Priest (2011)

I do not know, feels like a grave.
Their queen is here.
And we have our orders.
It's a trap.
This is what is known.
There has always been man.
And there have always been vampires.
Since the beginning, the two
have been locked in conflict.
The vampire was the
hunter and stronger.
But the man had the sun.
It was not enough.
And so it went like this
over many years.
The two races destroying
not only each other ...
but the world itself.
Faced against extinction,
mankind has ...
retreated behind the walls of cities
under the protection of the Church.
And then the ultimate weapon
was found, the priests.
Warriors with the extraordinary powers, trained
by the Chrch at the art of vampire combat.
They alone turned the tide to man.
The remaining vampires
were placed in reservations.
And fearing of the power of the
weapon they created ...
the ruling clerics ordered
the priests to disband.
Former warriors integrated into
a society that no longer needed them.
And as the years passed,
the few surviving preasts ...
faded into obscurity ...
like the vampire
mass before them.
Residual readiation is still spotted.
The contamination is close to zero.
With a little luck, we can
finally start planting.
I am proud of you, Owen.
Great, we'll eat stewed leaks.
- Atoning for your sins?
- No, why?
Wearing the nicest dress, where else
would you be except the church?
I was in town.
I think that at least someone should
have a life outside this place.
I said I didn't want you to
spend so much time out there.
- I'm old enough to go where I want.
- 18 is not old enough, out here.
I know it's hard but we all
have to make sacrifices.
Sacrifices ?!
Living here like a prisoner ?!
Without friends, no fun ?!
Just that someday you could grow
something in these godforsaken lands?
Hold hands and say grace.
Dear Lord, thank you for
the food we are about to recieve...
- Owen? - Tear down below!
- What's going on ?!
Hurry child!
Whatever you hear, don't scream.
Stand behind me!
God protects you, the
Church protects you.
The city protects you.
Absolution of sin, is the only way.
Absolution of sin, is the only way.
Remember, be against the Church,
means to go against God.
Cabin no confession. 5, is free.
Move forward.
Initiate confessional sequence.
To use, say, speak at the time.
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
- Yes, my son?
- I had the dream again.
On War. Tell me more.
We were in the hives, like always.
Eastbound, and I wasn't strong enough.
Tell me more.
I have questions, doubts.
The Devil comes in many shapes.
The best way to combat him,
through personel sacrifice ...
and labor.
Yes Father.
Now say three Hail Mary's
and four Our Father's.
And remember, to go against the
Church, means to go against God.
Stop pointing fingers.
To tatoo.
Did it hurt?
- Why can't I talk?
- You can't talk to priests.
- Who are you?
- Name's Hicks, on the Sheriff from Augustine.
- What do you want?
- There was a vamp attack.
to Lucy. Your brother is hurt bad.
He told me where to find you.
And Shannon?
Lucy talked about you.
Said you were here during the war.
Said when killing vampires
you were the best.
I'm going after her,
I'm gonna get her back.
Just thought that to let you know
in case you wanted to come along.
Figure out I could use
like you by my side.
Thank you for meeting me in
such short notice Monsignors.
Monsignor Chamberlain
has informed us of the situation.
- Your family is in our prayers.
- Thank you.
I come before you because I want
my authority reinsated.
On what grounds?
- This was a vampire attack.
- Vampires?
Nonsense, we've had no reports of
any escapes from the reservations.
This is obviously the work of bandits.
- Monsignor, boy was clear.
- "The boy" was mistaken.
There is no vampire manace, the wastelands
are haevens for lawless and ...
as a priest you would not except
a thing like this ridiculous and futile.
It is best left to local authorities.
Monsignor Orelas, this man
has been a great service to the Church.
Were it not for the priest
we would have been overrun...
We are all aware of his accomplishments
Monsignor Chamberlain.
Thank you, can you sit down.
I'm begging you.
- Allow me to find them.
- You have to understand something priest.
Sanctity of these walls is absolute.
The citizens from the cities have complete faith
in the Church's ability to keep them safe.
- You will not shake that faith.
- How can that faith be when it's a lie?
Questioning the authority of the
clergy is absolutelt forbidden.
If you take any action
to leave the cities ...
it will be seem as an act of
agression against the Church.
You will be stripped from the order and
excommunicated. Did I make myself clear?
I said, do I make myself clear father?
Yes Monsignor.
Try to remember your vow. To go against
Church is to go against God.
Come on now. Don't be shy.
Give us a kiss.
That's no way to treat a friend.
Please, let me go...
You are here for your own protection.
If you go out you shall be
taken apart, piece by piece.
