Repeaters (2010)

(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
- Nice one, loser!
- How many's that?
- 92 and counting.
- We're supposed to
get out today for a bit.
- Step nine, making amends.
Can't wait.
- Let's go.
Good morning.
- He hit on me yesterday.
- Nice one, douchebag!
- Hey, pick that up.
- Hey! Hey!
- Come on!
- You're dead.
-All right, tough guy.
You too. Thank you.
There you go.
l need you to sit down.
- What are you looking at, huh?
- Fuck...
Get me out of this place, please.
- l know it isn't easy,
but taking that step
towards reconciliation
with the people most hurt by your addictions,
that's the door to recovey.
Okay, we're gonna keep working at this.
This is mandatoy policy now
in all rehabilitation centres.
Each and evey one ofyou
will be participating.
You're gonna be getting
a day pass evey day this week,
so get out there and make
good use ofyour time.
Remember, don't rush, all right?
Evey step is a good one...
(school bell ringing)
- Okay, so, l have a proposition foryou.
- l don't think l want to hear thi-
- l stole them from my mom,
and now you have to take them.
Come on, l went through so much trouble.
- Okay.
- l don't know how to--
-Are you holding it?
- Yeah, l'm holding it.
- So you put it...
- Hey, Charlotte.
No, hey, Char-
- l don't want to talk to you, Kyle.
- CharIotte, come on,
l'm-l'm still your brother.
- No, l don't want to talk to him...
- Well, well.
lf it isn't one
of our illustrious alumni.
lfyou and whatever
drugs you're selling
aren't om the school property
in the next 30 seconds,
l'm going to call the police.
(engine revving)
(tires screeching)
(monitors beeping)
- All third-floor stam
to the nurses' station...
- Hey, Dad.
How you doing?
- What do you want?
-Are they-are they
treating you all right?
(impatient banging)
- What the fuck do you want,
you little prick? Huh?
(banging on glass)
l told you
l never wanted to see you again.
You get out of my sight.
Ten years because ofyou,
you fuckin' dope fiend.
You fuckin' coward!
(loud banging)
lf l see you again,
l will fucking kill you!
lfyou come back here, l'll fucking kill you!
l swear, l'll kill you!
- Okay, so let's talk about
today's adventures.
- Do l have to?
- Please.
(heavy sighing)
- l went to see my sister.
- Okay, and how did that go?
- Not vey well.
- Can you elaborate?
- No.
- Kyle-
- He doesn't want to talk about it.
- Talking is the only way
to move fonNard.
- Oh, fuck you and move fonNard!
Fuck this whole place!
None of this makes
any fucking dimerence to us!
(chair slamming)
- Fuck, l hate Bob.
- He's a cock.
- He's a fuckin' idiot.
lt's ''make amends'' day.
Good to see you.
Sory about all that money l stole.
- Yeah, sory for ruining your life.
Oh, wait a minute, you ruined my life.
- It's all fucking bullshit anyways.
- Speaking ofwhich.
- Sonia...
There's a call for you.
- My dad just died.
(lighter flicking)
(soft music)
l wish that l had known
ln that first minute we met
The unpayable debt
That l owed you
'Cause you'd been abused
by that bone that refused you
And you hired me
to make upfor that...
- ustafter :OO this morning,
an unidentified man
threw himsem om the Mission City dam.
Authorities believe he died on impact,
but crews are still
dredging the reservoir
tofind his body.
ln Mission City...
(music intensifying)
(thunder rumbling)
(bulb shattering)
- Fuck...
(switch flicking)
(electricity crackling)
(knocking insistently)
- Let's go!
(pounding on door)
T:30, Halsted!
- Nice one, loser!
- It's weird.
- What?
- Yeah, should be 93, but...
- Let's go.
Good morning.
- Nice one, douchebag!
-All right, funny guy,
clean it up.
- What?
- Right now.
Right now.
- Shit...
-All of it.
- Did you guys see that?
- Fuck you, Bob.
- Get back here.
- Dick.
- Hey...
Get back here!
- That was fucking weird.
(buzzer blaring)
(school bell ringing)
- Okay, so, l have a proposition foryou.
