Reset (2017)

When the existence of parallel
universes was confirmed,
research into traveling to parallel
timelines became a global concern.
The technology leaders in the
field are IPT Lab
on Eagle Isle and Nexus
Corporation on Blue Isle.
In early 2025, IPT recklessly
started human trials.
Test subjects from multiple
timelines massacred each other.
Rioters set off explosion,
both scientists and data were wiped out.
IPT's investors were unwilling
to surrender their research lead.
They covered up the incident and conspired
to steal Nexus Corporation's data.
Tsui Hu.
Is it my understanding that
you want to continue with this project?
Good, good, good. Excellent.
Now the explosion wiped out
all our researchers and data.
But that's not gonna stop us.
However, I have heard
the Nexus Corporation has made a
significant breakthrough in their research.
So if you can somehow find
a way to obtain their data,
I will be willing to put the full force
of my organization at your disposal.
I can hardly believe it!
The Primate DNA sequence
model transmission results...
indicate a 100% genetic match
in both spaces!
The catalyst particle finally worked!
We finally did it!
Good job, everyone!
Thank you, Director.
Save the data, then prepare
a report for the board.
Good work, everyone!
You can do it! Don't be scared!
Mommy's right here.
We're almost to the top.
I'm not scared!
Good boy, Doudou! Come on!
Hello, Director?
Xia Tian, the meeting got moved up.
Yeah. Get back as soon as you can.
I'll head back now.
Rock climbing simulation has concluded.
Have a great day.
Are you okay?
Does it hurt? Did you hurt yourself?
It's not the first time I've fallen.
You women love to worry about nothing.
Get up. Let me take a look.
You're okay? Right?
I'm fine.
Let's go home.
So soon?
Sorry... I have to get back to the lab.
As soon as I'm finished,
I'll come right home, okay?
Research report meeting scheduled
in Nexus Hall 3 in one hour
Attendee punctuality is appreciated
Hello everyone.
My name is Wan Ning.
You can call me Winson.
I'm here today on behalf
of the board of directors.
So, let's get started.
Our research involves using
a particle transmitter
to separate the constituent
particles of our subject,
sending them through an
artificial wormhole.
Thereby projecting our subject
into a parallel universe.
This is the Nexus Hole,
a man-made wormhole.
This whole building
is actually the particle transmitter.
The top of the Nexus Hole
is equivalent to the brain.
It is the central control room
and every department controls
the artificial wormhole.
Of course the core technology
is behind me...
The particle transmitter.
It's essentially the heart of the system.
You're saying
I can send any product, research result,
or even myself into the past.
More accurately speaking,
we send them into a
distinct parallel universe.
Right now, we can only bend
the black hole a small degree.
So we can only project 1 hour
and 50 minutes backwards in time.
So short?
The limit of the energy provided
by our equipment means
that we can currently only
warp time to a small degree.
But I believe it
that as our research progresses,
that degree will increase.
Next we'll move into experimentation
with living subjects.
But we can't proceed
before certain conditions are met.
Because the cells in our bodies
are dynamic,
even the slightest error
in particle reconstruction
could have disastrous consequences.
Xia Tian is leading research
in the area of atomic elasticity
to eliminate the difference.
It all comes back to the original
properties of strong catalytic particles.
And how long will it take to reach
this step?
We'll be ready within 2 months.
that's enough for today's report.
I'd like to see you at headquarters
Hello? Mrs. Chen?
Is Doudou already in bed?
Right, I just got off work.
I'm sorry.
I'll be back soon.
You can go home.
Human control enabled
Xia Tian!
Please don't go!
I don't want to die!
Now get out!
Please open the door.
Open the door now!
Xia Tian, you have to stop this research!
You have to stop this re...
And you're certain you've
never seen the deceased before?
Have you found anything else suspicious?
What do we have from forensics?
Preliminary cause of death
is sudden cerebral hemorrhage.
Alright. Take him out of here.
Right. Hurry it up.
