Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One (1997)

You killed the plant finally
I told you so often
to water it every day
You're an ass.
- Raj...
"hurry up, or you'll be late"
One more
How much?
- Six bucks each
Two bucks less?
- Ten is enough
"Honey, wait"
How'll I survive without you?
Push it
Such a weakling
She betrayed me again.
- Why don't you get it repaired?
You do that.
I'm getting late
I told you
to get that rose from Preeti
"To Bombay VT?
- It's already hired, sir"
"Sir, the balance amount?
- I paid you a tenner"
Get lost
Hello there
"Get up, hurry"
Follow that car
Turn around
Doesn't get any faster?
Hurry up
Faster. Overtake it
"She looks very decent, sir"
I don't think
she can do something wrong
"If anything,
blame it on her good looks"
Move it
We might lose her
Close in
Turn left
I can sense mockery behind love
It's a devious
and treacherous world
I'm not one of them.
I'm merely a spectator
They fall in love
while I bemoan
They conspire
while I take the risks
Either I join them or I differ
... depends on the need
"Lovely, isn't it?"
- Shall we go home?
Let's go
Purple color.
- Which one?
"The long one.
- Not that, Meghna"
Why not?
It'll look nice on me
But that's not for sale.
- I've seen it in your house
Take Harish out for shopping.
- Amrita! Listen...
Want me to tell him?
- Shut up and listen
"I'll wear flowers in my hair,
for the disco"
A long dress and a rose in my hair.
- Not a long dress
"All right, a mini dress
and a rose in my hair"
Raj will love it.
- Shut up
Naughty girl.
- But I'll handle Raj
Nice color
Not bad.
- Look at this
How about this?
Nice. Can I try it?
- You will be charged for that
How much?
- I'll dig Harish's pocket
You won't find him.
He's hardly seen these days
(Chacha - Uncle)
That's a mantra
Pick up something
for a quick prediction
You picked a blue dress
with your left hand
Your man... loves his woman dearly
But you need him badly
"My turn, uncle"
Leather... triangular
You don't need anyone
You are happy all by yourself
But everyone needs you
Wear this
This gemstone needs
the warmth of your body
A ring for me?
Your man is still
under your control
Which one?
Do you use this
to drive thieves away?
How did you enter?
Through the binocular
Let's see your face
Why does the daylight fade away?
Why not meet at nights?
The nights are beautiful
But you are really brutal
at nights
"Mr. Universe has left,
so I'd better leave now"
Are you through?
Are you leaving?
"I don't intend to,
but my job makes me helpless"
There are many more open windows.
I'll be back
You're welcome
In the last three days...
the two of them met twice...
I've been staying at a rented flat
since last three months
"Here's the estate agent's
visiting card, and these are... "
the photographs
He's about 27-28 years old
Six feet tall
Drives a white Gypsy
"The license number is MH 02751,
I guess"
What happened?
You know him?
It's always
the person you know who...!
But you can't help it. Bad times
the women of today!"
They have tasted flesh
You can get over it.
No big deal
"If you say,
I'll trace his house"
Shall I fix him?
- That's my job
I even take up divorce cases
These photographs will help.
- That won't be necessary
Your charges...
and drop dead
Wonder what your wife
found in him
What pleasure does she derive
by making you miserable?
I'm not dieting
But I just can't eat
non-vegetarian stuff
I see
You do cook with pleasure though.
- That's for you...
and your friends
"Else, I'm not in favor of
turning stomachs into graveyards"
"Be quick on it, Harish.
- Not here!"
"Right here, Harish.
I'll count till five"
Take care of your husband.
He's bent on killing himself
What happened?
- Nothing
I used to have a friend...
a close friend
A real gentleman
"He had no vices,
no shortcomings"
"One flaw, though.
He wasn't straightforward"
"In other words,
he loved to lie"
"Trivial lies, reflexive... "
Not for cheating anyone...
"neither meant ill will,
nor goodwill"
He was weary
of his own behavior
The line between truth and lies
ceased to exist
Truth and falsehood are only
a hair's breadth apart
It was as if he had
a transparent tongue
"Initially it was fun,
but eventually it became a habit"
"I mean, the game
went out of his hands"
It made him dance
like a puppet
"Stop it, Raj.
- Then?"
"To cover up one lie,
he had to lie again and again"
Soon he lost count of the lies
he told. He couldn't remember them
"Gradually, he failed to
give continuity to his lies"
He just wouldn't remember
where he left last time
"He was left helpless
like a spider, incurable"
"It was a foolish disease,
yet dangerous and hopeless"
"He was distraught,
yet incurable"
Poor guy.