My uncle is a priest, he'll come after me.
- What makes you so sure?
- He'll come after me.
He'll come after you!
Well that's something
I'm absolutely counting on.
The judgement is final. I'm sorry.
I sacrificed everything that's worldly.
- And they won't listen to me.
- The war is long gone.
You and the other priests
have done their jobs.
It's not over, not for me.
You can't break your
covenant on a small ...
group of savages would be sacrilige.
I have to.
That's what I was afraid of.
If you go out now, you risk
sturring things up again.
You have to look at the bigger picture,
it's for the greater good.
- Is it the same world that I fought for?
- No.
But it's the only one we have left.
I'm begging you, don't do anything foolish.
Remember your vow, to go against
the Church is to go against God.
Then I go against God.
God help us.
Dear Father, forgive me.
It was never my intention
to offend you.
I'd like to firmly resolve
with the help of your grace ...
no more mistakes, and
avoid the occasions of sin.
But I can't.
Looting is not such a good idea mister.
Well I'll be damned.
Vampires are a vicious lie!
I saw a vampire bite off a man in half.
Salvation is right here, in my very hands.
- Authenticated of the clergy themself...
- Wait me for a moment.
And keep more loved ones
safe one more night...
I'm tired of you comin' around here,
scaring people with more superstition.
The show is over, it's time for you to go.
Give me one good reason why I should.
It's one, two ...
OK, OK, OK !!
Goddamn son of a bitch!
All listen up!
The stuff is good for nothin' ...
but lies for that man's pockets
for your hard earned cash!
You don't know that. You're just a kid.
We gotta do somethin' to keep us safe.
Move out of the way !!
I don't anyone for being scared.
The vampires are gone and
they're not coming back.
You have to excuse the attention.
Strangers are not here often.
Is it true what they say about priests?
To be the hand of God?
How is he?
He's in rest.
Claire took the boys...
A return of an old man.
After the war was over ...
Shannon figured you'll come back.
I wanted to.
But I can't see right and wrong.
I couldn't save her.
I tried, but I've never had your gift.
You gave her a life that
I have more I could not.
He'll always be greatful for her.
You know there ain't one day
she didn't forget about you.
You'll find Lucy, and bring her home safe.
And you promise me something brother.
Kill 'em all.
Most people out there know that the clergy
thinks of us as Godless people.
And that's how we like it. It means that
they'll keep their noses out of our business.
As you can imagine how surprised I was when
they concacted me asking if I'd seen you.
Saying that anyone going after Lucy
is to be arrested immediately.
Said she's in God's hands now.
Problem is, we both now outside
this place she'd be dead ...
or worse, infected.
With all due respect to God...
You're wasting your time.
You're not cutting me out of this!
I'm the one that came and got you!
The people in this town don't think
you can keep them safe here.
What makes you think you'll
do any good out there?
- You ant good with a gun?
- Better than I am with a knife.
We leave a dawn.
What's with all these bullets anyway?
I thought that priests did not use firearms.
We don't.
These are for you.
You are called to serve once more.
One of your own has broken his sacred vow.
His actions are a threat
to the entire order.
You'll find him and bring him back to me.
Dead or alive.
- What is it?
- Vampire tracks are round and ...
in sets of 2, 3 or 4 at once,
these are two by two.
- Must have been some of the familiars.
- Vampires don't bring familiars. In the hunt they slow them down.
All this...
This was something else.
Tracks head north.
- There's a reservation that way.
- Well then, that's where we start.
Mangshane Reservation.
Talk about the red out in jacks.
They're a fallen tribe.
Either way, we don't have
much time to get in and out.
No guards.
I thought familiars were illegal.
No one ever enforces it, as long
as it's voluntary.
- Voluntary?
- Yes, come to the border.
Drifters that want to get infected.
They think becoming a vampire
and live among them.
They have all sorts of strange ideas.
As long as they keep to themselves I...
Makes no difference to me.
You're not welcome priest.
These lands are protected.
I got this.
We're looking for a local girl, kidnapped
- They came through this neighborhood.
- Nobody comes through Nightshade.
So it's nice ...
and quiet.
Good, we're sure we don't have any trouble.
They excreet it, use
them to build the hives.
I guess we now what happened to the guards.
No, no, no, you must not...
The Master will be angry...
Where's the girl?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The Master doesn't feed anymore.
Tell that to the guards.
- Where is she?
- Please don't, don't...
Where is she?
Priest !! Priest !!!
Save your bullets.
We can do this the easy way or...
God. I always prefered the hard way.
