Reign of the Supermen (2019)

It's been six months
since Doomsday,
and the world is still shaken
by the death of
Kal-El of Krypton.
Better known to us as Superman.
My guest is commentator,
G. Gordon Godfrey.
Sir, you've written an editorial
in which you call on us
to reject so-called "Supers,"
and effectively
become our own heroes.
We have an infestation, Cat.
It's out of control.
You're writing about
the mysterious new Superman.
Oh, Eric!
Look, Cat, the reality is,
these are "Supermen"
we know nothing about.
But they're actually
making a difference.
Did they make a difference to
the Excalibur Shuttle crew?
We already have,
- The police...
- The Justice League, the Titans.
But, Cat, the point of
my editorial
is to say that
it's time for human beings
to stop relying on
Leagues and Titans,
and start saving ourselves.
So, we should each
be our own Superman?
I mean, isn't that exactly what
these guys are doing?
Get a message to Mannheim.
Tell him, Snakey Doyle's
got the business in-hand.
We'll see him in five to ten.
Stop fooling yourself, Cat.
The "Man of Steel" is dead.
We saw the body.
Before it vanished.
Look, we have no idea if
a Kryptonian can even die.
I mean, where's the body?
Who cares?
The real questions
here are far more pressing.
Who are these new guys?
Why are they here?
What is their place
in a world without a Superman?
I hate it!
Buck up, Troupe.
Writing's fine,
just a crap headline.
We'll fix it later.
Now, I want angles!
Law enforcement angle.
Crime stats. "Have the
Supermen made us safer?"
I love it. Change "Law
enforcement" to "Millennials"
and "Crime stats"
to "Re-tweets."
Are the Supermen trending?
I was gonna go cover the
LexCorp charity gala tonight.
You're covering the big launch
of the Justice League's
Have the new
Supermen been invited?
Uh, I... I don't really
think there's a sports angle here.
I love it! Kent?
I meant the Kent angle.
"Missing persons following
the Doomsday attack."
"The search for survivors."
I think Lois
is covering it, Chief.
Don't call me "Chief."
Lane, what have you got?
Great Caesar's ghost!
Where the hell's Lois Lane?
It's okay, Lois.
We've got you.
Jimmy packed up his desk.
He has a box, but I haven't
been to the Planet since...
When I'm there, it just
reminds me that he isn't.
I should've called.
I wanted to.
I'm just glad
he finally fessed up.
It was such a big secret
to keep from you.
I loved him too.
- I tried to tell him, but...
- Oh, honey...
He knew.
I just...
I can't believe he's gone.
He might not be if you
watch that damn Grant woman.
Clark's body disappears,
and suddenly these new Supermen
show up out of the blue.
What if one of them
really is Clark reborn?
Not possible.
I would know.
Of course. I just mean...
There are a lot of
unanswered questions.
When Superman first
showed up in Metropolis,
nobody knew what to make of him,
because nobody knew
what to ask him.
I knew what to ask him.
I know what to ask these guys!
I'm sorry, I gotta go.
I'm glad you called.
I'm glad you came.
I was hoping you could help me.
- I'm following...
- I never thought of us as rivals, you know.
Are we?
Kal-El and I had a special bond,
but you were
the love of Clark Kent's life.
Anyway, I'm relieved he
finally told you everything.
Apparently he didn't.
I'm sorry. For an Amazon,
I have surprisingly
few girl friends here.
So, I'm bad at this.
It's okay. I don't have
many girl friends either.
Anyway, the reason
I called is that
I'm following the story
on the new Supermen
and I was hoping that
you or the League might have some
inside information on these guys.
Anonymous, deep background,
just to help me
direct my efforts.
So, you didn't invite me here
to grieve with you?
As friends?
Not really, no.
Thank Hera!
Despite my reputation, I'm not
good at being touchy-feely.
Lois, I don't have anything
for you on the Supermen.
I wish I did.
Off the record,
the League's been stretched
very thin since we lost Kal.
I don't think the world realized
how much they depended on him.
I know the feeling.
No. I'm sorry, Lois.
- I didn't...
- That's fine.
It feels good to talk to
someone who understands.
I'm sorry to bother you
about the new Supermen.
Forget I asked.
Just between us,
I like the brutal one
with the visor.
