Reprisal (2018)

[sirens in distance]
[dog barking]
[indistinct chatter]
[slow, pulsing music]
[phone beeping]
[line ringing]
[woman] 911.
What's your emergency?
There's a bomb under a bridge
set to go off at 9:00 a.m.
Which bridge is it?
[walkie-talkie beeps,
[mechanism clicking]
[magazine clicks]
[dog barking]
[birds chirping]
[lawnmower in distance]
Hi, baby.
- Come on, Sophia. We gotta go to school.
- Coming.
Oh, Daddy made all the lunches
for the whole week.
Daddy's amazing. Mwah.
Good morning, Dad.
Good morning, baby.
How'd you sleep?
Do we have to right now?
Come on, baby.
It will take two seconds.
You know the drill.
[string music playing]
[glucose meter beeps]
Ninety-seven. That's perfect.
But don't forget to eat.
All of it.
How are we doing this month?
Oh, we are rolling.
Yeah, it's great.
I think we're gonna be
okay this month, uh...
I think we need to cut back
on a few things.
Maybe the gardener and
housekeeper, the security system.
All right?
Just for a little while.
Worst case scenario,
I'll go back into my 401k.
We can't keep doing this.
I know, I know.
We'll get through this,
I promise you, all right?
I'll fix it, okay?
I don't want you to worry.
We're gonna be late.
We're gonna be late.
Gotta go! Come on!
[woman] Oh, no!
Baby, you did not eat enough.
Not enough at all.
- Eat it!
- You're gonna eat this whole thing in the car.
- [Sophia] Okay.
- Make sure she eats it, okay?
- Have you seen my keys?
- Right here.
[Sophia chuckles]
All right, lock up.
Make sure you eat that,
all right?
Keep working, old man!
I'll take you anytime, punk.
Come on, kiddo,
we're gonna be late!
- Did you forget something?
- Nope.
- You sure it's locked?
- Yep.
Good to see James still working out
after he retired from the force.
I wish my father had.
Maybe he'd still be with us.
I got a late conference call.
Can you pick her up from school
around 3:00?
Uh, shouldn't be a problem.
Long as you don't mind hanging
out in my office for a while.
Your job is boring.
Yeah, I'll see you at 3:00.
I'll come get you
as soon as I'm done.
- Okay, bye, Dad.
- Bye, love you.
[woman] We love you.
[car starting]
[sirens in distance]
[sirens blaring]
- Morning.
- Morning.
You know what that's about?
Oh, some nut job called in
a bunch of bomb threats,
so they got emergency responders
scrambling all over the city.
[man] Welcome back.
- How you guys doing?
- Good morning.
- Thank you.
- Morning.
We'll talk about it in the meeting,
make sure everybody knows what's...
- Hey, Maribel.
- Good morning.
- How are you?
- Morning, Jacob.
You got our delivery?
- Yep.
- Let's go, girl.
[device beeping]
[lock clicking]
[ominous synth music]
[combination lock clicking]
[combination lock clicking]
[door unlocks]
- Good.
- Great.
So is the city putting
extra cops on the streets?
Uh, that I don't know.
But, you know,
it's business as usual, guys.
Anything out of the ordinary, you
just come to me and let me know.
We know the protocol, yeah?
Okay, let's get to work.
[sirens in distance]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Are you okay?
What's going on?
The university's on lockdown,
and Sophia's school just called.
It's all over the news.
You didn't hear anything?
There have been bomb threats
all over the city, all morning.
Well, you gonna go get her?
Yeah, I'll get her
as soon as I get out of here.
It shouldn't take
too much longer.
Well, let me know
what's going on, okay?
I love you. Be safe.
All right.
I love you too. Bye.
[phone beeps]
[man] Good morning.
Hi. How may I help you today?
[alert tone blaring]
- [static on phones]
- [chattering]
[tense, pulsing music]
Get your heads down.
Keep your heads down.
Stay down, keep down.
[shallow breathing]
[whispering] Stay down.
- It's on a time lock.
- Shh.
[Jacob] We'll give you
what you want.
- Just don't be a hero.
- Okay, all right.
- [pounding on metal]
- All right, okay.
