Redacted (2007)

Welcome to the base. Well-known
as Camp of Carolina.
Our house outside of house, in this
forgotten country.
What I can give them in this video newspaper
it is the intense heat and the scent of the locals
My God, yes that stinks.
Mustangs Hear!
- Holas!
At three o'clock, give me a smile.
A, two, three.
Let me that I show up, my name
he/she is a ngel Salazar
welded Salazar, I am a Latin that not
he/she could enter to USA.
Hello, papichulo,
what is it happening here old?
Treatment of making a video.
Do you know what has just passed to your video?
- If?
He/she put on much sexier.
This is sexy, I make your video
and you, one mine.
Yes, you make a video on me
and me, one yours.
We will put everything, because this he/she can
to be the last video that we make.
Will it be this way?
I will tell you what, let us make a treatment, you and me.
If I die in this war.
I want you to keep my videos,
is it well?
And if you die in this war, me
I will keep your videos
your camera and your girlfriend's telephone.
- My girlfriend's telephone?
Yes, your girlfriend's telephone.
- What are you about saying?
You are my brother, we go,
who do you believe that I am?
That is a treatment.
- Do you know what it likes you to me?
Apart from anything.
Absolutely anything.
You are very meticulous.
It is not about that, it is
of saying the things like they are.
Of that it is?
- Yes.
On saying how it is.
You want to listen... he/she hears.
Please, focus you in what is beautiful.
Thank you.
They want to listen the things
as they are?
Who they believe that it will be first o'clock
does it get off this conflict?
- That is correct.
Not it will be Rush or Flake or
"Not ask anything", here...
Do you know who will be?
Do you know who will be?!
It will be the true.
Let us go, only tell me how it is!
Of what do you speak?
- Learn the lesson.
That was something very depressing, brother.
Allow me to finish.
- Ahead.
I will make money for the university,
for the filming school.
I will be a battle combatant,
for heaven's sake.
And because I came to the war
they have to take.
So being here, I will film...
what shit happens.
Up to now it has not been anything.
Now our squadron makes a
checkup twice a day
It is the whole low day
the hot sun.
Using 50 kilos of weapons, looking
tanks and things this way.
The deception is something that you always leave here.
The only thing that we find yesterday was
a damned rat.
Come unfastened.
Not wait action of Hollywood.
Not there will be cut scenes,
there won't be anything that he/she makes sense.
Basically here... the things happen.
Control position
The soldiers in those
barricades make decisions
instantaneous, of life
or death daily
The soldiers are highly in points
visible for the snipers.
Suicidal bombs, and he/she can
to have bombs in the floor.
Does he/she want soda?
- He/she gave it to me my aunt.
Only veto.
He/she walks, veto of here.
He/she walks.
How persistent.
Which the procedure is for a
car when he/she enters in the position?
How a driver knows
Iraqi what should make?
As he/she can see we have put signs,
they are of alive colors very
visible and impossible of not seeing.
They are in English and Arabic,
they inform each driver
that they are in the barricades.
Do they come it?
Do they understand it?
Statistical recent
they show that half of Iraqis
they are illiterate.
Leave the car.
Put on here.
Put on here.
Here, that is.
Let us go, people, hurry!
We go.
Raise the hands.
Lower the arms.
Tell him/her that he/she opens the maletera.
Open the maletera.
Move, walking.
Let us go, move!
Sit down boy.
The maletera.
Be open!
The cape.
Does he/she fear the dog?
- To who does the one care?
He/she comes here, now.
All well?
Blix, the car all yours.
They come, there inside.
Here up, inside.
We go, walking.
I need you, there inside.
He/she waits, here up.
There inside.
Here up, we go.
Good boy, Kevin.
He/she enters here.
Everything is clear.
Well, they can enter to the car and
manage slowly.
The soldiers low estrs are
psychological the whole time.
Who the bad" are and how
do they differ of the civilians?
That is Gabe Blix, it belongs to Virginia.
Not he/she speaks a lot because he/she has their nose
in the books the whole time.
Gade, what do you read?
Leo a book, Salazar.
- It is well.
About what is it?
- It is on.
Seriously, what do you make?
What do you make now?
I want to have your opinion.
If you have a camera,
you are part of the means
and we have strict orders
of not speaking with them.
Don't tell me the means.
We go, tell him/her what you read,
you speak to me in this respect.
No, you will make comments on
our mission.
No, this is about the truth friend.
It is on what happens, the truth
always, this camera never lies.
Old, that is garbage.
Because that is the only thing that makes the camera.
- Show me the title of the book.
What does he/she say on Samarra?
No, anything... It is on a type,
it is a type of a country club
and he/she gets drunk in Christmas Eve.
And he/she throws their swig in their boss's face.
All in the whole city,
in all Philadelphia...
What does he/she have to do with Samarra?
Anything, at the beginning speaks on
Samarra, but apart from that
he/she is a classic, it only serves
of hobby.
- What?
- Not judge a book for their color.
- Correct.
- Basically.
When is the meeting?
- Not you want to know it.
- Yes, I want to know.
Not I have anything of books, this
it is literature, this is good.
The meeting...
Do you want him to read you the introduction?
