Reign Over Me (2007)

New patient?
Yes, remained here directed by
My lawyer in affair licwek.
New patient, only back have to know. I ask this to fill
in order to we knew who To inform on case if you died.
This was joke, pussy.
I wanted to be funny.
How do you do.
Mrs. Remar. I am doctor Johnson.
Girl Remar. I know who you is. I
was even patient your Colleague.
I met you in lift a few times.
Is married you? Not
I noticed earlier rings.
And so, am married.
It is and well, what today do at you?
One licwka, engage?
They spoke me that not usual
Do not do only one.
We do this what is necessary.
It is and well, let's see.
Which this tooth?
Do not know, suppose you crumples will tell.
Hmm, next zadurzona doll, what?
Does what with you knit?
So will you in next week?
Appoint you on next week,
On doing licwki, well?
Yes, will abrogate all visits In week in
order to could you To prepare psychical, OK?
It was me very pleasantly lastly you to learn.
About so, you also.
I have to..
About, of this my daughter.
He will crumples necessary this cloak.
Ok, you suppose stands and I itself
I will reach... It is all right.
For moment am.
Hej, Charlie! Charlie Fineman!
Charlie Fineman!
I have pretty your father
It is base and dishonorable
As mess up with sphere in head.
he was on walk today, mother?
I understand that not.
I hate that of bloody city.
I bought you sap from papaw about which asked.
I hate that of bloody city.
That of stink, all it.
They will be necessary me
Money on suppers on kt
And you will have to go
With me because mother will..
And have to talk about new cell
Today wound spoke that
We will talk about that with evening
I thought that spoke already about it.
But have 13 years and still have
Cell on partnership with sister.
Just a moment, need
Only telephone for it..
I met today Charlie Fineman'a
It is indeed? What at him?
Do not know
I was in car
He went on pavement
He went out from shop
Architectural, carried paint.
Do you think that still is in training?
Who is Charlie Fineman, dad?
It is my long-standing pal
From college'u, loving.
We lived together in room.
Did not speak with him
By very long time.
Or this that from dentist's school?
This which former family
On the plane layer?
Or that Charlie Fineman?
That precisely Charlie Fineman.
Did not pick up still rulings or We
note on The next drive of photographies
You do this? Already us zapisaas?
Yes, but with that together on advanced.
I thought that pleased to us
In last semester. To you not?
What? Do not want?
Not, want.
You not?
Very me pleased.
Indeed pleasantly spent time.
To you displease?
Alepleased. And now, drive
Advanced. It is splendid!
It is well.
Not, loving..
Don't take that to school.
Horrible, unwell chipses.
Hello Angela!
Doctor Johnson.
As this is that always
Do we go out about same hour?
.. Time..
It engages.
All well? Yes.
That is well. Can I you about something ask?
Married majority
Fellows has any hobby.
Ok, Alan. Don't do it.
Why have do not do?
We spoke about it.
This not fair that expect
On me here, on avenue.
But I only..
If want to appoint on visit,
We can appoint on visit.
You will come to me.
I know, know. I have only one little affair.
You remember as once asked
You about my friend?
That which has not other
Friends besides you?
Yes that it. It is
Married, has gorgeous wife.
But she does not permit him...
Tzn. He can not...
Fellows has own masculine
Hobby, play in poker,
In golf, do different things.
Ok, know what? Stoppings, of stoppings.
I cannot treat you for
To road from tow-line on car-park.
To treat me?
I not.. I am only.. I inflicted to you question.
Ok, if you of that did not name.
It is well, have right. I understand.
Incongruous it.
It is well, understand.
But permit that will ask about something
It is still. I want to learn your opinion.
I want to learn your opinion as
Women, Angela. As women.
I have such repeating dream
In which sit on sofa
And she changes in great
The caoutchouc container. About does what go?
Why want in order to I...
And c. I have hope that
All to you poukada.
You wait for me always on avenue.
Likable day.
That was hard
All enter on their places.
Papa, or you can me
Podwie to Betty Fishmans?
Loving, is 9: 30
She wants in order to I remained on night.
Dad was whole day in work
And now lastly has
A little time own.
Tell her in order to came here
We will they could devote some time to study
French together.
Do you know what? Podwioz her. I will drive.
Pussy, did already so much,
We put that from week.
I will drive and at once return.
Only not wciekaj as
You return and he will be already ended
Because already untwisted
And will overlook whole action.
Leave me a little
Come loving.
Hej! Hej Charlie!
Charlie Fineman! Hej!
Charlie, arrest!
Hello Charlie.
Hello long-standing.
This I, Alan.
Hello, how are you?
I saw you as went out with
Shop with the paints of a few weeks it
I cried you, played the trumpet with horn,
I got off and ran between Cars, this was mad.
I tried with you to contact,
But have nobody no information.
Ok, well. It is splendid.
As fly?
So do we know?
Do you do itself eggs from me?
Charlie, this I, Alan Johnson.
We were time in dentist's school.
...We lived in one
Room, remember me?
Yes, very good, very good.
Pleasantly you was to meet, Barrel.
I have on surname Johnson
Do you on the series of me remember?
Did we live together on studioes?
Yes.. And slept naked
By the majority of nights.
On addition were somnambulist, it
Former 2 most bitter years of my life.
Do you work in occupation, long-standing?
I tried with you to contact
By association
Dentists, but they have not..
It is real, elapsed the time spore..
In valley, acquired already 12 colossuses.
Valley? What that such?
This any center
Medical or something such?
That a little if another dimension.
You succeed in trip.
You learn alone oneself.
Hej, long-standing. He can will go napi.
I cannot drink, I cannot drink.
I have to already fly.
Can this coffee or something other?
We will go up only on coffee.
This will not occupy many time.
Only to learn what at you.
Hej, Charlie
Here is well?
Do you like trivie?
Exchange Great Lakes.
Great Lakes Pnocnoamerykaskie.
Can you exchange it?
One this Michigan.
Huronian rocks, Ontario, Michigan,
Erie and Father superior.
This was accessible.
Fifth class podstawwki.
So what lately do, Charlie?
Not I can decide
Pale white or lunar white
Do you paint something? Do you do repair?
You were my room-mate in college'u
This was very ancient it.
The life piece.
About so, truth.
Pleasantly is to see your face.
You also good to see.
You have to take off boots.
Thanks to.
