Ready (2011)

''Let's go.''
''Let's go.''
''Let's go.''
'My name is Prem. I was introduced
to you in the end.'
Hello, Mr. Aasim.
- Hello!
'This is my family. The people
you see on the screen right now..'
'The gentleman is my father.'
'And the lady is my mother.'
'My dad has a terrible
habit of.. what was it again..'
'Yes, of forgetting things.
Come, I will show you the proof.'
You are that.
- That?
Welcome to the wedding.
- Yes. Come inside and keep that.
The gift?
- That. No, no, no, that. That.
Please have a seat.
- Please have a seat. - Thank you.
Welcome. Welcome.
- Hello. - Hello.
The steamed potatoes
have no steam in them.
And there is no saffron
in the saffron sweetmeat.
What really?
I was just tasting them.
Look, what happened with all
the tasting that you've done.
'That's Prem's uncle,
Laxman Kapoor.'
'And his wife, Kiran.'
''I love you.
I love you. I love you.''
What is it?
You are dancing with joy.
Why? - You didn't dance
so much at our wedding.
I'm celebrating someone else's joy.
That was a suicide.
- Suicide?
My joy. Does anyone
dancing when he is happy?
Not suicide.
'That's Prem's uncle,
Bharat Kapoor.'
'And his wife, Suman.'
Look, brothers, if there is that
at that then that will happen.
What that and that will happen?
If there is lack of
anything at the wedding..
..then we will get defamed.
- Okay. Okay.
Don't worry, brother..
- Everything will be fine. - Sure?
'These three brothers love each other
a lot, like Ram, Laxman and Bharat.'
'And co-incidentally
their names are..'
'..Ram, Laxman, Bharat.'
By the way, where is my that? That?
[ Skipped item nr. 42 ]
It will ruin the wedding.
- No, it is taller than a bottle.
That.. That..
- The bride.
She is inside.
- Not the bride. That.. That..
A child. - How can there be
a child when he is not married?
My child. My child.
- His child. Prem. Prem. Say that.
Where is that idiot? - No, brother.
Don't call him an idiot.
This wedding is taking
place because of him. - Yes.
Khushi would have never agreed..
..if he wouldn't have
reasoned it out with her. - Right.
'Khaman Dhokla'.
- 'Khaman Dhokla'.. - Brother..
Gaurav had gone inside to
meet Khushi for two minutes.
Half an hour has passed by.
Go and check what's happening.
The auspicious hour is passing by.
- Really?
'It is their friend and neighbour
Mr. Pathak's daughter's wedding..'
'..whose name
co-incidentally is Khushi.'
Khushi. Khushi, my child.
Where are you?
Son-in-law.. what happened?
Who did all this? Where is Khushi?
She ran away.
- She ran away?
She ran away with her lover.
- Lover? Who is her lover?
Your neighbour, the Kapoors..
Their pampered, spoilt,
rascal, scoundrel son. Prem.
''Girls are the most
intoxicating thing in the world.''
''Everyone I see here is
surrounded by beauty.''
''Everyone is
philandering in name of love.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''Boys are the most
intoxicating thing in the world.''
''Everyone you see is
surrounded by beauty.''
''Everyone is
philandering in name of love.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''It's a simple formula.''
''The fundamental of
love is hollow.''
''If the thirst is satisfied..''
'' heart stays cool.''
''Why do people make false promises
by holding someone's hands?''
''Only a fool can say
'love you forever'.''
''One just needs to drink it.''
''The nectar of youth is
''What difference does it make..''
''..whether you are holding
Munni or Sheila in your arms?''
''Everyone is
philandering in name of love.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''This discussing is
popular on Facebook.''
''The fun lies in the first look.''
''Who looks at a beautiful face
again and again?''
''In the frame of the heart..''
''..why should there
be the same picture. ''
''You should change it
every day like the calendar.''
''The thinner the waist
the more fun it is.''
''It's all good for me.''
It doesn't matter if the colour
of the eyes is black or blue.''
''Everyone is
philandering in name of love.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''Girls are the most
intoxicating thing in the world.''
''Everyone you see is
surrounded by beauty.''
''Everyone is
philandering in name of love.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
''If I do so I am of
a loose character.''
- Ready.
Ready, sir.
The bride?
- Ready.
The groom?
- He's ready as well.
Then sign here.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Take this.
Here you go.
Exchange the garlands.
You are now husband and wife.
Click a photograph.
Just a second. Click it. Click it.
Thank you. I was not in town.
If you wouldn't have
helped her run away..
..her father would have got
her married to someone else.
Yes. And I would have
become someone else's wife.
Not a chance.
Here's my card.
You are a registrar here. We know.
No, no, no. This is my other card.
I'm also a divorce lawyer.
I've dissolved more
marriages than I've performed.
And looking at the two of
you I feel..
..that you will
definitely need me in future.
I know love is blind.
But marriage makes
everyone see things clearly.
Do you see things clearly?
I'm still blind.
I've already married thrice.
I'm waiting to get
married for the fourth time.
What kind of a man is he?
- Thank you.
Let's go. Let's go.
We don't want your card.
Sir. Sir, at least
take the card. Sir..
Who is he?
- He was getting married to her.
Look, brother, she was
being forcefully to marry you.
And that's why.. - Forget it.
I was being forced to marry her.
What? - I had come to tell
Khushi that I love Kiran.
But I didn't get a chance to talk.
I was hit with a stick on my
head and I fell unconscious.
I won't spare you.
- Brother, no..
Stop it, Gaurav. Stop it.
We should thank them.
- Yes.
We wouldn't be together if he
wouldn't have helped Khushi elope.
Say thanks.
- Hi. How are you?
- Nice to meet you.
Hurry up, the two of you.
Come here and get married.
I have to go and
get someone divorced.
Let's go.
It's time for our flight
as well. We'll make a move.
Thank you so much.
- See you. Take care.
Brother Prem.
- What?
Brother Prem, everyone inside..
Pathak shitting petrol.
- Seating sofa.
Oh, seating.
- Yes.
Okay. You parking bike.
I'm seeing how much shitting.
He is here. He is here. He is here.
I'll set myself on fire.
I'll kill myself.
This drama has been
going on since last night.
Neither is he sleeping
nor is he letting us sleep.
Whenever he dries a little he
wets himself again with petrol.
Mr. Pathak, if you wish
to set yourself on fire..
..please do so outside,
in the garden.
Why are you burning our
house with you? - Quiet.
Yes, exactly.
You heard that? You heard that?
After ruining my family he
is talking about his house.
Daddy, why don't you
dive and snatch it?
Shut up. You have done that.
- Awrong thing.
Awrong thing. Yes.
- Stay away. Stay away. Stay away.
I'll set myself on fire.
- Stay away. Stay away. Stay away.
Brother, Khushi is notjust your
daughter but his friend as well.
- Yes.
I'm sure she must have seen
something special in Raju.
I'm sure the day you see them happy,
you will forgive them.
That day will never come in my life.
And there are hardly
any days left in my life.
Perhaps not even one.
Yes. He is right.
He is right, right?
Then keep this aside.
I'll commit suicide.
- You..
I'll commit suicide.
- Who are you threatening?
I'll help you.
Does anyone have a lighter?
No, I don't have it.
This lighter.. - You started smoking?
- You started smoking?
Shame on you.
- Brother, I didn't..
Don't change the topic.
What were you saying?
I'll help you deep fry.
What are you doing?
- What is this?
What are you doing?
What are you doing, Prem?
Prem? Prem? - Will Mr. Pathak's
death affect anyone of you?
- No. - Will the world end?
What.. What.. What..
I will burn him down. Okay.
I won't spare you. I won't spare you.
- Prem. Prem.
You'll ruin everything.
- Prem.
Something has to be
done about this boy.
Hello, Guru. Hello.
- Come. Come, Ram.
Have a seat. Have a seat.
Look, Ram..
- Yes?
Prem has done a good
deed by uniting two lovers.
Guru, he ended brother and
Mr. Pathak's age old friendship.
Yes. - Prem that's the talks of
his marriage even before it starts.
What is it called?
- Ends. - He ends it.
Last month Guru sent a
dog to your place, right?
Yes. She is very nice.
- Yes.
She keeps everyone happy.
- Yes.
He sent two maids for
household chores. Naina and Sunaina.
They are very nice girls.
But cannot get Prem married to them.
- Right. Right.
Similarly, Guru has
found a bride for Prem.
Ram, listen to me. You know
the Malhotras from America..
- Their daughter is perfect for Prem.
Yes. She is a Bandit Queen.
A Bandit Queen?
- A Bandit Queen?
- Only her behavior.
She is very good at heart.
Her name is Pooja.
- Wonderful!
She is the only girl
who can change Prem.
Guru, then why are
you doing that in this?
Why are you delaying this?
- Why the delay?
She is coming to Bangkok
tomorrow for her friend's wedding.
It will be great if Prem likes her.
Whether Prem likes her or not..
..only Pooja will come
to our house as that.
What? - A bride.
- A bride. A bride. - Yes.
Hello. - Karan, I've been trying all
six numbers of yours since so long.
Tell me what happened
to the wedding.
I ran away from the wedding.
But my passport is with them.
What? It'll take at least
But what will
I do in the meanwhile?
They will find me.
I'll call you later.
- Hello! Hello!
Hi, Pooja. Do you need a ride?
No, thank you. Prem and his
uncle are coming to fetch me.
Prem, Pooja is coming
at Terminal 3..
..why are we standing
at Terminal 7?
That's the game plan.
- Why are you throwing it?
How will Pooja recognize us?
That's what I want.
She shouldn't recognize us.
What are you doing?
What is this..
This.. is a proof for my father
that we went to the airport..
..but Pooja Malhotra
didn't come here.
So we came here..
- Uncle, tell me one thing.
Neither you nor
I have ever seen her.
Nor has anyone
in the family has seen her.
Guru has sent an imported
Pooja Malhotra from America.. that she marries me
and changes me? - Correct.
Uncle, I need a very impish,
roguish and talented wife.
Impish, roguish and talented?
But nowadays it's so
difficult to find.. impish, roguish
and talented wife.
All of them are married.
I am there.
But what will tell our Guru?
Let the Guru's mother go to hell.
Does he have a sister?
- Yes.
Then we shall send both of them.
- Okay.
Both mother and
sister will go to hell.
Who called me Prem so hatefully?
What did you think? I will
wait for you at Terminal 3?
And you will click
a photograph here..
,,and fool father?
- Pooja.
How did you recognize us?
Not you, him.
Daddy had given his description
when I was leaving America.
I scanned the entire airport.
He was the only rogue
with an innocent face.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
What an image you have, Prem.
I'm proud of you.
Why are you in a wedding dress?
What did you think? I'll come
from America in a two-piece bikini?
It would've been better.
- Just shut up.
Come on!
Let's go.
Excuse me.
Don't take advantage of
the situation.
And don't you dare touch me.
Let's go.
Wow. Impish, roguish and talented.
I should have asked for
something else, uncle.
What better could
have you asked for?
Think about it.
Ayoung and old imp at home.
And they will bet on
who is more impish.