All right, relax.
Okay, all right.
Just calm down.
Okay, all right.
All right, all right.
Easy, we're going.
Take it easy, man.
[whispering] Stay down, stay
down, stay down, stay down.
Hey, come on, leave him alone.
Please, leave him.
You have what you want.
Leave him alone.
[gunfire continues]
[timer beeps]
[timer beeps]
[ears ringing]
[sirens in distance]
[man] Let's get 'em.
Let's go, let's go!
- [shouting]
- [weapons cocking]
Come on, get in here, guys.
Right here.
Get on this guy here.
Get on this guy.
[indistinct shouting]
Area clear! Everybody up!
Everybody up!
Get this guy here!
All you people,
let me see your hands!
- Hold it, man!
- I wanna see all of you!
Move over where we can see you!
Get back, get back.
Everybody back.
Get him up! Get him up!
Bring him out! Bring him out!
Let's see everybody. Don't move.
[audio fades]
How long has this guy worked
with the bank?
Says here that his father was a
patrol officer over in midtown.
- Did you know him?
- No. It was before my time.
And he used this guy
as a decoy with the others.
Well, that's what
it looks like.
- One fatality?
- Yeah, a security guard.
But the witness statements indicate
that no one saw it coming.
All right, get it on the board.
I want a BOLO out.
The rest of my team
will be flying in by tomorrow.
Have offices and a task force
room set up before they arrive.
- You got it.
- [woman] Excuse me.
We've been waiting here
for over two hours.
I'm looking for my husband,
Jacob Tasker.
Can you help us?
No one seems to know anything.
Really sorry, ma'am,
but you're gonna have to wait over
here for a little while longer, okay?
Please. I just need
to make sure he's okay.
He's fine, Mrs. Tasker.
He's in a briefing with one
of our top investigators.
If you want to wait over there,
we'll send someone over
as soon as he's finished.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Is Daddy okay?
Mr. Tasker, you hired
a private security firm
a couple years ago
as a consultant?
Yes, uh...
[clears throat]
Do you remember
the name of the firm?
I don't, but it was approved by
the board so that we could stay
in compliance
with federal regulations.
We're hoping you can
help us here, Mr. Tasker.
This is a jewelry store,
credit union branch,
and a diamond exchange in
Aventura, Florida, last spring.
Two banks up in Pittsburgh
late last August.
They all have one thing
in common.
That's pretty much the
description I gave the officers.
Any surveillance from our bank?
We believe that he's been using what
appears to be a Chinese-built scrambler,
so it shorts out
all wireless devices,
including surveillance cameras
that are not hardwired.
We've reviewed
your statement.
If there's anything
that stood out,
we need to know.
This happened really fast,
and he was violent.
In tactical gear, head to toe,
just like this.
I didn't see his face.
I didn't see his hands.
He didn't speak.
He had index cards.
He was in and he was out and...
and that was it.
Was there someone that
came into your bank,
maybe a person
in the last couple weeks,
that seemed irregular
in any way?
No, no, not, uh...
Nothing that would raise that
kind of a red flag for me, no.
It's just that this guy knew
your facility inside out.
He had to have been
there before.
He had the precise measurements
necessary for that mechanism
to work on your doors.
[audio fading] He knew the exact location
of that locker inside your vault.
[slow string music rises]
[normal audio] We know you've
been through hell today.
This is the third homicide
connected to this man.
You know, sometimes memories
have a way of coming back
after an incident like this.
If you think of anything,
don't hesitate.
[indistinct office chatter]
- Okay.
- Hi.
Hi, guys.
[Jacob groaning]
- Let's get you home.
- Take me home.
You okay?
I'm not okay. Are you okay?
[sirens in distance]
[water running]
[water turns off]
Can I get you anything?
Hey. No, I'm good.
Are you sure?
Yeah. I just need a little time.
[slow string music playing]
[distorted screaming]
[blows landing]
[dogs barking]
[birds chirping]
Stay down.
- Looking good.
- Hey.
Rough night?
Yeah. Couldn't sleep.
Saw it on the news.
Sorry it happened.
I can't shake it, man.
I just keep seeing it over
and over again, you know?
