Red Tails (2012)

Let's get them!
Where are
the damn fighters going?
They've gone chasing scalps,
leaving us unprotected again.
Damn those
glory-grabbing bastards!
Bandits! Hundreds of them!
Six o'clock!
Is there anything
left of our escort?
Negative, boss.
Damn it! Why don't
they worry about us?
I can't believe this!
It never fails.
Oh, no.
Stay with me.
This is Bouncing Betty.
Engine three is out.
We're falling back. Two,
you take lead position.
Need the extinguisher.
Mayday! Mayday!
Prepare to bail out.
I repeat, prepare to bail...
Red One to Red Two, come in.
Are you awake
over there, Lightning?
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
Boy, I need a nap!
Well, look alive. Wouldn't
want you to miss this war.
War is hell. What we're doing
is just boring as hell.
Whoever she was, I hope she
was worth losing sleep over.
Oh, trust me, she was worth it!
Junior, you okay?
Fine as wine, Red One. The sky
is blue and my guns are hot.
Joker, you all right?
Nope. I feel like I'm flying
my grandfather's Buick.
Coolant indicator's
all over the map.
And to think I was as happy as a
church lady when I got this plane.
All right, Red Four, you're done.
Take it on home.
Come on now, Captain, this gauge
over here is a piece of crap.
Captain, let me give it a looky
before you send him back.
He's not trailing
any oil or water.
Seems to me like he's
just got a bad indicator.
Come on, Easy. Let
me fly, sir, please?
You know it ain't gonna be
no fun without me.
All right. Okay.
You stay on, Red Four.
You stay on, but you keep
an eye on it, all right?
Thank you, sweetheart.
Just my luck I get stuck
with the flying wreck.
Another P-40 from
Uncle Sam's junkyard.
It looks like we
got a truck up there.
It's got German markings.
Junior, it's your turn.
Yes, sir!
Prepare to feel
the wrath of the Ray Gun.
I'm on your wing, Junior!
Come on.
You see that?
Congratulations, kid.
You killed yourself a truck.
We can go back victorious.
Everybody, form up.
We're going home.
Easy, I see something. It's a train!
Eleven o'clock.
I don't think it's German.
I don't see any guns.
Looks like they're
moving livestock to me.
No. It's military.
It's camouflaged.
It could just be cows.
You don't want to shoot up no
cows if you don't have to.
Unless y'all
planning on a barbecue.
Nobody sees any guns?
I'm telling you, Easy,
that's a munitions train.
And I bet it's
armed to the teeth.
You grown-ups better think fast.
It's headed for that tunnel.
All right. Only one way to find out.
Let's go get it.
Wait. Easy,
we got to take it head-on,
low, so their guns
can't hit us.
It's my decision, Lightning.
Stay in formation.
Looks like these
cows are armed.
Come on.
Stay in front of it!
Die, you Nazi dogs!
Dang! Those cows
just shot up my wing!
No sweat. No sweat.
If that train makes it into the
tunnel, they'll stop in there.
Where's Lightning?
Where the hell
are you, Lightning?
Taking the train from the front,
like you should have done.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Whoa! Shit!
Nothing like a good old
Georgia ass-whupping.
Just trying to keep
you boys inspired.
How's this headline
for inspiration?
"Negro Pilot Dies Because He's
Too Stupid To Follow Orders."
Your plane looks like
it's been through a shredder.
How are you going to
explain that to Coffee?
By explaining to him that I'm
the one who blew up the train.
You boys go on ahead.
I've spotted something.
Lightning destroyed
another one.
Look at that mess.
Look at that mess.
I guess we'll be
working all night again.
It's been a long time
since you've seen your sweetheart.
Too bad she's
dancing with someone new.
This is Axis Mary coming to you
from Berlin with
your favorite music.
Never thought that you would be
Standing here so close to me
There's so much I feel
that I should say
But words can wait
Until some other day
How about one time you bring my
plane home without wrecking it?
Good morning, Mr. Coffee.
You keep tearing up
my planes like this,
you're gonna be wearing
your balls for a necktie.
See, I can't let you do that,
'cause I just saw a goddess
who's gonna bear
my beautiful children.
You're a clown, Lightning.
You need to grow up.
We can't afford to
have any more planes
taken off the line
with your stupid...
What is this?
What did you do?
Oh, man! Where did
that come from?
What happened was...
Come see what this
clown did to the plane.
I can see what you're thinking.
What the hell is this? Did
somebody throw a train at you?
Coffee, I can see you're upset.
Maybe we should talk
about this another time.
Oh, we got a new recruit here!
Hey there.
You lost, son?
I was looking for Jimmy Wayans.
Uh, Jimmy got shot down must've
been, what, two weeks ago?
I believe so.
Well, is Uly Douglas here?
Furball's dead, son.
Crashed on takeoff.
You're just a bad-luck
Chuck, aren't you?
Everybody you know ends up on
the wrong side of the dirt.
Don't pay him no mind, boy.
My name's Smokey.
This here's Neon,
this is Joker.
Flight Officer
Maurice Wilson, sir!
You can leave all that saluting, son.
You're home now.
Seeing as how
everybody you know dead,
you might as well bunk with us.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Just don't bad luck us before
you get up in this Jeep now.
Yes, sir.
I'm trying to live.
Come on, Maurice.
Come on, boy.
Come on, boy, get in there!
Hold on.
Come on, Maurice.
Wait, you've got to back up.
How'd it go up there, Ray?
I'm telling you, Deacon.
Lightning almost got himself
killed again today.
He's one crazy pilot.
I'm going to pray for him if we
ever get to see any real combat.
Well, hey, I see you here
after every mission.
I'm sure your
prayers are helping.
Thanks, Deke.
Black Jesus, we thank you for bringing
Red Squadron back home to us.
Lightning's usual elegant work.
Although I understand your plane
didn't fare any better than the train.
That old Lightning don't
never have his brakes on.
Questions, gentlemen.
Does it really matter, sir?
- Lights up.
- Here we go.
What was your question?
What we do, how well we
do it, does it matter?
Strafing runs and
coastal patrols.
They got us out here using
planes to mop floors, fellas.
I don't normally
go in for loose talk,
but we won't even be
doing that for long.
Ain't that why Colonel
Bullard went stateside?
