Primal (2010)

# Shoot, shoot,
shoot the animal #
# Run, run,
run to Canada #
Where are we?
How specific
do you want me to be?
How specific can you be?
Try Australia.
We're getting there.
It'd help if
we knew where "there" was.
Dace knows
where he's going.
Ooh, easy.
I bet he does.
What does that mean?
# Kris has got a boyfriend #
# Kris has got a boyfriend #
Holy shit!
Oh, hello.
What's this?
Don't you dare.
Oh, I think I dare.
Don't you dare!
Warren, Warren!
Don't you fucking dare.
Fucking don't you dare.
Fucking give it here!
It's not yours, Warren.
Don't open it.
If it was mine,
I wouldn't want to open it.
Open it. I don't care.
Eh, I don't want to open
your dumb bag.
Grow up, Warren.
Get over it, Chad.
I don't know.
I just wish
we had more to go on.
They're your family heirlooms.
I just wish
there was more detail.
There's plenty of detail.
It all checks out.
He was a total nutcase.
Wow, really?
He was your uncle.
You said he was reliable.
He was my
great-great-great uncle, Chad,
and it was 120 years ago,
and I didn't say
he was reliable.
I just said we weren't taking
parenting tips
from the man
and that he's unlikely
to have hallucinated
these rock paintings.
What's wrong with
rock paintings closer to home?
What have you got
against them?
These paintings
haven't been seen for 120 years,
that's what.
There isn't a doctorate
in paintings closer to home.
Sorry, lassie.
I'm bored.
we could play a game.
I spy with my little eye...
No, a game's a good idea.
Like what?
I don't know.
20 questions?
We could play backpacker.
How do you play that?
We choose someone
to be a backpacker,
then we murder them
and dump their body in a ditch.
Sorry, Anja.
That's fine.
Don't worry about it.
She gets...
she gets a sorry?
Where's my apology,
you cunt?
Where is it?
Give me one!
Come on, Warren!
Sorry, Angina.
I forgot you don't like
the O word.
Are you serious?
What's not to like?
It's not that
I don't like it, Smell.
Ah, come on.
I could feel your eyes roll.
It's about context.
Ah, context.
So what context
would you be cool with it in?
Give it a rest.
Come on.
I want an answer.
I'll let you know
when I think of one.
How about, "Get down there,
boy, and lick my cunt"?
all: Hey!
What? What?
I say it to Chad
all the time.
You do not.
Can say it to me
any time you like.
Ooh, baby,
maybe I will.
This one's malfunctioning.
I'm kidding, baby.
Chad, I'm kidding.
I love my little Chaddikins.
I don't know.
I still wish
we had more to go on.
Ye of little faith.
Everybody out, please.
Ah, thank God.
Oh, yay.
Bags not sitting in the middle
next time.
Guys, be careful when
you're walking on the rocks.
how sweaty is your back?
I need to go to the toilet.
Do you think I could cop a squat
over here?
Thanks, guys.
Look out for snakes.
# I wish all the ladies #
# I wish all the ladies #
# Were sculptures
of Venus #
# Sculptures of Venus #
# And I was a sculptor #
# I was a sculptor #
# I'd sculpt them with my... #
# Penis #
# Singing,
hey, boppa-loobah #
# Hey, boppa-loobah #
Hey, it's over here.
Oh, here we are.
watch your head.
come on, Anja.
We'll quickly go through,
and then we'll come back
for the stuff.
Oh, rocks.
Okay, watch your heads.
Dace, were you ever
a prefect at school?
Where's Anja?
Anja, hey.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I just need a moment.
You don't have to do this, An.
Can you talk to me?
About what?
Something happy.
is my happy word.
Every time I hear it,
I get a rush of joy.
Are you serious?
It's all I want
is to have babies.
You're 23.
I know.
It's... it's silly.
Whoa, look at this.
It's beautiful.
Mmm, oh, my sensitive boy.
So cute.
What? You have to be sensitive
to find this beautiful?
Or gay.
Watch the puddle.
You'll get yours!