Your aunt and
she will get along well.
Truly. I'll bet on your girl.
They are here.
Pooja is here. Pooja is here.
Brother, is she Pooja?
Or has he brought some
other girl from her wedding?
You all must be surprised, right?
Seeing me dressed as a bride.
You see, a girl looks her
best in a wedding dress.
So, I told myself,
''Pooja, don't take a chance.''
''If you want to impress everyone..''
''..then go dressed as a bride.
- Very impressed.''
Okay, tell me, how
did you like our Prem?
Yes. How did you like you?
I liked all of you a lot.
Very talented.
And if all of you support me then..
..we will change him
for good as well.
Talented also.
- Okay. Then all of us are with you.
Come in. Come in. Come in.
- Come in, dear.
She will change him for good.
She didn't bring any bags with her.
What was the need to
bring any luggage?
I'm not staying in a hotel.
I'm staying with my in-laws.
There is anything lacking in here?
Yes, only that like
you was lacking. That..
- What do you call a son's that?
Daughter-in-law. - We were
only lacking a daughter-in-law..
..and now your presence
has changed that as well.
Your father has become that.
- Mad?
Should I tell your father?
You are saying such things
about my elder brother? Yes?
Tell us, when are you
going for the wedding?
I just ran from a wedding.
You ran away from it?
But you were going to Phuket
for your friend's wedding, right?
Yes, I was going to.
What do you mean, ''I was going to?''
If you didn't go there then
how did you ran away from it?
By ran away I mean I got rid
of it with great difficulty.
Why would I unnecessarily
waste my time in Phuket?
That's right. Why
waste time in Phuket?
If I would attend my
friend's wedding..
..then how would I make
arrangements for my wedding?
And I have to fulfil the
responsibility Guru has given me.
She will marry you.
She is wishful-serpent.
I will never let
her wish come true.
Sir, Pooja's on the line.
- Pooja?
It's for Pooja. Give it to me.
Hello. Hi. How are you?
I'm standing at the airport
since the last two hours..
..and you are asking how are you?
I'm not okay, understand?
My friend. The one
who is getting married.
She is very angry.
Anyway, look, I am waiting
at the airport, come on.
And he didn't come to pick me up.
- Didn't get the time.
I have come here from
America and he didn't get the time?
If you don't believe me
then talk to Prem's dad.
- Dad, she is calling all of you.
Tell her that you all are not free.
- Yes.
Look, we cannot come.
We don't have that.
Tell her that we don't have a car.
- No, we have a car.
The thing that moves like this.
- We don't have a pendulum.
Excuse me?
- Time.
No, we don't have time. Sorry.
Heard that? Now do you believe me?
If you don't have time
then even I am not stupid.. waste my time
for you over here.
I'm going to attend
my friend's wedding.
And I'll go to Guru's
ashram after 8-10 days.
If you finally have the
time and you wish to meet me..
..then you can come there.
Okay. That's a great idea. Bye.
Come, Pooja, I'll take
you to the guestroom.
Aunt, am I a guest that
I'll stay in the guest room?
I'll stay in Prem's room.
In Prem's room?
- Before this?
Before marriage?
Until we get married, Prem
will stay in the guestroom.
Don't worry about him.
He can also sleep on a table.
Look, he is sleeping.
Ma'am, if you want to stay
then stay in the guestroom..
..otherwise, I'll make you
disappear in such a way..
..that even
won't be able to find you.
- Daddy, my room..
Uncle, cool down.
Now I am here. I'll handle it.
Now look here, my future husband.
For now, I have just
snatched your room.
After that I'll snatch your
sleep and peace of mind as well.
I'll make you empty. Empty.
- No abusing.
Come, aunt. Show me my room.
Go. Go. Show it to her.
- I'll be right back.
Brother, she will set him straight.
Isn't she very delicate?
- She is a lizard. A lizard.
I don't know where that girl is.
I'm telling the truth.
You lost her.
My men couldn't find her.
Where did she go?
She doesn't know anyone in the city.
And no one knows her.
Where can she go?
Where can she go? Where? Where?
Hit him.
I want her at any cost
before Suraj Chaudhary to her.
Someone stop me.
She is one piece from head to toe.
How do I cut her into pieces?
Prem, control your mind.
I'll control my mind but..
This girl with a face that
looks a mix of banana and mango..
If you scream this Rampuri dagger
will take to straight to Lord Rama.
You are taking
advantage of the situation.
Situation? Advantage? Again?
She will yak and force someone.. think about it even
if he isn't in the mood.
But what will you gain
by killing me?
The CEO of fools, I won't
benefit from it, you will.
I'll double your value.
- What?
How much is a live chicken worth?
- Rs.100.
And how much is a
Tandoori chicken worth? - 200.
So doesn't that double
the value after death?
You will snatch my peace of mind?
You will snatch my room?
If you don't leave
by tomorrow morning..
..then I swear by Baba Ramdev..
..I will kill you.
What happened?
- What happened, dear?
What happened?
- What happened?
What happened?
She must have had a nightmare.
She must have screamed.
A lot can happen in a nightmare.
Yes, a sneeze.
I was dreaming?
- Look, she is agreeing.
Come on, go back to sleep.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
- She was dreaming.
Let us know if you need anything.
- Let's go.
Okay, goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Never underestimate
three things in life.
Me, me and me.
Now you only bloody decide whether.. have to come to
this house in a palanguin..
..or you want to leave
this house.. as a dead person.
''Oh, Lord of the whole universe.''
''Mighty Lord of
the whole universe.''
''All Thy devotees' agonies..''
''All Thy devotees' sorrows..''
''Instantly Thou banish.''
''Oh, Lord of the whole universe.''
I feel I am going to
have a great day in office.
After all my day began
with such a nice prayer.
You have been named aptly.
We are feeling as if we
are in Hardiwar. - Yes.
We have got such a
nice daughter-in-law.
Dear, you are so cultured
and you have such good values.. spite of living in America.
Bush taught Obama
and Obama taught her.
So who is her mother is in America?
To celebrate Pooja arrival we
will distribute that in the office.
- Tennis ball?
No, not that.
- Paperweight.
'Ladoo' (Indian sweet).
Right, brother?
Yes. 'Ladoos'. We will distribute
'Ladoo'. We will distribute 'Ladoos'.
Yes, they are round as well.
The world is also round. Should
we distribute that? - No, no, no.
What kind of people there
are in the world, uncle.
Of different types.
They neither pray in the
morning nor go to work.
Yes. - True, dear. There
are such people as well.
What times have come!
There's a demon
staying in a God's house.
I'll have to use my demonic mind.
- What happened?
What happened?
What happened?
- Nothing. It's a small injury.
Should I seek revenge? Here you go.
Mother Earth. Bad mummy.
Bad mummy, Mother Earth.
- Sorry, uncle.
He was trying to make me
fall but you fell instead.
But why was he
trying to make you fall?
Anger. I said a few true
things and he got angry.
He got irritated.
Why get irritated with it?
She is telling the truth.
He is always either on
his bike or his skates.
Otherwise he keeps building
his body in the spare time.
Why are you ruining
my healthy body?
Everyone is saying
something or the other..
..don't you have to say something?
God sent him here to
increase the burden on earth.
You are telling the
truth for the first time.
We have been given a life..
..only so that he can disgrace us.
Absolutely right.
- He is a big disgrace.
You have a great
sense of honour, uncle.
Even a Satan will look
like a God in front of him.
- Wonderful.
He is.. - I think I'll have to
tell aunt about your affair, uncle.
I'm not saying it from my heart.
Don't take it to your heart.
My hand broke.
- Be careful. Be careful. Be careful.
Take me to a hospital. - We'll have
to do something about her.
She's digging a grave for you.
What happened?
- I cannot move it.
I'll handle her.
Because uncle, once
she is gone, life is fun.
Great, Pooja. Great.
- Enough.
It is delicious. - Fantastic.
- She cooks so well. - Yes.
Outstanding. Outstanding.
- And she sings so well. - Yes.
And she is also changing our
spoilt brat for good. - Yes.
Look, he is here.
Son, your name is Prem (love)
and not 'Hatred'. Right? - Really?
Hey, listen. Hello.
- Sit.
Madam, go. Go to the airport.
Come on.
Why? - Your father has
sent a parcel for you.
From USA. - Yes, so why
are you giving me the news?
You should have collected it for me.
He is useless.
You sing so well. You cook so well.
What would have happened if
you had studied a little as well?
The officer there won't give the
parcel to me without your signature.
You only will have to go there.
How will the poor girl go to
airport alone? You go with her, Prem.
Am I her driver, chauffer or servant?
- Prem, you go with her.
Daddy, you are very that.
- I am very boring.
But still, you will go. Go, dear. Go.
Yes, but dad didn't
inform me over the phone.
Oh, fax.
- What?
He has sent a fax, you dirty mind.
Why are you wasting
time talking, Prem?
The parcel will go back.
Come on, leave. Go.
Please go, son.
- Let's go.
Let's go.
Be careful. I think
he's up to something.
I have a mobile. I'll
call if anything happens.
Only if he will let you call.
'I could've easily spent
'..if he wouldn't
have been born here.'
'She has made my family
crazy about her in two days.'
'I would be dead if she
would stay for 12 days.'
'He cannot stop taking advantage.'
'We take advantage of those
we would gain something from.'
'I am just trying to get rid of her.'
'Airport is on the left and
he is taking a right turn.'
'Is he planning to take
me to the jungle and..'
'No, madam. If I do any such thing..'
'..then I'll get
stuck with you forever.'
'Then I will have to marry you.'
'Then why is he
taking me to a jungle?'
'Will he leave me
amidst wild animals?'
'I would have if I wasn't so
concerned about the poor animals.'
'I think I'll have to
show her a few lions.'
How can you even
think of such a thing?
What are you doing?
Where are the keys?
- I threw it.
The steering wheel got locked.
Why did you throw it?
Are you a woman or what?
I'm a woman.
- If you are a woman..
..then you should have kept
the keys here, like a woman.
Keys are not kept there.
Keys are kept around the waist.
To hell with your 26'' waist.
I can see a six and a
half foot grave there.
Move the steering wheel.
No, steering wheel has failed.
The steering wheel has failed.
Your mind has failed.
But the brakes didn't fail, right?
- No, they didn't.
- She's gone. - Prem.
Where are you?
- I am here. Down here.
She was hanging me,
now God has hanged her.
Are you dead or alive?
I'm still alive, but
I can die anytime.
Help me.
- Okay. Take this.
Take my hand.
Give me your hand. Give me
your hand. Give me your hand.
Come closer first.
No, I am thinking that it's better..
..if one person dies rather than two.
Coward. Dastard. Pansy. Chicken.
Should I come there to help
you so that you can help me?
Let me ask help for myself first.
Hurry up.
- Help me, God.
Give me your leg.
- You are already hanging.
How else should I hang you?
I mean give me your leg.
Leg? Man and woman look good in pair.
But to touch something
with ones' leg is a grave sin.
You are hanging on the
branch with both your hands.
How will you save me?
Ma'am, each hand of mine has
Depending on age and size.