- Perfect
Give me something good.
Allow me to find it.
The introduction doesn't belong to John Oharris,
but yes of their mother.
Not you do have idea of who it is, truth?
- For anything.
That thought, he/she calls himself "The death he/she speaks."
Well, read it in the camera.
Well, there was a teacher in Baghdad that
it marked...
He/she waits, he/she waits, before
of beginning to read it,
he/she thinks on what you will say
and make some expression.
It continues.
There was a teacher in Baghdad,
who sent to a team
to buy provisions, a little later
the team returned,
white and trembling and he/she said:
"Teacher, fair now that
it was in the market... ".
This is a little boring, old.
- Old, I not even asked to make this.
I also have readings.
It is well.
I win, leave of here.
Will find their mother.
Not I do need a slave, is it well?
Will I give him/her what is, you want soda?
- No, I don't want.
Not you should be saying me
"Action" or something like that?
Here we go, I am the sergeant
of first James.
The children are playing with him.
What shit faces?
Salt of there.
Sally, we go.
Are you clever?
I am first Jim's sergeant Sweet.
What is he/she looking?
We go, leave of here.
He/she hears, he/she needs security.
Come here!
That they don't give you food, old.
No, not!
He/she walks.
What shit does he/she spend, old?
Take away from all they, play this way
with you, is it well?
Why not, sergeant?
My black bottom has been
here for three stations,
I don't trust nobody here.
Does shit, make how much Flake are here?
Only a couple of months.
You are here a damned virgin.
Not I am...
- If, clear.
What did you make before that?
- He/she walked only somewhere around and over there.
To get drunk.
- If, to be about not entering to the jail.
They come here, he/she looks at this wretch.
- This?
He/she would be kissing penises for beer if not
it was in the army.
You are right. She is the queen of
the recruits of the army.
The queen is not a joke,
you will be very grateful
in the day of the work.
Tell me Flake, if you were not here,
would it be in the jail?
Yes, something like that.
Do you want to return in a piece?
Undoubtedly if.
- That well.
Not let them to kill you then.
That that you/they gave you those rats,
it is as eating poison.
This thing?
Do you believe that I want to eat this?
He/she will eat this, they were about being friendly.
- They don't want to be Flake.
They will urinate in your back and
they will tell you that it is raining,
it trusts my, he/she eats that shit
then you will vomit blood.
He/she takes care of your life, soldier,
is it well?
Let us return to the base and we will give you
something of eating, how's it going that?
Look at it, this it is my damned one Caucasian.
- It is also mine.
Your you are my damned S."
- I am your S"
That is correct.
Sergeant hear.
- What?
We were in this place yesterday,
I bet you to that will be
tomorrow also.
Because when the sun lowers.
These damned ones come out of their mousetraps
and they will put mines in different places.
That the previous day and you can
to bet your bottom that these,
bird excrements
smiling they are their allies.
While a car you
Preposition to the barricade,
there are signs that indicate him/her that
lower the speed or wait.
Then warnings with shots if those
cars don't respond to the signs.
Their intent: to stop to
the enemy potentials,
that they fly them to them
or to all the soldiers.
How so successful these procedures are?
Stop the damned car!
Stop the damned car!
Stop the car!
What shit?
In a period of 24
months, the troops USA has
murdered to more than 2000 Iraqis.
No American soldier was
accused by these incidents.
There that to take it to the hospital.
We go to the hospital.
They have to go back.
Sally, make them to go back.
Move of the vehicle!
ATV news of last minute.
My sister!
Care! Care!
Hurry, doctor!
Help us.
hurry, please before he/she dies!
My sister!
Who are you?
I am their brother.
What did it happen?
Take to my sister to a hospital.
She will have a he/she drinks.
Arrive to the barricades, the soldiers arrived
in waves.
then they shot us.
He/she makes some moments Saleema Sabah
and their non born son was murdered.
The doctors attempted
of everything to save them.
She was murdered in
their brother's car
when they went by the point where
the American forces are.
According to the army
American, the driver of the car,
the brother of Sabah, I ignore
the signs of stops.
According to the brother
of Sabah, he said that
they were only hurried
to arrive at the hospital.
because she will have a
he/she drinks and the soldiers arrived
in a wave toward the one
so that it stops the car.
Sahr Alloul, ATV Samarra.
Tell him/her hello to B.B Rush and to Reindeer Flake.
Flake is the one that manages the weapons,
totally connected likewise.
It is one of the oldest recruits.
He/she discovered to their twin soul, B. B. Rush.
The type sees shits, but it is loyal.
They only want two you sew here.
To catch or to fight.
And yesterday. Flake kills its first civilian.
Flake that you read?
Be had something of luck?
It is well.
- Me yes.
Flake, how you feel on the shooting
of yesterday?
It was intense.
I only know that the only language that
these Saddams understands it is the force.
And I only come he/she is necessary to show up.
- Amen to that old.
But if I tell the truth.
- If, I gave the truth.
The truth will be this.
The truth is... it was not anything as me I thought,
I refer.
I thought that my first shot, would make me
to fly the head.
But. it was as if anything, as if
to kill to a bagre.
