Red Hill (2010)

Have you seen my gun?
Thought I had packed it with the photos.
Is everything okay?
I'm okay.
Come on Sweetie, come here.
What happened?
Was it cramps?
I'm just scared.
Yeah, I know.
Everything's okay though, right?
You couldn't find it?
No, I don't have
time to look.
I'm sure the Inspector
will understand.
I hope so.
Are you nervous?
Kinda feels like my first day.
I'm sure you will
a very good impression.
I should go.
I love you.
Me too.
You are not taking the car?
Well, you might want to go into town.
I can walk.
You can waddle.
Do you even know where you're going?
No idea.
Good morning. I'm Richard Morecroft
with national and regional news.
We've just received news that there's
been a large explosion...
at Western Bay Maximum Security Prison.
The residents of the area were awoken
around 8 AM...
for what's being described as
a large booming sound.
I was just...
That's okay.
Constable Shane Cooper
reporting for duty.
Sergeant Jim Barlow.
Old Bill said you would be coming by.
So did you just get into town?
Uh yeah, late last night.
How was your drive?
Well, it would have been quicker if my wife
didn't have to pee every two minutes.
What? She's got some sort of bladder problem?
No, no, she's pregnant.
Oh, that's great.
It's horseshit and you know it.
Don't say that.
Hey, Manning...
Don't bother me, Barlow.
I'm late.
Manning, come here,
there's someone I want you to meet.
This is Shane Cooper. The new guy.
He's having marriage difficulties.
So is the Inspector in here or...
No, Old Bill's at Town Hall this morning.
He wanted me to send you there.
Well, you gonna tell me where it is? Or...
Oh jeez, I'm sorry...
Gonna have to get used
to having a city boy around.
You go back to the main road
and turn right.
You go up the hill,
pass the information center...
Information Center?
Oh yeah, you can't miss it,
There's a historical exhibit
on the front window.
Oh, Shane?
You won't tell Old Bill
I was sleeping, will you?
Not unless you tell him
I was late.
Oh, you guys know there's a horse
loose in the parking lot?
Yeah, that's our Betsy. She lives here.
Of course she does.
I often wonder what
this town would of been like...
back when it was thriving.
When it had a sense
of purpose and pride.
And since that time
we've had the logger shut down,
the sewing mill abandoned,
and crops reduced to dust,
and the high country...
riped off for a national reserve.
Well, it turns out fitly...
the Martha here suggests that
we rub the last scrap of business...
out of this godforsaken town.
That is not the point, Bill,
and you know it!
Instead of living in the past...
this city ought to be looking
towards new revenue streams.
You're not suggesting we host
a food and wine festival, are you?
Our forefathers didn't sacrifice
their blood, sweat, and tears...
so that a bunch of wankers
could come here and sip fucking Pinot!
For those who want to destroy this town,
they better deal with me first...
cause I'm not going down without a fight!
Where's your gun, Constable?
Look, I arrived late last night...
I had a house full of boxes...
Why didn't you unpack it?
Sir, I didn't know where it was.
So you lost it?
No sir, I just didn't have time to find it.
If you knew where it was,
you would have unpacked it.
You know that losing a police issued
firearm is a serious offense?
I'd be happy to report
the firearm is formally missing,
if you fell that it's required, sir.
Don't go crawling up my ass just yet Constable.
I haven't had breakfast yet.
Yes, sir.
You are the transfer assigned?
Personal reasons, I guess.
What sort of personal reasons?
Just give us a minute, Slim.
If I'm gonna be your superior,
there's nothing that you can't share with me.
Now, to be honest with you, Shane...
when a blowing from the big smokes
requests to be transferred to my outpost...
I count on two things.
Either he's lazy
looking for what he thinks is a cushy bait
or he's an upstart looking for an easy promotion.
"So which one are you?
It's nothing like that, sir.
Then what is it?
It's my wife, sir.
We lost...
We lost our last pregnancy at six months.
The doctor said we should move
somewhere quiet, away from the city.
Try and keep her blood pressure down.
And here's something I haven't seen in a while.
The Carlin brothers riding on horseback.
What's the occasion, Micky?
Gleason lost the herd this morning.
Old Jerry Patrick forgot to shut
the gate again, did he?
Oh no, reckon something spooked them bad.
Stampede broke the fence.
Where they head to?
You are not gonna tell anyone,
are you, Billy?
Not unless you don't come back.
This is Shane Cooper
the new Constable.
You boys better try and make it back
before the storm hits.
It'll only spook the horses even more if we don't.
Well, be good now.
Are they not allowed
to ride in those mountains?
