Rescued (2008)

Mark's here.
Hey, Megan.
Hi, Mark.
He doesn't even know my name.
You sure?
You find a way to slip it in
every time you see him.
Still, you have to work at it
to get noticed by the right guy.
Hey, are you okay?
Yeah. Why?
You weren't
at the Johnsons' last night
for the service project.
Oh, that.
I had plans with Kim
and some others.
I thought you were
in charge of it.
I handed it off to someone else.
It went fine, right?
No big deal.
What'd you do last night?
We went to Pyro's.
The club.
You went clubbing
on a Tuesday night?
It's ladies' night.
Linda: Mark?
Your meeting with Mr. Davidson
is about to start.
Thank you.
What are you
doing here?
Davidson asked him
to come.
So, do you guys know
what this is all about?
I have no idea.
We can start.
Hansu Technologies
is licensing our C25 chip.
That's the Chinese company,
This is gonna be used for
their new wireless media player.
They're finally ready
to move forward on it.
They're getting ready
to manufacture it
at their Indonesia plant,
so I want you there.
You know this thing
inside and out,
so I need you to make sure
they don't change their minds.
And, uh, Megan.
You'll be handling this account
as we move forward.
You excel
in your responsibilities.
You show great promise.
Plus, Mark here thought
it might be a good fit.
Thank you.
Chris, you'll help with
the technical implementation.
Yes, sir.
Paul can't come?
His wife is due any day.
And I understand
Chris here speaks Chinese.
I do.
You speak Chinese?
I thought we were
going to Indonesia.
Most of their top executives
are Chinese.
It could be useful.
Check with Linda
for your travel arrangements.
You leave tomorrow.
That's it.
Mark:- See you tomorrow.
It's just
a business trip.
I know.
So, what are you
so excited about?
I'm finally getting somewhere.
Did you hear what he said?
Yeah, that's
pretty flattering.
And I get to travel
and see the world.
And spend some time
with Mark Taylor.
- There is that.
Isn't he a bit old
for you?
I just heard. You get to
go somewhere with Mark.
How'd you hear so soon?
- Linda.
So, it's just you
and Mark?
Chris is going, too.
And it's just business.
What are you
gonna wear?
I have no idea.
Oh, it's okay.
I'll come over after work.
Exciting meeting?
I get to go on a trip
with Mark Taylor.
Wow. I know 15 women in this
office who would kill to be you.
That's a first.
You don't want to go?
Would you?
He'll sweet-talk his way
past everyone,
and then
double-cross them.
He took all the credit
for the work we did on the C25,
and he got Brett fired
and moved us to the basement.
You think he's changed?
But I don't know.
Mark's going places.
He's already
upper management.
Pretty soon, he's going to be
chief something-or-other.
Might not be a bad idea to let
it go, get on his good side.
Why should I trust him?
Do you really want to
back out of the trip?
At least there's
an upside.
Megan's going, too.
Maybe you'll finally
ask her out.
I'm just waiting
for the right moment.
Yeah. How's that working out
for you?
Mm, too tame.
Are you going to a funeral?
Oh, uh...
Why not?
[ doorbell rings ]
Hang on.
Don't mind me.
Hey, Chris.
Got your itinerary.
Oh, I forgot
to pick it up.
Linda came looking for you,
but you'd already left.
So I told her
I'd bring it by.
There's a commercial flight
to Malaysia,
then some jet to,
uh, Kupang -- Kupong.
You have your passport,
Hang on.
You know,
I know I have one.
That's good.
Where is it?
So, how do you know
I did a study-abroad thing
in college.
That's a weird choice.
Smart choice.
Normally, I'd assume that's
where you served your mission.
Yeah, I wanted to go,
But by the time I was baptized
and waited a year,
I was past the cutoff age.
Well, I hope we can explore
a little while we're in, um...
I don't know if we're gonna have
much time for fun on this trip.
Why not?
It's business.
A day to travel there, a day
back, two days of meetings,
not to mention
the time difference.
We'll make time for fun.
That'd be nice.
You know, I --
I don't get to see you
a whole lot outside of work.
Uh, is that
your subtle way
of bugging me
about going to church?
Not really.
Well, you know,
I've just been so busy.
Hey, it's your life.
Thank you.
Doesn't mean I don't worry,
Chris, I --
Oh, found it!
Still valid?
- Shoes!
Well, I'll just leave you girls
to your shoes.
Thanks for bringing that over.
Gossiping about guys.
Those kill my feet.
But they look so sexy.
So, what did Chris want?
I forgot something at work,
so he brought it for me.
That was nice of him.
No. It's not like that.
We go to the same church.
Really? I didn't ever peg you
as the churchy type.
Now, Chris, that actually
explains so much.
