Return From Witch Mountain (1978)

[machine whirring]
[girl] nice landing,
Uncle Bene.
Right on the
50-yard line.
[boy] should've gone
for a touchdown.
Next time, I'll put it
right between the goalposts.
[girl] can't wait to see
the museums and go to
all the concerts.
[Bene] that's why we arranged
this little vacation.
We've been so busy establishing
our community on Witch Mountain
That you two haven't had
an opportunity
To see what life
in the big city is all about.
I'd rather go to the beach
and learn how to surf.
[chuckling] there'll be
another time for that.
Just remember what I told you,
and have a lot of fun.
- It's locked.
- Tia?
Tony, come back here.
Now, never energize unless
it's absolutely necessary.
If earth kids can live here
without energizing, you can too.
[tires screeching]
[brakes squealing]
You the party
I'm supposed to pick up?
- [Bene] just the children.
- All right.
Meter's running, hop in.
I got it.
[cabbie grunts]
I've been
waiting here forever.
You know, people wait for taxis,
not taxis wait for people.
We're exactly
on time.
Yeah, well, kind of a
strange time and place
to be making a pick up.
I mean, if you're here for the
next game, it's in three months.
We have seats
on the 50-yard line.
[Tony laughs]
Deliver the children
to this address.
You'll be paid
after you arrive.
This is a big fare here.
If these kids pay me, I hope
they know I get a big tip.
Now, everything's been arranged.
I'll see you Friday.
- Ok. Goodbye, Uncle Bene.
- Goodbye.
- Have fun, you two.
- [tires screeches]
[engine revving]
[horn honking]
- Look at that dummy.
- [honking horn]
Get off the road,
you dummy.
These civilians
don't know how to drive.
They ought to be
kept off the streets.
The streets belong
to us professional drivers.
Taxis, buses, trucks.
That's all that should
be allowed on the streets.
You see, I happen to know
a great deal about driving.
I have a perfect safety record.
[honking horn]
Come on, get out
of the way, you bum.
[car doors shut]
[woman] thank you.
Thank you, sickle.
Well, this is
a perfect test site.
Little traffic...
...And low
real estate value.
It's adequate,
I suppose.
Ok, let's get this over with.
This thing on all right?
It's ready.
What do you want him
to do this time?
I want you to
climb that fire escape...
...To the absolute top.
Wait a minute.
This is as high as I go.
You want me to
break somebody's leg?
Just tell me how many pieces.
But up there, I don't go.
- Why not?
- Because I'm afraid of heights.
I will get dizzy.
I will fall.
That is true, Victor.
He has acrophobia...
...Among other things.
Find a different test for him.
Acrophobia is not
a problem with my device.
Start climbing.
I will do anything else you say,
But I am not going
up that building, understand?
- I...
- Sickle...
...I command you
to climb up that fire escape.
You will go
to the very top,
You will turn around,
and you will look down.
And you will not
be frightened of heights.
Off you go.
It's working.
It's working!
It seems to be.
Victor. Victor,
you are risking his life.
He's my nephew.
My only living relative.
He's the only one
I can leave my...
...Uh, my bankruptcy to.
That's what experimentation
is all about, Letha.
[Letha] we cannot
afford to lose him.
I am the only one
we cannot afford to lose.
Can't you see that I've got
complete control over his mind?
He has no fear,
no memory, no will.
He can only
carry out my commands.
- [car rattling]
- what... What's happening?
We're out of gas.
What are you, crazy? Look at
the dial, it points to... Empty.
- [exhales]
- [horns honking]
It was all that waiting
I had to do for youse.
I'll run down the street to the
gas station and get some gas.
Boy, oh, boy.
You guys are costing me
a lot of dough.
I sure hope you
make the tip worth it.
Something's going to happen
to someone near here.
We've got to help.
No, I think you'd better stay
here and wait for the driver.
I'll go.
I think it came from
back that way.
Be careful.
And remember what
Uncle Bene said.
That is enough.
Bring him down!
[victor] sickle,
turn to your right.