If the police learn anything,
I'll be in touch with you.
Go home and get some rest.
We'll take care of things here.
You dare to think you can beat me?
Rainbow Ranger, help!
Rainbow light, engage!
Seven-color beams, join!
Rainbow watch, activate!
Rainbow belt, fasten!
Rainbow, unite!
That won't help you!
There is no escape!
Rainbow Ranger, traveling through time!
Finally you appear, Rainbow...
A month later
We've been working hard
on the clinical trials every day.
Thank you both.
You both look ill.
We come early, leave late, and never see
the sun. Are we supposed to look good?
That's right, we never see the sun.
is... something going on at headquarters?
Nothing in particular.
I've been hearing stories
about the explosion at the American lab.
I've heard they'd started experimenting
on human subjects.
But as to whether the explosion
was related to the experiments,
the Americans refuse to answer.
If we succeed here,
it'll be a milestone achievement.
But the closer we get,
the more cautious we need to be.
ever since I was...
a graduate student
I've been working with you on
this research.
Rest assured, I understand.
You've been with me for almost... 8 years.
Yeah, 8 years.
Right. It passed so quickly,
as if in the blink of an eye.
have you considered, if our
experiment is a success,
and you really can go back,
what time would you most want to return to?
I'd go back to before my
college entrance exams!
To tell myself not to study physics!
Otherwise, I'll die all alone, won't I?
I don't think so.
No matter how many times you go back,
you'll still choose physics.
Because I really can't imagine...
outside of your research work,
is there anything you like to do?
Oh, come on!
I guess you're right.
Xia Tian.
You and Doudou's father have been...
separated for 3 or 4 years now, right?
Do you have any plans yourself?
Don't you think it's time
to start seeing someone?
I am seeing someone.
Doudou and I are doing great together.
We're getting to know each other,
it's getting more serious.
This is for Doudou.
This is...
Rainbow Ranger is his favorite.
Spend more time with him.
Oh, you're here.
Come take a look at this.
These are the results from the
last transmission of a chimpanzee.
The SR cell values are suddenly different.
When did this happen?
Just a minute ago. The structure
of the DNA is also unstable.
Is the problem serious?
Even though SR cells are
only 0.3% of the body's total,
they are concentrated in the brain.
Then Da Xiong, tell the director
about this.
We'll have to delay the experiments.
Xiang Dong, go over our
previous experiment results again.
I'm sorry, Xia Tian.
I heard you applied for some time off.
It's all the same. We'll start over.
Huang Chen.
Let's go.
Mom, are you still at the office?
Why are you home alone? Where's Mrs. Chen?
She went out to buy stuff,
she'll be back soon.
Just tell Mrs. Chen what you
want for dinner.
I promise, I'll be home early tonight
to read comics with you.
Look at this.
People like you, who work so much overtime,
should eat more grapes.
Also, whatever you do...
don't drink too much coffee.
I'll take your advice.
Doudou, stop playing around.
Hello? Xia Tian?
Who are you? Where's Doudou?
What is this?
What are you doing?
Let me go!
Help me!
I want to go home!
What do you want?
I want to go home!
I'll give you whatever you want,
just let Doudou go!
Help! Help!
We want all the data of your experiments.
I can't!
All the data stored
in our central server is encrypted!
It's not as simple as you think!
It requires iris scans of the director,
Xiang Dong and I.
It's really not possible.
Is that so?
Then I won't trouble you.
Say your goodbyes.
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do?
Good boy.
He's just a kid! Are you insane?
It's okay.
Starting right now
I'll give you 1 hour.
The farther we drive...
the longer it will take you to get back.
You decide.
I want to go home!
Huang Chen...
Go to the Particle Transmission Department
and get the data for the last 5 experiments.
For both the transmission
and reconstruction phases?
Hello, Xia Tian.
Where are you?
Where else? The lab.
Don't move. I'm coming up to you.
Xiang Dong?
That's as much as I can help you.
You're welcome.
You killed Xiang Dong!