A swimsuit.
I don't think
we'll be going swimming at all.
Do you want
to risk that?
don't you have a bikini?
Yeah, but I don't wear it
that much.
You do now.
Where is it?
Oh, much better.
You're so lucky.
Everyone at work
was talking about you today.
Nothing nice, I bet.
Oh, no, just gossip.
They're just jealous.
Nothing's going to happen.
Chris will be there.
Everyone was worried
until they heard that.
If it was just you
and Mark,
you guys would probably end up
coming back an item.
I doubt it.
And, besides,
he's always dating someone.
Yeah, that someone
could be you.
- Hi.
Oh, thank you.
Hot chocolate.
Can I have a sip?
It's really hot
right now.
- That's okay.
It's not hot chocolate.
I'm really tired, okay?
Then get more sleep.
It's medicinal.
Plus, I want to be awake
on the plane.
Most people like to be asleep
on planes.
Well, what if Mark
needs something?
Good morning.
Hi, Mark.
Nice bag.
You guys should get checked in.
I'll see you when we land.
You're not flying
with us?
but I'm in first class.
Of course you are.
[ whistles ]
Not bad.
Should be better
than coach.
Can't be worse.
[ cellphone rings ]
Hi, Jenna.
Oh, here.
Do you always
carry that?
I'm a tech guy.
I had
a lot of fun, too.
Well, sure.
I'm out of town right now,
but that'd be fun.
No, no.
I'll call you this time.
I promise.
Just a date.
It didn't work out?
Well, I just prefer somebody
a little closer to my height.
Is she short?
She can't be
that short.
when you look at her,
you just assume she's further
away than she really is.
When she's right next to you,
you just can't ignore it.
Look, don't judge me.
I don't really like dating.
It's worth it
when you find someone,
but, otherwise, it's just date
after date after date.
Sounds real tough.
You know
what I'm talking about.
Or not.
Come on.
It can't be that bad for you.
You're probably breaking hearts
every weekend, aren't you?
No, not really.
This is going to be fun.
a few things to remember.
Hansu Technologies needs us
just as bad as we need them,
but don't let them
know that.
Be professional,
but keep the upper hand.
And don't do anything
to mess this up.
What's the scope
of the contract?
Deal points on page 4.
We need to memorize these, okay?
I don't want any confusion
on our part.
There's some power issues with
this chip for what they need.
It might be better to have
a different configuration.
Just tell them
what they need to hear, okay?
[ alarm beeping ]
what was that?
Man #2:
I think it was a bird.
We're losing power.
Reduce speed.
Is everything okay?
Mr. Taylor, stay in your seat
and strap in.
Well, what happened?
Left engine's failing.
What's going on?
- Left engine's on fire!
Pull the fire handle.
Are we going to be okay?
We're losing fuel pressure
in the right engine.
Switching frequencies.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
Control, this is a distress call
for Nancy 294 Tango Lima.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
Nancy 294 Tango Lima has lost
power in its left engine.
Losing power in the right.
We're descending rapidly.
immediate assistance.
We're still falling
too fast.
Control, this is Nancy 294
Tango Lima, losing altitude.
No one's answering.
Take over on radio.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
Any ATC,
repeat, any Control Center.
Nancy 294 Tango Lima
is losing altitude.
We're drifting off course.
We can't hold it.
There's something ahead.
Anywhere to land?
- Maybe.
We're not going to make it.
We're gonna try
a water landing.
Nose up!
Mayday, mayday, mayday!
Nancy 294 Tango Lima
is going down.
[ alarm beeping ]
[ gasps ]
Where's Megan?
Did you get the raft?
So we don't drown!
What raft?
The plane had one,
didn't it?
You should have
grabbed it!
Help me find her.
What about sharks?
Come here.
You're okay.
Are you okay?
Over there!
It's not too far.
Think you can make it?
Where are the pilots?
I think
I'm going to be sick.
It's okay, all right?
Just --
Just breathe.
Come here.
What's this?
Do you think
we get reception out here?
You're the tech guy.
Maybe it'll help.
Are you hurt?
My neck is stiff.
He's stiff-necked.
Where do you
think we are?
Indonesia, I think.
Where, though?
Were we even close to Kupang?
All I know
is we're on an island.
There's over 17,000 islands
in Indonesia.
That doesn't
narrow it down.
What are you doing?
I don't think
anybody heard you.
Well, why don't we use
the cellphone?
Anyone out there?
There's nobody here.
Not that we can see.
The last thing we want
is thinking we're stranded,
and there's actually a town
or resort half a mile away.
Is anybody there?
I couldn't find anything
Maybe tomorrow
we can search some more.
Plus, we need to find
some water.
I could use some
right now.
It's getting
kind of dark.