Not since the government bought them off.
Heaven forbid...
Somebody once step on a flatten flower.
Good to see that business
is booming, Ted.
Someone's gotta feed Ken's medicine.
Got a look at your file.
It's not very poor.
Thank you, sir.
What was the counselling for?
You did that, police counselling.
It was mandatory.
I was shot on duty, sir.
Post-traumatic stress?
No, sir.
Then why did they send you?
I guess they thought it was my fault.
What, you shot yourself?
No, sir.
Well, who did?
A kid.
He was strung out, he pulled
a concealed weapon, I pulled mine and...
You couldn't pull the trigger.
He was just a kid.
He was a kid with a gun.
That's one way of looking at it.
Well, what's the other way, Constable?
Well, maybe he needed help,
not a bullet.
What? You disagree, Inspector?
We would be having
a different conversation if you were dead.
Bill, come in.
Yeah, it's me. Go ahead.
Quick call from Gleason.
He wants one of us to go out to his property.
Take a look at something.
Is it about the missing horses?
Yes, he says he found out
what caused the stampede.
You wanna come by the fort.
No. I'll send Cooper up to you.
It's about time we brought him in.
Copy that.
Once you get to the top of the hill...
There's a communications tower.
Property's six klicks south of that.
Okay. So I'll just take the car out back?
No, that's mine.
What about the car out front?
Well, how am I supposed to get to Gleason's property?
Mr. Gleason?
Debbie, I understand the breakout
occurred just a few hours ago.
That's right, Richard.
This morning
at approximately 8AM,
a huge explosion ripped through
the southern wall of the facility.
Initially, prison officers
were unsure as to
how many inmates, if any, had escaped.
But we can now confirm the identity
of the man the police is searching for.
Dural Conway, also known as "Jimmy"...
was convicted of murdering his wife...
and the attempted murder
of a Red Hill police officer in 1995.
Conway was sentenced to life in prison.
The police are urging the public to not approach the man,
as he is considered armed and dangerous.
Thanks very much, Debbie,
and we will be giving you all the updates
on the story as they come in.
What kind of animal is capable
of such a thing?
It scares me to ponder.
Certainly isn't from anything local.
When I was a kid...
My father swore he had seen
a panther up in them hills.
Some of the locals claim
they had seen the same thing.
How the hell does a panther
end up roaming high country Australia?
Travelling circus, so the story goes.
Apparently two of the bastards
escaped from the show in 1880.
And one of them was pregnant.
Lucky for us, Panthers don't breed like rabbits.
I seen you ride in on that horse.
Did Manning put you up to it?
That man
was born a bastard.
Just look where you want to go...
and the horse will follow.
Ahem. Ahem.
Come on.
Dural Conway, also known as Jimmy
is approximately 175 cm tall...
of Aboriginal descent, and of
median build with short brown hair.
He can be recognized
by the distinct burn scars...
along the left hand side
of his face and upper body.
Officials have now confirmed...
that the explosion was caused
by the detonation of a gas line...
leading through the prison wall.
Did they know how the inmate
was able to get into the gas line?
Yes Richard, following the discovery of
a 3m hole dug into solid concrete.
Prison officers now believe...
Prison officials are greatly concerned
for the whereabouts of the suspect...
What's going on?
Do we have a history of his previous arrests?
Indeed, Richard.
Convicted of murdering his wife...
and the attempted murder of a
Red Hill police officer in 1995...
Conway was sentenced...
Old Bill's the one who put him away.
Police are urging the public not to approach the man...
as he is considered armed and dangerous.
Now we all here.
Alright, here is what we know.
Approximately 9 AM today...
Jimmy Conway break out of the
Maximum Security Prison at Western Bay.
45 minutes later, he was spotted
stealing a white 86 Falcon...
Registration MKC-489...
from a BP service station in Jackson.
Alright, now...
From Jackson, it's about a six-hour haul to Red Hill.
So that gives us exactly two hours
to lock this town down.
Manning, you'll take the freeway exit.
Rex, you'll cover the hard country bypass
in case he takes the scenic route.
My bet is he's gonna try and flank us...
so I'm gonna cover Alpine Drive.
So Dale, you ride with me...
and Willy, you ride with Manning.
Now, Barlow.
I want you here to monitor the wire.
Alright, you'll feed us if there are any updates.
And you put out a storm warning.
There's a big one hitting our way tonight,
so keep everyone indoors.
Right. Earl, Slim, Ted.
I want you to secure up Main Street.
Earl, you good with the scope,
so make sure you get a good vantage point.
