Remember Sunday (2013)

Good mornin', New Orleans!
It's a beautiful day in the crescent city!
Well, good morning, Mike! It is going to be
a beautiful day. Oh, did you see...
You are in New Orleans
Read Me Every Morning
Breakfast with Jerry
Addie Mae's Oak Street
- Hi! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
- Hey, how you doin' today? Good morning.
How's it goin'? It's good to see you.
Right on time!
Monday, May 28th, 7:22 AM.
Gonna be... sunny and humid. A
light breeze, outta the west.
Mild headache. Gotta meet Jerry at 8:20.
OK, what else is new?
Come on, Molly, pick up. I know you're there.
You're standing by the machine,
you're flipping your Pez.
Please, look, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.
Please, pick up the phone.
- Uh, uh, uh! Don't you dare.
- He's sorry.
- They're always sorry.
- He wants me to make it up to me.
- By letting him do it again?
- ...or call me, whatever!
- No! Jolene!
Look, forget about him! Forget about
all men like him. You can do better.
- Aren't you gonna be late for work?
- Oh!
My keys, where are my keys?
- It was good in the beginning.
- It's always good at the beginning.
Haven't you figured that out yet?
Oh, of course!
It couldn't be helped. It was...
- A car thing?
Actually, nothing went wrong
with the car this time, it was...
- Towed?
- Well...
Yes! Uh... I brought flowers!
- I got flowers.
- You got plastic flowers...
And can we be straight for a second,
customers hate them. I hate them.
And if you were being completely
honest, you'd say you hate them, too.
Ugh, gum! Perfect.
That's so gross!
- Hi! Are you ready to order?
- Ummm, uh.
- Ummm, in your bag, maybe?
- Smart thinking. Y-yes, yes... yes!
- Oh, missed it.
- Is that a horse?
Uhhh, that's a, that's an elephant. The...
trunks are kinda hard... to...
- So, what'll you have?
- Food, yeah, right!
- You need a minute?
- I would love a minute. Yeah, thank you, Molly.
Still waitin' on Jerry, on my fourth cup
of coffee here at, uh, Addie Mae's.
Good coffee. Make a note to come back.
Should be clear tonight. Venus visible...
I hope so.
Right now, I'm looking at some fresh flowers.
Smell good! Sweet.
- I wonder what kind they are?
- Ha!
Yeah, make a note: Addie Mae's.
Definitely come back.
- Gus?!
- Hmm?
- Anybody in here named Gus?
- Yeah, that's me.
- You got a phone call.
- It's over here.
- OK. Thank you.
Thank you! Hello?
Hey! Jerry!
No, yeah, I mean I got your missed call,
but I got to the phone right as it was...
you know, missing it... I do... I don't...
it just said missed call so...
Interferometer gravitation. Hmm.
Tuesday. Breakfast with Jerry at the
new location. Smile at strangers.
Uh, yeah, I'll talk to you soon. OK, bye.
- Here you go.
- Oh! Thank you.
- Uh, that's actually all for you. Yeah.
- Oh. Thank you.
- How was everything?
- Uhhh, wonderful.
- Uh, Freesias.
- Huh?
- Uh, the flowers? They're... they're called Freesias.
Oh, huh, OK. Bye.
- Mornin', Ardis.
- Mr. Gus, here I am thinkin', for once he's gonna be...
- Late?
- But you never are.
- Sam's in back, he needs to talk to you.
- Oh, uh... I like your haircut.
Why, thank you... Gus, but
my appointment's at noon.
Right, what I meant is, your hair looks
great, so... don't let'em change it too much.
- Hey, Sam. You OK?
- Yeah.
No, uh, I'm missing a stone, that
nice blue diamond. Have you seen it?
I think you were cleaning it the other day.
Gus, you were the last one to have it.
Never mind, we'll find it. Listen, Mrs.
Bing needs her brooch soon.
- Can you get to it?
- Mrs. Bing?
Mrs. Bing is the lady who uses too much perfume.
- Yeah, I-I wouldn't know.
- Well, don't worry, when you smell that, you'll know her.
Ok, uh, top piority, fix Mrs. Bing's brooch.
That's the big one not to worry about,
it's the diamond. The diamond I need.
And you. I need you.
Find blue diamond.
End of the month. Tuition due,
rent due, student loans calling,
my stupid booted car...
I'd just like one thing that
worked out in my favor, you know?
- OK. How much?
- Oh, no. No, Jolene, I cannot ask
you to loan me money again, no.
Let me at least help get your car out of jail.
Just... round number.
Well, uh...
past tickets, current tickets, boot removal...
it's like $175, $200!
Alright... OK.
- Here.
- I'm good for it.
I know.
Are you getting any closer with
that inheritance probate thing?
Mission Impossible? I'm starting to
wonder if it's all a lost cause.
I-I'm going to do things differently. I am.
Starting today! I'm going to get my money
situation straightened out, I'm even gonna...
Break up with Roger! You were right! What
kinda guy stands a girl up on her birthday?
See? Thatta girl! And do yourself
a favor. Find a nice, normal guy, for a change.
- He's out there.
- No one knows about you, Jolene.
- That you're a good person.
- See, well, that's we're roommates.
Because you're totally deluded.
Hey, Gus!
- Oh, hi!
- It's Bernadette and Max.
- We live right above you.
- Nice to meet ya.
- Come on, you know us!
- OK... alright.
OK, let's Gus go now. OK? Come on.
- Can you gimme back that five bucks you owe me?
- Oooh, ahh!
You don't owe him anything! How
many times do I have to tell you?
You stop telling Gus he owes you money!
That can't man help it,
he can't remember one day from the next.
Bernadette Max! Bernadette Max! Bernadette Max!
- Oh, great! Thanks Romaine!
- Yeah, see you next time, Molly.
Alright darlin', where you hidin'?
If you aren't using social media, then why not?
Where's your website, or your blog? Do
you know how to promote yourself on Twitter
and Yelp and Google Search? The possibilities
are endless and the bottom line
is, if you aren't conversant with how
to drive small businesses these days,
then you can't start one yet.
I want you to have a plan. That's
your assignment for Monday.
Tell me your plan. Got it?
You guys wanna see an example of a good template,
you can download the PDF off my website.
Right now I'm looking at some fresh flowers.
Smell good. Sweet.
I wonder what kind they are?
Yeah, make a note: Addie Mae's.
Definitely come back.
Um, hi. You don't know me, and, believe me, I've
never done anything like this, in my life, but, um
I just wanted to say thanks
for noticing the flowers.
You seem like a really, well, nice guy... and
I hope Mars comes out tonight, like you said.
Venus, you said Venus... anyway, um
Have a nice day, a nice... life.
Uhh, oh, my name's Molly.
I don't want you to let the grade discourage
you, because this flower shop is a fine
idea, but you're vision is unfocused. Think
about all the other competition in this town.
I just don't want you throwing your money into
some hole that you can't get yourself out of.
What do you know about what you're getting into?
I mean, tell me why a flower shop?
Well, some kids wish on stars.
I plucked petals off of daisies.
Getting a bouquet can j-just
make someone's day, and I...
I know it's not... a big dream.
