Red-Headed Woman (1932)

So gentlemen prefer blonds, do they?
Yes, they do.
Can you see through this?
-I'm afraid you can, miss, but--
-I'll wear it.
The boss' picture.
Well, it'll get me more there
than it will hanging on the wall.
-There you are.
-Hurry up with that, will you?
-What's up?
-I'm ducking Al.
-Have a soda, Lily?
-No thanks.
Listen, I'm on my way up to
the boss' house with his mail.
-Why didn't his secretary do it?
-Because I swiped it off her desk.
These are important and they've
gotta be answered right away.
Maybe I'll get a chance to stay
and take dictation.
-What will that get you?
-Don't be dumb. His wife's in Cleveland.
Say, Bill Legendre's crazy
about his wife.
Well, he's a man, isn't he?
Who do you think's
gonna smell your tonsils?
You're here.
Hello, hon.
Didn't I phone and say
I'd wait for you at the office?
Don't be an old meanie.
If I thought you were working
double shifts on me--
Al, come here. Come here.
Al, Al, I wish you'd
speak to that fresh soda jerk.
-What for?
-Well, he said something to me.
Say you, I'll teach you
to get fresh with my girl.
-I didn't say nothing.
-Oh, you didn't?
Hello, Mrs. Willoughby.
-She belongs to the country club.
-How do you know?
I saw her, I was standing outside.
So that's what you are,
just an outside member of the country club.
Yeah, well, I'll be in there some day.
Gee, I'm beginning
to get a little nervous.
Here, hon, hold these.
I'd be nervous myself if I didn't have
any more brains than you've got.
-I'll meet you later at the apartment.
-I'll wait here for you.
You better not. I might be a long time.
Oh, no, you won't.
Why, Miss Andrews, what is it?
I was worried about your cold.
It's much better, thanks.
I'll be back at work in the morning.
Did your butler tell you I'd be glad
to stay and help with your mail?
Oh, yes, and thank you very much, but I'll
have my secretary attend to it tomorrow.
Mr. Legendre.
Is there something the matter with me?
Something the matter with you?
Why, no. Why did you ask?
Well, you always avoid me at the office.
Whenever I want to help you, you send
me away and get somebody else.
Well, I'll tell you the trouble, Red.
You're too pretty and I don't trust myself.
Oh, Mr. Legendre,
do you honestly think I'm pretty?
Yes. Yes, too darned pretty altogether.
Oh, Mr. Legendre.
Well, thank you so much for coming up,
Red, and I'll see you in the morning.
I walked all the way up here all alone...
...just because I knew how important
those letters were.
And now you're sending me away,
just like you always do.
Trying to put me to work, huh?
Oh, can't I stay and help, please?
Can't I?
All right, since you've taken
all this trouble.
It might be a good plan
to get them out of the way.
Huntley Milling Corporation
800 State Street, Cleveland.
Dear sirs...
Dear Sir, I'm replying to
your query of the...
...the 16th.
-The 16th?
Yes, 16th.
In regard to that quality of the coal
that we sent you in our last shipment...
...I would--
I would say that...
I'd say...
I wish you'd brace up, Red.
Oh, don't mind me. I'm all right.
It makes me feel terrible
to see you cry like that.
Well, can't a girl cry a little bit
when she's happy?
Now, Red, there's no use
in taking this too seriously.
Seriously? Why, Mr. Legendre.
You're all I've been able
to think about for years.
You've only been working
in the office for two months.
-And you don't know why I came there?
Well, it wasn't because I wanted a job.
It's because I've been crazy about you
from a distance ever since I was a kid.
-You don't mean that, Red.
-And these months in the office...
...have been wonderful.
Why, gee, I can remember
every word you've spoken to me.
-Every look.
-Great Scott.
Have you been mooning around
with that nonsense in your mind?
-Please don't make fun of it.
-I'm not making fun of it, Red.
-But you've got to snap out of it, that's all.
-Listen to me.
I'm on your mind
just as much as you're on mine.
-What do you mean?
-Why, when we're at the office...
...and you send for me to take a letter,
do you know what happens?
-Before you even begin... look me over, all over.
-No, do I do that, Red?
And when I came here
to bring you the mail... was just like fate and I was
glad of it. I was glad of it.
Now, listen, Red.
-Red, this can't go on.
-But why?
I love my wife.
I've never loved anybody else.
We've been sweethearts
since we were kids.
Yes, but she doesn't need
to know about us.
It's no use, Red.
I won't go for that sort of thing.
And besides, she gets back tomorrow.
-So we can't see each other again.
-Don't say that, Bill.
Red, I mean it. We're through, finished.
It's got to be. There's no other way.
All right.
If that's the way you want it, Bill,
I guess I can take it.
Where's my shoe?
But I can stay on at the office, can't I?
Promise to behave yourself, Red?
All right, we'll see.
Great guns, where did you get that?
Oh, I cut that picture out of a photograph.
Do you like it?
Well, let's hope you don't get caught
in an automobile accident or something.
-I'll take that drink now.
-Oh, sure.
Well, one more drink and
I'll go back where I belong.
-Across the rail road tracks.
-Oh, forget it, Red.
Bill, let's dance, huh?
This is our last dance.
