Red Faction: Origins (2011)

Has been said--
that there are only two dates
that matter to Mars.
The first is the day that
the Earth laid claim to it.
The second is the day
the Earth was driven from it.
Twenty-five years ago today,
Mars became a free planet.
Free from the tyranny
of the Earth Defense Force.
For 200 years,
the E.D.F. ruled Mars
with an iron fist.
Our once proud mining colonies
had become internment camps.
Generations who considered
themselves Martians...
had become slaves
on their own planet.
Until one day,
a small group of rebels
said "No more."
They called themselves
Red Faction.
They were led by Alec Mason,
hero of the revolution.
Hey, it is you.
But Red Faction couldn't
defeat E.D.F. alone.
Man, let me buy you a drink.
They formed an alliance
with the Marauders...
once the E.D.F.
Was destroyed.
The alliance was broken
when Marauders killed
Mason's wife and daughter.
What are you having?
They fought and bled...
red blood
on our red planet--
A solitary moment.
Until the E.D.F.
Was finally defeated.
Forced to leave Mars,
never to return.
My fellow Martians,
I urge you to stop.
Stop and remember.
On this day,
generations ago--
You're just too good to have
a drink with me, is that it?
when dawn broke,
we were in chains.
When our twin moons rose,
we were free men.
Backup is four minutes out.
Do not engage.
I repeat, do not engage.
Copy? Do you--
Alec Mason,
you're under arrest
for drunk and disorderly and
disturbing the peace... again.
Get outta here, you drunk!
Let's go, Dad.
With the computer upgrades
I'm proposing,
I think we can increase
Red Faction's total output
by at least--
Ms. De La Vega, I will
consider your request,
but if you'll excuse me,
Lt. Mason and I have got
things to talk about.
What do you think
you were doing?
What was I supposed to do?
Wait four minutes
for backup like I told you.
Why couldn't you just do--
Is this because
I was born on Earth?
Are you accusing me of being
prejudiced against Terrans?
No, sir.
I just was not sure
if you were aware...
upon which planet
I was born... on.
You could be born on Pluto
for all I care...
so long as you do your job well.
And give me
the proper respect.
Now, can you guess which one
of those...
I think you need to work on?
I'm sure today
was tough for you.
Just a day.
A day when it's a little harder
for you to forget that
you're Alec Mason's son.
I find that very easy.
There's no paperwork
on this one.
I spoke to the saloon.
They've decided
not to press charges.
Aren't you two even yet?
There is no even
for what your dad did for me.
You're free to go.
It's cold out.
Terraformers make
the air breathable.
They don't make Mars
closer to the sun.
Want a drink?
Why don't you
sleep it off?
Sobriety only happens
if you let it, Son.
You really kept
the place up
since I moved out.
This is what Mom
would want for you?
The dead
don't want anything.
It's one of the benefits
of being dead.
Mother, come!
Jake, please, I'm scared!
What's the matter with you?
I gotta go.
Hey, you were really great
outside the saloon tonight.
You reminded me of me.
I hope not.
The E.D.F. Dreadnought Hydra.
We blew it up
on the final day
of the revolution.
The fuselage has been
in a graduated decay orbit
ever since.
The tail section is set
to make planet fall
approximately 1814.
Satellite telemetry
has it crashing
somewhere near Bradbury.
Bradbury? That's--
Disputed territory.
Just on our side
of the Marauders'
defense perimeter.
We're sure the Marauders
know when and where the Hydra
is coming down too.
That's why it
is imperative that
we stake our claim first.
Mason, your team will travel
to the drop zone.
Assess and recover any
salvageable E.D.F. technology.
All due respect, sir,
I wouldn't know a useful piece
of E.D.F. tech
from an electric razor.
That's why you'll be
taking along an expert.
Ms. De La Vega?
All right.
We're 30 clicks
from Bradbury.
Keep us up top.
Don't want any Marauders
taking a lucky shot at us.
You okay?
Why wouldn't I be?
That actually does hurt.
I really don't like travel,
you know, especially
out of Eos.
So you were born
on Earth?
Yeah, why?
Is that a problem?
Not for me.
Oh! Do you think that
you could talk to me?
Maybe just keep my mind
off the turbulence.
I'm not much of a talker.
Tell me about your family.
