Red State (2011)

RED STATE (2011)
What are you gonna do this weekend?
- I don't know. What are you doing?
- It's none of your business.
Did you finish that thing
for your Lit class?
No. It's due in like two weeks
or something.
Oh, sweetJesus in the morning.
Again with these people?
He's burnin' in hell!
Because, if what the framers
of our constitution mean...
What, Travis? Fifteen minutes?
If you prick me, do I not bleed?
Where you been?
I was dropping my grandma off
at the airport...
and on the way back the Five-Pointers
blocked up Lennox Hill.
Oh, so Abin Cooper's after you too now?
Yeah, and I ain't even gay.
Nah, you're not gay. You're just curious.
If anybody would know,
it would beJarod.
All right, all right, all right.
So every once in a while
we add amendments to the Constitution...
to expand, or more importantly, define,
the parameters of our rights.
Like the First Amendment...
which Abin Cooper practiced this morning
on Lennox, making Travis late.
Those people are such assholes.
Okay. I'm gonna let that ride
because this is a passionate issue...
and because, yes, they are assholes.
Wait. Who's Abin Cooper?
He's that creepy church guy...
that's always saying
how God's all pissed off at everybody.
Yeah, him and his family are the ones...
that are always holding up signs
outside of funerals and stuff.
This was they were protesting the funeral...
of the gay kid who
got killed two weeks ago.
Yeah. Jacob Harlow.
He went here.
I didn't teach him, but he went here.
It was all over the news, right?
Jessie, I am both happy and sad...
that you don't know
who Abin Cooper is...
but, I mean, come on.
Abin Cooper
and the Five Points Trinity Church...
they're like right in our own backyard.
Come on, Mrs. Vasquez,
Cooper's Dell is like 30 minutes away.
Yeah. Too close.
Abin Cooper holds
our entire state up for ridicule.
All right?
Ultraconservatives avoid this guy.
Did you know last year the head of the
largest neo-Nazi faction in this country...
issued a statement
distancing his politics...
from Cooper's and Five Points'?
Even the Nazis think this guy
is "nuckin' futs."
All right, let's just hope that the Cooper
clan sticks with the First Amendment...
- Why?
- And stays away from the Second Amendment.
- What is the Second Amendment?
- We get guns.
What is this, man?
It's like Craigslist
for people who want to get fucked.
I thought Craigslist was Craigslist
for people who want to get fucked.
What kinda dirty shit you lookin' at, boy?
Fuck, faggot!
Touch my dick again and see what happens.
- Such an animal.
- They're all the same, man.
- You can't see any faces.
- Oh, shit. You showin' him?
Dude, get your fuckin' flappers
outta here.
Yeah, look, it doesn't matter.
You can see the tits.
You can see the fuckin' pussy, man.
Fuck the faces.
How we know we wanna fuck the face
unless we can see what they look like?
- Right, thank you.
- You fuckin' bag their head, man. All right?
Look, these bitches wanna fuck.
Even if they do wanna fuck,
they're all in New York and LA.
Lots more in LA Look...
New York. LA.
- Road trip.
- LA.
- LA...
- I get the point, all right, but look.
This one's a little closer to home.
Holy shit! Cooper's Dell?
- Let me see.
- No fuckin' way!
We're gettin' laid, boys.
How do we know she's gonna fuck us,
or even one of us?
I've been talking back and forth with one
for two weeks now.
She says she's interested.
I just got a little hard.
I don't wanna fuckin' fuck
some chick that he just stuck his dick in.
- Look, look...
- His greasy-assed fuckin' dick.
It's not greasy.
There ain't gonna be no sloppy seconds,
boy, okay?
She wants to fuck
all three of us at the same time.
- Jesus Christ.
- I call the ass.
You're not gettin' the fuckin' ass.
What if this turns out to be one of them
Catch a Predator deals?
Who we preyin' on?
We're the fuckin' minors here.
She's the one who says she's 38.
Jesus. It's gonna be like fucking my mom.
I ain't sure it ain't
your mom, motherfucker.
- Fuck you.
- I don't think I should go, man.
I'm having some doubts over here.
Oh, you're going.
You don't think the three of us
balling this woman in the same room...
is a little faggoty?
Jesus Christ, man.
Don't be so fuckin' middle-class.
I'm gonna take the car out, all right?
No, no, no. Hey, we're gonna be
on TV in a minute. Watch.
This was the scene this morning
outside the funeral ofJacob Harlow...
the 19-year-old whose body
was found last week...
in a Dumpster behind a well-known gay bar
on Slattery Drive...
bound head-to-toe in plastic wrap.
Harlow is the latest victim
in a rash ofhate crimes...
that have rocked the city this year.
Pastor Abin Cooper and the members
ofhis Five Points Trinity Church...
staged their 432nd
funeral demonstration since 2001.
- This is Catherine Carlyle...
- Oh, oh, oh! There we are.
There we are.
- I'm sleeping with a TV star tonight.
- Yeah, you are.
How'd you know
we were gonna be on there?
Barbara called me.
She saw it on the 5:00 news.
So you gonna tell your friends
we're famous?
- Probably not.
- Smart ass.
Where you off to tonight?
I don't know. Just gonna drive around
with Jarod and Billy-Ray.
Probably go see a movie or something.
Fill up the tank before you bring it back.
- Can I get some money for gas?
- No.
So how are we gonna do this?