We'll have to wait
till morning.
With any luck, someone
will have come for us by then.
Yeah, someone had
our flight plan, right?
What about
the black box?
Actually, that's for
when they find the wreckage.
But someone had to notice,
Of course.
I'm sure someone noticed
when we went off radar.
Plus, they're expecting us
to land.
Between those two things,
they'll be looking.
What the...
I'm ready to go home.
Uh. Rocks don't make
good pillows.
You sore?
It's just my back.
Come here.
Huh? Uh. Oh.
Oh, yeah.
Right there.
Hey, do you guys see that?
Chris, go check it out.
You're not coming?
Dude, these shoes have
no traction.
Be careful.
Is that even good?
Hey, Mark!
What is it?
My bag!
I don't suppose
mine made it.
That brick?
That's at the bottom
of the ocean.
You want to take this back?
[ gasps ]
what is it?
It's one of the pilots.
Why don't you take that bag
and see what we can use?
Mark, give me a hand.
With that?
Him. Yes.
Well, he's dead.
We can't
leave him here.
Why not?
Remember the tide?
Do you want him washing up
in the middle of the night?
Better to lay him
to rest.
Thanks for all you did.
I'm so thirsty.
We should have had something
ready to drink.
Hey, you had some orange juice.
Besides, that needed to be done.
It's done.
Now we should seriously
think about getting some water.
I'm all for it.
We can use these
and refill them.
And I can finally get
out of this shirt.
Wasn't me.
Hey, can I use these?
I can fix those.
Oh, thanks.
There you go.
I'll buy you a new pair of jeans
when we get back.
Don't worry about it.
They look a little loose.
I'm glad, 'cause if we were
the same size...
Here. Try this.
You get the idea.
Not bad.
Let's go.
I'm not sure
we should all go.
What do you mean?
What if a rescue comes?
If we're in the middle of
the island, they can't find us.
You really think they're
gonna find us that quickly?
I'm a V.P. in the company.
Of course they'll come.
All right,
you can stay.
But it's gonna be awhile
before we find water
and bring it back
to you.
Plus, if we're lucky,
we'll find some food.
I could really go for a burger
right now.
Or a nice cut
of filet mignon.
I'm up for any food.
There's always that.
I'm not that hungry.
Hey, can you guys
wait a minute?
What's wrong?
Where are you going?
Nature's calling.
Be careful.
So, how do you
know Megan?
Aside from work?
We go to the same church.
So, she's like
a religious type?
I was talking.
Mark, catch.
Oh, there you are.
No bugs.
Hey, look what Mark
got us.
Well, if we don't find water,
we can make juice.
We should also see
what else we can find to eat.
There's always fish.
I don't like seafood.
I don't think you're gonna find
a cow on the island.
I can dream.
Do we even know
where we're going?
Not really.
So, we could be walking
in circles.
Who knows? I left the map
back at the beach.
We are doomed.
[ chirping ]
Hey, if you think
you can do better...
I don't think.
I know.
Megan: Guys.
- Lead the way.
Do you hear that?
I will.
They're just birds.
Those aren't birds.
Bats! Go!
[ all screaming ]
Bats! Bats!
Get away! Get away!
You screamed
like a girl.
I am a girl!
I was talking about Mark.
I hope Hansu Technologies
doesn't back out.
That's what
you're hoping for?
Well, word is gonna reach
our competitors.
I don't want to lose the deal
'cause we took too long.
I think we have
bigger problems.
It's hard to think of work
when we're here.
You're right.
Chris told me something
that caught me off guard.
He told you about that?
It's cute.
Sure, it is.
I've never heard
that one before.
I've never known
any church patrons,
or whatever you call them.
I don't know
that I'm a...
it's just church.
What's that?
We were just talking about
how you two know each other.
We should start
to get back.
Why did you tell him?
You told him
about church.
Yeah, so?
You don't tell anyone
about that.
Why not?
It's a part of you.
I mean, yes, but...
Are you ashamed of it?
I'm sorry.
I don't broadcast it
like you do.
I've dealt with this
my entire life --
the questions, the rules,
the restrictions.
It's not that easy
for me.
It might not be, but that's
kind of the point, isn't it?
Sure, you say that.
Your full name
is Christopher Thomas Russell.
"Choosing The Right."
It's practically
who you are.
She knows my full name.
Have you heard?
- It's awful.
The charter plane
went down yesterday.
What plane?
The plane with Mark, Megan,
and Chris.
Nobody knows where it is
or if anyone even survived.
They're searching for them,
and nobody's heard anything yet.
They crashed?
You really think
this is gonna work?
I figure
it's worth a shot.
I'm open
to suggestions.
I say we keep somebody
on the beach at all times.