I replay it
in my head, like...
like I could've done
something, maybe, to stop it.
Twenty years of law enforcement.
a lot of bad nights.
A pair of these, a couple beers,
it'll help.
Thanks, pal.
I remember holding the hand
of this little girl.
I pulled her out of a canal.
She hadn't been under...
She hadn't been under that long.
Her mother crashed the car.
She kept asking for her.
Nothing I could do.
You ever wanna talk...
I'll be here for you.
Thanks, James.
I appreciate it.
[male reporter]
Officials are now reporting
that one of the victims
in yesterday's bank robbery
is in critical condition
from the injuries sustained
during that deadly attack.
[continues, indistinct]
How you doing?
I'm okay.
I think.
Any updates?
Nothing new.
Guy just disappeared. Vanished.
Mitchell called me
late last night.
They want me to be put on administrative
leave until further notice.
What does that mean? They're
not terminating you, are they?
I-I don't know.
You gave those people
ten years of your life.
I know.
- They're not gonna do that.
- Shh. I know.
There's no way, right?
Just stick to the routine.
Business as usual.
We don't need this kid
getting more upset, okay?
I'm gonna go take a shower.
I'm exhausted.
[man crying]
- [woman] Jack, you gotta help me!
- [man #2] Mr. Connors.
Hey, Mr. Connors, we need you
to sit down over here.
- Mr. Connors.
- I gotta get there. I'm late!
- Mr. Connors, go sit down.
- Get out of my way!
Mr. Connors, Mr. Connors!
Frank, I need you
to come over here.
- I need you on this side...
- Get off my father!
- Let me go!
- Pop, it's okay.
They're gonna strike on me!
It's bullshit!
- No, no, no.
- Strike on me! They're gonna...
It's Sunday! It's Sunday.
This day is set aside for us.
For family.
Oh, there's things
I do not forget.
My son, my son.
Here, Pop, here. Hey.
This man is my father.
He's a recipient of a Silver
Star and a Purple Heart.
If you disrespect him
in any way,
you have to answer to me.
Do you understand?
Close the door on the way out.
[soft string music playing]
It's okay, Dad.
[Frank whimpering]
Life for a life.
Life for a life. Eye for an eye.
[tense music playing]
[sirens in distance]
- [distorted screaming]
- [distorted gunfire]
Are you okay?
I'm fine, I'm fine,
I'm fine, yeah.
I should've done something.
There was nothing
you could've done.
If you had done something,
you wouldn't be here right now.
I know.
Talk to me.
I don't know what to say, baby.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to do.
I'm right here.
[pulsing synth music playing]
[music fades]
I used to live on those things.
[James chuckles]
A couple a night.
Takes the dreams away.
Then you get to a point
when you take so many of 'em,
you can't get out of bed
without 'em.
You know, I haven't had
a day off in ten years?
I don't know what the fuck
to do with myself.
I can't even make a move
until the feds clear me.
They reach out to you at all?
Not since the robbery.
I told them everything I know,
and then they forgot about me.
It seemed like they were following
that guy for a long time.
They knew him.
You're talking
about a task force?
Break it down for me.
- [exhales] -Come on, right
now, while it's fresh.
All right, all right.
- Spell it out for me.
- All right.
He was very tactical, right?
Full body armor.
You see his face?
He had a mask.
A mask like, you know,
what you would wear.
A tactical, like SWAT.
He say anything to you?
No, he didn't say anything to anybody.
He had cards written out.
He's violent.
And he had a lock.
He was carrying this big, uh...
- FBI said it was some specialized lock.
- A lock?
Yeah. He put it on the door.
- Did you get a look at it?
- Yeah, yeah.
- What kind of lock was it?
- It was big.
It was like a heavy steel lock.
They had to blowtorch it
off the door.
Describe it to me, the lock.
It was big, it was old,
it was steel, it was heavy.
I don't know how he carried it.
A special lock.
Yeah, that's what they said.
It was big.
I don't know much. I didn't...
It fucking happened so fast.
- Lay it out for me. Rectangular, right?
- Right.
- Like that.
- Right, right, right.
Hollow in the middle, and it was
heavy, and it was very old.
Very old.