How do you mean?
Talkin' about how are you
gonna get under us.
- What are you talking about?
- Me and the lady.
You fuckin'...
This is what happens when fuckin' parents
block porn sites, man.
They make socially backwards kids.
How about you just pull over
and let me out.
Come on, man. You're being...
Oh, fuck!
- You hit it.
- Fuck.
You fuckin' hit it.
Why the fuck are we gettin' out?
It's so fuckin' dark out
no one could see us if they were looking.
Holy shit! Look at your fuckin' car.
Your fuckin' car!
- Are you kidding me?
- Holy shit, man.
Dude, that's, like, a lot of... damage.
That sucks, man.
Who the fuck parks their car
on the side of the road like that?
You think there's somebody in there?
I don't know, man. Nobody's here.
Why the fuck did you stop?
Oh, fuck. You got 'em real good.
- Holy fuck!
- Fuck!
- Fuck!
- Get in the car! Get in the car!
They ain't following us.
Why in the fuck was that guy
on the side of the road?
Who cares, man?
Let's just keep fuckin' going.
- My car's fucked up, man!
- Well, guess what.
Your car's gonna be fucked up
when you get home too.
So why don't we just keep going?
We're in Cooper's Dell already.
We'll hate ourselves tomorrow
if we don't do this.
- I'm not gonna hate myself.
- I'm gonna hate not getting that pussy...
so let's not take this little
fender-bender as a bad omen, boys.
Let's fucking do this!
Lasso me some pussy!
She lives in a trailer?
You live in a trailer, motherfucker.
I was just askin'. Damn.
You Jarod?
This here is Travis, and that's Billy-Ray.
I bet you boys wanna get up
to the devil's business, don't you?
Well, devil's right in here.
You look lovely.
How 'bout a beer, boys?
Hey, Pete. Can you believe it?
I got sideswiped tonight.
- You get 'em?
- No.
I was parked and they kept movin'.
Why were you parked?
Oh, I was makin' a reservation for Helen,
tomorrow night for our 19th.
I'm thinking about taking Darla
someplace special...
for our fifth next month.
Someplace overseas, you know?
Like maybe Italy.
Soon as I win enough off these doggies.
Well, win enough to do this damn body work
on my car, would ya?
Dumb-ass kids.
How you know they was kids?
I don't know.
They was in some kind of Mom-mobile.
Suppose that's mighty keen
detecting skills there, Sheriff.
Yeah, well...
I'm gonna need you
to go out there and find 'em.
You kiddin' me?
I'm off the clock 10 minutes now.
The only reason I'm still here
is 'cause you're so damn late.
Jesus Christ. Just go out
and find the damn car, will ya?
It's a blue Volvo station wagon.
This is nice.
You boys finished your beers yet?
- I'm workin' on it.
- Almost. Almost.
Takes me a few beers
to work up to the sex.
So get drinkin',
'cause I ain't drinkin' alone.
And I don't let no man in me
unless he's got at least two beers in him.
Thank you, ma'am.
Makes sense.
This is nice.
Will you close your fuckin' legs?
It's like a shag.
So how's about you head back
into the bedroom...
start strippin' down
so we can get this thing started.
Yes, ma'am.
Almost don't even fit in here.
Get them beers drunk.
This bitch wants my dick, don't she?
She is a lot better looking.
Them tits ain't nothin'
to write home about.
Those tits are...
What the fuck?
Fuckin' roofies.
Is that you, Travis? Billy-Ray?
On a hill far away
All right, guys, come on.
Seriously, let me outta here.
Can you just let me outta here, please?
The emblem of suffering...
Guys, this isn't fuckin' funny, all right?
Will you let me outta here, please!
What the fuck is going on?
Let me the fuck outta here,
please, all right?
This isn't funny anymore.
This isn't fuckin' funny anymore.
This isn't funny anymore, man.
Come on, let me the fuck out!
I swear to God,
I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!
Let me out!
If you guys don't let me
the fuck outta here, I'm gonna kill you!
I will cherish
The old rugged cross
Will you find somebody to...
Can somebody please let me outta here?
- Lucas, sit down.
- Fuckin' bitch.
Hey, you fuckin' bitch!
Let me the fuck outta here,
you fuckin' bitch!
The old rugged cross
And exchange it someday
For a crown
Well, how about that?
That was lovely.
Just lovely.
Y'all give that Mormon Tabernacle Choir
a run for their money.
You know what this is?
That's a printout of what we done today.
That's an article that appears
in tomorrow's Post.
You know what that's called?
National coverage.
- Sure was.
- Indeed, it was.
TiVo'd the segment on the 5:00 news.
Y'all can watch it later if you want to...
and see yourselves on the TV.
Yeah, tell you what
we gonna do next week.
We gonna paint the garage.
I know how you love that,
but we gonna paint.
Someone, please!
Come on, please!
I need big, strong volunteers.
How about you?
How about you? You big and strong?
Show me how Popeye do.
Yeah, oh, wow! Don't hurt me, Popeye.
Oh, Popeye, don't hurt me.
Will somebody please
let me the fuck outta here!
Caleb, come on, now.
That's a bit much. Now, come on, come on.
No! Fuck! Fuck!
- Welcome, family.
- Good evenin'.
- Good evenin', Granddaddy.
- Good evenin', Grandpa.
Good evening.
But what's so good about it?
