Rekka (2016)

You want to be the head.
And so does your brother.
One of you has to go.
Hmmm confusing.
If it's heads then your brother dies.
If it's tails then it's you.
Look at that! It's heads.
I plead you.
Look at that.
He is pleading.
I've issues everywhere.
Behind every issue is an enemy.
you are my most wanted enemy.
My men say...
that I've life threats from
many others out there.
The minute I heard David is
on his way to finish me,
it got me excited.
For the past five years
you and your brother
have been trying again
and again to kill me.
So far the issue between us
is due to the properties.
Well, that's business.
If I finish off your brother...
then that becomes personal.
Won't you then try
to finish me off?
You will!
- You will!.
- Please Cheliyan.
My bro...
Please don't hurt my brother.
What if I do so?
What will you do?
Are you going to bust us all
up and save your brother?
You and your brother
are 1.5 kms away.
But the knife that is pointed at your
brother's throat is just 1.5 inches away.
People kill each other
for petty wealth issues.
This issue is worth 6 billion!
What did you expect?
Obviously someone
will be finished.
The moment your brother
is finished off...
you will go crazy.
And out of that craziness won't
you come back for revenge?
This is an great offer!
Use it.
more than a friend...
only an enemy,
I mean a enemy of your class...
will allow a person like
me to live and prosper.
Bro! Bro!
Where are you?
Please come immediately.
I'm scared.
Please come and save me.
Bro! Bro!
Please tell me, where are you?
Finish him off!
Bro you there?
They are going to finish me!
I'm panicking.
Please come fast.
Go tell him that the
girl doesn't like him.
Ask him not to waste
time and leave.
Look at his face!
Who will like it?
Listen, our boy is not
like what you think...
I'm not here to create an issue.
Nor I'm in a mood
to create an issue.
Ask him to come here.
I just want to see him once.
He doesn't seem to leave.
He says he'll leave after
seeing Shiva once.
Why is he so stubborn like a kid
wanting to go to Disneyland?
If he lays his eyes on Shiva...
then he'll definitely
target him.
Thank you.
See that dad?
Look at him playing and sitting worry
free about what's happening outside.
I won bro! I won!
No you did not.
It's our brother who won.
Dad, are you done talking to him?
We tried talking.
He doesn't seem to leave.
He says, he wants to see you.
You don't have to meet him.
You've already made
your decision.
Shut up.
You know what you have done and
it's not so easy to let it go.
Please go talk to him.
- Fine.
- Bro!
Wait, I'll go talk to him.
He keeps creating issues
every time he comes here.
I pity Rathnam.
David is a murderer.
He has abducted the girl
David was about to marry.
He'll know the pain only if something
that sorts happens to his family.
Yes dad...
Be patient.
There he comes.
Let me not talk to him
and get insulted.
Greetings uncle.
Let me maintain the silence.
I heard Radhika is going
to get married. Is it?
I also heard that she
likes someone else?
Is it true?
Life is like a boat...
and we must let the
expert handle it.
Stop pulling my leg.
There is someone already
waiting to pull your leg. Now go.
- Go!
- Ok.
Easy! Calm down.
don't you deliver punch dialogues
to him like you do with me.
Now stop right there!
Tell me what is it?
My ears are working fine.
punch dialogue?
And me?
I'll talk soft.
I just wanted to see you.
You may leave.
David sir.
I am here to talk.
I inquired about you
around your place.
Then I realised that there
is no use talking to you.
That's why I abducted her.
I'm sorry if it was a mistake.
If you had abducted her
without knowing about me,
I would have shown you who
I am, right here right now.
You did it after
knowing about me.
I'll wait for the right time.
Be careful.
Excuse me hero...
Hero? Who?
Of course you.
You are leaving without the girl you were
about to marry. That makes you the hero.
You must have done something.
Why did you let him go?
Just because it's tough to hunt
the lion in it's territory,
killing a cat won't
make it up for it.
He is a cat.
Someday he'll come get
stuck in our trap.
Then we can take care of him.
Just like that!
Just like that!
The candies in the candy shop...
And the girls in the temple...
They are just awesome!
Oh yeah! They are just awesome!
They beauty of this sight...
And the nostalgia that it brings...
That's life!
That's THE life!
Oh their smile; and
their dimple cheeks...
takes me places.
There is a lot to say, but
then it's not so easy...
and that makes love exciting.
This is the love that was
preached by the great poets.
Be brave and fall in love.
Be bold and take all the
risks for your love.
Be brave and fall in love.
Be bold and take all the
risks for your love.
The candies in the candy shop...
And the girls in the temple...
They are just awesome!
Oh yeah! They are just awesome!
They beauty of this sight...
And the nostalgia
that it brings...
That's life!
That's THE life!
Love takes you to the extremes
you have never been to.
Love is a swing ride...
where you fall right at
the feet of an angel.
The language of their eyes...
showers rainfall on us.
Love is a song...
so listen to it and
live it dear Romeo.
Love makes us do crazy things...
It makes you feel like
the king of the world.
So jump into the sea of love.
Ans swim against the tides and fight for
your love. Fight for it! Fight for it!
Be brave and fall in love.
Be bold and take all the
risks for your love.
The candies in the candy shop...
And the girls in the temple...
They are just awesome!
Oh yeah! They are just awesome!
They beauty of this sight...
And the nostalgia that it brings...
That's life!
That's THE life!
Oh their smile; and
their dimple cheeks...
takes me places.
There is a lot to say, but
then it's not so easy...
and that makes love exciting.
This is the love that was
preached by the great poets.
Be brave and fall in love.
Be bold and take all the
risks for your love.
Be brave and fall in love.
Be bold and take all the
risks for your love.
Why did you do it?
Don't leave Mala.
I'll talk to Selvam.
Please don't leave.
Please. Sorry. I'm sorry.
I'll talk to Selvam.
- Oh no! Not again!
- Hey listen. Go stop him.
I wonder how he handles him?
Listen, dear.
It's nothing.
- Bring him here.
- It's fine. Everything's alright.
Come on.
But Mala?
Poor Mala.
Take it from him.
- Go back to sleep.
- Yes, go back to bed.
You too.
Go to bed dear.
I wonder how long will he
keep pondering about Mala?
Now sleep.
We must take him to our deity's temple.
Betrothal announcement.
The girl is grand daughter of Mr. Venkatachalam
and Mrs. Shenbagavalli of Kumbakonam...
and daughter of Mr. Rathnasamy
and Ms. Ranjini...
Ms. Kavitha.
The boy is grandson of
Mr. Muthusmay and Ms. Ambujam...
and son of Mr. Sakthivel
and Ms. Saraswati...
Mr. Rajesh.
They marriage is been fixed
by the elders to take place
during the first auspicious
day of the Avini month.
- Shiva...
- Yes dad...
How is Srinivasan with you?
Srinivasan who?
Our lawyer, whom you are
serving as a junior.
He is your friend. He
takes good care of me.
Today he might be a
famous criminal lawyer...
but back then he was
a criminal himself.
We friends helped him to elope with
his girlfriend and get married.
After starting a family
he has changed for good.
You are helping lot of your friends
get married to their girlfriends.
Why haven't you fallen in
love with someone yet?
Feeling shy is it?
Well if you are planning
to fall in love...
then ensure it is with a very beautiful
fair girl hailing from north.
That won't suit us.
When there are so many beautiful
girls from our place...
What beauty are you
talking about?
You should have seen the
girls during my youth.
I meant they have
turned old now.
what I am saying is.
If you marry a girl
from Madras...
she can easily handle your mom.
Girls from our place aren't
so smart and clever.
All those curses you hear around,
everything is your mother's invention.
Damn it.
Mr. Rathnam.