By the way, I can
save you with one hand.
Then Useless, use that hand.
Hold my waist and pull me.
No, no, no. Not the waist.
Then you will say
that I took advantage.
- By the way your waist is..
Let my waist go to hell.
Hold whatever you want.
Do whatever you want.
But please save me.
In that case, come to me,
my suitcase.
Look madam, you are taking
advantage of my disadvantage. - What?
If you come any closer,
then I swear..
..I'll let go of both
the hands and embrace you.
And both of us will be dead.
Please save me. Let's go.
What are you doing?
Just hanging around.
Don't worry.
You women are amazing.
You cannot stick on to
anything other than your age.
Sometimes you say
take the advantage..
..sometimes you say don't take
advantage. What nonsense is this?
All your yakking is
making me go crazy.
It was the demand of the situation.
I wasn't wrong to touch you now.
I was wrong to touch you earlier.
If this is not wrong
then why is that wrong?
And if that is wrong
then why isn't this wrong?
Actually, you are wrong.
It is wrong to sit
here and talk to you.
It's of no use. I'll lie down.
Obviously it's of no use.
I'm sitting and you are lying down.
It would've benefited if either, both
of us were sitting or lying down.
Look, don't say double
meaning things to me.
This is a limit to illiteracy.
Where is a double meaning in it?
Look, don't turn and sleep like this.
I feel something inside.
By the way, the jean fits well..
..on your waist.
My ill-fate I wish he wasn't a man.
And you weren't a woman.
Sanjana Singh.
Pooja has horns.
'Prem. Prem. Prem.'
Isn't it a great place?
You call out once and it
echoes back a number of times.
You have brought me
here to hear this?
Oh, no. This is nothing.
Now I'll shout your name and
see what name echoes back.
Should I?
'Sanjana. Sanjana. Sanjana.'
Hear it.
'Sanjana. Sanjana. Sanjana.'
I'm saying Pooja and it is
echoing back as Sanjana.
Isn't it a strange place?
Look, the valley is so deep.
Prem. - Only echoes come
back from here, not people.
Tell me the truth. Who are you?
Otherwise, I'll let go of you.
I'll tell you the truth.
Pull be back first.
Come on, start your story.
You already know my real name.
Sanjana Singh.
Actually, I had come
from America to get married.
But the guy I was
going to get married to..
..turned out to be
a famous don's son.
I ran away from the wedding
but they snatched my passport.
It takes at least 10-12
days to make a new passport.
I needed a place to hide as well.
Then I saw you at the airport.
You had come to pick up
Pooja and no one knew Pooja.
So I thought..
You know the rest.
- I know the rest.
What did you do with the real Pooja?
I hope you didn't murder her.
No. She has gone to attend her
friend's wedding, in Phuket.
She will go to
Guru's ashram from there.
Guru. Guru. Guru.
He is a..
Let's go.
Hey, move aside.
''My heart broke.''
''My heart broke.''
''My heart went crazy.''
I think you want me.. give you a lift.
You are very handsome and dashing..
- Brother?
This car won't go anywhere.
It has broken-down.
Why? What happened, darling?
Darling? - The car will run.
It will get repaired.
I'm a mechanic. It's my job. Hope in.
Yes. - But you didn't ask
me where you should drop me.
I haven't caught you
as yet, to drop you.
First let me introduce myself.
I'm Mr. Lehri.
I'm sure you know Bhappi Lehri.
There is no connection between us.
Yes, there is a connection.
He likes gold and I like to sleep.
Hello. Why are you whistling?
You've already won over me.
Are you from Pataya?
Who is he? Is he your boyfriend?
No, he is a distant friend.
- A distant friend?
Just like a distant relative.
Okay. Then I have no problem..
..because I am shortsighted.
So shall we leave, Mr. Weak?
I keep a person like
you as my driver.
Really? - Yes.
- Then give me the keys. Come on.
The key is in its place.
I got a driver.
Come on, darling. Come behind.
Come on. Come on. Watch your feet.
You aren't in the mood
to come behind?
Not a problem.
We'll talk from here.
Great. It's such a young
and beautiful weather.
When I look at you
I remember a romantic phrase.
Tell me.
Mingle in jungle.
I, too, remember
a phrase when I see you.
A.K. Hangal in the jungle.
You know liguor and
beauty have a deep connection?
I'm often intoxicated and
the evening passes away.
There will be a day when the
evening will be intoxicated..
..and you will pass away.
Hello. I'm not here to get insulted.
Where do you usually
go to get insulted?
Where will I go?
I stay at home. I'm married.
You give a lift to a single
girl even when you are married?
Who doesn't?
I only give, you take
it as well, forcefully.
Watch out!
What is he doing up there?
Plucking fruits.
He plucked a lot of fruits.
Oh no!
- What have you done?
I didn't do it. You did it.
Hard work paid off, didn't it?
You were driving very passionately.
Whose car is this?
- This is my car.
It's not a car. It
is my wife. I love it.
If your wife has an
affair with someone..
..then who will work hard on her?
Her lover, who else?
Who will enjoy it?
- My wife, who else?
Who will get punished?
- Me, who else?
So just imagine.
She is your wife.
Who was working hard on her?
- You.
Who was enjoying it?
- She was.
Who will get punished?
Me, who else?
Because it was my car.
Don't cry, my son. Be strong.
The Lord works in
mysterious ways, my son.
Have this fruit.
You are a Father?
Father. Father, I had bad
thoughts about her.
Father, I'm a sinner.
I've committed a grave sin, Father.
I am a sinner.
Hey! Stop the car. There's the girl.
What have I done!
- Prem, let's go. They are his men.
- Come on. Come on. Fast.
Or she'll escape.
- I want to confess.
Where is that girl?
- Which girl?
The one who was standing
here with you. Your sister.
She.. Sister? I think she
ran away with brother-in-law.
Listen, have you seen our boss?
Who is your boss?
- Tall, board, huge man.
Okay, this..
What are you asking?
I'm selling these fruits here.
The fruits of hard work.
These fruits are very tasty.
Just taste them.
No. I didn't. My car hit him.
Get him.
- My car hit him.
Mr. Chaudhary, your
son has gone into coma..
..because of excess blood loss.
I don't know when he
will regain consciousness.
Quickly resuscitate him, Doctor..
..otherwise, I will
sent you into coma.
Send me as well, sir.
To my home, sir.
Look, sir, it was my car but
your son was hit by that boy.
I don't even now how to drive a car.
I swear on him.
Let him go.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you. So sweet. Yes.
Sir, I am leaving
but before leaving..
..I would like to give
you a small warning.
Sir, that boy is very smart.
He is fast, in driving cars
and using his brain as well.
If he will come before you
he will do such actions that.. will forget to give reactions.
Has anyone seen that boy?
Has anyone seen that boy?
I've only seen him
from the left side.
And I've only seen him
from the right side.
Sir, what is this left and right.
I've seen him from centre.
Will you be able to recognize him?
You are talking about recognizing?
Actually, I was born
when I was small.
My mother was a woman.
And the person who
murdered my father..
..underwent plastic surgery thrice.
Yet I recognized him.
Because he used to come to
our shop to buy the plastic.
From now onwards, this
plastic will always be with us.
Take him away.
- No. This is wrong.
Shut up.
- This is wrong.
Find that boy and Sanjana.
Wherever they are hiding find them.
What? - What kind of
childishness is this, Pooja?
Is this a way to behave?
Does anyone hold and
push anyone like this?
How was that?
- What did you do?
Like this.. Like this.. What
did you do? - What did I do?
You held her like this
and pushed her like this.
The push she got had that.
The push she got had minimal effect?
- Yes. Yes.
Okay. Okay. Take your position.
- From there.
Welcome. Welcome. Come, come,
one by one. - Come on. Come on.
Talk to your darling nephew.
- Yes.
From the time they have
returned from the jungle..
..there is a lot of
fun happening around.
''It is fun. It is fun. It is fun.''
''It is fun. It is fun. It is fun.''
Excuse me. Just friends.
- Play the wedding tune.
Just friends.
Prem, your method was wrong
but your intentions were good.
Now I have no complaints against you.
- Mr. Pathak.
No. No. No.
My Khushi is so happy with
Raju that I forgot all my sorrows.
Great. Great. Great.
- That's great.
You know I'm going to London.
Raju sent the tickets.
- Of economic class?
- Yes.
How do you know that?
- Because I gave Raju the idea.
I told him not to buy first class
tickets as you are such a miser..
..that you will be happy
even with economic class ticket.
What happened?
- It got wet. - What?
What is this, Daddy? You
always say double meaning things.
There is no double meaning in it.
The thing which we talk. With which..
Mobile. Mobile. Mobile.
- Mobile?
My purse.
- My money.
My purse.
Your underwear.
Let's get out of this.
Today, I got that and after
a long time that happened.
You got wet and fell in love?
No, I caught cold.
Today, the Sunday
truly feels like a Sunday.
A Sunday will always be a Sunday.
- Yes.
We never go in the swimming pool
together even if we want to, right?
- Thank you, Pooja. - You're welcome.
Welcome. Thank you. I am Ready.
But there is a No Entry here.
Someone stop me.
Ajunior priest has
come from Guru's place.
He is here?
- Yes.
Make him comfortable..
- Yes.
The junior priest is here.
I'll go meet him and welcome him.
My wallet.. From the drawer..
That one. Yes. And the wallet..
Priest, why are you here?
I mean what brings you here?
I'll tell that later, but
Guru is very angry with you.
Why? - Why didn't you go to
pick up Pooja from the airport?
I had gone there..
..but I got a little late.
She left to attend the wedding.
Yes, she will be going to the
ashram directly from the wedding.
Be there on time to pick her up.
- As you say.
Where is everyone else?
- They are with Pooja..
But Pooja is.. - Not this one,
the Pooja which was sent last month.
We sent a dog last month..
- Don't call her a dog.
The family members
have named her Pooja.
They have named her Pooja? A dog..
- Again you are calling her a dog.
Doggie, dog, puppy, pup, Raju, Tommy.
Nothing. Call her Pooja.
Otherwise with a broom..
They are so madly in love with
her that nowadays we eat dog food..
Dog.. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Pooja's food.
Pedigree and White Kennel.
So what should I call her? Pooja?
Don't call her that if you
want to lose your loincloth..
..and your honour.
Hello, Priest.
They are here to serve you.
Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello.
- Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello.
- Hello. Hello.
Bless you. Bless you.
Guru had kept a 'Satyanarayan'
ritual.. - Very good.
He has sent the offering of that.
Sanjana.. As soon as they call
for Pooja you come with the dog.
Tell me, where is Pooja.
She is here. Pooja.
Now what do I tell you, Priest.
We have got very attached to
Pooja in such a short span.
She is so sweet that as
soon as she came, Prem..
She won everyone's heart.
'Oh God, what magic has
this dog done in one month?'
Our Pooja is as decent
as she is beautiful.
'A decent dog?'
'Have they lost their mind?'
She is now our family member.
Does she bite?
What kind of a joke is that?
Is she a suckling that she will bite?
She is of marriageable age.