The Colonel's business
stateside is above your grade.
All due respect, sir,
but are they back there
deciding if they
should shut us down?
Just a rumor, Winky.
You know this how?
Pass it up.
Read it, Easy.
Out loud.
Go ahead, son.
"The use of Negroes in the Army
Air Corps may yet be halted."
"A report has been forwarded calling
the performance by Negro pilots"
"A plan to assign the Negroes
to routine convoy cover may be"
"all that remains
for those who seem"
"to have neither
the intelligence"
"nor the proper reflexes
for such a complicated task"
"as fighter pursuit.
The great Tuskegee..."
"The great Tuskegee experiment"
"to allow the Negro type
to fly airplanes has failed."
And you all thought what?
You'd sign up.
You get shiny boots, a uniform,
and that'd be the end
of 100 years of bigotry?
You're colored men
in a white man's army.
It's a miracle you're
flying fighters in Italy,
and not mopping
latrines in Milwaukee!
You want it straight?
Yes, the old man's stateside,
fighting the good fight.
And when he
comes through for us,
we better be damn sure we're
ready to do the same for him.
Any of you feel otherwise, any of
you want to wash yourselves out,
well, Negro, please do so,
and I'll have you on the
next thing smoking back home
to make room for the men
who want to stand and fight.
Get your head up, son.
You're fighter pilots.
Watch the rest of the film.
Learn something.
When we came under
your command, Colonel,
you stated very clearly that
we would never find Negroes
who could pass a pilot's exam,
make it through flight school,
survive basic combat.
A combat record which,
to this point...
We've done all of that.
To this point,
I don't believe your boys
have scored
a single aerial kill.
Because you have not assigned
us a single forward mission.
It's damn hard to
shoot down the enemy
the front lines.
As a matter of fact,
when will we be
assigned to
bomber escorts, Colonel?
There have been any number of
reports of poor discipline.
Which is in every newspaper
and magazine in the country.
We have enough
race troubles as it is
without these sons of bitches in the
press throwing fuel on the fire.
How an unofficial assessment
of the Tuskegee program
made its way to
newspapers and magazines
may be worthy of
its own hearing, sir.
Colonel Tomlinson,
you've been supporting
this experiment
from the beginning,
but I'm afraid you're just gonna
have to suffer its failure.
We're given
hand-me-down planes.
Ordered to attack targets that
have already been bypassed.
Fly patrols where the enemy
hasn't been seen for months.
Now we've clone every lowdown,
dirty job you've handed us,
hoping that we would just
limp along and go away.
We will not go away.
We have a right to
fight for our country,
the same as
every other American.
So you shut us down,
or you let us fly.
Soldier boy
Oh, do you think about me,
soldier boy?
How could you ever...
Don't give me that look.
What the hell were you
doing up there today?
Beating up on Hitler. Winning the war.
I got the train, didn't I?
I love you like a brother, Joe.
But you disobey
my orders again,
I'm gonna have to write you up.
For what?
For being right?
I told you those
guns were there.
You almost got yourself killed.
No, I followed protocol.
You went for the glory.
There's a difference.
Now you may not need me to get
you through this thing alive,
but Joker, Junior, the rest
of the squad just might.
Okay. You're right,
I'm wrong. I'm sorry.
What you in such a
hurry for anyway?
I saw a girl.
The most beautiful
I have ever seen.
Just can't let them
alone, can you?
No more than you can
let that bottle alone.
You got your way of getting
through the war, and I got mine.
I wonder what your
pops'd say to that.
We can just leave
him out of this.
He's got you in a pressure cooker, man.
Graduating college at 20,
Pushing yourself mighty
hard to please him.
Didn't I just say we can
leave him out of this?
All right.
Besides, I drink 'cause I got
to bunk with your crazy self.
You bunk with me 'cause I'm the
best pilot in the whole damn Army,
and you're just hoping
you're gonna learn something.
If I'm not mistaken,
I'm the flight leader,
which would make you
my wingman.
Smarter doesn't
make you better.
Better at what? Busting
up Coffee's planes?
Romancing the ladies, for one.
Now if you're done whining,
I have got a pass to do
that very thing right now.
Can I ask you something?
What's going to happen when you go
home and the women speak English,
and they understand just how
full of bullshit you are?
What's this?
Something to celebrate you being
old enough to know better.
"Italian for Beginners"?
How many cartons of smokes
this set you back?
A simple "thank you"
wouldn't hurt.
And a "happy birthday"
would have been fine.
Knowing you,
you're just tired of me
embarrassing myself
in front of the signorinas.
Yeah, that might be it.
How you feel?
A whole lot more
than one year older.
Thank you.
Happy birthday.
It's tight.
Pilots got you all hot and bothered.
Come on.
We got three planes, the
hydraulic pumps are shot.
Two more got bad governors.
Grab a piece of that tape
and put it over that hose.
What are you doing, Lightning?
What did you say?
Come on, Lightning.
I need it back by nightfall!
And ask if she's got a sister!
Yeah, a blind one!
I'm sorry to bother you.
I flew around your
house this morning.
Okay. Uh...
Right, you...
That was me.
I'm Joe.
D'accordo. Sofia.
Sofia, right.
Nice to meet you.
Joe Little.
I hope I'm not
intruding, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hold on. I want to
ask you something.
Oh, how? I got a Jeep. You
want to come for a drive?
What's dove?
Is that a yes?
You want to bring your mother?
It's going to be
tougher than I thought.
What you going with?
I got two pair.
And three of clubs.
I don't care what you have,
you'll never be
able to beat me, son.
You ain't got
enough in the head.
I can't lose. I don't
even know why y'all try.
You just got here, Maurice. I
hope you're learning something.
Hope at least
you're learning by now
not to play poker
with people that cheat.
I ain't cheating.
You cheat.
I don't want to learn
how to play cards,
I want to learn
about combat flying.
Dogfights and tricks for
switching it up on them Jerries.
What the hell you think it is
we know about dogfighting?
The white boys are
the only ones get to
tangle it up with
the Jerries around here.
But they don't
talk to us much, so...
Experience is a cruel teacher. She
gives the exam first, then the lesson.
You know what?
I decided when I get home...
...people ask me
about the war,
I'm going to
just make stuff up.