But apparently I have a type.
Anything else I can
get for you lovely ladies?
Ice cream.
Hmm. Maybe you're not so bad
at the girl friend
thing after all.
And you, Lois Lane,
have the heart of an Amazon.
So, you wanna share a ride?
Thanks, I've kinda got my own.
Would you mind?
We should
do this again sometime.
Lois, I know in order to heal,
you need to solve the
mystery of these Supermen.
Just make sure you don't
lose yourself in the process.
Something wrong?
No. Everything's on schedule.
He's just a little...
Handsy for me.
He must get that
from you, Donovan.
Lois Lane?
John Henry Irons.
You interviewed me once.
Uh, Dr. Irons! Right.
I'm sorry, would you excuse me?
And there's my cue.
Ladies and gentlemen,
once again, I want to thank you
all for giving so generously.
Together, we will
rebuild our great city,
and ensure that we never
wake to another Doomsday.
You've seen him in the news,
but you didn't know who was
bankrolling him until now.
Ladies and gents,
I give you LexCorps'
new Superman!
Hello, ladies!
If you want a hero
who can measure up,
- I can...
- And I promise you
that as long as LexCorp exists,
Superman lives.
Metropolis will be protected.
Um, party's back that way.
Oh, hello!
I was looking for someone.
Mr. Donovan.
Not here.
You look familiar.
You don't look so bad yourself.
Do you work down here?
What do you do?
Advanced genetics.
Fragmenting and manipulating DNA
for molecular duplication
and, ah, reproduction.
Ooh! Sounds important.
You don't think
a sophisticated clone
like LexCorps' new Superman out
there, just happens on its own.
That's right.
Mr. Luthor.
- I was just...
- Mouthing off.
Word of advice, Donovan.
A man who can't keep secrets
shouldn't sleep around
on his wife.
Lex, I swear, I didn't.
Of course, you did.
And I'll deal with you later.
Get out.
Ms. Lane,
I'm hurt.
I always assumed once Superman
was out of the picture,
you'd rebound with me.
What the hell?
What do you think you're doing?
At this moment,
I am answering a question
posed by Lex Luthor.
Okay. Well, here's another one,
Why the hell are you here?
Lex Luthor is a known criminal.
Criminals must be eradicated.
- Thank you.
- For what?
Get down!
Why, Ms. Lane, you do care.
Call off your clones, Lex!
Only the boy is mine.
Sorry, pal.
Crash my party,
you get bounced.
You have been classified a
priority one criminal accessory.
Surrender or be eradicated.
Well, you've been classified
a priority one dirt-bag,
so, there!
You better run! Jerk!
Hey! I had that guy.
By all means,
go to town, Superboy.
It's Superman.
Okay, we can
do this the easy way
or the hard way.
Surrender Luthor over
to Superman and this ends.
That's enough.
We may see it differently,
but in the eyes of the law
Lex Luthor is not a criminal.
The rule of law is
a rule you never break.
And real justice
is everyone's right.
Even the worst among us.
Now, who the hell are you?
I'm Superman.
There is only one Superman.
Oh! No problemo.
Just doin' my job.
Like the boss says,
as long as LexCorp exists,
Superman lives.
And I'm Superman.
There he is! Over there.
- Over there! Over there!
- That's him!
Why are you here?
Nice work in there. Thank you.
He got away.
Yeah, so did we.
What happened to
the man in steel?
He took off.
Lois Lane. Daily Planet.
So, how old are you?
Excuse me?
How old are you?
Old enough.
Okay, babe. Hit me up.
That was revolting.
So do you mind telling me
what the heck you were
doing in that lab?
I used to work there.
I suspect Lex has been
using tech I developed
to retrofit weapons
for the black market.
What the heck were
you doing with Donovan?
Finding out that
Superboy is a clone.
So why did you hide the fact that
your new Superman is actually a clone?
I never said he wasn't a clone.
I said he's Superman.
And he is a Superman clone.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Do we wake him?
Kal-El's last battle
left him severely depleted.
We must not interrupt
his ion radiation transfer.
Lane's not explicitly
calling them fakes.
She's asking the questions
that need to be asked.
After her stunning
LexCorp clone expose,
she's got our attention.
Hello, Ms. Lane.
I guess you got my message?
The whole city did.