OK, but it is to you. So show it some
respect, and get yourself organized.
- Hi! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
- Good morning!
- Hey!
- Good to see ya!
- Hey, man.
You're a minute late!
Hey, you okay? You need to talk about it?
So, I call you every morning, huh?
- You need me to come over?
- No, no, it's OK. Ummm...
Luce, I left California and moved
back to New Orleans, because of this?
Yeah, so, you could be close to
the familiar... so I could be
here for you, whenever you need me.
And Jerry... too.
Thank you... you know, for-for putting all this togther and just...
- helping me.
- What are sisters for?
Venus, you said Venus. Anyway, umm,
Have a nice day, a nice, life.
Uh, oh, my name's Molly.
Remember Suzy Watkins, 5th grade?
She gave you all her Valentines.
- What does that have to do...
- Lily Gazinski, Junior year?
She asked you to Junior Prom.
I didn't even stand a chance!
Until you moved to California.
12 years, of school, watching
women just fall into your lap.
And what did I always get?
I got a double feature at home, with popcorn
and my sister. And I even had
a flat stomach, back then.
- Even Brenda liked you better than me.
- Jerry.
- Who... is... Molly?
- Yeah, right, uh, Molly. Um...
I'd say... nice girl, probably not very pretty.
Uh, sensitive type, big heart,
playful sense of curiosity.
Kinda psycho leaves messages for strangers?
How do you like her?
- I like her. alright,
- Only you.
I have paying clients and a case to win.
- Get lost! Go! I mean, you have to leave!
- Yeah, I-I picked up on that.
- Yes.
- Yeah, you leave now, yeah!
- Oh, whoa!
- Whoa!
- Sorry!
- Oh, my Gosh! I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you like that.
Oh, hi, I-I didn't realize you worked here.
Um, it's me, you remember?
Gus, right? I um, I waited on you.
Uh, sorry if I, freaked you out that day.
I was... having one of those days.
Actually, this is one of those days, too.
I need to sell this.
It's pretty pricey. Umm, it was a gift.
But, I am, like, broke, so I'll
take half of whatever it's worth.
- I'm really sorry, but I-I-I can't help you out today.
- Tomorrow, then? You tell me.
Uhhh, no, really, I mean, I-I can't.
- Why not?
- Uh, well, because it's a.... fake.
- Noooo!
- Yeah.
- It can't be!
- Yeah. Come here, I'll show you.
Let's see. Yeah, right there. So!
Genuine article. Yours.
You can tell, first off, by the finish.
Then you can really feel the difference... here.
You can kinda feel the difference, there.
And then, really, the, the kicker
is there is a trademark,
on the real deal and, unfortunately,
that is missing, on yours.
- Oh, of course!
- Sorry. You alright?
- Worthless, lying, jerk!
- Jewel!
- Which one was that?
- I'm so sorry, I did not mean, to do that... I...
I s... oh, "Forever, Roger". So, we're good.
- OK.
I'm so sorry. Um, yeah, forever didn't
actually turn out to be that long.
Thank you for looking at it, anyway.
Yeah... hey, that's a really nice ring
you've got there, with the rubies?
- What, this one?
- Yeah. you mind if I take a look at it?
- Um, it's got half the stones missing.
- So they are.
Ha, ha. But still, it's a really nice ring.
And there's plenty of stones still in it.
It's my great aunt's... was.
She had... really great taste.
She certainly did.
It's a, it's an old Victorian setting,
we rarely see these nowadays.
- I-I can't, I can't pay that.
- Well, it's worth at least 50...
I-I mean... I kinda need the money.
Here you go.
- $200? No, I said 50!
- It's worth more than 50,
and I couldn't possibly pay you less.
I've lived here for almost three years.
That's, two cars,
four apartments, three
boyfriends and 360,000 strangers
and that is just... one of the nicest
things that anybody's done for me.
- I don't know about that...
- Thank you.
- Oh, um... I'm sorry, what was your name again?
- Molly. I'm Molly. Thanks again.
-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Molly, have a good day.
- Yeah, you, too.
Save for Molly
He owns a what? A jewelry store?
No, I-I mean, I don't know. He's
just, a nice guy. Like you said.
Nice and needy, nice and delinquent...
nice and what?
I could be right about him.
- Oh, Molly!
- What? I'm just being nice, back to a nice guy.
- I mean, what's wrong with that?
- Skip the flower...
makes you look desperate.
Hi, Sam. Oh, Sam!
Hey, I'm sorry. I looked, but I don't
think I've ever even seen a blue diamond.
We gotta find it, Gus.
Listen, this just came. Slipped under the door.
Dear Gus, thank you for noticing the flowers.
You've made my day. Molly.
She sent you a dead flower? In my
opinion, this Molly is asking you out.
She's practically stalking you.
Write her back, or a call her.
- I don't even know her!
- What!?
She left a message on your,
what's it, recorder thing,
she sent a note to your workplace,
how much more do you need to know?
How much more do I need to know?
Alright, look, you had an aneurysm, alright,
your short term memory is gone, you lost a lot.
Thankfully, you're still alive.
And you can remember all the important stuff
from before your brain crashed. Like me.
But, Gus, you're not living.
We've all had traumas.
I mean, I got divorced from a woman I
thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.
I know it's not the same
thing, but, Gus, call her
and ask her out. What's the
worst that could happen?
Wait, what... you and Brenda got a divorce?
Yes! Would you get out of here?
You're blowing my lunch meeting.
Hi, Molly, this is Gus.
Hi, this is Jolene. Oh, and Molly.
Wait for the beep.
Who's Jolene? Who is Jo...? Hey! Hi,
uh, hi, ha, it's a little loud, sorry. Um...
This is uh, Gus... Gillenwater. Um, Molly's...
note person.
Look, I just realized that
on my schedule, I just saw
that I got some, I got some
free time, on Friday...
night. And thought, I dunno, you and I
could, could grab some dinner... somewhere.
Uh, maybe at, uh, Cafe Amelie... on Royal.
They got, they got some great... foods.
Uhh, 7:30, if that works for you.
I could just meet you there.
So, again, this is Gus... Gillenwater.
OK, bye.
Deposit paycheck. Oh, and at 7:30 you
have a date with Molly, Cafe Amelie.
Gus? Gus? Max, you stay there.
- Hello?
- Gus?
Is that you? It's Bernadette.
My son, Max, and I, we live upstairs?
Oh, thank goodness! That's better. Ha!
Forgive me, I-I have, uh, issues... with
my memory. Remembering things, so...
- i-if have to ask your name, like...
- You're doing fine, Gus.
- You need anything?
- Uhhh...
- No, no, I guess not.
- OK. Good night.
- Good night.
- Max? Max, what are you doing?
- Where is Molly, now?
- In the back.
Hey, Molly!
- Yeah?
- What you doing?
I'm off. Check the schedule. Then
at 7:00, I've got an engagement.
Oh, excuses! A date!?
- Hard to believe, but yes.
- A good man?
- I think so.
- You're a pretty girl, Molly.
- Uh, ha.
- And nice. Not dependable, but nice.
You're a hard worker. Well, someday ...
- You're fogging up the mirror.
