Remote (1993)

[soft music]
[playful music]
[bell ringing]
[group chatter]
[playful music]
[group chatter]
- Hey Jamaal.
- Randy man, maestro
of Vanilla Icetro.
What's happening my friend?
- Hey Judy.
- Judy on duty.
High priestess of
the ball and bat.
- Hi Randy, hi Jamaal.
- You want to come over?
- I'll come by later
after practice.
- Cool.
- See ya.
- Later home plater.
That girl is hot.
Did the all seeing
eyes of the Jamaalster
sense some certain love
vibrations in the air?
- Me and Judy?
No way man, we're just friends.
Come on, let's roll.
[playful music]
Uh oh.
[group chatter]
[playful music]
- Come here Mason, I
want to talk to you.
- Follow me, Randy.
- Jamaal, what are you doing?
- You're dead.
Come back here, Mason.
[playful music]
- It's [inaudible] showdown
by the great Jamaal.
They cracking the beat,
but they put the
brain by variance.
[playful music]
- Are you crazy, Jamaal?
He could have creamed you.
- [Jamaal] Elementary
Jamaalics, man.
Physics and psychology.
He's bigger but
I'm coming at him
full momentum.
We collide.
It's gonna hurt him a lot
more than it hurts me.
- See you, Jamaal.
- Later Randy.
- Randy.
I'm glad you got here in
time for me to say goodbye.
- Hi dad.
- Here you go.
I'll be gone three or
four days max, okay.
Here you go, thank you.
- Have a good trip.
- Thanks.
Take care of mom, okay.
I'll call you later tonight.
I love you son.
Airport please.
[soft music]
- [Mom] Hi
sweetheart, I'm sorry.
I've got to work a little late.
They want us to finish
this ad campaign today, so
I should be back by seven.
There's some brown rice
and veggies in the fridge.
Just nuke them in the
microwave when you get hungry.
See you later sweetheart.
- Thanks, Gunter.
[soft music]
- Recycle that, geekster.
[soft music]
- [TV] Ms. Puerto
Vallarta, Tiffany Anne,
relaxing here on the
fabulous jet set playground--
[slow suspenseful music]
The Fajitas twins gave us
a wonderful opportunity
to enjoy,
the scent of food miles away.
Ms. Chihuahua, a nuclear
physics major from Harvard--
[soft music]
They're on the go in the know.
Our Ivy league girls
of the bikini network.
- And in the next
phase of this trial,
we will aggressively--
[dramatic music]
money on--
- [Announcer] This
young professor from--
- Two weeks.
- Our sermon today,
brothers and sisters,
is a story of David and Goliath.
- Hallelujah,
brother Milo.
- Praise the lord.
[soft music]
- Cut it out Mason.
[dramatic music]
What the?
[dramatic music]
You're gonna pay
for that, Mason.
[dramatic music]
[dog barking]
- Easy, Bluedo.
We won't hurt you boy.
[dog baring]
- Whoa, he looks like
a mutant or something.
- Turkey dogs.
[playful music]
- You sure no workmen
come around here anymore?
- Positive.
My mom knows Ms. Williams,
the real estate lady.
- Oh, I know her.
She's weird.
[soft music]
- Come on.
[soft music]
- This is the coolest hideout.
- You haven't told
anyone, have you?
- What do I look like?
A dweeb?
- No.
- Well, shouldn't we do
what we came up here to do?
- Sure.
[upbeat music]
- Oh.
- Oh.
[playful music]
[playful music]
- What happened?
- I wiped out. Have to go
down and turn my car over.
- Well let me see if
I can help you out.
[playful music]
- Wow.
You're incredible Randy.
- I've been modifying
the controls
to give it more
aerobatic capabilities.
- You're funny Randy.
- What did you do that for?
- I don't know.
I felt like it.
- My plane.
[playful music]
The end of the street,
about 300 yards
is the range limit
for the radio signal.
We almost lost control.
- Yeah.
We sure did.
- Anybody home?
- Three men suspected
of robbing a local
convenience store
are still at large tonight
somewhere in the Southland.
Though no one was injured
in what is being described as
a bumbled robbery attempt,
police warn that the
three should be considered
armed and dangerous.