It's a different thing if she
starts biting after marriage.
Whether she bites,
scratches or does anything else..
..we have decided that she'll be
the daughter-in-law of our family.
'They will make a dog
their daughter-in-law?'
'A dog will be perfect for you, son.'
'You deserve this.'
What are you thinking about?
That is happening
with Guru's permission.
'Dandiya', 'Garba'
(Gujarati dance forms).
No, no, no. That.. That.. That..
Yes. The alliance.
- The alliance. The alliance.
'I think they have
gone absolutely crazy.'
'They didn't go to pick up
the Pooja Guru had sent..'
'..from the airport.'
'They have named their dog Pooja..'
'..and they are
getting him married to her.'
'I'll also go crazy
if I stay here any longer.'
I'll make a move.
Have lunch before you leave.
- Yes.
Pooja's favourite
dishes have been made today.
'Oh, God. They are
feeding dog food to a priest?'
Look, I.. You can have it.
I'm fasting today.
I'll make a move. - Bye.
- Okay, Priest. - Okay, Priest.
Who is this girl?
You don't recognize her?
You are strange. She is our maid.
You had brought her
here from the ashram.
'Look at that. These
lunatics think I am crazy.'
'I hope I really don't go crazy.'
Excuse me. I'll make a move.
- Okay.
''Baby, I can see the
sun rising in your eyes.''
''Baby, every time I think
of you, you make me smile.''
''Baby, I'll be your every
dream and you should know..''
''Baby, I'll never ever
want to let you go.''
''Love is the dawn of
the slumber of life.''
''Love is a very beautiful punishment.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''Love is the dawn of
the slumber of life.''
''Love is a very beautiful punishment.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''Come, let's go somewhere.''
''Let's fly and go somewhere.''
''Love is our sky.''
''It is as open as our desires.''
''An untouched feeling touched me.''
''Like there is
intoxication in the sky.''
''I'm in love.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''My path tells this to me.''
''Why don't you stray a little?''
''Now this journey is unigue.''
''Please ask my destination..''
'' look out for my
path from the shore.''
''If you are with me..''
''..this journey is
like a dream to me.''
''My heart has been a bit troublesome.''
''It has given me some
beautiful problems.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''Baby, I can see the
sun rising in your eyes.''
''Baby, every time I think
of you, you make me smile.''
''Baby, I'll never ever
want to let you go.''
''Never even in my
dreams had I ever thought..''
''..that the God of
desires would give me so much.''
''I kept walking in a carefree manner.''
''I kept walking on my path.''
''I didn't know that my
heart will stop for you.''
''I'm in love.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
''I have fallen in love.''
''My prayers have been answered.''
- Yes, brother.
Where is everybody gone?
Brother.. Gone ashram. Meeting Guru.
And Pooja?
- Gone.. with them too.
Why, brother? Heart beating fasting?
Brother, where are you running?
Come on, come on.
- Come.
This is Guru's that.
What is it called.. As..
We've come here to fix a wedding
date for your marriage with Prem.
Let's go.
You go ahead. We'll come.
- Okay.
Pooja, it is
believed that all wishes..
..come true if one
bathes in this sacred pond.
Which Pooja are you
talking about, Ram?
Pooja has not returned
from her friend's wedding.
Then who is the one
who has been staying.. our house as Pooja
since the past few days.
Who is the scoundrel
you ran away with?
Kill his entire family.
How is that possible!
You want me, right?
I'm ready to come with you.
Let's go.
Come on.
Leave me.
Sanjana is not here.
I knew that you would surely come.
And I, too, knew that you would say..
..''I knew that you would surely come.''
Why should I come,
huh? Am I your boyfriend?
I love you?
- Saw? You are agreeing to it.
No. Really? He's your uncle?
Prem, how would I tell you that..
..these goons, mafias
are my maternal uncles?
Your family members are like
Charles Shobraj and Ranja Billa?
I love these mafia people.
Stop joking, Prem.
You don't know how much
my uncles hate each other
My mother's last wish was..
..that I get both my
uncles' blessings at my wedding.
So that their enmity ends forever..
..and they become good human
beings like they were, earlier.
But? - The greed of attaining
my property worth 200 crores..
..increased their enmity.
Each one of them wants me
to marry his brother-in-law.
I can draw a chegue
without deducting the TDS..
..and keep your uncles in my pocket.
But my dear, until there are
obstacles in a love story.. is not called a love story.
What stories will we
tell our children?
Look, a boyfriend gets
scared of his girlfriend.
A girlfriend gets
scared of a cockroach.
A cockroach gets scared of a mouse.
A mouse gets scared of a cat.
A cat gets scared of a dog.
And a dog gets scared of a man.
- And a man is
scared of a woman. - What?
Just like a villain..
gets scared of the hero.
Prem, let's go. My uncle is here.
What now?
They will..
- Don't worry, dear.
Today, I'll predict your future.
You will get married to
an innocent looking rogue.
That's me.
Now can I take some advantage?
By the way, the fitting of
the Indian dress is very good.
''Ready.. I am ready for you.
Are you ready for me?''
''Are you ready for me?
Are you ready for me?''
''Are you ready for me?
I am ready for you.''
Uncle, Yuvraj was forcefully..
I ran away from there.
Sit in the car.
They are drying out.
This boy is making me that. That..
Irritate? - No, not irritate.
That.. This.. This..
Emotional? - Emotional is
like this. This.. - So?
He is making me this. This. This..
- Crazy. - Crazy.
He is making crazy. Crazy. Crazy.
He lied to me. That
girl is not this but that.
- Not Sanjana, Pooja.
Pooja. Yes. Yes.
What you are thinking
of doing is not so easy.
They are dangerous.
- Yes.
They are dons.
I would've said the same
had I been in your place.
But.. what would've you
done had you been in my place?
Why don't you make him understand?
What should I tell him?
All I know is that
Sanjana is a very nice girl.
And right now,
she must be in trouble.
She must be in big trouble.
That's true, sister-in-law.
But there is no
solution to this problem.
I have such a solution that I'll
make the lives of both the dons, hell.
They have a common CA,
who has done BA.
And his name.. What was his name?
Sounds like bully.
- Idli (a south Indian snack)?
Mulli (Raddish)?
- Talli (drunk)?
No, close. Close.
Khuli (open)? Khali?
Balidaan Bhardwaj.
Sakku, how many
times will you call me?
I feel that you call me even
when you dial a wrong number.
What do I do?
You have left the
house with so much cash.
I'm feeling scared.
This isn't the first time
I'm out with so much cash.
I do transactions worth millions,
day and night.
All 500 and 1000 denomination bills..
..across the world
knows Balidaan Bhardwaj.
- That's fine.
But what if a thief
stabs you and robs you?
Sakku, are you concerned about me..
..or are you trying to kill me?
Hang up, Sakku.
I want two demands drafts made.
One of30 lakhs and
the other of20 lakhs.
Take this.
My bag?
My bag! Where did my bag go?
Where is my bag? There
was 50 lakhs in the bag.
Where did the bag go?
My bag. My bag got stolen.
Have you seen a thief here?
- No.
You blind man, you
didn't see the thief?.
You didn't even see such a big bag?
I didn't see it.
I'm not the owner of it.
You.. Have you seen your face?
It's so black that
if shown on National Television.. will ward off evil
from the entire country.
Sakku, what you said came true.
What happened?
Amar Chaudhary and Suraj
Chaudhary's 50 lakhs got stolen.
Don't do this. Pack the bags.
It's time to leave the city. Come on.
- Yes.
They are here. Tell
them I am not here.
I'll go and hide myself.
Mr. Bhardwaj. Mr. Bhardwaj.
He has not only left this
house but this world as well.
A trunk ran over him.
- Oh, no.
He got crushed.
Do you have anyone to look
after you in this cruel world?
By the way, I had
brought this bag for him.
What will I do of this
briefcase when he is no more?
Don't worry. I'll take
care of both his belongings.
Okay? Let's meet
after his final rites.
Bring it here.
Where are you going?
You are alive, sir?
- Yes, I'm alive.
It's her hobby. She kills
her husband over everything.
Start wearing a
wedding chain from tomorrow.
People get mistaken.
She is mine.
And.. this bag is also mine.
There are only 50
lakhs in it, right, sir?
Yes. Yes. Yes. There
are only 50 lakhs..
Just a minute.
How did you come to know
that there are 50 lakhs in it?
Just be looking at the
bundle of the notes..
..I can predict how
many notes it contains.
How? - I learnt this art
from my master. Mr. B. B., sir.
Bishan Singh Bedi?
- No, sir.
- No, no, sir.
Bichun Bhutia. Goal.
No way, sir. The one who
has written this book.
Mr. Balidaan Bhardwaj.
Be careful, sir.
I've written a book?
When did I write this book?
Such a fat book?
- Yes.
Look at this. The Balidaan
in front of Bhardwaj is me.
That's me.
This is a sign of a genius.
You wrote a book and
you don't even remember.
Sir, this book is a
missile and you are an example..
..for a newcomer like me.
I have come to this city
to be your assistant, sir.
I see. - I want to learn the
ropes of this job with you.
I don't want any money either.
- Then my job is done.
I mean your job is done.
- Thank you, sir.
I have only two clients.
Amar Chaudhary and Suraj Chaudhary.
Sir, they are mafias.
One is a mongoose.
And the other one is a snake.
If they get together
then they are killer sharks.
But both of them are illiterates.
How many times during
a year do you think..
..people like Chaudhary
must be paying their taxes?
Sir, they must not even be
paying the taxi fare. Sir..
I make them pay tax every month.
Every month?
Again and again.
- Again and again.
- 12 times.
What do I do? It is
dirty but it is my business.
It is your business.
This is the only way to
teach a lesson to those goons.
Sir, your name is Balidaan but you
are making your clients sacrifice.
Now that you have joined me..
..everyone will be sacrificed..
with Prem (love).
Come with us. Come with us.
- Why are you hitting me?
Come with us. Come with us.
- Why are you hitting me?
Hit him.
Stop. Stop. Don't hit me.
Stop. Stop. I am your teacher,
Amar Chaudhary.
Teacher? You are a cheater,
you scoundrel.
You give me a zero in the exams.
You gave the wrong answer.
What was the guestion?
Who is the president of India?
- Mrs. Prathiba Patil.
You had said that
it was Abdul Kallam.
The president got changed.
It is my fault that
the president got changed?
What do I have to do with when
and where Alexander fought Porus?
Do I have to go there
and dig their graves?
Hit him. Hit him. Hit him.
Well done. You are
doing well, Amar Chaudhary.
Saw that? That's why
I named him after me.
Amar Chaudhary.
Hey, Amar Chaudhary!
You stinky insect of a dirty sewer?
Mother, you go inside.
- Stop barking, you dog.
And let him go. Otherwise I'll
poison your food and feed you.
Got it?
Hey, go. Take him
back with dignity. Go.
- Go.
Let's go, sir.
Grandpa, you are being
abused under his pretext.
No, no. It's not so.
You are like a father
to my daughter-in-law.
You are God.
A born leech.
- What?
He is. This Amar Chaudhary.
