Remains of the Day, The (1993)

Dear Mr. Stevens:
You will be surprised to hear
from me after all this time.
You've been in my thoughts since
I heard Lord Darlington had died.
We read that his heirs
put Darlington Hall up for sale...
... as they no longer wished
to maintain it.
As no one would buy
such a large house...
... the new earl decided to demolish
it and sell the stone for 5000 pounds.
We also saw some rubbish in the
Daily Mail "which made my blood boil:"
"Traitor's nest to be pulled down."
One hundred and eighty guineas?
One hundred and eighty?
Have we done?
Ladies and gentlemen,
a great highlight of the sale:
Lot 414...
...the fine Elizabethan portrait,
A Portly Gentleman.
I'll start the bidding
at 2000 guineas.
Four and a half thousand.
And a half.
And a half.
And a half.
And a half.
And a half.
And a half.
And a half.
Against you, sir,
at eleven and a half thousand guineas.
All done at
eleven and a half thousand guineas.
I was very relieved to read
how an American millionaire...
... named Lewis saved
Darlington Hall...
... so you wouldn't be turned out
of your home after all.
Is it the same Congressman Lewis...
... who attended His Lordship's
conference in 1936?
Mr. Stevens, I so often think
of the good old days...
... when I was the housekeeper.
It was hard work...
... and I have known butlers easier
to please than our Mr. Stevens...
... but those years with you were
among the happiest of my life.
You must have a completely
different staff now.
Not many of the old faces
around anymore.
There's not much need
for the small army of footmen...
... that Lord Darlington employed.
My own news is not very cheerful.
In the 7 years since I last wrote,
I have again left my husband...
... and, sad to say,
my marriage seems to be over.
I'm staying at a friend's
boarding house in Clevedon.
I don't know what my future is.
Since Catherine, my daughter, got
married, my life has been empty.
The years stretch before me and
if only I knew how to fill them.
But I would like to be useful again.
- Burned again?
- Yes, I'm sorry, sir.
The rule in the kitchen
has always been...
...cook cooks the cooked breakfast
while her assistant toasts the toast.
Why don't we get her a pop-up toaster?
We need not a new gadget
but a revised staff plan, sir.
A staff plan, huh?
I didn't know we had one.
A faulty one, unfortunately.
Sir, quite recently... were kind enough to suggest
that I go on a little holiday trip...
...around the country.
Absolutely. Certainly, take a break.
See the world.
Thank you, sir.
When did you last see the world?
The world always used to come
to this house, if I may say so.
You may say so.
Take off when I'm in London next week.
I tell you what, you take the car.
- Take the Daimler.
- Good Lord, sir, I couldn't.
You and that Daimler belong together.
You were made for each other.
That's most kind of you,
I must say, sir. Most kind.
I'd meant to travel the West, where I
understand we have splendid scenery.
And I might incidentally be able
to solve our problems while I'm there.
A former housekeeper, at present
living in Clevedon, has indicated...
...that she might be prepared
to return to service.
What's this, your girlfriend?
Or a former attachment?
Oh, no, sir.
No, but a very able housekeeper.
A most able housekeeper.
I was just kidding, Stevens.
You know what I like best
about your papers?
These obituaries.
Every son of a gun gets
this stately funeral oration.
- It's not an art we have in the States.
- Indeed, sir.
Thank you, Stevens.
Mr. Lewis.
Dear Mrs. Benn...
... I propose to reach Clevedon
on October 3rd around 4 p.m.
I'd be grateful for a line from you...
... to reach me at the post office
at Collingbourne, near Hungerford...
... where I'm planning to stop.
Mrs. Benn, I always said you
possess an amazing memory.
Our new employer is indeed
Congressman Lewis...
... though he's now retired
from political life in the U.S.
He's taken up residence at Darlington
Hall, soon to be joined by his family.
But I regret to say we are woefully
understaffed for a house this size.
Mrs. Benn, will you permit me
once again to sing your praises?
Let me state that when you left
to get married...
... no housekeeper ever reached
your high standard in any department.
I well remember your arrival
at Darlington Hall.
You came somewhat unexpectedly,
one might even say impulsively...
... while we were dead in the middle
of the Charlgrove meet.
That day is marked in my
memory in another way as well.
It was the last time His Lordship...
... was happy to welcome
his neighbours, as in the old days.
Of course, it had been years since
any of them had coaxed him to hunt.
It was never a sport His Lordship
enjoyed or approved of.
- Good morning, Ayres.
- My lord, nice to see you.
Excuse me, sir.
I fear I may have been a little
unwelcoming, even a little short.
You presented the best references
I've ever seen.
Which proved to be well-deserved.
Though, I confess, I did have my
doubts, on account of your youth.
No gentleman callers allowed,
of course.
Forgive my mentioning it, but we've
had those problems before.
Inside the house too.
The previous housekeeper ran off
with the under-butler.
If two staff members decide to get
married, one can say nothing.
What I find a major irritation...
...are those persons who go from
post to post looking for romance.
Housekeepers are particularly
guilty here.
- No offense intended, of course.
- None taken.
I know how a house is at sixes and
sevens once the staff start marrying.
Yes, indeed.
- Might I have a word, sir?
- Of course.
My lord, it's regarding
the under-butler...
...and the housekeeper
who ran off last month.
Bad business.
How are you managing?
I've found two
first-rate replacements.
Miss Kenton, a young woman
with excellent references.
Very pleasing demeanour.
Appears to be very able.
And a man with
considerable experience.
- Older and happy to be under-butler.
- Name?
Stevens, sir.
- Stevens?
- Yes, sir.
- That's your name.
- He's my father, sir.
Couldn't do better.
I'd like to see him sometime.
He's outside the door.
Good. Bring him in.
Thank you, my lord.
Mr. Stevens, how do you do?
- My lord.
- Very good man here, your son.
He serves the house well.
I don't know what we'd do without him.
- Proud of him?
- Very, my lord.
Quite right too.
Glad to have you with us.
Thank you, my lord.
What are we at dinner tonight?
Twelve, sir.
Thank you, my lord.
- This pitcher seems out of place here.
- Dining room. Well spotted.
- Hello, William, how are you?
- Good day, Miss Kenton.
I thought these might
brighten your parlour.
Beg your pardon?
They might cheer things up for you.
That's very kind of you.
If you like, I could bring in
some more for you.
Thank you...
...but I regard this room
as my private place of work...
...and I prefer to keep distractions
to a minimum.
Would you call flowers
a distraction, then?
I appreciate your kindness.
I prefer to keep things as they are.
But since you are here, there is a
small matter I wanted to mention.
I happened to be walking past
the kitchen yesterday morning...
...and I heard you call
to someone named William.
May I ask who you were
addressing by that name?
I should think I was
addressing your father.
There are no other Williams
in this house.
May I ask you in future to address
my father as Mr. Stevens?
If speaking of him
to a third party, you may call him...
...Mr. Stevens Sr.
to distinguish him from myself.
So I would be most grateful to you,
Miss Kenton.
I don't quite understand
what you're getting at.
