Prisoner X (2016)

- Delta 1, we
got a 10-53 at mile 37.
Stand by.
It's a black Nisan maxima.
Alberta license plate, yr1 9142.
- Copy.
It's Alen vehicle,
suspect could be armed.
- Copy that.
Searching the vehicle now.
Code 9. Code 9.
I found some metal disks
hidden in the trunk.
We're gonna need a special unit.
- Copy.
Central's been alerted.
- Hello?
- Sir, Comissioner
of border control here.
- Yes, Michael, what is it?
- About 20
minutes ago a man was taken
into custody in Montana
not far from the border.
He was trying to smuggle
in around 10-pounds
of weapons-grade uranium.
- I am speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
I am speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
I am speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
Speaking to you.
- Tough son of a
bitch, ain't he?
- By now he should be
on his knees begging us
to let him confess.
- Push harder.
This should do it.
- What is it? KH-5?
- The enhanced version.
It attacks the nerve cells
even faster and the pain
is ten-times worse.
No one's lasted more
than a couple minutes.
I give him five, tops.
What the hell?
- Maybe we should up the dosage.
- No.
Max, get the hell out of there.
Let's get blood work done,
let's run every test possible.
I k we're dealing
with a far bigger problem
than a few pounds of uranium.
Synthetic genes?
Nano devices?
- All that's missing
is a battery pack.
Is this guy even human?
Is he, asking...
- Pen and paper.
Any ideas?
- Coordinates to me.
- These l
yeah, supernovae, comets.
Something like that.
I had a thing about
astronomy in high school.
I have no idea what these are.
- I think they're dates.
- Dates.
- Yeah.
We live in the year 1433
according to e Islamic calendar.
Looks like our prisoner can
predict celestial events.
It's 140-years into the future.
- Bullshit.
- The first day on
the list is tomorrow.
Oh, look at that!
I'll be damned.
- The star blew
up exactly where he said.
What do you think, Fischer?
Who the fuck is this guy?
- As insane as it sounds,
I think he's from the future.
There is no other
explanation for it.
- A
time-travelling terrorist.
That doesn't sound scary at all.
- Agent Carmen Reese.
Well it's nice
and quiet up here.
Almost makes one
believe that all is
peachy in the world out there.
If you need me I'll be outside.
- Oh, Fischer.
Why am I not surprised?
- Forgive the intrusion, Carmen,
but you left me no choice.
In the envelope is the
directive terminating
your leave of absence,
effective immediately.
- Since when did
you become my boss?
- It's signed by the president.
- Well you can tell the
president that I've decided
not to return to my job.
- Well you can tell
him that yourself.
But first I need
you to hear me out.
The data disk contains
a brief on a prisoner
I've been working
with for years.
An extraordinarily-dangerous
individual who holds the fate
of our world in his hands.
- So that was your
top-secret assignment?
- Look, I kept you out
of it for your own good.
Now I'm desperate.
I need help.
- You've got the entire
agency at your disposal.
- I need someone I trust.
- Are you okay?
- Whoa.
Things have gotten
strange, Carmen.
And I feel like I'm
losing my mind but,
I'm this close to
figuring it all out.
- Fischer, don't you get it?
I'm in no position to help you.
- I know you're still looking
for answers for what happened.
Trust me, I know how it feels
to be haunted by the
what-ifs and if-onlys.
To be tormented by
1,000 imaginary pasts.
What if I told you
your imagination
can be made real, Carmen?
Look, if there's one thing
I've learned from this prisoner
that I know to be
true is that time,
time is not what
it seems, Carmen.
Time is nothing.
Please, help me.
- That's the marine barracks.
For a special ops battalion.
122 men.
Luckily we haven't had
much use for them so far.
I'm field station
captain Paul Williams.
- Agent Reese.
- Welcome to the sandbox.
Here's your keycard.
Your com access has
been set up as well.
- Air lock?
- Sandbox is a
nuke-proof facility.
You can't be too
careful these days.
Fischer's been paged.
He'll meet you on
the other side.
- Thank you.
- Can I help you, ma'am?
- Uh yeah, I'm looking
for agent Fischer.
- Friendly guys.
- - Sorry.
We don't get many
women down here.
You know agent Fischer well?
- Yeah, he was my mentor when
I joined the agency years ago.
Likes to think he still is.
- It's this one.
Agent Fischer,
Pfc Sullivan here.
I have a visitor for you, sir.
Yeah, he's a cool guy.
He shares smokes with
us, tells us jokes.
- Fischer can be a funny
guy when he wants to.
- I'll call him.
- Yeah.
Williams, I'm
looking for Fischer.
Do you know where he is?
- Hold on.
