Primary Colors (1998)

I've seen him do it a million
times, but I can't tell...
you how he does it, Henry.
The right-handed part.
I can tell you what does with his
left hand. He's a genius with it.
He might put that hand on your elbow
or your biceps, like he's doing now.
Basic movie. He's interested in
you. He's honored to meet you.
But if he gets any higher, if he gets
on your shoulder, like that...
it's not as intimate. He'll share a
laugh with you, a light secret.
And if he doesn't know you that well,
but wants to share something...
emotional he'll lock you
in a two-hander.
You'll see when he shakes hands
with you, Henry. Governor.
Governor Stanton, this is
Henry Burton.
I meet your grandfather when I was a boy.
I hitchhiked to Washington to hear
him speak. He was a great man.
Thank you, sir.
He's glad you're coming on
board, I can see.
I'm not coming on board. I'm
just meeting him.
No, no. Take it easy.
Why is he here? He's a southern
governor nobody knows.
You sound like a campaign
manager already.
-Howard, I'm not.
-I'm kidding.
If I said Stanton's here because he
cares about adult literacy...
-you'd say I was full of it.
Howard, Henry, this is Mariane Walsh,
the librarian who runs these classes.
Thank you, Governor Walsh.
Governor Stanton, I'm sorry.
I'm a little nervous.
I'm sorry.
If you'll walk with me, I'll take
you up to the library.
The walls are pretty bad, but
the library is much, um...
-Yes, yes.
We're very proud of the library.
When did you start the
reading program?
Three years ago. We have
very little money.
It's the only reading program like
it in Harlem I know of.
-There may be others, but I don't,...
-Know of them.
You okay?
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
I'm Ruby. I'm a domestic. I've
been in this class 2 months.
-Jack Washington. I'm a handyman.
-Hello, Jack.
-Twana Carter, waitress...
-Good to meet you.
Anthony Ramirez, freelance
I wanted to say welcome
What? I'm not on board.
I just...
-You're kidding, right?
Tell the governor a bit about
yourself, Dewayne.
I'm a short order chef.
And until I come here, I
couldn't read a lick.
Dewayne's dyslexic.
They just kept passing me up.
Third grade, fourth grade.
I just sit the back, sticking
to my own self.
It was like no one noticed.
And I went all the way through and
graduated elementary school.
They sent me to Ben Franklin...
that's general studies.
They could have sent me
to the Bronx Zoo.
No one ever said:
"Dewayne, you can't read.
What will you do with...
your sorry ass?" Excuse-me.
Anyway, graduation come and
my mama come.
She took the day off from the laundry
where she worked. So, we're there...
Dr. Dalembretti calls out the
names on the diplomas...
and what each kid done.
Like "Sharonna Harris,
"Tyrone Kirby, Regents Diploma."
And then...
he come to my name.
And he say, so everyone
heard it...
he said, "Dewayna Smith...
"receive a certificate...
of attendance."
You could hear people
A couple of folks laughed.
And I had to go up there and get
it. I had to stand up there...
just dying...
trying not to look at anyone.
Trying not to look too stupid.
And, uh...
Mama's in front. She has her hat
on and her purse in her lap...
tears coming down from behind
her glasses...
like someone... like
someone died.
I want to thank you...
for sharing that with us,
I want to thank you all for
having real courage.
My uncle Charlie was...
a war hero, in World War II.
He went to Iwo Jima, where
they raised the flag.
He took out four machine gun
nests of japaneses soldiers...
who had pinned down
his buddies.
Did it with one grenade, his rifle,
bayonet, and bare hands.
President Truman gave him
the Medal of Honor.
And when he came home,
there was a parade.
The town fathers came to my
parents' house and said:
"Charlie, what are you going to do
now" Charlie said he didn't know.
The mayor said,
"Maybe you'd like a college scholarship
in State University"
The banker said maybe Charlie
didn't want to go back to school.
Maybe he'd like a management
job with the bank.
And the sawmill owner said,
"Don't be cooped up...
in a school or bank. Come
manage my crew."
And you know what? Charlie
turned them all down.
-What did he do?
He just laid on the couch and smoked
Luckies. Couldn't get him off it.
Was he messed up in the head
from the war?
It was just that he
couldn't read.
He couldn't read and was too
embarrassed to tell anyone.
He had the courage to win
the Medal of Honor...
but didn't have the courage to do
what you're doing here.
He didn't have the courage to get
the help he needed.
So, know that I appreciate what
you're doing. And I honor it.
When people say, "Jack Stanton,
why spend so much...
effort on adult literacy?"
I say to them...
I say, " Because"...
it gives me a chance to
see courage."
I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for allowing
me to visit here today.
Let's get him out of here.
He likes it.
Governor Stanton, thank you
for coming today.
I will be damned.
I'm... Ooh! I'm sorry.
You're going to work for him.
Won't you?
No, I'm not. I'm just going to
meet him and talk.
-About what?
-Well, about going to work for him.
How can you quit on Adam Larkin
and get in bed with some...
cracker who's done piss for
blacks in his state?
I could say the same about Larkin.
But he will. He has to wait.
He's a black Congressman.
I don't like Larkin. I don't know
what Stanton wants, but...
I do. He wants to use the grandson
of a civil rights leader...
a black man i politics,
to get votes.
That's hilarious. Yeah, put a black
man on the team,...
that'll roll in these votes.
That's why so many black men
run the country.
If politics upsets you, work for
the Black Advocate.
We're never disillusioned.
Hand me that tie.
Get your own damn tie.
No, no tie, no suit. Just
leather jacket cool.
I'll be back in 2 hours, then we can
discuss the Black Advocate.
Don't be mad.
Okay, be mad, but only for 2
hours. Wait up for me.
Oh, my God. My boy.
Henry Burton. I am
mighty honored.
I'm Arlen Sporken, the Governor's
media consultant.
Nonfat caffeine?
I am delighted you're on board.
Honey, get me a sandwich.
Only if you pinch my cheek
and call me sugar.
I'll get it. We're going to
win this thing.
Absolutely. But the big question
is Ozio. You think...
has the "cagones" to run.
It's cojones.
I don't know Ozio well enough
to judge his cojones.
They're big, but they're glass.
Governor, it's nice to...
You remember Miss Walsh.
-You all right, darling?
Thank you for this, um, opportunity
to discuss the, um...
The program. A great program,
don't you think, Henry?
Yes. It's an excellent program.
Now, tell the board what
we discussed.
Yes, I will.
-I'll just see my way out.
Thank you.
She's on the board of the
teacher's union.
Ah, a teacher and a librarian.
It's the missus.
Hi, darling.
Honey, I'm sorry. We got
stuck here.
But great news... We made real
progress with the teachers.
Tonight? Are you sure? Oh,
I'm sorry, honey.
Charlie, did we have a meeting
with the guy from the...
Portsmouth Democratic Committee?
Goddamn it, Charlie.
Are you Uncle Charlie, the
Medal of honor winner?
Well, I'm Uncle Charlie. And
whatever else he says.
If you'll stop popping my eardrum,
I'll leave now.
Don't... Susan, don't go.
Susan, just stay...
-We better go. Where's the plane?
All the way out there?
Okay, let's go.
Arlen, see you in D.C. Daisy,
go with Howard, Henry...
Mitch, Charlie, let's go.
Go? But I came to talk to
you about...
We'll talk on the plane.
-But I teach classes in the morning.
-Call in sick.
-The kids won't mind.
-Can I make a phone call?
When we get there. Now,
let's talk...
Hi, honey.
This is Henry Burton.
My wife, Susan.
I met you 25 years ago at
your grandfather's.
You were running under the sprinkler
in wet underpants.
He was a great man.
Thank you.
Jack could also be a great
man if he weren't such a...
-thoughtless, undisciplined shit.
-Why is this a big deal?
Because first impressions count,
This is New Hampshire. These
people don't know you.
Hey don't even know your state.
They know Orlando Ozio, the
Governor of a real state.
But they came to meet you
and you didn't show.
I talked to the head of their
Democratic party about fly...
fishing for an hour and 45 minutes.
Do you realize how...
indescribably boring
fly-fishing is?
Do you realize I've now
committed to doing this,...
this thing with him?
I'm going fly-fishing because
of you, you asshole!
It's not funny. You can't do this
to me Jack.
We've been at this a month and
you're already fucking up.
The only shot we have
is to be perfect.
Barely adequate won't swing it.
Jack, you can't blow off...
Primrose Lane...
Life's a holiday on
Primrose Lane.
When I'm walking down
Primrose Lane...
-with you...
-You're not funny.
I have to find a phone.
When we get to the
Honey, it was so great today,
this reading program.
You should have seen the people.
And the teacher was inspirational.
Tell me how good the curriculum was.
We can replicate a good curriculum.
You can't sell a program without
a good teacher.
Henry, was the teacher that
Well, she was...
She was a pretty typical school
board bureaucrat, I thought.
We got it on a 6-month sublet.
Better than a hotel.
Cheaper, too. We can keep clothes
and store stuff. We have privacy.
I don't care about privacy.
I'm here to get know...
I can't do that in private.
It's like the end of the campaign,
not the beginning.
Goddamn it, Charlie. No cable?
You can't run for President of the
United fucking States without CNN!
-Do you have any bags?
-No, I didn't expect to come.
-You want something to eat?
This is the worst damn place
I've ever seen!
Hey, Darling.
It's four A.M. This is not how to
introduce yourself to the neighbors.
I'll make you coffee, Henry.
Well, I'm out of here
tomorrow morning.
I know we got to go cheap, but not
this cheap. Not loser cheap.
-So, why did you quit Larkin?