I am the housekeeper in this house,
and your father is the under-butler.
I am accustomed to addressing under-
servants by their Christian names.
If you would stop to think for a moment,
you'd realize... inappropriate it is for one such
as yourself to address as William...
...someone such as my father.
It must have been very galling for
your father to be called William... one such as myself.
My father is a person from whom...
...if you'd observe him more,
you may learn things.
I'm grateful for your advice,
but do tell me...
...what things might I learn from him?
I might point out that you're...
...often unsure of what goes where
and which item is which.
I'm sure Mr. Stevens Sr.
is very good at his job...
...but I can assure you
that I'm very good at mine.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
If you will please excuse me.
Oh, well.
My compliments to cook.
What a lovely piece of crackling.
I'm sure you said something witty.
Share it with the rest of us.
I said the sprouts is done the way
I like them. Crisp-like, not mushy.
Sprouts "are" done, not "is" done.
Isn't that right, George?
Yes, Mr. Stevens.
Forgive the correction,
as I would have done... your age for the sake
of my education.
I'm sure even you have ambitions
to rise in your profession.
Oh, yes. I want to be
a butler, to be called Mister...
...sit in my own pantry by my own fire,
smoking my cigar.
I wonder if you realize what it takes
to be a great butler?
Takes dignity, that's what it takes.
Thank you, Mr. Stevens.
Dignity, that's right. Dignity.
The definition from our quarterly
"The Gentlemen's Gentleman":
A great butler must be possessed
of dignity...
In keeping with his position.
There was this English butler
in India.
One day, he goes in the dining room
and what's under the table?
A tiger.
Not turning a hair,
he goes to the drawing room.
"Excuse me, my lord," and whispering,
so as not to upset the ladies:
"I'm sorry. There appears to
be a tiger in the dining room.
Perhaps His Lordship will permit
use of the twelve-bores?"
They go on drinking their tea.
And then, there's three gunshots.
They don't think nothing of it.
In India, they're used to anything.
When the butler is back
to refresh the teapots...
...he says, cool as a cucumber:
"Dinner will be served
at the usual time, my lord.
And I am pleased to say there will
be no discernible traces left...
...of the recent occurrence
by that time."
I'll repeat it. "There will be
no discernible traces left...
...of the recent occurrence
by that time."
- Wonderful, Mr. Stevens.
- Thank you, Mr. Stevens.
Wonderful story. That's the ideal
that we should all aim for. Dignity.
For you, Mr. Stevens.
Thank you.
It's for Mr. Stevens Sr.,
Mr. Stevens.
Thank you, Miss Kenton.
Put Mr. Stevens Sr. 's plate
with cook to keep it warm.
Yes, Miss Kenton.
Thank you.
Not at all, Mr. Stevens.
If you're searching for your dustpan,
it is out on the landing.
My dustpan?
You've left it on the landing.
- I haven't used a dustpan.
- Really? It must be somebody else.
- I don't follow you.
- My mistake, no doubt. One of many.
Morning, sir.
I've invited Giscard Dupont D'Ivry
as the French delegate.
He'll never come!
I just had word of his acceptance.
Dupont is fanatically anti-German.
His speech in Geneva in '33...
...made me ashamed to be
an ally of the French.
It's not the English way.
No, it is not.
This is the purpose of our conference,
to discuss these matters informally...
...far from the to-do
of an international conference... the friendly and relaxed...
...atmosphere of one's home.
We may bring round the French
to our point of view.
And that of the Germans.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but how can we
associate with the Germans?
With the Nazi Party! They have torn
up and trampled every treaty...
...and are a growing threat to Europe,
not to mention a brutal dictatorship.
My dear boy, when I was in Berlin,
I saw at last a happy German people...
...with jobs, bread, pride in their
country and love of their leader.
And what about the Jews?
Did His Lordship wish to exchange
the Chinaman in the cabinet room...
...with the one outside the door?
- Chinaman?
- Yes.
The Chinaman from the cabinet room is
outside this door. See for yourself.
I'm busy at the moment.
Just pop your head outside this door
and see for yourself.
- I'll look into the matter later.
- You think it's a fantasy?
A fantasy on my part
due to my inexperience?
I'm busy in this room, Miss Kenton.
I shall wait.
- Is that not the wrong Chinaman?
- I am very busy.
Have you nothing better to do
than stand around?
Look at it and tell me the truth.
Keep your voice down.
What would the other servants think...
...of us shouting about a Chinaman?
And I would ask you... turn around
and look at the Chinaman.
It is a small mistake.
Your father is entrusted with more
than he can cope with.
Let me pass.
Your father left the dustpan
on the floor.
He left polish on the cutlery
and confused the Chinaman.
Recognize this before he commits
a major error!
- You can't talk to me like this.
- I'm afraid I must.
I'm giving you serious advice.
Your father should be relieved of a
number of his duties for his own good.
Whatever he once was, he no longer
has the same ability or strength.
I thank you for your advice.
Perhaps now I can go about
my business.
I never meant to keep you
from your business.
Thank you.
It's vital that we've agreed a common
policy before the arrival of...
...your Frenchman. What's his name?
- Giscard Dupont D'Ivry.
We also expect the
American delegate...
...Congressman Lewis,
to arrive on the same day.
Who is he, this American?
He's an unknown quantity. A young
congressman from Pennsylvania.
Sits on some sort of powerful
Foreign Affairs Committee.
Heir to one of those
American fortunes.
- Meatpacking?
- Trolley cars?
Or dry goods?
What are dry goods?
Something that Americans make
a lot of money in.
No, I think Mr. Lewis' fortune
comes from cosmetics, actually.
It's old Mr. Stevens!
Get a cushion, quickly.
A blanket!
The silver!
The silver!
Oh, my lord. Sorry.
You'll be all right.
Thank you, sir. I'm sorry.
What happened?
- He tripped with the tray.
- I saw it from the window.
This has never happened before.
- May I telephone the doctor?
- Yes, do.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't worry.
Your father feeling better?
He's made a full recovery.
We don't wish to see anything
of that sort ever happen again, do we?
- I mean, your father collapsing.
- Indeed not, my lord.
And it could happen anywhere.
At any time.
The first of the foreign delegates
will be here in less than a fortnight.
- We are well prepared, my lord.
- I'm sure you are.
What happens within this house
could have...
...considerable repercussions
on the course that Europe takes.
It means a great deal.
And it means a great deal
to me personally.
I had a German friend,
Karl-Heinz Bremann.
We fought on opposite sides
in the war.
We always said when it was over,
we'd sit down and have a drink... gentlemen.
The Versailles Treaty
made a liar of me.
Yes, a liar, Stevens.
Because the terms we imposed were
so harsh that Germany was finished.
One doesn't do that
to a defeated foe.
Once your man's on the canvas,
it ought to be over.
My friend Bremann
was ruined by inflation.
Couldn't get a job
in postwar Germany.
Killed himself.
Shot himself in a railway carriage.
Since then, I've felt it my duty
to help Germany and to give her...
...a fair chance.