The last time he
used his keycard
was to enter his apartment.
But that was two days ago.
- Fischer?
- Agent Carmen Reese.
- Commander Jefferson.
- That's right.
I'm the one supposedly
in charge here.
Why didn't Fischer tell
me you were coming?
- Oh, I don't know, sir.
I'm sure if he didn't tell
you he had his reasons.
- Well he's been
avoiding me all week.
Now he goes and kills himself.
- You know,
Fischer was troubled
when he called but he,
was not suicidal.
- What exactly
did he say to you?
And that he needed my help.
- Then help.
- On the world
tonight, no end in sight.
Thousands more refugees from
New York and Pennsylvania
arrive in the mid-west
bringing their total number
to over two-million.
In the grip of violence,
president Turner imposes
martial law in
Southern California
to quell large-scale riots
that show no sign of abating.
And in international news,
a powerful explosion rips
through an industrial complex
in Mumbai killing
over 50 workers.
Indian authorities are
investigating the cause.
The blast occurred shortly
after the workers returned
from lunch and several eye
witnesses report to seeing...
- say happy birthday!
'Cause she was big.
Sally had made a cake.
- Industrial complex
which is located north-east
of Mumbai is home to
several high-tech companies
that manufacture...
- All right.
We get it.
Yonna prove to us
that you're special.
That you can see the future.
Maybe it's because
you're from there.
If that's true,
if you're really
a time-traveler,
then it stands to reason
that you did not come alone.
That others made the
journey with you.
Now maybe this is normal
where you come from.
Where people just leap
across centuries at will.
And who knows,
who knows what
other miracle skills
you have at your disposal.
Tools and weapons that we
can't even begin to imagine.
Yet, here you are.
You've been trapped in a closet,
the same closet
for three-months.
And maybe, just maybe
you're starting to realize
that your buddies, your
buddies from the future,
they have absolutely no
intention of rescuing you.
- Standing by.
It's an Albanian-Serbian
creole, it means,
- 147 years.
Is that how far you jumped?
You didn't come alone, did you?
- We came
with our leader, Abraham.
- Abraham?
- The father of three
great religions.
Which is why he took
that name for himself.
- How many other
friends came with you?
- They are not my friends.
- Then why join them?
- I believe in their cause.
- Which is?
You wanna change the past.
Is that it?
- You can't change the past.
But you can create a new one.
- Thank you.
You're being helpful, sir.
I'm Fischer.
- Ramiro.
- Is that your name?
I'm pleased to know it, Ramiro.
- Don't put me back
in that cell, Fischer.
- I have to.
- I have a set of demands.
Minimal requirements that
will earn you my cooperation.
- Yeah, couple names and the
vague beginnings of a story
are not really
gonna earn you much.
- Then I'll ask you this.
Do you want to defeat
Abraham and his men?
Do you want to save your world?
- Sorry.
- Fischer!
- Medic!
We need it right now!
Come on, come on. Stay with me.
I don't know what happened,
he just collapsed.
- He's in v-fib.
- Come on, come on!
- Defibrillating.
He's dead.
- No no no.
What do you mean he's dead?
How can a man just die at will?
He's dead.
What the fuck?
- This is my first and
last warning, Fischer.
The next time, I
won't come back.
- Any news
from Lincoln, Nebraska?
- It's fine.
Nothing has happened
there as far as we know.
- You know it's been two
years since I saw my family?
It's hard.
On't get much news down here,
even when Indian
point point happened,
they didn't tell us
for a whole week.
- What did they tell you?
- That a dirty bomb went
off at the nuclear reactor.
- No.
It was not a dirty bomb,
it was a Soviet warhead
that was supposedly
decommissioned 12-years ago.
That's what killed
half-a-million people.
Including my sister
and my niece.
So you and Fischer,
how close were you?
- Well I didn't see it
coming if that's what
you're asking, ma'am.
- I don't think that anyone did.
But still you were the last
person to see him alive.
- I was?
- Yeah.
So, what was his mood that
day when you spoke to him?
- Actually, I didn't.
Fischer didn't even say hi.
He went straight in, same
thing when he came out.
- How long was he in there for?
- Barely five minutes.
- Fischer unplugged the cameras.
So we have no idea
what happened in there.
So he goes into his apartment,
he's alone for two days
and nobody hears from
him or talks to him.
- Actually,
I heard him.
I mean, I heard his voice
last night as I walked
past his door, I heard
him talking on the phone.
- Could you make out
what he was saying?
- No, but it sounded like he was
having an argument.
- Are sure he was on the phone?
- Well there's
nobody else in there.
- Bad news,
Fischer. The tests failed again.
We haven't found a functioning
equation, that's the problem,
and I don't understand why.
