Red Scorpion (1988)

Nikolai Petrovich Rachenko
Spetsnaz. Special Forces
Our warrior elite.
A very powerful and valuable tool.
He can be controlled.
Come in
Lieutenant Rachenko...
you know Kalinin of S.P.R.
This is Gurulevich of Brigade...
Lieutenant Sorovak of Sovintel.
And this is Senor General
Alfonso Galarraga...
liaison for the Cuban comrades in Africa.
Tea? Coffee? Kvass?
No, thank you.
The Soviet Army comes to the aid
of the Marxist...
Element of Mombaka known
as the Soldat Rouge.
Cuban and Czechoslovakian forces assume
our responsibilities in the field.
Liberate nearly...
two-thirds of the country.
With your continued support
and extremely fine advisors.
Of course.
A movement begins in the bush.
Tiny at first. Insignificant.
But in a few years time,
it is reaching out...
vandalizing, propagandizing...
killing, growing.
The impetus... behind the rebellion
is this man-Ango Sundata.
He is very powerful,
very dangerous fanatic.
He is their leader.
He is your targeted objective.
A ruthless butcher of men,
women and children.
Then he must be feared by his people.
It is not so much that he is feared.
He is worshipped.
Ah... Fate smiles on the well prepared.
Kallunda Kintash.
He is one of Sundata's war lords...
A favorite military advisor - his protector.
We have captured him.
We have managed to prevent the Cubans
from shooting him.
They are holding him in the field.
In a few days time,
we will be bringing him here.
Cuamo base...
our operations center in Mombaka, Africa.
You have been assigned there
as a technical advisor.
You will encounter this man...
Kallunda Kintash.
You will befriend him.
He will lead you to Sundata.
Colonel Zayas. He has another new toy.
Hey, Russkie big guy,
have some good time?
Hey you...
You're so rude, bad bastard.
You broke my fucking nose.
Are you out of your mind?
No. Just out of bullets.
I am going to die, Kallunda.
I'm frightened.
We must be strong.
Hey, you.
Thank you.
Shitheads! Lighten up, fuckers!
You're breaking my god damn arm!
I am an American journalist,
periodico Americano.
This shit's gonna be a cover story.
That's my God damn tape recorder.
Okay, okay, you can have the recorder.
Don't take the tapes.
Take them. Take them.
Okay. But I'm getting those back.
You hear me?
You savvy what I'm saying, jackoffs?
Commie pigs.
Son of a bitch.
Dewey Ferguson.
God damn. You look like shit.
Hey, I, I heard in the village just...
What the hell is this?
We're sharing a cell
with a God damn Russian?
Jesus, man. What the hell's a piece of
shit like this doing in here?
Disorderly conduct.
Just stay on your side
of the cage, man.
Your fucking side of the cage.
King fucking Kong.
Have you seen Sundata?
Not since we split up at the Assab.
Look, man...
it's all over the villages that there's
going to be a public execution.
Everybody figures it's you.
Shit. What the hell
are you looking at, Russki?
Jesus, God damn disorderly conduct.
You want to see disorderly conduct?
Take a look at what you sons of bitches
are doing to this country.
Kallunda Kintash.
He ain't here. You bastards killed him
and dragged him out
a couple of minutes ago.
We'll remove this one too.
I am Kallunda Kintash.
Ow, easy there, Pancho.
The American propagandist...
is a very tough little man.
Fuck you.
Fuck you too, heh?
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Perhaps a private execution.
The road, amigo.
Pretty soon this place is going to be
crawling with commies.
Screw this.
So the big Soviet take's the MP's gun...
and blows the whole mosquito
to God damn hell.
They take him down?
Yeah, went down like a school boy.
Stop the truck!
What the God damn hell.
Yeah, what is it?
What is it?
Got a couple of passengers for you.
Some shit!
Stop that truck!
Go! Go!
The road, amigo.
Now what do we do about the Russian?
What do you want to do?
I want to blow his God damn head off.
Get some speed up, Boris.
Don't stop till I tell you to.
Enough of this shit.
The gas tank is behind
the right front tire.
Listen, you fucking Russky.
You just do your God damn job
and I'll do mine. All right?
Fucking A.
I threw out the mad Russian.
You son of a bitch!
Screw you, lurch.
What's it? Shoot the fuck. Get out.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
You're some piece of work.
You're some fucking crazy ass,
God damn commie shit piece of work.
They'll be here soon.
We must move quickly.
What do you mean we'?
You got a rat in your pocket?
Move. Move quickly.
The truck was blown off.
They must be dead.
Let's go.
I cannot return.
You're breaking my bleeding heart,
If you choose,
you may travel with us
as far as Porto Silva.
What is that place?
A small village, uh, two days march.