This time of season
I'm always happy
for no reason
The bigger sun
shining down on me
The sweet little melody
- Hallelujah, brother Milo.
- Praise the lord.
[rock music]
- Hi doll.
- Hey mom.
- Whatcha been doing?
- Nothing.
- [Mom] How was school today?
- Okay.
- Did your dad get off alright?
- Yeah.
- Any messages?
- Nope.
- Randy, you are definitely
the strong silent type.
And if anyone every
tries to say you're not,
don't say anything.
Your old mom's got
some good news.
The new ad campaign
finally made it
up to the creative director.
- Did he like your drawings?
- [Mom] Loved them.
- Way to go, mom.
- That's not all.
They liked it so
much they promoted me
to associate art director.
- What's that mean?
- It means more money, Randy.
It means you're never
gonna have to fix
that rattle trap
bike of yours again
because your father and I
are buying you a new one
this weekend.
And that old
Volkswagen out there,
Maybe we'll buy a
Porsche or something.
No, no, no, no.
A jeep.
[phone ringing]
Oh, that'll be your dad.
Hi honey.
Good news.
Well, the new ad campaign
finally made it up
to the creative director.
Loved it.
No, liked it so much
they promoted me
to associate art director.
[crickets chirping]
- [Woman] Featuring
the Southland's
number one anchorman,
Wally White.
- Good evening.
Witnesses at the scene of
today's bungled robbery
of a local convenience store
described the hold up
as a comedy of errors.
Which the robbers appeared
confused and poorly organized.
The suspects are still
at large tonight,
and should be considered
armed and dangerous.
[soft music]
- Hey.
- Payback time, butt head.
- My zero.
- Quiet.
You're zero's history.
Thanks for leaving your
window open, Mason.
You got to learn not
to be so trusting.
Heres' the deal,
I want to borrow this
baby for a couple days.
Give me the remote control.
- I don't have it.
- [Ben] Bull.
- Really, my mom
keeps them locked up.
- Well go get it, butt head.
- I can't.
My mom's in there.
- Then bring it to
school tomorrow.
- I can't bring a
model to school.
- Okay, lameo, I'm
bringing the model.
You're just bringing
the control.
And make sure the
batteries are good too.
- Listen, Ben,
it took me four months
to build that plane.
It's really delicate.
- Ever seen plastic melt?
I have.
Makes a real stinky black smoke.
It looks real great, you know.
As the wings wrinkle up,
and the nose melts down
to a flaming puddle.
Hey, I'll show you right
now over in my yard.
- Randy?
Who are you,
What are you doing here?
- Good evening Mrs. Mason.
Randy's being real nice,
helping me with my homework.
- That's my Randy.
Well, I'll leave you
two boys to it then.
[slow suspenseful music]
- I think he's the cutest guy.
- Let me be the one to fly it.
I'll teach you how.
- Don't worry, man.
I know what I'm doing.
[soft music]
- Now class,
Jamaal has been
working on his project
for quite some time now.
And today he's going
to be demonstrating
some of the
properties of inertia.
So please welcome Jamaal,
excuse me,
the Jamaalster.
- Inertia, what is it?
What does it do?
And what's in it for us?
We all know that
objects in motion
tend to remain in motion.
And objects at rest
tend to remain at rest.
Now comes the latest development
in the science of technology,
the inertia mobile.
Now Newton's first law of motion
tells us that an
object in motion
tends to move in a--
[soft music]
Now the MC of
relativity himself says
that E equals M C squared.
[soft music]
And Newton's third law says
that for every action,
there's an equal and
opposite reaction.
The inertia mobile's
carefully constructed system
of springs
allows us to see
the principles of
Tony and McAnns--
- Mr. Mason, what seems
to be the problem?
- [Jamaal] E equals M C squared.
- [Teacher] Mr. Mason,
please return to your seat.
[soft music]
- What the.
- [Teacher] Mr. Mason,
I need your attention.
[upbeat music]
[children screaming]
- [Teacher] Please remain.
Everyone stay under your desks.
Jamaal, look out.
Oh no.
