Prom Night (1980)
...34, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. - Killer is coming. - The killer is coming. Killer is coming. Watch out, Kelly. I hear you. Hey, Nick! Missed you. Here, killer's here. Killers are coming, killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Kill! Kill! Kill! Wendy, you're it. All right, but I'll kill you all. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... - Hey, this way. - 18, 19, 20... 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30... The killer is coming. The killer's gonna get you. L-look, Kim. It's Nick. Nick! He's an idiot. Where's my geography book? Darn. I've got to go back for it. Robin, you and Alex go on. Come on. Come on, they don't want you in their game. Well, I'm not waiting. A-Alex...? Kill! Killer's got you. There! The killer's gonna get you, Kelly. - Shut up. Killer's got you, Kelly. - Now you've done it. - We know you're up here, Nick. - The killers are coming. Here, killers, here. P-p-please. ALL: Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill! Kill! Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming. Killers are coming... killers are coming. Killers are coming... killers are coming. Killers are coming... killers are coming. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill! P-p-please. I d-d-didn't want to p-play. Kill! Kill! Kill, kill! Kill. Kill...! Kill, kill! Kill! Kill! Kill, kill! Kill, kill... Kill! Kill! We've got to get somebody, quick. Are you crazy? They'll put us in jail. If we tell anyone they'll say it's our fault. Who'd believe it was an accident? - But what if... - Listen to me. We'll go home now and never, ever tell anyone. No one but us will ever know. - Jude, swear? - I swear. - Kelly? Kelly! - I don't want to go to jail. Swear? I swear. - Nick? Nick! - I'll never tell. - Good. Let's go. Probably the victim of a sexual attack. She must have resisted. We think we know who's responsible. We'll pick them up for questioning. Vi. No! No. No... Oh, no. Uh, Vi...? Time to go. We've got to get back. Oh, Vi. Come on, now, trust me. Have a date for the prom yet? Mm-mm. Hm, I happen to know Jude's still available. Now she is older and very sophisticated. Come on, Kimbo. I may be hard up... Alex, she's cute. Besides, she's very funny and very intelligent. It'll give you somebody to do your equations with. Oh, great. You know I'm in charge of the sound system tonight. Not bad, but it isn't romance. - Morning, Mr. Sykes. - He's wacko. - Alex, no man is wacko. - He really scares me. He's always looking at women. I don't know. Kelly says he spies on the girls in the locker room too. No, Sykes is not a Peeping Tom. He may have been here for just a short time but he's been checked out. Hello? - Jude. - Yes? Can you come out to play tonight? I'll see you at the prom. Still no date? - Getting closer though. - A boy? An obscene call and not very obscene at that. Sorry, Mom, gotta run. - Hey, beautiful, need a lift? - No thanks. - Come on, I won't bite. - So who are you? Seymour Crane. But, uh... they... - ...they call me Slick. I can see why. - How old are you, Slick? - Old enough. Well, I've heard about guys like you running over girls on the sidewalk. For some girls, if they're... if they're good looking, I give 'em a ride. I'm going straight to Hamilton High. Straight to Hamilton High. James' residence. Kelly. It's been a long time. Tonight... it's my turn. Drew? Drew, is that you? - Kelly. Where did you come from? The back door was open. I'm glad to see you too. Oh, Drew, this horrible voice on the telephone. - It sounded so... - What did you get? A heavy breather? It was worse than that. He turned you on, didn't he? Maybe I should try that. I'm serious. So am I. Come on. - Come on, Nicky. - Yeah, Dad. I'm coming. For a guy so fast on the disco floor, you are the slowest. - It's okay, Dad, it's my phone. - Why didn't you answer it? - It's just Wendy. She's mad. She wants me to take her to the prom tonight. - I thought you two broke up. You can't tell Wendy anything she doesn't want to hear. Are you still going with the Hammond girl, the principal's daughter? Kim. God, I wish I had your women problems. Dr. Fairchild, we only wanted him for routine questioning but he tried to outrun the detectives. Why did they have to chase him? The circumstances of the Hammond girl's death are unclear. Murch lived near the place where she died and he's a known sex offender. He was. Was, past tense. It might have helped if your men had stopped harassing him. Maybe, Dr. Fairchild. But I believe he killed Robin Hammond. You wanted to see me? Thanks for coming over, Doc. Been a long time. I'm on a tight schedule. I hope this is an emergency, Sergeant. Lieutenant. I was promoted last year. Great, congratulations. What's the problem? Leonard Murch. This came