Private Property (1960)

Good morning.
How far is the Sunset Strip?
-Eight, ten miles down the road.
You got any orange pop?
In the machine.
We're on our butts, man. -You
boys don't wanna hang around here.
All we want is a couple
bottles of pop. NOW!
You want we should...
break open
the cash register and...
get a dime?
I don't want trouble.
why don't you go in the office
and get a couple of bottles
of pop
and a pack of Viceroys
and some Bobby Burns?
He's got a calendar in there.
What day is it?
It's a broad in a cowboy hat.
Scooby doo bi doo ba ba.
Sound like you're getting ready.
Boots, how come
you never made it?
When I was your age,
I sold fiber doormats.
One afternoon, I went through
a whole trailer camp.
I told you.
You promised your mother.
I'm saving myself
for when I get married.
You're saving yourself
when you meet a rich daddy.
You don't talk to me
like that, Duke.
You're gonna cut me up, Bootsy?
I've been ready to make it
ever since you took that redhead
away from me up there
in that Orange Grove.
I could've scored, but you got
to grab her for yourself,
don't you?
You want one?
You gonna fix me
up? -I'll fix you up.
So, fix me up.
Fill it up.
Right away.
What year is that, sir?
Oh, it's a '54
Custom job, they only turned out
a couple of hundred.
People hung out to them.
They were too good.
How's she ride?
Oh, like whip cream.
You're not heading into LA,
are you?
Yeah, I'm going
into Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
Kidding? Hey, how's the
chances of us getting a lift?
We ride part way to see
how she takes the curves?
You know these guys?
It's all right.
Well, all right.
But button up your shirt.
There's no harm in trying
to look neat.
Okay, kid. Get in
and button up your shirt.
No harm in trying to look neat.
let me introduce ourselves.
My name is Arthur Morgan.
-How do you do?
Buddy here, is Leon Davis.
Oh, I... I'm Ed Hogate,
Sacramento Appliance Company.
Yeah, sales manager.
Oh, I'll sign for that.
I never carry
any cash on my person.
Is there a sign
along here for Ventura,
for the turnoff?
-What's that, ma'am?
Am I above or below
the Ventura turnoff?
Above it, lady.
-Well, I didn't see any sign.
You'll find signs down the road.
You like that?
Are you kidding?
You said you was ready
to make it.
Oh, come on.
I said I'd get you one.
You're out of your mind.
That one.
And now, just a minute.
That type of lady wouldn't give
you the time of clay.
Now, let me give you a tip.
Things are divided into groups,
separated like birds,
animals, reptiles.
You don't breed a bird
with a snake.
It just can't happen.
It's exactly the same
with people.
You can't mix the groups.
Thank you.
Follow her, Ed.
-Oh, forget it.
Come on.
Follow her.
Well, it's the end of the line.
Pardon me?
-Oh, I'll turn right here
down to Wilshire Boulevard.
Oh, Ed.
You can go
on a couple more miles.
No, I've got a sales meeting
this afternoon.
Well, let's go, Ed.
Look, I've got to pick up
my reservations
at the hotel.
Leon doesn't wanna get out here.
Do you, Leon?
Leon wants to go on
after the white Corvette.
Oh, come on, fellas,
let's call it off.
Oh. Now, you miss the light.
Hey, do you want me
to call a cop?
No, Ed, you don't wanna
call a cop.
You know why?
Because the boy next to you
has got a knife
and he's ready to cut out
your gallbladder.
Show him the knife, Leon.
Now, I also got a knife, Ed.
But I'm not going
to show you mine.
I'm just going to shove
it ten inches
into your belly
and split you wide open
like a dead sheep.
And you'll sit there
in your guts
while we drive
your stinking Skylark
up into the hills
and dump you over some cliff.
Now, put your foot down
on the gas pedal, Ed.
Take out after the pink twitch
in the white Corvette.
Move it.
Ed, I wanna thank you
for the lift.
may I suggest something, Ed?
That you didn't hear anything
and you didn't see anything.
There's no skin off
your nose, Ed.
You've got
your business meeting,
so you won't say anything,
will you?