- l don't think l want
to hear this proposition.
- l stole them from my mom,
and now you have to take them.
Come on, l went through
so much trouble.
- How did you steal this?
- l took it from her purse
like l take eveything, okay?
- l don't know how to--
- Okay, just hold it.
- Okay, okay, l'm holding it.
- Okay, right?
- Yeah.
- Now you have to put it
to your lips like you're French.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- You'll never get that!
(monitors beeping)
- All third-floor stam
to the nurses' station...
- Pick up the fuckin' phone.
What? Pick up the goddamn phone.
(banging impatiently)
l told you l never
wanted to see you again!
You get outta my sight!
You fuckin' dope fiend!
(loud banging)
You fuckin' coward!
l see you again,
l will fucking kill you!
lfyou come back here, l'll fucking kill you!
l swear, l'll kill you!
- Well, well.
lf it isn't one
of our illustrious alumni.
lfyou and whatever drugs
you're selling
are not om the school property
in the next 30 seconds,
l'm calling the police.
(engine starting)
(security buzzer blaring)
- Okay, so let's talk about
today's adventures.
- Yeah?
- What did you do today?
- Uh...
l went to see my sister.
-And how did that go foryou?
- Not vey well.
- Can you elaborate on that, please?
- No.
- Halsted. Halsted.
(voice echoing dreamily):
- What the fuck is going on?
How is this even possible?
l mean...
The stonn.
Last night, the powerwent out, right?
l was in the rec room
and l-l touched the TV.
l got this shock.
That's the last thing
l remember.
- Same thing happened with me
with my light.
- Weeks?
- Who cares how it happened?
The real question is,
what are we gonna do with it?
- What were you doing last night?
- Whatwere you doing?
- l was in the shower, okay?
l got shocked, too.
- Then what?
- l don't remember.
- Me neither.
- The same thing happened
to all of us.
- Fuck, l'm gonna get that call again.
(door opening)
- Uh, Sonia,
there's a call for you.
- Exactly the same.
- You all right?
- Shouldn't we be doing something?
We just lived through
the same day mice.
Are we just gonna sit here and waste it?
- Last night, on the news...
There'there's ajumper at the dam.
Let's go.
Let's do it.
- What about cuew?
- Fuck cuew.
- Shit, we gotta stop him.
- No, it's... It's too late.
(Sonia sighs.)
(thunder rumbling)
- Couldn't sleep.
- Me neither.
At least you went to see him.
- l didn't.
- l thought you went to the hospital.
- l went to the hospital, but...
l just couldn't go into his room.
- What do you think'd happen
ifwe just...
Stayed in here all night?
- Trouble for sure.
- Then l'm not leaving.
- Why do you think
this is happening to us?
- Sory.
- No, it's... It's okay.
- T:30, Halsted!
- Bob!
- What?
- What day is it?
Last time l checked,
it was Wednesday.
- Look, we're gonna figure this out.
- We're not gonna figure out shit, okay?
We're gonna keep repeating the same day
over and over again
until we go completely
out of our fucking minds.
- Okay, but, look, we each had
the same shock of electricity
or whatever, right? So...
- So, what? So maybe
that's something that we do?
- Okay, you go and electrocute
yourself then, sister,
but l'm gonna enjoy it while l got it.
God, what is that girl's problem?
You know, ifyou think about it,
it doesn't really matterwhat we do today.
Right? l mean,
l could take a piss in group.
As a matter of fact,
l could just piss on Bob.
Tomorrow, it'd be like
it never happened.
-Yeah. l don't know, man.
l... just feel like we
shouldn't mess with it, you know?
- What do you think
we should do with it?
- l don't know.
- Pull it out and put it back.
(laughing): What?
- The bottle of gin.
l can see it in your pants.
Pull it out and put it back!
- It's not in my pants.
- What do you call that? Put it back!
You know what, both ofyou,
get the hell out of my store!
Both ofyou, get out! Idiots!
- Feeling bette
- Oh, starting to.
- What the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Oh, no, dude.
We'd better pray tomomow repeats.
(engine roaring to life)
(whooping in excitement)
(tires squealing)
You're sick! Sick!
Oh, Bobby...
