Prinzessin Turandot (1934)

Princess Turandot
# roses will bloom,
but nobody can be as lovely
# as you are, Princess
# the sun and the moon
and the silvery gleam of the stars
# they pale before you, Princess
# you are so far away,
and still I'd love to woo you
# I'd love to die for you,
with a thousand joys
# Turandot, adorable Turandot
# when you turn around,
perfumes of jasmin waft by
# Turandot, adorable Turandot
# just your smile
makes your mouth glow like a ruby
# when your little foot passes me by
# I am just a beggar standing destitute on the roadside
# oh Turandot, adorable Turandot
# you're as beautiful and brilliant
as the dawn
adorable Princess Turandot
I can't stand it anymore!
the whole world seems to revolve around the Miss, my daughter
and her group of fools who let themselves be beheaded because of her
this girl will be the death of me!
get moving, ladies
you've started packing only now?
when do you intend to get finished?
why is everybody in this house
bent on driving me crazy!
isn't it enough already
that my own daughter ruins my nerves!
do I even have to get annoyed with you too?
where's my husband?
I'm speechless
I beg of you, do stay that way
no way, my dear!
out with you
I have to talk to you
how much do you need?
I'm going to the seaside for four weeks
then for four weeks to the mountains
to recover from the seaside
take your time, my rosebud
go to the mountains for eight weeks
for eight weeks to the seaside
and another eight weeks to the country
pamper yourself, relax
you need it
but why do I need it?
who has ruined my nerves?
your daughter Turandot!
don't say that, the dear child...
the dear child!
she's a charming child
who has her suitors beheaded
a real angel!
- your image!
- why my image? did I had you beheaded?
or did I marry you?
- you married me
- you see
but your daughter Turandot has her suitors beheaded
this is the result of the up-bringing you gave her
but I haven't given her any up-bringing
but that's exactly what I meant!
but why haven't you given her any up-bringing
because you're besotted with the girl
because you let the girl dance on your nose
it's downright outrageous
the way she has you around her little finger
your daughter makes you the laughing stock
of the whole world
don't interrupt me all the time
I'm fed up with that inconsiderate behaviour
but I'm telling you this, my dear
when I'm back in eight weeks
from my rest cure
and if Turandot isn't married by then yet
you! then!
Holy Confucius!
and you're advising me to get married
of course you should get married
as soon as possible,
so that I can have peace at last
what do you think you're doing anyway?
you can't exterminate all young men
just because they're in love with you
don't interrupt me
I'm fed up with this inconsiderate behaviour
but little daddy, I...
I'm not your little daddy!
- why not?
- why why
well... of course I'm your daddy
and that's why you shall get married!
- I won't
- you shall
- I won't
- you shall
am I master in this house
or am I not?
you aren't, little daddy
I'll show you that I'm master in the house
you ill-bred child
you'll marry the one
who can solve your riddles
I don't care if he's a prince
or some vagabond off the streets
whither did you come from?
from the world
where will you be going?
to the Emperor
to the Emperor?
just like that?
you must be a megalomaniac, young man
man, how dare you!
talk politely with us!
otherwise we'll complain about you
to the Emperor
who are you anyway?
who am I?
I'm Willibald
Calaf's servant
the famous bird-dealer
yes. and the Emperor... one moment
now open up those frog's eyes of yours a bit
the Emperor himself has invited us
let them pass
... I'm not.
you see, I said...
everyone wooing me must solve three riddles first
and if he doesn't solve them
he'll be beheaded
and then I thought they'd get frightened
and nobody would be wooing me
and I'll have my peace
and now...
not a single suitor lets himself be frightened off
on the contrary!
I practically begged the Prince of Samarkand on my knees not to woo me
and what is the result?
here you are - he's singing
singing even on the way to his execution
# Turandot, adorable Turandot
# when you turn around, perfumes of jasmin waft by
# Turandot, adorable Turandot
# just your smile
makes your mouth glow like a ruby
# when your little foot passes me by...
what's keeping you, my friend?
patience, my Prince
a slight traffic jam
check out what's going on down there
hey, you
make way!
good God, how shall I pass through there?