over the wire. Last night, Murch escaped from the state hospital in Cleveland. He took a nurse and her car with him. The authorities in Cleveland say he's violent. Whew... I don't see how I can help. I haven't even seen Leonard since he was institutionalized. - But you know him. - Knew him, knew him. Past tense. - You think he'd head back here? - I don't know. Come on. Even a guess will help. Lieutenant, you're asking me to comment on a catatonic schizophrenic who was disfigured and institutionalized six years ago. I'm sorry, I... Leonard Murch is an unknown quantity now. McBride. Lieutenant, Unit 3 has found that nurse. - Are they sure? - Yeah, the description fits. - Where? - Down at the old cottonwood. Okay, I'll be right over. He's back. Nick? Wendy. Do you still like to play games? Oh, get lost, Lou. Be home for dinner, Wendy? How the hell should I know? Save it. - Hi, guys. - Hi, Jude. - Missed you on the bus today. - I didn't ride it. - No kidding. - I got a ride. - Who with? - None of your business. - Who with? - A guy. A guy, huh? Who with, Jude? - Who? - I'm going to the prom. What? What? The prom! Now I know why Kim won't go out with me. She likes girls. It's better than kissing an ashtray. - Say goodbye, Lou. - Goodbye, Lou. Hey, listen, you guys ever get tired of each other, I'm always around, lonely. Oh really, give us a break. Good girl, must be exhausting. Why, look how he has to hold her up. Go sit on it, ape. Uh-oh. - When? I never. - Yes, you did. Hi, Nick. See you later, lover. - I told her it was over. - Worked real well. Kim...? - That's cruel. - Oh, no, you don't. Nick, she's smiling. Got a big grin spread all over her face. Race ya, honey blonde. No! Women in love coming through. - Where's the medical examiner? - He's on his way. I also called for the meat wagon. Any sign of her car? No, Murch must have driven it off after killing her. I got an APB out on it. Shouldn't be too hard to find a beat-up VW. Hey, don't touch that. Might be the murder weapon. Can I take a look at the girl? Some butcher job, huh? (SIGHING) Well, now we know he's back in town. Next question is why? Your guess is as good as mine, Lieutenant. Revenge? Against who? You. The police. - The whole town. - Oh, great. All we need is a full-scale panic on our hands. Lieutenant, I think it would be wiser to keep quiet about this for now. Come on, you mean not tell 'em that there's a homicidal fruitcake on the loose? Now think about it. Leonard can't move around freely, not the way he looks. Yeah, you got a point. And we don't even know if he's still in town. I fail to see any good in needlessly terrifying the entire community. Listen, the last thing I want to do is... Then keep it quiet. If it is Leonard, we should be able to pick him up before nightfall. I hope you're right. Bravo. Practicing for tonight? As a matter of fact, I was. Practice makes perfect. Kim is always so perfect. Uh, Nick likes me that way. Really? You are keeping in mind that after tonight is all over, everything's gonna be back to normal? I mean, Nick is King of the Prom and you just happen to be Queen of the Prom. But that's as far as it goes, Hammond. You really ought to tell him that. I'm telling you, okay? You seem a little anxious, Wendy. By the way, who are you going with tonight? It's not who you go with, honey. It's who takes you home. I'll try and remember. You wait and see. Just wait and see. I can't believe they got it ready on time. Yeah, that disco floor looked fantastic. - Know how much it cost? - How much? Don't ask. Here's the incredible hunk himself. Mm-hm, looks like a party. Yeah, I don't think he's gonna be too good for my diet. Mm-hm. Thank you. What else? - How about a muffin? - No, cookie... Like me better now? It's an improvement. Well, if you like it so much, why don't you taste? - No... - Come on, be nice. No, let go! Alex! Alex! Get off of him! Get off! Get off of him! Alex! Alex! No, no! - Alex! Alex? Cool it. Cool it! That's it, Perano, this time you're out. Look, man, he started it. Alex? He was just trying to help me. You better come along with us to your father's office. Are you okay? It just didn't work out, Wendy. Why can't we just leave it at that? Well, because I don't want to leave it at that. I do. Well, you blew it. Lou? I got this appointment. I'll wait. Vi, I have to go now. Now, we will be there within the hour. - Well, if you... Hello? You again? Brawling in the cafeteria, both of them. All right, thank you. I'll handle this. Explanations. Look, I was just fooling around with this girl. Kim. And this... your son, he belted me. Is that true, Alex? - Huh, I knew it. - You knew what? - Well, it just figures. - That I'd play favorites? I'd take it easy on Alex because he's my son? Well, you're right. You have been nothing but a disgrace to this school