You dressed how he/she didn't stop that retarded one.
If, that type.
Yes, but the problem is
that most of...
... this damned people.
when you raise the hand,
they don't know that it means
that they stop
majority of Iraqis thinks
that you are greeting
What I know is that this people screamed him/her
to their mother, the lungs screamed,
you screamed your teat head.
And that car continued coming,
coming closer more.
What shit more it is supposed
that he/she makes that it is not to shoot?
To shoot to those damned ones.
- Good work.
But Flake doesn't have
heart when shooting one
woman embarrassed in the paunch, truth?
That is true, old.
We Go, Salazar.
what do you want him to make?
he/she sheds tears and say that I sit down it.
I sit down it a lot.
My life has changed forever.
My life has changed forever,
The pictures are come now as cockroaches.
I have made this, I have made
many things, that gives me thirst,
how's it going a cold beer?
So Flake.
- I also want one.
Flake, is not now remorses
that you know that it is pregnant.
Now that you know that it was
to give birth, anything?
In fact you don't feel remorses?
One doesn't eat I should feel.
- Seriously?
Allow me to tell you something, when your you have
a boy and a wife giving birth
you will think it more than once.
- He/she waits.
Not you can give yourself the luxury to remorses.
If you have remorses, you become weak,
if you are weak, you die.
It is that simple.
- What do you say?
When you have a boy,
and a pregnant wife,
you will become more human.
He/she will be an imbecile in this planet, old.
Because you cannot give yourself the luxury of changing
Are cockroaches, what devils does he/she spend?
How we know that...
- Hear!
Look, point to favor,
he made their work,
the rules were made in USA
if they cross the line, the the bush.
That is not life!
- Take away from him!
- Have a damned wife.
You are a damned rat!
Enough, all go to the bed.
Does somebody have a problem with that?!
Enough, turn off the damned camera!
It is well.
Well, boys, have
fact an excellent work
and I want to thank them
to each one of you.
Colonel Ford, permission to speak Mister.
- Ahead.
We want to thank him/her
for their kind words
and they have had rumors on
a pursuit mission.
No, no... I have not listened anything on that.
It seems that we will have to maintain
the work here a little more.
How so much time?
The time that he/she takes
soldier, for that reason is here!
Now be quiet the mouth!
If, Mister!
I have just received orders,
there is a battalion of 77 people
they are caught in Baghdad.
They cannot replace us
until somebody
replace them to them.
The company Alpha will have
temporarily the control
tomorrow until the one
I traffic it is normalized.
You know Flake, I swear him,
it is as that clich,
when a type has that
to work in their free day
and things madwomen happen and he/she only thinks,
demons, it should not be here.
None of us should be here.
Shit, old.
- Because our bottom will be baleado.
The only thing that you/they continue saying is:
"It is well, you will leave to your house tomorrow."
And the following day is the same shit,
angers to house tomorrow.
And continuous, week after
week, they will go home tomorrow,
we are still here, as ducks in cage.
Be quiet, take out that camera of my face!
Which is your damned problem?
About what do you complain?!
Because they extended the meeting.
Damned surprise!
Welcome to the damned army.
We all want to go home!
Not we can, so stop and take it
as a man!
You manage with an erection!
Every day here is closer one day
for the meeting.
What did you say, Gabe?
Every day here is one day
but it fences for the meeting.
That book, the one that seemed you very boring.
You should read it.
The death speaks.
there was a teacher in Baghdad
that he/she left to the market
to buy provisions
and after a while they returned pale
and trembling.
Teacher, fair when it was in the one
market, I saw a woman in the multitude
and when I gave the turn I saw that the death
it was following me.
She looked at me and he/she made a threat expression.
Now lend me their horse
and I will run of this city
to avoid my destination.
I Will Go to Samarra.
There the death won't find me.
The teacher lent him/her his horse and he left
for the mountains
it galloped as quick as he/she could and so
quick as the horse he/she went.
Then the teacher went to the market and me
he/she saw stopped among people
and he/she told me: Why you looked
threatening to my servant when
did you dress him this morning?
That was not a threat, I said; it was only
my surprise face.
It was astonished of seeing it in Baghdad
since he/she had a meeting with him,
tonight in Samarra.
They come here.
- This well.
Help me.
Chocolate with milk?
- Undoubtedly not.
And dark chocolate.
- Those are the three things that
you found in among the rocks.
Do you like Americans?
Not it is good.
Jdete, return me my chocolate.
Not it is good.
- Old demons, it is the last.
Don't move!
Demons, what shit you have
behind of the bottom?
My brain sergeant.
Do you know that I think?
Flake comes here, stop here.
He/she looks at this soldier.
Are you filming this?
Wonder what I think.
- What sergeant does he/she think?
Not I can stop to think
that Rusher didn't achieve it.
Is soldier listening to me?
If, sergeant.
- But, is he/she listening to me?
I am listening to it sergeant.
- You are so silly that a bullet in
your head perhaps pleases you well.
Listen to me.
- Jdete, I Left.
As it educates your boots in the floor,
this floor, this land where it is
is soldier listening to me?
- Yes, sergeant.
But, is he/she listening to me?
- I am listening to it!