You are talking too much.
No, Mr. Shiva.
My argument was...
that let all the talks between us stay
between us and that's best for our family.
Isn't it your honor?
Yes your honor. You are too
good at making things up.
Forget that.
Remember you are getting aged. So keep
that in mind and also what I said.
Ok dad.
As soon as your sister gets
married, I want you to get married.
Ok dad.
- Look here Shiva...
- Yes dad.
- We must always be friends, like this.
- Ok dad.
But in front of others we
should turn dad and son.
Else they'll get jealous.
- Ok dad.
- Within home we shall party as always.
Ok dad.
Fine, I'll take Saminathan along
and go order the invitations.
Saminathan is looking at us.
Is it?
Head back to home. Understand!
If I hear that you were
wandering around...
I'll bust you up.
- Ok dad.
- Got it?
- Yes dad.
- Now leave.
Ok dad.
Stop that wicked
smile and leave!
Rathnam, why are you so
strict with your son?
You must be friendly.
Why do you keep yelling at him?
Take me for example.
Myself and my son
are good friends.
Yes, I have heard about
your friendship.
It is said that you guys drink together
and throw tantrums at each other. Is it?
I don't need a son
who is a friend.
I'll be happy if my son
is a good child to me.
- Get out!
- Won't you give me a cup of tea?
I said get out!
- Give me the tea.
- I'll break your head!
- Get lost!
- Get lost!
Give me a cup of tea.
Get lost! Take your
bag and leave.
Why can't you give?
How dare you?
You must be chased out of town!
Why are you insulting him?
- What is it?
- Check this out Shiva.
He is spoiling my business.
I am not such a bad person.
Look here Shiva.
Look at that.
He dragged this dog's corpse and
put it in front of the shop.
Now, what is this?
He refuses to serve
tea every time I ask.
Wait I'll...
I belong here. Isn't it?
Fine. First, go dispose it off.
Come on now.
Wait, let him go.
Poor fellow!
A guy who was supposed to be
a doctor, now look at him.
I returned ten days ago.
I was looking for you...
Hey! One more tea.
Bro! Bro!
One more tea.
Ok Shiva.
I looked for you everywhere.
Where were you?
There was a coolie job vacancy.
But they were ill
treating the workers.
They refused to pay the wages.
They even refused
to pay us for food.
Look what they did.
- Oh my!
- I don't have money to treat it.
I just applied little gum that
is used to stick posters.
- It'll dry up.
- You!
- Come let's go to the hospital.
- No Shiva.
- I said come.
- Leave me Shiva.
Give me money.
I'm myself a doctor.
Forgot that?
Give me money. I'll take care.
Give me some money.
I'll take care.
Wait brother.
Sit down.
First, go to the hospital.
Then head to the saloon
and get a good haircut.
My sister's marriage is fixed.
Sister's marriage?
Sister's marriage?
Yes indeed.
I've got new set of
clothes for you too.
So come to home from the saloon.
Now go.
First to the hospital.
- Ok.
- Ok?
Ok. I'll go.
Come here.
I'll cane you!
Come here now.
Yes, tell me.
Uncle, can you do me a favour?
What favour do you want?
aren't you the one who helps everyone
get married to their lovers?
Please help me too.
What do you mean?
You mean get you married?
Please uncle.
Fine. Ok.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Tomorrow morning the
event will take place.
- Ok uncle.
- Ok?
Tell your mother not to worry.
Now leave.
Off late you don't even tell
whom we are going to help.
Look at this.
Even the village heads are
now given a car with siren.
Look at the registration number.
TN 59, it's from Madurai.
Looks like some politician.
Are you afraid?
What do you mean?
Please lead.
So many Seetas?
Who are you?
Now who is that?
Who are you guys?
What are you doing?
Where are you?
Someone just entered our house
and abducted all our girls.
May you live long.
- Thank you very much.
- It's ok.
Stop thanking us and bless us.
May god bless you.
Congrats grandma.
So what next? Honeymoon in Goa?
It's a party land.
Now stop it. Shut up.
I am so happy now.
I came here long back. Now thanks
to you I visited this temple again.
Are you happy?
It was him.
Dad, this lady abuses a lot!
Don't you have manners?
There you go!
Gone are those days.
Now a days everyone takes care
of their in laws very well.
And you...
80th anniversary is
an auspicious event.
It is considered to be one of the most
prestigious function in a family.
How dare you talk like that?
Come again.
What can you do about it?
You'll put us behind the bars?
Or will you set your
henchmen to thrash us?
That is all you know.
I know about people like you.
You'll salute those who throw
rubbish on the streets.
And insult the ones who cleans it.
Now why are you getting
furious over my son?
Look here...
the marriage conducted by parents
for their children is an event.
That is usual.
But the 80th anniversary function of
parents is a blessing to be witnessed.
And conducting it for
them is a god's gift.
You are not lucky to
have it but my son is.
Now go. Go inside and get their
blessing if you want some.
Make it fast.
Before they are off
to their honeymoon.
you have helped many people
unite with their lovers.
And there were many problems.
I had wondered then...
that you might be
doing a mistake.
But not anymore.
You keep doing this service.
I am with you.
- Is it?
- Indeed.
Call me if you need any help.
I'll too join you.
I'm really quick.
Ok dad.
Do you doubt me? Why
don't you tell him?
Yep indeed, you must watch him
take off when mom is upset!
Mind your tongue or
else I'll curse you.
Come here.
Had your food?
What else?
Are you happy?
Are you indeed happy?
Indeed happy!
My mom is depressed and
won't stop crying.
Further she is refusing to eat food.
They say that grandpa is
weak and will die soon.
My mom wanted to celebrate the
60th anniversary of grandpa.
But it didn't happen.
Now he is 80 years old.
And my mom is depressed as she is unable
to celebrate the 80th anniversary...
because her brother and his wife have
house arrested grandma at their place.
I request you to please bring our
grandma out from there. Please uncle.
Here, hold your daughter.
Always stay happy.
Bye dear.
[Hasan MRp @ Alpha13 MediaWorks]
Give it to me.
- Dear...
- Yes dad.
I forgot something.
Here, go pay this money for
the shelf in Chandru's shop.
I'll go upstairs
and buy a new tv.
We'll also have to go the utensils shop.
So make it fast.
Finish him!
Finish him!
Should I deliver the cot and shelf
at home or the marriage hall?
Deliver it at home.
Fine it'll be delivered
by tomorrow evening.
- Ok thanks.
- Thank you.
Finish him now!
Leave him.
Go die now!
Dad I shall go check...
Where did you say you are going?
I said I'll go check
the tv delivery.
Ok. Be careful.
Ok dad.
The other day when he came here...
if he had behaved violently
thing would've been normal.
But he didn't create any issue.
He just wanted to
have a look at Shiva.
He left after he saw Shiva.
That's what is worrying me.
He finished off a man in broad daylight....
you should have seen
the look in his face.
I saw a rage in his eyes.
The same rage...
is what I saw in his eyes when left the other
day after taking a good look at our son.
I am not afraid.
But you know how
strong my dad is.
I don't know if he saw it too.
But I could see him worry
that it could happen to me.
Nothing that sorts will happen.
Let's go visit our
deity's temple.
We'll offer our
prayers and return.
God will take care of the rest.
Stop thinking unnecessary things.
it is said that we recollect all ours
mistakes when fear approaches us.
Imagine how many lovers we would have
united and earned their parent's curse?
Same parents...
have come visited you
and thanked you later.
I know the mistakes
that I am committing.
But a dad who believes his
son has never wronged...
A mom that believes her son
only does the correct thing...
Do you what's our wish?
My sister Kavitha's marriage.
I am worried that I shouldn't invite
any troubles during her marriage.
