Prison Break: The Final Break (2009)

You ready?
Didn't think I'd be
this nervous.
Now or never.
Alright, papi,
let's do this.
He's over there.
You must be
Your friend,
tells me you could
use my services today.
Very much so.
And I assume that's
the other half of your team?
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
And it's my understanding
you'd like to keep this simple?
We've never actually managed
to keep anything simple...
You could try.
Let's begin then, shall we?
Family and friends,
we gather here...
to celebrate the union between
Michael Scofield and Sara Tancredi.
- Sorry to break up the party.
- What the hell's going on?
We have
an arrest warrant.
- What?
- Wait, wait, wait.
We talked to
Agent Paul Kellerman in D.C.
We've settled this
with the feds.
We settled this with
the feds weeks ago!
Sir, back up!
- We were exonerated.
- Sir...
- We were exonerated!
- Back up!
We're not here for you.
We're here for her.
She didn't do anything.
She wasn't involved.
Don't make this
Sara Tancredi,
you're under arrest for
the murder of Christina Hampton.
She didn't kill
Funny. Surveillance camera
footage says different.
- Please, right this way.
- Michael.
- Second car, please.
- Michael!
- Second car.
- What's going on?
Back up, please.
The Old Ball And Chain
They're not gonna
let me see her.
Why did Kellerman send you
if you can't do anything?
They're trying
to break both of you.
Look, she has a constitutional right
to reasonable visitation.
I'll draw up an order to show cause
and get it before the judge immediately.
While you're at it,
- can you argue in self defence?
- How?
Anything that might help her
is out of frame.
Security camera only shows Sara
stepping up and firing at the victim.
- Pull the trigger, Michael.
- Drop... the gun!
- She worked for the Company.
- To you.
To a jury, she's Christina Hampton,
Technology Consultant.
And because she was so good
at hiding her true identity,
we can't
prove otherwise.
you were all exonerated.
It did not sit well
with law enforcement.
If they can make Sara
pay for it, they will.
How much time
is she looking at?
Over here.
This one's yours.
Am I supposed to be
in a different facility?
I don't think so.
I haven't been convicted
of anything yet.
I'm supposed to be in a jail.
This is prison.
and budget cuts, fish.
This is the jail.
That's the prison.
'Sup, homie?
You need some help?
You got everything
you need over there?
Why don't you go help
and make her bed?
Don't let them spook you.
They just like to intimidate.
They are good at it.
This jail-prison
hybrid thing's B.S.
Come on.
The other one's
practically empty.
You can ride it out
to your court date there.
Thank you.
Here. This should be a little bit
more comfortable for you.
What's going on?
You know...
At first,
I couldn't place your name.
It sounded so familiar.
But then, Haggs here,
figured it out.
I remembered your pretty face
from the papers.
You're not
going anywhere, fish.
This is going
to happen.
Half a dozen guards
lost their jobs and pensions
at Fox River.
Another dozen
were put on probation,
after you decided
to leave
the door open
for your boyfriend
and his seven convict pals.
And we...
ain't gonna let anything
like that happen again.
Don't worry,
we won't hit
the baby basket.
That's right.
Looked like that welcome wagon
ran over your face.
It looks
that way, huh?
Alright, well...
You need something,
you just ask for me.
Everybody calls me
Special delivery.
You know,
all we need is a little cash,
spread around
in places.
I told you.
The government's
exposing my assets.
You tellin' me you can't get
your hands on the cash?
Unless, that's the least
you could do.
Considering you was gonna kill me
not too long ago.
Goodbye, Theodore.
You ain't never been
incarcerated before,
and I never been
incarcerated here.
now let's just say
this handicapped connie
got the juicy hand back
in Fox River.
Your pathetic existence here
could be ameliorated.
As can my life,
all with a little
"Roberto de Niro".
One of our friends has been
apprehended by the authorities.
Looks like we've got
a new neighbour.
I'm never gonna get out
of this prison alive.
I know that.
I wanna bring my enemy
down with me.
I want her dead.
Either way, it's going
to require a capital.
A capital
you no longer have.
My rainy day plan.
Do you know where it is?
I'd assume that that would be
used for your defense.
It's good money
after bad, Joe.
They're not gonna
let me out of here.
No matter how many shots,
it's that hard.
Get that.
To our friend, in the sister cells,
across the compound.
Officer Johnson...
Officer Riley, could you come
to your extension
in 30 seconds...
Excuse me.
Bad move.
Last time someone touched her,
they got a crack kneecap.
You're much braver
than I gave you credit for.
Either that,
or you're amazingly nice.
Do I look like
I wanna talk to you?
I just say,
a woman in your position
laid up
for some protection.
Join the prison gang?
I don't think so.
Not a gang.
A family.
They don't call her "Daddy"
for nothin'.