Why did you stop working for Larkin?
Careful, it's hot.
I just, um...
I know... you can't talk about your
old boss to your new one.
I don't have a new boss yet.
Larkin's very different from Jack.
Very cool.
Never blinks. A professional.
Wouldn't swallow tea
without testing it.
That's the real thing experience
teaches you. Isn't it?
How not to get burned.
-Do people ever learn that?
-Not the best people.
Adam taught me a lot...
but it was all the same. He
never surprised me.
No one ever voted with us
because it was right.
They always asked for a lulu.
It's New York for artificial
Anyway, we'd win and
then be gutted...
in the Senate. We'd accept
heir version.
Then the White House would veto,
which was no surprise.
Then we'd celebrate our great moral
victory. We'd forced a veto.
So you dropped out.
So why are you here?
Tell me.
Tell me.
It's four in the morning.
Let's just tell the truth.
Okay. Well...
I wondered how it would be to
work with someone...
who actually cared about...
I mean...
it couldn't always have been
the way it is now.
It must have been different in
my grandfather's time.
You were there. You had Kennedy.
I didn't.
I've never heard a president say
"destiny" and "sacrifice"...
without thinking, "bullshit."
Okay, maybe it was bullshit with
Kennedy, too, but...
but people believed it.
And, I guess, that's
what I want.
I want to believe it.
I want to be part of something
that's history.
I bet this is the longest answer
to a five word...
question you've ever gotten.
No, it isn't.
The longest was the one
I got to...
"Do you do much fly-fishing?"
It's a good answer, Henry.
History is what we're about, too.
What else is there?
Hei, March. Some guy about an
automobile insurance scam.
-It's me. Don't hang up again.
-Fuck you.
I'm in a coffee shop in New
Hampshire. I may not...
find another phone. Listen.
I think this guy could be
the real thing.
He's so incredible you could
work for him.
I mean, this son of a bitch actually
likes these people.
He's worth the risk.
Help me get him out of here. We
have a fund-raiser in 20 minutes.
You bastard. I waited form
you all night.
I can explain about that.
I got you some stuff at
the drugstore.
I can't go to Mammoth Falls
without clothes.
Give me your keys. Daisy can pack
some things and bring them to you.
Why I can't pack the things?
Because you're going to
We have to set up campaign
headquarters before we go. Keys.
I thought you told us to hurry.
Susan... Mrs. Stanton, I'm not
sure. I mean, I don't know.
I've never helped run a presidential
campaign before.
Well, neither have we.
That's how history is made, Henry...
by the first-timers.
Are you, uh...?
Is this...?
Where are the state
party people?
They're tied up with the
congressional races. We're it.
All right.
Get me the national mailing
lists of every donor...
since the beginning of time.
I also need a complete database of
voting records on every candidate...
so we can set up a rapid
response operation.
How do we do that, honey?
Don't you, uh...?
Don't any of you have any
special skills?
I speak Hebrew.
-Now, double click on
Now call up the Harris vote.
No, no.
Why can't I learn this?
This announcement is for the
candidate briefing on the 23rd.
-Put it on five hundred leaflets.
-And then what?
Hand them out.
Call only the Orthodox and
Conservative synagogues.
Speak only to the rabbis and
start off in Hebrew.
-How's that?
-Great. We need to file that with...
Excuse me.
Terry? Terry!
Just hold out the leaflets for
people. Don't stalk them.
-How y'all doing?
We're... coming along.
-We don't have much staff yet.
-No, but what we have is choice.
Meet the most brilliant political
strategist in the party.
This is Richard Jemmons. This is
my right arm, Henry Burton.
-I sure admired your granddaddy.
I'll pick you up at 7:00 for dinner.
We can talk politic.
Nice meeting you. Say hi to
Winona for me.
He means Jennifer. Every girl Richard
falls for is Winona Ryder to him.
Oh, that's, uh...
Does that smell good or what?
I'm glad you made it.
-It smells so good.
-We got it all set up for you.
-He's down there.
-He's got chicken.
Hey, Will, how's business?
Hey, Amalee, the Gov's here.
You got your mojo working
Ain't no end to it, Gov.
Hei, Lo!
Gov's here.
How are you, honey?
I had to tell Jackie you were too
busy working to baby-sit...
and he was not happy.
How are you doing, Will?
Not so good since my mama died.
I miss her like a pain.
You got to let that happen. Your
mama deserves it.
Your pain will heal, but give
your mama her due.
We got to miss our mamas.
Nobody loves us like them.
Your mama still with you,
No. She's in Beverly Hills with
her second husband.
You're a lucky man.
Thank you.
And the next time I see my
mama, she's blind.
A year later, she's got just one
leg from diabetes.
She could have done anything,
my mama. Been anything.
God bless the mamas.
My mama worked her
whole life.
My mama raised seven children.
If Ozio doesn't run, we focus
on New Hampshire.
He does we focus
on the South.
He may wait until
New Hampshire.
Shouldn't we wait for the
Governor for this?
He's in a mama-thon. That'll go
on all night in the south.
My mama worked her whole
life for her family...
and never did anything
for herself!
And now they're cutting her up!
Cutting pieces out of her!
Why is that happening to her?
I looked over Jordan
and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home
You know what Richard's
favorite song is?
It is the most American goddamn
song I can think of.
A Southern governor wrote it.
Know what I'm thinking of?
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when
skies are gray
I didn't know a Southern
governor wrote that.
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my
sunshine away
The over night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you
in my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
And I hung my head
and cried
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when
skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you...
I have a list of all grassroots
organizations in New Hampshire.
Great. Put it on my desk.
These rabbis are putty
in my hands.
I started out with 200, I have one
left. Know how I did it?
I'm speechless.
I think my grandfather would endorse
the Governor, Jesse. Even if you ran.
Okay. You, to go, my friend,
-Where the fuck are my clothes?
Daisy got sidetracked to
Does this guy have a
chance in hell?
I haven't canvassed hell lately.
But if we worked for guys who had a
chance, we wouldn't have Richard.
Shit. He's bird-dogging.
Why don't you go over to my
hotel room with me?
-You're crushing my originals.
You don't know you're missing.
Wait. Don't embarrass him.
I got cable. Want to walk
the snake?
What, you don't believe me?
Baby, I got a python in here.
Gee, I've never seen one
that old before.
Come on, bud. Park the Mustang
back in the garage.
Fuck you!
Fuck you, you redneck
son of a bitch!
Ever hear of Anita Hill? You're lucky she's cool.
I wouldn't have done it
if she wasn't.
And you know when a muffin is cool.
When to show her your cock.
Where'd you go to school?
Hotchkiss. You're a tight-ass
preppie elitist from hotchkiss.
-Bullshit it's bullshit!
You called me a redneck, which I'm
proud to say I am. You are a honky.
You just look black, and it's
your best part.
Lets you intimidate the palefaces...
and work that voodoo sexual
shit on white girls.
I'm blacker than you are. I got
slave in me, I can feel it.
You are crazy. What?
-You got a visitor.
-It's not a visitor. It's me.
-Where the fuck is my suitcase?
-I got it.
You can't let a lady carry
a suitcase.
Henry, I'm glad you got a wardrobe,
because we're having dinner...
with a very important person.
-Governor Ozio's son.
What the fuck does
Ozio's son want?
It could be that Ozio's looking for
someone to endorse.
-That'd be something.
-You think?
-This must be handled just right.
-Just right.
Mind eating pig with
your hands?
-Is there any other way.
-Not in the South.
Jack, the governor's been
watching you.
He was hoping when you next pass our
way, you stop in. Get to know us.
Absolutely, Jimmy. You got the book.
When can we meet with...
Jimmy's dad, Governor Ozio?
Do you mind us talking business?
No, no. How else will I learn?
Next Tuesday we're in Albany, on
our way to New Hampshire.
-How's Tuesday?
-Let's look.
Tuesday. Let me just scroll
down here.
Tuesday's pretty full, but maybe I
can slot you in somewhere.
We land at four then do a drop-by at
the Teachers Union cocktail party...
before their dinner at
the Sheraton.
I'd skip that, but they'd notice. I'm
the only candidate invited to the party.
I know. The Governor turned it down
because he's speaking at the dinner.
Good. You'll both be at
the Sheraton.
You can meet after the cocktail
party and before the dinner.
-I'll see him there.
Fuck all, Henry! You don't know
fuck about briefing me!
You make me look like
an amateur.
Like a barefoot, dipshit, third
rate, Southern fried...
piece of shit alderman!
You didn't know Ozio was
speaking at the dinner...
to keep me from shooting
my mouth off!
-Hello, Richard.
-If you'd like to make a call...
Shit! What kind of operation
do we got here?
How did we get scheduled for a drop
in when he's the main speaker?
Get me Howard!
-You threw the phone out the window.
-Stop the car.
Don't kill us, just stop it.
I think it lanted in the brush.
It landed in the trees.
I saw it.
I look like shit going to that
cocktail party. I'm Ozio's...
wamp-up, and he knows it.
But we didn't know it.
I told you, it lanted in the trees.
Jimmy probably told his dad he
has nothing to worry about.
He would have even if Henry hadn't
screwed up. Here's the phone.
It was in the brush.
Well, you wouldn't have found it if I
hadn't thrown it out of the car.
-Are you here?
Sorry, he's not here.
Henry Burton. Can I take
a message?
Oh, God. I see.
No, I got it, I got it.
-How reliable is Daisy?
-Hundred percent.
Then we just got bad news.
In an interview in Manhattan
Magazine, Ozio blasts you.
"His state's last in everything. He
knows shit about education."
You were right about
the meeting.
This is bad.
Hit back, Jack.