So this conference is crucial...
...and we can't run the risk
of any accidents.
There's no question
of your father leaving.
You're simply being asked
to reconsider his duties.
Of course, my lord.
I understand fully.
I'll leave you to think about it,
then, Stevens.
Thank you, sir.
I'm short-handed in the dining room.
I can use you in the servery.
- Thank you, Mr. Stevens, sir.
- Smarten up. Look sharp.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I might've known you'd be up
and ready for the day.
I've been up for two hours.
- That's not much sleep.
- It's all the sleep I need.
I've come to talk to you.
Talk, then.
I haven't got all morning.
- I'll come straight to the point.
- Do, and be done with it.
Some of us have work
to be getting on with.
There's to be a very important
conference in this house next week.
People of great stature will be
His Lordship's guests.
We must all put our best foot forward.
Because of Father's recent accident... has been suggested that you
no longer wait at table.
I've waited at table every day...
...for the last 54 years.
It has also been decided that you
should no longer carry heavy trays.
Now, here's a revised list
of your duties.
Look, I fell...
...because of those paving stones.
They're crooked.
Why don't you get them put right
before someone else falls?
You will read the revised list
of your duties.
Get those stones put right.
You don't want those "gentlemen of stature"
breaking their necks.
No, indeed, I don't.
What is it?
You have what we can call
a roving commission.
In other words, you can exercise
your own judgment...
...within certain limits, of course.
Now, here are the mops, and...
- Are these me mops?
- Right. Your brushes.
And me brushes?
- And me mops.
- That's right.
What do you want me to do with them?
I think you know what to do with them,
Father. Look for dust and dirt.
If I find any dust or dirt...
...I go over them with this mop.
That's right.
Now, I suggest you start off...
...with the brasses on the doors.
There's that door there.
Then the door that's open.
And then there's this door here...
Here's your polish.
And duster.
History could well be made under
this roof over the next few days.
Each and every one of you...
...can be proud of the role
you will play on this occasion.
Imagine yourself
the head of a battalion...
... even if it is only filling
the hot-water bottles.
Each one has his own
particular duty...
... or her particular duty,
as the cap fits.
Polished brass, brilliant silver,
mahogany shining like a mirror.
That is the welcome we will show
these foreign visitors...
... to let them know
they are in England...
... where order and tradition
still prevail.
Thank you, Brian.
Mr. Lewis, the American,
has arrived.
He was expected tomorrow.
What have you done with him?
Mr. Lewis has been shown upstairs.
My godson, Cardinal, will shortly
become engaged to be married.
Indeed, sir.
I offer my congratulations.
Thank you, Stevens.
I feel very responsible for the boy.
He is my godson, and his father
was my closest friend, as you know.
And now that he's gone, well...
...I feel in place of a father to him.
I've appointed him as my secretary
at the conference.
He's been jolly thorough
in helping me to prepare.
I realize this is a somewhat
irregular thing to ask you to do.
I'd be glad to be of any assistance.
I'm sorry to bring this up...
...but I just can't see how on earth
to make it go away.
You are familiar with
the facts of life?
- My lord?
- The facts of life.
Birds, bees.
You are familiar, aren't you?
I'm afraid I don't quite follow you.
Let me put my cards on the table.
I'm so busy with this conference.
Of course, you are too...
...but someone has to tell him.
In a way, it would be easier for you.
Less awkward.
I'd find the task rather daunting,
I'm afraid.
I might not get to it
before Reginald's wedding day.
Of course, this goes far beyond
the call of duty.
I shall do my best.
I'd be grateful if you'd try.
It'd be a lot off my mind.
There's no need to make a song and
dance of it. Just convey the facts.
God! Stevens!
Sorry. Most sorry, sir...
...but I do have something to convey
to you rather urgently.
If I may, I'll come to the point.
Perhaps you noticed this morning the
ducks and the geese by the pond?
Ducks and geese?
I don't think so.
Well, perhaps the birds
and the flowers, then...
...or the shrubs, the bees...
I've not seen any bees.
- It's not the best time to see them.
- What, the bees?
What I'm saying is that,
with the arrival of spring...
...we shall see a most remarkable
and profound change... the surroundings.
I'm sure that's right. I'm sure the
grounds are not at their best now.
I wasn't paying attention
to the glories of nature...
...because it's worrying...
Dupont D'Ivry has arrived in a foul
mood, the last thing anyone wants.
- M. Dupont D'Ivry has arrived?
- Half an hour ago, in a foul mood.
In that case, excuse me.
I'd better go and attend to him.
Right you are.
Kind of you to talk to me.
Not at all. I've one or two words
more to convey on the topic of... you put it most admirably...
...the glories of nature.
But it must wait for another occasion.
I'll look forward to it.
But I'm more of a fish man.
- Fish?
- I know all about fish.
Freshwater and salt.
All living creatures would be
relevant to our discussion.
Excuse me. I had no idea that
"Monsieur" Dupont D'Ivry had arrived.
Thank you.
May I be of assistance, sir?
Oh, the butler.
I have sore feet, so I need a basin
with warm water and salts, please.
I'll arrange that with
the housekeeper, sir.
Warm water and salts
as soon as possible.
How do you do? But I speak English.
Good. That's lucky for me.
I'm Jack Lewis, the U.S. delegate.
Could we speak privately soon?
Yes, of course.
But I have blisters due to some
sightseeing they made me do in London.
I had already seen
the Tower of London.
I've discovered that things
are not moving... a direction that I think
you would approve of.
German rearmament
is a fact to be accepted.
It's in our own interest to have a free
and equal Germany.
Not a prostrate nation...
...upon whom an unfair peace treaty
was imposed 16 years ago.
Those who've been in Germany...
...can only thrill, as I have,
to the signs of rebirth. assist Germany in her virile
struggle for economic recovery...
...including support for her fair
demand for equality of armaments...
...and universal military service
for German youth.
If we, in postwar Europe...
I need more water.
I need another basin to bathe my feet.
Follow me, sir.
Excuse me.
- We have to talk.
- This way, sir.
My friend, I am in agony.
Too tight shoes. I blame myself.
We must do some fast maneuvering
to restrain the Germans.
Please come this way, gentlemen.
Butler, please, could you help me
with my feet... shoe?
- Yes, of course.
- Take it off.
What they said about equality of arms
for Germany, military service...
- Sorry, sir.
- I'll manage.
Your father's been taken ill, sir.
- Where?
- Outside the Chinese bedroom, sir.
Germany wants peace as much as we do.
She needs peace.
Here, let me help you with that.
Thank you.
Thank you, Charles.
Take a basin of hot water and salts... Mr. D'Ivry in the
billiards room. Is that understood?
- Yes, Mr. Stevens.
- Good. Do it.
I have more time than you to look
after him. I've called the doctor.
Thank you, Miss Kenton.
Your father's not so good, I'm afraid.
If he deteriorates, call me, will you?
How old is he? 70, 72?
- 75, sir.
- I see.
- Lf he deteriorates, let me know.
- I will, sir. Thank you, doctor.