It's already been 20 minutes.
Should I take care of the
research director for you as well?
Don't hurt the director!
Don't hurt the director! Please!
Xiang Dong!
Xiang Dong!
Xiang Dong!
Xia Tian?
Why are you sweating so much?
The cell...
...values had a problem.
I came back to see what it was.
Have you seen Xiang Dong?
He's not in his lab?
He was just there.
What's this?
Xiang Dong just sent me to get the data of
the recent transmission and reconstruction.
Let me see.
Go find Da Xiong and get the
radiation data.
Why do I have to be the messenger again?
Fine, I'll go right now.
Go on.
I'm going.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry! Are you alright?
I'm alright.
Xia Tian,
what are you doing in here?
you know about the abnormal SR cell values.
I'd like to hook up the server
and check the data again.
It's late. Let's do it tomorrow.
Even though the error is only 0.3%,
this could mean everything we've worked
towards was a wasted effort.
Every time I go through
this security process,
I always think,
if the bad guys ever get any ideas,
they'll have to dig out
our eyeballs, right?
What a crazy idea...
What about Xiang Dong?
We need him too.
He'll be here any second.
Remember to delete it
when you're done. Don't forget.
Xiang Dong!
There's been a murder in the building,
security personnel are locating the suspect.
Central Control Room, 2nd floor.
2nd floor!
All entrances and exits are sealed,
we apologize for the inconvenience.
There's been a murder in the building,
security personnel are locating the suspect.
All entrances and exits are sealed,
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Out of the way!
Who discovered the body?
Do you remember
when you arrived at the crime scene?
It was Xia Tian.
Murder suspect identified as Xia Tian
from Particle Teleportation Research Team.
Please notify security personnel
immediately.if you have information.
Murder suspect identified as Xia Tian
from Particle Teleportation Research Team.
Please notify security personnel
immediately if you have information.
Xia Tian?
Is it some kind of mistake?
She was here just now.
Xiang Dong was killed
with an injection of PTX
and his eyeball was removed.
That's impossible.
Xia Tian?
Stop this!
Da Xiong, I don't have time to explain.
Xia Tian, are you crazy?
Da Xiong...
Tell me what's going on!
I really don't have time to explain.
Please just trust me.
You have to trust me, Da Xiong!
Why are you stealing the data?
I... I'm begging you, Da Xiong...
Xia Tian!
Don't do this! What's wrong with you?
Xia Tian...
Are you alright?
the data module was removed.
Keep searching!
I'm really not the one who killed
Xiang Dong.
Doudou is in severe danger right now.
Please help me.
Stop talking...
I really don't have time!
Go in and search.
Yes, sir.
Did you find Xia Tian?
The data module is missing.
What took you guys so long?
Excuse me!
Get everyone not related out of here.
Everyone out of the way!
Hurry up!
Out of the way!
Put down the data module.
She's in the elevator.
What is Xia Tian doing in there?
Everyone, get ready!
What's this?
After her!
Hurry up!
Get her!
Are you scared?
Have you ever seen a balloon pop?
It's over very quickly.
Very quickly.
Stay there!
Mommy! Help me!
I brought it!
Help me!
This is what you wanted!
I brought it!
Help me! Help me!
I want to go home!
Doudou, don't be frightened!
The data checks out.
Mommy! Help me!
Doudou! Doudou!
It's okay...
Mommy's right here. It's okay
Can you remove the bomb from his neck?
What do you want from me?
Can you remove the bomb from his neck?
You're nuts!
You're calling me crazy?
You know what?
I'll show you something even crazier.
What do you want?
What do you want? Doudou!
I'll kill you!
Let go!
Shut her up.
Do you want to save your son?
You still have a chance.
Think about it.
Why would I keep you alive?
Finish your experiments.
Go back to the past.
You're right.
What kind of gift is this?
Doudou, just push "Start".
Wow! It's raining!
Wow! It's Rainbow Ranger!
Mom, you're a magician!
So, Doudou.