That's her wife.
And those are
her kids.
- Are you okay?
- Stay the hell away from me.
I need
to go down the infirmary.
Can't go down the infirmiary
without a release form.
I'm having muscle contractions
on my throat.
And my jaws'
tightening up.
It's--It's just
could be indigestions,
I'm not poisoned.
No. That's the government cheese.
You'll get used to it.
If I don't get to the hospital
in the next 15 minutes,
I will die
and my baby will die.
Why don't you let her
go see the doc?
This is Kaorla.
Inmate going
to the infirmary.
We were able to administer
the charcoal labrigintein.
You and your baby
are gonna be okay.
You know the strignein didn't get into
my meatloaf all by itself, right?
Well then, you need to talk
to the warden about it.
Then how about talking to me
about your face?
You want to tell me
how that happened?
I caught an elbow
playing basketball.
We should discuss your...
As I'm sure
you've ascertained
this isn't going to be
a run-of-the-mill pregnancy.
Do I deliver in here?
The day we induce,
we'll secure you in an ambulance.
We'll take you to St. Lucia
down the road.
We'll cordone off a room.
There'll be three armed guards
in there with me,
when you give birth.
Do I get
to see my baby?
You'll have 30 minutes
before we take it away.
I've seen this process
a dozen times.
After the mothers come back here,
the depression's almost unbearable.
My advice,
it's a lot
less messy,
if you'd just think of yourself
as a surrogate.
it's Lou Phillips.
Listen, um...
Your wife had
an incident earlier today.
Someone tried
to poison her.
What are you
talking about?
I need you to focus.
Do you have any idea
who might have done this?
Go ahead,
let him in.
If I had a list of all the people
who might come to visit me...
your name would be at the bottom,
somewhere below
Jesus Christ
and Scooby Doo.
- Someone tried to poison Sara today.
- Mercy--
Only you
would be depraved enough,
to think that killing an innocent woman
and her unborn child
would bring you some kind of peace
before your execution.
Sara is with child?
This is like the 4th of July
and Christmas Day rolled into one.
I am asking you,
father to father,
to leave her alone.
You can kill me
if you want to kill me,
I'll trade my life
for hers.
But leave Sara alone.
If you were killed,
your pain would last
a moment.
If Sara were killed,
your pain would last
the rest of your life.
Now that's got to be appealing
to whoever put out this hit.
But don't worry,
If I find out anything,
I'll be sure to let you know.
Prison life
can be tough.
If I remember correctly,
you have two missing toes
that can attest to that bag.
I don't think you understand.
She's not safe here!
Please just approve the transfer
to another facility.
If I grant her a transfer,
everybody's gonna want one.
What about
segregrated housing?
Is there something
that I should know about
the structural integrity
of shoe?
I can see
where this is going.
I know who you are.
And I'm not going
to let you turn my prison
into the next
Fox River.
All I'm trying to do,
is keep my wife alive.
You do know
she's pregnant.
I don't care.
In case I haven't
made myself clear--
Sara Tancredi is not getting
any preferential treatment.
And you've made
yourself perfectly clear.
Thank you
for your time.
- What happened?
- The General wants Sara dead
and the warden's just
gonna let that happen.
We gotta lure in the case
if he's gonna get her out, right?
Which is
not enough time.
She stays in that prison,
someone's going to kill her.
I guess we don't have
a choice.
We're breaking her out.
In my 16 years
in the Bureau,
I've worked cases under
Alexander Mahone,
is the smartest,
most honorable man,
I've ever had the pleasure
of serving with.
As one of those 43 agents,
I can't help but feel a bit offended.
Because obviously, I am not as honoured
as this drive-addicted murderer.
Alex has been clean and sober
for four months.
And he's been completely
exonerated of all crimes
associated with his involvement
with the Company.
That doesn't include the shooting
and murder of one Oscar Shales
and burying his body
under his bird bath--
That is just an allegation.
Let's move on,
shall we?
All those in favor of
reinstating Alexander Mahone,
a Special Agent in the Federal
Bureau of Investigation--
- All those oppose?
- Alright, alright, I've--
Thank you
for the invite, Richard.
It's always a pleasure.
You know, Alex.
This ruling can't be revisited.
If you're able to
sufficiently demonstrate,
just how committed you are
to a life of service.
Now, as you may know,
Sara Tancredi was arrested recently,
and is currently being housed
at the Miami Dade State Penitentiary.
We have concerns that Michael Scofield
may have other plans for her.
So this...
This is why you invite me in here.
Well obviously, if Scofield were,
to be able to
pull off this plot
of another breakout,
the public embarassment will be
immensed to the Bureau.
So... having someone to get us
credible information,
that would be worth
something to us.
Agent Wheatley is set up in Miami.
He would be your contact.
You're something else.