Oh, really?
I can't wait.
- Fuck.
- Oh, yes, you can.
Keep moving.
you blacked out.
Better let me check you out.
No, I'm okay.
Just let me check.
You could be concussed.
She didn't hit her head.
She blacked out.
There's something wrong
with that tunnel.
We shouldn't go through it.
don't be ridiculous.
It's perfectly safe.
It'll take us five minutes
if we walk through the tunnel
and probably hours
to drive around the mountain.
She had a panic attack.
why didn't you say?
It wasn't the same.
It was different
from last time.
Here's what
we're going to do.
We are going
to go to the car
and get the stuff
that we need,
go through the tunnel
and set up camp,
and you are going
to drive around
and meet us up
on the other side, all right?
At some point, you've got
to get over this shit.
It's only
a fucking tunnel.
How much longer?
We have daylight.
Oh, my God.
Look at that.
Forget that.
Check this out!
Ah, it's actually
kind of beautiful.
Oh, my God.
Eh, I've seen better.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Find it all right?
Thanks to yours truly.
Found this one
running around screaming,
waving his arms
like a girl.
Hey, you'll keep.
I want to get my pink bag.
There's a few things
I want to just check.
- What do I do with this?
- Chuck it in the back?
Mine and mine.
- Where's... where's my bag?
- It's mine.
Which way?
The mossies are psychotic.
I'm gonna put you there.
Hi, baby.
Wait, wait, wait.
Pookie doesn't need
to see this.
Ah, to be young
and in love.
Ah, to be young
and fucking.
Where's Dace
and Kris?
Speaking of
young and fucking.
They're not.
Give them time.
They're at
the rock painting.
Is it good?
Oh, you know, there's rock.
There's paint.
Ticks all the boxes.
Hey, check this out.
Whoa, billabong!
Well, I wouldn't drink
from it.
If you want water,
there's a brook
a little further on.
Great for swimming in,
Great for swimming?
That sentence
makes no sense.
It's just a bunch of words
randomly shoved together.
Jesus, Mel,
a little bit of respect.
What the fuck?
Fucking insects.
Oh, here.
Come on, I'll show you
those rock paintings.
Whoa, nobody's seen this
painting for 120 years.
Okay, Dace,
what's it all mean?
as near as I can tell,
it means
I'm gonna get published,
get a doctorate,
and get a job on TV.
What is that?
That is gruesome.
Looks like weird squid porn,
if you ask me.
Well, it does.
This color here,
this pigmentation,
it's usually related to death
or danger or something.
Hey, hey!
Don't touch it.
Do you want
to go get dinner on?
Love to.
Just after
I've poked out my eyeballs
and inserted them
up my anus.
Anus later.
Dinner first.
So what do you think?
I think it's beautiful.
No, what do you think
it's about?
Well, I could be wrong,
but I think
it's about that.
You reckon?
I don't know.
Probably not.
No, no, no.
You could be right.
But if you ask me,
I think it's about that.
No reason.
No, I'm being serious.
I think that's the crux
of it all.
I know you do.
I am being scientific here.
Of course you are.
What what?
You're kind of sexy
when you mess with my head.
Something attacked me.
Come on,
you little fucker.
Have another go.
Are they chicken?
Nope. Beef.
Beefy beef.
Look what just attacked us.
Oh, what is it?
- Fucking rabbit.
- Bullshit.
Look at this.
Whoa, you better
get that thing checked.
It might have rabies.
We don't have rabies
in Australia.
get a load of its teeth.
- Whoa.
- That's gross.
There's something wrong
with that.
I know.
That's why I am making
an example of it.
Yeah, that'll teach 'em.
Freaky-assed mutant rabbit
will think twice
before attacking you again.
You can't leave it there.
It'll stink.
Don't be such a girl.
Yeah, what's with you?
First "cunt"
and now rotting corpses?
Hey, yeah,
you got a context for me yet?
Oh, at least wash your hands,
you skank.
Come on,
just one.
Just use it in a sentence.
Just give me one example.
Oh, seriously.