You stay with Barlow and secure the station,
because if he strikes,
this will be the first place he hits.
What's funny?
A bit overkill, Billy?
Jimmy Conway...
was the best bromley tracker
this town ever had.
You'll hold your positions and you'll be armed
at all times. You understand?
Any questions?
What about Gleason?
No, we'll leave him out of this one.
What's he gonna do,
throw his walking cane?
I'd like to know who's gonna
cover Skins Creek Road.
Jimmy won't take Skins Creek Road.
What makes you so sure?
Cause I know the way he moves.
He'll be after the
smallest track with the most cover.
Maybe he thinks you are thinking that...
so maybe he'll do something different.
No harm posting a man for a piece of mourn, Billy.
You'll cover Skins Creek Road.
Yes, sir.
"Yes, sir."
Everybody armed?
Slim, you need one, right?
Nobody leaves here without a weapon.
That includes you too, Constable.
Give him something.
Alright, the radios.
I want everyone to tune into channel four.
If the shit hits the van...
We'll stay off the wire and regroup
at Earl's barn. And listen!
We all know
what we're dealing with here.
If Jimmy Conway rides into this town,
he'll be bringing hell with him.
Shoot to kill.
Alright, you heard the man.
Move out.
Listen, I don't want to cause
any unnecessary stress, but I just came...
from Gleason's Property
and he seems to think there's
a Panther roaming the area.
Jesus, Cooper.
This in Australia, mate.
Not fucking Africa.
Adonis? Adonis.
Luca. Luca.
Hey, honey.
Howdy, sheriff.
How's your first day?
You know, working hard.
I bet you are.
You are never gonna guess
where I found your gun.
It was tucked under the towels...
Good to know. Listen honey,
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Okay, I love you.
Love you too. Bye.
How are we doing today?
Attention all positions.
We have just received word
that Conway's getaway vehicle
has been found
abandoned in Winston.
Please, please
put the gun down.
Nobody needs to get hurt, okay?
Putting it down, you see.
You gotta let them go.
You want this?
I'm gonna put it down slowly.
Nice and easy. There you go.
You gotta let them go now.
You don't need them.
Take it easy.
Radio Check. Come in, Cooper. Over.
Radio Check. Come in, Cooper. Over.
Cooper, you there?
Bill... look...
I don't want you to start sweating, but...
we've lost contact with Cooper.
Jimmy. Mate...
look, there's no need...
Barlow, come in, over.
Barlow, come in, over.
Barlow, come in.
Barlow, answer your radio.
Goddamn it, Barlow,
answer your fucking radio.
Well, after he pulled
down the relay tower...
he softened off the tank
and legged it.
Did he say anything?
Which way did he go?
Headed to town, I suppose.
It's him, Billy...
It's fucking him.
Has he seen you?
I don't know.
Stay where you are.
Manning and I are on our way back.
Rex, you copy that?
I'm moving, I'll be there in ten.
Hold your positions
and stay off the wire.
I'll give you anything.
Tell me what you want.
Please don't kill me.
I don't want anybody
to get hurt, Jimmy.
I promise you, Jimmy.
Please don't kill me, Jimmy.
You black bastard.
Please Jimmy.
Jimmy, Jimmy, please, Jimmy.
Please, Jimmy. No.
Please, Jimmy, no, no.
Jimmy, no, Jimmy.
I'm watching them now, Bill.
You are not gonna believe this, man.
He shot him, he shot Slim.
He just shot him man.
Rex, I told you
to stay off the fucking wire.
I'm gonna die.
Don't say that.
I'm going to hell.
I know it.
You'll be okay.
What do you think he's doing?
He's waiting for us.
You call flanking him, Bill?
What do you wanna do?
We're moving... on foot.
What's happening?
No. .. no... no...
Easy, easy!
It's me. It's me, Shane.
Barlow. Where's Bill?
He's killing us all...
Where is Bill?
I don't know!
What do you mean, you don't know?
Is he dead?
I don't know, I don't fucking know!
The phones, radios, the mobiles,
nothing's fucking working.
It's payback.
Earl's Barn? Do you know where it is?
He's here for payback.
And he won't stop.
Nothing's gonna stop him.
Bill said that if shit hits the van,
we'll make it
to Earl's barn.
He's hunting us down like dogs.
Where the fuck is Earl's barn?!
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck me.
What is it?
Oh fuck.
Oh shit.
You gonna keep quiet, okay?
Don't leave me here.
I'll come back for you.
Please, please.
I don't want to die.
You aren't die.
No, you don't understand.
He's gonna kill us all.
