Prima Cosa Bella, La (The First Beautiful Thing) (2010)

Dear friends,
let's have a round of applause
now that we've reached
the finals of this pageant.
It's time
to crown Miss Pancaldi 1971.
Put your hands together
for this extraordinary jury
led by the incredible
maestro Anselmo Viani,
the famous singer who'll perform
a gem from his repertoire.
Now I have a surprise
for you all
that'll keep you
on the edge of your seats.
This year, the Bagni Pancaldi
committee has decided
to crown one of you mothers
as Miss Summer Mamma.
Our scouts are already getting to work.
Watch out pretty moms,
because you could become
tonight's big star.
The Nuove Dimensioni Band will provide
tonight's musical entertainment.
Hit it!
I see the scouts
are working hard.
Pick Anna! Pick her!
Another mom has been selected,
let's cheer her on!
Friends, let's show some
Bagni Pancaldi love
for these pretty young moms
who'll be tonight's stars.
This way, please.
What a surprise!
Let's meet these lovely moms
from Bagni Pancaldi.
- The first...
- Mara Marmugi.
- Elisa Lorelli.
- Great.
Who, me?
Anna Nigiotti-Michelucci.
Luana Bertuccelli.
Great. I have a surprise for you all.
Tonight's winner will be chosen
exclusively by one
of our dear friends...
Go ahead, maestro.
Anselmo, you rule!
We have a winner!
Miss Summer Mamma 1971!
- Mom won!
- Watch out, dummy.
Let's get to know our winner.
Here are our lovely assistants,
Marta and Emanuela.
May I say something?
Mrs... Anna, is that right?
You could've easily competed
in the main pageant! Am I right?
She's hot!
Are you nervous?
A little.
Your flowers... and let's
have a smile for the photographers.
Anna, where are those kids of yours?
Are you really a mom?
There are my kids,
Bruno and Valeria.
Say hi, kids!
They're both great singers,
you should hear them.
- And that must be your husband.
- Mario.
- He's a bit shy.
- Shy... What can I say?
He's a lucky guy!
Let's hear it for this year's
Miss Summer Mamma
and our other contestants, thank you!
- This way?
- Yes.
Let's pick up where we left off
with the main pageant,
back to our contestants.
Here are our finalists...
All right,
we've reached the finals,
let's hear from our judges...
and let's have a round of applause
for them too.
Your votes have been counted...
Hey, chief!
So Prof, did you like the goods?
It's a shame to smoke it.
I read that book you gave me,
pretty cool!
I've got some special stuff,
some pure brown.
I'm all set, but thanks for the offer.
- I'll save a gram for you.
- Thanks but no thanks.
Have a good night, thanks.
Prof, your helmet!
They'll pull you over!
Caterina waited half an hour for you.
- Who?
- The girl you tutor.
I made rice and roast beef.
It's in the oven...
with the cake.
I already had a slice.
Happy birthday!
Have a seat.
What? I am sitting!
Don't laugh, this is serious.
At least take off your helmet,
you look crazy!
It's off. So has anything
really changed?
I don't think so, do you?
My helmet's off now,
what's changed?
Has anything changed?
Don't think so!
- Can we have this talk or not?
- Honey, what talk?
Sandra, we can't go on like this.
It's clear to everyone, even the cats.
You're better than me...
You went to the park again.
- Don't change the subject...
- You went!
This is serious,
we're breaking up! And...
"You went to the park..."
This is serious!
You spent your birthday
at the park, like a regular junkie!
I can't believe it, Bruno.
At your age!
I've told you before,
I'm not a junkie. At best...
- An occasional user.
- Exactly, at best.
Right, at best!
It's hard to say it, hard to hear it,
it's all very hard,
but it's time for us
to go back to our own homes.
Bruno, I hate to say it
but this is my house.
Then we'll keep pretending
like we don't understand.
Do we want to misunderstand
each other? Then let's.
He's insane, totally insane!
Hey Michelucci, try some veal aspic,
it tastes like shit!
- Then you eat it!
- Are you Professor Michelucci?
- Yes.
- There's a young lady here to see you.
But my office hours are on Wednesday.
She's downstairs, will you see her?
Tell her you couldn't find me.
You tried, not a trace!
- Do you have a minute, professor?
- No.
Hey, how are you?
- I'm with mom, didn't you see her?
- No.
- Are you nuts? Why'd you run?
- Valeria, what a nice surprise!
How about that! Hi!
How are you?
How can I get a hold of you?
You don't answer your calls or emails.
- You look well.
- And look how tall Sergio is!
- Aldo. Sergio's my brother.
- Mom's getting worse.
- Valeria, please.
- She's in palliative care now.
It's a matter of weeks.
If you don't go see her,
you'll never forgive yourself.
It's not that I don't want
to see her...
I've got exams to grade,
I'm really busy...
I'd really like to see her.
I'll be in touch, for sure.
Just give me some...
It was nice to see you.
Bye, Aldo.
Say hello to your dad.
I'll call you.
Yeah, I'll call you!
Why me...
What a piece of shit!
I can't believe this.
I told you it was useless.
Come on!
What is he doing?
They've stopped giving her chemo,
it's pointless, just pain killers.
Poor thing, she sleeps all the time.
She'll be shocked to see you.
- You already have your license?
- He turned 18 in March.
- In June...
- He's graduating soon.
Then we'll see about college.
Why don't you let him talk?
He's 18, he drives... let him talk.
You didn't tell your girlfriend
you were leaving.
- Who?
- Don't you live with a woman?
Yeah, it's called a "roommate".
I'm taking a nap,
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
So nice to talk to you!
Fuck you!
What is this?
It doesn't look like a hospital.
- It's called a "hospice".
- What?
- She's asleep. Go ahead.
- What about you?
I'm going home.
You can sleep in the armchair.
Ma'am, are there any night buses
for the station?
A shuttle?
Get out of here!
You're hurting me!
- Daddy doesn't want you to.
- Shut up, dummy. Go to sleep.
You need to shut up
and get out of this house!
Get out of my sight!
You're trying to kill me!
Get dressed kids. We're leaving.
Damn me for agreeing
to stay in Livorno.
Damn me for coming to Livorno.
You suffocated me.
You're trying to kill me!
What are you doing?
You're the one leaving!
You're leaving! The kids stay here!
- I don't want mom to leave.
- Shut up!
- When dad calms down, it'll be fine.
- No, it won't be fine.
Take that off!
You know what?
The three of you, get out! Leave!
Get out of my sight!
I don't want to see you again
for 100 years!
If you dare come up those stairs again
I'll kill you!
Did you all see that?
I kicked her out! Mind your own
fucking business now.
We're fine.
The show's over.
Did you see everything, Nesi?
- Mom, I forgot Gigi!
- Your bear? We'll come back for him.
I want him now! He can't stay alone!
- Shut up.
- Bruno hit me!
I barely touched her.
You forgot your shoes!
Come here.
- She's a dummy, it's hopeless.
- Bruno called me a dummy!
Behave, kids.
Let's go surprise grandma and auntie.