To flag them down?
If they're looking for us,
why not?
The beach would be
the easiest place to find us.
Doesn't hurt.
The more we try, the better.
What about a fire?
Okay, so,
if we see anything come by,
we light
the signal fire.
Do you think the tide
will be a problem?
We're far enough away
from the water.
It should be fine.
We should probably build
a shelter tomorrow.
You really think we're
going to be here awhile.
I'd rather be ready for it
than not.
You know, I hate to admit it,
but he's probably right.
I was thinking for a roof.
What do you think?
Put it up here.
This way.
Be my guest.
What's your problem?
My problem?
Yeah. I'm not blind.
You got a problem, just tell me.
That is so Mark Taylor.
You don't know
what you're doing.
You don't do anything.
You just sweet-talk everyone,
flash your little smile,
And take credit
for their work.
Are you still
hung up on that?
You got where you are
because --
I got where I am
because I work hard.
I may not be the hands-on guy,
but I know what I'm doing.
You sure do.
What are you doing?
Seeing if there's anything
we might have missed.
Did you find anything?
I knew there was a raft!
You doing okay
with all this?
You're handling this better
than I thought you would.
The crash?
I thought you'd be like
every other woman in the office,
who, let's face it,
would be freaking out.
Then again, they'd be
completely awestruck
by you being here.
You know,
I kind of get tired of all that.
You do?
Yeah, it's every guy's fantasy
to be chased by women.
But everyone seems to put me
on this pedestal.
They don't see
the real me.
Is the real you better
or worse?
At least you're honest.
I'm not perfect.
But there's more to me
than just...
money, success,
good looks?
point them all out.
But that's exactly
what people see first.
So, what's the cure?
Give away the money?
Smear a little mud
on your face?
Just find someone
who can see more than that.
We should get back.
Make sure Chris hasn't
torn apart the shelter
and built a computer.
Are you
putting on cologne?
The benefits of having
your stuff wash up.
Do you mind?
What are you doing?
I'm seeing what we have
in case we can use it.
That's not whipped cream.
How would it help?
Not sure yet.
I know fruit is healthy,
but a little variety
would be really nice.
Hey, Chris,
can I borrow your knife?
I thought
you hated fish.
At this point,
I'm willing to give it a try.
Can I help?
I don't even think
I was close.
Are you sure
this even works?
Hurry! Hurry!
Right there!
Mark: Almost.
[ chuckles ]
Ugh. Ah.
I think I got it!
You got one!
look what we got.
Now what?
We gut it.
Well, I'm going to go see
what else I can find.
I'll be back in a while.
I'm gonna go with you.
you've got the signal fire?
You guys don't want fish?
I'm okay.
I'll just put it
on ice, then.
I can still smell it.
The fish?
I'm going to go out
on a limb
That you don't like sushi,
Can't get past
the seaweed stuff.
It's not the fish
that bothers you?
Yeah, I don't know.
I never got that far.
What was that?
Manna from heaven.
What are you doing?
Don't you want one?
Well, yeah, but...
I'll just climb up there.
Are you sure
you can get up there?
I got it.
I'm sure.
Just watch.
Just watch.
[ laughs ]
Are you all right?
Okay, so, maybe I need to
rethink this.
Okay. Better.
Come on.
now I'm impressed.
Nice work.
Do you see that?
A boat!
Mark, light the signal!
Mark, light the signal!
A boat!
What boat?
Hurry up, man!
Hurry up!
You're trying to light
a big log.
Get the little stuff.
What were you doing?
The boat was right there.
You couldn't light it
fast enough!
I wouldn't have to
if you'd been awake!
Where's the boat?
You really think
this is going to work?
Those ships are miles out.
The whole island would have to
be on fire for them to notice.
You are so...
You're right.
We need
a better solution.
That looks good.
If we had some black pepper
and some lemon,
This would be
You cook?
Don't tell the girls
in the office.
It's our secret.
Oh, shut up.
How do you open this?
Here. I'll do it.
Where is my knife?
What about a flare?
For a way
to signal help.
Unless a flare gun washes up,
we're out of luck.
No, but...
You keep thinking.
I'm hungry.
And dinner is served.
I thought
you didn't like fish.
It can't be that bad.
Should we bless it?
do you mind if we...
Chris, we don't need to.
Go ahead.
Do you want to say it?
Watch it.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Everyone's fine,
heard anything more yet.
Until we do, we just have to
hope they're all okay.
I thought all the women would
still be crying over Mark.
You have not been to
the women's bathroom recently.
No, I haven't.
Look, you're not alone.
I can't believe
how excited I was for Megan.
A chance to go on a trip,
with Mark and all.
And now...
What if it had been me?
That's what
you're worried about? You?