I must get home
I'm so excited
but what's going on there?
how shall I get home now?
where's your home, little girl?
that's none of your business, sir
good God, how shall I pass through there?
what am I to do?
who's the sweet little crab?
sir, this is the confidant and companion
of Princess Turandot
if you would follow me across the courtyard, Miss Mian Li
this is a good idea,
I mustn't keep the Princess waiting
today she's in a bad mood anyway,
she dreamt of white mice
- of white mice?
- she did
this means trouble
doesn't it?
white mice always mean trouble
then you must run home quickly, Miss Mian Li
yes, but first I must know what's going on here
I'm awfully curious
so am I
what's going on here?
the Prince of Samarkand is to be beheaded
because he didn't solve Princess Turandot's riddles
because he didn't what?
because he couldn't solve Princess Turandot's riddles
yes, those are the quaint ways she has with her suitors
quaint ways indeed!
she swore to marry the man
who can solve her three riddles
and if he cannot solve them
then he's beheaded mercilessly
yes, ritsch ratsch
if you want to verify
utter nonsense!
this pitiful execution won't take place,
I'll see to that
I must get home, I must get home
I must tell Turandot about it
are you all made out of cotton?
can you watch calmly how this... this
this evil young woman has executed
hundreds of young men in the bloom of their youth...
just because the silly goose doesn't feel like getting married?
Willibald, come here
sir, I demand satisfaction
get going
stop it
now get going, run away
no way!
leave me alone!
with whom do I have the honour?
Calaf, nice to meet you
sir, you have dared to insult the Princess Turandot
in the most insolent manner
if you don't take back that insult
with an expression of deepest regret
then you're going to get into trouble with me
you must be dreaming!
that evil young woman ought to get a good hiding on her silken panties
silken panties!
and when I say silken panties
I'm being polite
by the devil!
you're not going to take back your insult of Princess Turandot?
on the contrary!
you can bet on it
you'll regret it, sir
may heaven have pity on your heirs, my boy
clear the ring
first round
1 : 1
second round
but I must get home, I must get home
pardon me if I go on with my dinner
one simply doesn't have time the whole day
I don't find anything tasty nowadays...
but one has to peck some food now and then
to keep one's head on one's shoulders
excuse me, sir,
no pun intended
you know the conditions
under which every suitor may woo the Princess
what's this?
I beg your pardon, Chief Judge,
but you must come to the execution square at once
somebody has freed the Prince of Samarkand...
and is ruining our business
Good Heavens, who is it?
a madman
# I fell asleep beside the waters with the lotus flowers
# and dreamed about love
# I am awake and all the blossoms have faded
# will love pass away like that, I wonder
ah, Princess, the things I've lived through right now,
what is it? tell me
such insolence. one couldn't possibly tell this.
it would be lse-majest
what's the matter?
an ordinary bird-dealer,
he said things about you, Princess!
evil little dame, he said
silly goose, he said
and that you ought to get a good hiding on your behind
that's what he said
who is this insolent ruffian?
his name is Calaf, a bird-dealer
his servant is called Willibald
isn't it downright insolent?
and ... all this is ... really true?
every word of it, Princess
I swear it,
and I even haven't told you the worst things he said
arrest the brute!
in the name of the Princess Turandot
in the name of the Princess Turandot
# Turandot, adorable Turandot
in the name of the Princess Turandot
make way
too late, look at the mess
are you Calaf, the bird-dealer?
he is, if you please
on the highest orders by the Princess Turandot:
you are my prisoner
you've come at the right time, my boy
I'm just in the mood to have a little chat
with Princess Turandot
Willibald, look after the birds,
I'll be back soon
I don't think so
me neither
we don't think so
here's the criminal, most gracious Princess
out with you!
down with you!
what do you mean?
on your knees!
don't you know who I am?
you lout
I know exactly who you are
a heartless little person
the Princess Turandot
don't shout!
I'll shout as much as I like
what kind of behaviour is that,
for a princess?
so young, so beautiful,
created by God on a Sunday to make men happy
and instead, what are you doing?
the men, stupid enough to woo you,
you're sending to the executioner by the dozen,
and why?
because you don't want to get married,
you silly goose!
this is enough!
not yet!
I forbid you to shout at me!
I'll shout as much as I like
if you're surrounded my milksops
who don't dare tell you the truth
then I'll have to do it
you're very beautiful,
one could eat you
but unfortunately a freak
a freak, I'm telling you,
because you have no heart
if you had one, all the beheaded suitors
would appear in your dreams every night
till you wouldn't know in nor out
thank God on your knees that I'm not your father
nor your brother, nor, my God protect me from it,
your husband, otherwise you'd get it good
so... so....
but please
now you may speak
now you've lost your vocabulary, is that it?
you ruffian!
too kind, Princess
arrest this man at once!
shall we cut his head off?