Balance yourself
And walk along
the ledge.
[Letha] Victor, no.
I'll bring him down myself.
Give that to me.
[wires crackling]
Look what
you've done.
[exhales sharply]
Sickle, stop.
Sickle, I'm
commanding you to stop.
Sickle, this is Dr. Victor
Gannon commanding you to stop!
- He's out of control.
- [Letha] sickle!
Go back!
[Letha screeching] sickle!
Letha... Look.
- I can't look.
- You must.
[footsteps approaching]
[Letha] it's miraculous.
There are
no miracles, Letha.
Only scientific explanations
for everything.
Well, then, just explain to me
what we're seeing.
It... Must be...
...That... Boy.
There's a...
There's a force that...
...Centers around that boy.
A force capable
of countermanding
The basic physical law of...
Victor, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Molecular mobilization.
- I need that boy, Letha.
- [horns honking]
- I need him desperately.
- Now, just a minute.
Brilliant, my boy.
Congratulations, young man,
for a fantastic...
Well, whatever it was
you just did,
It was absolutely heroic.
It was nothing,
I just... [gasps]
[tires screeching]
[sirens approaching]
[dog barks]
[helicopter approaching]
[boy #1] get off
the street!
- [boy #2] run!
- [boy #3] hide!
[boy #4] here come
the goon goons!
[older boy #1]
let's get 'em!
[older boy #2]
they run like chickens.
[boy #1] more goons!
[boy #2] we're trapped!
[boy #3] hide or they'll get ya.
Over here.
[older boy #2] it ain't no use
hiding behind those trash cans.
[older boy #1] the earthquakes'
got girls in their gang.
Let's finish 'em.
[older boy #1] hey!
[older boy #2] now, where
in the world did that come from?
It was a set up.
- Let's give it to 'em.
- Yeah.
- [all yell]
- hey!
That was an ambush!
[older boy #2]
stop banging into me.
[older boy #1] I can't see.
[older boy #3]
I can't get out.
[older boy #4] get me out.
Get it off me.
[boys] yeah! All right!
Hey, you really saved us
from getting wiped out.
Yeah, thanks a lot.
- What's your name?
- Tia.
- I'm Rocky.
- I'm muscles.
- Crusher.
- And I'm dazzler.
We're the earthquake gang.
Does that scare you?
- No.
- Aww.
Let's change
our name again.
We gotta have
a name that scares.
- Yeah.
- Hey.
How'd you do what you done?
Well, I really
didn't do anything.
Yeah. You a magician
or something?
You want to join our gang?
I'm sorry.
I'm looking for someone.
- Thanks anyway.
- Aw, sure.
I guess you're like
the rest of them.
You've heard
we're a nothing gang.
Yeah, well we ain't
always gonna be nothing.
Someday we're gonna
be the toughest.
Take over the whole territory.
Someday they're gonna run
when they see us
coming down the block.
All right.
It's just that
I've got to find my brother.
What gang does he belong to?
- He doesn't belong to any gang.
- [boys snicker]
I never heard of a Guy
that never belonged to a gang.
I'm sure something's happened.
I've got to find him.
If anybody could find him,
we could.
I mean, we know
this town inside out.
Oh, would you?
Hey, yeah, sure.
Listen, you done us a big favor,
now we'll do it for you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Hey, come on, let's go.
That Tony sure
made himself scarce.
- We better walk you home.
- Where do you live?
I... I was supposed to
stay at a hotel.
But I don't know
which one.
You could stay
in our hideout.
- [boys] yeah!
- Thank you.
We'll look
for Tony tomorrow.
If we aren't busy
beating up goons.
- Yeah.
- Hey, it's yo-yo.
- Get down.
- Come on, hide.
- Did he see us?
- I don't know.
- But he's coming this way.
- [Tia] who is he?
- [muscles] our worst enemy.
- He's worse than the goons.
[Rocky] he's Mr. Yokomoto,
the truant officer.
He's trying to make us
go back to school.
[dazzler] let's go.
[all] yeah!
That's our hideout.
