Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Juice by Tappy,
Juice by Tappy,
Oooh, Tappy!
Juice! Juice! Juice! Juice!
Juice by you. Juice by you.
Juice! Juice by you!
Thank you, Thank you,
Thank you,
-We got a winner,
-We got a winner!
-I said we got a winner,
-We got a winner!
-We got a winner!
-We got a winner!
Our first winner is a flight
attendant from Washington, D, C,
Will you please
welcome Mary Kellington,
Juice by Mary! Juice
by Mary! Juice by Mary!
Harold please,
not again the TV.
Aw ma. Come on, ma.
Why do you have to make such
a big deal out of this, ma?
You know you'll get the set
back in a couple of hours.
Why ya gotta make
me feel so guilty?
What are you trying to do?
You trying to get me to
break my own mother's set?
Or break the radiator?
And maybe blow up
the whole house, ma.
Your own son, your own
flesh and blood, ma?
ls that what you're trying
to do? Your own son?
Why do you always gotta
play games with my head?
Harold, I wouldn't do that.
The chain isn't for you.
It's for the robbers.
Then why won't
you come out?
See what I mean? See how you
always gotta upset me ma?
C'mon out? Please ma.
This isn't happening.
And if it should be happening
it would be alright.
So don't worry, Seymour.
It'll all work out.
You'll see already.
In the end it's all nice.
Shit, man!
That mother fucker's starting
to look a little seedy Jim.
What, are you particular
all of a sudden?
Hey, baby...
...ah don't care just as
long as we get our braid.
Just give me a hand, Tyrone.
Whoopie fuck, the table too.
Hey, do you want me to
schlep it on my back?
You got a friend.
I ain't my lepers
schlepper. Shit.
Such a son. A goniff.
Your mother needs you like
a moose needs a hat rack.
...that's some
boss scag, baby.
I mean DYN-A-MITE.
Yeah man, something else.
You know what
we need to do?
We need to get us a
piece of this Brody shit...
...cut it up, and off it.
We could double
our money. Easy.
Then we can buy us
a couple a pieces...
That'd be righteous.
I'll bet in no time at all...
...we'd get a pound of pure.
Oooh, that's what I'm
talking about, baby... hassles.
-How's it going, babe?
-What's up, buddy?
-The usual?
-Yeah, sounds good,
Anything else?
Anything else?
Uh, no.
Nothing. I'm alright.
Good afternoon,
Mrs. Goldfarb.
Good afternoon,
Mr. Rabinowitz.
Although I'm not so
sure how good it is.
-And you?
-What can I say?
-Do you want your TV?
-Yes, if you don't mind.
Mrs. Goldfarb...
...can I ask you a question,
you won't take it personal?
How many years we
know each other?
Who's to count?
Why don't you tell
already the police?
Harry wouldn't be
stealing no more the TV.
Mr. Rabinowitz,
I couldn't do that.
Harold's my only child.
He's all I have.
Thank you, Mr. Rabinowitz.
Join us... creating excellence,
Be excited! Be... be excited!
Hello? Who is it?
Now what?
-Mrs, Goldfarb?
-Mrs, Sara Goldfarb?
-Me, Speaking,
Mrs, Goldfarb, this is Lyle
Russel from Maylin and Block,
I'm not interested.
Mrs, Goldfarb, I'm not
selling anything, Nothing,
I just want to offer you a
chance to be on television,
-You see, Maylin and Block...
That's right, Mrs,
Goldfarb, Television,
-Look I don't have any...
I'm not looking for
money, Mrs, Goldfarb,
I'm calling to tell
you you've already won,
Maylin and Block
discovers contestants,
You've already been
chosen from a long list...
... of potential contestants,
Meaning you've already won,
Yes, Mrs, Goldfarb,
I never thought I'd
be on television.
-I'm just a...
-That's right, You on TV,
We'll send you all the
information in the mail,
Goodbye, congratulations,
and take care,
I don't get it.
Why are you so hard
on your folks?
I mean they give
you everything.
They hook you up with an
apartment, with a shrink.
Which is fine, you know,
it's great. It's just...