From there... you can cross the Zamabaan
border to seek political asylum.
Porto Silva is my home.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
He's a Russian.
He is also responsible for our lives.
That doesn't mean shit.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I can piss.
He's one of them.
He's up to something.
I'm out of here.
He's a very emotional man.
You still want to take this bird to
Porto Silva?
I'm telling the truth, Kallunda...
I'm looking at him and I'm seeing
nothing but trouble.
I gave him my word.
It's beautiful, man.
Just beautiful beyond words.
One day the oppression will end.
This land will be returned to us.
And we will live... as free men.
Aw, God! Real Cuban delicacies, huh?
Man, what I'd give for a bacon
cheeseburger right now.
Wash it down with an ice cold
glass of beer.
Fucking A.
When we arrive at Porto Silva...
there will be a celebration
and much feasting.
Beer too.
Fucking A.
Do the Americans all swear so much
as you do?
As a matter of fact, in America
an American can swear whenever...
where, however much he
or she fucking well pleases.
A little something we call freedom
of speech...
which I'm sure you Russians
aren't real familiar with.
We are free to swear.
Well, yippidee fuck!
Guess I had you bastards figured out
totally wrong after all.
I'll take the first watch.
Shit! Piss. Shit.
Noisy little fuck.
Come on. Porto Silva,
just over the rise.
Come on, man. Don't poop out on us now.
You'll be food for the buzzards.
They are not for us.
Mother of God.
There is a new terror
in the African bloodland.
The Russians have sent the dreaded
Hind gunship.
Yesterday we saw it's graceful flight
above the highlands.
Today we see it's effect.
Clearly the execution of
Kallunda Kintash...
Was meant to coincide
with the extermination of his village.
The intruders have learned
the secret of horror.
Kill a soldier and his comrades
will hunt you down.
But kill his children...
kill the body and the mind
will surely die.
I now know the true meaning of... loathing.
You murdering bastards.
Little Tufeela, have you seen
my Noe Kossongo?
They came this morning.
There are many dead. Many.
He left last night. They missed him.
Killer! Killer! Killer!
Looks like the killing machine
is breaking down.
Don't worry about it, man.
Everything breaks down in Africa.
You're losing it.
Nobody ever sees a bushman.
I saw one at Cuamo Base.
I don't think so.
Cold! Cold!
Real nice, Kallunda.
About as graceful as a fucking rock.
So what's with you, pal?
Big brother never teach you to swim?
Take it off. Take if all off.
Squeeze that trigger once more,
senor and we kill him.
Your move, comrade.
Shitty odds,... no?
Where is your American friend?
Oh, shit.
What are you doing down in the water?
Oh, I figured if you were
gonna be a martyr,
somebody'd have to write about it.
Another one of the bastards.
Up in the rocks.
Stop! Stop!
Nikolar... He is with us. A deserter.
You will not be harmed.
It is good to see you, my friend.
Sundata will be very pleased.
Sundata? He's with you?
All right. Pick over these foreign dogs
and let's go.
This is the rebel life?
I have brought some friends.
Mister Dewey Ferguson.
Sir, Did you bring some chewing gum?
Sorry, sir.
Well, we'll just have to tighten
our belts another notch then.
And who is this?
A deserter.
He helped us escape from Cuamo.
He saved our lives.
I am grateful to you.
I am the one who's grateful, sir
I think it is best,
if we keep you confined for now.
It will be safer for everyone.
Keep an eye on him (In African)
Yes, sir.
As a member of the armed forces
of the USSR...
I will always be ready...
to defend my country...
with dignity and honor...
with dignity and honor...
Shut the hell up.
What is it?
Do you have a bandage?
You'll make me look all damn night.
How's everything (In African)
It's quiet.
Keep alert during the night.
Don't fall asleep, huh?
Keep your eyes open, okay? (In African)
Be a good pal...
I'm afraid I am not as trusting
as Kallunda.
It is a weakness that
I indulge for the
sake of those who rely upon me.
You son of a bitch!
They sent you on a fool's mission,
Whether I live or die
makes no difference in the world.
We are a people...
and we want our destiny.
I understand what happened.
I leave you as an insult to your people.
They will find him...
And see that even their most
perfect tools of war...
cannot harm us.
And they will deal with him in ways...
we ourselves could never bear.
Look, look, look.
What have we here?
The pride of the Soviet Army.
Look at you.
What happened out there, Lieutenant?
They did not trust me.
Sundata is alive?
Yes, General.
How could you fail?
I am a soldier, General.
I tried everything possible.
But, I know when it is wrong.
Wrong! What does that mean, wrong!?
Everything was wrong.
You are a simple instrument of war,
not a true warrior at all.
It is not your place
to question the plan.
You are Spetsnaz.
A perfect killing machine.
