Princess for Christmas, A (2011)

from eavesdropping folded:
Ivucha & ivanka & Lillith & MalLenka
It was ground and
behalf of Buffalo,
lived a little girl
named Jules Daly,
who dreamed of traveling
to far places,
where people sing and dance.
Houses are full
musical boxes,
mechanical dolls
and cuckoo clocks.
Unfortunately, not all stories
have a happy ending.
Jules grew up, and although
she still had her dreams
still lived in Buffalo.
Hello there! Speaking Bufflsk
antiques and other things.
Yes we buy and repair
clock and all their parts.
Sure, bring them here.
I'll get there. Hello
I can help you?
Yes, seeking a gift for my daughter.
-Well, and what she likes?
- Well, she's ...
-Maddie, again doing mess?!
-No, I'm just a snack.
Glue? Milo!
Kasawanskiho ninja massacre, super!
Hi, Milo! How are you?
- Zoey! What are you doing here?
-I am your neighbor. Also in
this one store I go.
- Stop following me.
-But that's just for adults.
-Tell me something I do not know!
Psycho-Bobo will never sell.
-On but it does not matter.
-Did you find what you were looking for?
- Yeah.
-I'm outta here.
-Me too.
-Come on Let's get out!
-Stop it!
It's perfect! How did you
It came so quickly?
At home I have a seven-year
girl ... and a teenager.
No, I am their aunt and guardian.
We're on it all by yourself, but I
great babysitter who is managing.
Mrs. Caley?
-Not at all. Happy and Merry!
- Merry Christmas!
Hey, did you see how I sold it here
old music box? I did not
I can find someone to buy it.
Jules, we need to talk.
-You must know that we are now on the right.
-I'll try harder.
You're doing a great job. Or
I can not imagine
both for you had
be difficult this year.
Losing a sister and brother in law for Christmas ...
-I got it.
-Look, I say it easily,
But I can not afford
you keep paying.
If this goes on,
I'll have to close shop.
-Arthur, please.
-I'm really sorry, Jules.
Are you one of the best shop assistants,
I've ever had.
I'll ask around if
I would not employ anyone.
Yeah, thanks.
Milo, open up. We
the emergency.
You were there!
I'll say it for you.
You say one word and doll
Dingle will lose his head. Fine.
Milo, do not leave the dumpster
the driveway.
-I can not bear it any longer!
-Milo is a killer!
-I told you about it.
-What happened?
Pulling Dingel doll head!
-Again stalked out of the house!
-You were there?
-Wait until you see the laundry!
-Mrs Caley, I'm so sorry!
Milo, that you put it there glue?
-That's it! I quit!
No, I need you!
All you need
unit is SWAT!
-And one more thing ...
The check is not cashed. Again!
Contains violence, outrageous humor,
gory scenes and ticklish topics ...
Milo, you have two weeks of house arrest.
This well-I do not!
-But you do! And do not talk back to me!
-After the Christmas holidays!
-And no TV!
-It will be n ..
-Do not you dare I finish!
Careful, Milo, or the Santa Claus
produces only sweetness.
So what? Everyone knows
that Santa does not exist.
How can you tell?
Of course, that Santa exists!
These are the worst Christmas.
Milo, wait!
Come to me, honey.
-Do not cry.
-Why are told that Santa is not?
-Honey, he did not mean it. Just because
that living alone does not mean that Santa does not exist.
-Just believe.
-I believe it.
Me too, sweetie.
I know you're mad at me a lot,
but you do not like my sister
wounding and destroying her Christmas.
I'm sorry.
Tomorrow we will go to the Maddie
tree. Want to join us?
I want Christmas is over already.
It makes me think
about the loss of mom and dad.
Good evening!
My name is Paisley Winterbottom.
You must be Miss Maddie.
I work for your grandfather.
-I have a grandfather?
-Of course you do!
Maddie, Mr. Paisley and now I
We will keep grown-up conversation.
I do not want more than five minutes of your time.
I do not know what you mean, but the name of their
grandfather was not mentioned since
which broke all contact with his son,
because he married my sister.
Yes, it was a very unfortunate decision.
-Unhappy? Have you ever met my sister?