Psalms 117, verse 24.
"This is the day which the Lord hath made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Glad in it.
"Oh, woe is me
if I preach not the gospels."
Corinthians 9:16.
Amen, Grandpa.
Oh, well, I think
I'm gonna preach that holy word.
- Preach it, Daddy.
- Yes.
We read in Hebrews 11...
By faith... by faith...
Noah, being warned by God
of things not seen as yet...
prepared an ark...
for the savin' of his house...
by which he condemned all others.
For there was multitudes
upon multitudes of people...
and God drowned them
all except Noah and his flock.
Drowned them all.
All sinners gone to hell.
Praise his name.
I'm good at climbing.
I'm good at climbing.
You talk to some of them maudlin,
touchy-feely preachers out there...
peddlin' their soft faith...
they gonna tell you what you wanna hear.
They ain't gonna tell you
what you need to know.
They can't. Can't tell you the truth.
Why, it might be politically incorrect.
But they'll tell you...
this nation and the world
is goin' to hell.
They won't tell you why.
Can't tell you why.
They'll tell you...
"God loves you.
God loves everybody."
Does a God that drowned the entire world,
exception of Noah and his flock...
sound like a God that loves you?
That sound like a God
that forgives your sins?
- No!
- No, sir.
Your carnal desires?
That's not God's love.
That's a God that abhors the wicked.
He abhors those
that ignore his righteous teaching...
and forsake his covenant...
and scoff at his acts.
God doesn't love you...
unless you fear him.
We talk about a fear we have
of certain snakes.
Well, that'd be a righteous fear.
We talkin' about a fear we have
of takin' a cookie...
Grandma's cookie jar...
'fraid of being caught?
I don't believe so.
Talkin' about the fear of God. I fear God.
You better believe I fear God.
But my fear is born out of respect...
- Oh, fuck.
- Admiration...
and knowledge of the scripture...
that I preach.
Give us some knowledge, Daddy.
Give us some knowledge.
But I preach knowledge,
and I preach to this...
and I preach, and I preach...
Oh, Lord, Lord, Lord.
I preach like my daddy before me,
and his daddy before him.
My grandaddy built this church
goin' on a hundred years ago.
He used to minister up there...
at the 12th St. Baptist
up there in the city...
till he couldn't stomach
what he called the deviltry anymore.
So he abandoned that modern-day Gomorrah
and settled Cooper's Dell...
June, 1917.
But if he thought people
were depraved back then...
I mean, his head'd nearly burst...
if he saw how wicked
this country's become.
I hate the wickedness of America...
and all the sin-worshippers
who populate it.
"Do I not hate them, O Lord,
that hate thee?"
Says in Psalms 138...
"Am I not grieved by those
that rise up against thee?
I hate them with a perfect hatred.
I count them mine enemies."
Twenty-one, 22.
And who's the greatest enemy
of God, Cheyenne?
- Satan.
- Satan.
- That's right, baby.
- Satan.
Yes, ma'am.
And who's Satan's instrument
on earth, Fiona May?
The homosexuals.
That's right, baby. The homosexuals.
The homosexuals have run amok
in this nation over 30 years now.
Let's see what it's brought us.
Rampant fornication...
flagrant sexuality...
in every corner of media...
movies, TV, et cetera.
Schools, malls, books...
clothes, toys, music...
You can't turn on the TVwithout seeing
some jackass wavin' his privates.
That's because the moral spine
of this country has been weakened...
by permissive attitudes...
and an unabashed tolerance
for homosexuals.
The casual acceptance of the gay...
has hastened our demise as a species.
Fact. Why? Because they do not procreate.
They do not procreate.
Now, they solicit. Yeah, boy.
They recruit.
Yeah, boy.
But they do not procreate.
Is there anyone...
anyone... who can look at the news...
and deny these are our end times?
Outside our fence lays a world at waste.
They's famine, such as in Africa...
pestilence, such as the gay Al DS.
Monsoons, typhoons, hurricanes
and the ensuing floods, such as New Orleans...
New Orleans is number one sin city.
Thailand... Thailand!
where pederasts travel
thousands of miles...
spend untold amounts of money...
to sodomize a child.
A baby.
Thousands upon thousands
dead in that tsunami.
I never saw the hand of God
so clearly in all my born days.
And the Lord's bore witness
to this apostasy.
Apostasy... The leaving of faith,
the denying of religion...
denying of morality.
He's done with it.
He's done with it.
The end is nigh.
- The end is nigh.
- Yes, it is.
Cheyenne, bunny rabbit...
do you mind taking
the children out now for the lesson...
'cause it's gonna get grown up in here.
You ready?
Come on, babies. Grandpa loves you.
Come on.
Gimme your hand there. Come on.
Come here. Come on, sweetie.
When you get finished today in school...
I want you to tell me
all about it, will ya?
Will you tell me about it later?
I wish you'd talk to me sometime.
Would y'all like to see
who we have to thank...
for the extinction of the human race?
Y'all know about that Worldwide Web.
Yeah, that's the devil's playground.
We harnessed the devils' technology...
went out like sheep amongst wolves...
into them homosexually oriented
chat rooms...
and we promised them boys
what they wanted to hear.
Just like an insect...
just like moths to a flame,
like flies to horseshit.
Insects. Insects...
that are easily trapped
in that snare of God...
on that there Web.
