Reine des pommes, La (The Queen of Hearts) (2009)

- Morning.
- Morning.
Celine, please come to the checkout.
- The check's not in your name?
- No, it's my boyfriend.
Doesn't matter, can't do it.
- But I've got his ID.
- Do you have another form of payment?
Err, no.
Yes, Nadine.
What's going on?
She has a check not in her name,
and no other way of paying.
But I've got his ID.
- Go on!
- Thank you!
Get out of here!
Yes, you! Out!
The Queen of Hearts
I can't explain,
I can't find the right words
to explain to you my pain.
It's the pain of living.
Maybe a sort of storm deep inside me.
My head hurts, my body hurts.
Abstract wounds
that cause me pain
and lead me to this conclusion:"
It's all over between us.
"You gave everything and I took it all,
but it's not enough.
Love itself is not enough, I believe. "
I'm suffocating.
If you leave, I'll kill myself.
You don't believe me? Watch this!
Let go!
"Today, you see me as a monster.
One day, you'll thank me. "
Let go!
You said you'd never leave me!
You lied!
Bastard... Asshole...
Son of a bitch
- He's a shit!
- Sweetie...
splitting up is murder.
What will become of me?
I want to die!
No no no!
Stop it, that's enough.
Enough nonsense, now.
I'm going to give you
a little something to do you good.
Here, hold this.
With a little glass of water. Hup!
Now, you can't stay here...
not good for you.
You need a change of air,
go somewhere else.
You need to... breathe fresh air.
I don't have anywhere to go.
This is his house.
I've got no job.
I've got nothing.
Your mother?
I'd rather die!
Your father?
Don't have one.
There's my cousin Rachel,
but she won't want me.
Adele, can you explain to me,
who is this Spanish lady?
I'm the neighbor next door.
Mathieu has left Adele.
She wanted to kill herself,
you got that?
I gave her tranquilizers.
- Really?
- Yes.
I work all day.
I can't leave her alone in this state.
Why don't you take her?
Because she's not my family.
Today, just this once,
I can watch her here
while you work.
Impossible. I hate people
in my house when I'm not there.
This is what we'll do.
You wait for me in the park
and I'll collect her after work.
Okay, we'll do that.
Okay. We meet here at 5:00 pm.
See you at 5:00.
Yes, it's me.
What's going on?
But how?
He fell? He's bleeding?
I'll be right there.
Who are you?
Where's the Spanish woman?
She left in a hurry.
She left her with me.
I'm Pierre.
- Thank you, Pierre. I'm sorry.
- Please don't worry. it was no trouble.
I live right there in the student dorm.
I spend my days here, for my studies.
Very interesting.
Well, goodbye, Pierre.
Goodbye, Miss. Ma'am.
Please excuse her.
What got into you?!
A moment of craziness.
It's the Spanish woman's tranquilizers.
We'll throw them out.
You know, it's not the end of the world.
Look at me, before I went to Italy,
I had hit bottom.
Then, in Italy,
I met this great guy.
He said he wanted to come
and live in Paris.
I was crazy with joy.
Obviously, I didn't show it.
I think I'm in love.
- I think we have a problem.
- What?
I'm sorry, darling, but I can't sleep
with a woman. It's a neurosis.
Good night.
You're not getting dressed?
You should because
we're leaving in five minutes
and there's no way
I'm going to be late because of you.
He didn't even call me.
I have to remind you,
you don't have a cellphone.
You can't carry on like this.
You have to get over him.
You have to live for you,
to meet other men.
Find a job, an apartment.
In short, you have to build your life.
I wanted to build it with him.
- I want to live and die with him.
- You loved him that much?
I don't know if it's that,
to love someone
But I feel that
when you look at someone
And he becomes a blur
because emotion's driving us crazy
When you can't speak because
everything's melting between us
From my dreams
His wise beauty
Paralyzes me
And I could
Stay for eternity
Without moving, just breathing
his tender morning scent
I don't know if it's that,
to love someone
But I feel that
when you look at someone
And he becomes a blur
because emotion's driving us crazy
When you can't speak because
everything's melting between us
The passion, the desire
Inside of me
To wake him every day
With my mouth, kissing him
Not on his mouth but on his dick,
it's my desire and my secret
I don't know if it's that,
to love someone
But with him
it was like that every morning
I think I will never
get over it
Because the pain of love
is the worst of all.