Everybody don't panic.
Don't panic.
[explosion booming]
[soft music]
- [Wally White] The
trio of would be robbers
who have alluded authorities
since yesterday's bungled
convenience store robbery.
The suspects were last seen
driving a stolen white minivan.
- [Mom] Randy, are you there?
The school called.
I understand you crashed a plane
into Jamaal's science project.
Needless to say, I'm
a little upset here.
When I get home young man,
I'm going to confiscate
every model in the house.
It's time we established
some new rules.
[phone ringing]
Hi, you've reached the
home of Brent, Marti,
and Randy Mason.
Leave a message at the tone.
Randy, are you home yet?
Call me at the
office right away.
[soft music]
- I've never known anyone
who got expelled before.
Hey, whatcha doing?
- My mom's threatening
to confiscate
every model in the house.
So I'm taking them
to the hideout
until things cool down.
- Why don't you
just tell the truth.
I mean it wasn't your fault.
It was Ben's.
- I know.
But if I tell on him,
he'll just make my
life more miserable.
And plus, it was
sort of my fault.
Just help me get
them there, will ya?
- Okay.
But you know,
you're just making it worse.
[soft music]
[upbeat music]
[dog barking]
[upbeat music]
I helped you get them here.
I gotta go now.
- Don't you want to come up?
- I got a game tonight.
Are you coming?
- Yeah.
I almost forgot.
Judy, you're not
mad at me are you?
- No.
But I do think you're
acting like a five year old.
- [Man] Hey, Del,
where you going?
This is a dead end here.
- [Del] Shut up.
- [Lewis] I'm hungry. I thought
we was stopping for donuts.
- No donuts, Lewis.
Cops hang out at donut stands.
- Shut up.
[soft music]
[slow suspenseful music]
Model home,
opening soon.
Like our own personal
chalet in the Alps.
[slow suspenseful music]
- Wow, this is a
real pretty house.
[dog barking]
- Hey.
Hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
- Good doggy, good doggy.
[dog barking]
good dog.
Del, help.
[dog barking]
- Give him the candy bar.
- But, it's mine.
- Do it Louis.
[slow suspenseful music]
- That's bad luck,
the ladder bad luck.
[slow suspenseful music]
[dog barking]
[slow suspenseful music]
- Maybe we can get
in through here.
Ritchie, break this window pane.
- You know what, Del,
you're really
starting to bug me.
You are way too bossy.
- [Louis] What about the
burglar alarm, huh Del?
- Just shut up, will you Louis.
I know about burglar alarms.
I just got to check out
where the sensors are.
Now do it Ritchie.
- Do it Louis.
- Oh, okay.
[glass breaking]
- [Del] Get the
ladder, bean head.
- Well, well, well,
looks like we're
moving up in the world.
- Don't touch anything
until I check out the alarm.
- That looks good.
Hey, it's glued down.
Yo, Del,
everything's fake.
- The whole joint's fake.
- Water works.
- Hey, Ritchie, look out.
- Yeah, bring it on in.
I got it.
Hey Louis,
why don't you help yourself
to some cake there pal.
- Oh.
It's fake Ritchie.
- Don't touch anything.
- Oh, I live this
cooking island.
- [Ritchie] Come on,
big guy, let's go.
- Oh, nice living room.
- Yeah, it's not bad.
- No, no.
- What, what?
- There's alarm pads
under this carpet.
We'll use the
ladder for a bridge.
Come through here.
No, no, no, through here.
[interposing voices speaking]
Ritchie, open the garage door
and bring the van in.
- You want me to
close the door after?
- Yeah, I want you to
close the door after.
Jesus, do I have to spell
everything out for you guys?
- You know wouldn't
do much good anyways
for Ritchie here
cause he can't spell.
- That's not true.
I can too.
- You cannot.
- Shut up and do it.
- You know, this
I the first time
I'm ever building a bridge Del.
Although I have
crossed a couple.
- Shut up.
- Hey Del, why don't
you shut that off?
- I had a cellmate who
installed these systems.
Once it's on, you
can't shut it off
without a combination okay.
- [Louis] Okay.
- [Del] Give me the cigarettes.