Then listen to me!
Look at the land!
Look around to your!
Now respond me this.
Did you dress or not this piece of furniture yesterday?
Non sergeant.
- Why not?
Because it was not here yesterday.
- That is my point, so take away from him!
He/she looks, we came here whole
and bet their bottom
that they will return whole, is it well?
Copied Sergeant.
- See you with welded life.
We go, let us leave of here.
Demons Rush.
- Be quiet.
American camp, camera of security
This well of garbage is not nothing else that
a trap of death.
We need to leave of here.
A new camp, they know...
To fly everything.
- To vaporize each one of those bastards.
You are right.
Sweet was the only type that you concerned
for us and they made it pieces.
They kill the one who you/they should kill.
Sweet would be with life,
having a good time with us
right now.
They are killing us one by one.
They make their work well!
- If, they killed us.
No, Sally, they have our attention.
Attention, for what reason?!
Jesus Christ Sally, don't you understand it?
They don't want to kill us in the base.
Yes, they want, but they are not able to,
it is very difficult now
They want to kill us here.
In their territory, in their damned country!
Where each movement, it is the one
It seems that none of them knew
where that bomb was.
You are right!
Not you see them step them,
they are seated
in their patios, drinking that damned one you.
To wait to that one of us puts them
the hands above.
This didn't happen again!
Undoubtedly not!
- There will be a damned vengeance!
We will torture each one of those damned ones!
And it was not neither one of them
in the whole earth!
Take positions.
Wait here.
- take away from the door!
Walking, now!
- Move!
Don't move!
Below all!
Bend over!
Stop, this it is the type!
We are free.
We go.
Look behind!
What is he/she making?
Hello, we are looking for it evidences now.
- Does it evidence of what?
It evidences of all that can us
to help to fight this war.
Can that read?
No, undoubtedly not.
- I will make it.
Not I can, this is Iraq.
Does Arabic mean?
- Arabic, that is, this
it is important evidence.
How does he/she know that it is important?
- Good, we will discover if it is important
I have people that can translate this for my.
They are not here now, this way
that you have to leave.
How does he/she know that it is evidence?
Will we discover if it is evidence, it is well?
Jounsey, let us take out this people of here
thank you to come.
- Well people walking.
- It is well.
Move now!
Is this the type?
- To the floor.
Bring it!
Hands against the wall!
I have it.
It is free.
- Of knees.
That is, below.
Give me the bag.
- I will put him/her the bag.
It is inoffensive,
why does it use the cover face?
Why does it use it?
Because once he/she has he/she cannot run him
neither to see.
Not he/she can breathe with that.
Is it for sure he/she can breathe?
If, he/she can breathe,
does he/she listen to it breathing now?
Is it sure?
If, I am for sure he/she can breathe.
Come unfastened!
She said that the back
of the gentleman it is broken,
can that understand?
Not I will load to that garbage.
- We go, all out.
One, two.
Vmonos, move.
Move, go back!
Many children have that
to go by the barriers
to go to classes.
Are we well?
He/she comes here.
It is well, here.
Lift the arms,
that is.
Lift the arms!
- Arms!
From the camp Carolina, this it is the one
first poker episode.
Why don't you turn off the damned camera?
- Not they do come this in the tv?
When it blindfolds my program
and all are stars,
it can be appreciated
then, how's it going that?
It is well, we will make that,
why don't you play once and for all?
I am playing.
- Not you can pay this.
- Do we go, excrement head, are you or not?
It is well.
- He/she stops to joke.
I am... it was.
Away from new.
It is always out.
- I have two letters and they are very good.
How does he/she go to Reindeer?
It seems that very well.
She is my favorite one, I like her.
She leaves like a good girl.
What do you have this gentleman?
- It is pretty that of the king of swords.
Not ask if he/she doesn't want that you
Is it well, what is it happening now?
Flake, what do you need?
Flake needs 3 although it is difficult
to leave the king of clovers.
If, of sure it is it.
- It is well.
Look at this.
- Strange boy.
Are the letters thirsty or something?
I will go ahead.
- I am thirsty.
- Did you say that you continue him/her?
Which is the great thing?
- No, only it is a good strategy.
Do you have an Ace, at least, friend?
I have an Ace and I made it with her.
We have more.
Of what do you speak?
How more?
The orders of last week.
- I didn't see them.
Old, we will go to Farris.
- To the house of Farris.
Of what do they speak?
We have just been there,
there is not anything in that house.
How you can say that that garbage
anything is not?
We go, old.
We will take some Iraqis, we will go to that
he/she marries and we will leave our gift of war.
That is correct.
Well, you if that are crazy.
- It turns off that damned thing.
- No, have it fastened.
It is outside of the registration,
so it turns off the camera.
It is well.
- Jdete.
- Relax you.
They are very drunk.
- I see the more things undoubtedly you.
- What you say is not certain.
What carajo should I see clearly?
What do we make here?
- What do we make here?
- If, what carajo do we make?
You know that we make, a new democracy.
And what is it so important on that?
There is a lot of importance.
We only make our work, we don't should
to think of it, we should only follow orders.
Welcome to the army.
- Don't this people love us here?
- Yes, they love each other.
