Red Eagle (2010)

The upcoming general election
will see a tight battle
between two major parties,
the People's Party and the Liberal Party.
The campaigning has grown intense
as election day nears.
Polls have indicated that
the opposition People's Party
is leading its rival by a wide margin.
But the new Liberal Party
is fighting tooth and nail.
Their leader is Direk,
a former NGO activist
who'll deliver his final speech today.
He hopes to rally the masses
who've fought with him before
to come out and give his party a final push.
Brothers and sisters,
it's time for people's politics.
We've waited in vain
as government after government
gave us empty promises that came to nothing
and crushed our hopes over and over again.
We can't wait any longer.
Now it's time to write the destiny
of our nation with our own hands!
I promise you.
If I win this election,
I'll call off plans to build
this scandalous nuclear power plant.
Folks, remember his name.
Direk Damrongprapa.
Leader of the Liberal Party,
and the next prime minister of Thailand!
In your view, do you think
the culture of corruption
has reached a crisis point?
I always stress that
conflict of interest
is like a tumor in Thai society.
It's eating us from the inside
without us noticing.
In you opinion, Professor,
what should normal citizens
like us do to cure the illness
that's crippling our society?
Should we sit still,
or should we do something to change it?
At the moment,
Thai society is being stifled
by what I'd like to call the surplus
of righteous discourse.
What's that?
We keep blabbering about
how everybody should do good things.
But look around,
I don't see anybody doing anything good.
Thai society is longing for a hero.
A hero must show himself to solve
the crisis of the nation.
Come on, I don't believe in heroes.
We keep asking for a hero
but have we really ever seen one?
How many times have we put our hopes
in a so-called hero
only for him to turn out to be a crook
who robbed the country blind?
I think we should stop
fantasizing about heroes.
Or a knight in shining armor.
Such a thing doesn't exist.
So what else do you think
we can put our hopes in?
We must believe in the power of the individual,
in the power inside all of us.
I think a hero already exists
inside each of us.
We all have a hero inside.
It's up to us whether we'll
to set him free or not.
Who's that?
Who're you?
This is the night of danger and fear
But I'd risk my life,
just to have you near
Red Eagle
Maybe it's fate, maybe it's a misfortune
That makes my heart struggle to be near you
Every night and day,
I fight whatever stands in my way
To keep you safe and warm
I'm a man lost in a maze without a light
But your love guides me
through the darkest night
So I'm not afraid,
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid,
I'm not afraid
So I'm not afraid,
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
What happened?
The government betrayed us.
They sent infiltrators to get us fighting.
Vasana, you should run.
Or you'll be in trouble.
I won't.
The government must come clean about this.
I'll go to Bangkok.
I'll sort this out with the Prime Minister.
You have 5 minutes, Miss Vasana.
He has a tight schedule.
I won't take too long.
What do you want from me?
I don't have the right
to want anything from you.
Your Excellency.
I'm here as an ordinary citizen.
Will you cut the sarcasm?
Say what you're here to say, I'm in a hurry.
It's about the nuclear power plant.
It's already out of my hands.
It's the cabinet's decision.
I can't do anything about it.
I know.
And I'm not here to beg for your help.
I'm here to ask you
about the mob of agitators sent
to break up the protest.
That wasn't my order.
I know nothing about it.
Then who did?
Who gave the order? Vasana.
Has it ever cross your mind
that maybe it was an
internal conflict in your NGO
that led to the clash?
Everytime there's a new mob,
you point a finger at the government.
But isn't it true?
You know it in your heart.
Didn't the government
take the local committee on an overseas trip?
When they returned, they changed side
and became supporters of the plant.
Divide and rule,
that's your specialty.
I don't want to fight with you.
I'm telling you one more time.
As a prime minister
I have to see things in perspective.
A nuclear power plant is essential.
People in the provinces
have to make sacrifices
for the whole country.
How many times have the villagers
been made to sacrifice
in the name of national interests?
How many dams and coal mines?
If you really think the power plant is safe,
why don't you build one next to your own house?
Are you done?
I have a meeting to attend.
Do you remember
your promises during the election?
I'm a politician.
I have to do whatever it takes to win.
Kashen, see her out.
I once had faith in you.
You were the hope for all of us.
Then one day you disappointed me.
But never before
have you disgusted me like you just did today.
This was his first case from three years ago.
A watchman opened the warehouse in the morning
and found 20 dead bodies.