You have the collection of slabs.
Yes, am from it very satisfied.
Much winyli.
I have already jakies 5500 and
This state enlarges.
You do repair in kitchen.
What this is? Or it?
Shade Colossus.
Or can I benefit from bath-room, Charlie?
From back.
First-rate musical room.
It is well?
Thanks to, Ally.
I apologize for my preservation
During last visit.
When meet you in building always
Causes gentleman impression very busy,
Absorbed with something,
Even when you is from other
With doctors will spend gentleman lonely.
Such solitary.
Do not know why, but this this state
It is for me very familiar.
And c..
I have hope that..
I thought itself that if you wanted,
This I would this do,
With mouth
I would do it
You could close door on key
To tell to nurse
In order to did not enter
I would do it
Gladly I would make happy you
You have to
You have to go out
I have such
The queer sense of approximation with you
Do not know why
I spoke about that from my Psychoterapeutka
and told Me that have to affect.
It is indeed? This you have to find Itself new
psychoterapeutke, Best a few. And new dentist.
Has to you from here to carry out, girl Remar.
I speak solemn. I want in order to you
She went out. In this moment. Please to go out.
Please in order to you did not contract
Girls Remar on nothings.
In order.
It is already never, on nothings.
It is well.
Do not want in order to this woman
She was more my patient.
I understand, understand.
I apologize.
It is not now! Expect, Mel. Phone to it!
Girl Remar.
By telephone to it phone!
Girl Remar, has to itself you
To find another dentist.
Do I listen?
This what you heard. Doctor Johnson Does not want
already you as patients, I nor, other doctors also.
Suppose you itself somewhere will go
It will sink in book reading Telephone and
will find Itself new dentist. It is well?
It will sink in reading
Telephone book?
Necessary to be unkind, in order to
Someone such itself went.
Thank you for what you expected.
Or can I in something assist?
I come to visit my
Friend, Charlie Fineman'a.
Live here nobody about
Such surname, unpleasantly me.
In order, will wait on
Owner house or such someone.
This I.
They speak about me - from hell with family.
I am Alan Johnson.
Friend Charliego.
We went together to
Dentist's school.
I was at certain him
Evening, played in
"The shades of Colossus" or something such.
You was at him in
To apartment? Shit truth.
Nobody was at him
By last 4 years.
Only I and accountant
Sugarman, scrub-woman.
Do not lie you.
I was at him overhead.
It does repair in kitchen.
From where I would did this know?
He does this repair every several of months.
Nothing crumples this does not speak. Please to depart.
Johnson, siema!
Alan is Johnson.
This my pal from college'u.
I slept nakedly in student.
See it.
I bought it.. It will like to you..
The Pretenders
One of best
Debutant's slabs wszechczasw.
I see that have horrible musical taste.
About not, untruth, untruth.
Smell it.
I worship this smell.
Return remembrances. Smell
Late years 70-that, not?
Early 80 it. Yes.
Ok, Charlie, all right.
I will occupy them. Not, not..
Charlie, wanted only to talk.
We have to fall.
What? We have to fall.
Why? Who are you people?
Johnson, jump! Jump,
Johnson! Wsiadaj!
From back! Wait moment.
Charlie, Charlie! Put the brakes on.
About cholera!
I know, know. It is all right.
You know which is only
American floating monument?
Kiss me in ass, debilu.
You are late. It is inside!
Good, rope queue in San Francisco.
Good, I of that nor knew.
If you did not laugh
With all what speak
That is indeed would..
It tries to gain itself assessment
I, to want in order to grew
About any 7 percent.
Or I can ask still
One Heinekena?
Do you want still one?
Senile already, thanks to.
Thanks to.
It was drol.
This good musician.
Am not certain or
I would move so far
But know what crumples remind?
Reminded me school times.
When improvised by
To slab Bruce'a Springsteen'a
As name this slab?
Bruce Springsteen
As this was?
"The River "
"The River"?
Yes, "The River", remember it?
Always wanted in order to you played
OJ'S or Earth, of Lifts & Fire
But you always wanted to play "The River "
Remember playing that..
He can if you smelt, it
Suddenly would return to you memory.
Well amused oneself, long-standing.
About so.
I had gorgeous day.
Drive on this funny scooter..
First time drove in dwjk.
It was amusing. It is usual
Do not do such things.
Much here grove, Charlie
Why about do this ask?
Do not know, merely.. Loose conversation.
Is about what are singles
It is now, you can do what only...
On that what happened
With your family.
Ej, I have not family, Johnson.
I know
I tried only to talk
On margin, but this was foolish.
Did who send you here?
Or did they send you here?
About who speak?
Jestes with specialist?
Dab..? Not, am not.
About or do you speak?
Hej! Don't lie! Don't lie me.
Don't lie!
Why here are?
Calm down
It is why? It is why?
Answer me, shit, on question!
Charlie, scream on me
Why here are and speak with me?
Let loose!
It is why?
What with you, shit, not so?
Why with me talk?
Me also this bores, apologize.
Do I bore you? I apologize.
Tell them, in order to
They left me in calmness.
Alan, as you will have
Moment, want to talk.
Alan, affair is serious.
Any woman sent to us letter,
By lawyer, in which It states that
importuned Her sexually a few times
Funny it! Absurd!
We verified on reception desk, Tra-la-la Remar.
Do what know on her topic?
This woman is sick psychical!
She came, did her one licwke
And she crumples speaks that has certain obsession.
I apologize, Mareen
She told that wants me zaoferowa
Sex oralny in office.
Do you know what? You have to get rid of it Girls. Not
ladies itself from With that glads from our insurance.
Even if will win affair
This we will be ended.
As have this to do? It is as
Do I have her to get rid of?
Do not know as her will get rid of, But
you can with her To meet, to talk about it.
Or likewise was not last time?
Woman zakochuje in
To you, and you her olewasz.
Do you know what, John?
What, Johnson?
I will take for it.
Ladies doctor,
I have to with you talk.
My name is Ginger Timpleman.
And am teciow Charliego Fineman'a.
Or know gentleman family Charliego?
Not. His parents died when was
Still in basic school.
He had aunt, at which lived Before went
to college'u. I met her a few times.
She died before alone marriage.
You know, my wife and I tried
To phone to him many times.
To meet, by many years.
I read about that what happened, in newspaper
I was very broken down from his reason.
