Primary (2014)

(liquid pouring)
- [Voiceover] Right and wrong.
You hear lots of
talk about it but
that talk usually
stays on the surface.
(alarm goes off)
Truth is, right and
wrong is everywhere.
In the air, on your
neighbors face,
under your skin.
And when it gets deeper,
you might hear about
values, ethics,
or moral responsibility.
Looking back now, I might
explain the world differently.
- That's point, me.
- Drop shots were tough today.
- There's a rumor
I've been working on
those in my spare time.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Hey, is that Mitchell?
- [Mitchell] Ken,
how you doing?
- Good, buddy.
Oh, there's Nicholas too.
- Hey Ken, back in town?
- Yeah, just for a week.
- How's the
reinsurance business?
I heard you guys
are cleaning up.
- Yeah, offshore is,
but us, not so much.
- Right, that's what I heard.
- I'll tell you what I
heard, that the claim's
super job is up for grabs.
Someone is going to be
a lock for CEO one day.
And the other guy will be
in line stuck behind him.
That's what we're
talking about, right?
- Whatever you say, Ken.
- [Ken] Now Mitchy here
is cockier than ever,
I'd probably put
my money on him.
- Well, working the roof
has been paying off so far.
- As has dating the
boss's daughter.
- [Ken] Still dating Sara, huh?
I figured ol' Mitchy would
have hit that by now.
All you got to do is
slip a ring on her finger
and it won't matter if you
get the promotion or not.
You're set for life.
Right, guys?
- Think your drink's getting
warm over there, Ken?
Too bad the Forbes List
doesn't have a bottom 500.
Ken would be famous.
- [Nicholas] He did
have a point, though.
You have been awfully
confident considering
what's at stake here.
- I just expect the
best man to win.
(phone ringing)
- [Insurance Man] Hello?
- [Nicholas] I'm calling
from Jasper head office
I have one of your claims,
a house fire, Switzer,
I see you made an estimate
but didn't sign the offers.
- [Insurance Man] Switzer,
yeah, that's because
I didn't make one.
I submitted my estimate,
then the examiner took over
and dealt with the
client himself.
- Mitchell Getz made
the first offer?
- [Insurance Man] He's done
that with me
a few times, and he
closes himself.
Who is this again?
- Great, then I'll go
ahead and file it, thanks.
(phone ringing)
- [Mrs. Switzer] Hello?
- Hello, Mrs. Switzer?
- [Mrs. Switzer] Yes?
- Mrs. Switzer, my name
is John,
I'm calling from Trinity
Hopkins Mutual, we're an
insurance company,
I'm calling...
- [Mrs. Switzer] We
have a carrier,
Jasper Insurance.
- I see.
May I ask if you're
satisfied with your service?
Have you ever needed
to make a claim?
- [Mrs. Switzer] Well yes,
we had a terrible fire,
but our claim was denied.
- I see, I'm sorry to hear that.
Can you tell me why
you were not covered?
- [Mrs. Switzer] Because
we'd said we were non smokers
on our policy, the man
said he had to deny it.
- He did?
- [Mrs. Switzer] Yes,
my husband, just
started smoking again.
He feels sick about it.
We lost our house and
now have nowhere to go.
- That's, that's unfortunate.
Did you question this man about
the non smoking exemption?
- [Mrs. Switzer]
I didn't know that I could.
He spoke very quickly
and I wasn't really able
to follow at all.
Are you still there?
- I'm afraid I have
to take another call.
Thank you for your
time, Mrs. Switzer.
- Hey pal, you not
playing tonight?
- No, not tonight.
- Tsk tsk tsk, you work
too hard Nick, too hard.
- [Mitchell] Karl,
want to play some ball?
Oh c'mon, I bet you
were quite
the slugger back in the
- I wasn't too
bad when I hit the ball.
- I got a bat for
- I'll be the
umpire, you're out.
- We have lots to talk about.
- We'll talk about
that promotion.
- Is that right? Yes, OK.
(phone ringing)
- [Mrs. Switzer] Hello?
- Mrs. Switzer,
it's John again
from Trinity Hopkins Mutual.
Mrs. Switzer, you
are legally entitled
to a new home and to have all
of your possessions replaced.
Now you need to call the VP
of claims at Jasper Insurance,
OK, and tell him
that you are aware
that the negotiation
was illegal, OK?
Oh, thanks man.
- Good Job.
- Thanks.
- Hey Mister Corner Office.
- Hey, I thought you had class.
- Tina's going skiing
this afternoon.
I decided to go with.
Came to get Dad's Rover.
We might stay up
there til Friday.
- Don't you have more classes?
- What did Mitchell do?
Looks like he's catching shit.
- I don't know.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Henry's on his shell again.
Claim super?
- Renewed my insurance today,
figured I'd go for some
personalized plates.
- OK.
- You like it? No?
- It's OK.
Congratulations again.
- Thank you, dear.
So, since the promotion,
I've been thinking
about everything and
the timing felt right.
- Um...
- Um, maybe I
should ask properly?
