Ressources humaines (1999)

Hi, Felix, where is your mom?
They have grown.
It's heavy.
- You got any presents for us?
- Did you have a good trip?
- Hi, mom.
- Hi, son. Did you have a nice trip?
- The presents!
- Don't you say hi to your son?
- Hi, dad.
- Hi, son.
Cheer up, dad, your son's here.
He thought you had missed the train.
Times goes by, he remains the same.
He's been talking about your job
for a month...
and it's been a week
since he's saying you'll be late.
If he had missed the train,
you would go and talk to the boss?
I go to the plant every day,
it's quite an ordinary thing.
And I wouldn't hesitate
to talk to the boss.
All right, I'm home.
Felix, Marie, be careful.
- I'm hungry!
- The meal is almost ready, boys.
What are you doing?
Give it to me. It's heavy.
I feel guilty, but
since you don't come often.
And since I look after the children,
I had to buy a double bed.
- But this is your room.
- It used to be.
The green one goes in here.
- Have your husband try it.
- Thank you.
- So you also drink now?
- It's a family thing.
Don't play the wiseboy with the boss
tomorrow. Just see what he wants.
You could easily be the wiseboy there.
- There's nothing I can do, if people
don't understand what I say. -Please!
I do mean it.
He's no professor of yours.
Working and studying are not the same.
You have to be formal.
I know. I've done an internship already.
The interview at the headquarters
was alright. No problem.
He's been trained for interviews
that are harder than this.
The boss is just a small company,
he won't intimidate you.
He could be a boss, or whatever.
But we need him.
I'm just a temporary employee.
A good reason to be prepared.
I am prepared.
Good job! I was nervous.
Are you happy?
- Being a bit nervous is quite normal.
- I don't know- May be.
You look fine.
Let me see- This is really becoming.
Quality stuff. You look handsome.
- You look fine in a suit.
- You say so, mom.
Really, I swear it.
- Do I look adequate?
- You look just fine.
- Your a handsome boy.
- Thank you, mom.
So long, son. Good luck.
- Good morning, Alain.
- How are you?
- Ready?
- Yes.
Ready for a well-off job.
Patrick, this is my son.
- He'll work at the offices.
- Great.
- How much is your bike?
-3.000 francs.
That's not cheap.
- It's cheaper than a car.
- You're right.
We arrive 15 minutes earlier
every morning.
We take coffee,
we do some jokes.
A better way to start your day.
- It's quite pleasant.
- You say so.
Also, there's a bonus for punctuality.
And I wouldn't reject a rise.
- If we keep talking, we'll be late.
- Right. Let's go.
- Let's go to work!
- We got five minutes more.
If we listened to him, we'll be there
- Good morning. Who are you?
- It's my son.
The boss will see him at 9.
I'm showing him around.
This is no zoo.
I don't care if he's your son.
Stop playing the cop. You have no right
to forbid him coming in.
No one asked you. Shove off.
I just wanted him to see my machine.
When he gets a permit,
you'll show it to him.
This is no circus.
I'll see the machine later, dad.
Go and wait in the room.
Don't be sore, I meant no offence.
These are the rules.
We mean to protect the workers.
Machines are dangerous.
If they distracted, there could
be a serious accident.
I see, I just wanted
to be kind to my father.
If you feel so, go over,
under my responsibility.
- Careful, presses are dangerous.
- All right. I appreciate.
Did they let you in?
This is my machine.
You place the part in here.
The welder is over there.
The pin is placed automatically.
You place the top part.
With practice, you can do
Did you stay up late?
Your rhythm is lower.
What do you care!
You do some work for a change.
Don't worry. I've already done
my part.
That's better. I've got
to shake you more often.
I'm leaving.
A very impressive resume.
I'm honored that you chose Human
Resources. I'll be your boss.
- Welcome on board. Really.
- I appreciate.
However, you picked a most
delicate matter.
- The 35 hours stuff won't be easy.
- I'm not afraid of that.
You know the company.
From the outside, maybe.
That's why I've chosen it.
It means too much for me.
I grew up at the shadow of the company.
My father's been working
here for more than 30 years.
My sister works here.
I used to spend my holidays
at the company's kid club.
In Christmas...
From the inside, things don't
look that perfect.
Surely you've heard that.
Last year, we had to dismiss
It was hard.
It was not an easy thing to do.
Today, business are doing good,
things have improved.