Not a single eyewitness.
Everybody there was killed.
This guy's Gesha.
The boss of the Gator gang.
He was shot in the knee.
His left hand was hacked off.
We also found 10 kilograms of pure heroine
stuffed into his mouth.
Detective, take a look at this.
The Matulee symbol.
The Matulee is an underground organization
whose secret members include criminals
and influential politicians.
Look at this body.
See that?
The Red Eagle.
Yes, every time he kills,
he leaves a namecard on the body
to make sure everybody knows it's him.
I think Red Eagle is just a lunatic,
or a psychopathic killer.
Chief, think about it.
Who in his right mind
would put on a costume
and go out to murder people?
This guy's nuts.
A total head case.
I'll assign you the Red Eagle case.
Check the files
from his previous murders for clues.
Most importantly,
I want a report on your progress
on my desk next week.
Next week!
All by myself!
Come in.
You're here.
Let me introduce you to
Sergeant Singh...
what's your last name again?
Chandarakumara, sir.
Detective Chart Wuttikrai,
your new boss. Get acquainted.
Are you sure he's not a roti vendor?
Excuse me, Excuse me
Sir, any progress
on the anti child abduction bill?
Not now please. Sir. Just a moment, sir.
These reporters are a handful.
What's this, sir?
It's nothing.
She must be asking for an exclusive interview.
I should ask for something in return.
Stop the car!
Get that bitch!
Go! Go now!
Since the 1980s,
the construction of nuclear
power plants around the world
has dwindled considerably.
Especially in the US and Europe.
Do you know why?
Because of the explosion at the
Chernobyl nuclear plant in Soviet.
were killed instantly.
The radioactivity it released
contaminated the atmosphere
over nearby countries
and parts of Europe.
The International Atomic Energy Agency
have found that the radioactive residue
from that disaster
is still producing effects now.
Over 200,000 people
have died as a result.
I have no idea where
you've got your information.
But right now
the country urgently needs
to improve our competitive capacity.
is our necessary driving force.
Let me ask you,
if we give up the nuclear power,
where do we get our energy
since the world will soon
run out of petroleum?
We're not being unreasonable.
But the government claims
that the nuclear power plant
is our only choice
and has rushed to approve it's construction
without studying the environmental impact.
This is what we're protesting against.
You're only good at protesting.
How can the country move forward, huh?
If we keep moving forward and we're blindfolded,
we'll walk right into a disaster.
Hey, you're not a reporter.
I recognize you.
You're in the Nuclear Advocacy Committee.
We've met in a debate before, right?
Ladies and gentlemen,
We've heard the views of Vasana,
leader of the network
that opposes the nuclear power plant.
We've heard her points about...
He's in his mid-40s.
Wearing glasses
like a technocrat.
He rushed out before the bomb went off.
Do you know his name?
No, I don't.
You can check from the registration.
go check it.
Yes, sir.
You are...
Vasana. Vasana Tienpradab.
Vasana Tienpradab...
I see.
Your name rings the bell.
You're the prime minister's fiancee, right?
Ex. Ex-fiancee.
I must have missed the news.
By the way,
what brought the PM's ex-fiancee
to the opposition office?
It's a long story.
I'll have to go to the hospital.
It's me, sir.
Shithead! You scare me
shitless sneaking in like that!
Don't panic, sir.
I've had our men secure
the perimeters of the house.
Even a fly couldn't get through.
Then what's this?!
Not even a fly huh?
Even a fly couldn't get through.
I'm dead!
Red Eagle is coming to get me tonight!
I should've told the police.
Don't stress out, boss.
I've prepared something
to calm your nerves.
Come on. Come on.
I'll leave you to take care of them.
Enjoy, boss.
I'll go check on our men.
Hei, Go check the back.
I'll take over from here.
Yes, sir.
Send someone to check Camera C.
Shit! An intruder!
Damn it!
Go check over there.
Over there!
Over there...
Good morning, Miss Vasana.
Hi, officer.
How's your injury?
I'm all right now.
Just a little shrapnel from the explosion.
The doctor has already released me.
Would you like me to help?
Thanks. I'm fine.
I have some follow-
up questions.
Do you have time?
Would you mind if I get changed
while answering your questions?
Not at all.
Go on, officer.
I've checked your profile.
Dr Vasana Tienpradab,
PhD in geology from Harvard University.