More haste, less speed.
There's something missing.
What is it?
- The spoon from the cruet set, sir.
- Good.
Well observed.
Now, never touch the lip of the glass.
Glass first, and then...
Is everything in hand downstairs?
We're preparing the last dinner
of the conference.
You can imagine the kitchen.
- But is everything in hand?
- Yes, I think we're up to scratch.
Are you feeling any better?
There's something I have to tell you.
I have so much to do.
Why don't we talk in the morning?
...I fell out of love
with your mother.
I loved her once.
The love went out of me
when I found her carrying on.
A good son.
Proud of you.
I hope I've been a good father.
I tried me best.
You better get down there...
...or heaven only knows
what they'll be up to.
Go on.
Go on!
We'll talk in the morning.
On the last day of our conference...
...permit me to say
how impressed I have been...
...with the spirit of goodwill
that has prevailed.
Goodwill for Germany.
And with tears in my eyes...
...I see that everyone here
has recognized...
...our right to be, once again,
a strong nation.
With my hand on my heart,
I declare...
...that Germany needs peace...
...and desires only peace.
Peace with England...
...and peace with France.
Thank you very much.
I, too, have been impressed...
...yes, deeply impressed... the genuine desire for peace
manifested at this conference.
Unlike our American colleague...
...we in Europe know
the horrors of war.
And whether we are French
or English or Italian or German...
...our one desire is to never
have to experience them again.
Impressed, or I may say touched... the words of goodwill
and friendship I have heard...
...I promise you that I shall do
my utmost... change my country's policy...
...towards that nation
which was once our foe...
...but is now,
I may venture to say...
...our friend.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...the United States doesn't want war
any more than you do.
On the other hand, neither do we
want peace at any price...
...because some prices,
you may find...
...are too outrageously high to pay.
But let's not get into that now.
We may have to soon enough.
For the moment, let us raise
our glasses to Lord Darlington... gratitude for his
magnificent hospitality.
Lord Darlington is a classic
English gentleman of the old school.
Decent and honorable and well-meaning.
So are all of you. All decent,
honorable and well-meaning gentlemen.
It's a pleasure and a privilege
to visit with you here.
But..., excuse me, I must say this... are, all of you, amateurs.
And international affairs should
never be run by gentlemen amateurs.
Do you have any idea of what sort
of a place the world is becoming?
The days when you could act
out of noble instincts are over.
Europe has become the arena of
"Realpolitik", the politics of reality.
If you like, real politics.
What you need is not gentlemen
politicians, but real ones.
You need professionals,
or you're headed for disaster.
So I propose a toast, gentlemen... the professionals.
Well, I've no wish to enter
into a quarrel...
...on our last evening together.
But let me say this.
What you describe as amateurism... what I think most of us here
still prefer to call honour.
Miss Kenton would like to see you
concerning your father.
I suggest that your professionalism
means greed and power...
...rather than to see justice
and goodness prevail in the world.
I've never concealed from myself
that what we were asking of Germany... a complete break from the
tradition of this country. Thank you.
Mr. Stevens, I'm very sorry.
Your father passed away
four minutes ago.
Oh, I see.
I'm so very sorry.
I wish there was something
I could say.
Will you come up and see him?
Well, I'm very busy at the moment.
In a little while, perhaps.
In that case, will you permit me
to close his eyes?
I would be most grateful.
Thank you.
My father would wish me to carry on.
I can't let him down.
No. Of course.
I'd really like to continue
our little chat sometime.
About nature.
You're right. I should come back
when everything's burgeoning.
Yes, sir. Indeed.
As I said before, my main interest
has always been in fish.
When I was small,
I kept tropical fish in a tank.
I harboured quite a passion for them.
I'll have another drop of that,
if you don't mind.
You all right?
I'm perfectly all right.
Not feeling unwell?
No, sir. A little tired, perhaps.
What a beautiful example of German
culture you've brought to this house.
Very nice.
I hope there's no hard feelings.
Oh, my dear good chap.
I like a good, clean fight.
Giving as good as one gets, what?
I have the greatest respect
for the English. I love it here.
My family brought us here as kids,
so I feel at home.
Anyway, thank you.
Excuse me.
You all right?
Yes, perfect, my lord.
You coming down
with a cold or something?
It's been a long day.
It's been a hard day for both of us.
Well done.
My condolences.
It was a stroke. A severe stroke.
He wouldn't have suffered much pain.
Thank you for telling me.
There's a distinguished foreign
gentleman in the billiard room... need of attention.
His feet.
- I'll take you to him.
- Lf it's urgent.
It is urgent.
The gentleman is in pain.
My condolences.
Thank you. That is most kind of you.
Good afternoon.
My name is Stevens.
I'm hoping there's a letter for me.
- I'll just check for you, sir.
- James Stevens.
- I'd like two apples, please.
- There you are, Mr. Stevens.
- You are touring in these parts?
- I'm on my way to Clevedon.
- How much is that?
- That'll be threepence, please.
And you'd be coming from...?
- Oxfordshire.
- Whereabouts?
- Sorry?
- Whereabouts in Oxfordshire?
That rings a bell. Wasn't there
a Lord Darlington? Some sort...
...of Nazi, got us in the war?
I'm the butler there,
and my employer... Mr. Lewis, an American gentleman.
I didn't know the former owner.
Your change.
I should be glad to meet you at the
Sea View Hotel, opposite the pier.
We'll have such a lot to talk about,
and I'll have many questions.
Ex cept for you, I've lost touch with
all our friends at Darlington Hall.
But that's no wonder.
It was long ago and a lot
has happened in between.
Who could keep track of all the people
His Lordship once employed?
My lord, you rang?
- Have the young German ladies arrived?
- They're outside.
I'd like to say hello to them,
practise my German.
- They do speak excellent English.
- Good. Well, ask them to come in.
This is Elsa and this is Irma.
I'm asking about their journey.
It was long, my lord.
I asked if they like the weather.
We are grateful to you, my lord,
for letting us come here.
Our parents are very grateful.
Not at all.
Miss Kenton will look after you.
- Won't you?
- Indeed, my lord.
Welcome to Darlington Hall.
- Thank you, my lord.
- Thank you, my lord.
Will there be anything else?
Sir Geoffrey.
Good to see you.
How do you do?
Well, come in.
- Mr. Benn.
- Mr. Stevens.
Gentlemen, if you'd like to wait
here for a while.
- Aren't you still at Stanton Lacey?
- I'm with Sir Geoffrey now.
- You haven't changed one bit.
- I'll let you get on.
- Perhaps we'll meet later.
- I hope so.
But, gentlemen, you speak of Jews
and Gypsies, Negroes and so forth.
But one has to regard the racial
laws of the Fascists... a sanitary measure,
much overdue, in my opinion.
Imagine trying to enforce
such a rule in this country...
You cannot run a country
without a penal system.
Here we call them prisons. There,
they call them concentration camps.
Is there any meat
of any kind in this soup?
I think it's mushroom stock, sir.
Mushroom ends and skins,
onion and celery. No meat at all.