Morning, Pierre.
- Do you remember me?
- Yes, hello.
I need to ask you a big favor.
I have to go to work.
Can you look after Adele?
I can't leave her alone.
- Yes, no problem.
- Thank you, that's very kind.
Please excuse her,
she's not very presentable.
Buy her something to eat,
a sandwich.
See you later.
I never did that! No!
So answer me!
Why do you say that?
You can't do that!
Why is it over?
That's completely...
Hello?! Hello?
What is it?
Why are you looking at me like that?
- What's that dumb look?!
- Hey, cool it!
You've never seen someone who's sad,
angry? That doesn't exist in your world?
Useless git!
What a woman!
Can I ask you something?
Are you sick?
Yes, I think so.
Can it be cured?
No, I don't think so.
You're sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
Anyway, I don't want to be cured.
I want to let myself die.
Ah, well that's very different.
Why don't you commit suicide?
I already tried once,
but I messed it up.
That's too bad.
Well, luckily, otherwise I'd be dead.
But you just said the opposite,
that you wanted to let yourself die.
No, that is...
I'm unhappy, I'm suffering
and I want to continue suffering,
to continue loving him.
- Who?
- Mathieu.
Why, is he dead?
No, he left me.
That's tough.
But you'll get over it.
My cousin said
I have to meet other men.
She's right.
- I don't like any of them.
- Have you met a lot?
No, only you
and I don't like you at all.
I didn't ask anything from you.
I don't give a damn if you like me.
I don't like you at all,
with your rotten unhappiness.
- You're very mean.
- I'm mean?
I could not take care of you.
I don't know you.
Plus, it's cold.
If I was mean,
it's because you hurt me.
You too, you hurt me.
Okay. In fact,
you never admit you're wrong.
- Yes, I do.
- No, you don't!
- You don't.
- I do. Stop bugging me!
Give me an example then.
Well, err...
for example, it's my fault Mathieu left me,
because I'm a big zero.
That's not recognizing your faults.
That's flagellating yourself.
What I said before,
I didn't really mean it.
Why did you say it?
I don't know.
I was afraid
that you wanted to sleep with me.
I must be truly repulsive.
I'm sorry but this kind of situation
makes me panic.
I don't know you
but I respect you.
Shall we meet again tomorrow?
With pleasure.
Thank you, Pierre.
Darling, I have good news.
I've found you a job.
A photographer at the agency needs
someone to take care of her baby.
Her name is Gladys.
I told her you're very stable
and you adore children.
You're booked
for tomorrow for a trial day.
- Tomorrow?
- Yes, tomorrow.
You're not pleased?
You're being ridiculous.
You're not eating?
Err... no.
I'm not very hungry.
I think I'm going to go to bed.
Good idea. You'll be on top form
for your meeting tomorrow.
Adele didn't see Pierre again.
She even forgot about him.
Her new job goes well
but isn't very interesting.
Day follows day, all alike.
She's often bored
and feels very lonely.
She's alive,
but only half-alive.
Rachel is very pleased.
She thinks Adele is
recovering more and more.
She shares the groceries,
does the cleaning, waters the plants.
She finds her more
and more responsible.
She gets used to her roommate.
She even starts to trust her.
What a nice little breakfast table!
You're sleeping okay on the floor?
Your back doesn't hurt?
Actually, I wanted to ask you...
you know, with the baby-sitting,
I saved some money,
and I thought...
I could buy a little sofa-bed.
Stop right there.
I detest sofas.
Looks like a waiting room.
But it's true
this situation can't continue.
There's only one solution:
We both sleep in the same bed.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
And we'll try it this evening.
Don't wait for me for dinner.
I might be back late.
Really? That's annoying.
I wanted to make a risotto.
Got to rush.
Louise is still asleep.