From their reason.
He merely closed in itself.
He stopped about them to speak
Then began to keep
If them remember.
Then succeeded that us remembers.
My husband and I wanted
Only to see with him.
This mad owner of tenement-house
And that accountant, Sugarman.
Oboes cabaled, in order to
To hold us from distant from him.
Yes, prosze itself not
To turn back with head him.
Who knows how many that hideous
Stinkard earned on Charlim.
And as could he on him earn?
Payment from people,
Insurance policy.
I will seize that in this way, Charlie It has
sufficiently much, In order to alone sob to study.
And my husband, walked early
On pension, was police officer.
We were new, for
Young piople as on grandfathers.
I had design do not do
Nothings, only to travel.
And to coddle granddaughters.
Unpleasantly me.
It is of course.
But he needs assistance.
Not such which this owner and
Any accountant they can to him assure.
He needs psychoterapeuty.
It needs family.
You know,
Jonathan and I are only
With which family has Charlie.
Hej, someone dispatches to door
Shari! Shari!
What do you produce?
It is not slow to approach to door
In the center of night, know about it.
That perhaps Charlie Fineman.
Or that Charlie?
Yes, this he.
Let in him.
Johnson, and you what? Already sleep?
It is early. 10:30.
Always am about this time in bed.
That to ass.
Charlie, this my wife, Janine.
It gives out me that learnt
I think, of that that remember.
This our daughter, Shari.
Pleasantly you to learn, doctor Fineman.
Come to bed, loving.
Does what knit, Charlie?
Do you want to go out, long-standing? To entertain?
It is now?
Yes, wake up.
Or can he go out? Do it permit lady him?
Charlie, don't do it. Not
Ask of my wife about permission.
I stand here before you. Not
I am boy of seven.
And right, have right. Can you go out?
Do it threaten you that you citation?
And what did she such want?
She wanted spin mna to kneel.
What? You want me to tell,
That already cannot you?
Did you tell her that are married?
She knows, this her does not prevent.
Has any fixation, or something such.
This is not funny, Charlie.
This indeed is not funny.
My associates are on me furious.
Only what paid
For one insurance.
Tell them that they can to you naskoczy.
To pepper them.
You know, have leash on 5 years.
With my signature.
My associates...
I am ended.
I composed this all to heap, and now
Looks on what work for them.
And this girl? Will what with this do?
This hard situation.
It will drive in us in genuine trouble.
Resolutely alone has troubles and
It wants this to pour on you.
It has irregularly under ceiling.
I saw already something such.
That is very funny.
Well amuse oneself?
Sincerely speaking it is so, Johnson.
Good is to see you in
Such humor, funny it.
Something is new.
Is any chance that...
He can we would drop in somewhere
On pizze? What you on it?
Prosze moment to wait.
Will not believe gentleman who precisely phones.
Don Remar.
It wants to appoint on next
Consultations in affair licwek.
Will you believe?
I ask you. I ask you.
Appoint her on visit.
Do I listen?
Appoint her on visit, at me in office.
How do you do, Oskar.
As does you have, doctor?
Pleasantly you to see.
How do you do, ladies doctor.
I greet!
I have question.
It is of course.
Not, with that together this does not concern me.
Something is new.
It is about my przyjacie,
But on series, about friend.
He lost entire family
In air catastrophe.
Horrible it
Wife, three daughter. He was dentist.
As ancient it?
A few years it.
It is lost, quite
Lost. I dropped in on him
We lived together by 2
Summer, even me remember.
And c, on the first throw of eye
Looks that on traumatic neurosis.
Can something worse.
I cannot many tell
Without meeting with him.
Looks on what needs
Assistance. Do it get any assistance?
Do not know.
All this is indeed
Any queer. Odd.
And what at you?
In order, have not on what narzeka.
Or does this mean that all well?
It is very well!
We will meet in building of any day.
It will check letter-box.
Doctor Johnson,
Would be good, if you could from
With someone to talk from time to time.
Well if you was a little
More serving as a means of intercourse.
I have hope that you did not hurt.
OK, so..
Goodbye soon.
I am here, from back.
Take off boots.
I will take off.
Hej long-standing, kitchen nicely looks.
Almost ended.
Or this was "The River"?
Do you know what? I have to you
To fill with writing on the lectures of music.
Rights, tell better what with this customer.
What new? What new in affair
This mad girl.
That which had willingness
On your penis.
What there at it?
Let's not speak about her.
It is well. Ok, better loosen this tie.
And take off this apparel.
Take off it. Time on psychodeli.
I feel here caves-session Fineman'a.
Pogramy itself.
But I do not play on guitar, Charlie.
Cho music..
I want to play thereon.
Alan Johnson,
Charlie Fineman
To good night people.
Philadelphia. Good night, Philadelphia.
Loving, apologize, crushed,
But know that never
Such something do not do.
Merely did not want
To phone and you to wake.
I was in world Charliego, I could not
To go out
This not in order
You remain there on whole night.
I cannot of that accept.
I wanted only to tell that fellow
Terribly suffers.
Seeing his sadness.
Hello. Charlie Fineman
To doctor Johnsona
You have not of umwionej visit.
We are friends.
We lived together on studioes.
I slept naked
Hej, take off boots. I spoke to you.
I spoke to you.
Or already not..?
Give to try.
Give me to try.
Look as gram.
Give to try.
As that shoot?
Shoot to bird. Pull down
On itself his attention.
Prepare arrow.
And shoot.
I can to you show as game, but
I warn that very pulling.
And c.. I have not susceptibilities To
hydrogenations. Merely Show me as this does.
Something funny tell?
And rights,
With that calls horse, with that hops.
Ok Ok, splendid!
You have to do step in
To corresponding place.
Precisely there this do.
You have to be for right.
Cholera. So not thighs.
Do you see? I have to again climb.
Merely descend downwards, Rest, with next
time as You will drop in this will acquire him.
Not not,
It is now, without easy.
And spoke that have not
Inclinations to hydrogenations.
This citation of evening, long-standing.
You are conditioned, admit.
Yes, am conditioned.
Marathon Of a film Mela Brooks'a
Yes, first three,
Expect, speak that become still greater
Not, it is not so, each
From them has feeble point
Each colossus has other,
It does still difficult
What do you send?
You spoke that only..
I can not, have to stand up morning to work.
And and? You will work,
You will fatigue. And what from it?