[stairs creaking]
[Tia] when do
the ghosts get here?
[Rocky] don't say things
like that.
This place could
really scare ya.
Come on.
This is where we're gonna live
when we run away from home.
Yeah, you can't be tough
If you take orders from
your mom or older sister.
That's why
we quit school.
You can't be tough
and educated, too.
[crusher] yeah.
- Tony!
- [boys] where?
I had a contact with him.
You calling on the spirits?
- She's weird.
- She's creepy.
I... I ain't too sure
I wanna meet this Tony.
Tony, where are you?
He's coming in again.
I can only see a light.
That's all.
Now it's... Going black.
Now it's... Completely gone.
[machines beeping]
He's doing that?
He's projecting a magnetic field
through his reflexes
As he struggles
to regain consciousness.
His output is so great,
That my machines aren't
even capable of measuring it.
But he's dangerous.
Once I have control
of his brain, Letha,
He will only
be dangerous to others.
I hope you realize that
kidnapping's a criminal offense.
My experiments are more
important than the law, Letha.
With these receptors
placed on certain people,
Combined with
this boy's powers,
I could become one of the most
influential men in the world.
Oh, you are absolutely
brilliant, professor.
Now we can go ahead
with my plans, too.
Don't bother me with your plans.
They're empty, unimportant.
A comment, perhaps, on you and
the life you've been leading.
Now, you look here,
Doctor, professor,
physicist. Whatever you are.
I built this laboratory
for you at great expense.
I used every penny I had.
Now, we've made a lot of plans
and I won't let you upset them.
I want some money. Fast.
Letha, we are
worlds apart.
My mind is filled
with large concepts.
Mankind, the universe.
You only worry about
the horse that's
running in the third race.
Sure, I gamble...
...But with my own money.
You're the worst
kind of gambler.
You use
other people's money
And want to keep all
the winnings for yourself.
Well, you can be sure
of one thing, Victor.
I'll be around to pick up
the chips with you.
- [wires pop and sizzle]
- [Tony moans]
We'll be back in the morning
with maps and breakfast.
I'll bring an egg
from my refrigerator.
And I'll bring some
day-old bread.
- I'll bring some milk for you.
- Thank you.
- You're good friends.
- That's the trouble with us.
We don't want to be good.
We want to be bad.
Hey, uh, let's go, you guys.
My mom's gonna yell at me.
[crusher] see you tomorrow,
[muscles] we'll find Tony
tomorrow for sure.
[Rocky] let's stay close
together on the way out, guys.
This is
professor Gannon...
...Commanding you
to awaken.
[indistinct shouting]
He's in some kind of a room.
Like a hospital.
With machines
and instruments and things.
Oh, that's easy.
All we have to do
is check all the hospitals.
While we going around
looking for a fight.
Come on.
[victor] you will now function
exclusively under control.
You will no longer
think independently.
All thinking and reasoning
will be done
By the voice
that commands you.
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- What is your name?
- Tony.
- Where are you from?
Witch mountain.
Sounds like
some hick town to me.
How did you suspend
Mr. Sickle in mid-air?
By energizing matter.
Do you mean to say that
you can control molecular flow?
Yes, sir.
- How did you learn to do this?
- I was born with the ability.
I wish to see a demonstration
of molecular flow.
You are strapped
to the table.
Unbuckle yourself
and sit up.
Power has come
into our hands
Which is centuries
before its time.
We must use it wisely.
Well, what can
you have him do?
Other than go around making
people's belts unbuckle.
The possibilities are unlimited.
Oh, come on. It's just
some gimmick, that's all.
Mr. Sickle,
whose life you saved,
Doesn't seem
to believe in you.
Mr. Sickle
needs convincing, Tony.
[knob squeaks]
[gas hissing]
Hey, come on.
Hey, get back!
Get back! Get back!
get back!
[goat bleats]
I can see how that'd be a big
hit at a scientific convention.
But the bottom line is,
how do we make money with it?
[goat bleats]
I will demonstrate
an industrial application.
Come with me, Tony.