We both know...
how badly you want
that badge back.
Give me a reason
to give it to you.
What's your plan
after we break her out?
We're on the run
First things first.
Let's get her out of there.
Hey, papi.
The fed that arrested Sara,
is outside, staking us out.
Look, if you're worried about
getting into trouble again,
go back to Chicago,
go back to your family.
I'll understand.
Are you kidding me?
After all the crap we've been through,
I'm just going to leave you here
and Sara in there?
You shut up
and don't bring it up again.
- What's all that?
- Newspaper clippings--
Covering seven
different escape attempts,
from Miami Dade's
State Pen,
over the last 60 years.
None of them--
None of them
So we weigh them all,
and we learn what not to do.
Well, the prison officials
learned a lot.
They re-evaluated,
they retrofitted...
The prison's pratically
- Are you alright?
- I'm fine--
I guess so if we can't go through,
what if we go down?
Like down into the prison?
Like we parachute in.
You parachute in,
- you find her, and we get he rout.
- Are you kidding?
- I'm serious.
- That's suicide!
Hey, hey...
Newspapers clippings only
going to get us so far.
We need some more information
about the prison.
So let's do
some recon work.
Camera, electronic
tape measure, dry ice.
What's this?
It's a shopping list.
You need
to come with me, doc.
I have a doctor's appointment
for my pregnancy in a few minutes.
It'll wait.
In here.
Hold it.
I don't know
what you want,
but I promise you,
I will go down and fight it.
Damn baby,
I ain't gonna hurt you.
Hell, I ain't even gonna
touch you.
See, I run the motor pool
detail in here.
And I was thinkin' if you want
to get yourself a little fresh air,
and not have to worry about
getting stuck in the back,
then you could come in,
work with me...
You're the fed
from my wedding.
Yeah, you can call me
Agent Wheatley.
I could call you
a lot of things.
- Where you headed?
- Sea World.
Sea World?
There isn't one
in Miami.
My loss.
No. What really be
your loss,
is getting
your wife killed,
by doing something stupid.
- Are you threatening Sara?
- No, no. Not at all--
I'm just saying that if you were gonna
try and revoke her sentence.
Bullets fly, Michael.
And if she'd get hurt,
that'd be on you.
Funny hearing that
from the guy
who put her in prison
in the first place.
No, I didn't put her in prison.
State of Florida did.
It's just my job to make sure
that she stays there.
So, uh...
Where's all
your little buddies?
Drop in some more dry ice.
Fence line is four feet...
from the road.
And 32 feet...
from the east camera.
Hurry up.
They're gonna see the laser.
I'm going as fast
as I can, papi.
- He followed you?
- Yeah, but he's gone now.
You guys almost done?
I'll meet you back
at the loft.
Well, you just
a natural.
I bet you was
a hell of a surgeon.
Handing out
condoms to cons
were makin'
no damn surgeon!
What in the hell
is the matter with you?
You ain't even ask me
if she can come...
One day, for real!
Can we go one day
without your mouth? One!
Let it be today.
I'm sorry.
You got to forgive
my old lady, she's...
You just a little bit
easy on eyes, you know?
She's just
the jealous type.
Crazy type
is more like it.
What? You wanna
watch your tone, Agatha.
Or you want me
take off my belt?
It's rough.
It's hard running a family.
It's important though that, uh--
That you have one--
I have a family.
I have a husband.
Oh, you've got a husband?
Is he here?
They let him bring you in here,
with you, when you came?
I had a husband too.
is a long time to wait.
So, you know.
If this ain't for you,
that's cool.
Then you pick up
that nasty oil,
take it out and put it
in the repository.
We gotta go, bro.
- Get your hands off me.
- When I'm good and ready.
What's Burrows doing
by the fence?
Please don't make me
ask you again, Sara.
Nobody here to help you,
but yourself.
Are you going
to answer me?
You tried to kill me.
Line it up, cons.
Go back inside.
You, get back to your detail.
I want you to pass along
an offer to your boy.
What he's paying
his people
to dust that Tancredi
chicken bitch pop...
My woman are good
for a cut rate.
Just what kind of discount
are you proposing here?
Tell him, uh...
He's offering a 100 grand,
my girl will take 30.
No, 40.
I'll tell him.
Hey, five star.
So you have no cash,
I'm sorry.
I couldn't hear you over
the sound of that broken record.
Got it.
I won't ask again.
Whose act is stupid
as you look, huh?
Oh, to what do
we owe the honor?
I've been thinking...
Well, no need
to be uh, shy.
Just spit it out.
I've changed my mind.
No, well maybe,
Daddy changed her mind.
Maybe she don't
want you here anymore.
Sport's right.
I recently have rolled up
my welcome mat.
- Please.
- Please, what?
Please, may I be
a part of your family?
Take a walk.