- Here you go.
What are you doing?
- You can feel the
sensors under the carpet.
I'm gonna mark the spots
where it's safe to walk.
- Oh this is fun.
Careful Del.
- I know what I'm doing.
It takes at least 30 pounds to
set one of these babies off.
- Oh, nice bathroom too.
[slow suspenseful music]
- Ritchie do this.
Ritchie do that. Next time
I'm gonna get my own gang.
No Del.
No Louis.
Just nobody.
[slow suspenseful music]
- This whole carpet
is crisscrossed with sensors.
Just step on the cigarette packs
and we'll be cool.
That's it.
We're okay now.
- You know, it's
not so bad here.
I think I'm just gonna stay.
- Come on down big guy.
Just step on the packs.
Trust me.
- Okay.
Oh this is fun.
This is like a palace.
[slow suspenseful music]
- Oh man, no food.
Oh, a cookbook.
- Hey, Del.
How long we got to hold up here?
- I don't know,
til the cops give up
on the roadblocks.
Three or four days maybe.
- [Louis] Three or four days?
You know, I wish I
never met you Del.
- Hey, the feeling's mutual.
If you hadn't left the money
at the comic book rack,
we would have been rich by now.
- It was a new issue of D Man,
I was just checking it out.
- We're robbing the store.
You could have stole it.
- Hey, hey.
Don't yell at him.
That's my cousin.
- Shut up.
- I'm hungry.
- Eat a candy bar.
- I ate them all.
- Alright, I'll go
to the supermarket.
Do me good to get away from
you boneheads for a minute.
Give me some money.
- Hey, can you get
me some ice cream?
That fudge ripple?
Get the new peanut
butter crunch.
I love that.
- I'm walking.
It'll melt.
- Oh yeah.
- Okay, if I'm not
back in an hour,
you guys are on your own.
- Hey Del, you wouldn't
ditch us, would you?
- Just don't do
anything stupid, okay.
- Him?
- Don't turn on any lights.
Don't look out the window.
I'll be back.
- What if someone finds us?
- Take them hostage.
- I can't believe you hooked
us up with that sleazeball.
Easy Louis, easy.
Tiptoe my friend.
- I'm gonna own a house
like this some day.
- In your dreams, homeboy.
I'm gonna take a shower, Louis.
- Louis' house.
House of Louis.
Casa de Louis.
[upbeat music]
- Hi, Mr. Gorman.
Mrs. Williams here at
Milton Kraft Realty.
You're canceling
the appointment?
Well, what seems
to be the problem?
[upbeat music]
Not even the model home?
I could show you that
and you'd see how cheery
and comfy.
Well, alright.
Maybe next time.
[upbeat music]
Hi, Karen, how's the office?
Do I have any more appointments?
Listen Karen,
that nut client
canceled on Valley View.
[upbeat music]
Honestly Karen, I
don't know why I bother
to come out here anymore.
No, I don't have to
check for vandalism.
That's what West tech is for.
Listen, I'll see
you at the office.
You won't see Eva McKinley
Williams around here again
for a long, long time.
[upbeat music]
- Come back Huey.
I almost lost you there.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
for one night only,
it's Ritchie Marinelli.
She wore a tight skirt
Oh ew oh ew
blonde hair beauty
Oh ew oh ew oh ew
I love her, Louis
Oh ew oh ew oh ew oh ew oh
Thank you.
Oh Yankee doodle
went to town
His name was Frankieni
He wanted some
fun really bad
So he had some tortellini
Yankee doodle blah blah blah
Yankee doodle doobie doo
Yankee doodle
Cracked a smile
Thank you very much.
Oh man,
that towel was glued
to the towel racks.
What are you doing?
Yodeling in your sleep?
- Watch the alarms.
- I'm watching the alarms.
- What's happening?
- I don't know, but it hurts.
It hurts.
Look out.
- Here, get to the couch.
- Get off me.
A tack?
What is this?
Your idea of a joke?
- No, you were right the
first time. That's a tack.
- Hey, I'm home.
Give me my gun.
- Say please.
- Give me my gun.
- Here you go.
- Oh boy, food.