But this marathon of a film, long-standing.
It will end about fifth wound. I can not.
And this will go sleep tomorrow
About 20ej instead about 22: 30
What you on it?
To senile you to so much dream, you pedziu?
Hej, don't name me pedziem.
Do you are pedziem?
Stoppings so to speak, for
Prostu not languages "pedzio".
Don't name so people, unkind it.
That only
Word, as "dough
Sponge-cake" or "gherkin"
You also have nasrane
Ok, I also have nasrane.
You have to look Mela.
You need Mela.
One normal and one for pedzia.
Indeed have to enter and this to look.
This means both would
Excellent, imagine itself..
About, Janine phoned to me 15 times.
Hello loving.
Alan, where do you put somewhere?
From 3 hours I cannot
To you to ring till the end.
Yes, know, apologize, had Disconnected telephone.
I was on Marathon of a film Mela Brooks'a
Never in life so not I laughed. We have
to choose Here together. This was mad.
Alan, have to me
By moment to listen.
Your papa does not live.
I tried with you to contact.
What did you tell?
He died during dream in his bed.
Your mother is here now with us.
It is thrilled, needs you.
Moment, he does not live?
It is me terribly unpleasant, loving.
They sit with grandmother on
To sofa, well this abolish.
I will indoors so quickly as only I can.
But please, hasten.
It is well, at once I will.
All well?
My papa precisely died.
Did he die?
Tzn. Does not live?
Will we go somewhere on breakfast?
Charlie, my papa precisely died.
Is here such shop,
Which soon open.
They sell kitchen table-tops,
I have to such buy.
Charlie, my father does not live!
Yes, so, know. But I
I want somewhere to knock about.
Go, let's not waste smell that.
Will we trail?
I not.
Let's go to Chinese
And go. Don't were such mollusc.
All resolutely are interesting where this is.
It is here.
See, survey well.
Mr. Johnson?
My name is Sugarman. Franc Sugarman.
And so.
Do I come not time?
Precisely returned from my funeral
Father, but so besides all well.
You will permit that immediately something will tell.
My work relies thereon that
It wrangles interests Charliego.
With that study. I care him.
But of course I cannot him deter
But assure you that will do
All what in my power,
In order to did not give the gentleman of that of million of dollars.
Do not know about or you speaks.
He wants in order to I gave gentleman the million of dollars.
Does he have so much money?
This not your interest.
This my affair, I that study.
We settled itself already this, will not permit
On that in order to gentleman with him manipulated.
Just a moment, suppose
Will you calm down, well?
Does not want his million of dollars.
I ask to him to tell that am not On him bad and
still are With friends. I ask to him this to tell.
Do you speak solemn?
Yes, do not need his million
Dollars. To suppose him gentleman this will tell.
It is well, pleases me such answer
In such time executed my work.
Yes, excellent work.
Suppose you will enter and will eat something with us.
It dared.
Dad, your colleague came.
That which..
Charlie Fineman?
Loving, don't keep
In such way.
Don't appraise people, unkind it.
Unpleasantly me from the reason of your dad.
Thanks to.
I was bad, do not know what
With me knitted, apologize.
And you want me to give the million of dollars,
In order to crumples this to compensate.
I have no friends
Besides you, Johnson.
Something to you brought.
"The River "
It is exact.
And "Quadrophenia", another slab
Which me tortured.
"Quadrophenia" changed
My life, Johnson
Likable present.
This already will not get million that?
Hej, are hungry?
Can he go up on breakfast?
And go..
It is well.
Do we are alone?
Hej all
This is Charlie.
Charlie, this are all.
To you people here remain?
Yes, Charlie, all remain.
Charlie Fineman to doctor
Johnsona. We have to eat together lunch.
We come to Chinese.
Even you itself does not imagine which
I am successful from reason that.
And so by occasion, when
Lately were at dentist?
To contract you on cleaning?
Go, will eat something.
Do you hanker for it?
For or?
For or?
Charlie, unimportant. Forget about it.
Do you think that is missing work me in occupation?
And is missing to you?
What why?
Why me so question?
Do you try to concentrate on something my attention?
About does this go? Did they send you for it?
Yes, przyapaes me! Precisely so is.
I work for CIA
And this is operation "To concentrate
attention Finemana". Do you do itself eggs?
Charlie, if have to be friends
This have to me trust. I asked only..
I thought that are friends.
We are friends. Therefore precise
Do not succeed that nothing about you know.
.. In order to will not be not friends?
Not. I speak only that friends
They speak itself what sycha..
You are dupkiem!
Charlie! Hej, Charlie!
What is with you, shit, not so?
Carry out from here, man!
Charlie! Go out from here!
OK OK, carry out.
Reload. Rights?
Charlie! Carry out from here.
It is already well?
Yes, well.
Do what here still do?
I spoke to you in order to you carried out.
Because this is not your
Office, already went out.
This is public place.
This is not public place.
Carry out! At once will phone
for police If you will not go out.
Melanie, all in
Order, will occupy it.
Not, is not in order.
Melanie, close this bloody peep-hole.
We cannot so behave, Charlie.
Even do not know what such told
That so wkurzye, but
I apologize, Charlie. In order?
In order.
I know..
Ladies doctor.
Girl Remar.
Or all right?
About so, all well.
Because have umwion visit.
Please to announce on reception desk.
He can return here later.
Not, not, all well.
I ask transitions to receptions.
Gentleman doctor will accept
You in own office.
Such divine girl
Do it want to you to do stick?
Charlie, give calmness.
Does she want to you to do stick?
Nail five.
Did you go mad? Fall!
It is divine.
That about her spoke.
It looks on not beast
Tell me, as very
She is made a fire?
It is made a fire.
Do you know what? I will go there for you.
Carry out.
Permit me there to enter.
Did you feel her smell?
Nicely smells.
I want to know what here at devil knits!
Nothings, knit nothing.
As this nothing? Not languages that nothings.
Calm down and permit me to explain.
Ok, explain.
She is as from film from years 40 it..
see gentleman this girl?
Merely perfect.
Well does you feel?
It is well?
Not, I would not tell.
It thanks that engaged
You on this visit.
And have any choice, girl Remar?
She put lady me in
Indeed hard situation.
Or we can of transitions to affairs. Not
It wants to occupy many your time.
This letter..
Which you sent to..
