Primal Rage (2018)

[car door
turning over]
[ominous music]
[door shuts]
[car starts]
Look, I don't know
what you want me to say.
Could start
with "thank you".
Thanks... for
picking me up.
"Sorry" would
be nice.
You're smoking again.
Yeah, I'm
smoking again.
Not around
him, Max.
You look good.
I'm eating good,
I'm not drinking,
I'm not smoking...
Please tell me you
learned your lesson.
I learned
lots of lessons.
I learned how
to make a shiv.
Turns out prison has
arts & crafts time.
It's not funny.
How is he?
He's good. Yeah.
He's good.
That's good. Thanks
for not bringing him.
Well, he's
got school.
He's in school?
Mm hm,
[laughs] Preschool?
Yep, he says
he's a big kid now.
[turns radio on]
What, so this is
what you listen to now?
Yeah, it's
only been a year.
A year, a month,
and nine days.
But who's counting?
Yeah, and not much has
changed since then,
it's just music.
[changes radio
Really? Did they
come play for you
during your
stint in Folsom?
[both switching radio
station back and forth]
[turns radio off]
[heavy breathing]
Max, look at me.
Look at
me, Max.
It's fine.
No, it wasn't.
It sucked.
It was fine.
[starts engine]
Do you want
[door slams]
[men laughing]
This is a
missing person.
Have you
seen him?
got 'im!
He's coming
'round again.
Yeah, right.
Hairy, ape-man
You and your kind
ain't foolin' me
with your wampum,
your Oh-Mah,
and your mystic
injun horseshit!
Nickel Pete, if you see
him you give me a call.
Yeah, I'll
do that.
Thank you.
You're all
in on it...
Try the
fuckin' donuts.
Bigfoot lovers.
big, hairy bastard.
Giant, hairy,
mohawk motherfucker
'round again...
him and his big
ol' fuckin' feet.
Gonna getcha!
Ha ha ha!
Yeah, sure as shit.
Twenty dollars.
Have a nice day.
[men laughing]
That's what I'm
talking 'bout.
Hey! Put it in your
pants, ya pervert!
alright. Ow!
Well, well...
Woo hoo hoo! I'm
shakin' in my boots!
Are you done?
[engine revving]
Got you some, uh,
healthy trail mix.
Really? You've been
out an hour and you
already got me on
an open container.
Ashley, it's
just a beer.
No! It's a Class
2 misdemeanor
'cause I already
got one, remember?
I guess you didn't
learn a goddamn thing.
I learned
plenty, actually.
I learned that
when making a shiv
you've gotta taper and
serrate the blade...
otherwise you're
just poppin' people
with needles and
that's just something
they're used to. But
when the time is right,
the only thing that
you have to do is
aim for the sweet spot,
just right in the kidney.
Then you
say something.
You say something to
make all this good again.
Because you didn't
say a goddamn thing
when I was sitting
in handcuffs...
You know...
you weren't much
better than me, Ashley.
Not much, but at
least I was better.
And I'm clean
now, courtesy
of the Department
of Corrections.
I'm glad they
could do it for you
but your wife and son
weren't worth enough.
For a year, a
month, and nine days
I have been planning
this exact moment.
I'm just
fucking it up.
How could you fuck
this up? It's me.
This is me.
This is us.
What? What?
Say it.
I'm scared.
Right now in
this moment...
I'm scared.
You're scared?
I'm scared
Good answer.
[loud thud]
[brakes screeching]
Shit! What
was that?
Oh, my God.
He's not moving.
What happened
to him?
Where did he come from?
What was he doing?
I don't know.
But our car
didn't do all that.
Oh, my God!
[choking sounds]
I'm going to
get my phone.
Ashley... Ashley!
Ashley, wait. There's
beer all over the car.
We just hit
this guy.
Yeah, there's no way
we did all that, Max.
That was
not just us.
Jesus, Ash!
Just got out.
Party of one?
Don't do this to me.
Think about us.