and this community. You're suspended indefinitely. Now get out. I'll see you around. Go and have the nurse take a look at you. And come on back. The same place he killed Robin Hammond. Why back here? What's he trying to prove? Revenge. Against who? Psychotic... disfigured... violent. He has to be hiding somewhere. Waiting. I've got to get that bastard before he butchers someone else. NICK: You don't seem very excited. KIM: I am. It's just... in some ways, it's such an awful day. It's Robin's day. My mom's all upset. Dad is too. He's just too strong to show it. You know, she would have been a junior this year? Would have been her first prom. But the Queen of the Prom must maintain her... ...whatever. I love you. You know that? I love you too. I want you to know, Robin's death, I remember it. I've always been really sorry about it. I mean, I know what you're feeling. I... Listen, Kim... - I, uh... I got to go. Yeah. See you later. - It's a nice car. - Gets me around. Thank you. - You ready to order? - Yes. What would you like? - Well, I'm a little short of cash. - WENDY: You can owe me. Yeah? Oh, well, I'll have a couple of burgers, large fries and, uh, what kind of beer you got? Come on, man, this is a drive-in, not a bar. All right, don't get nervous. Just bring me a Coke and bring her the same. No, a small diet cola, please. That's it? Yes, that's it. Nice. I'll buy you one for Christmas, all right? Lou...? Lou! How do I know you're serious about this? What do you mean, serious? Man, I hate that school, Hammond and his whole fucking family. Okay, okay. Listen, I don't want anyone hurt. Not badly. I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it. You'll be in the gym promptly at 3:15 for rehearsal, Kim? All right, girls, let's try this again. Mr. Sykes...? This is just for you. Vicki? Vicki! Come here this instant. - And you too, Jude. I'm not like the others, Kim. Drew needs somebody like Vicki who'll give him what he wants. Vicki's sex life is more talk than action. Besides, Drew wants you. I dunno. If I don't do it with him, I know he'll find somebody who will. - So? Let him. - I'd die if he did. - What about you and Nick? - What about me and Nick? What happened when he asked you? Maybe I asked him. Come on. Come on, Wendy. I've got a thousand things to do. So? You think I don't? What's this? Is this supposed to be funny? - I didn't do it. - No. You're all idiots. - I didn't. - Oh, shut up! She's out of her mind. I think I'll let Drew do it. Let him? Oh, that'd be interesting. Oh, you know what I mean. KIM: Well, I can't believe it. Hello? Who did it? Did you see? Uh-uh. Who was here? I don't know. Let's find out. Come on. Come on. - Who would do that? - I don't know. Why? - Kelly...? - What? Careful, Monty. A little higher. - Sorry I'm late. - Oh, I'm glad you could make it. Yeah. If it isn't the literary Miss Hammond. Let's get started. Alex! All set, Miss Ransom. Just updating all the tapes. Oh, wonderful. You can be Mr. Hammond for the rehearsal. Nick and Kim, onstage. George, could you close the curtains, please? Now, you'll wait here. Nick? Nick? - Scary place. Look, you are gonna be standing up here tonight and not me. And if you don't know what to do, you'll look the fool. Come on. Over there. Can you both hear me? Yes. - Can you hear me, Kim? - Mm-hm. All right, Davy, start the tape. King and Queen of the Alexander Hamilton High School Junior Senior Prom for 1980, Nick McBride and Kim Hammond. These two seniors were selected by their fellow students as the most popular boy and girl in the class. Bull. Nick is a three-sport letterman and president of the Key Club. He plans to attend State University in the fall. 'Cause he couldn't get in anywhere else. Kim is the head of the Dance Club and an all-around athlete ranked number one on the girls' tennis team. - She hopes to become a teacher. - If she ever graduates. Now, Alex. That's it, Alex. Now kiss her. - It's my sister. - Alex. Good. Now the king. - Kiss the king? - On the mouth. Shake hands. Now step back, Alex. All right, Kim and Nick, move to the center of the floor. Now wait for your spotlights and your music cue. And dance. It'll be beautiful. Jude, look. Why? Yeah, we've done that, Lieutenant. We got checkpoints at all the main roads and the other units are covering all the streets, plazas and garages around here. If that blue VW is still in town, we'll find it. One more thing, Sayer, I want you to make sure to double check the whole... the whole area around the high school, okay? - Will do, Lieutenant. - See you later. Hm, what am I wearing now? Oh, tonight? Yeah, well, you'll see soon enough. - Yeah, I guess. - Okay, now listen, is it all set? It better. I don't want her ever to forget this night. - Don't worry about it, Wendy. - Okay. Bye, bye. - Kim? - Yeah? Do you