Retreat (2011)

Now listen. Tell Simon that
Tommy has the plans and the model.
I'll be back in about ten days,
and I can take over then.
Well, it's all come at a bad time, really.
Dan? Hello?
It always happens in the same place.
Quite convenient, actually.
You're having a few days
away from the wee ones, are you?
Er, just a bit of peace and quiet, really.
You're going to the right place
for that, boy.
There you go.
Now, the CB
goes straight through to me.
If you need help, just call.
I'll be over on Saturday
unless I hear from you. OK?
- Thank you, Doug.
- Thanks, Doug.
Be good!
Kate! I was thinking we'd go for a walk.
Maybe after breakfast?
- Kate?
- Uh-huh?
I was thinking we could do that walk.
You know the one? Around the coast?
- Let's just see how I go with this, OK?
OK. Yeah.
You OK?
- Aw, no, they're babies!
- What are you talking about?
We'll grill these two feckers on toast
with a bit of lemon, and mwah!
- Come on, bring them in.
- Ah... le poisson!
Look at that.
- 2002, huh?
- Mm-hm.
All right. I'll get rid of these.
Oh, great.
- How was it?
- It was a cold bath.
Doug'll be here in the morning.
He'll sort it out.
I don't recall it giving us any trouble
last time.
It's a while since
you've been here, though.
Now, she's full of character,
I'll give you that.
She's never down for long.
No, I tried that, mate. It didn't work.
- There we are.
You've got to keep it down
for a count of three.
- Ah.
- Keep it down hard, mind.
To kick-start her again, read these
and that'll do the trick. Good man.
Oh! I almost forgot.
- There's a present from Mrs. Doug.
- Ah!
Now, she baked them specially,
so watch your teeth.
That's very kind.
Tell her thanks very much from us.
Not much for her to do up this part
of the world. It's that, or talk to me.
- And I tell you, I'm never short of cake.
- How are you getting on here, you two?
- Good.
Not gone mad yet?
No, we love this island.
We've had some good times here.
You've found them again, have you?
- Right, I'll see you later, Martin.
- Great. Thanks a million, Doug. Bye.
- Kate, I was calling you.
- Hang on a second!
Just give me a minute, OK?
Well... the dinner's on the table.
- Martin!
- Yeah! I'm down here.
- What's going on?
- Oh, it's gone again.
That's a good look.
Oh. Yeah. Thanks.
I was just running a bath,
and it just went.
- Any luck.
- No.
I've held it down for three.
That doesn't seem to be working.
So it says, "Use a ratchet screwdriver.
"Make sure the isolating switch
on the front of the generator is off.
We have an "intermittent malfunction
of the cut-out".
Yeah, definitely got that.
What the fuck is a ratchet screwdriver?
- Doug, Martin's been injured.
The generator
practically blew up on him. Over.
It's a hairy old thing, but I didn't know
it had gone that bad. Over.
Doug, it's... Don't worry.
Aye, well, I'll bring my doctor
over anyway.
It'll be tomorrow now. Don't touch
the generator until we get there. Over.
All right.
Thanks, Doug. See you. Over and out.
Over and out.
There's absolutely nothing.
I guess I'll try and call him
on the CB again.
Yeah. It's just impossible
to cook on a fire.
Er... are you OK with bread and cheese?
It's fine, Kate. I'll sort it out.
What are you doing?
I was getting some wood
and I found this thing.
We've waited all day
and Doug hasn't turned up.
It's getting dark.
We've got to sort this out.
Doug, this is
the Fairweather Cottage. Over.
Come on.
This is the Fairweather Cottage. Over.
If you'd just calm down...
Could we row to him?
Could we row to the mainland?
- It's miles away. It's freezing.
- OK. So we could be just stranded here.
Please don't be silly. Come on.
What did we think, coming back here?
Coming back to the same place,
like we're gonna just solve
all our problems.
I don't see what that has to do with this.
Come on, Martin, this is just torture,
being back here!
I'm really trying my best here.
If you want me to apologies again, I will.
I am so... so sorry... I wasn't there.
I'm sorry the power went out, I'm sorry
the fucking generator exploded.
I'm sorry for bringing us back here.
I'm sorry for all of it.
You didn't even want him.
Jesus Christ. Please...
There's someone here! I just saw them!