That's right.
You have the reddest hair I've ever seen.
It's funny Bill doesn't answer.
He's probably out
losing his shirt at poker.
-You do think of the cutest things.
-I know Bill.
I haven't been his old Aunt Jane
all these years for nothing.
Try it again, operator.
One-ten, please.
-All right. Thank you.
-Oh, come along, come along, Irene.
You know, we have to hunt up
a place to sleep tonight.
Say, it's such a lovely night.
Let's drive right through, huh?
Don't be ridiculous.
Bill will keep until tomorrow.
-Come on. It'll be fun to surprise him.
-Yes, it will.
Husbands just love being surprised.
Here, wait a minute.
I haven't got my change yet.
You know, I surprised your uncle once.
Ancl it gave me enough material
to blackmail him for ten years.
Aunt Jane, don't be so cynical.
It's very depressing at this hour
of the night.
Can you stay awake
long enough to drive home?
I can drive this thing in my sleep, dear.
I'll send for my big bag tomorrow.
-All right. Goodnight, dear.
-Goodnight, darling. It was a grand trip.
Rene, is there any...?
I wish you'd try
to understand this. Will you?
I might have understood
if it hadn't been a girl like that.
Well, that's just it.
Sometimes it is a girl like that, that...
How long have you known her?
Oh, a few weeks.
She's been around the office,
getting in my way.
-I ought to have known better.
-it's been going on then for weeks?
No, it began tonight...
...and it'll end tonight. I swear it.
Don't you believe me?
I don't know what to believe.
We've been sweethearts so long...
...been such pals.
Now it's all over.
It's not all over, darling.
Oh, don't let this thing
smash up our lives.
I love you just as I always have,
as I always will.
There'll never be anybody but you.
-Please don't, Bill.
Rene, you're not going to leave me.
Oh, please stand by me, darling.
I'll never bring you
another moment's unhappiness.
I'll never see that girl again.
Let's not talk about it anymore.
Not tonight.
-But, Rene.
There we were, like an uncensored movie,
when in Waltzes Mrs. William Legendre, Jr...
...and catches us,
right in the old family parlor.
Oh, you dirty little home-wrecker. Well,
what do you think that's gonna get you?
Listen, Sally, I made up
my mind a long time ago.
I'm not gonna spend my life
on the wrong side of the rail road tracks.
I hope you don't get hit by a train
while you're crossing over.
A girl's a fool that doesn't get ahead.
Say, it's just as easy to hook a rich man
as it is to get hooked by a poor one.
Oh, so that's what you're gonna do?
That's it. I'm gonna amount
to something in this town. You'll see.
Well, you son of a sea snake.
Have you got on my new pajamas?
-Yeah, shake right out of them, Hortense.
-All right.
I'm too important these days
to sleep informally.
What if there'd be a fire?
You'd have to cover up
to keep from being recognized.
Say, mug, have a
little more respect out of you... that I belong to one
of the fine old families.
Oh, yeah?
-Well, if I were you, I'd go a little bit slow.
-What do you mean by that?
Bill Legendre and his wife
might get together...
...and decide that
you're merely a strange interlude.
Strange interlude, nothing.
When I kiss them,
they stay kissed for a long time.
Well, see you don't get left holding the bag,
sweetheart, full of nothing but air.
You better hang on
to that bootlegger of yours.
What? Go on with Al after Bill Legendre?
Oh, no.
I've started on the upgrade, and whatever
happens, baby, I'm in the big leagues now.
Did you wish to see me, Mr. Legendre?
Yes, yes. Come in, Miss Andrews, come in.
Sit down.
Miss Andrews, I know
of a good job you can have... Cleveland.
-In Cleveland?
Why should I want to leave
Renwood, Mr. Legendre?
Because my son is
very much in love with his wife.
They haven't separated, have they?
Well, no, no.
They haven't exactly separated, although
things are a little difficult between them.
But they're going to be much easier
for my son with you out of this town.
Mr. Legendre, you're not suggesting that
I take money to leave Renwood, are you?
I'm offering you
a very good chance to better yourself.
Well, I don't want your money.
I wouldn't touch a penny of it, not a penny.
-You don't want money?
See here, young woman,
just what is your game?
Mr. Legendre...
...I've worked hard in this office
and I've been a decent, self-respecting girl.
Just because I love your son, and you're rich
and powerful, you think you can pay me off?
You think you can make me do
whatever you want? Well, you can't.
Do you understand? You can't.
So I'm to tell my son
that you won't go?
Well, if he wants me to go,
why doesn't he ask me?
You wait. Wait right here.
I thought you told me...
You told me this little friend of yours
was such a good sort... so easy to deal with.
Well, she seemed all right last night, Dad.
Last night? I suppose so.
Well, she won't even listen to me.
She says you've got to tell her yourself.
-Oh, I can't see her again.
-Oh, you've got to.
You got yourself into this.
You've got to get yourself out.
I know, Dad, but...
Gee, you don't understand.
-I don't understand what?
-it's not going to be so darned simple.
-What do you mean by that?
Oh, I don't know.
See here...'re not gone on this girl, are you?
-Oh, no, Dad. Of course not, but--
-You want to make up with Irene?
-More than anything.