Your family is one of the 10
richest clans in Thailand.
Now you're an NGO activist campaigning
on environmental issues,
is that correct?
You've done your homework.
I hope I haven't become a suspect.
What I don't understand is
why a rich and beautiful woman like you
would go help poor villagers
protest against the nuclear power plant?
An officer like you
doesn't understand simple things.
Thank you, officer
This officer has a name, Chart.
Lieutenant Chart Wuttikrai.
Just call me Detective Chart.
Call me if you think of something useful.
Good bye, officer.
we've got a situation.
He's a real psychopath.
The namecard. As usual.
But this time
it has your name on it.
How did he know me?
It's a card drive.
Sarge, play it.
Detective Chart. Don't look so surprised.
You don't know me, but I know you well.
Senator Somkuan
is a first-class hypocrite.
To the public he's a saint,
a crusader against child prostitution.
But actually,
this filth is addicted
to having sex with young girls.
These girls were kidnapped
and tortured.
Some of them were already dead.
When the law fails to bring him to justice
I'll have no choice
but to hand out my own sentence.
I am
Red Eagle.
Red Eagle.
I can't believe that
a respectable man
like Senator Somkuan
could turn out to be a fake.
maybe we really need a hero like Red Eagle
to go out and get rid off these scumbags
A hero?
You call him a hero?
This guy's a murderer.
He's got some nerve to kill a senator.
I'll never let him go scot-free.
I'll bust Red Eagle's balls myself.
For years, this mysterious man
has declared himself an enemy of Matulee.
You must still remember the last time
when we thought we'd killed him.
But in fact,
he's still alive.
Our units have reported that
have already been whacked by him.
Many more have received death threats.
Our members are panicked
and demand us to come up
with a swift retaliation measure.
So I declare
Red Eagle
as Matulee's number-one enemy
who must be killed immediately.
Secretary, please.
Mr Chairman and Distinguished Members.
Our assembly has decided
to hire an assassin
to hunt down Red Eagle.
The man whom we have chosen
for this mission is
a ruthless assassin known as
Black Devil.
Black Devil is a demonic assassin
whose face nobody has ever seen.
He works alone,
and moves with the ominous stealth
like the shadow of Death.
He's inhumanly brutal
and kills for pleasure.
His weapon is an AK-47
and a strangely-shaped saber,
so razor-sharp
it can slice through steel.
Red Eagle.
Red Eagle...
Red Eagle.
you got anything?
No sir.
He used a new voice altering software
that we cannot crack.
I knew it.
The police are always
one step behind the criminals.
Can we scan his profile from this clip?
Yes, we can.
Do it then,
and ask our lab to perform a deep scan,
and erase the mask from his face.
This is the only way
to find out the identity of this nut.
Do it now, Sarge.
I'll go out to get some congee.
Do you want some pork congee?
I'll pick up for you.
Damn, you can't eat pork, right?
I'm Sikh, sir.
So you can eat pork!
Two eggs, with lots of liver
and innards, sir.
My client is innocent.
Excuse me! Please allow a let
The witnesses have reversed their statements.
"Pramool acquitted."
"Prosecutors drop charges."
"The witnesses have reversed their statements."
The breaking news is the brutal murder
of this respected senator
by a criminal who calls
himself "Red Eagle".
Let's hear the latest comments
from Captain Montree Sereekul
from Crime Suppression Division.
We have identified the killer.
This is the latest murder
committed by Red Eagle.
He left substantial evidence at the crime scene
and we are certain that he's the perpertrator
as he has claimed to be.
Yes, and this is the first time
that Red Eagle's face
has been revealed by the police
from a secret video clip.
Though the image is not very clear,
it can be assumed that
Red Eagle is a man of under 30,
with fair skin
and a height of around 175 cm.
The police is performing another deep scan
to unmask face of this criminal.
We'll keep you updated
on the lastest developments.
Let's move on to another controversial case
about the explosion at
the opposition party yesterday.
Our reporter contacted Dr. Vasana Tienpradab,
leader of the protest against
the nuclear power plant,
who was holding a press conference
with the opposition leader
when the bomb went off.
She was slightly injured by the explosion.
She told us that before the bomb exploded,
a man was arguing with her,
but when she recognized him
as a government official,
he rushed out of the room.
A minute later the bomb went off.
The opposition has tabled the motion to stop
The opposition has tabled the motion to stop
the construction of the nuclear power plant.