This is Fairweather Cottage
on Blackholme Island.
We need to report an injured man.
We need medical assistance, please.
Over and out.
Doug, if you can hear us, this is
Martin and Kate. Please contact us.
Just think for a second.
OK, he just...
He's got to have come on a boat
from the mainland.
Then the boat would be at the beach.
You go, and I'll stay with the CB.
OK, I'll be back.
No boat. Nothing.
Fucking hell.
Maybe we should just go. Let's just go.
Kate, listen. There's no boat,
there's no way out, there's nothing.
-A fucking gun!
- I know.
- OK, we have to get it off him.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- Listen, Kate.
- No.
If he's from the military,
he'll understand.
If he's not in the military,
we don't know who the hell he is.
Go. Bedroom.
Water. I need some water.
I need some water.
What happened?
I was making a crossing
in some rough water
and my boat
got sucked into the rocks.
You OK?
I'm sorry, I don't know your name.
Private Jack Coleman.
Tactical Response.
Martin Kennedy.
Thank you both for taking me in.
- His boat sank.
- I was trying to avoid those rocks.
And as I was saying to...
- I'm Kate.
- ...Kate.
The tides in that water...
I just remember the rocks
and the water coming in.
Are you Army? Navy?
We're doing a reconnaissance exercise
in the area.
Do you think they're looking for you?
Does your CB work?
Er... No, actually. It's been down
for the last two days. I can't...
I can't get through to the owner, Doug.
He set it to his frequency
but I haven't been able to get through.
Maybe you could have a look.
I should be able to fix it.
So it's just the two of you?
On the island?
Yes. Doug is... Doug is the owner.
He's on the mainland.
It's just in there.
And there's a bathroom opposite.
- Do you think you need anything else?
- I don't think so, no. Thank you.
- Get some rest.
- Thanks.
I need to speak with you alone.
Are you going to give it to him?
Erm... I'm just gonna go
talk to him for a sec.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
What... What are you doing?
Do you want to take a seat for me,
No, actually, I'm fine.
I'm gonna tell you something,
and you're gonna listen.
And then you're gonna do as I say.
These three things are essential
to the safety of you and your wife.
Do you understand me so far?
There's been an outbreak.
A global pandemic
that started in South America.
R1N16. Argromoto flu.
It's a highly contagious airborne virus
that attacks respiratory systems.
From those infected
there are no survivors.
It's fatal and it's spreading rapidly.
It's only a matter of time
before it's here.
If your radio was working
you'd have heard the broadcasts.
Now, our best defense
is to make this place safe.
- Am I going too quickly for you?
- Wait, wait. What...
What exactly are you telling me?
I'm telling you that a highly contagious
and fatal disease is on its way here,
and we need to protect ourselves.
The official line on this from the military
is to stay inside and seal up your home
for the best chance of survival.
We need to start now.
How come you don't have it?
Eh? How come you don't have it?
I don't have it...
because of my airtight suit and
respirator, courtesy of the British Army.
I'm not fuckin' around, Martin.
The Army's known about this for weeks.
We tried to contain it,
but this thing's just uncontrollable.
So we've all been deployed
to maintain order.
Yeah? So where's
your fucking suit, huh?
When my boat sank,
it was either ditch the lot or drown.
You don't want
your wife contracting this.
Believe me.
I don't wanna have to hurt anyone.
- What's going on?
- It's fine, Kate.
Come here.
Just come. Come here.
- Martin, you're shaking!
- He can hear.
He's just told me there's a disease
out there, a pandemic.
- It's killing everybody...
- What?!
He's got to seal the place up.
That's what he told me.
- He has to seal the house up against it.
- OK, enough.
- Look... Kate!
We would know if there was a disease.
Doug would have come and told us.
Hopefully, for his sake, he's been
sealing up his house like everyone else.
This is bullshit.
This is bullshit!
If you want to go, go.
But do it before I seal this place up.
Once that door is shut...
it's not opening again.
He's fucking crazy.
We should just get our things and go.
I have no idea what is actually
going on out there.
All that I know...
is that for the moment
we are stuck on this island.
We're surrounded by freezing water
and there's nowhere else to go.
I want to go home.
And I'm not staying here with him.
We have that.
We have his gun.
Now all we can do is play along
and keep him sweet
until I can figure out
exactly what's going on.