It must have been really
embarrassing having to arrest
your dad the other day.
I'm beginning to get why I see
you eating meals by yourself.
You're one to talk.
What's that noise?
We're okay!
We're okay!
I've heard about anomalies,
that they were real,
but I never--
They happen randomly
at the far edge
of a terraformer's range.
Unexplained phenomenon.
- Usually they
make things explode.
But this ship won't.
Good ship.
Sir, you're gonna
wanna see this.
Where do you
want me to land?
Two and twos.
Ez, establish a perimeter.
If you come
into contact with Marauders,
report it A.S.A.P.
Do not engage,
but defend yourselves
if necessary.
Tess, you are with me.
Crack it.
There's lots
of micro fractures.
It's cold shearing
from being in space
for so long.
I don't even know if any
of this stuff is going to be
salvageable. It's-- Whoa! Whoa!
He must've been
flash-frozen when
the hull was breached.
I think now's a good time
to go back to the ship.
I think now's a good time
for you to take a deep breath.
We have a job to do,
and I need you.
You are the best, right?
By far.
Okay. Okay.
There's, um--
There's still activity.
It's that way.
Sir, I can't raise
Lt. Mason.
Jake, please, I'm scared!
- Lyra, jump!
I know.
Stay here.
Where are you going?
Jake, come in. Jake?
Are you all right?
We had every right
to claim the wreck.
That land does not
belong to Eos.
Nor did the lives
of my tribesmen,
yet you sent them
from Mars just the same.
We did not kill
your Marauders.
Their wounds were
inflicted by gunfire.
Colonist weapons.
Colonist duplicity.
Our forces were securing
a hazardous crash site...
when they were
attacked unprovoked.
As is always the case
with Colonists,
you speak only
in half truths.
Know this
to be the full truth--
Any further incursions
into my territories...
will be considered
a hostile act.
Any Colonist found
trespassing on Marauder lands...
will be summarily executed.
That is a promise
I will honor.
The Matriarch
is telling the truth.
It wasn't Marauders.
That group on the Hydra?
They were soldiers
in white fatigues.
And one of these soldiers,
she was a girl.
Ben, look at me.
It was her.
This girl,
when she saw me,
it was like
she knew too.
She's alive.
My sister is alive.
This isn't a wish.
This isn't a dream.
It's a fact.
Can you accept that?
I didn't think you partook.
It's water.
Mind if I sit?
Shouldn't you ask the owner
since you helped trash
this place the other night?
Ben smoothed that over.
He could always talk,
that Ben.
Talked me into doing stuff
I didn't wanna do.
I wonder, can he talk you
out of something you wanna do,
no matter how stupid?
He shouldn't have
called you.
Maybe he thought
you'd listen to me.
He wouldn't think that.
I've seen your sister, Jake.
Just the other day,
I saw some girl in town
wearing her smile.
Saw her eyes peering out
of someone else's face.
Her silly laugh coming out
of some child's mouth,
loud like a mine drill.
And for a second,
time freezes,
and she's alive...
with my Sam and we're--
Then the second hand moves,
and she's dead.
They both are.
Marauders killed them.
This girl you saw,
it wasn't her.
You need to accept that.
You've done a great job
accepting things.
I don't drink because
I haven't accepted it.
I drink because I have.
Let it go.
What are you doing here?
Well, good morning
to you too.
I'm serious.
I'm serious too.
I really want you
to have a good morning.
And it is not gonna be
a good morning for you,
if Major Sharpe discovers
you disobeyed orders
and went back to the Hydra.
Who says that's
where I'm going?
And I'm going with you.
No, you're not.
I've been going over
the scans I took
of the wreckage yesterday.
That section of the Hydra had
an intact communications array:
Cobalt-level convertors,
nuclear bolts, nanotechnology,
iodine reactors.
That stuff is valuable tech.
It's all worth a lot.
Hey, your white soldiers?
They didn't take any of it.
I wanna know
what was in that cylinder
that was more valuable.
a pretty flimsy reason
for you to wanna go.
It's not any flimsier
than looking
for your long-lost sister...
everybody else
thinks is dead.
I know where they went.
- Tell me.
- Take me.
Take a look.
- Hey, Tess?
- Yeah.
- Hang on.
We're in the Bakhuysen Trench.
