Red Riding Hood (2011)

Full moon. Lock up tonight.
Better the wolf takes the pig than you.
We lived on the edge of a dark forest.
Few knew our village by name...
...but many had heard of the terrible
things that happened there.
My mother always told me,
"Don't talk to strangers.
Go get water and come straight home."
I tried to be a good girl
and do what she said.
Believe me, I tried.
Let's go.
Do you have the knife?
Right here.
Look, snow white fur.
I'll make you a pair of hunting boots.
Do it, Peter.
- You do it.
- No, you do it.
That's it.
I know good girls aren't supposed
to hunt rabbits or go into the woods alone.
But since we were kids, he always had a
way of making me wanna break the rules.
Peter! Trees'll still be there after we eat.
- Give me that.
- What will you give me for it?
- They didn't tell you?
- Tell me what?
They've arranged for you to marry
Henry Lazar.
Well, my mother finally got
what she wanted.
Henry gets what he's always wanted.
So, what do we do now?
Do you want to marry him?
You know I don't.
Prove it.
- How?
- Run away with me.
Where would we go?
Anywhere you want.
The ocean.
The city.
The mountains.
You afraid?
- No.
- Oh, no?
You'd leave your home?
Your family?
Your whole life?
I would do anything to be with you.
I thought you'd say that.
- Oh, did you?
- Ha, ha.
Let's do something about it.
It'd be half a day's ride before
anyone knows we're gone.
I'll race you.
The wolf.
This way! Over here!
It killed again.
But we've kept the peace.
Well, the wolf has broken it.
Who is it?
Tell me.
It's your sister.
Mother, Father.
Thank you, Claude.
- Madame Lazar, please come in.
- Suzette.
- I'm sorry for your loss.
- Thank you.
Let me take that.
- Hello, Henry.
- Ladies.
Lucie was a good girl.
He's your fianc now.
He's come to offer his condolences.
- But I barely know him.
- You'll get to know him.
Now go down there. Please.
Come with us to the tavern.
Let the women grieve in their own way.
- L... I... I want to go.
- No.
I didn't love your father
when we were first married.
I was in love with another man.
But I came to love your father.
And he gave me
two beautiful daughters.
We should count our blessings.
Come on, Father.
It's been almost 20 years since
the wolf has taken a human life.
Twenty years.
That's because we sacrifice
our best livestock every full moon.
We kept our end of the bargain.
- So now we kill it.
- Yeah!
Let's kill that thing!
I've summoned Father Solomon.
- Father Solomon?
- Ha-ha-ha.
He has destroyed werewolves and witches
in cities throughout the kingdom.
He will rid us of this beast.
He'll rob us of our vengeance.
I wonder why she was outside
on a wolf night.
Maybe she snuck out to meet a boy.
My Lucie never even
thought about boys.
She was certainly taken
with my grandson.
She used to come by and follow him
about like a puppy.
She found out that night that Henry
was engaged to her sister.
She must have been heartbroken.
Maybe she chose to die
rather than live without him.
How romantic.
It's unspeakable.
She never even told me.
Don't worry, dear.
Henry always had his eye on you.
You're the pretty one.
I'm paying my respects.
I know exactly why you're here.
I've already lost one daughter.
Valerie's all I have left.
You have nothing to offer her.
I have a trade. The same one
as your husband.
I know what a woodcutter earns.
Henry's her only hope for a better life.
If you love her...'ll let her go.
We've all seen the bones on the trail
to Mount Grimmoor.
That's where the wolf makes its lair.
We know the weaknesses of the werewolf.
It can't come out in daylight.
It can't step onto holy ground.
- And there's silver.
- That'll kill it.
Maybe Father Auguste is right.
Maybe we should wait.
Maybe, my son... should find your courage.
You want to hunt the wolf?
Let's hunt it.
Let's kill it!
Let's kill the beast!
Let's kill it!
What's going on?
Come on, boys!
Are you with me?!
Let's go!
Be careful.