Well, you've got just one chance with her,
and that's to get this girl out of town.
Well, are you going to do it or aren't you?
-Of course I'll do it.
-Go ahead.
She's in there, waiting for you,
Well, go on.
-Red, you've got to go.
-Oh, no.
I mean it, Red.
You can't stay on here now.
Bill, you don't want me to go,
not really, do you?
Yes, I do.
Bill, look at me.
Now say you want me to go.
I want you to get out of this town.
-Bill, what makes you breathe like that?
-Like what?
Why, you're excited. You're trembling.
See, just like I am.
Now, listen, Red.
I told you I don't want to become involved
in any cheap, underhanded, vulgar affair.
Now, we're through, Red. We're finished.
So you'd better get out of here.
There's my telephone number, Bill.
And I'll be waiting for you
anytime you need me.
-Get out of here, Red.
-That's all right, Bill.
I'm in the telephone book.
Bill, you needn't worry about your picture
anymore. I've even learned to be discreet.
Oh, snap out of it, Lil.
Say, a little powder wouldn't do
that gloomy mush of yours any harm.
Oh, I don't care how I look.
Well, maybe Al does. And hurry up,
the boys don't like to be kept waiting.
I should bother fixing myself up
for a bootlegger.
I think he's nice to stand for
the way you treat him.
Oh, is that so?
-Holy cat.
-What is it?
-I think that's Bill Legendre's car.
It sure is. That's him getting out.
Oh, gee, my hands are hot.
No, they're cold.
-I think I'm gonna faint or something.
-Oh, control yourself, Lil.
-His wife's with him.
-She is?
Maybe they got friendly
with one another again.
Oh, no, they haven't.
-How do you know?
-About Bill and his wife?
Why, I heard only yesterday that--
They don't?
How do you know?
Why, the chauffeur got it
from the maid that makes up their rooms.
So if she wants to leave the barn door wide
open, what's to keep a girl from going in?
Come on, let's go.
-Come on, Aunt Jane, let's dance.
-Oh, I'd love to.
Irene, keep your eye on your uncle.
You know, the old fossil
still thinks he has sex appeal.
-Would you like to dance, Rene?
-Why, of course, Bill. Why not?
Pardon me, Mr. Legendre.
You're wanted on the phone.
Oh, thanks.
-Funny. Wonder who that could be.
-It may be your dad.
-He knew we were coming here.
-Excuse me.
-Hello, Bill.
-Hello, Red.
-It wasn't a phone call. I sent for you.
-Why, you little--
-Don't. You've got to listen to me.
-I can't go on without you.
-You let me out.
Listen, Bill, you can't get along
without me, either.
-You still think about me, don't you?
-Red, you've got to leave me alone.
I can't. I can't think about anything
except you all day.
I never see anybody.
I never go anyplace anymore.
-What are you doing here?
-Well, I'm with my girlfriend and her beau.
-You better get a beau of your own.
-Oh, Bill, you don't mean that, do you?
Now, listen, tell me
you don't mean it. Tell me.
-Red, this is insane.
-Oh, no, it isn't.
-We've got to snap out of it.
-Why? We can see each other.
You can come to my place anytime.
-I won't do that.
-Nobody will know about it.
-I won't, Red.
-Listen. Say you'll come tomorrow night.
Listen, 10:00. You say--
-Don't, Red.
-All right, then, say you'll come. Say it.
All right, I'll come.
-Just a moment.
-What is it?
Just a moment.
Dance, Rene?
Who was it, Bill?
-On the phone? Nothing. Mistake.
Wasn't for me at all.
-Good night, Bill.
-Good night, Rene.
What's the matter, Bill?
Why, nothing.
Oh, something's wrong. What is it?
I'm no good, Rene.
Why do you bother with me?
Oh, what is it, honey? Tell me.
Rene, you ought to leave me.
I'm not worth anything.
-Bill, is it something I've done?
-Oh, I know I've humiliated you.
-You've humiliated me?
Yes, I have.
I've been hard and relentless.
But I've missed you, Bill.
Rene, do you mean that?
Oh, my darling.
I'm going to spend the rest of my life
making you happy.
Hey, don't drink that. It's poison.
Al's customers turned it back on today.
And all because a guy
won't speak to you on the telephone.
That's not it, Sally. Something happened.
Well, what now?
Bill made up with his wife.
How'd you find that out, Mrs. Winchell?
Well, his chauffeur told me.
When did it happen?
The night we were at the Log Cabin.
Why, he double-crossed me
that very night.
-Lil, restrain yourself, won't you?
-Oh, will you leave me alone.
Nobody can treat me like that
and get away with it.
-Wait a minute. Where are you going?
-I'm going to see him.
You can't go see him now.
He's at home at this hour.
-Well, that's just where I'm going.
-Are you crazy?
Will you let go of me.
Oh, Lil, Lil. Lil, don't go, honey.
Don't go, Lil. You ain't yourself,
honey. It's that poisoned gin.
I wanna see Mr. Legendre.
Why didn't you come to my place?
-What are you doing?
-I've stood all I'm going to.
Why don't you talk to me?
I've nothing to say to you.
I won't go. You better see me.
-Will you show the lady out.