(hea metal music)
Whoa, Bob likes pussy.
Who am l? Who am l?
lady cock.
- What the fuck?
- Oh, no...
Nearly Legal. Near1y Legal. Fuck, look.
Oh, fuck.
-All right, freeze, boys!
Party's over. Hands on your head.
Let's go, right now.
Hands on your head.
That's it.
Looks like you screwed up royally
this time, eh, Weeks, huh?
Just like the old man, huh?
Hands behind your back.
Your mom posted bail.
- See you this morning.
- Well...
Looks like no daddy coming for you,
- Breaking and entering?
Your first day pass
and that's what you do with it, huh?
Well, you must be
really proud ofyourself.
You have any idea what
that little exercisejust cost me?
- ustafter :OO this morning,
an unidentified man threw himself
omthe Mission City dam--
(heavy sighing)
- It's weird.
l was scared,
At the same time,
l felt... really alive.
- What if it doesn't repeat?
You're gonna have a criminal record
on top ofyour drug histoy.
That's pretty awesome, Halsted.
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
- Hey, Bob?
l hear there's been
a few break-ins
in the neighbourhood lately?
- What the hell are you talking about?
- Nothing.
- Okay, come on, let's go.
Get your ass in gear.
- Hello.
- Well, hello.
- Evey time.
- Let's go.
- Bob, lookin' slick.
(awkwardly): Morning.
(quietly): Nice one, douchebag.
(tray clattering)
So, what's on the program?
- Clean it up. Right now.
- You know,
l think our man, Bob,
on his down time,
he likes to just settle in
with a little bit ofVictoria gin.
- Victoria gin?
- Yeah, yeah, a little bit of lubrication
before he kicks om his shoes,
and he thumbs through
his favorite magazine...
(chanting together):
NearIy Legal!
- Right, Bob?
- l knew hewas a pig.
- Oh, not towory, Logan.
l think you're a bit too old for him now.
- Fuck you.
- Well, fuck it, cowpokes,
Iet's celebrate!
- Yeah.
(county music)
- Yeah!
- Three more!
Babq, baby, baby, baby...
- Woo!
-Are you gonna be able
to pay for all this?
- Oh, you bet your sweet ass, girl.
-All right, yeah,
l'm gonna need you to settle up.
- l apologize.
He hasn't gotten laid in a bit.
-Avey long time.
You want to help me out with that?
- Oh...
- l'm sory, l'm sory.
That there male and that there female
are gonna pay for me.
- l have no money.
- Fuck sakes...
- l'm so sory!
- Okay, thanks, partner,
that was great!
All right, uh,
l'm gonna sing a little song
to pay for some drinks.
- Woo!
- Yeah, that's right, pal!
And l'm gonna dedicate it
to my mo friends.
Y'all know who you are-
- It's us! We're his friends!
Oh, my darlin' oh, my darlin'
Oh, my dain'
Oh, my darlin' Clementine
- Let him sing!
Hey, let him sing!
(car horns blaring)
(laughing hysterically)
Oh, my dain'
Oh, my dain'
Oh, my darlin' Clementine...
(Weeks making goofy noises.)
- Where did you get this from?
- What was that noise?
- Oh, that is--
Mine stinks, dude.
- Milady?
- Oh, shit. Wow.
- My friend.
One for you.
- Oh, my G--
Are we really gonna do this?
- Tell me you haven't always wanted
to knock om a liquor store?
-Are these things clean?
- What?
- Well, theyjam if they're dirty, right?
(laughing): We're not going
to shoot anybody.
Okay, you know what,
the only thing that my old man cares about
more than his knife collection
is his fucking gun collection.
So yeah, they're clean.
Let's do this, kiddies!
Oink! Oink!
(rock music)
Stick your hands up!
It's a stick-up! Let's go!
- Ty to touch my dick
and l'll blow your fuckin' brains out!
- Shit...
- Open the fuckin' register!
- Okay.
- You think this is fuckin' funny?
Hury up!
Get me a bag, fuck!
Quik! Here...
- What the fuck?
- Shit, there's a car!
- What?
- There's a car, fuck! Huy up!
- Let's go!
- Huy!