The three of us will sleep together.
You'll have fun with mom!
I picked up a guitar
And I play for you
It's time to learn
I know I can't play
But I play for you
Do you hear this voice?
The first beautiful thing
I got from life
Is your young smile, is you...
Slippers, in this weather?
- Mom made us hurry.
- But I put on my shoes.
Shhh, grandma's asleep.
You're crazy!
Walking around with two kids
at this hour!
He went nuts, he pulled my hair.
You probably drove him nuts!
I knew it would happen.
Don't you start!
You show up and expect people
not to judge you!
Have some candy,
then the three of us will get in bed.
- Where'll I sleep?
- On the couch, is that a problem?
What color candy do you want?
We have white, pink, blue...
- Let's go, kids.
- What? Where are you going?
- Anywhere, but not here.
- Leave the kids here.
- My kids will come with me.
- You'll be sorry!
Sure. Goodbye.
- It's so nice!
- This is the only double I have.
- Thanks, this is fine.
- I should hope so!
- Mom, we even have flowers!
- They're plastic.
But they're cute.
And we have a sink too!
Time for bed now. It's very late.
- Where'll I sleep?
- Help me push the beds together.
One, two...
Look, we have Jesus too!
- Shall I say my prayers?
- Yes, before going to sleep.
But I have to take a big poop.
A big poop?
You have to take a big poop?
I want to go alone.
Okay, honey. I'll wait here.
Mom, are you there?
Yes, honey.
Listen to that rain!
You can't sleep,
Your mind wanders,
you get sad,
and you get pissed off.
- May I?
- Sorry, it's occupied.
- Honey?
- Just a sec.
- Just a sec.
- Take your time.
Want a menthol cigarette?
- Thanks.
- No problem.
I was right,
I thought I recognized you!
This summer, at Miss Pancaldi.
You were the prettiest mom.
I was one of the judges.
Sure, you write for the "Telegraph".
Roberto Lenzi.
I report on culture and lifestyle.
But especially entertainment.
Gosh, that must be interesting.
It was at first,
then it got boring.
Naturally I won't ask
what you're doing in a hotel.
We're human, life happens.
Never mind.
- Mom, I did a big one!
- Good girl.
- Flush the toilet.
- I'll do it.
Baby poop is Jesus' poop!
Good night.
You know, you look just like
Ava Gardner when you smile?
You mean Walter Chiari's lover?
You're kidding,
Ava Gardner is gorgeous and elegant.
No, I mean it.
- Mom's smoking.
- Shut up, dummy.
You'd be perfect for the movies.
Me? You're pulling my leg.
No. I wonder if my friend
Augusto Paoletti would agree.
- You know Count Paoletti?
- He has that big villa...
Yes, but he spends his summers
in Castiglioncello.
He's chummy with the stars,
Mastroianni, Sordi, Paolo Panelli...
- Excuse me.
- Goodnight, Doris.
That reminds me:
This summer, maestro Dino Risi
will be shooting his new film
right in Castiglioncello.
Maybe you heard...
- What, you're smoking?
- Just a few puffs.
Mr. Lenzi, you're very kind, but I don't
have time for these things right now.
- As you wish, ma'am.
- Excuse me.
I don't think I'm cut out
for the movies.
- Goodnight.
- Come on, honey.
I can't hear a thing!
Does this thing work?
Giada, can you take a look?
- It doesn't work.
- No? All right, we'll manage.
Here he is, our savior from Milan!
No knobs, it's all modern!
Move over, you're blocking our view!
I was just trying to help.
Are you her son? The professor?
Your mom's quite a woman!
If I were 20 years younger
and had a few more weeks to live...
Hush up, Ennio.
Don't make it worse,
we can barely hear as it is.
Why are you here?
I'm not dying, you know.
Good, then I can leave.
I never liked that guy, Carmine.
But that Cristian
is much more handsome.
I think he and Paola
will get back together.
What are you wearing?
You never knew how to dress.
Look at that hair!
You don't have much left.
All right, give me a kiss.
You're still handsome!
You smell, though.
I bet you didn't even
wash your face this morning!
- Mom, please.
- I'm wiping off my lipstick.
- I'll do it myself.
- Sourpuss!
What's so funny?
She went through 10 chemo cycles,
but that's it. It's useless now.
All we can do is help her
through the last stages.
- Are you listening?
- She doesn't look like she's dying.
Anna's an amazing woman.
I've never seen such a cheerful
and lively terminal patient.
- Isn't she always sedated...
- Be quiet and listen.
We give her strong opioids
and rehydration.
She sleeps a lot,
but when she wakes up...
her clinical condition is what it is.
Don't mind me,
I know I'm an idiot for smoking.
It was in your pocket!
Excuse me, Doctor...
Sorry, do you mind?
I'd like to speak to him in private.
Are there any prescription drugs
to fill that sense of emptiness
and sadness?
Something like those opioids...
Have you tried taking a nice swim?
I have to get back to work.
- Bye Valeria! See you.
- Goodbye.
- Hello.
- Come meet the Countess.
And that godforsaken place
in the Tofane...
Lady Maria Grazia, my regards.
This is my dear friend, Anna.
A true pleasure.
What a beautiful home.
This party is truly wonderful.
Really? I find it a bit dull.
- Parties aren't much fun anymore.
- So true.
- Of course, nowadays...
- Mom!
Sandrine is busting my chops!
She shut off the record player!
Would you tell her to fuck off, please?
Don't be so clingy.
Sandrine, let her do
as she pleases. Don't bug me!
A kiss and then leave me alone,
or else I'll get a headache.
See? Don't bust my chops,
do as I say.
- What a character!
- She's a doll!
Excuse me
while I say hello to Count Augusto.
My regards.
- I bumbled. My regards again.
- She bumbled...
The pimp found him another whore.
Now isn't this better
than the Communist Party festival!
Roberto! Who invited you?
Good evening, Augusto.
He's a joker...
- This is Anna.
- Anna Nigiotti, my pleasure.
- We know each other.
- Do we? No.
Last year in the Tofane.
I picked up the snow shoe you lost.
You were wearing a white outfit.
- You're mistaken.
- Never been to Cortina?
Then I'll have to take you.
What a grand idea,
Augusto has a gorgeous chalet!
I won't take you, though.
The Count's been talking
to that lady all night!
- She's hot, but she looks like a ditz.
- Want some, kids?
She's a sly one, if you ask me.
I hear her husband threw her out.
Sure, with all that two-timing!
Ask the Countess about two-timing...
She knows a thing or two!
Would you gossips shut up?
Excuse me, pardon me.
Here's some dessert,
chocolate and whipped cream.
It's a great party,
too bad you can't see it.
The Count's a gentleman.
Not hungry?
I don't want any. Can we leave now?
Valeria's tired.
- No, not any more.
- Just a few more minutes, behave.
We'll say goodbye and go.
Sorry, I hope they haven't been
a bother.
What did I tell you? Idiots!
The journalist brought them in,
I thought they were his kids.
- Can I eat yours too?
- No.
- No thanks.
- Come on!
No one cooks like Valeria!