Red Faction won't be able
to track us here.
Satellites don't bother
to scan this area.
Because flying through here
is insanity.
- Better tighten
your straps then.
- Why? Why?
Because if I'm strapped in when
this thing crashes and explodes,
I'm gonna be just fine?
- Okay, Tess,
where we headed?
- Asimov.
I extrapolated
the white soldiers' course. It's
the only possible destination.
Asimov is in neutral territory,
in the Outlands.
Yeah, we kinda gotta cross
through Marauder Nation
to get there.
All right, see down there?
That's Heinlein.
What is that?
It's a mining community?
The guy who runs the place
is named McAuley.
He's a good man. Friend of mine.
My name carries weight
with him.
What does, uh, Heinlein
have to do with Asimov?
- You know how
you hate flying, Tess?
- Yeah?
Now you're really
gonna hate it.
Tess, you okay?
No, I am not okay!
Are you insane?
I'm sorry.
I can't take you with me.
Find my pal McAuley.
He'll get you back to Eos.
I will get you for this,
you son of a--
Jake deserted.
Why didn't thought he would obey
my orders.
If you thought that,
then why'd you have me
talk to him?
we need to stop him
before he enters
the Marauders' territory.
Do you have any way
to contact him?
You believe him
about Lyra?
I believe that
he believes it.
He says she's
with the white soldiers
who were there the day when--
the day Sam died.
She was murdered.
The Marauders,
who thought she was
a traitor for marrying me.
Probably get a parade
for their glorious efforts.
Jake always said it was
the white soldiers.
Jake was 10 years old.
He'd just seen
his mother killed.
Did you ever find any evidence
of these phantom white soldiers?
It's just his brain
playing tricks.
Wish mine would do it too.
Maybe he just needed
you to believe him anyway.
It's about the worst word
there ever was.
I don't wanna kill you.
Funny, I was just thinking
exactly the opposite.
- Drop the gun!
- If I don't?
I break your neck.
Not before I blow a hole
through his head.
- Kill him.
Be quiet!
Drop your weapon.
Are you carrying
a singularity bomb?
All Marauders carry
singularity bombs.
The fuses last
Because you've got
- Give me the pin.
- Drop the staff.
Give me the pin!
Hey! Hey!
Marauders always honor
a mortal debt, and a mortal debt
is what you now owe me.
You cannot kill me.
How do you figure?
I did just save you
from being crushed into atoms
by a singularity bomb.
You are as crazy
as a rock eater.
I like that.
Ah, ta, ta!
Sorry about your tent.
My nephew gets excited
by new faces.
He's a Colonist.
He should not be here,
Well, we are honored.
Not many Colonists
know Marauder traditions.
My mother was a Marauder.
Her name was Samanya.
You're Jake Mason?
That a good
or a bad thing?
depends on
what you think of...
Marauder females marrying
outside the tribe.
Luckily for you,
it doesn't bother me
in the slightest.
Love doesn't know
from maps, hey?
I, Corvallis.
And this fiery young pup
is Leo.
Where'd you get that?
It was a gift...
from my mother...
before she died.
- My mother's dead too.
- Your mother was a traitor.

Marauders are taught
that all Colonists are
drunkards and heathens.
We're told you're a bunch
of gun-toting savages...
who kidnap children
in the middle of the night.
I guess we don't know
as much about each other
as we think.
His trouble is he knows
all the wrong stuff.
Every Marauder
must face the wandering.
His is not yet complete.
My nephew's right.
You should not be this side
of the Marauder Frontier.
Did you get lost?
I need to get
to Asimov.
What would you want there
apart from drugs, gambling
and the company of degenerates?
In your travels,
you ever come across
a group of soldiers...
wearing white fatigues?
Can't say I have.
I need to find them.
Why? They take
something from you?
They took everything
from me.
Well, we wouldn't be
fulfilling our mortal debt...
if we left you out here
to be killed, hey?
We'll see you to Asimov.
Get off. Off!
Leave it alone.
I thought you didn't drink.
When in Asimov--
Wait. Leo?
How old are you?
I like older men.
Your daddy?
Get off, would ya?
No, he's
not my father.

What'll you have?
Name of the man
who gets things done
in this town.
And water.
[ Singing Continues,
Indistinct ]
The name will take
a minute.