- Falsehood mirrored the truth
What are you getting at?
- My friend...
"was inimitable,
a master in his art... "
"could do anything.
He could destroy, even kill"
But he lost his stand
"He wandered, ran, hid"
"A few months after his wedding,
his wife deserted him"
That's very bad
He was aggrieved.
He loved her dearly
"He still loves her, he said.
He said, time will heal him... "
but time won't
snatch his memories away
What about his wife?
"She escaped. However,
she realized her mistake"
"As it happens in a story,
she pitied herself"
"For all he said,
she read otherwise"
"For all his dreams,
she realized something else"
She finally panicked.
- I found this lying down
"For my friend's lies,
his wife screamed out the truth"
Now hurry up and tell
what happened finally
"Raj, you are dragging it too far.
- And finally one day... "
it all came to an end.
He killed himself
"When we broke the door and entered,
he was suffering, fighting with death"
The gun was lying by his side.
He had lost a great deal of blood
He was dying
but he had not changed
He had five different stories
to describe his death
"First he said he shot himself,
then he invented a thief... "
"then a girl, a friend,
vengeance, misery, accident"
"He cried, he smiled
and finally... he was gone"
"We, his friends, were by his side
till he breathed his last"
We did what we could
"Death meant nothing to him,
he swore"
"Then, it was all over"
God save us from such a death.
- Raj...
I never heard this story
from you
Maybe because it's fresh
"Hey, I almost filched your lighter"
"You can keep it if you like.
- No, I don't want it"
It's a loving gesture from him.
It's only a lighter...
"not a diamond ring. Keep it.
- All right, to please you"
Well done.
You must never refuse a gift
- Always be grateful
"I hate that story, Raj"
"Because you are innocent,
and clean at heart"
Recognize me?
- Who are you?
You got my present?
- What have you got?
Some memorable photographs
Maybe you'd preserve them for ever
They mean nothing to me
Might mean something
to someone else
You can't threaten me.
- Oh no...
the photographs weren't taken
to threaten anyone
I'm only looking for someone
who'd appreciate my art
"Believe me, there's a whole lot of
buyers for such stunning photographs"
Aren't you ashamed?
"However, it's quite evident
in your eyes"
I want the negatives.
- For an extra price
I want the negatives.
- Certainly. I'm not running away
I could help you
in other ways
Deep thinking is bad for hair
"I wasn't thinking,
I was looking at you"
What do you see?
- Everything
I can see through your heart
Guess what's on my mind?
- You are in a quandary
What's the solution?
- Money
Wow! How much?
This much
What for?
- You laid a condition;...
I shouldn't ask such questions
But let me ask this much...
why did you marry me?
Because you are gentleman.
- I'm a gentleman?
"That's not true.
- Really, Raj, you are a nice person"
Not at all
Not I... you are
a nice person though
"All right, I'm nice
and you are evil"
do you still love me?
How much?
This much
but I'm afraid...
I don't want to lose you
"You will forgive me, won't you?
- I don't know"
"First tell me.
- Okay, I'm not telling you"
"Oh come on, tell me"
I'm having an affair.
- Who is it?
I've been seeing him for three months.
- You're kidding
"No, really.
- Really?"
And Raj?
- He is unaware
When he finds out?
- What?
"What will you do then?
You love him, don't you?"
"Meghna, someone
caught us on camera"
He's following me
He's trying to blackmail me.
- What are you going to do?
You tell me.
His wife mustn't find out
- Yes, wife"
It's a sin.
Why didn't you tell me before?
"Come on, I'm dying and you're
preaching me about good and evil"
What kind of a friend are you?
- You mustn't do this
Just drop him.
- I tried...
but it's impossible
You're a goner
What are you going to do?
I'll keep filling the blackmailer's
stomach until he disappears
And Raj?
"This is not right, my child"
Don't weep
"Look, he is here to take you back"
Go... go home
What am I supposed to do now?
Tell me
I did as you told me and sent my truck
down the ravine. I stand ruined now
It's been a year now and I'm yet
to get the insurance amount
"Had the claim been settled then,
I'd have got 3,10,000"
"At the rate of 15 percent, I'd have
earned an interest of 40,500 on it"
If only I had
refused your suggestion!
"The truck was earning me
about 22,000 every year"
"Colonel, I hope you understand me"
"Ms. Amrita, please.
- Colonel, listen to me... "
Shut up!
Where's she?
"No, I'll call back"
"Colonel, I want your advice"
After the claim is passed...
I'll set my storehouse on fire
and claim the insurance
"What's your opinion?
- After that, insure your wife... "
and then kill her.
- You're joking
I don't have time to joke.
