Reeker (2005)

- Swing?
- No.
A sock?
Are you sure?
Yes, I have just seen that
begins with the letter "S".
That's impossible!
I have everything listed.
It is not. Papa `s fart!
That is not fair.
That was 15 minutes ago.
And it must be something that you can see, like ...
For example ...
I see something that starts with the letter ...
- The sun?
- Very good.
My turn! My turn!
I see something that starts with the letter "W".
- The desert?
- No.
Stop, Mum!
Where are the wipers?
At your left hand!
What the hell ...?
Has anyone seen anything?
Fortunately, it is a rental car.
Bick, come here, man.
Where are you, dude?
- Get in the car.
- Why?
Because I said so.
Oh, my God!
Mama, Mama, Mom ...
I see it.
We get help for Bick!
Come on, dude!
Translation: PvdB 2006
From my own kitchen ...
pure ...
composed with MGMA.
I feel obliged to your users
these drugs that they might ...
confusion, disorientation, blurred images
and hallucinations can get.
Be warned.
How do I know that these are real?
That is proof enough for me.
Stay here!
So ...
going to "Arial 52"?
Yes, we have come a bit late.
Note the movement!
- So, we ...
- We are awaiting one.
- Is this the right group?
- You must have Trip.
The only real!
Nelsen how are you?
- This cookie is Jack ...
- And Gratchen.
Cookie, Jack, Gratchen.
Cookie, Jack, Gratchen ... Gotcha.
Please, hands and feet within
keep the vehicle.
Sanitary stops according insight
the driver made.
And if someone asks whether we are already in place,
on such a crazy fun show ...
He runs the rest of the trip.
Are we there yet?
Have you ever been in "Arial 52" been?
- I am last year.
- And?
It is by far the best festival in the desert.
I have made recordings.
You would have to see them.
- And you, Grchen?
- I have my friend know.
I've heard that too
mad university teacher.
- How do you know Gratchen?
- She is one of my discussion leaders.
And how about you, Trip?
There are there of those girls that their bodies
with berries and painting around topless.
You would die if you saw it, dude.
Tits sky.
- Make me ridiculous.
- Why?
I can not see.
I am blind.
That is a good one.
Do you exercise at home?
What happened?
A mess tick ... when I was 6.
After my accident they stopped
with that tag.
What, were you?
You know, that plastic was not fun anymore.
They were worthless.
Well, you can thank my brother there.
- Excuse me.
- No ...
Can someone nominate me men?
Of course, this way.
About our journey ...
we are in situations that ...
Jack can take care of.
This guy is good.
- Asshole.
- I was not.
Is he really ...?
I think I can make.
Listen to this.
That you do not?
Yes, I did.
Let me never in a
room with someone or something.
That guy is crazy.
He lost his medical license
sleeping with a ... body.
Oh yes, that is.
And he was the one who murdered her.
This legend is too much for just one person.
Who was that?
And what he does not know can
me no harm.
Maybe I'm crazy but I am not an idiot.
I tell you one word ...
- Webcam.
- I do not know what you are talking about.
Shut up, you enormous mountain of shit.
You took my pills.
Threw them in your blue bag ...
and rode away with your friends.
Now I'll be back, I miss them very much!
"Arial 52" in Kilton about 2 hours.
If you are not you dead.
And, dude, but after question.
I am always after my promises.
Who was that?
Wrong number.
How did you get that nickname?
The guys at my house were my Trip
call because I always was.
And where does cookie come from?
My parents gave me a name
out when I was 3.
If my parents gave me a name
out at that age ...
I would have called fire engine.
I would have called Piewie.
- You would be nice to me.
- Why?
Because ...
Daddy can make your day.
- Are those drugs?
- Oh, yes ...
And many more where
this came from.
- Why?
- My backpack.
What then?
Enough for you, me,
for everyone in this car ...
and hundreds of our best friends.
Do not be afraid.
I want a good time, but ...
No time there?
I do not throw it away ...
We are talking about 20 thousand, at least.
Good, but find other transport.
- You can not leave me here.
- Call anyone!
- I have no reception here.
- While you fix this ...
