Resident, The (2011)

A cook.
-- He has no pulse.
Code green.
We are going to intubate him and the hole
in his heart to.
I got it.
Looks good.
Blood pressure is stable.
Tell the brain surgeon that
comes a problem case.
Where's the bedroom?
-- This is your bedroom.
And your kitchen and your dining room
and den. Real New York.
There is a bonus.
The view is great.
Is this a great view?
-- Interested?
Excuse me.
Someone called and said there was something to rent?
That is not done.
-- Can I see it?
As you look.
I can not afford.
-- It costs 38.
-- The apartment. It costs 38.
A thousand?
What's the catch?
Is there a nightclub on the first floor?
The heater is separate.
It takes a lot to get warm here.
This is a bold statement in the winter.
-- This is the best view of the building.
Are you the caretaker?
-- Owner.
In the '40s, bought
my family this building ...
and to answer your question,
"No, there is no nightclub.
Many of my tenants have moved
so I renovate the apartments.
Until then, it's rather noisy.
That I do not care.
I am an emergency physician ...
when we sleep, we sleep really.
A few things about the building.
For your cell phone you have poor reception.
That I still look out.
Then the F line.
A maintenance track runs under the building
by, especially at night.
I need your Social Security number is required
and three references.
That I have, and if you want my tax information
the last five years.
Please no pets.
-- Of course.
The heating makes the morning
rather noisy.
You have not yet seen my credentials.
-- I still do.
Look around.
I'm going back to work.
I have about 100 minutes
in the city.
So you need to stuff 60
rental truck to get out of this ...
or I have to calculate one day.
Take a deep breath but I do not want you
your efforts by talking.
You rent the only mover in New York
not really moving stuff?
You do not have much to you.
-- I have many discarded.
I had that bed looked like two
and burn ...
but I need at night to sleep somewhere.
I do not forgive easily.
-- Change is good.
Shall we go get that mattress?
This is my grandfather, August.
She is our new tenant.
Do you have pets?
-- No.
Make much noise?
-- Not at all.
I got you scared.
Nice to meet you.
This is Crystal Meth.
Do nothing.
-- Calm down, it'll be fine.
No, do not.
-- It'll be fine.
You have a long day.
It was a crazy day.
Rob and I are going out. You coming?
-- I'm going home and to bed early.
You should not think of him.
-- The love of my life has betrayed me.
In my own bed.
When I look at myself,
I see someone who was not good enough.
You had enough.
You are enough.
More than enough.
He's an asshole.
I have abandoned my dream.
In order to move to New York ...
to be his.
And so he threw everything away.
It is an art exhibition.
You're not going to die.
And you go.
This will succeed. It takes some extra
all unused space.
Grandpa would not change the basic structure.
No problem.
I got it.
Will you make a lot of noise?
If I get permission.
A lot done.
I like that belief.
Thanks for the gift.
Very nice and very attentive.
That gift yesterday at my door?
That was not mine.
-- August?
There you are.
I wanted to thank you for
incredible that thoughtful gift.
I just move myself in you.
I thought if I was a woman alone
into a new apartment ...
surrounded by strangers,
what would I want?
I have little company.
I'm sorry, I really gotta go.
I did not recognize you outside the building.
-- Who is this?
This is Max.
This is Sydney, we work together.
Pleasant, Sydney.
-- Same here.
I have not heard about you.
Beautiful day, huh?
-- That's right.
Sometimes I think I only work
I decided to quit ...
Brooklyn to go out and feel.
You want something to drink with us?
-- No, I was just leaving.
It was nice to meet you.
-- Likewise, Max.
He is my landlord.
-- So?
I am his tenant.
-- You mean, if it does not work ...
then you can not cancel each other.
-- So that will not.
So you've thought about it.
You want to walk me home?
-- Sure.
He's cute.
Bye, guys.
August is worried about me.
People of his generation were married and
when they had ten children as old as I was.
He is quite unique.
-- So you can say.
Unique, difficult, a nuisance.
Thus you can describe him.
Is he all right?
Until one year ago we were partners
in the building.