And they want the 35 hours.
They say it's good for employment
and competitiveness.
How? No one knows.
There will be no new jobs here.
- Our balance, is very uncertain.
- Stop it, Chambon.
Don't get him be scared
about that uncertain balance.
- This is Frank Verdeau, our new
intern employee. -Don't stand up.
Did I disturbed you?
We were talking about
the 35 hours a week.
- Very interesting. What's your opinion?
- What do I think?
I like to see my collaborators
have convictions.
This is a broad subject.
You can expose it from various angles-
From an economic point of view,
or in terms of social perspectives.
Forget about books.
I'm sure that you know the lesson.
Personally, what do you make of it?
I don't want to scare you, I know
that some businessmen oppose to it.
Now, there's hardly a thing
that could scare me.
I'm persuaded that the 35 hours a
week are an important challenge...
because they will change our
perspective on certain concepts...
that had never been questioned.
- Is this a message?
- No way.
I hope that negotiations
on work hours...
will respond to the worker's
opinion about the company.
It would be interesting
if they had some of the responsibility.
That's not an easy thing to do.
It would be a real mess
I never said it would be easy.
Work hours have to be
organized globally.
Less but better work will be done.
I find it a real challenge.
It's exciting, because nothing
has been said.
Perfect. We play and we win together.
Look. My brother is real handsome.
How is it going?
Anyway, have a nice day.
You never said you had
a brilliant son.
- I didn't have the chance to talk to you.
- Don't be so humble.
It's got merits, because you studied
quite a lot. But this is not usual.
Don't be humble. Congratulations!
- Thank you, Mr. Rouet.
- Good job.
Go on working.
We are busy, as well.
Have a good day. Bye.
Come on.
- What did you do today?
- Not much. It was the first day.
- Did you work?
- I didn't have time.
I put my things on my desk,
I organized it.
- You got a desk for you?
- Sure.
That's not fancy.
Also, I had lunch at the canteen.
Not bad, uh, dad?
I was supposed to go with the boss,
but he had lunch with a supplier.
With that much eating,
he's overweight.
He also eats at the canteen.
- I bet you he doesn't do it often.
- Sometimes.
One day, you will have to eat
with suppliers, also.
And you'll be overweight, also.
- Who did you eat with?
- Businessmen. Most boring.
They look sinister.
They aren't bright, either.
Who do you think you are?
No one. I'll eat with you tomorrow.
That's funnier.
Don't do that.
You have to win their respect.
If you eat with us,
you mean we're comrades.
Then, at the workshop, they'll say-
"We had fun at noon. "
They won't respect you.
What do you mean?
Can't I eat with my friends?
No. At work, they are your employees.
I'm not an employee.
I'm just doing an internship.
Yes. You have to give orders.
Being comrades is not good
when you mean being respected.
Leave him alone,
you're always teaching him lessons.
- How are you, Francois?
- Hi, Frank. It's been so long!
This is Christian.
- You didn't call.
- I've been to the plant.
Christian works there.
They say you got a nice suit.
- Yes, I do.
- Are you coming to the caf?
Sure, of course.
Mom, I'm going out with Francois.
You may say hi to me.
How are you?
- You want something to drink?
- We're leaving now. Next time.
- How long it's been since we last saw?
- I came here for Christmas.
Long ago.
Where do you work?
- Personnel Bureau.
- With the "cop"?
No, with Chambon.
- Advise about the 35 hours?
- I don't give advise. I'm being trained.
I don't believe it could work.
We'll have to work faster.
I'd rather work more
and have a bigger salary.
What is your internship about?
Assessment of the economic needs,
for the 35 hours a week.
I don't believe you're interested.
Because we're too ignorant
to understand it.
- I didn't say that.
- You didn't, but you thought it.
Before I begin, I want to
introduce you to Frank.
For those you don't know him,
he's a brilliant student...
doing his summer training.
He's Jean-Claude's son, also.
I'm proud to have him among us.
That's no merit of yours.
- Not yours, either.
- We'll see.
Let's have a good start to the meeting.
Does anyone objects to Frank
being here?
No? Everyone agrees.
Let's start.
As you read in the memo,
this month we had...
profit. This looks encouraging.
However, we are still uncertain.
We can't say victory, yet.
The same old song.
We make sacrifices on bad times
and on good times.
There's no change.
We are here to discuss about the 35
hours and a quick execution.