[gas continues to hiss]
Now, Tony,
those wine casks...
Stack them... Neatly.
Two glasses
of burgundy, please.
To molecular
To molecular capitalization.
- [goat bleats]
- [gas hisses]
[muscles] hey,
got any more clues?
Nothing at all.
It's so strange.
We've been to every hospital
and he's in none of them.
It's like
his mind's a blank.
He probably
conked out somewhere.
- Don't listen to him.
- We'll find Tony for sure.
Yeah, we'll turn
the town upside down.
- [sickle] what're you doing?
- [Letha] thinking.
Thinking about us in
a different place, such as...
Las Vegas...
...With Tony.
Seven or eleven
every time, right?
A day at the races.
All the long shots
come in.
[laughs] you do have
an imagination, after all.
The possibilities
with Tony are unlimited.
For example, he stacked the wine
casks by just looking at them.
If he can stack them,
he can unstack them.
The gold is on display
at the museum.
Protected by an impenetrable
security system.
Just sitting there
waiting for us...
...To penetrate it.
Wait a minute. Us?
You mean Gannon said it's ok
to use the control on Tony?
Professor Gannon is
extremely busy being a genius.
I own half the invention,
Half of Tony, that means
I own half of the profits.
So far, the return on
my investment has been
half of zero.
What about security. We'd
need an army to pull it off.
We'll have an army with us!
Tony, why can't I
get through to you?
I'll pick up the new
transistors, make a few stops.
Be back later on.
[Letha] don't worry.
under control.
This is Letha wedge,
Commanding you
to open your eyes.
Now, stand up.
We're going to the museum
for education and profit.
[brakes squeak]
Tony and I will do
a little... Sightseeing.
[indistinct chatter]
[Tia] wait.
Gold! I see gold.
- Hey it's mine.
- Where is it?
- Hey, give it to me!
- No!
A stagecoach.
She must be tuned in
on a western.
I see dummies.
[both] that's you.
No. Old things.
Hey, he's at
the salvation army.
Nah, they don't got stagecoaches
at the salvation army.
They don't got gold,
Wait a minute,
wait a minute!
We had one of them
nothing school trips.
To the museum.
Yeah, they got
a pile of gold.
And a stagecoach.
They had to kick me out.
We've got to go there.
Come on,
it's over here.
[kids grunting]
[indistinct chatter]
[tires screech]
Now, Tony.
We're going to create
a little diversion.
The stagecoach.
I want you to roll it
all around the museum.
[woman gasps]
[woman] look out.
[man] watch it.
[man] watch out for that thing,
it's coming this way.
Hey, where are
the horses?
I... Don't know.
Now cause total chaos.
[man] watch out.
Short circuit
the control system.
[control system buzzes]
[indistinct yelling]
[guard screams]
Oh, no.
[indistinct shouting]
- [gasps]
- look out.
[man] get out of my way.
[guards yell]
[man] can't you put
that thing out?
Come on, take a shot.
Move it.
Now, Tony,
Make a hole
in the plastic shield.
And it doesn't have to be neat.
Tony, unstack the gold bars
and deliver them to Mr. Sickle.
[man] move it buddy, move it.
We gotta get out of here!
Las Vegas,
here we come.
- Look.
- [bars thudding]
Come on,
follow me.
Tony, make them
go faster.
[woman] watch out!
Hey, Letha! Hey, Letha!
- [woman screams]
- [man] hey!
[indistinct chatter]
Look out, lady.
Yeah, why don't you watch where
you're going, you big dummy.
[man] look out, Eddie!
[Letha] Tony, what's happening?
[Tony] molecular flow reversing.
- Are you doing this?
- No.
Then who is?
It would have to be
one of my people.
- There are more like you?
- Yes.
- Oh! Let's get out of here.
- [Tia] Tony!
Who's that?
It's my sister.
My sister, Tia.
This is no time
for a family reunion.
[crowd murmuring]
[victor] Letha!
[victor] you fool!
How could you do this?
[Letha] not now.
- [door shuts]
- [engine sticking]
- What's wrong?
- I don't know.
