Private Pluto (1943)

Right, left, right, left,
right, left, right, left.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup... hup... forward march!
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
In step!
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Column, right turn!
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, hup.
To the right flank, march!
Hup, two, three, four. Hup!
Detail, halt!
Hup, two, three, four.
Come on now, straighten up!
Right face! Left face!
About face! Left face!
Right face! About face!
About face! About face!
At ease!
As you were!
Listen up!
Private Pluto, there are
saboteurs in the vicinity.
Guard that pillbox
with your life!
We've cracked enough
for the moment.
- We should crack some more.
- Let's get going.
Who's the stupid-looking mutt
out there?
- What does he look like?
- He's a big baboon of an ape.
- He's good and mad, too!
- Yeah, he wants to eat us up.
- What'll we do?
- Let's give him the old one-two.
Come on.
Don't you think
we've cracked enough?
No, we ought to crack some more.
Well, come on.
Let's get going again.
Who's the stupid-looking mutt
out there?
- What does he look like?
- Come and take a look!
Uh-oh. It's that beast again...
and he's chuckling
like he's done something smart.
I just can't stand
that vile creature.
We'll get him
for keeps this time.
That looks like
a solid exposure!
To the side pocket.
Come on, let's get going.
You said it! Stand clear
and I'll give him the works.
Ha ha!
Oh, so it's you again, huh?
He's all set up
for the side pocket.
Come on, let's get going.
Hurrah! He cracked
them all but this one!
It must be a special hard nut.