I take a pee act.
- You have just been.
- I have just a little bladder.
I do not even know what the problem is.
Nelsen, help me with this.
Thanks for your support!
We have no reception.
$ 50 to bet that the dollar was a 5.2.
Who does it?
If the heat does not kill me, his
the earthquakes are.
- You can not him to leave.
- Gratchen, come on!
Well ...
I take you back to the restaurant.
But that is all.
Have you felt that?
Fucking music!
Come on, give me a choice.
On the way to the biggest festival and listen
to old songs is not for you?
Music is a part of life ...
There is a perfect song for each
event and it is not.
- What for a graduation?
- "The Greatest Day of Your Live"
That was easy ...
What to uitzeiken a jade?
"Survivor, Eye of the Tiger"
And what for "left in the
desert, dying of thirst "
Chaupens "Funurel March"
- It is a clich.
- Oh, and not die?
O My God!
Looks like an accident.
Call 112.
No reception!
Okay, then we stop.
But my action starts in an hour.
Listen ...
When accidents and police
we now have.
It has been arranged.
Someone will be called.
That is good to know.
Because you never know what the next
day ... following minute occurs.
Leave it for this weekend.
What is this? No goodbye?
You can call me grateful that I have
to have here.
Do this to me!
I want a ballot.
Looks like your gas pipe
is cut.
Got Duck Tape?
Should it?
I have patches in the trunk.
Look in my backpack, sit back condoms.
I have this hole shut.
You are kidding?
Whether you have a better idea?
A whole box?
You never know.
What are you complacent.
Probably if I knew what it meant.
Look what you?
Have you stolen from Trip?
It is not a steal if you
can not give.
Yes, it will do.
- Does it?
- Yes, I'm okay.
There is something in the air.
I am sorry that I am suspicious.
But I prefer to take no risk 's.
Hi, I'm Trip. Your opposite.
- What is the verdict?
- We need petrol.
- The petrol station is closed.
- Then what we borrow.
Where is Jack?
Please do not tell me that we
that blind guy lost his.
I hear nothing.
Is he still deaf?
Are we in the same restaurant?
Is someone here?
Where is everybody gone?
Oh, you can even specify that meatloaf?
We can use their phone.
He must not use.
There is no dial tone.
What is on here?
Everyone here has a dish.
the American dream, right?
And we have nothing?
Is anyone there?
We need help with our car.
Still nothing!
- Did you hear that?
- Opus?
Wait, go back!
Trip, do not move!
There is some disaster in progress.
They have the roads closed!
- I heard Bayo!
- From Cantrex?
That explains the busy tone.
I hope no one is injured.
Okay, let's not respond.
We certainly do not know what they said.
So we are here for tonight?
We have no other choice.
We must be the phones
Well, I take the first watch.
- The water does not work.
- The bed does.
Where else have you get some
entertainment for a penny?
You are funny for a blind guy.
Thank you.
Coffee machine, duster and slippers?
Oh, no ...
I am not the biggest party
miss the west coast ...
I have the whole school to watch.
And if I do not go, I have a large
problem if you want to know.
There must be somewhere
petrol ones!
It may be even worse!
Maybe this is the house we wrestlers.
Is there in the brochure
beer ...
Jesus Christ!
Look at this mess!
What the hell is that?
You never know who you find.
Yes, okay.
Look at this post.
Is this a ...
A light dart gun.
Come on!
Let's go.
Here is one!
Are you afraid of the dark?
No, I'm afraid of crazy desert people
to hunt small animals with gardening.
We still have this angle
not searched.
You do that but then I go back
to the girls and beer.
Is the parent child afraid?
This is not normal here.
Soon, we find someone head.
So what?
Look, this is a classic.
Where do you doing to
in order to stalk people.
In a flower shop know you do not really
when people besluipt.
Nelsen ...
love the girls in the holes.
I'm going to save us.
Do you think this means anything?
Yes ... that was crazy here
too much time to kill.
Who wrote this is a fool.
This is just not really a 5 star hotel ...
So I stay in my tent tonight.
I walk a little road
and look around.
I do not think that way
should go.
