Repo Men (2010)

announced that the Federal Government will declare
bankruptcy in the next 90 days .../ i
... expresses a global recession .../ i
... in a disastrous war. / i
What I remember / i
I remember reading
about a scientist. / i
had a weakness
for cats and boxes. / i
What you do is pick up a cat
and a close in a box. / i
After doing things
interesting .../ i
put a car in
which liberates toxic gas. / i
Scientist did not know exactly
When you release the car to gas. / I
The only way to are
was to look inside the box. / i
This is the scientific .../ i
By opening the box, thinking
the cat must be alive and dead. / i
If any of the variants
Could / i
then, and both had
be proved. / i
Since I read about the history
he can not get it out of my head. / i
not understand me wrong .../ i
subject does not interest me or
animals, just do not understand / i
How can something alive and dead
the same time. / i
You're ready for action?
I Smyth, the European Union.
Everything is in order, can afford.
I'm sorry,
That's not my department.
Do not you dare touch me.
No need for violence,
Henry Smile, are needed in terms
to ask if you want an ambulance,
or waiting for a ride to a hospital.
My work is simple. / i
If you can not pay you car
bank takes it back. / i
If you can not make him pay the house,
bank takes it back. / i
If you can not make him pay are liver .../ i
... then interfere. / i
Good morning .../ i
Translation and adaptation:
AMC, Sauron
subs. ro team and team
See what happens in the world
this morning. / i
News important in Nigeria.
Nigeria is Africa. / I
As you know we
on the border of Nigeria and teptnd. / i
Rumors and you
Do not drink the bottle.
He does so.
You do not.
I was late.
I can take him?
Do not go for it.
- Cceii you get it?
- Yes.
Daddy, I can handle here.
- Good morning.
- Right.
Work almost everyone who
just make ends .../ i
Some whining, some complain,
others just laugh. / i
But finally all
reach the horizontal position / i
and toss
the path to the great unknown. / i
Hey, watch your costume.
I'm sorry, sir,
did not know who you are you.
In recent years
nearly 200,000 people / i
have expected the list
organ transplants / i
waiting for someone to die / i
so they can live. / i
Thanks to modern technology But .../ i
If you do not allow full payment
from $ 618,429
you can make monthly
an interest rate of 19.60%
Standard Unit Pancreatic ...
Frank Marshall, manager.
I see you have questions, doubts.
This is normal.
First let me assure you
that our credit department
will find a plan to
your lifestyle.
If you fall behind with payments,
have a grace period of 3 months.
At the end of 3 months we will recover
property to the detriment of our
by our technicians.
I do not know what you heard on the news at 6 o'clock,
but this does not happen often.
Are you owe the family,
you are your work.
Sign here, here
and here we can get.
signed. / i
All a sign. / I
Damn, and ears.
- Drugs.
- A job is a job, right?
I meant that I had
Four consecutive listen.
It is not fair.
Not quite what you did
the woman on the subway, right?
You were there.
Come and kill me in front and a.
Trying to enter into contracts
and do not want to scare customers, right?
We want to buy not to think.
Six have been paid in full
week. You know what that means?
No, Frank, why?
If you see yourself, begin to give up
rates and bring money.
We do not make money if paid in full.
- What do you have?
- Live.
- What is it?
- Live.
You had meetings live?
Give money.
What is the magic number?
Not today, Jake.
Wrong answer.
Jake Untat
hit me on the fourth grade. / i
was not sure, / i
since he repeats
the third time since then. / i
not like the lyrics, / i
but had to consider
I gave as I could. / I
You should stop deleting
bar codes, Jake.
It will not happen again.
I work with some children.
Let's hit a little.
I got to meet Carol.
What did he do?
You talked to Frank today?
On the motion of Stamps.
No, I had the chance.
This is not you keep it?
I talk to him Monday.
You know, I do become annoying.
It's always annoying.
Get it here.
See you later.
Come on.
The next time you hit
vals time. What do you think?
You know what, right?
It's about control. Trying to control it.
Be the muth Repo Sales.
It's like you pay njumti.
I think it's stable.
I'll be home more often.
You and I will always be friends.
Watch Fat.
Always know when
time is exceeded.
- $ 20, exceeding the period.
- R $ 20.
Pancreas, 2 days.
Hey. What do you do your pancreas?
- I sent the money yesterday.
- Pray for one and a.
If not, your body is mine.