Take a walk!
I would love that. I would--
Sit down. I really would.
You see, its not that easy.
It's just saying "I do".
See, in order
to making a commitment...
to a family...
It's something
you gotta prove.
That's right,
we all did it.
It's a commitment...
to the family code.
It's a code
you gotta wear.
- What's up?
- What--
How you doing,
What's going on?
We gotta talk.
They're watching you.
- We know. We gotta a fed on us.
- No. Not just one.
The whole department.
Sounds a lot like
inside information, Alex.
What you do?
Make a deal with the feds?
They offered me
my old job back,
if I came down here
to spy on you.
Now the fed you're talking about,
his name is Wheatley.
He's running point.
So now we know.
So if you really
gonna do this,
you gotta
do it right.
And I'll help you
if you need me.
What else do you get?
Sara was working the motor pool
today at 4 o'clock.
Motor pool is here.
This hold by two security cameras,
along the perimeter of the prison.
What about
secondary entrances?
No loading dock,
no personnel entrance--
covered in rave wires.
- Electrified?
- No. Why?
If Sara can get herself back
to motor pool,
I think we can find
a way inside.
With all the different retrofits
over the years,
the fence line
is widened.
But security cameras remain exactly
where they've always been.
They've never accounted
for the difference.
- There's a blindspot.
- Yeah. Right here.
If Sara can get back to that spot,
we can breach the fence.
It's risky, Michael.
That's all we've got.
How much time to tell Sara
where we going to meet her?
We get no visitations,
no phone calls.
It's clean.
Take it to Tancredi.
Remember when I taught you
about flowers?
I wish I was
with you now.
To see you holding one
in your hand.
To see you holding one
in your hand.
Tomorrow. PM.
Seven. Oil dump.
Sure looks like
you've been busy.
Do you have a warrant,
Agent Wheatley?
A warrant?
No, I don't need one.
My testimony would be
that your brother let me in.
Once inside,
saw all this evidence,
right in plain sight.
What judge is gonna take
your word over mine?
What evidence?
Those pictures were taken
from public property.
That prison, was paid for
by the taxpayers.
So all you have
evidence of,
is an exonerated citizen,
standing on a public road,
taking pictures
of a public building.
Last I checked,
it's not a crime.
What if I said that
I could get you on attempt,
just for having
all this stuff?
What if I told you that all this
was peace offering?
The warden won't let me
see my wife.
So I figured, if I found
a few lapses in the security,
pointed them out
as a gesture of good faith,
she might change
her mind?
Is that so?
Find anything yet?
Looks airtight.
Well thank goodness
for that.
You guys will let me know
if anything comes up, right?
You'll be
the first to know.
On the outside, I was known
for getting the job done.
No matter what.
I got paid well
for it.
Now I'm broke.
But I still need things.
- Like what?
- A favor.
I don't do
favors for cons.
Really? It's not what it says
on the bathroom wall.
As I understand, you'd do favors
for those who reciprocate.
Is that true?
This is bullshit, Boss!
I'm a veteran
around here.
Ain't no reason
to toss me!
You low leaf!
Looky, looky here.
That brown ain't mine, boss.
You know this!
I don't do no drugs!
Who put that
in here?!
You... ugh!
Get your hands off me.
I know where the hole is.
What y'all looking at?
I do no drugs!
Somebody is going
down there!
I love you too.
Sofia's making arrangements
in Central America.
Once we break Sara,
we're on the boat, we're gone.
- Hey.
- It's Lou.
Just got the decision
from the court.
They're ordering the warden
to allow a supervised visitation.
- Where are you going?
- They're letting me see Sara.
Pera, pera, pera, pera--
If they're going to be listening
to every word you say,
you gotta be careful
about this.
If she understood my letters,
she'll find a way to tell me.
How? She's going to blink
the Morse code?
Attention, inmates...
Visiting hours will be over
in five minutes.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Who did this to you?
I'm okay.
Baby's okay.
I'm so sorry.
You're in here
because of me.
I'm sorry.
This is hard.
- I miss you so much
- No touching!
I miss you too.
You just have
to hang in there, okay?
I'm trying.
But my protection's gone.
- Did you get my letter?
- I did.
I know sometimes it's hard for me
to express what I want to say.
But I hope you understood...
what I meant to tell you.
I did.
Is he getting cute?
You were there for me.
And I will be there for you.
- Okay.
- Alright, that's it.
Time's up.
See you soon.
I was thinking a lot.
About the photos and the mock-up
that you showed me at the loft.
And I ran a few tests.
Lo and behold,
I've found a blindspot.
Right along the fence line over here,
due to our retrofit.
You didn't know
about this, did you?
No, no,
of course not.
Because you would've
told me or
the warden about it
if you did, right?