Hell, I already do! Ask me what I
killed, seven trucks, five Jeeps,
and one of those motorcycles
with the sidecar on them.
My record look like the inventory
down at the motor pool.
How the hell am I
gonna go back home
and tell my dad all I
killed were traffic?
He'll whup my ass!
What's that?
It's my Buck Rogers
X-38 disintegrator pistol.
Makes me feel like...
You know,
like I can't lose.
Here, try it.
No. No, thanks, Junior.
I don't really like to fool with
other people's good luck charms.
What's the matter?
Nothing. Um...
Look, I don't like
being called Junior.
I want the tag Ray Gun.
I'm not a kid.
I did two years at Howard before I
even enrolled in the Tuskegee program.
I'm going to be an engineer.
What about you?
My dad's a judge.
He wants me to
go to law school,
so I guess I'm gonna do that.
You ought to just give it up!
Go back to where you came from.
I'd rather be up there
killing Jerries
than down here playing
games with you, Joker.
Look, don't be in a hurry to
get to the killing part, Maurice.
Tell me something.
You scared of dying?
I don't know.
I am.
Every time I close
the lid on that canopy,
I feel like I'm shutting
the lid on my own coffin.
I tell you something else, the pilot that
tells you otherwise is either a liar
or too foolish to
know any better.
It's useless.
All this talk for another
study, another inquiry.
"Politics is
the art of..."
Major Kessel's political science
class, the quote that he used...
He said, "Politics is the art of
postponing a decision until it is..."
"No longer relevant."
Mortamus stumbled badly.
If he hadn't
embarrassed the brass
by leaking that report
to the press,
they probably would have
let you wither and die.
His politicking
bought you time.
For what?
Operation Shingle.
Air cover for a beach landing.
It's your chance to go up
against German fighters.
I'll say this, Jack.
Even when your hope is
false, it sure is grand.
I'm serious, A.J.
I can get that for you.
If you stick your
neck out how far?
I don't want you to put your
career on the line for me, Jack.
A little less tin on my
uniform is the least of it.
If I get you the mission,
your men have got to
put something on the board.
They come through,
or Mortamus and the brass
will have all they need
to shut the whole thing down.
You get us that mission,
we will light up the board.
Has this flight order
been verified?
Yes, sir. It came directly
from Colonel Bullard in Washington.
Check it again. Get the
flight leaders together.
The Colonel got us an opportunity.
Gather around, gentlemen.
Attacking another train, sir?
Or did we graduate to minding
a truck convoy this time?
Operation Shingle.
It's an ambitious
landing off the coast
of the Tyrrhenian Sea
at Nettuno.
We've been given the frag order
to provide air cover
for the landing.
I'm gonna have so many of those
little swastikas on my plane,
they're gonna think
it's camouflage.
We will repay the old man
with victory, hear me?
Yes, sir!
Full briefing at 0400.
On the flight line at 0530.
Good luck, gentlemen.
Junior, where you at, boy?
You're gonna miss the flight.
I know I'm late.
I'm coming.
We're a long way from Memphis,
but Black Jesus is here with me,
and he says it's gonna
be a successful mission.
Now does that mean we're gonna
shoot down a bunch of Jerries,
or we gonna come back
in one piece,
or Lightning gonna pick up
some girls along the way?
No more pickups for me, boys.
I swear to you, lam in love.
Love? Swearing? Both
bad luck in my book.
I can't believe I made it.
Don't tell Easy I was late.
They all set?
All ready, sir!
Send them off.
Hallelujah. The saints
are marching in!
Watch me become
an ace today, boys.
Lightning, did you
just say you're gonna
become an ass today, or an ace?
I couldn't quite
hear what you...
Was it ass or ace?
I couldn't hear.
I think you heard
him right, Smokey.
All right, men,
cut the chatter.
Would you look at that!
Oh, my goodness.
Just like in the newsreels.
Keep your eyes peeled
for the Jerries.
Bogies inbound, twelve o'clock.
And they're
closing in mighty fast!
These pilots are rookies!
Make quick work of them.
All planes, hold formation.
Hold on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Anytime, Red One.
Drop tanks!
Oh, shit!
I'm shaking them!
There's two more!
Yes. They're cutting left!
Put a
little hitch in his giddyup!
I'm feeling good now!
keep the beachhead clear.
It's clear.
Straighten up
over there, Junior.
Let's go, Lightning.
I'm on one.
I'm behind you. Break right!
I got him.
Get on the inside, Easy!
Get on the inside.
Come on, slip just a little.
Come on, tighter, tighter.
Congratulations, Captain.
You are the first Negro to
shoot down a Jerry! Whoo!
Straight ahead now.
There's my swastika.
I'm on your wing.
Come on, baby, just move
a little bit closer.
All I want is
a little bitty kiss.
Just give me a little
peck on the cheek. Yeah!
Good shot.
Oh, hell.
Joker, there's one on my tail!
Okay, listen, Junior. Buttonhook
right, and I'm gonna go left.
Come on.
No touchdown for
you today, Fritz.
Junior, you're
all clear, buddy.
Deke, on your right!
I see him.
Let's give those newspapers
something to write about.
Tennessee says hello!
There's the squad leader.
I'm gonna take him out.
Careful. He's good.
You're letting him
get away, Lightning!
I'm just toying with him.
This is for you, Pretty Boy,
with your bright yellow nose!
Come on, boy. Line it up.
One shot.
Holy crap!
How'd he do that?
Get him off me!
I'm on him.
Get him off me!
Get out of the way, Lightning!
Open your throttle.
Come on, man!
Take him out!
I can't get a clear shot.
Hold on.
Drop to your right.
All right! I got him.
Oh! Thank you, Lord.
And there I was thinking
you didn't love me any more.
He's headed home to mama.
You thinking what I'm thinking?
If you're thinking
I should finish him off
so we can get back to the
beachhead, then, yes.
Or we could follow him.
We could go
after their airdrome.
I don't know, Lightning. We got orders.
You know that.
Come on, Easy. I'm talking
about a Jerry airbase.
Dozens of planes!
You're saying no?
All right. I'll trust
your instincts this time.
But we're running low on fuel. We're
gonna follow for five minutes.
You got that?
Five minutes.
Joker, you back there?
We're still back here.
I'm ready for a turkey shoot.