We've done everything right
based on original parameters.
Unless they're wrong somehow.
Is that possible?
I don't know, Fischer.
I'm out of ideas.
Looks like this is the
end of project sigma.
Doctor Ellis speaking.
- Yeah hi, this
agent Carmen Reese.
I'm Fischer's replacement.
- Yeah, I heard
about Fischer, what happened?
Did he really kill himself?
- It appears
so but I have my doubts.
Look, I need to talk to you,
about project sigma and this
equation that you're after.
- This used to be a darker
facility back in the 50's.
Did all kinds of
experiments here.
Mind control,
genetic manipulation.
You name it.
Sometimes it feels
like nothing's changed.
Only we're the lab rats now.
- Clear.
- Good luck.
- Hello.
- Agent Carmen Reese.
- What a lovely name.
I guess you could say I'm
somewhat of an audiophile.
I love my oldies,
but you already know that.
Coffee? Tea?
- No, thank you.
- Where is Fischer?
- He's dead, he killed himself.
- How sad.
He was my best friend in a way.
- You don't seem surprised.
- This world is like
a dream, Carmen.
Are you ever
surprised in a dream?
Did you know Fischer well?
- I did.
- Were you lovers?
I know you weren't.
- Why's that?
- You're not his type.
You must have made quite the
impression on your superiors.
The fact that they handed you
this most crucial assignment.
- I'll have a green tea.
- Well,
now that you are going
to be my new best friend,
I'd like to know a little
bit more about you.
- What would you like to know?
- Like,
what have you been up to
since all of this began?
- I served in Iraq for a while.
- Ah, searching for those
elusive WMDs, I suppose.
- In the beginning, yeah.
Then the insurgency began and
my assignment changed.
Suddenly I was given hundreds
of shackled prisoners
and this checklist that
made no sense to me.
At the time.
- A checklist?
- We were told that
our suspects would be
in their 20's to 30's.
They wouldn't be Iraqi.
Probably not even middle-eastern
but that they would
have strange accents.
Maybe they wouldn't
have an accent at all.
I tortured them.
Because I was told
that these foreigners
would display an extraordinary
tolerance to pain,
even in the worst
- Tailored genes
and nano devices
are quite common in my world.
- Especially among the
impoverished, I understand.
To help them deal with
their miserable lives.
- I trust you took
blood samples.
- Thousands.
They were sent back home,
tested for key genes.
- Genes that could be
easily hidden or removed.
- Easily.
- I warned Fischer.
I couldn't be certain
regarding the genetics
of the other warriors.
Or their current identities.
- But yet you knew that
they would be in Iraq.
- Iraq was explicitly
mentioned to me.
Please, allow me.
- By who? By Abraham?
- Yes, by Abraham himself.
He said that Sadam would
be our primary focus.
I can understand
your frustration.
There are 30-million
people in Iraq.
Your task was almost impossible.
- Almost.
- Did you find someone?
- We found a young woman.
No family, no papers.
I worked her,
and I worked her,
and all I got was the name
of a river in Kashmir.
- Kashmir.
Fischer never mentioned
the girl to me.
Is she being helpful?
- Not since she managed
to kill herself.
- Oh.
Suicide implants.
- No, she slammed her forehead
into the corner of a desk,
rupturing her cortex.
- How awful.
But look at the bright side,
your success did
not go unnoticed.
You earned yourself a promotion.
Sorry to interrupt.
I need you to step out
for a moment, Carmen.
- What is it?
- Well it's not a
bomb or a weapon.
It wound in the wreckage
of the blast in Mumbai.
- The one a couple of days ago?
- The one that destroyed
an entire industrial block.
No one knows what caused it.
- I bet Ramiro does.
- Where did you get that?
It's okay, it's
perfectly harmless.
Please, allow me to show you.
May I?
- Where did it go?
- Nowhere.
It's just suspended in time.
Four, three, two, one.
Which makes it the key component
in the construction of
a portable time machine.
- We need to keep
this off the grid.
No one, and I mean no one,
needs to know about this.
I will brief the
director myself.
- If Abraham gets hold
of a new time machine,
we'd have no defense.
- He'd just go from
city to city setting off
future explosions and...
- It'll be
Indian point all over again.
Only 1,000-times worse.
- You didn't sleep, did you?
- No.
- What's going on?
- Well this is going
to sounds crazy.
I saw my son yesterday.
Swear to god it was him.
He had the same walk.
He had the same smile.
Just when you think you're
ready to forgive yourself,
you know?
- Jordan's death
wasn't your fault.
- Yeah it was.
Should never be doubted. Lt,
- look at me.
There was nothing that you
could have done, nothing.
- Yes there was.
There still is.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Carmen.