- You look nice.
- Hi, Jerry.
- So, is she a dud? Do-do-don't give it away!
Just say yes or no.
Gus, where the hell are you?
- Home.
- Are you serious?
- I knew it! I Why are you home?
- I live here?!
- Don't you know what tonight is?
- Trash night?
Gus, are you dressed? I want you in date night
clothes when I get there. I'm coming over.
- More bread?
- I'm fine.
Thank you.
- You blew this on purpose!
Tell me you didn't blow this on purpose!
- Jerry, I didn't know!
- That's not an excuse any more!
- No, it's not an excuse, it's a fact.
Well, it's not acceptable any more! Why
do we even bother? Answer me that.
Because you're my best friend, and you
have been since I was six years old.
That's right. I'm just glad you didn't
have to write that down this morning.
Don't call me! Don't write me, don't
email me, text me, smoke signal me!
I do not want to talk to one more man
who's just going to disappoint me!
What if I'm better off without someone
or maybe they'd be better off.
- Maybe this is just my brain protecting me.
- Or maybe you're just a total wuss.
Go in, look for her, eat, listen to her stories...
- Maybe you'll kiss her!
- Jerry!
Wh... i-if the whole thing goes belly up,
you won't remember anything in the morning.
- Hit to lose!
- Valid point.
- Flowers?
- Oh! Yes! What do we got, here?
- Here, here's $10. Thank you.
- Thanks!
- So, this is it?
- Same address as on her envelope.
- Are you sure about this?
- Be contrite,
say "I'm sorry," hand her the
roses and ask for another chance.
Fourth floor, number 417. Gus?
- What's your stake in all of it?
- One of us should have a love life, right?
- What happened to Brenda?
- Get out of the car!
It's open!
Did you forget your key again?
Ohhhh, gosh, I just got back. So, how did it go...
Hi!... Hi. Uh, these are, these are for you!
- I... am so sorry!
- Oh, OK...
They, they, they probably need some water.
I-I sh... I should put them in, in some water.
There's water! Water! Hey,
ask and ye shall receive, ha.
I'm, I'm, I'm normally more organized than this.
So, again, I'm really sorry.
- I feel terrible, Molly. Truly, truly, terrible.
- O-OK, what is this?
- What's what?
- This. Those. I'm not Molly.
Oh, no! I know!
I mean, I know. I know that! I know that, that you're not...
This is practice! I was, I was practicing.
- For what?
- You know, for... Molly.
I'm... right here.
I, uh, these are for you! The ro-,
the roses, not the sunflowers.
Alhough those are very nice, as well.
Nice touch, uh...
Look, I didn't, I didn't...
You're probably thinking...
I, actually, you know what... I don't know
what you're thinking, I really don't...
I just, want you to accept these,
please, as my... heartfelt apology.
Or, thank you.
I really am, really sorry, Molly,
especially because you seem so ...
Wow! He's a keeper.
M-Molly, don't you dare!
Try it now.
Oh! How'd you do that?
Uhhh, I gotta nack for mechanical things.
Well, that would really come in handy around me.
I just wanted to say thanks for stopping me.
I haven't really dated, in awhile, you know,
with, uh, my work and... everything...
Sure, I've been busy, too.
- So, your shop's doing great, huh?
- My... shop?
Your jewelry shop. Where you work.
- Where we...
- Oh, no. Uhhhh...
Yeah, I mean, I-I-I work there,
I, it's not, it's not my shop.
The owners lived next door to
my parents, before they died.
I just, I knew them when I
was growing up around there.
- Do you want to go someplace else?
- Sure.
Yeah, so I'm just doing the, um... student, waitress,
thing... waiting to get to the next thing.
I moved here, three years ago, from the northeast.
- Ah! Thank you.
- Oh, these are really good!
- I know, right?
- Mm, hm.
Uh, moved out here to do what, exactly?
Mmm, start over. Be who I want to be.
- And, who do you want to be?
- Really?
Well, there is this girl, I see in my mind?
Who's not always worried that
her car's not gonna start, and...
um, you know, not struggling under
the weight of the day to day, and
renting a room out of somebody else's
apartment, who can make something of herself.
That's what I want to be. Her.
Is jewelry your thing?
- Cosmology, actually.
- Hair?
Ah, ha, ha. No, uh, that's very close.
Uhhh, no, the st, uh...
the stars, space, the universe, Cosmos, cosmology.
Actually, you know what, follow me.
Alright, now, just a little more... left.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
see, right... see the line, in
that constellation, right there?
You mean, like a horoscope?
Ehhh, squint! Sometimes squinting helps,
'cause it kinda like brings the stars...
Eeeeh, yeah, yeah. You see it now? Right there.
Tell me, can you see it? Can you see that?
It 's a... Teapot!
Oh, no, no, it's a baby carriage! I see it, it's
the... the wheels, right there? And the, the...
that part there, that's the...
the buggy! Am I right?
No, but, that's a great try. Uhh, technically,
it's the constellation, Orion, it's...
Umm, right ascension 5 hours, and then
declination 5 degrees... Orion's belt.
That's very technical stuff. Where...
where did you come up with that?
Or it could be a baby carriage! I'm
totally open to that interpretation.
It looks Like a baby carriage!
- I can, yeah, kind of... not really...
- You're making stuff up.
So, OK, if the, if the universe is your thing, how
how come you're at the jewelry store?
Oooh, that's a good question! Ummm...
Well, I used to work at Mount Wilson
Observatory, it's in California. I dunno.
Before that, NASA, got my degree at Caltech.
So, why aren't you doing that?
Well... I, uh....
Science is all around us, right? Like a diamond.
Uh, you look into a diamond and it's, it's like...
its own little galaxy. Like, inside
the way light refracts through
it, in the right setting...
It can be gorgeous. Does this sound idiotic?
I feel like I'm sounding idiotic.
- Not when you say it.
- Huh.
Ho! Look, look, look! See?
- Oh, Whoa! A shooting star!
- Yes! Yes! That's ex... that's right!
Technically, it's meteors. But yes, it's
a shooting star. It's amazing, isn't it?
The way that debris and dust
from space could look so
beautiful as it's burning up
in the Earth's atmosphere.
Hey, listen... I, um...
I should get back. I have a lot
of things I have to do tomorrow.
Oh, uh-huh, yeah, uh...
And, um... well, Sunday, I get up early.
Oh, uh-huh.
Yeah, Sundays... afternoons, I'm wide open.
Are you gonna ask me out again, or not?
- You mean, like, on a real date?
- Yeah. Like when, you show up on time,
and we do something normal, eat, talk... Yeah.
"Sure"... You're asking me out?
And I'll remember, this time, Molly. I promise.
Molly Brandford.
You had a date with Molly
Brandford tonight, and...
It was great.
Try and find a way to keep her.
Molly Brandford.
You had a date with Molly
Brandford tonight, and...
It was great. Try and find a way to keep her.
- I pay you to write?
- I'm on a break.
Molly's Petal Cherie?
It's for school.
It's my plan. Molly's Darling Petals.
Good! Some day I'll work for you, but
right now, you still work for me.
Break's over. I need you to go serve
the payin' customers, table 3.