And we gonna deal with 'em
the way God taught us to deal with 'em...
the way we dealt
with littleJacob Harlow...
who burns in hell as we speak.
there's a commandment
talks against killin', isn't it?
There's a commandment
speaks against killin'.
God's talking about your fellow man.
He's not talking about this... insect.
I mean, you don't mourn the death
of a germ when it's been cured.
And a homosexual...
won't stop sinnin' of its own volition...
and it's up to the righteous
to curb the spread of its disease.
"If a man also lie with mankind...
as he lies with a woman...
they both have committed an abomination...
and they shall surely be put to death."
- That is the scripture.
- No. No!
That is scripture.
Well, the wrath of God...
is revealed from heaven...
against all ungodliness.
No! Please, help!
Now tape him up good, boys.
Now you watch that gay saliva.
If it gets on ya, it can turn ya.
Don't get it near his orifices, now.
- Shut up!
- Send the sinner straight to hell.
Come on, baby.
Send the sinner straight to hell.
Shut your mouth!
Send him off wrapped like a package.
Come on, Caleb.
Burn in hell, cocksucker.
Caleb, head hole.
Let us out of here!
We didn't do anything!
Let us the fuck out of here!
Oh, man!
Let us out! Let us out of here, please!
All right. Get that other one.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, God. I ain't gay! Please!
Don't! No! No!
No, look, I ain't even gay!
Please, no! No!
Please! I ain't even gay!
I ain't even gay. I ain't even gay!
Stop. I ain't even gay! Please!
Let me go! Please!
- Jarod!
- Travis! Billy-Ray!
What the fuck are you doing? God!
- Take it easy, kid.
- I ain't even gay! I ain't even gay!
You might be worse.
Came to these woods to share a woman
with other men in the same bed.
Will somebody please fuckin' help me!
Fornicatin' ways, they caused the destruction
of both Sodom and Gomorrah.
I don't wanna die!
You already did, sinner.
You destroyed your spirit...
in a waste of shame.
Hey, Billy-Ray.
Hey, Billy-Ray.
They gonna do us like they did that guy.
Not if we can get outta here first, man.
- They gonna kill us!
- Listen. Listen to me.
I think a bone snapped out of this dead guy's
skin when they dropped him...
because I feel something stabbing my leg.
What the fuck, man? What the fuck?
I think I can fuckin'
tear through this paper...
if you can just fuckin'
lean back a little bit.
Just work with me here a little bit.
Just tell me what I gotta do.
Lean back a little bit
so I can lean forward. Just work with me.
Oh, no. No.
Really, no. Fuckin' lean into me, man.
Do you wanna fuckin' die?
Do you wanna fuckin' die?
Then fuckin' listen to me
and we'll go home, all right?
Stop being a fuckin' baby
and let's fucking get outta here, man.
Just lean back a little bit.
All right?
Just relax and lean back
just a little bit so I can lean forward.
If I can get the bone on the thing...
Just can't see straight.
Hurry, Trav.
It's only tape, man.
I just want my mom.
I really want my mom.
Oh, you can't do it.
Electronic gate.
It's got one of them magnetic locks on it.
- That's why I couldn't...
- Yeah.
I'm sorry to disturb you, Pastor.
That's all right.
You're a man of the law.
What can I do for you, Officer?
I'm following up on a report
of a traffic accident.
Station wagon sideswiped a car
out on Route 9.
Oh, my Lord. Anybody hurt?
No, sir. There was no one
in the car at the time...
but I see you got a wagon over there
with some damage...
that matches the description.
Oh, fuck. I'm free. I'm free.
I'm free.
- I tell 'em and I tell 'em and I tell 'em.
- Sir?
That's my granddaughters'.
Once in a while they go into town,
you know, get some milk, fetch a paper.
Whatever. I believe they're your culprits.
You know, it's not
politically correct to say...
but women and cars...
Not a good mix.
- Hurry! Hurry, hurry!
- Oh, fuck!
Go, man! Hurry!
It's too fuckin' tight, Trav.
I can't fuckin' do it. It's too tight.
Billy-Ray! Where are you goin'?
Billy-Ray, don't fuckin' go.
Where the fuck are you goin'?
I can't fuckin' do it!
I'm sorry!
Fuck! Fuck!
If I could, I'd like to keep
them insurance devils out of it.
You know, rates are high as it is...
and I'm not exactly
Mr. Popularity around here.
Well, no, I guess not.
So if you can put me in touch
with whoever it is, you know...
that owns the car that they scraped up...
why I can talk to 'em personal.
Maybe get him some financial restitution.
Make up for it, you know.
I mean, if you could.
I mean, there's only cosmetic damage,
you know. Nobody was hurt.
I guess that'd be fine.
I'll just phone it in to y'all in the morning.
I thank you so much for that.
I'm much obliged.
- Hey, you have a good night.
- You too.
Oh, fuck!
Pastor, excuse me.
Sorry. I got one last thing.
I remember you went over to the Vatican
to protest that dead pope's funeral...
a few years back.
And I guess what I'm saying is...
is Italy nice?
Oh, my God.
- Italy?
- Yeah.
I was thinking about taking my wife
someplace exotic for our five-year...
and, well, Italy was at the top of the list.
Well, it's full of Italians.
There is that.
Full of Italians, huh?
Yeah, I suppose that stands to reason.
- All right, you have a good night.
- Thank you.
Oh, fuck.