You may leave now
But Colonel...
- Go away
How rude
"In my profession,
danger lurks at every step"
And the greatest danger...
is deep sleep.
You never know when
The silence of the night
won't let me sleep
"Those who are scared
of silence, panic"
they run helter-skelter
"But, no good"
Put one more
Excuse me
Here you are
"Whether I live or die,
how does it bother you?"
It's for your safety
"I told you, I can be of help
in some other ways"
Why should I believe you?
To fleece me of money...
you are trying to mislead me
Truth earns me money.
- Why not give me the entire truth?
I'll come on Tuesday
to pick you up. Be ready
How can I organize such a big amount
at such a short notice?
- Why didn't you tell me before...
as soon as you found out?
- Nothing's wrong as yet
Which means you too
are part of the conspiracy
"To me, your life seems more
profitable than your death"
I wonder what I owed you
in my last birth
Where am I to go?
I have nothing but this city
Never mind
"In the war of 1971,
I took a bullet... "
yet I brought
three wounded soldiers to safety
One of them was an enemy
I even got an award for bravery
"Snooping and spying,
I do out of helplessness"
But I never lie
I'm helping you
only because I like you
Get going
I sense...
"If something
happens to me, Harish... "
"Meghna, nothing
is happening to you"
Will you save me?
- I will
- You will be fine, Meghna"
Don't worry
"You are getting better, Meghna"
You are incurring losses
because of me
Forgive me.
- Take it
Just watch.
Someday I'll be worthy of you
"If you love me, don't ask me.
- Amrita, answer me"
What's taken over your mind?
Let me go.
- Did anyone say something?
Nothing of that sort
Must I tell you everything?
Must I answer every question of yours?
"What's the matter, Amrita?
Are you afraid of me?"
No. I'm going insane
What about me?
- It's all over
Have I done any wrong?
- Why don't you understand?
There's a hitch
I can't stay here anymore.
I'm feeling scared
And what am I supposed to do?
- I don't know about you
But I'm leaving
Don't you trust me one bit?
You think I'm crazy?
Don't create a scene now.
- You are creating one
So why don't you come out
with the truth?
"Had you come a bit late,
you wouldn't have met me"
I'm in luck.
- Had you called...
I would've come over
"You look quite weak, Meghna.
You shouldn't have come over"
Why are you packing?
"Meghna, I'm going out
for a few days"
I don't know when I'll return...
but I'm going
And he?
- Who?
"Is he also going with you?
- Oh, he doesn't even know"
And Raj?
- Nobody knows
"Meghna, you won't tell anyone either"
It's crazy
"You are having an affair,
and nobody knows about it"
"You are leaving the city,
and nobody knows about it"
You are strange.
- You might be thinking I'm insane
He will never go with you
He will never desert me
for your sake
So you know?
"Meghna, I thought
you won't be able to bear it... "
"Right, I can't take it.
Look here"
"What's that, Meghna?
What are you up to?"
I don't know what I'd have done
had you left
"You are crazy, Meghna"
What harm had I done to you?
- I was supposed to tell you everything
I should've told you everything
Poor girl...
- Exactly. I'm a fool too
You have hurt me
"Wretched woman,
you are a thief"
You are selfish.
I curse you
"You took me for a clown, didn't you?"
"You thought I was unaware, right?"
"I was wrong,
I trusted you"
"Harish will never desert me,
even if you stake your life, witch"
"The two of you broke my heart.
Bitch, you tormented me intentionally"
Did you think you could
keep damning yourself forever?
Answer me
"You even tried to slip away, eh?"
"Meghna, come to your senses.
I haven't done anything rash"
"Oh, you didn't!
- Give me a chance to explain"
I haven't done anything rash.
- No need to explain
Apologize to me
"Put that gun away, please.
- Scared, eh? I still have questions"
What if the gun fires?
- Weren't you ashamed?
Did you even spare a thought for me
when you stripped before him?
"Meghna, I wanted to be close to you.
Harish was only an alibi"
"I was helpless, Meghna.
- Aren't you ashamed?"
Now face it. Apologize to me
"I'm going, Meghna,
far away from your life"
"That won't satisfy me.
Don't touch me, apologize to me"
"I can't do that, Meghna.
- Apologize"
- Meghna, I needed you... "
- I was helpless, Meghna"
"Meghna, you needed love... "
Ms. Amrita...
Bloodthirsty wolf!
"Amrita, please open the door"
At least don't leave
with an ill-feeling
I want a baby
Tell me something. Why do you
always call when I'm eating?
I see
"No, she's not here"
Hold on for a second.
I'll ask Meghna
Any idea where Amrita could be?
