Report to the Commissioner (1975)

-Yeah, we got a body in here.
Who answered the call?
-l did.
-Well, what do you know?
There were shots fired.
Two men were running.
They were seen on the roof.
-Well, what happened to the...
She's on the job. She's an undercover.
-You're kidding.
-No. l used to work with her.
Holy Christ.
Well, l'd better get down to Saks
and tell the boss.
l wonder if that's got anything
to do with this?
Look, you get everything organized.
The lAD's going to go ape.
They're gonna be all over this.
What do you need,
shotguns or Thompsons?
Everything. Just bring me everything.
We know your name.
You're Detective Bo Lockley,
but we have to have you say so
for the record.
Look, Lockley, everybody here
is very sympathetic with your situation.
We know what your father's going through.
He's waiting for you downstairs.
l didn't hear ya. What did you say?
-Son of a...
-Wait a minute.
Keep him back. He's crazy. Keep him back!
Take it easy. Calm down.
Calm down.
All right, coming through now.
Coming through here.
Coming through. Back up, people.
Coming through.
Back out. Coming through.
l'll tell you what we have here.
We have the biggest scandal
this department ever had.
You have a beautiful girl dead.
l gave her the shield myself,
right here in this office.
Shot by a detective.
You got traffic stopped at Saks for blocks.
You've had the girl's beautiful face
in every goddamn newspaper,
on every TV program.
She looks like
every fathead's beautiful daughter.
And you're sitting around telling me
you're not sure what happened.
l tell you it had nothing to do
with the department.
lt happened on the outside.
Something they did on the outside
that we had no knowledge of.
We got his statement.
Yeah, but now he won't swear
to your statement!
Well, sure, the lawyers got to him.
l'm going to get a report.
Don't worry about that.
ln addition,
l want you to know there's going to be
a full investigation in this by my office
on the whole matter.
Now, get out of here, all of you.
Get the hell out of here.
You stay, Strichter.
And they're supposed to be policemen.
Well, that's what's left.
Guys like D'Angelo working angles.
The shoe flies out
combing the woods for someone to hang.
Wires on everyone. Tails on everyone.
lt's dirt. Just dirt.
Well, it used to be everybody
standing together against the Commies,
now, it's turn your brother officer in
for fun and advancement.
This has the seeds of everything
that's wrong in the department.
And it can blow up in our face, Strichter.
l like teaching at the Academy, Dave.
l need you.
You're the only one l can trust.
You sure about me, Dave?
l want the truth
of what went on here.
How the girl died. Why.
l want to know why
she was living with that guy.
Whether anyone assigned her.
And l want everything
Lockley ever turned in.
Any activity ever went on.
And l want everything on that drug pusher,
Stick, from the day he was born.
You sure you want everything?
l want a report.
l don't want a cover-up.
Taped interview.
Detective Bo Lockley. Shield number 9735.
Prison Ward, Psychiatric Division,
Bellevue Hospital, New York City.
What's going to happen to me?
No one tells me.
Some people think
that the grooviest thing they can do
is lock up a cop.
That's what scares me so much.
'Cause if they convict me
and send me away,
well, then, everything's fine for them.
They had a bad cop.
Bad apple.
He was just one out of 35,000.
Shouldn't judge the department by him.
But if they don't send me away,
it's like saying it wasn't my fault.
So, whose fault is it?
And every guy who reads The Daily News,
boy, he knows.
Everything is someone's fault.
So, we were talking about
why you joined the police force.
And you were saying
it was because of your father.
Him and my brother.
Why your brother?
He was killed in Vietnam.
What does that have to do with it?
My father always wanted
my brother to go on the force.
So you took his place. That kind of thing?
l was the sole surviving son.
l wasn't eligible for the draft.
My brother saved me from the draft.
He didn't save the country
or South Vietnam, but he saved me.
You must have thought a great deal
of your father, huh?
Yeah, sure.
You're not going to hit me, are you?
a very responsible man, my father.
And he says that to get along in the world
everyone has to have some kind of muscle.
-Some kind of power.
But that responsibility
is more important than power.
And that one of the most important things
is muscle and responsibility.
And that one of the things
responsibility means
is never betraying the power you have.
Or the people who trust you to use it.
You wanna tell me what happened when
you went into the 1 6th?
l was going to be the new cop.
What a modern cop should be. Remember?
The trouble was the guys on the force
and the people in the precinct
weren't prepared for the revolution.
Taped interview.
Detective Richard Blackstone.
BIackstone was unaware
that the officer he was speaking to
was a member of
the Internal Affairs Division,
or that the conversation
was being recorded.
6/1 5/74.
You should have seen him the first day
he come into the squad.
We heard we were getting
a new undercover,
so we were looking
for something a little strange.
But this Lockley,
he was something else, man.
l'd like to see the Lieutenant.
What's the matter, kid?
Us plain detectives
aren't good enough for you.
Hey, what's your problem?
l've been assigned to you.
As what?
l'm on the job.
lt happened. They sent us a hippie.
-Where's his office?
-Just a second.
l'll take you in.
Lieutenant Seidensticker,
l got somebody here to meet ya.
Yeah, what is it, son?
Don't call him "son".
Call him "detective".
You're Beauregard Lockley?
l'm afraid so.
That's what's happening to the job
these days.
Hey, ball breaker.
Meet your new partner,
Beauregard Lockley.
Most of the guys
call me Bo.
No, man.
To me, you always gonna be Beauregard.
You from the South, Beauregard?
You from one of them Georgia plantations?
How many slaves you got, Beauregard?
Don't worry about this nigger.
His big black mouth
just likes to put people on.
Hey, Jew boy, who you calling a nigger?
Why would a kid like you
want to join the force?
My father was on the force.
Your father was on the force?
What's his name?
Dan Lockley.