Let's fuckin' do this!
Sheriff, I got shots fired
inside of Five Points. Repeat. I have...
Shots fired.
Repeat, shots fired inside of Five Points.
Wait a minute. In Cooper's church?
Immediate backup requested.
- Repeat, immediate backup requested.
- I got him, Daddy.
Was that a gunshot, Pete?
Pete, you still there?
Is this that obese queer,
likes to sodomize wetbacks out on Route 9?
Who is this? Where's my deputy?
Yeah, God sees all, Mr. Queer.
God takes pictures too...
unseemly photographs of men on men...
backwards, sweaty,
lust-filled carnal knowledge.
That fun for you, Mr. Queer...
have a man in your mouth not a mile
from my house of worship?
Now, there was some
unpleasantness out here tonight.
You just let us clean it up...
and I won't send
any pictures of you to the missus...
or the Courier...
those images of how you like
to use that mouth.
And I don't means stuffin' it
with Moon Pies and Coca-Cola.
I tell you what.
What about that picture of you
wiping the feces of that wetback...
off of your scrotum and genitalia?
I think the missus would like that one.
She'd put it on the mantel
at Christmastime...
right between them two stockings.
Yeah, you keep your queerhole shut,
everything gonna be just fine.
What happened in there?
Them kids was cuttin'
themselves loose downstairs.
Caleb went to deal with it.
Shootin' 'em up while I'm out there
with this law dog.
You want me to move his car
on the property?
Take him on across town.
Other side of the tracks,
dump him off there.
Them Feds get rather investigative
when it comes to killin' one of their own.
This is Keenan.
I'm sorry. Who now?
Yes, sir.
That case is under
preliminary investigation.
Report was members of the church
were seeking semiautomatic firearms...
mid-2004, before AWB expired.
We have unconfirmed reports
they got a few.
Well, the intelligence suggests
that they were modifying the weapons.
At least that was the testimony
of the guy who sold 'em some shotguns.
He said they made inquiries
about modifications.
No, sir. Undercover infiltration
was unsuccessful.
Can you...
I'm sorry. Sir?
Can I call you back?
Yes, sir. Thank you.
It'll just be a few minutes.
Oh, shit.
If you loved me,
you'd make me some coffee.
Oh, no!
No, Caleb!
Come on, baby doll. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
I know. I know, baby. I know.
Timothy 4, baby doll.
Timothy 4.
Timothy 4, baby. Timothy 4.
"I am now ready to be offered.
The time for my departure is at hand.
I have fought a good fight.
I have fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith."
He's on the lovin' breast ofJesus, baby.
He's gone toJesus.
I know, baby. I know. I know.
Come on.
Let me show you something, sweetie.
Let me show you something. Come on.
I want you to see something with me now.
- Lookee here.
- What?
Lookee here.
Caleb did not die in vain.
He sent them two devils to hell
before they killed him.
Probably saved us all
with his last dyin' breath.
You go rot in hell, you filthy, filthy...
Come on. Come on.
Come on, baby. Come on.
Come on. We got one upstairs.
Save it for him.
- Save it for him. Am I right?
- Oh, Daddy, you're always right.
There's a land
Beyond the river
That they call
The sweet forever
And you only reach that shore
By fate's decree
By and by we'll cross the portal
Where we'll dwell with thee, immortal
When they ring those golden bells
They're a pretty tight-knit group.
Approximately 20, 25 members...
all related by blood or marriage.
Makes it impossible
to get any coverts inside.
No, sir.
You're thinking of Fred Phelps
and his family up in Kansas.
"God hates fags."
They're irritating,
but they're not gun nuts like the Coopers.
They're suers, not doers.
Last April someone at Five Points...
reported an I ED setup
on church property.
No injuries sustained
and minimal damage done to a tree...
but in an interview
with the local media...
Cooper claimed that if a bomb had gone off
in a synagogue, a black church...
or a homo-friendly Unitarian coven...
there'd have been an uproar.
No suspects, no arrests.
Local law enforcement
chalked it up to townie kids...
having fun at the church's expense.
But it spooked the Coopers into tearing down
all the barns on their property...
turning 'em into barricade fences.
Locals call it "the great wall of bullshit."
Yes, sir, after the one in China.
What made 'em persons of interest...
was an interview Cooper gave
to the Patriot Times right about then.
He said that
"If the law won't protect us...
from the Philistines and sodomites...
we'll protect ourselves."
You couple that comment
with the allegations, and you can see why...
We've had 'em on surveillance off and on.
They're pretty easy to keep track of.
When they're not protesting gay bars
or chasing headlines...
they mostly stick to their compound...
hold their daily services.
I know I'm low man
on the totem pole...
but are you sure that's wise
at this juncture, sir?
Why? Because if you give us
a few more days...
I'm sure we can dig up something
more substantial than the sheriff's...
That's how you wanna play it.
No, sir, I'm not questioning
your call at all, sir.
I'm saying that our history with
situations like this hasn't been exactly...
Yes, sir. It's dawn here now...
but we can be fully mobilized
and on site in an hour.
I understand.
Tempted and tried
We're oft made to wonder
Why it should be
All the day long
While there are others
Living about us
Never molested
Doing wrong
When death has come
And taken our loved one
It makes our hearts
So weary and drear
Then do we wonder
Why others prosper
Living so wicked
Year after year
Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
Cheer up, my brother
Live in the sunshine
We'll understand it all by and by
Come, sweetie. Come. Come.