No, it's not --
They could be treading water
right now.
There could be sharks nipping
at their legs.
They could already be...
I hope Megan's okay.
I hope they're all okay.
Hey, if they're alive,
Chris will take care of Megan.
You think so?
I know so.
Does Chris like Megan?
I didn't say that.
So, he doesn't.
Well, it's kind of...
I knew it.
I cannot even wait
until Megan gets back.
She might believe it.
It's kind of obvious.
Come on, this isn't just
some juicy gossip.
Two seconds ago,
you were practically grieving.
Have some sense
of decency.
Didn't your mom ever tell you
not to swim alone?
You were sleeping.
Where's Mark?
It's his day
to find fruit.
That reminds me.
I need to get the water.
Do you want some company?
Don't you have to
man the beach?
Not if Mark gets back.
Besides, it'll give him
some time to work on his tan.
you don't like Mark.
That wasn't even a question.
Why don't I like him?
I just don't think he's
everything he pretends to be.
Who said he's pretending?
He's a nice guy.
Can be.
You don't know him
like I do.
And you don't know him
like I do.
Come on, Megan.
A few days ago,
he was "Mark Taylor" to you.
A lot has happened
since then.
I just don't see
how you can fall for him.
Why do you care
if I like him or not?
I don't.
I just --
I don't want you to forget
who you are.
Thanks, Dad.
Hey, I've seen it.
You're changing.
Change is a good thing.
Not all the time.
What do you know?
Oh, come on.
Don't act like I'm blind.
When you got your job
at the company,
you know what made me
notice you?
You were in the breakroom,
reading The Book of Mormon.
Every day you did that.
There was something different
about you.
it's called being a dork.
No. It's called
cherishing something.
Because of your example,
I asked about
what made you different,
what gave you
that light in your eyes.
It made me realize I was missing
something in my life.
How can you
be ashamed of that now?
I'm not!
You got all embarrassed
about praying.
I didn't want to force it on Mark.
- Nice excuse.
What about not going to church?
- I go.
Or clubbing all weekend,
or working even on Sunday?
When I met you,
you never would have done that.
You never would be justifying
drinking coffee and lattes
because it's "medicinal."
That was different.
- Sure, it was.
Growing up in the church,
it's so restricting.
You don't know
what it's like.
What? How could I understand
because I'm a convert?
I still had to make changes,
but it was worth it.
But for me --
You can rationalize it
all you want.
But until you get past
the excuses
and think about it honestly,
you're just lying to yourself.
Get past the excuses, Megan.
Don't be ashamed.
I am ashamed. Of you!
Why don't you try to deal
with what I face?
Walk a mile in my shoes!
These aren't even shoes!
Where's Megan?
She's not back?
No. I thought you guys
went to go get water.
We split up.
A little help here.
She's still not back.
It's going to
get dark soon.
Let's go find her.
What did you guys fight about
Who says we fought?
I'm not trying to make you
feel guilty.
Just a guess.
It's complicated.
Wait. Do you guys have a thing
going on or something?
What? No.
Well, we're just...
- Right.
I've known her awhile,
and I worry about some of
the things she's mixed up in.
Like drugs?
No, nothing like that.
Megan's a grown woman.
She knows what she's doing.
I hope so.
What was that?
Just because somebody knows
what they're doing
doesn't mean it's right.
Why do I get the feeling
you're turning this on me?
I'm not trying to make you
feel guilty or anything.
Just level with me.
Last year, you took credit
for what wasn't yours.
You get that, right?
You see it that way.
We all agreed to work
on the C25 together,
but I was the Manager.
I get blamed
for the failures.
And the successes?
It was our success.
That's not what you told
It doesn't matter.
Who do you think
they want to succeed?
You have to be
in front of the pack
and appeal
to what they expect.
If you want success,
you have to make it and take it.
Maybe you're just not cut out
for it.
Maybe it's
not worth it.
Not like that.
Where's the...
is this my punishment?
I only missed a few Sundays.
I wonder if she made it
back to the beach.
She's got the internal compass
of Hansel and Gretel,
without the breadcrumbs.
we haven't found her.
You think?
Still no Megan.
You're welcome to go
back to camp at any time.
Let's split up.
[ thunder crashes ]
Megan, can you hear me?
Heavenly Father, I'm sorry.
Please help.
- Megan?
Can you climb up to me?
It's too steep.
I keep slipping.
Hang on!
Grab the vine.
I'll pull you up.
Come on, I've got you.
It's okay.
I slipped.
I can tell.
How'd you get up here?
I was trying to get
back to the beach.
You're on a cliff.
Beaches are at sea level.
I don't know
where everything is.
I thought
it might get me back.
I'm sorry about before.
I didn't want
to make you mad.