Ashley, please.
Yeah, hello?
I'm on Hwy 23
about 25 miles
north of state prison.
There's been
an accident.
Yes, there's a man
here and he needs help.
Yes, as soon as
possible, please.
[loud bang]
Oh, my God!
[suspenseful music]
and coughing]
Wake up!
rushing water]
Wake up!
[rushing water]
[crashing waves]
Max! Max?
Max, wake up!
Wake up, Max.
Wake up!
Max! Max...
Wake up!
Wake up, Max!
and gasping]
Come on, okay.
Come on,
almost there.
What happened?
You fucking
fell in the water.
You're going into
shock, come here.
No, I'm
just cold.
Come on,
sit up.
Come here. I'll
get you warm.
We need to
get you warm.
Come on,
sit up.
Stand up.
[ominous music]
Mrs. Goring.
You find him?
I'm sorry,
not yet.
What are you
gonna do about it?
We're still doing
everything we can
within our means.
I want answers now,
or I'll have your job!
Mrs. Goring, we will
find your husband.
I promise you.
You know
You know something
you're not telling us!
I see Mrs.
G sniped ya.
Any luck?
Say, are you
part of this vast
Nickel Pete says I
should know all about it.
Thought I was
missing out on something.
Nickel Pete
might be right.
Maybe there's something
to those Oh-Mah stories.
You're taking sides
with Nickel Pete?
If it means honoring the
traditions, I guess so.
So you're saying you
would call on Nickel Pete
as an expert
reliable witness?
Uh, no.
Then what the
hell are you saying?
I'm saying we shouldn't
ignore the Oh-Mah legends
Nickel Pete or
no Nickel Pete.
[turns coffee
maker on]
I think you're
smoking something
other than tobacco
in that peace pipe
bong of
yours, Deputy.
What's this, Nell?
911 call, no
name or nothing.
Aw, Hell's monkeys, I
was just out this way.
Call if you
need backup.
Yeah, I will.
I'll use the radio.
Because smoke signals
don't work so
well in the rain.
Don't fall and
break your hip.
You're lucky I
let you wear a gun.
and gasping]
Your lighter... I
need your lighter.
Come on,
come on.
Come on... please.
Please... light.
Oh, my God.
Come on,
fire... yes.
Here we go.
Okay, we're
almost there.
There was an easier way
to get my clothes off.
Not with you.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm so sorry.
What have
we got here?
[ominous music]
Nellibell, I'm at the
location of the 911 call
about a hundred yards
north of Marker 23
on the highway.
You call Nelson,
you tell him to get
over here with a winch
and about a hundred
feet of cable ASAP.
[ominous music]
Max: In the morning
we'll set things right,
okay? I'll get you
back to Jameson.
Where is Jameson?
He's at mom's.
Poor guy.
It's worse
than prison.
I didn't know what
was going to happen.
I thought we'd either
be yelling at each other
all night or we'd
be shacked up
in a hotel
room somewhere.
Whatever it was,
it wasn't this.
I mean, what's
our next move?
What are we
gonna do?
You got me here
to protect you...
defensive prison
techniques and all.
So, this shiv
It's a
legitimate thing.
Who told
you that?
My cellmate.
Legend has it he shanked
about a dozen guys
back in the day.
Please tell me you
didn't shank anyone.
No, I couldn't
hurt anybody else.
Not after all
that's happened.
It was an
accident, Max.
No... no,
it wasn't.
But we'll get
you back, okay?
We'll get us back to
Jameson and then we'll,
uh... we'll make sure
everything's alright,
okay? I promise.
Hey... look at me.
You gotta trust
me, okay?
I trust you.
Let's get this
on the road.
Ashley Carr.
Ashley Carr...
This guy... check with
the prison, find out if
they had any inmates
released today.
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
Max! Where
are you?
What's wrong?
Where are
my clothes?
Aren't they
where you left them?
I left them right here,
I didn't touch them.
Well, they have to
be here somewhere.