Something wrong
with your water?
You got that name yet?
Someone's here
to see you.
It took you long enough.
In my defense,
we are a long way from home.
The safety's on.
No, it's not.
I've been driving for two days.
Can I please have a sip of that?
It's drugged.
Why did you drug
your own water?
I didn't.
The bartender did.
Why would he do that?
'Cause the man I wanna see
is involved in the black market.
He might not wanna be seen.
How the hell did you get here?
Oh, your friend McAuley
who runs Heinlein,
who, by the way,
is a really great guy,
he lent me the vehicle.
And then I hacked into
the Marauder satellite--
Why did you follow me, Tess?
I figured out
what the white soldiers
took from the Hydra.
Look, It's called a firework.
It's a power converter.
In and of itself,
it's not really
all that dangerous,
but it is
what creates the spark.
The spark in what?
An E.D.F. fusion reactor.
It's what they use
to power their weapons,
their ships,
their everything.
I think that there might be
more at stake here than
just finding your sister.
Not for me.
How do you even know
that it's her?
Everybody else thinks
you're nuts, you know.
What do you think?
I think you really miss her.
Every day,
since the day
my, uh, sister was taken,
my dad has wanted
to ask me a question.
I saw it in his eyes
when I woke up in the hospital.
I saw it the other day...
when we were fighting.
One question
always on his tongue,
but never asked aloud:
How could you leave
your sister behind?
He'll never have to
ask that again.
Have you ever been
with a girl?
Next time someone
asks you that,
how'd you like
to be telling them the truth?
Just once I'd like to see
someone not fall for that.
Take him.
I hear you've been
looking for me.
Something wrong
with your water?
I'm looking for a group
of soldiers.
They wear white uniforms.
We know they've been
in the market
for an E.D.F. firework.
Well, as it happens,
I did do a tran--
I did do
a transaction recently
with some soldiers.
They were
in white uniform.
They were cold people.
I sold them some highly
specialized ammunition.
It's very difficult
to procure.
Drop him.
I've heard some men
make their own opportunities...
by selling
black market goods embedded
with tracking devices...
so they could--
Uh, trace them,
steal them back
and resell them.
The man
who would think that
would not be stupid.
In fact,
he'd be very clever.
- How much?
- Oh, for the tracking codes.
Well, why don't
we say 2,000?
Okay, are you kidding me?
Do you think I'm just walking
around with that kind of money?
Well, the man
who wants that is.
Oh, unless you've got
something else
you'd like to trade?
No. Right.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, dear.
Look, go home,
Red Faction.
Go live a long
and stupid life.
Now, cheerio.
Damn it.
I make
my own opportunities too.
I remote cracked
the hardgate on his tracker,
and I downloaded the codes.
You wanna find
the white soldiers? This is
gonna take us right to them.
You know how normally
I'm the smartest person
in the room?
It's 'cause
I'm the smartest person
in the room.
I should have sold you.
- Are you all right?
- Who were they?
They're scavengers.
Thought they could kidnap
the boy and sell him back
to his tribe for a ransom.
Oh, dear.
Just as well
they didn't know you were
worth less than nothing, eh?
I- I called your mother
a traitor,
but you still
saved me, why?
I was more upset
you hacked up my tent.
According to this,
they're somewhere inside
the Madler Crater.
How much did you have
to drink in there?
No one goes near
the Madler Crater.
Why not?
It's at the center of
three terraformer ranges.
It's surrounded
by anomalies.
If there is a hell,
believe me,
it is envious
of the Madler Crater.
Thanks for getting me
this far.
Time has been unkind
to you, Alec Mason.
Time and everyone else
on Mars.
If your congress
that my resolve
will weaken to a known face,
they are more foolish
than I thought.
This is
a personal call.
They will trace your signal.
This is a treasonous act.
It's my son.
He entered your kingdom.
Knowing it is
upon penalty of death?
The great Alec Mason,
begging for the life
of his heir.
I remember
many years ago,
in the revolution,
watching you yield
the Nano Forge
against the E.D.F...
like a god
of Old Earth.
If Samanya
could see you now--
Well, you could ask her.
If your men
hadn't killed her...
a few feet
from where--
Marauders did not kill her.
I have not given you
my name to speak.
