Requiem pour une tueuse (Requiem for a Killer) (2011)

"Cara sposa"
- It'll be great, your concert.
You've made progress.
Need not worry.
I do not care.
You've made the violin?
No, but I loved it.
After the concert,
I want to stop.
I'm interested more
the violin too.
I want to do judo,
as my friend Fanny.
Not bad.
You've worked?
- Hours.
That's good, especially since
you have only just ..
... Once a month.
It's a lot.
Giorgio ...
is an enigma ...
... One of my former students,
the most talented at the time ...
... One of the few who would
have a career ...
... But the only
did not want to.
We can finally get started.
Mass is
in three days.
There is not much ..
... Time.
It is his blood?
That is all we have.
The Yugo
tried ...
... To do so,
to no avail.
I bought this shit with a fortune.
You have analyzed?
To learn that he is allergic
haired cats.
In other words ...
... We know nothing about him,
otherwise it will be Thursday night ..
... In the VIP area.
I do not know ..
... How you can ...
... Do that.
Secret family life.
"A lemon a day
you will live forever. "
It is my great-grandfather.
[Disturbing music]
Our Lord,
in its immense ...
... Mercy has given us
a sacred gift: free will.
Every human being,
he is a prince ...
... Or beggar
has the power to use it ..
... At will, to understand
and not to judge ...
... To love and not to condemn.
This is the message of the savior.
Our name will be lost
with time.
- It's good.
It was.
Third bench.
Fourth place on the left.
He sneezes.
they follow the protocol,
Our guys will be the thirteenth ..
... To swallow the Host.
Our life is the transition
a shadow ...???
... An end and his return ...
... For the seal is affixed ...
... And no one returns.
[Disturbing music]
.. They must not;
... Change their brothel.
This is not the type.
What did you put in?
- Something slow, hopeless.
The heart farts ..
... Smoothly
six hours after dosing.
Do not suck your fingers!
Manage yourself.
[Disturbing music]
The body of Christ.
It lacks a fuck!
There is one missing in the queue.
The guy ..
... Sleeping.
[Disturbing music]
- Thank you.
The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.
[Disturbing music]
Our nearest platform is 350...
...nautical miles off the coast.
The cost of transporting crude oil by tanker to our refinery in Aberdeen...
...would come to 17 million pounds sterling a year.
The construction of a pipeline running from the platform to the refinery...
...would reduce by a factor of five...
...the costs related to transport, stockade and maintenance.
Geological surveys show that...
...there's only one possible route for this pipeline.
Any deviation from the initial length would put a serious strain on the operation...
...making it unprofitable.
The only remaining obstacle now is a legal one.
The court case we recently lost against Mr Child...
...deprives us of the right to purchase...
...the last remaining parts of land.
Without it, works cannot continue and have been postponed indefinitely.
That's fine.
Thank you.
That'll be all.
And all because of a few barrels of whiskey.
This pipeline... a great opportunity for our shareholders, Reverend.
British Oil cannot afford to let it go...
...especially as things stand.
We have to have that land... all costs.
But how?
All the official channels have failed.
And you've just lost your final appeal against Child.
You have "carte blanche", Reverend...
...whatever it costs...
...providing of course that...
...Alexander Child's death...
...passes for an accident.
You always ...
... Delivered an impeccable job,
I agree.
Your reputation
remains unblemished ...
The best ...
the market.
But if I may,
your rates become aberrant.
Your employers
can afford.
Lucretia is the best
for this job, you know.
I get the sum
you ask.
But at that price,
I recommend a no-fault.
Seymour, it's a lease.
She would not
leave you alone.
I am disappointed, Rico.
There are 10 freelancing ...
...'d Have tried something.
- There is a 0 rods,
you would come alone.
- I find you
a small mine, Rico.
This is not your two years
on the run?
For a former service,
it must have been a joke.
- The night was short ...
... Colonel, that's all.
- I know.
Ten years of field
impeccable record of service ...
... The best CV
of the entire workforce.
Why freaked out?
- I have not farted
the leads.
- Refusal of subordination,
incentive ...