I ... never want to see him again
out with him
into the prison with him
yes Princess, presently
I'll throw him into prison right away
where else should I throw him?
out with you
come with me, my dear
young man, you've spoken to my heart
get up
say, who was the little fat fellow?
the Heavenly Son
which son?
His august Majesty the Emperor
the Emperor?
you must be joking
Princess Turandot's father?
must be a funny family
I don't care whether he has time or not
I must to the Emperor
you must be mad, you fellow
to the Emperor? are you announced?
I'll announce myself
I'll tell him a piece of my mind
he's arrested my master Calaf, and I want to...
I shall...
I absolutely must speak to the Emperor
one moment, guard
why are you so excited, Mr. Willibald?
because those two fools won't let me pass
impossible behaviour
we'll take care of this at once, Mr. Willibald
you take Pingpong -
you know where
and you, my dear ???
announce to the Emperor that Mr. Willibald urgently requires an audience
tell him it's about Calaf, the bird-dealer
well, how did I manage?
great, thank you
you're welcome
His Majesty will graciously appear here very soon
wait here, but don't touch anything
well, don't you like him?
I don't, he has lice
look at this.
are you the gardener, by the way?
but I'm not a gardener
I'm the Emperor of China
and I'm the Shah of Persia
you don't say!
this is a charming surprise
- a chance meeting...
- my dear Shah of Persia, to what do I owe the pleasure?
my dear Emperor of China,
one moment
- what's that?
- hands off!
what kind of a bird is that?
this is a miracle bird
why a miracle bird?
he only sings when two love each other
and are nice to each other
when two love each other?
a pity, with my wife,
the poor little birdie would drop dead at once
don't make me giggle
your wife, of all people!
even the Empress wouldn't be good enough for this bird
just between ourselves,
my wife and the Empress are made of the same stock
- you don't say!
- like twins
that much of a resemblance?
have you been employed here for long?
I'll be celebrating my 25th jubilee here soon
- and you're content, I mean...
- I can't complain
are you on good terms with the Emperor?
but we grew up together
but this is wonderful!
you might do me a great favour
- listen, the Emperor is a great bird-lover
- he is
- but what he keeps here in his cages is no big deal
- I beg your pardon?
but this miracle bird might tempt him
and how!
you see, and that's why I want to offer it to the Emperor
for Calaf, as ransom
and if you'll help me with this, then...
then I'll tell you a remedy against vine lice
will it really work?
you can bet on it
just a handful...
- now let me talk for once
- please
because you don't need any ransom for Calaf
yes yes yes
but no, Mr. Calaf
please take a look yourself
as you can see the victims of our charming princess
are in excellent health
this club offers everything a young gentleman of education and taste
might wish for
we've told ourselves, why should we deprive those charming young men
who have lost their heads anyway, of their blooming life?
let them live
His Majesty the Emperor
and my humble self have found a way out
I say, the idea of a genius
what do you mean,
is this supposed to be me?
here you are
tell me, Chief Judge,
what are the guys out there waiting for?
the ransom
I see, and this ransom the Emperor will pocket
no, my dear,
this is a little private affair of my own
I say, Chief Judge,
you're a real crook
my dear Mr. Calaf...
bravo, that is so true!
I'm sorry, sir,
but I have to agree with you
but you're right
Mr. Chief Judge,
you really are a crook
you flatter me
since you're here, Mr. Calaf,
would you be so kind and have your measures taken?
take your hands off, will you
but this is the only method for a life insurance I can offer you
too kind,
but I prefer my own method
which is...?
I'll solve Princess Turandot's riddles
I'm not in love with that little shrew
- are you going off again?
- keep calm, my boy
once I've solved the Princess' riddles,
I'll be the master of this house and I'll free you all
without ransom?
of course
you noble young man!
Mr. Chief Judge
announce to the Princess Turandot
that tonight at sunset
I'll meet her to solve her riddles
- tonight?