I lost my sister. I can't lose you too.
We can't do this anymore.
You have to go through with it.
You have to marry Henry.
But you know I don't want Henry.
Don't make this something it's not.
Look, we had our fun.
That's all it ever was.
I don't believe you.
I made something for you.
I was gonna wait until our wedding,
but, uh...
Just in case.
You will be happy again.
I promise.
Come on, Henry.
We should wait.
- We should wait for Father Solomon.
- No!
He'll be here tomorrow!
- We're gonna kill the wolf.
- We can take care of this.
That's it? Nobody else?
Let's go! Go home to your mama's, then.
Adrian. Thank you for standing up for
Lucie. That was no small thing.
We'll be family soon.
You'd have done the same.
Promise me you'll be careful.
Don't worry.
The wolf doesn't want me. I'm all gristle.
I mean it, son.
I promise, Mama.
Darling. Darling.
There are so many things
she didn't tell me.
And I'm her sister. I should've known.
That was her choice.
We all have secrets.
Remember what my grandma
used to say:
- "All sorrows are less with bread."
- "Less with bread."
Here. Try this.
How beautiful.
I was making it for your wedding.
I don't feel like it's my wedding.
I feel like...
...I'm being sold.
Right up there.
You better watch yourself.
There's a fork.
Let's split up.
Another fork.
We'll take the steep one.
No. We should stay together.
Good morning, dear.
Morning, Grandmother.
Grandmother told us
that the wolf used to kill entire families...
...snatching children from their beds.
Those stories never seemed real to me.
Until now.
Ripped the thing out!
To Adrian.
For his sacrifice.
To Adrian.
Poor Henry.
Your father was a brave man.
You know, I was close enough to smell it.
And I was afraid. And I hid from it.
I didn't do anything.
I should've saved him.
- Henry...
- Just leave!
I don't want you to see me like this.
It was Henry's father, wasn't it?
The man you loved?
Lucie was in love with him.
She was a year older than me.
She could've married him.
Why did you insist it was me?
I think you know the answer to that.
I want you to say it.
Lucie was Henry's half-sister.
Adrian was her father.
Does Papa know about Lucie?
No. And you have to promise me
that you'll never tell.
Father Solomon.
He's here.
Presenting His Eminence...
Father Solomon.
Oh, please don't cry.
You see? You see all these children?
You see how scared they are?
There's a big, bad wolf.
Someone has to stop it.
Is that the beast that killed our mother?
It may very well be.
Go on. I'll join you soon.
This is indeed an honor, Your Eminence.
You've arrived just in time for our festival.
As you can see,
the werewolf has been dealt with.
That is not a werewolf.
No disrespect...
...but we have been living
with this beast for two generations.
We know what we're dealing with.
Well, no disrespect...
...but you have no idea
what you are dealing with.
I was like you once.
My wife's name was Penelope.
She gave me two beautiful daughters.
We were a very happy family.
We lived in a village like this.
And like Daggerhorn...
...ours was plagued by a werewolf.
One full moon,
my friends and I got drunk.
We decided to hunt it.
It never occurred to us that we might
actually find it, but find it we did.
It ripped... best friend in half.
And then it was on me.
I hacked and hacked at it with my axe.
Suddenly... was gone.
I had cut off one of its front paws.
I thought it might make a clever
souvenir, and so I took it home.
And there I found my wife...
...with a bloody rag
wrapped around her wrist.
And when I opened my sack...
...the werewolf's paw...
...was gone.
This was in its place.
I told my girls
the werewolf killed their mother.
But that was a lie.
I killed her.
When a werewolf dies,
it returns to its human form.
That is just a common gray wolf.
Your werewolf... still very much alive.
This is one of only three silver
swords blessed by the Holy See.
May I touch?
This is a very dangerous time.
You all know
what the Blood Moon means.
They have no idea what it means.
The orrery.
The red planet converges with the moon
once every 13 years.
This is the only time
a new werewolf can be created.
During the week of the Blood Moon...