-Unfortunately, I had the honor.
It was an amazing person.
And the pompous fart did not even weightless.
If I may be so bold, they
not just any family.
Their grandfather is Duke!
-That's it?! What is your title?
-I am the butler.
Really? I thought
that those already extinct.
Oh, no, we found again his
exercise. P Diddy himself has three.
Mr. Milo.
-Who is it?
-Paisley Winterbottom.
I came to invite Vc
Christmas at Castlebury Hall to.
-And where's that?
-What is a stone's throw from Liechtenstein.
-It does not matter, just not going anywhere.
-Why not?
-Because I have to go to work.
-I understand that today you rid this obligation.
Well, no way, you fired?
Tickets delivered to you tonight
and here's a check to cover your costs.
From a cowardly family members
do not take any money.
-They told me without you come back.
-Hold it you have to somehow cope.
-He could stay here with us.
-Not a chance!
Is there anything Duke
not feeling well a ..
And would like my grandchildren
seen before ...
-Well, it's out.
-I'm really sorry.
Do not think about it.
Nothing more I can do now.
-No, thank you.
-I'll get it together.
Good-night, Miss Daly!
-Good night, Mr. Winterbottom!
I miss you, sis.
So much for the kids to try, but ...
Milo looks angry forever.
Maddie needs constant supervision.
And now ended nanny
our car broke down and
I lost my job.
I have a really big problem.
Wish you could be here and
tell me what to do.
Maddie, look!
Is not it beautiful?
-We are already close to her grandfather's house?
-We're almost there.
Welcome to Castlebury Hall.
-It's a castle!
-It's huge!
It's ... a nightmare! Children
Do not break anything!
-Who is it?
-I think the servants.
Let me introduce them to you,
already looking forward to you.
This is Mrs Birch, our porter.
You will be at your disposal.
-Good day, call me Jules. How do I call you?
-Mrs Birch.
And this is Abigail.
It will take care of Maddie.
You're pretty.
And this is Floyd, lower butler.
It will take care of Mr. Milo.
I have a servant? This is crazy. He could not
I would instead get Abigail?
This is George, Amy and Brian.
Please follow me.
-All I like.
-Must have courage.
Shut up and go.
This is the entrance hall.
The last renovations were
in 1852.
We're not in Buffalo.
Servants will accompany you to your rooms
and in the meantime I'll tell master that you have arrived.
This way, please!
-It slips nicely!
-Yes, it often waxes.
Bed for a princess!
Where's the TV?
It is beautiful!
-Welcome back to Castlebury Hall!
-Paisley, it's great to see you again!
-Did you have a good trip?
-Yes it worked.
-Your room is already ready.
Thank you, Gibson!
Wait, now I correct it.
Hands off hockey t-shirts!
It is a unique annual edition!
My mistake!
In the east wing of our library,
is at your disposal.
You'd better unpack itself.
-But that's my job!
-I will not tell anyone.
If you insist. Dinner is served
At half past eight,
Please be punctual,
Lord I hate waiting.
Mrs. Brichov!
It is therefore fast.
I'm sorry.
-You're Ashton.
I saw you in the picture
My sister, who ...
married ... my brother Charles.
Sorry for the light.
I guess it's pretty old, is not it? And expensive.
It looks like the work of Louis Philippe ...
It's him.
I'm sure it will fix it, just
a little glue and sealer.
Just put it here.
Will you tell me, please, the way to the dining room?
Down the stairs, hallway
the second door on the left to the right.
-Thank you.
-Excuse me.
I also like to meet you.
Your bubble-water, sir!
Thank you.
Milo, we're late!
Coming. What is here?
Are locked, which means that
not to go there. Come on.
He said the left or right?!
Sir, may I introduce to you, Mr. Mila,
Miss Maddie and Aunt Jules Daly.
Are you sure you
brought the correct family?
Does not seem to be
kick the bucket, right?
No, it does not look around
Pasileyho kill.
-Children look exactly like Charles.
-Yes, sir, I've said it now.
Do not just stand there and let's sit down between
us, we do not want to die of hunger, right?
-This is an Empire chair.
-Yes it is.