- No...
- No, don't ask, or...
- It's just a surprise.
I mean, we're not even
living together yet.
- Yeah, so you just figure
maybe you need more time?
- My trips coming up, so there'd
be some time there I guess.
- Sure, sure.
- It has only been a
year for us, right?
- You're right, absolutely.
- I have some news.
I, uh, I've decided to
make my major my minor.
- What?
- Yeah, English minor,
visual arts major.
- Visual arts, huh?
But your minor is
still business, right?
I mean you can change your
major every second week,
but you keep your
business minor.
- Not anymore.
I'm changing it up.
- Sara, how many
credits is that?
- The point is I hate business.
- No, the point is
doubling your inheritance.
Aren't a few courses
worth getting through
just for that?
- No, it's not worth the grief.
And as you know, I've never
agreed with my fucking father
on that, anyway.
- He earned his money and he
wants it managed responsibly.
Not such a bad guy,
when you think about it.
Most fathers would not spring
for a beach tour of Thailand
on Christmas.
- So now I'm a spoiled brat?
- No, but you can't take
everything so lightly, Sara.
I mean, you're squandering
an opportunity.
- You mean money.
- I mean there's more to life
than just drifting sideways.
Visual arts...,
if you want to achieve
something, don't you
have to do
what you're good at?
- Whether I'm good or
bad is not the point.
And there's more to
life than being on some
pre-programed mission.
- [Nicholas] I got this
promotion because I work hard.
- [Karl] Nicholas,
come in, have a seat.
How's the transition?
Settling in?
- So far so good.
- Good, good.
Nicholas, we've recently
been forced to renegotiate
a number of claims and settle
above the original estimates.
Turns out Mitchell Getz
has been using
overtly illegal
negotiating practices.
- That's very unfortunate,
but good that we
got it straightened out.
- But it is troubling.
You see, the claimant that
brought it to our attention
was supposedly alerted
by Trinity Hopkins.
Yesterday I learned that they
ceased their telemarketing
campaign three months ago.
- They ceased it.
- Seems Mitchell wanted
to pat his numbers,
but he wasn't the only front
runner for the super promotion.
Did you have any
involvement with that
claimant being contacted?
- No.
- Alright.
We do intend to determine
the origin of that call,
so I'm asking a few people to
submit their phone records,
home and cell, I assume
you have no objections?
- No.
- We'll need your
current statements,
and the next batch
when they come in.
- Of course.
- And all of this stays within
the senior management circle
for now, understood?
- Well, seeing as how I am
now a part of that circle,
I wonder if maybe it would
best to just let it ride
as what was wrong has
now been made right
with the client?
- Another view is that
Mitchell's actions were aimed
at saving this company money.
The same can't be said for
whomever made that phone call,
can it?
- Right.
- Let's go.
For a guy who got the prize,
you're looking pretty down.
- Sara and I had a thing.
- I heard you guys
were on the outs.
- No, we're not on the outs.
Just taking some space.
- Can I get another one, please?
- For someone who
lost the prize,
you're looking pretty up.
- Well, you know how it goes.
Life goes on.
- Is Sara going?
- Going where?
- Tonight, to the party thing.
- How should I know?
- You invited them?
- I told Tina about it.
Sara might show up, I guess.
- You guess?
That'd beat getting the
promotion, wouldn't it,
getting her?
Just crank up your charm shit
and even Sara can't resist?
- My charm shit?
- Didn't you once tell me
that everything I have
could be yours?
Said it'd be dictated by
circumstance and legitimized
by the laws of manhood.
You were loaded.
- Well, that would
explain it, wouldn't it?
Why don't you just worry
about you and Sara?
- Yeah, you're right.
Think I'll go too.
- You're going to come, tonight?
Sounds good to me.
- [Man] So how long
have you known Mitchell?
- [Nicholas] We went to
high school together.
- [Man] So you guys
are good friends?
- [Nicholas] Must be.
- We've been having these nights
first Friday of the month.
Shitty neighborhood, and that
makes for some soft targets.
- [Mitchell] New guy's
a fucking dick.
Alright, we need some waters.
Some waters, waters.
You want to grab us a couple?
Now fair warning, alright?
Everybody in here is going
to drop so if you don't, man,
you're going to be on
a different planet.
- Do you have just a half
a dose, or something?
- What is this, the office?
You know, maybe you'd
feel more comfortable
in a foreign environment if you
had more of that charm shit.
- Do you have half
a dose or not?
- That's what I
figured you'd say.
Here, these are half
doses of something mild.
Take both.
- What are you doing here?
- How was your exams?
- They were OK.
- You guys look foggy.
- Yeah, but it feels great.
I have some here
for you girls, too.
- You took some, too?
Mr. Getz, you're
a bad influence.
- What?
- So then what happens?
Woo over all the babes?
- No, I'm reformed.
- You're reformed, are you?
- Yes, yes, it's sad but true.
And this place is all
about having fun, OK?
So here, take these,
you're going to love it.
- Maybe another time,
we're going to go.