...the werewolf may pass his curse on
with a single bite.
During a normal full moon,
a wolf bite will kill you.
But during a Blood Moon...
...your very souls are in danger.
Until the Blood Moon wanes in three days... will never truly be safe.
We're safe now.
I killed the wolf in its lair.
The cave at Mount Grimmoor.
You have been deceived
by this beast from the start.
It made you think
it lived on Grimmoor... that you would not look for it
in the most obvious place.
The wolf lives here.
In this village.
Among you.
The real killer could be your neighbor.
- What?
- Your best friend.
Even your wife.
- Barricade the village.
- You can't do that!
Post men at every gate!
No one leaves until we kill the wolf!
- As you wish.
- The wolf is dead.
Tonight we celebrate!
Go ahead. Celebrate.
We'll see who is right.
The wolf is dead!
Take it off!
I'll huff, and I'll puff...
...and I'll blow your house down!
Laugh at the little man!
Valerie, come dance.
I'll huff...
...I'll puff...
...and I'll blow your house down.
I'll just flick this off.
I'll be fit to see the pope.
You're my good girl.
I'm so sorry.
I know. Just go home now, okay?
Tricked you. Ha-ha-ha.
Where did you learn that?
Claude, come back to the party.
Looks like Rose has a new conquest.
Come on, Prudence.
You left us!
Take it easy, friend.
I said we should stick together and you
left us, and my father is dead because of it!
Please don't do this.
Keep your hands off her
or I'll cut them off!
Leave me alone.
What's the matter with you?
What do I have to do to make you stop?
I love you, Peter.
What are you doing with Rose?
You don't even like her.
I don't have to like her
to get what I want from her.
You're a terrible liar.
I know you feel like I do.
I know you're burning inside.
I'll never be able to give you
anything like this.
Think I care about Henry's money?
You have a future with him.
I'm not gonna let you ruin that.
Did my mother get to you?
Valerie, I'm wrong for you.
I don't care.
I could eat you up.
Don't you want me?
Hey, Peter.
Come on, give us a hand.
The only life I want is with you.
So where did you disappear to?
You know all that soft hay
in the granary?
- Run!
- Get to the church!
- Peter!
- Go!
You will die now, beast!
The wolf can't cross onto holy ground!
Get to the church!
The church!
Now! Rope it!
Hold him!
- It's strong.
- God is stronger.
God is stronger!
I warned you!
I warned you!
Your werewolf is still alive!
Find it!
Find it!
Find it.
Over there!
You can't escape from me.
Oh, my God. You can speak.
You understand me.
That's all that matters, Valerie.
You know my name.
What are you doing?
Human eyes, dark brown.
I know you well.
You dream of leaving this village.
Let me take you away.
You and I are the same.
No, I'm nothing like you.
You're a murderer.
You're a killer too, aren't you?
What happened to the rabbit, Valerie?
I killed it.
I know. So come with me.
Then the streets will run red
with blood. Starting with hers.
Come on!
Father Solomon will stop you.
Father Solomon will die like the rest.
I'm coming back for you
before the Blood Moon wanes.
There! Fire!
You talked to the wolf.
No, it talked to us.
No, it growled.
Wait, you heard it talk to you?
They'll call me a witch.
Don't tell anyone.
No, of course not.
- Get inside onto holy ground.
- Wait, I have to find my brother.
- And my family.
- No one leaves until sunrise.
- Go.
- For your own safety.
We were wrong to have doubted you,
I've never seen a beast as strong as this.
A creature this powerful must come
from a long uninterrupted bloodline.
Each generation
more potent than the one before.
We must find it in its human form.
But how? It could be any of them.
It hasn't survived this long
by being obvious. Look everywhere.
Look for the signs.
The black arts.
Abnormal behavior.
Strange smells.
Your homes will be searched.
Your secrets brought to light.
If you are innocent,
you have nothing to fear.
But if you are guilty...
...I swear by Almighty God... will be destroyed.
He's still alive!
Bring me water!
