Pusher 2 (2004)

Let me tell you a story
so you'll understand.
The reason I'm here is because
I had a garage some years back.
Just like your old man.
Except the cars
didn't bring in the money.
We dealt dope out of there
in large quantities.
There was so much traffic
word got around.
Whenever you make a little cash
someone else always turns up
and wants a cut of the business.
One day, three guys turned up,
out of nowhere...
...and made it pretty clear,
they wanted a cut of my business.
I knew it would bleed me dry,
but didn't know what to do
so we set up
a meeting the next day.
My excuse was I had to talk to my
partner. That bought me a little time.
I still didn't know
what to do the next day.
When they rolled
into the courtyard in their car
all the plans in my head...
came crashing down.
I was overcome with fear.
It took total control.
So I emptied my clip towards the car.
Something had to be done.
I felt powerless, I guess.
And I'm not the greatest shot
in the world, that's for sure.
But one of the bullets
hit the gas tank.
At least that's what Forensics said.
As a result the car exploded
with the four people still inside.
The two in the back seat
died right away.
The two others...
I'll never forget.
The way they screamed...
Like pigs being tortured.
And then they died.
And they were the tough guys
I was so afraid of.
But in that instant, I realized
they were no different from me.
Not at all. They had just
conquered their fear,
like I learned to conquer my fear
right there.
And because I did that,
a message went out
saying: "If you fuck with me,
I'll fuck you right back."
The way I see it...
that's a message
you haven't sent out yet.
Because you don't know
how to conquer your fear.
That's the only difference
between you and me.
Whether you like it or not.
I'll be out soon and I'll get a job.
Then we'll work it out.
You don't get it, do you?
The fact is you owe me 400,
and that's including all your favors.
But since your old man is the Duke
we'll work something out.
Because if that wasn't the case,
one thing's for sure...
A guy like you would have
to cough up right away.
What do you want me to say?
Stop moving around.
Tell me what you have in mind.
I forgot my plan. Help me out.
If you can't come up with a plan,
I'll give you one.
- Here comes Mr. T.
- Fuck, yes.
- No more peace and quiet.
- Yup. What's up?
Hey, there, you big...
- When are you off?
- At four.
- What's up, uncle?
- I'll be damned.
- Is it the Queen's birthday?
- You bet.
- How was it on the inside?
- All right.
Saw a lot of German porn
with anal sucking.
- That's it for now?
- I think so.
- Is the Duke in?
- Out back.
- I see you didn't work out much.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Nice bag.
- Go blow yourself.
- How are you doing, Dad?
- Did you break out?
No, no... everything's cool.
I bet.
- Did you make new friends this time?
- I got this.
- New friends?
- Nope.
What are you doing here?
Just wanted to see
how things were going.
Good. And what else?
And I'm looking for work. I wanted
to give you the first crack at me.
At what?
- How much do you owe?
- Nothing.
Remember to lock up.
The last time you said that
it cost me 1350.
I'll ask you again.
Are you in debt?
I always owe a little.
Then you're not welcome.
Here, that's all you get.
Relax! I'm on top of this.
Dad! I'm fully re- established
and everything.
You mean "rehabilitated".
Sure, if you say so.
- Let me see your arms.
- What?
- I said, let me see your arms.
- Why?
Just to see if you have...
- Who the fuck locked my car?
- No idea.
- Where are the keys?
- Over there.
- Are these them?
- No.
Tonny wants in.
We have to deliver some cars soon.
- I'm definitely in.
- Settle down, Pinocchio.
- If it works out, we'll talk about it.
- Perfect. I'm on it.
Yeah. And what else?
Don't you want a piece of that?
You must be hungry for it.
I need a serious blowjob.
See ya.
- You all right?
- Relax, everything's fine.
What's with the Hobbit dick?
What's going on?
You ready?
- Are you all right?
- Yes! Come on, he's ready for you.
- Help me out, girls. Do something.
- What?
Play with each other or something.
Like lesbians.
Suck on this.
- Forget it.
- What?
Use your head.
Go fuck a horse instead.
- Say something to each other.
- What?