... Disobedience, violence
a higher hit and run.
That's a lot for an agent
elite with nerves of steel.
- What happened ...
... With Seymour
is watching.
We do not even
way of working.
Why I'm here,
You could
fall on me before?
I have not stashed.
Why now?
- I rejoined, Rico.
Erase your slate.
We start from scratch.
But this time, no slippage.
- Are you kidding me? I dream!
- No.
I stop.
It's over.
My daughter will be eight years old.
I want to
tell him what I do.
I'm tired of lying to my mother.
I'm tired of lying
to everyone. I'm getting older.
- Lucretia ...
I need this contract.
It is the custom.
You finish in style
with circles.
I ask you just to shift
your retirement two weeks.
T'empocheras a beautiful package.
Two weeks is nothing.
Let me
one last flower, shit.
- Promise one thing.
- I'm listening.
- I want to know everything.
- Know what?
- What my mother ..
... I was never told.
- D 'agreement.
But not before ...
... The end of this contract.
- The RG seek
That's all we have on him:
procedure perfect ...
... A real ghost on hitman
the most expensive market.
It is capable of reaching
any significant ...
... In Europe. Former Ministers ...
... Industrial, officers,
nothing is missing.
We must get rid of.
- I find that?
- The Reverend
Van Kummer.
The biggest bastard
white collar.
It means
Contract killings ...
... In Europe.
It is a kind of agent
for hired killers.
- Alexander ...
... Child.
This is your target.
It is Scottish.
He will sing ...
... With you.
Anna Krups, such as coffee makers,
it's your cover.
You are French-German mother.
Everything is there.
The largest agency in Austria
got you the role.
Did they sold
as a young ...
... Promising contralto.
- It's been so long.
- You could do it. I ask you not
to fly a helicopter.
Singing, was
your first job, after all.
If you ever not feel
at, say ...
... You reserve
for the representation.
If you Butes Child
before the first ...
... You will not have to open your mouth.
- Alexander Child is ...
... 37-year-old Scot,
opera singer.
Van Kummer received an envelope
daunting to kill him.
Every indication
that our killer is in the game.
An unexpected opportunity ..
... To get rid of.
The contract specifies that Alexander
Child must be eliminated ...
... In the production
the "Messiah" by Handel ...
... Which will be given in two weeks
to Ermeux.
You go
tomorrow morning.
Find the one who wants to skin
of Child.
I do not want any trace.
- Monsieur de Ferrieres?
- Himself.
Who do I honor?
- Just a simple amateur
music, avid spectator ...
... Of your festival.
- You are
a man of taste.
- I try, Mr. de Ferrieres.
I try.
You start tomorrow ... Ermeux
... Repeats "Messiah" ...
... Handel?
- That is correct.
- The young contralto
who will sing for you there ...
... Is a person who is dear to me.
I want you to hold me
informed of any ...
... Its made
and gestures.
It shall be for me
a delicate task.
I need to know
all goes as planned.
Admit that you
ideally placed.
- Are you kidding me?
- No.
Unfortunately, my son.
- It is not an option.
- I understand your bitterness,
M. de Ferrieres.
The stock market disaster
you did not save.
D "after your banks, your losses
neighborhood of one million euros.
This is bankruptcy.
Think of the festival.
To your castle.
To your parents ...
Now ...
holiday in Sicily.
Give us this little service ..
... And all will
continue as before.
[Intriguing music]
- Paintings of time.
An eighth floor. You are here
in the Hall of Princes, Anna.
Princes of this,
we never knew.
Vittorio's room,
our tenor.
None of the doors will be locked.
The locks are original.
Do not worry.
There was never any flight.
We are in Switzerland.
Alexander's room ...
... Bass, a beautiful voice.
That of Olga singing
currently in Berlin ..
... And who will join us
at the end of rehearsals.
And finally, your room.
- Thank you.
[Intriguing music]
- The Level 1 ...
... Is buried under the castle.
The acoustics
is perfect.
The musicians come
this afternoon. Repeat to 15 h.
You are you, Anna.
- Thank you.