I keep it running perfect.
It's Tony's sister, she did it.
She's as weird as he is.
Tony, I command you to
make this car run perfectly
And continuously without
interference from your sister.
[engine starts]
I can't stop the car.
Tony's energizing it.
It's like your brother
doesn't even know you.
- [Rocky] it's yo-yo. Let's go!
- No. Don't run.
You crazy? You don't want
to go to that school.
Please, trust me.
Now, come on, hurry.
[Rocky] hey, wait for me.
[dazzler] come on, you guys.
Get in there.
- Let's go!
- Come on, get in.
- [door shuts]
- I'm dreaming.
You're surrendering
to the board of education?
Sir, you see that car
going down the street?
- Yeah.
- My brother's in it.
He ought to be going to school.
You ought to catch up with him.
Another truant? Oh, boy,
we're gonna have a load.
- Hey, what happened?
- Good driving, yo-yo.
Yeah, that was neat.
[laughs] this bus
can really move.
Tony, look
through the window.
The rear window.
That minibus
is following us.
I command you to place
obstacles in its path.
[tires squeal]
City property.
I've damaged city property.
[panting] they said
these glasses were shatterproof.
Was that a bus or a bridge?
They're still with us.
Tony, you must stop her.
Man, that man was
really buzzing.
Am I still alive?
[tires screech]
They're gaining on us.
She counteracts
everything that Tony does.
Tony, you've
got to stop her.
We flew!
[boys cheering]
They must've flown.
Don't you
dare try it.
Sickle... Sickle, stop...
Stop over that hill.
Tony, cause the reflection
of the sun on the rear window
To magnify and
shine so brightly
That our pursuers'll
be blinded by it.
[glass breaking]
[van scrapes road]
[muscles] come on,
open the doors.
[crusher] I can't see.
- [Tia] yeah.
- [muscles] come on, let me out.
- Everybody ok?
- [all kids] yeah, sure.
Oh, look what's happened
to city property.
No... But I'm still
gonna take you to school.
- Just soon as I...
- Come on.
[siren approaching]
You jeopardized my life's work.
My accountants'
are desperate.
You've proved yourself
incompetent yet again.
I don't even know if
I can trust you anymore.
You don't trust me?
I trusted you enough
To make my credit rating
look like Swiss cheese.
Don't tell me
you don't trust me.
We have to
trust each other.
I trust everybody.
Well, fortunately,
I thought of something
very spectacular
Which will satisfy both of us
in terms of prestige and money.
Well, you have the prestige,
I'll take the money.
But, before we celebrate
your return to sanity,
We'd better do something
about Tony's sister.
How did she know
we were at the museum?
I'm not certain.
How did your sister know
that we were at the museum?
She'll show up again
and ruin everything.
In that case, she will
have to be, as you would say...
[Tony whispering] Tia.
[louder] Tia.
[Tia] what happened to you?
[Tony] I can't explain now.
I've lost
the power to energize.
[Tia] where are you?
[Tony] follow my voice path.
[Tia] ok. Guide me.
[dog barks]
Tony, which way?
[Tony] this way.
[sirens blaring]
Which way, Tony?
Which way?
[Tony] keep moving
straight ahead.
This is the house.
Here, look.
Come on.
- [door closes]
- down here.
[goat bleats]
Be quiet, Alfred,
you silly thing.
[Tony] Tia!
[gas hissing]
I've put her into a state
of comatose neutralization.
[crusher] hey, Tia.
We got you some cold hotcakes.
She ain't here.
Hope she didn't go
looking for Tony without us.
Yeah, she needs us.
[Tia] Tony? Crusher?
Muscles? Rocky?
- Dazzler?
- [Alfred bleats]
what's the matter with me?
Where am I?
Alfred, find the earthquakes.
Listen to me.
[hoof steps approaching]
[sickle] what kind
of place is that?
[victor] that is an underground
plutonium processing plant.
Translate that
into financial terms.
Plutonium is
more valuable than gold.
That's why
I like scientists.
They're always discovering
new, expensive things.