-Don't you try to high-hat me.
He doesn't love you.
He loves me. He told me.
-Shut up.
-You didn't love me, did you...
...when you kissed me at the Log Cabin?
You didn't love me
when we made our date to meet.
Why didn't you keep your word?
Why didn't you come?
-You get out.
-You can't lead me on like that.
Makes dates with me and break them
and not even explain.
We're in each other's blood.
There isn't anything on earth
that can stop us.
-Not anything on earth. You know it.
-This way, please.
Please, dear, open the door.
This way, madam.
I don't need a guide,
and don't call me madam.
Rene. Rene, darling, open the door.
Please open the door.
-Well, did you see him?
-Yes, I saw him.
-How'd you come out?
-The same way I went in, what'd you think?
I thought you might come out
on your rear.
Oh, shut up.
I want to see Miss Andrews.
Just sit down. I'll tell her you're here.
-It's Bill Legendre.
-Tell him to come in here.
-You've got to get out of this town.
This will take you.
You get out by tomorrow night
or I'll make Renwood so--
Oh, no, Bill.
Don't make me go. I love you so.
-If you knew how much I loved you.
-Why don't you call it by its right name?
-Let me stay.
I'll do everything you tell me to do.
I'll be what you want me to be.
There's only one thing you could be.
You've got one filthy idea
in your whole rotten makeup.
Oh, is that so?
Well, if I have, don't try to fool yourself
that you don't share it.
Get away from me.
Now, don't forget what I told you.
She's locked him in.
Give me that key.
Give me that key.
You're afraid of yourself
because you know you love me.
-Am I?
-You're afraid you'll take me in your arms.
-You're afraid you're gonna kiss me.
-Is that so?
-Why don't you do it.
-Keep away, I'm warning you.
-Why don't you do it.
-Keep away from me.
You don't dare stay here.
You don't trust yourself.
Do it again. I like it. Do it again.
Oh, please, Bill. Bill.
Oh, stop, Bill.
Bill, don't.
Are you all right, Red?
Would you please give me that key?
Legendre v-Legendre-
Mrs. Legendre in court?
Take the stand, please.
Do you solemnly swear to
tell the truth, so help you God?
I do.
Divorce granted.
Why, Aunt Jane, what are you doing up
at this hour in the morning?
It's lucky I didn't wake you up at 4:00.
-What's happened?
-I haven't slept a wink all night.
-Why, what's the matter?
-it's Bill.
He was at the country club last night.
-And he brought that girl with him.
-Oh, Aunt Jane, how could he?
He was drunk, just as he has been
ever since you divorced him.
How ever you came to make
that idiotic blunder is beyond me.
-Well, after all, I have some pride.
-Pride. Look what it's brought you.
Woof to you.
You'd have stood by Bill if
he'd gone broke or had the smallpox...
...or some other calamity had befallen him.
-I know.
Well, he's sick now, or insane...
...or whatever you choose to call it.
Anyway, he needs you now more than
he ever needed you in his whole life.
Oh, well. Of course, if you don't care...
Oh, Aunt Jane,
you know how much I do care.
Then get up, get into your clothes
and go after him.
Aren't you going to ask me to come in?
Why, yes. Surely.
Rene, what are you doing here?
Well, Bill...
Bill, I can't go on without you.
We've both been through
so much together.
I thought perhaps if we left Renwood
for a while, things might be different.
Why, Bill.
Have you told Mrs. Legendre about us?
Bill and I were married last night.
I hope you'll be awfully happy, Bill.
I feel rotten that
I've caused you so much trouble.
Why, that's all right, Bill.
I guess it wasn't anyone's fault.
...if you ever need a friend,
you'll call on me, won't you?
Why, of course, Bill.
And you can call on me too.
For anything.
-Look here, Red.
She gives me a pain in the teeth...
...trying to hang onto you
with you're through with her.
You won't have him long.
You caught him with sex.
But sex isn't the only thing. it doesn't
last forever. When it's gone, you'll lose him.
Because then he'll want love.
Love is one thing... don't know anything about
and never will!
Why, that dirty little cat.
Now, Red, please.
Of all the crust I ever saw.
That cheap thing.
Bill, come here.
Come here.
Bill, I'm crazy about you.
Listen, Red, no matter what we are to
each other, it has nothing to do with Irene.
So leave her out of it.
Well, you can't blame me
for being jealous, can you?
-Oh, I'm crazy with jealousy.
You do love me.
I mean, really love me, don't you?
Oh, sure, I love you.
And it isn't only what she said it is?
No. No, of course it isn't.
Bill, am I prettier than she is, huh?
You're the most beautiful thing
in the world.
Watch me give her the burn-up.
Come on, Boris, darling.
Hello, Lil. I seen Al last night.
Mrs. Legendre to you, you half-wit.
There's a dame.
Strictly on the level, like a flight of stairs.
-Hello, everybody.
-You're only a half-hour late.
Sorry, but I've been
terribly busy this morning.
Oh, Boris, you stay right here, dear.
-You dropped your fur.
-Oh, it's only a silver fox.
Couldn't you got a gold one?
Yeah, well, I might have this one plated.
Well, let's make it snappy.
I got a few other customers today.
Oh, Sally, I'm worn out.