Shane, please, mate.
Don't fucking move.
I'm going out...
What the fuck do we do?
We're pinned.
Go, go, go, go!
I saw him Bill,
with my own eyes.
He's hunting us like fucking dogs.
Where's Earl?
What about Rex?
We are all that's left.
He's here for payback.
If we don't stop him,
we are all gonna die!
You think you can scream any louder?
We gotta do something, Bill.
Dale, get the horses.
Where's the backup, Bill?
We'll play him in his own game.
We stop running.
We start hunting.
Bill, where's the backup?
There isn't any.
He's taken out all communications.
Surely, we can send
somebody for help?
Nearest town is an hour's ride.
So we deal with
this fucking situation ourselves!
He's right, Bill.
Listen to him.
We have to have backup.
We got a convicted murderer out there
killing every men in this town
and you're suggesting
we don't call it in?
Old Gleason's got a
satellite phone.
We can use that for backup.
Shut up, Barlow.
He does,
he uses it for emergencies.
I'm calling it in.
No, you're not.
The hell's going on here?
You tell me, son.
Jimmy Conway killed every
local you put up against him.
But when he came to me...
He dropped me to the
outskirts of the town.
Now, why do you think that is?
If you got something to say, you go right ahead and say it.
Barlow's died.
saddle up three horses.
Turn the others loose.
Seems Cooper here won't be joining us.
That's a mighty fast draw
for someone who's never shot a bullet.
One sec.
Constable here hasn't got the nerve
to pull the trigger, do you son?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on!
Fuck! Fuck!
Just look where you want to go.
Mr. Gleason!
Mr. Gleason!
Mr. Gleason!
This is High Country patrol,
Please state your emergency.
This is officer Shane Cooper
of Red Hill District 208.
I'm requesting immediate backup.
We have an escapee Jimmy Conway
roaming the area.
He's heavily armed and on the loose.
We've lost all communications.
One officer is dead
along with several civilians.
I'm requesting immediate backup.
Received, 208.
What is the current location of the suspect?
I don't know. I don't know.
He's roaming the whole fucking area.
Look. Just send all available units
and send them...
Mr. Gleason!
Mr. Gleason!
Mr. Gleason?
He's out there, isn't he?
When I saw on the news
that he had escaped...
I knew he would come for us.
Why don't you step down from there...
and we could talk about this?
This is something I should
have done a long time ago.
He's an innocent man, Shane.
What are you saying?
Fifteen years ago...
the government was
buying up the land.
They were going to cut a train line
through the mountains.
But Jimmy found
a sacred burial site.
Bill tried to stop him,
but Jimmy went public.
What did you do?
What did you do?
I've written everything down...
exactly as I remembered.
How's your day?
It was great.
You cut your face.
Oh, it's just a scratch.
The Inspector's got us
rounding up cattle.
I'm sorry that we had to move.
Don't you ever say that...
because we're in this together.
All three of us.
He has been kicking like crazy tonight.
Your dinner's in the fridge.
I'll eat when I get back.
Are you going out again?
I have to.
Why did you come home for?
Be careful, cowboy.
Spread out, boys.
We bring him to us.
I got a wife now.
Come on, Jimmy.
I know you're out there!
You wanna know whether she survived?
You kill me,
you'll never know.
If it isn't the black killer himself!
Didn't count on seeing you
for another 30 years, Jimmy.
Don't tell me they've let you loose.
Want me to make a citizen's arrest,
Throw the book at him.
I don't know what I like doing more...
Killing you or nailing your fucking wife.
You best put that gun down.
What the fuck are you doing, Cooper?
I'm taking you in, Bill.
You put the gun down. That's an order!
You... and your friends...
are under arrest for the rape
and murder of Ellin Conway.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I've got a sworn statement, right here.
After Jimmy stopped the train line...
You rounded up a posse
for retribution.
But there was only so much Jimmy could take.
You beat him, shot him...
and burned.
But you didn't kill him, did you, Bill.
So you had your men...
your boys...
testify against him for
a murder he didn't commit.
Nice story, kid.
But, you got no evidence.
You buried her on top of Eagle's Ridge.
You put that gun down
or I'll have you shot!
He's bluffing, boys.
Go ahead, shoot him.
You don't have the balls
to pull the trigger.
Who the fuck are you?
You know nothing
about this town.
I know the law.
You're not the law in this town.
I am!
This is my town!
My town!
I got Jimmy a chance,
but no...
he wanted to be a hero!
And for what?
Bones in the fucking ground!
You don't have to do this.
Come on, kill me. Come on!
We were going to have a boy.