Farther along
We'll know all about it
Farther along
we'll understand why
All by and by
Fast little monkey!
Who fired? Who fired, goddamn it!
Local Agent 3.
Goddamn it!
- What are you...
- Who the fuck are you?
Did he fire at us?
- No, he was armed.
- Did he open fire at us?
- Son of a bitch had a machine gun!
- They got kids in there, asshole!
- Sorry! I'm sorry.
- Kids you just turned into hostages!
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Asshole!
You can't talk to me, you son of a bitch.
I am a King's County elected official!
Sit your ass back in your vehicle!
How much you think
a cross like that costs?
You mean in dollars or common sense?
We get the spike mic set up?
Well, we were about to,
and then Barney Fife happened.
Let's go old-school.
We get any blueprints or whatnot?
- 1922.
- It's all county had.
They haven't built an addition to the original
structure for the last 50 years. No permits.
They got anything on four legs except horses
we gotta look out for?
Isn't this a stable?
No, that's Home Depot.
It was a stud farm. Belonged
to the last neighbors the Coopers ever had...
before Abin drove 'em off
and bought the land.
That's where they load up with all the lumber
so they can build this elegant fucking fence.
Million-dollar views from three directions
and then, bam! "Casa de Bat Shit."
Do you know how you get
a valley this beautiful all to yourself?
Put a giant fucking cross
on your front lawn.
Give me the horn.
This is Special Agent
Joseph Keenan of the ATF.
We're here to execute
a search warrant on the premises...
on suspicion of violation
of the National Firearms Act.
Put down any weapons, come out with
your hands up, and you will not be harmed.
Repeat: You will not be harmed.
I think it's the use of the word "repeat"
that makes this work every time.
You wanna breach?
Give 'em a minute.
Get a line opened up.
Yeah, that's gonna...
Come on!
Goddamn it!
Get down! Agent, get down!
Right now!
This is Special Agent Keenan, sir.
Cooper's Dell has escalated
into a firefight.
Requesting backup.
Get the fuck outta here. Go grab a rifle.
The local sheriff shot
and killed an armed assailant.
We C-C'd. They opened fire.
They shot Brooks.
The fucking church people!
They're heavy with AK's and TECs.
I need backup now!
You said this was gonna be
a simple in-and-out, sir.
Simple just shit itself.
Media, sir?
The closest TV station's
a hundred miles away.
The local paper prints once a week.
Media's not a factor, sir.
Sir, that sounds like...
With all due respect, sir...
maybe we should get the deputy
assistant director on this call.
Jesus Christ, there's kids in there, sir!
Just give me another 10 minutes.
I can open up a line...
I'm gonna want something in writing
to protect myself and my field office.
No, I'm gonna need something more
substantial than your word for this.
Either I get a text,
or an e-mail, or something official...
I can stand behind or it's no-go.
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground now!
Down! Who else
is coming out that door, huh?
- It's just me.
- Bullshit!
There's kids in there
and I wanna get 'em out.
Is that Group 2?
Are they sending us more agents?
The situation's been reclassified.
We're to take down
this domestic terrorist cell.
- We fired on them first, Joe.
- We didn't.
That fat fucking asshole local.
What are the orders?
Hold on a second. We don't even know
what the goddamn situation is in there.
Our intel is limited. We've had
no fucking communication with them!
"Our investigation
of the Five Point Church...
at Cooper's Dell
has uncovered an extremely hostile...
domestic terrorist cell, heavily armed...
with intentions of bombing
a local shopping mall this morning."
You're fucking kidding me!
"When we came with arrest warrants,
they opened fire on us...
killing the assistant
special agent in charge...
leaving us no choice but to take
the premises with deadly force."
Jesus Christ.
There are women,
and there are kids inside there, man.
"In the resulting firefight,
all suspects were killed."
Give 'em the gas, then dynamic entry.
Joe, the suits ain't here.
We're here, Joe.
You're here. You can call this.
And then what, Harry?
The FBI takes over,
and we look like assholes...
who can't do our jobs... again.
That's what happens the minute
a single news van rolls up...
and any one of these people
walks out of there alive...
goes on CNN and says we're the bad guys.
Doesn't matter who the fuck's around
to tell it to the goddamn news.
That's exactly what we're gonna be...
the fucking bad guys!
I got 18 years in.
I'm not telling my wife she's gotta
clip coupons till we're dead...
'cause I couldn't follow a simple order,
shitty as that order is.
And we're not talking about Gandhi here.
I got a piece of Brooks's skull
in my fucking knee.
They're shooting at us
with military ordnance.
These ain't a bunch of tweakers
in a motel meth lab.
They are big bad eggs.
Get your men ready for a breach.
Sir, I've apprehended one of the suspects.
Unarmed girl, early 20s.
She's says she's the caretaker
of the kids in the house.
She says she wants to get the kids
out the back without her people knowing.
I think she's legit, sir.
Requesting instructions. Over.
This is a hostile domestic terrorist cell.
Use of deadly force is permitted.
- She's not even armed. Over.
- We're not terrorists.
Those are your goddamn orders.
It's the wrong move, Joe.
We're not terrorists.
We're not. You can't do this. Please.
- No! We're not terrorists!
- Stay back! Stay back!
Please, don't! Please! Oh, God.