I can do that indeed quick.
Just a moment.
I am newly for very
Unpleasant divorce.
I was married woman by 10 years.
From that by 5 years my husband
He had romance with another woman.
They met in that municipality.
My husband conducted double life.
Certain day went
With avenue and saw them.
I went after them.
This indeed was as nightmare.
I spoke with their neighbor and She told me that this
"people Jones, Which live here for several years "
And in that moment bent me leg
And fell on pavement.
And is about that, ladies doctor that
Did not rise since then.
I know that my preservation in relation
To you is unpardonable.
I behaved in way in which
Normally do not behave.
And what threatened gentleman with court,
It fills me now with disgust.
I lay you that psychoterapeuta
He ordered me so to behave.
I wanted here to come, to meet from
You and from whole heart to apologize.
And that is me terribly shame.
And he will not have already you more
Troubles from my reason.
I promise this you.
It is well, will go already.
I will go.
Elizabeth, or I can
To ask about the coffee cup?
Gentleman doctor, or you have
Willingness on something drinkable?
Not, the he of nothings does not want.
I? Do I have with him to talk?
Nothings are from it. Not with that study.
But he needs to talk with someone.
It has troubles, has to with someone to meet.
For example with you?
It has friend. It
It is splendid. Great step is forward.
He needs more
Assistance than I can to him give.
This what will you do? Will be his you
To save? About which in all that go?
I was his best friend.
We played in golf, fished fish.
Our families drove together on holidays.
All ended.
This have common nothing with me
Nor with my wife.
The he of you pleasant, Alan. Do you know why?
That is very simple. Because do not know
Nothing about Doreen, Jenny, Julia, Perishes
Nor about "Spider", to their box.
Do not know about them of nothings, public meeting he counts
On what you will not about nothings ask.
Counts on what for
Prostu will permit him live.
Which perfidious it.
You came here and want in order to I passed Next
futile campaign Conduct Charliego to psychoterapeuty.
Only fellow, on which counts Charlie,
That merely will permit him live.
Perhaps have to him settle
Any assistance. Charliemu.
Or the he of you about did this ask?
It needs assistance.
It has to return to game. To recovery
Own life, know..
People, who him enclose,
They preclude to him it.
Do you are certain that this good idea?
What speak specialists?
Do not know
But learn.
I know that needs assistance.
And think that you will
Did he have time on this all?
And know, work, your mother.
I know that you so think.
But try him to assist.
To assist my friend.
Will you eat breakfast? Yes
It thanks.
Do not know where.
I think that highest time, In order to I to
you showed what is and What is not good music.
In order.
About, Graham Nash
"Songs handicap Beginners "
See, on alone only cover wida,
That knows that nagra good slab.
Moment, see here.
We have OJ'S
What still have?
Soul, jazz
"From the Funk Side "
Collection cannot be
Complete without it.
I will finish writing that to list.
Hello, Alan.
Hello, Nigel.
How are you?
It is well, do what here do?
So itself romp.
I hunt on winyle. I worship it.
Yes. Charlie, my it
Good pal, Nigel.
Nigel that Charlie Fineman.
Charlie Fineman. Nigel.
Billy Joe "Cold Spring Harbor "
Former a little for quickly nagrana,
Therefore was not re-editions.
However lastly went out.
We originate from same neighborhoods..
We went also
Alone "White Castle "
Listen, he can will eat
Together lunch on purchases?
Yes. Do what about that think, Charlie?
I want here to remain.
But with sweat. We will go
Together something przeksi.
Can we porozmawiac?
Do not see? This fellow any this wir.
Glance on him. That gigantic wir.
Looks as heap which
Someone did on pavement.
Charlie, give calmness.
This wir, tell me that have not arguments.
Charlie, he hears this certainly.
So or study, Charlie?
I am collector.
It is indeed? Do what collect?
What I gather..
Do not know, Johnson, you can
To answer for me?
What do I such gather?
Charlie collects different
Objects from own life
Which things are...
To his stroke of life.
If you describe his stroke of life, Charlie?
"Love Secret" so.
Dinner-jacket OPS, Mango
It is probably later.
So indeed this nor like these slabs.
It is good, because this not
Slabs. This were groups.
Of genius
American original
And you something for one? Psychoterapeuta?
You measure me with eyesight. You are now
In work. Do you have design crumples to remedy?
I spent pleasantly afternoon, came across
On my long-standing pal
Shit truth. You stink
As psychoterapeuta.
You are psychoanalyst.
You ordered only salad,
As psychoanalyst.
Ok, let's give calmness. My
Wines. Not, not. It is well.
And as does psychoanalyst order salad?
According to you.
Let's go out out!
I want to you to dig bum.
I will dig to you bum, doktorku.
.. You will have dug
Bum by people.
Stand up!
I bit in two you already in shop, as
Only saw this idiotic potato-box.
We go out!
Ok, Charlie. Calm down.
Baby-girls are still on WFIE?
I will go wash.
I did supper.
Where were? AT Charliego?
Do you know on or relies problem?
Problem from Charlim.
You are about him envious.
It is indeed?
Yes. It is indeed.
I have now pal. I spend time To outside and this
you act on Nerves. You are about him envious.
I think that this you of something to him are jealous.
It is closed in own world
Full sufferings. They grew stupid.
And you are jealous him of his independence.
Sick that, Janine.
It is indeed?
Do I am jealous him it? Only Therefore
that he can do What only wants, is free.
You think, of that that to him
Do I am jealous? That that desire?
You have to investigate. Sick it.
And did what happen with this woman?
From this which wanted to kneel before you.
I spoke from Melanie from receptions.
She told that her floated.
Just a moment. Did you phone to Melanie?
So me verify, Janine?
Alan, have to with someone talk,
Because you with me do not speak.
She had right. I floated her.
Interesting as this did.
I invited her to oneself, I closed door, sat
down on writing-desk And permited her this to do.
That very funny, Alan.
Alone oneself listen. What
Do you say, Janine?
What do you insinuate me? Do you know me better?
I come transitions.
Greet Charliego.
Don't do so. Don't keep so.
Or tell that come to Charliego?
Don't do so. Do not know my thoughts.
Kiss him from me.
You see, want me..
And if I not..
It is about See
Charlie Fineman to doctor Johnsona.
Did you want to talk, Charlie?
I will wait, this private affair.