Thank you, Madam jitterbug,
but it's not "we" but I do.
If you're lucky to get to
petrol back if not then ...
look forward to the light arrow!
- There was rotting meat, or not?
- Yes.
Good nose.
We have hit someone
collection of animals found.
Would you hold my hand?
You seem like nice but I
'm not that way!
You are truly an idiot!
No, with the hands is difficult.
Let me hold your arm and point the way.
Grab on!
I'm still a
role thread to me ...
As soon as we have been strangely
I place the wire ...
so I do not have to count my steps ...
No surprises.
So I always did the first years.
- Smart solution for the blind.
- Exactly.
We have decided to strip all
"worried" to do.
- We start with the cooler.
- Come on.
Be careful that it does not burn!
Can you smell that?
I must save my
other senses.
You know that smell the first
sense after the birth ...
and the last sense is if you die.
You are now no
tell ghost stories, do you?
Because I ... have meaning to dance.
Have you seen news of the week?
The FBI is looking for a cook.
Its special ingredient is the
flesh of his victims.
He was last seen
working in the restaurant ...
in the desert ...
"Half Way" ...
to the 2 lane ...
There is someone!
In the restaurant I saw someone.
Are you sure?
I hope that you look at me!
I still have to Jack if you
want to see.
He was just there!
Anybody home?
I will have imagined it.
I should have known better.
Never pills foreign adoption!
Would you like a drink of a guy
you already know a half day?
Yes, I do the same what you will.
Hello, I said hello.
All lines are dead!
We have no petrol
and lost.
We wanted it all back!
Here ...
Take this.
Let me not have to use!
What is the last thing you saw?
The blue sky.
I remember the color blue.
But which do they need?
Your eyes take you
more often in the leg.
Now we are talking about ...
I go to Nelsen and cookie look.
I love Gratchen 's accent.
I love that they
nobody picked up.
Oh, God. She is a rock in the surf!
Is it not a South African?
And Jack is the sweetest!
If he could see I would both
thumbs up stabbing.
You wil not easy?
I know a lovely bed
so the corner.
Have they found him?
I think they have invented
alone can be.
Were they both?
Yes, why?
Nothing, what?
Nothing, I thought what I smoke.
Smoke, like an animal?
Just as that was on 2 legs.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
I know that you are!
I am looking for my wife,
Rose Stakkisch. She is a ...
pretty blonde in a indianenjas.
Have you seen her?
No ...
No, I ...
I have a few friends who
few km away wait ...
You know ...
If not I'll be back soon,
they find me.
Come closer and
let me see you.
You're the first person
I see in hours.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
- And you?
- Yes, it can not be better.
Come on, climb in it than I give you a lift.
No, it does not I'm okay.
Are you sure?
You never know what you're here
all come across.
Can I try?
Nothing but silence.
It is all just weird
here tonight.
Even with the roads.
What about roads?
Shit, it becomes clear.
Breaker, Breaker!
You can try until you
lips are blue ...
There is nobody out there.
You said you waited on your friends?
Yes. Yeah, at the crossroads.
You can not miss.
Do not worry.
I bring you back safe and sound.
There is someone!
Where are Nelsen and cookie?
- They have a chamber.
- They pay per hour.
- Is everyone okay?
- Yes, why?
Well, I want you in the eye
keep. Do you know?
Are you okay?
Yes, it is perfect to me.
Everything is all right.
Oh, this is ...
- Oh, Henry, Henry Stakkisch.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
Henry ... Gratchen, Jack.
Jack is blind.
Tell me, where are you from?
I drove in circles.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, this is it. They did.
- He search for his wife.
- Yes.
When did you last seen her?
This morning.
It was decided this morning.
What happened?
I have problems with ...
my memory.
I got those empty spots and ...
I did not tell Rose.
Its not alarm ...
She's okay, I know for sure.
They are waiting at a petrol station
until the roads reopen.
Okay, great. Enough hot-air.
- That was weird!
- Listen, I want to sleep here, okay?
Trip has just seen.
Make it easy and close the door, okay.
Call if you need anything.
Hold on!
Hey ...
I check me.
Have you found something?