Allow me, sir.
-Edward is probably miraculously healed, what?
-Yes, I'm about to talk to you.
Yes, maybe I did not tell you the whole truth,
last good but really not feeling well.
-Children, this is your Uncle Ashton.
-It is also your uncle?
No, sweetie, I'm not related to them.
-Castlebury looks really beautiful.
-Nonsense. It's cold and unhappy place.
-Milo, what are you wearing?
You're a swordsman?
-That's for sure.
-It's hockey team.
I do not like hockey. It's just a bunch of fools
skating on the ice, which lack teeth.
Not like cricket. This is at least
proper sport for men!
-It's weird!
-Not just weird old!
-How long will you stay?
Why? He would've wanted us zabvit?
-I was kidding!
-I know.
Children, there's something to what you
wanted to ask your grandfather?
Why have you ignored us for so many years?
-It's okay.
The truth is that your mother
had no title
which made her an inappropriate woman
for my son, your father.
-But I realized that I was ...
That's not exactly the word I was looking for.
-Did you change your mind.
Yes, and it might as well
recent influenza infection.
-You mean, when you almost died.
-For a while I had a narrow escape.
No, but I'm with you.
After all, we are a family.
What do you think?
It depends on how we
are you going to make up for those years.
-What is going on here?
-Just for Mr. Milo join television.
Milo, I can be with you for a moment?
-Your punishment was no TV.
Yeah, but that was before you made me
spend Christmas at the Castle with naburelm grandpa.
-I did it! It works!
Thank you, Floyd.
-Now you can disconnect it.
-Very well.
Much not missing,
nechytme here or HBO.
It bothers me, as I keep saying,
what to do. You're not my mom!
Not even close.
You're right. I'm not.
But I'm trying with all my strength.
Also, I really miss, you know! Both of you.
-It will get better, Milo, I promise.
-I'm tired, I'm going to sleep.
Well, rest and
I'll see you in the morning.
I go to bed, Borucki?
-Have you prayed?
Not yet.
Lord, bless mommy and daddy
in heaven and Jules and Mila too.
The only thing I wish is that
grandfather stopped being so annoying
and we could all be happy
and merry Christmas. Amen!
Honey, I know it's not
the grandfather, what you wish
but it is important that
with people give up.
-He was not too happy when her mother
and dad got married, right?
- No, it was not.
But you know, they loved him anyway.
Maybe it's time we also forgive him.
So they come to us angry,
we're here?
No, they would be happy.
For your grandfather was a big step when
you and your brother invited to Castlebury.
-All right.
-This is my girl.
And, Jules, do you think Santa will find us,
even if we have tree and lights?
Do not worry, Santa knows where
are all good kids.
Sleep tight.
-You pord hunting tomorrow?!
-It's a tradition, remember?
-I thought it pleases you.
This well-pleased.
I do not want my band
hunters roamed the castle.
Father, they are all friends.
And it's too late to put it aside.
What's wrong with you? I thought
you merry family Christmas.
I changed my mind.
Christmas makes me think of Charles.
-And the kids too.
-It's obvious! And what did you expect?
I do not know. Perhaps the
I'll feel better.
So your new plan is to make
all feel terrible?
I do not have a plan!
-I'm sorry to bother you, I just ...
-I could never in a castle
Find your Christmas tree.
-That's because there is none.
-And why not?
-I do not like them.
Leave a mess everywhere and
green prickly litter gets everywhere.
-But the children it will be!
-I do not want to!
-And you tell me, please, what do you want?
-According to me know.
-Of course I do.
I want to know why you had to bring the kids here,
when they do not want to make a nice Christmas.
I'm not talking about Christmas in a castle
where everyone walks like a zombie ..
I mean Merry Christmas
bells and big dirty tree,
with lots of lights to
Santa knows where we are.
-The kids had a really tough year.
-So do we!
Then we all deserve Happy
Merry Christmas, eh?
-Maybe you could even consider the tree.
-It does not!
And if you do not like that, you
go back to Geneva.
I do not understand why you
ever returning home.
Because I'm your son.
Maybe not your favorite,
but certainly the only living.
Good morning.
-Who is it?