Not too hard or you lose
the liberals.
-You'll lose them anyway.
Give him a poke. We'll look better
when he drops out.
When who drops out? Ozio's 24
points ahead of us.
Exactly. If he's willing to
acknowledge us...
then he's the stupidest fucking
Italian since Nero...
or he's not going to race.
He'll sit and snipe.
-Doesn't matter. I won't do it.
Susan, I'm not going negative. Any
jackass can bum down a barn.
-It's self-defense.
-I'm not doing it!
Come back, Shane.
Run for president.
How you doing, Henry?
Uh, fine.
There was a bender on
the interstate.
I'm on my way to meet the
family, so cancel Howard.
Yeah, okay.
And, um, governor, look...
about the Teachers
Union dinner...
I know how much I lay on you.
I know how hard you work for me,
and I'm honored by it.
I'm honored.
-But I should have thought...
-Forget it.
Now, get out of that office
and rest.
Open a bottle of Chablis. What are
you doing this weekend, Henry?
Setting up a list of meeting...
Do you think it's possible to
get yourself laid?
-I'm serious.
I don't want you too homy to
think straight when we need...
to start rolling. What are you
going thanksgiving?
You said you mama's in Beverly
Hills, so if you're free...
come spend it with Susan,
Jackie and me. It's not...
like being with your mama...
but we're family, too.
Thank you. Yes, I'd like that.
Good, good.
And, the reason I won't
take on Ozio...
is so I don't give that bastard the
power to make me the bastard.
All right? See you, Henry.
Dear Lord, thank you for what
we're about to receive.
Okay, son. Here we go.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Who are all these people?
-Most are from shelters.
-You're kidding.
They come every year. That's
the good news.
The bad news is, he also
invites his friends.
People he's been collecting so he
can take them aboard when he sails.
Some of them really suck.
Henry? Daisy?
She has the same problem.
Meet Lucille Kaufman, an old
friend of mine from New York.
I marched with your
Lucille and I went to
law school.
You're Jack's coordinator? Do
something about his clothes.
And the campaign posters. And
Arlen Sporken too.
I'm swamped, or I'd join the
campaign full-time.
Henry, I want you to meet
my son, Jackie.
This is our family doctor,
Dr. Beauregard.
You and Jack must find a way to
educate them Yankees.
Maybe if they both wear capes.
This is Randy Culligan. I gave Randy
his first job as a law clerk.
Folks, may I have your
Folks, you'll know me. I'm
Jackie Stanton's mama.
How about if we sing
a chorus of...
"You Are My Sunshine"...
in honor of the great governors
of the South?
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when
skies are gray
You're kidding. You're kidding.
Hey! Hey!
Wait, wait.
Ozio just dropped out.
That's fantastic! Yes!
Gentlemen, welcome to the
first debate of the...
Democratic Presidential Primary.
Remember to keep your responses
to one minute.
God, I'm so nervous,
I'm sick.
-Health care.
-What I want to say about health care is...
while it's vital that every American
be covered...
it's also vital that we conserve
as well as expend.
We're providing a safety net
for folks on welfare...
-Oh, shit.
Oh, man...
-What did you see?
-Nothing. No one.
You're missing one of the great
assholes of our time.
I can't help feeling sad as I
listen to Senator Martin.
I remember a time when being
a Democrat...
meant more than just giving welfare
recipients a safety net.
It meant giving them
a ladder...
giving them a way to climb
back to an equal height.
If we don't control spending...
and shore up the economy of
this country, it will go under.
-This is a new economic era.
-Who are we shoring the economy up for?
Your bond-holding fat cats?
No, not just bond holders. Ordinary
men and women will benefit, too.
Why is he doing this?
Because he just has to get on the
good side of Lawrence Harris.
A lower deficit means
working families...
will have lower mortgage rates.
Okay, not bad, but shut up.
Now Governor Nilson's
idea has merit.
We must provide jobs for
those who need work.
Jack, excuse me.
What, if anything are
you against?
I'm against doing nothing while
people are suffering.
I'm against dismissing any idea that
might help because it isn't my idea.
Senator, you've met
these people.
Are you saying we do nothing to help
unless we come up with it?
-Nailed him!
-He's toast!
What I meant was...
-Kicking ass and taking names!
-How was it?
-You took it. It was yours.
Governor... March Cunningham,
The Black Advocate.
Were you ever arrested during
the Vietnam war?
You weren't arrested in
No, I was accidentally detained,
then released.
The record was expunged.
How were your released?
They realized it was a mistake. It was
a long time ago. Check your records.
-Come on. We'll be late.
You guys go ahead.
I'll meet you.
What are you doing here?
Why is the Black Advocate
interested in Stanton?
They're not. I am.
I'm finding out who he is because
a friend works for him.
March, don't do this.
Aren't you interested, too? Know
why he was released? He called...
a senator to get him
out of jail...
then persuaded Mayor Daley to
expunge his record.
He was already so manipulative in
the 60s that he got in bed with...
Daley who busted the protestors
at the Convention.
I don't care. Stanton was never a
radical. He's a politician.
He couldn't get elected with a
record, so he had it expunged.
You want to work for that? A man
who just wants to get elected?
No, I want to work for a man who
fights for right, and...
-watch a Republican get elected.
-Do you know the difference?
I know the difference between a
man who believes what I do...
and lies about it to
get elected...
and one who doesn't give a
fuck. I'll take the liar.
-How did he do this to you?
-Do what? What are you...
Why are you making him into the
devil? Get to know him.
Spend a few days
with us here.
I miss you. We could be together.
I think you'd fuck me just to get
good press for Stanton.
We're in trouble.
What does she have?
Why is the Black Advocate
covering Stanton?
They're not. It's... she's...
It's personal.
Don't matter. We're fucked. If
some little shitty paper...
like the Black Advocate
can dig this up...
then we're flying blind. They'll
all come after us.
I mean, did you see any other
President there tonight?
We're it. We're the fucking
ball game.
Now every flea that ever nipped his
ass will want a piece of us.
It'll be the war thing, the drug thing,
the woman thing. That's the killer.
-You talk to him about that.
-Me? No. You're the strategy guy.
But you're the body man.
We could talk to Susan.
Are you out of your
fucking mind?
"Mrs. Stanton, we need to know
who Jack's plugging...
-so we can have spin control".
-Then let's just quit.
If we won't act,...
let's work for someone we're not
too chicken-shit to protect.
Okay, set up a meeting.
-Him or her?
-Shit, her!
Goddamn, this is going
to be rough.
I have to be in Concord in an hour
to meet Jack. What's the crisis?
It's campaign business.
It's private.
Oh, please.
Lucille is one of my closest friends
and part of this campaign.
What's the crisis?
You're in the woods,
taking a shit...
and a wild boar comes
charging at you.
Do you pull your britches
up and run?
Or do you try to pull your britches up
and grab the doves you just shot...
and then try to run, all at
the same time?
Or do you just forget
about the doves...
pull your britches up and,
because you got no time...
to aim and button your fly?
And if you miss...
you don't want to die with your dick
hanging out. See what I'm saving?
I think I speak for everyone
when I say no.
Well, I mean...
what if you're not prepared
for the boar...
get caught with your britches down
and lose the doves?
What Richard is saying is...
if you get caught in the forest...
Forget the shit-in-the-woods metaphor.
What are you talking about?
Okay. Say this boar is part of...
I don't believe this.
who do the boars represent?
The Republicans?
-The press.
-The press?
Yes. Don't they?
Yeah, the press.
Now, you're dealing with
these boars...
and suddenly they say things
like "Marijuana"...
"Chicago." Maybe a woman
comes forward...
Bullshit. That's not going
to happen.
-Absolutely not.
-I don't think so, either.
I just want to figure this out.
If it did happen...
he won't get trapped like Hart,
because we know the rules.
If some bimbo comes forward,
we just say "Bullshit."
-Bullshit is right.
-What do you suggest we do?
-How do we deal with it?
-Know more than they do.
Be prepared, so when a story hits,
we can fight back with the truth.
But how can we know what garbage
they'll come up with?
That's the point, Lucille. That's the
whole fucking point.
We need to hire an operative
to do research.
Investigate our lives.
Investigate everything... everything
anyone could make into an allegation.
But we don't play
that game.
We play the people's game.
We say, "The republicans and media
want to talk about trash."
We talk about your future."
We don't shot doves in this
campaign. We protect them.
What do you mean?
Don't the doves represent
the people?
-Then who are the doves?
Forget the doves. Henry, you
agree with this?
We'll do it. I'll tell Jack. I
want Libby Holden.
If we're hiring someone
to find the dirt...
we must have someone who
knows us, who we trust.
-Is she out of the hospital
-And she's okay?
-Who is she?
She was Jack's chief of staff.
She had a breakdown.
She suddenly became incoherent
during a press conference.
She's been in and out of
sanatoriums for years.
She seems very stable now.
You and Henry can fly back
and brief her.
Well, that's good that
she's stable.
Because you're putting the
campaign in her hands.
Yes, I know.
That's good.
Then are we
the doves?
I think we're the ones taking
the shit in the woods.
Henry, I'm just thrilled, thrilled
y'all came back.
I have a million messages
for you.
He looks like a band leader.
I'm getting rid of it.
Henry, How you doing?
On behalf of Jack Stanton,
thanks for your support.
Call them assistants, not
Jennifer, look who's back.
You're working on Friday,
wearing a yarmulke?
Actually, I'm dressed for work.
Hi, H.B.
I'm here. Who's going
to talk to me?
Srta. Holden. Henry Burton.
-Hi. I'm Terry Hicks.
-Hi. Lib.