Yes, an old man in a camper.
- Are all the roads open?
- No, he will stay here tonight.
- Everything OK with you?
- Can not be better.
Well, then I locked the door.
What is wrong?
Let no one inside and call
me as strange as you like.
- Why is he suddenly so strange?
- He takes us in the leg.
- Why?
- Because it is so.
Well, there he is good at it.
Help me!
Somebody, help!
What happened, man?
I'm awake!
Get me out of here!
Come on!
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Did you ...
No ... no.
Where you looking at?
Who are you?
What did you do to him?
You've seen him?
You saw the people dying.
Are there any more?
A couple on the weather ...
or what their left.
I wanted to help them but I could not do anything.
And that guy ...
Oh, God. The boy was scalped ...
There was blood everywhere!
It was a trucker ...
I saw a trucker, a semi trucker.
I am afraid that one ...
this is my Rose has.
Wait ...
give us some petrol so that way we can.
No, I needed every drop
for my wife to find.
But you are welcome to me
to find the morning.
Are we still your prisoner?
I want you in mind.
On both of you!
- What happened out there?
- I do not know.
Maybe I have someone
very angry, made ...
or maybe I am just crazy.
You owe me one ...
- I am beginning to be tired.
- Okay, wait a minute.
Hey ...
- Can you scream?
- If no other.
Okay, use it if necessary.
I wonder if anyone knows
we missing?
Joshua, you will find.
You say that with much conviction,
while your roommate is.
- He is your friend.
- No.
To answer your question.
No, he will not find me.
He does not know that I'll visit him.
I wanted to surprise him.
It is not so good between
you two, either.
It is never really gone.
- Did he tell you?
- No, the walls are very thin.
I think he sees someone else.
But he does not allow.
I wanted to confront him on it this weekend.
- There are better.
- That is all.
I have a stupid question ...
would you want you could see?
- Some things.
- Like what?
I remember how all normal
things look like ...
such as people, buildings, nature,
friendliness ...
They have never had a woman appreciated.
You looked into her eyes and you
it could drown.
I was 7 years. Then me
it is not so much.
Your tent is about ...
I now sleep.
Tomorrow ...
we go on the road.
Tomorrow we are.
Help, there is an accident!
Then, sick bitch!
What do you want from me?
Where are you?
We can fix this!
In Redfort!
No ...
I gotta pee!
Oh, you and your bladder ...
Can I what to do.
- Go to pee!
- This is broken!
I'm back.
Try not been ...
to masturbate!
Help! Help!
Do something, someone!
Anyone! Help me!
Cookie ...
Cookie ...
Cookie ...
Are you there?
Cookie ...
Jesus, stop with the stalk!
Have you seen cookie?
And I is not heard.
Is not yours?
Gratchen sleep and I got them
not be heard.
Where's Trip?
You think they Trip is?
- He would not ...
- He is your friend!
I check the phone.
Cookie ...
Cookie ...
Cookie ...
Shh ... Be quiet, be quiet!
I can hear you!
Bastard! Bastard!
- 112, you say it.
- Hello ...
- Help us.
- Okay, lady.
- Help!
- Okay, Madam, calm down and ...
I do not know what happened,
there is an accident ...
- Hello?
- Is anyone hurt?
We need help.
We are halfway Highway 90.
We are about half.
We need help!
He does not mind.
Okay, so it is enough!
I got along!
Keep your convenience once!
What the hell ...
Is everyone okay?
Nelsen ...
Nelsen ...
Nelsen, wake up!
Nelsen, is everything okay?
- Jack, I think he ...
- What?
He is ...
What, dead?
He was in the search cookie.
He thought they would have to strip.
Cookie ...
Trip ...
Jack ...
Your hand, are you okay?
I have a ...
deer were found.
How can he sleep through all this?
I do not think he sleeps.
- He is dead.
- What happened?
There are no visible wounds
if you want to know.
Think roadblocks
this agenda?
Go sit down!
Here is a station ...
Check all channels!
I Trip and cookie search.
You sound really scared!
I am from Johannesburg. There must be very
what happen to me to get scared.
Cookie ...