It's a Blood Moon. So he must...
He's my brother!
A man bitten... a man cursed!
Valerie, open the door.
We're all in danger.
So we've gotta leave now.
Come away with me.
Come away with me.
Come away with me.
Get your things. We have to leave now.
I can't go with you, Peter.
Why not?
I'm sorry.
What happened?
She's going to be all right.
The wolf just scratched her.
That's not a bite.
Lift her head, Valerie.
Here. Drink this, dear.
It'll help you sleep.
You sleep.
What is it, darling?
What is it?
The wolf.
It talked to me.
And you understood it?
As clearly as I understand you.
Have you told anyone else about this?
Only Roxanne knows,
but she won't tell anyone.
She won't even talk to me about it.
It chose not to kill you.
I think it wants me alive.
- No.
- Bring me another bandage.
I have to get clean water.
Has Claude come home?
Nobody's seen him.
There you go, back inside. Now.
You have to let us in.
I saw you with Peter.
I know you don't want me like that.
I'm not gonna force you to marry me.
I'm gonna break off the engagement.
I'm sorry, Henry.
That's enough!
Father Solomon!
We found someone hiding!
In the tower!
- It's my brother! Don't touch him!
- Get him down!
- Interrogate him!
- He's not the wolf!
Look at him!
His speech is twisted.
He communes with demons.
Get him down! Now!
He hasn't done anything!
This is proof
that he studies the black arts!
He's a conjurer.
- I know him.
- Better than I knew my own wife?
You never know
what someone is capable of.
Get him down! Come on!
Give me the name of the wolf.
Give me the name.
Tell me the name!
The Romans invented this.
An ingenious system
for extracting the truth.
How can he give you a name?
The boy can barely speak.
Listen to how he sings
of his love of Satan.
We do this for the greater good.
What's the good in this?
I killed my wife to protect my children.
Our methods of pleasing God
are sometimes flawed.
You had best develop a stomach for it.
She says it's important.
I've come to bargain
for the release of my brother.
Silver fingernails.
To kill a werewolf.
Get out.
Please, I have more than money to offer.
Turn around.
Enough. Move.
Wait, please. I have something else.
Spare my brother
and I'll give you the name of a witch.
Now, that... worth something.
Tell them what you told me.
She can climb the tallest trees.
She can run faster than all the girls.
She wears a red cloak.
The devil's color.
That's nonsense. I made that cloak.
Silence! Continue.
And she can talk to werewolves.
I've seen it. With my own eyes.
- Do you deny it?
- No, I don't deny it.
And what was the nature
of this conversation?
It promised to leave Daggerhorn
in peace as long as I go with it.
The wolf is someone in this village
who wants you, Valerie.
Do you know who it is?
I'd think very hard if I were you.
Tell me.
Tell me who it is.
Give me a name.
It wants her, not you.
If you wish to save yourselves,
simply give it what it wants.
You can't give her to the wolf.
That's human sacrifice.
We've all made sacrifices.
The trial is over.
Go back to your homes.
I said go home. All of you!
- I thought you cared about her.
- I do care.
I do care.
I'm trying to be smart about it.
Go to the granary.
You're gonna try and rescue her?
- Well, I'll help.
- I'm not that desperate.
Oh, really? Then what's your plan, huh?
See, you don't have one.
Look, you've seen those locks.
I've got a shop and I've got tools.
You need me.
Okay. Fine.
But if you're the wolf,
I'm gonna chop your head off.
I will do the same to you.
Fair enough.
Go home!
Where's my brother? Father Solomon
told me you'd release him.
We did.
Bread. Blanket.
Do you need anything else?
I do not want you to use that knife.
- We have to find the wolf.
- By sundown?
Listen, the wolf wants you.
But first it killed your sister.
No. I didn't know it,
but Lucie was in love with Henry.
And when she found out
about my engagement...
...she gave herself to the wolf.
No. Lucie wouldn't do that.
- Your time is up.
- But she might have responded to Henry.