Nothing of that sorts will happen.
Don't worry.
Please do come for the marriage.
You have become very busy since
the marriage works are on.
Why don't you call me if you need any help?
I help everyone around when
there is a marriage function.
This is my daughter's marriage and
that too the first one in my family.
I will myself do everything
that is required.
You come for the wedding
and bless the couples.
Please bring your family along.
See you.
Please do come.
Please bring your family along.
Stop looking around and sprinkle
the rose water at the guests.
Please don't attend this wedding.
Greetings. Welcome.
It was not for you.
Mani! Come in.
No, I won't!
I said don't go in!
Please do have food
before leaving.
Yes leave immediately
after eating food.
I said get inside or
else I'll thrash you.
Then return to you home.
I don't have any respect there either.
Then why go there?
Then go die!
You'll at least get
the final respect.
Stop it now!
What else do you expect?
What is it dad?
Your cousin is drunk. He is
creating unwanted issues. Go check.
Shiva, you tell me, why
does no one respect me?
Now who invited him?
You are the right person
present at the right time.
Now come on.
Yes, move left.
I said left.
There's your respect!
What is it?
Is our daughter missing?
And you ask me to shut up!
It's because of your company.
Shut up! Now listen...
come and unlock the jewels.
You have the keys to the locker.
Is it?
Oh yes. Indeed.
- Now go.
- Ok.
Are the sweets here yet?
Hey Keera...
it's marriage time and all
your friends must be here.
No plans?
Indeed. Waiting for
you to sponsor.
2 beers!
4 beers!
2 double larges. 4 double larges.
8 double larges.
- Chicken side dish and for smokes.
- There enough for everything.
Still not enough.
Don't go overboard. You have to attend the
marriage at early morning. Now leave.
Anything for you?
Don't you know about my wife?
Does she drink too?
So anything for her?
She'll thrash!
You? Already you look so.
I meant you.
What are you doing there?
I was telling him to buy juice.
Wait I'm coming.
you trimmed your hair.
You could also have
trimmed your beard.
when are you getting married?
I have a brother called Selvam.
First he has to get married.
Then I, Shiva will get married.
Bring Mala and I'll get married.
I'll get married.
Muruga! Muruga!
Wait I'll join you.
Come here.
Don't fight over it.
That's for the side dish.
Don't shout.
Guys take enough chocolates
for your girlfriends.
Why so late?
Why? What's the hurry?
Hurry up. It's already late.
Fine. Come on, it's time for a treat.
I'm here at the Koot road wine shop.
Make it fast.
He just broke it!
Why did you break it?
Don't you like it?
Take the money.
You can stare at me later.
Just take money.
Put in my pocket. My hands are full.
Why is your hair so rough?
You get oil sachets for a buck.
Nothing buddy. Just a small kid. He was
staring at me and it looked so funny.
Now what is this?
It's not enough.
I got two bottles.
One fellow dashed me and
broke one of the bottles.
Who is it?
That fellow with the
blue striped shirt.
He didn't even apologize!
What kind of a bar is this? The drinks
are warm and the food has gone cold!
Are you here to collect empty bottles?
I'll let you know.
Empty bottles can earn him few bucks.
How dare you break our bottle
and don't even give an apology?
Boss! Hold on.
Boss. Sorry boss. Sorry.
Sorry boss.
Didn't I ask you to booze
at the hall itself?
let that be.
He broke our bottle and over
that he didn't apologize.
Sorry boss!
Tell me the brand and the drink.
I'll buy you.
Or tell me and I
shall apologize.
I'll apologize.
Shut up.
Inviting troubles!
Tell me boss.
you can talk later. Come here.
There is no issues here.
Come on.
Ask him to come.
Come on. Tell me what do
you guys want to drink?
Looks like the brand we
drink isn't available here.
Looks like it is available in the
shop by the market. Come on.
You guys head to the marriage hall.
Buddy, this is
David's warehouse.
no matter what, he shouldn't
know about the marriage. Ok?
Is the liquor shop at
your place shutdown?
A small function...
Is it a wedding?
Friend's wedding?
You would interfere in
others wedding and...
expect your friend's marriage
to take place in harmony.
Both of them love each other and their families
agreed to it. Hence they are getting married.
We just planned to gift them
and then go ahead and booze.
He broke our bottle and over
that he didn't even apologize.
Too much attitude!
I'll buy them the liquor.
So you don't look who it is...
You'll show your attitude to all.
"Our friend Shiva's
sister's marriage."
A marriage in your family?
Why? Can't have I friend
by the name Shiva?
We have another
friend called Shiva.
It's a marriage in his family
and that's the invitation.
Where were they boozing?
Near the Koot road.
Send our men to
this marriage hall.
I would like to know
whose marriage it is.
It's in Thiruvayar.
It's indeed his
sister's wedding.
At Padithorai.
Is it your sister's marriage?
please don't create any issue.
Keera stop it.
Please let's not
invite any trouble.
Keep quite.
I didn't think of it so far.
But just now when you said...
I think it's a good idea.
Attack any four of them
standing by the marriage hall.
- I should hear their screams here! Attack!
- David please.
Let's talk. David
please let's talk.
David give me a minute.
Please listen to me.
Welcome. Are you all
Shiva's friends?
Please come in and have a seat.
Come in.
Come on now.
Please get inside and be seated.
Come on.
Get in.
David, I did interfere
in your marriage.
So interfere in mine.
You have got nothing
against my family.
But I do have a
vengeance against you.
That is enough.
It was my mistake.
Tell me and I shall do anything.
But please don't create
issues at the hall.
Hurt me instead.
Anything you want.
Are you a slut?
You sound like one.
Order me David.
I want to get married.
And what should I do about it?
Take the groom with you.
And get him married.
If possible, wait and see
them off to their honey moon.
I'm ready to help you; and
that's for my family.
I'll can also bash you for the same.
Tell me!
I'm saying it with
a smiling face.
But I'll seriously act upon it.
What will you do?
Tell me!
I'll do anything for you David.
So you tell me. What
do you want me to do?
You interfered and
stopped my marriage.
I want to get married
Get me a bride and...
Fine David.
Tell me who is the bride?
I'll bring her for you.
This is the girl.
She is going to get
married in two months.
But we love each other.
Now go. Go bring her.
You should have
told this earlier.
I'll kidnap her and
give you a call.
Where should I bring her?
First go abduct her.
If you succeed, then
take her anywhere.
I've men everywhere.
OK David. Fine.
After nodding,
if you head to your sister's
wedding and cheat us, then...
no one will be alive at
your sister's marriage.
Listen boss.
Do you think only
heroes can thrash?
What about the common man?
Won't they thrash?
Now leave! Go!
Let's see if you
can make it back.
Do you know who she is?
She Madurai
Manivasagam's daughter.
That is a very violent
place by default.
Talk anything against him and
they'll cut your tongue off.
Now leave!
Fine, I'll call you after
I get the girl. Come on.
Take care of my parents.
They'll start looking for
me at early morning 3.
Manage them.
Keep me informed about every
details in the marriage hall.
Do you really have to do this?
Do you really have to go?
Can't we handle these rogues?
Whatever I am doing is
to keep things smooth.
Only a fool would
fight at this hour.
Just do what I say.
Get lost!
Excuse me!
What time does the bus
to Madurai start?
Today is an auspicious day.
There goes the last bus.
Go board it.
Here, hold it.
- See you.
- Be careful.
Thanjavur, Trichy, Madurai!
Stop the bus!
Where to?
One ticket to Trichy.
Give it.
Please give me change.
Are you going to Madurai?
- Yes.
- Where in Madurai?
Near Madurai bus stand.
Look at him and his witty joke!
what is Madurai famous for?