-Hi, shit-for-brains.
You learned to watch
your mouth yet?
I will not let you fuck up this
campaign, too!
That was 20 years ago.
Yes, I was thinner then.
I had a waist.
-Peter Goldsmith.
-Ella Louise Harriman.
-Where is this happening?
The fucking meeting.
I'll need a safe house.
I know the one.
Little. Nice rose garden.
Call Becky Raymond.
Tell her it's for the Governor.
She'll understand. Now, staff.
I want her. The one who looks
like Winona Ryder.
Gorgeous. Is she smart?
Oh, she's smart.
I want her right away.
A Black Advocate reporter dug up
the Governor's Chicago arrest.
-We can't stop that.
But we're concerned there
may be other things.
-Like Cashmere Mcleod.
You don't know shit, do you?
-Susan's hairdresser?
-And Jack's porkpie.
-Oh, for Christ's sake, act your age.
Jack Stanton fucks around
and has enemies.
But what can Susan's
hairdresser do to us?
Sell her story to the "Flash"
for $150.000...
minus the 10% she's giving
to the slimesucking...
shitty night school attorney
who's agenting the deal.
-You know this?
-No, I imagined it in the booby hatch!
-It's bullshit.
-In your dreams, sweetheart.
She can't hurt us. She's
selling a story.
She has no proof,
no credibility.
It's the tip of the iceberg. Jackie's
done some pretty stupid things.
He's poked his pecker in some
sorry trash bins. We have to...
stop them before they stop us.
Crush them and sweep them up.
From now on, you can call me
the Dustbuster.
You know, honey child... I'm
stronger than dirt.
I believe you.
We could offer her $200,000
not to print it.
Then kill her to make sure?
The important thing is he did
nothing wrong.
-He should act pissed off.
-But not too pissed off.
More like, "It's too bad, but we
don't take it seriously."
"It's not a frightening as thing
that happen to real,...
people like losing a job.
-Where's the light?
-I'm looking.
"Shit happens, but we're calm
in a shit storm."
Or maybe, "We expected
this kind or crap."
Right. The usual media
trash bash.
But why did he do it? Did he think
Cashmere would be so...
honored she's never tell?
-Maybe it isn't true.
-Would it matter?
-It'd be better if it wasn't.
Hitler was faithful to Eva Braun.
Does that make him better?
Or Jefferson or Roosevelt or
Kennedy, or any of the...
guys who fucked around?
But we can't say that
in interviews.
No. Of course not.
Today, a potentially explosive
development for Governor...
Jack Stanton is this quest for the
Democratic presidential nomination.
A hairdresser has alleged an affair
with the married candidate.
The story, unconfirmed, appeared
today in the Flash."
Stanton has made no statement
regarding the woman,...
Cashmere McLeod...
but the accusation directly
follows the disclosure...
that Governor Stanton was arrested
in 1968 in Chicago.
Fucking Eyewitness News.
Ted Koppel wants someone
for his show.
-"60 minutes" too.
-Do we have to take this?
They're treating this garbage
like a real story.
We can't ignore it.
They could write off Chicago...
it was 30 years ago.
Or Cashmere... she was paid
for her story.
But the two, right on top
of each other?
People will say, "Do we want a radical
who messes with hairdressers?"
He did not fuck Cashmere
If you can't handle that fact,
leave now.
Okay, let's think this through.
Who has thoughts about
"60 minutes"?
I think do it. You agree to
all these interviews.
Show them we've
nothing to hide.
And soon, because this
will cut into the money.
We should act like we
expected this...
Henry. Sit down, have
some coffee.
You going to get some
sleep tonight?
Absolutely. Don't you worry. I was
just talking to Danny, here.
Danny Scanion, this is my friend,
Henry Burton.
Can I get you something?
Apple fritter?
Danny works here every night,
12-hour, $5,25 an hour.
Like I was telling the Governor, I don't
mind. I'd mind if I couldn't work.
-"Apple fritter?"
-Not for me.
What was the best college game
you saw all year?
Utah state versus
San Diego state.
That was a great game. I saw it.
Great ground game.
You need a good
ground game.
-"Apple fritter?"
-No, I just said...
I'll have one, Dan.
But just one.
I'll make some fresh coffee.
-If you want some, you call me.
-Thank you, Danny.
You look tired, Governor. Maybe
it's time to go home.
-They'll kill me with trash.
-Don't let them.
It's my own damn fault. I
didn't keep it together.
We can still win this thing.
We're going to win it.
And these problems are nothing
compared to what...
average folks go through.
Losing their jobs, losing their
homes. Keep that in mind.
Keep the folks in your mind.
-It's about them, isn't it?
-It's about them. It's about history.
That's truer for Susan than for me.
It's always been about them.
Like this fella, Danny Scanion. He's
worked every day since he was 14.
Couldn't get insurance, couldn't
get his leg fixed right.
Doesn't complain. Doesn't do
anyone my harm.
Aching to do good.
God, if you let a man like
that go down...
you don't deserve to take up
space on the planet.
We won't let him go down.
Bummer. Bummer.
What? Libby?
-She's got tapes.
-Who has tapes?
Cashmere, the hair slut, you moron.
She's playing them tomorrow.
I have no time for ineptitude!
Now tell Jack and Susan the cunt has
tapes and back to Mammoth Falls.
Honey, I have to run.
I will. Hold on.
The new member of the swimming
team wants to talk to you.
Hey, Jackie Boy. That's great.
You made it.
That's great. We're proud of you.
No, that's just a bunch of
campaign garbage.
Governor, this can't wait.
We'll call you tonight. I love you.
Bye. What is it?
Libby says Cashmere McLeod has
tapes of you and her talking...
on the phone and...
she's going to play them
-I'm sorry.
-How bad?
-I don't know.
-Did you tell her...
-Henry, excuse us.
It's cold here, Sam, but these are
friendly people. Reminds me of home.
I like her hair that way.
It softens her face.
Yes. It could be longer, though.
If you spent a day with us...
you'd see what folks care
about is the future.
-He's gotten fat.
-He jogs, so how much does he eat?
And what does he eat?
What's he governor of?
Let me see... it's
not Georgia...
not Florida...
Sam, I'm not going to dignify
that trash.
At a time when the American people
have a lot to be concerned about...
I saw a picture of the hairdresser.
Not bad.
I don't think this is fair.
People suffer and struggle and go
through all sorts of things.
What matters is, we're still here.
If you want to draw a lesson from
that about Jack's character...
here it is. He will stick.
He will work through tough times.
He will bust his butt for the
American People.
"Bust his butt."
The mouth on her.
He should take her in hand.
She's honest. They had problems.
Maybe that's when he...
screwed the hairdresser.
You watching? It's going
off now.
And we're out. Thanks,
It's over.
How'd it play? Wasn't
she fantastic?
Yeah, great. But they'd like to
see hair a little longer.
Hey, Henry!
-How long are you in town?
-Not long.
No time to talk. We got to
get to Sailor's and...
watch Cashmere with
an expert.
You take care of yourself,
I'll be home for dinner. We'll
take my truck.
So you met Jack and Susan
working for McGovern?
What were they are?
Golden. Golden.
Did they have any asoir...
Please, mister, please...
Don't play B17...
It was our song,
It was our song
Sing with me, Henry!
Please, mister, please...
If you know what I mean...
Play that song again.
Good to see you, Libby. How
was the booby hatch?
A better class of drugs than the
old days. Where's the beer?
Welcome to the world
of electronics.
Brewski. Here she comes.
I know just what she looked
like in high school.
I'm Sherman Preslay, Miss
Mcleod's attorney.
I want to make one
thing clear.
We'll take no questions until the
tapes are played.
This will not be an inquisition.
Yeah, right. We get
the inquisition.
The tapes were recorded on Miss
McLeod's phone machine.
This portion was recorded just
before Thanksgiving.
Governor Jack Stanton
seduced me...
and I have tapes to prove it.
-I'm on my way to meet the family.
-But you said you loved me...
You said no one could do the things
I did to you. I could come up there.
God, what a whiny bitch.
Remember that time I met
you in Dallas?
I get hot just thinking about it.
-What you doing this weekend?
-Nothing, now that you're leaving.
Open a bottle of Chablis. Do you
think it's possible to get laid?
I'd say it's entirely possible, if
you postpone that trip.
I'm too homy to think straight.
As you can see, these tapes
were recorded on...
Miss McLeod's phone machine.
I'll record the rest of it.
Let's go to work.
I'll kill him. How could he be so dumb?
There are some
abrupt cutouts.
I'm on my way to meet
the family.
An abrupt cutout right there.
What are you doing
this weekend?
That's picked up in mid-sentence,
or it could be.
Open a bottle of Chablis.
Do you think it's at...
all possible to get laid?
That breakup in the middle could
be static or they used its to cover.
Wait a second. Wait a goddamn
second. Play that again.
Do you think it' at all possible
to get laid?
-Just again. Damn it!
-Do you think it's at all...
possible to get laid?
Henry, are you cracking up? Two
of us would be one too many.
He said, "Do you think it's at all
possible to get yourself laid?
He said he didn't want me to be
too horny to think straight.
It was before Thanksgiving. Play
it again from the top.
Just his lines.
I'm on my way to meet
the family.
There was an accident, a bender,
on the interstate.
That's the family he was going
to meet. Next.
What you doing this weekend?
-An abrupt cutout, right?
He said, "What are you doing
this weekend, Henry?"
He called me Henry. I remember the
whole call, it meant so much to me.
Christ, we got her!
You got her. We don't. How
do we prove it?
Oh, no, no. No, Libby, They...
They can't get away with this.
This cannot be a world...
that lets them get away it.