Oh, chiffon.
- Paper plates, oh,
that's class, Del.
That's not recyclable.
- [Del] Well, we're
not gonna eat it.
- [Ritchie] Hey Del,
why'd you buy the bike for?
- I didn't buy the bike, stud.
I found it outside.
There must be a kid around here.
- [Louis] Well you don't
think the kid saw us?
- [Del] How am I
supposed to know?
- Hey Del, mellow out
would you look at this thing.
It's a piece of junk.
Don't worry, somebody dumped it.
- Yeah, well let's
everybody keep an eye out.
You see somebody,
let's grab them.
[soft music]
- Flame kissed sirloin
by chef Louis,
the specialty of the house.
- Hey Louis,
you want some of this
gourmet blend
French mocha stuff?
- No, just hot cocoa
for me please, Ritchie.
- You got it.
This one's for Del.
- Ritchie, you kill me.
[soft music]
Oh boy.
dinner time.
- Yo, Del, let's go.
It's time to eat.
- Del.
- Come on Del, we're starving.
- Del.
[soft music]
- [Radio] Manhunt
continues in the Southland.
You're listening to Radio 980.
- Del, din din's ready.
- Let's go Del,
the food's getting
cold in there.
- Quiet.
- [Radio] Our top
story this hour.
The three bumbling robbers
who left the cash behind
remain at large this evening
despite roadblocks
throughout the city.
Police have identified
one of the suspects
as Delbert Macoy of Pacoima.
- Delbert.
You're real name's Delbert.
- Shut up.
- Man, I feel sorry for you.
Here I been thinking the
whole time that you was named
after Del Shannon,
the rock and roll star,
but no, you--
- My name's Del.
It's Del.
Don't ever call me Bert.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
lighten up
and lay off the shirt.
- Hey come on you two.
Can't we just have a
nice dinner for once?
- Sorry Louis.
- Thank you Ritchie.
- Hey Del,
no hard feelings alright.
I apologize, okay.
- Yeah, okay.
You guys go on in. I'll
be in there in a minute.
- Right, you got it.
[slow suspenseful music]
Delbert, what a stupid name.
- Yeah me too.
- Well I'm not waiting for
him. I'm eating right now.
I can't wait.
Oh, Twinkies.
- Hey, hey, what's
the deal here.
- Ow, you fart face.
- Who you calling fart face?
You swiped my steak or what?
- You hit me in the head
with a freaking beans.
- I did not.
- You did too.
- I did not.
- You got bean juice
all over my shirt.
- I did not.
- You did too.
You could have cracked
my head open, Louis.
- I swear I didn't.
- I got you Louis,
I got you Louis.
- What are you losers doing?
- It's not me, Del.
It's him.
- It's his fault.
- It is not.
- It is too.
- It is not.
- What's the problem?
- That my steak, it
disappeared, Del.
- Get over there.
- It was right
there on my plate.
- You ate that steak,
didn't you Louis.
- No.
- Hey.
Don't you lie to me.
You got a big piece of meat
stuck in your tooth there.
- Well, I just had one bite
just to see if it was done.
- Yeah right.
- [Louis] Well what about
the beans, then, huh Ritchie?
- [Ritchie] Just free
bean me with them.
- [Louis] I did not.
- You did too.
- Did not.
- Did too.
- Well you ain't
gonna get any of mine.
- Mine neither.
- Don't just stand there,
clean up this mess.
[soft music]
[cheers and applause]
[soft music]
- [Marti] Hi, you've
reached the home
of Brent, Marti,
and Randy Mason.
Leave a message at the tone.
- Randy,
I'm at the game.
Where are you?
[soft music]
- Randy?
Thursday night.
You're at the Jay's game.
- [Marti] Randy, are you there?
The school called.
Randy, are you home yet?
Randy, you home yet honey?
I was a little angry--
- [Brent] Hi gang, me here.
- Sorry honey.
- [Judy] Randy,
I'm at the game.
Where are you?
[slow suspenseful music]
- Randy?
[slow suspenseful music]
- [Judy] Hi, you've
reached the Riley's.
If you have a message
for Jim, Wendy,
Judy or Heather, speak now.