You can have
your name back.
Just give me my son.
I cannot spare the life
of one already dead.
Alec, open the door.
All these years,
she was here.
With all the anomalistic energy
slamming into the crater,
it's the perfect
hiding space.
would never find it.
I want you
to stay up here.
There's fairly heavy
security down there.
Can you hack in
from up here?
Open any locked doors?
I think I've proven I can hack
into anything from anywhere.
But why do I have to
stay up here? It's freezing?
'Cause if I don't
make it back, someone's
going to have warn Eos.
You were right.
It's more important
than my family.
Don't get yourself killed.
Ivan, wait.
I think he might
be my brother.
I'm never leaving Eos again.
You summoned me.
We've captured a prisoner.
He's from Red Faction.
- Do they know of our intent?
- No.
Lyra believes the prisoner
is Jake Mason,
her brother.
Your brother is dead.
I ordered a genome match.
It's him.
I want an explanation.
You want me to tell you again
how you came to be with us?
Now I want the truth.
I was out on patrol.
We came across
a burnt-out transport.
I found you lying
next to the wreckage.
The transport was full
of bodies-- burned bodies--
I assumed your family.
But I could not
leave you out there,
hurt and alone.
So I brought you back here,
with us.
And watched you grow
with great pride.
Now that's the story
you've heard a thousand times.
And a thousand times,
it's been the truth.
I'm sorry I doubted.
Is that really what happened?
When your father
was still alive,
he once confided in me
that the great burden
of leadership...
is to always
know the truth,
no matter how badly
you want to believe the lie.
Do you want this burden?
The truth then,
if you please.
There was an outbreak
of influenza
in the compound...
that first year
after the revolution.
Our young were decimated.
Population collapse
had begun.
The only way to survive
was to recruit.
How many were taken?
Lyra was not
the only one.
Although she was
one of the ones
specifically targeted.
Her father was an enemy
of the White Faction.
Taking her
served two purposes.
If repopulating
our ranks was one,
what was the other?
A reckoning, Adam.
Alec Mason
killed your father.
They're gonna kill us,
aren't they?
Well, if they are E.D.F.,
maybe they'll go easy
on you.
Being a fellow Earthman
and all.
I know
that you're kidding,
but it's not easy
being Earth-born.
You know, I have to work twice
as hard as everybody else...
to prove that
this is my home,
that I belong to Mars.
You're as big a pain in the ass
as I've ever met.
If that doesn't
make you a Martian,
I don't know what does.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
I thought I'd have something
better to say.
I was told
you were dead.
I'm not.
Kinda hoping
it can stay that way.
No one here will hurt you.
Well, yeah,
except for pretty much
kicking my ass.
I didn't know it was you.
That's okay.
We'll call it payback...
for that time Mom and Dad
took us camping
on Mount Le Guin and...
I accidently
set your sleeve on fire.
Barbecued Lyra.
I don't remember them.
They remember you.
If you were all alive,
why didn't you look for me?
Dad looked for you...
for years.
He hasn't been the same since
the day you were kidnapped.
I wasn't kidnapped.
I was rescued.
You don't remember
what happened?
These people
you think saved you--
they came into our home.
They killed Mom.
Right in front of our eyes.
I tried to-- I tried to
get you to jump with me.
And you were so scared.
And... I didn't mean to let go.
And I'm sorry.
- You're lying.
- I'm not.
Lyra, listen to me.
Lyra, you have to listen!
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
I won't let him
be harmed.
I know.
Look, this is
a lot to process.
Me too.
To discover
after all this time
you have a family.
You're my family.
We have to
get out of here.
I fully support
that course of action.
- Take your shirt off.
- What?
- Take your shirt off.
- Why?
Get a guard's attention.
He will come in, see you,
be distracted.
- Maybe I get the jump on him.
- No!
Tess, if it makes you
feel any better,
there aren't anyone's breasts
on this planet
that I want to see less.
It does not
make me feel better.
On many levels.
Tess! Okay?
Okay. Okay!
Turn around.
Okay, I'm ready.
Hey! I need some
help in here, please!
Hey! Somebody, please!
Somebody better
come kill you soon.
Uncle, I-I do not--
A mortal debt
is a mortal debt.
Commander Hale.
What is it?
Mason has escaped.
We're on our way.