Gee, I hope not, Ed.
So long.
I hope he makes it
over the hill.
You think he'll keep quiet?
Oh, sure.
He knows, man.
He's got the situation
divided up into groups.
Now let's see.
There's a house on top.
One halfway down
and these two close together.
So, this is where
the white Corvette lives.
You wanna go in?
Call the fuzz.
Fuzz takes half hour, man.
You need all the time it takes.
And I said I'd fix you up,
but she's gonna want it, too.
Force is very hard to make,
take my word for it.
Not the first time out.
It's like... work.
It's padlocked.
But there's light on upstairs.
It's broad daylight.
This joint is empty.
No, man, what about that light?
Well that's to
scare the burglars away.
No rugs,
no furniture.
Take a look around the back.
We got the whole city.
Hey, take a look at this.
She's got a pool.
How can you tell?
I can smell it.
Move over.
Dip in your little toe.
She's gonna take a swim?
-Why not?
This place is empty.
Nobody can see her
from on top of the hill.
No houses, no neighbors,
nobody here, but us mothers.
I'll pass right out.
And those two windows
look right down on her.
Hurry up, man.
She'll be in and out.
Take it easy, all the time.
Hey, go. Did you hear that?
Man, she's in buck naked.
Oh, hurry. Come on.
Is she? Can you see?
She's kicking her stupid feet.
Well, quit kicking your
stupid feet you twitch idiot.
She's got on a blue bathing cap.
...that's all, daddy.
-Oh, hi.
I wonder if you can help me out.
I'm looking for the
Hitchcock residence.
Well, there's no one by
that name up here. -Oh.
Well, I thought perhaps
that white house up there?
No, that's the Andersons.
-Oh. -Next doors the Halls
and down the hill, the Bourdons.
Well, this is Nightingale Way,
isn't it?
No. Nightingale Place.
I better check my list.
Forgive me for having awakened you
from your nap. -That's all right.
Thank you.
Ann Pan.
I'm getting dressed.
Was that her boyfriend?
Husband. -How do you know?
Because he's a big fat
square schmegegge.
I'm gonna make us a mint julep
the size of the pool.
Don't you need silver
cups for that? -Beer mugs.
I went to the beach today.
I missed you.
I missed you.
So, what do we do now?
Ann Pan,
is Dawes ever a juicy prospect.
Three son-in-laws all ready
for a combination policy say,
about a hundred thousand,
two hundred thousand dollars.
Sugar, sugar, sugar.
Do you wanna sit outside?
I got a second set of boat plans
on the company's boatyard.
Here, why don't you get out
of your tie?
Let me finish these.
We stay down
till they start watching TV.
How do you know they watch TV?
Because they're married.
Well, what do you say
let's go upstairs
and watch our own TV?
Maybe they'll start up.
You wanna watch
him start up with your twitch?
I watch anything, man.
What do you think
of schmegegge head?
Oh, he's nowhere.
She's ready to cut loose.
Now, how can you tell
that from here?
You'll learn to read the signs.
She brought him the drink.
She gave him a little bite
Did he bite her back?
Grab a hold?
Well, maybe
he's playing it cool.
Maybe he's got her
eating her heart out.
You see the way
she crossed her legs?
Oh, yes.
Do that again.
Like she never met him.
I wish the Halls
would sell their house.
They're asking too high.
Hundred thousand.
I don't like it standing empty.
You want privacy.
We need some neighbors.
What's wrong with Todd Anderson?
They're too far away.
Annie would have
to cover her fandango
when she swims.
I swam back and forth
ten times today.
I'm trying to trim down my legs.
Here we go.
-A little higher.
Man she can break you in two.
Let's get it up there.
Let's get it up there, baby.
A little higher.
Keep away from that man.
He's clutching her to him.
I promise you.
You see, he let go.
Would you let go?
Would I let go?
The only person who'd let go
is a moral degenerate.
I promise you.
You'll be doing her a favor.
They're going in the house.
Now, who's doing who a favor?
They're going to have dinner.
Well, shows over.
Let's eat.
You wanna eat in or out?