What do you want,
Trader Horn, a shave or a haircut?
Oh, don't try to get fresh.
Well, I hope this is
the last new house I have to furnish.
-It's an awful bore, isn't it?
But you know,
it really is going to be charming.
Charming? Say, you're getting
to talk like a pansy.
All right, it's gonna be swell.
Wait till you see it.
Don't tell me I'm gonna see it.
The next time I need a manicure,
bring your things over and do it there.
-Oh, thanks. That'll be lovely.
-Say, lay off, will you?
I'm so sorry.
You got all the furniture you need?
Well, I still have a few
Louis Quinze tables to get...
...and a couple of Jacobean bedsteads
and an English highboy...
-A what?
-A highboy.
Say, I thought you were gonna be
on the level now that you're married.
Oh, Sally. A highboy's an antique bureau.
Oh, my error.
-Irene's gonna do her house modernistic.
-She is?
Oh, well, I've got modernistic touches
just strewn all over my place.
-Say, when did you see her?
-Oh, she comes in for facials.
-So her skin's bad, eh?
-I should say not. She never looked better.
Oh, yeah?
You made a big mistake when
you moved across the street from her.
Well, I wanted the biggest house
in town and that's it.
Bill's bound to be
bumping into her all the time.
I'm not afraid of
that washed-out housewife.
Oh, that must be the big shot
they're expecting from New York.
That must be him
sitting between Bill and Daddy Legendre.
Daddy Leg"
-Welcome to Renwood, Mr. Gaerste.
-How do you do, Mr. Hall.
-Hold it, Mr. Gaerste.
-Just a minute, boys. Just a minute.
Now then.
Hooray for Mr. Gaerste.
Thank you very much, Mr. Gaerste.
Not at all, boys, not at all.
And to think that old bird
owns half the coal in America.
Well, we happen to own
a little of it ourselves.
Gaerste could buy out old man Legendre
with his postage stamps.
Is that so.
That shows you know a lot about it.
Now, Bill, I'd like you and Willie
to come into the hotel for a minute.
Goodbye, Gaerste, old pal.
I'll meet you in the coal bin.
Come in here. Do you want
the whole town to hear you?
Oh, all right, countess.
What are you wearing
to the banquet for Gaerste?
Oh, I'm not going.
Bill has to go alone. It's a stag affair.
Say, for a great big swell society-leader... know less about what's going on.
What are you getting at?
Of course the women
have been invited to the banquet.
-Why, lrene's going.
-Where did you hear that?
Well, I'll be a--
What does that make out of you, baby?
A social onion.
Say, will you lay off.
What are you
gonna do about that banquet?
Well, if you think
Bill's going without me, you're crazy.
It isn't that banquet. It's every banquet.
Every party and affair
that's given in this town.
I'm left out of everything.
I've told you a thousand times
I think it's a shame. What can I do?
You haven't introduced me
to your friends, not one of them.
I can't pick them up
and drag them in here.
Even your own family,
they never invite me anywhere.
Every chance they get, they flaunt Irene.
They don't flaunt her.
-Besides, they've known her all her life.
-Why don't they try and know me?
Maybe they'd like me. How can they tell
when they never give me a break?
-I'm not gonna hash this thing all over again.
-Who do they think they are, anyway?
I'll answer it.
Hello. Oh, hello.
Yes, he is, Mr. Legendre.
Just a moment.
It's your father for you.
-Hello, Dad.
-Oh, hello. Hello, son.
Listen, I'm at the hotel now.
I've just seen Gaerste, and he seems upset
you're not coming to the banquet tonight.
Well, I'm sorry, Dad,
but I didn't feel that I could go.
Oh, I realize he should've invited Lillian...
...but you know how conservative he is.
And he's such a great friend of lrene's.
I wish you'd get dressed and
run over here for a little while, at least.
Well, I don't think I can.
No, I can't, Dad. And that's final.
The idea of him asking you
to come without me.
Dad didn't mean anything, darling.
He was just worried...
...because Mr. Gaerste is our most
important business connection. That's all.
We have to eat, you know.
Come on, darling. Let's make up.
Bill... you really wanna make up, huh?
Oh, you know I do, darling.
All right, then. Promise you'll
fix it for me to meet Mr. Gaerste.
-Well, what for?
-Well, I wanna ask him to dinner.
-He wouldn't come, darling.
-He might.
If he did, I could invite
the whole town to the party.
And they wouldn't dare turn me down.
He won't even meet you.
-What do you mean he won't meet me?
-Well, I asked him and he refused.
-He did?
-I'm sorry, darling.
All right, arrange for me to bump into
him in your office as if it were an accident.
-That won't get you anything, either.
-Is that so?
I suppose I'm just a cross-eyed,
half-witted, hunchback cripple?
-You'd get over better if you were.
-What do you mean?
Darling, he's a narrow-minded,
straight-laced old dodo.
Yeah, well, he's a man, isn't he?
Now, Mr. Gaerste,
you mustn't take this too seriously.
But you should have told me
you were Willie Legendre's wife.
But you wouldn't meet
Bill Legendre's wife.
She was an awful woman.
Just a minute.
What? They're here?
All right, tell them to come up.
-Who was it?