Steel, yeah.
I really wanna know what kinda
lock you're talking about.
Which one is it?
I don't see it there.
Wait a minute, go up.
How do you scroll this?
[Jacob] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- This.
- That's it?
That's the lock.
I wanna print that.
I wanna see this special lock.
[Jacob] No, no. It's right here.
If it were exotic,
it would be easier to find.
I didn't say "exotic."
I didn't say "exotic."
What I said was "specialized."
Special, right?
Because everybody doesn't
have it, so it's special.
Break it down for me.
Yeah, see the doors?
See exactly what it did?
if the bank branch
is right here...
...where were you when they found you?
Right there.
I was right there.
Yeah, maybe 15 feet
from the door.
When you turned around, you
didn't see your suspect at all?
- No, he was gone.
- Where was he?
What they're saying,
and what had to have happened,
is he went out this way.
[pulsing synth music playing]
This is crazy.
This is the guy.
That's your guy?
Well, look, it's the same guy
for each one of these things.
And look at this $75,000 reward.
It's going up.
Well, I thought you just
wanted to clear your name.
That's not funny.
- What are you laughing about?
- I do wanna clear my name.
This is crazy.
This is the guy.
That's why it's taken so long
for the FBI to find this guy.
I mean, something brought these
fucking guys here, right?
Well, they're just
following a pattern now.
He's blending
into his surroundings.
- Come on, you can see that.
- Yeah, of course.
[soft piano music playing]
Baby, how do you feel
this morning?
Your numbers are a little low.
I need you to drink
all of this, okay?
And eat all of that.
Every bite, okay?
We need to get that back up.
I need you to keep this
away from her.
It is away from her.
Guns. That.
- Okay, all right.
- Not papers with the masks.
- Shush. It is away from her.
- They're everywhere.
Listen, I'm doing
something here.
It's very important.
I'm doing my best, okay?
Well, it's not
good enough for me.
Well, what do you want me to do?
I need you back.
[string music playing]
We both do.
- Sophia?
- Sophia!
- Hey, hey! Okay, okay, okay!
- I'll get the kit. You're okay.
- Come on.
- You're okay, you're okay.
Keep her head up.
You're okay, you're okay.
Come on, baby.
- We're with you.
- Come on, baby.
- Sophia.
- Come on, hurry up.
- We're right here. It's coming right now.
- Come on, sweetheart.
[Jacob] There you go.
Okay, nice and calm.
Daddy has you.
Daddy has you.
You're okay. Just gonna
take a little bit of time.
You're gonna feel just fine.
Take some deep breaths.
She's okay.
[pulsing synth music playing]
[computer beeping]
[man] Forty dollars an hour
should get a few guys out there.
And now here.
Three quick heists
in the same amount of days.
Yeah, there's only a few days
between each job, right?
Which means
it's well planned out,
and it's a timing thing for him.
It's timing.
He's gone, man.
He is in the wind.
- No way. No way.
- He's not coming back.
Or there's two jewelry stores
High-end jewelry stores, maybe.
You said he went strictly
for the cash.
Okay, guns and cash, right?
He can't sell the diamonds.
He can't sell the jewelry.
He goes for guns and cash,
so maybe he's after paper.
Maybe he's after money, right?
Could be in Florida.
Could be in the Bahamas.
Could be in Venezuela.
Or he could be looking
at the Chartoff Bank,
which is right downtown.
He needs something easy in, easy out.
Look where we were.
We were 15 feet away from him.
He used us as decoys, right?
He gets out the back. There's no
cameras in the bank's garage.
They own the garage in the back.
There's no cameras,
no surveillance, he's gone.
Maybe he's looking
for the same thing, same time.
[thunder rumbles]
[pulsing synth music playing]
[device beeps]
It's been three days
since he hit that bank.
[device beeping]
[electronic thump]
[device beeping]
He needs a target.
Yeah, keep going.
[no audible dialog]
What makes sense to you?
Well, Federal.
No. It's electronic banking. They
switched over. There's no tellers.
I think East Way Bank, which handles
the payroll for the shipping yards,
that's a target.
How easy would it be
during a shift change?
Hundreds of people
coming and going.