-Jules Daly from America.
-Is there visiting with children.
-Came up with them from such a distance?
What does he want?
Come on you two. We're going.
Come on.
Good morning!
Hi, Paisley.
Nice decoration.
Yes, I've always thought.
Children are waiting in the car and is poised
the road to the village.
Can I ask you? Would you
us in the car? Thank you.
Children, look! Corps.
They are orphans as we do that?
Yeah, but you got me.
Both of you.
Next task ... Christmas tree!
Come on, Milo, come on.
-What is it?
-Barrel organ.
-Look at all those trees!
-You know what? Run ahead and choose the prettiest.
-Come on, Milo.
No, it's okay.
-Come on! Select some nice.
-No, I'll wait here.
Jules, come on.
Jules I found our tree!
This is beautiful!
Hey, slamming me!
We should get the handsome
taken to the castle!
Hey, I'm talking to you. -What's going on?
-Look to apologize!
Mude need ice.
-I ... -Shut up! Milo ...
- I do not understand why so angry.
Threw you master the buyer presents
orphan attacked and cut Christmas
concert, conducted by a nun!
I'm sorry.
At least you have anything to say grandchildren, right?
-Where did you get that?
-Miss Daly, sir.
-How are the children liked the village?
-Do not ask, now they are with Paislym.
Your tree passed by.
-How was the fishing?
-Why do you say such a tone?
-Well, I'm not a champion in torture
innocent foxes. -That makes two of us.
What do you think?
Hunt foxes came to me terribly cruel,
so I banned hunting them.
-And what do you hunt?
Dragging fake bait.
I'm sorry. It should be
enrolled in the sports pages in Buffalo.
We are not formally engaged,
but soon we will.
-Hello. Who are you?
Jules-this is my boyfriend Thomas.
Asthon-behaving decently?
-As Prince.
Well, after all, he is a prince.
-You're not a prince, do you?
-Yes, I am.
-No ... But ...
-The title comes from the mother's side.
-Will you join us for tea?
-Of course it does.
-Look who I found American.
Hello, darling.
Jules, this is Lady Arabella
Marchand du Belmont.
-Great name.
-You mean the title.
It's also my sister,
but I hate it admits.
Ah, sandwiches.
They look delicious.
-What are they?
-S watercress and cucumber.
-You have at your afternoon tea?
-Rather chicken wings and beer.
Definitely do not look like that.
And this is in fact painted
tea set from Louise Bilton.
-You mean Christopher Laundrieho, right?
No, I'm talking about Louis Bilton.
My mistake.
-Miss Daly, we found those boxes.
-Found box ...
I'm sorry, but I gotta go.
It was very nice to meet you all in. ..
Thank you for your sandwiches.
Louise Bilton say ...
-Well, sister, I am afraid that it is a point for America.
Check them out!
They are beautiful! Thank you!
Decorations are prohibited-
The Lord would never allow it. A take
this monstrosity where you took it!
You're kidding, right?
After all, it's Christmas!
You're serious.
-You can not just for once, let it be?
-It is difficult, no one would have noticed.
-Mrs Birch, you have children?
-Niece or nephew?
But once you were a kid.
How can you deny children
just the Christmas tree?
Do not you remember,
how was it?
I had a miserable childhood. Never
I've never seen a merry Christmas.
One year in my sock
found a lot of coal.
-This is terrible!
-I do not deserve any girl!
Maybe I did, but still ...
So good!
-I'm ready!
-This is the right mood, Mrs. Birch!
First-decoration on the tree - done.
-A second.
I really do not understand why every time
when we go hunting, we
go back entrance.
-Do you know what the view is father muddy boots.
-I think it's silly.
Mainly, my darling, do not forget that this
weekend go with my parents to the club for lunch.
I'd hate to miss.
Milo, come back!
-Hold it!
-I'm sorry, sir, it's my fault.
-Are you okay?
Everything is fine, Paisley.
Everything except my new
handbag is fine.
You know, Ashton, are you giving
I thought of the boy more careful.
Completely out of control.
-Thomas, let's go.
-Bye, Thomas.
-Would you tell me who started it?
-He started it.