Imagine a black boy saying that.
What a privileged life you're had.
But never mind about the world.
I won't let them get away with it.
I'll track down Ted Koppel
and Larry King.
Can you nail their cellular
I have to rent a van.
Sure. We'll pick the best one.
Let's go, Henry.
We have to change the
world now.
You asshole! Yes, it was off
a cellular phone.
But don't pull that outraged
puppy shit.
You haven't become an innocent
just because the tape is phony.
I wish we'd castrated you when
we had the chance.
Libby, you're on a cell phone.
Oh, shit!
Yes, I'm goddamn sure I
know who did it.
Yes. I'll get it done.
Okay. Bye.
You know who did it?
Yes. Oh, yes, indeed.
A triumphant day, huh, Randy?
Perhaps your best ever.
-Is that Cashmere on the line?
Then say good-bye to
Sherman Presley.
It's not Sherman Preslay,
whoever he is.
-You're branched out. Electronics now.
-What do you mean?
You've been recording your friend
Jack's private conversations.
Why would I do that? I'm a big
Stanton supporter.
I always have been.
I've been here 20 seconds and you've
already exhausted my patience.
I want a signed confession.
Libby, put that away before you
get yourself in trouble!
Randy, you human turd...
you admit you ambushed Jack
Stanton, or you die.
-You're crazy!
-At last, a fact!
-You'll go to jail, too.
I knew nothing about this.
He's shocked. He had no idea. Now,
are you going to write this out?
I don't know what you mean!
You know what? I'm going to
blow your nuts off.
Yes, I am a lesbian. I do not
mythologize the male organ.
Now, you tiny scumbag,
I know you did it.
You're on retainer
to the Flash.
And you, you stupid shit...
the crap Jack actually did wasn't
enough... you had to embellish it.
-Mister, you're about to
become missus.
You have a choice to make.
And quickly.
Just how crazy is Libby? And
you have to do it now. One...
two... This is going to be fun.
Okay. Okay. Okay!
Very good. Very wise.
Now, I want you to be eloquent
in this letter.
Guilt-ridden about your
jealousy and greed.
You couldn't live with yourself if you
deprived America of this great man.
Tonight, an aide of Governor Jack
Stanton, is joining us to play a tape.
I haven't heard the tape, but
my producer has.
We'd like to thank her for letting
us go on with such...
short notice. Here we go.
I can be there in 14 minutes.
I could come up there.
No, I can't wait. I have to
have it now.
Entirely. I get hot just
thinking about it.
Look at King. Look at his face.
That sounded like me.
It was you, asking the head
waiter at Caf Des Artistes...
to seat you right away because
you hadn't eaten all day.
-But how...
-We recorded it off your cell phone.
I'd like to read a letter from the man
who did this to Governor Stanton.
"To whom it May concern: I am an
employee of the Flash"
I took innocent statements of
Governor Stanton's...
off his cellular phone...
edited them and paid Cashmere
McLeod to pretend...
she was talking to him.
I did this for my own gain
and advancement.
I confess it now because I
cannot live with the fear...
that I may deprive the American
people of a great man."
Signed, Randy Culligan,
Now I think the media owes
Governor Stanton an apology...
for spreading this unsubstantiated
Very good, girl.
It should be harder than this to
smear an innocent man.
We'll be right back with
your phone calls.
How did you get my cellular?
Henry, well done.
I want to thank you all for sticking
with us through all this.
We haven't much time, but
with your help...
and the grace of God, we'll get
done what needs to be done.
It's been pretty awful, but
we're still here.
It would be easy to get laughs...
by doing some cheap blow-dry
jokes... so I'll get started.
It all started innocently for
Governor Stanton.
He walked in one day and
asked for a little trim.
And some longer bangs.
They just don't care about
the fine points.
No, it would ruin the
punch line.
Does anyone survive one of
these feeding frenzies?
If they've been around a while,
of maybe.
But this is the first thing
people hear about...
Stanton, so he's history.
Our the land...
of the free...
and the home
of the brave
Thank you, Phil.
As head of the Portsmouth
Democratic Party...
it is my pleasure to introduce...
one of the south's most
progressive governors...
and the husband of one the best
fly-fishers I've met.
Please welcome Governor
Jack Stanton.
Thank you for that kind
introduction, Tommy.
And thank you for the fish.
He gave me a big, slab-sided, white
bellied fella. Looked a lot like me.
Put it on the grill, gave it some heat.
Kind of like I'm getting now.
Thank you for coming tonight.
I know you work hard...
and have little time to rest.
Some of us got more time
than we'd like.
Right. I understand.
Since this factory closed, how
many of you have found work?
Raise your hands.
How many of you work jobs that
just pay the rent, no matter...
how many hours you work?
My mama worked jobs like that
after my daddy died.
I remember her coming home from
work just bone weary.
I know she wanted to play with
me and ask me about school.
But sometimes you're too tired
to do anything but blob...
out in front of the tube.
You got that right.
I don't have to tell you how
hard it is to find work...
or anything at all about
hard times.
So I'm going to do something
really outrageous.
I'm going to tell the truth.
I know what you're thinking.
"He must be really desperate
to do that."
But if you've had to swallow
enough sh... garbage...
You can say "shit".
We're X-rated.
Me too, if you believe
the papers.
Here's the truth.
No politician can re-open this
factory or bring back the...
shipyard jobs or make your
union strong again.
No politician can make it
the way it was.
Because we now live in a world
without economic borders.
Push a button in New York and
a billion dollars moves to Tokyo.
In that world, muscle jobs go where
muscle labor is cheap,...
and that is not here.
So to compete, you have to
exercise a different muscle...
the one between your ears.
-He's lost them.
-Fuck them. He's got me.
The whole country must go
back to school.
We have to get smarter, learn
new skills. And I promise this:
I will work hard for you. I will
think about you.
I will fight to make education a
lifetime thing in this country...
to give you the support you
need to move up.
But you have to do the heavy
lifting your own selves.
Now, I've taken a lot of hits
in this campaign.
But you know what
that means?
It means someone thinks you're only
interested in that kind of garbage.
So Tuesday, when you go to cast
your vote, think about that.
Think about what you're really
interested in.
Then pick your candidate.
I don't think I'll be able to
take it if he loses.
If he does lose, maybe we
could go away for a while.
Try some non-campaign sex.
See if it holds up.
Goddamn it, Richard, why are
you always in my room?
Because it's neater.
Henry, when this is over, we
should work together.
Set up a consulting firm.
Both of you, enough "when this
is over, we are pros" crap.
You may be pros, but I'm
emotionally involved.
-Can I sleep here?
Okay, shit.
See, a pro knows how to
say good-bye..
Polls are still open in
New Hampshire.
Harris is a serious man and
has serious things to say.
The people recognize that.
That's why we going to see some upsets today, but
the biggest will be for Jack Stanton.
Stanton, like Romney, Muskie and
Hart before him, flamed...
then burned out. He's just stirring
the ashes now.
They can't understand why
we don't quit.
I mean, don't we know
we're over?
An entire industry of political
experts has explained...
why we're dead.
Why are still walking around?
Across the upper Midwest.
We predict Lawrence Harris to
win in New Hampshire.
Well, so what? It's his state.
He has to win here.
Governor Jack Stanton, who is still
campaigning, has decided to...
fight right down to the wire and is
out on this cold and rainy night...
working to get last minute votes.
This has been his technique and...
many are surprised at how
effective it's been.
According to exit polls, an
overwhelming number...
of Stanton voters say that what
decided them was actually...
meeting the governor.
So, we predict Governor
Jack Stanton...
a close second to
Lawrence Harris.
I'll be a son of a bitch!
Don't be discouraged. We
can still win!
Are you crazy? Didn't you hear?
We're second. We're alive.
We're a fucking miracle.
We have a chance now,
a real chance.
If we could just eliminate Harris.
-Harris will take Colorado.
-And Florida, unless you hit him.
I'll get Florida.
It's the South.
But it's Jewish. You must fire a
silver bullet in Florida.
Without Harris, we can win.
No. Negative will boomerang. I
know it. I'm not going negative.
For President, Jack Stanton or
Lawrence Harris?
I served my country in Korea and my
boy Jeff fought in the Gulf War.
Jack Stanton dodged the
Vietnam draft...
And covered up his anti-war
arrest record.
I believe in real solutions and
telling the truth.
Jack Stanton believes in glib
answers to tough question...
about his country and himself.
I'm Lawrence Harris. I'll fight the
tough fights.
I won't run away. It's a question
of character.
Paid for by the Harris for
President Committee.
Okay. I'm going to kill
the bastard.
Although I think he's a
fine man...
and agree we need to lower the
deficit, I don't agree...
with Senator Harris's...
proposal to reduce or even
freeze cost of living...
adjustments for Social Security.
I also disagree with Senator
Harris about Medicare.
Senator Harris and I also disagree
about the Middle East.
While in the Senate my opponent
cast many votes regarding the...
security of the state of Israel.
I agree with many of his votes,
but some it's important...
to stand with our friends.
And America has no better friend
than the state of Israel.
We're up three points
and climbing...
so a meeting with the Rainbow
Coalition might...
Who is it?
William McCollister.
Can I call you back? I'll just
be five minutes.
You don't remember me,
Mr. Burton?
Willie, the barbecue place.
Come on in.
What are you doing here?
I figured it would be easier to talk
face-to-face with a brother...
than to the Gov, even though
he's like a brother.
I, um... I flew here because my
daughter Loretta's with child...
and she says Jack Stanton's
the daddy.
Has he landed yet?
He's in the men's room.
-Is he alone?
-What do you mean?
Doesn't matter.