Come on, Warren,
give us a song.
# Sometimes
you need to get away #
# Blow the town
and flee the fray #
# Where night is night,
and day is day #
# And just sit on your ass #
# Perfect nights
are made like this #
# Firelight
and a woman's kiss #
# Freaky-assed mutant rabbit
on a stick #
# And the wide-open sky #
Where are you two going?
Ah, just looking
at the stars.
They're really amazing
out here.
# Dace is turning the S.N.A.G.
up high #
# Yee-haw #
# Showing little Krissy
the stars in the sky #
# But we all know #
# That's just another
tired old line #
# So he can bone her blind #
Oh, please.
Maybe Chad and I should come
and join you guys.
Well, yeah, it's not really
a two-man tent,
so Chad's gonna
have to wait outside.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind,
would you, Chad?
Nasty Mel
making Chaddikins angry?
Be like that then.
I'm going swimming.
What, now?
it's the best time.
Your bathers
are in the tent.
Chad, we're in
the middle of nowhere.
We don't need bathers.
Yeah, baby!
Hey, Chad.
Come in.
Nude up.
Get your winky wet.
Come on.
It's beautiful.
Towel's there
when you need it.
You being
a whiny bitch?
How about
a bit of fucking dignity?
You heard me.
I'm skinny-dipping
in the middle of nowhere.
How does that
affect my dignity?
Chad, how does that
affect my dignity?
Oh, Chad.
Chad, wait.
Chad, wait.
Get them off me!
Get them off me!
Hey, don't rip them off.
Chuck us the salt.
It's leeches.
Get 'em off me!
Get 'em off me!
Get 'em off me!
Get 'em off me!
Stand still.
Get 'em off me!
They're everywhere!
Quick! Quick!
All done.
Are they gone?
Are they gone?
You need to check.
Check, check.
That's it.
I guess swimming's out,
See you in the morning.
Looks like
we're sharing a tent.
If we really must.
So how are you going
with everything?
Oh, you know.
Bit up and down.
I know it'll get better
with time.
It's just, I've got
this inescapable feeling
I've just got shit taste
in men.
An, you can't blame yourself
for David.
I mean, we all knew
he was a tool,
but none of us
saw that coming.
but that's just it.
I didn't know
he was a tool.
And he wasn't the first.
Graham was a fuckwit too.
Yeah, you're right.
You've got shit taste in men.
You know the thing
I can't forgive myself for?
When it came to the crunch,
when I should have fought back,
I blacked out.
An, that's bullshit.
And today in the tunnel...
Maybe I am a born victim.
Anyone who spends a week
locked in a basement
is gonna have
a little bit of baggage.
If it's just a little bit
of claustrophobia.
You're doing
pretty damn well.
I'm going to get some sleep.
I might sleep out here
by the fire
and keep watch in case
any more of those freaky-assed
mutant rabbits attack.
# His heart breaks
as she walks away #
# Her chest heaving
and her hips a-sway #
# Oh, well,
tomorrow's another day #
Shut up, Warren.
# He'll just have to wait #
Night, Warren.
An, can you have
a look at Mel?
She's got a fever.
Hey, baby.
How's it going?
I just got to get out
of this suit.
Oh, Melly,
you're burning up.
Let's get you out of this.
I don't know how people
wear them every day.
It's the leeches.
They've got to be poisonous.
Leeches aren't poisonous.
There's no mileage in it
for them.
They're parasites.
They do secrete anticoagulants
and stuff.
Looks like an allergic reaction
to me.
Well, should we get her
to a hospital?
No, we shouldn't move her,
not yet anyway.
Best thing for her
is rest.
What do you know?
You're not a doctor.
If it was serious,
she'd be anaphylactoid.
That's not even a word.
Listen, we give her panadol
for the fever,
and we see how she is
in the morning.
I've got antihistamines.
That's a good idea.
Ah, boring.
Who fucking
let him make a speech?
Get 'em off.
Let's split this scene?
Take these, baby.
Can you hear the bells?
Shit, baby...