And they must be taken and a new heart.
This is the best.
Still lives with parents.
You returned the bodies
someone I know and teai
I had to take care of my grandfather.
What are you laughing?
It is difficult to explain grandparents.
He and the children did in 96, if
I would have given the pink sheet.
- I know you do.
- A job is a job, right?
A job is a job.
You want a beer or something?
If I forget,
marry until the weekend.
I'm going to cause a scandal.
Me not want to sack me, but I think
you should do a little more.
People eat them the fastest
as they cook.
Not the right time.
At home.
Nobody eats salad
Do not eat meat with salad.
I told him not to give money.
Ok, I Resun me.
We borrow for a few seconds.
- Give me your e orul.
- What?
- I received a phone now. Want it?
- In my house, no.
The product exceeds six months, double the commission.
You turn.
You pay for a complete course,
I want to go to the center.
You do not worry;
we get immediately.
Two minutes.
Not much ...
- Not more than two minutes?
- Yes.
- Where is my suitcase?
- In the closet.
- Are you crazy?
- Yes.
I went to buy meat.
Who is that?
Who is this guy?
- Calm down, it's a friend.
- A friend?
Open Door A. Let me go.
Let me go.
Thanks much, man.
- Where'd you go?
- I take a coat.
Do you get me o. ..
You bring me a jacket,
to God.
What the hell are you doing?
Get it here.
Ok, I finished.
Love, come on.
It's just one kidney.
May have one, is great.
Jack ...
Peter hangs up.
Give me that.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Come on, is not it.
Let's talk.
Sit quietly.
Let's talk.
Get a decision.
- I worked as fast as I could.
- Yes, I know.
We need to talk to Frank.
- You heard that the M5 neural network?
- Yes.
- And those who are waving and II?
- I saw it in stores.
Said to have control
limbic system whole.
what you want, no matter.
You live and are linked
rest of their lives in a dream.
How did you get it?
Please wait ...
We have a litter.
- If you want, you can go first.
- What is this, a favor?
Normal that come first,
You were the first time.
- Yes.
- You do not have money or money?
You have money?
We lovii.
- Ten.
- I'm going to win by two.
Where are you going? You.
Who is stronger?
Are you okay?
What are you doing?
I thought you needed help.
I had not seen
I had a knife in?
I hit, go to my account.
- Jokes are not they?
- Jake.
Working with him for 10 minutes.
and live it and drop a pipe?
You do not earn a living, viable menii Union
for us ...
Heroes returned with the spoils of war.
What are you?
- 32 and a half.
- Half?
- Dwarf.
- Little People, please. Have a cousin.
I found a boat that was leaving
port. Look at this.
Two had a locking
to check the water and show them for free.
However, it did not help.
They had three each.
The needles are bastards would try something.
Impressive guys.
Have you ever thought about doing this
You will be your and EFI
dobori these nests have
to do with me and hrogria.
You two go together
mprii and left and right-n.
Can I talk to companies
to increase these fees.
What you say, pal?
Actually, Frank, I wanted to talk
with you about something.
Yeah, sure.
Find someone.
Give us only the shapes.
How do you want.
Can I ask you something?
What do you think ...
holding a world of shit
like this, E.U.?
No magic. Not ...
but the rules ...
People who respect the rules
who have signed.
You know what is more important
what rules?
Coercion of these rules.
We and I have a responsibility.
While we do.
It may be small, do not know, but ...
... subject.
Even if you go.
Fewer hours.
Are you sure?
A job is a job.
A job is a job.
Make sure
You give a chance for growth.
You stand next to him to convince Frank
in any patient with cancer:
"You're obliged to family
you are your work. "
It's a good chance to get drowned
in his own vomit.
- You will finish this work by Jim-T?
- Yes.
It will be easier.
Jake If it is true,
and this will be my last job / i
then you get better
Jimmy-T. / i
I heard your music
still in high school. / i
And I see, / i
even your heart will be torn by
someone who appreciated his music. / i
Beautiful house.
Thank you.
No longer mine.
- You are the fisc?
- Yes.
Nemernicii, take it all back.
Not mine.
- Can I finish my song?
- Yes, of course.
- I'ma fan.
- Yes?
Well you can help me.
No, I do not know ...
How could I help?
Not so complicated.
The music is just a series of bands
working together separately.
Need to know when to stop.
You know, to close them one after another.
I can do.
