismos their souls francis
I am by what disculpar
Why do large 65 thousand years aI
Why would a shit a week?
We are estojuntos
DiabIos What is that? Your part -
EI-QuedateIo Accepts money maIdito
Take the money
No brother
Tomaralgo time
Everything you've
's standing by service
Quiro thank portodo
what you did in this case
Do this quickly to get out
He said you would aponer
in participation
Now, refuses to testify
dei shooting at the scene
I can do better than
We explain the reasons
Estube at the scene of the shooting
Vi information
The questions addressed to me do
I had to follow
They say estio sun piano and peace, not
a condemnation of the team complete MBD
That attack involved officers
The investigation continues
I need to go alone?
LIame a detective mijefe
Miller, where she was told
And everything Ie
Where to put the location?
Do you RSTO dei the team
Now, I can describe
happened at that location?
This is what we wanted too
Excuse me?
It says that they want
But it's not going to happen
Nobody expects you to read
nothing, except his version
Really? Detective-need your
version of what happened to go ACASA
I know, but I can not give it
He realizes that this man was
killed by bullets from his gun 3
But we recognize? If
Brings the hour? -Do not use
Detective said what?
From now on ... nothing respetuosamentem
refuse to answer questions in
It denies that wrapped estubo
eI in murder case?
I respectfully refuse
to answer another question
This is for your benefit
I have nothing more to say about it
It is something to ray, is not that type
Damn good cop
He said something
I remember that were close
AIgun poIicia has killed?
What happened then?
Tarte avoided
I did not know if it was attacked, if still alive
So I try to deal
And he was dead
So I did some resuscitation
Then the body was still lying
When it is fired
Who shot?
The srtyson?
If the shot
He earned what he deserved
Io is deserved
Who shot the srtyson?
I can not say that
The angel who shot tyson?
Detective tim
The detective, Raymond tim? --
Frank listens, it must feel as
She wondered to say
But I want you to know that these
Officers are ready to testify
It is critical now
Try to manetener
this incident as possible
It is not good
It is not my child
True it can
We will have to bring
Almost terminas
I put a warning
I am looking sick
This testimony maIdito
And think that Jimmi said this shit?
I think that you AD
about me? Of course not
It is not the point
I told you I Io
and I say manejariamos
And those sitting there, so proud
And I do not support
Or call
I say, I'm here
I tell you now, ok?.
Listen, Jimmi is
a drug dealer
The murderer that kid
and Ios and other treatment
I try to tell and not French
idce me anything, I do not give anything
But if I said Jimmi
So I have no choice
You have no choice
You gotta let 's handling
And fix this disaster, we maIdito
I did it
Jimmi is a big idiot, Jesus
We take care of it, but it is a hole
Hopefully that does not even reach the department
Ray protect itself
Io is only that, we protect
And I'll have to say
Do not use that word
me, it does not stand
Because it cost me my
Cost me everything!
Cost me the woman I love
Because I said, we were bad
I said and I do not listen
You are sure .. No, no, no
You hear what you alone
Was a lie that protected the police
You and I knew and
I said in front of them
And understanding
Always look eh
This is my responsabiIidad
Always listen to what you want
Ambs and stop-gritar1 outta here!
No, just-outta here!
You are not here
Already tranquilicense
This is too
Now listen
And listen well
Not talking only about the department here
This is family
It's how I live, jimi
married to your sister
Is the father of her children, holy God
Ytu brother also got in
It is not the only one that you
You are the only remaining qu
Jimi AD is history
So just siguele
Take a break and pronfundo
say what you say is needed
Put each of your bone
body goes through this
And it's what you do not
The father can not do that
Ray will not pay for what I did Dad
What I did
Best rests
Not thinking cIaro
Listen to Dad
This shit ends now
And if that means
I can not be more police
I'm fine with that
We do.
Come catch Jimmi
It is what you will
Okay okay
You have to be here
What are you doing?
Pick something
DiabIos What is that? --
Come edy is not well
To hell with Jimmi
They had?
Jimmi is going to take care
Jimmi not going to care
I have no money in my
pocket, I'm bankrupt
Come with me or not? I will not go-edy
Stay then. -I will stay here
Already vamonos edy
I shop outside
Give me the damn gun
Give me the damn gun now!
Stay down!
Out now!
No, I can now habaIr
I know, I'm listening
No, this
They are in trouble
You are a stupid idiot edy
SaIgamos of here!
Tell us how to get out of here!
Show me!
SaIida is a damn!
If, as I listen on radio
But slowly, I do not understand what?
I'm on my way
They are stealing
I think I'm going to go
I am the captain
I have an arrest warrant for child s
I want you to join us
What I do think that this here?
Your car is out
Leave a message I hope I mimso
No, I invited him
And take your car in my yard
You can tell their
I said above that
Meet me here
What's going on?
So we do not need to poIicas
What the fuck is that?
Negotiate better ask
And spoke with them? Even non -
I want you back
You are my triggers
They are my boys
These children of pua, are abusers!
Edy caImate!
Do not miss the head here
I will kill him boss!
Enough ok?.
Better take off from here!
Huro by God to kill
In two minutes we will have everything
above and do not want to happen
Do not miss the scene eI controI
CuIpando me this, do not blame you
No complaints
Do not talk
Keny, opens the door
Am I that poIica
out of this bar now
Have something to say?
About what you've done?
Ray gave me no choice
In this case
I had to defend
Damn broke our hearts
I breaks
Something you want to say?.
I'll bring.
Put down your gun
Better still
Best Shut
Okay, of oficila
police retreat
This man is under arrest
Well Fuck you
Back! I'm not playing
Io is best to try
The dead
Jimmi, leave it!
DiIe I love her!
No, Jimmi!
You know where is my brother?