Yeah, so I'm just doing the, um,
student, waitress, thing...waiting to get
- to the next thing... I moved here 3 years...
- Who is that?
A girl.
A friend... a, uh...
that I have a date with, tomorrow, because,
apparently, I had a date with her last night
and it went... very... well.
I can't explain it, obviously,
but, I think I really like her.
You should get dressed because
we have a doctor's appointment.
So, you understand the aneurysm
destroyed your hippocampus?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, sorry. Um, my old memories,
everything up to the aneurysm is, uh, is solid.
I can, forgive me because I've probably
already asked this a thousand times,
what happens to my new memories?
Well, most healthy brains use sleep to
consolidate short-term memories, into long.
For you, it's the opposite. Sleep
takes away your short-term memories.
And with such an intricate maze of
neurons, it's hard to pinpoint exactly...
where your pathways can afford it.
My notes say... two a day, or, or, or...
so. Lucy set up a good system for me.
Good! I'm glad to see your
system's still working for you.
So, should we check our
schedules to get together again?
I can't live like this. I want my mind back.
I need... my... mind...
That's our goal, Gus. We're starting
some promising new trials...
perhaps in a year...
I don't have a year! I
haven't got a year, look...
Lucy's put this great system in place
and I'm so appreciative of that, sis...
and the procedures that I have in place that...
help my life to... work, but ...
I have no continuity, I have no forward momentum,
I have no progress, I... and how can I?
Because every time I try to make
something new, it, it, it, I, I can't
I can't hold on to it. I can't. I
need it, I need it, I need new!
I need to connect to people and not just...
forget them, every damn day!
Please, just make my... my mind work again.
Gus, he can't.
Yet. We're not giving up.
Anything's possible.
Fix me!
I'll check in on you again, soon.
Are you sure you're okay?
- Why wouldn't I be?
- Gus?
About the new girl, if you're
serious, if you're gonna pursue this,
you have to tell her the truth. It's not fair.
- I love you.
- Alright.
Tell her? You hardly know t...!
What's her name, Molly?
Lucy's right. I've decided.
What?! To admit to her that you can't
remember her name, one day to the next?
That's the truth, isn't it?
Well, where do you plan on doing this grand
confession? I'm sorry, can we stop for a second?
I'm gonna throw up!
Look... if you plan on telling
this girl, and keeping her,
You gotta romance her first. Y'know?
Take her someplace razzle-dazzely.
Yeah, razzle-dazzely. I took a girl out
a couple months ago, she loved it.
You're cheating on Brenda?
Brenda is seeing someone else! We're divorced!
It's been over a year, now. Actually,
14 months, 22 days, but who's counting?
I'm so... tired... of telling you this story.
- But Brenda was so great!
- I know! OK?!
Signing those divorce papers... was
my biggest mistake of my life!
Why do you think I'm jogging? Just
give me your recordable... pen thing.
I know the perfect place where to take her.
The Moonlight Roller Dome?
How did you think of this?
A friend... recommended it, so...
You know, I'm not really dressed for it, and, um,
not to mention I can't really... Oh, watch out!
- Sorry!
- Chip, stay away from the walls!
That guy's havin' fun. And we
can be havin' fun like that...
- OK.
- Yeahhhh... come on!
Maybe... uh, maybe we should
have tried something else.
No, no, no, no, you're doing great.
Honestly, you're do...
- Comin' through!
- Whoa, Who, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
Or maybe we could get a snack.
Yeah! Yeah. Sure.
Always, ladies, for our last set of the
session we'll have couples only, please.
That's right, couples only, please.
Get off the floor, Chip!
Alright, this is a little throwback
for you lovebirds out there. Enjoy!
What do you say? Last dance?
- Yes, yes, she can be taught!
- Wait up!
Forget it, I'm just really bad at this.
Molly... noone cares. Look around you.
- It's a skating rink!
- Ha, ha.
Get a little closer. Come here. I
promise I won't bite. Now left.
- Left.
- Right, left, right. Yes! Yes.
Look at that, she's gettin' in the groove.
She's feelin' it! She's feelin' it!
- It's not gonna turn.
- I gotcha, I g... I gotcha, I gotcha...
- I gotacha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
- How long have you been doing this?
I... don't know. Forever? I guess?
- Forever?
- Hold on, documenting moment.
- Oh! Look at that turn!
- Whooo! You got to turn!
That was not bad!
- Turn, girl!
- I'm alright.
Today was... really great.
What would you do... I mean, if, like, you had
nothing holding you back, what would you do?
Ummm, well, I'd open a flower shop.
You didn't laugh!
- Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Why would I laugh?
- I don't know! Sometimes... people do.
It sounds... hokey... I guess. Small.
No! No, not to me! Why haven't you done it yet?
Well, there's this money that I'm waiting on.
Um, my great aunt Ruth... never had any grandkids,
so, she, uh, she left her house
to me, and her daughter.
And, uh, we're supposed to split the sale
money but my cousin's blocking it... she...
- Oh, that is awful!
- I know!
And I think that... in waiting
for it to go through,
I've actually been waiting for my life to start.
Like I'm stalling, you know? And I'm tired
of waiting... for things, you know?
I'm, I don't want to be afraid.
You know what I mean?
Yeah... Yeah, yeah!
- Huh, huh.
- Oh, what's this? Tell Molly...
Nothin'! I mean... I, clearly
it's something, but it's nothing,
but it was a, actually no, but this, this, I...
made for you at the snack bar.
- I can't really do the trunks very well, but...
- It's an elephant!
- It is an elephant!
- It's so nice, thank you. I saw you doing that!
Guess it's another hidden talent.
What else don't I know about you?
This is me.
- Oh! Um, well, which, which one is yours?
- The balcony, with the... telescope.
Oh, cool! I've never looked
through a telescope before.
Oh, you have to! Yeah!
At so-at some point, I mean. You know? Yeah.
Oh, yeah... right.
- I gotta go, OK? But... I'll see ya.
- Yeah. OK!
- Wanna talk about it?
- No!
Yes. You were right.
Men can be completely infuriating... impossible!
- You really like him?
- Yeah, I really, REALLY like him.
- I half threw myself at him.
- Oh, honey. And what did he do?
Maybe he's married.
Can you just, not do this tonight? I
don't think I can take your cynicism.
Look, maybe it's time to cut your losses
and save this one for the next girl.
42 years and not one claim.
Have I made one claim? No!
- Sam, you're shouting!
- Mr. Applebaum, we need to do this.
One carat blue diamonds just
don't fall through the cracks!
Ah, yeah, no, uh, Annie Mae's,
Addie Mae's, what time do they...
Oh, Great! Great, OK. Thank you, bye.
Hey, ev-re-body, everything okay?
Rehn, from the insurance
company is here, remember?
- It's uh, it's good to see you again, Gus.
- Hi... uh, what's going on?
Mr. Zed has asked a few questions,
about the blue diamond?
What blue diamond?
It's surprising...
I wasn't even sure that he'd... I'm just
not sure how I should feel about this.
Behind the mountain, there are mountains.
- I don't know what that means.
- Well, there's always more than meets the eye.
