Primal Fear (1996)

First day of law school,
my professor says two things.
First, "From now on, when
your mother says she loves you,"
- "get a second opinion."
- And?
"You want justice, go to a whorehouse.
Wanna get fucked, go to court."
Let's say you have a client
you know is guilty.
No. Neither our justice system
nor I care about that.
Every defendant,
regardless of what he's done,
has the right to the best defence
his attorney can provide.
- Where were you with the truth?
- Truth? How do you mean?
I'm not sure how many ways
there are to mean it.
- You think there's only one?
- You're late.
- There's only one that matters.
- Marty, hold still.
My version of it. The one I create
in the minds of the twelve jurors.
If you want, you can call it
something else. The illusion of truth.
- If you want. It's up to you.
- OK.
Jack, you need more?
Tomorrow afternoon?
- Yeah.
- I'll have my secretary set it up.
- This is a cover story, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah. OK, bye.
St. Michael's Boys Choir, thank you.
A very talented group.
Right now, we're gonna have
a brief photo session
while we have the boys here
with His Excellency.
I'll be back in a few minutes. Bear with
us, enjoy your dessert and thank you.
Mangia, mangia.
Thanks. Marty!
What an unexpected surprise.
I'm here to help our friendly prosecutor
off the hook.
- Excuse me.
- What's it gonna cost?
A lot less than the alternative.
Tomorrow. My office. 9:30.
- Is this on? Yes, it is.
- Nice to see you again.
We have come to the heart of
the matter. Why we're here tonight.
It's the fifth straight year
it's been my privilege
to serve as master of ceremony
for the Chicago Bar Association...
- I'm afraid you'll have to put that out.
- It's a bar for Christ's sake.
I thought you quit.
I cut down.
You look beautiful. Cut your hair?
Yeah, a few months ago.
Wanna dance?
- There isn't any music.
- I'm sure there is.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen...
All you have to do is turn around.
I thought you liked it better like this.
That way you don't have
to look at the person.
Look at me.
Come on. Let's go find a bar
you can still smoke in.
Thanks for the invite, but I don't like
one-night stands all that much.
We saw each other for months.
It was a one-night stand, Marty.
It just lasted six months.
Well, I must say I haven't seen
this many lawyers and politicians
gathered together in one place
since confession this morning.
There is no way the People
will tolerate a monetary award
to a cockroach
who deserves twenty-to-life.
He may be your client, but Joey Pinero
was a hard-case felon.
- Dealing, racketeering, money...
- Did you say "alleged", Yancy?
Did you hear him say "alleged"?
Mr Pinero has never
been convicted of anything.
The cops left him bleeding in the snow.
A miracle he survived.
Having said that,
I'm not opposed to a settlement.
1 ,500,000 and Pinero leaves the state.
You can't limit a citizen's right
to live where he wants to.
Legally, that's unenforceable.
Enforceable or just
a gentleman's agreement,
Mr Pinero will know what we want.
Get the answer you're looking for,
don't sit around and chat. A pleasure.
You're worse
than the thugs you represent.
- That's enough, Bud. It's over.
- I have to run this by him.
You're on a 40% commission. I'm sure
your recommendation will prevail.
Thank you, John.
Oh, Jesus.
- Hey, Mr Vail.
- How are you doing?
Nice tune.
- Traeme dos tequilas por aqui.
- Bien, m'hijito.
So, what did they say?
A take-it-or-leave-it offer of 1 ,500,000.
From Shaughnessy himself.
What do you think?
We should take it. Unless you wanna
spend two years in appellate court.
- No, fuck that. Close it.
- Done.
- OK.
- Gracias.
- Salud.
- Salud.
- Mia?
- Your shot.
There's one more little thing.
They want you to leave the state.
- They want you to disappear.
- Disappear?
That's good. Same bullshit, right?
What? What are you talking about?
I keep getting these offers
from these guys, Marty.
What offers?
A couple of months ago
a cop walks in here. He says,
"You testify against Alderman
Martinez, and we'll owe you, Joey."
Say he did you favours,
say he's on your payroll.
So I tell him to go fuck himself.
Martinez is a good man.
He's the one holding out
while the others try to turn South River
into high-rent condos.
- Why didn't you tell me this before?
- Why?
'Cause this shit happens every day.
I didn't think
it had anything to do with this.
- You don't.
- I've spent a lot of money here.
- They spent more.
- I built a clinic here.
These people depend on me.
I don't give a shit.
Send them cheques from California.
Chucho, hazme el favor,
scame el CD.
I respect your advice, Marty,
but I can't take it.
- I'll take the money, but I ain't going.
- I don't like it, Joey.
Chucho, dame.
So, what are they gonna do? Kill me?
They've tried once.
How are they gonna kill
a man who never sleeps?
- Get the money.
- You're too much.
That song you liked, fourth cut.
Very nice, thank you.
Police'll have their hands full...
- Captain, can you tell us anything?
- I don't know anything.
Captain Stenner, what's going on?
I haven't seen anything yet. As soon
as I've been inside, I'll tell you.
You should be home in bed, Abel.
It's going around.
I'll consider that, Harvey.
Christ. What a mess, huh?.
- Sam, you got all you need?
- Roll him over.
Hey, stop!
Four fingers severed.
A symbol, B 32.1 56,
is carved into the chest.
Body temperature is still warm...
Captain, we've got
a live one on the run.
A passing train has separated
the suspect...
You want to know what I hate?
When they go on and on about what
big whores defence attorneys are.
We're the bad guys? You know why?
We sit next to some creep,
we start to look creepy.
They assume they're guilty,
like we know it or something.
You don't know, you don't ask,
you don't care. You do the damn job.
It's not like they're your friends
for Christ's sake.
Well, some are your friends, but...
Why did you leave
the State Attorney's office?
Dead-end job.
You can either run for office
or end up a judge.
Why become an umpire
when you can play ball?
...around St. Michael's
and the Archbishop's mansion...
Over here! He's over here!
We will of course stay with this story
as it continues to unfold.
What we do know is that
approx. 1 1:08 this morning...
So when did you know you had them?
What? Sorry?
When during the Pinero trial did you
say to yourself, "I've got them"?
The day I took the case. Excuse me.
The shocking murder of one
of Chicago's most beloved figures,
Archbishop Richard Rushman,
has left the cityjust numb.
I understand we have Andy live.
We havejust learned the police
have arrested a 19-year-old man
identified as Aaron Stampler.
According to Captain Stenner...
We have to reschedule.
Call my office, OK? I'm sorry.
- Law offices of Martin Vail.
- You got the news on by any chance?
Call Sullivan in Judge Trutter's office.
Find out where he is,
and call me at the Alibi.
- A lot ofguys'll want this one.
- OK.
The police have taken the first steps,
acting with speed, with the arrest.
- Are you taking the Stampler case?
- I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
- State Attorney left yet?
- Yeah, Yancy no less.
- PD?
- Come and gone.
Lock up!
- Give my best to your brother.
- Yeah, sure.
I'd like to see him alone if I could.
- All right, but I'll have to lock you in.
- Understood.
You know who I am?
No, no, sir. No, I don't.
My name is Martin Vail.
I'm what you call a big-shot attorney.
-I don't... I don't have no money.
- I didn't think you did.
I'm willing to take
your case pro bono,
which means you get all of
my expertise and hard work for free.
Or you can get the 40,000-a-year
court-appointed public defender,
who will almost certainly
escort you to death row. Your choice.
No, sir. I'd surely be grateful
for anything you can do.
You're welcome.