I feel terrible we
haven't been able to talk yet.
On the record?
But I thought
you'd be happy to see me.
See who?
I don't know who you are.
Lois, it's me!
You look like Superman,
but Superman died.
In my arms.
I did.
For my people,
death doesn't
have to be the end.
Our technology was... Is...
Far beyond what
exists on Earth today.
Part of that technology
is encoded in my genome.
Before I died,
I was able to activate it so that
it could rebuild and revive me.
As a robot?
I'm not a robot.
These are just
artificial replacement parts.
A cyborg Superman?
Just Superman.
What was your last secret?
I don't know.
Half my memories are gone
along with the rest of me.
Then tell me
what you do remember.
I remember we were close.
How close?
Enough that it hurts to have you
look at me like I'm a monster.
The way you wrote about me...
I never dreamed
I'd lose you like this.
Especially not now when...
Terrible things
are coming, Lois.
I can feel it.
When the Daily Planet
said "Superman is dead,"
it painted
a target on the Earth.
Why did you come here?
Because I need your voice.
I can't protect the people if
they think I'm a fake, Lois.
Even if you won't
believe I'm Superman
at least believe that
I'm trying to do some good.
And maybe write about that.
Get in.
Just like you would
any new product.
So far, all you've
managed to do is
preen, and gallivant, and...
Stop that!
Where's Mercy?
Still in traction,
thanks to you.
Have you seen the newspapers?
Yeah, I've seen them
all over the place.
Have you read them?
Oh. Right on!
This really reflects
more on you.
Do you know
what they're calling you?
But I'm Superman.
They didn't get the memo.
This entire roll-out
has been a disaster.
Goggles and the robot are
getting all the good press.
While you're strutting across
TV screens like a clown.
Don't you mean clone?
Thanks for
the heads-up, by the way.
Oh, please.
So you were genetically engineered.
Who isn't?
Little DNA from here, some from there.
Bam! You're born.
Mazel tov!
The only difference between
you and a biological child
is that I've invested
a hell of a lot more capital
to bring you to the party.
So, we are going to start again.
It's a relaunch.
Superman 2.0.1.
That's awful,
but we'll let marketing
sort it all out.
What do you want me to do?
You've had your fun, Superboy,
but now it's time
to act like a man.
I got you a gig.
They just passed
Burnett Boulevard.
Coming up on Rodeo.
I think they say Ro-day-o.
They're wrong.
Yeah, I say Ro-day-o.
- Report!
- Oh!
Smooth sailing up here. Flash?
- I just wanna ask.
- Ah, here it comes.
I'm just saying.
Are we presidential bodyguards,
or are we the Justice League?
Today, we're bodyguards.
And you don't think there's
other stuff we should be doing?
The Titans have it covered.
The teen Titans.
Oh, yeah!
I feel good about that.
Chillax, Zippy.
The Titans are cool.
Wait. Did he just say "Chillax"?
Young man,
stay off this frequency.
It's for League members only.
No, it's for the
President's protective detail.
As the new head
of LexCorp global security,
I qualify.
I have the shot.
I say take it.
That's enough.
We have a job to do.
Okay. Can we speed this up,
because if I'm not home by
dinner, Iris is gonna kill me.
Someone should go say hi.
I'm a little busy right now.
I don't really know him. Vic?
Oh, so you think
all cyborgs know each other?
Yes. But, in my defense,
I'm horribly insensitive.
Lex is so wrong.
You guys are funky fresh.
Donovan's been letting you watch
those 90s sitcoms again, I see.
I'm in your other ear.
Reminding you to stay alert.
President Dale
has her eye on you.
Keep her safe.
By the end of the week, with a
little political maneuvering,
she'll be
publicly recognizing you
as the one true Superman.
Yesterday, my husband said,
"Joan, why do you
have to do this?"
And I said,
"Because I stand with the Justice
League as they have stood with us."
Really, I'm trilled to be here.
To help dedicate
the Justice League's
new Watchtower.
A proud...
Madam President...
I've got you, ma'am.
I've got her, everyone!
Uh, Lois?
Everybody clear out!
Kid, if I find out LexCorp had
anything to do with this...
Look, Mr. Roboto,
we got bigger problems.
The boy's right.
Let's go.
Watch your step.