He'd blend right in.
Where are the escape routes?
- No, no, wait, wait! Listen to me!
- What? What?
You're right, you're right.
What was that factory that used
to build the shipping locks?
- It's right about here.
- How close is that to your bank?
It's a couple miles,
east side of downtown.
Let's circle that.
Might be worth checking into.
This is the connection.
The original manufacturer of that lock
went out of business ten years ago.
The only connection
in the region is this building
that manufactured those things.
I gotta be out of my mind.
Most departments have already
switched over to digital, right?
But this should still work.
Can't just give me a gun?
I just gave you 20.
You get caught in a jam,
call in your exact location.
You say, "Armed, 29 subjects."
- Twenty-nine subjects, armed.
- Two 15s.
- All right.
- Then you get the hell out of there.
Because you just told
every cop in 30 miles
that the shit is coming down.
I'm going.
- Stay close, yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.
You sure you don't
wanna give me a gun?
[police chatter on radio]
[tense synth music playing]
Yeah, there's nothing here but
a bunch of dudes getting checks.
I know it's tedious waiting
for the shift to change.
He's not gonna hit here.
This is a bust.
I'm gonna go
to the next location.
It's your call.
[engine starting]
[engine off]
[phone beeps]
[line ringing]
There's nothing going on here.
I think it's a bust.
You want me to go
back with you?
No. It's another dead end.
All right.
Yeah, I'm gonna come back.
- Right.
- [phone beeps]
[magazine clicks]
[hammer cocks]
[elevator whirring]
[phone ringing]
Where are you?
I got him, I got him.
Listen to me.
Check this address.
Frank Connors,
423 Rosewood Road.
423 Rosewood Road,
Frank Connors.
I got it.
I'm on him now.
[phone beeps]
Call Casey.
[rapid beeping]
Hey, man, what's up?
I need you to call in a name to
your friends at the FBI for me.
This guy's following
an armored car.
Stay on him.
Where are you?
I'm on Fourth and Eastern.
He's pulling off. What do I do?
Stay with the target
and make them come to you.
[device beeping]
[device beeping]
[brakes squealing]
- [gasps] -Fifth and Arlington.
Fifth and Arlington.
Shit! What was that?
Armed, 28 subjects, two 15s.
Repeat, two 15s.
Fifth and Arlington.
Everything cool out there?
[man] Come on.
- Where we going?
- Hello, hello?
Shit, it's not working.
Think I'm gonna have to go see
what's going on. Just chill out.
- Everything good, though.
- Okay.
- [grunts]
- [thuds]
Open the door!
She's not gonna do it,
you stupid son of a bitch.
- [gunshot]
- [screams]
Please! Just hold on!
Open the fucking door!
Open the door. Open the door!
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun!
- Give me the gun!
- Okay, okay!
Pass the gun! Pass the gun!
Give me the bag. The bag!
Back, back, back, back!
[bag tearing]
- Get up here!
- We gave you what you wanted!
Get up here now! Now, now!
[sirens in distance]
I didn't see your face! Please!
[sirens blaring]
[tires squealing]
Let me see your hands right now!
Shots fired, shots fired.
[indistinct police radio]
Stay here, stay here.
Shots fired, shots fired.
Flank him!
Responding units set up
on Franklin and Eighth.
[woman on police radio] All units
proceed to Franklin and Eighth.
Cover me!
Stay put, stay put!
Send in fire rescue!
We have one adult female.
Severe head trauma
but conscious.
We have a man down!
Multiple gunshots
to upper torso.
Have them run lights and sirens.
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
He's on the move!
He's on the move!
Suspect in
the armored car robbery
heading east on Arlington
toward the interstate.
[woman over radio]
All units be advised.
Suspect heading east on Arlington
toward the interstate.
714, I've got the lead.
Stay in lane two.
We need eyes on this guy.
What's the ETA on the copter?
All units be advised.
Suspect is headed east
on Mango Way.
[man over radio]
What's your position?
714, I'm coming in lane two.
I'm taking the lead now.
[man] Stay on this guy.
We're heading into traffic.
320, back off. He's bound for traffic.
Watch your distance.
I'm taking fire!
I'm taking fire!