Money is never what I really
wanted from them, you know.
That's pretty much
all I ever get.
Why don't you get
away from them?
How am I going to do that?
I don't know.
What about your clothes?
Your sketches are great.
Open up a store.
I can't.
Why not?
When will I have time
to hang with you?
Well, so where's the party?
When I tell you you're going
to jump out of the window.
It won't come up.
I got a great diet book.
Come here!
Be excited! Be... be excited!
I thought I would catch
a little sun today.
Really? Well in a
box you'll catch it.
Why don't you just relax...
...and think how gorgeous you'll
look with your new red hair.
Today the hair...
...tomorrow the sun.
Anybody wanna
waste some time?
Angel says that this is the
time, we should do it now,
-I'll call Brody tomorrow,
-Who's Brody?
That's my sweet connection,
He's got some
unbelievable shit,
Marion, we got this idea,
What is it?
We get a piece of this
stuff, we can cut it up...
,, and double our
money, no problem,
Shit man, then we get us
a pound of pure and retire,
You know what that means?
No more hacks,
We get off hard knocks
and be on easy street,
What's the catch?
That's red.
I mean that's a red. I mean
it's not a red red but it's...
...that's a red. That's a red.
You're telling me that's red?
Yeah. I'm telling. It's red.
Then what's orange?
lf this is a red I want
to know what's orange?
Well... could be...
...that it's a little orange, too.
You know something?
I always thought you are...
...the most beautiful
girl I've ever seen.
Ever since I first saw you.
That's nice, Harry.
That really makes
me feel good.
You know, other people
have told me that before...
...and it was meaningless.
Because you thought they
were pulling your leg?
No, no nothing like that.
I don't know.
I don't know or even
care if they were.
It just... was meaningless.
You know?
When you say it...
...I hear it.
I really hear it.
Somebody like you could really
make things alright for me.
You think?
What is it?
Remember when I told
you about the store?
I've been thinking
about it a lot.
I put together some
numbers and it's...'s not impossible.
I mean... know, you could do.
You should do it.
I mean we could
do it together.
What do you think?
Stop already.
I felt better in a red
dress than a cheese danish.
Three things is all I
did to change my life:
Three things,
No red meat,
Think about it, What do
they stick in red meat?
I ate red meat...
... to the point where I would
eat it slab right off, raw,
I turned it around,
You need to be passionate,
No red meat,
No red meat for 30 days,
No red meat!
Ada told us. It's gorgeous.
We're going to make it
a little darker tomorrow.
Why darker?
To go with my red dress.
Yeah, but now it's
looking like Madonna.
This is not Madonna.
And neither is this. But
soon... I'm going on a diet.
-What diet are you on?
-Eggs and grapefruit.
I was on that once.
Lots of luck.
It's not so bad.
-How long you been on it?
-All day.
All day? It's one o'clock.
-I'm thinking thin.
-She's thinking thin.
My Louise, she lost fifty
pounds just like that.
-Like that?
-Like what?
What did you do, put
her in a sweat box?
She went to a doctor.
He gave her pills.
-You don't want to eat.
-What's so good about that?
I'm sitting here not thinking
about pastrami on rye?
You really shouldn't talk like
that when someone's on a diet.
Oh, big deal.
I'll sneak another
wedge of grapefruit.
I'm thinking thin.
Oh Sara, the mailman...
Sara Goldfarb?
You have something
for Sara Goldfarb?
-I'm expecting something.
-Mrs. Goldfarb...
-Sara Goldfarb.
-This is it?
That's it. Come on.
Alright, okay. Okay. Your
name. Spell out your name.
Alright we on our way.
Brody's man says he got
some real fine shit, man.
Alright man.
Here we go.
...let's do this right, man.
Come on baby...
Come on, hurry.
Maybe they'll send you
to the Tavern on the Green.
You know, that's where
they send all the stars.
I'm eating eggs and grapefruit
at Tavern on the Green.
Hurry before the
mailman comes.
Here we are.
Mail it!
There it is, jim.
There it is, baby.
Shall we try?
Wait, Ty.
This is our chance
to make it big.