What shall we do now?
Rainbow Ranger, traveling through time!
Xia Tian?
Why did you come back?
How did you get hurt?
What are you doing?
What happened to you?
This place is about to explode.
Let's go, okay?
We have to go now!
Let's go!
Say something! What happened?
Doudou... dead.
Xia Tian!
Why are you going inside?
What are you...
Are you crazy...?
Xia Tian, come out!
Just calm down, alright?
Without Doudou,
I'd rather be dead.
Don't forget that the
wormhole is irreversible!
We've never done experiments with humans!
You'll die if you do this!
Xia Tian!
Xia Tian!
Xia Tian!
What the hell?
A person?!
Xia Tian?
It worked.
How could you run the experiment
on yourself?
Get me my clothes.
How did your face get hurt?
When did it happen?
I'm not even sure if I can believe this.
All the indicators are normal.
What time is it right now?
It's 2... 2:40.
But why were you the subject?
What happened?
How could you put yourself at such risk?
Xia Tian?
Get out here now.
Didn't you say you were coming to see me?
Can you tell me exactly what's going on?
I'm really worried about you.
Da Xiong,
I really don't have time to explain to you.
Xia Tian! Hey!
Da Xiong, give her the particle reconstruction
data from the last 5 experiments
and also the radiation
data from the transmitter.
Huang Chen, I have to talk to Xiang Dong.
Ask me later.
How did Xia Tian know what
I was here to do?
Xia Tian!
Xia Tian!
These are from the last 5 attempts.
And here's this one...
Take a look.
Da Xiong,
I'm sending you the me from this universe.
She's in the elevator anesthetized.
Hide her.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Come here, come here...
Just what are you trying to do to me?
Do you like classical music?
I... I guess.
I've got a Paganini violin solo here,
it's incredible.
No wait, hey...
Just close your eyes. You have to close
your eyes to really feel the melody.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Hey, Da Xiong!
This is absolutely mind-blowing!
Sorry about this! Really sorry!
Xia Tian, do you need something?
the SR cell values are abnormal.
I want to log into the server
to check the results again.
Come in and have some tea.
We have time.
I know it will take more than
one day to check the results
but I have to see the results today.
0.3% error could mean all the works
we've done has been for nothing.
Let's go.
Alright, let's go.
Mommy! I want to go home! Mommy!
Get moving. Take the files and go.
Don't sit here wasting time.
Stupid Da Xiong... he's so weird.
Xiang Dong!
Hi, Da Xiong.
Come to the top of the building.
Xia Tian, this is too dangerous.
We should call the police.
No. I've already been through this.
Tell everyone They need to evacuate
there are bombs in the building.
Usually it just works.
There's been a murder in the building,
security personnel are locating the suspect.
Someone removed Xiang Dong's eyeball.
Data was also copied from
the central control room.
Who did it?
Right now we don't know.
There're bombs in the research center.
What? Who told you that?
There's no time to explain! Just trust me!
Tell everyone to evacuate!
The data is right here!
If you want the data,
release Doudou, and remove the bomb.
Remove the bomb.
Wait for me in the car.
Send one person to pick it up only.
Verify it.
Don't move!
Don't move!
You'll regret that.
I know you don't dare to kill me.
After her!
There's no data here.
No data was copied.
Wasn't the data module stolen?
It must have been an empty data module
that was taken.
That's strange.
Don't worry, mommy's here.
I won't leave you at home by
yourself anymore.
Don't use your weapons.
Capture Xia Tian alive.
Mommy! I'm scared!
Doudou, hold tight!
Faster! Hurry Up!
Hold on tight, Doudou!
Xia Tian, why are you back here again?
Because this time you died too.
The center explodes,
and you don't get out in time.
Xia Tian... Xia Tian!
Calm down, will you?
You can't keep going back in time
like this!
Shut up!
Xia Tian...
Xia Tian, you've changed.
Because I watched the person
I love the most
get murdered in front of me twice!
Xia Tian.