Light but delicious.
- Wonderful.
- Thanks.
Knock it off, Sergio,
we're about to eat.
Not to mention the wiring
in the stairwell must be redone.
- It's on hold for now.
- Eat up, you can tell him later.
I want him to know
we spent lots of money and time
on your mom's house!
- We did it gladly, of course.
- I can chip in...
- No worries.
- Honey, you make light of everything.
But that house needs
to be brought up to code,
can you believe it still has
pre-war ceramic resistors?
Today's building codes
require certain safety measures.
Let me show you something.
I have the minutes from the last
homeowners' board meeting.
- I'll read it, tell me if I'm right.
- I made peas too.
Grandma let me read
the poems you wrote.
Grandma let me read
the poems you wrote.
- Why?
- The wiring should be PVC.
I wanted to use a few
as lyrics for my band.
I like the one that says:
"Came into the world feet first".
- How does the rest go?
- Dunno, I can't remember.
Non-stop housing board meetings.
Your band... do you guys smoke?
No worries, Uncle Bruno,
we're against drugs.
Oh, good for you.
You've got to read those minutes.
Plus the fumes from the kitchen...
And that lady on the second floor
with the poodle that barks all night.
There was a big fight the other day,
luckily I intervened.
I'd gladly come with you but I don't
want to keep my colleague...
- No problem, Giancarlo.
- Goodnight.
My brother-in-law's the best!
Look what they've done
to Anna's photo.
These poor plants...
Dying of thirst, as always.
I'll water you,
I'm the only one who ever does.
Me and me alone.
Valeria told me
you were leaving right away.
- All the better.
- Get some sleep, it's 11:00.
- There's a bit of a mess now...
- What do you need to show me?
Since my mom died,
I've had to take over.
Look, this is all your stuff.
Your mom had it piled up in drawers,
but I'm sorting it out.
If I don't, who will? Nobody.
Look what else she saved!
- You were good.
- I cheated.
All of your poems.
- I have to say, they're not bad.
- I'll put these back.
Here you go.
Your mom was so proud of you,
nowadays she's happy to say
her son teaches at a high school.
It's a vocational school.
She doesn't want people
to know you never call.
And now...
Now I'll show you the album
I just put together.
Where is it?
I spoke too soon.
I need to tidy up in here...
Where is it?
Here it is.
What are you peeking at?
Put those back.
All that was left of these
were negatives,
so I scanned them and printed them.
They're lovely. What are they?
Great. I'll look at them tomorrow.
I'm dead tired, I'm going to bed.
- Do you have any sleeping pills?
- I'll make you some chamomile.
- Chamomile? How about some alcohol?
- No...
But I may be wrong,
because my poor mom used to drink...
"Assignment: Describe your home.
My home is on Via delle Navi,
but now that mom
is a movie star,
we live in Castiglioncello
in a villa,
but our house is smaller,
it's called a "guesthouse".
It's cute,
like the seven dwarves' home.
But it isn't not ours,
it belongs to a male friend of mom's.
Don't include that.
- Plus I'm an extra, not a movie star.
- I'll erase it later.
"Sometimes we go to work with her,
sometimes we don't,
then Bruno and I go to the beach
and Bruno fishes for crabs
while I watch."
- Don't put me in it either.
- Geez, I have to erase it all!
I have to go film the scene
in the pine forest.
No swimming at the beach,
the water's freezing.
I made you an omelet.
Zip me up.
If you need anything, call me.
I'll bring my slippers too!
You wouldn't think so,
but being an extra is exhausting.
Ready, rolling, action...
over and over again, who knows why!
Don't get into trouble.
If you're in the garden don't touch
anything and don't raise your voices.
What's the big deal?
Let them have fun!
They can do as they please.
Let's see those muscles, little man!
- Rock hard! Bravo.
- Sit up straight.
Come on, Ava Gardner, or the production
manager will get on my case!
- Hasta la vista, muchachos!
- Hasta la vista!
Shut up, you dummy.
- Are they kissing?
- No way, are you nuts?
Sandra, telling you about my mom
wouldn't have changed a thing.
How is she? Not too well, they say.
You're coming? Don't come!
I'll be back soon.
I'll keep you posted. Bye.
Luciano Vallesi,
the owner of this pathetic company here.
Our job is to find jobs,
that's the way it goes!
So you're an artist? Lucky you!
Milan must be full of pussy!
Cocktails, gallery openings,
fashion shows...
Even the ugliest hag
is a Dolce & Gabbana model.
- I was just kidding.
- Sure.
I have to admit, I'm rather crude.
Plus, my wife and I just separated.
After 10 years of house arrest
I'm an animal!
You're always bothering people.
I know, I was just chatting
with your brother.
The call center won't hire
ex-Delphi employees. Will you handle it?
- When will you be back?
- When I'm done.
- If you need a ride...
- I have a scooter, don't I?
- Come on, Bruno!
- You're always right.
What a woman.
- Who's that weirdo?
- My boss, a total idiot.
Let me drive,
All I need is a crash in Livorno.
Together on the scooter, how cute!
Yes, Loriano?
- Oh my God!
- What?
They've looked everywhere!
In the attic, in the pine forest... not
a trace! She was antsy last night.
She took a few extra pain killers
and woke up early this morning.
- Impossible!
- She isn't outside or downstairs.
She went out in her nightgown?
Her jacket, dress, and purse
are gone. She's nuts.
- Don't bug me.
- They're fighting.
- Who?
- Mom and that man. He's yelling.
- Why, what did I do?
- Lower your voice.
What do my kids have to do with it?
Why are you treating me like this?
What did I do?
- Get out!
- Ouch!
My darlings!
What are you doing outside?
It's chilly, get inside.
Come here, sweetheart.
I have some boxed lunches from the set,
full of treats:
First course, second course,
side dish, fruit...
Even dessert!
I'm starving, how about you?
Today was tough.
There was a big camera on tracks.
I had to carry a tray,
being careful not to trip,
without looking down.
Mr. Risi said I did good
and gave me a line to say tomorrow.
If you were good, why did that man
get mad and hit you?
He didn't hit me.
Help me study my line
or they'll get really mad.
It's underlined.
There it is.
- You're the waitress?
- Yes, and Mastroianni's Father Marco.
A priest who falls in love
with Sophia Loren, or vice versa.
I'm not sure because we extras
don't know the plot.
So I say:
"Good evening, Reverend".
- It says "Good morning".
- Right, I always mess up!
"Today's special is pasta with sauce
and pan-fried squid."
- It says "fried squid".
- Yeah, but "pan-fried" is cuter.
I think Mr. Risi
will like "pan-fried" better.
- What do you think?
- Can we go back home to daddy?
Honey, of course we'll go back.
Really soon, you'll see.
You're warm.
I wonder if you have a fever.
Let's sleep it off,
you'll feel better tomorrow.
Shall we sing a bit, kids?
I won't wake you
No, no, no
Because you're smiling
Perhaps there's a beautiful dream
Behind those closed
Why the scowl, champ?
Smile like your sister.
This one's for mom!