Dan Lockley's your father?
He used to talk about you.
He was a ball buster.
Come on, Bo.
Let's you and l take a walk.
The problem was
he never should have been a cop.
He never was a cop.
A few years ago he never would have
made it through the Academy.
But today they're all over these kids.
They eat 'em up.
He wanted everyone to like him.
But he didn't know how to go about it.
l think he'd led a pretty sheltered life.
l think the squad was a shock to him.
I think the street was a shock to him.
You know the way things are.
You take a look at Times Square,
the kids in that sewer.
And you know why
they put Lockley in there.
So, I showed him the area.
I mean, we walked around.
But he didn't know the jungle he was in,
or the kind of animaIs he'd meet there.
Someone shouId have toId him
right at the start,
"Hey, man, this shit's not for you."
But no one toId him.
You can help them
if they get in trouble, right?
There ain't nothin' you can do for 'em.
There's not a thing you can do for 'em.
Can't help 'em.
They ain't never gonna be out of trouble.
Look at this pimp here.
l told him to stay off my precinct.
Let's talk to him.
Hey, come on.
Come here, man.
Hey, how you doin'? How you feelin'?
Hey, dig this man here, Bo. Ain't he pretty?
Man, how'd you get so pretty?
And, hey, take a look at these shoes.
Where'd you buy them shoes?
Hey, Beauregard,
you ever seen shoes like those?
Where'd you buy those shoes?
Hey, they're nice shoes.
Didn't l tell you to stay out of my precinct?
Hey, man, l gotta be down here.
My people is down here. l got a lot...
Hey, what's the matter?
Well, what'd you do?
Did you hurt yourself? Come on now.
You want me to get you a doctor
or an ambulance or somethin'?
What you want? Want me to help you?
What you gonna do? Take off now?
Well, see you around, here.
Take it easy.
Come on, Bo.
Hey. Give me a little taste. Double.
You want a little taste?
-No, thanks.
Give him one anyway.
You know something? You're a young man.
lf it wasn't for these niggers
coming down here
hustling and robbin' all these people,
you and l could be spending our time
l think l will have a drink.
Take care of my man, now.
You know something, Crunch,
you're a black man yourself.
No, l'm not a black man.
Those Panther mothers, they're black men.
l'm a Negro.
All right, you're a Negro.
And a lot of the black guys in here
are Negroes.
And they're here
for a lot of complicated reasons.
l mean, if l lived in Harlem
and was treated the way they're treated,
l'd be the same.
l'd probably be a Murphy man, too.
So, how can you be so disrespectful
to your own people?
Calling them "nigger."
Slappin' them.
Things like that.
You gotta be kidding.
What's going on over there?
lt's that damn Joey!
That boy has got to go.
He's always attacking people.
Bitin' them. Making trouble.
Then we book him and he goes to Bellevue.
He's been in there 1 5 times.
l'm gonna put a stop to it right now.
Get your damn dogs out of here.
-You shut up!
Get 'em out of here. l'll kill 'em!
Get them out of here. Get them out.
Get your dogs out of here.
Get your dogs out of here!
And you, miss,
get those poodles out of here.
What did you do to those poodles?
Ran over me with the dogs.
l'm at a goddamn florist, the dogs.
Damn bitches!
They ought to be run out of the city!
They don't have any respect for anyone.
Drop everything on you. Spit on you.
You should see these after a day.
You think l wear 'em
because of the sidewalk?
l wear 'em 'cause of the shit from the dogs.
And you talk about...
You talk about pollution in cars and buses.
You don't get no six feet of high,
l get it right out of the pipe.
Get 'em... Get 'em out of here!
You, too, cut it out!
l told you. Didn't l warn you about this?
l told you about this, didn't l?
l told you last week, didn't l?
Bite me, huh? Well, go over!
l'll get you for this!
Hey, Joey! They got you again, huh?
That ought to keep him out of trouble
for a while.
By the time he gets back
to Seventh Avenue,
he won't be biting anybody's legs.
He's gotta learn.
Otherwise he'll wind up in Bellevue,
and this time they'll throw the key away.
Don't be doing that, Beauregard?
That wasn't the only time he helped him.
He gave that crazy Joey a hand
Iots of times.
Yeah, lots.
Well, he was just never working
in the same place we were workin'.
You know what I mean?
He went out and he was tryin'.
But he reIated to them different.
And they knew he was different.
l never seen anything
like the way they took advantage of him.
He loaned some of them money
when they were hard up
and didn't have nothin' to eat.
He wouIdn't arrest them
when he got an assignment.
He hated that. He hated arresting them.
One time they even mugged him.
But he kept on tryin' to do what he could
for those scum.
Man, some cop.
l wish l knew a cop like him
when l was growing up.
Well, do you think your conscience
could handle a junk collar?
Well, of course.
l mean, you wouldn't suddenly see things
the pusher's way
and send him on home, now, would you?
No, Crunch.
All right.
This night we're gonna get ol' Beauregard
a felony junk collar.
Sneak a peek at those dudes
over there, man.
Over there, over there.
Laugh. Now laugh.
Laugh, boy,
you got to learn to be an actor a bit.
The cat with the green shirt.
Green shirt.
He's the pickup. He's the doper.
That's him there.
You wait, he's got something here, man.
Someone's gonna run now.
Hey, what's going on?
Yes. Damn.
No, the green shirt. The green shirt.
The guy with the green shirt.
He ain't come out yet. Hold on.
Shit is going down. lt's going down.
This shit is going down. Let's go, babe.
Hey, how you doing?
Yeah, you know something?
l was telling my old lady
the other day, l said...
Hands up!
Get 'em up there, you son of a bitch.
Keep 'em up there. Don't move!
You want your brains
splattered against the wall?
Just don't move, that's all.
He's clean.