So, you wanna swindle
a restaurant
or rob a supermarket?
I don't know,
does the stove work?
You wanna go to a movie?
I thought you had
your new blueprints?
Oh, just wait till you see them.
Now, don't move.
NOW 1!
Tell me about yourself, son.
Where'd you learn to cook?
I was a short-order
cook up in Fresno.
Hmm? You put too many grease.
No, that's margarine.
Well, you don't have to eat,
if you don't want to.
Floating marine engine.
Twice as much deck space.
Sleeps four.
Ever since I can remember,
somebodys been coming
on with grease.
And ever since I can remember,
I have been dumping it.
I didn't cook,
so you can dump it
in the garbage.
Are we going to live on it?
I picked out a little cottage
on the edge of the lake.
Subject to your approval,
of course.
Here's the real estate brochure.
Arrowhead Vacation Futures.
and this is a wooden jetty
runs right down to the boat.
Oh, that sounds wonderful.
And I've marked
four whole weeks off
for nothing but us.
Oh, that sounds best of all.
When does it happen?
Well, as soon as I can find
a reliable guy to train.
All I need is a halfway
efficient manager
for the main office.
By that time,
I'll have the house paid off,
a cushion of good solid stocks
in the bank and boom,
we'll fish, and swim, and float.
I'll chase you around the woods.
That sounds best of all.
You know what I want?
I wanna get into that
white Corvette.
No, man.
They'll hear you.
If they hear us,
we cut out.
Now is it worth it?
You stay here.
No, man.
If you're gonna sit in it,
I'm going with you.
Could we have a fire?
Light the gas.
There isn't any wood.
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
No, I'll get it.
Smell that perfume?
It must be $20 a squirt.
I'm sure he's good for it.
His cash position stinks,
but his tax position
is nothing but capital gains.
You work the brother-in-law
and I'll work the lawyer.
Have two copies on his desk
first thing.
Roger, I'm ready for bed.
Wife noises.
See you at City National
in the morning.
What's Jack Paar got
that I haven't got?
I bought a new negligee.
You can wear it up at Arrowhead.
See you later.
I'm going next door
to borrow a cup of sugar.
Hey, I'll go with you.
No, man, you stay here
and take a tour of the house.
Lots of scenes.
Just a minute.
Me again.
I found those people
I was looking for
clear over on Morten Drive
and they gave me a week's work,
and I finished it in half a clay, so I...
...I wondered if you had
any work for a landscape artist.
We have a gardener.
Well, how about specialty stuff?
Pruning, transplanting.
Well, he does it all.
Hmm. I bet he's Mexican.
No, he's Japanese.
-Oh, really?
Most of the guys up here
are Mexican,
they know tropical stuff,
but they're not too good on,
well, roses...
the better class of things.
He's very good.
May I point something out
to you, please?
You see that ivy?
It's falling apart.
No, really,
you can check with your man,
he's probably planning to do
some work on it.
But I could do it
in a half hour,
would only cost you 50 cents.
Well, I'll ask my husband.
That's very kind of you.
I'm trying to set up
a business route.
Well, if you change your mind,
I'll be back about lunchtime.
You needn't bother.
Oh, no.
No bother.
Where is she going, huh?
She needs help
with her spray can.
Her what?
Wait here.
Who is it?
Hi, you left the side door open.
I rang around the front door,
there's nobody home.
Remember I said
I'll be back about lunchtime.
You told me I might have
a job with the roses,
I'm trying to set up
a business around here.
Hey, you don't wanna go
too heavy on that stuff.
What is it?
-Black Banner.
Oh, wow.
You know you can burn
the leaves with this stuff.
And another thing,
you wanna stand down wind,
you don't wanna breathe
in these,
it's got arsenic.
I got some in my eye.
You better bathe it.
It's better now.
I know the proper distance
and the proper amount.
You don't wanna get
rose bugs all over you.
Yeah, ugh.
You see,
you wanna get in
at the tender part.
Is this crabgrass,
these carrot things?
Well, I'll tell you one thing,
you can't spray that stuff.
You got to pull them out
by the roots.