A man send you flowers... he
wants you to know he likes you.
I hope you like Freesias. Gus
This is her? Molly?
She's very pretty.
- So is it serious?
- I don't... I don't know.
That's why I asked you to come over.
Listen to this.
... ended up waiting for my life to start.
You know, I'm just stalling, and... I
don't want to wait for things any more.
- I don't want to be afraid...
- Molly...
I hate that I have to record our
conversations, you know, but
it's like, she's gonna remember that, she's
gonna remember what we did & what we said,
and, therefore, I need to remember all of it.
Boyfriends need to remember stuff like that.
Like... what kind of flowers girls like, or what
dress they wore on our first date! Normal stuff!.
But it's fair... to date her.
It is, if you let her make the decision.
Have you told her?
I meant to. I'm meaning to.
Look, it sounds like she
really, really, likes you.
So what if you tell her and it
doesn't matter at all, to her?
- Or, what if I do, and it ends everything!?
- Well, now's your chance.
That's her, isn't it? Molly?
- Oh, no, no, no, no! She's not on my schedule.
- Well, she is now.
- No, it's not my, this is not on my schedule! This is...
- Good luck!
It's not in my notes! What am I supposed to do?
Oh, Gosh! Oh, good Lord!
- Hiya!
- Hi!
Coming! Uh, coming! Huh!
Just, uh, just need to tidy up a little bit.
- One more second, Molly!
- Gus?
A-a-a-a-l-l-l-lmost there! Uh!
There we go!
- Hey, there!
- Hi! Um, I'm sorry, I should have, called first.
- No, you're right on time!
- I am?
- You aren't?
Um, I... the flowers that you sent me were
so nice, I just, I just wanted to thank you.
- And, I also had, um, a few questions.
- Sure, yeah, come in! Come in!
Can I get you, uh, some
soda, or some crackers,
- or, some soda crackers?
- Oh, no just anything's fine. Water?
Yeah, great, water. Comin' right up.
Hahhh, huh, yeah, hahhh... ha, ha...
Wow! It's very... scientific, in here.
Yeah, well, you know... uh, cream, sugar?
- Wait, what was I getting?
- Uh, just water, for me.
- Oh! No way!
- No way?
No way... no way, no way what?
No way... no way... no
Oh, yeah, hay, hay. No way! Egads! Yoda!
Well, my sis bought me these 'cause I was a
pretty big Star Wars nut, back in the day...
And now. Holy Wookie! You carry
Chewbacca with you, in your purse?
- Yeah!
- Awesome!
- Grape's my favorite, yours?
- Orange.
- So good!
- So...
- Yeah.
- Oh! Your water!
- Oh! Thank you.
- Yeah, sorry. Hmmmm...
- Um, I like your place.
- Thanks! Yeah, it's cozy, and... mine.
- So, you, you had a couple questions?
- Oh, yeah... yeah, I did... I, um...
did want to ask you some things, but, um...
What, what is... all this?
This was, uh, the last big project I worked on.
Do you remember the Mars exploration Rovers?
- Spirit, Opportunity... ringin' any bells?
- Oh, those little, uh, go-cart robots?
- Yeah!
- You worked on those? Get out!
But, what about the new one, the one that
just went up, did you work on that one, too?
- Uhh, I'm gonna get us some coffee.
- OK.
Just so much in here, and... I wish
I could go through all of it.
Take it, take it with you. I mean,
I've read it plenty of times.
- Is this what you're working on, now?
- What's that?
Forbidden lines. Radical new evidence of the
quintessence, by Gustaf Gillenwater, PhD.
- Gustaf? Fancy, is that you?
- It was, once upon a time.
I was, uh, searching for something.
Searching for what?
I dunno... a whisper... a trace.
Something. Anything.
Gus, you worked on all these amazing
things and you obviously loved it.
How could you just leave California
behind and, and come to New Orleans?
You know, people change, Molly.
Things happen in your life, sometimes,
you know, that really affect... your ...
Visible comets, 7:30 PM
Ho! Oh, Hey! Come with me, come with
me, I wanna show you something!
- Where we going?
- C'mon. Hep!
Watch your head. Watch your head.
Alright, good, look right there. What do you see?
- Oh, i-is it a... meteor?
- No... that is... look right here.
That is a comet!
It's frozen gas and ice and dust, that
gets pulled by gravity of the Sun.
But it's really the, the tail
of it, that distinguishes...
- What?
- When you talk about this, it's... home.
- This is home to you.
- I mean, it's kinda home for everybody,
really, where it all started.
All of the elements in the universe,
they, they all come from stars.
Y'know? It's wha... it's
what makes us up. It's um,
calcium in our bones, and
the iron in our blood...
It was all born, with the explosion
that... that started it all.
Like, y'know, without the stars, we wouldn't have
anything, there'd be no today, not you, not me...
We are stardust.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Approximately 93%, yeah.
You know, sometimes comets are thought to be lost.
And then they come back into orbit.
And when they're calculated, scientists find...
they weren't lost at all.
They're... they're found.
Stop for one second.
I wish I could freeze this moment
so that I'd never forget it.
Me, too.
- Molly, there's something that I need...
- Oh, no! No! Oh!
- What, what, what!? What, what, what?!
- My class! My class!
Oh, gosh! I'm late! I'm dead! Uh, my plan!
I'm, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot!
You know, I have this big
presentation tonight! I gotta go!
- Call me!
- Yeah!
I will, hey, I will, I will. I won't forget!
- Bye!
- I won't forget.
That's it! Call Molly. Don't forget!
Do not forget her!
Do not forget Molly Branford! Set
a date to tell her everything!
No matter what!
Do you think telling her
now is really a good idea?
I guess we're gonna find out.
Yeah, not everybody... wait, wait, wait,
what do you mean, "we'll find out?"
I... typed up everything I ever recorded
about Molly in my Read me every morning
- file, OK? So I remember her. I want this, Jerry!
- Yeah, yeah, but some things take time, I mean,
you can't just jump in and tell
somebody something this big!
- You can, if you think she might be the one!
- Are you saying you love this girl?
I'm saying... Look, I've gone over my notes and,
every day I spend with her, I feel the
same way about her. She feels right!
So maybe... yeah... I do love her.
Getting thrown up on, by triplets,
hit on, by a drunk guy, when his
girlfriend goes to the bathroom...
that's my idea of fun!
You know, I'm starting to think
that this job is bad for my, wait...
Can I call you back? I'll call you back.
- Hello?
- Hey, Molly, it's Gus.
- Oh, it's, it...
- Look, before you say anything, I just...
I'm, I'm, I'm calling because I wanted to
explain why I've been acting so... weird.
Oh, yeah?
It, it's... it's kinda, it's
kinda hard to do over the phone.
So, I hoping maybe I could take you
someplace nice. Someplace special, tonight.
It, it's not Molly, it's Jolene. Molly's roommate?
We met... when you mistook me for Molly, wow!
Wow! How many women are you juggling?
You know what?
Call back and leave a message. I'm
not up to dealing with this today.
Urgh! Waa... ha... OK. Ok. OK. OK. OK. OK. OK.
Hi, this is Jolene, oh, and Molly.
