Reincarnated (2012)

It's a pleasure. It's an honor,
to have
Snoop Lion in my face.
Yes Lion, it's good to see the
man, you know?
And then...
any kind of work
that you are focused on doing,
as long as it's Reggae,
I don't think you could come to
a better man.
And I am very satisfied to know
although I am here 65 years in
I am still here doing what is
you know, as a Rasta man should.
Playing good Reggae music
to enlighten the people
Music is our tool, you know,
it's our vessel.
It's our instrument.
So you're here in Jamaica to do
some songs and make an album?
That's a very serious one,
you know?
I'm feeling good to know that
you are here to observe,
you know and to see.
There's a lot more work to do,
you know.
We got a journey,
we got a hill to climb
and to get over
in this
dramatic, musical
And I've been observing you
and I've been praying
through the power of the most
highly Haile Selassie I.
Jah! Rastafari!
Yeah, man!
Come on!
Home grown.
Yea, I don't have a problem.
You're a studio man, and I'm a
studio man...
so I think it's, you know, it's
Yes, of course.
Of course!
I know that.
I miss my brother Bob and Peter
because we had the kind of a...
To be here now it's,
it's lonesome.
They are not with us
physically now,
but they are forever with us
through the spirituality of
what they have left with us.
Right in Trench Town.
That's where we started,
in Trench Town.
If you don't go through Trench
Town as a musician, as an artist
you have yet
to go through Trench Town.
Bless up, Snoop Lion.
Bless up, Lion,
Straight up.
Yeah, the first time I met
Snoop was in like '97,
and we were both
on the tour together.
You could tell that he has Rasta
tendencies even before meeting him.
I mean, for example, the most
obvious one is herb-smoking
and he was one of those first
hip hop stars that I heard
come across and really be a big
herb advocate.
Uncle Snoop!
And that was something that
I think a lot of Jamaican people
can relate to.
Snoop came from the same kind of
place that my father came from,
and rose above the obstacles.
You know what I mean? In that
kind of way,
he has been able to inspire and
shine light on a lot of youths
who come from those areas also.
The original.
Culture Yard.
Originally, over there, is where
Bob Marley used to live.
Show him around.
And right here, this is where it
all began,
where Bob did his musical life.
Trench Town is actually the place
where everything starts with Bob.
So the name "Trench"
was named after this man.
He was actually
Mr. William Power Trench,
a wealthy Irishman who
came here back in the 1700s.
He actually named
the town himself.
Right, because he was
actually living here at the time.
Until after when they left
the land became a big
squatter's settlement.
These are all persons
from our community.
This man is the man,
Mr. Vincent Ford.
Bob's mentor,
Bob's good friend.
And he was also like a
father figure to Bob.
We call him "Tarta,"
Tarta meaning father in Africa.
Back in those days
police used to come here and
take away the people's... sons.
A lady at the time was crying,
police came and took her son and
Bob and Tarta were
sitting where it happened
when the Police came and
took away the little boy,
and that's how
that line came in:
"No woman, don't cry. "
"Everything is going
to be all right. "
So that's how that line
actually came in.
So this is it right here.
The Lion of Judah.
So this represents the
Rastafarian culture.
So the heart of the Rastafarian
is also in Trench Town.
So Delroy Wilson was sleeping over in
that yard right there. Right over there.
And Peter Tosh left the kitchen
and he went over there as well.
All this talent in this
Blaze up the fire.
Make the fire blaze.
Yes Jah Jah, we bless this chalice
in the name of Jah Rastafari.
We call it
the herbs
and the Almighty gave us
that privilege
because He said we must
use the herbs
for our own benefits.
The herbs
is a healing factor
for both the mind and the body.
Good herb man!
Rastaman live up!
Rastaman live on, yeah!
Yes Jah. Give thanks and praise
to the Most High.
Jah! We're going to the
herb field in the mountain.
We are the hills, man.
You're in Blue Mountain Range.
Yeah, real Blue Mountain.
Yeah, the reason why we have to
grow the herb down in this valley
is because of Babylonians.
If you plant it nearby
they will come and get it,
but we always find
some other way
because they cannot stop us.
Don't rush it, my brethren!
We know sacramental
smoking herb, ganja,
people just want to know
why is it Rastafari
smoke this sacred herb?
That's why we burn our herb.
We don't burn it for folly
and for fornication
but we burn it as a sacrament.
We praise His Majesty when
we smoke our herb.
Some families send away herb
to get some money
you know, working in Jamaica
with a company for ten years,
all you get is
hand-to-mouth wages.
It's just enough to
pay your bills.
So right now, Our Father gave us
the herb to make a living from it.
So we plant it,
send it away,
get some money
to make the family more wealthy.
When I first heard about
Snoop Dogg,
I thought you were a real
Jamaican, you know.
Yeah, man!
I'm telling you, Rastafari!
You look like Snoop Dogg.
Snoop Dogg, who sings songs.
That is from Jah himself.
A nice empress, from Jamaica.
She made you a nice present.