What is this?
Well, there
are your shoes.
What the fuck?!
Take this. Here.
That's it?
I mean, unless you
want my pants, too.
Works for me.
Good, I'm glad it
works for someone.
- Alright, let's go.
- Hold on.
[ominous music]
Ashley: How
are you feeling?
Max: Really
good. I mean,
my head fuckin' hurts
but the view ain't bad.
Well, let's
get home.
Come on.
This'll be easy.
We'll just follow
the river back up
to the road, flag
someone down...
It'll be easy.
Shit's Creek,
I presume?
[ominous music]
Ashley: My
shoes are wet.
My feet feel like cold
prunes. It sucks!
Max: Well, I've
got wet jeans
and sand in
my crotch...
so it's
chafing my nuts.
You win.
[ominous music]
Shh. Do you
hear that?
[gunshot and voices]
You know
who that is?
Yeah, it's our inbred
hunting buddies
from back at
the gas station.
Unfortunately they're
the only ones that
might have a cell
phone or a radio.
Come on, we
don't have a choice.
Come on.
Maxwell Carr... just
released yesterday.
What was
he in for?
assault with a
deadly weapon.
His car
hit a kid.
substance abuse,
same old stupid
fucking white man.
So... the wife
picks him up,
they crash the
car, and vanish.
So you're telling
me right here
right now to my face
that you actually
believe there's an
Oh-Mah out there?
Bigfoot himself!
Abducting white people...
ex-cons no less.
No, but I like it better
than being told it's wrong.
I like it better than
being told it's not true.
I like it better than
being told what to think.
- It's an identity.
- Protest.
- Same thing.
- Not even close.
You tell me right
here, right now
you 100% don't
believe it's Oh-Mah.
Aha! See that?
I don't believe it's
Oh-Mah. Swear to God!
Sure thing,
You should go ask
the Whispering Woman.
She might know
what happened.
That's her turf.
With all due
respect, Deputy,
to the ancestors...
fuck that.
You're afraid
of her.
Okay, some.
Is she even
still alive?
She'll always
be alive.
She's not human.
Please tell me you don't
really believe that.
No, not really.
You should go
talk to her.
What she knows
will die with her.
Listen to her
before it's too late.
Yeah, listening
to answers
you don't
believe in.
At least not in
this day and age.
Probably not.
I really wish I
could believe...
I really do.
Ironic, huh?
I'd say tragic.
[men laughing]
You should probably
sit this one out.
Ya think?
whoa ho ho ho!
Hey, hey, where's
the funky bunch, man?
The funky...
Well, well, well. If
it ain't the convict!
Oh, I apologize...
Look, guys, there was
an accident on the road.
Does anybody
have a cell phone?
Cell phone?
Cell phone?
Think I-think
I lost mine.
Well, sorry
about that.
I mean, hell, it ain't
like we get a lot of
service out in these
parts. I mean, really,
what's a moose gonna
do with a cell phone?
Moose... moose
with a cell phone...
Guys, we're just
trying to get back.
It's not so much
the technology,
it's the hoof!
Can't reach those
little buttons.
So, on the
cell phone...
do you have
one or not?
Maybe you could
just point us
in the general
direction of the road.
Road... road?
That way.
Say... I'm curious.
What happened
to that, uh,
pretty little thing
you were with?
Oh, yeah.
My wife?
"My wife?"
She's around.
Around where?
She's around.
Probably shopping.
With the mooses.
For a cell phone!
How about
a radio?
Mm, radio?
Got a radio?
Oh, hey, know
what? I got one.
But it don't work.
Nope. Damn thing
crapped out on us.
Cheap gook
piece of shit.
Do you mind if I
take a look at it?
You want to
look at my radio?
What, you don't think
I can understand
a basic electronical
device, convict?
Is that what
you're saying to me?
And you're gonna
help me with that?
- Lefty?
- Yeah.
What's that
word say?
It's, uh... "on".