Because I don't want to see
anybody get hurt.
Kettle's on if you want some tea.
- This is Kate of Fairweather Cottage.
Doug, this is Kate...
The battery works but it's not receiving
anything. I checked it last night.
Doug? This is Martin and Kate.
Do you read us? Over.
I'll need to take a look at that generator
as well because your power's out.
- Why have you barricaded the door?
- To stop people bringing the infection.
I thought it was against
the risk of a virus.
Everything we do here
is to minimize the risk,
not just of the virus
but of people trying to escape it.
I was gonna ask you, do you have
any weapons in the house?
- Hunting rifle, anything like that?
- No.
Anything we can use
to defend ourselves?
No, we don't have
anything like that here.
Then I'm gonna have to improvise.
Get something out of that
and give me a hand.
And the tinned food in the kitchen
needs organizing.
How do you know that we haven't got it?
We've been outside.
You don't have it.
That fucker doesn't hang around.
- You breathe it in, you cough it out.
- That's the first symptom? A cough?
Uh-huh. You breathe the microbes
into your lungs,
they attack the host cells, which is you.
You cough those out and then
the rest comes out as liquid.
We just...
We need to contact our families.
We need to...
You said you'd fix the CB.
There's nothing out there
for you any more.
Now I need your help. You can start
by sorting the food in the kitchen.
Go fuck yourself!
Help me shift this against the door.
She's got a lot of fire
for a little thing, hasn't she?
Personally I like my women like that,
but for you it must be hard,
her being the boss.
Are you sure you can handle it? Yeah?
Start on those chairs, yeah?
Good start.
- I'm going to try the CB.
- Knock yourself out.
This is Fairweather Cottage.
Can someone read me? Over.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Do you have kids?
Obviously not.
Really? I thought you and Martin
would have had them by now.
It's none of your business.
Is it me you're afraid of?
You don't need to be afraid, Kate.
Me and Martin
will get this place taken care of.
We'll seal it up
and it'll just be the three of us.
Like a family.
Label it. Better get started on upstairs.
Shh. There are people here.
There's two or three of them.
When they saw the cottage
they hit the ground.
Come on. Come on.
Get down.
I only saw two or three but there's
probably more waiting on the shore.
We cannot let them in here.
Get down.
Get back.
They know we're here.
Pick it up.
Fucking pick it up, mate.
Jack, here's your gun.
Get down.
Slide it over.
Slide it over.
You're gonna take that side. Yeah?
Stay away from the windows. Go!
Martin! Take this.
- We're all armed in here!
- Jack!
Jack... Jack!
- Martin...
- Kate, get down!
They heard the shots
and they're heading for the shore.
They're gone?
For now.
There was people outside, Kate.
There was people!
Tell her, Jack.
They'll be back.
We have to be on our guard
from now on
at all times.
You did good.
So your base, is it near here?
What's it called?
- The base?
- What's the base called?
It's called Goose Bay.
You're trying to figure that one out,
are you?
She's all fucking confused.
Fuck me.
If you're finished with your questions
I'm gonna get on.
That was champion.
How can you sit there
and not say anything?
Maybe if you could resist
antagonizing him at every opportunity...
What would you suggest?
What's your big fucking plan, Martin?
There are ways, Kate. But you don't
just bulldoze in every time.
You're right.
We should just give him the gun back,
just let him take over.
I don't think so!
We can't have her jeopardizing
our safety.
You do understand that, don't you?
We need to work together.
You and me. Yeah?
'Cause we can't have her
making the fucking decisions.
It's getting cold, isn't it?
I'll take a look at that generator for you.
But I might need a hand.
I can help.
I'd appreciate that.
Would you pass me
the screwdriver there?
- That one?
- That's the one.
- It's not going to work.
- What?
I said it's not... going to work.
- He thinks it just...
- Just needs rewiring.
The connection's fucked.
You want to get the fire going?
Why don't you go and do that?
Shine the light here.
- What are you trying to do, Kate?
- We fixed the generator.
I'm not talking about
the fucking generator.
I'm playing along.
I'm still here, Kate.
- There's hot water.
- Please don't fucking do this.
Did Martin say
you could borrow his stuff?
I didn't think he would mind.
- Smells good.
- Those need cutting.
