Primeval (2007)

Large caliber, .45, I'd say.
Fired within half a meter.
All of them executed
in the same fashion.
Jojo, how many did you say?
Ten, maybe.
It's very brave of you
to come forward.
It's gonna be dark soon.
Well, then,
let's not waste time.
We've still got to examine
that site on the opposite bank.
Looks to be another mass grave.
Oh, my God.
Over here!
She's dead!
The head was crushed
beyond recognition.
The killer is named Gustave
by local villagers.
Americans are horrified by the
senseless, bloodthirsty attack
on the reputation
of a devoted public servant
by a desperate,
ratings-hungry network.
This kind of
irresponsible reporting
will not go unanswered.
The Network News Channel
is under fire
for a story it recently aired
accusing Senator Richard Porter
of soliciting bribes
from defense contractors.
I'm watching it right now.
I'll call you back.
That shot's out of focus.
...on the network's weekly
news magazine program.
NNC based the allegation...
- This shot is out of focus.
- Chill. I need to hear this.
- You can't see it.
- Don't mention my name. Portergate,
NNC's Tim Manfrey could not
be reached for comment.
OK. Pimp My Ride's
on right now.
Good chance
Roger's not even watching.
Tim, Roger wants to see
you ASAP.
That was quick.
Nice working with you.
- Bob.
- Yeah?
You need a new cameraman?
I'm just joking, Tim.
A crocodile attack has claimed
the life of world-renowned...
You can't be serious about
Porter. The guy's a parasite.
Not now.
We'll talk about it later.
You know Aviva Masters?
Sure. The animal reporter.
Sorry. I didn't mean that
to sound condescending.
I liked your piece on feline
leukemia. My mom, she has a cat.
Been following
the Catherine Andrews story?
That the lady that got munched?
...a scene of unspeakable carnage.
It's a Grimm's fairy tale.
The hideous dragon, Gustave,
- comes in the night...
- Gustave?
Gustave. It's what the locals
call him. He's a legend.
Want me to produce a story
on this crocodile?
Yeah, and I want you to capture it.
Matt Collins is a top croc expert.
He's designed and built
a special steel cage.
He says he can
take Gustave alive.
They show signs
of remarkable intelligence.
The Burundi government has
approved a limited expedition.
So I want you to go in light,
stake out his swamp,
and bag this crocodile
in time for sweeps.
Network News Channel will finance the
hunt in exchange for exclusive rights.
- Rog, Burundi's a war zone.
- You'll be fine.
For the moment
there's a ceasefire.
My contact assured me as long as
you keep out of local politics,
he can guarantee your safety.
We'll have to pick up
a local guide,
but, beyond that, I'm thinking
we just take a skeleton crew,
you, me, and a cameraman.
No offense, but this ain't
my sort of thing.
- What sort of thing is that?
- When Animals Attack!
- World's Scariest Monsters.
- This isn't trash TV.
- This is man against nature.
- Aviva.
Could you give us a minute?
Tim and I have a little
contract issue to discuss.
- It was nice meeting you.
- You too.
Come on, Rog.
She interviews pet psychics.
She's looking to prove herself
as a journalist.
And you wanna show the world
who's got the biggest croc.
You fucked up.
I didn't know
the evidence was cooked!
You didn't wanna know.
You're gonna find it very hard
to change the world when you're
pulling espressos at Starbucks.
...continued efforts
to preserve their habitat
will ensure the survival
of future generations.
Isn't that right, Junior?
I'm Matt Collins.
Join me next time on Bite Size.
So we're approaching Tanganyika.
Right there's the Rusizi River.
Do you see it up north?
That's where we're gonna be.
It's gorgeous.
It is if you're
high enough above it.
Burundi's the poorest country
in the world, number one.
The last 40 years, a civil war
between the Hutu and Tutsi,
you've got famine, disease,
terrorism, corruption.
Apart from that,
yeah, the place is gorgeous.
Hey, you're my boy,
you know I love you,
but right now
your attitude sucks.
For real.
By the way, you think
Roger's tapping that ass?
She got a nice ass.
He has the tappin' apparatus.
I think he is.
Come on, man. You gotta be
a little bit excited about this.
We're going to Africa.
Yes! This is it! This is
the cradle of all mankind.