We play it right...' we can get
a pound of pure...
...but if we get wasted...
...we'll fuck it up.
I know.
I ain't trying
to jive you, jim.
I don't want to be running
the streets my whole life... sneakers all ripped up, my
nose runnin' down to my chin.
All I'm saying is we should
take a little taste... we know
how much to cut.
It's business.
Fair enough.
Thank you, Three things is
all I did to change my life,
Thirty days is all
it takes, Three things...
Number two:
No refined sugar!
Now sugar's everywhere,
You know, they even put
sugar in bottled water?
I was sick with sugar,
That was my medicine,
It nurtured my spiralling
brain that felt I was a loser,
-Juice by you!
-Juice by you!
Sucking candies,
very good sir,
None of that stuff,
Just stay away from it,
No refined sugar,
Watch it for 30 days...
I'm going to eat right...
...I am going to
pick up my spirits...
... and I am going to try...
I need the number
of that doctor.
I don't understand
why you got to see him.
Cut the son of a bitch
loose for Christ's sake.
Because I don't want him
mentioning to my parents...
...that I've stopped therapy.
They're already
so pissed off at me...
...they're thinking
of cutting me off.
Harry, I'm not going to
sleep with him or anything.
I'm going to come home
after the concert.
You're jealous!
Harry jealous?
Put your arms around me.
Oh you are so stubborn...
...put your arms around me.
Stop that!
I'll suck your eyeballs out.
I'm disappointed that
you're indisposed.
ls Anita out of town,
or something?
Why do you ask?
I was just wondering
if she's...
She's fine, thank you.
Actually she's in Florida.
Can I ask you something
personal Arnold?
Of course.
Anything. What?
You have something
over here.
-A little bit... lower.
It's okay. Don't
worry about it.
It's much better. Arnold...
How are you, Mrs. Goldfarb?
How am I? Enormous.
-That's why I'm here.
-Oh, I've seen much worse.
Thank you.
How's your hearing
and vision?
I have both.
The doctor will be
with you shortly.
-You're a little overweight.
-A little?
I have fifty pounds
I'm willing to donate.
We can take care of that... problem.
We're on our way, baby...
...we're really on our way.
God, it was great out there.
I mean everybody's thirsty.
Come to me.
...I'm so glad.
Purple in the morning... in the afternoon... in the evening.
That's my three meals,
Mr. Smarty Pants.
And green at night.
Just like that.
One, two, three, four...
Why dontcha' come
back to bed honey?
Come on now, Alice.
Got plenty of time for that.
Right now I'm grooving with
these new mirrors I got.
I told ya, ma.
One day I'd make it.
You don't have to
make anything, my sweet.
You just have to
love your momma.
What are you doing baby?
What are you doing baby?
I was thinking about you...
...and the nasty things
I'm about to do to ya.
I'm going to get on you.
You'll scare me to death.
Oh no, I wouldn't scare you.
I don't want to scare nobody.
All I want is a little bit
of peace and happiness.
Right now....'re the finest fox
I ever laid my eyes on.
That's what I'll do.
For my mother.
I've been thinking about
getting something for her.
Like... a present or something.
But I didn't know
what I was going to get.
-Until now.
I finally asked myself, right...
...what's her fix?
Television, right?
I mean if ever there's a TV
junkie it's the old lady.
lf I figure I owe her
a new set anyway...
...with all the wear
and tear it got.
You really love
her, don't you?
I don't know.
I guess so, y'know.
Most of the time I just
want her to be happy.
Let's go get it.
Well let's push-off first.
It's early, Harry.
We shouldn't get
going till tonight.
Number three...
Number three,
This drives...
...most people crazy,
This... is... easy... so... far...
I mean that is thin.
She looks like
a different person.
I can almost zip the dress.
The red dress.
-I've almost got the zipper up.
-Sara, the mailman.
When I see it I'm going to
wave it all over the place.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I'm sure.
It's Harry!
-Look who's here,
-Hey ma, easy,
Easy. You'll crush
me for Christ's sake.
Come inside.
Hi, Harry.
And how are you Harry,
you're looking so good.
-You want something to eat?