- Let's go, come on!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
(song playing)
(indistinct conversation)
Oh, my God, what the fuck?
(laughing in triumph)
- How much did we get?
- l don't know, man.
There's like 500 bucks here
and 42 pennies.
l took it all, man. l took it all.
(wailing sirens approaching)
(knocking on door)
- Yo, Tiko, what's up, man?
- Well, if it isn't
my favourite customer, man.
Long time, no show, bro.
- Yeah, man.
Look, um...
Tiko, what the fuck, man? Tell me
you didn't get my sister fuckin' high.
- That's not all we did, G.
- Hey...
- Charlotte!
- Easy! Fuck... Jesus...
We good?
Nobody in there wants to talk to you.
Okay, man?
Sojust fuck om.
- Fuck you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- There's room foryou.
- Nice fuckin' sweatpants.
- Don't woy, guys.
l know a guy that we can score from.
Welcome to my drug of choice, kiddies.
- This shit always fuckin' scared me.
- They say you're addicted
the momentyou take your fint hit.
Only today...
You get to be unaddicted again.
Here it comes.
Here it comes...
Go, go, go, go, go.
(exhaling shakily)
...ain't gonna cure you
Honey time's just gonna
hit on you
You got to
You got to go steal ahead
You got to go steal ahead
You got to
You got to go steal ahead...
Fuck me.
You've got to
You got to go steal ahead
You know, your sister's little friend,
she's pretty hot.
-Yeah, she's also
- NearIy Legal!
l mean, she is fuckin' hot, though.
Time's just gonna hit on you
l said
Six kinds of glue
Won't hold you
Won't hold you
Oh my oh
Oh my you've got to
You got to you got to you got to...
(knocking insistently)
Go steal ahead
Go steal ahead...
- Hold the fuck on!
(taser crackling)
- Grab his legs.
- Jesus... Fuck, he's hea.
- Fuck...
(groaning with emort)
- God, Tiko...
- Get on your knees.
Get on your fuckin' knees!
- Okay, okay...
We werejust having some fun, man.
l didn't-l didn't-
- Shut the fuck up!
- Okay, okay, okay...
(whispering): Come on, man.
- Pick that up.
- What?
- Pick that up.
- No, man. Fuck you, man!
- Pick that up, you fuck!
- Fuck...
l didn't touch your fucking sister, man!
- Pick it fucking up!
- Don't make me fucking do this, man.
Don't make me do it, man...
- Fuck. Don't fucking cy,
just fuckin' pick it up.
(sobbing): No...
- Mm-hmm.
Now take a bite.
Take a bite, Tiko...
(gagging and retching)
- Fuck you, man!
l didn't touch your fucking sister, man!
You're all going to fucking jail!
Fuck you!
-All right, kiddies, let's go.
- It's okay.
(whooping with excitement)
- Time to up the ante!
lfyou slip?
ke up in bed like it's a bad dream.
- Yeah, that's assuming
we have another repeat.
- Hmm, ifwe don't...
Make sure they buy me
with my boots on.
- Jesus...
- Hey, Mike, come on, man.
- Shh... Kyle...
You're gonna mess up my concentration.
(water roaring)
Ah... Who's next?
- Hey...
- What?
- What are you doing?
You're ripped out ofyour mind.
We still don't even know
ifwe're gonna repeat.
We can't fuck around like this.
- l'm okay.
lt's okay.
- Oh, who is this girl?
There you go, girl. Rip that pole.
Oh, one foot, one foot-
- Fuck om, Weeks!
- Woo!
l saw a smile!
- Stop it!
- l won't say anotherword--
- No!
- Don't let go!
Weeks! Weeks, help me!
- No!
- You're fuckin' dead!
You're fucking dead, you fuck!
Fuck you!
- See you this morning!
- Fuck you!
You're fucking dead!
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted.
(chattering and laughter)
- You should get some hashbrowns
before they're all gone.
(tray crashing)
- Nice one, loser!
- Never realized how much
l loved the hashbrowns.
- Jesus...
- Yeah.
Only it took him three days
to rise from the dead.
- Good morning.
(tray clattering)
- Okay, you died last night.
l saw you die.
- What was it like?