Come on. No rush.
Uh, a little rush, actually.
Hey, metal head!
You wanna lend a hand?
At your service,
Madam President.
Time to get you out of here.
We're still reeling from
the latest alien attack,
and the devastating loss
of the Justice League.
President Dale will
speak at a memorial
in Centennial Park
to honor the fallen.
Alongside the man
whose heroic actions
have proven to us all
that he truly is
Superman reborn.
And let me just say,
it feels good to have him back.
Couldn't find the remote?
That is not Superman.
We had a real opportunity here!
A real opportunity,
and you blew it!
Come along, son.
Lex, is...
Hey, I did what you told me to do.
Everything I'm capable of doing.
And you still lost.
I gave you every
advantage Superman had,
and more.
And I appreciate...
Wait, more?
Wait here.
I remember this place.
There you are.
Dr. Donovan?
What happened to you?
You father is a...
Hard man.
My father?
Do you mean Superman?
I don't work for Super...
Oh, no.
I thought he would've
told you. I, uh...
I didn't mean to...
Well, look who's talking.
Mr. Luthor, please!
What's going on?
It's all right, Dabney.
Tell him.
What difference
could it make now?
- I don't think I...
- Tell him!
The DNA, your DNA,
- its...
- Superman's.
Yes, but also...
I told you I gave you more.
All of Superman's strength, plus
all the Luthor intellect.
He just needs guidance.
Please! We got so much
closer with this one
than any of the others.
You're right, Dabney.
The current model really is
leaps and bounds
ahead of his brothers.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Let's go.
And Dabney,
you're fired.
No! No!
Still can't keep his mouth shut.
If you're through indulging
in this emotional nonsense,
we have work to do,
Yes, master.
It was him.
Well, half of him, anyway.
Was he with anyone else?
Only her.
Terri Henshaw.
He was pretty out of it.
Stood there half the night
talkin' to the air.
Looked tormented.
'Course, that's not
unusual around here.
It is for Superman.
It's about time you showed up.
What the...
Yeah, you shouldn't leave
your bathroom window open.
Anyone could get in here.
So, I got a lead at the cemetery
that I think we should...
You know that
I know you're Steel, right?
And I'm literally the
worst at secret identities.
I mean,
if you couldn't fool me...
Superman saved my life once.
Now that he's gone,
I owe it to him
to fill the void.
What did you find
at the cemetery?
Terri Henshaw? The astronaut?
She was on the Excalibur, right?
Yup. Can you access the S.T.A.R.
Labs' mainframe from here?
If the cyborg's
telling the truth,
that he really is Superman,
then why would he
go to Terri Henshaw's grave?
This is odd.
It says Henshaw's remains
were never recovered.
Sorry. Remains were
recovered for Terri Henshaw,
but not for Hank Henshaw.
The Henshaws.
Of course!
The husband and wife astronauts.
We did a huge story on them.
They were both
assigned to the Excalibur.
So, it was the husband's body
that was never found.
It's him, John.
It's why he was
visiting Terri's grave.
I don't know how,
but the cyborg Superman
is Hank Henshaw.
I don't think...
The Justice League
were the best among us.
As such, they would
want us to celebrate today.
Not mourn.
Yet, here we are.
Surrounded by reminders
in stone of the mournful times
that have befallen our world.
It's only by a miracle of alien
science that I am here today.
Alive. Standing in for
the real heroes we lost.
During the Doomsday battle,
the Watchtower attack,
and too many
other bloody incursions.
We need to shut
this asshole down.
How? He's Superman to them.
I could try to pitch the Henshaw
story to Perry White, but
without any evidence,
he won't go near it.
Which is why today,
I am announcing the establishment
of a new, stronger League.
A Cyborg Corp,
to honor those who have perished
in the name of justice,
and by taking volunteers.
What the hell?
- I volunteer.
- What?
But I don't have any power.
No one has.
Not really.
But I can change all that
if you come forth.
Eric, no!
Becky, please.
This could change everything.
For the world, for us.
Welcome to the team.
I can give each of you the
power to be your own hero.
The same technology
that saved me,
can save us all.
was only the beginning.
Our enemies
haven't been destroyed.
Only delayed.
When they return,
who will stand
and fight with me?
This is it. This is his plan.