Now, your full name is...?
My... Aaron Luke Sta...
- You from Kentucky, Aaron?
- Yes, sir. I'm from Creekside.
- Does it say that there?
- No.
How long have you been
here in Chicago?
Two years next month, I think.
- Have you been arrested?
- No, sir.
How do you know the Archbishop?
I was begging on the street,
up on the Wacker Drive.
Bishop Rushman came by
in his Cadillac.
He saw me and he stopped.
He took me into Savior House.
I work as an altar boy.
And I sing in his choir.
How long were you there, Aaron,
Savior House?
A year. Year and a half.
You're supposed to leave
when you're 1 8, but...
But Bishop Rushman let me stay on
way past my 1 9th birthday.
That was nice of him.
Yes. Yes, it was.
Aaron, did you have any reason
to dislike the Archbishop?
Dislike? No, no, sir.
He was like a father to me.
Yeah, but you...
How am I gonna say this?
Were you in the room
when he was murdered?
How can you explain that?
There was someone else
in that room, Mr Vail.
- There was a third person?
- Yes, sir.
- Did you tell the police this?
- Yes, I did.
- But they didn't believe me.
- All right. You tell me now.
I was returning a book
to Bishop Rushman's library.
I heard a noise,
so I went back into his bedroom.
Bishop Rushman
was lying on the floor.
There was blood all over everthing.
Then I saw the shadow.
I saw a person
Ieaning over Bishop Rushman.
He looked up, and he came at me.
And that's when I lost time.
What does that mean? Lost time?
I bla... I blacked out.
It happens to me sometimes.
I have...
..spells. I have spells.
I lose time.
I can't remember nothing.
Why did you run from the police,
Aaron, if you didn't do anything wrong?
Well, when I woke up,
I was covered in blood.
I didn't know what to do.
I got scared,
I heard sirens, so I ran.
Look, I know how it looks, Mr Vail,
but I swear...
I don't need you to convince me.
Just answer my questions.
- I didn't do this. You got to believe me.
- No, I don't. I don't care.
I am your attorney, which means
I'm your mother, your father,
your best friend and your priest.
I don't want you talking
to anyone but me.
Not the cops, the press,
the guys in the cells, nobody,
without my permission.
You understand?
- Yeah?
- Yes. Yes, I do.
All right. Now the important stuff.
What's your suit size?
- My what?
- Suit size. What are you? A 38"?
- I don't know.
- Well, a 38" Iong.
The police flushed Stampler from
his hiding place behind the Cathedral.
They chased him through
the train yard, almost losing him
as he scrambled over tracks before
an oncoming train separated them.
Prominent local criminal
defence attorney Martin Vail
is believed to have visited Stampler
at the Maxwell Street ...
After a brief chase across the rail yard
behind St. Michael's Cathedral,
Stampler was apprehended
in a hole beneath train tracks...
- Are you defending this man?
- I'm sorry...
Thank you very much. Thank you.
We've taken the first step
in the process.
I can now take your questions.
Shaughnessy, what about the
altar boy group Stampler was part of?
Not much at this time.
Could other altar boys be involved?
We have no reason to suspect
anyone other than Stampler.
He had access to the Archbishop's
quarters. He was caught as he fled.
The blood-soaked Aaron Stampler
was chased under McCormick Place,
but not before he was almost killed
by a passing train.
He's gonna call you
as soon as he gets here. Thank you.
- Naomi!
- Yeah.
Sorry, I'm late.
We have a new client.
- I was afraid you were gonna say that.
- Who?
You know what they're calling him?
The Butcher Boy of St. Mike's.
- I like that.
- You'll be hearing it a lot.
Is the kid who chopped up
the Archbishop our client?
You have to get "allegedly" into your
vocabulary if you want to be a lawyer.
- Coffee, Tommy?
- No, thanks.
He admits he was in the room when
the killing occurred, but he didn't see it.
- Can I stop you right there?
- No. He was returning a book.
He heard loud noises in the bedroom.
He went in. He sees a figure in
the shadows, kneeling over the body.
He blacks out. Next thing he knows,
sirens are screaming,
he's covered in blood.
The cops find him in a train tunnel.
He's got the Archbishop's ring on him.
- He stole the Archbishop's ring?
- No, it was in his pocket.
Is that it?
That's the worst bullshit story
I've heard in my entire life.
Now it's our bullshit story.
OK. Let's get to work.
The name of the game is "motive".
The Prosecution doesn't have one.
We have to prove that someone
else could have committed the crime,
then we can establish
reasonable doubt.
I want to know everthing I can
about this guy.
Go to Database,
go to Hall of Records, IRS files.
- Even so-called charities.
- So-called? He was a priest.
Naomi, write this down. B 32.1 56. It
was carved into the Archbishop's chest.
- Allegedly.
- No, that was a fact.
- But I appreciate the effort.
- Thanks.
I also need case histories on murder
by stabbing, mutilation and religion.
- Also I'm gonna need a psychiatrist.
- You're telling me.
Not the kind who lives
in a witness box. I need a real one.
- And an expert on amnesia.
- What does he look like in person?
The Butcher Boy?
- Like a boy scout.
- A boy scout...
..with a merit badge in carving.
The Archbishop was
a close friend of Mr Shaughnessy.
He asked me who my best man was.
- I said you.
- Thank you.
I trust if I'm to prosecute this case,
I'll get the authority
which comes with it.
You're the one trying the case.
But let's establish one thing
at the outset. I want the death penalty.
I'd like to go over the case before we
determine whether or not to seek that.
I'm open to anything you have to say,
but in my mind there's no debate.
Did the boy they picked up
say anything?
Yeah, he didn't do it.
- It's a slam dunk, Janet.
- Excuse me.
I appreciate your faith in me.
I don't mean to be argumentative.
- It's what we pay you for.
- Open and shut, you don't need me.
The PD'll plead no contest and throw
the kid on the mercy of the court.
There's not a public defender.
He's got a lawyer? Already? Who?
Hey, I'm Martin Vail.
I'm defending Aaron Stampler.
I need to inspect the murder site.
Oh, the Butcher Boy, huh?
Thank you, yes. I forgot his real name.
What's the matter, Marty?
Lost your faith?
Looking for a little religion?
Tell me, counsellor. Which one of us
is the true headline chaser here?
- Unlike you, I was assigned.
- Yeah? And you're up to it?
Sold the book rights, or will you wait?
Wanna see some pictures?
They're kind of cute.
I think you'll agree they clearly show
the heinous nature of the crime.
Small piece of advice. Don't use
the word "heinous" in the courtroom.
Half the jury won't know
what you mean.
Small piece of advice. I'm not
sitting second chair to you any more.
In case you hadn't noticed,
I graduated.
- I had no reason to leave.
- You had every reason to leave.
- How can you still work for them?
- You expect me to trot out after you?
Quit just because you did?
I don't need a Mercedes. I don't need
to see my face on the evening news.
You knew I was coming here,
didn't you?
You knew I would defend him.
That's why you took the case.
Oh, please. What's the matter, Marty?
Are you nervous?
Been a while since you rubbed up
against a woman with a brain?
What's the matter? You tired,
you haven't been sleeping well?
You're the one with the score to settle.
I sleep great at night.
Cook County Dept. of Corrections
Div. IX Maximum Security Dormitory
- Hey. Where is he?
- Over here.
We'll be sitting at a table
with two of my associates.
Once the charges are read,
the judge'll ask how you plead.
- Not guilty.
- No.
But I'm not guilty, Mr Vail.