- Be on time.
The conductor is French ...
... And obnoxious.
This may be related.
You're welcome.
"Why do the nations"
- My great-grandfather ...
Bartolomeo Biamonte ... ...
... Sang for Giuseppe Verdi,
in Rome, he is 150.
His son was tenor.
His grand-son, too.
My father was a tenor
and I am a tenor.
It is in the blood.
In Biamonte, sing ..
... For five generations.
It is.
It's stronger than us.
My son Guido ...
... No.
He prefers football.
He loves it.
- So, Mr. Conductor,
review this new vintage.
- Not great.
- I find you hard.
The singers
are excellent.
- The bass perhaps, the tenor,
yes, it stops bellow.
Contralto, will be judged when
we hear. She has not sung.
- Why?
- Congested with altitude.
Going to have to
his body adjusts.
- It must be prepared
- First, yes.
- Congratulations earlier.
- Thank you.
- Impressive
for 1st rehearsal.
- Is without merit.
I sang "Messiah" ...
... So many times.
- It was good anyway.
- Okay, the voice?
- I hope. This is the story
a few days.
I'm ready
- At the first.
- At the first.
- Champagne?
- Champagne.
- This sparkling wine from Austria.
Normally, do not drink it.
But there is that.
- Thank you.
The guitarist?
- That's it.
- This is the source.
The fields of barley ...
It will ...
The stills ...
The distillery.
- Everything is yours?
- I just bought.
They were going to shave.
- There's a fortune?
- Fifteen-year career
inheritance and banks.
I put all
I had.
- Do we want to go in
curdle in the Highlands.
- My father worked 37 years
in the distillery.
He lost his job,
when it closed.
[Disturbing music]
- Hey!
- What "do you do?
- I was wrong door.
I'm cooked. It's late.
I planted.
It was not closed. I entered.
I watched you sleep. I confess.
But that's all.
I was going out.
- How did you get the part?
- Why? You're hurting me.
- How did you get the part?
- It's Hartmann
that I got the part.
It's my agency
in Vienna.
- Who to Hartmann?
- You're hurting me.
- Who, in Hartmann?
- Spielmeyer takes care of me.
- Why do not you sing?
The scope of the altitude ...
I think so ..
one second.
- We operate on me in a month ..
... Nodules ...
... The two vocal cords.
It is unlikely
so I resea.
I thought to get there
one last time, but no.
That's it.
- You damn me in trouble.
- The only thing
you are asked ...
... It's the monitor.
- It's madness
and if she spots me?
- It should not spot you.
This is important for your safety.
- I think I can help.
There is a way to pass
over with nodules.
Need to resonate sounds more
up. After, you can sing ..
... Even with a cold.
It will help you take
to the end here.
It's worth trying?
"Surely HE hath bound our grievances"
- It's wild boars.
There is an old gun in the shop.
You get rid of these beasts.
[Intriguing music]
- No, I quit. I come home.
Find another guitarist.
Demerder you. I come home.
It's more for me all that.
- Rico, no returns
until the job is not done.
Is that clear?
- Me, I drew a line
on all that.
You gave me in the saddle.
Now, I draw
with or without your consent.
- Without my consent,
is 5 rods for your work.
And this time, no run.
- You saw Ottmar?
You saw?
- I know. It is customary
the fact. He runs away again.
Yes, we are under contract
your center and then?
You piss me off!
The first is in a week.
I need everyone.
Okay, so tell Ottmar,
when he returns ...
... I take someone else
for the festival.
[Disturbing music]
- How do I operate?
- As usual.
But you will be
by itself.
Your guide vocals.
All singers have.
It allows them to work ..
... Anywhere.
lnhalation, ingestion ...
... Even lethal microwave doses.
And the antidote.
[Intriguing music]
- Okay, your voice?
- It comes little by little.
I prefer not to
take risks.
I'll be in shape to the first.
- That's what matters.
It bothers you to taste
two vintages?
- Not at all.
- The 2000 is different.
More open.
Gentlemen ...
You get ...
right on time.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- S "please.
- Thank you.