Do you... remember anything?
- l just remember right before,
and then...
lt's blank.
You know, l've thought
about suicide before, but...
l mean, right in that moment,
right before it happened,
Can't believe how bad l wanted to live.
- We have to stop. Right now.
- What?
- If today hadn't repeated--
- But it did repeat,
and it looks like it's gonna
keep on repeating.
- Yeah, w-we're tempting fate.
- Wejust gotta figure something out, okay?
We gotta get out of this somehow.
- You've got to be fucking kidding me.
This is a fucking gift.
We can do anything we want, anything.
lt's your fuckin' loss.
- Don't you think it's kind ofweird
that all this stum happens
on the same day your dad dies?
- My dad used to force himself on me.
And a-at first, l-l didn't know what to do.
l mean, l...
l didn't even know what he was doing.
And as l got older,
l would fight back, but...
Never seemed to stop it.
So, l mean, l-l don't know what...
What, l'm supposed to give him
some sort of peace of mind for that?
- Here we go.
- No, no, no!
Don't! Don't! No!
- Fuck om!
- No!
- You don't want to do this!
- Who are you?
- You don't want to do this.
Look at me.
- Let go of me!
- You don't want to do this.
- Please let me go,
please let me go.
(sobbing): Please...
- It's okay...
(sobbing): Please let me go...
- The news said it was a man, but...
lt was a girl. Just a girI.
- l know, she's, like,
the same age as me.
- Maybe that's what we're
supposed to be doing.
You know, maybe we're supposed
to be helping people.
- She's still going
to be there again tomorrow.
- He grabbed me, and l tried,
and l said stop, and he wouldn't, and l...
- Okay, we'll get you anotherjacket.
- Copy that. We'll bring her in
for an assessment.
Get all the necessay tests.
- What's going on?
-A girI got attacked.
- l need a description.
- l don't know what he looked like!
- Do you know who did this to you?
- Don't touch me!
- Can you give me a description?
- It was him.
- What?
- It was him!
- Hey, hey!
- Just let me go...
Don't touch me, okay?
- What the hell is the matter
with you Kyle, huh?
- Kyle!
Stop it!
- What the fuck?
-You raped her!
You fucking raped her!
- l don't know what you're
fucking talking about!
- Don't fucking lie to me!
You raped a 15-year-old girI!
- Okay, fint of all, she was 16,
and l'm pretty sure that she was into it.
-You fucking raped her!
- Tomorrow, it'll be like
it never happened, Kyle!
- It doesn't make it okay.
- So, what about holding up
the liquor store, huh?
ls that okay?
What about kidnapping the dealer,
sticking a gun in his face,
making him eat cow shit?
You were this close to blowing
his fucking brains out, Kyle!
Now you're on some fucking guilt trip,
you're gonna tell me how l can act?
l don't know why this is happening,
but since it is,
l'm gonna take advantage of it, okay?
And you two better
stay the fuck out of my way.
(tires screeching)
- Why is this happening to us?
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
- Bob!
- What do you want, Halsted?
- It's Wednesday, right?
- Last time l checked, yeah.
(chair leg clattering)
- Nice one, loser!
- l can't believe that Charlotte
was hanging out with Tiko.
No, l...
l just never thought that she was-
- She was what?
Like you?
- l don't know.
(school bell ringing)
- Okay, so, l have a proposition foryou.
- l don't think l want to hear
this proposition.
- l stole them from my mom,
and now you have to take them.
Come on, l went through so much trouble.
- How did you steal this?
- l took them from her purse
like l take eveything.
- Hey, CharIotte...
Hey, uh...
Look, do you want to, uh... just, um-
- l don't want to talk to you.
- Charlotte!
Hi. l'm Sonia.
Look, l know you think
your brothers an asshole,
and you're probably right, but...
lt'sjust, ifyou would just let him
talk to you for a minute,
you would be doing me
such a favour, okay?
Because l am so tired
of hearing him bitch
about how shitty he's been to you,
and how you'll never forgive him...
Look, we're going to go
get some Chinese food.
Why don't you guys come?
- Okay.
- Okay.
We can fit in the truck, right?
- Uh, yeah. Yeah.