It doesn't matter.
Keep your mouth shut.
- Are you gonna say I'm not guilty?
- I'll say whatever I say. Don't worry.
- But...
- This is what I mean.
This can't go on in the courtroom. Get
used to it. I speak, you do not speak.
- Your job is to sit and look innocent.
- I am innocent.
That's it! That's how I want you to look.
Can you remember that?
Look in the mirror if you have to.
I don't have to.
This is how I always look.
Then you're way ahead
of the game already, aren't you?
Don't smile.
- Mr Vail, can we have a statement?
- We're gonna find out what happened.
The only pressure is to find the truth.
You've talked to the police. I told you
not to. They get everthing wrong.
How will you explain
his blood-soaked clothes?
I won't explain anything now.
I've just been retained in this case.
Significant facts are in dispute here
and continue to be so.
You're a master at putting the victim
on trial to help your client.
That'll be very difficult in this case.
The victim in this case is my client.
We have two victims here,
no suspects. Thank you.
- You worried about his safety?
- No. Thank you.
I don't think there's any question
about the verdict.
All rise.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
The State versus Aaron Stampler.
- Is every... Sit down. Everyone here?
- Yes, Your Honour.
Madame Prosecutor.
The State charges Aaron Stampler
with murder in the first degree.
How does your client plead?
If it pleases the Court,
I need time to make
a psychiatric evaluation before
charges are brought against us.
The State has enough evidence
to warrant the allegations.
I agree. Motion denied.
Mr Stampler.
- Do you understand the charges?
- Yes.
I direct my client not to answer that.
His response might incriminate him.
He is taking the Fifth on whether
or not he understands the charges?
Yes. Until we have a complete
psychological evaluation,
he will be taking the Fifth on any
and all questions posed to him.
The State versus Appleby.
For your review on precedent.
Thank you.
No, I can't do that. No.
What do you want?
I'm looking for the room a kid named
Aaron Stampler stayed in.
- Are you the police?
- I'm his uncle.
Well, hey.
- This is Alex's.
- Who's Alex?
He's one of the other altar boys.
An altar boy.
An altar boy was wearing this?
Well, not at mass.
This altar boy attacked a colleague
of mine and hurt him pretty bad.
What do you think he was doing
in your room?
I can't... I don't know.
I don't have nothing.
- You know where to find him?
- Who? Alex?
- No, I don't know where he is.
- You don't?
- Who's Linda?
- L-Linda?
Is she your girlfriend?
Where is she? I'd like to talk to her.
I don't know where she is.
I get this feeling
you're not telling me something.
- I'm telling you the truth.
- I don't think so.
Are you surprised
that Alex attacked my friend?
No. No, he has a temper.
Yeah, I'd say so.
Do you think it could be Alex
who was that figure you saw
at the Archbishop's room?
I... Alex? I couldn't be sure.
- But it could be him.
- I don't know.
You don't understand.
The State wants you dead.
You don't help me,
that's what they'll get.
I'm trying. I can't remember.
I don't understand. Why would Alex
wanna do such a thing?
For his own reasons.
Maybe someone hired him.
- Hired by who?
- Forget it.
Do you think he's capable of doing it?
I don't know.
I don't know who's capable
of such a thing.
- Oh, thanks.
- Sure.
He claims there was someone else
in the room, and he can't remember.
You want me to look into this amnesia
question and see what he knows?
What if he knows he did it?
Major causes of amnesia are:
substance abuse, seizures,
head injuries and malingering.
I think the kid is telling the truth.
OK. Then let's get something straight.
I'm happy to go in and analyse him,
in fact I'm looking forward to it,
but I won't go in there
to validate a story. Understood?
You do your job,
I do mine, yatta, yatta.
If I think it's necessary,
I'd wanna get an MRl, EEG
and Neuropsych testing.
- Yes, doctor. Good night.
- Good night.
I'll be recording our meetings
for Mr Vail.
So it isn't as confidential as it would be
if you were consulting with the doctor.
He may even call me as a witness.
If you have any questions...
- should raise them to him now.
- No, ma'am. I understand.
Good. So, OK. I think we'll be fine.
- I'll see you later.
- OK.
Vail told me there's time surrounding
the death you don't remember.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
I lost the time.
I mean I blacked out.
- Have you had blackouts before?
- Yes, I have.
When's the first time
you remember them happening?
They started when I was about twelve.
Were your parents aware
of what was happening to you?
N-no. My m-m-mother was dead.
And your father?
No, no. He was not a nice man.
- Did you seek treatment?
- Did I what?
- Did you see a doctor for them?
- Oh.
You don't go to a doctor in Creekside
unless your leg's broken.
- Hey. Can I talk to you?
- Talk.
Excuse us. I'll bring her right back.
How dare you?
Am I a chess piece you can
move around? I was having lunch.
When are we getting all the discovery?
- What do you want?
- I want to know when.
- I've got motions to file.
- No, you don't.
You're looking to make a deal.
I have no authority to deal from
my client. What's your excuse?
If we needed to make a deal,
I have all the authority I want.
Bullshit! Shaughnessy wants the
whole shot. He's using you to get it.
Deal this down
to murder with no death penalty.
Deal down?
We have a fucking great case.
Great case? Lack of prior record, no
eye witness, no confession, no motive.
Hard evidence. I assume you're not
going with insanity, which is a shame.
My shrinks would have torn him apart.
Your pleading the Fifth
on the charges was brilliant.
It was good, wasn't it? I liked it.
You lose this case, you take the fall,
not Shaughnessy.
- Talk to me.
- We're going to trial, Marty.
All right. All it takes is one.
One juror who doesn't believe he did it.
One juror with a kid
who looks into that face...
That face is great. You prepping him
to take the stand?
That stutter is p-p-priceless.
Oh, Marty.
Don't tell me you think he didn't do it.
Has little Aaron Stampler
gotten to you?
We're not just talking about jail here,
but ending someone's life.
If you're wrong and Shaughnessy's
made you do this, can you live with it?
I'll live.
See you in court.
We stipulate
that murder was done here.
So these photos
have no probative value.
This is not just murder,
it's mutilation and torture.
The Prosecution wants to show them
to the jury for shock appeal.
Not true. They clearly identify
the heinous nature of the crime,
and they connect the defendant, found
covered in blood, to the crime scene.
- Prejudicial.
- I beg to differ.
Counsel, please!
The photos are in, Mr Vail.
Would you like a recess
to carry on with this in private?
I'm sorry, Your Honour,
but this is too much.
Next thing, he'll be objecting
if we bring in the murder weapon.
Now that she brings it up...
This is a public building.
Excuse me, Mr Vail.
Would you sign this for me?
Tell me about Linda.
Mr Vail said she was your girlfriend.
Yes, she was.
How did you meet?
Well, we were both
at the Savior House.
I was an altar boy. She was doing
work for Bishop Rushman.
- What was the relationship like?
- Me and Linda?
She is real cultural,
real cultural and very smart.
We had a nice time together.
We might get married.
Were you sleeping together?
- Well, that's private.
- I know. I have to ask the question.
Were you having
a sexual relationship, Aaron?
Yes, we were.
Were you sleeping with anyone else
at the time?
Was she?
Has she been to see you, Aaron?
- Well, no, but...
- And that upsets you.
No. No, the thing is she went away.
She went away for a while.
She left before this happened.
I don't even think...
I don't even think she knows about it.
- Yo, boss.
- Hey. Got something for me?
There's nothing catalogued downtown
under the numbers B 321 56.
But I don't think the B is a B. It's an 8.