Nothing is set in stone.
Time, it's not what it seems.
- What are you talking about?
- Time is nothing.
- Does this have to do with
your sandbox assignment?
Fischer, come on.
If there's anybody that
you can tell, it's me.
- Breaking news.
- What's that?
- An explosion has occured
at the Indian point power
plant north of New York City.
The radioactive fallout
is rapidly drifting south,
and the president has ordered
the immediate evacuation
of cities in northern
Virginia and the
entire tri-state area.
- Oh my god.
My sister is in Brooklyn.
- A nuclear device,
likely smuggled on site
via the Hudson river.
Its type and origin
will be determined
once the isotopic signature...
- Bad news, Fischer.
The tests failed again.
We haven't found a functioning
equation, that's the problem.
- I am this close
to figuring it all out.
And now I'm desperate,
I need help.
- It doesn't make any sense.
Do you know that Fischer
lost his wife and kid?
If he was gonna commit
suicide, he would have done it
a long time ago.
- Maybe it all finally
caught up with him.
What is it?
- Signs of a struggle.
- Snider, I need
you here please.
Need to do blood...
- And...
- - Wait. Hold on.
- I'm betting those
are from Wednesday.
- Bring the chronoscan too.
I need you to date fingerprints.
You think Fischer was murdered.
- One way or another.
- No one's stepped
inside that apartment.
- Wouldn't even talk to
anyone on the phone either.
- The autopsy was clean.
- I think Abraham has
an agent inside sandbox.
- Yeah, the prints
are from Wednesday,
and they're Fischer's.
- Sweep the place for
foreign fingerprints.
- Fischer's visitor,
whoever he was,
managed to outsmart
the most advanced
security system in the world.
Do you really think that
he left fingerprints?
- We may get lucky.
- Just when you think the
situation couldn't get any worse.
- We've implemented class-3
surveillance protocol
and a comprehensive review
of all sandbox
personnel is underway.
- Find the mole, agent
Reese, and quickly.
I don't need to tell you
what's at stake here.
- Sir, I strongly suggest that
we undertake a similar review
of all security agencies.
Irrespective or
seniority, every agent,
every official should
be thoroughly screened.
- I'll recommend it to the...
What is it?
- Uh, nothing.
- Do you think Abraham
is still in India?
- I do. It's a lot easier to
hide among a billion people.
And besides, India gives him
the right technological base
for constructing
his time machine.
- The Indians are
scared shitless.
They're afraid we'll bomb them
into oblivion like Pakistan,
which is exactly what the
president wants to do.
- The Indians are our allies.
I'm sure they're gonna give
us whatever help we need
in finding Abraham.
- We can't tell them about
Abraham, agent Reese.
Because then we'll have
to tell them about Ramiro,
and that would be giving away
the store now, wouldn't it?
- Birthday, 'cause she was big.
Sally had made a cake.
- I am this close
to figuring it all out.
Now I'm desperate. I need help.
Please, help me.
- This world
is like a dream, Carmen.
Are you ever
surprised in a dream?
- Fischer.
I missed you so much.
Somebody there?
- Catch me if
you can, aunt Carmen.
- What do you mean
the camera's offline?
- Only for about 10 seconds.
It happens every 24 hours when
- Which Jim obviously knew.
Okay Williams,
keep an eye on him.
Send me his file.
- Will do.
One more thing, agent Reese,
I'm not sure what to
make of it but it seems
that Jefferson's been communicating
with someone secretly.
- Secretly?
- He sent a couple
messages last night
then deleted the log
entries from the mainframe
but he forgot the backup.
- Messages to whom?
- Someone at the Pentagon.
Ah, it's probably nothing.
Maybe we should just...
- find out exactly who he's
been communicating with.
And be careful,
don't tip him off.
- Elmez.
That's where I'm from.
It's a city in the Balkan
peninsula that doesn't exist yet,
and in the time
that I come from,
it doesn't anymore.
It was destroyed during
the liberation of Albania
by the United States.
The last Islamic Republic ff
in the world.
- But what happened to the
rest, did the U.S. invade
all the Muslim countries?
- They didn't have to.
They played the Arabs
against the Persians,
the Asians against the Africans,
and watched them
devour each other.
It's the greatest
weapon there is.
- So that's why you're here.
But how, this whole
time-travel thing just seems
preposterous to me.
- I figured you'd ask.
This should give you some idea.
- Has this
something to do with the
Casimir effect?
- Fischer.
I'm impressed.
- Parallel plates sat so close
together that they tap into
the energy field of a vacuum.
- Which then punches a
hole through space-time.
- How was the machine tested?
Was an object sent
into some distant past
and then just dug up
from a fossil bed?