On! Jumping Jesus
on a gump stump!
That's the problem.
Hell, it is a damn
good thing that this
ex-convict wandered
through here with his
taxpayer prison
education and all.
City folk...
damn smart.
Yeah, I just figured
out my toaster last week.
It makes toast!
Can I use the
radio or not?
I don't think so.
Look, I don't know
where all this
coming from,
but we're just
trying to get back.
'cause, hell,
I don't know...
having an ex-convict
in our midst...
I mean, it's nothing
personal, son,
but importing
convicted criminals
into our own backyard...
is that cool, guys?
I paid my debt.
[slow clap]
Hot damn. That's
good to know.
Seriously, I'm
done kidding around.
Come on, Max.
Ah, hell, kid...
ha ha! we're just
kidding around!
We're having
some fun!
Just kidding.
We got a CB in
the truck. Right?
We can get you there
in, what, about an hour?
Maybe four.
We can get him
there in about an hour.
[ominous music]
You know, I'm
still curious...
What happened to
that pretty little
wife of
yours anyway?
I told you,
she's around.
Whoa! Whoa!
Survey says
thank you, Jesus!
Speak of
the devil.
We had the
Is that what you
kids are calling it
these days?
Ah, hell, I got a boner
a cat couldn't scratch!
Hey! Keep that
shit in your pants.
Alright, listen up.
These two
fine citizens,
well, they, uh...
they need our help.
And us being...
you know,
good samaritans and
all... we're obliged to
help 'em any
way we can.
So with that being said,
I want you all to treat
our new guests here
with the utmost respect.
Shut up.
Hey! That means keep
that shit in your pants!
All of ya's...
you hear?
Yes, sir.
Alright... let's
pack it up.
We're moving
out. Let's go!
There's something
in these woods.
We gotta go.
Come on.
Here you go,
Get going.
there you go.
Thank you.
Yeah, alignment's off,
the gears are stripped.
Car was put in park,
moved sideways,
then forward
off the road.
It was pushed?
I don't know
about pushed.
Are you
sure, Nelson?
Well, maybe the
transmission got
knocked there
during the accident.
Yeah, maybe.
Bigfoot got 'em.
Big goddamn
bushy, effin'
tall-ass hairy bastard.
You know it!
Sure as eggs is
eggs, Cochise.
[ominous music]
Now that we got
you here, uh...
we're not so
bad, are we?
Hell, you could
be in the South...
Hey, Lefty. Are
we in the South?
No, no, we're
not in the South.
Do you even know
where the South is?
Yeah, it's
in the South.
I mean, hell, you know,
we as a community...
we really don't mind
you convicts just
waltzing through
our homes, right?
I'm sorry...
So you want to
revisit this again?
Just hear me
out, alright?
I mean, hell, our
wives and our schools,
they actually find it
enriching, you know,
this close proximity
to such a wealth of...
hell, what's the
word I'm looking for?
How about
[laughs] Man, that's
a word and a half.
Sure is.
Looks like
our ex-convict's
got himself
a vocabulary.
Yeah, but that's
not the word
I was
thinking about.
Then what is the word
you were looking for?
Uh... I don't know.
Something, uh...
less fitting for
mixed company, I guess.
You know we're
going the wrong way?
[ominous music]
The sun rises
in the East.
So that's East.
We're going West.
We're going to our
trucks, young lady...
and our trucks
are this way.
It's where the
CB is, darlin'.
[ominous music]
Body and spirit look
like they're going
north and south.
I'm joking.
You look
like shit.
Well, thank
you very much.
Go see the
Whispering Woman?
Hell, no.
Scares you,
doesn't she?
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, me too.
Verna Six
Trees has cancer.
They're having a peyote
ceremony for her,
you should come.
Verna Six Trees...
well, I really
hate those things.
They go on forever,
smoke burns my eyes,
I get piles.
Take the medicine.
Have a vision.
Offset all this white
man law and order,
you need to be
reminded that you're
a part of
Mother Earth.