How the hell did Hank Henshaw
get his hands
on that kinda tech?
Intergang's been running
Luthor's Apokolips tech.
I can get to them.
Find out if they have
ties to Cyborg Superman.
Sounds like a plan.
I'll go lean on Lex.
Take your time, boys.
Ain't nobody watchin'
the store today.
So you're saying that's
the way to Hob's Bay?
Can you fly?
Oh, come on! Not again!
I believe this belongs to you.
My hero.
Do you require
further assistance?
Eric. It's me, Becky.
Are you okay?
I haven't heard
from you in days.
Okay, stop it.
You're scaring me.
Have a pleasant day, citizen.
Eric? Eric!
Doyle, I know you're here.
I'm not looking for trouble.
I just need information
on some alien tech
you may have unloaded.
What the hell?
What happened here?
Superman cleaned us out.
The one in the shades.
The eradicator?
Traces on our stuff.
You can catch up with him
if you hurry.
Go get him.
Don't wait up.
We both know
you took me down there
to get rid of Superboy for good.
I don't know what
changed you mind, but...
Oh. I thought you were...
Let me guess.
You thought I was Lex Luthor.
Lookin' for ol' cue ball.
Know where he is, Superboy?
Don't call me that!
What's wrong?
He's my father.
At least, he's half my DNA.
I just found out.
Nah, I don't buy it.
I mean, the hair alone.
Wow. You do look like him.
Superman, I mean.
Look, I was a jerk
when I met you, Lois.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why, but
I feel like I can talk to you.
I know why.
gathering up Apokolips' tech.
He could be
working with Henshaw.
I'm tracking him now.
All right. Keep me posted.
Uh, greetings?
Kal-El is unavailable
as he nears completion
of his revitalization cycle.
Thank you for your patience.
So it really is you.
Woah, Steel!
What's happening?
Little busy here, Lois.
You called me.
Sorry. Butt dial.
What the hell is going on, here?
Give me that.
Oh, don't!
- Is that...
- Kal-El's ship!
In S.T.A.R. Labs.
He needs help. I'm going.
These cyborg thingies
are popping up
all over the city.
It's gonna take a turn and I need you here.
You're not the boss of me, Lex.
I literally am.
You cannot harm the data matrix.
The data matrix?
John! It's a hologram!
It's designed to
protect Kryptonians.
I don't see any
Kryptonians around here.
Do you?
Oh, my god!
John, he's...
These pitiful humans.
Humbled by the demise
of their heroes,
have willingly become
mindless automatons.
My stratagem has
worked perfectly.
Soon, Earth will be christened
by Darkseid as new Apokolips.
And this time,
there's no Justice League
or Superman to stop me.
All that remains is
for you to open the gates.
All you gotta do is
look out the window
to see things
ain't right no more.
I knew Superman.
Superman was my pal.
And those things ain't Supermen.
They're not even
the people they used to be.
I mean, at least
they're keeping the peace, right?
You know that ain't gonna last.
We can't wait until
after this thing takes
a turn for the worse.
By then, it'll be too late!
The robot said one thing right.
He said, "We gotta
be our own heroes."
People are protesting
down at the Watchtower.
Getting to be quite a crowd.
What are we waitin' for?
Together, we may not be
able to bring the beat down,
but we sure as hell
can make some noise.
Am I right?
Last one for now.
Any luck?
Systems are operating normally,
but for some reason I can't
open a boom tube here.
Any idea where here is?
I don't recognize
any of these star formations.
They are foreign to me as well.
That's because
they're not stars.
What are they?
I'm just gonna
hide behind the Amazon
till Vic gets us home.
There's nothin' doin', guys.
Unless someone
from the other side
reaches out to bring us back,
we are home.
You sure don't
hit like a hologram.
Intruders must be...
That's enough!
Steel stopped transmitting.
I can't find a signal.
Even after redirecting
every LexCorp satellite.
do you really think
Kal-El is alive?
I don't know.
But, for the first time,
I really feel
like it's possible.
For the first time,
I hope he is.
Now, there's something
you need to see.
It's really you, isn't it?
Honestly, I don't know.
The robots keep calling it
a revitalization cycle.
But it's not something I'd ever
heard of or knew was possible.
What is this place?
A fortress.
Built to keep me
isolated during this process.