This is where it began. This is where
Bryant Gumbel is from.
Come on, Tim!
We're gonna have a good time.
Hey, welcome.
Please, no filming.
It is against the law in here.
I'm Hahutu Mkwesa, but
you call me by my Western name.
- Harry.
- You have a beautiful country.
Thank you.
Your passports, please.
Follow me.
What's up, man?
Fuck you too.
I'm from Brooklyn.
You have rooms at the hotel.
You are already checked in.
We need to meet a guide.
We have to leave immediately.
This is Africa, my brother.
Nothing happens immediately.
Besides, your transport was required
for a brief military operation
and not all of the fuel
was delivered.
- So when do we leave?
- That's hard to say, ma'am.
But the accommodations
are most comfortable.
Rog, your pal says we gotta
wait around indefinitely.
I mean, why should you hold up
your end of the deal?
- He's not legit.
- Sir, you misunderstand me.
It's just a matter of time...
We can hook up
with Roberts in the Sudan.
- By the end of the week.
- Or... we pull out.
- Tomorrow.
- Hold on, Roger.
The boat will be ready tomorrow.
Rog, I'll call you back.
Harry, much appreciated.
Thank you.
Was that satellite phone
even on?
Haven't even
charged it yet.
This croc is big, really big,
maybe up to nine meters.
- 25, even 30 feet.
- Nine meters? One fat bastard.
They'll grow indefinitely
depending on food intake.
And they can live over 100 years.
- Like dinosaurs.
- Older.
They haven't changed much since
the Triassic. Why should they?
They're the most efficient
killing machines on the planet.
- Apart from Homo sapiens.
- What are these marks?
Scar tissue.
He's been shot many times.
Motherfucker's bulletproof?
- Gustave. He take my cousin.
- Are you sure it was him?
Everybody knows this Gustave.
He killed hundreds.
Hundreds? Yeah, right, man.
- It'd make the news.
- Why would it?
Thousands have died here.
- That hasn't made the news.
- What...?
This crocodile's like O.J. Simpson.
He messed up
when he killed that white woman.
Which, let's face it, is the
only reason you people are here.
For you, this monster
is entertainment.
- But here we know better.
- Do we really need that?
You can never be
too careful, ma'am.
You'll travel through territory
controlled by Little Gustave.
- Little Gustave?
- He rules the Upper Rusizi.
Got his name from the crocodile.
It's hard to say
whose blood is colder.
But don't worry, these guys will
be accompanying you all the way.
Good luck.
Hey, man. I didn't catch your name.
I'm Tim.
Nice chatting with you.
Are you working on my lead-ins?
No. Working on the real story,
the HMO scandal.
You wouldn't believe the shit...
Right, right.
This isn't a real story.
Well... let's face it,
catching a killer croc,
it ain't the makings
of a Pulitzer Prize.
Like the Porter story you just blew?
Question your assumptions, Tim.
Isn't that the first thing
they teach you?
Where did you learn that,
modeling school?
No, Columbia School
of Journalism.
You are such an asshole,
aren't you?
- What the hell's going on?
- Some guys were shooting at us.
Who are those guys?
I thought there was a ceasefire.
This is a war zone.
People shoot at each other.
Jacob Krieg! Mr. Krieg!
Jacob, I'm Aviva Masters.
Roger sends his regards...
I received word this morning
there has been another attack.
A little girl was killed
in a village 30km north.
- Say we get moving.
- The rapids are too rough.
We'll have to drive.
Problem is, the village is close
to Little Gustave's territory.
- The warlord?
- Uh-huh.
We'll go see him, explain
we're a scientific expedition
with no interest in politics.
Nobody sees Little Gustave.
Except those he means to kill.
- So, what do we do?
- We take our chances.
We leave first thing
in the morning.
Are you looking for something?
- You're a poacher.
- No, I'm a licensed hunter.
I started this expedition to save
Gustave from people like you.
It's a wonder
there are any crocs left.
You may be grateful
for my skills.
We're after a man-eater.
There are more than enough
human beings on this planet.
The crocodile is exceptional,
a creature of far greater value.
You don't seem stupid,
so you must be insane.
This croc cannot be taken alive.
I'll call the whole thing off.