The construction of the nuclear power plant.
The construction of the nuclear power plant.
The construction of the nuclear power plant.
We're not sure there's something behind this.
We're not sure there's something behind this.
When will you see me again?
We have to check those who're
in the official committee.
My sources have told me
that most of them were sent
by New Nuke Corp.
Yes, one of them used to work
at a power plant in Finland.
We must dig out their profiles
and give them to the press
we'll have an advantage,
because the villagers will realize that
these people are paid by foreign capitalists.
Take care yourself, Jaral.
When I'm done here
I'll go see you. Bye.
Music Playing :
But when will you be here to stay?
Music Playing :
When will our hearts meet again?
Music Playing :
Tell me where you are
Music Playing :
and I'll go there
Music Playing :
This love is so strong and I do not care
Get in the car now!
You're so clumsy! Faster!
Ok, Going now!
Please don't die!
The bullet came in
under his right eye
and is lodged in the back of his skull
It's extremely dangerous.
I can't operate on him,
I've never seen anything like this before.
It's a miracle that he didn't die.
Will he be all right?
We have to wait until he regains consciousness.
he's past the critical stage.
When he wakes up,
he will suffer from severe headache.
He'll need morphine for that.
I'll teach you how to inject it.
It's simple.
So, Vasana,
will you tell me who he is?
You'd better off not knowing, Wichai.
Promise me you'll keep this a secret.
Never tell a soul about it.
Don't make a sound!
You know my identity.
I'll have to kill you.
Go on.
So Red Eagle can kill
even the person who saved his life.
Did you tell the police?
If I'd told them you wouldn't have been here.
If I were you...
Stay calm.
It's the headache.
I said stay calm.
Are you all right?
Is that you, Rome?
Can you hear me?
I've kept you with me
In the deepest part of me
You promised to come back to me
But when will you be here to stay?
When will our hearts meet again?
Rome, where are you?
This love is so strong and I do not care
He's just a small-time crook.
But you've let him
go around making threats!
You're useless!
What a waste of taxpayers' money!
We're doing everything we can.
But Red Eagle...
is not a small-time crook
like you think.
And we've just got an important lead.
Mr. Pramool, calm down,
we'll take care of everything.
Calm down?
How can I calm down,
when Red Eagle has marked me as his target?
If he could kill a senator,
what chance does an
ordinary citizen like me have?
What chance does an
ordinary citizen like me have?
Well, I don't think
you're an ordinary citizen.
Most of Red Eagle's
victims are criminals
and filthy politicians.
You don't know me,
but the police chief knows me well.
One phone call
and you'll sleep in the gutter tonight!
And you'll sleep in the gutter tonight!
Is that a threat?
Is that a threat?
Go on! Here's the phone!
Make the call!
Make the call!
How could you let your man
threaten me like that?
It's you who threatened me!
If I weren't an officer
I would smack your face right now.
See! He's threatening me!
You want to test me?
A big shot, huh?
both of you!
Mr Pramool,
I promise I'll send my men
to watch you around the clock.
I guarantee that Red Eagle won't be able to
pull off his tricks again.
Mark my word.
If I get even a single scratch,
I'll make sure the whole
precinct is transferred.
Who the hell does he think he is
to threaten us with a transfer?!
You should've let me slug him in the face.
Don't mess with these people.
They can pull strings
and really get us kicked out of here.
We should let Red Eagle teach them a lesson.
We should let Red Eagle teach them a lesson.
So, what are you going to do?
we have to send someone to protect him.
Chief, let me do it.
Are you sure?
You'll start another catfight.
Don't worry, I have a plan.
I'll use this idiot Pramool
to lure Red Eagle into a trap.
This time I'll catch this lunatic,
either dead or alive.
They say the villains in Thai movies
always overact.
But look at this villain in real life.
Here's a masterclass in overacting.
Anyway, all set?
I have two Humvees parked outside.
They're ready to charge at your command, sir.
You go and look around.
I'll radio you if something happens.
Yes, sir.
Red Eagle,
I wish you're really coming.
All of you, get out!
Get out!
Go pee somewhere else!
Get out! Get out!
All clear, Boss.
You're fucking slow! I wanna shit.
And don't let anybody in.
Yes, sir.
Hey, I said no one in here!
My arm!
Sarge, I think he's here.
Something happens in the toilet.
I'm going there now.