Mayday! Mayday!
There it is, boys.
Get your scorecards ready.
Gotta knock out those fighters
before they take off.
Got to take
those guns out first.
Everybody, form up.
Here we go!
Brand-new 109s.
Not so brand-new 109s.
Like ducks in a row.
All right.
Two at once!
That's nothing. Watch
me get four this time.
We're running low on fuel.
No time for celebration.
The Ray Gun strikes again.
Junior, watch out
for that flak!
Good job, Lightning.
Washington brass won't
be able to ignore this.
My God!
Those pilots are African!
Hey! What happened to Junior?
There he is.
Three o'clock high.
He's trailing oil.
Red One to Red Three.
Junior, come in.
I took something in the leg.
Something in my head.
Level off, Junior,
or you're gonna stall out.
All right.
Oh, yeah!
They done shot down the whole
Luftwaffe, didn't they?
Yes, they did, huh?
Those hotshots sure did.
Never doubted it.
Did I make it?
Yeah, you made it, damn Knucklehead.
Should have let you crash.
You'll be okay.
No surprises, Ray Gun.
You get healthy, all right?
Luck is with you, Ray!
I think we can cautiously
declare the landing a victory.
It's a slog, but the
ground troops are holding.
Colonel Bullard.
Your boys chalked
eight kills in the air,
on the ground.
No losses in their first wave.
Outstanding. Pass along
my congratulations.
Thank you, sir.
Action reports and
assessments by 1500.
Eight German fighters
or 80 German fighters,
it still doesn't change what I
think of you and your boys.
We don't care.
Respect the uniform.
Believe me, sir, that is
all I have respect for.
It's not as bad as all this.
Leg's good, eye's fine.
In a week's time,
I'll be able to see fine out of one
eye and mostly out of the other.
Is that what you
want me to tell Stance?
"Sir, Ray Gun has one-and-a-half
eyes' worth of ability."
Look, come on.
I landed a plane blind.
Hey, don't get me in this.
If the Flight Surgeon
won't clean bill you,
what do you expect me to do?
Just talk to him.
He listens to you.
I mean,
you got the same respect
on this base
as the old man, so...
I'd rather be dead
than on the ground.
Easy, you're
the best friend I got.
Please don't do this to me.
General Luntz, Colonel Bullard.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Colonel, please.
Thank you.
No, thank you, sir.
Colonel, I'm in a hell of a fix
with our target in Europe.
Our boys are
getting cut to shreds.
I read the action report
from Operation Shingle.
Eight kills in your first wave.
Thirteen in ail.
That's a right trick.
Colonel, I'll give
it to you straight.
I can't afford
the kind of losses
my bombers have been suffering.
Do you have film
of the air cover
your bombers are
getting now, sir?
We need to change
the way we fight.
I need pilots who will fly close and
tight to the heavies all the way.
Not put my men in harm's way
by chasing rabbits.
So you're asking me
to tell my men
not to shoot down
Jerry fighters?
I'm asking them to put the
bombers ahead of themselves.
I don't care if they never
splash another Jerry fighter.
I need to get my heavies
to the target and back.
The losses from enemy air, I believe
my men can get that down, sir.
If you can bring back one or two
more of my planes every mission...
Sir, I believe we can cut
your losses by 70% or 80%.
Colonel, the word is
you're arrogant.
If "arrogant" is the only word
people use to describe me now,
I would say I think
I'm making progress.
Can you help us?
I'm asking you man to man.
Can you help save lives?
We need new planes.
No more hand-me-downs.
If you get us new planes,
we can help your boys.
I got a bullet right through my canopy.
I ought to be dead, y'all.
But nothing
happened to me though.
It's Black Jesus,
I'm telling you.
Oh, go on with that.
Let's play.
Don't sass Black Jesus, now
you might need him one day.
What happened to you is luck.
Just luck.
Lords of Poker,
Black Jesus, White Jesus,
Tooth Fairy, Easter
Bunny, all of them!
I done lost all my damn money.
Something is wrong.
Ain't that right.
How about you just get wise?
There is no special
mojo running the world.
Things just are how they are.
Us getting shot up
and the people we're protecting
not caring a thing for it.
I hear that.
You talk real tough, Joe Little.
Real cold.
Well, reality's
a little chilly.
Is that right?
Let's play!
Let me tell you about
this cold, hard brother.
While y'all trying to get by with
your whiskey and cigarettes,
guess what he's
doing with his rations?
- What's that?
- What he doing?
Trading them all for lingerie
to spoil his old lady.
Oh, really?
Perfume, silks.
That tease!
Yeah, well, lucky at love
and lucky at cards.
Right like that. Boom!
Man, you are so beautiful.
Of course, you have no
idea what I'm saying.
I love you.
Oh, uh...
Wow, that's...
What are you doing here?
This is an officers' club.
I am an officer.
This is a whites-only
officers' club.
You're off
the reservation, pal.
Try the Italian dance hall
near the main plaza.
Hey. Go home, nigger.
I got what I came for.
Good night.
Am I going
to be court-martialed?
I don't know.
I'm sure you trying to start a
race riot won't help you...
I was finishing
what they started!
Wrong or right,
we got regs to live by.
And you throwing punches,
busting them up, gets you what?
A good feeling, Easy.
Right here.
A throb that says I didn't choke
on what they were feeding me.
How do your heart feel? You say
"they" like it's all of them.
Same as always. "Shuffle
along, cause no strife.
"Don't scare the ofays
by speaking out."
Some other time I'd have stood
with you, side by side.
"Some other time"!
But you put a minute's worth of
righteousness ahead of a whole war!
Same old Joe Little.
Still getting into the wrong
fights for the wrong reasons.
Your reasons any better?
You spent your whole life being one
big, lousy Atlanta Compromise.
Well, go sell that somewhere else.
I'm not buying it.
I've come bearing gifts.
I'm all ears, sir.
Bomber escort
New P-51 s.
You did it.
You really did it, sir.
Come on. Let's get some food.
I'm hungry.
Welcome home, Colonel.
Lieutenant Little
. What am I going to do with you?
Everything's a fight, isn't it?
It must be so goddamn
exhausting being you.
You know something, Joe Little?
You're a punk.