It's time for school.
Don't you have to go?
Father, should I get
something for you?
Yes, daughter-in-law.
Get some tea for me.
- Without sugar.
And without poison.
Have some sweets, Mr. Chaudhary.
I got the land for your
liguor factory cleared.
And it hardly cost you anything.
Only 50 lakhs.
- Yes.
Don't you know you cannot
bring strangers in here?
Who is he?
- He's my nephew.
Nephew? - Yes, look. We
look similar, don't we?
You mean when I am of your
age I will look like you?
Forget about the face, Mr. Chaudhary.
Talk about brains.
He is from America.
He will show your income so less..
..that you won't need to pay tax.
- Really?
You know the billionaire
in America? K.K. Modi.
He used to handle his account.
K. K. Modi?
- K. K. Modi?
Forget it. Forget K. K. Modi.
Now that you are here
you work for Mr. Chaudhary.
Handle his account.
Hire you nephew.
- Nephew!
Grandpa, it sounds
like your business. Ganja.
- Yes?
You didn't teach your
nephew how to salute?
Salute me.
What to get thrashed?
What did you say? - No. I saw
my horoscope in the morning.
Yes. - In it it's
written that if I salute..
..anyone younger than me today..
..then he will get
thrashed all day long.
But still if you want..
- No, no. Let it be.
But I have read his horoscope.
Balli. Come on. - Let it be,
today. My nephew is with me. So..
Now my hands feel warmer.
The apple of my eye.
My brave boy.
- Wild hippo, Amar Chaudhary.
Write 'Welcome' on your face.
You will look like a rotten doormat.
Anyway, your ponytail
looks like a dead dog's tail.
Look at your grandpa.
It suits him so well.
Take this. Stupid. Go to school.
Yes, grandpa. This is the first
time mother has said the right thing.
The girls in my class tease me.
They said it looks like theirs.
With your permission
can I chop it off?.
Amar Chaudhary, you can have
your neck cut but not your ponytail.
This is a warning, not advice.
We are samurais. This is
the identity of our family.
Your I.D. proof.
It is a voter's card,
pan card. Your blood group.
A proof that you are his
grandson and he is your grandpa.
Where did this
boring old man come from?
Great grandpa.
I saw you.
Today my day will go well.
Concentrate on your studies.
Kids of your age have gone places.
People of your age as well..
..have gone places.
''Happy days are over.''
''Now I'm surrounded with sadness.''
What is this, Mr. Lehri?
What are you doing?
I'm having black coffee
with Obama in the White House.
Can't you see?
I hit the brakes to give you a lift.
Now my shirt has turned into a mop.
All this happened
because of me, right?
I'm feeling very guilty.
I love you too.
Now it is my duty to
get you out of here.
I also want to leave.
Because if my children grow
up they won't recognize me.
And my wife is so nave
that the poor thing..
..might once again
run away with someone.
No such thing will happen
because I have a mind-blowing idea.
This is the boy with
whom Sanjana ran away, sir.
He doesn't look like
he is from our city.
I'll find him even if he
is hiding underground.
Are you telling the truth?
Sir, if I am lying he
should die immediately.
No, I take his oath
and say that henceforth..
..that that boy was
not him but someone else.
- What happened?
Sir, someone has come to meet you.
Balli, you got the land cleared
for Amar for his liguor factory?
I just got the land cleared for him.
But for you along with
the land I also got..
..the license for the
liguor factory cleared.
Lehri, go. You are free to go.
Mr. Chaudhary, I am
leaving but before leaving..
..I would like to give you a warning.
Sir, this boy is very smart.
Only I know how he traps people.
You won't be
able to anything to him..
..even if he comes
and stands before you.
You do one thing.
You keep cleaning cars
here till Sanjana's marriage.
Sir, what are you saying?
Sir, this is a crime. It's a sin.
Mr. Chaudhary, you cannot do this.
Mr. Chaudhary can do anything.
He is Justice Chaudhary.
He provides justice to good people.
And he clears out the bad people.
Pick him and throw him out.
Balli, who is this boy?
He is a con. C-O-N. Con.
He joined hands with
that girl and fooled me.
Which animal have I left out?
- You dog, clean the car.
Mr. Chaudhary, isn't the boy useful?
Once I start working, there
will be no income and no tax.
No income tax.
But Balli, how is this possible?
This boy will work
for Amar as well as us.
He has a habit..
..of doing two things together.
You know K.K. Modi in America?
He used to also handle his
younger brother S.K. Modi's account.
But what if he turns out to be bad?
Then you can behead my uncle.
Behead me?
- Saw? He agrees to it.
The thumb impression
on the file. Take it.
Just a minute.
Uncle, I was casually
checking your accounts.
There are a lot of discrepancies.
- There must be a slight difference.
- 21.. Balli.
There is a difference of Rs.21.
Rs.21, dear?
It's hardly a difference.
Just a minute, uncle.
You are his assistant, right?
- Yes, ma'am.
Come on, show me the accounts.
Uncle, I'll go and check
the accounts properly.
Yes, yes. Okay, dear.
Persuade her.
- Consider it done.
Balli, you saw how my
niece's education is benefiting me?
Prem, this is not the right
situation to take advantage.
Really? Then promise me
that you will meet me tonight.
And you will let me take
all the advantages. - Prem.
You okay?
- Yes. I was justjoking.
Balli, why do you look
as if you've seen a ghost?
Our future daughter-in-law
is checking everything, right?
Yes. In detail. Come
with me. Come with me.
Let them work.
Saw that? My future
wife is no ordinary girl.
Yes, I just came to know.
She has taken after
me deceased sister.
So, your sister was also like her?
Then the entire family..
What happened?
He is getting scared.
- He fears he might get caught.
Sanjana is not my daughter.
She is more than
a daughter to me, Prem.
Her happiness means everything to me.
But.. But you don't know her uncles.
- I know.
They are rogues from
the Neanderthal times.
I am a modern age dog. Latest.
When we will fight,
I will eat them up.
''I am a dog and she is my partner.''
''I tell the truth, when she came..''
''..there came a season
to eat everyone up.''
Stop it.
Look, aunt, everything will be fine.
I promise.
What were you doing inside?
All that cuddling and all?
Uncle, she fell over me.
Girls from affluent families.. Hello.
Girls from affluent families
are like that. Try to understand.
Whether she falls on
you or you fall on her..
..our necks will get
cut and fall down.
Uncle, you only
asked me to persuade her.
I got persuaded.
You would've got exposed..
..if she would've opened
the accounts.
This is the first time I have
let a girl touch me and you..
No, no. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
You are my disciple.
Come on, get in. Get in.
Let's go.
Let's go.
''In 12 months I'll express my
love to you in 12 different ways.''
''Now I think I won't
be able to survive..''
''..even for 12 minutes without you.''
''When the winter
season starts in January.''
''We will switch on
the heater of love.''
''In a blanket as small as February..''
''..we will play hide and seek.''
''March will be a romantic month.''
''We'll do something we
have never done before.''
''What if we aren't
able to meet in April?''
''What will happen? Find a solution.''
''I'll get an internet connection
so that I can chat with you.''
''When the summer
season starts in May..''
''..we will party at the poolside.''
''We will take a long
vacation in June.''
''We will go to a hill station.''
''When starts raining in July..''
''..I'll yearn to embrace you.''
''We will have a lot of fun in August.''
''We will make some arrangements.''
''I'll take you to London.
I'll give you a tour of Paris.''
''I'll take you on a world tour.''
''I feel that I'll be coming
often to your house in September.''
''We'll see the sunsets
together in October.''
''You can keep your
head on my shoulders.''
''By the time the
wretch November comes..''
'' would've already
surrendered your heart.''
''Things will get
confirmed on 12th December.''
''With the
confirmation from our hearts.''
''There will be no car or mare.''
''I'll bring the
wedding procession on foot.''
''In 12 months I'll express my
love to you in 12 different ways.''
''Now I think I won't
be able to survive..''
''..even for 12 minutes without you.''
Prem hasn't come as yet, dear.
Don't worry, aunt.
He will surely come.
Why don't you go and
pay your respects.. you have come to the temple,
Junior Chaudhary?
Tell me.
I prayed for a week before my exams.
He failed me.
- Then why have you come here?
I'm my grandpa's junior spy.
Whenever any female in the
family goes out of the house..
..I keep an eye on them.
Whether they are going
and meeting our enemies.
My child.
Bless you.
- That's enough.
Bless you.
Someone stop them.
You are crying?
They are bound to cry.
These sisters-in-law love each
other more than their own sister.
In spite of living in the same
city we have met after ages.
Our men our fighting and
we women are suffering.
I wonder when this will end.
Like I have united the aunts I
will unite the uncles as well.
If I don't turn this family into
a 'Hum Aapke Hain Kyon' family..
..then don't call me Prem.
Thank you.
Okay, so you are
befriending our enemies.. the pretext of
praying and worshiping?
Son, she isn't an enemy.
She is your grandaunt.
Amar, my child.
- Don't touch me, you old woman.
Scoundrel, if you say a word more..
..I'll feed you kerosene and light
a match in front of your mouth.
Get out of here.
Forgive him, sister.
His grandfather has
made him just like him.
I wonder when he will mend his ways.
Why are you laughing?
He will change, but I'm laughing..
..thinking of the way
in which he will change.
Junior Chaudhary, the park is closed.
It's closed for others, not me.
Go and tell the manager,
Amar Chaudhary is here.
The park will remain open.
Okay, sir.
- Okay, sir.
Come here, you animal.
Salute me.
The park should be closed now.
We have to go home.
You are refusing Amar Chaudhary?
Come here.
How dare you!
I won't spare you.
Who.. Who are you?
- Yes.
I'm here to turn a bad boy
like you into a good boy.
You.. One kick and from
Badman you will become a dead man.
Kick me. Kick me. Kick me.
Really? Here you go.
Darn him.
I am sorry, bad-man.
Spare me.
Forgive me.
Okay. From today,
you'll be a good boy.
Yes, I will.
You won't bunk school.
- Okay.
You won't trouble your teachers.
You'll always respect your elders.
And you will cut your
ponytail as well. - Yes. No, no.
This is not possible. It is
the identity of my family.
Shut up.
The kid has tired me.
First try to talk things out.
If they don't
understand then kick them.
Great, Balli. Great.
Your nephew is one in a million.
Amar Chaudhary.
Why do you have bandana on your head?
It's the latest fashion, grandpa.
Okay. Okay. Fashion.
Come here, my tiger.
And hit on this jackal's head.
Bless me, uncle Balli.
What are you doing?
Respecting my elders, grandfather.
This is what Badman has taught us.
Who Badman?
- He is our new teacher, grandpa.
Grandpa, his new teacher is Prem.
Dear, now I feel he'll also bring
my two scoundrels back on track.
Uncle, uncle Suraj is once again
trying to get me married to Veer.
- Yes.
But I want to marry your son, Yuvraj.
- Please, uncle. Please, do something.
Please, guickly get me out of here.
Someone is coming.
Come on, get the cars out.
Load your guns.
Let there be bloodshed?
We will have to bring Sanjana
at any cost by this evening.