You need to take this gun
and go back to the house, ma'am.
- Run back to the house.
- I don't want it.
Take the gun and head back
into the house!
No! You're gonna shoot me!
Take the fucking gun, bitch,
and go to the house!
No! Oh, God!
Get in there!
Your daddy's dead.
This is how you respect his memory?
By trying to run out on your family?
No. Mama, they think we're terrorists.
They're gonna kill us all.
Then I'll be in heaven with Caleb.
Isn't that what you want?
To be with your daddy and Jesus?
But, Mama, what about
Melanie and the babies?
Me and the babies, Mama.
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth
to have a thankless child"!
You get down on your knees
and pray for God's forgiveness!
When you get done with that...
you take this,
come join your family up front.
Come on, come on.
- Like a good Christian.
- Yeah.
They're trying to kill
the children, Daddy.
They're trying to kill us all, baby.
I don't wanna live in this world no more.
I wanna go toJesus.
Well, baby...
if you die...
fighting an army
of sodomite-protecting idolaters...
I suspect the good Lord's
gonna give you a mansion in his kingdom.
You always know what to say
to make me feel better, Daddy.
"Now learn ye the parable of a fig tree."
Such as Matthew 24.
"When his branch is yet tender...
and putteth forth leaves...
know that summer is nigh."
Well, baby...
Iooks like summer's about as nigh
as it ever gonna get.
Let's go.
I shall see the face of the Lord...
and the Lord's glory shall surely...
You're gonna be quiet, okay?
I don't wanna shoot you, but I will.
Are Travis and Billy-Ray dead?
So what? You gonna fucking kill me?
If you help me, I won't.
Else I will, I swear.
There's government agents outside...
and they wanna come in here
and kill my family.
- Fucking good!
- Will you shut up?
I'm trying to save your life.
Those government people...
they're gonna kill you too.
They already shot your friend...
and they are gonna kill everyone
in this house...
'cause they screwed up
what they came here to do.
They're gonna kill us
so that we can't tell on 'em.
They don't want any witnesses...
so they're gonna bust in here
and shoot all of us...
even my little brothers
and my sister and my cousins.
But I can't let the babies get killed.
I've done some bad things.
But if I let them babies get killed...
They don't know what
we've been up to in here.
If they did, they could just arrest us.
They could put us on trial...
and then the Zionist media
would make heroes out of'em.
But they are gonna need witnesses...
and that's you.
That's you.
So, if you and me...
we can get out there
without gettin' killed...
we can tell 'em
what's really goin' on in the chapel.
We do that, and they can't
kill the babies.
Sara, baby.
Gimme some sweet tea, will you?
- You want me to save your life?
- No, no.
You want me to save your life?
You killed my fucking friends.
It's not me I care about
so much as I care about the kids.
My cousin's kid ain't
but three years old and my little sis...
My little sister's only eight.
Fuck you.
You think they're gonna believe
that you weren't one of us?
They won't even give you the chance
to tell 'em before they put one in your head.
'Cause once they get inside here
that is exactly what they're gonna do.
You think I give a shit?
Fuck you...
and your stupid family.
My two best friends are fucking dead.
So you know what?
Why don't you just go on and kill me too?
You can take that gun
and just fucking kill me too.
Just put a bullet in my fucking head...
because that's what I've been waiting for
since you tied me to a fucking cross!
Yeah, I bet Billy-Ray said please too.
And they still killed him.
So fuck you.
And if you wanna save
your precious fucking babies...
why don't you suck a fucking rescue
outta my dick, bitch?
You get away from her, you heathen!
- Get the fuck off me!
- You!
Mama, please! Mama, stop it!
- Mama, please! Mama!
- Get off!
- You damn heathen!
- Get the fuck off me!
What are you trying to do to her?
Trying to get what you came for?
What did you do to my girl?
What's the matter with you, girl?
What's got over you?
Will you put that gun down?
His friends killed your daddy.
If we just confess,
they can't kill the babies.
No, don't go anywhere!
There's men outside
and they aim to kill us.
So you take everybody
up to the attic, okay?
You barricade the door. Okay?
What'd you do?
You do it!
You get 'em up there, goddamn it!
- You do it right now!
- What did you do, Cheyenne?
- Go!
- Mama!
Mommy! Mommy!
Is Mama dead?
You go on with Maggie
and the other kids upstairs now, okay?
You go up to the attic
and you stay there until I come get you.
You don't open that door for nobody else
but me, okay? You understand?
Okay, you go on now.
Quick, like a bunny.
Stevie, go!
Go, go, go!
Top of the crown! Top of the crown!
The Lord is our shepherd.
The Lord is my shepherd.
Team, get ready to flank!
- Freeze! Drop your weapon!
- Look, don't shoot. I'm a hostage, okay?
- We need to talk to who's in charge.
- Drop the fucking gun!
You don't have to do this.
Get back.
There's enough evidence
to put us all away for life.
- Don't move!
- Get back, all right?
There's babies in the attic!
You all right?
What the fuck was that?
Yes, sir!
Yes, sir! He's calling us home!
Come on, come on!
Come on, children! Come on!
Everywhere, everywhere
Drop the artillery!
There be no need for that anymore.
Where's that sound coming from?
"And the four angels were loosed...
which were prepared
for an hour and a day...
and a month and a year...
to slay a third of men."
Hear ye!
His sacred call to arms!