- Come in.
What colour?
- Blonde.
- You're gonna go blonde?
- Yeah.
- No... Did not know.
l mean, l love the blonde,
but your hair...
l mean, it goes so well with your eyes.
It's pretty.
-Yeah, well, we already bought the pack,
and we're doing it this weekend, so...
- Should be fun.
(door chimesjingling)
- Oh, ho, ho! Well, well, well...
lf thisjust isn't
too cute for prime time.
You girls want to get more fucked up
than you've ever been
in your squeam little lives?
- Put it away, Weeks.
- What, it's okay foryou to smoke meth,
but it's omlimits
for the rest of the family, is that it?
lf it isn't the friendly neighbomood dick!
- Say that again, Weeks.
- How'd they ever let
a gutless sack of shit like you
become a cop anyways?
- Just keep talking.
Come on, Weeks, keep talking.
All right, you know what,
that's not even remotely funny.
Look, you want to think vey carefully
about what you're doing right now.
- Oh, l'm thinking, l'm thinking.
l'm all thunk out.
- Mike-
- Shut the fuck up, Kyle.
l'm gonna give you three seconds
to get your ugly fat ass outta here.
Hand away from the gun, Gerald.
Hand away from the gun.
There you go, there you go.
(door chimesjingling)
(people screaming)
Fucking mess with me!
Yeah, no daddy coming foryou!
Fuck om!
You don't know what you're missing.
- You guys okay?
Hey... You okay?
Charlotte, you okay?
You all right?You okay?
(people sobbing and whimpering in shock)
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
- What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
- Hey, eveything that you're doing
is gonna stay with you!
It's gonna stay with all of us!
- No, Kyle!
You do not want to do this, Kyle!
(muMed shouting)
(garbled): Kyle!
(screaming in frustration)
- You have to do this.
- It's not gonna make any dimerence.
Nothing does.
- You have to ty.
You know, it's amazing...
The things l could justi
just to score, you know?
Like, l'll take this from my mom,
she'll never know it was gone, or...
steal my sistersATM card...
siphon om some cash here and there.
What's a kid need
with all that money, right?
Then they...
They trashed my house
'cause of the money l owed.
Beat the shit out of my little sister
while l was five feet away...
fucking blasted out of my mind.
- l couldn't let anyone touch me
for the longest time.
- Come on, Mike... You haven't had
anything to eat or drink all day.
Me and Sonia are worried
about you, man.
- Oh, you are, huh?
The mo ofyou, the thoughtful couple.
How nice.
God, she finally got to you, huh?
Did she feed you the line...
What was it?
Uh... ''l couldn't let anybody touch me
for the longest time?''
lt's right before she grabs your cock, right?
How was she for you?
You know,
l wasn't all that impressed, myself.
The biggest challenge is to find
a nice place to fuck around here.
Where'd you do it?
You didn't do it, did you?
What's the matter, buddy?!
- Look!
Just... stop, okay?
Let'sjust forget about this, okay?
Let'sjust forget about all this shit...
And just ty again.
Let's ty to figure this out.
There's got to be
some kind of deeper meaning...
to this.
- l...
l just took a piss in my pants.
There's got to be
some deeper meaning in that,
don'tyou think?
See, look?
l'll see you this morning!
-Are you tipy yet?
- Maybe.
(girls giggling)
Aren't you supposed
to be locked up somewhere?
- CharIotte, l need to talk to you.
- l don't want to talk to you.
- Charlotte...
- Fuck om.
- l just thought if l could talk to her...
lf l could explain...
Maybe there'sjust no point
in me tying to explain the shit l did.
- Kyle, she'll come around.
- l don't know.
Are you, uh...
Are you okay about earlier?
- Yeah.
l'm vey okay.
Doesn't a part ofyou wonder
if maybe he's right?
l mean, if evey good thing we do
gets erased...
Evey bad thing we do gets erased...
What does it really matter what we do?
- l guess...
l just need for it to matter.
(pounding on door)
- T:30 Halsted!
(tray clattering)
- Nice one, loser!
- Hey...
Bob, where's Mike?
- What?
- Sonia? You know where they are?
l don't know, Halsted, having a smoke?
l don't know.