Madurai itself is very famous.
I know that.
What else is Madurai famous for?
Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple.
Jasmine flowers.
Bull taming sport.
Our chief Manivasagam too
is famous in Madurai.
Greetings brother.
Do you have a seat
free next to you?
How are you buddy?
I'm fine. How are you?
I'm also fine.
There is a function in my family hence
couldn't make it to your sister's marriage.
So what?
I'll invite your sister and her
husband here and arrange a feast.
Please don't be furious.
No problem.
I'm at Madurai. Where are you?
What are you doing here?
Buddy, where are you now?
At Maatudhavani bus stand.
Look around you.
All the banners with huge
writings that you see...
it's all about him.
He is a big shot.
It's impossible to even steal
a pen from his house.
I understand that.
Try to understand
my situation too.
In four hours my sister
is going to get married.
More than missing my
sister's marriage...
it's important that there shouldn't
be any problems at her wedding.
Just do me a favour.
I want to meet that girl in person.
And just take a
picture with her.
Rest I'll handle.
All you need is a
picture with her?
Ok buddy.
My friend works as a
driver at her house.
Let me talk to him
and get back to you.
Make it quick.
That is yesterday's newspaper.
Today's paper is yet to arrive.
I know today's headlines.
I need yesterday's newspaper.
Hey Keera.
Where is Shiva?
Why isn't he attending my call?
He was there in the kitchen. I
guess he must be serving food now.
Im going to slap you Keera. Weren't you
suppose to take care of the catering?
Then what is he doing there?
Call him.
I shall.
Idiot, drinks too much
and delays everything.
Wait, I'll be back.
- Listen.
- Tell me.
Where is our son?
He is missing since night.
Why are you so tensed?
His friends are here. He
must be welcoming them.
He'll come. You carry on.
The priest is calling. Now go.
I am coming.
Buddy, I spoke to my friend.
Looks like Bharathi is at
some function in her college.
If you go there, you can meet her
and take a picture with her.
Hi friends.
Today, our very own,
the daughter of well
known Mr. Manivasagam...
Ms. Bharathi Manivasagam...
is going to recite
a poem for us all.
Are you ready?
- Yes! We are!
- Indeed!
Come on. Go ahead.
With the turban on your head...
- What the...
- Time to wind up!
Who was that?
With the turban on your head...
What's with the turban?
Who is that?
Come on talk now!
Ok that is enough.
Get down from there.
Don't screw it up further.
Just get out from the dias.
Bharathi, come on. Get down.
Bharathi! Come on.
- Enough!
- I swear you guys...
I told you, reciting a poem on the
dias is not so easy.
She thought it was a walk in the park.
You need guts to do that.
If you had been here in a politician makeover
like your dad, then it might have worked.
Looks like the microphone is
only made for the politicians.
It let's us down every time.
Next performance by Selva and team
from Madurai American college.
Wait. Hold on.
Come on now...
how can you not recite
a poem after carrying
the name of Bharathi
(a famous Tamil Poet)?
It is not an insult to you but
to the great poet Bharathi.
Now come on.
Hi friends.
You just enjoyed a
western song and dance.
You not only cheered them
up but also raised hell.
Excellent! Awesome!
But this here, is a
girl from our native.
That too a Madurai girl.
Bharathi, same name
as the famous poet.
She is going to recite a beautiful poem about our poet
Bharathiayar in our own beautiful Tamil language.
So how about it?
Are you ready?
We are read if she can
properly recite it.
She will boss. So are you ready?
So friends?
- How about it?
- Hell yeah!
Get set go!
Come on start.
Shall I give you the push?
With the turban on your head;
my dear brave poet Bharathi...
Just give me a sign...
and I shall follow
you like a shadow.
Just tell me what do you wish for...
and I'll make it my order.
You are a brave man; the one who
doesn't hold back your love...
and so I am attracted to you.
Nothing to be said or done...
I feel you are the one for me.
You stole my heart away and
replaced it with loads of love.
Wow! You just sung it.
Is it Bharathiyar's song?
Bharathi's song.
Fine. Proceed.
Just give me a sign...
and I shall follow
you like a shadow.
Just tell me what
do you wish for...
and I'll make it my order.
You are a brave man; the one who
doesn't hold back your love...
and so I am attracted to you.
Nothing to be said or done...
I feel you are the one for me.
You stole my heart away and
replaced it with loads of love.
Thoughts about you keep flowing
in my mind all the time...
The love keeps
blooming day by day.
Every time I think about
your sweet smile...
it drives me crazy.
The way you impress me
with your talks...
leaves me awestruck.
I don't care about time anymore.
[Hasan MRp @ Alpha13 MediaWorks]
Call me and I shall
come running to you.
You made me fall for
you in a jiffy....
It felt like the sweet sun light falling
upon me during the cold winter.
I am flying high and
it feels so blissful!
Just give me a sign...
and I shall follow
you like a shadow.
Just tell me what
do you wish for...
and I'll make it my order.
You are so tall,
dark and handsome...
and it mesmerizes me.
Your smartness has won my heart...
it has left me wondering.
Even the smallest of distance
between us hurts me.
The love in your eyes
has left me sleepless.
My heart went bezerk the
moment I laid eyes on you.
It's magic and I
cannot explain it.
I will treasure you
in my heart forever.
Just give me a sign...
and I shall follow
you like a shadow.
Just tell me what
do you wish for...
and I'll make it my order.
Where did he go?
He went out attending
to someone's call.
I've heard such claps
only during my birthdays.
Hey Keera...
I hope everything is alright.
Ok, manage things over there. I've seen the
girl. I'll take a picture with her and return.
- Ok buddy.
- Give me the phone Keera.
How are you Ms. Bride?
Forget that.
Where are you?
Is there any problem?
Nothing like that.
Who was he? He dragged you to
the stage and you too obliged.
He is my boyfriend.
The guy with the dimple cheeks?
You are missing since the night.
Where are you?
If you don't reach now,
I'll halt the marriage.
I'm telling you!
I'm on my way. So be ready Ms.
Make it fast.
I'll be there when the groom
ties the knot to you.
I promise.
Do you know what
is he up to now?
He is drafting a plan.
A plan?
It's not so easy to elope with
Madurai Manivasagam's daughter.
I guess he is calling all his
friends and alerting them.
You mean like the Mask of Zorro?
Better than that!
Do you know why he looks upset?
He found out that I'm getting
married in two months.
- That is why.
- Ok
Now wait and watch...
He will call me
aside and propose.
Excuse me.
See I told you.
What are you going
to do about it?
I'm going to elope.
Not right away.
He made me wait desperately
for two months.
Let him wait for half an hour.
How about a selfie?
Come on now...
let's all leave. If we are seen along with
her then people will think we are crazy too!
Yes. Come on.
Let's leave.
Come on.
What is it?
Are you afraid of me;
the minister's wife?
Yes mam.
Don't be.
Be cool.
What about you?
No. I'm not afraid of you.
Oh my god!
You must be! After all
I'm minister's wife.
But not now.
Because I said so.
Be brave and cool.
Ok mam.
Looks like they are getting nervous.
After all I'm minister's wife.
You leave. I'll take care.
Ok madam.
Does it look good?
Come on tell me.
It is good.
My daughter will be
here any minute.
Bharathi, just a minute.
- Bharathi!
- I would prefer it with more diamond stones.
Hey Bharathi.
The designs here are really awesome.
Lot of new collections.
Show me that one.
What do you want sir?
Ok sir. Please have it.
Everyone here are afraid of us.
After all we are
minister's family.
It's so much fun though.
One minute.
Just a picture.
Come here.
A little more.
Some water?
No thanks.
Fine. Leave it.
Tell me.
How did you turn so brave now?