Wait for the beep.
Uh, OK, hey, Molly, it's Gus.
I need to talk to you,
I have to explain a few things. Meet me at sunset,
at the elephant exhibit at the Audubon zoo.
OK? I'll be waitin' for you there. Bye
Message deleted.
Sorry, sir. We're closin' a little early. We're expectin' some weather.
Yeah, I was, uh...
I was waiting for someone.
Yeah, well, maybe they forgot.
I was gonna show her the elephants.
Well, you know the elephants, are..
they're gonna be here tomorrow.
You're lying, right? Tell
me you're making this up!
I shouldn't have, OK? But
it was for your own good.
Look, I'm not gonna let some clown, who changes
watchbands for a living, ruin your life!
Read this! Tell me he's a clown!
Y'know, fine! So I don't know what his problem is.
- What if it's your problem?
- Excuse me?
The way you're acting... I mean,
would you rather I was alone
and unhappy, or that I actually
try to find something good.
We both know that you make bad choices.
I was protecting you.
But, this guy's different.
He's kind and decent and...
spontaneous. If you actually
thought he was that bad for me,
why did you even tell me about the message? You
could have just pretended it never happened.
Because I've never seen you want anything more.
Bad luck.
Ugh! Work with me, you miserable piece of junk!
Ha! Ha! Thank you!
- You're mad, I don't blame you.
- I'm not mad.
I, I totally would have been
there, it was not my fault.
Your message got erased because of my roommate.
And then my car wouldn't start, and then the
rain... and I, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- Can I... maybe get a towel?
- Yeah!
- Thanks!
Oh! This is so sweet! You've a picture
of us, taped up to your mirror.
My girlfriend... Molly.
- Is that, really how you feel, Gus?
- I do, I... I really do...
Molly, I have a confession. I
ha-I have to tell you something.
- You're married.
- Huh?
- Huh, Jolene was right.
- But, wha...
Do you have a girlfriend? Just...
tell me the truth.
No, uh, please come here. Come
here, come here, come here.
Look, um, no. I don't have a girlfriend.
I don't have a wife. I'm not married.
But I have a, problem...
I... can't...
That's... that's your problem?
That's your only problem?
- Well, yeah! But i-i-it's a...
- Oh, please!
If you knew the amount of things that I...
forget! On a dialy basis. It's ridiculous!
OK, OK. Sit down. Sit with me, um...
- Hi.
- Hi!
- Look, some-something happened to me...
- Me, too!
Uh, no, I mean, um... before...
before you, before us.
Gus, I don't care about anything
that happened, before we met.
You are... unbelievably beautiful.
Ummm, I don't want to lose this!
I don't want to lose this!
I want to hang on to this.
I want to hang on to you.
I want to hang on to you.
I want to hang on to your eyes,
your lips, and your smell.
You smell of Freesias.
What's that?
Uh, nothing. Don't worry about it.
Let me put some music on.
Gus?! What...!
Are you... recording us?
- Molly.
- Is it, just, tonight? Or...
- every time, we've seen each other?
- Molly, I can explain.
What, what were you planning to do with this?
Like, post it on the Internet, or something?!
- Molly, no! Why would I do that?
- I don't know, I... you're the one recording us.
Oh! Are there cameras around here, too? Oh, I
cannot believe I did not see this one coming!
- Molly, Molly, you are misunderstanding.
- No, I'm sorry, I-I have to go.
Look, I wanted, I wanted to tell you,
I-I tried but you didn't listen.
My brain doesn't work, OK? I lose you
every morning, I can't remember.
Just stop, OK? Stop it! I-I should have
listened to Jolene! I'm so stupid!
No! You're not! Molly, you're not stupid!
Oh, my God!
Molly, stop!
There's a little bit of
uncertainty in your life, OK?
A little? A little? A
little bit of uncertainty?
It is, a lot of uncertainty!
But, everybody has questions!
And believe me, kid, everbody struggles.
I don't know where I am when
I wake up in the morning... Jerry!
OK? I don't know what I'm
supposed to do with my day...
what city I live in, what I do for a living.
I need a cribsheet just to know
what I did yesterday, who I saw.
The people that I know, or I'm supposed to know,
are the people that I'm supposed to trust!
And it will never change for me.
What am I supposed to do about that?
Just try to take it in smaller chunks.
Like, like, what do you need
to know to get through today?
Is it possible to fall in love
with someone every single day?
No, Gustaf. Isn't that what we all want?
It's over, isn't it?
- Mornin'.
- Good morning.
I'm actually early.
- I didn't sleep too well last night.
- No flowers, today?
Back to plastic, Baptiste. You won me over.
Something wrong? What is it?
You're not yourself.
- You're scaring me! What's going on?
- You ever heard of garnishment?
Garnish, like parsley?
Like student loan, like when the
government takes a cut of your paycheck,
before you get it?
I'm sorry, Molly.
A-are you... I mean, this is... I
can't live without a paycheck! I...
I mean, I can't work and try to go to school...
I mean, what am I going to do?
- Here.
- Oh, no!
I can't take that! It's way too much, I...
Thank you, Baptiste!
It's alright, Molly. It's alright.
I don't understand. I'm on the schedule.
It's the insurance company. Bunch of
wolves, they won't renew my policy.
- Because of me?
- Well, I can't run my business without insurance
and they won't renew my insurance...
if I keep you on.
Are you firing me, Sam?
Now, listen, maybe uh, the
friends of your parents, the
Siegler's, they got a spot open
at the dry cleaning place.
- And I could call them...
- Don't worry about it...
It's okay. I'll see you.
But I don't want the paralegal,
I want the actual attorney
who's handling my case!
I'm sick of being palmed off and pushed around!
It's been two years!
I'm dying here. I'm dying!
Make him call me back.
Hi, this is Jolene, oh, and Molly.
Wait for the beep.
Molly, it's Gus. I really...
Don't call me again, Gus. Just
forget you ever met me, OK?
My girlfriend, Molly.
Are you not curious about your grade?
Oh, not really. This is my last
class, I have to drop out.
- I'm sorry to hear that's really disappointing.
- Well, I don't really have a choice, so...
Uh, why don't you check your paper?
I'll be honest, I did not think you had this
in you, but you did some terrific work, here.
And this flower shop thing? I mean,
you could really make this work.
Um... thanks, Professor Lawrence. I'll...
I'll... keep it in mind.
Who's there? Gus? Gus, is that you?
What's wrong, Gus?
Your tub! Your tub overflowed, it flooded
my place, with all of my system, everything...
I must have fallen asleep on the couch after I...
Ah, I'm so sorry! Whatever it
takes, I'll make this right!
- What do you need, Gus?
- I'm ruined. It's all ruined.
I'm so sorry!
- Molly Branford, 417.
- Just need a signature.
It came!
Wow! You actually made it happen! $234,000!
Enough to find my feet, start a life.
- Back to school?
- No. I'm gonna pay off my loans,
find my own apartment, a car that works
and find a space to open a flower shop.
No more stalling. No more excuses.
- Hello?
- Oh, girl! Huh, heart attack!
- Oh, you're Molly, right?
- Yes, um...