I know.
I want you to be happy.
And I know I go about it
the wrong way.
Mark: Megan!
Are you okay?
I am now.
Let's get you cleaned up
and back to the fire.
Come on.
It's almost done.
You want some water?
Thank you.
For finding me.
I'm glad
you weren't hurt.
- Thanks.
Should we, um...
Should we pray?
Go for it.
I never got into it,
God requires
too much time.
I'm busy enough
as it is.
I'll say it.
I could use
another one of these.
Can I have the shell
when you're done?
What for?
that flare idea?
You found a flare?
I'm making one.
You really think
you can make one?
under pressure.
When they get hot,
say by fire, they explode.
Put all that in a coconut shell
with the flame,
It might work.
You take yourself
too seriously.
So, it's a mini bomb.
Isn't that dangerous?
I'm not saying I'm gonna hold it
up when I light it,
but if it works...
What about
somebody seeing it?
From a distance?
I haven't thought
that far.
You can say that again.
It's clever.
Why aren't you intimidated
by him
or by
what anyone else thinks?
Especially church?
I feel like everyone looks down
on us and what we believe.
Do they?
I didn't
when I met you.
Yeah, well,
you're a rare exception.
I think most people respect
what you believe.
It doesn't
feel that way.
You're letting it bother you
more than it should.
Sure, believing in god,
trying to do what's right.
It makes us stand out
a little.
A little?
What's more important?
What everyone else thinks
or what God thinks?
I've heard that before,
but it's not that simple.
Sure, it is.
Not for me.
It can be.
Look, for me,
I'd be crazy if I gave up
something I know is true
for what everyone else thinks
is more important.
Fame. Wealth.
Those aren't
all bad things.
No, not if you have
your priorities straight.
Was it a hard adjustment
for you?
But it was worth it,
because it's true.
God is real,
and he loves us.
What else matters?
Mr. Davidson.
Have a seat.
John, you've been taking on
a lot of Chris Russell's work.
Yes, sir,
until he gets back.
There's a reality
we have to face.
We have to move forward,
and that means making changes.
You've been doing
a good job,
so we'd like you to take over
for Chris permanently.
But when he comes back,
If he gets back,
we'll adjust.
Keep up the good work.
See anything?
Any luck?
Not yet.
I'll be right back.
Are we going to have anything
to cook today?
The fish
aren't cooperating.
I'd love to go for anything
besides just fish.
Chinese food.
Well, if I see any Szechuan
Chicken running around,
I'll let you know.
I'd even settle
for Indonesian food.
I was looking forward
to that.
If we made it without any
problems, we wouldn't care.
We'd probably be wishing
we had a burger.
That's true.
I guess sometimes
we just take things for granted
that are
right in front of us.
Like matches.
I've got a whole drawerful in
my kitchen next to the candles,
and here it takes Chris forever
just to light a fire.
They smell nice.
Didn't you say something
about swimming alone?
This reminds me
of my sister's place.
She lives near a beach?
I spent a summer there
a couple years ago.
It was actually right before
I decided to get baptized.
It's a good place to get away,
clear your head,
find the answers that you're
searching for, you know?
It's also about five minutes
away from McDonald's.
I wish
we were there now.
Was your family okay
with you getting baptized?
They thought it was weird
that I wanted it.
My parents had some concerns,
but they're cool with it now.
Hey, I was thinking.
I, uh...
We both work a lot,
and I see you there.
But it'd be nice if I could see
you, you know, somewhere else.
I get it, okay?
I know I need to be better
about going to church,
but you just
have to let me.
No, that's not
what I meant.
I was hoping --
- Hey!
Do you guys have
any more water?
but I can go get some.
Are you sure?
- Yeah.
I was just hoping
we could go out sometime.
Did you say something?
Does it ever feel like
something always gets in the way
of what you want?
Sure, sometimes.
It's pretty annoying.
That's why you got to keep
trying and never give up.
Although, if you keep trying
and still don't get anywhere...
It just depends
on how bad you want it.
If you quit,
you're guaranteed to fail.
I'm going to get
some fruit.
We've always had
a great friendship.
I really value that.
It's just I...
always wanted something more.
Get to the point faster,
before something interrupts.
[ sighs ]
Megan, hi.
Could work.
Megan, I just think that...
- Hey!
Came to make sure
you didn't get lost again.
I got here,
didn't I?
I was just thinking.
I wonder how everyone is
back at home.
Probably business
as usual.
Come on,
someone would miss us.
You, sure.
Don't you have family?
Yeah, but I think I have
some old girlfriend listed
as my emergency contact.
Well, she'd call them.
It didn't end well.
She'd probably be celebrating
if she thought I was dead.
What about you?
They're out of State,
but they're probably panicking.