- That can't be done, my friend.
- Why not?
- Because when you
go back in time,
an alternate reality is created.
A new timeline branching
out from the original one.
It's the universe's way of
preventing time-paradoxes.
Like I said before,
we can't change the past.
- But we can create a new one.
- And nudge it in any
direction we want.
- So when did you time-travelling
jihadists arrive?
- September 9th, 1999.
- Where?
- Kashmir, near the Shyok river.
- Why Kashmir?
- Because that's where the
time machine was in my day.
Point-to-point transfer
is how it works.
- How many came?
- 99 of us.
- So on the ninth day,
of the ninth month,
of the 99th year, 99
of your guys show up.
- Nine is of
special significance
in Islamic number-theory.
It denotes judgement day.
- I see.
So what can you tell me
about your leader Abraham?
- He's the smartest...
The most tenacious
man I've ever met.
Also the most ruthless.
No one knows exactly where
he's from but he was born
into one of the richest
families in the world.
He used his entire inheritance
preparing for this mission.
- Wait. It's the future.
- Pardon me?
- That's how the
machine was tested.
If an object is
sent to the past,
it lands up in a new reality,
there's no way of retrieving it.
But if it's sent into
the future, it remains
in the same
timeline, doesn't it?
Because the future
hasn't occurred yet,
there aren't any
paradoxes, am I right?
- The test object was sent a
few minutes into the future.
And there it appeared.
Just out of thin air.
- Which makes me wonder.
What would happen if you
threw small lumps of uranium
ahead in time
and aimed them to appear
at the exact same place,
at the exact same moment?
All that nuclear material pumped
into the same tiny volume.
What kind of boom
would that make?
What kind of boom
would that make?
- Abraham was constructing
a portable time-machine.
- Well now we know
why he was hiding from us.
- Why tell us now?
I mean, if Ramiro
hadn't have shown us,
we never would have guessed
what that device was for.
Have you considered
the possibility
that his accident was staged?
That he was sent
here on purpose...
- no.
- That he remains
here by choice.
- Nonsense.
- Okay, there's 329 nano
devices in that guy's body.
For all we know, he could walk
through the fucking walls.
- Then why would he
undermine his mission
with all this intel?
It was perfectly credible.
Wherever he sent us
we found hard-evidence
that Abraham and his
men has been there.
In some cases, only a few
days before we showed up.
Okay, it would be
terrific if we could
get a hold of one
of Ramiro's buddies
and corroborate his story
but until that happens...
- Ll what about the
woman that I found?
From Baghdad. She talked, right?
- She talked, she sang.
The interrogation
she was put through,
she told us exactly
what we needed to hear.
- Are you suggesting
that she wasn't real?
- They told her
apart, cell-by-cell.
Not one nano device,
not one extra gene
was found in her body.
- The sec-def, are you sure?
- Positive.
Jefferson sent those
messages directly to him,
bypassing his chief of staff.
- The secretary of defense.
- And, I
discovered something else.
Over the past year
we've had a few glitches
with our video recorders.
On five separate occasions
the same software error
caused entire interrogation
sessions to be erased.
- Do you think that
was done on purpose?
- Now I know it was.
On Jefferson's orders.
- Why didn't you tell me about
the secret interrogations?
- What secret interrogations?
- Don't fuck with me, Jefferson.
- They were Fischer's
idea and I okayed them.
- Why?
- Look, I don't think I need
to remind you, agent Reese,
that I have full
authority to do so.
- So do I, commander Jefferson,
to demand an explanation.
- Some of things that
Ramiro were telling us
were damn-right scary.
The kind of things that
are best kept off the grid.
- What kind of things?
- Ramiro suspected that
another country,
an enemy of ours,
has also captured
one of Abraham's men.
- Based on what?
- His intuition.
Which psychological tests have
shown is highly-developed.
- Wow. His intuition.
He didn't happen to say
which country, did he?
- No.
- And what about the last
time Fischer went in?
- I had nothing to do
with that and you know it.
Ripping cables off a camera
is no way of keeping a secret.
- Fischer didn't care.
He knew Ramiro was gonna
tell him something so scary
he didn't wanna take a risk
and Ramiro didn't disappoint.
And then his mysterious
visitor appeared,
and whatever transpired next,
drained away any hope Fischer
had of saving the situation.
As far as he was concerned,
it was game over.
- What did Ramiro tell him?
- I wish I knew.
- Maybe he revealed the
identity of Abraham's agent.
- That's an interesting thought.
- But then, why would
Fischer kill himself, right?
I mean, wouldn't he just
tell me like he always did
after every single session?
- I don't know. You tell me.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Violence in the
Chinese province of Hunan.