- at sunset
that Calaf wants to solve my riddles
yes Princess, unfortunately
but this is great!
yes Princess
it's an insolence!
an insolence
not only that he insults me,
challenges me...
now he even dictates the time of the meeting!
but Princess, why don't you refuse to see him?
so that people will think I'm afraid of him
oh no!
oh no!
tell that bird-dealer
that he's to appear in the small audience hall
at sunset
yes Princess
but he's to be on time,
I won't wait one minute
yes Princess
by my dear gardener
I really like you
so do I
my dear Shah of Persia
what's the matter?
what's the matter?
Your august Majesty
but kids, stop that nonsense
I don't demand that of you
I have to announce to His Majesty
that a certain Mr. Calaf, bird-dealer
has dared to challenge the Princess Turandot
and will try to solve her riddles tonight at sunset.
tell me, is that really the Emperor?
good gracious!
Your Majesty
I have a confession to make
I'm not the Shah of Persia
you aren't?
but those shoes are impossible!
but Princess, you've chosen them yourself just now!
but Your Imperial Highness,
I haven't finished yet
you've been fiddling with my scalp for an eternity now
Mian Li, my mirrored fan
Your Imperial Highness looks ravishing again tonight
I look awful
oh no
I won't appear in the audience hall tonight looking like that
you've arranged me like a scare-crow
it's enough to drive one mad
Your Imperial Highness
You're Imperial Highness,
are you decent?
you must be out of your mind,
Mr. Chief Judge
good heavens!
His Majesty the Emperor is waiting
where's my daughter?
Her Imperial Highness,
the Princess Turandot
before Her Imperial Highness, Princess Turandot,
and her august Imperial father
a certain Calaf has appeared today
bird-dealer by profession
registered at no. 146
in the princess' list of suitors
one moment
just to avoid any future misunderstandings
I've reported here
in order to solve the Princess' riddles
whether I shall marry her...
whether I shall marry her...
that remains to be seen.
approach, Calaf
one of these goblets contains a deadly poison
can you tell me which it is?
well, Calaf?
well, Calaf?
in which goblet is the poison?
in this one, Princess
you may retire now, old boy
Calaf does good
I bet 100 to 1
one moment, my dear
how much does this golden god of riches weigh?
about the same as I
thank you, my friend
approach, Calaf
you've heard how much this golden god of riches weighs?
we are ordering you now
to turn him upside down with two fingers of your right hand
may I touch him?
is it screwed to the pedestal?
but no!
well Calaf
one moment
heavy, isn't it?
one moment, Princess
may I?
if you please, Princess
with two fingers of the right hand
no no no no
let me look too
bend down a bit, Mr. Emperor
you havent reached the end yet, Calaf
you haven't solved the most difficult riddle yet
and when I've solved it, Princess?
when I've solved it, then...
I've been thinking it over
then I'll marry you
it takes two to marry
that's right, you and me
you perhaps
but not I
but we've a contract,
you'll have to marry me if I solve the third riddle
you won't solve it, by your life you won't!
Mr. Calaf
what have I been dreaming of last night?
- both thumbs, Your Majesty
- what?
both thumbs, that brings even more luck
he'll make it,
he won't make it
he'll make it
he won't make it
well Calaf?
what have I been dreaming of last night?
white mice
is this true?
it is
long live Calaf
Calaf has won!
Calaf has won!
hurrah for Calaf.
down with the Chief Judge!
kids, now we're free!
we'll go for a stroll
# being imprisoned all the time,
nobody can stand this
# that's not possible,
one must get out once in a while
# we're flesh and blood,
we're not made from iron
# now we need to do something
for our hearts
# we want to go out strolling
# look at pretty girls
# we want to go out dancing again,
then the world is twice as beautiful
# it doesn't have to last the whole night through,
it'll be enough till next morning at 8
# we want to go out strolling,
then the world is twice as beautiful
my little daughter
ah, my golden days are over
a genius, that Calaf
may the devil take him
I beg your pardon?
of course, I mean...
bravo ... bravo
Princess, your barrette
you've lost your arrow
what will be my finder's reward?
but Princess!
tell me...
why don't you like me?
won't you even look at me?
you won't?
try it
try it
you see
I'm not that terrible
no no
don't start that
I'll try my luck with her
but my child!
- I'll be damned!