Don't make me laugh. You've been
interfering for month.
You lie.
Listen. As I said,
our situation is uncertain.
The 35 hours will be expensive.
Subsidies won't be enough.
It's clear that we'll make an effort.
You too.
You decided to ask and reply by yourself,
but we know your point.
You use the 35 to deprive the workers
of their rights.
- We won't let you.
- We know your position.
"Less work, more money. "
Let's follow the order of the day.
- There might be other opinions.
- Don't try to split us. We are together.
There'll be no more sacrifices,
after last year's dismissals.
- We were lucky to do those.
- Lucky?
Or else, we would have to close-down.
I was waiting for that.
"Close-down". The same old song.
I'm going to sing it again. Really.
The group that owns the plant
had enormous benefits.
With children working in Korea.
That's madness! See your doctor.
Lady, take your pills.
You just want to piss me off.
That's it! You start the meeting
with my dear lady.
And, now, vulgarity.
I'd rather listen to your real nature.
What she's saying, in her own way, is-
the union representatives...
are happy about these negotiations.
We are for the 35 hours a week...
providing there will be
new jobs...
and work conditions will improve.
At least, my opinion is more
reasonable than yours.
That's what I feel. The 35 hours
must create new jobs.
We can't lose those things
we worked so hard to achieve.
Once again, this shows how
retrograde French unions are.
You can't get to see
that the worker...
wants the company to be successful.
- You want us to become capitalists?
- Not in my dreams. That'd be great.
Let's see the order of the day.
Frank, come and sit with us.
No offence, but your reports
are confuse.
Don't play the know-nothing guy.
We fall sleep at the second paragraph.
Those 35 hours would be great. Or 39.
I worked for a whole weekend.
- You want a medal?
- No, but this is real. It's hard.
This won't ruin my ski week.
Will you rent the same appartment?
- No. Very small and expensive. Not good.
- You got snow?
I hope so, after the avalanches.
You ski?
Who would believe that?
There'll be no new jobs.
They'll use the 35 hours
to put down rises.
I'm not for that, but in order to
globalize you got to make sacrifices.
If we don't get together,
we'll be lost.
You know my son,
he's doing an internship.
You say hi to me, now? During
the meeting, I seemed to be invisible.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.
It seemed to me you chose
the side you'll be on.
Your studies make you feel important.
- What did I do?
- Nothing.
During the meeting, you wrote down
everything the boss was saying...
as a good assistant. Whenever I
said something, you wrote nothing.
- You are wrong, you can see my notes.
- Don't be condescending to me.
I'm not condescending. I tried
to introduce myself and you were rude.
- Leave it alone.
- A chip off the old bloke.
Tell them about Rouet.
You have to make sacrifices.
- There it goes once again.
- Be brave and tell them.
The law calls for negotiations.
You will defend your interests.
These are no negotiations,
these are fights.
You know where they are now?
They are seeing how to piss us.
You knew that? Tell them.
I wear a suit, I work at the offices,
so I'm the enemy for you.
I believe that 35 hours a week
are good for all.
This is all bullshit,
I know it by heart.
But let me tell you who you are,
because maybe you don't know.
You're a social climber.
You'll be a boss, like them.
You're doing good.
Great. Congratulations.
But I'm leaving because
I can't stand it.
You don't have to pay attention.
Just beware of her.
- I know what I've got to do.
- She's fussy.
- What are you laughing at?
- Nothing.
- Can I pick you up?
- Yes, please.
- Where to?
- After the crossing.
You had your baptism of fire
with the union representative.
- She's a real character!
- Dangerous.
Communists play the clowns,
but they are mean.
Now, she is a pain in my ass.
I believe she's isolated,
they don't listen to her.
It's easy for her. She knows
that we have to reach an agreement soon.
That reminds me of a case
we studied this year.
The company was similar to yours.
The unions were interfering
with the negotiations...
on the 35 hours a week.
Then, the director
had an interesting idea.
He called an employees' referendum
about the subject.
That's very good.
The union didn't take part
in the referendum.
- Risky.
- Results showed...
that what the unions were asking
was not representative...
of the worker's expectations.
Above all, the union's point
of view...
was more political than pragmatic.
Their point was so indefensible...
that they had to sit down
and negotiate.
Very interesting.
On the other side.
I see you tomorrow.
- What size are you?
- Why?
For you safe jacket. Mrs. Arnoux
will never forgive you.