What do you mean he's clean?
Why didn't you let me toss him, Crunch?
They passed the dope to him.
Because he was a cop, that's why.
A cop?
When l tossed that black guy,
l found his shield
and his piece in his back pocket.
That made them all clean
as a fresh shirt to me.
Why'd you hit him?
When you're undercover
you'd rather get hit than burned.
Now, now, now, now, listen, Beauregard,
because the lesson is this.
Nothin', nothin' is ever what it looks like.
Always know who the players are.
You got to know who the players are.
You got to know who the actors are.
And never move until you know that.
And don't just be knowing it.
Know it.
Come on, Beauregard.
Come on.
Why do you think you're on the force?
A few years ago
you never would have made it.
But today,
they're just looking for kids like you.
Just lookin'.
lt's like it used to be with Negroes.
When the problem was Negroes,
they had to go and get Negro cops.
When the problem was Mafia,
they had to go and get guineas.
Today the problem is kids, we need kids.
But one thing l can tell ya, Beauregard,
you may be the world's worst detective.
But you got balls.
Hell, l really mean, you got balls.
Come on, Beauregard.
-Who is she?
-She's just some junkie whore.
She's good-lookin' for a junkie.
Yeah, she's great-lookin'.
Come back in a week.
ln a week you won't recognize her.
Maybe we ought to ask for her lD.
Why don't you just take her home
to your mother
and ask her to give her a bath?
Somebody is probably looking for her
right now.
Look, Beauregard, ol' buddy, let's go.
She's just a junkie whore.
-Hey, my man. How you doin'?
-Hi, baby, how you doin'?
-All right.
-Are you all set?
-Everything all right now?
-ls this the guy?
-Yeah, that's my man.
He's all right.
He's a little whacky but he's cool.
You know?
-Hey, Drummer.
-Hi, Benny.
This is the little chick
l was telling you about.
-There it is.
-Yeah, that looks like her.
l'll see you later, man.
-So, what you doing?
-Not too much, honey.
-What's with you?
-Same stuff.
-Same old stuff.
Yeah, same old stuff.
We got whacko-city
right all over the streets here.
-Anything good happening?
-Yeah, you want some stuff?
-Yeah, what you got?
-We got plenty of stuff...
-Can you give me three in its place?
-How much?
lt's going down.
-Twelve bucks?
Hey, man, don't jive me.
l come here all the time. l get it for 1 2.
Okay. Talk to them, okay?
Come on, man, 1 2.
Hey, man, come on, 1 2?
You'll give them for 1 2?
Fourteen. The stuff you had was garbage.
-Okay, l'll give you 1 3.
-You got the bread on ya?
Sure, l'll give it straight.
-Don't hand me your money straight.
-l got it right here.
You got it right on ya.
You wanna go in here?
Are you kidding me?
l'm not going in there with you.
lt's hot around here, honey.
l don't know you, man. How do l know
you're not going to rip me off?
Hey, look. You want the stuff or don't you?
All right, let's make it fast, okay?
Give me the money. Let's go. Come on.
-All of it, baby.
-Let's go!
Take it easy, here it is.
-Come on.
-Count this shit.
Thirteen bucks?
l know she's got more than that.
-That's all l got!
-You got more than that!
That's all l got!
That's all l got, man. l swear!
Come on, stick her!
Please, please, don't hurt me.
That's all l got!
l'll stab you, man!
-That's all l got!
-Hey, l'm gonna cut that broad.
What the hell are you asking him for?
Okay, l'll give it! l'll give it!
Shit. Get out of here, man.
Let's go, man.
What the hell happened?
l shot him, man.
Are you all right?
Yeah, l'm all right.
Following is an article
concerning Detective Patricia Butler,
published April, 1974.
Detective ButIer is white.
A rarity for Brownsville undercover agents.
5'6", 1 10 pounds.
New York State Prisons are fuII of men
who bet their Iives that
she couldn't possibly be a cop.
Undercover, Pat Butler has made
more buys, averaging almost two a day,
set up more felony arrests, 283 in one year
than any other New York cop,
male or female, ever.
How'd you feel
when you were given the shield?
lt was incredible. l felt like...
Well, it was the greatest experience
of my life.
Well, what made you decide?
You worked as a Woolworth salesgirl,
a waitress, a receptionist.
-Would you like some more coffee?
-Yeah, sure.
Yeah, l wanted a job
l wasn't going to know everything about
after the first two weeks, you know?
But doesn't it bother you
being in narcotics?
lt's the most dangerous job of all, isn't it?
l feel about it the way l feel
about working in Brownsville.
You know,
everybody told me not to work there,
so that's where l wanted to work.
Thank you.
Of course, l'm contributing to helping
a problem that everyone is aware of.
You know, l saw what happened
to a couple of my girlfriends in school.
Twelve, 1 3-year-old kids going cold-turkey.
And their parents
didn't even know anything about it.
lt was really heartbreaking.
Every time l get a pusher off the street,
l feel like l'm striking back for those kids.
Hey, Dorothy, who's that?
That is the Stick.
So, that's the Stick, eh?
The one and only.
Man, the department would give anything
to get their hands on him.
Taped interview. Dorothy Peters.
Narcotics undercover agent.
Pat was as ambitious as any man l knew.
She decided to get him.
She went every place
that she knew he'd be.
ln the beginning, we worked together.
Then she went on her own.
There was something with Pat
that men dug.
Sooner or later the Stick would go at her.
She just kept making her moves.
Where you going?
Would you like a drink?
Taped interview. Lieutenant Philip Hanson.
Butler's supervisor.
Taken at the undercover office
of the Narcotics Bureau.
-lt's a different breed, isn't it?
Even if you don't have the habit
you got to become more of a junkie
than a junkie is.
Oh, boy.
What about Butler?