I'm your man.
Have you been in the Army long?
I signed up when I was 18.
So that's... six, seven years.
Six or seven years.
I saw that scar on your arm.
No, that was just
a friendly disagreement, that.
I wondered if it was painful.
Are you married?
I was, once. Yeah.
No kids?
Didn't get the chance.
Why's that?
The disease saw to that.
What was she like?
Your wife.
She'd been through a lot.
Tried to put a brave face on it,
but really she was just fragile.
Probably deserving of a better man.
Slim, petite.
Dark skin, dark hair.
She was beautiful.
She was funny, too.
Sounds nice.
She was out of my league, really.
Oh... I wouldn't say that.
What are you doing?
Nothing. Ow.
- What were you doing?
- I was just...
- Oh, my God!
- Were you trying to be nice?
- You're breaking my arm.
- To get the gun?
Or were you just desperate?
How long has it been, Kate?
How long has it been
since he gave you what you want?
- Please... Ow!
- It's all right.
Just a friendly disagreement.
But mention my wife again
and it won't be. Understand?
I'm sorry.
If I really wanted
what's in your pants,
I'd just take it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I read your little article, too.
I wouldn't leave that shit lying around
if I were you.
He really doesn't know you
at all, does he?
I need to tell you something.
I... haven't...
been honest with you.
I stopped taking the pill.
That's how I got pregnant.
It wasn't an accident.
You kept saying you weren't ready.
I'm sorry.
-This is all my fault.
I'm so...
- I love you.
- I love you.
We'll fix this.
Kate and I are leaving now, Jack.
We're gonna risk it outside...
because we just really need
to see our families.
But we don't want any more trouble.
You're a fuckin' piece of work,
you, aren't you?
Have you told him?
Why don't you tell Martin what I read?
He knows everything.
I see.
It's over, Jack.
I'm just going to take
those boards down,
and we're gonna take our stuff
and we're gonna go.
- Please, no! Please!
- Move!
- Kate!
- Over there!
Get down. Down on the floor.
On your knees!
Go ahead.
Face on the floor.
Put your face on the floor.
Repeat after me.
We aren't going anywhere.
- Say it!
- Say it!
- We are not going anywhere.
We are not... going anywhere. Please...
It's just the three of us.
- It's OK, Kate. It's OK.
- Say it.
- It's just the three of us.
- Martin...
- It's OK.
You had the chance to leave
and you didn't take it.
Do you want to make me
some breakfast, sweetheart?
It's all ready for you.
Did you write in this?
A journalist and an architect.
"Will never forget this place.
"Will be back.
"Oh, yes, we will be back."
That was back in 2002.
- Drop it! Drop it!
Kate, drop it. It's OK, it's OK.
- Drop it or I'll blow his fuckin' head off!
- Don't fucking touch him!
Why would you do that?!
I'm just trying to be fucking civil!
- We know what you are!
- Yeah? Do you wanna tell me?
- Jack...
- Tell me what I am!
She's fucking scared, man!
For fuck's sake!
She's fucking scared, man.
Is it that fucking hard
for us all just to fucking get along?!
Is it?!
Out! Move!
- Are they dry yet?
- Yeah. Almost. Almost done, I think.
He's coming.
Quick! Stow it.
Both of you downstairs.
- What for?
- Downstairs!
Come on.
- Pick it up!
- Martin.
- What's wrong with him?
- Just give me a second.
- He's having an asthma attack.
- Just a minute.
- Honey, where's your inhaler?
- Bedroom.
- Uh-uh! We all go.
Give the man a fuckin' hand.
It's OK. It's OK.
Put your hands up!
Hands up where I can see 'em!
Put your hands up!
Where'd you put the inhaler?
Stop! Wait!
Put your hands in the air.
Put your hands in the air!
Put your fucking hands up!
OK. Take the gun, Kate.
- What?
- Take the gun.
- Let go, Jack.
- Hm?
Let the fucking gun go.
Let it go.
- You've been outside.
- Yeah, and I saw Doug's body
- and his wife's body!
- I told you people were here.
- Who did that, Jack?
- I told you...
- It's empty.
OK. I got him.
Just come back towards me.
Back you come.
Keep coming. Keep going.
- You finally took control, then?
- Stop talking to me.
He didn't strike me as a man
with a gun, but I bet you like that.