There it is! Beautiful.
Got it! Thanks.
One more of you...
They're suing me for damages,
Mrs. Maria Grazia was told
that your kids broke the window.
They swore they didn't,
I believe them.
What's more,
you're squatting on their property.
Squatting? We're his guests!
Just a sec.
Ma'am, I completely understand,
but take my advice,
get out of that house.
Of course we'll go,
as soon as I find something else.
Naturally. And I'll do my best
to appease Mrs. Maria Grazia.
- Hey what's-your-face, time to
rehearse. - Coming.
Excuse me, and thank you.
You're a kind man.
My pleasure.
Unbutton that blouse!
We didn't break that window.
I know.
Morning, Reverend. We have pasta
with sauce and pan-fried squid.
- Oh, did I say "pan-fried"...
- Where are my kids?
- Mario, what are you doing here?
- Who is this asshole?
Watch your mouth!
I'm this rat's husband.
- We're working.
- Get lost, Brigadier!
First off, I'm a Field Marshal.
With all due respect, Mr. Risi,
mind your business.
- And respect the uniform!
- Please excuse me.
Hey what's-your-face,
quit being an idiot. Come here!
- Dino, what's going on?
- Marcello, just be patient.
Having fun, are you?
Let go of them!
Come on!
Get in the car, right now!
Turning them into gypsies,
spending all day in a trailer...
Come get them now!
Calm down, kids.
Honey, please!
Mario! Please!
Calm down, honey.
Come to auntie.
This child's burning up.
Damn woman! Making movies...
Told you so! I wasn't exaggerating.
Daddy will take care of you now.
Everything will be back to normal.
- Right, Mario?
- The way he was looking at her...
Marcello Mastroianni!
She's shameless.
We'll have meatloaf tonight,
your favorite. Sound good?
Seventh station:
Jesus falls the second time,
under thrusts and blows...
You got lice too,
thanks to that negligent tramp!
Poor innocent children!
Don't cry, honey. Almost done.
Tenth station:
Jesus is stripped of His garments.
By order of Pontius Pilate,
the centurions...
To the mill goes the cat
to make some bread that's flat
With oil and salt...
Eleventh station:
Jesus is nailed to the cross.
Quit crying!
It's not the end of the world,
hair grows back!
Right, Mario?
Come help auntie.
Twelfth station:
Jesus dies on the cross.
Jesus gave a loud cry
and breathed His last.
Sit up straight, honey.
Pull up your chair.
Napkin on your lap.
Valeria, wait till daddy starts.
And chew quietly.
I'll have some too.
Bon apptit.
How is it?
Not like that soup you usually eat,
this is called "chowder".
I got the recipe
from my grandma.
Hold on, honey. I'll get it, you eat.
Hello? Michelucci residence.
- He doesn't want you to talk to them.
- It's mom!
Worry about yourself,
we'll take care of the kids.
And go visit dad in Pascoli,
it's your fault I sent him there.
Now please excuse me, we're eating.
There's more if you'd like.
He's married.
He met her and fell madly in love.
But he can't leave his family.
They make such a cute couple!
It's making me cry,
how silly of me!
- What did your teacher say?
- That I'm smart. Bruno got a B.
- Did anyone do better?
- Bencini and Fontanelli got a B+.
Tsk tsk,
then we'll work on Math today.
You should get the highest grade,
you deserve it.
- Michelucci!
- Bruno!
- Let's play soccer.
- Garzelli's bringing a leather ball.
- I can't.
- Again?
- Good boy.
- Lazy ass!
Okay, here are the house keys,
careful crossing the street.
- Why are you in such a rush?
- Hush up, mom.
We'll pull it off this time.
Phone call.
Fine, and you?
- Who is it, mom?
- Wait.
- Yes, Valeria's here.
- I want to talk to her too!
I understand.
Your number?
Okay, I'll ask him.
When auntie's not home,
but she's always home.
All right...
Me too.
Here she is.
Mom, where are you?
When are you coming?
Auntie threw away my pink jacket,
cause she said it was filthy.
Okay, mommy.
Yes, I'm being a good girl.
- You peed your pants!
- No I didn't.
- The floor was wet.
- I'll dry it up, you'd better hurry.
Go home.
- Let's go.
- I'm afraid.
Grab your bag and shut up.
And turn off the light, dummy.
- Let's just go back to bed.
- Shut up.
What are you doing, that's dangerous!
- Give me your bag and hop up.
- Mommy...
It's raining.
Give me your hand.
- Mommy...
- Geez, just trust me.
This way.
- I'm scared.
- Don't worry, I'm here.
- Careful.
- It's freezing!
- It's so high, what if I die?
- I'll catch you, dummy.
- The light's on, she woke up.
- I can't do it!
- Too bad for you.
- Don't leave me here.
Mommy, mommy,
it's dangerous, help me!
He's alone.
- Where's Valeria?
- She's stuck on the roof.
Get in.
I knew this would get messy.
Remember me?
Honey, close your eyes and jump.
- I can't!
- Don't worry!
I'm scared!
What's going on?
Mommy will catch you.
One, two, three...
Mario! The kids!
Go, Armando! Hurry!
- You'll get me locked up!
- Nonsense, they're my kids!
Ouch, that was quite a catch.
Stop, scoundrels!
Stop! Bring them back!
- I'll find you!
- We should've been more careful.
Don't start!
There's a delicious pizzeria here.
Look, a pharmacy.
I need to get a few things.
Look at that light,
what a gorgeous day!
- We need to get back to the hospital.
- For what?
- Let me do some window shopping.
- Mom, please...
Or take me home
so we can spend some time together.
What a lovely dress,
it would suit Valeria.
She hasn't lost her figure yet.
I don't know
what she sees in that loser.
Why? Giancarlo's a good guy.
He's such a bore, and let's be honest,
he's rather homely!
- Need anything?
- Nope, I'm all set.
- Underwear, socks?
- No.
I think something's going on
with your sister and her boss, Vallesi.
Handsome man, know him?
He's charming, tall...
- So what if he's tall?
Anyway, I don't think so. - No?
How cute!
Then why'd his wife throw him out?
Truth be told,
your sister's a scaredy cat.
She plays hard to get for her kids'
sake, as if they could care less.
She's not like you,
you may be pigheaded...
- Not the fair, no!
- Just a sec. Don't be such a drag!
- Don't rush, slow down.
- Let's take a look.
- Cotton candy!
- Slow down!
- One cotton candy.
- Mom, there's a line! ...Excuse us!
How much?
Yum, I've always loved cotton candy.
- Sure you can eat that?
- Even kids eat it!
- Have a bite.
- I've always hated it.
- Let's go.
- Could we dance a bit?
- You're nuts.
- Just one dance.
Come on!
Move a bit, it's nice.
Now come here...
Move those feet.
Why? It isn't bad for me.
Nice, hold me close.
I haven't danced in ages.
Nesi only takes me to art exhibits
and the theater.
He's so serious.
But he's kind, he buys the groceries
and pays some bills.
He gave me a bouquet of roses
this big for my birthday!