-We're in the lead.
-Good, good.
Harris is second. Actually,
undecided's killing everyone.
Willie McCollister came to
see me last night.
His daughter's pregnant and
says you're the father.
-Who else knows?
-He says no one.
-What does he want?
-I don't know.
I just can't catch
a break, can I?
All right, all right.
-Is Willie still here?
-No, he went back this morning.
I can't leave before the primary. If
this gets out, it'll kill us. You...
and Howard have to fly back to
Mammoth Falls. Talk to him.
We have to make sure he knows
this is a mistake.
They're good people, but not
sophisticated. I want them to know.
Why pick me? Because
I'm black?
No. Because Willie
picked you.
You don't have to talk. Howard
knows to say.
But you should be there, because
he came to you.
Governor, if I'm doing this, then
there's something I need to know.
I am not the father of that child.
Henry, you will never have to be
ashamed to be part...
of this campaign. Understand.
You'll never have to swallow it,
duck it or apologize for it.
I'll make sure that
doesn't happen.
Hey, Mr. Burton.
Hey, Gov.
You remember Howard Ferguson. He
works with the Governor, too.
What can I do for you?
The Governor is very concerned about
this situation with your daughter.
He'd like to see it resolved as
I'm sure you would.
He wants her to have an
amniocentesis performed...
so paternity can be established.
A what?
It's a medical procedure
performed in a hospital.
A needle is inserted into
the abdomen.
Amniotic fluid is draw from
your daughter's womb.
Genetic material is compared
with the Governor's to...
to determine if he is the father.
I don't understand.
Normally it's used to determine
fetal health.
That's what you'll tell
the hospital.
You want to make sure the
baby's healthy.
-A needle?
-It's a common procedure.
-They'd put a needle her in belly?
-Look, Mr. McCollister...
some people want to destroy
Governor Stanton.
He doesn't think you do. But he
can't allow this. You can't.
I'm sure Loretta's a fine person,
but she's a child.
And children are
She ain't said a word to anybody.
She's a good girl.
I'm sure she is. And the Governor
wants to help her...
and you, through this. He is
prepared to be very generous.
He will help provide
for the baby.
He will do this because he
believes you are his friend.
But we must resolve this.
We must determine that he is
not father of that child.
I'm sure that you...
you know, you understand...
our position.
Pull over.
Pull over.
I'm Izzi Rosenblat, with
"Schmooze for Jews."
My guest today is presidential
and JFK lookalike, Governor
Jack Stanton.
Jack, when we were
talking before...
you said your mama
liked Vegas.
As a tip to our listeners, where
does she stay?
She's loyal to the
MGM Grand.
MGM Grand. Listen up,
you Vegas fans.
And who is her favorite act?
Is it Wayne Newton?
Everyone loves
Wayne Newton.
He came on this show. Of course,
that was many years ago.
Now, to satisfy the curiosity
of our Vegas fans...
when your mother plays blackjack,
where does she stand pat? Sixteen?
She's a bit of a gambler. Sometimes
she goes up to 17.
Oh, my. Excuse me,
I'm told we have Senator
Harris on the phone.
Hello. This is indeed
an honor.
Governor Stanton was telling us
his mother loves Las Vegas.
Does your mother have a favorite
vacation spot?
My mother's dead.
Oh. I'm sorry.
And Jack Stanton should be
ashamed of his scaring...
elderly people down here.
You mean about going
up to seventeen?
I don't follow you.
He's telling people I want to
cut their Social Security.
Larry, it's in your book.
You're playing sleazy
Izzi, can I speak?
Be my guest, governor. What am
I saying? You're are my guest!
Larry, I'm looking at your campaign,
page 18, paragraph 3.
It says you want to "study" a freeze
of cost of living adjustments.
That's one possibility. We might want
to rework how they're calculated.
Cost of living adjustments are
calculated to keep up with inflation.
I guess you don't like that.
-Wait! I don't say that!
-It's in your book.
I said it has to be studied.
Who knows?
We might want to spend more on
cost of living adjustments.
Senator Harris, Who is your
favorite comedian?
I'm just telling folks what
my positions are.
No, you're distorting my positions.
That's why no trusts politicians.
-You can't defend your positions.
-You're playing games.
Folks, we can't keep spending
money this way.
But you just said you might to spend
more on cost of living adjustments.
No, I, uh...
Excuse me. Now listen...
Excuse me.
What happened? Did he hang up?
Yes, yes. Well, so tell me,
who's your favorite comedian?
-The phones haven't stopped ringing!
-It was fantastic.
We couldn't believe it when
Harris called. Could we?
He's fucked. We'll walk
away with Florida.
Wait! Turn on CNN.
Senator Harris suffered
two heart attacks...
the first after a phone call with
Governor Jack Stanton...
during a Florida radio show.
-Oh, shit. We heard him having it.
-He remains in a coma.
His condition is critical. But hospital
sources will not comment...
on the Senator's condition
at this point.
It's difficult to say what affect this
will have on the campaign.
The vote's in 2 days.
What do we do?
Go back to Mammoth Falls. Daisy
pulls the negative ads.
I understand how
you feel, but...
We go back to Mammoth Falls.
I was so prideful, so
fucking smug.
You couldn't have known.
We were going to win. I could
have been gracious.
I'm sorry. The man cuts a
vicious negative ad...
ambushes you on a talk show
and calls you sleazy...
and you're supposed
to be gracious?
Is Jackie okay?
He's fine. Go on. Don't
stop the meeting.
Harris is a smart man and he's
right about the damn issue.
The bastard rubbed your
nose in it.
And I rubbed his nose back. But
that's not how you win the big ones.
I don't know what to do now.
I guess I'll back tonight, address
the victory party.
Try to get Mrs. Harris on
the phone again.
She hasn't returned my phone
calls, but you can't blame her.
What do you think?
What the fuck were you
and Howard staring at?
Nothing. No one.
Bullshit. Who was that
woman with Susan?
It looked like Fat
Willie's wife.
Why is she worth staring at?
Henry, what the fuck is
going on here?
All right. All right.
Son of a bitch! Amniocentesis,
you motherfucker!
-Susan, I'm sorry.
-When were you going to tell me?!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I know we wish Senator Harris
a full and speedy recovery.
I think the people of Florida will
understand if I forego...
any talk of victory or defeat... and
ask them to join me in prayer.
I know New York. Everything is
driven by the tabloids.
-Where's Henry? Daisy?
-I don't know. I flew in with you.
Brad, the New York numbers.
You're at 22% and Harris is
running at 18%, comatose.
-Shit, Henry.
How do you think New York will
take the thing with Harris?
Well, Susan, I think first we have
to see if Harris is still in.
That's not very helpful. Lucille?
Well, if Harris is out and Ozio
doesn't jump in...
I say we win by default.
My God, this poor woman.
I want to thank all of you...
for your remarkable outpouring
of affection.
It's obvious my husband will not
be able to continue his campaign.
Fantastic! I mean, well...
you know what I mean.
We have asked our good friend
former Governor...
Fred Picker of Florida.
to carry on.
To continue to raise questions in
a meaningful, honorable way.
She's not too upset to
give us a poke.
Come on. Her husband may be
dying and she thinks Jack did it.
I turn the campaign over
to Governor Picker.
Excuse me. This is a rather
emotional time.
Governor, do you think you can
win the nomination?
Well, I'm not out to,
win the nomination.
I'm out to continue what
Senator Harris began...
to give Americans an honest
choice on the issues.
But if you won the nomination?
It's really premature to talk
about that now.
I haven't had time to
think about it.
What I have thought about is the
best way I can help Senator Harris.
As I know him as a man of
action rather than words...
the best action is for me to go down
and donate a pint of blood,...
because that's he needs now.
If you want to come with me
and donate a pint,...
Mrs. Harris would appreciate it.
Jesus Christ, we should have
thought of that.
Great goddamn move.
How do we run against this guy
if he not going to run?
Shit, he'll run. But till he announces
it he's the flavor of the week...
and golden. We just wait
until he comes out.
Lawrence Harris made several
negative spots.
His pollsters have advised more.
Will you go in that direction?
No. I won't be doing any spots
or having any polls,...
because I'm not paying
any pollsters.
I'm not hiring folks to tell me
what you're thinking...
or how to get at you.
Then what are you
going to do?
Just talk straight.
Jesus Christ. Who is this guy?
Let's not panic. He's as much as
admitted he's running.
So now we'll see some tamish
on the golden image.
The media giveth and...
go fuck yourself.
Governor, why did you quit
politics in 1978?
There were a lot of reasons. I
had personal problems.
This can't be easy to talk about.
No, it's not.
But I guess it's part of the game
now, so I'll be candid.
I got too wrapped up in...
being governor, and I began to
neglect my family.
My wife fell in love with
another man.
I quit, in part to see if I could
salvage my marriage...
but I couldn't. So then I just
wanted to make sure...
my boys knew I loved them.
I think if you ask them, they'll
say we made it through okay.
They're in college now and when Mrs.
Harris asked me to do this...
they were very enthusiastic.
I guess you could say...
I'm doing this for them, too.
Awesome. The best I've
ever seen.
What do we do?
Well, now we panic.
Hey, amnio man!
God, how in the hell did
you find out?
Loretta talked to a
"A Current Affair" just offered the
McCollisters $250,000.
Fat Willie threw them
off the property.
I stashed them in another county.
I could kill Jack.
He says he's not the father.
He's probably not. It
doesn't matter.
Shit begets shit. Cashmere made
anything possible.
Didn't she?
I'm a good consultant and I know New
York, but I'm not a magician.
The rumor's about you and
the black girl...