-No, ma...
A little nosh maybe
or a piece of cake?
I could go out and
get some if you want.
I don't have anything but
Ada will have something...
...a cupcake maybe.
You want something to eat?
No... no ma, nothing.
Please sit. You're making me
dizzy for Christ's sake.
You notice anything
about me?
You notice I'm slimmer?
Yeah, I guess you are mom.
Twenty-five pounds I lost.
Twenty five pounds,
can you believe it?
-And that's only...
-That's great, ma.
...I'm really happy for you.
But will you sit? Please.
I'm sorry I haven't been
around in awhile ma...
...but I've been
busy, real busy.
Oh, yeah?
You got a good job?
You're doing real well?
Yeah, real good. Real good.
-What kind of business?
...I'm sort of a
distributor like.
For a big importer.
Oh, I'm so happy for you.
Hey mom, you're killing me.
Jesus, what have you
been lifting weights?
-I always knew that you could.
-You were right, ma.
So maybe you'll meet a
nice girl and have a baby?
...I already met one
Ma, ma, ma, ma! Don't
go ape shit, alright?
Who is she? Who's her
parents? What do they do?
You know her, ma.
...Marion Silver.
Oh, Silver. Of course.
Manhattan Beach. He's got
a house on the esplanade.
Garment business.
Yeah, he's real big
in women's undies.
Before you go bouncin' all over
again and make me forget...
What I want
to tell ya is...
...I got you a present.
I don't need a present,
just have a baby.
Will you let me tell
you what I got ya?
Will ya? Ma?
Krist, you're really something
else today, you know that?
...I know...
I'm sorry for being
such a bastard.
I want to make it up.
I mean I know I can't change
anything that's happened.
But I want you to know that...
...I love you...
...I'm sorry.
And I want you to be happy.
So I got you a
brand new TV set.
It's going to be delivered
in a couple of days.
It's from Macy's.
Oh, Harry...
Oh, your father
would be so happy...
...if he could see what
you're doing for your mother.
You see that Seymour?
You see how good
your son is?
He knows what it's like for
his mother living all alone.
No one to visit her...
Hey ma...
You on uppers?
-You on uppers?
You're on diet pills, ain't ya?
I told you, I'm
going to a specialist.
That's what I thought. You're
makin' a croaker for speed.
Harry, are you alright?
I'm just going to a doctor.
What did he give ya ma?
Eh? Does he give ya pills?
-Of course. He's a doctor.
-What kind of pills?
A purple one, a blue one...
I mean, like what's in them.
Harry, I'm Sara Goldfarb,
not Albert Einstein.
-How should I know?
-Do they make you feel good...
...and give you lots of pep?
Well, I guess...
-...maybe a little.
-A little?
Ma, I can hear ya grinding
ya teeth from here.
-That goes away at night.
-At night?
Yeah, when I take
the green one.
In thirty minutes I'm asleep.
Poof, just like that.
Ma, ma, ya gotta cut
that stuff loose.
I'm telling you, it's no good.
What do you mean
it's no good?
-Twenty five pounds I've lost.
-Big deal.
Do ya wanta be a dope
fiend for krists sake?
What is with this dope fiend?
He's a nice doctor.
I am telling you that
croaker's no good.
How come you know
so much, huh?
How come you know more
about medicine than a doctor?
Believe me, ma. I know.
You'll get strung
out for krists sake.
Oh come on. I almost
fit in my red dress.
The one I wore to your
high school graduation.
The one your father
liked so much.
I remember how he looked
at me in the red dress.
What's the big deal
about the red dress?
I'm going to wear the red...
You don't know?
I'm going to be on television.
I got a call and
an application and...
C'mon ma, whose
pullin' ya leg?
Oh no, I'm going to be a
contestant on television.
I don't know when yet...
But you'll see how proud you
are when you see your mother... her red dress on
television, in golden shoes...
What is the big deal
about being on television?
Those pills will kill you
before you ever get on.
Big deal?
You drove up in a cab.
Did you see who had
the best seat?
I'm somebody now, Harry.
Everybody likes me.
...millions of people
will see me...