Cold water, and then cook adds sherry.
I hear you have a Labour fellow
from your constituency.
Over there, they've got rid of
all that trade union rubbish.
Believe me, no workers strike
in Germany.
And everyone's kept in line.
No wonder this country
is going down the drain.
It is internally diseased.
I think there may be butter
in the croutons. Do you know?
I'm afraid there may be.
You've made a cozy little nest here.
Seems to me you must be
a well-contented man.
In my philosophy, Mr. Benn...
...a man cannot call himself
...until he has done all he can... be of service to his employer.
This assumes that one's employer... a superior person
not only in rank or wealth...
...but in moral stature.
And in your opinion, what's going on
up there has "moral stature"?
I wish I could be sure.
But I'm not.
I've heard some very fishy things.
Very fishy.
I hear nothing.
That's so touching, isn't it?
To listen to the gentlemen
would distract me from my work.
It's fresh soda.
Would you be joining us?
Thank you, but it's very late
and I have an early start.
Good night.
- Good night, Mr. Stevens.
- Good night, Miss Kenton.
Good-looking woman.
It was never the same
after she left Stanton Lacey.
I handed in my own notice
six months later.
I'd be lost without her.
A first-rate housekeeper
is essential in a house like this...
...where great affairs are decided
between these walls.
- Good morning.
- My lord.
"We do the Jews no injustice when we
say that the revelation of Christ...
... is something incomprehensible
and hateful to them.
Though He apparently sprang
from their midst...
... He embodies the negation of their
whole nature.
The Jews are far more sensitive
about this than we are.
This demonstration of the cleft that
separates us Europeans from the Jew...
... is not given in order
to let religious prejudice...
... with its dangerous bias,
settle the matter...
... but because the perception of
two fundamentally different natures...
... reveals a real gulf."
We have some refugee girls
on the staff now, I believe.
We do.
Two housemaids, Elsa and Irma.
You'll have to let them go,
I'm afraid.
Let them go, my lord?
It's regrettable,
but we have no choice.
You must see the whole thing
in context.
I have the well-being
of my guests to consider.
May I say...
...they work extremely well.
They're intelligent, polite
and very clean.
I'm sorry, but I've looked
into this matter very carefully.
There are larger issues at stake.
I'm sorry, but there it is.
They're Jews.
Yes, my lord.
I'm amazed you can stand
there as if...
...discussing old... were discussing orders
for the larder. I can't believe it!
Elsa and Irma are to be dismissed
because they're Jewish?
His Lordship has decided. There's
nothing for you and I to discuss.
Without work, they could be
sent back to Germany.
It is out of our hands.
I tell you, if you dismiss my girls
tomorrow, it will be wrong!
A sin, as any sin ever was one!
There are many things you and I
don't understand in this world.
His Lordship understands fully and has
studied the larger issues at stake...
...concerning, say...
...the nature of Jewry.
I warn you...
...if those girls go...
...I shall leave this house.
These references,
I have to tell you...
...are quite reserved.
Why did you leave
your last employment?
- They didn't want me anymore.
- Why not?
I don't know.
They just didn't want me anymore.
They say she works well.
Would you please wait outside?
- She's unsuitable.
- Not at all. I want her.
- She'll be under my supervision.
- She's not suitable.
She'll do well. I'll see to it.
Well, then, it is entirely
your responsibility.
Weren't you leaving
because of the German girls?
I'm not leaving.
I've nowhere to go. I have no family.
I'm a coward.
Yes. I am a coward.
I'm frightened of leaving,
and that's the truth.
All I see out in the world
is loneliness, and it frightens me.
That's all my high principles
are worth.
I'm ashamed of myself.
You mean a great deal to this house.
You're extremely important
to this house.
Am I?
Now, look here...
...if you're really sure about
this young woman, call her back in.
Miss Hull, we would like you
to start next week.
You're responsible to Miss Kenton.
She'll explain the house rules.
Number one: no gentlemen callers,
or other such.
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
- Welcome.
- Thank you, sir.
Well done.
I'll show you to your room.
I'd forgotten how much petrol
the Daimler uses.
It's an impractical motor to be
going about the country, Mister...
Smith. Harry Smith. It's a privilege
to have you here in Moscombe.
- It's a privilege to be here.
- Your health, sir.
Dr. Carlisle usually drops in
around now. He'd enjoy meeting you.
He's a gentleman like yourself.
I don't know what you call
a gentleman.
It's a name every man
in this country has a right to.
There's Harry Smith now, giving
you an earful of his philosophy.
We English...
...have the advantage and privilege
of expressing our opinions...
...and voting for Parliament.
That's what we fought Hitler for.
Have you had much to do
with politics yourself?
Not directly as such, no,
particularly in these days.
Perhaps more so in the early 1930s
and just before the war.
My concern was more
international affairs.
Or foreign policy, so to speak.
Not that I ever held high office,
mind you.
No, any influence I exerted
was in an unofficial capacity.
Excuse me, sir.
Have you ever met Mr. Churchill?
He came to the house occasionally.
Again, in the early 1930s.
He was a bloody warmonger!
Honestly, Harry! We wouldn't have won
the war without him.
Not content to fight Germans,
he sent troops in against the miners.
- What about the war?
- Yes, all right.
He did well in the war,
but he should've stepped down.
- And Mr. Eden?
- He made a right bugger of Suez!
Yes, I met Mr. Eden.
Yes, occasionally.
How do you do? Richard Carlisle.
Rotten luck about your car,
but nice to have you.
- Everyone has been most kind.
- He says he knows foreign affairs.
Is that so, indeed?
In an unofficial capacity.
- He knows Mr. Churchill.
- And Mr. Eden.
Yes, well, it was my good fortune
to have consorted...
...with many men of influence
from Europe and from America.
Mr. Taylor...
...I really feel I ought to retire now
because I'm feeling rather tired.
No wonder, sir.
Running out of petrol...
...then having to hear Smith's
political opinions.
Just step this way, sir.
I'm going to Stanbury in the
morning. I'll give you a lift...
...and we could pick up
a can of petrol on the way.
- I'd hate to inconvenience you.
- Not at all. Would 7:30 suit you?
You'll enjoy talking to Dr. Carlisle.
Watch this step.
Excuse Harry Smith.
He will go on about his politics.
I don't mean he's not right.
Democracy is why we fought Hitler, and
we lost a few lads in this village...
...including our son here.
I'll get you a blanket.
I've left a razor and soap
on the basin.
Listen to the opinions
of your man in the street.
They're perfectly entitled
to give an opinion...
...on politics or whatever questions...
They've got no qualifications!
Of course they have!
Mr. Spencer would like
a word with you.
My good man,
I have a question for you.
Do you suppose the debt situation
regarding America...
...factors significantly in the
present low levels of trade?
Or is this a red herring...
...and the abandonment of the gold
standard is the cause of the problem?
I'm sorry, sir, but I am unable
to be of assistance in this matter.
Oh, dear.
What a pity.
Perhaps you'd help us
on another matter.
Do you think...