I think the knife slipped. 8321 56.
Thomas Jefferson.
I don't think he did it.
This won't help. Rushman's charities
and his foundation's investments.
Nothing startling,
except how many there are.
Wait a minute here.
What was he doing
with the South River deal? Pull that up.
Yeah. The investors.
That's Joey Pinero's neighbourhood.
See this lot here?
This all used to be houses.
In fact, there was a house in the corner
where I kissed my first girlfriend.
Got her pregnant, too.
- Hell of a kiss, Joey.
- Oh, yeah.
The neighbourhood will end up
high-rent condos if they get their way.
That's why I'll buy back the lot
with the settlement you got me.
You heard about the money, right?
- Who hasn't?
- Marty's the best, man.
Just doing my job.
1 ,500,000. He's just doing his job.
Alderman, Joey tells me a cop came
around, wanting him to set you up.
It's typical.
Can't buy me,
so they try to buy a brother.
Most people assume this land we're
walking on belongs to the railroad.
But it doesn't. It belongs to the Church.
The Church?
- So that's the Rushman Foundation.
- That's right.
- With a bunch of rich developers.
- Including John Shaughnessy.
They bought up land and buildings
around the Church property
and tore them down.
Our neighbourhood would disappear.
I went to the Archbishop and said,
"What are you doing to these people?"
"They're poor. They're getting
kicked out of their homes."
- "And they're Catholic."
- Fucking A.
He listened. I couldn't believe it.
He told them to stop developing
around the Church property.
The partners hold buildings they can't
demolish and land they can't build on.
Shaughnessy loses millions.
- If I need you to, will you testify?
- Who? Me?
Oh, yeah. Easy.
Just change out of this suit, put on
a Brooks Brothers with loafers and...
No, Joey. Not you.
I'll testify.
You know what people think?
That this great city runs itself.
They think it gets up, goes to work and
climbs into bed at night, like we do.
Unaware of what it takes to make sure
it doesn't break down.
Crime, fires, riots.
The water pipes bursting under
the city. What a mess that was.
And the Water Commissioner
calls the contractor who built it?
No, he calls me. They all call me.
Goddamn, this is terrific.
They call me because I keep
the peace. That's my job.
This city doesn't burn
because I won't permit it.
I'm the great negotiator.
You think people get that?
The truth is I don't care.
The dumb bastards don't even vote.
They just eat, sleep, watch TV
and occasionally fuck their wives.
Guess we should all thank you.
You're welcome.
John, you need some new material.
I've heard this great-city speech
ten times already.
Your boy Pinero is not honouring
his side of the deal.
- Is that what this dinner is about?
- In part.
I told him what the deal is.
He's a grown up. What else?
Your assistant's been digging around
in the Archbishop's finances.
Yeah, well.
How much did you lose when he
pulled the plug from South River?
Let me tell you something.
It's a mistake to stick your thumb in
the eyes of the city's most powerful.
It's not their eyes I'm aiming for.
Do not fuck with me, Marty.
The pipes are bursting again, John.
In the most anticipated murder trial
in recent Chicago history,
former State Attorney Prosecutor
Martin Vail will lead...
Richard Rushman was a man of God.
He spent his life giving
to the people of Chicago.
He was a beacon ofinspiration,
not only as a spiritual leader...
...deliver his opening statement
My name is Martin Vail. The reason
I'm here, and the reason you're here,
is to make sure
the whole truth is known.
We can learn the truth
by talking about what the Prosecution
does not want you to hear.
Do not be fooled by the defendant's
innocent appearance and demeanour.
Aaron Stampler sat injudgment
ofArchbishop Rushman
and determined
that not only should he die,
but he should die the most brutal...
We all saw Aaron being arrested
minutes after the Archbishop's death.
But why? Because he was convenient
and the police were under pressure...
The evidence will show that Aaron
Stampler stalked, ambushed
and savagely murdered
this great man.
The Prosecution doesn't want you
to hear about
the other altar boys who have
mysteriously disappeared.
At the close of evidence,
you will learn
that Aaron Stampler
had everything he needed
for the perfect assassination.
Using this knife...
..Aaron Stampler repeatedly stabbed
at the Archbishop's chest,
his genitals and his eyes.
They don't want you to hear
that the Archbishop
invested on behalf
of the Roman Catholic Church.
Investments resulting in huge losses
for some very powerful people.
They don't want you to hear about the
20 death threats he received this year.
And they really don't want you
to hear about their theory of motive.
Why is that? Very simple.
They don't have one.
Inspector Woodside, explain to the
court where the sneakers came from.
They were taken off the defendant
when he was apprehended.
What was the result
of the blood-stain analysis?
They proved to be human blood
matching the blood type and DNA
characteristics of the Archbishop.
What did the bloody footprints
surrounding the body tell you?
The killer left a pattern of footprints
around the area of the struggle,
as indicated by the spread of blood
through the room.
Yes or no, inspector. Could there have
been a third person in the quarters?
- There's no evidence to suggest that.
- No evidence proves there wasn't.
What happened after the struggle?
Our analysis suggests
the killer was startled and ran
from the bedroom and down the stairs.
Is it possible, inspector...
that the real killer, the third person,
who maybe was smart enough not
to tramp a whole freeway of blood
through the whole place,
couldn't this third person have placed
the defendant's prints on the knife...
- ...while he was passed out?
- Anything is possible.
Clearly the victim suffered
a great number of stab wounds.
Yes, he did. 78.
He tried to defend himself, that
explains cuts on hands and forearms.
Doctor, isn't it a fact
that you can't be sure
whether more than one person inflicted
these 78 stab and incised wounds?
It could have been more than one,
but I doubt it.
From your analysis
of the knife wounds,
do you have an opinion whether
the killer was left or right-handed?
The wounds to the throat
and most of the chest wounds
were made from an angle that strongly
suggests a left-handed person.
- Is the defendant left-handed?
- Yes, he is.
It's possible a right-handed person
could have used his left hand.
Yes, I suppose that's possible.
Then it's reasonable to assume there
was a third person at the crime scene.
Reasonable, no. But it is possible.
...then following opening statements
it was a day ofstrong testimony
from the Prosecution's first witnesses,
Forensics ChiefHarvey Woodside
and Medical Examiner Emile Weil.
It was also tough cross-examination
of Woodside and Weil
by Stampler defence attorney
Martin Vail.
Captain Stenner, thank you
for the time you've given us.
But finally, I'd like to turn your attention
to the symbol carved into the chest.
Would you please tell the jury
about that, captain?
Yes, the letter and the numbers
B 32.1 56 were carved
into the Archbishop's chest.
Have you been able to find
an identical reference anywhere?
I believe so, yes.
The symbol B 32.1 56 is actually
catalogue code for a book
discovered in a private reading room
located in the church basement.
That particular number, the B 32 part,
refers to a book, The Scarlet Letter,
by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
When we opened the book
to page 1 56,
we discovered an underlined passage.
Could you please read
this underlined passage to the court?
"No man, for any considerable period,"
"can wear one face to himself
and another to the multitude"
"without finally getting bewildered
as to which may be the true."
Thank you.
What does that passage mean to you?
Objection. He's a policeman,
not an English professor.
His interpretation will be
speculative and irrelevant.
She didn't ask for an expert opinion.
Witness can answer.
Well, to me it's simple.
The killer thought his victim was
two-faced, dishonest in some way.
In your experience, captain,
do killers ever intentionally
leave clues to their motive?
Not often, but it happens.
- Thanks, man.
- Yeah, sure.