- What happened?
- Long story.
- I'm sorry, who are you?
- I'm Lucy, Gus's sister.
Oh, um, well, I'm just here to...
return something.
And um... I-I just wanted to tell
him that I'm leaving, or moving.
Could you maybe say goodbye to him for me... or,
- no, don't.
- He's in the hospital.
For observation. He'll be OK.
Do you wanna sit down?
He tried to tell me, I think.
He had to re-learn who I am, very day ?
It was March, of... '09...
Technically, his brain sustained a hippocampal
rupture of an anterior communicating artery.
Uh, in other words, he blew a fuse.
He lost everything, didn't he?
News Week, The New York Times, The London Times,
Washington Post, Keynote Speaker,
World Science Conference...
He was working on, "The Quintessence."
He still is. He was supposed
to be the next Einstein.
I wish you knew him then.
When did you say it was, again? March, 2009?
So, this is... where he left off?
His old memories are forever, but he
loses the new ones when he sleeps.
In the beginning, he would try
to stay awake, every night.
So... when he wakes up...
He has to start over with everyone
new in his life. Like you.
I found this, in the wastebasket, this morning.
Hey, I'm all out of butterscotch, Gus,
but I got you some nice tapioca, though!
Oh, thank you.
And I'm uh, supposed to give you this.
Press play.
Hi, Gus, this is Molly.
You won't remember me, but I'm your girlfriend.
At least... I was. We had a misunderstanding.
Or maybe, I did. But that's over now and
I think I know you a lot better. So, I hope
we can start over because I've
fallen in love with you and
I think you feel the same way.
That'll be me... on the recorder.
Hi... uh, Molly, from the recorder.
Uhh, s... have a seat, please.
I'm sorry, I do-I don't, I don't remember you.
Actually, you sort of, do.
- I made this about you?
- Yeah.
So that we could hold onto things and
even if we had to start fresh every day
- we could still keep moving our story forward and
- Build something?
Look... you should know that I've spent a lot of
time... waiting for things, in my life, and...
Maybe I even blamed a few
people for my problems, and
forgot that I was the one in charge.
But that's all done... and
I'm ready to take control of
things in my life, and...
I hope that it can be with you.
You realize that, um...
all I'll ever have... is today.
And a bunch of yesterdays, from a long time ago.
Not if you have me.
Could um...
- Could, could you, could you lean in a little?
- Why? Did it not record?
How could I forget that?
Hi, Molly.
- As I said, it's kind of a special occasion.
- Wow!
Yeah, you were sayin', so... out with it.
What's goin' on?
Well, I've discovered this...
possibility that's... kind of exciting.
Which is?
Well, there's this new laser surgery, and...
Well, let me just show you.
OK. This... is a picture... of a brain, that
looks, more or less, like yours, right?
Mmm, hmmm.
This is a picture of the same
brain, with the damage repaired.
Now, they haven't perfected the procedure
yet, but they're getting close.
They have a really high rate of success, and...
Gus, this could help you.
- I... I... don't know... are you sure about this?
- Well, you're the perfect candidate.
I mean, you're young, healthy, all we have
to do is... fill out some paperwork and...
- I could even pay for it.
- No.
There is nothing I want more in this world,
but I would never have you pay for it.
I mean, before you decide...
I'd take you away somewhere.
- Where?
- Sunday.
I want to take you somewhere, where we
can talk about it some more, and...
We're just... we're gonna go away!
Just the two of us. It's all set.
Gus... remember Sunday.
- OK?
- I will.
Remember to discuss potential
surgery and remember... to ask ...
- Molly?
- Hi, stranger!
Yeah, it's me, Molly.
- Hi.
- Hi!
So, where are you taking me?
I'm sorry, I'm taking you... somewhere?
No, ha, ha. Here.
Plane tickets... to... Los Angeles.
I wanna see where you're from. I
wanna know what you remember.
So this is it? This is where you worked?
Yeah, the big one, the Hooker Telescope.
I don't, uh, I don't, I don't, I don't,
I don't think I can go in there.
I-I thought I could, I thought I
could, but I don't, I really...
Why not?!
I can't... I can't. I'm sorry. Can we,
can we go back to the hotel, please?
I thought you'd wanna see this place again.
No, no, I-I, look! I-I-I don't need to see it!
I don't need to see it.
I see it every m-, every morning when I wake up.
I see it every night when I go to bed.
I can't stop seeing it, Molly! OK? I can't.
It represents... everything that I... that I
ever wanted, everything that I had to give up,
everything that was just ripped
from me, and now I'm just alone!
You're not alone any more!
I was, I was in there when it happened.
That's the last thing I remember, it's
the last thing I'll ever truly remember.
Oh, Gus, I'm sorry. I didn't know!
But, I need to. And if... we're
gonna have any shot at this,
I need to be the person you can tell that to.
Please, just show me around?
Don't make... my stomach...
OK. I'll see it by myself, then.
Hey, hey! Hey!
And it's awesome!
This is your office.
Yeah! This was my life!
Back then, everything I knew about the Cosmos
came through that hunk of glass, right there.
- Oh, where do you look through?
- In the...
- Hey!
- Hey, who's that?
Everybody, we're all here!
Bilmos? Lukrey?...
- Welcome back, Dr. Gillenwater.
- Welcome home, Gus.
We have been pretty busy down here, lately.
Ruth called to see if I was
ever coming home. Here we go.
It's still raw data, plenty of crunching to do,
but, uh, I think you'll find this interesting.
Frida, uh, give us a graphic.
- Here it comes.
- Hang on to your hat.
- What's it doing?
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...
- I-i... is this verifiable?
- So far so good!
And if it holds up, it's a definite game changer.
That's your data, Gus.
That's my data?
- The Quintessence?
- She gave it to us! Molly.
- When she called and set this up.
- Oh, I didn't...
I-I mean I did send them your
paper. It looked finished, what do I know?
Ha, ha. That's a lovely understatement.
Because if this data is correct,
we have just found a way to
directly measure dark energy in the universe.
- And if we can do that...
- Then we'll know the fate of the universe.
We call it, The Gillenwater Effect.
Hope that's OK.
That's what the world will call it, Gus.
This is one for the ages.
Ah, no, hey! Hey, no. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, guys. Thank you all!
Honey, thank you.
Once upon a time... not too long ago, actually.
The greats, like, like Hubble, and even Einstein
stood, exactly there where
you're standing, right now.
And they used this exact telescope... to alter
- our view of the universe, forever. Yeah.
- Wow!
- Oh, you're shiverin'! Are you freezin'?
- No, it's, it's not the cold.
- Yeah, come on, it's the cold.
- I mean, it's a little, cold.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Here we go!
- Thanks.
- Uh, huh.
So, what are we seeing? What
am I looking at, right now?
It would be the combined light of
about a trillion stars, usually.
I could do that forever.
Actually, you could, because the universe,
isn't just expanding, it's accelerating.
It simply cannot end. We know that now.
- It's forever. It's pretty comforting, right?
- The Gillenwater Effect.
- Remember to ask.
- Ask what?
Gus! Thank goodness you're still here.
I was hoping we could go through
a few questions before you go.