-Dinner guests, coming up for cocktails.
You have to go out this way.
Come along, my child.
-Yes, but--
-Come along now. Come along.
That door over there.
You're gonna do something for me.
Am I? What is it?
Well, you're going to ask your guests to
come to a party at my house in your honor.
No, no, my child. I can't do that.
No, no, not after... No.
Oh, yes, you can.
I'll be listening at that door.
If you don't invite them
within five minutes after they arrive...
...I'll walk in and make a scene
that Shakespeare couldn't top.
Now, run along like a good boy, Charlie.
You can't keep your little friends waiting.
-Good evening.
-Glad to see you.
-See? We all arrived at the same time.
-Glad to see you.
-How are you?
-Very well.
-Hello, C.B.
Glad to see you.
-Well, C.B., here we are.
-Glad to see you, Will.
You'll all have to pardon my appearance,
I'm afraid.
I'm just an overworked businessman
with no time to change.
Where were you this afternoon, C.B.?
-I thought we had a golf date.
-Oh, well...
-I wasn't feeling very well.
-That's too bad.
As a matter of fact, I never left the hotel.
Well, that's funny,
I telephoned you here.
Wonder what I could have been doing.
Well, now we'll all have a little cocktail
or two or three or four.
Then we'll all go down to dinner.
-Here's luck.
-Here's to fun.
Speaking of fun...
...I'm thinking of arranging a little party
for next Wednesday.
I want you all to cline with me at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Legendre.
...I think you're a little
too charitable, C.B.
No. Sometimes I feel that we ought to--
To go out of our way a bit... understand people.
I'm beginning to think
we may perhaps have misjudged Bill's...
...little wife.
Personally, I should like to
meet her halfway.
That is--
And I'd take it as a great favor
if you'd all accompany me.
Well, of course, Charles, if you insist.
-Certainly. Certainly.
-I'll go if Aunt Jane goes.
As for me, I'd like to go and have a look.
-Well, I'll be a martyr to the cause.
-Of course, why not?
That's fine. That's fine.
Thank you very much. That's fine.
Splendid. Then it's all arranged.
Just have one little cocktail.
Then we go down to dinner.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Good night.
Your party was perfectly lovely.
-Good night, Louise.
-So nice of you to come.
-You're leaving early.
-I'm sorry.
Tomorrow's Relief Fund Day.
I must get to bed.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Good night.
-Good night is right.
-And goodbye.
Oh, I thought she was swell.
Oh, you would.
-Tell me about it, Louise.
-Wait till she sees the morning papers.
Tell me about it, Louise.
Oh, Bill, they all came,
every one of them. Ancl they liked it.
Now we have
nothing to quarrel about, have we?
Will you tell Mr. Gaerste
good night for me?
I want to go upstairs
and see Sally right away.
So you can't take it.
-Think you're fresh, don't you?
-Why not?
There's only one Mrs. Legendre
in this town tonight, baby.
-And it's not Irene.
-Is that so?
Oh, boy, you should have seen
those dames eating right out of my hand.
Oh, yeah?
I'm gonna stand this town
right on its head.
-So they all had a good time, huh?
-Did they?
They could hardly
tear themselves away.
They wouldn't have left, only they have
a charity roundup in the morning...
...and have to get to bed.
-Are they all going to bed with Irene?
What do you mean?
Well, your whole party's making a beeline
right across the street to her house.
-Sally, you're kidding.
-All right, take a look.
They've ganged up on you.
They're giving Irene a party.
-How do you know?
-I heard them talking.
What did they say?
They framed that reporter to put
lrene's party on the front page...
...and put yours
under the help wanted ads.
All right.
All right, that ends it.
-What do you mean?
-I'm through in this town.
Lil. Lil, what are you gonna do?
Lil, come back here.
Well, Aunt Jane, I am surprised at you.
My dear child, I'm surprised
at myself for going there.
So you were all gonna
take me for a ride, were you?
That's all right. It won't do you harm
to hear a little truth.
I'm through with the whole
cheap, hypocritical gang of you.
But I'm not gonna get out
until I tell you just what you are.
You're all a lot of half-witted,
half-baked, small-town trash.
I know who put you up to it. It was that
four-faced, double-crossing ex-wife of Bill's.
You did it! You did it,
you dirty double-crosser.
You wanted the whole town to say
they walked out on Lil's to go to lrene's.
-What are you doing?
-Take your hands off of me.
All right, let them say it.
It'll be the first time this broke-down--
-Get in there.
Please. Please, folks. Let's go inside.
-You go to your room.
-Oh, don't you dare touch me again.
-What is all this?
-She's hysterical...
...because everyone went over to lrene's.
Hysterical because I won't send them
thanks for insulting me...
...while you stand by
and give them three cheers.
You go to your room.
You're finished in this town now.
All right. Who cares?
Not me, not anymore.
I want to get out of this town.
I've got to get out of here.
Good night, Will.
-See you in the morning.
-Yes, yes. Good night.
Well, good night, my dear.
Oh, Mr. Gaerste, you said
if we came to New York--
-Oh, well, I...
Please, darling.
Now, pull yourself together.
Please, I can't leave Renwood.
I can't stand it here,
not another day, not another hour.