- Anna, gentlemen ...
... The "Messiah."
- Yes.
- In the "Messiah".
- In the "Messiah".
- Slight bitterness.
A bit unpleasant.
- Are you sure?
- I can?
- It's strange.
- Yes.
- Surely a defect
of the bottle.
I opened ..
... Another.
- It would ...
... More to taste
by eating.
I cannot drink without eating.
- You
[Intriguing music]
- Sorry.
You allow me a whim,
Mr. Director?
- With pleasure.
- I never drank wine ..
... Of my years ...
... Of birth.
- I'll have to ask you
your age.
- I was born in 1982.
- Large vintage.
- I am for.
- You
of luck.
I still have a bottle.
[Intriguing music]
Anna ...
... Your year of birth.
- Salute!
- Cheers!
[Intriguing music]
- All right, Miss?
- Okay.
- I invite you to lunch.
There is a beautiful sun.
- I see Alex
in fifteen minutes.
I've already eaten.
- Well so be it. It calls?
- We deliver.
- Bosse well.
- I cannot do it.
It's too much pressure.
I stop.
I'll tell
I will replace.
- No.
You can do it. What
did you do with me, it's great.
- I cannot deceive
throughout the work.
- With the cuts,
you still only three pieces.
It's not like Wagner. If you
gaining strength at intermission ...
... It will pass,
I'm sure.
- It's too risky.
- We will work ..
... Every day.
There is no risk.
I swear.
"Who May Abide Purpose"
- It's a trick of geishas.
Imperative ...
... That the target to sleep.
There, of leaping, a quickie
and deep in the eardrum.
Slightly upward,
to the brain.
It pierces the nerve centers.
It leaves no trace.
[Soft music]
- There is the bartender
blow up the bell.
You would not miss it?
- Good evening, Rico.
- Good evening.
Oh, shit, I'm sorry.
- It does not matter.
I'm coming.
- What a shame.
Things seemed
so incurred.
- The first
is in three days.
That leaves him more time.
- It's too late.
Before the few results
achieved so far ...
... My clients have changed ...
... Option.
- "Changed option '?
- I used all my influence,
but you are no longer on the spot.
It's final.
- And Lucretia?
- His ambiguous relationship with the target
a problem.
My clients are concerned ...
... Than it has learned
more than intended.
It was a professional.
- I always nights
shit in the mountains.
We think we will pioncer
the open air and it ruminates.
It Gamberg. It goes round in circles.
This is the altitude.
It is a funny job.
I mean, you and me.
Always on the road
never the same story.
Never the same people.
Not attached.
Mainly lie.
To his family, friends,
everyone, in fact.
My father, it's been 20 rods
he thinks I am mechanically.
It cares balls.
What you serve them,
like soup ...
... To your family?
What you say to your grandmother ..
... When you stuck for Christmas
to know how are you?
When she asks you why
you're not yet married at your age?
You said what?
Butes you people ..
... Against the money?
That "a family in this context,
it's complicated?
Not manageable?
You tell him that?
Well no, of course.
You tell her the job,
it rolls and the money returned.
Then she smiled, pleased,
reassured. It has something to hold ...
... Until next year.
That leaves you time
to find other crap.
For sure.
It is not an easy job.
Would be better ...
... Nothing happens to Alexander.
I think you've understood.
[Soft music]
- Soprano blocked
Germany ...
... A gardener
disappears ...
... And percussionist
in the hospital?
That's a lot there.
- He broke his hip.
- It must be replaced.
Like I
nothing else to do.
You will only
Repeat with Olga.
- It's little!
- It's like that.
[Suspense music]
This is a disaster.
Your agent arrives.
It should be at the airport.
- My agent?
- I did not see Hartmann
in 8 years festival ..
... And they send me Spielmeyer
before the first.
The staff is
hardly complete.
It's too early.
They do not care about me.
[Disturbing music]
Mr. Spielmeyer!
- Hello.
- M. de Ferrieres, the director ...
Mr. ... Spielmeyer, my agent.
- Nice to meet you.
- You have a good trip?