...Europe's currency problem would be
alleviated by an arms agreement...
...between the French
and the Bolsheviks?
I'm sorry, sir, but I'm unable
to be of assistance in this matter.
Very well, that'll be all.
One moment, Darlington, I have another
question to put to our good man here.
My good fellow... you share our opinion...
...that M. Daladier's recent speech
on North Africa...
...was simply a ruse... scupper the nationalist fringe
of his own domestic party?
I'm sorry, sir. I am unable
to help in any of these matters.
You see, our good man here is
"unable to assist us in these matters."
Yet we still go along
with the notion...
...that this nation's decisions
be left to our good man here...
...and a few millions like him.
You may as well ask the Mothers'
Union to organize a war campaign.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
You certainly proved your point.
- Q.E.D., I think.
- No, not at all!
Oh, yes, he has!
What did you make of the citizens
of Moscombe? Not a bad bunch.
No, sir.
Mr. And Mrs. Taylor
were extremely kind.
I say, I hope you don't
think me very rude...
...but you aren't a manservant
of some sort, are you?
Yes, sir. I am, indeed.
In fact, I'm the butler
of Darlington Hall, near Oxford.
It wasn't my intention
to deceive anyone.
Don't explain.
I can see how it happened.
Wasn't there a
Lord Darlington involved... that appeasement business
that got us into the war?
Sorry, I never knew
that Lord Darlington.
My employer's an American
gentleman, Mr. Lewis.
Lord Darlington was among those who
tried to make a deal with Hitler.
Then there was a case after the war...
...where he sued a newspaper
for libel.
"The Express", was it?
"News Chronicle"?
- I couldn't say, sir.
- Anyway, he lost.
He was lucky, really, not to have
been tried for treason.
There it is, just ahead.
Sir, I must confess...
...that I failed to tell
you the truth.
I did know Lord Darlington, and I can
declare that he was a truly good man.
A gentleman through and through... whom I'm proud to have given
my best years of service.
That should get you
to the next petrol station.
Thank you very much, sir.
I'm most grateful.
But did you...
...share his opinions?
Lord Darlington.
I was his butler.
I was there to serve him...
...not to agree or disagree.
You trusted him.
Yes, I did. Completely.
But at the end of his life, he himself
admitted that he'd been... mistaken.
That he'd been too gullible,
and he'd let himself be taken in.
I see.
Thank you, sir.
You've been most kind.
Just keep going straight up here,
and turn left at the first crossroads.
I say, I don't want to be a bore,
but I'm intrigued.
Where do you stand on all that?
If a mistake was to be made, wouldn't
you rather have made your own?
Forgive me for being so inquisitive.
Not at all, sir.
In a very small way,
I did make my own mistake.
But I might have a chance
to set mine right.
In fact, I'm on my way
to try and do so now.
Try the ignition.
Thank you, sir.
I'm most grateful for your help.
Good luck.
It's been interesting talking to you.
Good morning.
Lord Halifax was impressed
with the silver.
I told him it was all your doing.
Sent his compliments. Well done.
I've been meaning to ask you...
That business last year
about the Jewish maids...
...I suppose there's no way
of tracing them?
That would be difficult. I tried
to get them a position in Surrey.
There was room only for one,
and they didn't want to be separated.
Well, try anyway. One would like
to do something for them.
It was wrong, what occurred.
I'm sorry about it. Very sorry.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
He asked about the Jewish girls.
- Elsa and Irma?
- He wondered where they were.
He said it was wrong
to dismiss them.
I remember you were
as distressed as I was about it.
As you were?
You thought it was right and proper
that they should be sent packing.
Now, really, that is most unfair.
Of course I was upset.
Very much so.
I don't like that happening here.
I wish you'd told me. It would've
helped me to know you felt as I did.
Why do you always have to hide
what you feel?
Have you finished the lavender bags?
All right.
I take my hat off to you.
That girl's come along very well.
You were right and I was wrong.
- Look at that smile on your face.
- What smile?
That tells a story in itself.
Wouldn't you say so?
What story's that?
She's a pretty girl, don't you think?
Is she?
You don't like pretty girls
on the staff. I've noticed.
Might it be that our Mr. Stevens
fears distraction?
Can it be that Mr. Stevens is flesh
and blood and cannot trust himself?
You know what I'm doing?
I'm placing my thoughts elsewhere
while you chatter away.
Why is that guilty smile
still on your face?
Not guilty, simply amused
by the nonsense you sometimes talk.
It is a guilty smile.
You can't bear to look at her.
You didn't want her.
She was too pretty.
You must be right.
You always are.
Lizzie, aren't you supposed to be
turning down the beds?
Well, you better get on with it, then.
Have you told her yet?
You better get on with it, then.
What can I say to her?
She'd never understand.
- Why not?
- She's old. She must be at least 30.
Perhaps she doesn't feel old.
Who do you think those flowers
are for she's been picking?
Come here. Give us a kiss.
You're reading.
It's very dim. Can you see?
Yes, thank you.
What are you reading?
A book.
Yes, but what sort of book?
It's a book, Miss Kenton.
A book.
What's the book?
Are you shy about your book?
What is it?
Is it racy?
Are you reading a racy book?
Do you think racy books are to be
found in His Lordship's shelves?
How would I know?
What is it?
Let me see it.
Let me see your book.
Please leave me alone.
Why won't you show me your book?
This is my private time.
You're invading it.
Is that so?
I'm invading your private time,
am I?
What's in that book?
Come on, let me see.
Or are you protecting me?
Is that what you're doing?
Would I be shocked?
Would it ruin my character?
Let me see it.
Oh, dear.
It's not scandalous at all.
It's just a sentimental
old love story.
I read these books...
...any books... develop my command and knowledge
of the English language.
I read to further my education,
Miss Kenton.
I really must ask you, please...
...not to disturb the few moments
I have to myself.
Come in.
What is it?
I'm wanting to give you
my notice, please.
Charlie and me, we're getting married.
Have you thought about this carefully?
Yes, Miss Kenton, I have.
You've been getting on well here and
could have a fine career before you.
Charlie and me's getting married.
Charlie and I.
I wish I knew what to say to you.
I've seen this happen so many times.
A young girl rushing into marriage
only to be disappointed in the end.
What about money?
We don't have any.
But who cares?
You'll find it's not easy
to live poor.
We have each other.
That's all anyone can ever need.
Very well.
If you're so sure.
Thank you.
Good luck.
We did all we could for them.
I told him...
...I had my eye on him
as a possible under-butler... a year or so.
But, no, Mr. Charlie knows best.
She's sure to be let down.
No use crying over spilt milk.
Besides, we have far more
important matters to discuss.
- Next week's meeting. Now...
- Must we discuss it tonight?
I'm tired.
I've had a busy day.
Don't you realize that?
I'm very tired.
I'm very, very tired.
Don't you understand?
I owe you an apology.
I thought...
...these quiet evening talks
were useful to our work.
But now I see that they're
a burden to you.
I was only saying I was tired tonight.
No, no. You're right.