The heavenly trumpets sound his name!
The one true God comes to rapture!
His faithful slay the wicked...
and send this evil world straight to hell!
Enough! Enough, goddamn it! Enough!
Wait a minute!
Just wait a minute, everybody.
No more fire and brimstone, preacher!
What does that sound mean?
Well, boy...
there ain't nothing left
but fire and brimstone.
Can't you hear?
Can't you hear?
This is the Lord's day of judgment.
Four trumpet blasts.
The seals have been opened...
and the horsemen dispatched.
Three more blasts...
and he closes the book
on this wicked, wicked world!
- Praise His name!
- Praise His name!
So come on!
Come on, G-man.
"G" for "Godless."
"G" for "government."
Come on.
Come on. Shoot me.
Shoot me, you bootlicking...
flag-worshipping heathen!
Shoot me!
It only hastens my reward in eternity.
Shoot me! Shoot me!
And then what happened?
Special Agent Keenan?
Special Agent Keenan?
What happened?
I subdued the suspect...
with a head butt.
- A head butt?
- Yes, sir. The suspect was standing...
unnaturally close.
And then the trumpet blast sounded
three more times, and a fourth and a fifth.
By then it was pretty clear
the rapture wasn't going to happen.
So we rounded up
the remaining Five Pointers.
On the record, Agent Keenan...
this inquiry commends you
for peaceably containing...
a potentially explosive situation.
But, off the record...
you disobeyed a direct order
from a superior, Joe.
I did.
And I have no excuse
that's gonna mean anything here.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, it is the finding of this inquiry...
that Special Agent
Joseph Keenan be relieved...
as head of Field Office 263.
He's to be placed
on one-week leave without pay...
after which time he'll report
to the Washington office...
for reassignment in the District.
I'm getting promoted?
You're still gonna kill him.
The United States government
doesn't kill people, Agent Keenan...
in or out of custody.
Of course we're gonna kill him, Joe.
We're gonna kill him with kindness.
- You're gonna let him go to trial?
- Oh, come on.
- What is this, September 10, 2001?
- Patriot Act, bitch.
We can plant him forever, okay?
Without a trial.
Never show him the light of day,
let alone a TV camera or a microphone.
What do you think
we've been doing the last 10 years?
Yeah. It's terrorism, Joe. Okay?
If you kill an American because
of a religious belief, you are a terrorist...
and terrorists get locked the fuck up.
If it's all so easy
to put these people away for life...
why was I given those orders?
- 'Cause fuck people like this.
- They're animals.
I mean, don't get me wrong. Jesus saves.
He ain't gonna save Abin Cooper
from a fuck-load of prison rape.
Daily shtuppings by Coke-can cocks.
Savor that irony, Joe.
Hey, what was it?
- The trumpet blast.
- Pardon?
The trumpet blast... What was it really?
Oh, that.
Some new neighbors...
these eco kids from the university
with a compost collective...
they got an acre off the ass end of
the Five Point property, other side of the hill.
Abin's been giving 'em a bunch of guff
because of the smell of the compost.
- Was it bad?
- Gets so you can taste it.
But Abin's been harassing these kids...
sending some of his bigger boys over...
to bitch at first...
maybe break a window or two.
Then I guess they went old-school...
Lots of sugar in gas tanks,
burning bags of dog shit.
- College kids.
- No, that was Cooper and his church.
The eco kids never so much
as called the cops.
They got creative instead.
They thought it'd be funny
to take a page out of Revelations...
and get Cooper and his family's hopes up
with the trumpets.
So they got this big-ass,
rusty old siren...
from a firehouse that just got a new one.
The fire chief said they could have
the damn thing as long as they carted it off.
It's big as a Mini Cooper.
So they truck this thing down
to their compost collective...
they put it in a barn,
they hook it up to an iPod of all things...
and they played these
single-note trumpet blasts...
that they pulled off the Internet.
And they had no idea
that you were even there.
It was just dumb luck.
Oh, those eco kids
with the compost collective?
Turns out it was a cover
for a marijuana grow-house.
They're being booked right now.
But considering how
they probably saved a bunch more lives...
Yeah, yeah. I'll write a letter.
Hey, Joe.
why did you shine the direct?
My grandma on my mother's side...
she had these two dogs,
pure bloodhounds...
both came up the same litter.
She kept them
and gave the rest away to the neighbors.
Both known each other
since they had shit in their eyes.
Neither one ever treated any better
than the other one.
Gentlest dogs you'd ever care to meet.
So anyway...
Thanksgiving of my ninth year,
these two old dogs are trailing me around...
'cause they know the score... I'm a
animal lover who never finishes his supper.
So right before I get up from the table...
I toss these two old-timers
a turkey leg...
attached to a hunk of cartilage.
And it was like they'd never met.
They went at each other so ferociously...
all tooth and claw and jugular...
They forgot anything
they ever had in common...
and scrapped like that discard
decided between their standing and dying.
People just do the strangest things
when they believe they're entitled.
But they do even stranger things
when they just plain believe.
I see the face ofJesus
On my way tonight
He says to me
Old sinner, come on in
I see the face ofJesus
In that great white light
And my savior
makes me whole again
In his shining eyes...
In his shining eyes...
I see the promise...
of all forgiveness that sets you free.
I see the face ofJesus...
on my way this night.
And my savior's light to comfort me
Shut the fuck up!