Well, it's a good thing
I found this when I did,
before anyone tried
to escape.
Well if we can't go
through the fence,
then that leaves
under or over.
Look, how's she gonna climb
that fence without being seen, huh?
I'm guessing
there's no telephone wire
for her
to climb across.
- Then she's gotta go under.
- Alright, let's get some shovels--
What was that you were saying
about parachutes?
Guys, come on.
You can't be--
Couple of thoughts
on that.
We don't have a plane,
We don't have a pilot.
Have you ever worn
a parachute?
Don't worry.
I think I've got a plan.
But we're gonna need some help
from an old friend.
- You want a favor from me.
- Just hear me out.
Of course.
I mean...
When you and Michael send me
back to that prison,
you did give me
a piece of chewing gum.
I mean what kind of man
would I be
if I didn't
quit your pro-quote.
all you gotta do is sound off
the fire alarm, in here,
tomorrow night
at 7:30.
That's it.
You're breaking her out.
Krantz has put
a hit on her.
That's our one shot,
of keeping her alive.
Well you're on a pivoted
kind of damn, Lincoln.
We'll put five grand on your cake
once this whole thing jumps off.
The love of Michael's life
is only worth $5,000?
That's the best
we can do.
- I need six figures.
- That's all we got.
like a day for you,
I know somebody who does...
the General's man.
He's got to pay out
for Sara's hit.
You wire that money
to me by 7 PM tomorrow,
and we're in business.
What's his name?
It's your brother to you
that agony is.
Come on, you gotta give me
more than that.
Tomorrow. 7 PM.
Go on, fetch.
You should have seen
the look on Michael's face.
When he saw me fixing that fence
and installing that camera.
You did a great job.
Job's over now.
If Michael has this misguided belief
that Sara's life is in danger,
he's gonna find a way back
into that prison.
Your job will be over until
you give us enough evidence
to put him back
behind bars.
So what's the latest?
There's nothing concrete.
But I'll let you know
when I get something.
Good man.
I warned you.
Tough going alone.
I know he's breaking you out.
I'm coming with you.
Krantz sent me
to kill you,
but after what he's put me through,
I'm done taking orders from him.
You're sitting next to me
at the mess
when I was poisoned.
You'd think you would've
lasted this long
if I wanted you dead?
I want you dead.
You're still alive.
Do you think it's hard to stay alive
when you know who's coming after you?
There's 200 women
in this prison.
Could you even get
to Gen Pop?
I'm coming with you.
Or nobody's going.
Well, if you're watching this,
I'm glad.
Because that means
you're safe.
How does he think
he's gonna do this, bro?
He's going
to jump out of a plane.
I know he's gonna jump.
The question is, can he land?
Not without getting caught.
And how is he going
to get out of the cell block,
even if T-Bag--
It's a big "if".
Trusting T-Bag is... crazy.
Michael, we, uh...
We really have to re-think this.
I have.
And there's no other way.
I'm going to drop down
into this outer area here.
And I'll cut the parachute off
before anyone can reach me.
They're going to be
right on your ass.
I can hide behind this building,
wait for a window.
Then I'll make my way
over here.
That's the chapel.
Well hopefully, uh...
Sara will be waiting.
Why the chapel?
During the riot in '88,
prison employees escaped through
the administration building.
They wound up here,
outside the fence.
The administration building,
is connected to the chapel.
Which means that
somewhere in that compound,
there is
a subterranean exit.
If we can get
through it,
you can meet us there.
How's Sara gonna get
to the chapel?
She'll have
to find a way.
Look, we're doing this
at 7 PM tonight,
just like we've planned.
- Where have you been?
- What did I miss?
I need you to find a plane
and a pilot.
I need you two,
to take care of T-Bag.
Find out exactly who has this money,
and where they're keeping it.
- And then we have to get it.
- By 7 PM tonight.
Or Sara's going
to die in there.
Is everybody onboard?
Tell me, you've completed
your assignment.
Well, I got the cash.
But there'll may be some delay
in final delivery.
The woman we hired is having trouble
getting near Sara Tancredi.
Then hire somebody else.
Call it open season.
Put a bounty on her head.
I don't care how you do it.
I want Sara Tancredi
dead by the end
of the day.
Open cell!
One hour!
Yo, we about to play cards.
Do you want in?
I'm okay.
You should.
With Daddy gone,
you're gonna need your backup.
Hell, we all did.
I've got, uh...
a pre-natal thing.
It's cool.
Not too smart though, for a girl
with a bounty on her head.
Aren't you heard?
you have a visitor.
Say hello to your husband
for me.
What's wrong?
Look, um...
I know you don't have
any control
over what's happened here,
but uh...
Things aren't working out.
I'm trying
to find a way to...
To do... this.
But from where
we're standing right now,
there's only
one option.
Do you need more time...
to think?