They'll be fine.
We'll get back.
Megan, when I think
of a flower...
I've hit a new low.
Just what I want her to know.
How I feel.
Megan, I like you.
Just blurt it out, Chris.
You are so smart, Chris.
Okay, how about...
It could have been worse.
I keep telling myself that.
If you didn't come on the trip,
it'd be Chris and me stuck here.
A nightmare
for you both.
I'm glad you came.
I wouldn't have it
any other way.
What about your girlfriend?
Or any of the other girls
you date?
I've got a bit of a reputation,
don't I?
I didn't mean that.
The girls I've dated,
they're fun, but that's it.
There's nothing more
to it.
I know that sounds awful.
They just try to get
my attention,
Instead of being
the type of girl
that just catches your attention
Like you.
Listen, Megan, if nothing else,
I just thought you should know
in case you felt the same...
I'm sorry.
I hope I didn't
cross some line.
No, it was fine.
You sure?
I don't want it to be awkward
for us.
I'm sure.
Not awkward.
I finally broke things off,
and I was so relieved.
That totally reminds me
of this guy that I dated.
where have you been?
What's this?
Is this what you've been
working on?
I'm ready to get off
this island.
What's it for?
To launch the flare.
Give that back.
Seriously, Chris.
Is this the best
you can come up with?
Tell you what.
You think of something better
with the resources we have,
and you can criticize me
all you want.
What are you
looking for?
Won't help
with the smell.
Have you seen
my shaving cream?
What's his problem?
I don't know.
Is this
what you've been doing?
You built a catapult.
Why didn't you ask us
for help?
I didn't know
how much support I'd get.
Plus, you were caught up
in other things.
You know,
you're not so subtle.
Mark's really sweet,
even more than I thought before.
I didn't think
that was possible.
Come on,
don't do that.
Be happy for me.
If you're happy,
I guess that's all that matters.
I just don't want you
to get hurt.
I won't get hurt.
When we get back, do you think
he's going to be as sweet?
Do you ever wonder why he always
has a new girlfriend?
You'll start to see
who he really is.
I like who he is.
You like who you think he is.
There's a difference.
Why are you being so mean
about this?
- I'm not.
I'm just trying to get
out of here.
You two may be happy
to stay here forever,
But I'm not going to stick
around as the third wheel.
I can't take this.
What are you
talking about?
You really don't know?
- No.
I'm talking about you.
I've been trying to tell you
for the longest time,
But you barely even notice me
when Mark's around.
I like you, Megan.
A lot.
But now
I'm not even sure why.
I mean, do we still believe
in the same things?
Don't question
what I believe.
Just because I don't make
a spectacle of my testimony
doesn't mean
I don't believe.
Your actions are a reflection
of your beliefs.
You're trying so hard to fit in
and be accepted
that you're compromising
the things that really matter.
You know what?
I'm tired of you
always judging me.
Nothing I do
is ever good enough.
I'm never strong enough,
not the perfect person
you want me to be.
Why don't you stop being
so self-righteous
and let me be who I am?
You're right.
I just worry about you,
probably more than I should.
I just see these glimpses of
the Megan I fell in love with.
It doesn't matter.
I guess
you've made your choice.
Where have you been?
Just thinking.
I can't.
I can't take it anymore.
This is my limit.
[ crying ]
Help me.
What's that?
Is that really
what I think it is?
It's a plane!
Come on, where are you?
I can hear it.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Down here!
- Down here!
- Come on!
Don't go. Don't go. Don't go.
Come on.
Please work.
Chris' flare!
Over here!
He's turning around!
Down here!
They see the flare!
Come on. Down here.
Down here!
Yes! Yes!
Over here!
Over here!
I think he sees us.
Yes! Come on!
We're going home!
- Hey!
[ knock on door ]
- Hi.
Wow, you look great!
- Thank you.
Not bad for your first day
back at work.
It's too bad
about those shoes.
I can't believe you and Mark
are a thing.
I don't know what the rest of us
are going to do.
But there's a new guy.
Not only is he tall and rich,
he's divorced.
I was going
for "glad you're alive,"
but this was all they had left
at the bakery.
I think it confused
some people.
Just glad
to have you back.
Hey, Mark.
So, um, I owe you
a new pair of jeans.
Oh, thanks.
Do you want to get something
to eat tonight?
Some Chinese food?
I can't. I've got too much
to catch up on.
What's the occasion?
Being alive.
John got it for me.
People I've never met
kept stopping by my desk
and eating it.
The cake,
not my desk.
Got it.
So, crazy day, huh?
Not really.
John pretty much was me
while I was gone.
Not much for me to do.
Hey, in all of this, I didn't
get the chance to thank you.
You got us home.