At home. Whose call is it?
It's Raj. He's very worried
Amrita's missing
Really? That's very strange
"Don't worry.
She's no kid, after all"
Oh yes. As soon as I finish
my dinner. In 10 or 15 minutes
She never did a thing like this
I don't know
what goes on in her mind
I know hope everything
turns out to be all right
Did you ask at the factory?
- She hasn't gone there
I telephoned
And where's the car?
- She has taken it
She has taken the car
"No need to worry. She'll be
all right, wherever she is"
"A few days ago,
we saw her at a mountain"
There was this huge stoned structure
lying in ruins
There was no one around
till far and wide
There was a stillness
in the skies
There wasn't even a bird in sight
All that cut through the mountains
was the silence of the rocks
It appeared as if she was
undergoing a punishment
Her face was a picture
of sadness
She looked worried; terrified
"She moved forward,
to caress the rocky slopes"
It was as if a rhapsody
had broken the stillness of silence
"And then appeared
in the mountain, a wedge... "
"and then it fell,
divided in two pieces"
Take me home.
I want to go home
And then I saw the soil assuming
the color of the rocks
And like blood that has dried up...
there appeared a dark stain
As if a flowing river
had come to a halt
Hurry up. Quick!
Congratulations on
your freedom
Looks like your wife's departure
has brought back your sleep
"If you're bored to sleep all alone,
after some days... "
do let me know. I also run
a modest marriage bureau
"It's meant for cripples,
but there's no harm in expansion"
Your partnership is
good for my business
What makes you run away
with your tongue suddenly?
Did anyone see you coming?
- You don't leave that to chance
"When I got here, your wife was
all dressed and decked up"
"Only thing is, the redness of her
dot had spread to her temple"
"When I looked in her eyes,
I saw your picture in it"
I got the feeling that she was
about to break into a smile
"And then came Harish,
looking for your wife"
"When the door wouldn't open,
he left in disgust"
You say amusing things
Where did you leave her?
- She's happy without you...
wherever she is.
But we have a great partnership
Isn't it? Your cooperation
has made my job easy
But my fee is going
to remain the same
Let me have the money.
- Where is the body?
It's not going away anywhere.
I carried her on my shoulder...
"put her in a car, and left her
at a sand-factory faraway"
Everyone will run for a glimpse
of her at daybreak
You will also get an invitation
You can cling to your wife then
and sob uncontrollably
You won't come to any harm.
That's my promise to you
Now give me my fee.
- Here you are
The rest?
- When the body is discovered
The car...?
- There isn't even a scratch
It's as it was
Calcutta? Who told you
that she was going there?
There's a ticket.
For tomorrow evening's flight
"Actually, Inspector,
this incident involving my wife... "
Take a look.
- I don't know
Maybe you can find out
Amrita was very moody. She'd go off
just anywhere when she was in the mood
She'd come back and
tell me the stories...
and really shock me.
- I see. Strange woman indeed
But this time...?
"Inspector, whatever happens,
this killer ought to be... "
I have the same objective as yours
She wasn't murdered at home
Her body was dumped in the car
And the car was abandoned in
a deserted place outside the city
I don't think they'll be able
to catch up with him
Who...? Whom?
The killer. It's impossible
"She was in a hurry.
A tearing hurry, I'd say"
She made the booking
over the phone...
and came personally the next day
to collect the ticket
"Calcutta, 9W211.
"In a hurry, she even forgot
to cross the cheque"
Madam didn't come that day
"Or else, she'd surely have
paid a visit to the factory"
"When I called her residence in
the afternoon, nobody answered it"
We were facing a financial crunch
for quite a few days...
payments were getting delayed...
I had some outstandings too
"But what can be done, sir?
Such things happen in a factory"
"No, she was happy-go-lucky"
Jovial. Very clear
about what she wanted
An enemy...? She didn't
wish anyone harm
The last time...?
When she came to the hospital
With Raj.
Meghna had taken ill
My wife. She's okay now
It's surprising that no one
knows anything about it
"I wasn't at work that day, sir.
I don't know what transpired"
"Maybe the master arrived in a white
jeep that day. I saw nothing else, sir"
"I'm sure, I didn't, sir"
"No, sir... no.
I saw nothing more"
"I considered her to be my elder sister.
In fact, she was even dearer"
There was something biting her
for about a month
"Although she didn't tell me,
I sensed it"
It could even have been
her financial problems
"I wish she had told me. She would've
been alive today, for all you know"
What harm had the poor woman
done to anyone?
What did anyone gain
from her death?
And look at the police.
They're out to malign her name
They're looking for evidence
of her infidelity
"Harish, you were very close to her"
"Although she's no more,
you can tell me"
Could she ever have cheated on me?