Fire and rescue, we have an
officer down on 18th and Fulton.
Repeat, we have an officer down.
Any of you seen the foreman?
The job post said we was supposed
to be here at 10:00 a.m.
I'm not gonna wait around
all day for this shit.
[sirens approaching]
[sirens grow louder]
- Run, run, run!
- [sirens whooping]
Everybody down! Get up there!
Get up against the wall!
Hands where we can see 'em!
Come on, let's go!
Let's go. To the wall.
To the wall!
Let's see your face!
- Take his hat off!
- Let's go, let's go.
You, hands out of
your pockets now!
[sirens blaring]
Get over, come on!
Move, move! Turn around!
[sirens in distance]
[no audible dialog]
[no audible dialog]
Frank, there are some people
here who need to speak with you.
No more negotiations.
I gave you people a fair deal.
Mr. Connors, there was a fire
in your factory earlier today.
My son knows what to do.
He knows what to do.
He's going to be
in and out at best.
I took this company
from my father,
and he built it
from the ground up.
He really can't answer
these questions right now.
- If you come back later...
- No, no, I don't have time for that.
- Do you know his son?
- Yeah.
Comes in here
every couple weeks.
Take this down. When was
the last time you saw him?
Dinner's almost ready!
[Sophia laughing]
Grandpa did that?
- That's your father, by the way.
- Yes, that's my father, and he did that.
And then when it was time
to handcuff the bad guy,
he realized he had one arm,
like this.
So what was he gonna do?
What was he gonna do?
- How was he gonna handcuff him?
- What about his ankle?
That's the funny part
of the story.
See, when the guy was
running away from Grandpa,
his pants fell down
to his ankles,
so then Grandpa had
to pick up his pants
and handcuff his ankles
to his arms, to his...
I don't know. It was funny.
I miss his stories.
[Jacob] Yeah, I miss him.
- He had some crazy stories.
- But he was a good guy.
He was a good guy.
He was a good cop.
[Jacob] Mm.
But he didn't want Daddy
to be a cop, ever.
You know what
he wanted me to be?
- What?
- Guess.
Uh, I don't know. A chef?
A chef?
A lawyer.
A lawyer or a clown.
You hear that?
Strictly medical school for you.
[Sophia groaning]
- No.
- Why not?
Because she's gonna do
what makes her happy.
Thank you.
Yes, baby.
Wanna know what'd make me happy?
- Mm?
- If you helped me clear these plates.
[Jacob] Yeah!
- [Sophia groaning]
- Let's go!
Such a good
little helper.
[sirens blaring]
[indistinct police chatter]
[pulsing synth music playing]
[scoffs, grunts]
[music fades]
[EKG beeping steadily]
You can call it a day.
I'll take it from here.
- Roger that.
- You got it.
Mrs. Johnson.
I'm FBI Agent Nick Fields.
We spoke earlier.
- Yeah, please come in.
- It's quite an ordeal.
It's good to see
you're doing all right.
Listen, I just have
some additional questions.
- Shouldn't take too much of your time.
- Sure.
If you wouldn't mind taking a look
at these two composite sketches,
telling me if,
in the past couple weeks,
you've seen anyone that
may match either of these,
maybe someone on one of your routes
or one of your customer sites.
It's all like a blur.
I can barely recall anything
until those officers grabbed me.
You told the detectives on scene
you may have recognized the man
who pulled you to safety.
I did. That's right.
- [silenced gunshot]
- [screaming]
[man] You recognized him.
From where?
I don't know!
What's his name?
I thought I recognized him,
but I don't know for sure.
I think you do know.
- I don't know.
- What's his name?
[phone ringing]
- [phone beeps]
- Hello?
Jacob? It's Maribel.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm still at County General.
I need you to come over now.
It's an emergency.
[whispers] FBI.
The FBI is asking questions.
I have to go in tomorrow
to meet with them,
but not until I speak
with you first.
Okay, okay, listen to me.
I'm coming.
I'm coming right now.
Don't talk to anybody, okay?
[phone beeps]
[sirens blaring]
[synth rock music playing]
You head of security?
Come with me.
I need your team to pull
all surveillance footage,
and I want you to set up
extra security, every exit.