- this means nothing, my dear son-in-law
once you're married...
but I don't want to get married,
never, never!
he can try till he's blue in the face
what do you have against Calaf?
he's a nice guy
and clever too
that's just it, that he's so clever!
but good heavens, child,
you've always told me all men weren't clever enough for you
I have
but he didn't have to be that clever!
now be reasonable
but I don't want to be reasonable!
- good evening
- son-in-law, be reasonable!
but I don't want to be reasonable!
I don't like a wife
who is stubborn like a donkey
my wife should love me,
should be impatient to lie in my arms, and...
marry a woman who doesn't like me?
not if they gave her to me for free!
I'm sorry Your Majesty,
it would have been an honour and a pleasure to become your son-in-law
but this is going too far. A good day
have a little patience with the child,
little son-in-law
it is the only way,
believe me, Your Majesty
not "Majesty"
I'm determined to
become your daddy-in-law
and I your son-in-law
and you want to run away from Turandot?
yes, so that she'll run after me,
that stubborn person
do you think she'll be cured that way?
of course, she's such an ill-tuned little screw
- but this is all your fault
- what?
yes, your fault alone!
as to education,
I wouldn't trust our children to you
you're wrong, son-in-law
I'm a born granddaddy
you are?
well, the matter mustn't be rushed
first, we'll give the girl's head a good washing
and Your Majesty shall help me
eh, daddy-in-law
I believe there's a full moon tonight
because exactly 14 days ago
we had the new moon
I see
it's so beautiful to take a walk under a full moon
the both of us?
alright, we'll meet at the Little Dragon's Gate
it's quite hidden
and there's never any guard around
never any guard?
now I must ask the Princess for leave, good-bye
and now my little daughter mustn't worry anymore
tomorrow morning Calaf will give you an easy riddle,
a mere formality, like a child's game
and if you solve it, you'll be rid of that Calaf
and free
he wants to get rid of me?
why get rid of you?
if only as a formality,
he wants to give me an easy riddle
a child's game for you
but he'll think of something weird,
and I won't be able to solve it, and I'll sit there
and Calaf will laugh his head off
Mian Li,
are you my friend or aren't you?
I swear
- so you want to help me?
- I do
I must find out till tomorrow morning
which riddle Calaf will pose me
good God, but that's difficult!
I know
but I must find it out
and you must help me
I've an idea, Princess
that Calaf has a servant
if we tried to question that servant
I know where to find him
don't you want to change, sir?
I mean make yourself pretty for the engagement ceremony
it has been postponed
then we'll stay here?
yes, if you don't mind
not at all
I've made the bed, sir
thank you, I'm not tired
the apples are on the stove
say, what do you want exactly?
- nothing
- tell me, what do you want?
if you don't need me anymore...
a friend of the Emperor has invited me
is the friend's name perhaps Mian Li?
I don't know his name exactly
- but he has a great influence
- on whom? on you
that too
alright, run along
thank you
thank you very much, sir
# when you stand guard at night
# one knows how slowly time passes
# one wishes for dawn
# 'cause the sweetheart is waiting
# that's what a soldier needs to be happy
# and a drop of wine
# tralala, halt, who's there?
# who's sneaking through the night?
# you thieves, you scum, away with you!
# a guard's life is hard.
what are you doing here?
as you can see, I stand guard
here at the Dragon's Gate?
but nobody used to stand guard here before
but tonight there is
to guard Calaf's wagon,
the Emperor's son-in-law
tonight of all nights!
say, are you thirsty?
I've never been not thirsty
in my life
then get drunk
on Calaf's health
but who's to stand guard then?
nobody else but me
that's very noble of you
that's me
friend, take this too
thank you
you can entirely rely on me, Princess
I'll question that Willibald in a way
which will please you
because if you don't know the answer to Calaf's question tomorrow...
then you would not only be put to shame for the second time
I beg your pardon, Princess,
but, which is much worse...
you'd be totally in that disagreeable Calaf's power
and that would be just awful, Princess,
no no no
that would be unthinkable,
I'd rather die that let that allow to happen
good-bye Princess
but don't stay away too long!
with that Mr. Calaf
she said
ah, Pingpong
# don't be afraid, everything will work out fine
# I'm surprised at my own courage
# ha, what's that, what do I see?
# my heart almost stands still
# now there's some rustling in the flowery grove
# perhaps that's a robber
# tralala, halt who's there?
# who is sneaking around here in the night?
# thieves, scum, away with you
# a guard's duty is heavy
Mr. Willibald
ah, Miss Mian Li,
good evening
Mr. Calaf
you're here?
so it seems
isn't Mr. Willibald in?
no, Mr. Willibald has an engagement
but he hasn't been at the Dragon's Gate
he hasn't been where?