An overnight raid by Muslim
separatists on an army barrack
resulted in the death
of four pla soldiers.
Meanwhile, the foreign
ministry announced that
the Chinese premier will
travel to Russia next week.
The talks are aimed at
increasing cooperation to combat
the growing Islamic insurgencies
in the two countries.
A U.S. military build up in
the Indian ocean continues.
Today, two aircraft
carrier battle...
- but what's that
got to do with any of this?
- What if Abraham is
arming the separatists?
They seem to be gaining
ground both in Russia
and in China.
- I still don't see why
we shouldn't strike India.
- Because we don't even
know if he's there.
- Well last time you
seemed pretty sure.
- Iraq turned out
to be a handful
and India is no Iraq.
- We're a lot wise
now, agent Reese.
We know exactly what
to do this time.
- Well don't you think
we should wait for some
positive intel?
- How can we wait when the
weapon we're up against
is time itself?
What do they want?
What the hell?
- Kashmir. It's
a gorgeous place.
But your arrival site
is even more impressive.
It's like a passing
god has sneezed.
Circle 50-feet-across
has been swept clear.
And after all these years,
the soil still
remains magnetized.
But you know what
surprises me, Ramiro?
Is that the local villagers
didn't see any strangers
in the area.
Not even one.
- We travelled in small groups.
Over the mountains towards
Pakistan and at night only.
- But still, there
was 100 of you.
So you made your way
to Canada via Europe.
- The rest were
to slip into Iraq.
That was the plan.
- They lied to you.
I don't think anyone from your
group stepped foot in Iraq.
- But you said you found a girl.
- It was a bluff.
I wanted to see how you'd react.
But when Iraq turned up
empty, people panicked.
I mean, there was a lot of
other U.S.-hating dictators
for Abraham to arm,
not to mention Isis
but you insisted on
Iran and Pakistan.
Countries that you knew
we would have no chance
of orchestrating a
popular revolution.
- That's precisely why I
thought Abraham might be there.
- Precisely.
- Not my fault that things
turned out the way they did.
You people rushed to war.
- Iran maybe, but
Pakistan was a no-brainer.
I mean, if they could shelter
bin laden for so many years,
they bloody-well
could do Abraham.
- And now it's India's turn.
- How did you know about that?
- Well you found the device.
- I didn't tell you the
device was in India.
- I hear the guards talking.
- The guards know nothing.
- Then I must have
another source.
- So Abraham hasn't
abandoned you after all.
'S got an agent in here,
helping you run the show,
because that's what
this is, isn't it?
Is a show.
Your accident, your capture.
15 years of bullshit!
All designed to send us
on a wild-goose chase,
invading country after country,
keeping us from where
we really need to be.
- Slow down.
Where would you get a
crazy idea like that?
- It's the truth!
Admit it!
- You really need to
get some sleep, Carmen,
because now,
you're just hallucinating.
- You fuckin'...
Make you pay for my sister!
For Fischer!
For my niece!
Everyone else!
- Step back.
Stop it.
- Get on the floor.
- What?
- Get on
the god-damn floor.
- What are you doing, ma'am?
- You working for this
son of a bitch now?
You an agent for Abraham?
- What?
- I saw you, Jim. In
the electrical room.
What have you got in
there, a com device?
A weapon?
- It's nothing, ma'am.
It's just some weed.
- Weed?
- Look, they search
our quarters regularly.
There's nowhere else to hide it.
- What's going on here?
- Then it's you.
You're the mole.
Why else would you send
secret messages to the sec-def
and then cover your tracks?
- You're out of
your fuckin' mind.
- Why?
- Get her out of here.
- Who else is involved? Huh?
Who are the other traitors?
- Bring her to detention, now.
- I was trying to
be discreet, okay?
It was a personal matter I
talked to the sec-def about.
- A personal matter. Really.
- My daughter is on one
of those aircraft carriers
headed for the Indian ocean.
I'm gonna get her
transferred back to base.
It's inappropriate,
I know but right now
I don't give a rat's ass.
I'll do whatever I can
to protect my family.
Wouldn't you?
- But you didn't, Carmen.
You abandoned your family!
No wonder you can't sleep.
Guilt, as they say,
should never be doubted.
- No.
- Calm down.
What's the matter with you?
- Fischer had a lot
of faith in you.
I think you're delusional.
Your mission here is
terminated, agent Reese.
Now get out of my facility.
- Things have
gotten strange, Carmen.
I feel like I'm losing my mind.
- You abandoned your family!
- I saw my son yesterday.
- No wonder you can't sleep.
- Guilt, as they
say, should never be doubted.
- Guilt, as they
say, should never be doubted.
Agent Carmen Reese?
- Yep.
- Please hold for the president.