- Tell me where you took the girl.
- Haven't you done already priest ?!
- Tell me!
- Look around, what we've done to them.
They once ruled this land, they were
worriers, they were Gods.
- They were murderers.
- They were what they were made to be.
- ... in nature just like you.
- You have 10 seconds to start talking.
You're too late priest.
This is their time now.
- Did you get your gun on?
- Why?
You're gonna need it.
I walk to the shadow of death ...
- ... fear no evil.
- Your words mean nothing to them priest.
For Thou are with me.
- Should we go after them?
- No need, they'll die at first light.
No more masters, just you and me.
Tell me where they took the girl.
- West, they took her west.
- Why?
You have no idea what's coming priest.
The familiar said they
travel west from here.
- Solar wall.
- A hive?
- One of the largest.
- But I thought all the hives were destroyed at the war.
They were.
That's why we need to go look.
There are more than 50
crips in this reservation.
But only 6 vampires left. The weak.
They left behind.
We find the missing one, we find Lucy.
I may not have seen the war ...
but I know the look a man gets
when he likes killing.
It comes easy to you.
I just can't.
Lucy's got nothing to do with it.
Give me your gun.
- What?
- Give me your gun.
Vampires are not like humans.
Their body weight pulls them
in concentrated patterns.
You need to anticipate their
trajectory to make a kill shot.
- Are you teaching me to shoot?
- I'm teaching you how to kill vampires.
There are always 2 points. A and B.
Know 'em both, you'll kill a vampire.
A man came aboard.
Says he got something for you.
You told me to come.
I have information, but I...
Before I tell you, I
hate to bring you this.
There is this small little
matter of compensation.
You want, it'll be real good for business.
So I'm more willing to cut you a deal.
Can you smell the blood
running through you veins?
Smells like dinner.
OK. Allright.
Once you have grabbed that girl, a couple
of nights later, a priest showed up.
- Priest?
- And he was with this Sheriff.
Real hard case, he run me out of town
before I could make a single sell.
- You've done well.
- Thank you.
There's you compensation.
Put him to work.
I came here when I was little.
Stared all his stuff.
He wondered what it used to be.
After a while, it just makes my eyes ache.
Did Owen know about you and Lucy?
No, no.
She wanted to tell him, but...
Owen wasn't the easiest man to talk to.
Besides, he was so focused on his work
that he didn't care of things.
Do you love her?
If she's infected ...
I'll kill her.
You'll try ...
but you won't be able to.
I wasn't there to protect her once,
I won't make the same mistake again.
- Feels like a grave.
- It's a trap.
This is a waste of time,
there's nothing there.
Stay here, if anything comes up
that isn't me, shoot it.
- What are you doing here?
- The Clergy sent me. Ordered me to bring you back.
They sent four of us to track you.
We split up at Nightshade.
I really hoped they didn't have you.
The others went up to Jericho.
I didn't believe when they
told me you broke your vow.
They left me no choice. Hicks!
What the hell was that thing ?!
- A guard.
- Who the hell are you ?!
It's too big to get down here.
Which is the only reason you're still alive.
Who the hell is that?
Are you ready?
Not bad.
Point A, meet point fucking B.
The hive's been abandoned for years.
Why would it need anyone protect it?
- Does he know what you'll do if she's infected?
- He knows.
- He will try to stop you.
- He won't be able to.
It's been hard for all these years.
Can't see the others, no talking.
Sector 7 was the only
place I could find work.
Waste management.
No one would hire "A girl who kills".
I heard that.
I didn't come here to bring you back.
I came here to warn you.
There are nights. When I wake up ...
I think I'm back on the red mines.
I'm sweating, I clench,
like I'm ready for something.
At those nights I go back to sleep.
I have bad dreams.
Me too.
The other nights, the good nights ...
I dream about other things.
- Why doesn't it look like the rest of the hive?
- This section here, they must have realtered.
Oh my God.
They bread a new army.
Where did they all go?
Only one way out.
Are priests allowed relations?
- We take a vow of celibacy.
- You mean, you never...
I was a young girl when
the Clergy found me.
What about him?
His talents developed better.
He was you age when the Clergy came for him.
Therefore, his sacrifice
is bigger than most.
The air is changing.
Well there's you answer.
They dug right through the mountain and ...
Made a hole big enough to fit
a whole army through.
What town is that?
It's Jericho.
Where'd you say the others went?
What the hell?
Hello ?!
Is anybody there?
Let's begin.
I don't see anything.
Brothers. You have a choice.
You can follow in my footsteps,
or you can follow in his.
We're too late.