He's right, it was me.
I'm sorry, Maddie.
This is good.
Now that it's all good again at what
if you Paislymu help with his duties?
-S obligations?
-Feed the ponies.
-This is a great idea, so come on kids.
-I love ponies.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome. After you.
So call tree.
-Do you like it?
-It's wonderful.
-Want to help?
-I would like.
-Even though I do not know what to do.
-Do not worry, there is no bad
way of decorating the tree.
-Higher. -Higher? -Well, you're a lot higher,
so that we could use.
-Here? Even higher?
-Super. Thank you.
-That's what I call change.
-Definitely for the better.
We can also dress?
This is the largest tree,
we've ever had.
I know that his aunt Jules could buy
paid card for emergencies.
I did not know it still works.
-Dad's favorite.
-It's beautiful!
What's that supposed to be?!
Christmas tree, Father.
I see I'm not
blind or stupid.
-Where do you come from?
-I bought it.
I told you quite clearly,
that no I do not!
Here, Grandpa, here prettiest
We hid for you.
Ashton said that the
It's your favorite.
I really say that?
Do you remember her?
Yes, I remember.
Me and my older brother
We each got one.
My family was shattered me.
I cried terribly.
So I gave you mine.
-I think it is forever lost.
-The tree is still a place for her.
Thank you, Jules. It
truly beautiful tree.
You're welcome. But it is not
just my credit.
Come between us. More
left a lot of ornaments.
That will take care of the servants.
But this is the best Christmas.
The family, which together
TREE tree.
Join us, Dad.
You're right, my dear.
-Obviously enjoys it.
-I know
-It's still hard for him?
-Yes. I wish I could do something with it.
Leave it to me.
I sleep!
Good morning. For fifteen minutes
Meet me on the terrace.
Is that an order?
-Your turn.
-Which eye do you better?
-I do not know and I do not care.
-This is bullshit, I'm going back to bed.
Milo, I want to help you. Go back
and raise the bow, please.
Put it on th side.
Fingers like that.
And breathe.
Look at the target. On
the eye can see better?
-On the right.
-Then look through it.
When I was your age,
I used too frequently monocles.
It's hard to know how to fight,
I later gave up ..
How so?
Nunesl strikes you?
On the contrary. Even though I won,
I still felt like a bum ..
Now stretched bow.
And let arrow, let me
walk away with your anger.
-Even Jenda?
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning, Paisley.
It's funny how decorating the Christmas tree
can induce the Christmas atmosphere.
-Paisley, how many days are left until Christmas?
-Five, sir.
Five ... It will be hard work, but I think
invitations that can be ready in time to divorce.
-Yes, to the ball.
We will be throwing the ball?
Yes, it will be at our Christmas Ball,
I just decided.
We need to hire a band. And tell
Ashton let invite all your friends.
-Are you all right, sir.
-Never been better.
-What do kids?
Mila-Asthon learn to shoot a bow
Maddie and Miss Abigail Jules and run
looking after the castle and head dolls Dingle.
Sorry, I should have
the head sew tighter.
-Thank you.
Look at this!
Whoa! This is a tragedy!
-Are you sure
do not want a new one? -Sun
In that case, put on your best people,
who will not stop until they find the head!
Come on, Maddie, we
a tea party.
I saw you in the morning
and Milo on the terrace.
It is very nice of you,
that you spend time with him.
So if you too worried.
The hour went surprisingly well.
-And you're next.
-With arms on it I'm not very good.
And what about the waltz? You'll need
the ball, which his father holds.
It appears that it is thought
thanks to someone.
Shall We Dance?
-You're too stiff.
-I just wanted to say the same thing about you.
Allow your hand.
And how should it then be?
Much better.
Now counting.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
I'm sorry, I'm not
just musically talented.
Do not worry, I am. From five
I learned the violin.
-Do you play the violin?
-And now, try to concentrate.
-I just think it's interesting.
It seems to me interesting that you eat wings
and you know the art from Christopher Landry.
Children, I thought,
that since you both Hauntigtni,
I should expand
your cultural education.
Can this obligation
addressed until after the holidays?
You will be able to choose between language,
literature, music, dance or art.