What did D'Angelo say?
Well, D'Angelo said she was
a great undercover, but dangerous.
And that she wasn't very particular
about who she went to bed with.
lsn't that so?
What else did he tell you?
Well, he said that Bo found them together
and, you know,
the story the newspapers picked up.
Well, it's all very interesting
and it's all very colorful
except for one thing.
lt's not true.
You want to tell me what really happened?
l was never any good
at this cover-up business anyway.
Gotta have too good a memory.
What was she like?
She looked 1 7.
And when she giggled
you thought she was 1 2.
The girl you dream about in high school,
but you never got close to.
The one that winds up
with the football captain.
And here she was
working right in our office as a narc.
To say the least, it was a little unsettling.
-Can l close the door?
-Yeah, okay.
What's the problem?
No problem.
Everybody's been trying to get something
on Thomas Henderson.
The Stick, right?
Yeah. l would say
that was a pretty accurate statement.
Well, l haven't made any buys
off of him yet.
He thinks l'm just chippin'. But
he likes me.
He's trying to get me off the stuff.
now when l see him
l've been making a point to look cleaner.
You know, like l'm taking his advice.
So, what do you have in mind specifically?
He wants me to move in with him.
Be his old lady.
You mean live with him?
That's right.
What do you think?
Well, l'll tell you.
l thought about it for a long time,
and l know everybody's anxious to see
what his connections
with the militants are.
His drug connections are the biggest.
But no one's been able to get close to him.
Now, if l got in there,
l'd be in the position to put in undercovers.
l could put people in all over the place.
l don't know.
l mean, l'd have to think about it.
l'll get back to you.
l'll get back to you, okay?
That's all of it?
Well, how do you feel about him?
He's a dealer.
Say that again.
She wants to live with him.
To shack up with him?
Sleep with him?
That's really giving your all for the job,
wouldn't you say?
Yeah. Yeah. lt sure seems that way to me.
ls that all there is to it?
What do you mean?
Well, maybe she likes him.
You know, some of these girls think
that black guys are really great in the hay.
Forget that. l know Butler.
She's been in my group
since she came here.
Now, forget it. Not a chance.
l can tell by your face
that it's crossed your mind.
l'll call ClB
and get a full background on the Stick.
l'll let you know.
-l didn't want to talk in there.
-You think you're being bugged.
Well, you never know what's happening.
That's a bad man. This thing could be big.
What do you think? Should we let her do it?
-We. Who else?
You think l ought to ask Turner?
Ask Turner?
l'd love to, but he doesn't have the guts.
Listen, you don't do
what the boss says he wants,
you do what he wants.
lf you're thinking about asking Turner,
then you're thinking about
forgetting the whole thing.
Look, l know you don't care much
about the people you work with,
but l'm crazy, see.
l got this little sense of responsibility for it.
That's horse-shit.
No, it's not horse-shit. That's the way l feel.
Listen, l want a district,
and you want a squad.
And this is the way to get it.
l mean, this is the kind of thing
that stays with you.
This can keep pushing you right along.
But you feel responsible for them,
you care for them.
You want to wet-nurse undercovers
for the rest of your life.
All right, then you ask Turner
or don't ask Turner,
or else you can forget the whole thing.
Look, l didn't say
l wanted to forget the whole thing.
Sure, l want a squad.
Do you think l like where l am?
l've been stuck here for six years.
Every time l think about the jerks
that are my superiors l go nuts.
But this thing can backfire.
lf anything happened
and that kid really got hurt...
That's not the problem.
Cops get hurt all the time.
But what they could never face up to
is the fact that
the New York City Police Department
gave her permission to go out on the job
and get laid by a black pusher.
And that would be it.
They would never be able to live with that.
-She didn't take all her stuff.
-She might be back.
This the first time
you ever had a blonde for a roommate?
And l'm beginning to regret it already.
Don't worry.
l ain't going to use your toothbrush.
What you got?
Stop it. Stop it.
-What you got there?
-Nothin'. lt's nothin'.
Stop it.
You wouldn't be the man, would you?
Yeah, right. l'm the man.
You got a lot of trust in me, don't you?
Well, none. Because every time l have
l've been kicked squarely in my ass.
-Now, what you got there?
-Nothin'. Stop it!
Stop it.
l told you l didn't want
any of that shit in here.
Well, you sell it, pusher man.
What are you so uptight about?
Ain't nobody l'm with uses it.
Now, you told me you were clean.
lf you're not, get the hell out.
Well, did you think of something
to protect our position
in case anything happens to her?
All l could think of is to send
somebody else in to reinforce her story.
-Well, what does the Stick think Butler is?
-A runaway.
So, if he heard somebody had been
asking for her, a cop, it'd firm up her cover.
That she's what she says she is.
To give her some protection.
All right, get a detective
just to go through the motions.
Make it look good, but not find her.
-Are we going to tell him?
-Why tell him?
Okay. l'll get a guy and brief him.
No, no, no. l don't want him
telling anyone anything.
Like his partner, who passes it on and
eventually the wrong guy hears about it.
Don't worry.
l'll set it up with the Squad Commander.
What if he gets lucky and finds her?
Finds her?
He'll never find her.
l'll just get some jerk-off and l won't tell
him enough for him to find her in a year.
l'm taking you off the chart for the day.
A runaway. A girl.
5'6", 1 1 0 pounds.
Blonde hair.
Called Chiclet.
Supposed to be in the Times Square area.
How long has she been missing?
About two weeks.
She must be important
to take me off the chart.
Yeah. She's a politician's kid.
-What else do we know about her?
-That's it.
Don't bust your balls over it.
Just check out a few bars.
Spread the name around.
l don't know her age?
l don't know where she's from.
Go through the motions. File a report.
Everybody will be happy.
That's all.
lf you do fall over her, call me.