I'm sorry, I dozed off.
Don't worry. Hurry off home.
My husband's waiting downstairs.
Thank you, sir.
Please call me Jacques.
Goodbye, Jacques.
Good bye.
You're really back late.
- I was waiting.
- She wanted me to stay late this evening.
And tomorrow, I'll be back even later.
They're going out.
- That's good, you make more money.
- That's what I thought.
Here, it's for you.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
You remembered,
that's really nice.
Yes, because we were born
the same day.
Really, I didn't know.
Well, that's lucky, because I have
a surprise for you too. Raise your napkin.
It's the door key.
It's your key.
It's the first birthday
I've celebrated without Mathieu.
You can't forget him?
It's still a little hard, today
I don't think I'll be able to
Everything in me is so dark
I'm suffocating, strangle me
Because I'm not brave enough
to do it myself
I don't have the strength,
I want to die
like a Hitchcock heroine
Killed by her lover
Who loved her so much,
loved her so much...
It's still a little hard, today
I don't think I'll be able to
He opened a wound in me
I'm suffering, strangle me
Because I'm not brave enough
to do it myself
I don't have the strength,
I want to die
like a Hitchcock heroine
Killed by her lover
Who loved her so much,
loved her so much...
Loved her so much...
Loved her so much.
You need to sleep with other men.
Other men.
Good night, Adele.
So sorry, it's really late.
- Was everything okay?
- Yes.
- Isn't she lovely?
- Yes, very.
My husband's waiting downstairs
to take you home.
I'm so lucky to have you.
Good evening.
It's the end of programming
on French Classical Radio.
Don't forget your date tomorrow
with Marie-Therese Lucon
for the 5:45 morning program.
Wishing all our listeners
a very good night.
And that's all from us...
it does me good to see you.
I think about you often.
I want to take you
to a very good restaurant.
It's complicated, Jacques.
Think about it.
Yes, Jacques.
do you think
when a man asks you to dinner at
a very good restaurant, he wants sex?
It's a good start, anyway.
Did someone invite you?
A man.
Where did you meet him?
- In the park.
- Walking Louise?
Well yes.
Men, men... no limits.
They really have some nerve.
I'd say be careful.
On the other hand,
in your state it's urgent.
You have to sleep
with someone else to forget,
so go for it.
Thank you, Jacques,
for a lovely dinner.
Adele, you turn me on.
What's the matter?
Did it go well?
I can't understand what you're saying.
You didn't come?
You came?
That's great.
Why are you crying?
Because with Mathieu, I didn't come.
Oh boo hew, sob sob.
No messing with this one.
You're impossible.
They leave you, you cry.
You come, you cry.
You're always the victim.
It's a drag.
What's wrong with your eye?
Well, I'm going to bed.
I'm sorry.
I'm really impossible.
Stop saying that.
You don't believe it.
- I do, I swear.
- No, you don't believe it.
Anyway, you're so off the wall.
You accept everything, all the time.
You have no idea what that means,
to be impossible.
Why do you have
a bandage on your eye?
- Because my eye isn't well, that's why.
- Really?
- What's wrong with it?
- We don't know.
A disgusting thing
that's killing it gradually.
Can you see with it?
Not really. But with the other one
I see double.
- And the bandage, what's that for?
- That's enough questions!
It's to close it, because it's all dry.
And at night, it gets even more damaged.
- Can I ask you one more question?
- No!
Do you only cry with one eye, then?
Good night.
Good night.
You're lucky to have come.
Adele, it's disturbing.
You cry
every time we make love.
You don't let yourself go.
It's very rare.
Some women never get there.
I'm going to make a real effort.
The first times, the chances
that it works are infinitely small.
- How small?
- I don't know.
It's like winning the lottery.
So I won the lottery.
Adele, but that's fabulous!
Do you realize
how lucky we are?
Jacques, this luck
is going to stop right here.
But why?
Because I can't bear it.
You can't do that. It's ridiculous.
I'm sorry, I can't help it.
- Oh, Jacques.
- Oh, Adele.
Oh, Jacques.