I chose ballet.
-What did you choose?
-Electric guitar.
-This is impossible.
-Come on, lighten up a bit.
-I'm just funky type.
-Do not worry, I am.
Basic lessons with YMCA.
Oh come on, I know you're a prince, but certainly
you sometimes hidden dance moves.
I'm sorry to bother you
this ... your ghetto dance
-But we have to ...
-Lunch ... with your parents!
Excuse us.
-I'm really sorry.
-For'll forgive you this time.
Now you should have around
a lot of distractions.
You know, Ashton, I think
it's great
both to those children
dedicate. Really.
Finally, we use it here, huh?
Yes, but their life is
Buffalo and soon will go home.
Of course it is occasionally see ...
on oprzdninch or graduation.
But we must be realistic,
not like us.
It would be wrong to force
is to change it.
Change it?
Sorry to interrupt, but we have
less of a problem with canaps to the ball.
-What's the problem?
-Chef can not decide between
shrimp quiche and salmon mousse.
I would prefer salmon. Although
caviar would be even better.
So salmon?
Or something else?
Maybe I should come back later.
Speaking of tomorrow evening
I have the most beautiful dress.
Come walk me to my car.
-Which dress is Miss Jules tomorrow, Mrs. Birch.
-I suppose it will be these.
-This is the robe away.
-Maybe it helps when it vyehlme ...
-What is the guest list?
-Good. Nearly all accepted the invitation.
That is fine.
Yes, you're right.
You should not have happened to be at lunch
Arabellinmi with parents?
Badly-I looked at the clock and missed it.
-That's a very irresponsible.
Family du Belmond is in this highly esteemed county,
We did not want to squander it, did it?
Believe me, Dad, it was not intentional.
Very well, then.
I noticed that you spend
much time with Jules.
I taught her about the dance waltz.
We invite her?
Let me guess, you want there ij
just because it does not have a title.
If only it, but behaves
also quite obscene.
I suppose it
will not not invite?
Exactly so. We only hope
avoiding trapasum.
The clock did not work for years.
Only had to pull a little shaver.
They would have had to go right.
You are amazing!
You need to go bake Christmas cookies,
I promised the kids.
They taste great.
-She is Miss Jules.
-What could compel him to play again?
-I asked rather WHO.
-What is it, Floyd?
-Sorry to interrupt, sir.
But I found it!
I think you're looking for this.
Thank you, Maddie will be thrilled.
-Are you okay?
-Just give me something in my eye.
-I'm fine.
-Of course.
-Did you want something else?
I wanted to ask.
We have a problem with the selection jednohubkek.
-What's the problem?
-Shrimp quiche or salmon mousse?
-What do you like most?
-Shrimp quiche.
That's it.
-Do you like shrimp?
-Very much.
Then it is solved.
Good night.
Charles was of
best. Your father.
Much better than I
when I could be.
-Why was locked in his room?
-Probably because ...
it hurts too much to remember.
But this is everything
from my father left.
All of this makes him a living.
Why no one remembers?
Every morning when I wake up, the
I'm trying to remember, but ...
But his face out of my mind
disappears more and more.
And for a while, until I try,
was left with no bit.
That's not true.
The love you for you
he will always be here.
You look just like him.
-A lot.
Milo, I'm so glad that you and Maddie
and Jules arrived for Christmas.
I hope you noticed how
all elevated Christmas spirit.
Should I leave the door
from now unlocked?
Come on, it's too late and
tomorrow is the big day.
-Sorry I woke you?
-Is everything okay?
-Not been some incident.
I'm terribly sorry, Miss, did not realize
I think the iron is too hot.
Nothing happens, Abigail ...
But this is, after all, Miss Jules
Now what does not go to prom.
What's that burning?
-For God's sake, call it a hole!
-Thanks, Paisley, for your valuable observations.
What will you do? All shops
the clothes were shut down.
You'll have to repair,
nothing else can do.
-Maybe it's a sign.
-What do you think?
-That I would not go to the ball.
-You can not be serious.
Miss Daly, were it not for you,
supplier no ball would not happen.
It's nice of you to say so,
but I think miss him.