I'll pack up my gear
and send the Americans home
before I allow you
to harm this animal.
Do you understand me?
Sir, I'm only your humble guide.
Not even Gustave can bite
through this reinforced steel.
Once inside, his weight
will activate a pressure plate,
triggering a spring-loaded door.
Dr. Collins has designed this
trap so that no harm can come
to this extraordinary creature...
- Cut! Cut.
- What?
Still a little chipper.
Oh! You know, this is
starting to get abusive.
Dial it down. We're not shooting
a toothpaste commercial.
Not all of us can be
clinically depressed.
Oh, shit! There's Gustave!
Oh, shit! Shit!
I got it right here!
- Funny, man.
- Let's do it again.
I got both of y'all, too.
Aviva, it's Gustave!
It's Gu...
He's waving at you!
These people! It's unbelievable.
Already back in the river
like nothing's happened.
The river's their source of food,
their only water.
- Their life.
- Life is right.
Y'all ever seen Jaws, the movie?
Might wanna check that out.
That to warn the villagers?
They kept him tied out there
as an offering to the croc.
That's not terribly effective.
I'm all for tradition,
but I can't leave him like that.
That is one ugly-ass dog.
Oh, look at you.
Hi, little guy.
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
There's a shaman
who lives near here.
We'll have to ask
for his blessing
if we want the villagers
to help us.
Tonight the feast
is for gratitude, luck.
This is delicious.
What is this?
Nyama ni nyama tu, in Swahili.
It means "all meat is meat".
In other words, don't ask.
- Ooh!
- Bravo.
Thank you.
- He says it's your turn.
- For what?
To perform
one of your native songs.
No, no. We no sing. Drink.
- Eat.
- And eat.
They're staring.
Why did you go and pick
a Negro spiritual?
In Africa?
This is it. I can't believe
you're gonna make me do this.
Good, huh?
You know what?
Let's just remix.
Can you give me a beat?
A one, two, three. Go.
This shit is embarrassing.
Gwanyana is one of
the village elders,
a sort of priest shaman.
He is performing a rite
for the soul of the little girl.
He says Kirunga came again.
Kirunga is like a bad spirit.
Evil men call to him,
men like Little Gustave.
The good people are weak.
They are the ones who suffer.
They live in fear.
Kirunga surrounds them.
Little Gustave rules the land.
The crocodile rules the water.
Hey! Hey!
Hey. Naughty By Nature, right?
This is some good shit. Yeah.
I'll have a nickel bag of that.
- It's meant to be a blessing.
- It is.
One more hit? One more hit?
No? OK.
I'll pass. I'm allergic
to mumbo jumbo.
If you'll excuse me.
What's he saying?
He says that
we'll find what we seek.
Then we'll find death.
You, me, all,
we make Kirunga.
Kirunga kill.
Kirunga save.
Must face.
I think I know
where Gustave might be.
Recent attacks are focused
around a small island
in Kibira Wetlands, a swamp
a few miles to the northeast.
We need a lot of hands,
a lot of help.
Half of you on this side
and half on the other side.
Why carry the cage?
Let's take this road.
Suicide. The shaman says
it's under the control
- of Hutu militia.
- Little Gustave?
The shaman has been
a thorn in his side,
trying to get the village
to stand up to the warlords.
Isn't that why we have
these guys, to protect us?
They can't stop a landmine.
Plus, the militia carry rockets.
Most of them are teenagers,
high on amphetamines.
They'd kill you
for that watch you're wearing.
Come on, lift! We need
more people on the side here.
- OK, you ready?
- Hey, what are you doing?
- You are taking someone's spot.
- What? I'm helping out.
Come on, they need this job.
Come on.
Give me a break.
I'm just trying to help.
Fight! Kick his ass!
The more you help, the worse it gets.
It doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Set up camp far enough
away that we don't spook it.
There's a perfect spot
a kilometer back.
- My own blend.
- A little early for me, man.
- Just take a whiff.
- What is it?
Agh! Mother of God!
A combination of blood/urine pheromones.
I'll spread a trail in the
water, leading to the cage.
Never had much luck with croc bait.
You'll see, from two kilometers,
Gustave will come running
with a hard-on.
Tranquilizer darts won't work.
They can't penetrate his scales.
I'd never use tranqs.