Nothing like that.
I'm still having fear inside.
But then your eyes and
lips are expressing it.
So go ahead. Let me hear it.
Well, I want to...
You want to...
I want to...
You want to...?
When you sang that
song it the college...
you were just awesome.
I've become your fan. Can I
take a picture with you?
A picture? Is that all you need?
Will you live your whole
life with that memory?
So how about 4 - 5 pictures.
That'll do.
Come on, let's take a selfie.
No way.
We'll make an whole
picture album of ours.
Take it.
Take it?
What does she mean?
Now stop answering
like a delivery boy.
Where is she?
She just went to
inform her mother.
What? She is ready to
elope with permission?
Sounds crazy!
Remember the guy I
fell in love with?
He is here. I'm
eloping with him.
Who is he?
You mean the guy with
the dimple cheeks?
Where is he?
He looks smart.
All the best.
Well fine. Before eloping don't forget
to bid good bye to your grandma.
Excuse me, where is the jewelry
I asked you to show me.
It's nice.
I mean the tea.
Our chief is out of town. His
mom his here though. Come in.
It's my daughter's marriage.
So I'm here to invite.
Is it?
Please do come.
So you are here to invite?
I thought you all came here finding out
that my grand daughter is about to elope.
This is the guy she
is eloping with.
She is just kidding. Don't mind.
Well it's...
I'm ready. Let's leave.
We shall leave.
Come on. Let's leave.
I hope every one at
your home are normal.
Yes they are.
The old lady keeps pestering us.
Where were you?
Everyone in the town is attending
the speech conference.
Did he get in knowing that?
Go and do something about it.
Give me that.
How dare he?
We must not spare him!
Where is the guy who wants to
take away our chief's daughter?
Hold on.
I thought the old
lady was blabbering.
But her grand daughter
came down all set.
Let's go finish him.
Not here.
Let him step out and we
shall finish him off there.
No. Don't try to stop me.
I'll finish him off!
- Come on. Let's leave.
- Bharathi...
One minute.
can you hand me that pen?
When I can hand her
over to you...
won't I hand this pen to you?
That was a good one.
Come on.
Let's leave.
can he even cross our
street along with you?
If it was impossible he
wouldn't have come here.
Take care.
What happened?
Come on let's leave.
Let's leave!
What happened?
We'll elope...
- but before that, how about a selfie?
- Sure!
Now what are they doing
taking pictures?
- Buddy.
- Tell me.
David's men have started
creating ruckus.
Two of their men came
into the hall drunk...
and when Selva confronted
them, they thrashed him.
Look at him.
One min. Wait here.
What happened?
I hope everything
is moving smooth.
Everything is running
smooth but...
dad has sensed out the issue.
There is no use trying to hide it from him.
You talk to him.
Hey Keera!
I'll come soon. Don't hand it over to dad.
Listen to me.
I'm fine. Please have your food.
It's Shiva...
Look here...
my son keeps me informed
if there is anything.
But this time he has
failed to do so...
that too at this very important
hour of his sister's marriage.
That means someone who has
trusted him is in deep trouble.
Look here...
We should never let down
the ones who trusts us.
Ask him to finish of his
work to perfection and...
then call me to my
mobile and I shall talk.
Come on!
If still anyone is
brave enough...
come, let's fight!
Who is he? Where is he from?
Just knock him down!
Now stop it!
He is busting up
all our men here!
Wait I'm on my way.
I'll be there soon.
Where are you?
I'm on my way with my men.
Forget it.
He knows where we all are.
So he is on his way!
Tell me where is he now?
- Brother!
- Was it him?
Our chief Manivasagam too
is famous in Madurai.
If they find out that I had explained him
everything about us, I'll be finished!
Come on now!
Come on everybody.
Let go of her!
Hey! Why did you do that?
What's the time?
10 a.m.
Tell me the exact time.
9:58 a.m
Come on now! Come on every body!
What will be the
reaction to this?
The news will spread that you came to Madurai
and took away Manivasagam's daughter with you.
The news will spread that you came to Madurai
and eloped with Manivasagam's daughter.
You must be a foodie!
You said the stagnant
water is electrocuted?
But look at him walk through it!
It was in the news that there will
be power outage from 9 to 10 a.m.
Stop wondering and
go catch them!
That is why he made
us roam around.
He is too clever
and quick witted!
Let's go?
How are we traveling?
He shouldn't cross the
limits of Madurai!
Check if it is
Manivasagam's daughter?
It's indeed her.
He did it!
Come on! Let's make a move!
Naga, make a call to Madurai.
Call up and find out
what's happening there!
Our chief's daughter is abducted! It's
riot everywhere! So shut down the shop!
Don't spare any of the shops!
What's happening there?
Stop kidding!
Our chief's daughter has eloped!
Tell him she was abducted!
She was abducted.
We have set the whole
Madurai on fire!
We will burn it down into
ashes for our chief!
Set it on fire!
Call him up.
Call Shiva!
Put it on loudspeaker mode.
Where are you?
What's happening there?
What did you tell me David?
That this is a violent
place by default.
All that build up was a waste!
They are still living
in the past David.
They are still in the same old attire
and carrying the same old weapon...
and looking for me at the bus stand,
railway station and the freeway.
What can I do?
Don't they realize there
is an airport in Madurai?
Where is the girl?
She and my guts,
both are with me!
I'll call you in an hour,
after reaching there.
Take care.
Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry.
No probs. No probs.
Now what?
Let's go!
Where will you go now?
Sins committed by the parents...
affects their children.
So does the loans.
Is it 7 to 8 years now?
I remember when you and your dad
came to borrow money from my dad...
You looked so gorgeous.
Still, you look the same.
But now...
no one can question me.
She keeps escaping now and then.
Get up and get ready.
tell me.
I'm still here.
I'll check and call you back.
Isn't the registration
happening today?
You were busy and hence...
Tell me buddy.
Tell me. What's up?
Everything is fine here.
How's everything over there?
The rituals are done.
Other customs are in the procession..
Finally, everyone are
looking relieved.
The whole hall is
in a festive mood.
Come soon.
I hope there are
no other issues.
Senthil has taken Selva
to the hospital.
Everyone are relieved and happy.
Most of them have left.
Only our and groom's
relatives are here.
Let them leave...
and then we'll take care of David.
Tell me.
Don't make any hasty decisions.
Everything is poised for a smooth
ending. I'll take care. You stay quite.
Listen! We shouldn't
spare them so easily.
David is calling me. I'll call you back.
Why did you switch
off your mobile?
Guess you too are
living in the past.
We are suppose to switch off the
mobile in the plane. Don't you know?
Where are you now?
A small change in
the plan David.
As we stepped out of Madurai...
the immediate flight
was to Coimbatore.
We are now at Coimbatore.
So should we come to Kumbakonam
or wait here at Coimbatore?
No one is so dedicated here.
But you...
you are doing what
I exactly want.
The real task for
you starts now.
So now take the girl...
well now...
I messed up with you once.
And now you messed up with me.
And I did what you
ordered me to do.
And that makes us even.
I won't dance to
your tunes anymore.
Got it?
Are you relieved that
the marriage is over?
If I had finished off someone at
the marriage hall yesterday...
it would have only been a small
hiccup in the proceedings.
But if I finish
someone off now...
it'll erupt as a volcano
in the whole family.
So don't you!
Don't let your sister's
happiest day turn into...
Don't make me complete
the sentence.
You are making the best
use of my situation.
What else did you think?
Such situations in your life is
a blessing for people like me.
when someone is looking to
settle things peacefully...
doesn't mean that
he can't battle.
It means that he is awaiting
a bigger battle to fight!
Tell me what to do now?
Wait for the big fight.
And one more thing...