Into the seat.
We have to do something.
I have an idea.
I must say that the tailor did a great job, sir.
Even if you only had one exam ..
Paisley, I have a feeling that
tonight will be fantastic.
Crystal glasses in the hall.
Patricia, you've found the rest of the dishes!
Take it into the kitchen.
These glasses in the dining room.
-Everything all right?
Ah, musicians are
there. Right this way, gentlemen.
Right this way, sir.
-Get back to work.
-Of course.
-It is a pity that you're leaving early.
-I need to find a job as soon as possible.
Moreover, these and Maddie
had a great enjoy.
And I'll see you when you return.
Complete 007th agent.
Look at the Svelte.
-You know what, Jules?
-You are great.
-Thank you, Milo.
Here's my princess.
Maddie, seriously we have to introduce
program into smaller eating chips.
-Why do not you go to the ball with us?
Next time, baby, right?
But miss Christmas.
You know what, we celebrate is how you arrive
home and you will have two Christmas.
I want you to tell me a favor?
Say goodbye for me with grandfather
Ashton and uncle?
-But wait till I'm gone.
-Are you sure?
Yeah, like this is better.
They got a lot tonight to work.
Sure to proudly introduce you to the whole Castlebury.
Stand up, I want to see you.
You look amazing. I love you
both very much.
And I know that parents look at you
and are very proud of you.
And me too!
Hooray for them.
Go on!
-Thank you!
-Good evening!
Thank you, sir.
I chose correctly.
The Castlebursk station, please.
Ms. Daly?
Where is Aunt Jules?
-She said that I will execute ...
Not yet.
Dealt with what?
-Lady Blanchart.
Hurry not much time.
Get in!
-Where are we going?
On-station. Jules went away.
Step on it!
Arabella, my dear, you look amazing.
Sir Edward, you are too kind.
Hi, honey.
Edward, it's great to see you again.
Arabella, I tried you all day
unavailable, why did not you call back?
But I was due to
ball in one round.
-I said it in a hurry!
Stop-dramatize it!
I need to talk to you and can not wait it.
-Jules, where are you going?
-Mrs Birch, waiting for the train to the airport.
-Something you forgot there.
Yes, it's in the car. Come on.
You're all here!
-What is it?
-Your Ball gown.
-You you could fix my dress?
No, not really.
I'm sure that they are
nice, thank you very much!
You want to at least look at them?
Those are not my clothes.
But yes, miss. Paisley is
arranged the way from Vienna!
-Who paid for them?
She folded-back from the sluebnoctvo.
-But it had to happen a lot.
Get in-Come.
Floyd, sit forward. Sure, those on
It hit the power, Jules has to catch the ball.
Oh my God!
She was editor of the French Vougue,
who spoke the Countess Lillehookovou?
I do not know. Arabella, do you
that belong together?
What kind of stupid question.
We are the perfect couple.
All that said, even
our parents think so.
-And what if I did not have a title?
-What the hell is this nonsense!
-You did not answer my question.
-Because it's a stupid question.
Well, if you were to be a gardener,
I would not even look at you without looking.
-Is that what you wanted to hear?
-Because it's true.
We do not want the same things. My
life to yours does not fit.
You're breaking up with me?
No, of course not, we all
expect to espouse.
Sorry, but I'm not sure
that I can make you happy.
But I want to be happy.
I want to be a princess!
It's over, Arabella.
-Ah, here is our love birds.
-Where is your aunt Jules?
-I can not say.
We have our Jules.
He's coming.
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss
Jules Daly from Buffalo!
The Buffalo? Today she gets here
already seriously by anyone.
-Jules, you're here!
-Nice dress!
Thank you.
-I'm glad you're back.
-Me too.
Jules, I have no words
You look ravishing.
Thank you, sir.
-I think that the ball can begin.
Lady Christina.
-So, kids, who wants to dance?
-I'll take it.
-I prefer to wait here, thank you.
Henri Dasson.
Do you enjoy it here?
-I was just admiring your decor.
-I see.
You know how to do with antiques.
I can not stay away from them.
Do not worry, not break it. It seeks to
every effort to embarrass you.
-What do you mean?