You remind me
of one of those kids
from a comic strip,
walking around,
pushing his sleeve up one arm,
hand balled in a tight fist,
walking and looking at the
world through a squint.
Always looking to knock something
down just because it's standing.
It's right there.
It's right there.
You really want to
knock something down?
Try using that.
Because I will
tell you straight,
I don't have
anything against you.
I have the highest
expectations for you.
Lieutenant Little,
I need everyone on
this next mission.
And you're lucky you're the
best damn pilot we've got.
Report to your unit.
Bless you
For being an angel
Just when it seemed
That heaven was not for me
Bless you, for building...
They let you out, huh?
Or did you bust out?
Very funny.
Look, uh.
I said some things.
Yeah, you did.
I didn't mean them.
Yeah, you did.
You know me. Act
first, think later.
Well, nobody's perfect.
We good?
Yeah, we're good.
I figured it out.
What? That throwing punches
doesn't solve your problems?
That maneuver Pretty Boy
pulled on me, got on my tail,
I figured out how to do it.
Fancy trick flying
will only get you killed.
Or make me an ace.
The American pilots flying escort now
go for every kill they can score.
That's how they were trained.
That's how they fight.
Here's how we change up the strategy.
Lights up.
At all costs, under every circumstance,
you protect the heavies.
We signed up to shoot
Germans, not babysit planes.
You signed up to follow orders.
One bomber, that's 10 men.
You getting one Jerry so you
can put a cross on your plane,
that doesn't balance that.
We count our victories
by the bombers we
get to their targets.
By the husbands we
return to their wives.
By the fathers we get
back to their children.
What has not changed,
what will never change,
from the last plane, to the last
bullet, to the last minute,
to the last man, we fight.
We fight!
Yes, sir!
We've secured new aircrafts.
The best the AAF's got.
As soon as we get the A-okay, we'll
begin ferrying them in from Bari.
Say cheese, say cheese.
My, my, my!
Hey, Maurice!
How are they flying?
Like angels.
I don't know any angels with
six .50-caliber machine guns.
All right, men, get your manuals.
Get familiar.
Yes, sir.
We'll need them all marked
up and ready to fly.
It's taken care of.
The Major says paint their tails
bright red, so they stand out.
Like the Red Baron.
Loud and proud.
Appreciate it.
Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
This will definitely make
the group distinctive.
Bright red tails
and black pilots?
You can't call us nothing
else but distinctive.
From now on.
Never saw the sun
shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
What do you think?
It's like it's speeding
even when it's sitting.
I never even met a girl
as beautiful as this plane.
Well, take good care of her.
What do you mean?
I twisted
the Flight Surgeon's arm.
Got you back on the roster.
You going up with us
next mission.
Thank you, sir.
I'm going to tell the guys.
Heavenly Father, we thank
you for this glorious day.
We ask that you
send your angels down
to surround us as we
fly through the sky.
We know that it's
part of your master plan
that we've made it all the way
from Tuskegee here to Ramitelli.
We are very confident
in our abilities,
but we ask that you give
us the vision, the sight,
and the speed and power to
make it through this mission.
All the airmen say, "In
Jesus' name we pray." Amen.
- Nothing's difficult.
- Everything's a challenge.
- Through adversity...
- the stars!
From the last plane,
to the last bullet,
to the last minute, to
the last man, we fight!
We fight!
We fight!
Anybody got eyes
on the bombers?
We are all by our lonesome, Red One.
Think we screwed up.
Right on target, and according to
my reckoning, 32 seconds early.
We're here.
They're not.
Maybe the bombers turned back.
Damn! Maybe they
went on without us.
Red One, there they are.
Nine o'clock low.
Junior, head on over
to the bomber leader.
Let him know we're friendlies.
Roger that.
Bogies! Three high.
Everybody, on your guns.
Counting close to 70 chicks.
We got one coming down.
Hold your fire.
They're ours.
Red tails? I don't
recognize the markings.
He's colored.
Yeah, right.
Hell if I'm joking!
Jesus Christ. They
can't all be colored.
One fighter group of all Negro pilots?
I don't believe it!
What the hell do we do?
Tacoma One to all planes.
Everybody's eyes open.
I don't think
our fighter escort
is gonna be much
help this trip.
Flying Fortresses!
At least a hundred!
Decoy Squadron, move in
and draw off those fighters.
Fighters, four o'clock.
They're not attacking.
Let them go.
Let them go?
Our orders are to
stay with the bombers.
Uh. What? What?
You're breaking up.
You heard Colonel Bullard. Forget
the prize, save the lives.
God, I hate this war.
Look at that. Those Red
Tails are staying put.
They're giving up
glory to save our asses.
We'll have to do
this the hard way...
Here we go, Lightning.
Right behind you.
Where'd this jackass come from?
Get out of there, Lightning!
Come on, get out of there!
Don't you worry about me.
I'm just playing with him.
Stop fooling around!
Damn it, I'm coming.
No, you're not.
Stay put.
I'm gonna show him
a little trick I learned.
Whoo! Ha-ha!
Lightning, when are you gonna
learn this is not a game?
Coming up on
anti-aircraft guns.
Back off! We'll get
'em on the way back...
Break! Break!
Those Jerries are
hightailing it out of here.
Flak's getting thick.
Break off. Circle clear of the
flak until the bombers return.
Good luck, bombardiers!
All bombs away! Let's get
the hell out of here.
Here they come.
Form up.
Move in...
on the stragglers!
Hey, Junior! You got
a bandit on your left!
Get out of there.
I'll take him.
Junior, get out of there!
Where is he?
I can't see him!
Junior, where are you?
Are you all right?
I'm all right!
Junior, you're on fire!
Junior, get out of the plane!
Come on, Junior, bail!
We didn't lose a single plane.
Well, that's a first.
Red One, Deke's trailing fuel!
Don't look good.
Deke, talk to me.
What's your status?
I'm all right.
I got gas spraying everywhere,
but I think I'm gonna be okay.
I'm a little dizzy, but
other than that, I'm fine.
All right, listen up.
I'll give escort to Deke
. Everybody else head back to base.
No, I'll stay. I'm his wingman.
I'll stay.
Let me take him, Easy.
God, I hate this mask!
It's my call, Lightning.
Your calls have been
a little off lately.
What? What are you
talking about?