"Raj, Amrita was in
love with you"
Only you
They make so many stories
at a woman's death
Do you know why she
was going to Calcutta?
- Now that she's dead...
I think I've gotten
closer to you
I can share my grief with you
I loved her very dearly.
I still do
I cried a lot. But not so much
as to lose my senses in grief
"With time, I will
overcome the anguish"
Calcutta...? Rubbish!
I was the one who asked her
to run away
I knew of a way
she could escape
She trusted what I said
But she couldn't avert
what was pre-destined
"Greed, jealousy, hatred... "
She mustn't even have realized when
the bullet was fired and when she died
She at least didn't have to suffer
Humiliation is all I get
What makes me angry is that...
someone must have taken her body
in his arms and kissed her
You and I have lost her.
Everything else is a lie
If you could mail this
on your way?
Amrita... come here.
Come on out
"This is no time to
lose courage, Raj"
The killer will surely be caught.
Be brave
He's somewhere around!
- Who carried the body away?
Idiot! Don't you know? A monster
drags his prey to his den?
And the car?
- The key was lying in her purse
What difference does that make?
How will I live
without a reason?
I can't be wrong
I always knew it.
And now she's dead
She's dead...
but she's still somewhere around
Why did you?
I couldn't even have imagined
Why've you stopped the car?
- Didn't you say it?
I was very scared
I didn't even touch her.
- Where've you stopped the car?
How can I forget it? Why didn't
I think of it earlier?
You were the one who
took her away in the car
Didn't you feel scared?
- What rubbish are you talking?
Meghna... I ought
to have told you
"It's true that Amrita and I,
between us... "
You carried the body away.
Why didn't you tell me?
What would I have said?
Would you listen quietly?
I wouldn't have fallen in love!
Have you forgiven me then?
Take me in your arms!
I don't understand it.
This is where I had kept it
"About three months ago,
I pulled it out to clean it"
It was in this very box
Here's the license.
- But no gun?
Must be somewhere around.
Where will it go?
Did you meet her
on the day of her death?
I did. She was pretty upset
about her personal life
She wasn't being able
to take a decision
"I didn't talk about it earlier,
because Raj didn't know... "
and I didn't want...
- Why was she going to Calcutta?
I don't know
You'll have to go with us
to the police station
What...? Now look!
You're making a mistake!
"What have I done, Inspector?
Meghna... "
Where are you going?
- Are you blind? Can't you see?
Let's go
Where's the need for this?
- You can't do that!
You are making a mistake!
"Don't be afraid, Harish.
They can't do a thing"
"Step aside, madam.
C'mon, move"
"I'm going with you, all right.
But please don't create a scene"
You can't touch him!
You have no right!
He's accused of murder.
We have to handcuff him
"Nothing's happening to you, Harish!
- Come on, move it"
Let him go! He hasn't done anything.
You're misunderstanding it
"If it was his pistol, it doesn't mean
he's the one who fired a shot"
"Take a look at the finger-prints.
- Oh yes, we will"
He hasn't committed the murder!
He just can't do it!
"Say that in the police station.
- It's true, he was hiding something"
He had a guilty conscience.
But he can't commit a murder
He just wasn't born to kill!
I'll find him for you.
- All right. You come with us
"Just you see! I'll find the wolf!
- Don't scream, Meghna"
They aren't hanging me.
- I'll find him from anywhere!
You don't understand! The punishment
is being held up because of me!
"Don't be afraid, Harish!"
Raj...? They've taken Harish away!
In handcuffs!
"Oh yes, I know whose
doing this is"
There was this scoundrel
who was harassing Amrita
He was threatening her.
He must be the one
How long could she ask you for money?
How long would she keep paying him?
She must have turned him down.
What else could she do?
She used to be very scared
of getting a bad name
He's the one who took her life.
He must've killed her
He has killed her!
And we must catch him
Why Harish...?
Harish hasn't done it!
No photos!
- I'm from the press
Which newspaper?
- Mid-day
They used to come in the afternoon.
The afternoon
It was never in the night.
It was always in the afternoon
I want to adorn my hair
with flowers
I ought to have known
Amrita... come...
come out
Leave her alone
I love her very much
A night... so lost
"Wherever she is,
she must be drenched"
It asks for the warmth
of your body
This is a good thing you've done
"I'm told, they've locked up
your husband"
Who are you?
The poor man is innocent
"I know he's innocent, too"
"And I know, who the
real murderer is"
Who is it?
- I can't tell you that right now
Tomorrow. At Gaylord's.
At eleven
Will you be there?
Who are you?