Too much danger of overdosing
and drowning the animal.
It's an electronic transmitter.
All I need is one clear shot...
...and we'll always know where he is.
Thank you very much.
Asante. Asante sana.
Thank you. Asante.
Thank you.
Thank you. Asante sana.
You from America, Hollywood.
Not yet, but I'm working on it.
Your English is pretty good, though.
How I get there, USA?
Well, my people came
on what you call a slave ship.
But it's not so easy now.
Breath mint?
Take a couple of those.
Sorry you can't come
to the good old US of A,
- but, hey, have a tic tac.
- No. Sorry, your breath stinks bad.
- Take a tic tac.
- How we doing?
It's getting there.
- Don't tie him too close...
- Oh! Oh!
Shit! You couldn't wait
till I was done?
You wanted to stake out the cage.
Hey, let's go.
It's a long walk to the water.
Wiley. Wiley.
Hi, buddy. Oh, good boy.
- Wiley?
- Yeah, like the coyote.
- Got a problem with that too?
- No, it's a good name.
- Oh, you're cute!
- No, you're not.
- Want a beer?
- Just ignore him. I do.
You talk to dog. Pourquoi?
Yeah, it's a thing we do
where we come from.
It's kinda pointless.
- So where do you live, Jojo?
- The bush my home.
And your family,
do they live around here?
They are dead.
Hey, we got something.
- Whoa, that's big.
- That's huge.
We brought a regular condom.
We need a Magnum.
- Is that him?
- Yes, that's him.
There you go.
Dinner's served.
Just get in the cage
and I won't have to shoot you.
Come on. Just do it.
- Where'd it go?
- Shit, I don't know.
I don't understand.
This cage has worked dozens of times.
He's too smart.
- There it is.
- He's getting away.
- I think I got him.
- Nice shot.
Where are you going?
He won't be back tonight.
Oh, shit.
- I don't get it.
- The goat must have escaped.
- I don't see any blood.
- Well, it rained last night.
Must have washed away.
OK, let's see what we got.
Damn. Goat's here one minute,
gone the next.
Guess the rain washed out
the motion sensors,
killed the feed to the tent as well.
We got nothing. I'm gonna go
to camp, drop off this computer
and go shoot some shots,
get a little local flavor.
All right. Be careful.
Dangerous place.
Thanks, Mom.
Raw meat. I need raw meat.
You said they needed live bait.
It's always preferable.
But crocs do eat carrion.
He'll come.
- I can feel it.
- Let me see that thing.
This signal hasn't moved
since last night. He probably just...
That woke him up.
And you just
watched that happen?
What was I supposed to do,
attack them with my Telephoto?
- Well, we have to do something.
- I did.
Aviva, I filmed an entire family
getting slaughtered, OK?
I'll have nightmares for the rest
of my life behind this shit.
OK. Well,
we'll call the police.
- What police?
- When we get back to Bujumbura,
we'll hand the evidence
over to the U.N.
- It's the best we can do.
- They're powerless.
There's nothing to be done.
How can you say that?
He was your friend.
And I'll miss him.
But I've lost many friends here.
We have an opportunity here.
We can make a difference,
we can expose the murders
that are going on every day,
change the focus of the story.
- You are joking, right?
- No, I'm not.
"Next: dying Africans."
Nobody wants to TiVo that shit.
- Don't be cynical, Steven.
- I'm not being cynical.
Darfur: no one cares.
Rwanda: who gives a shit?
White people don't give a damn
about black-on-black crime
when it's around the corner
from their house.
Do you really think
they give a shit
about a bunch of dying Africans
- I do.
- That's one.
I thought you were a journalist.
You wanted a real story.
Well, now you have one.
It's none of our business.
I suggest we pretend
it never happened.
She's right.
We got a responsibility to show
people what's happening here.
They already know, Tim.
They just don't care.
We make them care.
We put a face on the suffering.
- You realize we could die here?
- Yeah, I know.
Come on, man.
All right.
I hate you so much sometimes.
Oh, shit.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
- Hurry!
- Jojo!
Get the fuck out of the cage!
Jojo, hold on!
He's out there.
Are you fucking insane?
Jojo's in there!
Stop! Stop!
You idiot. It has to die.