I mean ... I mean...
with whom has he the engagement?
as far as I know,
with a highly influential person
with a highly influential person?
- well?
- in vain, Princess
Mr. Willibald is not at home.
And Mr. Willibald isn't where he ought to have been.
Mr. Willibald simply isn't there
and the full moon has risen
what are we to do now?
then there remains only one solution:
I'll ask Calaf myself
why you?
but Princess,
do you want to go to Calaf yourself?
why not
you? a Princess of Imperial descent?
sneak to a young man at night, meet him in his garden?
at under a full moon, of all things!
but Princess!
are you in love with Calaf, by the way?
is Your Imperial Highness jealous, by the way?
then I'll sacrifice myself for my adored Princess
and go to Calaf
the things one does for a good friend
yes, who is it?
I, Mian Li
ah, Mian Li
come in
somebody's coming
I'll leave.
good-bye, Mr. Calaf
- Mr. Calaf!
- what is it?
good God, I'm so nervous
so, you'll see to it that Turandot will come here
you can completely rely on me, Mr. Calaf
I'll work her over so that she'll burst with jealousy
but when she comes you mustn't betray me,
otherwise she'll tear my head off
that would be a pity about the pretty head
Princess, a thousand pardons,
but I'm so excited
I completely forgot to knock
but the Princess doesn't wear her shoes
just imagine what happened to me, Princess
just as I was about to elicit out of Calaf
the riddle he intended to pose to you tomorrow
at that moment, unfortunately
somebody crossed the Bridge of the Silvery Bells
and I got so frightened that I ran away like mad
Ive never seen such imbecility in my whole life
you know what is at stake
I entrust you with a charge of the utmost importance
and you abandon me
I wouldn't have thought you capable of that, Mian Li
Your Imperial Highness,
I'm desolate
now you'll have to go to Calaf yourself
I see, now I'll have to go to Calaf myself all of a sudden
and what did you say just a moment ago?
"but Princess, you couldn't possibly think of going to Calaf yourself!"
"a Princess of Imperial descent?
sneak to a young man at night, meet him in his garden?"
"especially under a full moon"
that's true, Princess,
but you could disguise yourself
- as what?
- as Mian Li
put on my jacket and the veil
he knows them already quite well
but I'm not sure if this looks becoming on me
but Princess, he mustn't recognize you!
and besides, inside the wagon it's quite dark
I see
you must have been terribly frightened
you poor thing
not at all, Princess
you're never afraid
when you're with Calaf
is that so?
your jacket and the veil, quick
Mian Li, do you really think he won't recognize me?
underneath my veil?
of course not, Princess
who's there?
Mian Li?
come in
you've come from ... Turandot?
of course
come in
what's the matter?
you weren't that shy a short while ago
but I'm not shy!
it's pretty in here
I've told Turandot about it
if you wander across all those countries
you always find some souvenirs
don't you want to take off your veil?
don't touch me!
but Mian Li, that's not like you!
you weren't so prudish a short while ago
excuse me, why do you address me as "thou" all of a sudden?
did I call you "you" earlier?
have you forgotten, my little Mian Li?
and this? and that?
do you want to have another baked apple?
what's that?
but you've eaten three of them a moment ago
try it
you take one bite
and I take another bite
tastes good, doesn't it?
you take one bite
- come on
- always as "you and me"
just like we did a short while ago
no thank you
I don't want it anymore
another bite, please,
then it'll taste better to me
I ... I've just eaten too much of it
and besides, I haven't returned because of the baked apples
because of me?
because of you neither
but because of the riddle, Calaf
I see
Calaf, please
tell me the riddle
you're going to pose to my Princess
why doesn't the silly person come and ask me herself?
but Calaf!
now that she's reached the end of her Chinese with me...
tell me, why does she send you? why?
what are good friends for?
I'm sorry, it's impossible
why is it impossible?
you must find a way out
you're so clever
it has nothing to do with being clever
the thing is this:
I can only think of the riddle
if my miracle bird sings
and my miracle bird only sings
if two people kiss each other
if you want to learn the riddle
Turandot is to solve
then I'll have to kiss you
Mian Li, listen to me
no no I don't want to
but Mian Li!
you'll only be doing a service of friendship for Turandot
what about you?