- Mr. president.
- Well you've certainly ruffled
a few feathers, agent Reese.
I haven't seen the sec-def this
steamed up in a long while.
Jefferson too.
- It was a mistake.
I went overboard with
my suspicions, sir.
- No, you did exactly what was
needed in times like these.
We could use more
people like you.
The NSA sent this over today.
They now believe that
Abraham and his men
have the capability to
impersonate anyone they want
through genetic manipulation.
Can you imagine that?
Did you know that on the
day Indian point was bombed,
Fischer was out on leave?
- And?
- Maybe he was one of them.
- Sir, if Fischer was one of
Abraham's men then maybe I am.
Maybe you are too.
- How dare you.
- Maybe you don't even know it.
If our enemies have the
ability to impersonate us,
they could rewire our brains.
I mean, why not start
with the president
of the United States?
- Well what happened
about Fischer then?
If he was innocent, why
did he kill himself?
- I think it had something
to do with the message
that he got from doctor
Ellis a few days earlier.
- From project sigma.
- Fischer was close to
figuring something out.
He confronted Ramiro, we
have no idea what was said,
but Ramiro told him something
that devastated him.
- Fischer was already feeling
guilty and his visitor...
- the mole?
- Fischer's visitor wasn't
one of Abraham's agents.
- Then who was he?
- Do you realize
what you've done?
All those lives lost.
All the destruction.
It's all your fault, dad.
- Jordan, please stop.
Please stop.
- What, you want me
to fucking pity you?
You want me to
take you in my arms
and tell you everything
will be okay?
- Stop.
I don't even know why
I'm talking to you.
You're a god-damn hallucination.
- You wanna get rid of me?
There's only one way to do that.
And you know what it is.
- Fischer's dead son?
- Jordan died of a drug overdose,
Fischer was a single dad,
he blamed himself.
- But what's this
gotta do with Ramiro?
- Because Ramiro
was the only one
that could give Fischer the
redemption that he needed
in the form of a time machine.
That's why Fischer
was so desperate
to make project sigma work.
Whatever Ramiro told him
that day shattered it,
once and for all.
- And that caused
him to hallucinate?
- No, that was because
of his hyper-insomnia
which he'd had at sandbox
since he got there.
- And how in all the world
would you possibly know that,
agent Reese?
- I knew Fischer very well, sir.
And, I've been having the
same thing at sandbox.
Insomnia, hallucinations...
- and you think
Ramiro's doing this.
Okay, do it.
Civil liberties are the least
of my concern right now.
His name came up during
an internal review.
- What did he do?
- Nothing.
Thank you coming, agent Reese.
I'm gonna reinstate you
to your job for now.
I don't care what you
do, who you piss off,
just get me results, and soon.
- Yes, sir.
- You can't change the past.
- But we can create a new one.
- And nudge it in any
direction we want.
- What if Abraham is
arming the separatists?
They seem to be gaining ground
both in Russia and in China.
- How many came?
- 99 of us.
We traveled in small
groups over the mountains
towards Pakistan.
- We haven't found
a functioning equation.
That's the problem.
- They played the
Arabs against the Persians,
the Asians against the Africans
and watched them
devour each other.
- Paranoia, the greatest
weapon there is.
Mr. president.
- What now, agent Reese?
- Mr. Ident, I can
get you what you want.
But I need full-authority,
level five clearance.
- Level five?
- I know you don't trust
anybody right now, sir,
but you don't have
another option.
- Carmen!
- I've been pounding on
the door, are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, Jefferson.
Look, I'm sorry. I
owe you an apology.
- Yeah well you can
forget about it.
Russia's been hit.
- Hit?
- - Moscow.
Half a megaton.
- Holy shit.
- And it's gonna get worse.
Seems in the chaos
after Indian point,
someone with the necessary
skills ripped open
an airforce bunker and
took eight warheads.
This is just one of them.
Looks like someone wants
payback for Indian point.
- Yeah but the Russians
weren't responsible.
I mean, at least not directly.
- Clearly not
everyone believes it.
- What's the word
from the Kremlin?
- There is no Kremlin.
Luckily, their
president was talking
to the Chinese premier
in Saint Petersburg.
We've talked to him a
couple of times since.
I have to talk to the
sec-def for further updates.
- Okay, I'll talk to my sources
and see what I can find out.
I'll call you in a bit.
- I appreciate the apology.
I guess I overreacted too.
- It was with profound
shock and sadness
that I learned of the
devastating attack on Moscow.
On behalf of every American,
I wanna offer my deepest
condolences to the Russian people.
- So what's happening?
- Russian generals are pressing
for immediate retaliation,
but the president is
willing to give us
the benefit of the doubt.