They love each other dead and when they find out
we will be dead so...
meanwhile Rush and me...
I have to say it, be quiet and go away of
my because you don't make anything that it is worth.
Not I am a maricn because I don't want
to break doors, the doors already
they are broken, the contained father.
Do we wait an invitation?
Perfect, I will wake up the sergeant
and I will ask him/her that he/she thinks of it.
Not you will say anything.
Not I will say anything?
No, you won't say anything.
They know why the sergeant
doesn't he/she find out this?
because anything happened, because not even
they could make their work.
Come unfastened, pendejo!
- It is garbage!
- Sit down.
You can find your seat.
Can we play?
For heaven's sake.
What do you find Sally?
I believe that I will leave of here.
It is this way, baby.
- Sally has balls.
- What are there of you?
Is it seriously?
- Take off the hand of above.
- That you joda.
All drunks are, probably,
taking all type of drugs.
- Jodidos are.
- But...
If I go it is to make sure that they don't kill them.
- It is this way, when you go.
- They killed us.
Hello affection, I don't have a lot of time
but taenia that to send you this.
First want you to know that I love you a lot.
I miss you more to daily and I am not able to
to wait to speak to you to the face.
He/she was seeing the picture that you sent me
of you and the boys, he/she would want to be
there instead of here.
The boys have been drinking the whole day
and it seems that they will leave to look for problems.
Not I can stop them but I will go to
to make sure that they don't leave wounded.
You cannot come out to
to amuse here, it is very dangerous
I love you, Lawyer.
He/she knew that he/she was making hauls,
but he/she had not made an at one time.
that me toward feeling something sure.
I live for their calls and their conversations.
They help me to not worrying so much.
But today is...
I am very afraid.
I put the mini camera here to be able to
to film us without the boys know it.
Not I want them to get scared.
- What will you make?
- Not him you.
I will be about making them reflect.
the darkness and they returned.
What is there of Sally?
- You already know.
- What is he/she making?
It will go out to the base with their camera
and he/she will tell them where we are.
Although it is not a good history?
A band of siblings losing the morals,
to retaliate of a 15 year-old girl.
Somebody that we could not save.
Hello Rush, how does he/she go you?
What do they make?
I thought that you left it.
I never leave it.
Shit that such a temperament.
Some magpies in the walk.
Where is your team?
We go, let us think on this.
To the carajo with that.
Be quiet, I don't care it.
My stick needs hole, right now.
To no longer run me her coarse.
This drinks it is wounded.
All red and hurt is.
And there is not anything as a back Haji
that it will put me in movement.
Not you speak seriously.
It is seriously so you put on
your team and vmonos.
We go, put on your things.
Go away, be quiet.
Listen I never eat up.
If I listen to you saying something on
tonight, I will cut your head.
And I will give it to the dogs.
Did you understand?
Good boy.
Now veto of here, Shakesperare reads.
Does Flake, speak to me, is a joke truth?
- This is a great joke.
- It Tolerates, Snowflake.
A joke, we are looking for rebels
and now you tell me, What carajo McCoy!
I speak of the 15 year-old girl.
You have to stop to consume that
because it is something slippery.
Not I play that thing.
What do you make? You should be
in another part.
Is he/she giving me a rden, soldier?
It is this way, release you of here.
- McCoy, didn't you enter?
- We go McCoy.
- Which is your excuse?
- Does it excuse of what?
Why do you participate of this?
I have to register what happens.
It is this way, you are the fly in the wall.
I believe that you are a damned jackal.
- You pull up the meat to the deads.
- I will be able to make an appointment in that.
Clear, make it, I have something more
He/she looks at your friends of the means that
they sold their souls for a talkshow
- Because that is what you are.
- It is my entrance free to the cinema school.
Well made, remove everything, he/she cries to cry.
Care, Mc, I don't want
that you trip yourself
Flake, is already enough.
You already had a good time, vmonos of here.
We don't still have a good time, we have just arrived.
Which is your problem?
Not we should be here.
Are we only here, do you know?
and we will find those weapons
- We are looking for evidence,
- What?
We look for weapons of massive destruction.
It is this way, I don't care what you/they say,
we will find them.
Not there is he/she swims here and you know it.
Not you can make this.
They are as weasels, the undergrowths
and after one week they are of turn.
- He/she is a 15 year-old girl.
- It is this way.
We will complete this mission,
we will conquer this territory.
It is a dog like everything
the rest of this country.
- I won't make it, friend.
- Damned traitor.
- I won't make it!
- Be quiet, carajo.
- Jdete!
- Not you are supporting the troops?
- What?
- Are you supporting to the troops?
Did I maybe fly your head?
Where your balls McCoy are?
I thought that you had a couple here.
How's it going your? where are your balls?
- Almost in the bottom.
- How's it going your, Sally?
Not I can hear you.
Not I can hear you!
- They are here same!
- That well!
It is well, prostitute's children,
remove this mollycoddle of here.
- Take out to the maricn!
- You are an imbecile.
Do you like that?
Did you miss me?
Did it arrive your hour, are you clever?
Here, surrender.
Grab him/her the hand.
Grab it.
He/she Waits Flake.