...and they'll all like me.
I'll tell them about you...
...and your father.
How good he was to us.
It's a reason to get
up in the morning.
It's a reason to lose weight... fit in the red dress.
It's a reason to smile.
It makes tomorrow alright.
What have I got, Harry?
Why should I even...
...make the bed or
wash the dishes?
I do them.
But why should I?
I'm alone.
Your father's gone.
You're gone.
I got no one.... care for.
What have I got, Harry?
I'm lonely.
I'm old.
You got friends, ma.
It's not the same.
They don't need me.
I like the way I feel.
I like thinking about the red
dress and the television...
...and you and your father.
Now when I get
the sun I smile.
I'll come and visit, ma.
Now that I'm straight, my
business is going good...
...I'll come. Me and Marion.
We'll come for dinner.
That's good, you bring her.
I'll make your mushroom
soup and a roast.
That sounds great, ma.
That sounds great.
I'll give ya a call
ahead a time, alright?
Okay. I'm glad.
I'm glad you have a nice girl...
...and your own business.
I'm glad.
I got to go, ma.
I have an appointment
in a little bit. But...
...I'll be back.
Okay. You still got your key?
Yeah, I got it ma.
Goodbye son.
Brody say, you coming
up quick, kid.
Thanks, man.
He says you're smart,
you're loyal...
...and you're not a junkie.
Brody wants to promote you.
He wants to give you more
responsibility. You interested?
Yeah. Shit, yeah man.
Brody say, you fuck him...
-...I'll kill you.
-I got that.
Remember that.
Oh shit, you got
a white driver.
What the fuck...?
I love you, Harry.
You make me feel
like a person.
...I'm me and...
...I'm beautiful.
You are beautiful.
You're the most beautiful
girl in the world.
You're my dream.
No, Mrs, Goldfarb,
I'm absolutely certain,
But maybe you gave me
a weaker one last time.
That isn't possible,
Mrs, Goldfarb,
They're all the same potency,
But something isn't the same.
You're just becoming
adjusted to them,
It's nothing to worry about
Mrs, Goldfarb, okay,
-We got a winner!
-We got a winner!
She's a beautiful woman with
a winning sense of humor...
... and a magical smile,
Straight from Brighton
Beach Brooklyn...
...let's give a juicy welcome
to Mrs, Sara Goldfarb,
Juice by Sara! Juice by Sara!
Sara's got Juice!
Sara's got Juice!
Love, Tyrone C. Get your
shit together, you made bail.
How much?
They got most of our cash.
You're up for consortin'.
Oh shit, man.
Angel says it's a war between
the italians and the blacks.
Sal the Geep is keeping all
the shit down in Florida.
-No one's got a thing.
-Except Big Tim.
Shit. Let's go see him.
He ain't selling. He
only given up for pussy.
He's hooked on
the thang, man.
Ah toldim' ah giveim
all he wants...
...he said I ain't
cute enough for him.
You alright?
Yeah. It was a bad dream.
You want some water?
Maybe we should dip in now.
Come Marion, I already
told you, alright...
It's all we have.
Tyrone is going to score
in the morning, Harry.
I don't know...
It's a bitch out there.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay, Harry.
...I guess so.
I love you, Harry.
What seems to be the problem?
The weight's doing fine.
The weight is fine. I'm not.
The refrigerator...
Something wrong?
...all mixed up.
-Confused like...
-That's nothing to worry about.
Just get this filled.
Make an appointment
for a week.
Tyrone ain't
found nothing yet.
What are we going to do?
I don't know.
Well you have to
do something here.
It's your fault that we don't
have something for the morning.
What are you talking about?
You were all hot in the
biscuit to get off last night.
-That is such bullshit!
-You didn't have to, okay.
-We could have something now.
-What was I supposed to do?
To sit around and watch you
push-off and not go myself?
Just don't put it
all on me, okay.
Don't worry, man.
We'll fill it up again.
Y'know, things'll get better.
Then we'll be filling
the box back up, y'know.
So you want to
hear the news?
What news?
You got your good news
and the bad news.
The good news is in
a couple of days...