Please see that she gets that.
I'm gonna save your daughter.
And then I intend to marry her.
I'd like your blessing in this,
but I can live without it.
What can I do?
We're closed.
It's me.
Hello, Henry.
- I brought you some biscuits.
- Thanks.
I just wanna thank you
for speaking up this morning.
Here, try some.
That was very brave of you.
I said what I felt.
You know...
...I want you to know you're under no
obligation to stand up for Valerie.
You're no longer engaged to her.
She's in love with someone else.
That doesn't mean
I've stopped caring about her.
I imagine that's just how
Lucie felt about you.
She had a crush on me.
Oh, more than a crush. I think she would
have done absolutely anything for you.
Even agree to meet you on a wolf night
if you asked her to.
Why are you doing this?
Do you think I'm the wolf?
Are you accusing me of murder?
I'm not accusing you of anything.
I just want to find out the truth.
It's you.
My God, it's you.
I can smell it on you.
Heh. What can you smell on me?
The night my father died, I could smell
the wolf. It was like a deep musk.
And I can smell it all over you right now.
What do you do out there in that cabin
all by yourself in the middle of the night?
On the night that Lucie died?
You don't know, do you?
I know what you're doing. And I'm not
gonna let you turn this on me.
You're coming with us.
- I haven't done anything.
- Just a precaution.
Father Solomon doesn't want
any trouble from the witch's family.
It's time to put on your harlot's robe.
I did my best to protect you.
You and Lucie.
I know, Papa.
You taught us to be strong.
Father Solomon had designed
the mask for public disgrace.
And even my friends stared, judging me.
What if they were right?
Maybe the wolf knew something I didn't.
Maybe there was something
dark inside of me.
You should all go home!
I'm so sorry, Valerie.
I didn't mean for this to happen.
Bless you, my dear.
Roxanne wanted me
to tell you how sorry she is.
- She said those things to save her brother.
- I know. Tell her that I forgive her.
Of course.
But I wanted to say...
I don't know what to say.
But you don't have to say anything.
But I want to.
I want you to know that... may have fooled Roxanne...
...but you don't fool me.
Not anymore.
You were always too good.
Too pretty.
Too perfect.
You tricked us.
Now you're gonna get what you deserve.
Prudence, I think you should go.
It won't be long now.
The wolf is coming.
The wolf lives here.
Your neighbor. Your best friend.
Even your wife.
You're the pretty one.
- I could eat you up.
- You will be happy again.
Human eyes, dark brown.
I know you well.
Do you know how you kill a tiger,
Father Auguste?
You tie out your best goat...
...and wait.
- Put it out!
- Unh.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
It's too much!
Don't move.
There! He's taken the bait! Fire!
Wait, that's not the wolf!
He's aiding a witch!
- Fire!
- No!
This one started the fire.
Lock him up. In the elephant!
- Go!
- Move it!
The witch has escaped!
Get over here! Find the witch!
Come on, Peter's meeting us
with the horses.
Where's Peter?
I don't know.
He said he'd be here.
If he doesn't show...
...I'm gonna take you away.
Let me take you away.
Do you think I'm the wolf?
Find the witch!
Come on! Quickly!
That way!
We should go to the church.
The wolf can't cross onto holy ground.
Some with me! This way! Let's go!
I heard something over there.
They're in here! After them!
Henry. Henry.
Go. Valerie, go!
No. I'm not leaving you.
- We claim sanctuary.
- You are not on holy ground yet.
- This...
- Unh.
...belongs to me.
You want her alive?!
Kill it!
Step across the gate,
or I'll destroy this village.
Come with me before the sun rises.
Make your decision.
I won't let you destroy my home.
- I'll go with you.
- Don't! Valerie. No.
If you promise to leave them alone.
No. I won't let you
sacrifice yourself for us.
- Nor will I.
- Nor will I.
I stand by Valerie.
You can't hide from me.
- Aah!
- The witch will still burn!
Under the Blood Moon...
...a man bitten is a man cursed.