- I'll avoid a direct hit.
- Be much careful.
- Then, you're not convinced.
- That's not what I said.
You mentioned it very fast.
In general terms, I agree
with the referendum.
- But then-
- Lst's not risk too much.
- I'd like to believe that.
- It will take a long time.
It's my time.
I'm with you, but I don't
find it an effective move.
We've already talked too much.
We lost a lot of time.
When you have something to suggest,
come and see me.
- I didn't mean to go over your head.
- Sure.
We were just talking, I suggested it.
That's all.
In any company, you like it or not,
you have to follow the hierarchy.
Now, let's drop it.
We won't mention it any more.
You write down the questions
and we'll see what to do, right?
Show me.
- Speak up, I don't mind.
- We don't want to bother you.
I'm used to working
with some noise.
- I need a coffee break.
- I'll make some.
Thank you, mom.
Dad, can I ask you something?
I've got a questionnaire
to be responded by the personnel.
So as to know what you think
about the 35 hours a week.
- What do you make of globalization?
- What is globalization?
When you consider the hours worked
per year, on a whole.
According to different periods, some
weeks you'll work 5 to 6 days...
and, others, just 2 to 3 days,
according to demands and inventories.
We'll work 6 days per a week
and 3 days per another?
- For instance.
- Without notice?
I believe so.
We didn't talk about details...
but that's the idea.
- It's not periodic.
- It's less monotonous.
I don't find it monotonous now.
- It's good when you don't do
the same always. -I don't know.
Anyway, tell me what do you think,
because that's the questionnaire for.
I don't have to answer. Besides,
I don't know what's best for me.
For you? For your life?
What would you have?
There is no difference.
Time at work will be reduced,
that's enough progress.
I won't trust them anyway.
Jean-Claude, there's a rumor
in the company.
Didn't you hear?
It seems that Frank is writing
down a questionnaire. Is it true?
He doesn't tell me everything.
He's got a job, a responsibility.
If one day you don't
feel so proud about your son...
tell him that he doesn't have to
ask the workers. That's the union's job.
Tell him that a questionnaire
made up by the bureau...
has no value.
Did you hear me?
- What is this?
- Out of the way.
- You know why we are here.
- Let's talk.
About what? When everything is done?
You need support?
The man of the case.
Let me remind you that you have
no right to organize...
negotiations without the union.
What negotiations? Let me tell you
this is just a questionnaire.
We won't take part.
The referendum is ilegal!
Calm down, please.
It's perfectly legal.
It has nothing to do with negotiations.
It's base work.
As part of my training, and under
the responsibility of the bureau...
I am organizing a questionnaire and
I would like your cooperation.
No way.
I wasn't born yesterday.
You know what's all this?
It's a low trick.
Of course not. It's an initiative
of the bureau, you take it or leave it.
It means we are not isolated.
Don't use words you don't know.
You can't oppose to the bureau
wanting to hear the workers.
Don't use an innocent voice.
The referendum is illegal.
We won't take part,
I'll call for a boycott.
And that questionnaire
will have no meaning at all.
We've already lost a lot of time.
I lost my time.
I know what I have to do. Bye.
Let's talk more calmly.
Won't you sit down?
I believe we need to talk calmly.
I want to make clear
that this questionnaire is legal.
It doesn't stand against negotiations.
It wasn't intended for that.
I promise.
- What do you warrantee?
- Nothing.
I give you my word that it will
be organized with total transparency.
We will be watching.
We won't swallow anything.
I hope so. I won't let you
swallow anything.
I just wish to have the chance
to work with you.
Congratulations, Frank. You use
diplomacy, you got ideas, focus.
Good job. Arnoux is isolated.
She's gone.
The others stayed. They are cracked.
You did what we couldn't do.
I hope you don't believe this
was just an strategy.
My work is just beginning.
I hope I'll get much more...
than the elimination of Mrs. Arnoux.
We need to talk.
- That's what we need.
- Don't mock at me.
I'm not mocking at you.
You're moving on a tightrope.
We need a very balanced questionnaire.
And it has to look as
if your opinion were important...
without raising false expectations
that we won't be fulfilling.
- I'll keep that in mind.
- Alright. I let you work.
That girl, Julie.
You are dating her?
- Once in a while.
- What does it mean?
- It's not something steady.
- What a pity. She's nice.
How about Paris? Do you go out?
- Yes, of course.