...there's going to be some
prime back on the street.
-Who told you that?
Yeah, Sal the Geep let
go a couple a keys go...
...for the Christmas season.
Him being a good Christian...
...he wants no wanting during
this glorious season.
-You believe it?
-Well I did.
Until I heard the bad news.
The price is doubled...
...and you'll have to cop for
weight at least half a piece.
How much?
That's fuckin' insane!
What the fuck you gonna do?
The man ain't goin' to lay
no nickel bag on you.
Where we gonna get two?
You mean Arnold?
Well, your parents won't
even return your call.
I haven't seen him in months.
So what? He's still
calling, ain't he?
I don't know.
Look, I don't know
what else to do.
Okay, this is our last chance
to get back on track.
We won't have to make that
freezing scene every day.
We need the bread.
Getting the money is
not the problem, Harry.
Then what is the problem
for Christs sake?
I don't know what I'm going
to have to do to get it.
We'll be back in
business in no time.
We'll start moving again...
...and we'll start saving.
It'll be perfect. Just like
it was. I promise, Marion.
You'll see.
No, I've just...
...I had the flu forever
it seems like.
Are you depressed?
No, it's nothing like
that. I've been...
...I've been really busy.
Actually I've been
designing non stop.
That's wonderful.
I'm glad to hear
you've been productive.
To be perfectly frank...
...I was a little surprised
to hear from you.
-ls something wrong?
...that's usually the case
when you get a call...
...from someone you haven't
heard from for a while.
Everything's fine.
...I have a favor to ask.
You smug fuck!
What is it?
I need to borrow
some money.
May I ask what for?
Could you turn the light off?
What do you want
the light off for?
I just do.
-You never did before.
-Please, Arnold.
Where is everybody?
I don't know, man.
All they said was meet
at Waldbaum's.
Are you sure this is
the right Waldbaum's?
Yeah man, I'm positive,
Look, you just watch my back,
and I'll watch yours, alright?
What the fuck are we
supposed to do now?
Everyone and their mother.
Yeah, the truck's going
to be here. Back up.
Back up!
Stupid fucking junkie, man.
We're fucked!
We are fucked.
That's the last shit for miles.
We'll sit here ass deep in
some motherfucking snow.
What would happen if we
went down there to cop?
-You serious?
-Why not?
What the fuck
are you saying?
We supposed to walk up to
some mutha fuckin' room clerk... some hotel an' ask
him for a connection?
Can't you nose out some
dope when it's around?
...we got nothin' to lose.
It's wide open, and if
we get there right away...
...we can name
our own price...
...and we can sit back
and be cool and have...
...those fucking fools
scufflin' the streets for us.
Hey man...
...las' summer was a mutha'
fuckin' ball, huh jim.
Seems like a thousan' years
ago since las' summer, man.
It'll be back like
that again, man.
I could get Angel to
get us a short if...
...we promise him
some dynamite scag.
Where have you been?
Where the hell do
you think I've been?
Where's the score?
Well... we had a little
bit of a problem.
See, I mean everything was
going good. And then...
...some dumb ass junkie...
Did what?
Some dumb ass junkie did what?
You mean you fucked it up?
What the fuck is
wrong with you?
You promised me
that everything...
...was going to be okay,
I fucked that
sleazebag for you.
And I put myself through
fucking hell for you!
-There's nothing out there.
-I don't give a shit!
You fucking loser!
You want to be sure
we have some extra stuff?
Ty told me about a guy
who's holding some weight.
But he ain't selling it!
-Hey Ty...
...give me that guy's number.
-What guy?
-The guy who likes broads,
-Big Tim? Why?
-Give me the fucking number...
...for krists sake.
Here, go fix
yourself up with him.
And I won't have to freeze my
ass off in the fuckin' streets.
-We got a winner,
-We got a winner,
-Oh, we got a winner,
-We got a winner,
She's a beautiful woman with
a winning sense of humor...
... and a magical smile,
She's really gonna
win your heart,
Straight from Brighton
Beach Brooklyn,
Please give a juicy welcome...
... to our very own
Mrs, Sara Goldfarb,
Juice by Sara! Juice by Sara!