But Jefferson, if
another blast happens...
- what the hell?
- Yes, what?
- Of freedom.
We will stand against
them as our...
- Jefferson?
- Saint Petersburg and Volgograd
have just been hit.
We're going into full lock-down.
- Emergency
condition protocol red.
Locking sectors
a, c, d, I.
Emergency life support...
- he hasn't slept in four days.
This morning he
didn't even pray.
Should we tell him something?
- Let the uncertainty
gnaw at him.
We've got him by the balls.
What's the use now?
- How's life in
Lincoln Nebraska, Jim?
Your family, are they well?
There's been
another attack, yes?
Did the Indians sneak
in a couple of nukes?
Was a nearby military
base hit, or...
A reactor, yes, of course.
- We should get
him out of there.
- No, wait.
- How long will we have to wait?
Two weeks?
A month, to be rescued?
- A couple of nukes?
Try 1,000.
Every major city
has been wiped out.
Wild fires and poisonous rain
are taking care of the rest.
You can't tell the difference
between night and day,
and forty-below is
the warmest it gets.
- The Indians did this?
- First it was the Russians
then the Chinese joined in
but we bombed them
into the stone age.
- Shit.
- Get in the cell, now.
- It's all because of you.
- Step back, Sullivan.
And put your gun down.
I will shoot if I have to.
- Jim?
Take it easy, okay?
Killing him is not
gonna change anything.
- What the hell are
you talking about?
We're done.
We're dead already.
- Not everything is lost.
Okay? You just need to trust me.
- Monster.
- No!
This is what you wanted?
A nuclear winter?
The end of all of us?
- No.
- No?
- I didn't think you peo
were so weak, reckless,
and incredibly stupid!
- Well I'm sorry,
to disappoint you, Ramiro.
Or should I call you Abraham?
'Cause there is no
Abraham, is there?
And there is not army of
time-travelling jihadists,
there's just you.
You arrive in Kashmir, alone.
17-years-ago with what?
A little bit of uranium.
A few odd gizmos
from your world,
enough physical evidence to
give your story some legs.
I mean, why send an entire
army when one soldier
armed with the right words
will do just as well?
You were right.
Paranoia is the greatest
weapon there is.
And it was a brilliant plan.
I will give you that.
Draw the U.S. into
self-destructive wars
while arming the islamists to
take over China and Russia.
15, 20 years from now,
this world would
be unrecognizable.
- You're smart, Carmen.
Far smarter than
Fischer ever was.
- That's how you got to him.
You just told him the truth.
And the poor guy realized that
every life that had been lost
was because he
fell for your lies.
- Fischer was a fool.
He gobbled up
everything I fed him
without ever questioning it.
But you, on the other hand...
- you overestimate my abilities.
Just like you did your own.
You are like this,
sadistic interrogator.
You came here to torture us.
To inflict as much
pain as you could,
the maximum that we could bear.
But you went too far,
and you killed your subject.
- I say we kill him.
He's no use to us anymore.
- I agree.
Let's not give him the courtesy
of a bullet to the head.
Let's take him
out to the surface
and let him die a slow death.
- Take
it! Just take it!
- A little late,
don't you think?
- You have no idea
what I just gave you.
It's the full schematic,
everything you need to know
to build your very
own time machine.
- Yeah but you forgot
the most important part.
The equation.
- What equation?
- The man is on
the verge of death
and he's still playing games.
- What are you talking about?
- Project sigma, our
scientists have been working
on a time machine based
on his early drawings
but they can't come up
with a functioning equation
because the calculations are
based on 99 of these guys.
- I don't remember any equation.
- You can remember the coordinates
of dozens of supernovae
but you can't remember
a single equation.
- I don't remember it!
- We're gonna figure it out
in a couple of years anyway.
- We're getting
close to the surface.
- Good luck, Ramiro.
Your extra genes and your
gizmos aren't gonna be
of any use against
radiation sickness.
- Give me something
to write with.
- You have 15 seconds.
- There it is.
Now hit the button.
- Where's the second part?
- What second part?
- Nine.
- That's the full equation!
Now hit the fucking button!
- Stand down.
What happened?
- He set off his
suicide implant.
Think his brain is fried but
you should probably check.
Take a picture of that equation
and send it to doctor Ellis
at Darpa, he's expecting it.
- Right away.
Medic team to the airlock.
Level one.
- Everything was faked.
- Except Jim, of course.
- Newscasts.
- Digital magic.
Some play acting by real people.
- Even the president?
- He was pretty good, wasn't he?
- But we felt the explosions.
- A few nukes detonated in
some surrounding mine shafts.
A little bit risky
but effective.
That equation will let
us change everything.
- Thank you.