Don't pick her up.
What's eating you?
l got a great assignment.
l'm supposed to
pick up a girl called Chiclet.
l can't tell you anything else
because l don't know.
Well, l'll go through the motions,
file a report.
Just so Seidensticker
can give some big shot
a hand-job about the department.
How the department's turning things
upside down looking for his daughter.
But don't pick her up.
So, l start walking on Broadway
thinking what to do.
How to find this girl.
And l really want to find her.
Maybe it doesn't have to be such
a horse-shit assignment after all.
Some poor bastard
wants his daughter back
while there's something still left of her.
I wondered what Crunch wouId do.
Crunch would find that girl in 10 minutes.
He'd know just where to go.
But what the heII do I know?
I know her name's ChicIet.
She's supposed to be
in the Times Square area.
But then l thought,
"Yeah, with a name Iike ChicIet,
"anyone who heard it
ought to remember it."
-l'm looking for...
-Come on, keep going, will ya?
-l'm looking for a girl named Chiclet.
-What's on your mind?
l'm looking for a girl named Chiclet.
Now, does she hang out in here?
Anybody here named Chiclet?
There's no Chiclet here.
Hey, get him out of here.
Come on, man. Come on, let's go.
Come on, come on.
Hey, easy, man.
Shut up! Get going.
You going down there?
No thanks, doll.
Excuse me.
Can l talk with you?
Very well.
l'm looking for a girl.
l thought maybe you could help me.
Her name's Chiclet. She hangs around here.
Maybe you know her.
Chiclet. What about her?
Nothin'. l'm just looking for her.
We used to be friends.
l haven't seen her for a while.
Let's see.
l think l can help you out.
You're crazy.
What for?
For Chiclet.
She's in there?
l haven't got $50.
Well, what've you got?
Come in.
You're not Chiclet.
Who's Chiclet?
The girl l said l was looking for.
Aren't l as nice as Chiclet?
l really am looking for a girl named Chiclet.
You don't have to be embarrassed about it.
l'm not embarrassed about it.
l'm just looking for a girl named Chiclet.
That's not what Billy thought.
Billy was wrong.
-Do you do everything Billy tells you to?
-l'd do anything for Billy.
He's really groovy.
What about the $20 l gave him?
Before l came in l gave him $20.
He deserves that.
-For what?
-For everything.
ls Chiclet your girlfriend?
She ran away from you?
She probably misses you
as much as you miss her.
Yeah, l guess.
She was around here.
What'd she look like?
l don't remember exactly.
l do remember
she was with a groovy black guy.
Do you know his name?
Billy called him the Stick.
lt's a funny name, isn't it?
Where does he live?
Don't kid me.
That's a piece, Billy.
Let's take a walk.
Where's Chiclet?
You a cop?
Where's Chiclet?
What's wrong with Samantha?
Well, what's the matter with Samantha is
that she's not Chiclet.
l don't know any Chiclet.
You don't know any Chiclet.
lf l did, l'd tell ya.
What reason would l have not to tell you?
You may have reasons.
But, on the other hand, while you're at it,
why not beat the idiot out for a few bucks?
There's one more left in this.
l'm going to ask you where Chiclet is.
l'm going to ask you six times.
And every time,
l'm going to raise my aim a little.
Now, you don't want to
tell me where Chiclet is,
then you can guess
whether you're going to lose your foot,
your kneecap,
your balls,
your belly or your brains.
Where's Chiclet?
Samantha was too good for you.
Put your hands down!
Come on.
What are you doing?
l don't know where! l told you.
You bastard!
There! How's that?
You bitch! Son of a bitch!
Where's Chiclet? Where's Chiclet?
Where's Chiclet?
46th Street! 46th Street!
She's with a guy called Stick.
A spade.
He got a loft on 46th Street.
Where on 46th Street?
lt used to be a dance studio.
Hey, you wanna put a deuce
on the exacta at Yonkers?
Hey, you got blood all over your clothes.
Joey, l'm looking for a guy.
He lives in a loft around here.
46th and 7th.
Which corner?
l don't know.
lt used to be a dance studio.
Well, what's his name?
The man you looking for?
The Stick.
Colored guy?
-You're looking at the place now.
Used to be a dance studio.
Only after it was a dance studio,
it was a discotheque with go-go girls
dancing in the windows.
l used to sit over there around the corner
and look up at them
dancing in the windows.
lt was empty until this spade took it over...
Joey, l'm not really looking for a guy.
l'm looking for the girl who lives with him.
Her name is Chiclet. You know her?
l... l don't know. He's with a lot of girls.
That's him.
ls that the girl?
l don't know. lt could be.
You stay here and l'll be right back.
But what l do if she comes out?
Try to stall 'em.
Get out of here. Get out of my way.
Out of my way.
Get out of here.
Watch it, buddy. Move it!
Out of my way.
Watch it.
Move your asses. Coming through.
Get out of here. Out of my way, damn it!
Son of a bitch.
Get out of here. Get out of my way.
Damn it!
Watch it!
Move it! Faster!
Watch it, you creep!
-Have you seen Joey?
Hey, wait a minute. What's your name?
Someone called for Joey.
l want to talk with him.
ls he there?
Tell him that Lockley called.
Not home?
Well, she'll probably be back soon.
lt's not that. lt's a man.
Your father.
My father?
That's right.
What made you say that?
'Cause you're Chiclet.
Who are you?
You're a cop.
l've been made.
l think he's a cop.
Look, l don't know what's going on here,
but if he stays with me,
there's going to be trouble.
Someone's gonna get hurt.
l don't believe this.
l got the Stick eating out of my hand,
and this cops and robbers bullshit
l don't need.
lf not, he's going to get killed.
-Hello. How you doin'?
-Hey, baby, how are you?
-What do you want?