And no one gets in or out
until they've been cleared
by my team, is that clear?
[Jacob] Excuse me, I'm looking
for a friend of mine.
I'm sorry, we have a slight emergency
situation that we're handling,
and you're gonna need
to stay here...
- [phone ringing]
- Okay, hold on.
Hey, baby,
I need to call you back and...
[man] I sure hope so,
for your daughter's sake.
When was the last insulin shot
that she had?
Who the fuck is this?
Who is this?
Bring the money back
to your home,
and your wife and daughter
will be breathing.
You call the police,
and they'll suffer
before they die.
[Jacob] Hello?
[phone ringing, beeps]
I thought you'd be
sound asleep by now.
I think he's
in my fucking house, man.
- What?
- He said don't call the police.
I gotta get over there.
How far out are you?
I'm at County General.
I'm on my way.
[pulsing synth music playing]
[gun cocks]
Christina? Sophia?
They here? They here?
[phone ringing]
It's Christina.
Put it on the speaker.
[on speaker]
I remember you. From the bank.
You're the hero
that tried to call the police.
You're the reason why
all those people got killed.
And now... it's your family.
[Jacob] Okay.
Just tell me what you want.
Well, let's start
by having Wyatt Earp
put the shotgun on the table.
All right.
I'm sure the FBI will appreciate
you and your lovely wife
setting up those tracking apps
on your phones.
Do you know the FBI uses
the same apps in their cars?
How long do you think it would
take for them to connect
the murder of their agent
and their sole surviving witness
to you, the man who walked away
with over $300,000
in the armored car?
He didn't know.
I'm sorry, Jacob.
Put the money on the table.
It's there. See it?
Now what?
You and you alone.
Your neighbor doesn't move
from that spot.
Where and when?
- Keep checking your phone.
- [phone beeps]
Is this who you are?
It was a bad decision. I just
didn't want him to get away again.
And no, it's not who I am.
We're gonna have to fix this.
- Camera have audio?
- No.
I've got a holster
behind my back.
- You've gotta trust me, man.
- The second you walk out that door,
drop me the location.
[tense synth music playing]
[device beeping]
Call Casey.
[phone dialing, ringing]
Yo. I'm gonna ask you a favor.
And you're gonna do it.
What you got?
Slow it down.
I'm a friend of your neighbor's.
Keep it slow.
Slow it down.
I got a friend with me.
The best I could do
under such short notice.
When I'm done, you're gonna
walk past that pavilion.
My friend's gonna hand you
an earpiece.
You can hear us,
and we can hear you,
but you cannot talk.
I repeat, you cannot talk.
It will alert the mark.
The plan is to find your family
while the mark is waiting
on the package.
And you do not deliver the bag
until we have proof of life.
Very nice.
He shows up alone,
we'll take point.
We got eyes on your boy.
Bridge Street Park.
Send you a pin now.
Are we clear?
Yeah, we got him.
Keep the channel open anyway.
We've got backup on the way.
He's running out of runway here.
[policeman] I told you last week
not to come back.
Eyes up. We've got a couple of
beat cops hassling a homeless guy.
Pick up this mess.
[phone rings]
Yeah. Did you bring
anybody else?
Drop the bag.
- You got eyes?
- Yeah.
- Toss it on the ground.
- Where's my family?
They're lucky to have a father and
a husband as dedicated as you.
You tasted that money,
didn't you?
It was your chance to get ahead,
and you took it.
Stay calm and keep him talking.
Just like me.
Didn't you?
Just... like...
Where are they?
Work truck.
You passed it on the way in.
How did it feel?
- Mm-hmm.
- I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, pal.
Where's my family?
You're really worried about
your little girl, aren't you?
- [grunting]
- [blows landing]
You got it?
Not yet.
Shots fired, shots fired. Front and
Bridge Street, Front and Bridge Street.
Keep him talking, Jacob.
We do not have confirmation.
I repeat, we do not
have confirmation.
[device beeping]
Jacob, do you copy?
I've lost comms.
Let me see your hands!
- Drop the gun and let me see your hands!
- Don't move!
I got primary!
It's him!
Get down!