Junior shouldn't
have been up here.
You got a problem with the
way I'm running this squad,
you talk to Bullard
about it, all right?
Until then, I'm in control.
And my order for you right now
is to head back to base.
All right, Deke,
you'll be all right.
I'll see you back at the ranch.
You got Black Jesus
with you, boy!
Thanks, Smokey.
Well, get me home, Easy.
No, sir. You're going
to get yourself home.
What the hell put the Captain
in such a bad mood?
He gets like that sometimes.
He knows good and well he
shouldn't have let Junior fly.
That boy was half blind.
We're almost home.
I hope we meet up with
those Red Tails next time.
Listen, boys, the bombers
have passed their safe point.
Our mission is over.
Let's head back to base.
You guys are
taking the long way.
I'm going to take a
shortcut down the coast.
Come on now, Lightning. Ain't
no need to get all crazy.
You know you got to stay
with your squadron.
You stay with the slow-ass squadron.
I'm running low on fuel.
And what if you
turn up missing?
Then I'll have to
break it to Major Stance.
Well, break it to him gently.
Great, great, great!
One's a drunk,
and the other one
does whatever
the hell he wants to do.
Smokey, stay with him.
And keep him out of trouble.
Don't worry.
I'll stick with him.
My head, it hurts.
We're almost there, Deke.
Stay with me.
Easy, I got blood all over
me, but I'm not bleeding.
You're gonna be okay.
I'm right above you.
I'm getting real dizzy.
I need to rest a minute.
No, no. Stay alert, Deke.
I'm here with you.
I can't really see anything!
Everything's all blurred!
I got double vision.
You're slipping, Deke! Deke,
you're slipping! Steady up!
All right.
All right.
You're diving, Deke. You need
to pull back on your stick.
Pull up, Deke, pull up!
Deke, listen to me! Pull
back on your stick now!
Pull up, Deke, pull up!
Pull up?
Oh, I'm pulling up!
I'm pulling up!
Come on!
I must have passed out!
I need you to stay with me, okay?
Stay with me.
Just keep talking.
All right.
Lightning, look! German
destroyer, moving to the north!
I still got ammo.
How about you?
Nah. You need about a 500-pound
bomb to put a dent in that thing.
Plus, that baby got very,
very big guns.
Just watch me.
Lightning, no, all right?
Don't be crazy.
If the big guns don't kill you,
your plane will get messed up,
and Coffee is gonna kill you.
Relax, Smokey. Worrying
too much will kill you.
All right! That was fun! Okay,
come on now, time to go home.
Just one more pass.
How do you like
that, Mr. Hitler?
Lightning, you a damn fool!
But I love you! Come on.
Ramitelli to Subsoil Red One.
Do you read?
I got Red Four
with me, he's busted up pretty bad.
Stay alert, Deke.
Stay alert.
Ramitelli, have
a fire truck standing by.
He's leaking fuel. I
repeat, he's leaking fuel.
This is Major Stance.
Circle a half-mile out
and have Red Four bail.
Flight surgeons
will be there waiting.
Copy that.
You're gonna put it
into a left bank,
and you're up and out.
All right?
I can't get the canopy open!
Listen, Deke,
the only thing between
you living and dying
is that canopy.
Now, get it open!
I can't open it!
I can't open it!
Red Four cannot
open his canopy.
I repeat,
he cannot open his canopy.
I'm gonna have to bring him in.
Roger that.
Sweet Jesus,
don't let this happen to me.
Okay. Okay.
All right, Deke.
Flaps down.
Flaps down.
There you go.
Level off, level off!
I'm leveling.
Help me, sir.
I'm covered in fuel!
I'm coming around
behind you, Deke.
All right,
now get your gear down.
Easy! I think I'm
coming in too hot!
I don't want to die!
I'm not ready!
Just relax.
Level off, Deke.
Too fast.
I'm going too fast!
Nose up! Nose up!
Come on!
Drop your throttle!
Nose down!
Nose down!
No! No!
Smoke cloud on the left.
You don't think
that's Deke, do you?
Who was it?
It was Deke.
Oh, shit.
An engine fire.
Gas leak must have
caught on the landing.
But I talked to the medics, they
said he's gonna be all right.
Must have been a spark.
You've been drinking.
You're going to
blame this on me?
Tell me you haven't
been drinking.
I got him down!
Say it!
I got him down alive! You
don't blame this on me!
I did everything I could do!
Joe! Joe!
All back, Colonel.
The good news is Lieutenant Watkins
survived the fireball landing.
He's in critical.
Do they think
he's gonna make it?
Yes, sir.
With 60% third-degree burns.
We're sending him back home.
I brought the background on the
captured flyer, Lieutenant Ray Gannon.
His mother's name is Dorothy.
Father is Thomas.
His wife's name is Thelma. They
have a little girl, Adele.
In particular,
Ray loved to fly.
More than any pilot we have,
he loved to be in the air.
You must be Lt. Gannon.
Welcome to Stalag 18.
You're the first of
your kind we've had here.
I hope your stay
will not be cut short.
Here is the new prisoner
your captain requested,
Lieutenant Ray Gannon.
A pilot with the 332nd.
Where the hell
did you come from?
Sit down.
So, I bet you're wondering why
I picked you to bunk with us.
It's not something
I care to think about.
Don't worry.
It's not so we can
hang you or anything.
I chose you because I know
you can't be a German spy,
being colored and all.
We're in the middle of a
rather delicate operation,
and we don't need
any new white faces.
You'll be treated no differently
than any other man here.
Any problems, you tell me.
Come on! Let's go!
Move, move, move!
Line it up! Let's go!
I welcome you to the 332nd Fighter Group.
You're a long way from home.
Jerry's going down!
I'm telling you,
Lightning sunk it.
That is a destroyer.
Shit, Lightning's crazy!
Here it comes!
I came around for a second pass.
Watch this.
We fight! We fight!
We fight! We fight! We fight!
My best friend.
He almost caused the death
of one of our pilots.
I don't know what to do.
I am so glad I found you.
I want you to stop, Easy.
Stop what?
You can't drink on duty.
I told you, what happened to
Deke wasn't my fault, all right?
No one cares what you do
when you're in town.
How you relax is your business.
This coming from
a guy who flies
like he has got some
kind of death wish.