Say I gave blood to disprove
the charge and...
we're waiting for the results.
Too defensive.
And look at the contrast between why
you gave blood and why Picker did.
I agree. But it might be good to
get on some TV shows...
like "Oprah" and "Geraldo".
You mean strip away those last
annoying shreds of dignity...
and wallow in trash.
Why campaign in New
York at all?
You can't skip New York.
They'll kill me.
No, it'll just feel like
they have.
But you'll survive. We all find
a way to survive.
That's why I'm so happy to be New
York... to have the opportunity to...
If you'd just give me
a chance.
Give me a chance to, to
answer your questions.
I love New York!
Bugger, bugger, bugger!
You're a phony! A pederast!
You're a sick, hetero fuck!
I can't make much of this.
Tomorrow we start
Picker's speaking at a rally
there. We hit it, too.
He don't. He's meeting with
the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
What? Who the fuck
decided that?
The Rebbe. You can't win
New York without him.
Norman knows New York.
It's his call.
Susan's right. You go to the rally.
I'll keep the appointment.
Thank you. Well, this is kind
of overwhelming.
He's nervous now. He's
the man now.
I didn't expect this.
And all the folks giving blood
in the back...
I want to thank them.
I really do.
Would all of you do
me a favor?
Don't shout quite so loud.
I really mean it. I wish everyone
would just calm down a little.
When I say "everyone", I mean
the press and the TV...
crews and all my colleagues...
and all the people who
advise my colleagues.
I think we need to calm
down some.
You know...
this is a terrific country.
But sometimes we go a little crazy.
Maybe that's part of...
our greatness, party
of our freedom.
But if we don't watch out
and calm down,...
it all may spin out of control.
You know, the world is getting more
and more complicated.
Politicians have to explain
things to you...
in simpler terms...
so that they can get their little
oversimplified explanations...
on the evening news.
And eventually, instead of
even trying to explain...
they give up and start slinging
mud at each other.
And it's all to keep you excited,
keep you watching...
like you watch a... a car
wreck or a...
wrestling match. That's just what
it's like professional wrestling.
It's staged and it's fake and it
doesn't mean anything.
That goes for the debates. We
don't hate our opponents.
Half the time we don't
even know them.
But it seems it's the only way we
know how to keep you all riled up.
So what I want to do is
quiet things down...
and start having a
about what sort of country we want
this to be in the next century.
And I want Governor Stanton
to know that I...
welcome him to this
Okay. This show is yours. You
gentlemen know the rules.
No eye-gouging, no
Three knockdowns,
I stop the bout.
I hope he doesn't lose it.
Geraldo will go after...
him end Picker's smooth.
-He won't lose it.
-He doesn't have anything to lose.
Is there any truth whatsoever...
to the awful allegation that you
are the father of a...
child by a teenage girl?
Oh, shit.
No, it's good it's out there. Now, if
Jack just keeps the answer short...
by the publicity over the phony
Cashmere McLeod tapes.
Her family are good people.
They're my friends.
I just spoke with the father...
and he apologized for causing
me so much trouble.
I think that's all we need to know,
Jack. Right, folks?
Jesus Christ. Picker actually saved
him. I've never seen that before.
Maybe this is the first time. Maybe
Picker's the real thing.
You know what your problem is,
Hotchkiss? You got galloping TB.
You don't mean tuberculosis,
No, I mean True Believerism. You
talk and act like a pro...
but inside you're just like Libby,
who actually goes crazy...
when her candidate turns
out not to be a rock.
In '78, she actually wore a
button that said...
"I'm Picker person" and nose
dived when he quit the race.
-Didn't even try to find out why...
-He told us why.
What? He wanted to stay
home with his kids?
"I'd rather be dad than president"?
Give me a break.
The race among Democratic
contenders is still a toss-up.
Polls taken after both men
appeared on "Geraldo"...
indicate that governor Picker...
has a substantial lead...
but there has been a remarkable 5%
increase for Governor Stanton.
Fucking Norman Asher.
I'm taking a leave of absence.
I can't stay and take...
orders from Norman Asher.
We're from different parts of the
jungle. The thing's...
about gone anyway.
I can't believe this.
Why? Henry, I've been through
this shit a hundred times.
These guys love you then they
stop loving you.
Yeah, but Stanton's different.
Yeah, he's different.
He was worth it.
You take care of your ass,
I'll see you next time.
I'm sorry about losing
Daisy and Richard...
but we're pros and these
things happen.
Now, I want to talk about something
Richard said about Picker...
that I want to find out.
Why did Picker quit in '78?
AII I heard about was a
condo development...
named Clearwater Estates...
where the state and county matched
funds to build a connecting road.
Nothing specific.
The project developer was a guy
named Edgardo Reyes.
Edgardo Reyes is the brother
of Antonia Reyes.
Picker's former wife. Did anyone
ever follow this up.
Well, Libby, let's go.
-I'm trying to decide.
-Decide what?
If I want to do this, you
stupid shit!
I protected you. I don't do
in the opponent.
What is the difference?
All the difference in the world.
All the moral difference.
I'm not too interested in tearing
Fred Picker down.
-And if he's bad?
-It'll out.
But when? Say he wins
the nomination...
and then it comes out. Now,
look at this.
Results of the blood test
Dr. Beauregard gave me.
Congratulations. I'm sure
this will help.
But it won't.
You know it. It won't matter my blood
doesn't match Loretta's baby's.
It won't matter I can't
be the father.
It would only matter if I were
the father. Because...
guilt is what's interesting.
Am I supposed to accept this and
let Picker slide in...
because you were a "Picker Person"
in the 70s?
You mean injustice for all?
That's a stupid argument!
Okay, but this isn't.
Picker could be guilty of fraud.
If he used influence to help
his brother in-law,...
he can't be president.
He could be a real shit.
Forget who you thought he was. You
most find out who he really is.
Get packed.
We are in limbo now,
We are outside the
We are in purgatory.
We are lost.
Libby, if you don't shut up,
I'm going to kill myself.
We are testing our limits.
We are in the pits.
Remember the words to
"Limbo Rock"?
"How low can you go"?
Is there a reason we're meeting in
Neo Bwanaland and not his office?
Two reasons... no recording devices,
and I've always...
wanted to see this hotel.
Yes, in my work, I'd hoped being
the Governor's brother-in-law...
would be an advantage.
But Mr. Righteous wouldn't
cut me any slack.
We did Clearwater
straight up.
It would be God's joke if he
got nailed for it anyway.
Freddy didn't know you hired his
wife and brother to get to him?
Know? Absolutely not.
Thank you, Mr. Reyes. My friend
and I are very, very grateful.
what did he know? He was half
stoned most of the time?
Oh, dear. I said something
I said shouldn't have.
Freddy's staff don't like
to hear that.
Stoned how?
good bye."
You don't know he was a fucking
maricon cokehead?
-He loved the shit.
We all did, but he's the only one
who's a candidate for sainthood.
I'm afraid that's a little hard to
buy. It just doesn't fit.
Maybe not now. Twenty
years ago...
everyone did everything.
Right, Libby?
But where did he score? How
could he keep it quiet?
There was a guy. A young guy,
Lorenzo Delgado.
Upper-class Cuban, a lawyer.
He and the Governor know each other
socially. So it was all right.
The joke is that Delgado just
got out of prison...
and lives in a halfway
house in Hialeah.
And saint Freddy is about
to be president.
Yeah, that is a joke. You must get
a lot of laughs telling it at parties.
I don't talk about Freddy.
I'm talking to you because
you're from his campaign.
It's just...
I'm not the only guy
who knows this.
He should never have
returned to the game.
Now he'll go down.
This is America.
You can bank on it.
Lorenzo Delgado.
On the porch, through there.
Right in there.
Sr. Delgado?
We're here about
Freddy Picker.
sit down, sit down.
Are you from the campaign?
I've been expecting you.
Tell Freddy he has nothing to fear
from me. Nothing, you understand?
This happened after him.
I fucked my brains out in jail.
Nothing else to do.
And there were so many boys
spent all day in the gym...
working out.
I like this porch.
I can't do it all the time.
Depends on the weather.
It's strange.
My body temperature
is always off.
Too hot or too cold.
It's never just right.
Sometimes the tiniest breeze
can start me shivering.
I can't do anything about it.
I can't turn it off. I just
have to let it ride.
So, are you Freddy's
friend now?
You just knew it would
be good.
You knew it would be irresistible.
But this has every fucking thing.
Sex, drugs, corruption.
And none of it-none of it, Henry,
my man-is-clear-cut venality.
It's all kind of human and
awful and sad.
So now we'll find out.
Find out what? We just
found out.
Don't play dumb with me.
This is a test...
of us and them. Actually, of us
and them, and us again.
I mean, we got the dirt.
Now it's about them-back and
Susan. What will they do with it?
Isn't that what we're both
really after here?
After 20 fucking years, I get to
see what they're about.
Not just hypothesize, not just
hope. This is it!
Graduation day. They
graduate, or I do.
Be honest. Isn't that what
you're really after, too?
Watch the road!
Isn't it?
Feast your eyes, Governor.
You too, m'lady.
Henry, a transcript of our tour.
Well, this... this is
How did he think he could
get away this?
What do we do with it?
The Times... No, the Wall Street
Journal more authoritative.
Through an intermediary, someone not
connected to the campaign.
-I don't think so.
-what do you mean?
I mean there's nothing
of use here.
You must be kidding.
Nope. It doesn't meet
my standards.
What do you mean?
Henry and I don't the use of
this material is proper.
We have a moral objection. And
I have an historical beef.
Come on. Why get it if you
weren't going to use it?
As Susan said, he could
have been a shit.