Play with each other
or say you want to eat her pussy.
- I want to eat your pussy.
- Yes, Mummy.
His cock is really hard...
and my pussy is so wet.
- I love it when he fucks me.
- What do you like best?
- What do you mean?
- Front or behind?
I don't know.
Riding, just ride.
And stop the "Mummy" shit.
Mummy, your tits are so great.
Oh, Mummy.
Feel my tits and lick my hole.
It feels great.
- Shut up, you're interrupting!
- I'm fucking paying for this.
Keep on going.
Shut up with
the fucking "Mummy" shit!
I mean it.
Stop being a smart- arse.
Wake up!
Get up, super cock. Those lily- white
pussies are waiting for you.
What's wrong with you?!
Come on, give me a quickie.
- What?
- Get over here.
- Not without a rubber.
- A quickie.
- No!
- Come on. What's wrong?
Fuck it.
That's more like it.
Are you ready for it?
- I can't do it. It's too limp.
- Is it?
You can't put it on like that.
Come here.
- Suck a little... Just five seconds.
- No.
- Help me out. Just five seconds.
- Not without a rubber.
All right, I'm outta here.
You missed out
on the King of Cocks.
See ya.
- Hey! Is the Duke in?
- The crew is at the whore- house.
I waited for you at the whore- house.
At Kurt's.
- I split.
- I talked to the girls. What's up?
- They said you couldn't get it up.
- Fuck you. I got a car for the Duke.
- Try getting this up.
- Hope it's bigger than your cock.
What do you know, a Ferrari.
What do you expect us
to do with that?
We'll paint it blue
and make bicycles out of it.
- It's probably reported missing.
- No shit. Any ideas?
There's a chip in cars like these.
Don't you wanna make some money?
You should be glad I came.
- You're so fuckin' dumb.
- Get the Duke.
Get that car outta here
before he gets back.
- Relax, give him a call.
- You think so?
Are you collecting scars or what?
Shut the gate.
- It's your ass, man.
- Yeah, right.
- What the hell are you doing?
- What do you mean?
This car's useless to us.
What are we supposed
to do with it?
Who wants a car like this, right?
Don't hog it. You got more?
That's not what I mean.
- You got more?
- No.
Man, you've lost it.
You know how difficult it was?
- Did you call him?
- He's on his way.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
I totally rule!
Hey, Valdemar.
Remember me? Tonny?
We've got the same dad.
Go upstairs with Red.
Daddy will be there soon.
Take him upstairs.
Come on, buddy.
Don't trip on the stairs.
I got something for you.
Take it easy.
You fucking imbecile!
What the hell were you thinking?
Get the car outta here!
And you better hurry.
- Relax, would you?
- You want the cops to find it here?
- I just wanted to...
- What?
You're such a fuck- up.
You don't steal a Ferrari
unless an order has come in.
It's just a gift.
I'm not involved in this.
- You sure?
- Yes, I just got here.
Get that car outta here.
Right now.
It's just a gift.
Stop that shit.
What's up?
What's up?
- When is he coming?
- He's tanning. He'll be right down.
Did you speak to Charlotte?
No... Charlotte who?
- I think you know.
- Nope.
Can you lend me some money?
You sure?
Don't smoke in here.
Relax. You're in a good mood.
- My friend, Charlotte.
- Oh, OK.
What about her?
- Is it yours?
- My what?
Is it your kid?
So you haven't spoken to Charlotte.
- She had a kid, she says it's yours.
- It's not.
Look, she's my best friend.
And she says it's yours.
We made a list of all
the men she's fucked.
They either came on her stomach
or she blew them.
Except for you.
She said, you didn't pull out
when she told you to.
- She's not on the pill, asshole.
- She's not?
What's up?
What are you doing?
Honey, tell Tonny
what Charlotte said yesterday.
The thing you had to tell him.
Oh, yeah...
about Charlotte's kid.
- Is it yours?
- I don't think so.
- You sure?
- Shut up, I said no.
Like I said, it's not Tonny's.
- He wouldn't do that.
- Look, I got 150 when...
- That's not what you told me.
- I got 150 when they let me out.