- What? You just got here.
- I'm flying out Sunday,
so I want to take it easy.
- Where you going?
- Thailand for semester break.
- You're going to Thailand?
That's awesome.
- Hey, good.
- Thanks.
We'll see you guys later.
- Yeah, yeah OK, bye.
- Can you stand?
- There's no buzzer downstairs.
I'm looking for
someone named Andrea.
- Andrea, visitor.
- Thanks.
- Yo, man, I'm Jesse.
- Hey.
The cab company gave
me your address.
I think you helped
me out last night.
- What, you don't
remember anything?
- No, it's all pretty
much a blur, but, I think
you used your own money
to pay for the cab,
right, and tipped the driver
to see me up to my suite?
- Because your wallet was empty.
- It wasn't that much.
- You should probably
just take it.
- Alright.
- Just, about last night,
did you see anything?
- Jesse, there's no
smoking in the hallways,
you're going to get
us all kicked out.
- I can wait, can you come
in for a second or something?
This way.
Yeah, just go over there.
All I know is that I found you
and you didn't call
the cops because
you were really stoned.
Not that you would
have got
much response in this
neighborhood, anyway.
- And you didn't
see anybody else?
- No, what were you doing there?
- I was just at a party and
must've wandered outside.
Thanks for doing that, again,
you really didn't have too.
- Didn't I?
- I work downstairs.
You actually seem half
decent, what's your deal?
Addictions, criminal record?
- Uh, I'm engaged.
- You people and
your ceremonies.
- Hey, Nicholas Green.
No, Brown, right?
- Gray.
- Nicholas Gray.
Harry Price, your old
neighbor from Christopher St.
- Oh, Christopher St,
yeah, I remember you.
- You look the same.
What to say, huh?
Hey, you remember those bullies
that used to follow you home?
- The Cult brothers, yeah.
- So what happened?
They track you down?
- No, man, I think you
straightened them out for good.
- On that note, you
owe me a coffee.
Looks like you
could use one, too.
Don't worry about your face,
where we're going
it plays ironic.
And this friend of yours,
why didn't he have
your back last night?
- I don't know.
- C'mon, sure you do.
- Well, with Mitchell and I,
it's kind of always been
less about actual friendship
and more just about
pushing each other to be
better and something like that.
- Thank you, Monique.
-You're welcome.
-An insurance.
What's the next rung on the
corporate ladder for you?
- Thanks.
After claim super,
it's claims VP, then CEO.
- Wow, and still so young.
The classic overachiever.
I'll be sure to call you
with all my insurance needs.
- So what about you,
Harry, what do you do?
- I volunteer at the library.
I get along well with the books.
- You know, I remember I
used to watch you reading
all the time.
- You used to watch me read?
- Yeah, through that fence
that your dad put out.
Always by yourself.
In fact, except for the
day with the bullies,
I don't think I ever
saw you leave the yard.
- You know, I'd gotten shit
for saving your ass that day.
You know, my dad was
always against interfering
with the natural
state of the world.
But I used to watch you, too.
You know, you interacting
with your parents.
You were younger so I would
imagine having those same
interactions with my parents.
Used to close my eyes, try to
burn those images into my mind
trying to create memories.
But that we can't do, can we?
- I always wondered
what happened to you.
After that, I mean...
- Yeah, my dad was a
philosophy professor.
And he kept getting fired
for taking radical positions,
so we moved around a lot.
Probably a genius,
manic depressive.
It was sink or swim.
Formal ideas were everything.
He wanted people not
to live in half truths.
- And one day you guys
just weren't there.
- Yeah, well, when I was
15 he boarded me out there
to a school for the
gifted children.
And they turned out to be
some of the dumbest fucks
I ever met in my life,
so I didn't go back,
but I didn't go home either.
I swam.
He was never really
an emotional father,
he was extremely rational.
As for you, you know, you said
something very interesting.
You said every man
for himself, but yet,
you tracked down
Andrea to repay her.
You got a lot more
going on on that face
than that black eye of yours.
- Life's complicated, isn't it?
- Nope.
- Whoa, what happened to you?
- Blacked out on Friday.
Ended up in an alleyway.
Got mugged.
- I thought you went home.
- I tracked down Richard, and
he said the pills you gave me
with the X's on it were way
stronger than what you had.
Something like three
or four times the dose.
- Really?
That dealer was messing with me.
- Or maybe with Sara coming,
the more stoned I was,
the better for you.
- You know, if you needed
your hand held,
you shouldn't of come.
- [Harry] What is it
your turtles are doing?
- [Nicholas] Oh, trying
to flip Henry over.
They say it's some kind
of natural phenomenon.
- So does this place reflect
your girlfriend or you?
- Sara helped decorate,
but she doesn't live here.
- It's nice.
Rent or own?
- Own, I got an inheritance, so.
- Your parents
passed away early.
But you don't have to feel
self conscious around me.
I understand the trappings
of comfort, I really do,
and by the way, I appreciate
getting this back, thank you.