You might have abducted the girl
from Madurai with your wits...
You have now arrived at her
fiance's destination.
Your wits won't work here.
He'll find and nab you
quicker than a CCTV footage.
do you mind if I advise you?
It's for your benefit.
Shall I?
Stop boasting about others.
Come to the point.
Tell me what should I do now?
I'll call you in half an hour.
Hang up.
Are you done talking?
Do you know how I feel?
Just like a fish from an aquarium
has found it's way to the sea.
Just like a bird feels it's
wings for the first time.
I feel so great!
I feel like holding your
hands and running forever.
What do you say?
Hey crazy lover!
How did this ever happen?
No words exchanged....
yet my heart completely
understands you and only you.
Hey crazy lover!
How did this ever happen?
No words exchanged....
yet my heart completely
understands you and only you.
Am I etched so deep in your heart?
Have you gone crazy in love?
Just like the opposite
poles of a magnet...
why are we attracted
to each other?
Every time I hug you, my
heart jumps with joy.
We are meant to be each other's forever.
Hey crazy lover!
How did this ever happen?
No words exchanged....
yet my heart completely
understands you and only you.
Some kind of nostalgia is kicking in,
that I am unable to understand...
When you are not around, the
loneliness knocks me down.
I wish for a life
with you forever.
Every time I see you I go
speechless and breathless.
Every time you pass by, the whole
world starts rotating backwards.
I am all yours by
heart and by soul.
Yes I am!
Your love has filled me
up and made me strong.
Every time I try talking to you, my
shyness prevents me from doing so.
Love expresses more
through looks...
So let me give you the sign
that yearns for a kiss.
Love, it's a crazy feeling
and it's so exciting.
Love, it's an adrenaline
rush and it's so exciting.
So come to me, my love.
Hey crazy lover!
How did this ever happen?
No words exchanged....
yet my heart completely
understands you and only you.
Am I etched so deep in your heart?
Have you gone crazy in love?
Just like the opposite
poles of a magnet...
why are we attracted
to each other?
Every time I hug you, my
heart jumps with joy.
We are meant to be
each other's forever.
We increased the treatment's
intensity based on your orders.
Maari died in the prison.
His brother in law will
be released tomorrow.
Why do you irritate me?
Stop explaining.
Get lost!
Did you say something?
Tell me.
Can you buy me a dress?
Call up that Kumbakonam fellow!
His tricks are very
worst off late!
Stop the car.
Brave little fellow!
I'm on my way.
Now come on. I have
been noticing....
you keep sending cowards at me.
I hope, nothing happened to you.
Oh my god.
I was worried that
something happened to you.
Be careful.
I'm steadily shaping up myself
to take revenge on you.
I will soon finish
you off and...
celebrate that in
a grand fashion.
I will drag your corpse
all over the place.
Now that sounds like a man!
Now this...
Now this is what I expect.
So come on brother!
[Hasan MRp @ Alpha13 MediaWorks]
The plot thickens now!
Indeed it thickens.
Your marriage is off because someone
has abducted your bride from Madurai.
He is now in your town!
Aren't you well versed with every
nook and corner of Coimbatore?
Now go!
You fiance is with someone else.
They are all over the place.
Catch him if you can.
What is it?
Now how's that for a plot?
Where are you going?
To make a call.
Tell me. Has everyone left?
But David's men
are still around.
I'm sorry buddy.
All this is because of me.
Only if I hadn't been to
the bar last night...
you would have been here
for Kavitha's marriage.
So what? Aren't you there?
Kavitha might be furious.
I'll make it up to her.
Few more hours.
I'll drop off the
girl and call you.
Ok buddy.
Hello brother.
Do you know if there is any
garments showroom nearby?
There is a mall over there.
You'll find it in there.
Thanks brother.
That mall belongs to me.
He is trying to back stab me!
Make a call to Madurai.
Tell me dear.
Yes I heard it too...
I had distributed the marriage invitation so
early to bring that fellow out of his hide out.
Must be some of
my rival's idea.
I'll take care.
Uncle, listen to me...
26th October...
morning 9 to 10:30...
the marriage will take
place at EVP hall.
I'll call you back.
Where is the groom from?
That is the place of
the groom I chose.
What about the one
my daughter chose?
Tell me David.
Where are you?
At the brookefields mall.
I'm trying to play
a game here...
and I find you right at
the finish line already!
There is a coffee shop
at the second floor.
Wait there.
I'm on my way.
Once I reach, you can
hand her over to me.
Then you may leave.
Yeah. Do that.
I can't take it anymore.
How's this?
It's superb!
Fine. What next?
How about a coffee?
2 cappuccinos.
So finally you did it?
You finally, took me
out for a coffee.
So go ahead, tell me.
you must tell.
Should I?
What's there to know about me?
I an open book.
As easy as that.
But it's you, who is a closed
book and has lots to tell.
So tell me.
Otherwise why would you
risk so much for me?
Tell me.
Guess she won't let me in peace.
Am I your first love?
Have you ever fell
in love before?
Well, love...
I know.
You would have.
How many of them?
When did you fell
in love with me?
Wait. Just a moment.
I'm not worth that much.
Forget that.
Did anyone ever propose you?
As usual.
Who has the guts to woo the
daughter of a big shot.
Couple of them tried proposing
me during 3rd year of college.
One guy, he never approached me.
The other guy didn't
have the guts.
No one was brave enough
to open their heart.
What's the use?
I wonder how such cowards
will ever get someone.
Actually, I am a show off.
I'm the best at it.
You must have noticed since morning.
Haven't you?
What a show off.
Mind blowing.
Now you tell me.
You shouldn't interrupt.
During my childhood...
around 6th...
At an age of 6?
What did I just say?
Shall I?
When I was in the 6th...
I mean...
when I was in the 6th grade...
my whole town fell
in love with a girl.
I was one among them.
Hey Shiva, looks like teacher
Paramshivan is quite serious.
If he dies then we'll have
four days of holidays.
What about Padma teacher?
When will she die?
These guys again! They are here
everyday after the school.
We must change our
route next time!
We appreciate your unity.
Buddy, please give me my share
from today's collection.
Shiva wait.
- Shiva wait.
- Oh no. Not him again! Troublesome fellow!
Come on now.
This greedy fellow won't
even give us money.
I guess the only way to avoid
him is leaving this place.
Pink color is it?
No one ever thought of this idea.
Everyone else are fools.
All the letters we got
where in a white sheet.
Except his.
Every letter he gets is different.
Love is colorful.
Hence the different
colored letters.
Ask her to read my
letter at least today.
Tell her I'll take
good care of her.
Leave that, go take care of
your personal hygiene first.
It stinks!
I was grazing the buffaloes.
I came in a rush.
If she reads your letter,
she'll chase us away!
Why so?
Your letter is full of spelling
and grammatical errors!
Is it?
I'll improve next time.
She is totally out
of his league.
My son is now a doctor.
Is it?
Happy to hear.
Pakkirisami, looks like you
are too generous today.
Oh come on now.
There is nothing left
with me anymore.
What about your family wealth?
Generations can live off it.
What do you say Selvam?
Everyone's house here...
will someday end up
being mortgaged.
We mortgaged the house
for his education.
By the time he finished
his education...
the house is gone.
Family's wealth...
has been completely used
up for his education.
It is said that "Save the land
by selling what it yields."
But you took it a step ahead.
My son has stood first in the state.
He is the first doctor
in our native.
It's a pride for me
and my whole family.
Wait and watch, he will be
the one to save your life.
See you.
Greetings Doctor.
See you uncle.
- My son has become a doctor.
- Congrats.
Ask your son to build a very
big hospital in our town.
You bet!
- What's the occasion?
- What about us?