Please, stop it.
Besides, we can't get away now.
Well, I'll go ahead and you can follow.
But I've gotta get away now.
Oh, Mr. Gaerste,
you're my friend, aren't you?
-Then make him let me go to New York.
Come on, now, Red.
You're just making a show of yourself.
As soon as I get time, we'll take a trip.
Just a moment.
Lillian's had pretty hard sledding lately.
I think it would be good
if you did allow her to go.
-Even though she had to go alone.
-Oh, Mr. Legendre!
We'll see that you take a little trip.
And then we'll talk about
you and Bill quitting Renwood later.
You go to bed now.
-Cheer up.
-Oh, thanks a thousand times.
It's all right, my dear.
Good night, and I will see you
in New York, won't I?
Yes. That is, I hope Bill
will decide to come along.
Good night, Daddy Legendre.
Good night.
I think I'll be running along.
Good night again.
-Good night.
-Good night, Bill boy.
Oh, good night, Mr. Gaerste.
I'm sorry this happened.
Oh, these little family jars
will take place once in a while.
-Good night.
-Good night, sir.
Say, Dad, why did you
back Lil up on all that nonsense?
...I think it might be a good idea if you
did allow Lillian to go to New York alone.
Might give us a chance
to check up on something.
What do you mean?
I may be overly suspicious...
...and I don't want to be unjust.
I found this in Gaerste's apartment.
The night he invited us to the party.
Have you ever wondered why
he went out of his way to befriend her?
Good night, son.
You think it over.
-Why do you want to go to New York?
-Well, I just wanna get away, that's all.
But why New York?
Well, everybody wants to
go to New York to see the shops and--
Red, you're not on the level with me.
-Bill, I don't know what you mean.
-Well, are you?
-Bill, are you serious?
-Now, you listen to me.
I've let myself in for a lot
by marrying you.
I got into it and I'll go through with it.
-If I find out you've been cheating on me--
Your first false move is the finish.
-Now, that's all.
-Bill, you're jealous.
I'd like to see Mr. Gaerste, please.
I'll see if Mr. Gaerste's in.
Who shall I say, madam?
-Mrs. Bill Legendre of Renwood.
-Won't you be seated?
She? Great heavens.
-Tell her I'm not here.
-Yes, sir.
-I don't ever want to see her, Tompkins.
-I see, sir.
Wait a minute, Tompkins. Tell her I...
-Tell her I left town last night.
-But you can't do that, sir.
No, no. That won't do. No, no. Tell her
I'm leaving the country in the morning.
I understand, sir.
Go away.
Go away.
You know I can't see you.
Why, Charlie, what's the matter?
Why, I've had friendly relations
with the Legendre family for years.
They don't have to know.
But I have feelings of deepest loyalty
to your husband.
My husband.
A lot he cares about me.
-I tell you, it's impossible.
-Nothing's ever impossible, Charlie.
You're so beautiful.
What's the use?
Who is that?
Oh, that's my Auntie Lillian.
She's chaperoning me here in New York.
Oh, I see.
-Tell me, little kitten, is she strict?
-Is she strict?
Oh, Mr. Schultz, if you only knew.
Well, then we better
wouldn't let them see us.
No, we better wouldn't not.
-Of course I am.
But, Charlie, you did something yesterday
that you shouldn't have done.
What was that?
You shouldn't have given me that.
No, I suppose not.
I can't accept presents from you
as if I were your--
Well, as if I were your wife.
...if you were my wife...
Darling, you're very unhappy
in Renwood, aren't you?
Ancl Bill...
Has Bill ever really tried to make you happy?
If you were free,
would you marry me?
Oh, yes, Charlie.
You can accept this now,
can't you?
Yes, Charlie.
I can accept it now.
You won't be long,
will you, dear?
-I'll be up at cocktail time.
-I'll be waiting.
-Hello, Sal.
-Hello, Lil.
What have you been doing?
A little racketeering?
Put them on the chaise longue, please.
-My darling.
Oh, say it in your own language.
I've got the most marvelous news
for you.
-I'm going to marry Gaerste.
-Oh, sweetheart.
-Good afternoon, sir.
-Hello, Tompkins.
Mr. William Legendre, Jr is waiting
to see you, sir.
-Mr. Legendre.
-Yes, sir.
He says it's very important.
I put him in your living room, sir.
I didn't think you'd mind, sir.
-All right.
-Yes, sir.
Hello, Mr. Gaerste.
Why, hello, my boy.
-How are you? How's Renwood?
-Fine, thanks.
That's good.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.
It's nice to see you.
Well, when did you get in?
-Oh, I've been in New York for some time.
-Oh, really.
Why didn't you let me know?
I've been here under cover, Mr. Gaerste.
I've been having detectives
shadow my wife.
I'll tell you why
I've come to see you, Mr. Gaerste.
I know how Red's been pursuing you,
and I know how you feel about her.
Well, my boy, I'll tell you, I--
Oh, please don't bother to explain.
I understand the whole situation.
But I think you should know something
that my detectives found out.
Take a look at these.
When did this begin?
She arrived the 16th? Well, the 16th.
I just wanted to let you know
where you stood, that's all.
What are you going to do?
-Go back to Renwood and get a divorce.