It is used in the explosive core
of nuclear missile warheads.
I suppose you're
going to have Tony
Split an atom bomb
or something.
In effect...
Well, I didn't count on
killing anybody.
Especially not us.
It will never go that far.
They will pay
anything to prevent it.
This is the first step
towards my becoming
The most powerful man
in the world.
Ids, please.
Take a powder.
Those are the
outer security scanners.
Put them out of commission...
The scanning systems
are malfunctioning.
All right, let's run
a maintenance check.
Three million bucks, you'd think
these things would work right.
- Where to?
- Andy's place, know it?
Yeah, sure. I know where
everything is. Second and third?
- [man] fourth and market.
- That one.
- Hop in.
- I'm in a hurry. Could you...
- Don't worry.
- [tires screech]
Have you there
in a couple of minutes.
[Alfred bleats]
Feel the power in this cab?
- [Alfred bleats]
- it has lots of power.
You know, everybody tells me,
I ought to be a race driver.
- What do you think?
- [bleats]
Well, I think you're wrong.
Don't worry about nothing, sir.
I'm a very safe driver.
- Want me to tell you how safe?
- [Alfred bleating]
I'll tell you anyway.
I've been driving a hack
for 19 years and 11 months.
And in all that time, I never
even put one scratch on a cab.
In fact, next month,
They're gonna give me
a gold safety award.
- What do you think of that?
- [bleating]
Boy, you don't like nothing.
- I sure hope
you're a good tipper.
- [bleats]
I knew there was something about
you that didn't look right.
[tires screeching]
[cabbie] hey!
You owe me a fare!
[cabbie sighs]
- Officer, that goat's a guy.
- The goat?
The guy became a goat
when I'm driving.
The guy?
This magician
beat me out of this fare.
The magician?
- My perfect record.
- Record? Oh... Record.
I ain't gonna get
the gold safety award.
- [hoof steps approaching]
- hear that? That must be her.
- [bleats]
- come on.
[boys grunting and panting]
[dazzler] help me.
[grunts] hey. Watch out.
- [bleating]
- get him away.
- [moans]
- how'd you get in here?
Hey, come on,
get out of here.
[Rocky] watch out!
He's looking at me
like he knows me.
Hey, what do you want from me?
Get away!
He's got Tia's vest.
Get him!
- [phone ringing]
- we're going for coffee now.
- [phone ringing]
- can I bring you a cup?
May I see your ids, please?
Show him our id.
What's happening?
Don't leave me up here.
Open the door,
You can't go in there
without ids.
- Now seal it.
- How do I get down?
[boys panting]
- Quick, let's get her out.
- Yeah.
- Phew, it smells.
- [boys cough]
It's some kind
of a gas.
Come on.
[inhales deeply]
You ok now?
Yes, thank you.
This is some kind of...
...Science place.
- How'd you get here?
- It was Tony.
He was here.
I saw something!
What was it?
It's where Tony is.
I'm sure of it!
A big, round shape.
A doughnut!
He's eating a doughnut.
No way!
Is it like a ball?
A great big ball?
- Yes.
- I know where he is.
Let's go!
Hurry, let's go.
[Alfred bleats]
Oh, thank you.
And thanks for everything.
Come on, let's go.
We are about
to make scientific history.
[Letha] and some money,
too, I hope.
You will shut down the complete
cooling system of the furnace.
[alarm ringing]
It's a red light
on the cooling system.
It must be
a circuit breaker.
Restart the system.
I can't get a restart.
Hit the backup system.
It's no-go on backup.
Temperature increasing
in the furnace.
- Get that coolant flowing.
- [phone buzzes]
- Furnace control.
- Control?
You don't really think you're
controlling anything, do you?
- [alarm continues buzzing]
- who is this?
[victor] this is
Dr. Victor Gannon,
And I have just shut down
your cooling system.
Ok, you've shut it down.
Get it back on again!
Tell him how expensive
it is to put it back on.
In exactly one hour, we shall be
serving grilled plutonium,
Medium rare, to the
atmosphere unless the
following conditions are met.