Selvam is now a doctor.
So here take it.
Have it.
Wow! Selvam has become a doctor!
Please don't inject us with
needles when we fall sick.
Cure us with pills.
Ok. Sure.
Where are you going?
Isn't your house that way?
We are on our way
for our tuition.
You mean to Mala's house?
Here. Have some more.
Why are you bribing us?
Take it first.
Hand this over to Mala.
Not you!
We thought you are the only
disciplined man in our town.
- Well, now that has turned into a myth.
- Quite!
look here.
- You fatso!
- See what your son is up to.
- Move!
- I hope he doesn't turn into love doctor.
- Alert everyone!
- I said move!
Pakkirisami, all your
dreams have gone in vain.
check what the doctor has
prescribed in his letter.
Looks like a poem.
- But I can't understand it.
- Get me some water.
Well, who understands
a doctor's writing?
Show it to me.
Excuse me...
this is waste paper.
Please use this.
It's not important that we
earn from these Romeos.
Got it?
for a mere ten bucks...
Shiva sacrificed his love.
That is what everyone will say.
Forget them.
It's the achievement
that is important.
No matter what happens. Today you
must confess your love to her.
I'll handle anybody and
everybody who interferes.
Immature people! You be brave.
I'll go home and get few things.
You must propose her today.
We'll meet at the tuition class.
Ok buddy?
I swear...
I'll look into her
eyes and propose her.
Well, that's your choice.
Come on.
Oh my dear! What a beauty.
It showers rain in my
heart, every time I see her.
Buddy, it's working. Look there.
Our tutor, Mala is
looking at you.
This is the right time.
Go tell her.
I'll take care of the rest.
Go. Go. Go.
I want to say something.
What is it? What do
you want to say?
Mala, I love you.
What are you looking at?
Why are you laughing?
say that once again.
I love you.
Hey! One more please.
I said don't laugh.
Did anyone of you get this idea?
What is my little
brother saying?
When he said it...
he meant...
that he loves me as his sister.
My little brother...
loves me, his sister very much.
Isn't it dear?
Now come here.
Come on. Come here.
My little brother, come here.
Come to me.
No , I won't.
I'll cane you! Sit down.
So tell me...
why don't you punish me
like you punish others?
Why don't you scold
me like you scold others?
You keep smiling at me always
and never give me home work too.
When all those useless men
in the town loves you...
why shouldn't I love you?
That's because you are the
only one I love in this town.
I love my brother very much.
It showers rain in my
heart, every time I see her.
Every time I think
about you, my dear...
My heart jumps with joy....
Oh my shining star...
Yes, that is what you are.
Oh my dear! What a beauty.
It showers rain in my
heart, every time I see her.
When you talk, it rains
flowers all around me.
When I am with you, even the
scorching sun feels like the winter.
Even the moon looks
dull in front of you.
Even the rainbow wishes
that it was you.
Oh my dear!
Oh my dear!
Take me along with you.
My heart yearns for you.
Oh my dear! What a beauty.
It showers rain in my
heart, every time I see her.
Excuse me, please let my dad know
that I am my cousin's place.
I only see you and nothing else.
Every step of yours towards
me brings happiness.
I now see a whole new meaning
to all those great poems.
Oh my dear, you are
an angel in disguise.
Oh my dear.
Oh my dear.
So what do you say?
My shyness conveys
my love for you.
Oh my dear! What a beauty.
It showers rain in my
heart, every time I see her.
There was a time
when you obeyed me.
But looks like you have grown up
enough to question me now. Isn't it?
How many more transfers?
This place was your fifth transfer.
Without knowing anything, I
just blindly followed you.
But now I know.
Looks like some issue.
Let's leave.
Hey! Get lost!
Get lost!
Come on. Let's leave.
Come on.
You open a chit fund system in all the
places you go and finally cheat everyone.
It's been 8 years
since we are here.
So I guess you are done.
Your drinking has destroyed all our wealth and
over that you had borrowed too many loans.
And now you are
going to give in.
Isn't it?
It was all for your marriage.
I don't need such a wedding dad.
I have no one but you.
You too have none but me.
Let's stay back here.
Look, I can't go
away from Shiva.
Is it Shiva or...
is it Selvam?
I know.
Look here.
There are only two ways out.
It's been four days since the auction.
I must pay car owner
the money by tomorrow.
Or else he'll finish me off.
Either let that happen...
or else let me commit suicide.
Tell me why are you crying?
pass this letter to Selvam.
So aren't you in love with me?
I don't know how to explain.
You are my brother.
I love you very much.
Don't cry.
So you want this letter to be
delivered to Selvam? Don't worry.
I'll take care.
Looks like his marriage is over.
Lucky fellow!
There is Shiva. Let's
take him along with us.
Where are you going?
To Selvam's house.
Seems like they are playing the movie
'Captain Prabhakaran' at Palani's house.
- Come let's go join them and watch it.
- Yes. Come on.
Did you listen to
me when I told you?
Nothing is left.
Both, he and his
daughter have absconded.
You guys don't pay
heed to my words!
They have left nothing behind.
Destroy their house.
He played Judas with
the whole town!
- Where is Selvam?
- I don't know.
Looks like some
issue over there.
It's happening at Mala's house.
Come on, let's go check it out.
They seemed to be
really furious.
Look. There is Selvam.
Why are you all
thrashing my son?
Leave him.
Stop it. Please stop it.
He is a doctor.
Please stop it.
I said stop it.
Please, have some respect.
He is a doctor.
Listen, even I'm shocked.
I said leave me.
- Oh my god.
- Try to understand.
Stop blaming me unnecessarily.
I said stop.
Why are you thrashing him?
I said I don't know.
Leave me!
Can't you hear me? I said I don't know!
Stop it. Move! Stop
thrashing him you cowards!
- All our money is gone.
- Fool!
What brutality is this?
You guys need your money back.
Isn't it. I shall repay you.
Get up.
Somebody give a hand.
Aren't you supposed
to be at school?
Now leave. Go to school.
Come on. Let's leave.
Where is Selvam?
Our doctor has turned retard.
He doesn't realise that his dad passed
away. He is sitting by the fields.
Where might have she gone?
It's so strange that she left.
Shiva! Come here.
Where is Mala?
Did she tell you something?
Where did she go?
She should have informed me.
Isn't it?
Are you sure that she
didn't leave any message?
Where could have
she possibly gone?
If she had to elope, she should
have eloped with me. Right?
Now, where is she?
Everyone are thrashing me.
Where is she?
She didn't even leave a message.
Where is Mala? Did she
leave any message?
Do you have any idea?
Tell me.
Shiva, tell me.
Shiva, tell me. Shiva.
Damn it!
Is it why you help
many couples unite?
Well no...
Now, we are having
a conversation.
Say, suddenly a boy comes
by and says he is hungry...
we refuse and ask
him to move on.
Now he leaves, after sometime
he faints and passes away.
How guilty would that make us?
Won't we regret?
He would've been alive if we had helped.
Won't the guilt kill us?
Such a guilty feeling.
This is something similar.
Say, again we see
a boy starving...
what would we do?
We would give him
money for food.
In fact, we would give enough
money to have food for days.
Won't we try rectifying
our mistake?
The happiness we get from it...
The excitement it brings.
this is something similar.
whenever a friend or
friends of friends...
come to me with a
problem in love...
No matter whoever it is...
I help them.
What I did to Mala and Selvam...
Fine, I get that...
I would love to see
that childhood Shiva.
Look. Over there.
Looks like Mala.
No Bharathi. That is not Mala.
That is someone else.
How do you know Mala?
Isn't it?
How do I know her?
But the moment I
took her name...
did you see how
spontaneous you were?
I saw that good old
childhood Shiva.