Our meetings are a burden
after a long day.
Perhaps we'd better discontinue them.
They're useful.
It was only tonight.
I thank you for the cocoa.
In the future, we shall communicate
only during the day.
If necessary, by written message.
I wish you a very good night.
I shall be taking my day off tomorrow.
I'll be back in the house by 9:30.
Good night.
I'm glad to be out of it,
I can tell you.
There was something about Sir Geoffrey
and his Black Shirts...
...gave me the creeps.
Mr. Stevens says we should
run the house...
...and leave the rest
where it belongs.
You don't agree, Mr. Benn.
Nor do l, really.
If I don't like something,
I want to say "stuff it"...
...if you'll pardon the expression,
Miss Kenton.
But then I suppose I'm not
a real professional, like Mr. Stevens.
It's Mr. Stevens' whole life.
Well, it's not mine.
And to tell you the truth...
...I don't want to go back in service.
- What would you do instead, Mr. Benn?
- Tom's the name.
What employment would you take up?
I'd really like to be on my own.
Start a little shop somewhere,
newspapers and tobacco.
Or a boarding house in the
west country, where I come from.
Clevedon's a good place for
a boarding house.
Would I get you another shandy?
Well, it's almost 9:30...
Go on!
It's your day off, isn't it?
You're not in the army,
due back in the barracks.
- All right, then.
- Good.
Half a shandy, please.
What about yourself, then, Sarah?
That's a serious sort of a name.
They called me Sally
when my mum was alive.
Sally. That's nice.
Is it your intention
to remain in service?
It's a good profession,
when you have a position.
- Mr. Stevens says we're fortunate...
- We're not talking about him.
We're talking about you.
...someone asked if you'd like to come
in on a boarding house by the sea?
What would you say?
Well, I don't know.
It's a theoretical question,
so I haven't given it any thought...
...Mr. Benn.
- Tom.
Supposing it wasn't theoretical...
It's been years since I've been
called that. It feels funny.
Nice, though?
It's very late.
Will there be anything else?
- Thank you. Good night.
- Good night, my lord.
Mr. Cardinal, good evening.
- How are you?
- Very well.
- Delighted. And your wife?
- Very well too, sir.
- How are you?
- Very well, sir.
I've gone and got myself in a bit
of a mess with arrangements.
Would His Lordship put me up?
I'll tell him you're here.
I hope there's nothing special tonight.
His Lordship expects
some gentlemen after dinner.
I'll keep my head down, then.
I've got to write my column anyway.
- You're in time for dinner, if you like.
- I hoped I would be.
How is my godfather? Fit?
Very well. Some refreshment?
Thank you.
Some whisky would be lovely.
- Who's he expecting tonight?
- I am unable to help you there.
What, no idea?
No idea at all, sir.
- I'll keep my head down all the same.
- I think it's a good idea, sir.
Come in.
Mr. Cardinal has just arrived,
out of the blue.
He'll expect his usual room.
- I'll see to it before I leave.
- You're going out?
I am indeed.
It's Thursday.
Of course. I'd forgotten. Sorry.
Is something the matter?
Some visitors are arriving,
but it doesn't involve you.
We agreed that Thursday
is my day off...
...but if you need me urgently...
No, it's perfectly all right.
Thank you.
I have something to tell you.
My friend...
...the man I'm meeting, Mr. Benn.
Mr. Benn. Of course. Yes.
He has asked me to marry him.
I am thinking about it.
I see.
He's moving to the west country
next month.
I'm still thinking about it.
I thought you should be informed
of the situation.
Yes, thank you.
That's most kind of you.
I trust you'll have
a most pleasant evening.
Is there something special tonight?
Are your visitors special?
Can't tell you, my boy.
Strictly confidential.
- So I can't sit in on it?
- On what?
- Whatever it is that's taking place.
- Absolutely not.
Can't have someone like you sticking
your nose in. A journalist.
What do you call it, a "newshound"?
No, it wouldn't do at all.
Once you've had your food,
you'd better make yourself scarce.
It sounds pretty special to me.
Good evening, prime minister.
- Sorry, we've been delayed.
- I understand.
Lord Halifax.
- Very nice to see you.
- This is Mr. Fraser.
Good evening, Your Excellency.
Please wait here, Your Excellency.
I'll inform His Lordship.
We don't intend to involve
the whole British Empire in a war...
...simply because of a quarrel
in a faraway country...
...between people of whom
we know nothing.
To my mind, the whole
of Czechoslovakia...
...isn't worth a single
one of our own young men.
We have a small, noisy
and corrupt war group here...
...who don't realize that you Germans
are marching into your own back yard.
The "Fhrer" is a man of peace
to the depth of his soul...
...but he won't allow
a small second-rate country... thumb its nose
at the 1000-year German Reich.
I'll get it.
Come on, wake up!
Stay awake!
Could you confirm that this lady
is on the staff here?
Yes, of course.
She's the housekeeper.
Thank you, sir.
- May I?
- Of course.
Sorry to have alarmed you.
Just security, miss.
I trust you've had a pleasant evening.
Well, did you have a pleasant evening?
- Yes, thank you.
- Good.
Would you like to know
what took place?
I have to return upstairs.
There are important events
taking place tonight.
When are there not?
I accepted his proposal.
I accepted Mr. Benn's proposal
of marriage.
My congratulations.
I am prepared to serve out my notice.
But if you'd release me earlier,
I'd be grateful.
Mr. Benn is planning to leave
for the west country in two weeks.
I'll do my best.
Now, please excuse me.
After all the years I have been here,
you have nothing else to say?
You have my warmest congratulations.
You've been a very important figure...
...for Mr. Benn and me.
Oh, in what way?
I tell him all sorts
of things about you.
I tell him stories about you.
About your habits.
About your mannerisms.
He finds it very funny,
especially when I show him how... pinch your nose
when you put pepper on your food.
That always has us in stitches.
Does it, indeed?
Well, please...
...excuse me, Miss Kenton.
Good night.
We've been friends a long time,
haven't we?
I always look forward to a chat
when I come here.
Would you care to join me in a drink?
That's most kind of you,
but no, thank you.
You all right?
I'm perfectly all right.
Not feeling unwell, are you?
A little tired, perhaps.
I bet you're tired.
What is it, about 1:00?
Come on.
I want you to sit down.
Well, sir, I really...
I didn't come here by accident.
You know that.
I had a tip-off, you see...
...about what's going on now
in the library.
I wish you'd sit down.
I'm your friend...
...and you're holding that tray
as if you're about to wander off!
Now, come on.
Sit down, damn it!
That's better.
Now, look, I don't suppose the prime
minister is in the library, is he?
Prime minister, sir?
In the library...
You don't have to confirm it...
...are our prime minister, our foreign
secretary and the German ambassador.
- Any idea what they're talking about?
- I'm afraid not.
Tell me, Stevens,
don't you care at all?
Aren't you in the least bit curious?
It's not my place to be curious
about such matters.
Not your place.
And supposing I told you
that His Lordship... trying to persuade
the prime minister... enter into a pact with that
bunch of criminals in Berlin?