Get out of the water!
Come on. Jojo.
OK, get him on his side.
That's it. OK. Shh.
Jojo, why? Why?
I get you Gustave,
maybe you take me to America.
Oh, man.
Hey! What the hell
is wrong with you?!
- Stop it! What are you doing?
- Back off!
Jojo! Jojo!
Your precious man-eater is still alive.
Oh, shit. Where's Aviva?
Hey! What are you doing?
No! No! No!
Please stop.
Get off me!
Aviva, what happened?
What happened?
What's going...?
What happened?
Oh, my God.
That fucking grenade
drove him up here.
- He's moving away now.
- Get what gear you can salvage.
- We'll pull out tomorrow.
- OK.
Bit of a setback, I'll grant you,
but we're so close.
It's over.
I know we're all upset right now,
but things'll look different
in the morning.
We're going home. I don't want
any more blood on my hands.
In shallow water, we'll...
I don't give a damn
about your crocodile!
I never did. A man's dead. We're
out first thing in the morning.
- No. We leave now.
- Are you kidding?
- It's pitch black out there.
- I know the trail.
I can get us back
to the village.
- It's not safe here. Come on.
- Gustave's at least a mile off.
I'm not talking about Gustave.
Where's the computer?
Where's the computer?
He works for Little Gustave.
Where is he taking us?
To the water.
Easier to dump our bodies.
- I'm gonna make my move.
- You won't make two feet.
Six on one,
half a dozen on the other.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Sorry I called you an asshole.
Sorry I am one.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
- What? What?
- On your knees. On your knees.
On your knees!
Fuck you.
I'm not getting on my knees.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
If I have to shove you up my ass
to get your through customs,
you are going to America.
Thank you.
We need
to get a first-aid kit.
It was destroyed
back at the camp.
There's one
in the fishing hut.
You call this a first-aid kit?
Rachel, it's Aviva Masters.
Can you hear me?
- Forgive me if it hurts.
- I need to speak to Roger.
OK, all right, listen.
I need to get him a message.
I don't care what he's doing.
People are trying
to kill us here. Rachel!
Can you hear me?
He has our location.
Send an airlift immediately.
Ugh! Rachel!
- Shit.
- Ona, my love.
- Damn it!
- We're so fucked.
- My wife.
- I don't know if she heard me.
- Gustave killed my wife.
- What?
Ona was bathing in the river,
right in front of our home,
as she'd done a thousand times.
Those scars, I gave him those.
I shot him again and again.
As he took her under...
...I heard her scream.
He's coming.
Jojo, there!
Ona, forgive me.
No revenge.
- Jojo, can you see anything?
- No, nothing!
I broke my promise.
I'm sorry.
- Matt!
- Run!
Run! Run!
Oh, Jesus!
- Grab him, guys! You have him?
- Come on!
Hold on! Grab something!
Get Krieg!
- Let me go.
- No. There's still time.
Come on.
No. He dies with me.
What are you doing?
He did it.
I'm sick of this.
I feel like a pork chop
on Queen Latifah's dinner plate.
- I say we make a run for it.
- I wouldn't.
He's still in the grass.
Maybe he's sleeping.
Or digesting, making room for more.
Hey, Matt.
Hey, Matt!
What are you doing?
Praying to Satan?
Latin nomenclature.
Helps me stay awake.
Oh. Well, join the party.
How much can this croc eat?
When there's abundant food,
they'll eat until they're sick.
Then they'll throw up
and eat some more.
Really, it's appropriate
that we die this way.
Can we just talk about
something else, please?
OK, Aviva. What's the deal
with you and Roger Sharpe?
I go to dinner with him, OK?
We go to art openings.
- Well, people just assume.
- Of course they do.
Do you think if he gave a damn
about me, I'd be here right now?
He just, he likes
to be seen with women.
Roger's gay?
The international playboy?
Married six times?
He's not tapping your ass,
somebody's tapping his?
OK, you guys,
don't say anything, please.
Aviva, who the fuck
am I gonna tell, Jojo?
Hey, Jojo, you know Roger Sharpe?
- No.
- He's gay.
Roger got the message.
They're looking for the camp.
Come on.
Aviva. Let me go first.
Steven, don't splash.
You'll attract him.
Come on, guys!