What are you doing, Chaudhary..
Sir. Uncle, tell them.
What you are doing is wrong.
You are going to kill
your brother for 200 crores?
Whereas someone worth 500
crores is in uncle's pocket.
Who are you talking about?
Uncle, I'm talking about K.K Modi.
Yes. K.K. Modi from America.
Tell them how much he is worth.
He is worth 5000-7000 crores.
And hear this. You
know who has been given..
..the responsibility of
getting his daughter Naina married?
Uncle, you couldn't
see this gem of a person?
Whereas Naina
desires a gem of a person.
They are such lovely people.
They are romantic. They are
going to kill their brothers.
Uncle, if I wouldn't
have thought of this..
..then there would've
been a bloodshed today.
Why don't you think?
No, the idea was on
the way in my mind..
..but because of traffic..
Get this straight, Balli.
If we don't get this alliance
then consider yourself death.
Get out of here.
I took K.K. Modi's
name just like that.
You added his daughter to the story.
You added the
responsibility of her marriage.
You added all the spices.
Sir, you told me all this..
after having a few drinks.
I told you about
people who don't exist?
They exist, sir.
- Yes?
Some K.K. Modi has called
five times since morning.
He told me to remind
you that he is coming.. India on Friday to
discuss his daughter's wedding.
And yes, he has asked
to book some resort.
Don't forget.
How is this possible?
Sir, this means you
either have MP or UP.
Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh?
MP means memory power.
- Okay.
Sir, in this illness the
battery of memory conks off.
Or UP that is unbelievable power.
Unbelievable power.
- Yes, sir.
In this the characters you
think about come in real life.
I don't believe this.
That's why it is
called unbelievable power.
Now you have to decide whether..'s your effective
thinking or defective disease.
Meanwhile, sir, you have
thrown me out of the house.
- No, Prem.
I said that as I was worried. Please.
- Don't leave me in such confusion.
Okay, sir.
Tell me what I should do next.
There is no option or resort to this.
Yes, the last resort is
that you book a resort.
They have come?
Ballu. Ballu.
Uncle, go and welcome Modi.
What a pleasant surprise.
Come here. Come here.
Give your friend a hug.
You have become fit.
I think it is the result of
sister-in-law Shakuntala's that.
- Her love.
How is sister-in-law Sakku?
I hope you didn't have any
that on the way. What is it..
No, no. One has to take some
that for one's child. Some..
- Yes, trouble.
Let's go.
Mr. Modi.
- Mr. Modi.
Stop. Is this a way
to ask for donations?
Mr. Modi, he is Mr. Chaudhary.
Avery famous L in the city.
- Landlord? - Landlord. - Landlord.
Mr. Modi, welcome, welcome, welcome.
Uncle Modi.
Aunt Modi.
Balli works for us.
Okay, Balli knows you.
That means he is our that..
- Guest. Guest.
Call him tonight for..
- Drinks?
Dinner. Dinner. And that as well.
Let's go.
Why are you staring at
them with your mouth open?
Have you seen them
for the first time?
Anyone will give that
reaction on seeing Mr. Modi.
Sir, if you are a
mouse then he is a cat.
If you are a cat, he is a dog.
If you are a dog, he is a fox.
If you are a fox then he is a lion.
If you are lion then
he is an elephant.
If you are an elephant
then he is a dinosaur.
Dinosaur of business, sir.
For your own good,
come on time for dinner.
Otherwise you are a donkey, sir.
Who is going anywhere?
I am here till night.
- Yes.
Let's go.
What happened, uncle?
He met me with so much affection.
He gave me a hug as well.
But I couldn't recognize him.
Is it an illness or my imagination?
- Both?
One personality is ill.
It is the imagination of
the other personality.
The first and the
second personality clashed..
..with each other and
resulted in the third personality.
Spilt personality.
The fourth personality
will be suicidal personality.
You will feel like
committing suicide, uncle.
You are right.
- No.
I feel like committing suicide.
- No.
- Don't do it, uncle. - Why?
You won't remember that you
have committed suicide, uncle.
So what should I do?
Uncle, now you have
only one option left.
What? - Believe that your personality
with imagination is right.
You know him.
He is K.K. Modi.
- You recognize him.
I'll have to.
Otherwise, I'll commit suicide..
..and I won't even
remember it. So what's the use?
He is K.K. Modi.
Mr. Modi, we are not
as rich as you are.
But we are well respected
in the city.
- Yes, sir. They are decent people.
Really? - They have a lot of
cars and are cultured as well.
So brother, tell us, how
much loan do you want?
No, sister-in-law, I am..
Balli, tell them.
- What should I say?
Uncle, with your permission
can I tell them? - Yes, please.
Mr. Modi, he is his brother-in-law.
He has studied till the
Raise two more fingers.
Yes, the 8th grade.
He has studied till
the 8th grade. So?
He wants to marry your daughter.
- What?
Brother Ballu, you have
brought such an alliance?
Have you seen their faces?
They look as if they have
just come out of a jungle.
Right. Will their daughter
marry into this illiterate family?
The Modis.
They don't have any
sense of that. Fashion.
Nor do they know how to that.
- Talk.
To talk. They look like that. That..
- Ape-men.
If you weren't my friend
I would have done that.
- Shot you.
Let's go..
- Sumitra. - Sumitra.
Let's go.
- Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.
- Okay.
You ruined their mood.
- Shut up. Shut up.
I'll blow your head
with you, you scoundrel.
You fool, he isn't a scoundrel,
you are.
Do you know who are you messing with?
You can only make
scrabbled-eggs from an egg.
Mr. Modi can turn
scrabbled-eggs back to an egg.
You have spoilt the whole game.
But it's okay. Uncle is here.
He will think of something.
What will I think of?.
I am totally confused.
Will you tell us
what this is all about?
Why have you made us
all wear sunglasses?
Excuse me for my language, grandpa.
But what do these
Modis think of themselves?
They have kept three
conditions for the wedding.
I told them that I won't be
able to look into your eyes..
..after telling you those conditions.
And you won't be able to look at
each other after hearing them.
He said, ''Here, make them
wear these sunglasses..''
''..and tell them the conditions.''
Tell us. Tell us, what
their conditions are.
Basically the Modis have made..
..the tent of Chaudhary's
lives stand on three sticks.
Condition No. 1.
They don't like the way you dress.
What are you doing?
They say that you look like
a C-Grade movie's villain.
How dare they!
This.. This is what uncle said.
How dare they!
- Yes. Yes.
The Chaudharys will never change..
..their dressing sense for
their 500 crores. - Yes.
- Crores.
Okay. Okay. We will
wear up-to-date suits.
- Yes. Yes.
What is their second condition?
Their family is a joint family like
in the movie 'Hum Aapke Hain Kyon'.
They all live together.
So is our family like in the
movie 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham'?
We stay separately?
They have never seen you
out on a lunch or a picnic..
..with your daughters and
daughters-in-law. - Enough.
They are womenfolk.
This tradition has
been going on since ages.
This is what uncle said as well.
- What?
That the Chaudharys will never change
their tradition for 500 crores.
- 500 crores.
Fine. Fine. Listen. Listen.
Henceforth, we'll all be together.
Tell me the third condition.
If I tell you the third condition
then.. your pants will tear.
- I am saying this. I am saying this.
He had said something else.
Tell me the condition.
You'll have to cut it.
- What?
You'll have to cut your ponytail.
- No.
Even uncle yelled and said no.
- Yes. Yes.
But what can we do? They hold
the trump card of 500 crores.
Cut them, Amar.
You can always grow them back.
But you don't often get
a harvest worth 500 crores.
Now you are looking that and that.
Bold and beautiful.
- Bold and the beautiful.
So tell us, brother.
What have you decided?
What have I.. What do you say, Ballu?
Should I do that? Yes?
- Do it.
Now that you have found a diamond..
..better set it in the ring.
- Yes. - Yes.
Fine, then I'll call my
daughter and younger that tomorrow.
- Brother.
Okay. - Do you have relatives or
brothers or something like that?
He has an elder brother..
- Suraj Chaudhary.
In spite of having an elder brother.. have come alone
to fix the alliance?
Where is he?
How can he come here?
We don't get along.
A house where brothers don't that..
- Get along.
Get long. Will their
daughter go there? - The Modis.
The Modis.
What he means is that
their timings don't match.
He is sometimes out
and he is sometimes in.
These two brothers
love each other a lot.
Like.. Lord Rama and Laxman.
- Okay. Okay. Okay.
So call them tonight. Match the..
- Timing. Yes.
Consider it to be our that..
- Condition. - Yes.
Hit him. Hit him.
Don't hit my uncle.
What was the need to say..
- Sister-in-law, please, help.
That I have an elder brother?
I said it because you have one.
You could have said that he is dead.
You are strange. How could say that?
Till date you haven't
been able to kill him.
So uncle, how will you kill him?
But we are dead now.
That old man will never listen to us.
Hey, when God gave uncle a
head over his shoulders..
..he didn't give it for decoration.
He will think. He
will think of something.
He will bring your
brother by his ears.
Shut up.
Suraj Chaudhary will behead
me even if I talk about it.
And if he doesn't come
here then I'll behead you.
Hey, let us go in. Move aside.
Side. Side. Side.
- Who are you?
Keep distance. Horn please.
May the face of the one with
ill-intentions in his heart go black!
Seize the whole place.
Take everyone's mobiles.
Disconnect their phone.
Hey, who are you? In this manner..
This is how we enter.
You have all the
right to remain silent.. this is a raid.
I pay income tax
thirteen times a year.
Yet there is a raid?
Sir, Ms. Sanjana.
Hello, uncle Mathur.
Hello, dear. How are you?
Sanjana, you know
these income-tax guys?
Aunt, they are not from
the income-tax department.
They are from the World Bank.
I have heard of Punjab
Bank and Allahabad Bank.
What is a World Bank?
The one outside Punjab and
Allahabad is called World Bank.
The father of all banks.
And the mother of all banks.
Uncle and aunt of all banks.
But, sir, what are you doing here?
Ms. Sanjana's father had taken a
loan of200 crores from our bank.
So? - So he passed away
before he could settle the loan.
- He keeps on saying 'so'.
He will lose his mind
when he will hear this.
So, we have seized all
his property in America.
We have managed to
get back 100 crores.
We still need to recover 100 crores.
But Sanjana doesn't
hold any property here.
She came here to get married to me.
Fantastic. After marriage a wife
has egual right over the property.
Hence, according to law, we
will recover 100 crores from you.
The bungalow itself must
be worth 50-60 crores.
Come, let's go. Let's go.
Mr. Lover, I knew that you
would get this marriage canceled.
But what is this issue of100 crores?
Should I tell you
everything today itself?.
What's the rush?
Where are you going?
You are here.
Polish them.
Balli, what kind of a law is this?
The law is according to the place.
Uncle, including this
house and other things.. will manage to
arrange 100 crores, right?
You, too, wouldn't
want my deceased father.. owe a loan to anyone, right?
Listen, assistant.
- Yes, ma'am.
Come on, let's check the
value of the property.
- Again? No.