Oh, Jesus.
That's it.
I'm gonna take a break.
There's fucking chunks
in this burger.
I found a penny.
What's wrong
with her teeth?
Get Dace.
Get Dace!
Get Dace!
- What's going on?
- We gotta get her to a doctor.
- Settle down.
- Don't tell me to settle down.
Look, these paintings
haven't been seen
for over a century.
It's the find of a lifetime.
We're not leaving just
'cause someone's got a fever!
She's hallucinating.
Her teeth are falling out.
It took us ages
to get here!
Take a look at her,
Um, do you know the way
back to the last town?
Yeah, I reckon.
Okay, if you leave now,
you can get there by lunchtime,
at the latest.
Um, fuck. I'm gonna stay here
and work on the paintings.
I'll stay with you.
Take what you need.
Chad, help me get her
to the car, come on.
What food do we want?
Stuff we don't
have to cook.
All right.
Can I help carry her?
No, I've got her.
You go help Warren.
Dace, we've got to get out
of here.
There's all these bugs
eating everything.
Open the door.
Dace, they've been through
everything in my tent.
They've destroyed it all.
Warren, did you leave us
enough food?
Are you fucking listening
to me?
Yes. Insects.
What is it?
What the fuck?
That's what I've been
trying to tell you.
What are we gonna do?
We're gonna
have to walk it.
Yep. Okay.
Let's get her
back into the tent.
Warren, you're going to help me
build a stretcher.
We can make one
out of a camp bed.
I'll be outside, baby.
What can I do?
I've known you for two years,
still got no idea.
What's up your ass?
I don't know.
Maybe that my whole fucking
thesis has gone to shit
because of your girlfriend.
She didn't get sick
just to spite you.
I didn't tell her
to go swimming with leeches,
did I?
And I did?
She's your girlfriend.
Why don't you try
a tighter leash?
And we're going through
that tunnel.
Shaves half a day's hiking
Jesus, Dace.
I can't. I told you.
We have to, An.
I'll help you through it.
You shouldn't be out here,
Kris, come behind me!
What the fuck?
What's wrong with her?
I don't know, some sort of
episode or something.
Did you see her teeth?
Nasty fucking teeth.
Fucking leeches?
Where's the first aid kit?
It's in the car.
I'll get it.
Dace, get back!
What's wrong with her?
What's wrong with her?
Don't know, Chad.
How bad is it?
It's really messy.
It needs to be stitched.
I've got a sewing kit
in the car.
You're not fucking
sewing me up.
It's okay.
I can make do.
Good, because
I'm not going back to the car.
That painting's
not a story.
It's a warning.
Go through those photos.
See if there's anything there
that'll help.
She hardly felt this log,
and I wasn't holding back.
Yeah, I noticed.
Whatever's wrong with her,
she's still Mel.
Okay, what do we do?
Well, we can't stay here.
She's gonna come back
for us.
We've got to run.
we've got to stay here.
She's afraid of the fire.
Got to use that
to our advantage.
The way I see it,
we got two options.
And they are?
We either trap her,
or we kill her.
- Whoa, whoa, Dace.
- This is Mel!
I know killing shit is kind of
like your default position...
This is bad.
She needs our help,
you prick,
and you want to kill her.
- I kind of like Mel.
- Shut up!
He's right.
He didn't say
we're gonna kill her.
He said they're our options,
we're not killing her.
So we trap her.
Chad, you're the bait.
You stay here.
The moment you see her,
get to the edge of the trap.
Stay there.
Do I get one of those?
No, you're the bait.
You don't get jack,
so try not to get killed.
I'm gonna be up in the tree
with the ropes.
The moment she sets foot
onto the trap,
I'm gonna jump down
and spring it,
using my body weight to...
haul her up.
You guys go into
different parts of the bush,
flush her out.
How do we do that?
Wave your torch.
Make some noise.
When she sees you guys
have got flame and Chad doesn't,
she's gonna go for Chad,
all right?
And if she doesn't?
Well, you make sure you keep
the flame between you and her,
you'll be fine.