Stop! Put your gun down!
Red Eagle,
you're not going anywhere.
We've surrounded the place.
Put it down, slowly.
Sarge, he's at the emergency escape.
Order all teams to charge.
Yes, sir.
Jesus, what a fuck is that now?
Target is moving towards Rachada junction.
All units, proceed there now!
Patrol. Do you hear me?
Patrol, patrol.
The bastard is sleeping again.
Shit! Alien invasion! Call 911!
Red Eagle must be inside.
All teams, proceed now.
Follow me!
Search the place. Shoot on sight,
no need to wait my order!
Yes, sir.
Over there!
Team A, follow me downstairs.
Team B, lock down the exit.
Go go go!
He's coming.
Red Eagle, stop!
He's on another lift,
go upstairs. Move!
Hold on!
He's going back down again, follow me.
Force the doors open.
Shit, this is...
this is fucking tiring.
Is there any other exit?
The store was designed to have only one exit
to maximize security.
If you block this exit,
he won't be able to escape.
So, is the guy
who broke in really Red Eagle?
It'll be headline news tomorrow.
We'll be famous!
If you're done with me,
I'll excuse myself.
I'll go check on the damage.
Let's go.
Fucking Businessman.
Team B. Lock down the front exit.
Arrest anyone who looks suspicious.
you have to see this.
Shit! He's gone!
Block the exit, now!
He got away!
We're being pres sued by several groups
The office of atomic energy
for peace insists we hold
a public hearing first
But I believe the construction can go ahead
because of the cabinet's decision
My only concerns are the censure debate
and the parliamentary voting
in the next two months
that could overthrow the project.
Mr. Prime Minister
There's no need to worry.
Our organization has prepared
measures to take care of that
The parliament will vote in favor of the plant.
I guarantee.
What I need you to do
is get rid off the leaders of the protest
That's too risky
In business,
there's always a risk.
My dear Prime Minister,
I'd like to remind you
if you haven't already forgotten
that the money you used in your campaign
came from us.
All right
I'll come back for your answer.
Good bye Prime Minister
Sir, the Energy Minister is here to see you.
Show him in.
Yes Sir
With the entire precinct and the squad team
and you still couldn't catch him.
Look at my client.
He's beaten to a pulp!
Not a single officer came out
to show responsibility!
To show responsibility!
I'm responsible for this case.
And how will you show your responsibility?
In 7 days
I'll catch Red Eagle and bring him to justice.
A hotshot, huh?
I give you 7 days to drag this piece
of shit out of his hole.
What if you can't do that?
An officer like me is a man of his word.
If I fail, I'll resign.
Detective! There's no need for that.
Mr. Pramool.
Are you misunderstanding something?
We're not your lapdogs!
We're not your lapdogs!
Don't come in here and bark.
You don't know who you're playing with.
What? You have a problem with me?
You dare...
Enough! Chief,
you can wait for a court subpoena.
I'll sue all of you for inefficiency
and failure to perform your duty!
The whole precinct will be transferred.
The whole precinct will be transferred.
Do it! Do it prick!
I'm not afraid of you!
Let's go, let's go.
Chief, that's awesome.
If I were you...
Get back to your work!
When we were students,
the teachers would ask what we wanted
to be when we grew up.
All boys would say the same thing,
either soldiers
or policemen.
But when I joined the force,
it was nothing like I'd ever imagined.
The teachers never told us
that policemen are
actually flunkies for politicians.
I'd rather become a gangster for god's sake.
At least I wouldn't have
to lick these bastards' balls.
Sarge, want one?
No. I don't drink, sir.
It still pisses me off thinking about Red Eagle.
It still pisses me off thinking about Red Eagle.
I almost got him.
But he slipped through my fingers.
Hey, are you here to drink or to sleep?
Let's drink some some!
I'm not drunk.
Rome, we're here.
This jerk is as drunk as a skunk.
Go on. Come on.
Let me go, Chart
Come here.
I'm not drunk.
Not drunk my ass.
You were drunk after the first two bottles.
You were drunk after the first two bottles.
Shit, you're so heavy.
Leave me be, Chart.
I'm not drunk, I can walk.
I will show you how to walk. Not drunk!
You're not drunk.
You're not drunk.
Look at him.
Lately he got drunk so easily.
let's go.
You and Rome seem to be really close.
Yes. We used to be in
the Special Task Force together.
I asked him but he refused.