No. No, it's not
about that.
I've made up
my mind.
'Cause there's nothing
you could do about it.
pray for us tonight.
Pray for us?
You can pray for us
to be together.
I'll do the same.
How can I rob someone
if I've no clue who he is?
The logbook outside says that
Krantz had one visitor yesterday.
A Joe Daniels.
Well if he was in
the power deduction, I'd say,
is your bagman.
You know how many Daniels
live in Miami?
I need more.
Well you better
get crackin',
'cause if I ain't get
that money by 7 o'clock,
you ain't got your fire,
you ain't got your fire alarm.
And that means Pretty
ain't got his Mrs. Pretty.
Listen, my friend,
you're in no position
to makin' demands...
Okay, shh--
I ain't talking about
backing out the deal.
I put my ear on the ground
and come up with some details.
And now, fetch.
We got a pilot.
There's a guy
I'd busted 20 years ago,
running drugs
across the Gulf.
Went legit.
Runs a charter business now.
He must've jumped
out of a few planes, huh?
Yes, several.
Some for sport.
Some necessity.
It's a big difference,
It's not easy hitting the X,
especially at night.
Don't worry.
I can go alone.
- What do you got?
- It's a test.
See, the prison was built
in the mid-80's,
so that exit in
the administration building
is probably protected
by an electronic code of lock,
modified by
a security card.
Those locks don't have
power protection,
which means
you can override them.
Then you can't just
go to the building,
shut it,
or blow it out?
set off the other alarms.
Not to mention
that it'll kill you.
That's why we have
to find another way.
Talk to me, Mahone.
What have you got?
Nothing yet.
I don't need updates
on the hour.
I need evidence, intent.
It's not crap.
Call me when he's in the
process of committing a crime.
I'm not going
to let him walk away
from me
like he did from you.
It's going down if I've got
to shoot him in the back.
Time for you
to get paid now, bitch.
Are we friends now?
Get out of the way!
What happened here?!
I didn't see anything, sir.
- Move!
- Me neither.
Bad news.
Agatha Warren
is dead.
- Who did that?
- No one's talking.
But I hear it says fish.
Tancredi and Morgan.
There he is.
If you don't like this guy,
we can still find someone else.
Good to see you, Sni.
What you get into here,
Jumping at 1500 feet
ain't going to be easy.
You've gone back
on your word already?
Let's not forget who's doing
who a favor here.
Favor that I bust
your old lady for traficking.
No, I did not.
If anyone asks,
I was flying tourists to the Keys,
and it's not my fault
they jumped.
Sounds good to me.
If you don't like this guy,
we'd take a day.
- We come up with a new plan.
- No, there's no time, Alex.
- It's not just Sara's life at risk.
- I understand that.
I know you do.
That's why I also know
I can ask for your help.
- Yeah. What do you need?
- If I don't make it...
I want you to make sure
Sara and my brother
get out of
the country alive.
I need to know
they're gonna be okay.
And I'm gonna trust
that you'll do everything
you can
to make that happen.
Take this.
I trust you, Alex.
Remember that.
Special delivery.
- What is it?
- I don't exactly know.
It came via messenger from uh...
the lady side.
"My man on the outside needs to know
who to call for the birthday present."
Whose birthday is it?
Well, just see to it that it gets back
to the same place.
Will do.
So this is
Joe Daniels' number, right?
That's it.
Is that
enough information,
or you need
a social security number too?
- That'll do.
- Remember--
I want that money wired
to the account number specified.
No wire, no fire.
You boys
do me wrong,
I have no qualms at all about
singing it loud and clear,
you understand?
You know what?
Just be ready.
That was Sofia.
She'll meet you
in the San Andreas Harbor
in Dominican Republic
and then
- you guys can fly to Costa Rica.
- Cool.
I know
where Daniels is.
And after
we rob him,
I'll take the money
to Quik Green and, uh...
wire to the bank.
You're gonna meet us
at the airstrip, right?
Might give
a shot now.
This is it.
We're ready.
Thanks, buddy.
For everything.
Good luck, papi.
See you
on the other side.
Nobody's talking, huh?
Girl's dead. No one's said any?
I made it
in the woodshop.
Want to give
my daughter Emily
a birthday gift
on her actual birthday.
So I need
to get out of here.
It's funny.
- You're never sentimental.
- Oh, I'm not. It's just for her.
We need to get
to the chapel.
There's no way out of here,
right now.
I'm gonna need you.
Mr. Daniels,
American Paint Company,
here for the job.
Well, this is Mr. Daniels,
but I didn't order any painters.
It's Wednesday, sir.
I believe you did.
Hold it right there.
I'm calling the police.
Get out!
This is it.
I'll be right back.
Gotta get that parachute.
Come here.
a better way.
half hour.
Little faster.