You're a piece of work, Joe.
You ignore me up there,
then all of a sudden,
you expect me to
listen to you down here.
All right, all right, all right.
Tell you what.
I'll make you a deal.
You promise to
ditch the bottle,
I'll promise to fly right.
And follow my orders.
And follow your orders.
Very happy.
I can't wait to
hear her sweet singing!
You guys can go chase skirt.
I'm going to Sofia's.
What did you
say, about three miles?
Odds of us getting pinched?
I won't even take that action.
Hey, flyboys!
That trouble. Keep walking.
Come on.
Don't just walk away from me.
He picked the wrong day.
Let's go.
Hey, come over here!
You guys.
You're the Red Tails, right?
You know, Red Tails?
Colored boy flyers?
Well, I wouldn't necessarily say
it like that, but who's asking?
Chester Barnes,
You guys flew a little top cover
for us about a month ago.
A little run over Ploiesti?
It was the best goddamn flying
I've ever seen, gentlemen.
And we guys, well, we feel that
we owe all you boys a drink.
Why don't you come and join us?
Come on.
Come and join them?
What's he saying?
Come on.
Drinks are on us.
Well, I'll be damned.
I guess the dance hall
will have to wait.
How you doing?
Much obliged.
He was a famous trumpet man
from out Chicago way.
He had a boogie style
that no one else could play.
He was the top man at his craft.
But then his number came up
and he was gone with the draft.
He's in the army now
a-blowin' reveille.
He's the boogie woogie
bugle boy of Company B.
They made him blow a bugle
for his Uncle Sam.
It really brought him down
because he couldn't jam.
The captain seemed
to understand.
All right, boys, listen up!
These fellas are the Red Tails.
They're the guys who have
been giving us an escort.
First drink is on me, fellas.
Whatever you'd like.
Hanson, Travis J.
Samuel George.
Me and the boys over here
are with the 463rd Bomb Group.
Glad to meet you, man.
You flew with us over Brux
. Appreciate you getting us home.
Hey, have you guys run into
any of those new jet pursuit fighters?
We haven't been that lucky.
Well, we've been that unlucky.
Those babies go so fast
you can't even see them.
You know,
we say "colored."
But that's not what you prefer?
No, no.
The word is...
When you get upset, when you
get mad, you turn red, right?
When you get envious or
sick, you turn green.
When you become cowardly,
you turn yellow.
And y'all got the nerve
to call us colored.
I want to ask you
an important question.
Will you marry me?
Time to think.
When you get to
the other side, don't wait.
Just run for the woods, okay?
Remember, run for the woods!
It's Ray Gun, he's
back with the batteries.
Any problems?
They won't even
know they're missing.
Divide the batteries among
those who have flashlights.
You've been
a great help, Ray Gun.
I guess there's a lot more to
you coloreds than I thought.
We want you to travel with us.
Oh, I can't. I'll stick out
like a pig in a poultry shop.
I'll draw attention
to you guys.
Thank you.
I'll go alone.
Here, take my dog tags.
Get them back to my unit.
You're a wily sucker, Ray. At least
they won't see you in the dark.
Good luck, Lieutenant.
Safe journey, Captain.
Good luck, Ray.
Good luck.
Remember, run for the woods.
Okay, let's go.
- Run, Miller, run!
- Halt!
Halt, halt!
Hot tamales, and they're red
hot Yes, she got them for sale.
I got a girl,
she's long and tall.
Sleeps in the kitchen
with her feets in the hall.
Sticks on metal ain't music.
It ain't.
I like music.
Aww! Coffee, were you
always mean as hell,
or you just get like
that with old age?
I once was a happy man. Never did
not have a smile on my face.
That was before you guys started
tearing up my beautiful planes.
I could tolerate
the P-40s.
But these new babies getting beat up?
It breaks my heart.
Come on, Coffee. I only came
back with two holes this time.
Uh. Six.
Six holes.
Well, that ain't nothing compared
to what's gonna happen to you
when you run into those jets those
bomber jockeys was talking about.
I ain't afraid of no jets.
Don't go trying your
old tricks, Lightning.
If you end up too close
behind one of those jets,
the turbulence alone will blow your
black ass right out of the sky.
Trust me, I'm gonna
be the first one
to shoot one of
those things down.
And I'll be the second.
My advice is, you see
one, run like hell.
The only thing in life that
makes me want to run like hell
is you, Coffee.
That's gonna get you killed out there.
I'm not dancing with you.
The target is a tank factory
on the outskirts of Berlin.
Shut that down, you shut down Jerry's
ability to shore up a Berlin defense.
General Campbell's wing will
be leading the bombardment.
You have recon on the area?
In the air, we're expecting
everything the Luftwaffe's got,
A possibility of 262s,
German jet fighters.
Jet fighters?
The boys are
gonna love this one!
The target area
isn't your concern.
The 52nd will escort the
General's planes into Berlin.
Is there a reason, sir?
Sixteen hundred miles
to Berlin and back.
The fighters need
to take it in stages.
With external fuel tanks,
the 51s can make it.
I guarantee our pilots can.
I'd prefer the Red Tails take the
leg where we need protecting.
Our first major air
offensive over Berlin.
From a propaganda
point of view,
a lot of attention gonna be paid
to this and a lot of ink spilled.
And Negro pilots aren't
part of that story.
Colonel, A.J.
This is coming
from way above me.
If you didn't have my respect,
I wouldn't be talking
to you face to face.
But we don't win this
war, all my regard,
everything that you and
your men have done,
none of it means a thing.
Please see to it that the
General gets to his plane.
You like it?
I want you
stay in Italia.
You want me to stay?
Does that mean...
Does that mean you'll marry me?
Yes. Marriage.
I love you.
I can't believe it.
I'm getting married.
Okay, we're going to throw it, all right?
There you go.
There you go. All right. Throw!
I'm looking for Captain Julian.
Right here.
You the one they call Easy?
I guess some people do.
What can I help you with?
I'm Captain Miller. I was in
prison with Lieutenant Gannon.
He asked me to
give his tags to you.
Four of us got out.
The deal was, if we
made it and he didn't,
I'd get his dog tags
back to his unit.
Ray was a good man.
To whoever it matters,
you tell them from me.
Ray was the best
soldier I ever met.