Trip ...
Hello ...
Is anyone there?
Mayday ...
We need help!
We have an emergency in the
"Half Way" motel on Highway 90. Help!
Is anyone there?
We need help!
What do you want?
Who is this?
Gratchen ...
There is also a hope that I
not fear.
I have talked with
dead guy in there.
Does your not me!
This is the mystery ...
the difference between the
light and darkness.
Night and day ...
Life and death ...
Resistance can not or you will ...
die here!
"Here I am"
"Help me"
"Help me"
"Help me"
Okay, I was graduated!
So you can stop now!
Okay, I understand.
Everyone is now dead.
You are all bastards!
And you Gratchen,
I thought you had more sense.
Leave me the fuck alone!
Gratchen ...
Gratchen ...
Gratchen ...
Jack ...
Gratchen ...
Hello ...
Gratchen ...
Jack ...
Come on!
We go back!
Jesus, Jack ...
Are you okay?
My heart is still there.
What happened?
My arm is off!
- You make a joke.
- I would want.
- Is he kidding?
- Not this time.
That guy in the room below me
taken an overdose.
His body was found after a week.
His ...
body ...
was fluid.
As he began to melt.
That smell ...
was going through the floor.
I never can forget.
That is the stench of ...
So, what do we do?
You can do nothing to death.
It is just when it suits.
Jesus Trip.
You should lie down!
No, I'm not going down without a fight!
You will not go!
I do not get the morning ...
So what does that phrase?
But at least you can still see!
And you can still deduct your own.
Use your other arm.
Do you think that I have not tried?
It is just a stranger to you about it.
It is impossible!
Take this!
If you do smell ...
shoot you!
A blind is a gun show
a sign of desperation!
Better than you drive.
Come on!
Are we there yet?
We have a few hours
to sunrise ...
the roads will not be forever
remain closed.
We need to sit!
There is a jerrycan at about 10 meters.
At 9 pm!
It is gone!
- Let us assume that the thing is dead ...
- We are too young to die.
On 4 hours!
This thing keeps coming ...
how we stop it?
If you want to live you may not
afraid to die.
Aristotle said that.
Or maybe it was Jerry Gassia.
Have you ever ...
sex on top of a camper and had a
doorgedraaide monster you want murder?
No, you do?
Yes, once.
But when I was young.
It was not really great.
I would not mind to
have a try.
You're a rat!
Jack ...
- Are you okay?
- I forgot where we were.
What a disaster!
We have that movie?
Can we still earn money.
Here ...
take my hand.
Okay, last tree ...
Hey ...
leave him alone!
Jack ...
say something!
Brown eyes ...
It is good!
I get us out of here.
It is all good!
Three are not met.
Are there others?
Hang on!
How did you know that my eyes are brown?
If you want to live ...
Do not be afraid to die.
Let me ...
Resistance ... opposition against you is not me!
It is well with you.
Take just a deep breath!
Why did you not help?
I did!
All is well with you.
You have saved lives today.
M, light brown hair,
flown through the windscreen.
Cut throat.
Woman, blond hair,
in 20, internal injuries.
Also deceased.
Dr. Beer, Dr. Baile ...
What's going on?
This is my third fatal accident today.
A few miles away ramde a
truck a car ...
the driver fell asleep behind the wheel.
The entire family has not survived.
- I do not know how much I could have.
- We also have one that has survived.
Madam ...
He drove and when to hold his chest ...
he has heart problems.
I thought it was a heart attack.
And ... when he lost power
on the wheel.
We are talking about 20 thousand, at least.
Good, but find other transport.
- You can not leave me here.
- Call anyone!
- I have no reception here.
- I take a pee act.
They did not even arrive!
"I thought it was a heart attack"
"I have no reception here"
"We have no host
"I take a pee consult"
"I have to pee"
"Woman, internal injuries"
"Come on, give me an option"
"Light hair,
flown through the windshield "
"Mess tick"
"That is the stench of death ..."
Help ...
there is an accident!
Do you remember anything of the accident?
No ...
Only the collision,
and that was weird ...
I ...
thought I could see.
And I saw you.
And you?