Don't try to block this love.
Stop, please.
You love me, don't deny it.
Jacques, what are you thinking?
You're rich and you want to be
loved as if you were poor.
Please get out of my car.
Don't bother to make the effort,
I'm not asleep.
I warn you, I'm very depressed.
He's not coming, my Italian.
They're all the same...
a sign of commitment, and they flee.
I've had enough.
And you? You've seen him again,
the Penetrator?
We split up.
- Why?
- It's political.
I understand.
See you this evening.
Can you watch Louise this evening?
We're going to the movies.
No, Madame,
this evening I can't, I'm sorry.
Not the other evenings, either.
But I can continue to take care
of Louise in the daytime.
I decided to continue my studies
and I'm taking evening courses.
- Rachel, can I see your eye?
- Don't even think it.
Why would I show you
that disgusting thing?
How can you tell if it's disgusting?
You can't judge that yourself.
If you show it to me though,
I could tell you.
And it's important
that you get over it.
For that,
you have to show me at least once.
Then you can show it to others.
This evening we could go to the cinema
or a restaurant?
Or let's go to the pool.
It's open late on Thursdays.
Good idea.
You know how to swim?
Of course!
Forgive me, Adele!
Forgive me, my love!
What you said the other day
made me think.
I'm giving it all up for you!
But, Jacques,
I'm sorry, but you're mistaken.
There's been a big misunderstanding.
That's not at all what I meant.
Oh, Jacques.
I beg you!
Please, you're acting crazy!
No! No, Adele!
Wait! Let yourself go, finally!
Gladys slaps Jacques, fires Adele
and advises her
to leave Rachel out of it.
Adele is deeply hurt. She has lost
her job and must lie to her cousin.
She continues to accompany her
every day to the park,
turns round,
goes home and waits.
She does her best
so that Rachel doesn't notice.
Rachel is very happy
as Adele is working less.
What's happening to us?
I don't know.
My heart's beating.
Mine too.
My stomach hurts.
Mine too.
Don't tease me.
I'm not teasing.
I feel like I'm in a dream.
Me too.
Do you want to meet again?
I really want to.
Me too.
Give me your number.
I don't have one.
Then call me.
You'll call?
That's love at first sight
In 10 seconds, a new world
But who is he?
Where is he? Tell me
I think of him
I faint
That's it
A crazy encounter
Our eyes meet
I'm bewitched
For the rest of my days
I think I've met
a brand new love
That I want to keep for ever
I want to see again
His magic smile
The softness of his hands
His aquiline nose
To know this boy's name and age
His favorite cake
In short, who he is.
You bug me, that's bugging me.
I'm jealous, that's it.
I envy you.
Why couldn't that happen to me?
- Not true, the Italian.
- Oh, sure!
I was so cold with him,
he was afraid to come.
Now, apart from three lousy text messages,
I've almost no news.
- Go see him.
- To get a slap in the face? Thanks.
You can't know that.
Me, I'd go.
You're lucky, you're a lot more simple.
I'm too suspicious.
Your guy there...
me, I'd never have gone.
I'd have told him to get lost.
You think he's fooling with me?
Don't ask me, I don't believe in love.
I don't believe in anything anymore.
- What's his name, anyway?
- No idea.
- You have his phone number?
- I learned it by heart.
I have to call him right away.
And my Italian, what should I do?
Should I call him back?
No, there's no point,
because you don't believe in it.
- You could lend me your ph...
- Don't even think it.
You can buy yourself a cellphone,
but no way am I lending you mine.
Hello, this is Adele,
the girl that you met
in the park.
So I'm calling you back
like you asked me.
My number!
So my phone number is...
I've got a new number...
which is 35698301
So you can ca...
Yes, hello, it's Adele again,
the girl that
you met in the park.
I still have a telephone
which works well,
but I gave you,
the wrong number. Here...
these things happen.
The right number is 0687794137.
There, I'll repeat it.
I look forward to speaking with you...
I mean to you calling.
There. Goodbye. Thanks.
What are you doing in the dark?
Are you okay?
What's the matter?