-I see.
-Then you and Irene will--
No, I'm afraid I've done
too much to Rene to expect forgiveness.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Goodbye, sir.
-Hello, I'm looking for Gaerste's chauffeur.
-Is he down there?
-Yes, he is.
He's been fixing the radio.
All right, I'll tell him to come right up.
Gaerste wants you.
He'll be right up, sir.
He's been working on
Mrs. Legendre's radio.
All right, all right.
-Goodbye, darling.
-No, say chri.
Sally, I'm the happiest girl in the world.
I'm in love and I'm gonna be married.
-Gonna marry Albert?
-No, Gaerste.
-In love with Gaerste?
-No, Albert.
Besides, I always did wanna learn French.
Oh, why don't you get yourself
a laundryman and learn Chinese?
Come in.
-You sent for me, sir?
Albert, from now on, I'm going to try
to get along without your services.
But Mr. Gaerste, why?
Oh, no, wait a minute.
I'm sorry, sir.
To think that I should have
such treachery in my own household.
To think that I've been harboring
a snake in the grass.
You hypo"
Just a moment.
How long have you been working for me?
Five years, sir.
-Get out.
-But Mr. Gaerste--
-Get out.
-But I can promise--
Get out! And take that woman with you.
-Something has happened.
-What is it?
Gaerste has discharged me.
Well, don't worry about it.
-But listen--
-I'd rather you didn't work.
-No, but, dear--
-Listen, why did that old fool fire you?
Well, he has found out about us.
Who told him?
-Oh, I told you we were taking a chance.
But, dear, how were we to know
he hire a detective?
-Well, you should have been more careful.
-Oh, darling, don't be so upset.
-Why can we not go to Paris together?
-Oh, keep still.
-I'm trying to think.
-Sweetheart, I have some money saved up.
How much?
-Fifteen hundred dollars.
Oh, don't be a fool.
-Sally. Sally. Sally.
-What do you want?
Get your things packed
as quick as you can.
-Why, what's up?
-I've got to go to Renwood.
-What for?
-I'm going back to Bill.
Don't get out, driver.
Here, take care of it.
I'll phone later and tell you the news.
Good luck, old girl.
Cumberland Apartments, driver, please.
-Hello, Mary.
-Hello, ma'am. You're back.
-Is my husband home?
-Mr. Legendre isn't living here anymore.
'He's not?
'N0, ma'am.
He got in this morning, packed his things
and had them sent to his father's house.
-Well, I guess he didn't get my telegram.
-Yes, ma'am, he did.
He did?
Mary, take this up to my room.
I know you two have been through a lot.
But you love each other.
After all, that's all that counts.
So why not try and
put it all behind you like a bad dream?
Forget about it.
Start all over again.
Do you think
you ever could forgive, Rene?
Oh, I guess it was partly my fault.
I should have stood by
and fought for you.
Rene! Darling.
Well, I thought so. No sooner do I get
out of town than you start cheating on me.
-Bill, you'd better take Irene home.
-Come along, darling.
-You stay here. I wanna talk to you.
-I have nothing to say to you now or ever.
-All right, I've got something to say to you.
-You're wasting your time.
You shut up. This isn't your affair.
I've made it my affair.
You keep out of this, do you hear?
You've done enough to me already.
If you think that you can get--
You've always hated me, Mr. Legendre.
You tried to break Bill and me up
when you knew we loved each other.
I've tried for months to be just what you
wanted, and what do I get in return for it?
Nothing but a lot of
loneliness and humiliation.
I could have made good here.
If there'd been one soul in this whole--
If there'd been one soul in this town...
...that was big enough
to say a decent word about me.
So you think you can
get rid of me for a filthy $500.
You'd better take it.
It may help you get back
to your chauffeur.
Why, you dirty, gum-chewing,
hypocritical sneak.
-So you framed me, huh?
Stop! Get out of that car.
Get out!
This is the last time I'll have to
degrade myself by even speaking to you.
I know what you are
and have always been.
Even before I found out,
I was sick of you.
I never touched you
that I didn't hate myself for it.
I've got just one thing to thank you for.
You're so rotten that you've broken
every claim you might've had on me.
You've fixed it so I'll never have to see
you again or even think of you. I'm through.
Bill! Bill, speak to me!
Bill! Bill!
Shot by wife. Extra. Paper.
Read all about it.
Legendre Junior shot by wife.
Hey, bring one over here, buddy.
She always was a disgrace to Renwood.
She had it coming to her, that dame.
Mommy, why did she shoot him?
That's a lot of hooey
about it being an accident.
-You know her?
-Know her?
The police say she's out of the state,
but I bet she's right here in Renwood.
-She'll wind up in the gutter.
-Lucky that guy didn't die.
-It sure is.
-Funny, he said he's not going to prosecute.
Darling! I've won! I've won!
Bravo, sweetheart. Let's go and collect.
Just a moment, please. Just a moment.
Dad, let me tell you what Rene did.
-It was, but my horse ran fourth.
-What a shame, but imagine me winning.
-Fourteen hundred and fifty francs.
-How much is that?
-That's about 56 dollars.
-Oh, is that all?
-Oh, I thought I'd won something.
-But you did win.