This is a hit.
Tax will be happy.
Make sure my son Tomas
Blue Records to welcome you.
Now ...
... are required by law
to ask if you want an ambulance,
to stay on hold
take him to hospital.
What, do not give a new heart?
No, not your credit history.
I know, is something of the chicken and the egg.
There is a complaints department.
No, no ...
Standing or lying?
It's easiest if you lie.
What the hell is that?
Defibrillator unit.
The heart stops when
enectricitate give you a lot.
Boards and make me lose my finger.
Will die ... soon?
You will not feel anything.
I was unconsciously
four times in my life. / i
Number one in the army.
Head back to
concussion test.
What test?
Congratulations, son.
You have a brain too small.
Brain small, large skulls.
So we have put in a tank. / I
This is a fucking cow.
He disappeared.
And in an even,
The war is over. / I
And we were dressed
and had nowhere to go. / i
For us, war
never finished. / i
He just changed the landscape. / i
This was the number two. / i
And this is number three. / i
The wake up.
Good looks.
It looks very good.
We are very afraid.
- Client?
- Look at him ...
In two seconds out
coma and asks for it.
To know that you scared me.
You do not worry, you decide.
He left some time ago.
I do not ...
... remember.
Drive voltage.
Frank put it on the type of technique
check now.
You know I'll be here
no matter what.
He and change your diapers and
If you need.
We must take care
some things.
Jake will do the job
back-up ...
... feet.
You are a very lucky man,
and knew it?
What we have here is the new
modulator heart Jarbic 39.
The model of the next generation.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes Take it.
- 10 billion ...
Take it ...
- You have a scar now.
- I feel good.
Because the unit
and I already do the job.
All you have to do
is sign some papers,
them, put ...
and is like new.
Only warranty on that thing ...
Cameras and get me.
There are a customer.
Of course you're not.
You're the best repo City,
but you must have a ticket for the game.
ESC wrong?
Do what you must do, friend.
Take care of yourself.
You owe your family
grateful to yourself.
What, what I said?
You're an idiot.
This property is
hospital, sir. / i
Buddy, come on.
Let's go back in the room, okay?
Now compori as a child.
This will help with pain
body until they are assimilated.
You have to stay only three days.
Block broke.
Going well.
Where are you going?
There is a bit exaggerated?
I told him to make a decision.
You got it.
I can see it Peter?
Come on, Carol.
I'm sorry.
Who draws the door?
Nenorociii children.
Hey, man.
Move up in
Thanks for that.
You're home, man.
You're home.
Time is perfect.
The match will begin 15 minutes
- And a knowledge of Chinese are on the floor?
- Yes.
And she comes to see the game
with a friend. Chick is great.
You leave for you.
Can I say something?
This place is cheerful,
Do you understand?
Listen, I want to have fun
but I think I better sleep.
Wonderful. Sleep.
No problem
But another thing.
The boys have been missing you and
have taken a welcome gift.
I give you Harry Heart.
What are you doing in my house?
Criss Eriks?
I am the European Union.
I welcome the ugly man!
You keep me in suspense,
or I'll tell the details?
A remarkable work.
It was easy.
You know, as usual.
Bleeding, some tears ...
I had this guy
last week.
What I see is placed
to cry like a girl.
And the nose, the bubbles began to appear.
The more crying,
were even greater.
Big as an egg.
And I say to them:
Take it easy
Hearing the story of Jake
about a villain that was delivered, / i
makes me think
bitch that had a name .../ i
and a wife. / i
And children.
- Hello Peter.
- Hello
How are you?
How to go to school.
- I think well.
- Mother is the best?
Peter ...
go inside.
Listen to your mother
and go inside.
You think I speak?
If I could achieve just a moment ...
She moved ...
Frank called.
He said you brought the body.
You said
no problem, right?
You said it was an easy job.
So, is it?
I understand.
No problem.
I see.
I mean ... you need a break.
You will soon return to the game
and I'll put it back.
Mr Timmons,
you're bound to family
and for yourself.
I made some casseroles.
It's good sauce.
Fall behind with payments.
We have to make some money.
Do what you do.
- You must make money, right?
- Yes.
Exit this state.
Of course, if you can not pay the bills,
Union will enter a maniac
to keep the house at midnight
will split from sternum to pelvis
with a scalpel and I and take possession.
Talking and I ...