- See you tomorrow
And yes. Do please carry
a gift for me
- The price to discover the secret
All right.
- And beware
Come all alone
I knew it all along.
But what could I do?
I could only pray that everything
would one day be all right
That he would return to me
But all that doesn't happen
"I was dying slowly,
waiting for it to happen"
"And when I could take it no more,
I took her life"
There was no other way. With someone
else...? I couldn't even imagine
I'd die without Harish!
Please have him released
"It's I who committed the murder,
not him"
"I was mad out of jealousy.
- You will have your Harish, I promise"
I have...
nothing against him
I couldn't take it! Harish is innocent.
I'm the one who committed the murder
Have your juice
What would Harish get
out of killing Amrita anyway?
I wanted Harish for myself
I couldn't share him with anyone.
It was my selfishness
"I'm the one who killed her,
not him"
When have I said that he did?
- So who did...?
Who could it be?
Would you have a match?
"No, I wanted just a matchstick... "
Was it the man who threatened
to tarnish her image?
Could it be the blackmailer
who was tormenting her?
You just said you did it.
- I'm mad!
You're just the one
I had yet to meet
That wish is fulfilled too
Each one is worse than the other
I'm sure the killer is the man
who was blackmailing her
This girl is talking any nonsense
What a farce he's enacting!
Hats off to him
"Whatever happens,
I'll find him"
Don't do anything without
giving it proper thought
"Get a hold on yourself, Meghna.
Everything will be all right"
Let's go. I'll drop you home
Looks like your informant
isn't showing up
"So tell me, what am I to do?"
I wonder how Harish is sleeping
on the floor and what he's eating
"For all you know, they might beat him
up and get him to admit to the crime"
What will I do then?
- Let's get out of this place
"I can't sit idly like this!
I'm sure, he will phone again"
I will meet him and save Harish
It's dangerous for you
to roam around freely
What will you take
to get lost?
Harish's release.
What else?
What reason for the sympathy?
- I can't bear to see...
"the poor woman being widowed. In any
case, I don't quit halfway through"
So why don't you turn yourself
over to the law?
You've had a part to play
in this episode too
"In fact, your share
is far bigger than mine"
I can't betray you.
- Have you gone mad?
Meghna's looking out for you. A deal
with her could be expensive for you
To save an innocent is part
of my profession too
What are you going
to tell Meghna?
Why? Scared already?
Have trust in me
Don't interfere in my work
You have your Amrita.
So go home to bed
"So you took money from her too?
- Yes, she paid a good price"
And punctually too.
Not like you
A good price she paid!
Where did she get the money?
It was my money! Mine!
I trusted you and
you show dishonesty?
A man like you...
You want to hit me?
I regret! You are
suspecting my intentions?
But what harm can you do to me?
"If something happens to me,
your game is up too. Okay?"
That pistol is still with me
Want me to go with you?
Are you all right?
Hello... this is Upasana.
How are you?
"No, not as yet. But I'll
get to know by 4 'O clock"
What's she saying?
- Someone's blackmailing her
Amrita herself told me.
- But the testimony in court...
He's lying!
Harish wasn't there at all
"You don't know anything,
but I know the truth"
"Are the witnesses liars then?
- Yes, they are lying"
Harish didn't go to Amrita's house.
- How did you get to know that?
Harish was asleep at home.
He had returned tired
I left him and went to her.
- But that doesn't mean...
I went there. She was scared.
She said she was leaving the city
Without telling anyone.
Not even Raj!
But I had made up my mind
I shot her. I killed her
out of jealousy
I had stolen Harish's pistol
and gone to her house
I shot her in the head
I wrapped her body in a carpet
and dragged it outside
I then put it in a car
and drove away. I...
And the pistol?
- Pistol?
I left the pistol by the body
Maybe it was in the sea... I don't
remember. But that's the truth
"This story isn't enough to
prove Harish's innocence, Madam"
Harish is innocent!
He hasn't done anything
How could he have killed her?
I told you!
He was asleep at home!
See that man?
- Who?
He's the one. The blackmailer
How do you know?
- He took a photo. From my house
That man is a beast.
- I see
We've found the killer!
It's the blackmailer
He was the one who killed Amrita.
- How do you know?
I know. The old lady told me.
He's the one who killed her.
He also took your pictures
What old lady? What pictures?
What are you talking about?
Don't you know? Didn't Amrita
show you the pictures?
Maybe she was scared
that you'd come back to me
"Say something, Harish"
Tell me everything.
If you remain silent...
I won't be able to do
anything for you
Do you miss her?
And me?
Meghna... love alone
isn't enough for me
I realize that now
To love someone is to
grow old with that person
I was never in love with her.