Actually I have some work
with him. Not now. Okay?
Fine. We will begin
once your work is done.
Okay, ma'am.
How much work will you do?
You will get tired.
- Everyone is standing here.
It's written in the scriptures,
..the more you work the better it is.
This girl will put
me on streets to beg.
Now I got it.
Why did he break the
alliance with this girl..
..and formed an
alliance with K.K. Modi.
He knows that this girl
has a loan over her head.
- Yes.
Instead of us, you got K.K.
Modi's daughter..
..alliance fixed into Amar's family.
If he has ruined it, he will mend it.
- How?
You know B.K. Modi.
- Who is B.K. Modi?
You only had said that K.K.
Modi has a younger brother.
Yes. Yes. He does. He does.
K.K. Modi has a younger brother.
But what about him?
- His money.
What about his money?
You only had said..
- What? That he is richer..
..than his elder brother
when it comes to money.
Yes. Yes. I said so.
But what about him?
- His daughter.
- Daughter.
His daughter's..
mother will also be there.
What about his daughter?
You had taken the responsibility
of getting her married.
Wow, Balli. No matter what you
say that's a great condition.
Not condition, connection.
- Whatever.
But tell him Mr. Modi's conditions.
Yes, ma'am. Coming.
I'll go and check the property.
I'll see how much worth it is.
Darling Balli, what
conditions do these Modis have?
''Forgot tradition and became ready.''
''If they get it right
they will make it big.''
''Money can make you do anything.''
- Brother!
Where is your party?
Has gone to pickup
your party at the airport.
Where did she come from?
Did you call her?
It feels very nice to see the
two of you together today, uncle.
Now my problem is also over.
Now both of you
decide who I should marry.
Dear, you should forget Veer.
Last night your mother
visited me in my dreams.
And she said, ''Veer isn't
good enough for my Sanjana.''
So the confusion is over. I
will get married to Yuvraj.
No, no, no, no, no, dear.
Yuvraj is absolutely useless.
Your mother visited me
in my dreams as well.
She started crying.
She said, ''Brother,
don't ruin my Sanjana's life.
More tears.
What about me?
Will I stay single all my life?
- Not at all, dear.
We, your uncles are there for you.
We will find someone
good enough for you.
Nice, capable and decent.
We will have a grand wedding for you.
Why do you worry, dear? We
are there for you. - Yes.
Okay, uncle.
Whatever you feel is right.
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
Meet him. He's my younger brother..
- B.K..
B.K. Modi.
- Yes. - Modi.
Look who it is.
How are you, Ballu?
Hi, B.K. How are you?
You look fit.
I think sister-in-law's
love has played its trick.
How is sister-in-law, Sakku?
She's absolutely fine. She
keeps talking about all of you.
How is B.K? What is
he doing these days?
That's fine.
Mr. Modi, the girls
didn't come with you?
To hell with the girls.
- What? - What?
He means say hello
to Naina and Sunaina.
Yes, they are the apple
of their mothers' eyes.
- Sunaina.
They both are great, aren't they?
Walk straight.
What are you thinking about, uncle?
What are you thinking about?
I couldn't recognize
the other Modi as well.
Uncle, this means it's not
an illness but an imagination.
You mean the character I
think about, comes to life?
Yes. You have the power.
Otherwise, how is it possible, uncle.
What will we call a
person with such imagination?
We cannot call him human.
You mean I am.. God?
The Creator.
The creator of the universe.
How they address God. Idiots.
He has regained consciousness.
Now we will have fun.
Start that.
Mr. Chaudhary, he is out of coma,
but he is unable to speak.
How can he not speak?
Son.. Tell me, who was he?
Speak up. Tell me. Who was he?
Tell me, son.
Try to speak.
why is he pointing towards you?
Balli. This means you..
No, sir. I cannot even
put a comma to sentence.
How can I put him into coma?
Mr. Chaudhary, your son
is still not out of coma.
His mind is spinning hence he is
moving his finger here and there.
Look, now he is pointing towards him.
Mr. Chaudhary, your
son's condition is so bad..
..that he might even
point his finger towards you.
Oh, my. The son is
pointing towards his father.
Please go out. The
patient is getting hyper.
Doctor, make my son get well soon.
Because the day he
will come out of coma..
..someone else will go into coma.
Let's go.
Let's go.
There are so many
sorrows in this world.
Your sorrow is so less.
You aren't able to say anything..
..because of your unconscious state.
And he cannot say anything
even when he is conscious.
So sad is this and how bad is that.
Sir. No, sir. Madam..
- Move back. I don't care.
Please sir. Sir, please.
- It's not my problem.. to with whom Mr. Chaudhary.. having his
breakfast and his lunch.
Mr. Chaudhary, I've been
looking for you all over the city.
And you are having fun over here.
You are having parties.
I'm being pressurized by the bank.
I keep getting phone calls.
Tell me what you want to do.
Mr. Modi, you are here?
What a pleasant surprise.
Hello, sister-in-law.
- Hello, brother.
Sister-in-law, it seems like
you have come here on a holiday.
No, brother. Our daughters are
getting that with the brothers-in-law.
They are getting married
with the brothers-in-law.
Mr. Suraj.
- Yes.
Your brother-in-law Veer was
going to marry your niece, right?
Niece? Who is his niece?
Here she is. Sanjana.
She is a very nice girl.
Why do you want to get
related to us instead of her?
Actually, what happened was..
- For Sanjana's happiness.
Sanjana doesn't like
Veer and that's why..
..Mr. Chaudhary cancelled
the wedding.
Great people.
This is very that.
- Good. - Good. Avery good thing.
But brother, it's wrong as well.
Look brother, there is a young
unmarried girl in their family.
And they are getting their
brothers-in-law married.
It is wrong, isn't it?
It is not so. Mr. Chaudhary is
looking for a suitable boy for her.
He will get her married as
soon as he finds a suitable boy.
Take your time and find a boy.
We are here for four days.
Look, first Sanjana will get
married then our daughters will.
But Mr. Modi..
- No ifs or buts.
Consider this to be our that.
- Condition. - Our condition.
- Another condition?
Don't worry. All the
four Chaudharys are charged.
They will do something in four days.
Great people.
People, everybody join me please.
''Whether you are a
crescent or the moonlight.''
''No matter what you are..''
''..I swear on God, you are great.''
Clap, everyone.
Brother, the Chaudharys
might get a heart attack..
..listening to your conditions.
Brother has kept a condition
ofSanjana's wedding. - Yes.
But you'll have to give the idea
that our Prem will be her groom.
This condition has been
kept to give this idea.
But they are very dangerous people.
If they find out the truth..
There is one person who
is very dangerous. Lehri.
He is very smart.
But he has already
said such a big lie..
..that now if he tells the truth,
he will be the first one to die.
'Okay, so this is his
family and not the Modi family.'
Mr. Balidaan.
The poor thing is
standing as a statue.
Fine, I will bring it into life.
Brother. Brother. Brother.
I have come here
to tell you a secret.
Here he is. Here he is.
You are doing pushups?
No, I'm pushing the ground down.
Keep guiet. Keep guiet.
Tell me, who am I?
Am I God? Am I a human being?
Who am I?
You are the first God with has
been made by this human being.
What not have you made me?
Now even I have forgotten who I am.
I have become the Aamir
Khan in the movie 'Gajani'.
Look here. Look at this.
You have no idea how difficult
it is to write on your back!
You played such a big
game with a genius like me..
..who has written such a famous book?
Give me the book, please.
Here you go, genius.
I won't let you win
as long as I am alive.
What will I do?
Mr. Balli, Mr.
Chaudhary is calling you.
Go. You have been summoned.
Yes. Yes, I've put
the ball in the hole.
I've learnt to play golf.
This is how we used to
play marbles as well.
You are right.
- Greetings, sir.
Come. Come, Mr. Balidaan. Come.
You summoned me?
We have known each other since ages.
Why don't we turn this
acguaintance into a relationship?
I didn't get you.
Your nephew Prem and
our niece Sanjana.
Let's get them married.
- No.
No, this marriage cannot take place.
Why not?
You are a servant.
We are your employer.
You don't like the
respect we are giving you?
Why cannot this
marriage take place, uncle?
We are their loyal servants.
We have to pay them back
in someway or the other.
Right, uncle?
- Don't touch me.
You see, the girl has a loan
of100 crores over her head.
That too of the World Bank.
Who will pay it back? You?
We will pay it back.
We are going to get
millions from the Modis.
You can keep 100-125 out of it.
Not 125, only 100 crores.
The amount of the loan.
After that even if you
sent your daughter..
..without any clothes on,
we will accept her.
Right, uncle? We accept it, don't we?
- Yes.
Sanjana, my child..
I accept this match, uncle.
Uncle, your teeth will break
if you will grind them so hard.
Mr. Chaudhary, there is a problem.
This Lehri keeps saying that Sanjana..
..had eloped with a
boy during her wedding.
If someone comes to know
about it on my wedding day..
..then my uncle will be defamed.
Can you please take
care of this Lehri, sir?
Go and find Lehri.
Get him here.
Yes, Mr. Chaudhary?
Who eloped with Sanjana?
- This..
What is this that you are asking me?
I had shown you the photograph.
A lie.
You are lying.
He had eloped with Sanjana.
You are right.
He had eloped with her.
Forgive me, I had lied.
He is the one
I had given a lift to.
Henceforth, this is what
you should tell everyone.
Got it?
Are you happy now, Prem?
Yes, Mr. Chaudhary.
Mr. Lehri, you don't
know what a big favour.. have done to my
uncle and the Chaudhary family.
God will surely send you to heaven.
Congratulations, Balli.
You became their that.
What is it? Yes, their relative.
Mr. Modi, you are the
one who gave us this idea.
Otherwise, how could
we ever think of this?
Have this.
Why did you
unnecessarily take the that. Trouble.
You go and have your meal.
We'll all have together.
No, we don't know
how long we will take.
Why should you stay that
because of us? Hungry.
Go, have your meal.
- I love you.
That's great, Mr. Modi.
At your place the women
eat before the men do.
At our place, till we do eat,
the women will die but..
..not touch the food.
This is wrong.
Look, women live in a
very that world. Small.
It begins from and ends at us.
The house and kids.
She is that in them. What
is it said? Yes, restricted.
Hence it is our duty
to look after them.
We should love them.
We should always keep them that.
We should keep them happy.
What happened?
Nothing. You have your meal.
Before you?
So what?
If I drink all night along..
..will you stay
hungry till the morning?
What is wrong with you, today?
I love you.
- Yes, Shalani.
Now I will always call you Shalu.
And henceforth,
you can eat before me.
Why so?
- Because I love you.
Thank you.
Prem is nowhere to be seen.
Sanjana is not here either.
They got what they wanted.
The lovebirds must be
busy at some corner.
Yes, so what is wrong in that?
They both that to each other.
They love each other.
They are going to get married.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
Come, let's go and
have some food. Come on.
Look, Prem and Sanjana
are also back. Come on.
The bride and
the groom are also here.
Let me make an announcement.
I have decided that this
marriage won't take place.