You want me to do it for you?
How long would it take?
Hmm, half hour.
Cost you a dollar.
See, I get two dollars an hour
for my services.
How cheap can you get?
Well, you might as well
rake out the rose beds
while you're at it.
That olive tree seems
to shed all over the place,
but it never bears any olives.
Well, it's because
that's a male.
See, that one over there,
that's a female.
He gives her the message
and she gives him the olives.
Well, there's a bamboo rake
in the garage.
Would you like some lemonade?
I'm dry as a big old bone.
Why don't you go rest
in the shade?
Thank you.
Is it sweet enough?
Well, it hits the spot.
Did you plant the roses
by yourself?
Some of them.
You know, you put Helen Traubel
in the same bed
with Lowell Thomas.
I'll have to fix that.
Gee, I'm sticky
from the insect spray.
There's a faucet
up by the mint bed.
Could I ask you a favor?
Do you mind if I jump
in the pool?
I don't think you'd better.
Just for a second.
-But you don't have a suit.
With pants and all.
-I'd rather you wouldn't.
I'll be dry in a second.
Ooh, it's warm.
It's like a bath, come on in.
Oh, no thanks.
I'd get my hair wet.
Well, you got a cap.
Get a cap.
Oh, it's too much trouble.
Well, you got your suit on.
How do you know?
Well, your slacks
are kind of tight.
Use this towel.
You keep yourself
in good condition.
Well, I guess I'm what you call
the physical type-
Not much up here.
What's your hurry?
Oh, I have housework to do.
You do all your own housework?
We used to have a maid
but there really isn't
enough work
for a fulltime servant.
Besides, I kind of like it.
How about a butler?
Could make your bed.
Take care of your roses.
My husband would love that.
How did you know my name?
I looked on the steering post
in your car.
I found one of your gloves.
I like the perfume.
I want to keep it.
How much do I owe you?
I'm sorry.
I know I ought not to have.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
It doesn't matter.
I wasn't mad at you.
You came to the door
and you said, like,
how there was no work.
And I thought you were stuck up.
But I can't be nice
to every stranger
that rings the bell.
You don't have to put them down.
I didn't mean to put you down.
I'm a plain working man.
You don't know what it means
to a guy like me
to take a dip
in a private pool.
I understand.
You don't have
to feel sorry for me.
I make a living.
I didn't mean it that way.
Why should you care?
You don't know me.
What is your name?
Ben Saunders.
Do you live near here, Ben?
I sleep in my truck.
Let me give you some money.
I can't. -I get an allowance as
regular as clockwork every week.
I can't.
Don't you understand?
Will you let me lend it to you?
Will you let me come back
and work it off?
We'll see. You wait here.
Will 10 be enough?
-I changed my mind.
I can't take it.
-Oh, don't be silly.
You've got to find
a place to sleep.
I already know one.
In the back of your truck?
Next door.
Next door?
It's empty.
You can't go in there.
For one night.
You'd get caught.
Can I stay?
I'd have to tell my husband.
I guess you would.
Well, goodbye.
I've told you she's yours. I
wouldn't touch her with a bamboo rake.
Oh, come on, cut it out.
She's a cow. She's got cow
eyes and she gives butter.
And if I wanted her for myself,,
I could've had her in the garage
or on the patio or I could've
pushed her in the pool.
How long does it take?
Now, you listen to me.
You want me to go down there
and drag her up here by the hair?
Do you want me to hold her
while she screams?
Do you want me to cut her so
she bleeds all over you, Boots?
You tell me how you
want her, dead or alive?
All right. Then we do it my way,
all the time it takes.
Who is it? The fuzz?
It's her husband.
Ann Pan.
In here.
Were you asleep?
-Caught napping-
You all right?
I had a dream. -Bad?
I dreamed the pool got so
hot, all the water boiled away.
Want me to turn off the heater?
Maybe later.
Take off your suit
and put on that towel thing.
I ordered a table,
at the Imperial Gardens.
How come?
Big celebration.
Did you land the son-in-laws?
One down and two to go.
Dawes wants the group plan
for all his west coast plants.