I think you're right,
he was messing with me.
- Your love-at-first-sight, no news?
- No.
Adele, I think you've got a message.
Adele, it's a text message!
Give me that.
"Adele, I waited so much for your call
that I made myself sick.
I think about you all the time. Paul. "
He's right in there.
Paul, it's Adele.
I just read your message.
So I ca...
"New message. "
Can you read it to me?
I'll show you.
It's not very complicated.
You go into Messages
then into Received.
You open the message received
- and you read it.
- No, go on. I prefer that you do it.
"Adele, I dream of hearing from you
but I detest the telephone.
I miss you. "
Answer -.1 mi s 5 You, too...
"Do you think about me?"
Answer "Yes, all the time. "
- No limits, this one.
- Well?
One moment!
"Adele, I'm hooked on you.
Do you think we have a future?"
What do you want to say to that?
Yes, obviously!
Answer "Yes, it's what I want. "
Go on!
- You're not scared.
- What?
"I want it, too.
When can we meet?"
As soon as possible. Write!
Hey, calm down!
I'm not the typist.
And I've got other things to do.
- When you've got the meeting, I stop.
- Okay.
same time, same place.
Oh, Pierre!
Adele, what are you doing,
all alone on this bench?
I'm waiting for someone.
What time was your meeting?
At 4:00.
So he's very very late.
How did you know it's a man?
If it was a woman,
you'd already have left.
Too bad for you.
Lucky for me.
- Maybe he got held up?
- Maybe. Did you call him?
No, he hates the telephone.
But now you're here,
you can send him a message.
I don't know how to do it.
What shall I write?
I'm in the park.
I'm waiting for you on the bench
next to the steps.
What are you doing?
I'm very very worried.
There, now we put the number.
There you are, sent.
"Message in transit. "
Perhaps he's in the subway.
You think?
I'll wait a bit longer then.
I've got to go.
I have to meet someone too.
Now you've got a telephone,
call me.
We can meet up.
My number's even easier to remember.
Goodbye, Pierre.
Goodbye, Adele.
Thank you.
I'm in bed, darling.
I think I caught a cold.
I made myself some chicken soup.
We were shooting outside all day.
She's odd, Gladys, no?
Personality problems, maybe?
He didn't show up, right?
I knew it. He's a bastard.
He stood you up?
No. I think he maybe had a problem.
I'm really worried.
You shouldn't worry.
You should be furious.
It's super-disrespectful.
It's not difficult to let you know!
He has a phone. He leaves a message,
he calls, but not this!
- What are you going to do now?
- I don't know.
I'll leave him a message
to say I've gone home.
He'll never call you.
I know it.
He did that to provoke you.
You want to see him again?
Then send him a message where
you insult him, call him names.
- He'll never want to see me again.
- On the contrary, you'll see.
Anyway, he doesn't get my messages.
They're all in transit.
"Paul, I'm going home soon
because I'm cold. "
"Paul, I'm very sad
that you couldn't come.
I hope you didn't have
any problems. "
- What?
- What bullshit!
The guy walks all over you
and you say sorry.
He's not going to answer you.
He's getting your messages.
I'm going to send him a message
to see if he's okay.
No! Insult him.
Call him names, the asshole.
Who acts like that? No one!
He treats you badly,
and you do nothing!
He's never going to answer.
Maybe, but if he doesn't answer,
he doesn't really love me.
what big ears you have!
'All the better
to hear you with, my child.
what big eyes you have!
'All the better to see you, my child.
what big teeth you have!
'All the better to eat you with.
And with these words,
the big bad wolf flung himself
on Little Red Riding Hood
and ate her.
We see here that young children...
above all, little girls
beautiful, charming and kind...
are mistaken to listen
to what strangers say.
And it's no surprise
that the wolf eats so many.
I say 'the wolf' because
not all wolves are of the same kind.
He is gracious in temper, and silent,
no bitterness, no rage,
who... secretive, obliging and sweet...
follows young ladies
into their houses,
into the lanes.
Alas, who doesn't know
that these gentle wolves of all wolves,
are the most dangerous?"