Did you underline that book?
- What?
- Did you underline that book?
- No, Mr Vail.
- No?
No, Mr Vail. I never even opened
The Scarlet Letter.
I don't like Hawthorne.
We had that one about the house with
the seven somethings in high school,
I couldn't even get past page 1 0.
I wasn't the only one
using Bishop Rushman's library.
Everybody borrowed books
from Bishop Rushman.
He encouraged it. Altar boys, staff,
everyone was in there.
You don't give up, do you?
- You didn't know anything about that?
- No.
- What about the impact...?
- I can't talk right now.
My office will call you, right? OK, bye.
- Thanks.
- See you.
What the fuck happened in there?
I guess that 8 was a B after all.
You think this is funny?
We're losing this case.
What happened?
How could you've missed that?
There are 50 of them,
plus the entire Chicago PD.
How was I to know he had
a reading room in the basement?
- It's your job.
- You want my job?!
- No, I want you to do your job!
- Marty, come on.
I'm working on a third-man defence.
Figured that out yet?
I don't have a third man. Why?
Because you can't fucking find him!
- Is it that hard to find one indigent kid?
- Maybe we already got the kid.
We have to at least consider
the possibility that he did it.
The evidence points towards him,
and you refuse to look at it.
I'm not refusing to look at anything!
I don't think he did it!
We're up there in a couple of days,
and we got dick!
- Do your fucking jobs!
- Fuck!
It must have been hard to come
to Chicago. You didn't know anybody.
Did you have any money?
No, nothing.
I wanna talk more about
your girlfriend, Linda. Can we, Aaron?
- No.
- Why not?
Oh, I'm sorry.
D-d-do you think
we can do this later?
- No, I wanna stay with this a while.
- I'm just a li-li-little tired.
I know. Why does talking about
Linda Forbes upset you?
It d-d... It doesn't.
I just don't want
to talk about it right now.
- Why not? Are you all right?
- No, my head hurts.
OK, I'm sorry. Let me just fix this.
- You know what I can do with this?
- No, how the fuck should I know?
Jesus Christ.
What? What were you saying?
What do you want? I'll kill you!
I don't think so, Alex. Drop it.
Drop it.
- Remember me, huh?!
- My name is Martin Vail.
I don't give a fuck!
You have no right!
Every fucking right! I'm Aaron
Stampler's attorney, you little shit!
Now! What do you know
about the Archbishop's murder?
- Nothing.
- Where do you think you're going?
Bullshit! Don't fuck with us.
I swear I know nothing.
What were you doing at Aaron's
house? What were you looking for?
- A tape.
- A tape? A videotape?
- Yeah.
- Of what?
- Sex stuff.
- Sex stuff?
Do I have to draw a picture for you?
Me, Linda.
- And Aaron?
- He shot it, too, for the Archbishop.
Are you telling...
Are you telling me that Archbishop
Rushman is involved with sex stuff?
Yeah, he called it "purging the devil".
He'd say a sermon for ten minutes,
and then he would tell us what to do.
I don't give a fuck what you believe!
Hey, hey, hey. What were you
going to do with the tape?
Trash it. I was gonna throw it away.
One. Just one tape.
One tape.
He'd keep recording over and over.
- Why did you think Aaron had this?
- I don't know.
I thought he got it,
and he went back and killed him.
- He did kill him, right?
- No, he didn't.
Where's this girl? Where's Linda?
She freaked out!
She panicked. She split.
And I'm not expecting any postcards.
Look at me.
Get him out of here, Tommy.
- Where to?
- A warm bunk and three meals a day.
- You can't arrest me! You're no cop!
- I used to be. Does that work for you?
- Look who's here.
- Finish it. It's a good article.
You know the rules.
Don't disturb anything,
don't remove anything or it's my ass.
Yeah, mine too. I won't touch anything.
Excuse me.
...preach the gospel to every...
- What are you watching?
- Wait a minute.
Go to her.
Good. Now help her.
That's it, Aaron. Good.
Linda, help out.
Good. Take offher blouse, Aaron.
That's it. Now help him, Linda.
Isn't that sweet, Linda? Good.
That's it.
Now, take him in your mouth.
Here's motive.
Take her from behind.
- Aaron, take her from behind.
- Jesus Christ.
- I wanna talk to you alone.
- We should discuss...
I need to be alone with my client.
Do you trust me?
Yes, yes, of course I do.
Good. Because I don't trust you.
I'll lay it all out for you.
I'm losing this case because
my fucking client is lying to me.
- I never, never lied...
- Bullshit!
No more bullshit. No more games.
Everybody thinks you did this,
Only I believe you,
and I'm that close.
So I want it all out.
Right now, right here.
Did you underline that book?
Hey, hey, look at me.
Did you underline that book?
- N-n-no, I didn't.
- I don't believe you.
- That's bullshit.
- I told...
I don't believe you! I saw the tape!
I saw the tape. I know what he did
to you. I wanna hear it from you.
No! No!
Don't do this.
I want you to tell me the truth.
- You fucking killed him! You did it!
- No!
You're so full of shit! You did it!
Tell me the truth. Don't lie.
You little fuck! You killed him!
- You son of a bitch! You killed him!
- No!
What do you want from me now?
Quit crying! I can't understand
a word you're saying.
You little sissy! You make me sick!
- Look here. Who the fuck are you?
- Who the fuck are you?
This is my cell! Who the fuck are you?
I got you now. You're the lawyer.
You're a lawyer, ain't you? With
your fancy suit. I heard about you.
My, my, you sure fucked
this one up, counsellor.
Sounds like they're gonna shoot Aaron
so full of poison it'll come out his eyes!
- Where is Aaron?
- He's crying in a corner somewhere.
You scared him off!
You got to deal with me now, boy.
I ought to give you
a beating on principle. Look at me.
You pull that tough-guy shit on Aaron
again, I'll kick your ass to Sunday!
- Do you understand me?
- I understand you.
Aaron gets in trouble, he calls you.
You're the man.
Aaron couldn't kick his own ass.
You seen him with the "da-da-da".
Jesus Christ, he can't handle anything.
He sure couldn't handle
all that preacher's blood.
If he'd done like I told him,
we wouldn't be in this mess.
But he got scared and "da".
Ran off and got himself caught,
the stupid little shit.
So Aaron did kill Rushman.
Hell no! Jesus Christ,
where did they find you?
Haven't you listened to me?
Aaron doesn't have guts to do nothing.
It was me, boy.
- It was you.
- Yes, it was.
He came crying to me like always,
stuttering and whining.
"I ca-can't take it no more, Roy.
You g-got to help me."
"Please, please, Roy."
I said, "Shut your mouth! Grow up.
Be a man. Take care of yourself."
So your name is Roy?
Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry. Yeah.
What is it? Marty?
Marty, I'm dying for a smoke.
Do you have a cigarette?
- No, I quit.
- Fuck that.
Can't live without them.
Got to be a butt here.
Roy, tell me about Linda.
Who the fuck cares about Linda?
I care about Linda.
I'd like to know about her.
That little tramp. Everybody
had a piece of her, you know.
She had Aaron wrapped up so tight,
he thought she was his girlfriend.
She broke his heart.
So that's why you had to kill Rushman.
Because of the sex stuff.
You've seen the tape.
Answer me, you son of a bitch!
Do you think I'm playing with you?
I will break your fucking neck!
- I'll ask again. Have you seen it?
- Of course I saw the tape.
Dammit, I told him, "Get that tape.
It's motive, you asshole!"
This'll fuck everthing up.