Obviously not
the sales / i
and heart that accumulates
interest with each beat. / i
Most people do not know
when they die. / i
And I am exactly six days,
three hours and 20 to 30 minutes .../ i
depending how punctual
is my collection. / i
It's amazing how quickly
We must be partners
and give it a leg.
Did you know?
It destroyed everything.
Can not you see that?
You always had luck.
Scrap is a real treasure.
In 30 minutes
you'll get yours.
It is a black hole.
What is.
Here it is, on a plate.
Well if you're not ready
For this, all is well.
Hey, where are you going? / i
Liver or kidneys?
I want to start?
Okay, Jake.
You did this 1000 times.
What the hell are you?
Stay right here ...
dissect up.
You find then another and another.
Catch as many can.
I want to pass this hurdle.
Do it.
Part of me .../ i
big part of me
I remember how it ends. / i
Time, however, it was over. / i
For these numbers, it is
loss of knowledge of the number four. / i
Hey, where have you heard this song?
How do you know this song?
I know.
In a few days
I can take heart. / I
I can use my time
correctly. / i
Two days to recover. / i
should go, / i
but one reason for
that anyone can do. / i
Once I saw an interview
with a serial killer. / i
He said it took six years
to make his first murder. / i
Second year
Three one week only. / I
Since the breaking of dams,
following the flood. / i
Making People to Die
becomes second nature. / i
seems that the wheel will
in both directions. / i
How are you?
Stops you!
Stops you!
I asked for your help!
What did I do?
Leave you ... on the street?
What the hell does that mean?
Notify me.
I took something
to understand / i
because researchers
signs placed in a box. / i
Trying to tell us something. / i
If we all live / i
or all of the dead / i
numerotai are with everyone. / i
But you must make a choice. / i
swallow a pearl, licking his lips
and we expect to take poison to end .../ i
or we THIP and scratches and
croim our way to the box. / i
You have no heart, when I looked.
It was a bank breaker.
He was good.
Nobody knew anything.
I thought it was free.
It was in a morning
and went to work in the workshop.
But once in a while ...
put a ski mask
and rob a bank.
But one day, police
I touched the door.
And let me guess.
Door was ugly.
There was a lot.
It was soft.
To leave it in the game ...
and I knew it.
Who do you think will send Frank
after me? Ray?
I think Ray
Who knows ...
Maybe me.
A job is a job.
I still believe that?
- Peter?
- Dad?
I'll be gone for a while.
I'll take Saturdays.
I think about you every day.
Until Saturday.
What happened?
We left.
I was caught trying to
to clear his name.
Now I wonder where is the rest.
You are free.
I can leave.
I'll be fine.
It's OK.
I first entered your code.
I got mine.
Thing is ..
I have an artificial heart.
And in all this is
Besides artificially.
We are of the same branch, and puzzles.
Maybe I did not try to save it.
Why do I get it?
I thought you choice.
I complicated?
Give one another.
A want?
You're right to be proud of.
After the car 202,
I left a lot.
How complete ii
everything that is happening there?
Let's see ...
Pancreas and kidneys of diabetic
first good and the other without warranty.
Got the black market
as substitutes.
Liver, stomach, lungs,
things that happen.
Knee in a car accident.
Improvements. I have eyes, ears, streams.
Jack has a system of
alternative reproduction.
Release 5.3.
With more connections,
divided into six routes.
Pieces collected in the joints.
Ask me on the lips.
I like your lips.
In many years.
Not my day.
Day of birth.
In many years.
I gave you nothing.
So why write it?
Not only have some memories of shit.
Or even an excuse for everything I did.
It is a careful rereading.
Hope you learn from my mistakes.
Because in the end ...
a job, not just a job.
Is that what you are.
And if you do not change,
you first ...
have to change what you do.
So what?
- A novel? A great poem?
- Thoughts.
Just ... some things.
And not finished.
Here comes someone.
Do you not hear?
What are you doing?
Ask them.
I do not know.
Comes to collect.
Take the car of writing.
- Come on the fire escape.
- No, no.
Climb the stairs.
What the hell is that?
You're level five.
To be honest I am ... at least disappointed.
Are you disappointed? You will always be behind me.
Imagine how I feel too.
That's good.
I laughed at the mouth to the ears,
when your heart is in my hand.
Shit! Beth, go down.
Beth, there is no escape.
Come on out.
Ok, back.
Who was that guy?
Lanus ... boring.