He said he has to look
after that cold storage wreck.
It's the only thing his father left him.
What a waste.
Rome used to be a top agent in our unit.
Without that mishap,
he wouldn't have been in this shape.
What mishap?
It's a long story. I'll tell you later.
Don't be aggressive! No violence!
Don't use violence.
Don't be aggressive!
No violence!
Where are all the parliamentary police?
Don't use violence.
We're here to hand in the petition,
not to fight.
No. We don't want it!
Don't use violence.
Don't be aggressive!
Don't use violence.
You again?
A little.
Last time you were a plaintiff.
This time...
I'm your suspect, like you always wanted.
Anyway, any progress on the explosion
at the opposition party?
That case?
We haven't got any suspect.
I knew from the start you'd reach a dead end
and everything will fade away.
Not really.
The DSI...
has taken over that case from me.
Now I'm in charge of the Red Eagle case.
Red Eagle?
And have you arrested him?
Not yet.
But you seem interested in this case.
Why's that?
It's a high-profile case,
everybody is interested.
Well... Let's take a look at your case.
That's quite a list of serious charges.
Illegal gathering on state property.
Obstruction of justice.
And an attempted assault on the Prime Minister.
What an honour.
Why don't you just charge me with treason?
You're a sarcastic lady.
Detective, a document for her bail.
I hope we'll see each other again.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Why? You find me unfriendly?
No. I just don't trust policemen.
They're usually on the politicians' payrolls.
Not me.
I hate politicians with a passion.
I'll try to believe that.
Good bye. Detective Chart.
But what a pain in the ass.
Hey! Sarge!
You scared me!
The lab has sent the deep scan of Red Eagle.
Why is it so blurry?
The original clip has a very low resolution.
This is the best they could do.
Then how can we know who he is?
But he looks familiar...
Compare this picture with the criminals' files.
Tell Jai and the kids to be careful.
This is a critical time.
The government will
switch to heavy tactics soon.
I'm on my way.
I should be there tomorrow morning.
See you there.
You stupid punks!
Are you racing to hell?
Fuck you!
Shit, I shouldn't have provoked them!
Don't follow me!
You're dead.
Who's that asshole?
I'll slash that pig's throat!
OK Let's go...
Kill that prick!
Rome, don't leave me again.
Rome. Are you in here?
You haven't stopped using it?
I think I'm addicted to it.
You're not addicted to morphine.
You're addicted to your own pain.
If a hero can't save himself,
how can he save others?
I want to know which is the real you?
Rome Rittikrai, or Red Eagle.
I'm still confused.
Rome, you were so heartless back then.
You left me without a goodbye.
I didn't want to do that.
But I found out that you...
You were the Prime Minister's fiancee.
I had already broken up with him then.
After he won the election,
he became a different person.
Someone I didn't know.
Or maybe he had always been like that,
only that I refused to see him that way.
But... Are you still angry at him?
He was the one who revoked Operation Pali,
and sent a team of assassins to kill us.
He bears full responsibility.
What about you?
Why did you choose to do this job?
A woman like you
can choose any path in life you want.
I didn't choose this path.
It chose me.
I don't know.
Sometimes when I feel lonely
or think about giving up,
I ask myself
what am I fighting for?
all of us are destined to do something.
We just play the role that fate has written.
That's all.
I guarantee you. I'm the only person
in the world who knows
the identity of Red Eagle.
I'll only tell you
when I get the money as we agreed.
I don't want to brag,
I even touched him once.
Had it not been for my financial pressure,
I would never have come to tell you.
Look. If you don't mind,
can I take a look?
What a... What's this?
Where's my money?
Are you messing with me?
What are you doing!? No!
What are you doing?!
What's this?! No!
I said no!
No one can bargain with Matulee.
With our new technology,
you'll reveal all your secrets.
You're really not coming with me?
There's something I have to do first.
When I finish, I'll catch up with you.
Promise me.
While I'm away,
you have to quit the morphine.
Promise me.
I promise you.
I'd like you carry this with you.
If something happens, press the button here.
There's a GPS inside.
I'll know where you are.
Thanks Rome.
Take care of yourself.
See you in Chumporn.
Analyze these files
and see who's most likely to be Red Eagle.
Fire Cobra!
Why didn't it cross my mind before?
I sparred with him once.
That's why I got a familiar feeling
when I fought Red Eagle.
Are you certain?