This is their idea, they will kill her.
Do you have a problem with this?
- He/she wanted to give me with this.
- Prostitute's son.
- Prostitute's children.
- Do you know that I made?
The mat to all.
To all.
- To each one of them.
- They were been.
Sally, they come here, I arrive the hour.
Take him/her the hand.
Does it list for the walk of your life?
Be quiet carajo!
Not say anything!
What did it happen there inside?
Tell it to me!
Carajo, that you speak?
- What did Rush happen?
- What are you making?
- What do you tell to Flakes?
- Only speaking of the climate.
- Of the climate?
- Loose it, Rush.
Go away! Go away Flakes!
I will behead you like to a pig.
If you move I break it.
- It would be very quick.
- Shit garbage.
- I want you to listen to me well.
- What carajo do you want?
At some time you did go to Vegas?
- What?
- Are you deaf?
- Do I speak to you very soft?
- I listen to you.
- Do you understand truth?
- If.
I will ask you another time,
at some time you did go to Vegas?
- If, if I have gone.
- What is it said?
What is it said on what happens there?
- That he/she stays there.
- I didn't listen to you.
What passes in Vegas stays there.
It is this way, I want you to think of our
travel as a walk to Las Vegas.
- It is well.
- Does he/she understand, soldier?
- If, Sr.
- Do you understand me?!
If, I listened to you.
There is sometimes that...
I swear for heaven's sake, for a boy of
university, you are really stupid.
Where is Flake, Rush?
What carajo do you care?
So that you know it, Flakes is inside.
Sleeping as a bebito.
Do you know like that is true?
The last time that you/they sucked it to you and did you throw?
- Where were you, Mc?
- How that where it was?
What did it pass with you?
I left, it was of guard and Flake me
did it put a he/she arms in the face, do you remember?
It is this way. You were of guard.
Did you dress something?
- No, I didn't see anything.
- That is good.
Were you of guard, not?
- It was dark also.
- If, enough.
How's it going the fire?
did you dress him?
Was there a fire?
If, you didn't dress him?
Not he/she could, it was turned to the house.
I suppose that I didn't see it.
It is good.
- How's it going of the rebel?
- How insurgent?
Many, we had to leave of there
because they left all parts.
That me jodi.
It was something as left of GI Joe.
Not we want to be between
of crossed civil fire.
So the rebels
they made the fire.
It should be this way.
Do you want to know because?
Because when not us
they try to kill us
they are that they are killed among if.
How was it informed?
They called me in the dawn, in prison.
What did they say?
They told me that it had been a slaughter in
vengeance for those
insurgent Sunni, Lies.
I am sunni. My father is. it was a Sunni.
Why would they harm to my family?
Then they told me that they were those
Muslim shitas. More lies.
Did you go to the house?
If, enter to the house.
My wife was with my father...
sat down there.
dead open eyes... fixed.
My daughter...
The baby was in the corner...
Farah was face up in the room.
Their open legs...
A bullet hole in their face.
their burnt body...
Such an act to my family only can
to be cleaned with blood.
A neighbor reports that he saw a group
of soldiers from USA entering to their house.
The army has begun
an investigation...
Lies, lies. Us not
we recognize their court.
This is a crime.
it won't be forgotten.
When did you begin to have these dreams?
A couple of nights ago.
Not he/she could sleep, he/she didn't want.
Can you remember something?
Something that has unchained it?
If, after Sweet died
it was shooting when it happened.
They flew him in pieces and
their arm key my front.
- Did you dress the video?
- A couple of times.
Then I stopped but it followed it
seeing in my head.
There it is when I began to hate all.
To all the Haji.
Not he/she could see them and it was always angered,
then he/she could not sleep and every time
that he/she made it he/she had the same dream
of her body burning.
- Of her?
- No, of the one.
The body of Sweet.
He/she mixes in my head.
Are you publishing a newspaper?
If, it leaves here of my experiences.
I want to use them to enter
to the cinema school.
Is this part of your experience?
- To Speak with You.?
- If.
To speak with me.
I can no longer make it.
There are things that you should not see and only
because you make it you are part of it.
That is what all make,
they look and they don't make anything.
They make a video so that him
see people and they don't make anything.
I have to be said it to somebody.
He/she is becoming crazy.
Dad, if it passed something,
something very horrible...
and you knew who is responsible.
Is your duty not to say it?
What did you make?
Not I made anything, he/she swims at all.
- A couple of my friends.
- Members of your squadron?
I hope you realize the serious thing
that it is the situation.
If, I realize.
- Not we need scandals.
- That understands it.
If your brother failed,
that is reflected in all.
It was a crime, Sr.
I believe that it should have positions.
Listen to me son, him
first that they questioned
if this arrives to court it will be your good sense.
- My good sense?
- It is this way.
To bring this way positions.
I don't care it.
I don't care it.
Here I am he/she suckles in the center of
Samarra to buy you a gift.
I have filmed incredible things,
I cannot teach to anybody
because it would cause many problems,
when he/she returns, all will see this.
The truth on what is happening here.
What the 24 hours pass.
To where Sally was?
They come people. They have to see this.