It's a pleasure to be here.
Well it's a pleasure
to have you.
And that is one smashing
dress you have on,
lf you don't mind I would
just like to say hello... my husband Seymour...
...and to my beautiful
successful son, Harold.
Hello, Harold,
I hope you're in love,
Please come and see me and
bring Marion won't you?
I'm sure he'll be here soon,
It's almost that time,
Are you ready?
I'm ready, Tappy,
Not to worry, Not to worry,
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?
What do you want?
Join us in creating
Oh, I thought you'd never ask,
That's disgusting.
What do you expect?
Could you do better?
It's an old building.
It hasn't been
painted in years.
I'm old.
You don't understand.
Please. I'll explain.
What is this?
I don't want this...
What are you doing?
Get away from me!
-Ready, Mrs. Goldfarb.
-Ready for what?
Feed me, Sara.
-Feed me, Sara.
-Feed me, Sara.
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
-Feed me, Sara!
Thank you Angel!
Ah sure hope this mutha'
fucker works, man.
Ah could use some heat.
How long do you think
this trip will take?
Oh, we'll make it in
a day no problem.
A day?
California here we come.
It's Florida.
California, Florida...
Either way your pale
ass getting a tan, right?
Do you know if this train
goes to Madison Avenue?
I have their address...
...they're on Madison Avenue.
I'm going to be on television.
You're whacked!
Hey! Hey! Hello?
Do you know if this train
goes to Madison Avenue?
I'm going to be on television.
I just have to find out when.
When is he going to be back?
A few days!?
What am I suppose to do?
You gotta help me!
Oh come on,
I can get you money.
Angel! There's got to be
something. Anything.
Help me!
Why aren't you calling me.
I have to know when I'm
going to be on television.
I'm Sara Goldfarb, and...
...and you should tell me when
I'm going to be on television.
Just sit for a moment.
I'll ring them.
I just want to know when.
Maybe you lost my card.
Please dolly, you'll have
a look and you'll tell me.
It's not the prizes.
I'll give them away.
I just want to be
on the show.
I've waited so long to be...
...on with my Harry...
...and grandson.
Here, Mrs. Goldfarb, sip this.
Sometimes it takes awhile
to get called for a show...
...Mrs. Goldfarb.
-This her?
Can you walk?
I'm walking across this stage.
And you should see
my Harry on television.
We're giving the prizes away.
I just wanted
to be on the show!
-What's her name?
-We think it's Sara Goldfarb.
Call Seymore and tell him to
meet me at the beauty parlor.
I've got the dress that I
wore to Harry's graduation...
...and the gold shoes.
Okay Mrs. Goldfarb.
Here we go.
One... two... three...
Let's take it nice and easy.
I'm going to be on television.
Oh, sheeit.
God damned jim,
how long you had that?
A few days.
That shit don't
look too good.
It don't feel too
good either, man.
But a little stuff will
take care of that.
Hey, what's wrong with you.
Don't shoot in there.
I'll blow it if I don't.
Fuck it!
Oh shit.
Hi, how are you.
Can you hear me?
Yes, Seymore.
-Did you take anything?
-I took my red dress in.
No emergency.
Take her to psych.
Come on in.
What's your name?
Well what do you know.
Maid Marion.
I'm Little John.
You have a beautiful view...
What I like best about patty
chicks is they give good head.
Black broads don't know
nothing about no head.
I don't know why.
Maybe it has something
to do with some ancient...
...tribal custom.
Better save some
of that energy.
I know it's purty baby...
...but I didn't take
it out for air.
I told you to stay
away from that arm.
I gotta call Marion, man.
Well it's about to be a
long distance call now.
That's six hundred miles.
Man, we are six hundred
miles closer to Miami.
Yeah. We're also six hundred
miles further away...
...from New York, Ty.
You know, I know where
you could pick up...
...a real nice taste.
Sunday night we're throwing
a little gathering.
All good people.
I can't. I'm busy.
Anyway, I'm not
really hooked.
Yeah, I know. But I'm tellin'
ya', it's a real nice taste.