You can free speak. She is
Quite unconscious. It is far from here.
AND Ann is from Guatemala. Not long ago here
came. Still does not speak for angielsku.
Ann, Charlie is superbohaterem From kosmosu and
stuffs itself Baby's tights from front with sock.
You are very likable.
You see, full discretion.
I thought itself about that and..
.. You had right.
I need assistance.
I want in order to someone crumples assisted.
It is perfect, Charlie.
Yes, only..
I have to be prudent.
Better in order to I did not betray certain thoughts.
But follow proper, You need someone who will
assist To you upora with these thoughts.
Does not want to come also Nigela.
This wir.
Greatest wir which saw.
Yes, understand.
This was pretty well peppered, Alan.
Did not know that this all will tell.
How are you? It is well, and you?
It is well, pleasantly you to see.
Pleasantly you to see.
Charlie, this is Angela. Angela, this is
Charlie Fineman. My colleague from collegu.
Pleasantly you to learn, Charlie.
And c. Thank you that found
For us time so quick.
Enter and rozgocie.
Precisely did itself
Coffee. Does someone have willingness?
Not, I thanks.
Do you do itself eggs? This still kid.
Listen, have right, is
Young, but rights in it.
It has great experience in this sphere.
It has not teats. That is bad.
From when?
Fair attention.
Listen, will talk with her, You will see which
is and if to you Will like this we will continue.
Did I have not arguments in the affair of teats?
You had, are gorgeous.
About or so speak,
What is such gorgeous?
Think about that, Charlie and phone To me, or
suppose Alan It will phone and will settle any term.
Hello, Girl.
I am for early, doctor Johnson.
How do you do, as does you have?
I am for early.
Girl, this is Charlie.
Charlie, remember Donne.
She came too early.
Precisely finished.
Do you are patients Angeli?
Not, not. We are only...
But you are.
And therefore that are her.. And you now..
Yes. We have now session.
I apologize for this confusion.
Charlie, pleasantly was you to learn.
Listen, consider on her.
It is pretty well wirnita. Consider on oneself.
It is all right?
Yes. Only don't appoint me
In the neighborhood of this girl.
Merely do not want her to see.
It is for nice.
Nobody has rights so nice
To look. From that are only troubles.
It is well, Charlie.
So, thought about or
Would you want today to talk?
From why want to begin?
It is not very.
Do not know, is me well.
Do it is you well?
It is all right.
That is well.
And what causes that is
Do you feel well?
Do not know.
Only think that are for young.
Little baby-girl.
Will am not able so.
What can I do, in order to you to assist, Charlie?
As someone such as I can he to you assist?
Are certain things,
About which like to think.
You are for young. For young.
Will am not able so.
I have to it with return establish.
In order.
Does what cause to you pleasure, Charlie?
Do not know.
I like films. Comedies.
Films from Melem Brooks'em.
I like to play on percussion.
I like to play in "Colossus"
It is far..
Or this already end of this session?
And want, in order to end?
In such time will finish.
It thanks.
As go?
It is very well, much me assisted.
Already me better.
Listen, Charlie.
I would want to begin from that on
Or ended late.
You spoke that are such things,
About which like to think.
Think that you could me
To give any example?
Still not. Am not on ready it.
It is well.
Would you want about something today to talk?
You are for young, spoke already it.
For young, in order to that to study.
I have to it establish with return.
It is well.
All the time you hear.
Or can I something tell?
Certainly put on many effort in
This, in order to think about these affairs.
Not, not. I of them remember.
Like to remember.
But spoke that want assistance. Truth? You told
that You are ready on conversation about it.
And my assistance relies in particular
It is thereon that will assist you
To feel well from myleniem
About some from these affairs..
Do you want to know about or think?
Do you want to know?
About your teats.
In order.
They are such round and perfect..
And therefore about them think.
This crumples now goes on head.
It thanks, Charlie, thanks.
Or this already end of sessions?
If of that want.
Yes, want.
In such time will finish.
How are you, Charlie? As elapse week?
All well,
It is as always.
I was bad
And properly furious.
On who?
So consists that on you.
So indeed this did not want
It is here more to come.
Why did not want?
You know why.. For each
Together want in order to I did this.
What such try,
In order to you do, Charlie?
To speak about these affairs,
About which do not want to speak.
By last two weeks You spoke that
slow prepare On conversation about it.
NOT, to cholera! This you spoke!
This not I spoke only you!
Do not want about that to speak.
Do not want that to remember.
I apologize.
I enjoy that came, in spite of
What were on furious me.
Yes, I also enjoy.
Or can I something tell, Charlie?L
Not wkurzam you?
It has not substance, in order to you to me
He came every week
If lastly will not begin
To speak about your life
About your family.
Or this already end of sessions?
Not, only what began.
Or can I already pay?
If want, well.
Charlie, before itself will go,
I would want something to tell.
Situation looks so that You had family
and suffer From the reason of huge loss.
And until you will not was able About that
to speak, we can Indeed about that to talk,
This all will be only instruction.
I will am able be patient.
But have to narrate
To someone own history.
This I must not be necessarily I.
But someone.
Hej, Charlie, wait moment. Did not speak me
that The partner of that of guest is black.
Thereby does that quite bearable.
But why had to him
To clad in such green apparel.
Why this do?
It looks in that as pedzio.
I had three daughter.
Gina had 5 years.
Jenny had 7.
She rushed about already after boys.
Julia had 9 years.
Former elder.
All former to oneself
Similar, Johnson.
They were similar to Doreen
Doreen was my wife.
"Great teats "
Such had ksywk.
Doreen Timpleman.
She had dog, Spidera
Spider, this was pudel.
They woke me always, on saturday morning
Singing together songs The Beatles.
Whole figure four.
This was charming.
Such charming.
Doreen never, but it
It is never, appraised me.
You know.
Never me grumbled, as another wifes.
She wanted only, in order to I took off boots
In order to I did not annihilate carpets.
Only back.
Doreen and baby-girls
Former in 100% women.
I was currant, know.
"Gentleman Man "
They worshiped me, Johnson.
With certainty.
I know that so was, Charlie.
All had long, brown hairs.
With exception little Giny.
Did she have hairs cut off not long, know?
In order to distinguish.
She had also birth-mark.
It looked as on scald.
But this was not scald.
As was little doctors spoke,
That this will disappear, but did not disappear.