(whimpering in fear)
- Drop the club.
Come on, Kyle, it's a fucking club.
Drop it.
You think you can decide
how l spend my repeats?
lt's only fair that l retum the favour.
Take the knife.
The knife on the table, take it.
- What?
- Come on, Kyle.
Stand over there.
- Mike, what-
- Now...
Cut his throat.
(whimpering and cying)
- Mike, please don't do this.
- Cut his throat,
or l'll put a bullet in her leg.
l kid you not, Kyle.
l will put a hole in her leg
the size of a fucking grapefruit.
Do it, or l'll put a bullet in her head!
-You're fucked!
- That's right, get angy!
Get motheucking feral!
Cut his fucking throat!
(muMed cying)
(strangled choking)
Welcome to the club, Kyle.
- You're okay...
(moaning in pain)
Come on, come on.
All right...
- We'll have fun...
- l'm okay.
Come on, what's wrong?
Come on...
- No, l'm okay. l'm okay.
- Fuck!
- Get the fuck up!
Get up, you fucking piece of shit.
- l knew you had it in you.
l'm gonna give you three seconds
to get lost.
- Fuck you.
(gunshot, girl screaming)
(voice echoing):
See you this morning, Kyle.
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
(panting in terror)
- Do you want me to come up?
- No.
l'm fine.
-You're gonna die tonight.
Don't ask me how l know, but it's true.
l've thought about what l wanted
to say to you so many times.
l don't hate you anymore.
l don't, but l have to move on from this.
l have to,
or else nothing's gonna change...
For any of us.
(dooell ringing)
- What do you want?
Are you in trouble?
- No, l...
They let us out for a few hours.
Can l-can l come in?
l really need to talk to Charlotte.
- l-l really don't think it's a good idea.
- Mom, l really need to talk to her.
-Are you clean?
- Yeah, Mom.
Please let me talk to her.
- Okay.
- Residents are reeling tonight
over the death
ofo local police omicers
in what's shaping up to be
a double homicide.
The suspect is described
as a Caucasian male
in his early 20s...
- CharIotte?
- What are you doing here?
- l need to talk to you.
- Get the fuck out of my room.
- No.
Charlotte, no, l'm not going anywhere
until you and l have talked, okay?
- We've got nothing to talk about.
Who's in the ca
One ofyour addict friends?
- Her name's Sonia.
Yeah, l met her in rehab.
l've been thinking a lot lately...
Just about...
About what l did to you and to Mom.
- l don't want to hear this, Kyle.
-And l can't let another day pass
without telling you...
VMthout telling you how sory l am.
- Fine. Are we through now?
- Thing is,
Charlotte, l see you going down
the same path that l did, and-
- You think l'm a fuck-up like you?
- No... No, that's not what l meant.
- You don't have to watch over me.
- But l...
l do.
Charlotte, l do,
'Cause that's what big brothers do
for their little sisters.
And l know you probably don't care
right now, but...
But from now on,
l'm going to be there foryou.
l'll be there foryou when it counts,
l love you.
And l'm gonna be your big brother.
(pounding on door)
- T:30, Halsted!
- Sonia!
- Kyle?
- Drop it. Drop it.
Now, l could tie you up all day, Kyle,
let you wallow in your own piss,
but that's not much fun.
So what we're gonna do is play
a little game of hide-and-seek...
with a mist.
lf l find you...
l'm gonna spend the rest
of the day hurting you.
You've got one minute.
One minute.
- You okay?
(gun cocking)
- Other door.
- Come on!
- ... two... three...
four... five...
six... seven. ..
nine.. .
- Come on, come on...
- One minute!
(engine revving)
- There! There!
This way! Yeah!
- Woo!
(engine revving)
- Come on. Come on...
- Come on out, kiddies,
l ain't got all day.
Come on out!
(gunshot ricocheting)
- Come on. Come on!
Come on...
Come on, come on...
(glass shattering)
Go! Come on!
-Are you guys having fun yet?
(gun cocking)
You know, the last rehab place l went to...
They had us act out
homible events from our past.
What do you say, Logan?
You could be nine years old again.
l could play daddy!