Does he have to
just stand there like that?
It's creepin' me out.
He's just trying to protect me.
Then why was he
drawing energy from you
while you were in the pod?
Quite the reverse.
Kal-El was the one absorbing ion
radiation from the Eradicator
as part of
the revitalization cycle.
Highly advanced tech
programmed to protect my people.
So, he decided to put on a cape
and dispense his
own brand of justice?
I'm just saying.
Well, I can't tell you how
glad I am to see you again.
There's a lot you need to know.
These broadcasts have
brought me up-to-speed.
Darkseid killed my friends,
and people are
being turned into monsters
by that cyborg impostor.
Hank Henshaw.
The astronaut?
I thought he was dead.
I guess I didn't
know everything.
a lot of that goin' around.
So, what's the plan.
And this time
there's no Justice League
or Superman to stop me.
All that remains is
for you to open the gates.
Ever since the League's
my satellites have intercepted
strange encoded signals.
It's some kind of
holographic interface.
Darkseid is beaming
directly into Henshaw's head.
He's literally messing
with his mind.
Once Superman was gone,
he cleared out
the Justice League,
created an army of cybernetic
minions, and now...
They open the gates.
How do we even
begin to fight that?
I might have something.
Is it a plan?
Because, what we
really need is a plan.
The plan is to stop Darkseid,
and save Henshaw.
And get the girl. Slash girls.
Until your regeneration
is complete,
I must insist you abstain
from sexual activity.
Um, all right?
You're not fully
powered yet, are you?
For how long?
I don't know.
Maybe forever.
After Darkseid's first invasion,
you couldn't
walk down the street
without tripping
over alien tech.
tech that you gave Intergang.
You really don't get me, do you?
And anyway, you're welcome.
Because that
business arrangement
is what brought us...
this beauty.
A motherbox?
We just have to activate it
outside the Watchtower
at exactly the right spot.
Unfortunately, the tin man's
got eyes everywhere.
One of us will have to go inside
and keep him occupied
while the other turns this on.
Okay. Show me how it works.
Are you insane?
I'm not going in there, you are.
I must insist on
accompanying you.
Bad idea.
This guy's a wild card.
Maybe a wild card
is what we need.
What we need is a way
to get you to Metropolis.
It's 40 below outside,
and you're just a guy now.
A guy with a spaceship.
Excuse me?
Do people not say that anymore?
We are not machines!
Listen, Lane.
- I just wanna say...
- Thank you?
Don't screw up.
Hey, you two. Over here.
Take me to your boss.
Seriously. A room-full
of hungry bizarros.
Sounds harrowing.
So, can I live with you or not?
Guys, I'm getting
an incoming call
from a LexCorp number.
Could be Lois.
I'm bouncing it over.
Oh! It's you.
Lex Luthor.
As I live and breathe.
Yeah, what's that about?
Where's Lois?
As much as I'd love to chat,
I'm only calling
to ask sonny boy
if he wouldn't mind
popping by for a stretch.
I'm downtown in the thick of it,
and, well I could
use some muscle.
The boy stays with me,
and I need to know now
that Lois is all right.
Oh, she's fine.
She's in the Watchtower.
To think that all this
was made possible
when my Doomsday weapon.
Obliterated your
primitive spacecraft.
I plucked your
lifeless corpse from the void,
and handed you
a chance for glory.
Yes, your grace.
And all because
a Kryptonian failed you.
Even in death
he will pay for his crimes.
To capture glory, Henshaw,
you must first
understand that sorrow,
rage, and the thirst
for vengeance,
are essential parts
of the equation.
What now?
Leave us.
Dr. Frankenstein.
Or is it his monster?
So easy to get mixed up.
Frankenstein wanted to play god.
Do I look like I'm playing?
You're gonna lose, Hank.
Hank Henshaw's dead.
Just like your beloved
knight in blue tights.
Of all the things I learned
on your balcony that night,
I think the most important
was the true nature of your
relationship with Superman.
A relationship, I'm afraid,
that's about to meet
a tragic end.
Alert! Watchtower detecting
an incoming ballistic rocket
of Kryptonian origin.
Enlarging view.
No! No! No!
So, my Doomsday weapon failed,
and the Kryptonian still lives.
Get out of my head!