The body being loaded
toward the ambulance,
it seems to be the body of the one
American soldier
lost from last Friday
according to evidences of videos
the body was found here
outside of the base of Samarra,
where the soldier was abducted.
Pentagon has not still given the identity
of the body but sources tell us
that it could be ngel's body Salazar,
that it disappeared last Friday.
The minister of Iraqi defense said that
the details are agitators.
There are torture signs and decapitation.
A group linked to
To Qaeda he/she has given a video
that it shows the decapitation
of a soldier from USA.
The spokesperson of the mujahideen Shura
he/she said that he/she gave the video
as vengeance for the violation
and an Iranian girl's slaughter
for the American troops.
The army of UNITED STATES has begun one
investigation on this accusations.
With regard to the video,
the spokesperson of the army
American said that I/you/he/she demonstrated:
" The barbaric nature
and brutal of the terrorists
and their lack of respect
for the human life"
"We present this production,
of the remains of the body
of the American traitor
abducted near Samarra,
as vengeance to violate
our sister's honor"
End, Flake...
What soldier's type it was your
fallen friend, ngel Salazar?
And tomato your time.
What carajo?
I was taking my time.
For heaven's sake, leave you of things,
I want to make this official.
Soldier, how would you summarize your friend?
If you participate all their and
you put them an on another
Which the word would be
that it would summarize those parts?
Generous, he/she was a generous man.
It is very good word.
And how was it generous?
He/she was a dedicated reporter.
- It used that camera.
- This same one?
To record their histories.
Histories that arrived to the history.
A lot after we are not.
It was an extremely good type.
Always clever.
An it always marinates clever.
Which your last memory is
about the brother Salazar?
Not I can speak of that.
I understand.
It is difficult.
But I can speak of my brother.
And the lessons that
he taught me.
Tell them to me.
My brother Vegas Flake.
Do you have a called brother Vegas?
I have a brother, Vegas.
Pope was betting and I call to their
two children like their favorite places.
He/she called us their jokers.
That is pretty.
That thought.
Vegas was a good type, head
of their local, Mike
Danster a problematic one
he/she rushed for president
of UT and it lost,
then Danster claimed
a couple of hoodlums sent for him.
And at the end, it was not more than a rat.
He/she has to leave.
What did it happen?
A damned shame.
Some shit clowns went to its
he/she marries one night, they knocked on the door.
And did they have weapons?
If, it is this way.
So he/she opens the door, it was in
sandals and T-shirt with their newspaper.
And what do you believe that he/she made?
- They riddled him.
- Mistaken.
They requested him/her a work.
- A work?
- It is this way.
A work because they were not able to
with the rivalry.
they don't pay them for not killing him,
And what do they make in their door?
They requested him/her a work.
Did that happen seriously?
Yes, that said, he/she told them that they return
to the office, I will see what I can make.
They left to the nearest bar,
it was a shame.
Not I understand.
Friend listens.
Clyde, the mind teacher of
its group, sees my brother...
Playing billiards, he/she invites it to the room
of behind and he/she tells him/her that Danster will fall.
Vegas had problems with Danster,
a contract of 20 thousand, my brother
he/she said that he/she would make it for 10,
what is there of the other type? Clyde said
What is there of the other type?,
my brother says
Not yet I understand it.
They Returned to Danster.
He/she opens the door in sandals and shirt
and Vegas shoots him/her in the face.
It passes the body, it climbs the stairs,
it kills the wife and children
it left in 5 minutes.
End of the history.
Excellent, soldier,
which the lesson would be
that we have learned here today?
The lesson is that when
you are in a mission,
of death, it should have a mixture
and in that mixture it should have a joker.
Vegas was a joker.
- Me also.
- Undoubtedly you are it.
And into what Vegas transformed,
the joker?
It is dead, he/she died in prison.
God, Saint, did they catch It?
After one day the police, went to see
to Clyde and they went to the bar to see Vegas.
It is only necessary a rat
to demolish the whole house.
Why do you look at me to my?
I sit down it.
My he/she suckles he/she always told me that
it was rude to stay looking.
We go, friend,
what are there of the other types?
What are there of the other ones?
They say that they didn't see anything.
And ngel...
as that lost the head.
I make this video to expose the situation
that it happened us and that people should know
Hidden my identity so that neither the FBI
or the defense department
they can rake me. They already have one
of my small ones and I won't take a risk.
but this has to be said, for reasons
of security I cannot reveal
the place neither the moment neither those
involved soldiers
but absolutely everything
what I will say is true.
When it was in the Middle East,
two men of my squadron
they violated and they killed a 16 year-old girl.
They killed their smaller sister, to their mother
and to their grandfather and nobody has made anything.
I put this in internet with the hope
that somebody of my squadron
he/she sees it and he/she helps me, please,
take it to the light.
- Did you dress the woman to be violated?
- If, Mister.
Rush she was not in fact
grabbing when I left.
- To make what?
- To escape.
Not I thought that they would really make it.
Flake put me a he/she arms in the face
and he/she told me that it left to watch over.
How did they know it?
He/she entered and it left our position.
Rush took time with her,
he/she said that it was meticulous.