- So you really never
tried alcohol before?
Never gave into the peer
pressure or anything?
- Never had any peers.
- I got to say, Harry, you're
a pretty interesting guy.
- Thank you.
- How'd you end up...
Seems like you could've...
- Why am I so poor?
I'd say it's because I'm not
a liar, but that would be a
semantic discussion, and
that's not really why I'm here,
is it?
- You said something yesterday
about losing yourself.
Fact is, I'm going to be fired.
Everything that I've ever
worked for my whole life
is about to turn to vapor and
I'm going to be radioactive
in the only industry I know.
And on top of that,
I proposed to Sara...
- [Harry] But she said no.
- She said I'm too
focused on work.
To closed off,
she wanted some space.
All this stuff,
it starts to overwhelm you.
- And why is it
you're getting fired?
- Mitchell did
something unethical,
I fixed it anonymously,
and now Karl suspects a
whistleblower and he's reacting
very hard.
When he finds out what I did,
Mitchell's going to get
my job.
He's going to get everything.
- And what does
Sara think about it?
- She doesn't know, nobody does.
She is the one thing I
wish I could hang on to,
I just, I don't know how.
- Morality.
- What?
- Perhaps what you and
Sara are wrestling with,
opening up, understanding
the world is an exercise
in higher morality.
The gift that woman have,
a tendency toward
compassion, nurturing.
You being closed off
like Sara described you
could be unattractive to
her sense of morality.
- I guess that's one
way to look at it.
- The point is, once you take
a good look at the world,
you start seeing the
good and evil in things.
It'll expand your
outlook real fast.
And then Sara won't
see a guy with his head
in the sand anymore.
Assuming you're willing
to fight to keep her.
- I'm willing.
Can one live in this society
and not exploit anyone
or appropriate anything?
(Opera Music )
- [Harry] Are you a
religious man, Nick?
Bad people go to hell?
- [Nick] Not really, no.
- But I'll assume you act in
a civilized manner because
it's good for society.
And what's good for
society is good for you.
So you're a philosopher,
but the question is
have you read any?
Take Immanuel Kant, his
whole take on morality is that
you should only do the
actions that maximize
the greater good.
Every action, all the time.
Capitalism says that if you
work hard, you'll live well.
Runaway capitalism is
saying something else.
You know I was in Bolivia
when the world bank privatized
the water supply of the people?
I saw it.
I would've been in Tiananmen
Square if they'd let me.
And Nigeria in '62
if I'd been born yet.
Doesn't matter how hard you
work, the system's rigged.
But we're all connected
like dominoes.
Each choice you make ripples
out and affects someone
down the line.
Life is busy.
It's a fog of
misinformation out there.
But at their core,
I do think people care.
How about you,
Nicholas, do you care?
- Oh shit, dude.
- Bathroom break.
- Yo man, how you
liking this housing?
- It's alright.
- Yeah man, they're great.
I know it's you, because like,
I lived in, like, 10 places
before this, they were bad.
I mean most of them were
like foster homes and shit,
like this one, right?
There's this guy who he's
like making like, you know,
like advances on me, right.
Like, no man, I don't want it.
I got beat up and
punched too, man.
There's this bigger guy and
he like stuck me, man.
Like right on my side, man,
it was bad.
My mom's is probably my
favorite, still, though.
I was good, man.
I was real good, like when I
was just a little kid you know?
- Hey, Jesse.
I've been thinking
about your rent problem,
and I don't know,
maybe I could help you out
with a loan just for this month,
until things pick up
for you again?
- That, like that
would be awe...
That would be amazing, man.
You know, I knew you were
a good guy, like right off.
I could tell.
- Cool.
- Oh my god.
- You should've seen me before.
This is really nice.
- It's nice to be back.
I had a good chance to reflect.
- Yeah, yeah I've been
doing a lot of that, too.
Starting too, you know,
really see things clearly.
I've been taking a really
good look at the world.
- Well it's beautiful
out there, Nick.
- Yeah.
Though the more
you understand it,
the more black
and white it gets.
Start to see who's
getting screwed,
who's responsible,
who needs to be
knocked down a peg.
- You said you'd
been reflecting.
I'm just wondering
if you really changed
or just got a changed direction.
- You know, I really
do care about you.
- Nicholas,
what do we really
have in common?
Other than my father
is the main shareholder
of the company you
want to run one day?
I'm sorry for that
night at the party.
I should've looked out for you.
- If you're moving beyond her,
maybe you should
just let her go.
I heard you offered
to help Jesse.
Very cool, especially...
There's no doubt that poor
kid has been kicked around
his whole short shitty life.
you drove here tonight, right?
- Where we going, exactly?
- Who is this guy?
- He's cool, Chelsea.
Thought I already told you that.
- Hey, Harry.
- We're going in, Nick.
I don't expect you to come.
- You're breaking in, why?
- It's the right thing to do.
- Check this shit out.
- [Nick] No, what about
an alarm, or the cops?
- We got it covered, Nick.
Just keep your eyes peeled.