- Where do you go?
Nowhere in particular.
I have to study a lot.
How can you live in Paris?
When you're on vacations, maybe-
The traffic, the people,
you can't live there.
- That's nothing new.
- Typical parisiene. You mock at the rest.
I'm not mocking at you,
but you're saying bullshit...
- pretending to be an stupid countryman.
- Stop playing a bloody snob.
What is the matter?
Success did something to your head?
Go to hell! I'm losing my time
with you. I don't owe you anything.
!You're no boss here.
I have nothing to do with the boss
or the workers.
- He's not up already?
- He came back late. Let him rest.
Sure, he needs some sleep.
- Wake up, it's noon.
- Leave me alone.
Nice picture.
- What do you do when I'm not here?
- I do it alone.
All your questions are about leisure
time. How much time do you use...?
What part of your budget...?
What do we care?
If you mean worktime reduction,
you have to mention that.
We need simple questions
with clear responses.
We need results that can be
translated into statistics.
You want a multiple choice?
You get nothing if you don't suggest it.
They won't have brilliant ideas.
You'll get common places
that have nothing to do. It's natural.
I can imagine them. A white sheet
of paper will intimidate them.
With a little bit of work,
we can modify your questionnaire.
What do you expect to get
by labor hour reduction?
Make it simpler.
The 35 hours a week... what for?
Then, you suggest three answers.
Fighting against unemployment.
It's unclear, but it sounds positive.
Then, we suggest education.
- May I come in?
- Of course.
Could you leave us alone?
This is what we'll do.
" Before implementing
the 35 hours a wee...
the bureau wishes to consult
with the whole personnel.
As part of his training,
Frank Verdeau will hand out...
a questionnaire on Friday. "
The Bureau.
You got 15 minutes at the canteen...
Cut it out. Go to the canteen and
fill in the questionnaire. Quick.
Here's the questionnaire.
Do you have a pen?
- What do we do now?
- Read it, and mark what you chose.
Don't hesitate to comment on it.
- Call me if you need me.
- It's alright. Thank you.
Don't fill in the questionnaire.
It means sure unemployment.
You'll see. Later, you'll be complaining.
Hi, Jean-Claude. Hi, Alain.
Come and sit here. Alain,
in front of him.
If you need any help, don't hesitate
to ask me.
Hi, Mr. Rouet.
- What do you make of it?
- It's alright.
Good job, Frank.
The bureau and some members of the
union are glad.
It's a real success.
People understood the logic
of the process.
What are you planning to do when
you graduate, next year?
- I'm not sure.
- I don't want to make false promises...
...but I could refer you...
to one of the companies of the group.
- Unless you had other plans.
- Nothing sure.
Alright. We will have enough time
to talk, later on.
For next Monday's meeting,
I'd like you to prepare...
- a briefing of the preliminary results.
- No problem.
Have a nice weekend
and don't work too much.
- You need help?
- I don't want to answer your quest.
It's important for you.
Since they ask your opinion.
- I don't believe in that.
- That's your lookout.
I buy your dinner. Everything
worked out fine.
I'm glad for you.
I don't need to go to a restaurant.
Don't argue with me. I'll take you out.
I'll call and tell mom.
See you later.
- Where are you going?
- Easy, Betty.
- You won't stay there.
- I desperately need a PC.
That's a private PC.
You'll get into trouble.
Me too.
He doesn't like you.
He'll say nothing,
I'm doing a job for the boss.
- You are scared, aren't you?
- Yes, I'm scared.
And you have nothing to lose.
What are you doing?
- You won't be sneaking around.
- Did you write this letter?
Not at all. Close that file,
turn off the PC.
Wait, this is serious.
They are dismissing 12 employees.
Including your father?
Did they tell you?
You know what? The chief of Personnel
wants me to change my task.
- He's giving me a lighter job.
- When did he say that?
This afternoon. He says that the
workshop is too hard for an old man.
- I should do something lighter.
- What did you say?
You know me, I said no.
Can you imagine me doing Q.C.?
Don't shout out.
Everybody is watching you.
You are exaggerating. Relax.
You're no example of a calm person.
Alright, let's have a toast.
- For your success.
- For my son.
The boss is a good person.
He saw that you are valuable.
If he trust in you,
he'll offer you a job.
The boss is no social security agent.
He recognized your capacity,
what you can give to the company.
- He's no saint, you know.
- Are you here to dine or to argue?