Believe me
You're the only one I love
I know that.
I always knew it
I will take you away from here.
With me
But she said she was
going away somewhere
What happened then?
She had even packed her bags.
She was about to leave
But she was killed
She has gone away.
And I'm the one who's trapped
I'll have you freed.
I'll take you home with me
I'll find him and fix him
"Be careful, Meghna.
He's a very dangerous man"
"That man is a killer, Meghna.
He's not like us"
"You can take Raj's help,
if you wish to"
This man who sent us the pictures.
What could he hold against Harish?
"And we still haven't got our hands
on the pistol, the weapon of murder"
He'll squeal. He'll tell us
where he has hidden the pistol
And Raj...? A man
whose wife has just died...
look at his face...
I can't really swallow that
"It's a clear cut case.
There are two women, friends"
One of them is having an affair
with the other's husband
The woman doesn't know that
And suddenly in their lives
comes a blackmailer
The woman is scared. She wants
to reveal everything to her husband
"Harish stops her. In the melee,
the pistol goes off in Harish's hands"
It's as simple as that
No. The truth isn't
so simple anyway
So what twist are you looking for?
Want me to dump all the testimony
and arrest Raj instead?
And arrest the girl who's going around
claiming that she committed the murder?
Oh no. That poor girl...
"Here, Das Babu...
have some fries. And relax"
I have solved the case
It's locked
"Careful, uncle"
Look at this
It's Harish's gun
- By chance
"Had you not parked your car there,
we wouldn't have met"
"You were involved too,
I never knew"
"He sent you here, didn't he?"
"Finally, the two of you
are scared"
What am I supposed to do?
Call the police?
That drama you enacted in the court
was fantastic
What if someone believed you?
"Anyway, it's good when one puts
his heart into everything he does"
Did you find what you were looking for?
- Nothing important
We found this.
Don't move
Bloody thieves! All of them!
"Come on, hurry up"
I'm not letting you off the hook
I've got him!
I traced him out
You have to believe me now.
He's got the gun too
Here's the evidence.
Release Harish
"Arrest him, now.
Or he'll escape"
Come on
What did you lack inside the lock-up?
"What do you want from me now?
- Please help me, Raj"
"Meghna is in danger.
She is tracking someone, alone"
Meghna's history for you.
Forget her
"Raj, I'm innocent.
I have done nothing"
- Meghna is out of her mind
Just let me hide in your house
for one night
She'll certainly come to meet me.
- She's fine all alone
"And you, in the lock-up.
- I have done you wrong, Raj"
But I did not kill Amrita
"And why would I kill her?
I liked her, I was in... "
Why did you stop?
Say it. I won't mind
"Raj, trust me.
I didn't kill Amrita"
"Harish, you were seen"
People have testified against you.
That's it
"Who's your friend?
- Don't do this, friend"
Would I lie to you?
- Not at all
She was the one who had
falsehood running in her blood
Now it's running within you
You did what I was supposed to do
That's why I forgive you.
Now get lost
I won't inform the police
Only this while
Your gun is
out of place...
you have it going
with that girl...
then you are seen outside her house
on the day she is murdered
Are you sure you didn't do it?
Don't try to act smart.
Think of unlocking the handcuff
Where did you keep the gun?
- At home
At home...
who else had access to your gun?
I've figured it out at last.
Do you get it?
- Your wife
"Stop raving, okay?"
The blackmailer is the murderer.
- Praise the Lord
"Buddy, blackmailers only
blackmail people. They don't kill"
Wanna bet? It's either your wife
or your friend
Will you stop raving?
Bloody pickpocket
I could die for that
"You are the one who robs women,
and you call me a pickpocket!"
Bastard! I'll teach you manners!
Hold it
Why did you escape?
"Why did you do this, Harish?
I could've saved you"
I can do anything for you
"Hello, sister-in-law"
"Get in, smartass"
You couldn't bear to see Amrita leave
without being punished
What do you mean?
- You only told me that...
she was packing when you reached there.
- I knew about your affair long before
I still ignored it.
- You plotted to kill her
"That's when you pretended to be ill.
- I didn't pretend, I was really ill"
What about my gun?
Only you had the access to my gun
Let me go.
- I should've figured it out long back
Amrita wanted it. The blackmailer
had made life miserable for her
How was I to know that
you'll be trapped?
She didn't ask you for the gun.
Or did she?
I'm not so mean to kill
that wretched female
She was leaving just to escape you.
- I already knew about your affair
"Your lighter,
meeting place... "
"bed, sofa, mattress... "
"your pillow, blankets,
bed sheets"
"Yet, for the sake of your love,
I meekly accepted the facts"
I could have even
stripped you before Raj...