Let's go, you have a cough.
- Come on...
- No.
We'll dance slow.
Let's slow dance, cheek to cheek.
Can you believe
he asked me to marry him?
- Who?
- Loriano, Nesi.
It'd be a dream come true for him,
he even wrote me a poem.
He writes poems like you,
and he's shy like you.
What a silly man!
He didn't want me to read them,
but I found them!
Come on, move those feet!
You're as stiff as a mummy, darling!
That's it, let's go. Everyone's staring.
Have some fun, for Christ's sake!
You never let yourself go.
Why am I so unhappy?
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
You were always such a sourpuss!
You should be more confident.
Wait a sec, mom.
What's so funny?
I want to laugh, too.
- What's your problem?
- I'm dancing with my mom.
Piss off, get lost!
Hey, is she okay?
Let go!
- I'll make some breaded cutlets.
- I just need to close up.
- The variety show is on tonight.
- Great!
See you next Wednesday, Mrs. Viviana.
Good night, Mr. Mansani.
I think my sister's getting suspicious.
She almost went downstairs today.
Let's go.
I'm hungry, I wanted to buy some bread
but Bruno said no
and hit me in the head.
She was playing ball with the buoy.
Kids, you can't do that.
Armando's right, you've got to behave,
Mrs. Viviana only comes on Wednesdays.
Let's have some pasta.
- It just needs to be heated up.
- Good boy.
- I have to go in 5 minutes.
- Of course, Armando. Come on.
We had a good day today.
How'd you manage to sell
those wet suits?
- I couldn't get rid of them.
- I slashed the price.
Did you see these bills?
They're almost due.
Remember, the suppliers get paid
at the end of the month.
Order some more flippers,
we only have large sizes left.
What is it Armando?
- Is something wrong?
- No, I'd better go.
We can't seem to sell
these flip flops.
Give them away
with the red suits.
Want to stay for dinner?
We have tons of food.
I can make beef chops too.
You heard my sister, I'd better go.
- Some other time.
- Sure.
All right.
Kids, say bye to Mr. Mansani!
- Help me set the table.
- Good night, Mr. Mansani.
- Honey, what are you wearing?
- Good night.
Why don't you take her
on a roller coaster next time?
Cotton candy?
Sure, now it's my fault.
She wanted to dance
and eat cotton candy.
- I didn't even want to come here...
- Just shut up!
Let her get some rest, she needs it.
And you should be prepared
for anything.
- Doctor, is it time?
- We'll see if she recovers.
The important thing is
that she doesn't suffer.
But she won't be back on her feet.
we've decided to take her home.
- Who decided?
- Shut up, dummy.
- Can we do that?
- No way!
She can receive treatment at home too.
If you can handle it and Anna agrees,
then take her home.
We'll wait and see.
Good night.
- It would be better.
- I don't know.
I'm right here, you know.
God, the door's open!
Hurry up.
What are you doing here?
How are you?
Are you all right?
Don't tell anyone you saw me.
- Not even mom.
- All right.
How's Valeria? Does she bug you?
It's your job to take care of her,
you're a young man now.
This is the situation with mom and I...
- But we'll see...
- Right.
Go on.
Get some sleep.
Come here.
Take this,
don't tell mom I gave it to you.
Go on.
Is she laughing?
She must be immortal.
Remember when she died
at the Bagni Pancaldi?
- Dad was taking pictures...
- No, it was the Super 8 film...
I remember,
she felt sick and collapsed...
- A congestion.
- Congestion...
They put her on the gurney
in the infirmary,
she was pale and cold...
She was dead!
Then she opened her eyes,
just like that...
"I'd love a cream doughnut!"
What's so funny?
- I want to laugh too.
- We were just chatting.
How do you feel?
No, you can't take that off.
- Would you lift me up?
- Grab a pillow.
Hold on, mom.
Nice and easy, ready?
Hush up, you!
Always scolding them.
They're good kids.
Mom, listen.
Since the doctor himself
said it's doable...
Would you prefer to stay here
or go home?
- I've made up my mind.
- What?
I'll marry him.
I don't get it.
- What did she say?
- I don't understand, what?
If the two of you agree...
- Do you think we can do it?
- What, mom?
You're thick!
She wants to marry Loriano,
this guy here.
- Move it!
- Nesi!
- What, Mario?
- You tell her!
Get out of the way!
- Where are they taking me?
- To the hospital, relax.
Don't die on me.
Come get us if she's not there.
Let's not make a scene.
- Should I go in too?
- No.
- What a drag...
- Don't you dare.
Hello? Cardiology.
It's nothing.
They just need to run some tests,
then I'll go home.
- I'm fine.
- Sure.
- Mom?
- She's outside with Valeria.
- Should I get them?
- No, your aunt will flip out.
Come here.
Here, give this to mom.
Don't read it, put it away.
Put it in your pocket, hide it.
Can I give you a kiss?
Forget it...
Go on, don't worry.
What are you looking at? Go.
Dear Anna,
at this difficult time, I realized
many things I never understood.
I forgive all your mistakes
and I still love you.
I have this heart problem because
I've been far from you and the kids.
So I've decided
that when I get out of here...
- Where's your mother?
- Give it back.
No, it's for your dad's own good,
and yours and your sister's.
- You'll thank me one day.
- Get out of the way.
... when I get out of here
I'll come get you
and we can be together again
if you want.
She can't come in here!
How dare she come in here
after she killed him!
What's she doing? Is she nuts?
This is what dad would've wanted.
- You disgust me! No shame!
- Let's go, ignore them.
Good, get out of here!
Mario wouldn't have wanted you here.
He only loved me
and those poor kids!
He wanted them back, not you!
Poor thing. No one ever loved you
because you're selfish and mean...
- And you're ugly as hell!
- Shame on you!
You deserve to be out on the street!
Let go of me!
And you can forget about the house!
Mario left it to me!
That witch, I'll show her.
I'll hire a lawyer.
Open that door.
Start your engines!
- Here we are.
- Hooray!
- That way.
- Anna in pole position!
- Silly!
- Beautiful home!
Offer these darling nurses
and the doctor something.
Valeria, will you take care of it?
I sure keep you kids busy...
- Like my little home?
- Very much.
Hold on.
One, two, three.
Nice and easy...
Saline solution, all the time.
This is for when she's in pain.
And no more than two drops in the IV.
- Yes, mom?
- My glasses.
- I'd like to read something.
- Want the newspaper?
No, newspapers are full
of bad stuff.
I'd like one of those gossip magazines
with pictures of movie stars...
Okay, I'll have someone buy them,
I'm ashamed to.
Ashamed of what? He's ashamed...
Fine, I'll go get them.
Don't forget to set up the TV for me.
- "Dancing with the Stars" is on
tonight. - All right.
Come here.
Just come here for a sec.
- Yes mom?
- How are you? You look worn out.
- I'm fine.
- Do you sleep at night?
- Or do you stay up worrying?
- Of course I sleep.
If you say so.
Why don't you go for a swim?
- I'll have a swim.
- Yes, it'll do you good.