- It's good.
- Of course it's good.
Did you grade my test?
It was no test. It was a questionnaire,
there was nothing to grade.
About globalization- The answer is
wrong. It wasn't clear.
I didn't understand.
That's story about hours, you know,
scale hours.
- I wasn't sure.
- Could you change the subject?
Stop talking about work.
Let him rest. He worked all day long.
The bill, please.
I pay. I invited you over.
All right?
You didn't get your salary,
you got enough debts.
It's a loan, it's no debt. If I
need more money, the bank will give me.
As I said, you got debts.
If you can borrow 70,000 francs
from the bank, for your studies... means that students
are a good investment.
It's for your studies,
it's not for celebrations.
- He'll be glad to pay.
- But I invited you over.
- I'm going downtown.
- It's late. Come home and sleep.
- Mom, please.
- Don't be late.
Will you let me?
- Anything to drink?
- Two beers, please.
Henri, two beers, please.
I won't bother you much. I'm sorry
about this morning. I was rude.
There was no need to respond.
Don't think I'm not interested
in my job.
I care a lot.
I thought you didn't wanted
to know about it.
What? I work there every day.
I spend half of my life there.
Here, we can talk all you want.
I can die talking.
But filling in a questionnaire
for the boss- No, thanks.
Let's not talk about that questionnaire.
I just wanted to talk to you.
You know, I like your father.
It's been four years since I'm there.
We work with the same machine.
We don't talk much,
but I like him.
It may sound silly, but the plant
is no dream come true.
You don't say, "I do holes on
a plaque the whole day long. "
"That's great. " No one will say that.
But life is so.
It's hard to go there every day.
My first day in the plant, when
I saw everyone in blue...
with grease stains, the back leaning
onto the machines...
with all that noise, I said,
"This is hell".
I just wanted to leave. Then, the boss
put me in front of a machine.
He said go on.
Really, I knew nothing.
Your father was on the other side.
He saw me. He saw I was lost.
He came to help me.
Sometimes, without noticing, I watch him.
Not for the same reason, because
now I work with my eyes closed.
It's just to see him satisfied.
Her spirit helps me
overcome my job.
It's alright. He cheers you up
and you stand by him. Alright.
- Say thank you to your boss.
- I thank no one.
What I told you
is about most people's lives.
If you can improve it, that's fine.
Meanwhile, you have to bear it.
- What's wrong?
- I don't want you in.
I'm in from the beginning.
I'm part of it.
Don't push me. The bosses are here.
- What if I push?
- You're not part of the company.
I saw your briefing on my desk.
It's clear. Detailed.
I'll hand it.
You can go now.
- May I talk to Alain?
- Now? I'll go and find him.
You got the authority. You can
get me out whenever you like.
Where are we going?
What's wrong?
I hid something from you.
Don't say a word.
I'm not supposed to know.
I read a confidential document.
Addressed to the Employment Bureau.
They will dismiss 12 employees.
The boss is now happily
that thanks to those 35 hours
a week, he can do as he likes.
He wants to modernize with robots.
- Shit!
- Don't worry, you stay.
You won't be fired, you stay.
You're too young and your salary
is not high.
You stay, then.
But they'll fire my father.
I'm so glad to be here together
and celebrate your marriage.
As you can see, in this opportunity,
the directors are here.
We are lucky.
I'll just say a few words.
I'd like you to take this present
from us.
I hope you'll send us a postcard
from Morocco.
I promise.
Congratulations- Have a nice trip.
- This is a surprise.
- You deserve it.
My very best wishes.
Come and drink with us.
This is Frank.
He's mad, because I wouldn't let
him into the meeting room this morning.
But here we got a brilliant young man.
- Great potential.
- Totally.
I'll be glad to refer him
for a job.
- We got to talk.
- Now?
This is kidnapping. If I don't come
back right away, you call the police.
What's up?
You can keep that job offer of yours.
I hate the way you act.
There's always a double message.
Smiling to all during the referendum.
Letting the union out was your idea.
You had to push it to the end.
The referendum was a preparation...
for negotiations. You used that
information to lay a tramp.
Let me finish. My referendum
gave you the right excuse.
It takes courage for a negotiation.
You don't have it.
Coward! When you have power
you have to take it...
instead of plotting.
- What are you talking about?
Enough. I know about the dismissals,
the close-down of welds, all of it.
Who told you?