We seperate, go for each building,
and see what we can find.
There's nobody left, no soul.
Too many mouths to feed.
Killing three priests? What kind of
vampire can do something like that?
Nothing we've ever seen before.
How could they clean an entire town
over night, and vanish by sunrise?
There are no hives around
here, no reservations.
- Where does this rail line go?
- It's an old mining line.
It starts at Dunker,
passing through Augustine.
- Jericho is the last stop before...
- The cities.
If they reach cities it
would be suicide, right?
- The sun will kill them.
- There is no sun in the cities.
Not anymore.
Without us, they're defensless.
- I'm responsible.
- No, this was sistematic.
Whoevet took Lucy, knew
you'd come for her ...
and we'd come for you.
They're drawing us out.
They must have picked up different factions
during the day, and through the night.
- It's going to be a massacre.
- It's going to be a war.
Train carrying an army of vampires?
What chance do we have
stopping something like that?
I'll take the train and blow the line.
You two get aboard and find Lucy.
I'll start charging the bikes.
It's gonna take everything we have ...
to stop the train before
it reaches the cities.
You must be starving.
You haven't eaten in days.
Have you ever had a real roast duck?
It's very rare, real exotic.
- Of course not.
- Try it, you'll never have better.
- What do you want?
- I want the same things that you want.
I want to be free from a life
of suffering and sacrifice.
To no longer be told to your
every desire as a sin.
And after all, if you're not
commiting sin, you're nor having fun.
What are you?
The Church teaches us that the eyes
are the window to the soul ...
and since the vampire are evolved
without eyes, it is a soulles creature ...
that should be eradicated.
And I feel the soul of a vampire.
And let me tell you ...
it's far more pure than any man.
Now you ask what I am.
I am the bringer of the guy ...
I am to bring a clean wash
to this unclean world.
And you and your priest ...
will help me do it.
He's gonna kill her.
If she's infected.
She talked about him.
Said she never known him.
She wanted to.
What kind of man would kill
his own flesh and blood?
If she becomes a follower,
she's no ones flesh and blood.
Not anymore.
Held on to it, all there years.
To remind me what they've
stripped away from us.
Honor, abilities, faith...
Today I want you to remember, that our
power doesn't come from the Church ...
it comes from God.
With or without clergy,
we're still priests.
I can't.
When I heard what happened to Shannon ...
I prayed for her salvation.
And then I prayed for mine.
Because of the darkness in their heart.
I hoped her death would free you at last.
- Tell me you won't kill her.
- Hicks, don't do this.
Tell me, or I'll shoot you in your place.
It's easier to face you bullet here
than face the thing what's up ahead.
Why do you even care?
She's nothing but a stranger to you.
She's his daughter.
- She was just a baby when the clergy took me.
- You're lying, I knew Owen.
The child needed a father.
We all made sacrifices.
If you do this, you will
find not what you seek.
We won't stop the train, and
we won't be able to save them.
You are safe.
We will end this together.
When the train comes, blow the tracks
and get out of there !!
What if you're still on the train ?!
Good luck.
Holy shit.
Hello my friend.
- You fell!
- To let go!
In the depths of that hive, I touched
the threshold of life and death.
And do you know what I found?
The queen might come to kill,
but she gave me mercy.
She turned me into something that
never existed in this world.
A human vampire.
Join me, accept the blood of the queen.
Together we can return to the cities ...
as brothers.
- Where is my daughter?
- Waiting for your decision.
You can't win.
I'm stronger now than you ever were.
This is your last chance Priest.
The queens hands can not be denied.
Mankind will find no
hideout of what's coming.
Join me, and your life of
sacrifice will be over.
- Fuck.
- Did you find her?
I couldn't get closer.
They took her to the front.
- You would have made a good priest.
- Thanks.
Don't let it go over your head.
Stop it !!
No Lucy!
Very good, fast.
Just like your father.
He never told you?
At this time of need, give me strength.
You are my refuge and strength ...
I do not fear for you or with me.
I won't let you go !!
You faith has failed you!
For the life of the flesh is in the blood.
And I have given you upon the altar ...
for the giving of your soul.
How dare you come to this holy place?
The man who defied the Church,
for his own selfish crusade ?!
Inside the burning train just
behind the city walls ...
you'll find hundreds more like it.
- And their queen was not among them.
- LIES !!
This man is a charlatan.
A risk to the security of cities.
There is no vampire manace!
- The war is over, priest!
- No.
It's just beginning.
I'll notify the others. We'll meet you
at the rally point at City 7.
Good luck.
... EN1S...