Come on, guys,
let's do it.
Fucking hell.
Shut up.
Fucking nature.
What's the fucking point?
What'd it ever do for me?
Fucking nothing,
that's what.
Fucking rocks and moss
and grass.
Fuck you, Mr. Branch.
She's over here!
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit.
Fuck this!
She's coming!
Give us a hand.
That was intense.
Now what?
You got nothing.
No plan?
We've got
Chad's saber-toothed girlfriend
stuck in a tree,
and that's it?
Chuck me the ropes.
Jesus fucking Christ,
are you serious?
That's it?
Chuck me the fucking ropes.
All right,
this is great!
Quarter of a billion alpha males
in the world,
and we get the dog shit one.
Shut up, Warren.
No, I don't think
I fucking will.
I'm getting really sick
of your negativity.
Everything's a fucking joke
to you.
Well, this is
a fucking joke.
You want a plan.
Here's the plan.
The moment she gets down...
Fuck me!
Grab it!
Now let's get her tied up.
You've been
a bad, bad girl.
- Dace!
- Dace!
Get out of the water!
The leeches!
Oh, God!
Is there anything on me?
There's nothing.
There's nothing.
No! No!
Oh, no, no!
This is bullshit.
What is?
This is!
Jesus Christ, when are we gonna
call a spade a spade?
We've got to work out
what's wrong with her.
I don't care
what's wrong with her.
The only thing I care about
is what we do now.
We can't help her
if we don't know.
Help her?
Help her?
Wake up
and smell the viscera, Chad!
Oh, Jesus.
Get out of here!
Go on, get!
Get out of here!
We have to kill her.
I'm gonna pretend
you didn't just say that.
Fucking get your head right,
No, I'm not buying
any of your psycho
survivalist bullshit.
She fucking killed Warren.
She's sick.
She's eating him.
She needs help.
She's fucking eating him!
Go on!
Get out of it!
She needs help.
You need help.
She needs to be dead.
He's right.
She's gonna kill all of us.
We don't have a choice.
You people are fucked up.
I don't want to die,
And Mel does?
It's us or her,
You on board with this?
This is so fucking wrong.
That's not Mel anymore,
I'm not giving up on her.
How do we do it?
What weapons do we have?
Knives, bottles,
No, useless.
This is sharp.
No, we won't get anywhere
with that.
Well, what then?
Um, fuck,
we need the machete.
Where'd you put it?
It's in
the back of the car.
Well, how are we gonna
get it?
We'll take torches.
We go over there.
And one of us goes in
and gets it,
and the others
stand guard.
I don't want to go.
I don't want to go.
Kris, come on.
We need you.
Count me out.
Come on, Simon.
We need all hands on deck.
You called me Simon.
Fuck. Whatever.
Ah, fuck.
Forget him, okay?
Three's enough.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.
Let's take these.
We get over there
as quickly as we can.
Kris, you go in
and get it.
Anja, don't forget
the pudding.
I hate Christmas.
Everyone hates Christmas.
But Mum busted a gut
over this.
They got him.
The fucking leeches
got him.
It's not the leeches.
It's the water.
What are we gonna do?
Get him the fuck away
from me.
Settle down.
I'm serious.
Why would you
paint your house orange?
It's doing my head in.
What are we going to do?
We have to kill him.
we have to kill him.
Nice about-face.
You've seen
how strong Mel is.
We don't stand a chance
against this prick.
We have to, Anja,
What's the problem,
You were
all for killing Mel.
He was all for killing Mel,
for Christ's sake.
You know,
we got to do this.
before he turns.
Who's going to do it?
We draw straws.
I mean it.
We draw straws.
Who's first?
Grab a knife.
Come on. Quick.
Take one.
Package over there.
Just grab it.
Meet me in the cafe.
Better out than in,
hey, Dad?
Come on, Anja.
Take a knife.
Take it!
It's okay now, Dace.
You get some sleep.
It's really good to see you,
It's good to see you.
Do it!
Come on, Anja,
quit piss-farting around.