I know that you still
love her very much.
Dear Bharathi...
I meant, Bharathi...
She is like a sister.
this term 'I love you'...
can be used for mom, dad,
siblings and objects.
But down here...
we have stereotyped it, using
it only to propose a girl.
My love is...
nothing but...
the care that I had on
Mala during my childhood.
She believed too much in me.
And I betrayed her.
I hope you won't
do the same to me?
Every time I go against him,
I keep losing something.
But this time I will return only
after Cheilyan's death.
Just in case, if they
finish me off...
don't think too much.
Go back to your homes.
You can judge me all you want
for eloping with you.
But don't think I'm retard.
I didn't come out
just like that.
It's the trust that
I have upon you.
Every girl has a
guy in her mind.
She yearns for him.
Just like you guys say...
love at first sight or love
after missing each other.
In this case, it's
love by imagination.
[Hasan MRp @ Alpha13 MediaWorks]
a girl must find out the guy
she had in her imagination.
As simple as that.
That is how I found you.
You came into my life
at the right time.
The 80th anniversary of that old
couple, that you organized;
what else will impress a girl more
that that and to get to know you?
What are you talking about?
Everyone in my circle knows about
this 80th anniversary couple's story.
I can narrate it
over and over again.
You must know it.
Shall I narrate?
Since, I couldn't attend
my friends marriage...
I made a visit to her place in Kumbakonam.
That's when...
I saw you for the first time.
Parents have immense trust on their kids
but there is always a little doubt.
A doubt that their child
might get into trouble.
But your parent's don't
have that doubt.
You friends celebrate you.
What else do I have
to know about you?
I've no doubts.
That's why I came
along with you.
Didn't you already inform your friends?
Hope everything is set?
I always believed that something
special is about to happen.
And now it has happened.
I met you.
You keep coming back to me again and again.
The first time you
abducted me...
you left me stranded.
Second time, you left me
stranded in the stage.
This is the third time
and I am here with you.
This time, I won't leave you.
you haven't said it yet.
I mean...
the words 'I Love you.'
I'm waiting to say
it after you do.
Your phone is ringing.
Just a moment.
I'll be back.
Tell me David.
You sound too brave.
Turn around.
Instead of chopping your hands off...
I'm letting you get away for
obeying my order.
Now leave.
You may now go back
to your family.
David, this girl
trusts me a lot.
So please David....
I won't repeat it again.
Now shut up and leave.
I'll order my men to
finish of your dad.
Now go!
David, please listen to me.
Tell me Keera.
Buddy, is something
serious over there?
Here is the balance for
the catering services..
David's men have
round up behind Dad.
I'm worried.
You there?
Tell me, what is the problem?
What happened?
Sit down.
Give me ten mins. I'll
just go to the restroom.
Why so much time?
Fine. Go.
Nothing. Go.
Are you all Shiva's friends?
Have a seat.
Tell me.
I committed a
mistake once again.
What happened?
Why do you sound nervous?
For my own good...
I just betrayed a girl
who trusts me blindly.
What are you saying?
Is it destiny that
brought me to David?
Is it destiny that I had to go to Madurai
and abduct her and reach Coimbatore?
Why is she so crazy about me?
What? She loves you!
Why is all this happening to me?
Tell me Keera..Why is all
this happening to me?
Tell me!
What did I do to deserve this?
Tell me, why do I deserve this?
Catch her!
Don't let her go!
Catch her!
She is getting into the lift.
Catch her.
Open the lift!
It's going down.
Come on, let's go.
Sir, I'm in trouble.
Please help me reach the
nearest police station.
Please sir.
Please help me.
Please, I'm deep in trouble.
Please help me.
Please help me brother.
Where are you escaping?
Come now!
Come on.
Where are you going?
Come on. Let's go.
Who are you?
Leave my hands.
My boy friend is around.
If he sees this,
you'll be done for.
To abduct you from Madurai
and leave you here...
that was his task.
He has left now.
Come with me.
Let us wait.
He'll come.
He won't come.
What's the time?
Tell me the exact time.
He won't come.
I said move.
Look at that.
Who is he?
Where were you all these years?
I looked for you everywhere.
What bought you here?
I'll don't think twice to help,
even if it's for a stranger.
What bought you to the mall?
What's is the issue
you are facing?
How is Selvam?
I've lost myself worrying
about you all these years.
Even now I was talking
about you to Bharathi.
As I keep talking about you...
she get more curious about you.
Who is Bharathi?
Stop repeating yourself.
He won't come.
But wait. Your fiance
will arrive now.
I thought you'll bring
more men along with you.
Look at that. A woman
alongside you!
So how's my future
father in law?
Don't worry baby.
I'll take care of you.
So looks like you are
missing your brother?
I wish I could reply
to all your questions.
at the same time I wish you were dead.
Come on!
Hey you doofus!
Don't you know the drill?
Point the knife at my throat!
That will make him more
furious and powerful.
Do it.
I love you.
I love you.
Love you.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
I love you.
Doesn't even know to....
handle a knife!
Shall we leave?
Look at that.
You said he was merely a cat?
Cat and tiger belong to the same family.
From far they appear the same.
Only when it approaches, you
know what they really are.
If it is a cat...
or if it's a tiger.
Are you ok baby?
Yeah baby.
Shall we?
We shall.
Let's go.
No. I feel strange.
Don't you want to meet Selvam?
So get down.
- Wear it properly.
- Leave me.
Looks like you have a six pack.
These villagers treat me as retard.
Now why are you making me look so?
Why do you think so?
Don't you mock the politicians.
Is it my marriage?
It's Kavitha's wedding?
Wait and watch what
I'll do to you.
- What?
- Let Shiva arrive.
It was Shiva who asked
us to get you ready.
Where is he?
Look at them. They are
get me all dressed up.
This fellow...
Where did you go off to?
Do you know, these
villagers thrashed me?
My dad passed away.
You could have left
me message at least.
How dare you miss my marriage?
- You betrayed me!
- Sorry.
- Do not talk to me.
- Sorry. She is my sister.
- I'm very sorry dear.
- Ok.
Are you happy Ms. Bride?
- Shiva?
- Dad...
Sorry dad.
For what?
Why are you hurt?
It's nothing.
- I hope everything is solved.
- Indeed.
sorry I couldn't make it.
- Forgive me.
- It's ok.
Look. Mala.
It's ok dear brother in law.
Don't cry.
How have you been?
Yes dad?
Are you finally relieved
of your haunting past?
Will you take Mala?
I mean will you marry her?
So was this all set up for me?
Indeed, it's for you.
He finally understood!
Sure. I'll marry her.
Did you notice that northern girl? He has got
a daughter in law for you to fight with.
She is taller than you.
Oh! Oh!
Even parents wouldn't have
cared for me so much.
it's siblings who are
there for us forever.
Will you be there for me always?
don't question me the obvious.
Got it?
I only have one answer
for all your questions.
love my sister, Mala.
I love you Mala.
Don't cry.
Stop crying.
Stay happy always.
You will be happy always.
Now what are you up to?
Shiva! Shiva!
Did you elope with some big
shot's daughter from Madurai?
Thousands of his men are here.
Come fast.
Did you forget to
inform your dad?
That is why is he is so upset.
Next time inform him
while eloping. Ok?
is that your dad?
Ask him if we can sit and talk.
Stop kidding.
You risk your life to
unite couples elsewhere.
And you thought ours will
be a walk in the park?
Go! Bash them up!
This is our love story.
I want to see you bash
them up for our love.
He is the one who
abducted your daughter.
He took her away when
no one was around.
Go teach him a lesson.
I'll return it in two mins sir.
Subtitled By
[Hasan MRp @ Alpha13 MediaWorks]