I'm sure, Chief.
This Fire Cobra
looks and sounds very much like Red Eagle.
I'm confident we have our man.
You and Sarge go and bring him in.
If he's not Red Eagle,
we can at least cross one off the list.
The situation is very tense.
We've received several death threats.
Sometimes they sneaked
in to burn our tents at night.
We have to watch the site 24 hours.
There are strangers
sniffing around all the time.
Thanks, Jai.
The government has brought in reinforcements
of soldiers and riot police.
I think they're planning a crackdown soon.
They're trying to intimidate us.
What we have to do now
is to get the press down here
as soon as possible
so the government won't dare use violence.
You'll have to take care of that for us.
We don't know any press here.
Leave that to me.
Jaral, aren't you afraid?
I am, but what can I do?
What really worries me is the thought that
the land where we were born
and where our ancestors lived
will change into something else
and never be the same again.
I don't know.
I don't have any worries.
I know everybody must face an end.
But if we don't fight today,
what will we have left for our children?
Detective, working nights?
I forgot my card. Open the door.
Yes, Detective.
Fire Cobra!
Sarge, don't shoot! Too crowded.
Cool, man!
Sarge, stay here.
Get out. I'll follow him.
Yes, sir.
How can I turn this stupid music off?
Shit! This is fucking annoying!
Don't move. Red Eagle.
I've got you.
Raise you hands, slowly.
Don't try anything.
Sorry Detective.
Stay here,
someone will come for you.
Don't go!
No! Don't go.
Red Eagle, come back here!
See you in hell.
Your body won't look fucking nice!
Tell me, where's Matulee's lair?
I have no fucking idea!
The next one... for your eye.
Ok! Ok!
Out with it!
The Matulee's hideout...
Hurry!! There he is.
Vasana, something bad happened!
No! Jaral!
The end of those who stall progress
Sergeant Singh!
Captain Rome.
Do you remember Operation Pali?
Who... Who sent you?
You didn't know?
Operation Pali has been called off.
The government
has sent me to wipe out all evidence.
The government...
Captain Rome.
Do you remember
the scar you left on me 5 years ago?
For years, I've looked for you everywhere.
I devoted myself to Matulee
and became Black Devil.
If I thought anyone was you,
I cut off his head.
I've done everything.
disguising myself as a cop,
just to find you.
I know the truth.
You're the one I've been looking for.
You're the one I've been looking for.
You, Rome.
You're the Red Eagle.
You turned me into this.
Today. You have to pay with your own head.
Red Eagle! You die!
Red... Eagle...
There's no way out for you.
I've set a time bomb ticking.
I've set a time bomb ticking.
It'll blow up soon.
We don't want violence.
We don't want violence.
We don't want violence.
Dear fellow citizens.
Now a group of individuals who wish the country ill
have seized the construction site
of the nuclear power plant,
a strategic infrastructure of our nation.
These people have shown
the intention to use violence
to cause damage to state property.
To cause damage to state property.
I, as Prime Minister
and head of the cabinet.
Exercise the power granted to me
by the National Security Act
under the constitution
of the Royal Thai Kingdom
and declare a State of Emergency
in the area of
Patew District, Chumporn province.
Especially around the construction site
of the nuclear power plant.
From this moment on,
I ask all citizens inside and outside the area
designated by this announcement to remain calm.
Do not panic.
To the citizens who've been misled
by false information into joining the mob
who are disrupting peace and security,
who are disrupting peace and security,
I ask you to leave the
demonstration immediately.
Otherwise, the government
will have to move in by force
and break up the protest once and for all.
I hereby declare.
Direk Damrongprapa, Prime Minister.
Prime Minister
The anti-riot police has
requested permission to use force.
But they're concerned that one
of the protest's leaders is...
Miss Vasana.
What would you like me to do, sir?
Do what has to be done.
Yes, sir.
Have you seen Sergeant Singh?
No, I haven't seen him this morning.
I thought he was out with you.
Well... He's not around.
No reply on his phone either.
If you see him, tell him to catch up with me.
Where the hell is he?
Last night, there was a huge explosion
at an unnamed cold storage.
We haven't been informed
of the cause of the explosion
as well as the number of dead or injured.
The police believes that
the cause was an electrical short-circuit.
We'll keep you updated.
To be continued
This film is dedicated to the memory
of Mitr Chaibancha, The Original Red Eagle.