Former such
I have not heart to tell
Her that this problem.
They drove to visit sister Doreen,
Ellen and her creczki in Boston
And took Spidera because..
I had to work and not
They believed me that will be him suckle.
But so itself only joked.
And then had together to drive on
Wedding of cousin Doreen in Doom Angeles.
I had there with them To meet,
baby-girls wanted To drive to Disneyland,
But would abandon a few days in school,
So did not agree on it.
You know..
I drove in order to meet
With them in Doom Angeles.
And was in road on aerodrome, in taxi
And hear in radio what knits..
I reach on aerodrome,
Any fellow speaks me that
This plane from Boston.
Any another fellow speaks that these 2 planes.
I enter building and watch in TV
And see it
I saw this and felt
That is simultaneous.
I thought then about birth-mark Giny.
I felt as burns.
Can we already come?
I want to be already indoors.
It displeases me here.
Like that to do.
It is good night.
Not lubie itself of that to remind.
.. And are proofs on what New Jork
Maybe one of the aims of attacks.
Powers enlarged centers Safety on
aerodromes, In buses and in meter.
Do you hear me, Charlie?
Neighbor complains that
For loudly listen television set.
I told her that this not at you.
It is all right?
What do you send, man?
Shit, almost me passed.
Do you are drunk?
Alone are drunk, almost
Me passed.
Fall from here.
Do you want, in order to I fall?
And this crumples compel.
It is all right, rush weapon.
Here police, rush weapon.
In this moment. Police. Rush weapon.
Andrew, where jestes? This madman.
Do it.
And do it.
And do it.
You have przesrane, long-standing.
Stand up!
Become on legs.
About wall.
Xxx.. Advocate Charliego.
Alan is Johnson.
I greet.
It looks on that, with all
Accusations will remain distant.
That is well.
They want him to send on 3 days to hospital,
On psychiatric observation.
This standard procedure.
Talk with him and I
I will occupy papers.
It is that
It is all right?
Will what with me?
They want you to arrest..
On couple days.
To send on observation to
Psychiatric hospital.
Angela and I
We will drive there with you.
It is good
In order to assure on place,
That all right.
It is me indeed very
It is unpleasant, Charlie.
I feel that this my guilt.
For very you pressed.
I wanted only, in order to
It was you better, alone already do not know.
I apologize.
If will feel you niekomfortowo,
Please to give me to know, well?
It is already well!
But something, why you did not notice
It took him to such state.
This has no connection.
And will occupy him.
I ask me do not speak as have To effect my work.
It is perfect I know, what to him is necessary.
Where does he come?
Do not know.
Listen, Charlie.
In Friday wound will be trial.
Public prosecutor wants, in order to you here returned.
They want to you to settle coercive directing.
They want you here to put on year.
So speak..
The hospital staff also this recommends.
And your father-in-laws also are for it.
My father-in-laws?
Or can we drive now to Chinese?
You know, between me and Janine
Before her opened.
He talked from not.. And do it..
And is this personal too,
And never succeed.
It speaks me that wants to listen that what
I have to saying. And generally does not want.
And do what such want her to tell?
That need a little fresh air.
You know..
Tzn. I love her
And still am in her enamored.
But suppose will give me a little of freedom.
Already I cannot be sob.
And this her wkurza, and not it must.
Do you want to know what about you remember?
From studioes.
Never gave itself to blow in cereals.
Nobody could to you jump up.
And know what?
I hate my work.
Cash box from that is not
But swear on God, I hate to do artificial
Tooths with that to artificial people.
Don't comprehend me bad, am dentist.
And if am someone indeed
Necessary that splendid.
But some from that dupkw, At times have willingness
to blow such in Frontlet and to tell "Fall from here!"
Are much powaniejsze affairs
In the world than your tooths.
He can me will tell what is played.. With this..
With whole repair in kitchen.
About does what in that go?
What still know to do besides
These fish-plates on tooths?
Not, not. Don't change topic.
About does what in that go? And tell me..
What is played with this kitchen?
And tell.
Last time when spoke from Doreen
Former on aerodrome in Boston.
She wanted
To talk with me
About the repair of cuisines
Which wanted to do
Together with baby-girls.
I was then something busy and..
Her floated..
Then last time with her spoke..
I hated these chats about kitchen..
It thanks that me about it
You narrated, Charlie.
I am certain that
Throw out that from oneself.
Will all well, Charlie?
Thighs to you, truth?
I trouble about you, Johnson.
I trouble about you.
If well will listen it
You will hear as with that to asses...
Come, come..
I greet.
If ever again he will
Any adventure with patient
This inspects me as it
It will enter on our commitments.
Do you know what mate then to do?
To stand up on my side.
This I established this office.
I caused that are
Abominably rich.
Particularly you, Stilter.
Displease to you this what speak?
You can pack traps
And to return on Brooklyn.
And again to work in state office.
It ended. I shall not be
With you patyczkowa, molluscs.
Do you know what, Alan? I think that
That is indeed incongruous.
Shit crumples inspects what about that think.
This is not discussion.
This premonition.
I have to here introduce serious alterations.
And to perhaps will be vacations.
To return to work.
You are master.
You were there with me.
This what spoke then in restaurant.
Precisely such was Johnson on studioes.
But perhaps, gives out me that had
On thinking our other familiar.
Handleman. Andrew Handleman.
He never gave itself in cereals to blow.
It is and so..
And with you was altogether
It is inverse. Do you remember?
To and but now splendidly you
It went. This was perfect.
Which is common orzecznie
Medicinal commission?
Medicinal commission ascertained,
That Charlie Fineman
It evinces distinct symptoms
Traumatic neurosis,
And also suffers on
Dream related to it.
Is in a position to function Normally
in world Normal adult persons.
The thoughts you that dwell his
In hospital on period 1 year
Will it bring any profits?
Yes, so think.
It thanks. Thanks, lady
doctor. Girl Oakhurst.
Decidedly do not agree
With this predicate
High Court,
I think that Charlie he must
Alone with this upora.
Not in our dimension
Time, but in own own.
And think that this lastly will stand up.
It will find people, who on
Newly will fill his life.
He can still not today, but soon..
.. It is slow.
Or I can ask about..
Lady experience in the treatment of that of type
Psychic set whirlings?
Do I am curious, how many you has years?
Just a moment, and what does this have common?
Doctor Fineman.