- No, no, no, go back.
- [Man] Hey, you work here?
- In situations like this, Nick,
we run.
- What the fuck?
- We had the safe combo, too.
What can I say,
I meet a lot of people whose
employers are pricks.
15% goes to charity,
that makes each cut 17%.
And you no longer have
to front Jesse's rent.
We take what we need and
we distribute the rest.
- All of this is
to avoid a loan?
- C'mon Nick, Jesse was
never going to pay you back.
Besides, we had this
already planned,
we just moved up the date.
- So I assume then, you
don't really volunteer
at the library.
- I do volunteer, actually,
and I never lie Nick, ever.
Look, you've been
doing the math.
The rules have always
been made by the ones
who have the most
to lose, right?
- Andrea seems
like a good person.
- You know, Nick, you
once asked me why I hadn't
made more of myself.
You've been out there
competing one way,
but there are a lot of ways.
Ways that are more connected
to the essence of life.
Men like you, you shape society.
Winners, leaders, alphas,
the question is profound,
yet one that each man
has to face alone.
Is one morally obligated
to affect change?
You know Nick, if you took
all the fire inside of you and
you put it into this, life
might start to feel more real.
You can be better than them all.
- [Karl] Claimed
denied straightforward.
There's nothing we can do here.
If he sues, bring it back to me.
You'll let me know when your
remaining phone records arrive?
We've collected the others.
- [Mitchell] Just the
man I wanted to see.
I've got two tickets
for tonight, you coming?
- I'm taking my vacation time.
- Alright, shh.
- Hey, where's Chelsea tonight?
- Chelsea's not a
team player, Nick.
- What about Barry, is
he like a, is he alright?
- Barry's got certain talents.
- Is that what he's
supposed to be doing?
- Aw, fuck.
- How'd you get in here?
- Where are the rides?
- What?
- The candy.
- C'mon.
C'mon, Jesse, let's go.
Hey, you know they
pay those poor fucks
24 cents and hour to
make 200 dollar shoes?
- Hey, Barry, where'd you learn
to hit the guard like that?
- In Korea.
I've been ball-peened
before, too, though.
But it was more
- If I stayed one more
night, I'd feel better.
- Ah, no, I'm sorry, you've got
to go to the shelter now OK?
You know where it is.
No booze.
- [Harry] Hey, hoodies.
- [Nicholas] So, Andrea,
how do you like living
in those lofts?
- We share a bathroom.
I'd move in a second.
- But, they don't pay
you enough to move?
- I might not have much
of a choice, anyway.
They're talking about knocking
the building down soon.
- Then what?
- Then, I guess I would have
to sell some of my pieces.
People have offered
to buy them before.
I just have a little bit
of a problem letting go.
- Well, I could, you
know, help you out.
- How would I repay
you, that's not...
- No, you just call it a gift.
I owe you anyway, right?
- That's a really lovely
offer, Nicholas, thank you,
but I'd manage on my own and
this dinner is absolutely
plenty, so, I don't
really know what you think
you owe me anyway.
- So your only reward, then,
is just knowing that you help
us down and out times.
- No, I don't know.
I would rather not do it
all, it just seems to pop up
in my face and then I just
have to, just what it is.
Why does this feel like a date?
What about your fianc?
- Yeah, that's, that's over.
I do need a date on Sunday, too.
Guy from work is
getting married.
Oh, we're right over here.
Ah, do you want some
wine, red, white?
- Uh, either wine,
white, red, red.
- OK.
- Is the buffet free?
- Yes it is.
- Hi.
- Can I just get two
red wines, please?
- [Mitchell] Just the
man I want to see.
I got an interesting
email yesterday.
Want to know what it said?
- Not really.
- Well, it said ask
Nicholas what he knows about
your claimant's renegotiations.
- And who would that be from?
- Anonymous. Strange. huh?
And one of my adjustors
remembers someone calling him
poking around in one
my settlements, too.
So you want to
know what I think?
I think you stole
yourself a promotion.
- Thanks.
- I don't really give
a shit what you think
because you work
under me now, OK.
- Nicholas doesn't
care about work.
And then you show up here
with some dirty chick.
I'm worried that you're having
some psychological problems.
- Andrea has got
more going on for her
than you ever will, Mitchell.
Lose sleep over that.
- Well, this is nice, huh.
- So Nicholas,
where'd you two meet?
- [Harry] A thrift shop?
- Actually, I was doing
a runway and Nicholas
was in the front row
waving a paper fan.
- Andrea's an artist,
actually, and she's quite good.
A lot of people want
to buy her stuff.
- I work at a metal shop mostly.
- I guess you're right Nick,
she does have a lot
going for her.
- Pardon?
- We can, we can cut
this short if you'd like.
- Excuse me, hi, sorry, can
I get a doggy bag please?
And also, if you could
just go around and wrap up
any other food you're going to
throw out tonight, thank you.
- Is that for your dog?
Or yourself, or both?
- What's this guy's deal?
If you have something
to say, mister,
you just go right
ahead and say it.