Matt, get down!
What's happening?
I'm dead.
Why did they kill him?
What did they want?
Searching. Look for computer.
Little Gustave, he killed the shaman.
- It's on the tape.
- At the bottom of the swamp.
You go tell 'em.
We'll wait here.
That's all you got?
They got AK-47s, Jojo.
Who the fuck are you,
Lee Harvey Oswald?
Come on, come on! Run!
Split up!
Go for the trees!
I hate fucking Africa!
Let him go! Let him go!
Now! Let him go!
Jojo, you OK?
Shut your mouth!
Don't move!
Don't move!
I don't want to shoot you!
I'd never say this in front
of a bunch of white people,
but slavery was a good thing.
Anything you gotta do
to get the fuck out of Africa
is OK with me.
Shit. I gotta find him.
Here, take Jojo.
- Tim.
- I'll be fine. Promise.
Keep going. Move. Go!
Punk bitch.
Jojo, I'll never turn my back on you.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Oh, no. Tim.
He's lost a lot of blood.
I... I don't know what to do.
Where's Steven?
I can't find him.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I know what the shaman meant now
when they said it's our fault.
What? What do you mean?
Civil war, genocide, all those bodies
floating in the water.
That's where he got a taste
for human flesh.
We make, create, our own monsters.
- It's Harry. That's Harry.
- Here!
Mr. Manfrey, Roger Sharpe
has been frantic.
We've been looking for you all over.
I can't believe you found us.
This boy is shot.
We can't find our cameraman.
- I've never been so scared.
- Where are the others?
- They're dead.
- All of them?
What a terrifying ordeal
you must have been through.
What has become
of the rest of the tape?
What? We need to find Steven
and get Jojo to a doctor.
It will be best to recover
your equipment now.
Anything of value
does tend to disappear.
I don't care about the
tape anymore. It doesn't matter.
I just wanna find Steven.
You are a very perceptive man,
Mr. Manfrey.
It's best if we are honest
with one another.
What do you mean?
I was photographed
in a rather compromising position.
Where is the computer?
He works for Little Gustave too.
So many of us here
lead double lives.
In the city
I'm just another functionary,
but in the bush, I am God.
He is little Gustave.
Very few people are aware of that.
We lost the laptop. Besides,
you weren't even recognizable.
A man in my position
can never stop worrying.
we have to get Jojo to a hospital.
Please, he's gonna die.
Isn't that tragic?
Thousands like him
die every day here in Africa.
- Where is the computer?
- Why would we tell you, Harry?
You're just gonna shoot us.
Fuck you!
There are worse things than death.
Harry, wait! The computer.
It's rigged
with an electronic locator.
You'll find it with this.
I am not good with American toys.
Take me to it.
Tell me,
did you ever find your crocodile?
- Your men killed it.
- A public service.
So now there's only Little Gustave.
Push it in.
What the hell are you waiting for?
Push it in!
- What are you doing?
- It's moonshine.
- I'm a little nervous. Do you mind?
- Drink up.
Come on!
Must have dropped the computer
up past the reeds there.
We'll stay here.
You go get it.
Oh, man.
I wonder who will come next.
What pretty young reporter
will be sent
to tell the hideous story of your death?
I got it.
- Aviva!
- Tim!
You OK? Let's go.
Don't worry. I have plenty more.
Don't move.
It's Wiley.
Come on, Wiley! Come on!
Aviva, no.
Come here, Wiley.
Wiley, come here.
Come on! Move it!
Move! Hurry!
- Come on!
- Wiley, come!
Go! Go! Go!
- Put it in low!
- I'm trying, I'm trying.
- You have it in low?
- I know how to drive. It's stuck.
It can't be stuck.
It's a fucking Range Rover!
Come on! Move!
Watch out!
Get him!
Die, you piece of shit.
- Let's go!
- Hang on!
- You... are you OK?
- Yeah. Go!
All right. Here's to Africa, Tim.
All right, man. Put the camera down.
Seriously, Tim. Please.
Seriously. I'm behind the scenes.
Behind the scenes.
Put my fucking...
Put my camera down.
Tim, put my cam...
Come on, man. This is childish, man.
This is childish.
Tim, drop the camera,
take two steps back
before somebody gets hurt.