- She likes a man with a gun.
- Shut the fuck up! Shut up!
That's not bad for an architect.
Just keep going.
What are you gonna do now, huh?
What's your big fuckin' plan?
You have no idea, do you?
You're gonna shoot me?
Stop it!
I would fucking do it.
I knew you had it in you.
Good for you.
Good for you.
All right. We're going to tie him up.
Tie him.
That's a good idea there.
- Hands behind your back.
- Turn around!
- You fuckin' people...
- Put your hands behind your back.
- You're doing a good job.
- Tie him up!
- That's it.
That's the first symptom.
He's got it.
He's got the fucking disease.
There is no fucking disease!
Martin! Oh, my God!
I fuckin' told you!
Does that look like
fuckin' asthma to you?!
He's been outside. He's got the disease.
Get the door open, Kate.
- What have you done to him?
- Nothing.
He went outside and breathed the air
when I told him not to!
Jack, please, get him some help.
- This is all the help he's gonna need.
- You fuck! No!
Oh, fuck.
You don't want Kate
to have to see you like this.
I'll tell her you went quickly.
Won't be long till it's just the two of us.
He needs help.
We need to get him help!
Oh, yeah? You think someone out there
is gonna help us? Huh?
You go out there and it's bam! Yeah?
Put your hands behind your back.
Hands behind your back.
- He's not dying here.
- We're already dead!
From the moment...
- You killed him.
Martin... Martin.
I'm gonna get us help.
I'm gonna find a way. OK?
- And we're gonna get out of here.
This is Fairweather Cottage.
Blackholme Island.
There are three people known...
to be dead,
and there's one ser... seriously injured.
This is an urgent call for help.
This is Blackholme Island,
Fairweather Cottage.
We need help.
There are three people known...
We don't care what's out there.
We... we don't want to die here.
The disease isn't outside.
It's in here.
It's right here.
You liar!
Who the fuck are you?
And I want the truth.
My husband's dying.
Tell me.
They gave me a choice.
Do time in prison,
or go to a military hospital.
At the hospital
they started testing these new drugs.
I was a lab rat.
They lied to me!
And they filled me full of this shit.
They gave me this fatal fuckin' disease.
They gave it to me.
- You escaped?
- No.
Then they just let me walk away.
They made a mistake.
They discharged me
when they shouldn't have done.
Then my wife came
by the training centre to pick me up.
How was I supposed to know
I was contagious?
I gave it to her.
I gave it to my wife.
I killed her.
Why should I believe you?
Did you kill Doug and his wife?
Did you?
They found me in their boat shed.
I had to get off the mainland
and make a crossing.
I knew that I was the carrier.
So I made them take me out to sea.
They got it really quick.
Maybe because they were older, but...
What would you have done?
What would you have done?
You knew we'd be infected.
You knew it wasn't outside.
It was in you.
You took me in.
You took me in. I couldn't stop that.
But I couldn't let you go outside and
risk infecting others. I had to contain it.
I had to contain me!
But I swear to you...
I never wanted to kill anyone.
Oh, my love...
It's gonna be... It's gonna be fine.
It's gonna be fine. Don't...
What have you done to us?
You knew it worked.
I couldn't have you contacting anyone.
...members of the public. An armed
and dangerous man has escaped
from a secure military compound
in your area.
Private Jack Coleman was last seen
wearing green combat fatigues.
Under no circumstances
should you approach him.
Avoid any contact.
Report all sightings to the authorities.
This is a high-alert open military
broadcast to all members of the public.
- An armed and dangerous man...
- You tell them.
I can't do that.
I can't do that.
You tell them what you've done.
Do it!
This isn't gonna bring Martin back.
You tell them what you've done.
This isn't gonna help us!
Come in. Come in. Over.
Come in. Come in. Over.
This is HMS Walker.
Please identify yourself.
If you have come into contact
with Private Coleman
and have any symptoms of infection,
we have an antiviral vaccine.
Now you believe me, that is lies.
They want you to hear that!
That's not true!
We have a vaccine.
No, Kate...
- Martin could have been saved.
- No. There is no vaccine for this.
They didn't even know what it is I have!
They just want to know where we are
so they can come and kill us both!
Please believe me.
We're never gonna leave this island.
We'll never leave it.