The plane helped.
It wasn't all me.
But they never would have
seen us,
and it's not just that.
You really saved us.
You're welcome.
Listen, about what happened,
I wanted to apologize.
You were right
about me judging you.
I shouldn't have said --
You don't
have to apologize.
I just wanted you to know
that I'm glad you introduced me
to the gospel.
Going back to not having that
in my life,
I can't imagine it.
Knowing that I'm not alone
makes all the difference.
You're, uh...
You're welcome.
today is my last day.
Okay, I'm ready.
Let's go.
I'll talk to you later.
Hi, john.
- Hi.
Need a hand?
Something you want
to tell me?
I'm leaving.
Did they fire you?
No, it's not that.
It's, um...
It's time.
I need to move on.
So, how did you survive?
We ate fruit and coconuts,
anything we could find.
But then I got to thinking,
"what about fish?"
So I made this spear.
I go knee-deep in water
and just waited.
Skip to the end.
You guys haven't even heard
the best part.
Tell them about how you got
everyone off the island.
So, I gather up all my stuff,
mousse and shaving cream,
and we put the stuff in coconuts
so we could make a flare.
Then I got to thinking,
"How are we gonna get
these flares up in the air?"
So we build this catapult,
Hey, John.
Where's Chris?
He's gone.
Oh. Do you know
when he'll be back?
He quit.
He did? When?
You saw him.
He didn't even
say goodbye.
Maybe he didn't
get a chance.
Did you guys hear everything
Mark did on that island?
I was there.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
I forget about that.
So, what is going on
between the two of you?
I don't know.
Let's go get some dinner.
Woman: I thought you and Megan
were involved.
Megan's nice,
but we're just friends.
This may sound awful,
but she's a little shallow.
I don't know her
that well.
You should have seen the bag
she brought on the plane.
That alone was enough
to take us down.
[ crying ]
There you are!
- Hi.
Hey. Okay, so,
this weekend, Vegas.
A bunch of us are going.
Are you in?
I have Church this Sunday.
You're picking Church
over Vegas?
You are starting to sound
like Chris.
What's wrong with that?
It's just a little geeky.
But thanks
for inviting me.
We'll send that
right over.
Thank you.
Hey, Megan.
- Mark.
I don't have any plans tonight.
Want to go out?
Thanks, but no.
What about
tomorrow night?
It's not an issue of when.
I think I'm a little
too shallow for you.
You have a better offer?
Hey, this is Chris.
Sorry I'm not around.
Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
Where is he?
- Who?
He's not answering his phone.
He said he was
going to relax a bit,
clear his head
or whatever.
Hey, this is Chris.
Sorry I'm not around.
Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
Hi. It's Megan.
I heard you were out of town,
and I wanted to see you
and talk.
Give me a call back whenever.
Yeah. Bye.
Hey, Megan.
- Hi.
Did you find Chris?
Sort of.
He's at his sister's.
In Hawaii?
I called him,
but he hasn't called me back.
Maybe he didn't check
his messages.
It might be kind of awkward
over the phone anyway.
Well, he told me --
I said that --
It's a long story.
One of those, huh?
It'd be better
Then go see him.
I don't know
that he'd want that.
Well, there's only one way
to find out.
I don't know.
Look, if it's important to you,
isn't it worth it?
Yeah, a window seat's fine.
Are you sure there's not
anything else leaving today?
Two hours?
No, no.
I can make that.
[ car door closes ]
I don't know if this is
the right place or not.
I'm looking for Chris.
Are you his sister?
You must be Megan.
He went down
to the beach.
You didn't get enough
of the beach?
I figured
you'd come here.
I called around, trying to find
your sister's address.
I called the Bishop
to get your parents' number.
That was after
the Elder's Quorum President
and the
Relief Society President
and, well,
you get the idea.
Your parents were suspicious
about a random girl calling.
They finally told me
where you were,
and I got a flight here.
How'd you know I'd go
to my sister's place?
You said you come here
to clear your head.
So, quit your job.
It was time.
I was thinking
of quitting, too.
It might be awkward,
working with Mark.
I liked
who he pretended to be.
I kept convincing myself
that's what I wanted.
I finally realized
you were right about Mark
and also about me.
I was changing who I should be
just to try and please everyone.
You made me realize that,
even if I didn't want to.
You're a better influence
in my life
than Mark
or anyone could be.
I only regret...
Well, I have two regrets.
One, I was doing
all the wrong things.
I might have opened your eyes
to the Gospel,
but you opened mine
in how to live it.
And two, that I might have
missed my chance to be with you.
You only have one regret.
So...what's next?
How about dinner?
I know
this great sushi place.
I've had as much fish
as I can stand.
Come on. I'll take
the seaweed off for you.