You can't put yourself in danger like this.
I'm sure we can think of something else.
Did you hear me?
Don't follow me!
we found 11 bombs hidden around the center.
We've notified the bomb squad.
And just how much will they be
able to help?
Director, the situation is urgent.
We found this in the control room.
We've confirmed that it's Xiang Dong's eye.
Xiang Dong's eye...
Where are you? I need your location.
Who are you?
I'm you.
Doudou is still going to die.
Now tell me where you are.
I just left the pier. What should I do?
Doudou, let's go.
In here.
We're okay.
Let me see.
It's okay.
Doudou, It's fine.
Mom, you're bleeding.
I'm fine.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Mom, it's Rainbow Ranger!
Yep, this is your favorite Rainbow Ranger.
It's a present for you, okay?
How does he always know where we are?
Mom, this watch looks like it's fake.
Why does Rainbow Ranger look different?
It's a tracking device.
The Research Director?
The experiment was a success?
Da Xiong,
why are you only telling me this now?
There wasn't time.
You're awake?
What time is it?
- Calm down.
- I have to go!
Calm down. Doudou is alright.
Xia Tian went to save him.
Another one of you rescued him.
The wormhole experiment worked.
A future you came back,
and is on the way to save him.
So don't worry, okay?
There's no time.
It's okay, everything is fine.
The research center is about to explode.
We need to make a backup of
our research data.
Right, let's go.
Da Xiong,
you stay in the transmission room.
Wait for my instructions.
Go ahead. Go.
Get to the rendezvous point.
Go on.
Come on out!
I know you're in there.
I'm warning you.
My patience is very limited.
Now come out!
I'll say it one more time.
Come out.
Doudou, run!
Run! Doudou, run!
Wait for me in the classroom, Doudou.
Doudou, run!
Doudou, run!
Go get me the data.
What's the situation?
Don't push me.
You better hurry it up
I know.
The experiment worked.
There are three of her now.
Let me confirm that for you.
Put down the gun.
Kill her.
You only have one life.
I have two.
Not quite.
There should be three of you now.
We don't need either of you now.
Kill them both.
Where's Doudou?
Let me worry about him.
You get to the research center.
Don't let them get the data.
The research director is working with them.
What does that mean?
The watch the research director gave
Doudou was a tracking device.
There's no time. Go.
Protect my son.
I'm back.
what's this? I picked it up.
Let Mommy keep that for you.
Mom, it hurts.
It hurts.
Don't worry, Doudou. It's okay.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
Hello, Da Xiong?
Are you alone right now?
Listen to me,
even though I don't want to believe it...
Don't copy the data!
Da Xiong, what's the matter?
Director, why did you do it?
You're the father of this whole project.
So it's all true? I can't believe it.
You were our mentor, Director.
What you did...
Da Xiong!
Da Xiong!
The director and the people
who kidnapped Doudou...
are working together.
Da Xiong!
Why did you do this?
Why did you want to steal the data?
Why did you want to hurt us?
I want to know why, too!
Why did I work so hard on my research...
Only to see my wife and children leave me?
Why did I give them everything,
only to have them choose you?
They said they wanted to transfer me
to more valuable research.
But they really just want me gone.
Xia Tian, listen.
Credit for the success of this
project could go to either you or me,
but Im going to make sure it's me!
No one can take it from me!
You could have told me! I would have left!
Doudou is so young.
Why did you have to hurt him?
He's innocent.
You? Leave?
So you haven't dreamed of the
fame and glory?
Are you the only one above all that?
You're as naive and clueless as ever.
But after all these years,
I see through the game.
All of us, we're pawns.
Doudou is innocent?
I was made a martyr!
Am I not just as innocent?
Dr. Cheng: hereby removed as director of the
research, effective from November 1, 2025.
Who are you?
I only want the data module.
Name your price.
I don't want money.
I'll help you get the data,
but I have a condition.
I want that center bombed into
as well as Xia Tian!
I want them to be left with nothing!