My children will be orphaned.
My brother...
...had children too.
I meant only to serve.
To protect us from darkness.
Under the Blood Moon...
...a man bitten is a man cursed.
Where's Peter?
Where's Peter?
What big eyes you have.
The better to see you with, my dear.
Grandmother, what big ears you have.
The better to hear you with, my dear.
What big teeth you have.
The better to eat you with, my dear.
Valerie. What are you doing out of bed?
I was so worried.
It looks much better.
Where are you going?
To Grandmother's.
I think she's in danger.
We're going after the wolf
before the storm can cover its tracks.
It'll be human again
and we can finally kill it.
And I have...
What? Tell me.
Peter is still missing.
I'll do what I have to do.
Please be careful.
Thank God you're all right.
Where were you?
I was trapped in that brazen beast all night.
I finally broke out.
Don't come near me.
Valerie, what?
You don't believe me?
I'll hurt you.
No, you won't.
Please don't.
Grandmother, are you all right?
I had a nightmare.
- Ah!
- I'm fine.
I just woke up.
There's some soup if you're hungry.
- I think the wolf is out there.
- It's all right, darling. We're safe in here.
Eat up. Remember:
- "All sorrows are less with bread."
- "Less with bread."
That's right.
Eat up, my dear.
What is this?
Father, what are you doing here?
Where's Grandmother?
I had no choice.
She finally realized what I am.
How could you do this?
Sit down.
Sit down.
Oh, Valerie.
I've been so disrespected.
I've settled for far less than I deserve.
So I decided I'd leave.
For the city.
For richer hunting grounds.
Why didn't you just leave?
Because I loved you girls.
I wanted you to come with me.
- But you had to wait for the Blood Moon.
- Yes.
By birthright...
...the gift would go first
to my eldest daughter.
So I forged a letter.
But when I tried to speak to her...
Henry's not coming, Lucie.
- She didn't understand me.
Any offspring of mine with my wolf
blood would've been able to do so.
And then it all made sense.
Lucie couldn't be my daughter.
Your mother lied to me.
But you knew that already, didn't you?
After all these years of being so clever
and so careful, I just lost control.
I'm sorry for Lucie.
You took revenge on Mother.
And her lover.
Henry smelled the wolf that night.
And then again yesterday.
He thought the smell
came from your grandmother.
But she had lived
with that smell her whole life.
You see, my father was a wolf too.
The smell remained on his clothing.
Mother never knew what it meant...
...till the moment she died.
I loved her.
Her and Lucie both.
I never wanted to hurt them.
Valerie, come with me.
It's the last day of the Blood Moon.
One bite, and you'll be like me.
I won't do what you do.
I can't.
Yes, you can, Valerie.
My blood already
courses through your veins.
It's a gift.
It's a gift my father gave to me
that now I can give to you.
I'm stronger than he was,
you'll be even stronger than me.
Think about it.
We will be invincible.
There must be a God,
because you're the devil.
And you're the devil's daughter.
You're not so terrifying
when the sun is up.
How would you know?
I have something for you.
Get me out of here.
He bit me.
When the moon rises...
...I'll be like him.
A beast.
Everything I knew was ripped apart.
I saw it all differently.
All the lies. My mother's, my father's.
He was all I had left.
Even when I doubted him...
...even when I wounded him...
...Peter was true.
I'm so sorry.
No one can know about your father.
They'll hang you...
...for being the daughter of the wolf.
I have to leave.
You won't be safe with me...
...until I learn how to protect you from...
I'll wait for you.
I thought you'd say that.
It was the most brutal winter
I could remember.
With time, my mother finally realized
that Father would never return.
Henry found his courage.
He chose a life of honor,
protecting us from darkness.
Daggerhorn fell back
into its old rhythms.
The wolf didn't come back.
But the village still lived in fear.
It was the only life they knew.
I could no longer live there.
I felt more freedom
in the shadows of the forest.
To live apart carries its own dangers.
But of those...
...I am less afraid.