-l'm going to take you back home.
Listen, l don't know who you are,
but my old man is really jealous.
And if he finds out that you're following...
Do you know
what you're doing to your family?
Look, l can't talk to you right now.
We're both going to be in a lot of trouble.
Give me an address.
l'll meet you tomorrow.
Or give me a number. l'll call you.
Do l look that dumb?
l will. l swear l will.
Look, you can't follow me all night.
l swear. l'll meet you tomorrow.
O'Brien's Bar.
lt's on Eighth Avenue and 50th Street.
1 0 o'clock in the morning, okay?
Okay. But be there.
l'll be there.
Because if you're not l can find you again.
l'll be there.
Lieutenant Seidensticker? lt's Bo Lockley.
Yeah, what do you want?
l found Chiclet.
You found Chiclet?
That's beautiful. That is just beautiful.
Now that you found her,
forget her, you understand?
You come in tomorrow at 4:00 to 1 2:00.
And you stay away from her.
Just lay off of her!
You never heard of her. You understand?
Another beer?
When she made the date I beIieved her.
l really thought she'd be here.
And then l started worrying about her.
Maybe she's really in trouble.
Maybe she just couldn't come.
Then l think, "No, she's okay.
She just stood you up."
Finally, l decided, well, whichever way it is,
l'm going to find out.
l'm not just going to walk out of here
and fade away like some jerk.
Just go back and do my 4:00 to 12:00
like nothing had happened.
Who's there?
Hey, that's cold.
Okay. Got to go now.
l'm a cop.
Who the hell are you?
l'm a cop!
What are you going to do?
l don't know.
But whatever happens, l got company,
don't l?
What do you need,
shotguns or Thompsons?
Everything. Just bring me everything.
What the hell are civilians doing
walking around here for?
Now, you get this store emptied out
and get it emptied out fast.
-We're trying, Captain.
-You do it.
-Come on, folks.
-All right, let's go.
-Move along.
-All right, come on, lady.
What are you doing?
l'm gettin' the hell out of here.
The store's loaded with cops by now.
And they're not going to
let you go anywhere.
They are if you're with me.
'Cause if they don't let me out,
then they can't let you out.
lf you try to go out of here
with me as a hostage,
l'm not moving. l'm sitting right here.
And there's nothing you can do
to get me up.
How many backup men have we got?
-We've got 47 men in the building.
-And more out on the street.
All right. lf there's anything else
you think we may need,
get it down here right away.
An undercover of yours has been killed.
Butler. Pat Butler.
Before we go on,
l want to know what happened.
Everything you know.
She was working a dealer
who just moved downtown.
She asked permission to work on him
exclusively for a couple of weeks.
lt didn't look like any special problem.
lf there's any more to this,
l want you to tell me now.
l don't want any surprises later.
Tell me now.
Maybe we can work something out.
Well, we told you everything, Chief.
That's it? All of it?
All of it.
Chief Perna, here's the engineer.
There's an intercom.
You can talk to whoever is in the elevator
if you want to.
In the eIevator.
Can you hear me?
ln the elevator. Can you hear me?
Yeah, man, l hear you.
ln the elevator. ldentify yourself.
l'm Thomas Henderson.
This is Chief Perna. Narcotics Bureau.
Your elevator is between floors.
Now, we're going to raise it
to the fifth floor and open the doors.
l want you to throw your gun out.
Out into the aisle.
Do you understand that?
l understand, pig!
But it ain't gonna happen.
l got a pig in here with me.
One of your finest detective pigs.
Now, if you move this elevator one inch,
he's dead.
You got that?
They move this elevator one inch,
l'll blow your head off.
lf you've got a police officer in there,
Iet me taIk to him.
lf you move this elevator one inch,
your friend here is dead.
Now, you wanna talk to him, you talk!
Come on, man. Talk to the man!
Get up there, man, and talk into this thing
or l'll blow your head off.
Let me talk to whoever you've got in there.
You're crazy, man.
Why don't you talk to him?
You hear me out there?
Yeah, we hear you.
Your buddy's in here,
but he's just lost his voice.
But he's here. You better believe it.
So, here's what l want.
l want a piece of paper from the Mayor,
on the Mayor's stationery from City Hall.
Saying l won't be prosecuted
for the guns or firing at an officer.
l want that signed
by the Mayor on his stationery.
You understand that?
Then l'll throw the gun out.
Now, you got that?
You're stupid.
lt could've been all over.
Now you don't know
what's going to happen.
You might be the one that end up dead.
Come on, he's bluffing, l'm telling you.
There's nobody in there.
Let's blow him out of there.
There's somebody in there.
My partner's in there.
Yeah, then, why doesn't he answer.
l think Lockley's playing it very smart
not giving away the fact that he's in there.
This way Stick doesn't know
whether we believe him or not.
Well, we screw around with this clown,
and the whole town gets tied up.
How's that gonna look to people?
They like to think
we have a strong department.
Not a bunch of timid girls
who are gonna let everything get tied up
by a black pusher.
You out there?
l made you an offer, man.
l ain't heard nothin' back yet.
You call that an offer, Henderson?
You know we can't make promises.
You know, the Mayor
is never going to buy that.
There's only one way
that you're going to get out of there.
That is we'll raise the elevator,
you throw your gun out
when the doors open and walk out.
You're not moving this elevator.
And you're not opening those doors.
'Cause the minute you start anything,
your man in here is dead.
You get me? Dead.
How long you gonna sit still for this?
Come on, get going. Come on.
This is a lot of bullshit.
When do we stop clowning around
with this guy and drag him out of there?
What do you recommend?
Shoot it out. Get in there and shoot it out.
-What about Lockley?
-He'll have to take his chances.
What the hell,
we all have to take our chances.
Hey, what is it with you, D'Angelo?