Or maybe Kyle could play daddy
since he can't stop fucking you!
- What the fuck are you doing?
(gunshot, man groaning)
- Go.
(forklift beeping)
- Hey... Hey, kid!
(gun cocking)
Hey, you all right?
(gunshot, man groaning)
- It doesn't snow today.
What day is it?
l said, what day is it?!
(heavy breathing)
Oh, fuck...
- How are you doing?
- l'm fine.
l just got a tetanus shot
and some stitches.
Where is he?
- No one's seen him.
- We need you to come with us.
(siren wailing)
- Get your fucking head down
on the floor!
lfyou mo fucking move,
l will put a fucking bullet in your head,
do you hear me?
l'll fucking kill you.
l will fucking kill you.
- Mom?
l'm sory.
- Lieutenant, this is Kyle Halsted
and Sonia Logan.
- So l understand you've been
brought up to speed?
- Yeah.
- Most important thing is
you keep him calm.
(speed dial)
(telephone ringing)
- Gimme the phone, come on.
Hury up!
- l have your friend right here.
- Mike?
- Kyle.
- Mike, man, y-you didn't know.
You thought the day
was gonna repeat again, right?
You thought you had a clean slate.
You didn't know.
- You think a juy's
gonna fuckin' believe that?
(Charlotte sobbing)
- Mike...
We can fix this.
We got into this together, right?
So we can fix it together.
- You guys turned on me, man.
You should've let it go.
You should've let it run its course.
You should have had my back, Kyle!
Don't do this, man.
Don't take it out on them.
Please, man, don't do this to Charlotte.
(screaming and whimpering)
- Okay, we're going to have to go inside.
- No, no, let me ty again, l can--
- Listen, this kid has killed
two people already.
Come with me. Hey, hey, hey!
- No, no, Kyle, don't!
- Stand down!
Eveybody, stand down!
- Mike?
- Kyle, you die now,
you die for keeps.
- Mike, l'm coming up, man.
(hostages cying)
Mike, you gotta let 'em go.
- Nobody move. Nobody fucking move!
Stay still and shut up!
- Mike!
That's my sister.
That's my baby sister
and l'm not gonna let you hurt her, okay?
- l'm waming you, Kyle.
Stay where you are.
- Mike...
lt's over.
- Stop.
- Just give me the gun.
- Stop.
(gunshot, Kyle groaning)
- l was never gonna make amends
with my old man.
l neverwas, and l neverwill.
lt doesn't matter how many days repeat!
- Give me the gun.
- That's the dimerence
between you and me, right?
- Mike!
(gunshot, girls screaming)
Shh, shh...
lt's okay, it's okay...
Shh, shh...
Shh, it's okay.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Where the doors are moaning
All day long
Where the stairs are leaning
Dusk till dawn
Where the windows
Are breathing in the light
Where the rooms are
A collection of our lives
Where the doors
Are moaning all day long
Where the stairs are leaning
Dusk till dawn
Where the windows
Are breathing in the light
Where the rooms are
A collection of our lives
(siren wailing)
This is a place
Where l don'tfeel alone
This is a place
That l call my home...
(pounding on door)
- Get up, Weeks.
Another day in paradise.
Breakneck speed
Tying up your hands
'Cause you're landing back on yourfeet
You know what l mean
Vowel change
l remember when our voices
used to sound the same
Now wejust translate
'Cause l'm still amazed
you made it out alive
Aerwhat you did
Born on yourfeet running
Forest fires underneath your bed
But it's good to be back
Good to be back
Good to be back
Spell it out
l always skip thewords
'Cause all the pictures
are so bright and loud
Better omthan now
'Cause l'm still amazed
you made it out alive
Aerwhat you did
Born on yourfeet running
Forest fires underneath your bed
'Cause it's good to be back
Good to be back
Super fun
At the movies drunk and young
Double knots that came undone
But the big bad years are gone
Yeah the big bad years are done
And gone away
l remember when our voices
used to sound the exact same
Now wejust translate
'Cause l'm still amazed
you made it out alive
Aerwhat you did
Born on yourfeet running
Forest fires underneath your bed
But it's good to be back
Good to be back
Good to be back