Just stick the prick.
Do it!
- Shut up!
- Now!
- Do it!
- Shut up.
Just fucking stick it in!
Jesus Christ, Anja!
I can't.
Take the fucking knife
and fucking kill him.
I can't.
You have to.
Come on.
We're running out of time.
Get fucked!
You fucking do it!
You drew the short straw.
Fuck you
and your fucking straws.
What was that?
That wasn't Mel.
Well, what could it be?
Shit. Shit.
Chad, get Dace.
Get a knife
and finish him.
You drew
the short straw.
Do it!
We're gonna die.
No, there's still time.
We've got to get
that machete.
Then what?
Then we kill them both
before Dace is up and running.
And no more bullshit
from you.
That thing out there,
that's not Mel.
We're killing it.
I'm getting a torch.
We need to follow them.
We need to know
where they're going.
Who's going to the car?
I will.
There's Dace.
Where's Mel?
Mel, I know
you're in there.
That's good.
Keep her attention.
I'll try to get Dace.
I know you're in there,
You're everything to me.
I'm not gonna abandon you,
but you've got to fight this,
I know you can do it.
You're the strongest person
I've ever known.
But you got to fight.
You got to find your way
out of the darkness, baby.
I know you can do it.
Here, baby.
It's Pookie.
He's missing you.
He's missing you.
I'm going
to put down the torch.
I'm putting it down,
There's nothing between us.
It's just you and me and Pookie,
It's just us.
Where is it?
Where is it?
Shit! Shit!
Where is it?
Where is it?
Shit! Fuck!
What's the matter, Mel?
Afraid of the dark?
Come on, Mel.
It's only
a fucking tunnel.
It's here.
It's here. It's here.
Run, Kris!
Kris, run.
Let her go!
Come on.
We got to help her.
It's too late.
What was that back there
with that toy?
What do you want from me,
I just want you to do
what we agreed to do.
I did what we agreed to do.
I lost two fucking fingers.
You put down your torch!
You put down your torch!
I was trying to reach her.
That thing out there,
that's not Mel.
You don't reach that,
She's an animal.
She's scared of fire,
for fuck's sake.
If she's scared
of something,
that means there's still
something left.
The tunnel.
They're scared of it.
How do you know?
Because when I went in there,
she didn't follow me in.
Well, what?
So what about it?
So we go through
the tunnel.
At the very least,
it buys us some time.
If we're lucky,
we lose them altogether.
What about
your claustrophobia?
We'll try and get up there
without being seen.
There's two of them now.
It'll be that much easier
for them to pick one of us off,
which is why I'm not using this
unless we have to.
Keep moving.
It's not Mel anymore.
Keep moving.
Come on.
Chad, come on.
I'm sorry.
Come on, Chad.
It's not her anymore.
Come on.
It's not her.
Come on, Chad.
We're nearly there.
Come on.
Fuck you.
It's me.
There's nothing there,
There's nothing there.
It's just me.
It's Anja.
It's okay, sweetie.
It's okay.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, sweetie.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I've got you.
Got to keep moving.
It's okay.
Come on.
Kris! Kris!
Grab the machete, please!
Cut me loose.
Please, Kris.
Please, Kris.
Help, please.
Help me.
Come on.
Help me.
That's right!
Fuck off!
Fuck off,
you gutless turd!
# Sometimes
you got to get away #
# Blow the town
and flee the fray #
# Where night is night
and day is day #
# And just sit
on your ass #
# Perfect nights
are made like this #
# The firelight
and a woman's kiss #
# A freaky-assed mutant rabbit
on a stick #
# And the wide-open sky #
# We all know that's just
another tired old line #
# So he can bone... #
# Bone her blind #
# No, I ain't got a problem
with nature, no #
# I'm all for that #
# But every time I go there #
# My friends
turn into primal maniacs #
# So pick up your knives #
# Forget your Bibles #
# And swing your ax #
# 'Cause the Lord
ain't looking down this way #
# No, He ain't,
no, He ain't #
# The Lord ain't
looking down this way #