Okay, I'll take a nice swim.
My handsome darling...
I'll go get
those picture magazine things...
All right, my dear.
What's with you?
He was so nice, he remembered me
and let me cut the line.
Hear that? Looks like we can have
the wedding on Saturday.
The deputy Mayor will be here.
It's a personal favor,
his son was my linesman.
The paperwork's all set,
I have friends at City Hall...
- They all respect you.
- You're the best.
You're the best too,
you and I have always been in tune.
- Could you set up mom's TV?
- Sure.
I bought an extension cord too.
I'll set up the DVD player
and digital cable...
- Let me give you a kiss.
- Thanks, Giancarlo.
Doctor Cerrai...
No need to get up.
I'll be right there,
let me hook up the scart plug.
I brought you
all those Loren films you like...
When I was born
we lived on Via delle Navi,
then we moved a lot.
We lived in a stock room,
in a furnished studio,
by the merry-go-round
on Via dei Pelaghi.
Move it, kids. Hurry it up.
They never listen.
Easy! It's more fun
if you follow the rules.
My brother Bruno is in high school,
he's a bookworm.
I'm not nearly as good in school.
I used to go to Carlo Bini School,
Then I went to La Marmora,
and then to Pistelli.
- Now I go to Colombo School.
- I went there too!
- Like me!
- Another coincidence.
Now I study accounting,
but I think it's a waste of time.
- I want to start working soon.
- Me too, after middle school.
- Isn't this my room?
- Can't you see I'm talking?
- Have you decided what you want to do?
- I want to be a traffic cop.
I envy you, you have set goals,
I keep changing my mind.
- Hair dresser, beautician...
- It's a tough choice.
Here's fine, how much do I owe you?
No worries, ma'am,
the attorney took care of it.
I'd offer you some coffee
but everything's a mess.
- It's okay.
- Mainardi Company, we do it all.
- I left the number as well.
- Thank you again.
We have gas, I'll make pasta
with butter and run to work.
What's wrong?
Don't you like it here?
We have a home!
The attorney got you a job,
a home, even furniture.
He lent it to us, he's kind.
Men like Cenerini are hard to find!
Mom! His name's Giancarlo,
he's great!
He's a Capricorn, a soccer referee,
his dad is chief traffic cop.
I'm all flushed, I think I'm in love!
Take an aspirin, silly...
I'm making some pasta.
Hello? Cenerini law firm.
Hold the line please.
Attorney, it's Mr. Canessa.
Shall I put him through?
- The call didn't go through.
- It didn't?
You have to press
the red extension button
before hanging up,
or you'll lose the call.
Sorry, I'm so silly.
I'm not good with these buttons.
- I'll call him back.
- No need.
Thanks, and sorry!
Hello? Cenerini law firm.
He's on the phone, please hold.
I hung up.
Anna, could you come in here please?
Of course.
No way, are you crazy?
Come in.
Let's go sit in the other room.
This way.
Anna, I'd like you to meet Giuliana,
my wife.
Good evening.
- Nigiotti, it's a pleasure.
- My pleasure.
She's taking me to the Gran Guardia
to see Aroldo Tieri.
That's why we have season tickets!
I'm sure Mauro
will fall asleep as usual.
A gift for your kids.
Bruno and Valeria, right?
- Thank you.
- Hope I got the right sizes.
Cashmere, wow!
You shouldn't have.
Giuliana adores children.
Let's take a seat.
One Sunday the three of you
should come for lunch.
- I'd love to meet the kids.
- Of course, if it's not a bother.
- You were right, she's lovely.
- Thanks.
I must say, Mrs. Giuliana,
you're even prettier in real life
than in pictures.
- How sweet of you!
- Cognac?
Just a drop.
I need some Benzetril drops
and Bromucodeina cough syrup.
- And this too.
- I can give you the eye drops.
- You'll need a prescription for the
rest. - I know...
But Dr. Risaliti's at the hospital,
I can bring it tomorrow.
Dr. Risaliti's a pediatrician.
I'm happy with him,
I didn't want to change doctors.
Good ol' Risaliti...
We're not authorized.
- Please, I'm from out of town.
- Please, just leave.
- Just a favor...
- Enough already!
Only junkies in withdrawal ask
for Bromucodeina and Benzetril.
Do I look like a junkie?
Know how many we see?
Wearing a coat and tie, even.
Try another pharmacy
or go to the methadone clinic.
- Baldacci? Do I know you?
- Give me a break, get out of here!
- Andrea Baldacci, right?
- Call the police.
No way, Andrea Baldacci
is back with Talini again!
Talini, be quiet!
Kids, pair up for your group work.
Quit complaining.
Talini, you can't pair up
with Giacomelli this time.
Who would you like to work with?
Poor guy, I feel sorry for him.
Aren't we conceited!
Michelucci will do, he's a good student.
So Talini with Michelucci...
Giacomelli with Algranti
and no objections...
You do all the work
and I'll paint my nails.
- Should I come to your house?
- I won't set foot in yours.
But not before 5:00 'cause Andrea's
coming over, understand?
- What did you understand?
- What you said.
You don't seem like an expert
with these things.
Bruno, honey!
Your Italian teacher says
you're very good.
- Stop coming to talk to my teachers!
- Your science teacher was nice.
Handsome too,
he gave me his number...
- My science teacher's a woman.
- Then who was he?
Right, Luciana's teaching me
to use the photocopier today.
- Bye, honey.
- Go.
According to Burckhardt
the Medieval Ages were Transcendental,
I put on lace undies and that jerk
goes to tennis lessons.
Anthropocentric, Particularist,
I'll show you them, but no touching.
Don't tell anyone,
Andrea's jealous.
- We should start writing.
- Andrea and I fuck all the time.
He's obsessed. I need to be careful
or he'll come inside me.
I bet you've never done it.
Let's start with the title:
"Social Transformations...
from the Middle Ages
to the Renaissance."
Know what Giacomelli says?
That you're always alone
writing sad poems
and jerking off to magazines.
Giacomelli's an idiot.
Let's start writing.
Have you ever French kissed?
Bet you don't know how.
Andrea says I'm a pro.
It's all about technique.
Elena, you're such a pain in the ass!
Can we do our fucking research!
You're nuts!
I'm not one of your boorish friends
from your shitty neighborhood.
Don't do that...
You've never done it, have you?
Me neither, but it's a secret.
Come here.
- Come here.
- Yes.
Promise you won't tell anyone.
- Kiss me.
- Okay.
- Andrea would kill us both.
- Right.
- Kiss me. - Sure.
- Eat me.
Hurry up, we have a Latin test.
We'll all sit behind you.
she was Miss Pancaldi.
She'd give blowjobs
to her friends' husbands.
My cousin told me!
I heard she did a film
because she was that actor's lover...
- Mastroianni?
- Right!
I hear she does threesomes
with the attorney and his wife.
Excuse my Latin,
but she's a real nympho slut.
Be quiet, let Baldacci talk.
I already set her straight.
"Nihil fugit a grinfiis Baldacci",
let him talk!