Where is he?
You gonna make this easy?
You gonna make this hard?
Ah! Ah!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Not this one! Not this one!
Tell me you have
a way out of here.
Lyra. Lyra!
Come on.
Come on!
He's gone.
You all right?
How did he escape?
He had help.
Did he?
If he warns Red Faction
or the Marauders
of our true intentions,
a generation of planning
and suffering will have--
will have been for nothing.
Then there's
no further reason to delay.
We need to
accelerate the plan.
Activate the firework.
Look. What is it?
That's why they needed
the firework from the Hydra.
The E.D.F. fortress.
It's a dreadnought.
And it's headed straight
for Eos.
The dreadnought's
jamming communication.
I'm gonna have to
drop you guys off somewhere,
get back to Eos,
warn them.
Leo, take over.
Cannot fly the ship
and keep pressure on her wound.
She will die.
You're not gonna be
very welcome in Eos.
We're not very welcome
Railgun locked on Eos.
Satellite still can't detect us.
Multiple hits, sir.
Railgun powering down.
How many dead?
As many as it takes.
We have drawn first blood.
Red Faction will believe it was
Marauders who attacked them.
We're too late.
This way!
Right there.
No! No, no. No, no.
What is going on in Eos?
Our satellites
show weapons discharge.
How could a people
so sanctimoniously
steeped in honor...
kill innocent civilians
from a comfortable distance?
This ammunition was found
in the rubble.
It bears Marauder markings.
You haven't simply
abandoned society.
You've abandoned
all pretense of humanity.
We did not attack you.
I know, Matriarch.
It was the E.D.F.
We drove them from
the surface of Mars
long before you were born.
- Not all of them.
- Get that man out of here.
Your face--
I see your foremother in it.
You still live,
Jake Mason,
son of the traitor.
Now I wouldn't be surprised
if you had arranged
this attack yourselves...
to whet your people's
appetite for battle.
You may have struck first,
but we will strike harder.
You will launch
an air offensive against
the Marauders within the hour.
- You can't do that.
- And you will arrest this man.
- On what charge?
- Desertion.
Consorting with the enemy.
And war crimes.
Speaker Ludlum,
I don't think it's necessary--
You do not think, Major.
You follow orders.
You're alive.
congress is declaring war
on the Marauders.
You need to talk to Ben,
get him to stop the attack.
Why would I do that?
The E.D.F.--
some of them survived
the revolution.
They didn't have
the numbers to take on both
Marauders and Colonists.
But if they can trick us into
going to war with each other,
we conquer ourselves.
They're the ones.
They killed Mom
and kidnapped Lyra.
I found her, Dad.
I found Lyra.
If you found her,
why didn't you
bring her back home?
Because we're not
her home anymore.
This is insane.
You know,
as much as you blame me...
for leaving her behind,
you left me behind too!
If you could stop hating me
for just one second,
maybe we could
get her back.
You, uh, Colonists don't make
very good cages, do you?
Are you coming?
Go. Go, go.
Want me to drive?
Want me to kick your ass?
What's the plan?
The shuttle's equipped
with thermobaric missiles.
We rescue Lyra
from the dreadnought,
we blow it straight to hell.
Where to you think
the dreadnought is now?
Bakhuysen Trench.
None of our satellites
scan there.
Marauders would never know
what hit them.
Just like Eos.
We're within firing distance
of the Marauders' Palace.
- Bring the railgun to 100%.
Railgun charging.
To bring them peace...
we must bring them war.
Man, that's big.
Give us 10 minutes
to find Lyra.
After that, light her up,
whether we're back or not.
Railgun at 25% and rising.
We have a hard target lock
on the Marauder Palace.
Railgun at 45%.
Telemetry nominal.
Intruder alert, Sector 7.
Intruder alert, Sector 7.
It's Mason!
Lyra's quarters.
Intruder alert, Sector 7.
They know.
She's been
aiding them all along.
They know everything.
You let him
back on this ship.
You betrayed us.
Lyra's room is down this way.
Cover my back.
Until we leave Mars.
Love how you guys say "die."
How many do you want?
All of them.
Get away from him.
- No.
- You can't leave.
Yes, I can.
And you can come with me.
As what?
A Colonist slave?
I am Adam Hale.