We don't have all day.
Let's go!
Got any ideas?
Yeah. Keep your head down
and follow me.
I'll think
of something.
You better think of something fast,
'cause we have company.
I hope you're ready
for a fight, princess.
This one's
to the death.
Do you think
you can overpower her?
Yeah. I don't think it's her
you have to worry about.
Just be ready.
- Hello?
- It's me.
I got the message
about the birthday present?
Was the gift earned?
What in the hell
are you talking about?
- The birthday present.
- Birthday present?
Two guys showed up
at my house,
they took the money
and they
beat the crap
out of me.
Howdy, General.
I just thought of let you know
how I came in with some green.
My personal preference is
two Zegna bars and a copy of the Times.
So I see you
in the AEM?
You worthless son of a whore.
Go to hell!
I don't get there first.
Lest I become
king of that prison, too.
Alright, from takeoff,
the prison's gonna come up
real fast.
So whatever you gotta do
to get ready, do it now.
You got it.
We've got the money.
Sucre's just dropped me off
on the way to wire it.
That means T-Bag's set.
I'm goin' to see how long
it's gonna take and we get going.
You sure that thing's
gonna hold you up?
it'll be fine.
What about you?
This is not my first time
inside a prison.
But hopefully...
will be my last.
Think about all the amazing stories
you're gonna be able to tell your kid.
You're gonna be the type of father
our dad never was.
to look up to.
Take care, Michael.
Unless you've got details,
I'm hanging up.
And you can forget about
getting your badge back.
He's got a plane.
He's got a parachute into the yard.
- What?
- Yeah, I swear to God,
he's gonna be over
prison airspace
at 7 o'clock.
Call in reinforcements.
I want 20 armed COs in the yard.
And be ready to turn off
all exterior lights.
Scofield won't see what's coming
until it's too late.
And bring me
Sara Tancredi.
Wait, wait.
What do you think happened
with Agatha,
it's not what happened.
I need to make this
right with you, okay?
Go ahead.
I was hoping
I'd see you here.
You know I still owe you
one big juicy favor.
Later, blue eyes.
I swear to God
she wanted to kill me
and I was just
defending myself.
- You remember that?
- Yes, I do.
My momma
gave me that.
Told me I was going to give it
to one of my kids one day.
Not only did I get knocked up,
but the girl in the family...
And I practically raised Agatha
and she was no killer.
Now I can say
that much for myself.
You didn't know
what I had in mind yet.
Okay, listen, you're right.
Agatha isn't a killer.
She was just a-- real bitch
with a bit of more than she need to.
We cool.
We cool.
We cool, we--
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Kaorla. She wants you
to bring Tancredi to her office.
A'ight? Okay.
Son of a bitch!
They'll be coming
right through here, okay?
Federal agent Todd Wheatley.
I need to get inside right now.
Emergency team
takes priority, sir.
I'm the leader of
the emergency team.
Now let me inside.
- Sorry. Strict orders.
- Go talk to your supervisor.
Come on!
No weapons!
Let the suburban through.
The plane should be overhead
any minute.
Hey, fellas!
Kill the lights.
As soon as he hits the ground,
I just want one of you to start firing.
We're standing by.
Easy now.
Hold your fire.
Let's go.
Move in, men!
Where the hell's
Emergency team
takes priority, sir.
I'm the leader of the emergency team.
Now let me inside right now.
I've strict orders.
No one gets inside at this point, sir.
I don't care what your orders are.
Go talk to your supervisor.
Why isn't Tancredi
in front of me right now?
We've just got
the situation under control.
We're looking for her
right now.
Oh my God!
- Are you alright?
- Yeah. It was Morgan.
Check the kitchen.
They might be in the kitchen.
I'm not gonna make it
on my own.
Either leave me with tools here
or make up your damn mind.
Are you gonna be able
to make it?
It's now.
Alright, hold up.
I think we're good.
Don't move!
- Stand on the dark, now!
- Please, I just...
On the ground!
You're here alone?
Damn it, con. When I ask you
a question, you answer.
Is there
anyone else here?
- God.
- Excuse me?
He's always here.
I was worried about my little girl
on the outside.
So I came to pray.
See if someone would
watch over her.
Go check it out.
The stove mess is open.
Need support right now!
I've got to get
these animals locked down!
We better head
over there.
I hope that daughter
of yours
- is hell a lot smarter than you.
- So do I.
Are you ready
to go?
Nobody gets in or out
of this prison.
I don't care if it's the President
having to take a piss,
you tell him
to turn the hell around.
Get a team.
I want every inch of that fence line
checked for points of compromise.
Yes, sir.
Michael said this is where
they're gonna come out.
You think Sucre
made the drop on time?
I don't know.
No, no, no.
Please enter
your account number.
Your account balance is
zero dollars and zero cents.