Teach you to be
nurturing, loving,
Go ahead,
make fun of me.
Timing's perfect.
Must mean something.
Like a scheduled
airplane out of the blue.
Where are they
holding the ceremony?
At Mama
Day's farm.
Not the
Not the Res.
Reservation depresses
the shit out of me.
You drive.
Hey, ex-convict.
Come here.
I have a name.
Well, hell, I
don't know it.
It's Max.
Max, huh?
meet Max.
Hi, Max.
Maxi pad.
Hi, Max.
Well, there, Max.
You know how I can tell
that you just
got out, son?
Well, you ever seen an
ex-con eat his food?
Yeah, well, they
guard it, you know?
In a situation, or a
scenario, if you will,
when they clearly don't
need to, they wrap it up,
hide it... like
someone's gonna come by
and steal it from them
when clearly no one is.
Well, Max.
That's how you are...
with that pretty
little wife of yours.
She's my wife.
It's still rude.
Excuse me for trying
to protect my wife.
Besides, I don't
think she's your type.
That's no excuse
for being rude.
Ain't no
social graces.
Stand down.
Now look at what
you gone and done.
You upset my
boys here.
I believe this
calls for an, uh...
Okay, enough!
We appreciate
the fact that your
radio does not work.
What? No, no. The
radio works. Right?
It, uh... well, it
doesn't transmit.
Sure it does, I was
just using it earlier.
I was
talking to...
Okay, the
radio works?!
Uh, no...
I meant, um,
something else.
Radio's broken.
I gotta pee!
Get back here!
I gotta pee!
Get back...
Why you
gotta run?
Eze! Get your
butt over here.
Go get him.
He's peeing.
I don't care! You ain't
holding it for him!
Go get him!
So mean.
Don't get
your ass lost!
Shut up!
I swear,
that kid...
he'd lose his head if
it wasn't attached.
Ah, you're it.
Come on, man.
We don't have
BD on our asses,
we can at least
have a little fun.
I have fun.
When's the last time
you really had fun?
I don't know, yesterday
we went fishing...
remember that?
Hold on, I'm gonna
stop for a minute.
I really actually do
have to take a piss.
You do that.
I plan to,
thank you.
'Preciate your
permission to urinate.
Oh, boy...
You in dutch
with BD, Gord.
Yeah, no shit.
He gonna
hide you.
Yeah, that's why I'm out
here and not with him.
[loud whoosh]
What was that?
Ah, shit! Peed on
my goddamn leg.
Hey, Critter,
Critter? Critter?
Critter, Critter...
[ominous music]
[whooshing sound]
[gurgling sounds]
[ominous music]
[guttural sounds]
Fuck you, BD.
"Don't get lost"...
fuck you. I do
what I want.
[ominous music]
[leaves rustling]
[ominous music]
getting louder]
Oh, God!
and grunting]
[loud growl]
[chopping sounds]
[distant yell]
Shh shh.
You hear that?
Hear what?
Sounds like
them boys is
each other again!
Sorry we're
keeping you.
Well, you sound
like a man of means.
Shut up,
all of you.
I was
just joking.
I said shut it!
What the fuck
is going on?
So the radio works...
great! Good news.
Maybe... maybe
it doesn't.
Hell, you see, this
here hunting expedition...
it's not exactly
on the up and up.
You know?
So you're keeping your
criminal activities
from him?
Not so much, it's
just not wanting to
broadcast it all
over the airwaves.
At the gas station
you all were loading up
for a hunting party right
in front of the sheriff.
We hadn't killed
anything yet.
You haven't
killed anything now.
Not yet.
Ah, hell,
sweet buns.
What are you so concerned
about anyway, huh?
We've been more
than accommodating,
- am I right?
- Yeah.
That's enough!
Hold on... let
me make the call.
We'll just pretend
you're not here.
How 'bout that?
Honeybunch, it just
don't work that way.
Then how
does it work?
Well, you see, it
works like this.