We did everything together, repaired all together,
took all decisions together.
Then he had a stroke.
And your parents?
Who died when I was very young.
And your family?
My parents are about
"Overtaken by events running up hippies.
Then you are definitely the black sheep?
-- Absolutely.
Rebellion was for me
studying medicine.
Free love was fucked
As far as I could see.
My parents were divorced soon, so
I had to spend weekends with my father.
I never knew where my home was, until
Jack and I lived together.
-- My ex.
Not all the hippie kids had weird names.
So you do.
What's your real name?
Juliet, that's my real name.
-- And your middle name?
Are we sitting here?
-- Ignore my question now?
No, I did enjoy the view.
When I was little,
ran evening always around ...
and looked through the windows of families
who were watching TV ...
brothers, sisters, parents.
Who were having dinner, talking.
And I knew that this was not my cup of tea
, but ...
by looking at felt
like I belonged.
All that is fun to see families.
-- Happiness?
Dr. Bliss.
Dr. Bliss.
Very nice.
-- No sorry, Juliet.
I'm an idiot.
Of course it is a bad plan.
I did not mean.
I'm confused.
I have misinterpreted the signals.
Chill say.
I do not know what I expected.
-- You expected 'opmonteringseks.
"Horny landlord opmonteringseks.
See you later.
You've recorded.
What do you want?
-- I wanted to say hello.
Can I meet you?
I'm sorry.
-- I gotta go.
We would not need to talk.
-- By Max.
Sorry about yesterday.
Can I make it up tonight
with a meal?
You love old things.
-- I think so.
I hear not so with "sms twitter crowd.
Technology seems to be about your deepest
dark secrets to tell everybody.
Secrets should remain secrets.
This is beginning to feel like home.
Safe, warm and inviting.
That you have done for me.
What's your secret?
Why are not you married?
I've never found anyone who ...
-- Someone who ...
Who understood me, I think.
Or that I understood.
And the truth is, I
'm not very social.
So I probably grew up.
My whole life I have
the building of my family made ...
and then my grandfather,
makes me ...
I've never had a relationship
something that mattered.
To this art exhibition
why that was ...
that was quite something for me.
Sorry about that day.
-- I was just surprised ...
that you ...
-- That I what?
That you wanted to kiss me.
Why would not I like?
-- Tenant.
I have a pulse.
He thought he was dying.
A stroke back?
I have a prescription for Clonazepam.
He needs a psychiatrist.
Is everything okay?
-- Yes.
Someone called and said there was something to rent?
-- Max.
Who is that?
-- This is Max. This is Sydney, we work together.
Sometimes it seems like I only work
I decided to quit ...
Brooklyn to go outside and feel.
Max, would you want to walk me home?
Sorry, I'm confused.
I pick the wrong signals.
Sorry, God, I'm an idiot.
Sure, it's a bad plan.
I'm confused,
I pick the wrong signals.
Jesus, take it easy.
-- Yes.
I can not.
I can not.
I get it out of my head.
Jack, I can smell him still.
And the way he touched me ...
I would not think so.
I see.
Do you understand?
I'll call you later.
I know what is going on here.
I know everything that goes around your head.
You think I do not know how
your brain work?
Just like your father.
Jealous and perverse.
-- That's enough.
Your mother, she was so beautiful.
She married a weak man.
When she brought another of the world.
I wanted to talk to you all.
-- Sorry, it suddenly felt weird.
It has nothing to do with you.
I just need more time.
That's good, it tells me
you get together seriously.
And I feel like it.
I've thought about it and ...
Maybe we should not do so.
We live in the same building.
-- I mean nothing, I ...
I think I need company.
-- Glad you feel the same.
It has lot to me
the last week.
I gotta go.
I see you.
Happy days.
-- You too.
What is wrong with you on?
Why did you not yourself?
Just like your father.
Your mother was so beautiful.
She married a weak man.
When she brought another of the world.
This place makes me crazy.
And I thought I knew everything about this building.
Never knew your kitchen
had an old wine cellar.
The old house by August of this also had,
but it's been closed for years.
I think it's cool.
Can I use it?