And I owe them to someone else.
So the kid can't be mine. That's it.
Wanna steal from the register?
Can we?
- No, you can't.
- Why not?
- Because my brother did it last week.
- So?
- I'm not your brother.
- If they catch me, I'll get fired.
Tonny, if you agree
to take a test, I'll allow it.
- What are you talking about?
- A blood test.
- Why? I'm not sick.
- Could have fooled me.
A paternity test.
To see if you're the father.
- What's so funny?
- You have to piss in a cup.
You got to be kidding.
I know half the town's fucked her,
but she says it's your fault.
Gry and me are getting married.
- Here you go.
- Thanks, honey.
- Give me some.
- Yeah.
Hey, Flemming. Damn junkie.
I'll be right there.
- Flemming!
- Cheer up.
I'll be home early.
What the hell's going on?
What happened?
Where's the fifth car?
- Some bitch slammed into me.
- Go and sit in the car.
Move it!
I'm the only one here,
so let's move it.
We don't have all day.
Move over.
What's going on?
I said, move over.
Can't you squeeze Tonny in?
No, it's full.
- There has to be room.
- Move over.
- There's no room.
- I'll jump in here.
That's illegal. I won't drive
around with you in the back.
There's no way.
Take the bus.
- I'll tell the Duke you did good today.
- Yeah, OK.
Can't I lie in here?
It's fucking freezing.
- Only as far as the bus stop.
- Fine. I don't care.
- Only to the bus stop.
- What's up, guys?
Glued together like poufs.
There's plenty of room.
I'll just take this dope.
- So what are you talking about?
- Give me a toke on that joint.
I've got the shakes.
Like a spaz.
How hard it is to get daycare?
They make you take the first offer,
even if it's out in the sticks.
I don't get it.
There's a place a few doors down.
- Don't make a fuss, sweetie.
- Just say no.
They'll take away my benefits.
I'm glad you're up,
because you have a kid to care for.
- She doesn't even look like me.
- It's a boy. What are you gonna do?
- Just hand over the maintenance.
- That's it?
You know what it costs to have a kid?
I'm broke. I can't afford anything.
I don't have any money.
If you got money, lend me some.
Weren't you...
You said you'd take the test.
When is that?
- When are you gonna do it?
- Soon.
- When is "soon"?
- Very soon. Where's O at?
At work.
Shouldn't you be?
Look, I don't really give a shit.
I couldn't care less.
Just get me some money.
You're always in and out of jail.
Fuckin' loser.
Are you totally paranoid?
You never answer your phone.
- What's up, Kurt?
- I need to talk to you.
I've got this killer coke.
You wanna do some?
- You coming?
- Yeah, hang on.
- Let's kick this day into gear.
- I'll be right back.
What do you want?
Not much.
I just wanted to come up.
Seems I've got a kid.
- You sure it's yours?
- That's what she claims.
- A boy.
- OK, fine.
- So I'm gonna have to be a dad.
- Good for you.
- Don't mind him. He's all stressed out.
- Forget it. No problem.
It's Valdemar's mum.
She's threatening
to call the cops on him
if she doesn't get custody.
And Valdemar is everything to him.
- See you.
- Take it easy.
- So what's up?
- We've got to talk.
Where's your phone?
Would you hold that?
- I need a favor.
- All right.
What's up?
I need your help.
I got a big deal going down.
I need you to watch my back.
Not me, man.
I'm on a trial run in there.
- It'll only take an hour.
- It's not that.
- What then?
- I have to show my face here.
I just got a new girl in my house.
A tight little skank.
I'm doing her doggie-style
in the bathtub
she slips in the foam and bangs
her front teeth against the tub.
Four teeth flew out of her mouth.
- What a bummer.
- Relax, it was her baby teeth.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I believed that shit.
- I'm going into town with the Cunt.
- To do what?
- I'll be back in an hour.
- Don't forget my cut.
- What do you mean?
- My cut.
- You're gone during work hours.
- That's gonna be hard.
What's hard? Doing the math?
You need help?
I won't be making money.
He gave me a freebie at his house.
- He has a whore- house at...