- OK, you're way
out of your league.
Looks, style, obviously
social graces.
- You mean the kind of
social graces that include
insulting strangers.
- You know, you two have
made this nice reception
just that much worse.
Some self awareness
can go a long way.
- [Andrea] Not really all
that hard to figure out
yourself, are you?
Sort of a cult of personality.
Always subtly but constantly
manipulating people
into revering you, and
underneath all that shiny,
it's really just a mess
of ego and insecurity.
A womanizer who probably
needs constant reassurance
in the bedroom.
- Well you'll never
find that out, so.
- Unless I rejected you
at first, and then you'd
pursue me to exhaustion.
- And in the end be rejected
by the noble servant girl
as the townsfolk cheered.
- No, you're hot, the
problem would be getting
rid of you afterwards.
That is what's so bizarre
about guys like you.
You have been given every
advantage and still manage
to turn out just being a
completely boring cliche.
Rockstar who checks into rehab.
See, the thing about us
ugly dumb poor people
is that maybe we have
excuses for being miserable
nasty human beings whereas
you are just a failure.
- Why don't you
go fuck yourself?
- Wouldn't be the first time.
- This has been interesting.
- Interesting. Bye.
Self portrait.
- It's nice.
- You look uncomfortable.
- No, actually I feel
better than
I have in a long time.
- Why do you hang
out with Harry?
- You really don't
like him, huh?
He mentioned that you
guys used to go out.
- We didn't go out,
we slept together,
and then I got to know him.
He's a criminal, you know.
- Harry?
- You should probably know
right now that I don't hang out
with criminals, period.
- I'm thirsty, want some water?
- You have to go all
the way
down the hall into the bathroom
for water.
But I have oranges, if you
want to make orange juice.
- Yeah, sure.
- You know, I've known
Mitchell a long time,
but I've never seen him get
what you gave him last night.
- What is your great
attraction to guys like that?
- Who?
- Like Harry and Mitchell.
- What, they're polar opposites.
- Seem like the same guy to me.
- [Man] Why don't you
get a fucking job?
- Leave me alone.
- He said fuck you.
- Tax money fucking pays
for you, you piece of shit.
You got to pay
your fucking dues.
- Fuck it man, let's go.
- Hey, you'd do the same
fucking thing to me.
- What the fuck?
- I don't care about Mitchell,
or Sara, or the office.
I've moved on.
I just want to keep going in
the direction that feels real.
- That's what I'd like
to see from you, too.
Well you know, I
think the true test
is to imagine
yourself in trouble.
Who do you turn to?
You were almost family
with those people.
So the ties might run deeper
for you than you think.
You may be on a moral path,
Nick, but, as Kant says,
"Moral persons also
duty to themselves."
You know, you can take
back your self respect.
You have a choice to live
up here or live down here
with the Mitchells and
the Saras and the Karls.
You can punish the industry
that profits on fear,
that sells back the comfort, a
commodity it doesn't even own
or score from Jasper, that
can make a real difference
at the cause.
- [Karl] Same can't be said for
whomever made that phone call,
can it?
- If we kept it,
maybe around 40 grand,
it wouldn't attract attention.
- Tell me more.
- Claims super committee
have laid policies,
I can't start one from scratch,
but I can change the name
on an existing policy
and push that through
from the inside.
Property claims would
probably be best.
You can get a fake ID?
- What's all this?
- This is my life
insurance policy
and I figured that
Sara shouldn't be
named the beneficiary
so I, um, I changed it to you.
With any luck, I'll get hit
by a bus and
can just move to Saint Martin.
- That's very weird.
- I know, but it's a job
perk and it's prepaid
for five years, I
have to name someone.
You deserve a financial
break far more than she does.
- That's a million dollars.
- Pink goes to the beneficiary.
- OK, here's to your health.
- Are you Nicholas Gray?
Mr. Jasper would like to
see you in his office.
- [Karl] Nicholas, come in.
A file in our system
was recently altered
using this name.
This person doesn't exist.
Nick, at the end of the
day, a man is his work.
Now that might sound
old school to you,
but certain notions
are timeless.
Winners know this.
Losers allow weakness in.
- Who's this from?
- [Sara] Maybe someone trying
to save you from yourself.
- This was sent to you?
- Whatever you're mixed
up in, how dare you
drag my family into it?
How did you get so corrupt?
Are you out of your mind?
- You don't know
what corrupt is.
- [Harry] Are you saying
that Andrea overheard us?
You know, Nicholas,
now you're free.
Alarm's on the right
hand side, 0126.
I dropped the fucking key,
we're going
to need it to get back out, find
something to prop open the door.
You know this industry sucks.
You tell me they
don't deserve more.
Seal it up.
- [Harry] I thought
you had it.
- What?
- [Harry] I thought you had it.
- I thought you had it.
- [Harry] Shit, check
for windows or something.
- Fuck.
There's nothing, I'm stuck.
- [Harry] I don't
know what to do.
- Go.
- Sure?
- Run.
- Hey, how you doing?