"and screwed you.
- Stop raving, witch"
Did I send you to her?
Did I lie naked
in someone's arms?
Did I catch you on camera?
Did I inform the police?
Was I sucking your blood?
Was I blackmailing you?
The whole world is regarding you
with contempt
"To save you, I was even ready
to own up to the crime"
And you call me a witch?
Drop dead!
"You will save me, eh?
I need to save myself from you"
"Look, you don't need to
chase the blackmailer for my sake"
You have tasted blood.
I hate the sight of you!
Get out of my car!
- Shut up and drive
What did you drill into her head
before sending her over?
Did I?
Your mind's working overtime
I told you to stop being silly
She's hunting for you
"Greedy as you are, you thought
you could find something there"
You would even fleece a corpse
If you can kill your wife
out of rage...
"if you can falsely implicate
your friend, I'm merely cannon-fodder"
I got to be careful with you
You'll be apprehensive
only as long as I'm alive
You are nuts.
Now pay for your sins
"When the police reach me,
I'll lead them to you"
You forced me...
I'm not a murderer
I'm not part
of the conspiracy at all
I liked that woman.
- Shut up
She's history
I was the one who
asked her to run away
Are you raving?
- I told her your game in detail
You'd push the car off the cliff
and pass it off as an accident
"You'd have been happier,
and she too, at the least"
Schemer! Bloody traitor
Even you turned out
to be a cheat
You are the cheat
I was trying to save her from you
She trusted me... she was scared
She was supposed to go to Kolkata
... I'd have followed her there
"Of the two of us,
I'd have been a better choice for her"
But you reached there before I could.
Bloodthirsty wolf! Bastard!
I wish I had killed her myself
I wish I had not met you.
- Listen to me...
You are the one who destroyed
my life. Get out of here
You'll hurt yourself. Give me the gun.
- Hold it
Stop! Or I'll shoot.
- It's not your cup of tea
I've seen a lot of this stuff
Hear this. In the war of 1971
they tried to kill me
But the bastards just
couldn't kill me
I can stave off death.
don't be stupid. Give me the gun.
- Hold it!
He's gone! Get the hell
out of here. I sense trouble
You killed uncle!
"Stop screaming!
- Stop screaming, swine"
Get the hell out of here.
- You killed uncle
Murderer! Murderer!
Let's put him in the car
"He's still breathing.
- Wanna wait till the last, eh?"
"Had I not been locked up with you,
I'd have smashed your head"
"As it is,
he was old enough to die"
"If we're caught red-handed,
we're done for"
"If the old man's destined
to live, he will. Get out of here"
Move it!
- Shut up! Pick him up
Move it!
Come on
J.J Hospital.
Turn right from the Highway
"If you hear a shot,
get inside at once"
"Stay outside at the gate, Gaitonde"
So you were driving recklessly
The brakes failed
There's an entire police force
surrounding my house
He must've surely contacted you.
- How?
I've been out since morning. How am
I to know where the poor man is?
We didn't tell him to escape.
- Trust me. I'll let you know...
as soon as I have
any news of him
Bad times drew in on us yesterday
Fate turned its back
on us yesterday
For all the great bustle
in our lives...
our time's up
Time up
What enmity do you have with us?
Why are you after Harish's life?
- Why did he escape from the lock-up?
You don't have even one
strong evidence against him
The entire case is laid on
false testimonies
The police is useless.
And what happens to uncle now?
Who's sitting in that car?
"Who's that in the car?
- It's them I guess, sir"
They're moving
They're running.
Stop there!
Get the jeep
Run for your life
"Run faster, will you?"
"Not that way, fool"
Freeze! Or I'll shoot
Night never falls in this city
No dark nights ever
The hustle and bustle never stops
Can't see a star in the sky
It's as if all the stars
have come down on the roads...
and lined up
The hustle and bustle will stop
only when there's darkness
The city never stops
"When we were little,
we used to sleep on the roofs"
The intense darkness of those
moonless nights come to mind
Pull over. Let me check
What have you done?
You killed him?
Looks like the bastard
has killed him
"Laxman, what's to be done?"
Let's take him home for dinner.
- Everyday happening
Get the handcuff.
- Handcuff him
He has confessed to the crime
He did it to make life hell for you.
He had access to your gun
He just couldn't gauge
how selfish the blackmailer was
He has lost it.
He keeps screaming
Mentions weird names
And he keeps abusing us
"Anyway, enjoy yourselves"
"As you sow, so you reap"
"What happened, Meghna?
- I'm fatigued"
We're going home