- Hi guys, it's Marti.
Listen, I'm kind of
worried about Randy.
Call me as soon as you get home.
Would you please?
[slow suspenseful music]
I'm a walking blah blah blah
Blah blah blah
Shoobey doo
Blah blah shoobey dooby
- Shut up.
What are you doing?
- I'm singing to myself.
Why don't you mind
your own business?
- Yeah, well somebody
might hear you.
- Oh yeah, right.
[slow suspenseful music]
- Look at this, look at this.
This is so beautiful.
I want to have some
place like this.
- [Ritchie] Eh,
too much fresh air
gives me a headache.
- Place like this
makes a man feel like
he's king of his castle.
[slow suspenseful music]
- See that kickboxing
match the other night?
Good match though.
It's a good match.
It's a good sport.
Should get into it.
I got some friends, kick box.
I'm a kick boxer.
I'd like to do it some day.
[slow suspenseful music]
- It's not like Randy at all.
He's a great kid.
I mean
was I too hard on him?
Do I seem like a
terrible mother?
- Try to stay calm, Mrs. Mason.
We'll find him.
Sometimes pressures build up
and kids just have to
express it somehow.
- Pressures?
What pressures?
What do you mean pressures?
- Well, with his father gone.
- He's not gone.
He's working.
- And the trouble at school.
- It's just not like him at all.
- Best thing for you
to do is stay here
by the phone.
We'll keep in touch.
- Okay.
Thank you officers.
- Is everything alright, Marti?
- Well,
have you seen Randy lately?
- Not since he crashed his plane
into Jamaal's inertia mobile
and got expelled, Mrs. Mason.
- You lying to her?
You better be telling the truth.
- It's the truth, ma.
- I threatened to
take his models away.
I was so mad.
Do you think I was
too hard on him?
- If my Ben had done
what your boy did,
I'd have whooped
I'm upside the head.
If he knows anything,
I'll get it out of him Marti.
Alright, butt head,
what's going on?
[cheers and applause]
- [Umpire] Strike
three, you're out.
[cheers and applause]
- Great game sweetheart.
- I've never seen a
little league game
go so many extra innings.
- I'm exhausted.
- Come on gang, let's go.
No post game pizza tonight.
Come on sweetie.
[soft music]
- Come on you guys.
You got to help me.
[soft music]
- Here's your wake up.
It's your turn to watch.
- Oh man.
I was dreaming about,
now I can't remember.
[soft music]
- Let's just leave the
kitchen til morning.
- Excellent idea
- I just want to go to bed.
[soft music]
- Del.
There's a patrol car coming.
[soft music]
He's stopping, what do we do?
[soft music]
What's he doing?
- [Del] Looks like
he's radioing somebody.
- Oh man.
Oh man.
- Ritchie.
- He's eating a donut.
- Donuts sounds good now.
- Shut up.
[soft music]
- [Marti] Hi you
guys, it's Marti.
Listen, I'm kind of
worried about Randy.
Call me as soon as you get home,
would you please?
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Judy] Marti.
- Judy.
Is Randy with you?
- No.
What's wrong?
- [Marti] Where did
you see him last?
- At school.
- Judy,
where else might he be?
Sweetheart this is serious.
He could be hurt or
god knows what.
[doorbell rings]
Oh my gosh, there's the police.
Judy, hang on a minute.
Did you find him?
- Not yet ma'am.
Any word here?
- I've got his friend
Judy on the phone.
She hung up.
[soft music]
- Del.
Del, come quick.
Someone's coming.
- Don't you ever yell at me
like that when I'm peeing.
- Yeah, but
someone's coming Del.
[slow suspenseful music]
Look, she's coming this way.
What if she finds us?
[soft music]
- Get out of my way.
Hey Louis, let's go.
[soft music]
- Randy?
Randy can you hear me?
- Don't worry kid, we're not
gonna hurt you. [soft music]
- I'm warning you,
I'm the number one
home run hitter
three years in a row.
Hey, you're those guys the
police are looking for.
- No, no, no.
We're just carpenters
doing some finishing work.
- Oh no, Del, look, they
got the army after us.