You lose a little liquid, right?
I can fix.
Where are we going?
We should take some supplies.
Where do you find so what?
You state quite street, baby.
What do you do?
I am a liar, you believe that?
This is ridiculous, yes?
He says exactly how.
- I feel better?
- Better than ever.
I'm back in 5 minutes.
- You must work with people.
- What the fuck you know?
What the hell are you?
Hello, and efu '.
In fact, giving this work,
you've been good this thing.
Yes? I itch like hell.
Yes, says he and his children.
Nice device shocks.
- Is it yours?
- Yes.
You acknowledge that?
I'm ready for the next.
And who will follow. And then the other, and
Do you guarantee that I'll kill all the repos
Great, it's great.
Any idea how to do this to me seems to be a
people and not pay the claim?
Yes Now, get me out of the system.
Ok, give me your heart.
I said the Scottish system.
And I said:
Give me fucking hear.
For God's sake, it looks like a
them. You jele implies.
There you how to exit the system, mess with them
and after finding the bar code.
Yes He and E, Einstein.
They put in all local scanners.
All these complaints
must reach the seat
and be checked in the back door shares rose.
If you do not think a company is breaking,
Give me your heart of shit.
Or ...
There is an option here.
We sat down to talk.
Can come up with a plan
which combines with ...
Where are we going?
Kenya, South America
anywhere where there is the European Union.
No one leaves the airport.
It is impossible.
And do these.
I do not understand. How?
He wore one of those bloody costumes.
I'm glad it's funny
For now, it's yours.
Where is my shirt, damn it?
A job is a job, right?
Thank you.
And if not working?
- Gotta go.
- Check?
No, no. You want to start here.
She looked at us.
She looked at us!
Going on holiday?
In Finou.
I'm done with it?
To have a good day.
Thanks, naintai.
It was fun.
- Look at Mel.
- Sorry, miss.
You bleeding leg.
Lady, you need help?
- No, well, thanks.
- Right. Thank you.
- We can not let it change.
- Sorry?
- It's blood everywhere, must clean.
- Right.
- When you can go clean the plane.
- I tell you, is good.
This way, please. Allow.
Of course we lost the plane?
- Tickets can be returned?
- I know nothing, sir.
- The gate we board?
- I do not know, sir.
Let's look at the leg.
I told him to take an easier,
but do not listen to anyone.
He is.
Do not.
Everyone wants to be a hero of shit.
- A to take the car. Take him Eunike.
- I know someone who can help us.
We can not trust everyone.
Trust me.
It is the last place you want to go.
- Where?
- There.
That was it.
- Um, Mom?
- Yes, dear, but somebody. Working mother.
- How do you say?
- Oi
Before you begin, you must know everything
in all other transplants.
What do you mean,
more you put it.
Make me smile.
Ears, vocal cords, optic nerve ...
liver derived
a special reception in Denmark.
My kidneys are two different models.
One is an engineering and other ...
I do not remember very well.
Laura believes that it will continue
well forever.
You will need the rest.
No, this is my version of what it does.
Come on, honey, grasp and pick up.
- What to do?
- Knee.
It is the surgeon?
Yes, I can do for anesthesia
what hands to keep calm.
- Has five years.
- Nine, actually.
But doing so when he was four.
I do.
It was a great dancer. Friend
We brought my boat.
Of course, outside the country.
They were here?
Beth, get outta here.
What do you think?
Just as I
you found me.
Understand what is happening here.
Understand, really understand.
You can do what is best for Frank.
All you have to do
it's back to me.
Beth, wait there.
I take care of you later.
No, I can not go back.
This is you, man.
They are.
There, in the accident.
Are we talking about the accident.
If I knew it would be the only and a. ..
To leave in connection with the accident.
You thought it was the destination?
It was a sort of cosmic plan that you
bring to this world, you thought?
Divinity has no
to do with electrical wiring.
You know.
And you?
That's why I transferred to sales.
There was a vendor,
You could not ever.
All you have to do
was to work menii
running, you and me.
To do the right thing.
You're a crazy bastard, you know that, right?
You have to kill me.
I tried to save his life.
Do not go with you.
Do not let go.
Let's go, buddy.
You've done it dozens of times.
Stay with me.
There is no way to escape the system,
everything is recorded in the barcode ...
Wake him.
Wake him.
Come on, get up.
Are you okay?
We gotta go.
Where did they go?