Do you want to see my eye?
It's beautiful!
It's like a jellyfish.
Adele, don't run away!
I beg you.
I've had no life since I lost you.
I need you.
Don't abandon me.
Jacques, that's very kind,
but I can't have a relationship with you.
I can't help it.
The sex was so great.
Yes, that's true. It's very odd.
I can't explain it either,
because I don't like you at all.
Adele, I'm crazy about you.
I ask for nothing.
Just a walk sometimes to talk!
I don't want to see you and talk to you,
because I don't like talking to you.
You have a cellphone.
Give me your number.
Give it to me!
Here's my number.
Let's meet again, without talking.
Give me one chance!
One chance!
I won't speak at all!
Adele, I'm ashamed, forgive me.
I couldn't come to the meeting.
After, I was too afraid you would be angry.
Can't you see I'm busy!
You're disturbing me, get lost!
Adele walks very fast,
she's annoyed.
She sits on a bench distraught,
starts to cry.
She takes her telephone and sends
a first message which says "Bastard. "
And a second which says
"Asshole. "
Then another, "Son of a bitch. "
And a final one which says
"Go fuck yourself. "
To her great surprise,
she feels better.
Paul answers immediately,
declaring his love once more.
Adele says she doesn't want to see
him again because he makes her unhappy.
Paul answers that this meeting
is the most important thing in his life,
that when he seeks something good
inside himself he only sees her.
He asks her if she agrees to start again
from zero, and finally be happy.
- She answers...
- I want to, but I'm scared.
- He answers...
- Don't be afraid, my Adele.
Until tomorrow.
Rachel is very proud of Adele,
and Adele is delighted.
As for Rachel, she calls back her Italian,
but doesn't insult him.
She says she misses him.
To her great surprise she learns
that the Italian had lost his job,
that he had money problems
and that he hadn't contacted her
because he feared her reaction
but that he very much wanted
to see her again.
Very much wants to see me again!
Can you believe it?
Rachel falls asleep full of hope
and Adele full of desire.
It's me, Paul.
Oh, Paul.
I waited so long for this moment.
Me too.
- What are you doing?
- Shh!
Don't be afraid.
I'm here.
Come here.
Take off your stockings.
Can you take off your panties?
Do it.
Pull your dress up a little.
I want to see your pussy.
Just a little.
Touch yourself.
I can't. I've never done that.
That's good, keep going.
- Hello, Pierre?
- Adele?
- I have to see you right away.
- Come over, I'm here.
Come in quick.
Girls aren't allowed in the dorm.
Pierre, I'm in
a strange situation.
I met someone and I think
we fell in love at first sight,
but I'm afraid.
So far, nothing strange.
Feelings are difficult.
But this is different.
I can't say what it is.
I don't understand what's happening.
- Do you want me to ask you questions?
- Yes.
- What's his name?
- Paul.
It's him you were meeting
when I saw you the last time?
- And that day, he came?
- No.
- Did he give you an explanation?
- Not straight away.
- And you were angry with him?
- Not immediately.
But later,
when he gave you the explanation?
I was furious,
but you couldn't tell.
And what did you do?
- You insulted him?
- I sent him insulting messages.
And when you insulted him,
he did the same?
He begged me to see him again.
You saw him again?
It was nice?
It was disturbing?
You kissed?
You made love?
But you did something.
He touched you?
He asked you to touch yourself?
You did it?
You liked it?
Pierre, when I took off the blindfold
he was gone and I was all alone,
half-naked in the park.
You were blindfolded?
It was in the park?
Pierre, I'm so ashamed!
No need to be ashamed.
It's a very erotic situation, exciting.
You went along with it
because you trusted him.
So it's not bad, then?
You're right.
I should trust him more.
Darling, I miss you...
It's him! Look.
I mustn't be afraid.
He's different, that's all.
Don't get too involved either.
You know how to write
"Darling, I miss you" in text message?
Do you want a glass of water?
- No no.
- No biscuits, you're sure?
Yes, thank you.
Darling, I miss you.
Pierre, you're much too young for me.