He isn't, but he could
have been.
But you're off the point. The point
is we don't do this sort of thing.
I'll relentless busting dust
and guarding your ass.
I'd have shot Randy Collegian's
weenie off for you.
Well, maybe I would have.
But this is something else. This is
hurting someone. This sucks.
You want to know why this sucks?
Because you told me.
Remember when, Jackie?
Let me refresh your memory.
-Weren't they gorgeous?
-But look at you.
You little shit. I told you I
used to have a waist.
Hush up. Don't ruin it. You
remember when this was?
You don't, do you?
Miami headquarters in '72.
This was taken just after
the convention.
I'll never forget that convention.
Libby, for Christ's sake,
what's the point?
The point is Eagleton.
Remember, Jack? I must have known
you, what, two days then?
We hear that McGovern had chosen
a vice president who...
had electric shock therapy.
And I consider the possibility that we
might lose to that fuckbrain Nixon.
Before that, I was absolutely
convinced we would win.
Can you imagine, Henry?
We were so fucking young.
And this one, he
takes me out.
We go to an outdoor Cuban joint.
Remember, Jack?
My head's in my hands. I mean,
life has ended.
I say, "They did it! The CIA."
I couldn't believe that Tom Eagleton
would really be a nutcase.
They had to have take him and
made him crazy.
It couldn't be that McGovern
was a complete amateur!
I said to Jack: "We got to get
same capability as the CIA."
Remember, Jack? "We have
to do dirt, too."
And you said, "No. Our job is
to end all that."
"Our job is to make it clean.
Because if it's clean, we win."
"Because our ideas are better."
You remember this, Jack?
That was a long time ago.
Libby, you said it yourself.
We were young. We didn't know
how the world worked.
Now we know.
If we don't move on this Picker
situation, two things will happen.
First. We're dead.
Everything we've worked for since
Miami 25 years ago dies, and fast.
The second thing that happens is
someday, soon when they're sick of...
Picker's quiet, righteous act
some intrepid journalist...
will stumble onto this.
And if he doesn't, the Republicans
will lead him to it next fall.
It will be like Eagleton, only it'll be
our fault this time...
for letting it happen.
Your fault, Libby.
Honey, you may be right.
All of it may be right.
But we can't do it because it ain't
who we're supposed to be.
We could leak part of it...
the Clearwater.
The Republicans know that.
And they won't get the rest soon?
You think Reyes will...
only tell this story once?
I'm sorry, Libby. There's
no discussion.
You're right, none.
Henry and I decided.
This dies here.
I don't think so.
I'm sorry, sweetheart,
but it does.
And here's why.
Know what this is? Test results
on Jack's blood and Uncle...
Charlie's blood taken
over the years.
And this is the report Jack gave
me that proves he...
didn't father Loretta's baby.
And you know what, Jack?
It's not your blood.
Isn't that a riot?
The blood Dr. Beauregard took
wasn't from you...
it was from Uncle Charlie.
You sent him in your place
because Dr. Beauregard loves...
you and wants to "teach those
Yankees a lesson."
He doesn't love you enough
to lose his license.
Once he knows I have proof,
he'll fold.
That won't prove you're the
father of Loretta's baby.
In fact, I think you're not.
But it proves you thought
you might be.
And that proves you fucked her. And
that will kill your chances.
You would do that? You would
end his political career?
You see, Jack?
She hasn't even heard.
She isn't even upset that you fucked
your 17-year-old babysitter.
And you know why? It's never the
cheat who goes to hell.
It's always the one who
he cheated on.
That's why you still talk in that
tender voice about...
being in it for the folks and...
Susan can only talk in that voice from
hell about your political career.
Now what kind of shit is that, Jack!
Oh, excuse me. I forgot.
It's the same old shit The shit no
one ever calls you on, ever..
Because you are so completely
fucking special!
Because everyone was always
so proud of you.
Me, too. Me, the worst.
It's just makes it a lot easier
for me. I mean,...
it's totally depressing.
What have I been doing this for my
whole, pathetic, fucking life?!
So, here's the deal. If you move on
Freddy Picker, who I think we...
all agree is a flawed, but decent
man, I move on you.
I will destroy this village
in order to save it.
Tomorrow we...
Is that for me?
No, darling.
Where are we?
Coming up to my beautiful
condo by the river.
You want to come in for some
coffee? Booze? Diet Coke?
No, darling.
Deliver this for me, will you?
I'm not going to use it.
You're giving them the
blood test info?
Why not? Picker will go down
anyway. We can't save him.
The point of this was to see if they'd
turn him in, and they will.
They didn't even fucking hesitate.
So that's that.
Let them swing, Libby, Let
them sweat a little.
Oh, honey.
You see that moon?
That's me. It's beautiful, huh?
But Henry...
it's only reflected light.
It needs the sun.
The Stanton are my sun.
I lived my life drawing light
and warmth from them.
Without them, I'm bleak
and cold...
and airless for eternity.
You be careful, Henry.
You have something of
an atmosphere.
Just find yourself a life, Okay?
Go home now.
Try to get some sleep.
Can you find your way
from here?
Oh, sure.
From here? There are only two
ways you can go from here.
Bye, sweetie.
God, no, no.
No, she's a very close friend of
mine. Let me through.
A lot of us grew up with
Libby Holden.
She was our friend,
our big sister...
she bullied us, she
drove us crazy.
And, she remembered
everything about us.
Everything that we hoped to be,
everything we wanted the world to be.
All those young promises made, Libby
remembered in the original wording.
Before she died, she
wrote me a note.
It said:
"I am so fucking disappointed
in you."
"Shape up."
I am so sorry that I
disappointed her.
I am so sorry that I can't
look at her and say...
that I will promise to
do better.
She lent us her courage
and her warmth...
and her madness.
She had the most
amazing heart.
Long trip.
No press that I can see.
Not yet.
Follow me Governor.
This is only copy left.
It might help you know what
someone else may find.
I shouldn't have looked for it.
I'm sorry.
Fucking cocaine.
I was really so successful
in everything I did...
business, politics.
I could handle anything...
except cocaine.
But I didn't know that
because of cocaine.
That's what fucked up my
marriage, not anything else.
I did go to bed with Lorenzo
once or twice.
It was a coke thing. I could do
anything, so I did that, too.
I'm seeing a really
nice woman now.
I suppose I have to tell her.
Hell of a price to pay,
isn't it?
Well, maybe no one
will find out.
Well, you did... in a day.
I should never have said yes
to Mrs. Harris, but...
I thought I'd give it a week,
and it just took off.
Once I did that blood thing...
It was great politics.
Yeah, amazing, wasn't it?
Jack, thank you for coming here.
The honorable way you're...
I was wrong to stay in. I just hope
when I quit, they won't hit it as hard.
And my boys...
I don't want them to
know about Lorenzo.
But probably the bottom line is
I'm going to be a national joke.
And I'll have to explain it to
my boys, either way.
Because no matter
what I do...
the press will find out
the rest, won't they?
If they think it will sell one
newspaper, yes.
Oh, my God.
If there's anything I can do, anything
to make it a little better...
I can still hear the soft
summer wind...
In the live oak trees
And those Williams boys...
They still mean a lot to me
Hank e Tennessee.
I guess we're all gonna be.
So what do you with good
ol'boys like me?
I love that song... the line about
the Williams boys.
It's never just Hank. The picture's
not complete without Tennessee.
Governor, I'm resigning from
the campaign.
I don't accept your resignation.
I don't feel comfortable
about this anymore.
-About what?
This line of work.
I spoke to Richard. He's
back on board.
I'm putting him in charge...
campaign manager.
I'm bringing Daisy back, too.
-That's not what this is about.
-Then what is it?
Her test. You flunked it.
But just now I passed it. So
which grade do I get, Henry?
If she hadn't died...
Then I'd have leaked the file
and felt bad about it.
But I'd have been
wrong not to.
What I did now, I did for Libby.
But it wasn't right.
If Picker hadn't quit, he'd have
taken the party down with...
him. Just a matter of when.
And how. And who took
him down.
Those are fine points,
They're "how many angels fit
on the head of a pin points."
This is hardball. Do you mean you just
realized that and can't handle it?
I know you better
than that.
This is it, Henry. This is the
price you pay to lead.
You don't think Lincoln was a
whore before he was president?
He had to tell his stories and
smile his back-country grin.
He did that so one day
he'd have the opportunity...
to stand before the nation and
appeal to our better nature..
That's where the bullshit stops.
That's what it's all about.
Making the most of it,
doing it the right way.
You know that there are plenty
of people in this game...
who don't think that way.
They'll sell their souls lie
to people, divide them,...
play on their fears,
for nothing.
Just for the prize.
I don't care.
I'm sorry, but I'm not
comparing the players.
I don't like the game.
I want to work for something
small, like voter registration.
And after that, who do
they vote for?
Who can do this
better than me?
Is there anyone else who can win
this election... who'd do more...
for people than I would? Who'd
think about the folks I care about?
Oh, shit!
They're here so quick?
That driver. I knew it.
Okay. We'll go talk to them
together. Come on.
Don't shake your head, Henry. We
worked so hard together to get here.
It's there for us now.
We can do incredible things. We
can change this whole country.
I'm going to win this. And when I do,
we're going to make history.
Look at me and tell me it's
not going to happen.
Look at me and tell me you
don't want to be part of it.
Jesus, Henry!
You want me to beg? I can't do it
without you. Don't leave me now.
You're still with me, aren't you?
Say you are. Say it.
come on, Henry! This is ridiculous.
You have to be with me!
Now don't break
our hearts.
Mazel tov, Mr. President.
Mr. President.