You know, I had to tell them I
was family to get visitation?
Did you answer any questions?
- No.
- Did you see a lawyer?
- Duty counsel, and
they handle it at first,
and then I have
to find a lawyer.
- Do you want me to
face this with you?
- No, it wouldn't help us.
- Admirable.
You feel sorry for what you did?
- No.
- No, because you weren't
wrong and they can't
take that away from you.
They're going to try to
take other things, fines,
restitution for the damage,
they got the upper hand
right now, but the
fight's not over.
You just remember what I
told you about my friend.
When he got arrested, about
him hiding his assets.
He transferred them
out of his name.
The condo, the car,
investments, everything.
You can do that.
If you're in the right,
why should you have to pay
When you have nothing,
you get legal aid for free.
Look, everything you need
is right here, alright?
You can request
your bail hearing.
We put over 48 hours, that
will give me enough time
to transfer everything.
Unless, of course, there's
someone else you want to name
power of attorney.
Or they win Nick, you lose.
(Opera Music )
- It's Nicholas.
I'm heading out of town now.
- [Cop] Detectives,
we found the kitchen
knife in the trees.
- Thanks.
- You got it open?
- Yeah.
- What do you got?
Yup, that's the victim's car.
- Nothing inside,
insurance up to date.
Only thing I noticed was
an ownership transfer
about a year and a
half ago for a dollar.
- [Marsh] We'll, follow
up on it. Good Job.
- How are you, Nicholas?
- Has bail been posted?
- Still nothing.
Are you certain your friend
was going to post for you?
- [Judge] Mr. Gray, you
have demonstrated absolutely
no remorse for your actions.
In fact, you stand by them .
Society cannot tolerate
your brand of radicalism.
- What the fuck?
- [Judge] Do you know
what's good for society?
You sir, shall be incarcerated
for a period of 18 months.
A stand alone restitution
order in favor of
Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
shall be entered
into the record.
- When I first saw
you, for a
second I thought you were
coming for me.
What good would that do, right?
Look, here's the deal.
You need help, I'm going
to give you that help
because at the end of
the day, guys like us,
we should stick together.
But, we are moving
into a tricky area.
So you're going to pay
me a hundred grand.
And we do it my way.
Any idiot can kill someone.
The art is in killing
and getting away with it.
I mean, you're the first person
they're going to look at, man,
you've got to send them in
another direction.
I happen to know there's
a policy between you
and your old girlfriend, Andrea.
You know I can
change that policy.
- She really got
to you, didn't she?
- I don't feel
anything about her.
That's the point.
I mean, someone's
got to
take the hit,
why should it be you?
Why not her?
I mean, what's the difference?
It's the only safe way there is.
What else?
You're going to let some
jerk off take your spot?
- Thanks, I'll call
you when I'm done.
Marsh, I'm in the victim's
condo, and he has a
life insurance
policy and a will.
The beneficiary on the
will is Nicholas Gray,
the same guy that
used to own the car.
But his address is listed
to this same condo.
He might be staying
on the sofa bed,
I'm going to leave
my card for him.
With the policy, the
beneficiary is an Andrea Bially
on East 43rd.
I'll come pick you up and
then we'll go see her.
OK, bye.
Here's the cash, docs.
From the corner store
so they're untraceable.
And in Sara's junk drawer,
like you said.
- Is that blood?
- Hi.
- Mrs. Bially, you don't know
why that knife is missing?
According to this policy,
you stand to collect
quite the chuck of money.
I don't imagine you're
confused by that.
- And another piece of
bad news is I suspect
we found your missing knife.
- What?
Well, I didn't kill anybody.
This isn't, this is wrong.
I have a paper,
um, and it's pink.
It's pink.
Let me look again.
- Calm down, Andrea,
we'll check it out
with the insurance company.
- Get these fucking
things off me.
- [Mitchell] I have a policy,
Harry Price,
and beneficiary, Andrea Bailey.
- Bially.
- Yeah, yeah, Bially.
Yeah, what you have
is what we have in our system.
Is she a suspect?
- She is.
- Wow, that's another mil
we won't have to pay out.
My boss will be
happy about that.
- Is there any chance her
name could have been switched
from one policy to
another by mistake?
- No, no the claims
super double checks
any beneficiary change with
the client, and then enters
in the master files himself.
- So not everyone has
access to master files?
- Correct, only the
super can make changes.
- We learned that Nicholas
Gray used to work here,
as a claim super I believe.
- Yeah, yeah, that's correct.
He was fired.
I'm afraid we don't
really have good things
to say about him.
Why do you ask?
- How long ago was he fired?
- A year and a half ago?
- Before the date when
this paper was generated.
- Yeah, yeah, I note all
of my changes and nothing
on this file was ever changed.
- Andrea has to be lying.
- Well If I killed somebody,
I'd probably be lying, too.
- Let me ask you this, Marsh.
Who takes a cab to murder
someone as the beneficiary
in their life insurance
policy, uses their own knife,
and then throws it in the trees?
- Someone like her?