I pretty it up and leave you alone.
I gotta work.
-- I can do when you're gone.
That's sweet of you.
Thank you for being a good friend.
Let me help you.
-- No, that's good.
No, I need your help.
-- That's sweet.
Is that to the kitchen?
-- Good.
You have a lot of stuff.
Will you cook?
-- Yes.
Maybe I can help.
-- You do not need to.
I want somewhere for a while
talk to you about.
It's a little confusing to me.
Because you kissed me first.
-- You took the first step.
You kissed me first
and now do if nothing happened.
We just got to know each other ...
to see if it works or not.
That's what people do.
I think not.
And you would not be doing.
Yes, about ten minutes is perfect.
Well, see you then.
I've missed you so.
What happened to her?
-- Fought with a German shepherd.
I did not know what I had to bring along.
-- Thanks, they are beautiful.
Let sit in the living room.
-- Grand is here.
And cheap.
-- How much?
Is there anything free for me?
I'm not sure we are ready.
Thank you.
Tell the German shepherd.
-- She gets it hard at the reception.
Why do you care?
-- I travel a lot in recent weeks.
It was business.
-- I thought not.
I can tell you everything.
-- I do not know.
You were never home.
I never saw you.
Do not tell me you are cheating
because I worked too hard.
I was with someone else.
It was just a flirt,
but then it felt great.
I want something clear.
It was fun but never you.
It is the man with the beard?
How do you know?
I followed up once and wanted to stand.
-- You followed me home.
I was not good anymore.
My life without you ...
I missed you.
I've missed you too Jack.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that the food is burned.
Not me.
I want you to stay.
-- I can not, I have an appointment for seven hours.
I am not prepared
the night here.
Do you love Emily tonight?
I do not know if I may.
-- Here, hold this.
I love you.
Okay, come on.
What is it?
I heard you came back late.
I have been three times overslept
in two weeks and I'm never oversleep.
Have you been out late?
-- No, there is something scary in my apartment.
A guy gives you a great apartment,
for an incredible price.
cook for you and is a gentleman. And that's scary?
-- No.
There is something, I can not wake up.
It's such a feeling.
If I were you I would keep the house
and a louder alarm clock now.
These are sensors that rely on movement.
So everything is included
and within ten minutes with us.
It is wireless and
you can access through your computer.
Those in the bedroom and living room,
filming almost the whole house.
Then there is nothing in the kitchen
and bathroom.
That is good as long as my front door
the bedroom and only gets up.
You did.
They have night vision,
you do not have lights.
These cuties take everything that moves.
Will you sublet?
-- Sorry?
This is commonly used to sublet,
parties or even for attendants.
So no one steals from you.
-- I'm going to sublet.
Here we go.
That was it, call if you have any questions.
-- Thanks.
-- Max, what are you doing?
It's my life.
I regret that we must hurry.
Call me when you get home.
I love you.
Juliet Dermer
I've apparently overslept ...
I'm about ten minutes.
I would like as soon as possible
an analysis.
You speak to Juliet.
-- I faxed toxicology report.
Fine, thanks.
Jack, do not go to my apartment,
I do not know, but ...
Juliet, hello.
Did you just get home?
-- Yes.
I have a good old wine
from the cabinet by August found.
I make him open.
-- No need ...
He had to go first as breathing.
-- Great.
Tough day, Juliet?
-- Here.
Drink this, then, maybe it helps.
-- Thank you.
Sit down.
On our friendship.
Will you not try?
-- I'm not so ...
You okay, Juliet?
I'm very tired, I sleep
bad lately.
I find this an excellent wine,
I'll be back.
Juliet, please, please
Filing your phone.
Why are you calling him?
Where is he?
Why did you give him a key to my house dungeon
Do you know where he is?
-- Why you cheating me, Juliet?
I'm sorry, Juliet.
-- What have you done with him?
You're so beautiful.
This time you can stay awake,
This time you can remember.
Come on.
You can not go anywhere.
I was hoping you me
free from these walls could ...
I have not wanted.
I wanted at all.
I'm so sorry.
I would never hurt.
But you have deceived me.