I shall enjoy
killing the man of steel
all over again.
This time, with my bare hands.
No! Superman is mine to destroy!
We disagree.
Open the gates!
Prepare for my arrival.
What the hell?
For Apokolips!
No! Not yet! Not now!
My god!
I thought Superman was yours.
You just gonna
hand him to Darkseid?
Now that they've been
cut-off from Darkseid,
the Cyborg Corps
is mind to control.
And I've just ordered them
to destroy Superman's
precious Metropolis.
Ah, come on!
This is it!
Light 'em up!
I've sacrificed everything now
just to kill him.
But not before
I've made him watch
as I tear you limb from limb.
Even he can't save you.
Ah, come on!
What am I doing wrong?
Excuse me.
Mind if we kick your ass?
You're welcome!
The napkin at Bibbo's.
What was your last secret?
I love you.
I love...
Sorry to interrupt
this tender moment.
Hank, you have to stop this.
Darkseid is...
No longer your biggest problem.
Stay here.
I'll take care of you later.
Over my dead body.
It isn't too late.
There's always a way out.
How about for my wife?
Was there a way out for her?
Is this what Terri would want?
Don't say her name!
You're not allowed
to say her name.
She's dead because of you.
She was always
apprehensive in space.
She tried to hide it,
but I knew.
I told her she'd be okay.
We all would. We had Superman.
Until we didn't.
Until my ship and
my crew were debris.
And you weren't even dead, yet!
Just too busy.
All you hear today
is, "How do we live in
a world without Superman?"
Well, some of us already had to.
Some of us watched
as everything we had,
everything we loved, was lost.
Oh, give it a rest!
This isn't about
your wife and you know it.
It's about you.
You let Darkseid
turn you into this.
Superman turned me into this.
Darkseid only rebuilt me and taught me
how to wield my hatred as a weapon.
- Just like he'd done with...
- Doomsday,
That beast was only
a mindless assassin.
While I was set to
a singular purpose.
Destroy what
remains of Superman.
His good name.
It was the best revenge
I could hope for.
Until now.
This is nuts!
We should be
in there helping Superman.
If you can find
a way past these guys,
I'm right behind you.
I need a power source.
Luthor! What
the hell have you done?
Robo people? Come on!
How long were we gone?
Luthor? You brought us back?
Don't add me
to your friends list yet.
This was purely a business move.
Get to work!
The whole city's infested.
Spread out.
Alert! Justice League
members detected. Breach imminent.
It's only a matter
of time now, Hank.
Once they get inside...
That'll be difficult for them
once we've achieved orbit.
We'll be together soon, Terri.
This is between us, Hank.
Let her go.
Once we've left the exosphere,
you and your gal-pal
will suffocate. Freeze.
And it's all your fault.
It's almost poetry.
Get away from him,
you son of a bitch!
Come out, Lois.
One way or another,
this is gonna end badly for you.
Killing you isn't revenge
unless your
boyfriend has to watch.
Open your eyes.
You're gonna watch this
if I have to
tear off your eyelids!
Open them!
You won't kill me
and I won't stop
until I kill you.
You're right.
It's not how I'm programmed.
But you should know
I've got a wildcard
up my sleeve.
What? What is this?
- Is it over?
- Yes.
There's still one
more thing I need to do.
Oh, Eric!
Six months and 400 miles later,
a happy return for
one of the Daily Planet's own.
Clark Kent,
feared lost
in the Doomsday fight,
is back home tonight.
Thanks to the keen eye
of another Metropolis citizen
we thought we'd lost.
I recognized Mr. Kent
from his byline photo
and brought him home.
Martian Manhunter
sounds nothing like me.
Oh, everybody says that.
Hey, I almost forgot.
Conner's all settled.
He said, "Thanks for
the sweater, babe."
They're gonna eat him alive.
So, where did we leave off?
You're late.
Be there in a sec.
Oh, tell Lois
I'll see her Friday.
What is it?
Worlds colliding.
Also, I have to go.
It's okay. I understand.
I'll wait up.
Henshaw may be gone,
but this was
still the boldest move
we've seen from Apokolips, yet.
won't stay down for long
and we can't
play defense forever.
Then we agree.
We're going to have to take
this fight to his doorstep.
Count me in,
Okay, who left
the front door open?