He asked me to come up
to San Francisco.
For how long?
Oh, just for the day.
He wants me to meet
the management heads.
I leave on flight 307 at 10:40.
Return trip, flight 521,
leaving at 7:10,
due here at 8:40.
Did you eat?
All set?
May I have a martini?
Do you think we need
a new gardener?
Hmm, grass looked okay to me.
Well, a man stopped by today,
a Mr. Saunders?
He knows landscaping
and he pointed out some things.
He's trying to start a business
in the neighborhood.
What did you tell him?
I told him
I'd take it up with you.
It's been took up,
voted down unanimously.
He asked about
the house next door.
Tell him to take that up
with old man Hall.
I love you.
And I love you.
You look just wonderful.
Leave on the den lights?
How come you do the work
and he takes her out?
She's not gonna sleep tonight.
She'll lie awake,
think about me.
Watch it.
Where are you going?
I left the pool light on.
I'll get it.
No, I'm already up.
She's looking up here.
Blow her a kiss.
No, man.
Let her sweat.
What was the flight number?
521, United.
At 8:30.
I'll be here.
I'll miss you.
Hey, Ben?
Hey, you left
the side door open again.
Isn't your radio a little loud?
Hey, Ed.
Turn it down.
That's Ed Hogate.
He's a buddy of mine.
I thought you said
you were alone.
I am.
We bumped into each other
last night at Schwab's.
I mean, I thought you said
you didn't know anyone.
I don't.
He's from Sacramento.
He's in the-
In the appliance business,
you know, door-to-door sales
of vacuum cleaners
and steam irons
and things like that.
Were you in there last night
in the Hall's house?
I saw you come out and turn on
the heat in the pool.
I could've used
some heat up there myself.
It's warmer sleeping
in the truck.
I had a feeling
someone was in there.
Was your friend with you?
On, Eddy?
Oh, no.
He came up the hill
about an hour ago
while you were out
driving your husband.
Oh, Roger's gone up
to San Francisco.
I told him about you.
What'd he say?
I'm afraid there really
isn't any work for you here.
Well, it doesn't make
any difference.
I didn't feel
like working today anyway.
I had an idea.
It's past lunch
and I thought maybe
you'd let me take you
to a drive-in restaurant
and treat you to a cheeseburger.
Do you like
grilled cheese sandwiches?
no, that's too much trouble.
Oh, it's no trouble at all.
I can't.
Now, don't start that again.
You're not gonna turn me down
two times in a row.
You go invite your friend.
You don't have to invite him.
Tell him luncheon is served.
What's up?
You're invited to lunch.
Now, listen to me.
We know each other
from Sacramento.
We met last night at Schwab's.
Yeah, that's a drug store.
Another thing,
I was in the house
last night by myself.
Where was I?
Who gives a flop where you were?
You're in
the appliance business.
Oh, come on, man.
Sales manager.
Here's your card.
Your name is Ed Hogate.
And what...
What's your name?
Ben Saunders.
Where do you get
this stuff from?
It's from your mother,
go get the radio.
Okay. Sure, Benny.
Ann, may I present Ed.
How do you do?
Won't you sit down?
The cheese is on the grill
for when we're ready.
Do you like grilled cheese
sandwiches, Ed?
Well me, I'd eat anything.
Please, go ahead.
Well, I hope it's all right.
I tried a lemon dressing
instead of mayonnaise.
I'm trying to lose weight
and I guess I inflict it
on everyone.
And not an ounce of fat on you.
Yeah, where could
you lose it from?
You're both much too polite.
Ben tells me you're in
the appliance business.
Oh, yes.
Yeah, here's my card.
Sacramento Appliance Company.
Sales manager.
Well, yes, you see,
I'm in charge
of this bunch of goldbricks.
And they're supposed
to ring the doorbells
and unload
these electric juicers
on the unsuspecting housewife.
TV sets and electric toasters,
and fiber door mats and...
Well, you name it, we got it.
I dress casual like this
because they're supposed to do
the public sales pitch
and I pull the strings
from above.
You have to keep
the group separate,
you know, the birds,
and the snakes and...