-I heard it with
Edvard say in the study.
I know you did not want to invite me.
Stupid girl without a title and fortune.
There has been a misunderstanding.
Father talked about Bunny McCracken.
-It's a horrible woman, something in grizzlies style.
Scaring children ... and elderly.
Yonder stands.
Yeah, you're right,
Not that the grizzly ...
Jules, you must know, no
maybe you do not know, but ...
The truth is that I care too much about you.
I clamped one that you have no title.
You're really funny, smart and surprisingly
unconventional, which is a rare combination
I think they are playing our song.
-But we have a song?
-Now we already have.
How come dancing with her?
-Do something!
Where's Edward?
What are you so upset?
I suggest you get more
watch your son.
-I do not know what you're talking about.
-About that.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, just need some air.
Of course.
Jules, wait!
You should go back inside, I'm sure
that you are looking for you. I'll stay a while.
No, I'll wait here with you.
If you do not mind.
-But what Arabella?
-I finished it.
-What happened?
-You hit my heart.
And how do I do it?
-You're a prince and I Castlebury
just a poor girl from Buffalo.
Such an insult! Prince Ashton
There publicly cavort with that girl.
-When should engage with our daughter.
-My son can decide for themselves
Yes, we know about your sons and their
weakness for women without a title.
Watch your tongue, woman!
I'm top Baroness Belmondo
and you can not address me like that!
You may Baroness,
But Jules Daly is larger lady
than what you ever will.
You obviously do not know the right Jules Daly.
It had just about money, why else would there be.
Everyone sees the kids
can not cope at all.
So I did
small personal exploration.
Did you know that Jules Daly
thrown out of work?
That Mr. Milo is actually kleptomaniak?
And that little Maddie is changing
the addict to food?
-That's a lie!
No, Arabella's right.
See? I said it.
Milo really stole the game,
but then it went back.
Maddie loves chips, which
we are trying to alleviate.
And I really
currently unemployed,
but I hope it will not last
long because I work like that.
Maybe too much about
parenthood do not know
but I know that we do not need money,
we were happy.
We just need yourself.
They are brave children who
deserves to have a family.
Even if you do, Arabella, seem to be impossible,
that's the only reason why we are here.
Ashton, perhaps it
really believe that.
Yes, I do.
-Edward, surely you can see, it is ...
-And if so what?
Say about Jules is poor mother.
I was also a bad father.
And worse father-in-law.
Jules should at least work while you
worked a single day in his life.
And if you ask me, Arabella
Marchand du Belmont,
You're here because
coats and necklaces.
That's enough, we're leaving!
Come on, Thomas!
Thanks, Dad!
No, thank you, you did not
give up the old fool.
Can I donate one
fatherly advice?
Do not let the girl escape.
-Can I talk to your aunt for a moment to talk?
Jules, I know that there are no hockey and chicken
wings, but we have cricket and pancakes.
Is it possible that you would get with Maddie
Milo and extend your stay?
Here at Castlebury Hall?
-Jules has a beautiful dress.
-Yes, sir.
-Great taste!
-I thought about where bought?
If you would like to
replace your expenses,
submit my bill in the morning.
So back to work.
Thank you, sir.
-You are a good man, Paisley.
It's time!
You see, Maddie, wrong
I. Santa exists.
Come on, kids!
Hello, Santa!
-Look at all the presents!
-Do you see the big gold?!
Where did you come from
all those gifts?
-You are really great!
No, my dear, you're amazing!
-What is it, Dad?
-I just wish that there was Charles.
But he's here. Did not see it
Mila in bright eyes?
Or a beautiful smile Maddie?
Charles is here. And my sister too.
You're right, dear. And Ashton, this
is a really smart girl.
We should not cry over what we have lost,
but celebrating what we found.
-Merry Christmas!
-Merry Christmas!
This must-see.
Merry Christmas!
Jules and Ashton, all the best!
Hi, my prince!
Hi, my princess!
-It sounds like we're in line for a throne.
-The problem is that we really are.
Oh yeah!
Here we go!
All the stories do not end well.
But for Jules Daly,
dreamer of Buffalo,
this story is just beginning.