What conditions?
Five million dollars
in cash.
A jet waiting at the airport.
A safe escort, of course.
And most important of all,
You will announce
that Dr. Victor Gannon
Has achieved molecular control
and mind control.
And this is the first
of a series of worldwide
demonstrations of his power.
[line cuts out]
How long does it take
to count five million dollars?
[alarm ringing]
[indistinct yelling]
[siren wailing]
[indistinct shouting]
[machines beeping]
We'll have to pay them.
Evacuate the immediate area.
Put Los Angeles on alert.
[horn honking]
There's the
big round ball.
- Is that it?
- No, it was bigger than that.
Get outta here.
Leave me alone.
At least I tried.
Hey, look.
It's yo-yo.
Let's get out of here.
Come on.
[radio plays music]
Hey, yo-yo.
Don't you want to catch us?
I don't trust him.
He's probably using
some psychology trick on us.
Come on.
[dazzler] hey, Mr. Yo-yo,
don't you want to catch us?
It's not my job anymore.
They're coming down
to fire me...
...For destroying
city property.
The only thing that works is the
radio. And it won't turn off.
I was only trying
to help you kids.
Mr. Yokomoto,
I'm sorry about
everything that's happened.
All I ever wanted in life
Was all you kids that
I put back in school, someday...
...Visit me and say,
"thanks Mr. Yo-yo, Yokomoto.
If it wasn't for you
forcing us to get an education,
We would've been bums."
That's all I wanted.
You see?
I told you he was gonna...
...Hit us with
some of that heavy psychology.
I mean, I feel guilty.
[man on radio] bulletin
from the plutonium plant.
Unless the demands
of the terrorists are met,
The furnace will explode
with the force of ten megatons.
An official describes
the atomic furnace controls
as frozen in position,
- As if "the molecular flow..."
- that's Tony!
- The plant is being evacuated.
- That's where he is!
- We've got to go there.
- How? Take a bus?
- We'll go in this.
- Tia, the tires are flat.
Come on.
[tires screech]
[machine beeping]
If it doesn't
start cooling soon,
The chain reaction
will start.
You hear that?
In ten minutes,
This place is going to be
a hole in the ground.
Now, let's be reasonable.
We have three and a half million
dollars in the control room.
And the balance is on the way.
It's a deal.
I do not compromise.
[alarm continues]
- Hey, what are you guys doing?
- [man] nothing! Nothing!
We're doing nothing.
- Hey, kids!
- [man grunts]
How did these children
get past security?
Sir, the people destroying the
furnace kidnapped my brother.
If I could see him,
I might stop them.
- [boys] she can do it!
- She can do it.
- [alarm beeps]
- do what?
they're inside the room.
They've sealed
the door somehow.
- What part has to be fixed?
- The emergency cooling system.
- Where is it?
- Five levels down.
But it's too late. We've already
begun to evacuate the plant.
Tony's here,
all right.
Get me down.
Thank you, thank you.
Now, where are you going?
In there.
Oh, no. You can't go
beyond this point without ids.
- [footsteps approaching]
- [Tia] Tony!
- Tia!
- I knew it.
She'll spoil everything.
I can just taste that money.
We cannot let her
take it away from us.
Tony, from this moment
you will no longer hear Tia.
She cannot break through
my power of control.
- Acknowledge.
- [Tia] Tony, what's wrong?
It's me, your sister.
Try to remember me.
- Yes, sir.
- Get those kids.
She'll use some of those
molecules on us.
I'll take care of her before
she gets a Chance, you get them.
[Tia] I can't get through.
I don't know what
they've done to his mind.
We've got to find the emergency
cooling system ourselves.
How do you spell cooling?
Come on.
- [Tia] uh-oh.
- [muscles] whoa.
[Rocky] look out.
[rapid footsteps approach]
We've got to find
the emergency switches.
You two go that way,
and you two go that way.
Tony, we must
eliminate Tia.
[footsteps approach]
You will cause that portable
utility panel to run her down.
- Hey, Tia, come here.