remember that dark red lipstick that you like? - Did you take it? - No. I haven't seen it. Why does everything have to happen at the last minute? Mom? Mom? You look terrific. I remember putting it on the dressing table. I saw it on the dressing table, I know it was there. I'm sure you did. You look lovely, dear. Thank you. Well? - Amazing. - You like? You look almost like a woman. Oh, thank you. You're welcome. Are you gonna help me with these or are you gonna just stand there and leer? You're my sister. I'll leer. You're gonna get over here. Thank you. Oh, you've done this before, I see. - Stop it. - No. Now. Stop it! I smell like the ladies' room. How would you know? Oh, of course, you know everything. - He's here. - Better hurry. Would you get the door for me, sir? - Yes, Milady. - Oh, thank you, sir. Good evening. God, you're beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for the corsage. It's perfect. It's no match for you. - Shall we go? - Yeah. Good Lord, what was that? My date. What the hell is this? Where's your suit? It's in the trunk. Listen, don't worry about it. Look, the guys needed a ride, okay? Couldn't the guys have got a ride with someone else? It's better like this. Ah-hh. - Come on, we're gonna party. - No. Look, this whole thing was your idea, right? - Anyway, you look terrific. Dancing in the moonlight... Dancing in the moonlight... When I'm dancing with you, baby, I see your body move Your eyes have got the rhythm and your feet are in the groove I just move a little closer and feel you moving right There's nothing more exciting than dancing in the moonlight With you, baby Ooh, dancing, dancing in the moonlight With you, baby Dancing in the moonlight It feels so good, watching you, baby And it feels so right I'm so in love with you, honey You turn me on each and every night... Hi. This is Seymour. We've met. Whoo-hoo. - Hey, I'm Slick. - So I noticed. A token, nothing more. I'm sorry we missed your grand entrance, Kim, but Vi's been very upset. I took her for a walk to calm her down. She's probably just nervous. Yeah, I hope so. - Come on, Daddy, relax. - Oh, I'm relaxed. Principal by day, disco king by night. Thanks for the dance. - Do you believe her? - Let's show her what we can do. Prom Night No more feeling uptight Come with me tonight Tell me you will love me forever - The feeling's right... - It's right, now And I know things will get better Come and fly me away To a place where we can be together If for only a day We can face reality forever Something's in the air I can feel my body move Tonight is the night for me and you... Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight... Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight Prom Night Everything is all right Prom Night No more feeling uptight... McBride, anything? No, still nothing, Lieutenant. I'll check in later. I thought she'd explode. - It that dress, it wouldn't take much. - KIM: She looks great. Listen, if you need a ride home afterwards. Thanks. - Hi. - How are you, okay? It'll be okay as long as we stay on the dance floor. - It's tough in the trenches. - We'll be around if you need support. Or an extra pair of hands. Ready? We don't want to keep Preppie waiting. He'll never miss me. He's seen Wendy. It's really no big deal, Kelly. It's like getting a shot. Listen to the instant expert. One date, and she's a sex counselor. - I know what I like. Changes... I'm going through those changes I'm going through those changes since I met you Oh, baby I know you never really loved me, baby Even though I love you And now I hold on to you, darlin' Got my whole world turnin' blue Got my whole world turnin' blue... No, I can't, Drew. Kelly, I want you so bad. You know how I feel about you. No. What are you, some fairytale princess? Drew, please. "Drew, please." If you don't... I know plenty who will. Drew, you bastard! You'll be back. Now, Kelly. Now. Something's going on here I don't know what is happening to me, oh yeah... God, I want you You got me going through some changes Got my whole life turned around Now I'm going through the paces, baby And I don't know what's coming down... Kim! I believe this is our dance, Monty? We've had every man looking for some sign of him or that car all day. Damn right I'm upset, and I need some results, and soon, okay? Oh, oh. - You okay? - Mm-hm. - Oh, shit. - What? My glasses. You going somewhere? Nature calls. Don't go away. - Was it, uh... - was it okay? - Oh, God. Yeah, ha, me too. The best. - Ever? - Well... You're my first too. Really? Wow, there's a million stars out there. Yeah, I figured that's what they were. Can't see a thing without my glasses. Oh, yeah? Well, why don't we take a walk along the bluffs? Very funny. Why don't we do it on the bluffs? On the bluffs? Come on, it'll be fantastic. Wow! Ah, I