I'll see you Sunday,
Maid Marion.
Okay Mrs. Goldfarb. Just try
and answer my questions, okay.
When did you start
taking the pills?
The summer.
You started in the summer.
Last summer?
I got the best
place in the sun.
-Ada fixed my hair.
Everything's going to be
alright, Mrs. Goldfarb.
We'll get you all
fixed up in no time.
You're okay. You're okay.
I can't cut it, man. I gotta
do something about this arm.
Let's see what it looks like.
Oh man.
That's the ugliest mothafucka'
I've ever seen.
I gotta call Marion.
Fuck that.
We got to get you
to a hospital, man.
What is that?
What is that?
What's the problem?
My arm.
-My arm, it's killing me.
-Let's have a look at it.
I'll be back in a minute.
I want to just play black
jack all night long.
I tell them ''Hey, you guys go
ahead, I don't feel good.
Sure enough,
they leave the room...
Ready? One... two... three...
And then as soon
as they leave...
...I go running back
down to the casino...
Sit at my blackjack table.
Man, I am there for
the whole night.
Finally I get up so big
I got five hundred dollar... chips in my pocket.
I swear to God, the hours
are going by, I'm laying bets.
He's a security guard...
...and he's telling me
I have to leave.
I'm like ''why are you
telling me I have to leave?''
You have to eat,
Mrs. Goldfarb.
lf we're going to get you
healthy, you have to eat.
Try and work with
the attendants.
I'm going to try
some new medications.
...I've been thinking
about you so much,
Are you okay?
When are you coming home?
You holding out alright?
...can you come today?
I'll come.
I'll come today,
Just wait for me, alright.
Okay, Harry.
I'm coming back, Marion,
I'm sorry, Marion.
I know.
Mrs. Goldfarb...
...are you alright?
Mrs. Goldfarb, we've tried
several medications...
...and you don't seem
to be responding.
I believe we might be at
a point where we might...
...want to try some
alternative methods.
We've had excellent results
with ECTin the past.
So if I can just get...
...your John Hancock...
...we'll get underway.
Jesus krist.
I need a doctor.
My friend is sick.
Can you help, please?
I can't take it. My arm!
My fucking arm!
Help me!
Somebody fucking
help us please.
Maid Marion.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir.
-Okay for work.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir.
-Okay for work.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir,
-Okay for work,
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Yes sir.
Okay for work,
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir,
-Okay for work,
Fellows, meet Marion.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir,
-Okay for work,
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
-Yes sir,
-Okay for work,
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Can you hear me,
Can you see me?
Yes sir.
God damn New Yawk
dope fien niggas,
Learn some manners.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Yes, sir.
Okay for work.
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Says he's got something
wrong with his arm.
I don't think you'll be putting
any more dope in that arm.
It smells worse than he do.
Better get him over
to the hospital.
I don't expect he'll
live out the week.
That's the trouble with
you New York dope fiends.
You got a rotten attitude.
You know that?
So what are we
going to do now?
Ass to ass.
Put your spineless
back into it. Come on.
And... three.
And... two.
Okay. Ready.
And three.
Cum. Cum. Cum.
Cum. Cum.
We're taking it off
at the shoulder.
Cum, Cum.
Cum. Cum. Cum.
Cum, Cum. Cum.
Cum. Cum.
Cum. Cum, Cum.
It's alright.
Don't worry.
You're in a hospital.
-Who's that?
She'll be sent for.
She'll come.
No. She won't.
She'll come.
-Alright, we got a winner,
-We got a winner!
-Oh, we got a winner!
-We got a winner!
Our next winner is that
delightful personality,
Straight from Brighton
Beach, Brooklyn,
Please, give a juicy welcome
to Mrs, Sara Goldfarb,
I'm delighted to tell
you that you have just won...
...the grand prize!
Your prize has a sweet smile,
and his own private business.
And is about to get
married this summer.
Would you please give a
warm and juicy welcome...
...Harry Goldfarb!
Juice by Harry!
Juice by Harry!
Harry's got Juice!
Harry's got Juice!
Oh Harry!
I love you Harry.
I love you too ma.