- [machines whirring]
Come on.
That ain't it, right?
- [Tia] you found it!
- I knew it was it!
But, it's spelt wrong.
You guys get
dazzler and muscles.
Ok. Come on.
[door opening]
The rest of the money's
just arrived.
All right.
I'd better call Gannon.
The cooling system's on.
Switch it off.
[man] we lost it!
What's going on down there?
It's coming back.
650, 600...
Tony, you must stop her.
Tony, why are you
doing these things?
Why are you using
your powers against me?
What's happened?
to remember Tia.
Lure her to the
center of the room and...
...Make that crane
drop on her.
I'm starting to remember.
What was the
matter with you?
I don't know, exactly... But...
I need help.
Don't go any closer.
Why? What is it, Tony?
Tony, stop it!
Stop it, Tony, stop it!
Exert a force
greater than hers.
Why are you doing this, Tony?
Crush her.
Kill her!
Crush her!
Crush her! Crush her!
Finish her!
- Now!
- [Tony groaning]
Where are we?
What's happened?
[victor screams]
- Ha!
- [boys yell]
[victor] Tony.
Tony, we can still do it.
We can still make use
of molecular control.
Ok, doc,
let's do it.
[footsteps approach]
[boys pant]
[victor] Letha!
Why don't we
all go and have some...
Some candy and, uh,
sodas and ice cream?
[Letha moans]
Next time...
- ...Next time I'll...
- Forget it.
I've lost my faith in science.
- [sickle grunts]
- huh?
[boys moan]
[victor] sickle!
Aunt Letha!
Oh, aunt Letha.
[gasping] aunt Letha?
Aunt Letha?
It's absolutely dreadful
the way they bring up
children these days.
- Come on.
- [engine shuts off]
Tony, the bus won't run
without me in it.
It's all my fault.
It's such a mess.
Well, I guess we'll
just have to fix it.
I'm sure Uncle Bene
won't mind.
I'll do the engine.
You do the body work.
- Ok.
- So long, Alfie.
- Goodbye, Alfred.
- [blows kiss]
What job will you do now,
Mr. Yo-yo, uh, Yokomoto?
Oh, I've saved my money.
I'll probably open
a Japanese delicatessen.
- [metal scraping]
- hey, kids, look.
I don't understand this.
- Man!
- Wow, what a family.
The molecules must have
rearranged themselves...
- ...Somehow.
- Uh, that's a possibility.
You know what this means?
They never saw the wreck.
I'll tell them that the reports
were exaggerated.
And, if you kids
will go back to school,
I'm sure they
won't fire me.
You will go back to school,
won't you?
Well, if we was
to go back to school,
Could we get as smart
as Tia and Tony?
- Maybe even smarter.
- Yeah, sure.
Let's give it a shot.
I hope the school can take it.
- Goodbye, yo-yo.
- Goodbye.
- [Rocky] see you later, yo-yo.
- You promised.
Tia, open the gate.
No, everybody join hands.
- Whoa.
- Wow.
[boys] cool!
[muscles] all right!
Wow! Flying saucer!
Will we ever
see you again?
Well, it's...
It's kind of
hard to say.
Thanks for everything.
And especially for
letting me be in your gang.
Take care of Alfred
for me, ok?
[all laugh]
There you are.
- Where's your luggage?
- Uh, we lost it.
There were
a few problems.
- But you did have fun?
- Oh, terrible.
I just knew we
should have gone surfing.
[mechanical whirring]
[all] wow.
Hey. Let's do it the way
Tia and Tony taught us.
[all] yeah.
- Ready?
- [all] one, two, three!
[all grunt]
- Hey, yo-yo!
- Yo-yo!
[panting] guess what!
Tia and Tony just drove off
in a flying saucer.
- Flying saucer?
- Whoosh!
How about whooshing
yourself into the bus?
But, it's true.
Lookit, I saw those two kids
do miraculous things.
I believe anything and
everything, except that. Get in.
I hope this school teaches
about flying saucers.
Flying saucers.
[engine starts]
[mechanical whirring]