- Yes, thank you.
Hello, Anna.
- Hello.
- It is a pleasure to have you.
Enjoy the castle.
- Make my luggage.
I see my room later.
- All right.
- I delayed because nothing
not proceeded as planned.
I'll catch up. I have time.
- OK, Lucretius,
I'll keep it simple.
They withdrew the contract.
- What?
- It's been two weeks
you're there.
We got fired.
They put another killer on
the coup, with a new contract.
In addition to Alexander,
there has your name on the list.
That's why I'm here.
We have to be drawn.
We need to take cover,
the time it settles.
We start tomorrow morning.
D "Until then, I'll get
who are dealing with.
- Ludovic Blin ...
... Our conductor,
Mr. Spielmeyer.
- Nice to meet you.
I would have spoken well of Anna,
but nobody heard her sing.
- Do not worry.
It will be at the top first.
- I hope.
- The seafood in the country
the fondue is the vice!
Great idea, Mister Child.
- I owe you one of Chablis.
- I was told that
you go back ...
... A distillery in Scotland.
- You are well informed.
- It's very pretty, Scotland.
- Are you the owner?
- This is it, after a long
legal battle.
The stills
turn ...
... In September.
- You'll have time
to sing?
- Unfortunately not.
- You are going to stop?
- This is the last time.
- If the urge
to sing ...
... You again, I'm here.
For Hartmann.
[Disturbing music]
- And for tonight?
- A pro will not
dangerous until tomorrow.
Time to take its brands.
And tomorrow, we'll be away.
This is our first failure.
I would like
find the bastard ...
... Which we replaced.
But tomorrow, we are nearing dawn.
- D 'agreement. Tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow, yeah.
[Agonizing music]
Muffled cries
I winnowed, me.
I have not slept
of the night.
I'll be good
for a nap.
But first we must
Because both.
I want a full topo
your friend the killer.
The new.
I want it all
what you know.
I'm listening.
- I know nothing about the new.
Otherwise ...
... I would have already occupied.
You're who?
A cop?
- That's it.
- How did you know?
- We knew there was a contract
the Scots. We came to see.
We had nothing on you.
- What do you want?
- The guy Safe
your replacement.
Since you are out of the game ..
I'm ready ...
to you the hell alone.
I want a hand ..
... To raise the bastard.
You are better placed.
- Did you need us.
- I have something complete
on you and the little one.
Details, photos, prints,
DNA, everything.
I am posted here.
It will happen tomorrow on my desk.
A phone call ...
... A prolonged absence,
and colleagues will open ...
... The mail.
This is normal, right?
The slightest blurs ...
... I'll drown in the pond.
- You've decided to give me a total
on this contract?
Your buddy, Rico is a cop.
He came you locked up.
- It's nothing. I have done nothing.
- He will watch.
- I know. He warned me.
- You had planned to tell me?
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry? You piss me off, Lucretia.
We start over. Change of plan.
- What?
- The cop keeps us
by the balls.
If it helps get
the new, he leaves us.
If you come out of this whole mess,
Yes it was Christmas.
- Who is the conductor?
- A French, very good.
to tear it off.
- A conductor
It exists?
- The Director?
- Difficult.
The festival is his baby.
I cannot imagine doing anything else.
Unless you are in a submarine
- The conductor?
- Same.
Too competent. In the circuit
from a lease. I doubt it.
- The soprano?
- It comes
to arrive.
Sounds great, but I think so.
She also is a star.
- It remains the orchestra
and staff.
- I found nothing.
- Did you have a hard look.
[Soft music]
- He's Marco.
Way too cool
for concern.
Besides, it is Katarina,
She arrived yesterday
to replace ..
The owner ...
who fell.
This is our most
serious client.
That's the diva. I have to go.
[Intriguing music]
[Disturbing music]
- I peeled the CV
of Germany's Katarina.
I told the director
it interested me.
It belongs to any orchestra.
She replacements ..
... In Germany.
For the first time
she works in Switzerland.
- Nice coverage.
- Should be searched.
You take care of it?
- I will try.