Only one of us is necessary
for this experiment.
That's why you have to die.
You have to die.
What is this about?
You are not necessary for this experiment.
But this experiment...
requires Xia Tian.
What you need to do now...
is extend the time.
For you...
that shouldn't be difficult.
Do you want to go back to the past?
Do you?
Why would you do something like this?
6 months ago,
my wife and my child...
were on their way to the city
where I was stationed.
But they died in a plane crash.
I just wanted to go back to that moment.
The recording device has now
been implanted inside of you.
It records everything you
see with your naked eye.
One of the clinical trial subjects...
started a riot
He thought...
these experiments should
never have been started.
Get away! Get away!
But if I can go back,
then Ill do anything.
Tsui Hu.
Is it my understanding that you want
to continue with this project?
The Nexus Corporation has made a
significant breakthrough in their research.
So if you can somehow find
a way to obtain their data,
I will be willing to put the full force
of my organization at your disposal.
You are a relative of Xia Lifu?
Sign here, please.
Thank you.
The SR cell values are suddenly different.
When did this happen?
Just a minute ago. The structure
of the DNA is very unstable too.
Even though SR cells are
only 0.3% of the body's total,
they are concentrated in the brain.
Don't gloat too soon.
Do you know
what caused the explosion at IPT?
It happened because there...
there were many, many
people who ended up
exactly like you.
They massacred each other.
And soon,
you'll destroy each other too.
He's absolutely right.
In this world,
only one of us can survive.
I'm the one who belongs with Doudou!
Why should it be you?
I am the first and the last life.
I have all the memories of Doudou.
We're the same!
It's just that we're from
parallel universes.
I'm enough of me for this space-time.
You want to kill me?
It looks like we had the same idea.
You'll kill me,
and then this waste of breath, right?
I'll kill you...
and then myself.
If we kill her,
Doudou won't have anyone.
What are you talking about?
You and I won't live long.
Do you remember what Xiang Dong said?
This experiment is not a success.
The experiments on live subjects
in the U.S. failed too!
There's no problem with my
catalyst particle!
There's a problem with the whole system!
Do you remember the man
in the parking garage?
He was the last subject
to escape the U.S. lab.
We won't...
be able to stay with Doudou.
Shut up!
I saved Doudou!
Get to the hospital.
I promised Doudou I would
stay with him forever.
Then what about you?
Just go.
He's still waiting for you at the hospital.
Go! Go!
Doudou depends on you now.
Stay with him.
Love him.
Da Xiong!
Xia Tian?
Da Xiong...
Mom, where are you?
Why didn't you answer the phone?
My little baby...
You're awake?
Did you miss me?
I missed you too.
Just wait for me.
I'll come over there to see you, okay?
Okay, but don't take too long.
Mom, why are you crying again?
I'm crying because my little baby is awake.
I'm happy.
I thought something was wrong again.
Don't cry, don't cry...
I want you to be healthy...
and grow up into a big handsome man, okay?
I love you.
I'll always love you.
I love you too. Lots.
Mom, come back soon. I'm waiting.
I'll come right now.
Xia Tian!
Da Xiong!
You escaped! How did he get hurt?
Be careful!
Huang Chen.
Take care of Da Xiong for me.
What about you?
I'll come soon.
Hold on Da Xiong!
Let me look at you.
Let me see you.
Mom, I think this one is done!
Doudou... Look!
Happy birthday! Make a wish!
Blow out the candles.
Happy birthday, Doudou.
What did you wish for this year?
I wished that you could get a job soon.
You haven't worked for a year.
All you do is play around.
That's because I like playing with you!
Okay? So let's keep playing.
Here, this is for you.
A birthday present.
Why did you want this book
more than Rainbow Ranger?
It's about time. That's more
interesting than Rainbow Ranger.
Doudou, come here.
My little baby...
But Mom...
How do I control time?
To control time...
All you have to do is grab every moment.
Grab it, just like this!
What's that smell?
Is it burnt?