We have guns!
Lots of 'em.
You... [laughs]
you ain't even
wearing pants!
[whooshing sound]
Jesus, Trout! It
wasn't that funny.
[ominous music]
What the fuck
was that?!
What the
fuck was that?
Goddammit, Frank!
Quit shooting,
Frank! Dammit!
Frank, what
do you see?
Goddammit! Jesus!
Frank! Quit
shooting, goddammit!
Go! Go!
Get the fuck
off me!
What do you
see, Frank?
Goddammit, Frank!
What are you
shooting at?!
It's me. Wake up.
Wake up...
[whooshing sound]
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
and footsteps]
[cracking sound]
[ominous music]
[whooshing sound]
[muffled scream]
Oh, Jesus.
[doors closing]
Hi. Oh, so
good to see you.
Come on in,
see everybody.
Nice to have
you here.
Please, welcome.
[children laughing]
[ominous music]
Come on.
We're ready.
[door creaking]
[metal clanking]
[loud roar]
[drum beat
and chanting]
[drum beat
and chanting]
[hissing sound]
and roaring]
[drum beat
and chanting]
[drum beat
and chanting]
[drum beat
and chanting]
Help! Help!
[crying and
[suspenseful music]
Ah. Ah... ah.
[ominous music]
There he is.
How long
was I out?
All night.
Where's Ashley?
Here's the deal.
There's a creature,
lives in these woods,
as ancient as my
tribe remembers.
The legend says that
when our chiefs die
they come back, their
spirits, as the Oh-Mah.
The what?
It's where the legend
of Sasquatch comes from.
We're talking
about Bigfoot?
This woman
watches the Oh-Mah.
She said it
stopped at you.
It got prideful.
Its pride distracted
it and it got shot.
It's down an arm,
which means no arrows,
which means it's
out of balance.
Since it's hurt, we stand
a chance to take it down.
She said the Oh-Mah
took your wife, Ashley.
She has a chance
if we fight it.
This Oh-Mah, it's
a sentry, sort of,
watching over the
periphery of the forest
where it lives and it
has seen the workings
of man's chaos and
evil for too long.
It put it out
of balance.
So we're talking
about a Bigfoot
that's... what...
Well... kinda.
Sort of.
A lot,
I guess that's just
bad luck for us, huh?
Not really.
A man out of balance is
easier to knock over.
Is that Native
American wisdom?
Hell, I just
made it up.
So, yeah.
It's time
to go, Max.
These are
Oh-Mah's weapons.
We need 'em.
Don't we
have guns?
Its primary sense is
its sense of smell.
It can smell
gunpowder a mile away.
It will stalk you and gut
you before you can say
[unknown language]
[chopping and
splattering noises]
This will
hide your smell.
Get plenty
of it on you.
Oh, God.
[laughing quietly]
[cackling loudly]
We good?
We bad.
[drum beat]
[suspenseful music]
[scraping sound]
Get off!
Get off me!
Get off!!!
[drum beat]
[beating chest
and growling]
Whoever it is, they're
coming for you, asshole!
They're coming
for you!
[chains clanking]
[drum beats]
So, uh... what
is the plan?
You find
your wife.
You find your wife,
you go back to your boy.
[distant growling]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[loud roar]
Wait... wait!
[suspenseful music]
[five gunshots]
Go... go!
[suspenseful music]
I shot him
in the back...
and then I got him
in the front too.
Come on...
Listen to him.
Come on.
[suspenseful music]
Run as fast
as you can.
No. Absolutely not.
Don't stop til you
get to the road.
Max, no!
[low growl]
Go! Go!
Come on.
Right here...
come on!!
Come here!
That's it.
Come here!
Come on!
[suspenseful music]
Come on!
Come on!
[suspenseful music]
Oh, shit!
[suspenseful music]
and roaring]
[ominous music]
[cries out]
springing open]
[cracking sounds]
[breathing heavily]
[whooshing sounds]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]