We could never have a relationship.
Thank you, Pierre.
I feel much better.
- I want to make love to you.
- Me too, so much.
Did you like it, that time?
Yes, a lot.
Adele, you turn me on so much.
- I think about you nonstop.
- Me too, nonstop.
I want to ask you something
but I don't dare.
Yes, go on, ask me.
No, I'm scared you'll make fun of me.
I'm not like that.
Who do you think I am?
I want you to sleep with another man
while thinking of me.
I did it.
I don't believe you.
You're lying.
I want you to really do it.
I can't do it. It's you I want
to sleep with, you I love.
"You don't love me. I'm sad.
I believed it. "
- Hello.
- Hello, Jacques, it's Adele.
- Adele, is it really you?
- Jacques,
I have to see you.
I can't resist...
the call of your body.
I knew it, where are you?
The cafe at the park.
I'm coming!
Quick, come on.
- Where are we going?
- You'll see!
Oh, Jacques.
Stop, stop it!
- But why?
She's watching me!
There's, that's all fine.
Oh, Jacques.
Oh, Jacques!
Come on, Jacques, hurry up!
My cousin will be back any minute.
Off YOU go!
Thank you very much.
I really wasn't on top form.
Yes, it was fabulous!
- You're angry with me, no?
- No, not at all.
Thank you, goodbye.
"That's it. I've really done it. "
"How can I believe you?
You already lied to me once. "
"I don't trust you anymore. "
"That's not fair.
I did it for you, for love!"
"I don't believe you.
You're playing with me.
I never want to see you again. "
"Paul, I beg you, believe me. "
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
- "Where were you?"
- "At home. "
- "Were you thinking of me?"
- "All the time. "
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
I don't feel very well.
I'm going to bed.
Already! It's super-early.
You don't want any dinner?
"Darling, I believe you.
I want you to do it again
with him in front of me.
You're so beautiful. I just want to see you
once before you are entirely mine.
I know you find that strange,
but I really desire it. "
Okay, Paul, I will.
Same place.
Same man.
- Adele.
- Yes.
Today, it was really a disaster.
I'm so sorry. I want to make love
to you again, as soon as possible.
Very well, but on one condition:
Someone watching us.
What will we do with the baby?
I'll take care of everything.
See you tomorrow.
Adele had prepared everything...
cakes, tea.
She had worked all morning
so that the meeting would go well.
First she had contacted Pierre
to arrange to meet him in the park
without saying
it was to watch the baby.
She called Jacques back
to tell him all was arranged,
then she informed Paul
of the time and place of the meeting.
He suggested a few things,
but Adele couldn't back out now.
She was committed to doing anything
necessary to achieve true love with Paul.
Ah, Jacques.
- Wait for me here.
- Where are you going with Louise?
Trust me, I'll be back.
Pierre, thanks for coming.
- You seem very flustered.
- I ran.
I need you to take care of the baby
for about an hour.
I'll come back and get her here.
But I can't. I have things to do
this afternoon. I'm sorry.
I beg you.
It's a question of life or death.
Thank you, Pierre.
Thank you so much.
Oh, Jacques!
Jacques, stop!
- Calm down!
- I like it when you slap me.
You really have no dignity.
- But what are we waiting for?
- Instructions.
Listen, have a piece of cake
while you're waiting.
Well, that went okay, no?
- That model is a pain in the ass, huh?
- A nightmare.
- But you were really great.
- Thanks.
You're a super assistant.
That's my baby!
What are you doing with her?
- Where's my husband?
- What the hell is going on?
Adele asked me to watch her.
- I fired Adele weeks ago.
- What?
Quick, hurry.
He'll be here any minute.
- Quick, undress!
- Listen, Adele,
I can't make love
in these conditions.
I'm only a man.
This is crazy!
Let go!
Okay, we'll go to my house.
It's right here.
Blindfold me.
I'm scared.
Oh, Paul.
I'm here.
Oh, Paul.
Oh my God! Jacques!
What are you doing in my house?
I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry, Rachel!
This is appalling, disgusting!
The meeting is a disaster.