Don't you show that to anyone!
- Do you understand me?!
- Yeah.
- Aaron.
- Damn!
Mister Vail?
Yeah, I'm right here, Aaron.
He did it. The little fuck did it.
How could I have missed that?
- Am I gonna need stitches?
- No.
He didn't do it. Aaron has no idea
what just happened in there.
I kept seeing the signs. The big ones.
Abusive background, these repeated
blackouts, the ellipses in thought.
He's ambidextrous. I tried to tell you.
You may be thrilled by all this,
but I'm fucked. I don't have a case.
Textbook multiple personality disorder.
Put me on the stand. I'll testify.
He's insane.
I can't. I can't change plea
in the middle of a trial.
The judge would never allow it.
Insanity is the hardest thing to prove.
My professional opinion.
This is not a criminal
we're dealing with. He's a sick kid.
He's sitting in a cell,
and that's not where he belongs.
You got an aspirin?
Come on, Connerman, ask it.
Ask what?
The question
you wanted to ask me before.
I don't understand, Mr Vail.
"How can you defend someone
if you know they did it?"
"How can you defend these
fucking scumbags?" Isn't that it?
All those fucking coy questions,
all that bullshit.
Bottom line is:
"How can you do what you do?"
You think it's the money, don't you?
The money's nice.
The money's very, very nice, Jack.
The first thing I ask a new client is:
"You been saving up for a rainy day?"
"Guess what? It's raining."
You think it's because I want to see
my face on magazine covers?
My 1 5 seconds on TV? I love it.
I fucking love that shit. I really do.
But guess what?
It's not it.
- You go to Las Vegas?
- Yeah.
I don't go to Vegas.
Why don't I go to Vegas?
Marty, it's late.
I think we should just get up and...
Why gamble with money when you
can gamble with people's lives?
That was a joke.
All right, I'll tell you.
I believe in the notion that people
are innocent until proven guilty.
I believe in that notion
because I choose to believe
in the basic goodness of people.
I choose to believe that not all crimes
are committed by bad people.
And I try to understand
that some very good people
do some very bad things.
You know when I was working
for Shaughnessy,
I did something very, very bad.
Illegal. I was a prosecutor then.
This thing I did. I was very upset by it
and decided to leave.
So I left.
I became a defending attorney.
The irony being that everyone
assumed I was lying anyhow.
I made myself this little promise that...
...l would reserve my lies
for other than my public life.
You print any of this,
I'll sue your fucking ass.
- All right, so I made a little mistake.
- No shit.
What do you want? A new suit?
I'll buy you a new suit.
You made a mistake?
You told us the third man did it.
You got your third man.
And a fourth man and a fifth man...
What are you going to do, Marty?
I don't know. I really fucked up here.
You were right.
- So how are you gonna get him off?
- I don't know.
What I know is that Aaron did
not commit first-degree murder.
- He stabbed him a billion times...
- Not Aaron.
To convict someone of a capital crime
the State must prove intent.
- Roy had intent, Aaron didn't.
- Then you have to plead insanity...
...which we can't do mid-trial,
unless you plan a career change.
I could've been mistaken,
but I wasn't wrong.
Aaron is innocent.
It's Roy who is guilty.
He doesn't need a lawyer,
he needs an exorcist.
You're full of shit.
You weren't there. You didn't see it.
He's one sick boy who's been fucked
around by his father, by his priest.
It's our job to make sure the jury
believes he doesn't deserve to die.
- OK.
- OK. How do we do it?
By somehow introducing
this whole abuse thing.
- The tape.
- That's crazy. That gives him motive.
No, it looks like that, but it's...
No, actually,
it turns this whole thing around.
It gives concrete documentation
of what Rushman did to this kid.
But we can't put it in. You know that.
But we're not going to.
Oh, fuck!
- OK.
- Good.
What the hell are you doing?
You know damn well who it is.
- Barleycorn's, Marty. Now.
- Janet?
Cute porno. Part of your collection?
Where did you get it? Steal it?
- From the crime scene?
- I don't know anything...
- You are such a liar.
- Think about it.
If it contains that,
I wouldn't give it to you. It's motive.
You had to give it to me.
If you introduced it, the jury'd despise
you for dishonouring the bishop.
If you get me to show it, motive or
no motive, I'm the one who looks bad,
and you gain sympathy
for your poor, little, abused boy.
- You think so?
- I hate you.
Don't use it.
I have no intention of using it.
- The usual, Stu.
- You got it.
- You're up to even more than that.
- I'm not up to anything.
You're opening a door for me with
a tiger on the other end, and I don't...
You know who you'd really upset?
- Fuck him.
- Fuck him?
Fuck you.
Thanks a lot.
- If this is not your motive, what is?
- I have motive.
Yeah, what is it?
I'm really gonna tell you.
Better tell the jury soon.
Time's running out.
Here you go.
You think you've got me, huh?
You think because you know me as
well as you do, you know how I think.
Well, I know how you think.
You know what I'm thinking?
What happened to your face?
I... I bumped it
in a medicine cabinet.
No, that was a girl on her way out.
- We should come back here later.
- They close in ten minutes.
No, after.
After the trial.
When we got nothing to lose.
How can your timing
be so good in a courtroom
and so bad in real life?
I'll think about it later.
I hate you too much right now.
You got a visitor.
Here she comes.
Talk to you later.
So where's the tape?
There's some pretty ugly stuff
on that tape.
- Yes, there is.
- Who would've thought?
- Where did it come from?
- Landed on my front door. No note.
- Vail?
- Who else?
Clever prick.
What do you think he's up to?
- I honestly don't know.
- Cut the crap.
You know him well.
You were balling him.
- Where is it?
- At home.
I have some advice for you.
If you have aspirations beyond
this particular office,
pick up your handbag,
go home and destroy this tape
you should've destroyed, like I did.
You don't think Vail has a copy?
You don't think there's an original?
Stampler is on trial,
not the Catholic church.
If you haven't found another motive
to hang him on, God help you.
All rise.
Please, sit down.
Madame Prosecutor.
Miss Venable.
The State calls Thomas Goodman.
Objection, Your Honour.
Prosecution knows Mr Goodman
is my investigator in this case,
and under the Work Product Rule
he can't be compelled to testify.
- Permission to approach the bench?
- Granted.
I have important evidence
which the witness can authenticate.
That's Mr Vail's privilege. If he doesn't
want Goodman to testify, he won't.
Make a decision, Mr Vail.
- You ever been to my apartment?
- No.
- By that I mean my apartment building.
- Allegedly.
I'm sorry. You have or you haven't.
"Allegedly" doesn't figure into it.
I have...been there, yes.
- Why did you go there?
- I was delivering something.
For whom?
Martin Vail.
Mr Vail sent you
to deliver something to me.
- Yes.
- What was it?
A video tape.
Could this be the tape
you delivered for Mr Vail?
I have a feeling it is, yes.
The People place
this video tape in evidence.
So ordered. Please index.
Where did Mr Vail get this tape,
if it is the same one?
He took it from the closet
of Archbishop Rushman.
- Stole it.
- Borrowed it.
Once I made the transfer for him,
I returned it.
Can you describe what's on the tape?
There was a sermon
by Archbishop Rushman, a rehearsal,
followed by...
- ..a kind of home movie.
- A home movie? Of what?
- Some altar boys.
- And?
- A girl.
- Doing what?
An altar boy lesson of some kind?
Having sex.
A porno movie.
- Mm, yes.
- Yes. Now.