Thank you.
A moment, Colonel.
What is it, Captain?
Ray Gannon's dog tags, sir.
A soldier brought it by today.
He and Ray were
prisoners together.
They got out from
under the Germans,
but Ray didn't make it.
Sir, Ray Gun wasn't fit when
I put him back in rotation.
The Flight Surgeon
wouldn't clean bill him,
so I talked my way
right past him.
I just don't feel like I'm fit
to lead the squad any more.
I've made so many mistakes.
No, you've made
one big mistake.
That self-pity of yours,
that's your weakness.
But it ends right here,
right now.
You man up,
you lead your squad.
Every decision that you make isn't
gonna always be the right one.
All right, this is it.
For the first time, the bombers
are going all the way to Berlin.
They'll be up against 109s and
Unfortunately, we're only
going to escort them
on the first leg
of their mission,
so I don't expect
you'll see much action.
You will rendezvous with the
relief escorts at 0830.
I know this is disappointing to you.
It's not the job you wanted.
But those are your orders.
- Understood?
- Yes, sir!
Full briefing at 0400.
On the flight line at 0530.
Spread the word, gentlemen.
Julian. A moment.
Captain, if your relief
doesn't arrive,
as squadron leader,
it's your call.
If you think you can make it.
That is all, son.
We're past
the rendezvous point.
Tail gunner, has the
No, sir.
No sign of them.
Anybody got eyes on
our relief fighters?
Not a dang thing, Red One.
Are we going all the way, sir?
we're looking good.
But I'm guessing
the hours there and back,
it'll definitely be
one for the record books.
Come on, Easy.
It's Berlin.
Let's go.
We can make it.
All right, gentlemen. Brace yourselves.
We're going the distance.
Yeah! We fight!
Ha-ha! Watch out,
Hitler, here we come!
Just remember, we're here
to protect the bombers.
Under all circumstances,
we stay on mission.
What's that about?
I think we've got the Red
Tails for the duration.
By my reckoning,
we're deep into Germany.
It's a little creepy we haven't
seen any fighters yet.
Maybe they found out
we were flying escort
and decided not to show up.
That'd be nice.
Wouldn't mind that,
would you, baby?
It's from Mission Control.
The 52nd didn't
make the rendezvous.
They didn't join
up with the 5th.
Did our boys turn back?
No, sir. They're
headed on to Berlin.
I gave Captain Julian
the option.
Headquarters wants to know
if we're gonna call them back.
Yes, sir!
Show no mercy.
Oh, shit! Jets!
We got jets!
What the hell?
What? Oh, no!
Break! Break! Break!
Here we go.
Nine o'clock low!
I see them.
We're losing them!
I got the throttle wide open!
They're too damn fast!
Son of a bitch!
Those babies are gone.
I'm losing power!
Stay left!
I'll get him!
This is for Maurice!
Smokey, brilliant!
Easy, we got one
crossing in front of us.
Start firing,
he'll fly right into it.
I know.
I got him.
These jets ain't nothing.
We need more speed.
Let's get some altitude.
Easy, right there!
Ten o'clock!
I got him!
Now that's how it's done!
Smokey! Smokey!
I'm all right.
I'm all right!
I'll be damned!
They missed me!
No holes in me, baby!
Whoo! Come on.
Now we're losing
power on engine four.
That's it for us, guys.
We're turning around.
We got a straggler.
Two o'clock.
Oh, I see him!
I'm on it, Red One. We'll get
down there and cover him.
Lightning, form up.
I'm going back.
We got a crippled
bomber to protect.
Easy, you got Pretty Boy on your tail.
I'm coming around.
Where? I don't see him!
Die, you...
...foolish African!
Damn it!
I'm heading right for you!
I've got him!
I've got him!
Get out of my way!
What the hell are you doing?
Dive right now! Dive.
That's the end of Pretty Boy!
Sure got him good!
Ha! You did it!
You got that son of a bitch.
Did you say Lightning
shot down Pretty Boy?
Give 'em hell, Lightning!
You just might be the best
pilot that ever lived!
Now get your ass back here
and help us with this bomber.
We're on our way back
to you, Joker.
It was a crazy move. You
almost got yourself killed.
I think I did
get myself killed.
What are you talking about?
I don't think
I'm going to make it, Easy.
What do you mean, you're
not going to make it?
Don't talk like that!
There's a lot...
There's a lot of blood.
Listen to me.
Just hang in there.
I'm gonna get you back,
all right?
Just stay focused.
I'm gonna help you.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
Come on now. We've gotten out
of worse scrapes than this.
I screwed up.
I don't care about that.
I'm right here with you.
We can do this together.
Come on.
Gruesome Twosome.
Lightning, talk to me!
Lightning, don't you
do this to me!
Lightning, look at me!
I love you.
I'm sorry, Sofia.
Lightning, pull up!
Pull back on your stick!
Lightning, pop the canopy!
Pop the goddamn canopy!
Get out of the plane,
Lightning, that's an order!
Get out of the plane!
Damn you, Lightning!
Easy, do you read me?
Stay on mission!
Do you copy?
We need you back here.
We need you.
For God's sake, tell me
you still out there.
I'm okay.
I'm on my way down.
Red One.
Lightning's with you, right?
Lieutenant Little is dead.
The expectations
placed upon you men are high.
Lieutenant Little
exceeded those expectations.
We should not be
discouraged by his death,
but be all the more
encouraged by his life.
The acts of bravery by him
will make us stronger.
It will inspire us
to fight harder,
to make this world free.
Because we are on the side
of God Almighty!
Let us pray.
Hey! Hey, guys!
Hey! Guys!
I know you didn't
forget about me already!
I've been to hell and back,
so you will no longer
call me Junior.
From now on you will address
me as the fabulous Ray Gun.
How'd you do it, man?
I'll be damned!
Ray Gun!
Boy, you look good.
In the name of the
President of the United States,
a Distinguished Unit Citation
has been conferred upon
the all-Negro
for outstanding performance of
duty in conflict with the enemy.
By the conspicuous gallantry, professional
skill and determination of the pilots,
together with the
outstanding technical skill
and devotion to duty
of the ground personnel,
the 332nd has reflected
great credit on itself
and on the Armed Forces
of the United States.
We salute you.
English - US - PSDH