- What's so hard to figure?
You can't even get paid
for your work.
Use your head,
set a good example for your kid.
Just like you?
Yeah, just like me.
I gotta have a dump.
- You got more?
- Sorry.
- You sure?
- You think I'm lying?
I don't cheat my friends.
- What are you doing?
- Having a crap.
Keep your grubby paws
out of the mini-bar!
That booze costs
a lot of fucking money.
- You don't trust me?
- No.
You're taking your time
taking that shit.
Tonny boy.
- What a surprise.
- What the fuck? Hey, Milo.
- Where's the Cunt?
- He's in there... taking a shit.
Be right out!
- What's going on, Tonny?
- Taking it easy.
- Yeah?
- Nothing much.
- How about you?
- Can't complain.
- You getting laid?
- Always.
- You sure?
- Totally.
What's up?
- Hi, Milo.
- Hi.
- You wanna make the deal?
- Yeah, yeah.
We're just talking. You didn't
tell me Tonny was gonna be here.
He'll just split, if that's a problem.
Get out.
Kurt, it's OK.
Tonny is my friend.
- It's OK, Kurt.
- Sit down.
Where's Frank these days?
He's not in Denmark.
I haven't seen him.
Fucking clown! Didn't I tell you
to keep out of the mini-bar?
- Tonny boy!
- You can't trust him.
- Where's the money?
- Right here.
Where's the coke?
It's all there.
And that's a Cunt's promise.
Right now we just have scag.
This crap?
- What do you mean?
- That wasn't the deal.
You promised me coke.
We made a deal.
We only have scag right now.
Come on.
You can sell that, can't you?
- That's all he has. Just take it.
- Who plugged you in?
I'm just saying it's easy to sell.
Yeah, I told you he's my friend.
- Next time I'll bring you coke.
- This wasn't the deal.
Come on, Kurt the Cunt.
Come on.
Come on.
- Come on, Kurt the Cunt!
- Then I won't snort it all myself.
- Check this out.
- The shit's fine.
- Check it, dammit.
- I'm doing it. Relax!
I have to shit.
You got any tin foil?
- What are you doing?
- I thought it was the cops.
Fuck this shit!
I thought it was the cops.
What's going on?
Food's here.
You wanna eat or what?
Do I get my money back?
Give me back my money.
It was an accident.
Cunt, it was your accident,
not mine.
- No money, it's you're own fault.
- Let's go.
- What's up?
- Long time, no see.
- Cold fingers, you junkie.
- What's up?
Not much. Can you help me out?
I need a gun.
- Sure, what do you need it for?
- For whatever, wiping windows.
You putting the squeeze
on someone?
- No, I just need it.
- It'll cost you.
- How much?
- 1500- 2000.
- Forget 2000.
- But then you know it's clean.
- Do a robbery, but not a murder.
- All I got is 425.
No way. I got a piece for670,
but it might be dirty.
- Perfect, I still just have 425.
- Forget it.
- I'll owe you the rest.
- I said no.
- Relax, I'll owe you.
- No.
- It's for my partner.
- I don't know him.
- He's cool.
- Maybe, but I don't know him.
I always help you out.
Where were you when I was in a jam?
You weren't there for me.
- I haven't been around. I did time.
- Oh, really.
- What if I pawn something?
- Do you have anything valuable?
- My shoes. They were expensive.
- Fuck off.
- I told you it wasn't enough.
- I thought it was enough.
- Well, it wasn't.
- That dries up the Cunt.
You fuck up everything
I ask you to do.
We can't go back like this.
The 11000 weren't mine.
- I don't owe anything. Figure it out.
- We owe them.
I don't owe anything! Think of
something. What do you wanna do?
- You're totally fucked up on coke.
- Relax.
Fucking clown.
- Get the fucking gun.
- With that shit?
- Sand niggers love gold, don't they?
- Why don't you do it?
Someone has to stay in the car
and keep watch.
It better not be fake.
I'm not making a fool of myself.
- I told you to get lost.
- How about this gold?
That gold might come in handy.
You just got out, right?
- Use that as a little pocket money.
- I want some lines too.