How is it that this tape, this porno tape,
was in the Archbishop's closet
in order for Vail to find it there?
- He was the...director.
- Who was?
- Archbishop Rushman.
- Quiet!
And was the defendant one of
the altar boys performing in the movie?
- Yes, he was.
- Was his girlfriend, Linda Forbes?
Yes, she was.
Did it appear to you
that the defendant was enjoying
performing in this film
with his girlfriend?
No, he does not.
I will not ask you if you
think we've uncovered motive here.
We will decide that for ourselves
once we've all seen the video tape.
No further questions.
Does Defence wish to cross?
- No, Your Honour.
- Court's in recess.
Bailiff, please set up for the tape.
Mr Goodman, you're excused.
Thanks for the advice.
- Mr Vail said she was your girlfriend.
- Yes, she was.
- How did you meet?
- We were both at the Savior House.
I was an altar boy,
and she was working
for Bishop Rushman.
Doing what?
Were you sleeping
with anyone else at the time?
- No, no.
- Was she?
Has she been to see you, Aaron?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here.
Mr Vail, are you prepared to proceed
with your first witness?
Yes, Your Honour.
The Defence calls John Shaughnessy.
The People object. Mr Shaughnessy
has never been identified as...
- Your Honour, may I approach?
- Yes, you may.
My client is on trial for his life. He
maintains there was a third person.
Can Mr Shaughnessy confirm that?
The US Constitution
takes precedence here,
permitting calling any witness
to prove innocence.
That's stated in the Sixth Amendment
and profound in Brady vs. Maryland.
Mr Shaughnessy, you sit on the board
of the Rushman Foundation?
I am an honorary board member.
Explain the nature
and purpose of this foundation.
It was founded by the late Archbishop.
Its purpose is to invest in projects
for the greater good of the community.
The greater good of the community,
Would that be true
in the case of the now bankrupt...
- ...South River Housing Development?
- Yes.
Could you tell the court why the South
River project was abandoned?
There was a difference of opinion
as to the costs.
Wasn't there also
a difference of opinion
between the investors
and the late Archbishop?
- I don't recall.
- You don't...
What kind of money
are we talking about?
How much money was invested
in this failed South River enterprise?
- 60 million dollars.
- Quiet.
60 million dollars!
Wow, that's a lot of money.
You and the Archbishop
have been friends for 20 years?
- You knew each other well.
- That's right.
- Did that tape's content surprise you?
- Yes, of course.
You've never heard any allegations
against the Archbishop?
Not that I recall, no.
Especially since you were State's
Attorney for the last 1 5 years,
you've supervised all prosecutions
in Cook County during that time,
especially the prosecutions
of prominent figures.
I also have a staff of
a thousand of the best prosecutors...
As State's Attorney
it was up to you, ultimately, to decide...
- ...who would be indicted.
- Yes.
Let me just take you back now.
Let's go back to June 1 985.
Do you recall any allegations
of sexual misconduct...
- ...against the Archbishop then?
- I don't recall that, no.
Do you recall a young man
by the name of Michael O'Donnell
who came to the felony review unit
at your office?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
That's confusing because a document
from the Chicago Metropolitan Police
says that Michael O'Donnell spoke
to the supervisor for two weeks,
explaining sexual abuse he suffered
at the hands of Archbishop Rushman.
Isn't it also true, Mr State's Attorney,
that you then decided that your friend
was not going to stand trial
for any of it?
He owed you big time, John.
You must have been pissed off
when he pulled out of South River.
He just said, "I can't take it any more"?
He said, "No!"
You and your investors
had 60 million reasons to kill him!
- You little cocksucker!
- That's it. Witness dismissed.
- Vail, in my chambers now.
- That's for Joey Pinero, shithead.
Start looking for a job.
You think you can use my courtroom to
wage vendettas and settle old scores,
you are sorely mistaken.
I'm striking Shaughnessy's testimony
from the record as irrelevant,
and I'm holding you in contempt
to the tune of 1 0,000 dollars.
You're saying that I can't get
a fair trial in your courtroom?
Be very careful, Mr Vail.
You're on dangerous ground.
You want the cheque
made out to you?
You want me to take you off this case?
You're making a mockery of
my courtroom, and I won't allow it.
I suggest you start representing your
client and stop representing yourself.
- Can we do this later?
- No, I want to stay with this.
- I'm feeling very, very tired.
- Yeah, I know.
Why does talking
about Linda Forbes upset you?
It doesn't. Ijust...
- OK.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- You know what I can do with this?
- How the fuck should I know!
Dr Arrington, how much time
have you spent with Aaron Stampler?
- Around 60 hours.
- What did you find in your evaluation?
Mr Stampler suffers from
an acute disassociative condition.
- Multiple personality disorder.
- Objection, Your Honour.
She's only stating
what she's personally observed.
- Your Honour.
- Counsellors.
- I know what you're doing.
- Excuse us for a minute?
If he wants to question
his client's sanity...
I'm trying to establish
a medical basis for amnesia.
That's not what he's doing.
He's saying he's crazy.
- Are you?
- No, I am not.
I'll allow you to proceed
with this witness if you're very careful.
Absolutely. Yes.
Write down that he said that.
All right, where were we?
Now, could Aaron Stampler
have been present during the murder
of Archbishop Rushman...
- ...and not remember it?
- Yes, he could.
Could you explain that, please?
Stampler's state was such that his
body could be present at a homicide,
and yet his mind
would be unable to recall it.
- How would this be possible?
- This neurological mechanism...
...began with the early abuse
suffered at the hands of his father.
In defence Aaron's psyche splintered
into two separate personalities.
- Your Honour.
- I didn't say it. I did not say it...
You've been warned twice.
You wanna pursue this?
And I suggest you think long and hard
before answering.
Your Honour, just one last question.
All right, Dr Arrington... your opinion is Aaron Stampler
capable of murder?
No, he's far too traumatised to
express normal anger and frustration.
He keeps his emotions repressed,
which is why he created Roy,
who is capable...
- Objection.
- That's enough, Mr Vail.
The jury will disregard this witness'
last statement, as will the court.
- Prosecutor, do you wish to cross?
- You bet I do.
Since you brought it up,
against the instructions of the court,
is multiple personality disorder
your primary area of expertise?
It's not my primary field, no.
Is forensic psychiatry
your primary area of expertise?
- No, I'm a neuropsychologist.
- I see.
So you have no forensic experience
and you're more of an academic?
Then you will forgive
this rather academic question.
I'm driving, somebody cuts me off.
I feel like killing this guy,
but I don't. Now do l?
- I would hope not.
- That's right.
Things happen to us.
People wrong us.
But we don't all invent psychopaths
to do our dirty work for us, doctor?
I'm not suggesting
you have multiple personalities.
- I'm saying Mr Stampler does.
- Yes, I know. We heard.
You have also testified that you have
met this... What was his name again?
- Roy.
- Roy what?
- He didn't give a last name.
- I see.
Did this Roy tell you
that he had murdered the Archbishop?
Mr Vail was with him, I was outside,
but soon after I was in the room
and saw both Roy
and his transformation back to Aaron.
Did you happen to tape
this appearance of Aaron...?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just cannot get used to this name.
- Roy.
- Did you?
- No, the tape was off.
- Off?
So you have no record whatsoever
of his appearance.
- No.
- No.
- Does Aaron know right from wrong?
- Yes, he does.
- If Aaron butchered the Archbishop...
- Objection.
...would he know
if Aaron murdered the Archbishop?
- Would he know he'd broken the law?
- Yes, he would. But it wasn't Aaron...