[Intriguing music]
Presentation of "Messiah"
on the radio
- We will find it.
Do not worry.
With Rico on stage
and me backstage ..
... It cannot happen to you.
- D 'agreement.
Testing of the orchestra
- I wonder
are we doing here.
- We search.
I explained again to you?
- Keep going
"Miss Timpani."
We did it.
[Intriguing music]
- The festival Ermeux
celebrating ..
... His eight-year history.
Eight years of joy ...
... Of fun, great pride ...
... Thanks to you, thanks to artists.
[Disturbing music]
I was reluctant to cancel
representation of this evening ..
.. As the tragedy that affects us
is deep and unbearable.
But we all think here ..
Alexander Child ... wanted ...
... That it is not.
Also, it is in his memory ...
... That the first of the "Messiah"
Handel will be given tonight.
The task of the singer
Tyler Edwards ...
... Who agreed with nobility ...
... Join us
will be difficult.
Along with Anna Krups ...
Olga Babayova ... ...
... And Vittorio ...
Biamonte ... ...
... It will, I am sure,
honor it replaces ...
... And we miss him already.
[Intriguing music]
Thank you.
"And the glory of the Lord"
[Threatening music]
[Intriguing music]
- Intermission in five minutes.
[Disturbing music]
Ladies and gentlemen,
recovery of the concert in 15 minutes.
[Intriguing music]
- I found you a lot.
- Since when
you know you there?
- I am your agent.
Should I go back.
[Intriguing music]
So what?
- It's not her.
We lose our time.
- Damn!
It's that then?
There is nobody
behind the scenes.
Think about it. It's you
who are there from the beginning.
They changed person
except for the drummer?
A cook?
[Disturbing music]
- A gardener.
They had to change
a gardener.
- We stay connected.
- The new gardener?
He who replaced ...
I see.
He came to ask me
a place for the first.
I could not refuse.
I have no complaints.
He had never seen an opera.
"How beautiful are the feet"
[Cries of pain]
[Intriguing music]
[Intriguing music]
"Why do the nations"
"Let us break Their bonds asunder"
"Thou shalt break em"
[Sad music]
- Well,
I found it.
False papers,
in case it goes wrong.
He had no time
to use it.
It was still ..
... A sacred branque.
A real baltringue.
Should not be
a shot with him.
It always ended in the wall.
Among the stamped
with whom I worked ...
... Is the only ...
... That forced a dam bike.
Except that one day
I needed him.
I did not have 30 years.
I dreamed of a big deal.
He graciously
follow me.
We got a van
the Brink "s. It was the class.
Of course, it went on lollipop.
The guys we have ducks.
We panicked.
I stumbled one.
Your father has been ...
... And I've been busted
through the cracks.
He never hesitated.
The judge took 20 years.
I never had the balls
I go to report it.
Six months after ...
... He did not care in the air
in his cell.
You were not even 10 years.
You're now my debt.
Your mother has not been seen
once after your birth.
That is why
she knew not.
He is buried ...
... In Aubervilliers.
Shall see.
I think it would please him.
That's it.
Now you know everything.
I do not know if it's better.
[Soft music]
- You are going to leave?
For a long time?
- No, not for long.
That will change.
I'll have time for you.
- Do what you can.
Everyone does what he can.
This is Ms. Jacquet
who always says that.
- Who is Ms. Jacquet?
- It is my mistress.
- No, it is essential ...
... Find it and get rid of.
No, it's out of question.
We cannot take that risk!
If my clients learn
she is still alive ...
... It's a catastrophe.
I do not know!
It must be eliminated! And fast!
Today, the group British Oil...
...presented their construction...
...project to the press for a huge pipeline... link their North Sea platforms to their refinery in Scotland.
The construction should take four years...
...and costs several million pounds sterling.
Lord Mulligan, the president of the group...
...declared it to be a unique opportunity for our country.
[Rhythmic music]
- What can I ...
... For you?
- Absolve me, Father.
If possible.
[Rhythmic music]
"Winter dies"
- I missed you.
There is a gift in the car.
"Cara sposa"