Now... what have you told the Cubans?
They know nothing.
Very good. Well, that's something
in your favor.
General, I am giving you my best.
Can this man be killed.
Yes. But, apparently not by you.
You are a great, great disappointment
to me, Lieutenant.
You are no longer Spetsnaz.
you are taking away my life.
Now, now. I will speak to
the Cubans, Nikolai.
And we'll get you cleaned up
and released.
General Vortek, has given me
the most delightful task... advisor.
The task of arranging...
for your execution.
Does that surprise you? Eh?
It certainly surprises me.
You see, I don't think
you are an advisor.
I think you are something else, huh?
Something General Comrade Vortek
has not seen fit tell me.
We Cubans are a very proud people.
Very easily pissed off.
So, before we kill you...
perhaps you might like to
unburden yourself...
of any silly little secrets
the Soviet command...
has been hiding from
it's faithful comrades.
Sergeant Mendez, carry on.
I'm not so good with the rubber hose.
Sorry, sir.
I am very good at avoiding
the vital organs.
I can stick these into you all night.
I never use more than four.
I have forty.
Take a memo to General Vortek.
Subject: Escape. Message:...
I am still Spetsnaz.
Come on! Come on, move it!
He has escaped into the versal.
Take forty teams and track him.
that territory is virtually
impossible to cross.
Our vehicles couldn't possibly make it.
Don't say impossible to me, Sergeant.
Don't say impossible! Say, "Yes, Sir"!
Yes, sir.
Fucking Czechs! Move!
Do you know what is the key to battle?
It is response. Swift and sure.
We have learned that today,
Sundata is speaking at the village.
Now, in ten villages.
We will deliver our response.
My family... do you love Africa?
Are you willing to fight for it?
Are you willing to join in the fight?
Be free!
God is with us!
Be free.
The villages belong to our people.
It's raining down on us!
What is it?
Most of them will never know
what's happened to them.
Fine roads you have here.
Never mind.
Spaseeba. Thank you.
Nikolai Rachenko.
I am Soviet Special Forces.
Gao. I am.
Gao. I am.
"I am" is not my name.
I am. Gao.
I am.
You certainly are.
Am Gao.
I am.
I am.
I'm sorry.
I am.
What is it, Gao?
What're you making?
I am.
Yah. I am too.
What? What is it?
They're called sandals.
Good morning boys.
How are you all?
Good morning, girls.
Everything is fine
The soldiers are coming over there...
Dewey, did you sleep here?
God bless you, Ango.
God bless us all.
The next sounds you hear will be the
attack of the Russian Hind gunship.
By the way, if these tapes
wind up going...
back to the States without me,
I want to tell the folks back home...
they'd better start stirring up
some major Journalist award.
It's him!
Checkmate, you rebel bastards!
Some hunter you've become!
Blue rain.
The evil ones have been here.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
Ukama, see if you can get me
a small screwdriver.
Goddamnit, Ukama. What the...?
Un-fucking believable.
Man, either we got us the gutsiest
goddamn son-of-a-bitch I ever met...
or maybe just plain the dumbest.
Whichever it is, we'll kick
some Russian ass.
We have fought so long and hard.
Now it is ending.
You'd better come outside.
You're not gonna believe this.
I see you have earned...
the mark of the hunter.
I have come a long way, sir
But why did you return?
I think I understand now.
I know why you fight.
You guys out of your minds?
I mean, how can you listen to this guy?
Wh-, what is this tattoo crap?
Mister Dewey,
this time I believe our friend.
His eyes have seen the true enemy
of our people.
Go Kallunda.
You must conquer this evil.
There is no weapon in the world...
capable of silencing the truth
of our people.
We must get away from here.
Go back to our homes.
Wash out the bitter taste of defeat.
We are beaten.
Let's kick some ass.
Go! Move!
I thought you might need some help.
Listen, man...
if there really is anything to
that hocus-pocus tattoo...
I figure now is the time to use it.
Use it, man! Use it!
Will you be all right?
Keep going, man.
Keep kicking that ass!
Emergence! Emergence!
Where is Zayas?
Office. Office.
Thank you.
Drop it, advisor.
Where is Vortek?
I give you fair warning,
comrade advisor...
I am well armed.
Where is Vortek?
I hardly think you are in the position
to be asking any questions, "comrade".
This is a very small space...
and this is such a very big grenade.
Even if I should be shot, the blast...
He is in the Hind, isn't he?
The road, amigo.
Get us up!
You lied to me, General.
I sent you on a mission...
to aid an oppressed people.
But you didn't tell me
who the oppressors were.
Nikolai... you were Spetsnaz.
I am Spetsnaz.
But, I am no longer one of you.
We made it my friend.
You did it, man. You did it.
Fucking A.