Once again uncle must have
gone into the 100 crore loop..
..after having a
little too much to drink.
Balli, what are you saying?
Keep guiet. Keep guiet.
You are saying Balli
and sacrificing me
This marriage won't take place.
If uncle doesn't want this
marriage to take place then..
Without uncle, I don't
want to marry like an orphan.
Since when did you
become an orphan, you liar?
Here he is. Your father is
here in a three-piece suit.
He is here.
Fine. Fine. Fine, Ballu.
If you are breaking
your that with him.
Then I will form a that with him.
What is it? Yes, a relationship.
Henceforth, I am your father.
And I am your mother.
I'm your uncle.
I'm your aunt.
If you are falling short of relatives
then I, too, shall become one?
Why.. Why would you become anyone?
You are his uncle.
Keep it fixed.
Then it is fixed.
- Yes.
Henceforth, I am his uncle.
- And I am his aunt.
Look at that. They all
are telling the truth.
can't you see the truth?
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't do this. Don't do this.
No matter how he is,
he is my uncle.
My real uncle.
I'll make him understand.
Uncle, you saw how
many relatives I have now?
It won't make a difference
if I have one uncle less.
Yes, uncle.
On one hand your final
rites will be performed..
..and on the other
my wedding ceremony.
Correct. - But this
wedding will surely take place.
Yes, so I will prepare
for the wedding. - Yes.
''You always keep following me.''
''You always keep following me.''
''Beloved, please help me find it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''Keep looking for it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''You always keep following me.''
''You always keep following me.''
''Beloved, please help me find it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''Keep looking for it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''I've lost it. I've lost it.''
''What is this that my love has done!''
''It made me famous among the lovers.''
''What is this that my love has done!''
''It made me famous among the lovers.''
''Whoever I greet with
a smile is sguandered.''
''Look, what my style has done today!''
''Look, what my style has done today!''
''It destroyed all the hearts here.''
''What my style has done today!''
''You always keep following me.''
''You always keep following me.''
''Beloved, please help me find it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''Keep looking for it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''I regret looking at you.''
''My heart is now no longer mine.''
''My heart has betrayed me.''
''I always keep waiting for you.''
''My innocent heart awaits your love.''
''You have given me
a strange disease.''
''I've lost it.''
''I banter beauty.''
''Your kindness feels like cruelty.''
''I've lost it.''
''This is what everyone
is saying now.''
''Look, what my style
has done today!''
''Look, what my style
has done today!''
''It destroyed all the hearts here.''
''What my style has done today!''
''You made me lose my patience.''
''I don't know when you
had an effect on me.''
''Your magic worked.''
''Only you know how I became yours.''
''I lost my sleep
following your paths.''
''What you said managed to fool me.''
''I've lost it.''
''For a moment or two,
I became your guest.''
''Everything you had has
been sacrificed to me.''
''I've lost it.''
''I have lost my peace and my heart,
too, suffered a loss.''
''Look, what my style has done today!''
''Look, what my style has done today!''
''It destroyed all the hearts here.''
''What my style has done today!''
''I've lost it.''
''I've lost it.''
''You always keep following me.''
''You always keep following me.''
''Beloved, please help me find it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
''Keep looking for it.''
''I've lost my nose ring.''
Someone stop me.
By the way, Prem..
- Yes?
Have you come here
to show the necklace..
..your family has bought
for her or to see Sanjana?
I had come to congratulate
all of you.
This is the first love marriage
taking place in your family.
Yes, of course.
You came from the
hospital on the right day.
Come, I'll introduce you
to Sanjana's future husband.
Don't you want to get ready?
- Ready?
Come on, go. Go.
- I am ever ready.
Ask Sanjana.
Prem, look who is here.
He is the one.
He is the one who hit me
with his car.
I went into coma because of him.
He was the one who
eloped with Sanjana.
Look, Veer, Yuvraj.
Sanjana and Prem love each other.
That means everyone is a
part of Prem's conspiracy.
I'll take care of you later,
you wrenched woman.
We will first..
..take care of you.
You are flying too high.
Do you love to fly?
Yes, we do.
- What will you do?
Nothing, boys. I'll just
help you fulfil your dream.
Where shall I keep it?
We will have to tell brother-in-law
about his true identity.
Fools, not the true identity,
but a false one.
Never underestimate
three things in life.
I, me and myself.
Thank you.
No one can deport the one
who has the family's support.
I am someone who can drown a fish.
What can you three.. do to me?
Go, Veer. Go, Yuvraj.
I'll see how he stops you.
Let's go.
You are sleeping even
after coming out of coma?
Do you remember your name?
- Aryan, go into flashback.
And see what I had done to you.
Where did he go?
He left right in front of you.
Mr. Modi.
- Yes.
Mr. Modi.
- What happened?
Mr. Modi.
- What happened?
We know the truth
about that scoundrel Prem.
He is not Balli's nephew.
- He isn't the real Modi either.
He is my real uncle. A Kapoor.
- Yes, nephew.
- Uncle, catch them.
We'll see you.
- We'll see you.
Prem, I'll go with you.
- You handle the ladies inside.
I'm a Modi. I'm a Modi. I'm a Modi.
Aryan, let's go.
Save us. Save us.
One.. two.. three.
The keys.
The keys are with me.
Take it.
Come here.. Come here..
That way. That way.
Side effects of too much
rajma chawal (a rice dish).
O God!
Card. Card.
- Thank you.
Call me.
No pee me. Pee them.
Hey, stop peeing there.
Stop him. Stop him.
Let's go. Let's go.
Stop there.
Let's go fast.
You are a dead man.
We won't spare you.
What's this new drama.
Sanjana reminds me of
our sister Shibani today.
Yes, brother. Our
Sanjana looks so happy.
I'm ready to go to the moon for her.
Uncle, looking at her I
feel that I won't even need..
..the almond flavoured milk.
You know there is a that. A custom.
Yes, but till date I've never
got that of that custom. A need.
You, too?
- Yes.
Stop this wedding.
Dear good people,
someone stop them.
Aryan, you are back
from the hospital.
But who did this to you?
That beguiler, Prem.
We have been cheated
in such a big way.
Why did you do this to us? Why?
Mr. Chaudhary, this was
Sanjana's mother's desire.
And there was a belief in her wish.
Her wish was that you
two get Sanjana married..
..and give her your blessings.
And she believed that.. two brothers will
unite because of this marriage.
That means you really
made a fool out of us.
You cheated us with 500 crores.
That means he is not a Modi.
And they are your uncles.
Listen, you idiots.
That's what I've been
telling you since so long.
But you didn't listen to me.
You didn't listen to me as well.
Then tell them now.
No, you only tell them.
God sent you down here but He
forgot to give you any brains.
You didn't change even after
seeing the goodness in him?
But I have changed.
From now on I will be
a true uncle to Prem.
Let me see who tries
to touch my nephew.
Come on.
Here you go.
You will touch my nephew.
No, I am here to give
you a hand, sir. - Okay.
Sir, being with them till
date I have only washed cars.
Being with you, I am sure
I will thrash a person or two.
Great. Great.
Come on, let's begin the thrashing.
We are the five good men..
..and you are the two evil uncles.
Hippo Amar Chaudhary, you
will get crushed in their fight.
Come here.
Fools, what are you
waiting for? Shoot them all.
We have come to attend the wedding.
We support love and not hatred.
Prem has changed us.
By giving double the money.
Let's go, hired goons.
Prem, you continue.
It's inauspicious to
stop that in the middle.
That.. that..
- The wedding vows.
The wedding vows. The wedding vows.
Come on.
Let's go.
Priest, hurry up.
Otherwise, my father and the
rest of them will get thrashed.
Can I hold it?
Shall I start walking?
Come on, son.
Priest, please hurry up.
I'll shut down your World Bank.
Fast. Fast.
I'm safe.
This will be fine, Choudhary.
This is too much.
Prem, you can get another wife..
..but you won't get another father.
Today, for the first time a
woman has said something sensible.
Go, Prem.
Prem, you won't get a better
chance to remove your shirt.
Show your body.
- I won't.
- He has become fat. Fat.
What shall I say?
Enjoyed it?
Mr. Chaudhary, I am
here to form relations..
..and not to break bones.
Anyway, at our place we don't even
look into the eyes of senior citizens.
Raising a hand on them
is a farfetched thing.
Hence, chill and relax,
Mr. Chaudhary.
Chill and relax.
Saw that? This is what
is called good values.
But are miles away from it.
Yes, you only know
the meaning of greed..
..selfishness and deception.
You didn't even bother about
my mother, you deceased sister.
How low will you stoop for money?
My child is absolutely right.
On one hand this boy is making
sacrifices for his future wife.
And on the other it's you guys..
..who since ages have been
making your wives sacrifice.
I'm feeling ashamed.. call both of you my sons.
Shame on you.
Hey old man, have you lost your mind.
Father. Get up, father.
Don't you dare! He is our father.
I will cut your hand
if you even touch him.
And I will break your jaw
if you misbehave with him.
He lied. He cheated everyone.
And you are..
They aren't even Modis.
What difference does
the name make, son?
A person is known for his deeds.
And then, when have we
ever acted like Chaudharys?
We have instead
demeaned the Chaudhary name.
They are the real Chaudharys.
No, we are very
satisfied being Kapoors.
How can he be a Chaudhary?
He has made us fight.
Brother-in-law, we
should take revenge from him.
Revenge for what?
We should seek revenge
because he made us human?
We should seek revenge because.. changing relations he changed us.
We brothers have
been enemies since ages.
But today when our father got
hurt our hearts felt the pain.
Should we seek revenge for that?
We should learn from this family.
Just being a part of a family
doesn't make you a dear one.
A member is a dear one
when you accept him.
Sorry. Sir..
We hold our ears and say..
..that we will never
act like goons again.
And we will never be
greedy for money.
And one more thing, sir.
Mr. Modi, what is
your original surname.
- Mr. Kapoor, please forgive us.
And accept us.
Let us be a part of this
wedding along with our girl, please.
Chaudharys plus
Kapoors eguals to Chapoors.
Mrs. Chapoor.
Oh, my, Mrs. Chapoor.
Someone stop her.
One, Two, Three,
Four, Five, Six, Ready.
''In 12 months I'll express my
love to you in different ways.''
''Now I think I won't
be able to survive..''
''..even for 12 minutes without you.''
''I'll write you some poems..''
''..on 12th ofJanuary.''
''I'll send you kohl
on 12th of February.''
''It will save my
darling from all evil eyes.''
''Come into my dreams
on 12th of March.''
''Come to my dreams
and drive me crazy.''
''On 12th of April..''
''..bring some stars for me.''
''I will send you warmth in winter.''
''I think I will come to your
home by 12th ofSeptember.''
''And on the 12th of October..''
''..we will enjoy
the sunset together.''
''By 12th of November..''
'' would've
surrendered your heart.''
''We will settle the
matter on 12th of October..''
'' putting
a stamp on this heart.''
''There will be no cars,
there will be no mare..''
''I will bring the
wedding procession by foot.''
''Now I think I won't
be able to survive..''
''..even for 12 minutes
without you.''