- The thing is, when she
says she didn't do it,
I believe her.
There's just something
about people like her,
it's like they don't
know how to lie.
- Well, everything's legal.
There's no way to forcibly
transfer your assets back.
Now, because the power
of attorney was misused,
you could consider suing, but...
- I don't care about my assets.
I wanted to ask you
about something else.
Now I want to start
a new lifestyle.
Do you think the drug
company is going to
try to go after me?
- Civilly? No.
They allowed the
restitution to be stayed,
I doubt they have
any further interest.
From the start I think
they just wanted this
whole thing to go away.
I suggest you hang on
to this in case you
change your mind about suing.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- [Harry] Yes?
- Comfortable, Harry?
- [Harry] Nicholas,
hey how was prison?
- Lots of time to
read, to think.
- [Harry] Uh huh, well I'm
afraid I can't let you up.
You down there and me
up here is no less valid
than the opposite, is it?
- A dilettante concerned
with validity,
that's good, Harry.
- [Harry] Life can feel like
a punch in the face, can't it?
You felt it that party night.
You can think me a con man.
But I didn't lie about
the moral doctrine.
I just don't choose it.
To me, life is a conquest of
the weak, like Nietzsche said.
That's you, Nick.
And on we go, through
history like rats on a wheel.
- It's very convenient for you.
- [Harry] Look around you, Nick.
Exploitation and appropriation,
mostly disguised,
sometimes tied up
with a big red bow.
And on a practical note,
if you try to sue me,
I'll spend every dime of
your money on lawyers.
- I don't care about my
assets, you did me a favor.
I'm going to complete
what I started.
A pure path, a path that
you're too weak to travel.
- [Harry] Or you can't admit
that you actually do care
about your assets because
then you'd have to admit
that I won.
And that burns in you,
doesn't it Nick?
Isn't that why you
came here today?
To tell me you're going
to best me in the end?
If not, Nick, why are you here?
I know what you read in prison.
I know what you thought about.
You're trying to
change the game.
But there's only one game,
and we're both playing
by the same rules.
I know you, and you know me.
You just don't
know yourself yet.
Because you're weak.
- When I get to where I'm going
I'll be free, Harry, truly free.
- [Harry] Hey, Nicholas.
The first thing you'll find out
is that it gets cold
out there at night.
- Persons of vice are doomed
to live with themselves.
Movincent Glacier?
I bought the motorcycle
and took it on a trip.
- A little cold for that, now?
- Not if you do it right.
- You were there for a week?
- Weekend.
- Did you meet anybody?
Anybody that can
confirm you were there?
- Not really, I could dig
up a few receipts, though,
if you'd like.
- Can you tell us why
you're the sole beneficiary in
Harry Price's will?
- He hid my assets for
me to avoid restitution.
You're aware that
I was in prison?
- We are.
So this condo's actually yours?
- The will was just a backup.
- Well, when you're planning
on switching the assets
back into your name?
- I was going to keep a low
profile for a little while.
I was unsure about any
civil action that might be
taken for the restitution.
- Do you know why Andrea
Bially was named beneficiary
in Harry's life
insurance policy?
- They used to date.
- Are you aware of any
problems between them?
- She had money problems, yeah.
- And she used to date you, too.
- On Sunday afternoon,
a cab dropped Andrea
near the murder scene
around the time of death.
She says that you called her,
asked her to meet her there,
and then didn't show.
She also claims that she's
the beneficiary in your
life insurance
policy, not Harry's.
The names got switched.
Why do you think she'd
say these things?
- She must want me to help her.
- Well, she seemed confident
you'd back up her story.
Very confident.
Makes you wonder if
someone could fake
that degree of conviction.
- It does, doesn't it?
- What if I were to tell
you that Andrea received
a call on Sunday and it
came from this number?
- Then I would say that it
was Harry that made the call.
We were both living here.
Then he met her on the beach.
- But I don't think that's what
you found in those records.
If it was me who called Andrea,
I would've called from a
pay phone, wouldn't I?
- Yes, you would have.
- [Karl] Mitchell, come
in and have a seat.
You know detectives
Marsh and Bell?
We've just been having a
rather sordid discussion
about the murder of
one of our clients.
Harry Price.
The detectives are
investigating the possibility
that his policy was altered.
And you're the only person
that could've altered it.
Did you?
- No, no sir.
- Fine, the policy
was not altered.
- What, that's it?
- Detectives, we
are a large company
with an excellent reputation.
There is no internal
fraud or corruption
at Jasper Insurance.
- Mr. Jasper, we can have
your records subpoenaed.
- You can, but I assure
you that would be a waste
of our time, and yours.
You're not going to find
what you're looking for.
- [Marsh] What
the hell was that?
And what do we do
about Andrea Bially?
- [Nicholas] Right and wrong.
Right and wrong is everywhere.
In the air, on your neighbor's
face, under your skin.
And if fate peels back that skin
and you're made to see
yourself clearly in the world,
to then look back can be
the ultimate punishment.
(Opera Music )