But if you want a wholesale
markdown on anything
like a set of power tools,
well, I'll have it up
for you this afternoon.
Oh, Ann has all
the comforts of home.
But I appreciate the offer.
Well, are we ready
for cheese sandwiches?
You're the hostess.
Ben, what about me?
You wait here.
I thought you might
need some help.
Well, you might
hand me the butter.
These stick to the grill.
Why don't you let me do that?
I used to cook short
order up in Fresno.
What haven't you clone?
Where did you first
meet your husband?
Oh, in school.
We were kids together.
He left Green Castle
to go to Chicago.
He started out to be an architect, but
changed over to the insurance business.
Did you follow him to Chicago?
No. No, he came back
home to visit his folks
on his summer vacation.
We went to some dances
and fell in love.
How long have you been married?
-Oh, as long as I can remember.
You love him? -See, I was 19.
Yes, I'm in love with him.
He takes care of you?
He provides a roof,
my clothes, my own car.
What about you?
-What do you mean?
I just had a feeling about you.
It's none of my business.
No, I guess it isn't.
They smell good.
Would you take care of them?
I want to get out of this dress.
I'm afraid I might
drip something on it.
I won't be but a minute.
Make mine rare, with onions.
Come here.
Go see if there's some beer
in the icebox.
You look like a movie star.
Thank you.
I hope you don't mind
my raiding your beer,
but Boots was dry
as big old bone.
That's his nickname because
he wears motorcycle boots.
I notice you wear them too.
Yeah, well,
they stand up
under a lot of rough wear
and they're inexpensive.
They look kind of tough.
I suppose.
Cops wear them.
Cops don't go around
and losing their belts.
Where did you find that?
You know I've been afraid
to sneeze.
Do YOU play, Boots?
The phonograph.
Oh, Ann, I bet you play.
Oh, only at parties.
Well, let's have a party.
Hey, you got any 45s?
I'm afraid all we have
are albums.
This is a stereo set,
and music comes out
of both speakers.
Oh, yeah, I know.
Should we put something on?
Hey, you got any dance music?
Well, now this is a test record,
it has music and sounds.
Sounds like a freight yard.
Salt Lake City.
Your Arthur Murray dance party.
Don't say anything.
You're gonna take it
for yourself, aren't you?
Nobodys gonna take nothing.
You said you was gonna
fix me up, Duke, remember?
Come on,
don't get sore.
You said I was saving
it for a rich daddy.
Well maybe that's
what you want me to do.
Was he upset?
Well, he's...
kind of a poor soul.
Maybe you should go after him.
Do you want me to go?
I think you'd better.
Kind of pushed my welcome.
It's getting late.
What time do you have to go?
Roger's clue back at 8:40.
Plenty of time.
I promised
I'd drive out to meet him.
It can only be about 6:00.
I have to get dressed.
One for the road?
All right.
No more for me,
I'm getting dizzy.
I won't be able to drive.
I don't want to go in there.
You don't want to be sick.
I don't want to.
No, Ben.
I can't.
No, Ben. I can't.
You want to.
No, this is our bed.
We can go somewhere else.
We could go next door.
No, I just can't.
I love you.
Not here.
I don't want to hurt you.
I'll give you my word.
I won't do anything. I
just wanna look at you.
I don't wanna hurt you.
You keep still
or I'll cut your head off.
You don't have to scream.
You don't have to fight me.
He wants me to.
Duke wants me to.
Don't tell him I can't.
You let him touch you?
You didn't care if it was him,
or me, or the garbage man.
You laid there...
like a dog.
I heard you cry.
There was lipstick
all over your face.
A crease in your hair.
You were drunk.
You were crying for it.
Duke. -You're a
filthy, stinking bitch.
Duke, don't. Don't hurt her.
Help! Somebody, help!
Ann! -Roger, help!
Look out, Roger. He has a knife.
Swim down to this end.
In my desk,
in the right-hand drawer
under the policies, my army pistol.
Roger, help me. -Run.
Shoot him, Ann. Shoot him.
Ann, are you all right?
I wasn't,
but I am now.