I just know it. You don't have
an hermetic office.
Everything can be know.
I know who will be dismissed.
Your father. That's why I didn't
let you into that room.
I'm developing a retirement plan,
I will not fire him.
It's not just about my father,
that would be easy.
Don't be an arrogant. You'll soon
run a company like this one.
You'll make the same decisions.
That's what bosses do.
Now, you got vital information.
Be responsible.
As a friend, I beg you
don't do anything.
What are you doing here?
We'll eat whatever, never mind.
We want to be together for a while.
The kids will stay with the neighbors.
We want to go with you.
It's OK.
Alright. We are on our way.
This is the hard one.
Should we tell dad?
Or should we first talk to mom?
What do you make of it?
- I don't know.
- What's up?
- Granny will quick job.
Come on! You don't have to be
so depressed.
- That job was killing him.
- You don't know what you say.
- What if you lost your job?
- Better off!
I wonder how could he endure
He will take a holiday.
Stop it, this is family business.
It's good to see you!
Once a week is not enough.
I'd like to see more of you.
What did you do for diner?
You called so late.
I couldn't make a "couscous".
I can't stand the word
We'll have a roasted chicken.
It's chicken or couscous in this house.
Careful with that.
- This is your third.
- That's right.
- How did it go this morning?
- Quite well.
You had to brief them this morning.
What did the boss say?
He offered me a job.
- Formidable. Why didn't you tell me?
- Let's have another bottle.
- No way.
They hire me, they fire you.
What do you mean?
They are taking out the machine, and you.
You're old. It's over. They fire you.
Look, dad. Nothing lasts for ever.
It had to end one day. You'll do some
gardening, you'll make your furniture.
We could go out, do things together.
You say you don't see your grandchildren.
You could pick them at school.
Frank, are you listening to yourself?
He spent 30 years of his life there.
And now they fire him?
It's alright. Great.
You could do this or that.
This is an outrage!
- Not now, Olivier.
- Then, when?
This is what your idiotic
liberalism does.
They didn't teach you that at school.
Look into my eyes.
You think your father will be happy?
No, it doesn't make him happy.
I'll call Arnoux.
I'm sorry about your father,
it's the same old song.
They wake up when
it's their personal history.
I apologize.
I'm glad that you have a more
realistic view now.
Now you know he's a moron.
Where did you learn that?
Is it a rumor?
- A document I read.
- A document proving that...
Sure. It's an official letter.
What do you want from me?
The union's credibility is null.
You made me look like crazy.
How could I address the people?
What do you need? I'm ready
to compromise.
Where is that letter?
In the Chief of Personnel's PC.
We could do something about the letter.
You know what you're risking?
- I know.
- Your job and your future.
Because directors talk to each other.
Believe me.
Leave us alone.
Mind your own business.
Get out of here. All of you.
You won't use my home
for union meetings. Out.
- Have a good night sleep.
- Won't you sleep at home?
I'll have a walk, then I'll go
back home.
- Don't argue with dad.
- He'll be asleep when I'm back.
Good night.
Here's your sheet.
Come here.
Give me the other one.
- Did I wake you?
- No. Enzo isn't feeling well.
I'll give him an aspirin.
You want to have this one?
- I didn't know you had children.
- Twins.
Theo and Enzo.
- Three ears before retirement.
- Compillo too.
Mouloud had two years left
before retirement. Assholes.
You always push it.
You have to wait. He doesn't
know what we can do.
Push it now.
The two of us.
He's coming.
The letter.
No more dismissals.
You didn't open already?
- What's wrong?
- It's blocked.
I'll open it. I see what's going on.
I'll open the door.
Get out of the way.
You'll see! What does this mean
I'll show you. You'll see.
Don't go in! You don't have to!
Five minutes to start working.
- Criticize the boss in secret.
- Let's work!
We have to meet tonight. Alright?
- We have to find a place.
- I can manage that.
- The local press?
- I'll contact them.
We have to hand out pamphlets today.
- Could you write it down?
- No problem.
You have to hand them to the
employees before noon.
- What are you doing here? Get out.
- We are on a meeting.
- It's my place.
- It's ours.
Wait. What is this?
He knows what. We'll fire him.
I will fire him myself.
Who do you think you are?
Don't touch me. You understand?
- Alright. I'm going.
- Go or I'll call the police.
You won't have it your way.
You wanted war and you'll have it.
I assure you.