- Yeah, we're busted big
time. Let's get out of here.
- That's not the army,
that's a toy model.
- [Judy] Randy?
Ow, stop it.
- Put in the van.
- [Ritchie] Come on, let's go.
Open the door, Louis.
- [Judy] Ow.
- Come on kid, get in here.
We're not gonna hurt you.
Just mellow out.
- Stop it.
- Put her in the car.
- Hey, were you really
the home run hitter
for three years in a row?
- Let me go.
- Alright, I
believe you, get in.
- Come on kid,
put the seatbelt on.
Put your seatbelt on kid.
Let's go Louis, let's go.
Open the garage.
- I know, I know.
[upbeat music]
Uh oh, Ritchie
something's wrong.
- Oh, for crud's sakes.
Come on kid, let's go.
- Open up kid.
Open up kid.
Open up.
I'm coming.
I'm coming kid.
[upbeat music]
- The kid's here.
I'm gonna get you.
Hey, get the van out here.
- It's not our fault, Del.
The door got stuck.
- I'm coming.
I'm coming kid.
[soft music]
Here I am.
- Hey, you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
There's a door to the
attic I the back hall.
Bust it open and grab that kid.
- No.
- Right Del.
What do we need those
kids for anyway?
- To get through the
roadblocks, idiot.
For bargaining chips.
- You know, I got bargain chips
at the discount
supermarket once.
They weren't near
as good as Lays.
You know, they say
it's a bargain,
but it really isn't.
- Shut up.
Do it.
[upbeat music]
- Oh.
Come on kid.
Unlock the door.
My name's Louis.
I won't hurt you.
I'm a nice guy.
Come on kid.
Don't make me work so hard.
[suspenseful music]
[dog barking]
- Come on kid.
You got to be pretty smart
to get away from Louis, kid.
Ah, Ritchie.
- Come on with
your hands up, kid.
We got your surrounded.
- Randy, get away.
- [Del] Ritchie, get the ladder
and get him down from there.
- What are you crazy
after what happened to you?
Do it yourself.
- I'm the leader
of the gang now,
you do what I tell you.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Excuse me for saying so, but
you have bad taste in partners.
- Come on kid, let's
get out of here.
Get out of here.
- [Judy] Let me go.
- Oh, oh, oh no.
Hey, don't do that to
Del. Don't kick Del.
He's a nice guy.
Gee, Del,
you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Hey, break it up you two.
[upbeat music]
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.
Get off of me dog.
Let go of me.
Let me out of here.
Let me out.
Del, help me.
- Let me go, you big dummy.
- Don't call me that.
Alright, kid, this
is your last chance.
[gun shots firing]
- That's a very
close shave, Del.
- You.
Give me the gun little girl.
Give me the gun now honey.
Come on.
- I was also the
number one pitcher
three years in a row.
- That's it,
I've had it up to
here with you kids.
[slow suspenseful music]
[birds chirping]
- That was incredible, Randy.
- Yeah, it was.
[police sirens blaring]
- Uh oh.
You didn't tell did you?
- No.
- I'm in big trouble aren't I?
- You're either that or a hero.
[police sirens blaring]
- [Marti] Randy.
- What is going
on here young man?
- Randy.
Are you alright?
- Yeah.
I'm okay.
- What's going on here folks?
- A $110 a month
we pay for your service,
and I'm the first to
arrive on the scene.
What is your badge number sir?
- Everyone just
calm down, please.
I'll take over here sir.
Okay, now what's
going on here folks?
- Bluedo.
Bad boy.
I've been looking
all over for you.
Where have you been?
Shame on you running away
from mommy like that.
- Son, we've got
two suspects here.
Do you know anything,
anything at all about the third?
- Louis.
- I give up.
I give up.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Hold it right there sir.
Get in the car.
- [Louis] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- [Officer] Get your hands up.
Put them over your head.
Come on, keep moving.
Keep moving.
Keep moving.
Keep moving
keep moving.
Right straight towards that car.
Come on, get in the car.
Alright, get on with it.
Come on.
- There goes our
secret hide out.
- Yeah.
That's okay, we'll
find a new one.
[playful music]