This question is to ass.
This good question.
Not, not, is to ass.
Will we now speak about her cover?
This fellow has to at once
To come on... Practice.
Doctor Fineman.
Ladies Felone... Questions
Must not their you inflict
Lady doctor Oakhurst.
Did not speak about them from that day.
About none of them.
Tore off with us contact, stopped
To take telephones from me. From us.
And know..
This destroyed my one for second time..
This preservation Charliego..
Is not even today in
Standing here to speak.
This all is for it very hard.
I ask to us to narrate what It happened
last time When Charlie was at people.
We wanted to show picture him
Baby-girls. A few pictures.
It was which very hard.
We wanted to him eats to give.
What happened when
Did you show him these pictures?
Charlie shattered beautiful
The lamp of my wife.
This was lamp from complete group.
Similar gave daughter.
Loam still one can talk about this lamp?
To cholera, this former only lamp!
Give already with this calmness!
This was valuable lamp. And something
More than only lamp.
Stoppings already.
It is well, will suffice it!
First premonition, for both from you.
First premonition.
Please to sit down, Mrs. Timpleman.
He very well knows what it
Bloody lamp meant for me.
To sit down!
Please to continue.
Or you have by itself
The any pictures of granddaughters?
It is of course, have in pocket-book.
It is of course that has. Not
It is any animal.
Please to stop.
Or this are copies
Pictures which you carry
By itself every day?
As have on name that little anioek?
That Gina
She had 5 years, was little doll.
And that little Jenny
Pretty well played in chess
She had that for me
She wanted to take participation in competition.
I filled with writing her and drove.
And this picture? This picture from competition?
And here are all
Together, on.
To and thereon picture? It
Your daughter, Doreen?
And this picture?
This whole figure four?
Whole figure four.
Doctor Fineman.
Second premonition.
Myle about them with whole days.
Each day.
And I cannot comprehend
As one can think.
Doctor Fineman.
I have not more questions, High Court.
Do you permit on it?
You rub premonition.
To lead out him on corridor!
Please to abandon the hall of trials.
I want to meet with representatives Both sides and
with people Timpleman In my office for 20 minutes.
This is one great baagan.
.. If still time will do
Something such on my trial
Do we understand?
High Court, on own defense..
You know..
.. To them more think about
To this bloody affair..
.. With that more itself inform,
That this family affair
This is not something about or
It must decide people.
High Court.
I speak solemn
I want, in order to you
He closed, ladies Felone.
Badly that for you
Will it end, hears me you?
Please to close.
So is.
I closed.
I ask people,
This indeed serious affair,
That about or here speak.
Distinctly wida that this man
It lives something very deep.
Self-evident it.
To perhaps necessary is hospitalization.
To perhaps so is.
It is on the other side,
To perhaps alone must with this upora.
It is real,
They have people right.
You are his closest family.
We thank.
Yes, of course.
I want in order to you went now home
And by this week-end
Strongly struck
Because will meet here all
Again in the Monday of wounds
And then will permit you decide
I want in order to you deep this thought over.
Your daughter in such situation.
And in the Monday of wounds,
We will look awhile itself deep in eyes
And the administrative district of me, or she Would,
want in order to send him to Psychiatric hospital.
Or passes itself lady affair about
The what of you please, Mrs. Timpleman?
Which power to you deliver?
Yes. Yes, ask you.
High Court. Or I can something
To tell? I ask me to permit..
As does he name?
Bren Sugarman. Bren Sugarman.
The monday of wounds, 10: 30.
And do not bring that Sugerman'a.
Or did doctor Johnson already go out?
It is in building, at judge.
Or can I sit down?
Charlie, or can Girl sit down?
Very wanted to come today
On trial and to support you.
But suppose will sit down for
To your side, well?
.. Broken heart..
It is so broken..
Indeed do not need it
Conversations, the watchings of pictures.
Truth is such that often eats see
On avenue
I go on avenue
And see it in the faces of other people
Distinctly than on these pictures,
Which carry with sob
I understand that you also suffer.
But have oneself mutual.
You have oneself mutual.
And I see only eats, by all the time.
It is everywhere, where only will go.
I see even dog
Still have this dream.
I look on German sheep-dog
And see bloody box.
In order.
Does what here knit?
He led out. Removal
She finished hour it.
Even did not leave..
He left only it.
He told that that for you, Ginger.
Listen, know, with both
You walked by hell..
But or not you must him for
Prostu to leave in calmness?
We wanted to be only the part of his life.
I know and understand it.
But has not such option in this moment.
In the Monday of wounds have to there
To go and to abrogate his treatment.
It is well.
Suppose you holds.
We thank for protection of Charlim.
Thanks to.
Perhaps did the repair of cuisines.
My god. This kitchen.
It is handsome.
To baby-girls would like color.
Would like their such sight.
This only kitchen, loving.
Let's go.
I ask me here to sign.
Thanks to.
That is already last. At once someone will bring
Pizze, please to let in on mountain.
Yes, will let in.
Your railway.
Do you want to try?
Not, not. I have to return to your
Long-standing apartment, to take car.
I will phone and will contract
On tomorrow, on lunch.
Enter center.
Did someone order pizz?
Yes that here. I will take from you.
I will go.
Yes, so he will better.
You have not nothings against, in order to Girl
Did she remain and eat with us pizz?
Yes, he can here remain.
Plates are in kitchen.
It thanks, ladies doctor.
For all.
I fall, zdzwonimy tomorrow.
Ok, give, your railway.
I spoke to you, have to..
But spoke that want
To play. Do not want to play?
You spoke after all that want
Itself pogra. Do you remember?
Yes, engages.
"Shade Colossus "
Where are? Did you take already baby-girls?
Precisely for do not drive.
And you do what do?
And as think? I prepare supper.
Janine, have to you something tell.
Do not know in which way, I found
in place to Which you do not let in.
You have rights, not
I admit you to oneself.
And this is bad, have to
Before you to open.
Do not want to be such, loving.
Do not want to be such.
Even do not know this what speak
Now has any substance, but..
Alan, merely return home, I love you. To perhaps
do not speak it It is sufficiently often, but so is.
I love you.
Or you can take
Baby-girls and to return home?
I of you also love.
At once there I will. It is well?
Left this you.
Suppose you does not leave that more.
Hej, I cannot. Please it
To carry on mountain. I cannot..