- Oh...
- Shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
- Go ahead, I'll meet you back at the car.
- OK.
- Hi, there.
- Hi!
- Did you enjoy your visit?
- Oh! Yeah, yeah, the
- facility is just beautiful! That telescope!?...
- It's really something, isn't it?
Doesn't get much use any more, but...
- Well, good night.
- Uh, look I just needed to thank you.
- Oh, sure. Uh, for what?
- For Gus.
For bringing him here and helping him...
I'm Molly Branford. I'm... I don't
know if we've met, I'm sorry...
No, no, I was told you and
Gus might be here today,
I just thought that I should stay out of the way.
I'm Lauren... Reynolds. Did he ever mention me?
Oh... uh... well... we worked here
together and... we were engaged.
Wow... uh...
I-I... I figured, uh, there must have
been someone, but I... I didn't know.
What-what happened?
We were in love, and he had the aneurysm and...
and I tried... for months.
His sister finally decided to bring him back
home, I... and I really wanted to go...
It's just that, ultimately, I couldn't.
- You left him.
- But not because of him! Because...
I want children. We could have kids! It's...
- well, he just won't know who they are.
- Right.
Maybe don't say we ran into each other.
Uh, it's probably better that way.
I'm sorry. It's so good to have met you, Molly.
Me, too.
- Hey!
- Hi!
- Are you OK? What's wrong?
- I'm fine!
Do you wake up every morning,
expecting to be here...
with your work and all your friends?
I wake up every morning unsure of... anything.
- Molly, I want to try with that surgery.
- You do?
- Gus, that's...
- But, Mo-Molly, Molly!
If the surgery doesn't work... I need you to...
promise me something, OK?
I need you to promise me,
that you'll forget about me
- and erase yourself from my life.
- What? No!
Listen! Just listen to me, OK?
When I'm with you everything seems right.
I just, I wish that was enough. You know?
I will never remember you, in the morning
and you deserve better than that.
So this is the only way that I'll do it.
It's that or nothing.
Promise me, Molly.
Will you promise me?
- Hey! Hi!
- Hey sis!
- Let us help you!
- I got it.
Hey, um, I'm sorry, were
we supposed to meet you?
No. I knew you went away with
your cruise director, here, and
arranged to do some software
upgrades on your new computer.
I'll be back tomorrow and go over it with you.
Where did you go?
Uhmm, Mount Wilson.
Hey, will you pop these in my trunk?
It's the green VW Bug, in the alley?.
- Wanna throw that on, babe?
- Yeah.
Be right back!
- He's a piece of work, but you gotta love him.
- Yeah.
- And I really do.
- Listen, I should warn you.
Don't count on him getting better.
That hospital brochure that was upstairs?
What's up with that?
Gus is interested.
- There's this new surgical technique?
- Yes, they have it at UCLA.
And it's not that new. They did the
procedure on Gus, 2 years ago.
- It didn't work.
- Gus... already had the surgery?
Molly, if you really love him, you
have to do it with your eys open.
Because it's possible that he
will never, ever, get better.
All set!
Take care.
See you tomorrow.
- Hi, Gus!
- Hi...
- It's me, Max.
- Oh!
- You got that five bucks you owe me?
- Keep your wallet in your pocket.
- Tell him you're kidding, Max.
- I'm just kiddin'.
OK, heh, heh. Bye!
Comin', Molly?
Wednesday - Jog, water bottle, breakfast.
Smile at strangers.
propose to Molly.
Good mornin', New Orleans! Another
beautiful day in the cresent city!
Hey! What's up, Gene? Good morning, Mike.
High pressure, out in the Gulf will bring
us sunny skies and starlit evenings.
Read this file
Read me every morning
Wednesday - Jog, water bottle, breakfast.
Smile at strangers.
The boy upstairs is named Max.
You don't owe him $5
Looking good!
- Jerry?
- We've been doin' this for six weeks, now.
- We have?
- Can I shout it into your recorder?
- Put, Jerry joins me every morning on to-do list!
- OK, OK, OK, you don't have to yell...jeez!
You look good, though. It's payin' off!
Brenda's giving me another
chance, I'd like to keep in shape!
You and Brenda broke up?
Ha, ha, ha, ha! I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
It's in my notes!
Uh, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Hey, Sam!
Ardis decided we needed
cleaner air at the store.
Bought a bunch of plants. Had a few
extras, so, uh... have a peace lily.
- Hm, hm... OK, thanks.
- I, uh, came here to tell you something.
You know with the, uh, cleaner
air came a cleaner store.
We rearranged the rugs and... cabinets, and...
In one of the drawers, I found this.
The blue diamond.
- It was stuck, way in the back.
- Wow! That's cool!
It's great!
So, uh, will you come... work for me again?
Yeah! Yuh, OK, great! So, tomorrow?
- 10 AM?
- Yeah, on the dot! I'll make a note!
- Great, you do that.
- Great. Thank you.
- Red roses?
- Too traditional.
- Carnations...?!
- Too ordinary.
Let's keep moving.
Save for Molly
- Yeah, careful!
- Quick!
Quick, please! Careful! Careful, no bobbling!
My first wedding has to be perfect!
Alright, quickly! Got about... 20 minutes.
And then the guests are gonna start arriving. So,
as long as we put all the centerpieces
on the tables, then we can
still be working outside but then
we really have to skedaddle.
We'll have to wait about 10 more minutes.
- I'm on it.
- Ah, ha, ha, ha!
It looks, amazing! You did a great job!
I did, didn't I?
Whoa! Awesome! Was that a comet?
It wasn't a comet.
A... comet is ice, gas and dust orbiting the Sun.
That was a meteor.
A shooting star.
8:15, in the western sky, condition's clear.
Lyrid's meteor shower is
still increasing frequency.
Very cool.
OK, Gus, we'll be back by 2:00.
Oh, and if Mrs. Bing comes in,
- Don't mention her perfume.
- Mrs. Bing?
You fixed her emerald... awhile ago.
OK, I-I'll make a note of it.
If Mrs. Bing comes in, don't
talk about her perfume.
Must be horrible.
Oh! Mrs. Bing?
Molly, actually.
- Oh! Huh! Sorry, I was expecting...
- It's okay.
- Wait, did you say, Molly?
- Yeah!
I know that name.
You do?
Yeah! Yes! Wait! Stay! Don't, don't move.
I'll be, I'll be right back.
- Is this yours?
- You still have it?!
Yeah, I mean, uh... huh...
Wanna... try it on?
- Yeah! It's all fixed up.
- Oh, wow, yeah, that looks really good!
It's an old Victorian setting, we...
rarely see these nowadays.
This is pretty special.
Oh... oh, hey, hey... are you okay?
Those are happy tears, right? Because
the ring made it back to you.
Yeah, it's just...
Sometimes, comets are thought to be lost, and...
a few come back into orbit
and scientists find that...
nothing was lost, at all.
They're found.
Uhhh... How, how, how do you...
Do I... have we...?
Do you wanna get a cup of coffee with me?
- Yeah.
- I know a great place around the corner.
Yeah... I, uh, I don't get off until 6:00.
I can wait!
I can wait, Gus.