I'd like to kiss you very much
Mian Li
but I thought you loved...
the Princess Turandot?
I do, but she isn't here right now, or is she?
I see
and because she isn't here,
you want to kiss me
what am I to do?
you want to know the riddle
without kissing the bird won't sing
and without the bird singing
I can't think of a riddle, it's that simple
but if I tell the riddle to Turandot
and if she'll solve it
then she'll be free?
of course
and you'd agree to that?
since she doesn't love me
how can you be so sure?
if she loved me, would she let you come here?
Mian Li?
go ahead
no no
you mustn't lift the veil
but that's impossible
the bird doesn't consent to compromises
he doesn't?
then turn off the lantern
with greatest pleasure
no no, hold on, I can't think of the riddle that quickly
now I must go home
another kiss
no no
not a single more
Mian Li
Mian Li
but I haven't told you the riddle
of course
what is the riddle?
how many pearls are in the ocean?
but that's mean of you!
the riddles I had to solve weren't made of cardboard either
how many pearls are in the ocean?
if I may kiss you once more,
I'll tell you the solution
no thank you
now Turandot shall be tortured as well
Mian Li
my greetings to the Princess Turandot
Mian Li, open up!
Mian Li, quick!
I'm being followed by the ghosts
of all the men I've had beheaded
close the door!
Mian Li!
it is I, Willibald
good heavens, let's shut the door
did you see?
the way they ran away from me
my brave Willibald
my hero
that feels good
that feels even better
get out of my sight
you false snake
false snake?
but Princess!
why didn't you mention the thing about the baked apples?
did the bird sing too
while you were there?
which bird?
what happened?
did Calaf recognize you, Princess?
he didn't!
he thought I was you the whole time
and that's why he had been so fresh with me
the way you must have behaved with him!
you, my friend?
a pretty friend!
eating baked apples with him!
"you take one bite,
I take one bite"
"you take another bite"
and the "shh" and the "shh"
and you know exactly that...
what do I know?
you know nothing at all!
Your Imperial Highness,
I'm desperate
did you at least manage to learn the riddle?
do you imagine I'm as useless as you are?
running away like a chicken
without getting the riddle?
and what is it?
"how many pearls are in the ocean?"
but who is to count them?
calm yourself
I'll find the answer alright
but then you'll be free, Princess
indeed I'll be free!
and Calaf will be free
and you'll be free too, Mian Li
I know exactly what you two are up to
you deserve each other
marry each other
you have my blessings
I'll be too glad if I don't have to see the both of you anymore
if he's left and gone with his ridiculous wagon
you can both sit and eat baked apples
till you're bursting!
which robe does Your Imperial Highness command
for today's audience?
I don't care at all
which shoes do you wish to wear,
Your Imperial Highness?
I don't care at all
which jewelry, Your Imperial Highness?
I don't care at all
where's the coral arrow?
the Princess' coral arrow
she always wears in her hair,
her talisman
no idea
you never have any idea
that's your specialty
I am sure the Princess wore it yesterday
what am I to do if she notices
that the talisman is lost
there'll be a catastrophe
what's that?
but this is an arrow to put into your hair
it is
it's a hair arrow, that is, no
no, this is a key
the hair arrow is a key?
this is the key to my riddle
you see?
did you hurt yourself?
what's the matter with him?
why is he pushing me?
but you've run across the Dragon Stairways
they're reserved for the Emperor
I see
how could I know that?
I ought to have been told
well, it doesn't matter anyway
yes, thank you
you're welcome
where do you want to go now?
to Calaf
and I?
Her Imperial Highness the Princess Turandot
approach, Calaf
You are to pose the riddle to me,
before my father and before the whole world,
which I have to solve
in order to regain my freedom
my riddle is very easy, Princess
last night I kissed a woman in my wagon
who was that woman?
but you were going to ask me something else!
how do you know?
only one person can know that
the woman I love
I held in my arms
perhaps I can make it easier for you
she wore this coral arrow
well, Princess?
who was that woman?
is that true?
yes, Your Majesty
you've solved the riddle
you're free, Turandot
that's out of the question!
no way!
you're right, daddy
I don't want to owe you anything, Calaf
you're to get back what you've given me
the end