can't see. What was what? What was what? Somebody's out there. Why don't, uh, why don't we go back in the van? Why? I think I need another joint. I think you do too. Follow me. I'll just fold this up. I can hardly believe it. This morning, I didn't even know you. And I figured I was out of luck as far as going to the prom was concerned. And now... Yeah, me too. Funny how fast our life changes. Hand me the history book. You think this is the time to study? You know, I'll remember this night for the rest of my life. - Of course. So will I. - No! Now! Now! Argh! It's time to turn around Ooh Get your feet back on the ground Ooh Find out what's going down Time to turn around Time to turn around, baby Get your feet back on the ground, baby Find out what's going down, baby... I wonder what they're scheming now. We've got to show 'em who's boss. Look, I thought I told you I didn't want anyone hurt. Stop telling me what to do. Jerk. Hey, have you got any mascara? Have you got any mascara? Shit. What are you doing? - Lou? - Now! Help! It's time to turn around It's time to turn around Get your feet back on the ground Time to turn around Time to turn around... Oh-hh! Now! Now! Now! I had to tell you myself. We got him. Where? When? Well, actually the state patrol got him, out near Alderson. That's over 50 miles from here. Yeah, he must have left town after he killed that girl in the convent. Well, I can start enjoying the prom. See you in the morning, Sayer. Good night, Lieutenant. Hey, Drew. Have you seen my Dad? - Kim, where's your father? - I was just looking for him. It's almost time for the Royal Procession. Who's to present the bouquet? - Mr. Weller? - Oh, no. Of course, Monty. Why didn't I think of that my... Loose... there's a killer loose. There's a killer loose. Poor guy's had too much to drink. I'm calling for the patrol car to take him in. We'll be right back, Nicky. Come on, let's go. - What did he do? - Just drank too much, I guess. Hm, fits right in with this crowd. All right, everybody, the excitement's over. It's time to get ready for the Procession. Break a leg, Your Majesty. Oh, thank you, Maid of Honor. Are you all set, Davy? Well, let's go. Don't ever let me go... For worse or for better Our love should grow Love me till I die And keep me satisfied... It's time. - What about Wendy? - Screw her. I'll just have sweet Kim all to myself. So if Wendy don't get here, we let the Hammond girl go? You got it. Any questions? No, Buddy'll take care of Kim. Take off. Okay, it's parade time. Hold still. - KIM: Real cute. - You look fine. Now don't forget to start on the trumpets. Love me... until I die... Something deep inside tells me I'm bringing you down What can I do, darlin' To keep you around? Ever since I met ya, baby I never want to let you, darlin' Out of my sight Out of my mind Love me till I die... Love me, love me, love me till I die Love me till I die And keep me satisfied I'll tell you why Love me, love me, love me till I die... Now! Don't panic! Don't panic! Nick? - My leg. - KIM: Come on, get up. Come on, get up! Now, it's my turn. No! Something's going on here I don't know what is happening to me, oh yeah... God, I want you You got me going through some changes Got my whole life turned around Now I'm going through the paces, baby And I don't know what's coming down... No! I'll tell you why Love me, love me, love me till I die... This is the police. - Killers are coming. - Please calm down. Other police units are on their way. Kill! Please calm down. Move to one side so they can get through when they arrive. I repeat... Killers are coming! - Everything is under control. Kill! Killers are coming. - Watch out, Kelly. - I hear you! Oh, my God! - Hey Nick. - There's Jude. Here, killer's here. Kill! - Kill! - Don't shoot him! - Kill! - Kim, get back. Halt, or I'll shoot. What are you doing? Kill, kill, kill! - Kill! I... I... saw it. Saw it all. They... they killed her. They... killed her. Robin, Robin. Imagine something deep inside That fear and logic cannot hide The memory never leaves your mind Your greatest enemy is time It's been buried for so long You must right that hateful wrong Justice must be paid its due Make your life be up to you There never was a turning back And now it's time to fade to black Seasons pass but time stands still Rivers flow and always will Nights are long and days endure The pain inside must have a cure And the reason for the call Is the hardest part of all This special night has set the stage To release the hateful rage There never was a turning back And now it's time to fade to black You can rest your mind at last You've resolved the horrors fast You set your course And now you've won And it cannot be undone Hurts us 'cause the nights are gone There never was a turning back And now it's time to fade to black. |