You trying to show how tough you are?
Out from behind your desk now,
playing with the big boys!
This is a place for cops.
Not book-smart college paper-shufflers.
Crunch, you know him.
Why don't you talk to him?
Who's that?
Stick, this is Crunch.
Man, you really got yourself
in some shit this time.
Man, they got all the heavyweights
out there, don't they?
Now, listen, brother,
you don't have a chance.
l mean, you should see this place out here.
lt looks like Vietnam.
You got to come out. They got you.
Now, there just ain't no other way.
They got me?
You mean, you ain't one of them no more?
Crunch, there's black pigs, too.
And you're the biggest nigger pig
of them all.
Look, Stick... Look there, man.
There're people out here getting tired.
They're saying they want to go home
and have dinner.
You understand what l'm talking about?
And they're beginnin' to say
the best way to end this thing
is just to blow the elevator up.
Wrap the damn thing up
and just go on home.
Do you know what l mean?
But you're talking them out of it,
right, Crunch?
'Cause you're my friend.
And all l got to do is listen to my friend
and come on out,
and everything'll be all right.
Man, Crunch, that shit stopped working
with me when l was nine.
Now, who the hell do you think
you're talking to?
-Who's the best marksman we got?
Get him up here right away.
And have him stand by.
Why are these lights still on?
l want it dark in here. Dark.
Look, the press is waiting.
So what?
Well, the network guys.
They want to set a camera up on the roof.
-All of the lights.
-Shoot it live.
They want to shoot it live
for the 1 1 :00 o'clock news.
The 1 1 :00 o'clock news?
They want to bring up
a couple of reporters.
-All they need is a fast look around.
-Tell them they can come up.
-What do we want reporters for now?
-We may need them.
Only one man can come through
that trap door at a time, is that right?
Listen, can you cut off the air-conditioning
in the elevator?
Yeah, we can do that.
They cut the air-conditioning off
and you know what it'll be like in there?
They'll die.
What do you say, Chief?
We have to do something.
Cut it off.
They shut off the air.
Your friends.
Man, that's funny.
Stick surrenders to get into the cool.
How long you been a cop?
Six months?
Three months?
You probably didn't want to be a cop
any more than l wanted to be what l am.
You notice something?
Something about all of this?
You noticed that them and us.
lt's them and us, man.
Look at you.
Sitting in a puddle of piss and sweat.
A while longer it'll be shit, too.
Gonna die any minute.
Did it ever occur to you
what they're gonna do?
Before this morning is over,
they got to do something.
They've already
stopped worrying about you.
They're gonna blow this elevator up
with you and me in it.
That'll solve their whole problem.
And you think they're on your side.
You know whose side those old pigs is on?
Their own side.
They is them and we is us.
And that's the way it is.
The Chief can't tell you much now.
Naturally he's concerned that one of
his men is in there with a heroin dealer.
We're all concerned about it.
Whatever happened to the girl
they found shot to death
in the apartment on 46th Street?
ls there any connection
between that and this?
There's nothing more l know about that.
lt's all under investigation.
Well, there was a girl that was shot.
And people say they saw two men running
from the apartment toward Fifth Avenue.
Are these the same two men?
lt's under investigation. No comment.
Chief, was there something
between the girl and the two men?
What are you talking about?
A romantic angle. A love angle.
Excuse me. A what?
A love angle between the girl
and the two guys in the elevator.
Well, we're investigating every possibility.
lncluding the possibility
of a romantic connection?
Yes. lncluding everything, yes.
-That's all you're going to get now.
All right, thank you.
What's he mean?
What's he trying to say?
What's he aiming at?
That reporter had a great idea.
Yeah, what's that?
Well, Butler came to us
to get tight with the Stick, right?
But she became
a little emotionally involved.
After all, the Stick is very good-looking,
very dynamic.
But she had something going
with Lockley, too.
He hit the Stick's flat.
Saw her naked in his arms and killed her.
lt was tragic. lt was unavoidable.
lt was unfortunate.
And every precaution was taken.
So, we're justified in going in there
and blasting the elevator, right?
Bringing charges against Lockley?
Now, look, you idiot.
l'll explain it to you
so that you'll understand.
There's a policeman in there.
Not just a black militant, but a policeman.
Now, you and l know he didn't do anything.
He's in there because of us.
You want to turn the guns on him,
or prosecute him.
What the hell is the matter with you?
You're right. You're absolutely right.
We'll tell the truth.
And you can face the criminal charges
that they'll have you up on.
But you didn't think of that, huh?
We went ahead without authority.
Or if they don't take it that far,
you're off the job and lose your pension.
But go ahead.
You care so much about your undercovers,
you care so much
about the kid in the elevator.
You don't care about him
any more than l do.
But you don't have to worry about it.
Any of it.
Because the Stick
isn't going to survive the morning.
And if Lockley does, it will of course
be necessary to book him for homicide.
Yes, l'm aware
that it can't go on until the rush hour.
Commissioner, l am doing the best l can.
That's all l can do.
Yes, sir.
Give me your shirt.
Hey, man, what you putting that stuff
in here for?
Your friend don't like it.
He got enough trouble with
the piss and the sweat.
Just a whiff, Henderson, to wake you up.
We got more. We got a lot more.
we got all kinds of things out here.
Don't make us use them. Come on out.
We either move, or we're dead.
lf l get alongside the elevator,
if they come through the top,
l could grab Lockley.
Well, what about the Thompsons?
Well, at that range, they're so close, l'm...
l'm not worried.
Okay. Go ahead.
See that door up there.
That's a trapdoor.
We push it open,
you can get on top of this elevator.
Maybe we could move around some.
And get to another floor.
l know it ain't easy to trust me.
lt ain't easy to trust you either.
But we gotta trust each other.
You know it's the only way
you're gonna get out of here.