She came for a teacher's meeting,
winked at me and went to bathroom.
She locked the door... We did it
standing up and doggy style.
Guys, she's super horny.
She likes to talk dirty.
That afternoon Elena wanted to fuck
but I was beat.
Then she came to my dad's pharmacy,
looking for me.
- Guess what she bought?
- "Condus profilatticum"!
Baldacci, with all due respect,
I fucked your girlfriend.
I hope she's not pregnant,
you'd better get a pregnancy test.
It happens...
Babe, that's not true!
Don't believe him, he's crazy.
Andrea! Stop it!
Bruno! Your school called.
What happened?
Oh my God, honey!
Look what he did to you!
Who is this idiot?
A guy from school.
- Andrea Baldacci. Know him?
- No, why?
You got together with his girlfriend?
Let's have a look.
You're even cuter all beat up,
my little heart breaker!
- You're getting fat, your belly's big.
- What?
What are you talking about?
Valeria can't find out.
I'll tell you,
you're a big boy now.
Feel it?
You're pregnant? Whose is it?
Take me for a ride on your scooter.
Let's go down the dirt roads
and hit all the potholes.
I don't think I can do this.
Help me, I'm begging you!
You're a slut! A horny nympho!
You fuck everyone,
you make me sick!
I'm sorry, come here!
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Where are you going?
- Why are you treating me like this?
- Get lost!
Honey, please!
- What happened?
- No questions.
I'll warm up some soup.
Oh, that hurts...
What is it, mom?
That thing there... turn it.
Valeria, Loriano!
- Here we go.
- More!
No, the doctor said
not to overdo the morphine.
It's like magic, the pain disappears
and you fly away...
- Did you call him?
- Who?
- Who's Cristiano?
- My poor baby...
What's going on?
Where were you?
I had to increase the drip.
This should be at two.
Valeria, come here.
I think we have a brother.
His name's Cristiano.
Are you nuts? Are you high?
Dummy, mom was pregnant.
She told me.
- When?
- Loriano!
You know the story, don't you?
He must be 27 or 28.
Oh my God, what?
Remember that summer
when she went away for 3 months
with the attorney and his wife?
She had the baby in secret.
- Bruno!
- I thought she had an abortion.
Oh my God!
- Where's Cristiano?
- He grew up with his father...
...who kicked the bucket.
For all these years,
she only saw him from a distance.
But I know how much she loved him.
He knows nothing about it,
that was the deal.
- What deal?
- Oh my God, a brother!
- A brother!
- It happens.
- Does he live in Livorno? Who is he?
- You two are thick!
Is this a joke? Tell us, already!
- I knew I'd end up saying it.
- Tell me.
- It's Cenerini's son!
- What? No!
I finally told them...
Can you believe this?
You knew and you never told me!
You were too young,
I was a kid too.
You left
to live the good life on your own.
The good life...
You left it all up to me!
I got married and I wasn't even 20.
- Fine, it was all my fault.
- Yes, it was your fault!
You abandoned me!
- Some big brother!
- Shut up.
- Fuck off!
- Fuck you.
- Nesi, fuck you too.
- Fuck Nesi and you...
No matter what happened,
I wasn't afraid because I had you.
You were mean to me,
but you loved me.
You'd smack my head,
but stroke my hair so I'd fall asleep.
You made up nursery rhymes for me.
My big brother.
Then you were gone, just like that.
I'd call to say I missed you
and you'd say:
"Fine thanks, and you?"
Or you wouldn't even answer.
I wondered what I did wrong.
It's true, I was a little slow as a kid,
but why did you treat me
like an idiot?
Come on, Valeria...
I started smoking again cause of you,
you bastard...
Why'd you run away?
You lucked out.
A big round of applause
for Bruno Michelucci!
A composition in free verse.
Wonderful, honey!
Come on!
- Bravo, honey!
- Bravo!
Came into the world feet first...
Why me...
Your mom's reckless, but not mean.
I might have been cruel to her,
but I had my reasons.
I met your father before she did.
He flirted with me, took me out for
pizza and to the movies.
I was crazy about him,
but I played hard to get.
That's how things were back then.
One day I brought him home
to meet grandpa,
your mom was 16 then.
She was pretty,
she was always prettier than me.
But she was also more... modern.
You know?
She betrayed me.
You can't imagine how I suffered.
What can you do?
So many years have passed.
Pride's an ugly monster!
Don't make the same mistake,
it's your life.
If you want to go, go.
But no more resentment, Bruno.
Auntie told me dad had left us money,
and if I wanted to go I could use it.
You didn't even come to her funeral.
You missed the scene
with mom hugging her coffin.
You should've seen how she cried...
I missed a lot of things.
If you'd at least become
rich and famous...
I'm poor and unknown.
- And idiotic.
- No, I wish...
I'm normal, which is worse.
- I don't understand, so you are...
- Your siblings.
I'm Valeria,
and he's the oldest, Bruno.
Excuse me.
No, I'll be right there.
I'm sorry, today's been hectic...
So what can I do for you...
We came to invite you
to our mother's wedding.
- Who's also your mom...
- Our mom.
She's dying,
but she's getting married?
- Exactly.
- Yes.
We think it would make her very happy.
It might be nice for you too,
wouldn't it?
Your mother is... very special.
She ruined my life, and hers...
If you meet her,
maybe she'll ruin yours too.
I'll be right back.
Hang on, I'll be back.
I'll just be a minute.
- What are you saying, you loon!
- Well it's true, isn't it?
- So you tell him?
- He's our brother.
Tiziana, wait a few minutes, then tell
them I had an unexpected meeting.
Be polite though, please.
When they leave, call me.
People are insane...
Your mom's getting married?
Luckily she invited me,
I love weddings!
- She invited you?
- Livorno is lovely.
Why do you hate it so much?
You can smell the sea.
- My sister Valeria.
- We finally meet!
If it were up to him...
Like hell he'd introduce me
to his girlfriend.
Don't use that word,
he'll have a heart attack.
Hold on...
you know, you're very pretty.
Thanks, you're beautiful,
he didn't tell me!
He only sees the ugly side of life.
That's how he is, he doesn't talk...
- How can you stand him?
- Who knows. I adore him.
- Are you done?
- Here we go!
Livorno's good for you!
Easy, you pigs,
or we won't have enough!
- Kids, behave.
- They touch the snacks, I'll kill 'em.
- Giancarlo.
- Excuse me.
I ordered three trays of snacks
and only two arrived.
Where are the croissants?
What'll we do now, idiots?
Calm down, Loriano.
Have a seat.
- Hush up, I've been to the bathroom
three times already. - Good.
- Come in, sir.
- He's here already!
Hope parking wasn't a problem.
If you get a fine, I'll handle it.
- Actually, I have a chauffeur.
- Of course, I was kidding!
Barbacci, Municipal police.
This is Loriano Nesi...
The groom! Congratulations.
- My plea-sure, your Ex-cell-ence.
- He's nervous.
- The doorbell!
- I'll get it.
I'm sorry, Your Honor, we had a serious
issue with the croissants.
The buffet's in there.