And because it assumed that it was
a girl and don't woman unite?
because it was younger than that,
it was not so old
Was a rebel not being arrested?
No, he/she was only a girl.
It was terrified.
Not it was this way because he/she resisted
to be arrested?
Flake said that we went
for the girl to have a good time.
That novelty,
when did that say?
He/she said it when we played poker,
I thought that he/she was joking.
Did you dress Flake to violate it?
No, I left.
What did you dress?
I listened some shots, screams.
Then what did it happen?
Among and I saw Salazar and he/she told me what happened
Not you did dress that it shot him/her?
Not but Flake aimed to the head.
- Did Rush have weapons?
- Yes, he/she had them.
- Your you had it?
- Yes, Sr.
- Could not Rush shoot him/her?
- Not you could make it your?
I didn't shoot the girl.
When he/she saw it it was alive.
- No, I returned inside, Salazar...
- Salazar doesn't interest me.
- What did you dress?
- Flake shoots him/her in the face!
- Did you believe that it was dead?
- Yes, it was this way.
But you didn't dress him to shoot him/her.
- No, but not...
- Did you dress him to violate it?
- No, but it is not the point.
- Which is the point?
Not watching over were out?
Not he/she knew that to make.
Not he/she wanted to see it neither to be part of that.
Why don't they believe me?
This is the scene of
one of the crimes
more brutal of
the American soldiers.
according to evidence in the audience,
a night of July, 4 soldiers
they came to this house.
According to the declaration of Lawyer McCoy,
Flake and Rush violated repeatedly
to a 15 year-old girl.
In the other room, the grandfather, the mom and
the girl's sister was executed
This man, the soldier Reindeer Flake,
it is accused of making
all the murders.
their accomplice BB Rush...
We were assuring the area,
we revise all.
That girl entered and you/he/she left of
our base several times
So I revised it minutely.
Every time there was something strange in her.
Strange? What does that mean?
As if he/she wanted to make something.
Him dr something more.
They are the faces of angels...
as that of her
those that are brought near smiling
and then they fly you in pieces.
And the following day one
of my best friends,
it was murdered in a field
for the one that she happened.
So he/she doesn't feel there to tell me that
she didn't know that that was planted.
I returned to the house because he/she knew
that they hid weapons and things.
That old one with the back broken intent
to kill me with an AK 47.
Seriously me jode when
I think of all that that
we made for those black of the sand
we came undone of Saddam, we implement
the democracy, we give up our
to maintain them safe and I don't look for
a thank you but I want them to leave of
to try to kill us.
You found those weapons
or after violating the girl?
To violate it?
That dog was thrown above.
To bombard them and to kill them
it is well, but non follarla.
Who does say? You say that
are their vaginas closed?
Respond the question.
This is a garbage.
Am I only a rotten apple, not?
The soldiers as BB and me
we remove the garbage of
the streets but we have
that responding this garbage to be here.
Allow me to tell him/her something, Mister.
Making my work should be out.
Finding the bastards putting them
two in the chest and one in the head
to make USA a sure place
and to make sure that they are dead.
They prosecute to types as us.
They are terrorist hidden.
A quick death? It is very good
for these Nazi racists of shit.
This storm troop needs
to get undressed and to be hung of the feet.
Then what is of their family,
of those that it didn't kill or it set on fire.
That poor girl's family would should
to have bats, brands,
tridents and all that
and to go to the city, it is the one
immortalized same monster
in any movie of Vietnam.
Let us kill to the whole village.
Not they come the slaughters of that time
the troops of that Fascist orgy
very liberal until for Hollywood.
But that doesn't stop that they make another
movie on the 9/11 because
an American life is worth much more
that a life Vietnamese, Palestinian
Lebanese or Iraqi, because us
we are the best race.
Prostitute's son.
McCoy, we go, we want you to turn.
- We go.
- It is well.
- He/she takes the picture.
- There we go.
Clever? Give me your face.
You look at me, Judy.
I have to get ready the face.
- It is well.
- My labial pencil.
You are grandiose, Judy.
How's it going a history of war?
- Better not.
We go.
Not they want to hear those histories.
What did you make? Did you kill somebody?
We go, only one.
- Do you want to listen one?
- Of course.
- Seriously?
- Absolutely.
Here they have a, when
I was for the first time
to Afghanistan, he/she wanted to kill for my country
It was clever to kick back.
To retaliate for the towers, to be a hero.
I arrive in Iraq and it is a history
completely different
Mature very quick there because
all that you see is death.
And suffering and when I killed,
he/she made me vomit.
For the scent, the sounds
and the images, come me
images to the brain that you/they burn
and not you what to make with them.
What was he/she making there?
It only followed orders garbage.
It should have a very good reason for
that your friend dies in your arms.
That your front flies in pieces.
It should have a good reason.
And I saw shits there that...
Not I know like I will live with that.
I went to a haul in Samarra,
two men of my unit
they violated and they killed to
a 15 year-old girl.
They burned their body and
I didn't make anything to stop it
This is a celebration
for a hero of war,
Let us go, it is a celebration!
I will take my picture.
He/she looks to the camera at McCoy,
you look at us Judy, there we go.
Translation: atos
Correction: sergioRC