Yes, Rastafari love it
in the mountain, you know?
In the mountain we shall be,
you know?
And grapefruit!
We have a drink we call "Ting"
made from grapefruit.
You have to time it.
Rastafari, natural fruit!
Sweet pegs from it...
...tangerine, mangarine.
Real fruits,
from the mountain.
Really tasty, you know?
Good afternoon, my young men.
With us we have our guest artist
here, known as Snoop Dogg.
That is how he is introduced, so
don't ask me his correct name.
We're gonna roll the rhythm,
Roll it.
Same tune.
Ride it out, man.
This is West Kingston.
Tivoli Gardens.
Dudus, the President,
comes from here.
You heard a lot about that.
Dudus Family
Yes, I'm Dudus' uncle.
And around here, it's
not running right.
Things have not been running
right since Dudus is not around.
He's a good man
to the community.
Everybody loves him.
He makes sure everyone is OK,
made sure the children went to
and are well taken care of.
And people lived good
amongst one another,
but since he's not been here,
things have been broken up.
The government has changed,
that's what they say,
and things are getting worse.
Politicans aren't
helping the poor.
They're helping the big guys,
and they don't do anything
for the poor.
Straight from Westmoreland.
Straight from West.
High grade.
Real Jamaican ganja.
It's a private thing so you have to
keep it private because it's not legal.
Even if you get caught with a spliff,
you are going to get locked up.
Hail Our God Jah Rastafari
Emperor Haile Selassie I
Who lives and reigns through
the heart of all flesh.
Crowned King of Kings, Lord of Lords,
Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
elect of God,
light of Himself.
Princes and princesses shall step
forth out of Babylon and redeem.
Oh Thy Most High Eternal Father,
God Emperor Haile Selassie I, Jah!
Blaze it!
Fire upon Rome.
When Dudus was here we didn't
have to be hiding and smoking.
We could have been outside on
the streets doing this.
This is Block Strikers,
where we were born and bred.
The name of your block
where you hang out,
you give it a name.
That's what we do here, too.
We've got Strikers...
- Strikers.
Show some love to Snoop Dogg!
Show some love to a
real brother!
Damn, motherfucker!
You hold it like a bitch.
You can't even manage it, blood!
You don't feel me, blood!
Talking all shit, man!
What the fuck you saying to me?
What you saying, man?
Can I have a picture with you?
My dog.
I'm not even gonna hold you.
Let's snap this,
you're my nigga.
Deuce! Shit, motherfucker!
I got you in my shop!
You need to come to my
barbershop! Can you do that?
Tupac for life!
That's your biggest fan
right there!
Keep things together!
Yeah, you've got to
keep it straight.
Never recorded.
You need the struggle.
We have a studio, man.
We have a studio,
have a studio...
right around the corner.
Make the hit and make it happen.
My nephew died, cuz.
There is no other way
to live
other than this way.
and love.
Sons and daughters of Rastafari
we give thanks.
We are here at the
Nyahbinghi center
giving thanks to the Almighty I
Well we recognize that this is
a special moment.
We are here, because
we have a special guest...
guests in the house.
You must just feel comfortable.
Why did you come here?
These brethren have been
through tremendous trials.
As a youth, you grew up in America,
and I grew up in Jamaica,
but we were exposed to the same
the same miseducation,
the same colonial teaching.
They branded us as
revolutionary people,
who opened the eyes
of black people.
When Emperor Haile Selassie I
came here in 1966
and H.I. M said, "Oh Yes!
The Rastas know what
they are doing!
Leave the Rastas alone!"
And His Majesty gave the
most beautiful smile,
and this was the judgment
sound that His Majesty said,
"Traitors, woe!
Holy traitors!
be still
and know that I am He!"
This brother here came
through the gate
as Snoop Dogg,
American international rapper.
This is how we have known him.
What's his new name?
What are you going to name him?
Berhane. Berhane? Yeah.
He says "Berhane"
is your new name.
"Berhane," that means light.
Because you are a shining light,
and you will no more be
no dog again.
You're a shining light.
That light that you have been
carrying out there,
some people think it has been
negative especially amongst the youth,
but your journey
is your journey.
So now at this part
of your journey,
now that you have been renamed
Berhane, which means light,
we're expecting you to go
and shine a new light.
Jah said love thee
one to another,
for Him that loveth is of Jah!
For Jah is love and Jah know
the love of Jah,
and through the love of I
and I will always embrace you!
Oh the prodigal son returns
to his home once more.
He left the wicked
Babylon world,
Rastafari called us home!
Glory be to Jah! We are home
once more.
Home once more, Rasta child,
home once more!
Oh the prodigal son returns to
his home once more.
Matriarch Ma Shanti,
put your hands together.
How do you feel?
At this time, beloved sons
and daughters of Rastafari,
we will commence the
lighting of the fire key.
It's a fire ceremony to burn out
all corruption, all evil, all wrongs.
We invite you all to
be part of the circle,
widen the circle, open up
the circle, make it bigger.
And all family members, please,
be a part of the circle.