- Wait.
- Back.
Give me a reason
Do not pull the trigger.
Welcome to your world, Repo Man
Come back in
We stayed here until
find a way out.
There is no way out.
Please wait.
There is no escape.
For anyone.
Wherever they hide, we will find.
They do, what I did.
What do we do?
Stop this.
Then, go to the building,
find the big door.
Neutralize security, search and they have,
Clear and closing accounts.
Nobody is.
That's easy.
- Thank you did.
- I can not believe you do.
Let me, at least with my son.
Who is she?
Carol, we can make it on the train?
Come on.
Jake and Frank have been calling daily for more
often trying to find him.
I have time for that. Everything you ask ...
You think it's time to
he by himself?
- Mother.
- Peter speaks!
- Now and appreciate if you leave the situation.
- Not exactly what you want.
You promised that their problems
Not so!
That was pretty bad.
Very, very ugly, what you did.
Come, come, we gotta go.
When you're ripe you read this.
If you want to see me, I'll be in
Punta del Este. You can repeat?
Punta del Este.
Let me.
Call your mother.
Come again and?
And now that the plan?
Wait here.
nghea each time.
Car still not working.
What's with this guy?
Lord, this is a restricted area.
I hope to go.
Strong pink or pale pink?
If you see a pink door, which e.
Let's go.
Come on.
Is that it?
- There are many.
- What do we do?
Back to exit.
Do not move!
Disposal of weapons.
Whoever comes through that door ...
Kill him.
Come, look at the scanner.
Great. Fucking great.
No keyboard.
- No keyboard.
- And then?
And if there's no keyboard
how to enter the system?
How do I access accounts?
Maybe in a different way.
Using what?
- I do not know, an interface or something.
- There is a scanner, nothing more.
Even if we could,
I mean, we ...
The only ...
The only way out of the system ...
What is it?
The only way out of
system is for ourselves.
We can not afford it.
What's wrong with this guy?
Please ndreptai for your
nearest exit, this is not an exercise. / i
It's OK, right?
Stop it.
No, stop you! No!
- Yes.
- Beth.
- We will die.
- Beth ...
- We will find a way out.
- I came back.
Help me.
I can not.
What is.
Located and corrected. / i
Customer account closed. / i
To have a good day. / i
Please, you ndreptai
the nearest exit. / i
This is not an exercise. / i
To have a good day. / i
Located and corrected. / i
Customer Account incomplete.
Please scan your next item. / I
Located and corrected. / i
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
The left, right?
The left one.
What are you doing?
I can lose one.
The left one.
The left one.
Jesus, this is a pathetic end.
Stay with me.
Really worth it.
Really worth it?
This is what I always wanted.
This is what I always wanted.
Located and corrected. / i
Customer account closed. / i
Ending it, Jake.
Okay, then.
No, shit. I'll do it alone.
Make them an injection of fuel.
Make them an injection of fuel.
I leave it.
I leave it.
Please organs depunei for relocation.
To have a good day. / I
There you go mate it yet, not yet.
Jesus, it's hot.
We are in the tropics.
Yes, I know.
But it is very hot.
You want to stay here for a compori
male or live for fun?
Christ, who is very hot.
Mambo. / I
Sounds interesting.
- Peter posted it.
- A classic.
Depth author intuiiei
is amazing.
Do you care?
What's happening?
It's just a mistake.
Will be eliminated.
Here, everything is fine.
You see, the endorphins are high,
limbic system works well.
URELIT door Hey, I do not want to be uncomfortable.
- Okay?
- Yes, sir.
Do not worry.
If I gave you something cheaper ...
M.5 but is high end.
What are you thinking?
Nobody knows.
Yes ... but happy?
As someone
paid for the system.
We have 15 major committees there
I think this is the high salary and other things.
Hey, sir, sir!
He is still alive.
I'll be careful.
Sweet dreams, my friend.
By neurological damage
M.5 recommend neural network. / i
Special discount this month. / i
18 percent in the first year ...
Why his beloved die,
for some brain damage. / i
This is barbaric. / i
This room is sciences. / i
But the neural network M.5, dreams of yesterday
has now become reality. / i
Imagine and loved ones
experiencing and the rest of his natural life, / i
in a world where
Always happy. / I
Always happy. / i
ngrijii And all the time. / I
Should your family ...
You owe it to yourself. / I
Want a cocktail?
Why not.