- Go out.
- I'm going.
You're a jerk.
Open that door!
Let's fight!
You have to come today at 8.
Tonight at the gym.
At 8, today.
Go home. He wants to talk to you.
Tonight at 8. We need you.
You have to come tonight.
Tonight at 8.
Leave me alone.
What did you do to your father?
He was destroyed.
He cried like a woman.
I've never seen him like that.
Mom, he has to go on strike.
You leave him alone. He won't fight.
You now leave him alone.
You fight for you. For your internship.
It took five years for him to retire.
It's not much.
You think it's alright what's going on?
What did you get from this?
You were fired too.
Now it's the two of you.
- I don't matter.
- Of course you do.
It's more serious. He can't stand it.
I'll find an internship somewhere else.
I can't stay in this company.
Think of your future. Think of
the sacrifices we did for you.
Think of him.
- You're selfish.
- No, you can't say that.
- No won't change him, he's stubborn.
- He has to change.
He has to react, take care.
- You don't have to be so arrogant.
- Yes, you have to be arrogant.
You know it. Tell me that you know it.
That you agree with me.
Help me out, mom.
Go and see him. He's in the garage.
Dad, I'm going to the union meeting.
I want you to come.
The plant's operation is
our real strength.
We have to be together, more than ever.
In three days, we'll block
the whole operation.
Won't they close-down the plant, then?
They can't. They have to respond
to their work orders. They need us.
If we go on talking, we'll be in the
same situation as last year.
I believe we have to occupy the plant.
Calm down.
We've been negotiating.
What should we do?
We stay quiet.
We have to do something.
It's over.
Are you feeling bad?
What's wrong with you?
- The right side?
- It's alright.
Did you do some holes on the letters?
- Stretch it.
The wind could turn it down.
- Maybe we should fasten it down here.
- It's OK. I've got it.
- You looking for someone?
- My son. Frank Verdeau.
Frank, you've got visitors.
- How are you, mom?
- I'm fine. And you?
- I brought you some clean clothes.
- Thank you.
- Where do you sleep?
- Don't worry.
- You may come home.
- It would be better if I didn't.
- You're right. You know what you have
to do. -Don't worry about that.
Cowards, go on strike.
The plant is closed. We occupied it.
Twelve employees have been dismissed.
You could be on that list.
Don't call me madam.
We are together in this.
Aren't you mad at it? Do you need money?
You're young. She is young, also.
Being young is no excuse.
- Look up at them.
- They think they're wise. Come down here!
We can do nothing.
Put your tools down.
Why are you still working?
You're fired. You hear?
Go on strike with us.
Jean-Claude, stop it. Don't let they fire
you like that. We are here for you.
- I asked nothing to no one.
- You never asked anything.
Your children are running risks for you
and you don't do anything.
Go on strike!
Pick it up, pick it up.
You'll always be pathetic.
I'm ashamed of you, you know?
The shame I've been feeling
since I was a kid.
Shame of being the son of a worker.
Shame of being a student,
the son of a worker.
- There is nothing to be ashamed of.
- You tell him. He made me that way.
Shame of his social class!
I've given you a good news.
They won't fire you, you'll retire.
It's not because you've been
a good worker for 30 years.
This is a favor the boss did to me.
Because he likes me.
We talk as equals.
I don't like that. That.
You know?
I know I'm being unfair.
I should be thankful.
I should thank you and mom
for all your sacrifices.
You did it. Your son's on
the capitalists' side.
I'll never be a worker. I'll have
an interesting job. I'll make money.
I'll have responsibilities and power.
The power of talking
the way I'm talking to you.
The power of dismissing people
the way they do now.
You shame is very deep inside of me.
I'll carry it with me the rest
of my life.
Rouet, the game is over!
Testing- 1, 2, 3...
Today is a celebration day.
A special celebration,
because we are starting a strike.
We stopped the machines.
Nothing will leave the plant.
We'll have to be patients.
We believe all of us should
keep our jobs.
We should accept no dismissals.
It's very important.
Those who were dismissed
last year...
have joined us. Today,
some of them are smiling.
But we are very excited.
The game is still open.
Kiss me.
- You want something to drink?
- Thanks.
What will you do now?
I'm taking the train tomorrow.
I'm going back to Paris.
It's alright. You deserve better.
This could kill you like hell.
Your place is not in this hole.
And you, when are you going to leave?
Where is your place?