Cristiano, come in.
- May I?
- Of course. Thanks for coming.
Thank you.
This is Chiara, my girlfriend.
Someone else wanted to come...
my mother.
Bruno, how are you?
Do you remember me?
- Of course. The buffet's in there.
- May we?
Thank you. You've taken
a huge weight off my chest.
The buffet's in there.
- Oh yes, of course. Thanks again.
- The bride is ready!
You look
like a ticket inspector!
The deputy Mayor is here,
Mr. Caciagli.
- How kind.
- My pleasure.
- Let's hurry, where's Bruno?
- Here I am.
- Cristiano!
- Mrs. Anna...
My darling, come here.
Let me take a look at you!
My goodness, you're so handsome.
You looked good with long hair too
when you were in college.
- Thanks.
- This must be your girlfriend.
- Yes, Chiara.
- So pretty. When will you get married?
- Dunno...
- Don't be like Bruno...
He's got the perfect girl
and he's still dragging his feet!
Mrs. Giuliana, you came too?
My goodness, Anna!
Let's begin.
Come on, Loriano, stand there
or we'll never get started.
- Are the witnesses here?
- Yes.
Good, let the ceremony begin.
Are you, Loredano Nesi,
AKA Loriano?
Loredano, huh?
Are you Anna Nigiotti?
In compliance with standard laws...
I will read the Civil Code clauses
on matrimony.
acquire the same rights
and assume the same duties.
Marriage requires fidelity,
moral and material assistance,
and collaboration in handling
the family and mutual home.
Marriage requires
the husband and wife
to maintain, instruct,
and educate offspring
keeping in mind the abilities
and aspirations of their children.
Though these kids
are all grown up...
Loredano, AKA Loriano Nesi,
do you take Anna Nigiotti
to be your wedded wife?
I do.
- What was that?
- He said "I do".
Anna Nigiotti,
do you take Loredano Nesi
as your husband?
If I'd known his name was Loredano...
It's too late now, it's fine.
- Did the witnesses hear?
- Yes.
In the name of the law, I pronounce
Loredano AKA Loriano Nesi
and Anna Nigiotti, man and wife.
you would exchange rings now.
- Go on.
- I knew it...
Relax, Loredano.
It's all set.
You may now kiss the bride.
Came into the world feet first...
Milan's a beautiful city,
but parking is a huge problem.
The lack of parking spaces
is an issue in Livorno too.
Even if it's a smaller city,
it's not an easy problem to solve.
The neighborhoods are crammed with cars.
Right, Attorney?
If the City makes residents pay
for parking, they get upset.
- The squares can't be used.
- Enough, Sergio.
It's awesome
when the lead singer does it.
Why don't you sing in English,
use some of the great poets.
Dylan Thomas,
even Shakespeare...
Uncle Bruno, your lyrics are amazing.
Why'd you stop writing?
- You wrote, Bruno?
- When I was a kid...
Why don't you and Sandra
come stay in Livorno?
- Cool, we'd get to know each other.
- Maybe... in the future.
They could build an underground lot
in Piazza Mazzini, for instance.
Can you get the trays in there?
- Eco-friendly incentives are key...
- Get the door.
- We'll continue when I get back.
- All right.
- Sorry about him.
- Why? He's nice.
I'll get it.
My man, Bruno! What a day!
Good evening.
Excuse me, I heard
there was a celebration for Anna...
It's all done,
my mother-in-law's resting now.
- Can I say hello to Valeria?
- Hi, come in!
- Valeria's in the kitchen.
- Thanks.
Valeria, your boss is here.
- Good evening, I brought these.
- Nice.
- They're for your mom.
- I thought so.
- Want some coffee?
- Yes, thanks.
- Thanks. How are you?
- How do you think I am?
- Evening.
- Nice to meet you, I'm the son...
I mean the brother...
Well, the son of...
- No problem. - My sister Chiara...
I mean my girlfriend!
Sorry, my head's spinning today.
Bruno, she wants you two.
She's too worked up,
I had to up the sedative.
Take this off, would you?
I don't need it anymore...
Lift up your head.
- Thanks.
- Give it to me.
I heard some singing.
- It was Sergio.
- Shall we sing a bit, kids?
Come on...
How did that one we liked go?
Do you hear this voice?
It's my heart singing
Together, Bruno.
Love, love, love
That's all I know how to say
And you'll understand me
I picked up a guitar
And I play for you
It's time to learn
I know I can't play
But I play for you
The first beautiful thing
I got from life
Is your young smile, is you
A star amidst the trees
Night has lifted
My heart falls deeper in love
Deeper in love
That's enough now, mom.
Don't tire yourself out,
get some rest.
My head is spinning... but it's nice!
Get some sleep, mom.
- What's so funny?
- I just thought of Lenzi.
- Lenzi?
- He was so ridiculous!
I don't remember him.
Lenzi, the guy with the toupee.
Once, on the Terrazza Mascagni
it flew off into the sea!
- How about that Fascist?
- Count Augusto Paoletti.
- Augusto Paoletti...
- Did he die?
He dove into an empty pool. Head-first.
A tragicomic ending...
- And Mansani? What a drag!
- But he was kind.
When we left,
he was so sad he closed the store.
Poor thing!
He was in love, mom.
They were all in love with you.
Not Cenerini.
- That time I fooled myself.
- Not if you ask me...
No, he only had eyes for his wife.
Beautiful woman, did you see her?
You're more beautiful, mom.
But the best of all...
was your father.
A lot of hitting and screaming
but a lot of love, too. Too much.
That damn photo drove him crazy,
poor thing.
- What photo?
- It's in that drawer.
Get it.
That stupid photographer
put it in his window.
Dad passed by
and heard people talking.
You know how people can be...
Especially in Livorno.
- What do you have against Livorno?
- Everything.
Dad was pigheaded like you.
What a life, my darlings...
But we had lots of fun.
Didn't we?
- I want to see.
- It's best you don't.
- Go in there.
- Honey...
Giancarlo, wait.
Bruno, I'm hurting.
I wasn't expecting this.
Come on, Sergio, be strong.
- Hug me, honey.
- Giancarlo, I asked you to wait.
Just cry, sweetheart.
Let it out...
I can't take it.
- I can't handle it.
- I'm here.
My heart is breaking.
- Let's go home dad, it's best.
- Let's go.
My mom...
Good night.
My heart is breaking.
My heart is breaking...
No, wait one minute.
You can't leave that inside!
What a messy job,
rubble everywhere...
What a messy job,
they don't give a damn!
I want to place these in there.
- Loriano, it's too high.
- I can do it, I'm not a midget.
- Rubble everywhere...
- Thanks.
- Get a sponge and clean it up,
right here. - Thanks.
Shall we take the bus or walk?
We could take a cab too.
- How are you doing, honey?
- Fine, I'm fine.
If you want,
we can stay till tomorrow.
I can buy something
for dinner tonight.
Do you have a bathing suit?
Of course, you think
I'd come to Livorno without one?
I don't.
I don't have one.
Come on, silly! It's beautiful!
Come on, dive in!