If you would like
to access another account--
Your account balance is
zero dollars and zero cents.
What the hell you thinking
you're doing, fish?
We're in lockdown.
What for?
Something's going on in bitch block.
I don't know.
What's it worth to you
to find out?
We're going to get
through here?
On the other side is
a kind of an escape hatch
for the administrators.
In case of a riot.
If this is the same system
they have in Fox River,
that door can only be open remotely
from the Central Control.
That's why we've gone
and ask for help.
Tell them
what you told me.
Michael Scofield is about
to stage a prison break.
And I know exactly
how he's gonna do it.
Exactly what did
Scofield asked you to do?
Just light a fire
in my cell.
And the rest...
The rest will just
take care of itself.
A fire alarm.
If that goes off,
what's your protocol?
State law, mandatory evac.
he won't go break,
I was goin' to get you
to escort her out.
- Shut up!
- Get him outta here.
Alright, the evacuation's only
going to get him out in the yard.
Whatever he's up to,
he needs noise
and he needs chaos.
Deactivate the smoke detection system,
the fire alarm,
and while you're at it,
kill the horn.
If anybody so much as bends
a blade of grass in this place,
I want him to be able
to hear it.
- What are we waiting for?
- We made a deal.
With the right price,
T-Bag will set off the fire alarms.
That's what
we're waiting for.
- Michael, there's a--
- It's okay.
See, there's only one thing
you can count on
when you're dealing
with T-Bag.
He's a rat.
So far, just a female inmate
loose in the yard.
- Tancredi?
- No, Morgan. First name, Gretchen.
- Over by the chapel.
- Alright.
Let's go.
down there.
Beyond this door should be
a hundred yards of tunnel.
On the other end
of that is Linc,
and after that,
there's a boat mounted
for white sands and blue water.
A power surge to the system,
will override the reader,
for just a few seconds.
Just long enough for you
to open that, so get ready.
One more time.
I was afraid
this might happen.
It's okay.
It's alright.
We're going
to keep moving
and we're gonna find
another way out of here.
I know
what I have to do.
I need units to the chapel.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.
They should've been here
by now.
The battery wasn't generating
enough power.
We have to blow the system
for the whole building.
What do you want to try?
This is
the main fuse.
If I yanked that,
everything will go dark
for a second.
I reconnect
these two cables...
If I reconnect
these two cables,
there'll be
a lot of noise,
every light bulb in this place
is going to blow.
As soon as that happens,
you need to open that hatch.
And I want you
to start running.
What about you?
Someone has
to stay here,
and someone has
to open the hatch.
And that someone's
gotta be you.
Okay. So I'll leave it
open for you.
You don't understand.
This is the only way.
I'm not leaving unless
you're coming with me.
But I am coming
with you.
I love you.
I love you too.
Go, Sara.
Where's Michael?
Sara, where is he?
Where's Michael?
Where is he?
He's not coming back.
He's not coming back.
What do you mean,
he's not coming back?
What do you mean
by that?
He's not coming back.
He'll be here.
He's gone,
we gotta go.
We gotta go.
We gotta go.
I'll be over there in a minute.
Why am I being punished?!
I'm the guy through the window!
You aided and abetted an escape,
Mr. Bagwell.
And as far as
the authorities are concerned,
you're an accomplice.
Michael asked me to give you this,
if he didn't make it out.
He said it would help you understand
why he did what he did.
It's his bloodwork.
This is
the General's money.
I was supposed
to wire it down
to Costa Rica for you
to pick up but uh...
I ran into
some trouble.
I'm sorry.
You take care
of that baby, okay?
You take care yours.
This is for you.
He never said
anything to me.
Why didn't he
just tell me?
'Cause he knew you'll try
to stop him.
He knew you'd do anything
to protect your family.
But I didn't.
You will soon.
Take it easy.
Thank you.
Well, if you're watching this,
I'm glad.
Because that means
you're safe.
And that's
all I ever wanted.
I wish I could...
be there with you.
But as you probably
know now,
I wouldn't have much
time anyway, so...
I made my choice,
I don't regret it.
not too long from now,
there's going to be another
little Scofield running around.
And Linc,
I want you
to promise me,
no matter what,
they're going to grow up knowing
their uncle is never far away.
And Sara,
I want you
to promise me
that you're gonna keep
an eye on Linc.
As you may
have noticed,
he has the tendency
to get in trouble.
You know we spend
so much of our lives,
not saying the things
we want to say.
The things
we should say.
We speak in code,
we send little messages.
So now,
plainly, simply,
I want to say that
I love you both.
Very much.
And I want you
to promise me,
that you're gonna
tell my child,
that you're gonna tell my child
how much they're loved every day.
and remind them
how lucky they are...
To be free.
Because we are.
We're free now.
We're free.