Let's pin him down!
Cover your eyes!
Cover me!
Watch him!
It's open!
[Christina] Sophia! Check on her. She
started convulsions 20 minutes ago.
- She's not responding.
- Twelve to Front.
We have ten-year-old female
that's gone into diabetic shock.
Her pulse is going
through the roof.
[Christina] Get her out of here.
[sirens approaching]
[Christina] Here!
We're over here!
[sirens blaring]
Just lost contact
with Jacob and the mark.
- Where are they?
- They're down under the bridge.
The little girl's
in diabetic shock.
- Get her head.
- I got her, I got her.
[Christina] Sophia,
can you hear me?
Any allergies
to any medications?
No. No allergies.
She's diabetic.
She's extremely low.
She just had a seizure.
When was her last
insulin injection?
Last night. We need
to get her numbers up.
- You have Glucagon?
- No, she can't have Glucagon.
What about D50?
Come on, baby.
You're gonna be just fine.
Stay with me, Sophia.
Sophia, stay with me now.
You just gotta help us, honey.
Come on. That's it, that's it.
Come on, Sophia.
That's it, that's it, that's it.
[Christina] Sophia?
You have to go.
Stop, you son of a bitch!
I got you. Stop!
Put it down, put it down.
You kill me, your family dies.
Put it down! Just put it down!
She's sick.
My daughter is sick, man.
She's got nothing
to do with this.
Nothing to do with this.
Tell me where she is.
No pity.
Life for a life.
- Eye for an eye.
- Tell me where she is.
- Tooth for a tooth.
- Tell me where she is!
[music fades]
[sirens in distance]
[Jacob] What have you done?
Your family's safe.
You got 'em?
[soft string music playing]
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, are you? You good?
- Look at me. Yeah?
- I'm okay. Are you okay?
I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
How's she doing?
She's fine.
She's gonna be fine.
Sophia, Daddy's here.
- Hi, Sophia.
- Daddy's here.
Hey. Are you okay?
Huh? What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's gonna be fine.
She's back.
Move this perimeter
back 50 yards
and have your team
pull every surveillance camera
in a ten-block radius,
and that goes for witnesses...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Blue, blue.
Twenty years,
James Richardson.
Blue, you have no
jurisdiction here.
Your suspect's dead
at the bottom of those stairs.
You wanna talk with somebody,
you talk to me.
I put him there.
These people have been
through enough.
Just get this little girl
to the hospital, and it's on me.
All right.
Have 'em brought in tomorrow.
[ambulance doors close]
- They're good to go.
- [engine starts]
- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, baby.
You good?
[siren wailing]
How long do you think you'll be?
Well, it's a 12-hour shift.
At least I'm doing days, right?
Check in with me.
I will.
- Please.
- I will.
You think this is crazy?
You're gonna be great.
I hope so.
This you?
"May you always be safe and
your family protected. James."
What a guy.
All right, baby,
wish me luck.
Good luck.
- I love you.
- I love you.
[indistinct chatter]
Guys, let's hold it down.
I wanna get this thing started
'cause midnights, we're short,
and they're still holding
calls right now,
so I wanna get you on the road
as soon as possible.
I'll be real brief. There's
a BOLO sheet going around.
Please take a look at it.
We have some robbery subjects
conducting snatch-and-grabs
at the northern gas stations.
Let's get a hold on this thing
before the media gets wind of it.
Speaking of media is which brings
me to our star rookie over here,
our new FNG.
You might recognize
Mr. Jacob Tasker
as being the only recipient
to ever actually collect
a reward from the FBI.
[audio fades]
[soft string music playing]
[electronic music playing]
D. Rydas
Vance Beats
Money is nothing
It comes and goes
Loyalty is everything
I know you know
Money is nothing
It comes and goes
Loyalty is everything
I know you know
The change I want
Doesn't for ching-ching
You can't impress me with
Shiny things and bling-bling
Robin said, "Diamonds are
A girl's best friend"
But do they bring you
Any peace in the end?
The kind of notes I like
Don't fit in my purse
They can't sum up somebody's
Essence or worth
Yes, the best thing in life
Are for free
Money is the source of
Where many troubles be...