I'm certain His Lordship is acting
from the highest and noblest motives.
Don't you see? That's exactly
what makes it so abominable!
Twisting these high and noble
motives to their own foul ends!
You do, please, realize
that His Lordship's been the most...
...valuable pawn that the Nazis
have in this country...
...precisely because he is good
and honourable?
If I weren't so drunk,
I could make you understand!
...I do understand.
His Lordship is working
to ensure peace in our time.
Peace in our time
on their beastly terms!
Remember that American here
at the conference?
Called Lord Darlington an amateur,
out of his depth?
Well, he was right.
He was dead right.
I hardly have to tell you
how I feel towards His Lordship.
I care about him deeply,
and I know you do too.
Yes, I do indeed.
Then aren't you desperate
to see him make this mistake?
He's being tricked! Don't you see?
Or are you as deluded as he is?
Oh, dear. Now I've probably
offended you.
No. Not at all, sir.
Not at all.
You must excuse me.
There are other gentlemen
calling for me, sir.
You mustn't take anything
I said to heart.
I was very foolish a little while ago.
I haven't taken anything
you said to heart.
In fact, I can hardly recall
anything you did say.
I was just being very foolish.
I simply haven't time to stand here
with you, engaging in idle talk.
I suggest you go to bed now.
You must be very tired.
Good night.
Oh, damn it!
I'd been wanting to tell you...
It's the small alcove outside
the breakfast room.
It's the new girl, of course...
...but I find it has not
been dusted in some time.
I'll see to it.
Thank you.
I knew you would have wanted
to be informed.
Hello, Sally.
Hi, Tom.
You all right, then?
How are you?
I'm good.
Could we talk for a moment, please?
Just for a moment.
We'll have to be quick
because I'm going out.
It won't take long.
All right, then.
We'll have to go into the lounge.
Nice little place, isn't it?
The sort of quiet little
boarding house I had in mind for us.
Like other things, it didn't work out.
What did you want to say?
I saw Catherine yesterday.
She had some interesting news.
She's expecting.
Oh, my goodness!
She wants us both over
for tea on Sunday.
I could come and get you.
We could go together on the bus.
Yes, well, we'll see about that.
House is that empty without you.
I can't tell you.
You cut yourself shaving.
Oh, yeah. I know.
Can't seem to do anything right
these days.
I so often think
of the good old days...
... when I was housekeeper
at Darlington Hall.
Those years with you
were the happiest of my life.
Would you like more tea?
Yes, please. Thank you.
Miss Kenton.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Benn.
- Sorry, I was delayed.
- That's all right.
Please sit down.
- I've ordered some fresh tea.
- Lovely.
Would you like some cake?
- Sure?
- All right. It's a special occasion.
- Could we have some cake?
- Yes, of course.
- It's been a long time.
- Yes, indeed.
You haven't changed at all.
A little, perhaps.
We've all changed, I think.
I'd have known you anywhere.
How long's it been?
Twenty years?
Yes, just over, I think.
The tea should be along.
We read about the suit for libel.
It's a shame...
...calling His Lordship a traitor.
Those papers will print anything.
They should have lost the case.
When His Lordship went to court...
...he sincerely expected
he would get justice.
Instead, the newspaper increased
its circulation, and His Lordship's...
...good name was destroyed forever.
Afterwards, in his last years, well...
...quite honestly, Mrs. Benn...
...his heart was broken.
I'd take him tea in the library,
and he'd be sitting there...
...and he wouldn't even see me,
so deep was he in his own thoughts.
And he'd be talking to himself,
as though he was arguing with someone.
There was no one, of course.
No one came to see him anymore.
What about his godson,
young Mr. Cardinal?
Mr. Cardinal was killed in the war.
May I have my bill, please?
I'm very sorry.
I know you remember Darlington Hall
in its best days...
...and that's how His Lordship
deserves to be remembered.
But perhaps the good days are back,
now that Mr. Lewis is here...
...and Mrs. Lewis is arriving shortly.
Very fortunate to have you
running the house.
We still have problems, Miss Kenton.
I'm sorry. Mrs. Benn.
- We still have staff problems.
- You mentioned it in your letter.
Frankly, I've been thinking
of going back in service.
But now the situation
has changed for me.
If I take up any work,
it will have to be... in the west country...
...because Catherine, our daughter,
is expecting a baby.
So I would like to be near her.
Of course.
And to be near our grandchild
as he grows up.
- Naturally.
- Or her, if it's a little girl.
When I left Darlington Hall,
all those years ago...
...I never realized I was really,
truly leaving.
I believe I thought of it
as simply another ruse... annoy you.
It was a shock to come out here
and find myself actually married.
For a long time, I was...
...very unhappy.
But then Catherine was born,
the years went by and one day...
...I realized I loved my husband.
You see, there is no one... one in the world who needs me
as much as he does.
But still there are times...
...when I think I made a terrible
mistake with my life.
I'm sure we all have these thoughts...
...from time to time.
People always cheer when they turn
the lights on in the evening.
I wonder why.
They do say...
...that for many people, the evening's
the best part of the day.
The part they most look forward to.
Is that so?
What do you most look forward to?
Getting back to Darlington Hall,
...and straightening out
our staff problems.
You were always able to do that.
And you had quite a few
to straighten out, as I remember.
Always was work, work
and more work...
...and will continue to be so,
I have no doubt.
Mr. Stevens, don't you wait!
That bus is always late.
Come in out of the wet.
You must take good care of yourself.
- You too, promise me that.
- Oh, yes, I promise.
Do all you can to make these years
happy for yourself and your husband.
We may never meet again, Mrs. Benn.
That is why I am being personal,
if you will forgive me.
Thank you, Mr. Stevens.
Oh, here it comes.
It's on time for once.
Thank you. And thank you
so very much for coming.
It was so very kind of you.
It was so nice to see you.
It was a pleasure to see you again.
Take care.
You scared me.
Where'd you come from?
You like the suit?
Very good, sir.
Watch the chandelier there.
You're really getting things
going here. This is wonderful!
I've had to ask another three girls
from the village to come up.
And I can promise you that
the house will be ready...
...and in shape by the time
Mrs. Lewis arrives.
That sounds good.
I'm expecting a possible
new housekeeper this afternoon.
A Mrs. Ruth Muspratt.
Excellent references. She was matron
at a boys' school in Sussex.
A matron?
Sounds like she'll keep us
from misbehaving.
- I certainly hope so, sir.
- Good.
Good, Stevens. Very good.
This is where we had that banquet
back in '35. Remember?
We all stood up and delivered
ourselves of our principles.
God knows what I said.
Sure got worked up about it, though.
What did I say, anyway?
I'm sorry, sir,
I was too busy serving... listen to the speeches.
We got a visitor here.
Be very careful.
Come here.
That's a boy. Come on.
Okay. Easy does it.
Come on!
You don't want to startle it.
It'll come down.
I think if we
leave the window open...
Very still.
Go on. Out!
Come on. Out!
Well done.
Well done, sir.