We stay, they're gonna kill us both.
We got to trust now, man.
Get that gun out of here.
Get a doctor up here right away.
Take it easy, take it easy.
And see if he's hit.
-What did he say about Butler?
-The hell with Butler.
Come on, let's get him inside.
Butler's dead.
Who's Butler?
Detective Butler, boy. lt's all right.
l don't know any Butler.
Chiclet, son.
Get him inside.
Come on.
Following is a statement
taken from Detective Bo Lockley
by Assistant District Attorney Jackson.
Buyer's Office, Saks Department Store.
What was your reaction
the first time you saw her?
She was very attractive.
l think anyone would have thought that.
She was very pretty
and she had a very nice...
A very attractive way about her.
What did you do when you found her?
Made a date to meet her the next day.
Made a date with her.
Did she keep the date?
Well, how'd you feel about her
not keeping the date?
What do you mean?
l mean, were you upset?
Yeah, l guess so.
So, what'd you do?
l went to her apartment.
Did you expect
to find them there together?
l don't know. l guess so.
l don't know. l guess so.
How'd you feel about him being with her?
l guess l didn't like it.
You're not sure?
l'm not sure of very much.
ls it possible you were angry and jealous?
And when you saw them together nude,
you became enraged
and started firing at them and killed her?
Anything is possible.
Anything is possible. ls that what you said?
How long have you known Stick...
Thomas Henderson?
l met him in the apartment. Why?
Why didn't you come out of the elevator
before you did?
He had a gun on me.
l had a gun on him. We couldn't move.
Well, when they put the gas in, you moved.
We had to move. lt was us and them.
What do you...
What do you mean "us and them"?
They were going to gas us or blast us
if we didn't come out.
So, you cooperated?
lf you want to call it that.
How did you cooperate?
We cooperated by not killing each other.
And when did this cooperation begin?
When the gas came in.
-Not before that?
You belonged to a certain
radical organization in college.
We protested the war.
Ever meet the Stick at these organizations?
What did you do
when they started shooting?
l started shooting, too.
Someone was shooting at me.
And there were a lot of lights.
l didn't know what was happening.
l still don't know what's happening.
-You don't know what's happening now?
-Not exactly.
-You know where you are?
-Where are you?
-Saks Department Store.
So that when you said
that you don't know what's happening,
that was a rhetorical statement.
A figure of speech,
rather than an accurate statement of fact.
That's right.
l asked you why you started shooting.
Because of the lights.
And l was confused.
l was very hot and tired.
And it was cramped. And l was confused.
All of a sudden there were lights in my face
and guns going off around me.
And l guess l just went a little crazy.
Did you think
the police officers were firing at you?
l don't know
who else they could have been firing at.
Detective Lockley
was indicted for first degree murder
and heId in $75,000 baiI.
On 6/17/74, he was moved
from BeIIevue to the Tombs.
After two weeks at the Tombs,
Bo Lockley was placed
in a mentaI observation ceII.
Richard BIackstone visited him on 7/7/74.
Why won't you see your old man?
You know how much
this is cutting him up inside?
You not seeing him.
Jackson's trying to get Murder One
because he's a scum bag.
We're talking to Strichter about it.
There are a lot of people working very hard
to get you out of here.
They can't do that.
Why not?
l killed a girl.
And a guy got killed, too, because of me.
Well, there are a lot of people dead
because of me.
Well, what do you do in here all day, Bo?
l think.
Sit here and think.
About what?
My father.
Don't you have anything else
you can be thinking about, Bo?
Maybe it's all true.
Maybe l did fire at the Stick and Chiclet
out of
Maybe l did murder Chiclet.
Maybe l...
Should have been taken on a fishing trip.
You never got the way it worked.
You were never part of the operation.
l told you they were going to hurt you.
l knew the day
you walked into that precinct
you were going to wind up in here!
You gotta be like me.
l had to be more vicious, more wild,
more brutal to my own people
just to have them say to me,
"You're okay.
"You're okay."
Don't let them make you like them.
Hang on to what you had, Bo.
What am l doing here anyway
walking around
on this planet?
l knew it was something like this.
l could have almost recited
chapter and verse to you.
Ambition, that's all that's left.
lt took me 30 years to get here.
But they want to make it overnight.
And l'd like to put that smooth
little bastard D'Angelo in the joint.
Dismissal from the force will be enough.
l want to see his face
when l tell him there's no pension.
We don't have enough evidence.
We are going to give it a try.
We do have Hanson's statement.
You're going to do that, aren't you, Dave?
lt'd hurt us. All of us.
What's going to happen to Lockley?
We'll drop the charges against him.
Will you put him back on the force?
We'll see.
So, now we know the truth.
The most we can do is
put you back in uniform,
send you to Bedford-Stuyvesant,
let you start earning your money.
Well, this is what happens
with every man in the department.
Everybody is
always looking over his shoulder.
The Commissioner, the bleeding hearts.
Don't give me that law and order bit.
l'm not going to sit still for this.
l'll go to the Mayor, l'll go to the papers.
l know where a lot of bodies are buried
around here.
Look, don't push your luck.
lf it was up to me,
l'd have you up on charges.
lt makes me sick you're still going to
be getting your captain's pay.
l just may go to the newspapers myself.
Everybody's frightened
about what a great in-fighter you are.
-l'm not frightened.
-This is not over.
l'll be back with my attorney.
But before you go,
l want you to know one more thing.
The department is
completely exonerating Lockley.
l'm going to recommend we find
that Detective Lockley
performed his duties in a lawful manner
and with no knowledge
of the aforementioned facts.
You ready?
-Yes, sir.
At 8:55 p.m.
inmate B. Lockley, 9L301 ,
was found dead in his cell,
hung from a noose
fashioned from a torn bed sheet.