Come on in.
- Is the coast clear?
- Yeah.
Let's do this.
In the forearm.
Hang on, I gotta think.
The arm's no good.
The leg then.
It'll fuck up my sex life.
We'll shoot your leg.
I'll knock your teeth out.
If you hadn't been so paranoid and
pressured me into buying that shit...
What the fuck do you mean?
I didn't do anything.
Yeah, you did. I wouldn't have flushed
it if you hadn't been so paranoid.
- What did I do?
- I'm in charge. Don't be a smart arse.
- I'm not good at handling pain.
- Let's forget it.
Let's rob a bank instead.
I can't rob a bank with you.
You'll fuck it up.
I need to buy some time. My friends
in Norway can front me the money.
- Just a flesh wound.
- Stop talking!
All right, what do I tell people?
That some sand niggers robbed us,
shot me in the arm and took our scag.
Shouldn't I bust one of them up?
Otherwise it's totally unrealistic.
All right, you kicked their asses
and all their cousins too.
But we have to stick to our story.
No matter who asks.
Go ahead.
Come on!
- You all right?
- Of course not, asshole.
- Damn, it hurts!
- What do you want me to do?
- Just go! Get outta here!
- I'll take the car, all right?
Leave the car, you moron!
Fucking moron!
- When are you taking the test?
- Soon.
Here we go again.
Aren't you gonna name him?
What have you been doing
since you got out?
This and that.
I'm working for the Duke now.
Nothing much.
Let me tell you,
I don't have time for anything.
This guy is like a leech,
making my tits saggy.
I just want him to sleep.
- So did it hurt squeezing him out?
- Yeah.
- Is it like shitting a water melon?
- You're so gross. Seriously.
If you're so edgy,
why did you come?
Relax, I'm not.
I'm just saying...
I didn't fuckin' ask you
to get involved in our life.
- In what?
- In this.
I just want my money for the next
Look, if you need money,
I'll lend you some.
You owe me.
You have any idea how long
I've been working my arse off?
You owe me just about...
What? 2100- 2300.
All right, whatever.
I'd like to buy some clothes for myself
every now and then.
- Here, hold him.
- Why?
Because I need to smoke.
- What should I do?
- Take his legs. God, you're dumb.
Take him under his arms.
What's wrong with you?
What's up?
What's he saying?
He ain't calling for you.
What happened to your noodle?
It's one big scar.
My head had a date
with a baseball bat.
- What happened?
- Why?
Just checking to see if you got serious
damage or were just born weird.
I don't know. Some people say
I have trouble remembering.
- Who the fuck said that?
- I can't remember.
Who cares?
As long as it's not hereditary.
- Whoa... He's going nuts.
- Relax.
- Is he supposed to sit like this?
- He's not an aero plane.
Look, it's going fine.
- Come on, hand him over.
- Shouldn't he have a name?
- Relax. You wanna go to her?
- I've had it with this.
- Where are you going?
- I'm meeting my mum at McDonald's.
We'll work something out with the money.
I'll get 'em for you.
- So you can come and fuck me?
- No thanks.
Good, because there's
no access to pussy number one.
- I'm not interested.
- I just wanna make things clear.
- I kinda lost interest the last time.
- Whatever.
- Hello?
- Hi, Mum. It's me.
- Who?
- Me, Tonny.
I need to talk to my mum.
- There are no Danes here.
- What are you talking about?
- Is this the third floor to the right?
- Can I help you?
Yes, my mum's name is Ellen
and she lives there.
The woman
who lived here is dead.
- What?
- She's dead.
- When did that happen?
- I don't know.
Maybe seven or eight months ago.
Did she say anything
or leave something?
- Yeah.
- Did you talk to Charlotte?
Hi, honey. Where are you?
We're waiting for you.
Call me back. Bye.
- He's done a crap.
- Why?
- He can't take all that smoke.
- Why not?
- Can't you just change him?
- This is your kid, not mine.
It's not hers.
- Let me fix it.
- I don't want shit all over.
- I told you, I'd fix it.
- Then get him.
Hurry up, we haven't got much time.
Hi, honey.