And I will not run
from my destiny.
Our destinies were stolen.
We were gonna
build a new world.
A new Mars.
Everything has been a lie.
We weren't.
Come with me.
Dad, we are ready
for that ride.
Let's go.
Let's get to a safe distance,
launch the missiles.
Hang on.
Watch it, watch it,
watch it, watch it.
Yeah, I got it.
Dad, more inbound.
- You got a lock.
You got a lock.
- All right.
Brace for impact!
Everyone okay back there?
Compared to what?
I'm fine.
Last time I saw you,
you were... smaller.
The railgun is at 62%
and climbing.
Uh, realign the railgun
five degrees south.
- Sir?
- Do it!
Sir, that's
the Bakhuysen Terraformer.
It generates the atmosphere
surrounding Eos
and the Marauder Nation.
If we destroy this,
this whole section of Mars
will be--
The atmosphere
will be torn apart.
Do it.
They're retargeting
the railgun.
They're aiming southwest.
What-- What's in
that direction?
The terraformer.
Tess? Tess, you're okay?
I re-tasked our satellites
and I found the dreadnought.
It was in the Bakhuysen Trench.
Red Faction is calling off
the attack on the Marauders.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
You need to get the fleet
out of here now, Tess. Hale is
targeting the terraformer.
Jake, I can't.
They're way too far out.
They'll never
get back in time.
Look, the shuttle's damaged.
I can't fire the missiles.
You don't happen to still have
a good old ship, do you?
Maybe. Why?
If you destabilize the engines
and crash the ship
into the dreadnought--
Turn the shuttle
into a bomb.
I know you know where
that eject switch is, Jake.
Make sure you use it.
After I lock the stick,
I'll bail out
at about 200 meters.
Hopefully that'll be far enough
to clear me from the ex--
Dad, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Hey, Dad?
Dad, you don't have to do this.
The ship's reactor
was damaged in the crash.
It'll go nuclear on impact.
Dad, you--
you don't have to do this.
You can get out in time.
You can bail out.
If someone's on the stick,
the shuttle won't hit
the target in one piece.
Railgun is at 95%.
It's my turn.
One last swing
of the hammer.
Dad, please.
You know, I told you that
you reminded me a lot of me.
That's not the truth.
Truth is, Son,
you're a better man
than I ever was.
You were able
to help me fulfill a promise
I made to your mother...
that I was never able to keep.
Brought your sister back.
Thank you, Son.
Thank you.
Lyra, can you hear me?
You're as--
You're as beautiful
as your mother.
I love you.
You're home now, sweetheart.
You're home.
I never thought
I would see the day...
when I would set foot
in Eos.
Nor I the day
I would welcome you
to it.
Your father's sacrifice
will not be forgotten.
He was a good man.
He was.
Lieutenant Mason has
a proposition for us.
The old Mars...
is gone.
My father ended that world.
And we...
need to create a new one.
A world where we use
our differences,
our knowledge and--
and our faith...
to keep our people safe.
What do you propose?
First step--
a new faction...
comprised of
both Marauders and Colonists.
A force empowered
to protect both of our nations.
A unit which could
show that...
maybe, in the end,
no matter which tribe
we belong to,
we are all Martians.
There will be
resistance to this idea.
I am not certain any of
my warriors will be so--
Is it your wish to join
Red Faction, Leonid?
There is no place for me
in your world.
A place could be made.
I will never be
what you want, Mother.
You fought bravely.
You've learned the lesson
of the wandering.
Come home.
What my wandering taught me
is that...
I need to join this new faction.
and need...
are two very
different things, Leonid.
Very well.
On an occasion like this,
it is custom to exchange gifts.
This belonged to my mother.
I will kill someone
you hate with this.
sounds great.
So, we're starting
a new Red Faction.
I want to sign up.
- No.
- Excuse me?
I'm just not sure
I'm comfortable having
someone like you on the team.
You know,
someone from Earth.
Are you kidding me?
After everything
we've been through?
God, did I misjudge you, Jake.
That you, of all people,
would subscribe to that kind
of bigoted, ignorant world view.
I just-- I just-- I just--
I'm already
on the team, aren't I?
You are the smart one, Tess.
Sorry. It's kind of--
kind of messy.
I-- I gotta warn you.
No one went up there very much.