Oh, yes, I know, doctor. It was Roy.
That's all.
No further questions, Your Honour.
Witness may step down.
If you'd like to re-open your case
and call the State's psychiatrist...
- ...l will certainly agree to it.
- No, l...
I don't think that's necessary.
I think we all get the picture here.
Mr Vail, are you ready to proceed?
Would you like a recess?
Could you tell us a little about
your relationship with the Archbishop?
Well, he was like a father to me.
I loved him very much.
Why did you love him?
- Why?
- Aha.
Well, he...he s-saved my life.
He was the only person who ever
treated me like I was worth anything.
Stop your whining, little girl. Be a man.
We've all seen that tape
that you were in, Aaron.
How did that make you feel? Did it
change your feelings about Rushman?
He was a wonderful man.
So you didn't feel anger towards him
for forcing you to perform in that tape?
No, he did everthing for me.
There was nothing else
I could do for him, and he needed it.
Do you know someone named Roy?
No, I don't.
You heard Dr Arrington's testimony
about what she and I saw at the jail.
There are strange things going on.
Do you remember?
I heard what she said,
but I don't remember any of that.
Did you kill Archbishop Rushman?
No, sir, I did not.
Thank you.
Your witness.
Mr Stampler,
would you like some water?
- N-no, ma'am.
- You sure?
Ye-yes, ma'am.
Mr Stampler, did you believe
that the Archbishop wore masks?
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Do you think he acted one way
in public and another way in private?
N-no, I don't think that.
Isn't that why you underlined
the Hawthorne passage?
Mr Stampler?
No, I did not underline that book.
- You didn't underline it?
- No, ma'am.
And you didn't carve the numbers
of that passage into his chest?
No, ma'am, I did not.
I told you l...
You loved him.
You loved him like a father.
Even though
he made you and your girlfriend
perform demeaning sexual acts
for his own gratification.
No, you don't understand. He...
There was no other way for him
to cast out his demons. He...
He needed to get off, Aaron.
That's what he was doing.
That's what he needed you for.
To perform like a circus animal.
- That was your function in his life.
- N-no.
Oh, Mr Stampler, I'm gonna ask
you straight because I am tired.
I've had enough of this sordidness,
and I wanna go home.
And I wanna wash my hands,
and I wanna forget all about you
and Archbishop Rushman.
Did the Archbishop force you
and your girlfriend and others
to perform sexual acts
while he watched? Yes or no?
- Yes, he did, but...
- Yes. Yes, he forced you.
He forced you using a threat
of expulsion from Savior House
and a life on the street with no heat
and no water and no food.
He put you in front of a camera!
He made you take off your clothes!
And you don't think
that's another side?
Another face of a man
that we all thought...
- No! No.
- Someone did that to me, I'd kill him.
I would stab him 78 times
with a butcher knife!
I would chop off his fingers!
I would slash his throat open!
I would carve numbers into his chest!
I would gouge out his eyes! I swear.
But that's me.
- No further questions.
- Where the hell are you going?
Look at me
when I'm talking to you, bitch!
Fuck you, lady! Come here!
Order! Bailiff! Order!
Let's play rough! Come on. Back off!
- Roy!
- Keep coming, and I'll break her neck!
- Come here and talk.
- Fuck you, Marty! I'm walking out!
No! No! Don't you... !
You OK?
Don't even think of lighting
that cigarette, Miss Venable.
- How's your neck?
- I'll live.
I could call a doctor.
Mr Shaughnessy just called
to inform me there will be no mistrial.
- As if that was his right.
- I can't believe...
...that scumbag has the balls to call.
No thanks.
What matters to me is what you have
to say. Your case has been damaged.
In fairness to the Prosecution
I would declare a mistrial,
regardless of what Shaughnessy
and Vail think, if that's what you want.
The Prosecution doesn't wanna try
this case again even if it could.
Which it can't. At least not by me.
I think I can guarantee you
there's no one
in the DA's office who will.'s up to you.
I'm gonna dismiss the jury
in favour of a bench trial
and a blind plea of not guilty
by reason of insanity. Yes?
The defendant will be remanded
to Elgin for a 30-day evaluation period.
Let them decide
the term of his commitment.
- Do you have a problem with that?
- He'll be out in a month.
Take it up with the Legislature,
Miss Venable.
I'm going home.
- Your Honour.
- No, I won't refund your contempt fine.
Next time you wanna get a client off
on insanity, you plead that way,
or I'll have you disbarred.
- You OK?
- Am I OK? Do I seem OK?
I get attacked by this sick twist,
I've lost the case, I'm out of a job.
No, I'm not OK. But hey, you won,
justice was done. Who cares, right?
You knew, didn't you?
You knew if I went after him,
he'd wig out.
I knew he'd come out
if he was threatened.
Who better to do that than me?
You used me.
Yeah, I did. I had no choice.
What did I use that was so terrible?
I knew you'd do your job. I knew
you'd stand up to Shaughnessy.
I knew you'd try to win the case.
What's wrong with that?
- I lost my fucking job!
- Good, you should've left years ago.
- You always say what's right for me.
- I'm arrogant.
I'm very...
...very arrogant.
- You wanna dance?
- No.
- Sure?
- Yeah.
All you have to do is turn around.
I have to see my client.
- I'd like a minute alone with him.
- You sure?
You OK?
My head hurts.
You don't remember
what just happened?
I lo-lost time again.
Well, I got some good news.
They've agreed to stop the trial.
They'll be sending you to a hospital...
to get the help you need.
There's a very good chance
you can get out someday soon.
I c-can't believe it.
- I d-don't know what to say, Mr Vail.
- That's all right.
I knew the minute you came into my
cell that everthing would be OK.
You s-saved my life.
I got to go.
- When will I see you again?
- That's up to the courts now.
I don't want you to worry.
I'm gonna stay on top of this, OK?
Thank you.
- Give me a call if you need to.
- I will.
- Mr Vail?
- Yeah.
Will you t-tell Miss Venable I'm sorry?
Tell her I hope her neck is OK.
- What did you just say?
- What?
You told me you don't remember.
You black out.
So how do you know about her neck?
Well, good for you, Marty.
I was gonna let it go.
You were looking so happy just now.
I was thinking...
To tell you the truth,
I'm glad you figured it.
'Cause I have been dying to tell you.
I just didn't know
who you'd wanna hear it from.
Aaron or Roy, Roy or Aaron.
Well, I'll let you in on a client-
attorney-privilege type of secret.
It don't matter who you hear it from.
It's the same story.
I j-j-just...
had to kill Linda, Mr Vail.
That cunt just got what she deserved.
But...cutting up
that son of a bitch Rushman...
...that was just a fucking work of art.
You're good. You are really good.
Yeah, I did get caught, though, didn't l?
So there never...
there never was a Roy?
Jesus Christ, Marty. If that's what
you think, I'm disappointed in you.
There never was an Aaron, counsellor.
Come on, I thought you had it
figured there at the end.
The way you put me on the stand
like that, that was brilliant.
The whole "act-like-a-man" thing.
I knew what you wanted.
It was like we were dancing, Marty!
- Guard.
- Don't be like that, Marty.
We did it, man. We fucking did it.
We're a great team, you and me.
You think I could've
done this without you?
You're feeling angry because you
started to care about old Aaron, but... hurts, Marty. What can I say?
I'mjust kidding, bud!
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!
What else was I supposed to do?!
You'll thank me down the road, 'cause
this'll toughen you up, Martin Vail!
You hear me? That's a promise!