Gladys is outraged,
Jacques is crushed.
Rachel is dismayed.
Pierre is distraught.
Paul flees.
Adele faints.
Your husband is a real bastard.
Shut up, you're fired!
What? But that's not fair,
I've done nothing!
I can't even be angry with her.
It's infuriating.
Girls are so predictable,
even the most surprising ones.
There's no point in respecting them,
being there to listen.
The only thing that works
is flattering them,
telling them they're unique.
It's not fair because, me,
I just can't do it.
Well, that's a good thing.
Anyway, that's just emptiness.
Emptiness doesn't last.
It's worth nothing.
It does seem to have an effect.
I can't have children.
I had a serious illness when I was little
with a lot of medication.
Now my sperm is rotten.
I feel useless.
I can't even remember,
I was too small.
I don't know why I'm telling you that.
You're embarrassed.
It's true, I don't know why.
It must be because you saw my eye,
so you thought,
"Well, she's got a problem. "
So you tell me yours.
Your eye is super-sensational.
Yeah, well, I have a rotten eye,
you have rotten sperm.
To each his burden.
This young lady has had
an emotional shock.
Did something happen to her?
Did you find her like this?
- Whose house is this?
- Mine.
She lives with me.
Adele had a romantic crisis.
- Do you think she took any drugs?
- Oh, no.
I'm going to give her an injection.
She needs fresh air.
She's very pale, this girl.
A trip, that's what she needs.
Well. Thank you, doctor.
- Shut your eyes.
- Excuse me?
Shut your eyes.
You've never thought of having
eye surgery?
Your eye can't close,
that's why it's tired.
You should go to Saint Antoine Hospital.
They have an excellent eye surgery clinic.
See Dr. Sainte-Rose.
Try it, you never know.
- Thank you.
- Good day, Miss.
there's a solution to everything.
Adele is sick,
so we need to cure her,
but not by throwing
Don Juans in her way.
We're going to send her on a journey.
Adele slept for three days
and three nights
and woke up on the fourth day.
She didn't know where she was.
She found a letter at the foot of the bed.
"You are sick, darling,
but it's not serious.
You need time
to heal your wound.
Everyone has a wound.
You have done me good, Adele.
Without realizing,
you have made me better.
Today I can say, without being shy,
you mean a lot to me.
And it's as a friend
that I send you towards other horizons.
So live your life, my queen.
And don't be afraid. "
Bonjour, Madame.
Could I have a cigarette, please?
How do you know I speak French?
Because I saw you before,
and I recognized you.
You live in Paris.
No, I live here.
No, I saw you one day in Paris.
You were on the telephone,
you were crying a lot.
It struck me
because I was in the same state as you.
- I wanted to die, too.
- But I've never wanted to die.
You're mistaken, it wasn't me.
Yes it was.
I remember clearly.
Afterwards you shouted at a man because
he was looking at you, and you hit him.
I was very impressed.
I would never have dared do that.
I admired you.
What are you doing here?
I don't really know.
- What's your name?
- Adele.
Adele and the woman found
they had a lot in common.
Adele remembered something
that had happened to her
and told the story.
I remember very clearly
it was the day after my birthday.
I was playing skipping elastic
in my parents' living room.
I was playing alone as always.
I had hooked the elastic
to a chair
and the other end to a round table
on which was a lamp
which my mother really loved.
When my mother saw that
she said to me,
"That's enough now,
you'll break my lamp. "
And she left.
When she had gone, I decided
to obey, and stopped playing.
And carefully lifting the elastic
from the table,
the lamp fell, and broke.
When she came back,
she saw me crying.
She saw the lamp.
I said to her,
"It wasn't me. It wasn't me.
I swear I had stopped playing. "
She didn't believe me
and she hit me.
But, Adele,
you did break the lamp.
You didn't do it on purpose,
but you broke it.
It's true.
I'm writing to you from New York.
If I've made this journey,
it's in part thanks to you.
Today, I can finally say thank you.
Adele. "
You've changed, Adele.
You've changed too, Pierre.
No, Adele. Me, I'm still the same.