Where the hell are you?
We're just waiting for you.
- Show me how it's done.
- I'm not quite sure.
- Why?
- Gry and me have one on the way.
Someone's fucking like bunnies.
I don't wanna be the
laughing stock at the hospital.
I want to impress her.
- Show me how to do it.
- Relax, I have to get this on.
The instructions are on the package.
The flowers or pictures
have to turn outwards.
It's a bird.
Isn't it a bird?
- You're the bird. They turn outwards.
- What's that?
- Birds.
- No, it's frogs. That's a bird.
- And they go forward?
- Outwards.
- This can't be right. Like this?
- No idea.
My mother died.
- She died?
- Yep.
What do you mean?
When did this happen?
I don't know. About a year ago.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It turned out all right. Look.
- Are you sure it's on right?
- Absolutely.
- You fucking did it.
- Perfect! I totally rule.
Listen up, everyone.
I'd like to say
a few words about O.
Because I don't know you, Gry.
But in times like these
with everything that's going on
it's good to know a man like O.
I remember when you showed up
wanting to get into
the automotive business.
That was fine by me
on one condition.
That you showed up every day
and on time.
And he did. But as it turns out,
he's also a good colleague.
He saved Svend
from his little mishap.
The thing is,
I can count on you.
I can't say that for my own son.
But Tonny is coming along.
- What?!
- I'm still waiting.
So are we.
OK, OK. He needed
a bit of slapping around...
...and I've had to
pick him up from prison.
And it won't be the last time.
But that's how it goes.
I just wanna say that you, O,
have a promising future in the family.
And for my part,
you're like a son to me.
With everything that comes with it.
And, Gry...
take good care of him.
- I will.
- He's going places.
...so she ended up at the doctor's.
But he decided to shoot it instead.
Svend, just nod
if you think it's funny.
You're a freak, Cunt.
- Is it your turn, Tonny?
- I don't know. Is it?
Take it easy, Kung Fu Tonny.
- That's how it goes.
- You got a drink?
Is it your turn, Svend?
Fuck it.
You better relax, man.
- Would you keep an eye on him?
- No.
- You should take him home now.
- He's right there.
And you're a waste of space.
Make some money.
- Shut your trap, cunt.
- Fuck off.
You have to take him home now.
- Will you take him, Gry?
- No way.
I don't want to get puked on.
Lotte, you take him.
I need some of this.
- Take him.
- Give him to me.
- I told you to take him home.
- Fuck you, loser.
- I told you to take him home.
- Fuck off. Now!
- We're just finishing this.
- Say again?
Are you deaf or what?
Get lost. Fucking retard.
Relax, Tonny!
Relax, Tonny!
Stop it! What happened?
Calm down.
- Fucking whore!
- I'll whack you.
Stop it...!
- The coke's going to waste.
- Stop!
O! Take him!
Get outta here.
Take that cock sucker with you.
You all right?
Don't worry about it.
- Party's on. It's getting pretty wild.
- Is the Duke still in there?
- Did he see what I did?
- What do you think?
She's a whore anyway.
Hang on!
- I have to talk to him.
- Hello! Bad idea.
- Is he pissed off at me?
- After what you did, sure.
Fuck her and fuck him.
I have to apologize to him. It's bad.
That won't be enough.
Don't go in there now.
Come with me.
We'll go to my place.
- We have to take care of something.
- What?
They bought the story
about the sand niggers.
I need more time. Those damn
Norwegians are too fuckin' slow.
- Stay here, Tonny.
- What do I have to do?
We'll go to my place and break in.
We'll trash it to make it look like
the sand niggers are out to get me.
That'll buy me time to get the money.
Why me, man? It's your shit.
I need your help, man.
Look at me.
This shit's not gonna ruin
my jet- set lifestyle.
I'll go see the Duke.
I'll put in a good word for you
and tell him what a whore Charlotte is.
Are you up for it?
- Will you talk to him tonight?
- Later, when this is over.
I promise.
- OK?
- Yeah.
- Shouldn't I just talk to him now?
- He doesn't want to talk to you.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
This way.
All right!
- Can I smash your TV?
- We'll smash everything.
I'll just take out the good stuff.
This thing.
What are you doing?
Stop! That's speed
mixed with rat poison.
- What's it doing there?
- If a junkie broke in, he'd go for it.
- Just like you.
- Relax!
- You said it had to look real.
- You're totally gone.
Take this and smash
something in the next room.
What the fuck are you doing here?
- What are you doing?
- I'm wasting her to make it look real.
I'm outta here.
I'm not getting into your shit.
You have no choice.
The Duke is gonna kill us.
- Why would he do that?
- Why do you think?
Do you owe the Duke the money?
The Duke is my partner.
Did you tell him about me?
If something happens to me,
it'll happen to you too.
They bought the story
about the sand niggers!
They'll buy this one too.
So what's up?
I'm just relaxing.
I'm sorry about that thing.
I just got so...
- Where were you?
- Me? I just had to lie down.
- But I'm here now if you need me.
- Where's the Cunt?
- I'm sorry. I was drunk.
- Where's the Cunt?
He's not here?
We gotta find your friend, the Cunt.
You're coming along.
- I heard your mother died.
- What? Ellen died?
- Yeah.
- OK.
- She was a good woman.
- She was?
- She was always nice to me.
- She was fucking nuts.
Yeah? OK.
Hang on. It's for you.
No. Did you check
his whore- house?
Really? All right.
See you.
They can't find the Cunt.
But they found some broad at his
house, completely smashed up.
- You know anything about that?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Yes, you say.
The Cunt's gone.
What do you think about that?
I don't know.
The debt is yours now.
- I don't have any money.
- You don't?
- What are you gonna do about that?
- I don't know.
I didn't know it was you
he owed the money to.
I had no idea.
- What about Jeanette?
- Who?
Valdemar's mother.
What about her?
If she's giving you a hard time,
I can pay her a visit.
- It's not for you.
- OK.
But if I slapped her around a bit
it might help you and Valdemar.
I think he can handle it.
- It went all right the last time.
- With what?
The cars on the dock.
That went all right.
You know Jeanette?
Have you met her?
- No.
- Consider your self lucky.
She's just as stupid
as your mother.
And you think you can handle it?
- She's all yours.
- All right, I'm on it.
Of course you're on it.
She works at the Cunt's house.
We'll get the receptionist outta there.
Let's do it. Let's do it now.
- It has to be for good.
- OK.
You get it? She has to die.
You understand? The bitch
is not taking my son from me!
You get it? She has to die.
- OK?
- Yes.
- Hi. Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Is your name Jeanette?
- Yes.
- Did someone recommend me?
- Yes.
- Great. What can I do for you?
- Maybe a blowjob.
No problem. Come with me.
Step into the room.
Have a seat.
Undress, make yourself comfortable
and get your70 out.
- I'll be right with you.
- All right.
That's it.
Did it go OK?
- You want a drink?
- Yeah, that sounds good.
Was it rough?
I couldn't go through with it.
I couldn't kill her.
What did you do then?
You just left?
I'll go back tomorrow. Or maybe
we can work something out.
Can't you do one simple thing
that everyone else does, huh?
Can't you? You're useless.
A waste of space.
All you think about is yourself.
What about Valdemar and me?
You want him to grow up
to be like you?
With a whore for a mum.
You want that?
Get outta here.
You mean nothing to me.
You never did!
You make me sick,
you piece of shit.
You make me sick.
What the fuck are you doing here?
First you try to kill me
and then you ruin our high.
- Where is he?
- Who?
- O isn't here?
- No.
What happened to your hand?
Nothing. I was in a fight.
- Way to go.
- Don't sit there. Go and wash up.
- Where is he?
- With the Duke, I guess.
- You know when he'll be back?
- No.
Do we have any cigarettes?
You got any cigarettes?
Hey! Have you got any cigarettes?
I'll go down and buy some.
The pathetic cocksucker
doesn't have shit.
- Got any cigarettes?
- What?
You got cigarettes?
Why didn't you say so?
You didn't have them before.
Dammit... Look at this!
Fucking retard.
You idiot!
You're such a loser.